Final submission Major Studio Project

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final submission major studio project martine sagheim s2957862

heimåde is a small business producing and d e s i g n i n g a r a n g e o f d i f f e r e n t l e at h e r g o o d s . Heimådes products are made by hand, designed u n i q u e ly to f i t y o u r e v e r y d ay ac c e s s o r i e s .

The business is Norwegian/Australian based, established in April 2015. Heimådes products will be available for purchase at Heimade. no, and in different markets both in Australia and Norway.

the idea. i have a passion for watches. I can never get enough, but still i have not found the perfect one. i lacked watches with simplicity which i could wear with anything. i lacked an accessorie both me and my mom would like to wear at the same time. so what did i do? i decided to make my own.

Shortly after, I realised I needed a wrist strap for my camera, and the next day I developed a new minimalistic yet exclusive product. The produtcs reflects my personality and style, and will inspire others. From there the product range increased, and Heim책de was born.

heimåde c r e a t e s h i g h q u a l i t y a n d u n i q u e h a n d m a d e accessories for your everyday accessories.

we strive to always give the customers the best quality and the best service, and still maintain the unique, handmade and personal feeling. why heimåde? homemade by me, sagheim. norwegian-inspired. surname, sagheim. heim = home måde = made. heimåde = homemade by me. pronounced heimade in english, heimåde in norwegian.

products h e i m å d e s l e at h e r g o o d s a r e u n i q u e a n d o n ly m a d e i n a c e r ta i n a m o u n t. t h e i t e m s a r e designed by hand, and have a minimalistic a n d e x c l u s i v e , y e t e v e r y day- l o o k i n g l o o k w i t h a p p e a l i n g d e s i g n .

Heimådes products are a range of watches, camera straps, key chains, cable holders and pouches, and will suit your everyday life. The product range may vary from time to time, and new designs and collections will come.

camera strap for wrist camera strap for wrist in black and natural coloured leather.

why heim책de? Tekst. Hvorfor navnet.

camera strap different sizes in black and natural coloured leather.

pouch for your phone, sunnies o r y o u r e v e r y day m a k e - u p.

heim책de watch in black or natural coloured leather with gold + black face, silver + black face or silver + white face.

key chain with or without custom made name-etching.

cable holder for your cables and cords, such as ear phones, usb and charger.

why branding? the brand


heimĂĽdes identity is strong, minimalistic and clean, and t h e b r a n d i n g i s a n i m p o r ta n t fac to r to m a i n ta i n t h i s i m ag e .


logo // black&white and negative

logo - landscape

logo // black&white and negative


Fira Sans

Thin Light book Regul Bold

AaBbCcDdEe ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyzæøå 0123456789 !?/@#$%&+;

Fira Sans Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå 0123456789 !? /@#$%&+; Fira Sans Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå 0123456789 !? /@#$%&+; Fira Sans book abCdEFghiJKLMnOPQrSTUVwXyZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå 0123456789 !? /@#$%&+; Fira Sans Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå 0123456789 !? /@#$%&+; Fira Sans Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆØÅ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå 0123456789 !? /@#$%&+;

colour pallette

cmyk - 56 - 0 -51 - 0 RGB - 18 - 255 - 178 cmyk 0 0 0 50 RGB - 147 - 149 - 142

cmyk - 63 - 57 - 56 - 33 RGB - 85 - 83 - 83 cmyk 0 0 0 96 RGB - 34 - 34 -35




a brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. you earn reputation by trying to d o h a r d t h i n g s w e l l .” ― j e f f b e z o s



stationery - invoice

stationery - business cards

o n l i n e s to r e - e ts y. c o m / h e i m a d e

interior fit out - pop-up cart


packaging this is the packaging who comes with the products, both for online sales and on markets. the pac k ag ing is p rint e d a nd /or etch e d b l ack on b l ac k , an d wont ta k e away t h e f ocus f rom t h e ac tu al pr od uct.

swing tags goes on to camera straps, key chains and small accessories.

gift bag

packaging system - shipping envelopes / small - medium- large

+614 3503 2250

+ 47 988 11 733

31/26 4217

+614 3503 2250

+ 47 988 11 733

31/26 4217

+614 3503 2250

31/26 4217

+ 47 988 11 733

+614 3503 2250

31/26 4217

+ 47 988 11 733

social Media and marketing strategy


The Facebook fan page platform will be used to connect creative processes and the final outcome of the products, increasing value and culture of the brand. Heim책de will post product images, news, good deals and offers two-three a times week. The Facebook page is a platform where Heimade will get feedback and comments from the customers. Heim책de will make events and let the customers know about diffrent markets, events and so on Heim책de is attending.


Unique leather goods made to fit your everyday life. Based on the Gold Coast, Australia.

Platform used to connect creative processes and the final outcome of the products, increasing value and culture of the brand. Heimåde will post product images, process and behind the scenes-sneak peaks, inspirational images, news, good deals and offers two-three a times week.

The idea is to promote the products via everyday situations and inspiration. To raise awareness of new products and the launch of Heimåde, we will monthly throw competitions or give-aways, and urge to share and re-post our posts. Hashtags like #heimade, #heimadeleather and @heimade will be used.

website -

MaC website -


website -


The website will mainly work as a lookbook to show off the products. The website will not have its own webshop, but links the reader to our etsy shop. News, good deals and offers wil be postet two-three a times week. The website will show and tell everything you need about each product, and the reader will also have the possibility to contact Heim책de.

cause related marketing

joined forces Help give them a door to close!

Heimåde and Midlands Children Hope Project are joining forces through the months of June and July 2015 to raise money for a new orphanage, and to give the children living in the streets of Zimbabwes third largest city, Gweru, the best possible conditions for a good life. Heimåde is a proud supporter of the Hope Project mission. The alliance involves the provision of forty percent of each Heimade key chain sold, is donated and put towards the building of a new orphanage in Gweru. By building a better home for the street children, we give hope for a better life and a future with motivation and education. We buy the pencil, but the chidren must write their own future. By buying a key chain for your own home key, you give a home to a child in need miles away. Help give them a door to close!

who and what are midlands children hope project?

Midlands Children Hope Project is a non-profit organi­sation established in 2012, working to give the street children in Gweru a better future. In contrast to other charitable organisations, it is not Midlands Children Hope Project’s goal to grow into a huge organisation or earn money on their sponsors. All the work that is done for the organisation is by people who volunteer to spend their spare-time working for the orphans at Midlands Children Hope Centre to get a better future. MCHP aim to raise money to build up a new orphanage for the street children of Gweru, which will have dormitories for both girls and boys, a workshop, classrooms, a guest house, a playground and a clinic. This will give the children the space and facilities they need to rehabilitate themselves and prepare themselves for their futures. Today, MCHP and their supporters are funding the education of more than 40 street children in Gweru – an education that will give the orphans the knowledge, motivation and opportunities needed to succeed in a country where over 80% of the population is unemployed.

poster The poster is utilised to generate awareness in the community and will be placed in numerous locations. Such as the University, libraries, Â shopping centres and busy public places. The poster will mainly be placed in market stalls and pop-up carts when HeimĂĽde attends markets and events.Â

magazine adVerts, spread and single page

cause related marketing - social media


Social media outlets primarily include Facebook and Instagram due to the interactive nature of the sites. Heim책des facebook page will during the periode of the campaign, focus just on the campaign. The timeline image will be a campaign banner, and the profile picture will have a touch of green to promote the partnership. Images, offers, updates and events from the campaign will be posted on Heim책des facebook page during june and july.



instagram promo

Instagram will be hosting a promotional give a-way, competitions and post campaign related posts during the whole campaign period to raise awareness for the campaign and to rally up followers and subscribers. Online presence is a great way to promote and raise awareness for MCHP. Hashtags like #heimade, #mchp, #givethemadoortoclose will be used to raise awareness.


The etsy shop is most important since it is here the customers will purchase their items, and make a disision whether they want to support the cause or not. The banner on the top is to generate interest and awareness about the campaign.

THANK YOU-TAGS Extra tags will go on to all the key chains sold during the months of June and July.

final submission major studio project martine sagheim s2957862

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