12 minute read
Cover Story By Robin Mills
Robin Mills met David Buckland in Sydling St Nicholas, Dorset.
© David Buckland Photograph by Robin Mills
If anyone asks me, I’m from Dorset. Having moved to Dorchester aged 9 and left at 17, with a life spent in London, New York and beyond—I still maintain I am from Dorset. And now I am back with no intention to ‘up sticks’ again. I finished my schooling in Canada, it was 1968 and the whole of the world’s youth seemed to be on the move, me too as I hitched across Canada wandering the West Coast with a glorious sense of freedom and adventure. The world was a strange and wonderful place then and ’ compared to my small country town background, a massive culture shock compounded by three intense years at the LCP in London studying photography and film. I love the possibility of photography and still do. Photography has always been my medium of expression, an artform that is so in touch with contemporary human existence. You can show a photograph anywhere in the world and people can ‘read’ it, they can get its nuances, interrogating the underbelly of each of our own human quests and social culture—a truly international language.
After college I was awarded the first Gas Board Arts Fellowship in Newcastle for two years. Luckily that allowed me to photograph what I wanted for a good deal of my time, a wonderful opportunity to vision the North East, exhibit, make films and construct my first studio in a converted chapel set in the wilds of Northumberland. But too young to become an artistic hermit I moved south back to London and joined the creative mainstream—a thrilling time working in London, Paris and New York focusing mostly on making portraits of the great and
David Buckland
creative humans from the arts and theatre world, holding exhibitions in galleries like the Photographers Gallery, London; Museum of International Photography in Paris and Sander Gallery in New York culminating in a solo show titled Performance at the National Portrait Gallery, London. As a lens-based artist, I used front projection and later worked with the early digital techniques of Photoshop with each of my subjects to create a performance full of visual coding— images that were re-worked into large scale ‘portraits’ for exhibition.
Early on in this adventure I met my partner Sue, whose professional name is Siobhan Davies, a famous ‘modern’ dancer and extraordinary choreographer. On leaving the London Contemporary Dance company in 1980, she formed her own dance company which became housed in the Siobhan Davies Studios—designed by the architect Sarah Wigglesworth. I was much involved with the set and costume design for many of her early productions which toured globally—we were one of the first creative companies to perform in St Petersburg when Russia began to open up—the good days before the regressive horrors that now define Putin’s Russia. Sue was awarded a Fulbright in 1988 and we took our children aged 3 and 1 year on a 7000 mile road trip, a wonderful adventure lasting 5 months, camping in the 5000 year old Canyon de Chelly, joining Apache Indian tribal dance festivals, lording it in the Bond producers house in LA and having extraordinary volumes of time with our children and ourselves.
Late in 1999 in London I worked with Antony Caro to photograph the 25 sculptures that made up his work The Last Judgement. His studio was 200 meters from our Camden house and I would work through the night alone moving, lighting, understanding each sculpture as his team built them during the day. Surrounded by gigantic steel constructions, lumps of moulded clay, railway sleepers and Caro’s artworks as he narrated the twenty vices leading up and through to St Peters Gate. Both he and I on those dark winter Camden nights confronting our own sins and misdeeds and celebrations as he built and I photographed these powerful artworks. Shown as part of the Venice Biennale in 1999 I was tasked with working through the night again to photograph the final install and rush the photographs back to London for the book publication— The Last Judgement. At the time I hadn’t realised it, but I was entering a turning point in my life. Resting that early morning after a night working, I sat by the grand canal, with coffee and the Guardian, I came across a small journalistic story about scientists who had mathematically mapped the whole of the North Atlantic Ocean. Being a sailor and understanding the mind-blowing complexity of Oceans I was intrigued, shocked and mistrustful that such complexity could be narrated within a mathematical algorithm.
Tracking down its author, Dr Richard Wood at the Hadley Institute, he graciously allowed me to visit. The reasons for the dramatic climate changes we are now experiencing were obvious to the climate scientists back then, but sadly not to those with vested interests in keeping the status quo—or our governments of influence.
Following that scientific trail, and as a keen sailor, I was invited to visit the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton. They were perplexed as to why so few were listening to these important climate predictions which they had spent years of work accurately predicting. The scientific language can be viewed as complex, abstract, distant. My suggestion was, as an artist, to try and come up with a cultural language, human scale, to narrate the climate crises.
Long story short, I chartered a beautiful 100-year-old schooner based in Tromso, which had been converted to a 20-berth eco exploration vessel with ice capability and in 2003 for three weeks we set sail going north of Norway high into the Arctic heading for the Svalbard archipelago. The interaction between scientists and the artists was a great success and in all I led six expeditions traversing the High Arctic and the seas around Svalbard, across to east Greenland, western Greenland and northern Iceland—much of it through ice, wild seas, polar bears, all the time conducting

© David Buckland Photograph by Robin Mills
ocean experiments and making art. Ian McEwan joined us and wrote his book Solar, sculptors Antony Gormley and Rachel Whiteread, musicians Jarvis Cocker, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Martha Wainwright, KT Tunstall, Feist, composer Jonathan Dove—who has written two ‘climate’ operas. I produced two films, one of the BBC and one for Sundance. A world touring Cape Farewell exhibition was launched at the Natural History Museum.
The High Arctic was the witness of human induced climate disruption not its cause—solutions rested within our human capacity to engage and evolve a sustainable culture not dependent on digging up fossil fuels and burning them.
Still based in London I initiated FarmArt, involving local farmers in Sydling St Nicholas and Cerne Abbas. Cape Farewell’s artists looked at how do they produce the food we need, how to look after soil, how to produce less CO2, how to manage animals well. I look upon these organic farmers as heroes, having to deal with so many varied problems as part of their every-day life, which is a hard one. Land-artist Chris Drury and writer Kay Syrad published their book Exchange, Guy Martin created a wooden bell-tower sculpture ‘Forcey’s Tower’ and the young artist Vanessa Reid constructed a pop up gallery on Bristol docks which she co-habited with two Jersey cows for a week—The Milking Parlour was accompanied with a flood of media.
Being back in Dorset became too big a temptation and I succumbed, buying an old fish farm in Sydling St Nicholas and slowly converting it into an ecological site, building artist studios and the WaterShed became the new HQ for the Cape Farewell charity. Bliss!
One of our current projects involves rivers. The scientists at the RiverLab near Wool were looking at salmon in the River Frome, and why their numbers are declining. Pollution from nitrates and phosphates causing algal blooms in Poole Harbour, release of raw sewage and urban encroachment is stressing our rivers and the wildlife dependent on them. In December 2021 we staged a RiverRun mini climate festival at Poole’s Lighthouse and have just finished a week-long Emergency festival at MAST in Southampton. In hope, we are about to embark on a three-year partnership with Wessex Museums staging RiverRun artworks and events. In April Cape Farewell is working with artist Sasha Constable to create a river serpent as part of the Cerne Abbas Giant Festival.
That interchange between art and science combined with the climate challenge is exciting, salient and threatening. The arts have a serious roll to play in tipping local and global cultures towards a sustainable and vibrant future. All from a tiny village in Dorset. ’

There were some fascinating talks at last month’s Bridport Literary Festival. Not least George Monbiot’s impassioned plea for a more robust effort to reduce our effect on climate change—a talk that spilled out onto the streets as he carried his message on to Bucky Doo square from the Electric Palace. However, memoirs were also a big feature of the festival. Confronting bereavement, Brexit and lockdown, the extraordinary Sheila Hancock talked about Old Rage, her memoir from the frontline of declining years. Clover Stroud’s book The Red of my Blood is about sharing grief and exploring what life feels like when death interrupts it. Manni Coe sat on stage with his Down’s Syndrome brother Reuben and with gentle coaxing by local author Sophy Roberts they discussed Manni’s memoir Brother do you Love Me. It is a heart wrenching story about how the two brothers negotiated a way through the devastation the Covid pandemic had brought to their lives. Hannah Bourne-Taylor, whose story we featured in our September issue, talked of her memoir, Fledgling, about her time in Ghana, where as a ‘trailing spouse’ she learned about her own challenges through caring about lives as tiny as insects. Later in the week, talking about her memoir Without Warning and Only Sometimes: Scenes from an Unpredictable Childhood Kit de Waal said that when she sat down to write the memories of her childhood in Moseley, Birmingham, she had in mind that everyone must have ten anecdotes from their lives which could be expanded to a book. She found it wasn’t quite that easy. Her talk, however, did make me think of all the life stories that we have covered in the years since we first published this magazine. It turns out it was twenty-one years ago last month. We’ve reached the age where a person can legally adopt a child, fly a helicopter or drive a bus. As a magazine we don’t plan to try any of those, but it is a milestone just the same. Hundreds of people have told their life stories and provided a vibrant picture of the extraordinary diversity of this local community. As we pass this landmark I can only wonder what fascinating lives we will hear about in coming years, and speculate on how we will pave the road ahead. Merry Christmas to all.
Fergus Byrne
Published Monthly and distributed by Marshwood Vale Ltd Lower Atrim, Bridport Dorset DT6 5PX
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Fergus Byrne
Deputy Editor
Victoria Byrne
People Magazines Ltd 3 Cover Story By Robin Mills
10 Think Christmas, Think Local 12 Event News and Courses 24 News & Views
25 Nature Studies By Michael McCarthy 26 Kept Alive in Secret Places By James Crowden
28 House & Garden
28 Vegetables in December By Ashley Wheeler 30 December in the Garden By Russell Jordan 32 Property Round Up By Helen Fisher
34 Food & Dining
34 Lapsang Tea Smoked Salmon By Lesley Waters
36 Smoked Herring with a poached egg and Colcannon
By Mark Hix
37 Arts & Entertainment
38 Panto’s Back By Gay Pirrie Weir
40 Galleries
42 Preview By Gay Pirrie Weir 46 Screen Time By Nic Jeune 47 Young Lit Fix By Antonia Squire
48 Health & Beauty
48 Journey to the Living Tree By Fergus Byrne
50 Services & Classified

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James Crowden Helen Fisher Mark Hix Nic Jeune Russell Jordan Michael McCarthy Robin Mills Gay Pirrie Weir Antonia Squire Lesley Waters Ashley Wheeler
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