1 minute read
My Signature Shoes
Marissa Welch
So I have a pair of shoes—well, multiple—but there is one in particular that I call my signature shoes. You probably think that my signature shoes would be the ones I wear all the time, so much so that they would be associated with me. But you would be wrong. I hardly wear my signature shoes, and if I wear them, it’s not outside. See my signature shoes are so precious, I don’t want them to be ruined. To start, they are white slip-on keds that I got last year, along with a set of coloured sharpies. For the third time in my life, I set off armed with the shoes and sharpies to find my friends and even some acquaintances. When I found them I asked them, “Do you want to sign my shoes?” and they did.
Now, to understand why I do this, we’d have to go back to 14-year-old me, slowly discovering who I am in a public high school. One day, as I was reading a book on Wattpad (because what else would I be doing, hanging out with friends? Hah!), the main character had a bucket list of things to do before graduating high school, and one of them was to have her friends sign her white shoes (if anyone knows what this book is, please let me know what it’s called). I thought that sounded fun, and so Grade 9 me decided to buy white shoes and sharpies and have people sign them.
Then Grade 10 me bought another pair of white shoes and had people sign them. They turned out great, and I still have both of them to this day (at least somewhere in my mess of a room). Last year, I was going through an interesting period of my life, so when I ordered a pair of black keds, I also ordered a white pair and some coloured sharpies. Almost everyone I asked was willing to sign the pair of shoes, and some even chuckled before immediately picking out what colour they wanted to sign with.
I’m still working on getting as many signatures as I can on the shoes, and who knows, maybe I’ll get another pair in the future (something I would recommend people try too). Even if some of the friendships are ephemeral, their signature on my shoes is permanent.