Education and Training
Tankertanker Design
Contents Tankertanker Design
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Introduction Objectives of Training Bibliography
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
Introduction Tankertanker Design
teachers have to take on as producers of "their" profession (Nテ天OA, 1995,p.28).
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Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
The need for teacher training arises from the desire to improve both personally and professionally. The changes we have witnessed make us reflect on our practice. From this reflection we leave for a constant search to satisfy our needs and wants.
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Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design Therefore, it recognizes the need for interconnection between the initial and continuous training, on a movement for the processes of change, innovation and curriculum development.
To support this principle, Escudeiro cited Marcelo GarcĂa (1999, p 27) points out that "training and change must be thought together; as two sides of the same coin. "Today is a case for a little perspective on the move to improve education that is not, itself, empowering, generative dream and commitment, stimulating new learning and, ultimately, to the formative agents have to develop practical reforms.
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Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
Simultaneously, the training, if properly understood, should preferably be targeted for change, enabling knowledge on the subject and their teaching practice.
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Tankertanker Design
Objectives of Training Tankertanker Design
Degree in Early Years Education Theoretical and practical training in technical, scientific and psycho-pedagogical fields that will create
professional skills for the early years teacher.
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Tankertanker Design
• II International Congress of Learning in Early Years Education Tankertanker Design
- Reflect the current situation of Early Years Education;
- Create moments of reflection and debate among the different professionals of Early Years education; - Involving partners in the educational Early Years Education; - Publish and disseminate experiences and work under the Early Years Education at national and international level.
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Tankertanker Design
• Lecture "The right to difference - brief approach to the child with Special Educational Needs" Tankertanker Design
Inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs in the Regular Education: A Challenge for Educators
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Tankertanker Design
•Participation in First Meet @rcaComum "Childhood and digital culture" and "Communities of practice for online education professionals" Tankertanker Design
-Dynamics and development of online learning communities or practice -The role of the administrator / tutor in online communities - The socialization, collaboration and professional development within communities online - ICT Skills of Professional Education
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Tankertanker Design
-Tankertanker SpecialDesign Education - Adaptation to the context of childhood - Outdoor activities, learning and development - Game and educational and recreational activities - Collaborate with families and communities - Expression and communication in Pre-School - Literacy and verbal literacy - Mathematics in Pre-School
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Tankertanker Design
Health and the child
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- The sciences in Pre-School - Childhood and digital education - Educational Innovation and Information Technology and Communication - Research with children The voice of children - The Education of Children - Activities of learning communities or practice: - Assessment, planning and curriculum development
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Tankertanker Design
• Training in Mathematics - Cuisenaire - inserted at the First Meeting @rcaComum Tankertanker Design
Teaching the basics of mathematics in a playful manner
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in Action Training "Early Intervention" Tankertanker Design
We define early intervention as a set of actions and measures - social, medical, psychological and educational - aimed at children and their families, aiming to meet the special needs of children who have or are at risk for developmental delay (Agency European 1998).
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Tankertanker Design
• "Playing with the Classics" training Tankertanker Design
Taking awareness of the importance that music plays in the full and harmonious development of the child; Practicing visual and manual synchronization; Enhance the field of motor function; Encourage sensory exploration
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Tankertanker Design
• Action Training "Early Intervention - Report by the senses" Tankertanker Design
The Early Intervention is characterized by a set of services, support and resources for education, health and social action, for the child, parents and family, to empower the family as a whole, helping to overcome the difficulties associated with education and development of a child with special needs.
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Tankertanker Design
• "Fire Fighting Training" Tankertanker Design
· Provide trainees with the ability to prevent the outbreak of a fire · Ability to understand a fire · Reduced time for implementation of emergency or necessity of achieving the same plane.
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop "Video Games in the classroom: the process of teaching by gamification" Tankertanker Design
Use of systems of rules and characteristic experiences of videogames, that can be used in a classroom
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop "Integration of mobile devices in educational practices" Tankertanker Design
Mobile technologies applied to educational practice
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop "Digital Image Processing" Tankertanker Design
Working images to get a better quality
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop "Moodle platform support teaching" Tankertanker Design
Educational Practice for Teachers and Educators in creating online education sites
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop "EduGraal" Tankertanker Design
"EduGraal - broadcast class real-time"
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Tankertanker Design
• Participation in the workshop First Aid Kids Tankertanker Design
"Knowing save a child's life is at your fingertips! Learn the steps and procedures that can make them the most precious people. At any time and at any time, an accident can happen to your child or another child right next to you. Make a difference, save a life. Do not be one more person who can not deal with emergencies. Â
Acquire general knowledge of first aid for children, so that it is able to identify situations and implement appropriate techniques. "
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Tankertanker Design
Bibliography Tankertanker Design
NÓVOA, António (org.). Vida de professores. Porto: Porto Editora, 1995
MARCELO GARCÍA, Carlos. Formação de Professores: para uma mudança educativa. Porto: Porto Editora, 1999. Relatório da Agência Europeia para o Desenvolvimento em Necessidades Educativas Especiais Com a contribuição da EURYDICE A Rede de Informação sobre Educação na Europa
Tankertanker Design
Marta Abreu