Spring 2021
The Blue
khmer 7 a Colors of Cambodia exhibition 1
colors of c
# 270 Mundull 1 Village, Sway Don Tel: 855 (0) 63965021; Tel: 855 (0) 122
l of art
Colors of Cambodia provides free art education for Cambodian children through our gallery and in local schools. We also host various workshops and lectures by local and internationally renowned artists and hold full-scale art exhibitions regularly. The art gallery at Colors of Cambodia features art by our students and teachers. Proceeds from the sale of art works by students, teachers, and our founder go directly to assist students and schools. Advanced art-training classes are offered to children showing special talent. Advanced teaching in drawing and painting is available to assist students in higher education, and to prepare them for a possible career in the arts. One long-term goal of Colors of Cambodia is to be able to offer scholarships to exceptional students.
ngKum Commune, Siem Reap District, Cambodia 214336 - Phany; Email: colors@colorsofcambodia.org
siem reap, cambodia
Lotus The Blue
editorial The young teachers at the Khmer school of art ‘Colors of Cambodia’ have worked long and hard putting an exhibition of their work together. In their honour and to help promote this unique charity The Blue Lotus magazine presents this special. It is hoped that when we can all socialize again this will appear as a physical exhibition too. Meanwhile, enjoy... Martin Bradley Founding Editor of The Blue Lotus magazine
khmer 7 Te a c h e r s a t C o l o r s o f C a m b o d i a
Seven young Khmer artists Sor Sophany, Thy Channarak, Sorm Narath, Son Kosal, Set Sing, Len Soleang and Loun Lon, with an age range from 18 to 33 from the charity Colors of Cambodia (began by American artist Bill Gentry in 2003), have grown from students to being teachers themselves and starting the cycle over again and to encourage fresh creativity with the local Khmer community. During the whole pandemic period of 2020, those seven Khmer teachers have been diligently working towards an exhibition scheduled for December 2020 in Malaysia. Due to lockdown restrictions in place in Malaysia, that showing has had to be cancelled. Plans are being made to have that cancelled exhibition when the restrictions are lifted in 2021.
Sor Sophany
Thy Channarak
Sorm Narath
Son Kosal
Set Sing
Lem Soleang
Loun Lon
Sor Sophany “Life is spiritual�, oil on canvas, 97 x 179 cm I am a Contemporary artist painting mostly figurative work, oil on canvas. In my works I have the opportunity to talk about my (Khmer) culture and my past spring boarding into the goals of my future. It is in my hands, and your hands too,. For I have given you this insight into my works. I paint what I recollect from my past, hands down from my family and others. I notice that the past causes some people to suffer, but we are living in the present and cannot change the past, but we can try to understand it, and its power over us.
Thy Channarak “Nightmare”, oil on canvasI, 97 x 179 cm I am a young artist from Siem Reap, Cambodia. This painting “Nightmare” represents a man considering which of his futures would be better for him. Dreaming is something that humanity has is common. We sleep at night and awake in the morning. Occasionally, upon waking, we become confused between ‘reality’ and dream. We may even believe that the dream state is reality, and vice versa. However which way it is, that is our life, we must live it day to day. We chose to do so in the hope that our lives will improve. Yes, there are difficulties, and sometimes things happen which we do not appreciate, but he smile and move forward because we chose those initial steps down that road.
Sorm Narath “Love�, oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm I am normally a caricaturist, however my painting is a representation of love. The prominent figure is holding and pulling her stringed instrument as she loves and smiles. Sometimes we feel that people look down on the things we want and those whom we love. People may reject the things which we work so hard at, believing them to be of no benefit, with few results. We find this difficult to accept and, occasionally, want to give up entirely. However we persevere, believe in ourselves and the work that we do and overcome all future obstacles.
Son Kosal “Changing Experiences�, oil on canvas, 50 x 120 cm I am a new generation artist. In this artwork, it is my intention is to remind the viewer to be clear when making decisions in their lives, using my imagery as a catalyst. We know that decisions lead us onto new paths, provoking fresh insights derived from interactions.
Set Sing “Life is a Challenge”, oil on canvas, 80 by 120 cm I am a Khmer (Cambodian) artist who paints from his imagination with oil, on canvas. ‘Life is a challenge’ concerns the movement, the growth, of the lotus flower and how its symbol interacts within my culture in a flexibility which incorporates visual symbols of growth and harmony. Commitment, patience are jointly derived from periods of activity and flexibility. When we face problems life becomes difficult. However, solutions do arise in time, leading us to believe that we need not imagine ourselves defeated because although challenging, life continues. we grow like the lotus.
Lem Soleang “Dreaming & Hope” 60 x 100 cm I am a young Cambodian artist, and I believe that nothing in our lives is certain as we cannot see into our futures. People have dreams and goals, but having a dream is not easy. There is always some element of risk, of failure. Alternatively failure encourages greater creativity, and brings hope. It is said that ‘yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift’.
Loun Lon The Power of Women 80 x 120 cm I am a young portrait artist working with oil colours on canvas. I find oil paint is easier to mix to obtain my desired effect. Because I am a female artist I have noticed that women are always more effected by people around them than men are. I have noticed that women now, more so than in the past, are more self confident , more understanding regarding the power of women. You can see in my painting that the subject smiles with feminine confidence. In the duality f the painting and expectations of confidence the lion though male never the less portrays the female subject’s confidence.
martin bradley
Singapore 2012
Martin Bradley is the author of a collection of poetry - Remembering Whiteness and Other Poems (2012) Bougainvillea Press; a charity travelogue - A Story of Colors of Cambodia, which he also designed (2012) EverDay and Educare; a collection of his writings for various magazines called Buffalo and Breadfruit (2012) Monsoon Books; an art book for the Philippine artist Toro, called Uniquely Toro (2013), which he also designed, also has written a history of pharmacy for Malaysia, The Journey and Beyond (2014). Martin wrote a book about Modern Chinese Art with Chinese artist Luo Qi, Luo Qi and Calligraphyism from the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, and has had his book about Bangladesh artist Farida Zaman For the Love of Country published in Dhaka in December 2019. He is the founder-editor of The Blue Lotus formerly Dusun an e-magazine dedicated to Asian art and writing, founded in 2011.
Malaysia 2012
Bangladesh 2019
hilippines 2013
China 2017
Malaysia 2014
colors of cambodia
school of art The concept for Colors of Cambodia originated in 2001, when founder Bill Gentry visited Cambodia and found himself in awe of the highly skilled artists and rich artistic history of the country. He noticed most of the children in Siem Reap’s impoverished villages had no means or platform by which to create art, leaving a very important gap that needed to be filled. Currently there are still no mainstream art programs in Cambodian schools. In 2003, Bill officially opened the doors to Colors of Cambodia, located right in the bustling heart of Pub Street. What began as a way of offering free art education and materials to the children of Siem Reap has since developed to encompass much more over time. The NGO employs full time Khmer teachers (once former students), who teach in the gallery, as well as in local Schools within and on the outskirts of Siem Reap. It also hosts internationally renowned artists who conduct inhouse workshops and has full-scale art exhibitions. Colors of Cambodia could not thrive or continue without the extensive amount of time and energy our staff and volunteers provide, as well as the support from those who donate artistic materials to our NGO. The overall mission of Colors of Cambodia is to offer time, materials and a safe place for the children of Siem Reap to develop a sense of self belief by recognizing and developing their own artistic voice and unique style, while understanding art can be both expression and a profession. We truly believe art will save the world.
# 270 Mundull 1 Village, Sway DongKum Commune, Siem Reap District, Cambodia Tel: 855 (0) 63965021; Tel: 855 (0) 12214336 - Phany; Email: colors@colorsofcambodia.org