One of my latest works dealing with self-knowledge. Video performance with a poem of mine read by one of my best friend. The poem is an honest confession of my deepest fears. Féltem
I was afraid
Fél attól, amit nem lát, Máskor attól, amit lát.
She is afraid of what she cannot hear Other times of what she does.see
Fél, hogy ő is És fél, hogy más se.
She is afraid that she’s the same And afraid that others are not
Fél, ha nem ért, vagy meg nem ért. Fél lépni, vagy nem meg lépni Fél tőletek, féli emberségetek.
She is afraid when she doesnt understand, When she’s not mature enough Shes afraid of taking the steps, or not taking them Shes afraid of you, She fears your humanity
És fél tőled. Ő fél, ha nem szereted. Fél ő, hogy elveszthet.
And she is afraid of you. Fears if you dont love her. She fears she could lose you.
Fél, hogy feledhető, attól hogy nélkülözhető, Fél attól, amit elképzel. mert, nem létezel. Fél attól ahova tart, fél, hogy oda el nem jut. Fél egyedül maradni, mikor magányosnak kell lenni. Fél, hogy elveszít, hogy elveszik.
Shes afraid shes forgetable, that she’s not essantiel, Shes afraid of what she imagines, because Shes afraid of where shes going, afraid that she might not get there. Shes afraid of being alone, when she needs to be alone. Shes afraid of losing you, that she loses herself.
Félek, Féltem. Féltem őt, mert nem félti más. És féltem őt, mert nem látják, ha fél.
I’m afraid, I was afraid, I am afraid for her because noone esle is. And i am afraid for her because she does not show it.
Mert bár a félelem palástolható, a fájdalom még látható.
Because fear can be hidden but the pain is visible.
És mikor ezeket a szavakat érzi, rázza ki igazán a hideg, nem amikor veled vagy épp nélküled remeg.
And when she feels these words, that’s when her body shivers of the cold. Not when she’s shiverin with or without you.
h t t p s : / / v i m e o. c o m / 9 6 9 5 5 8 9 7
h t t p s : / / v i m e o. c o m / 1 1 3 0 3 8 7 6 7
OVERSTEP I want to invite masses of passive observers to take action and start experiencing. People should expand their barriers, step out of their comfort zone, socialise and collect experiences. The goal of the project is to make an online application which pools exercises that can only be accomplished in the physical realm. Besides the exercises there is a big emphasis on the documentation of them. The exercises consist of capacity building and personality developing “dare or not” situations. I believe that completing these are going to change ordinary everyday of users in a very positive way. The exercises can we browsed according to advanced search criteria (difficulty, theme, number of participants, location and other). Important part of the application is the social network it builds, which is independent of Facebook and similar pages. This is another source of motivation for the users to play and upload even more interesting videos showing off what they did, gaining more and more followers and friends. The video could be posted publicly subjected to comments, ratings and discussion with other members of the circle. Also new situations can be thought of and made public for others to try them out. The group of target is the so called “x and y generation”, but anyone having access to internet can participate. Worked with graphic artist Csaba Világosi.
CONSUMER BROCHURE In consumer society the human is represented as a product, when products like clothes are presented as objects with personalities. This is a brochure miming the style of well known design brands. The brochures were propagated guerrilla style, put in random free magazines in crowded public spaces.
BOOK TRAILER Book trailer for Sabina Berman’s novel titled: Me, me, me. Made on behalf of the Európa Könyv Kiadó publishing agency.
STILL LIFE Still life is the title of this experimental short video, bearing attributes of a photo, a painting and motion picture at the same time. First an elliptic fahrt movement is used to show the enigmatic frame of sensual story, than dynamic editing fills the visual with strong emotional narrative.
WIND Short video, playing with kinetic typography. Very simple concept. When the wind blows, the object displays the hungarian word for wind (SZÉL).
This of series of photo builds upon the long shutter time of the camera obscura technic. A picture like this is made in a timespan of 5 to 10 minutes depending on the lighting situation. The image does not conserve a single moment but rather a longer period of time. Actors, since they move around in space, cannot be captured in the usual sense but their presence is there, giving the image a transcendent value. Drinking a coffee on a terrace, the sublime choreograph of a dancer, taking a shower and a kiss have all happened over several minutes but here they are trapped in a single picture.
Our personalities are complex systems. Many roles coexist in one. In this work I dissected my own in to four of these. After long self-observation I found these contradictory but strong characters inside my own ego. The strong-minded women, the sleazy macho, the introvert fragile girl, and the extrovert infantile teenage girl. All the characters are represented by myself sitting on different kind of chairs chosen specifically to the character I was acting.
MOMENT Visual poem without words. Sound of an old clock, cracking floor and the atmosphere of a ancient forsaken building.
Title: “A was not allowed to leave the table, until I ate everything� The following video performance is dealing with a childhood trauma. It is documented that I eat all kinds of onions until I am able to. This experiment stands really close to my heart, as it documents the conquest over a physical and psychical barrier.
Marta Csige