Wind, rhythm and barefoot. Dynamic, ambitious and creative. Event and Brand Management background. Experience in entertainment, theatre and aeronautical industry. @MartinaCarlino
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prj ideation
People will not come to shake my hand. If they will notice my work it means that I have failed. I can win only when the magic is shown and when I’m able to build emotion. The genius isn’t the artist but who created him.
Singer-songwriter, producer and author. TZN’s emotions are most difficult to express so he prefers to speak through music. Sold 50.000 tickets in less 24 hours for his Stadium Tour. Has released six Italian albums and three in Spanish.
2 Event: Music concert Performer: Tiziano Ferro Production: Live Nation Italia Sponsor: Radio Italia BMW Italia SPA Avis MyRole: Production assistant Meal tickets and Radios Office ShowDay: 2015.06.20 Venue: Turin, Olympic Stadium
Universal Exposition 2015 take palce in Milan. It will be held under the theme Feeding the planet, energy for life. This embraces technology, innovation, culture, traditions and creativity and how they relate to food and diet. Involved area: 200 hectares Expected visitors: 20.000.000 Committed countries: 148
4 Event: Universal Exposition Contracting company: Setup Live Srl Role: Installation and fitting Building lot: Zero Pavilion Clusters Italian Pavillion Open Air Theatre Slow Food MyRole: Production assistant Logistics Venue: Milan, EXPO
Special ItalianSection
AttivitĂ svolte Referente di cantiere tra responsabili di progetto e committenza. Supervisione e coordinamento delle attivitĂ e delle squadre di lavoro. Gestione logistica.
Lavorazioni eseguite Montaggio pareti Posa grafiche e appendimenti Tinteggiature Arredi Impianti audio/video
Strutture coinvolte 46 paesi su Cluster Associazione Slow Food Padiglione Zero Spazi Rotazione presso Padiglione Italia Opean Air Theare
« Abbiamo dovuto camminare a lungo per far sì che la strada disposta ad accogliervi, si tracciasse. Nubi di polvere si alzavano ad ogni passo. Abbiamo percepito la consistenza della terra, giorno per giorno, diventare sempre più salda sotto ai nostri piedi. La foschia svaniva tra nuove sfumature di colore mentre erigevamo luoghi per emozionarvi. Abbiamo avvicinato tempi e culture così lontani tra di loro… Abbiamo ascoltato il battito dei nostri cuori aumentare in vista del vostro arrivo. Necessitiamo della vostra presenza, delle vostre storie, delle vostre emozioni e opinioni, delle vostre scarpe che solchino lo stesso percorso, che lo modifichino e lo riempiano di significato. A voi sta l'ultimo lavoro: rendere la nostra opera perfetta, completandola. »
Top ten album sold by Sony Music. He embraces his audience like a starry sky. A costellation for his stage where he becomes the shiniest star.
6 Event: Music concert Performer: Biagio Antonacci Production: Setup Live Srl Promoter: Friends and Partners Sponsor: RTL 102,5 MyRole: Production assistant ShowDay: 2014.12.01 Venue: Turin, Palaolimpico
Acrobat artists’escape into a world of imagination. Extravagant design. Live music. 3800 employees.
8 Event: Show Performers: Cirque du soleil Production: Setup Live Srl Promoter: Live Nation MyRole: Production assistant ShowDays: 2014.11.27 2014.11.28 2014.11.29 2014.11.30 Venue: Turin, Palaolimpico
Reincarnated. Reggae and dance hall. The man who smoked weed in the White House. He has sold over 30 million albums worldwide. On stage: large sweatshirt, heart shaped sunglasses, jamaican braids, gorgeous microphone.
10 Event: Music concert Performers: Entics, Mondo Marcio, Snoop Dogg Production: City Sound Srl Promoter: Vivo concerti Official Sponsor: Alfa Romeo Partners: Heineken Radio 105 Pringles Redbull MyRole: Staff assistant ShowDay: 2014.07.30 Venue: Milan, Ippodromo del Galoppo
Hindu westernize format. The good defeats the bad. Equality. Freedom. Bags full of colors. Ears full of music. Hearts full of emotions.
12 Event: Music festival Performers: MadMike, VialeRossiPrj, Discolour, TheKolors, RamilsonMaia&GiuliaAramĂ , Kris&Kris, Datura, EmaStokholma, AlexGaudino, Reset!, DocMc, Pinkispunk, Merk&Kremont Production: City Sound Srl Organization: Unconventional Events Srl Official Sponsor: Alfa Romeo Partners: Heineken Radio 105 Pringles Redbull MyRole: Staff assistant ShowDay: 2014.07.12 Venue: Milan, Ippodromo del Galoppo
Italian music show created to reward the artists that have sold more. Collaboration with discographic associations AFI, FIMI and PMI.
14 Event: Music festival Performers: CarloConti, VanessaIncontrada, LauraPausini, Ligabue, Giorgia, ModĂ , Emma, AlessandraAmoroso, AntonelloVenditti, TizianoFerro, Noemi, FiorellaMannoia, PinoDaniele,GinoPaoli Production: Ballandi Entertainment SpA Promoter: Friends & Partners group Official sponsor: Wind telecomunicazioni SpA Media partner: Rai Radio2 MyRole: Staff Assistant Planning activities ShowDay: 2012.05.26 Venue: Verona, Arena
From past to present. Made in Italy wine tasting. Journalists. Sommeliers. Wine producers. Each one have a story to tell.
16 Event: Food and wine tasting Exhibitors: Antonelli, Erioli, TascaD'Almerita, Gulfi, Benanti, Monaci, NinoNegri, LoSparviere, CĂ DeiFrati, CasaleDelGiglio, FaziBattaglia, MasseriaFrattasi, Montevetrano, Paternoster, MarioSchiopetto, Cormons, SanLeonardo, SanMicheleAppiano, Caldaro, Terlano, EmidioPepe, Nicodemi, MonteDelFra, Tommasi, CastelloDelTerriccio, CampoAllaSughera, Boscarelli, Ruffino, Capezzana, DominiCastellare, IlMarroneto, Dei, ColD'Orcia, Capannelle, BadiaAColtibuono, Salcheto, SilvioNardi Production: Studio Umami Catering: Convivium Firenze Partner: IED Sound Design MyRole: Public Relations Accreditations Copy Writing EventDay: 2012.02.13 Venue: Rome, Palazzo Rospigliosi
01. INT/ AUX ambient sound/ SILENCE 02. VO Martina 03. TXT Event direction Can we fall in love for a sham kiss? For inexistent landscapes? If we follow the edges of a preset shape we will become prisoners. It’s for this reason that we built other realities in which we can exalt or distort, be ironic or dangerous. There is something of unreal in each one. Everything that happens it exists only in the way that we're willing to tell it! 04. FADE TO BLACK
To be without memory means to be without history. A new story will be created collecting past shards of old authors mixing them each other. A Marco Meloni’s idea.
20 Event: Theatrical performance Actors: MartaZoffoli, FrancescoFoti, JonisBascir, PijiSiciliani, TizianaProfumi, ClaudiaScarpa, CaterinaCorsi, MarcoGiandomenico, MarcoMarino Direction: Voci nel deserto MyRole: Script writing Light direction ShowDay: 2011.03.04 Venue: Rome, Alcamo
Funny documentary. In each community there is something strange. IED community is composed of different creative personalities.
22 Event: Short film Actors: NicolettaCinotti, GiorgiaCecchetti, MariannaGiorgini, MartinaMarzullo, SabrinaSvelto, DavideScarpantonio, RiccardoDeGrandis, MichealMorsicani Direction: Alessandro Piva Shooting: Giovanni Pinzani Riccardo De Grandis Video editing: Giovanni Pinzani Fabio Toffolo MyRole: Direction assistant Venue: Rome, Alcamo
Event: Theatrical MyRole: Scenographer Direction: Elio Sanzogni Venue: Alessandria, Fresonara
Theatrical scenery. Paint, built and set up the drop. Scenic carpenty and painting studio.
Event: Entertainment MyRole: Actress and dancer Costumes Direction: Max Barnabei Venue: Rodi Garganico, Costa Ripa
Show. Cabaret. Choreography. holds art
Brand Projects
Study of personal brand identity. Placement. Competitors. Communication tools. Reputation. Image. Objectives We are like a real brand, if you will!
Oxygen Labs provides managerial aeronautical consulting services. It operates under the rules amended by the Aeronautical Authorities ENAC, EASA and FAA.
Project: Analysis Tools: Powerpoint presentation Blog site Management cards Portfolio
Project: Communication management Aim: Customers increase Tools: Brand care Promotion campaigns New services’ placement Buyer: Oxygen Labs Srl Budget: 10.000 ₏ Strategy: New image
Project: Brand Care Aim: Brand awareness increase Tools: Brief Analysis of reputation Analysis of image Market analysis Buyer: Soft Strategy SpA
This business consulting agency thinks that it’s necessary that the consultant works for himself before works for the costumer. Not always a new solution is better than the one already in place. The consultant must be able to identify and capitalize on what is already present in every organization.
Project: The challange is to conceive the same product in Product rollout the 60s and nowadays. Aim: To analyze the mutation of historical, social, political and economical The art of photography’s goal is to take on a new environment. connotation. In a context where the obsessive Tools: urban folklore allows a continuous advertising Business plan brainwashing it’s necessary give a subjective Logotype interpretation and discovery your dreams!It was Copy writing chosen pop art style to enhance the technical characteristics of the product. Headline: Stop the world! Everyone can be an artist.
We aren’t satisfy for the position that we have taken. It will be useful to appreciate the moments just experiences to learn about this without getting lost in the virtual universe. There is a continue research of stability. You have to avoid the risk of losing your memories in this fast way of life, because it may contain a solution we were looking for. See the history and the mistakes that keep repeating themselves! Billboard- Heritage Mktg wallTouch- Guerrilla Mktg Digital wall- Social Mktg Headline: Share an instant for your society!
Music Projects
Music festival in Rome: the heart of Italy where emotion, passion and adrenaline dominate. Kia Motors needed a format that involve participants, replicable over time and enhancer for its brand awereness: so the project “Kia Urban Beat” was born Teaser and guerrilla campaigns have an important role. They were structured before the event so people begin to be curious without understand what will happen. Intensive production, logistics, artistic management and research.
Project: Music festival Aim: Brand awareness increase Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Logotype Emotional video concept Buyer: Kia Motors Company Italy Srl Budget: 600.000 € Strategy: Teaser campaigns Venue: Rome, Ostiense
ItalianConcept Siamo immersi nell’universo delle stimolazioni uditive già dal momento della proliferazione, dove a scandire il ciclo di . vita vi è il cuore materno. Lo stesso che permette al nostro battito di entrare a far parte del ritmo del mondo. Battere e levare, battere e levare: è il ritmo del nostro respiro, dei nostri passi, di tutte quelle trame che costruiamo, dei segni che incidiamo… è il beat, cadenza che crea attesa, tensione ed eccitazione, che quando penetra, acquisisce il bisogno di scaricarsi fino a raggiungere lo sfinimento. Il nostro essere si disperde nel chiasso dell’ebrezza, all’interno di una comunicazione che quando si interrompe, il silenzio si fa addirittura più forte. È quello che succede nelle piazze, nei tunnel metropolitani, all’interno di quartieri vissuti, di un paesaggio urbano che ha visto migliaia di facce, di strade che hanno ascoltato voci narrare infinite storie che restano lì, smisurate nei suoi spazi limitati, dove tutto è raccolto, dove ci si sente a proprio agio, accolti e coinvolti. Sei a casa, tra le tue mura, tra i tuoi limiti; non c’è bisogno che tu ne esca, puoi semplicemente dileguarti restando dentro! Un paradosso, un’esplosione interna: il cuore che bussa perché vuole evadere, ma aumenta la frequenza delle pulsazioni restando dentro perché non vuole schiantarsi; semplicemente accelera, trasforma il suo movimento meccanico in passione, emozione, adrenalina.
30 Project: Music concert Aim: Stage setup Tools: Prezi project presentation Logotype Emotional artist video Concept model Venue: Rome, Circo Massimo
The stage and its setting for Santana Tour has been designed to summarize the entire artistic life of Carlos that will be unexpectedly shown after many years on stage. Strong oppositions are emerged picking up important elements of the communication of Santana. But a flow of energy is located to combine them. Technical guidance for the set and for the lights, for the position that the artist must hold on the stage; the role of the band, the choice of more guests, the involvement of the public who need to feel part of the show.
Fashion Projects
Unusual event to promote figure skating involving fashion and music industries. There is not so many members, so it’s necessary to present a new modern image. Fashion students designers will restyle the new italian uniforms that will be shown through a dancing parade, so “ Fashion Ice ” was born.
Oxygen Labs provides managerial aeronautical consulting services. It operates under the rules amended by the Aeronautical Authorities ENAC, EASA and FAA.
Do you remember the 2011 Fall collection in the Milan metro of Alessandra Marchi? This stylist want to amaze again! She leaves the show room to create a real connection with her audience. She want to get over the runway bringing her clothing on the street.This is possible through a guerrilla marketing in Rome for her next collection. In this way journalists can speak again about her.
Project: Sport event Aim: Customer increase Tools: Powerpoint presentation Concept video Buyer: Ice-skating school Budget: None Stategy: New uniforms Date: 2011.10.26 Venue: Rome, Palaghiaccio di Marino
Project: Fashion Event Aim: F/W Collection 2012 Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Buyer: Alessandra Marchi Strategy: Teaser Campaign Venue: Rome, Piazza di Spagna Rome, Macro Testaccio
Project: Fashion promotion Aim: Customers increase Tools: Mood analysis Shooting Buyer: Angelo Giordano & Daniela Papini Budget: None Stategy: To transform the same model Date: 2014.08.31 Venue: Tortona
The hair stylist Angelo Giordano want to promote his work with the collaboration of the make-up artist Daniela Papini and the photographer Andrea Pedroni using the incledible power of communication. It can be changed when the same model portrays different moods.
Food Projects
How to revalue the history of Italian cuisine without budget? Strategy: to involve Filippo La Mantia who needs to ragain confidence to the Italian public after his criticied collaboration for Mc Donald’s. In this way there will be free testimonial and free press for “Spaghetto al pomodoro”. To revalue the most distinctive element of Italian cuisine: spaghetto, it’s important to relive the history of each ingredients and show everyone (Italians and tourists) how to really cook it! Do you think do you know to cook it? “It’s not like you do it!”
Made in Italy. Sensorial event. Food satisfies four senses: taste, touch, sight, smell. To satisfy the last one we need music! Taste this sound. Artistic and cultural exchange between different part of Italy and its geographical traditions.
Project: Food event Tools: Concept ideation Buyer: Patrimonio d’Italia Budget: none Strategy: Free press and testimonial Venue: Rome, Villa Borghese
Project: Food event Tools: Visual Buyer: Regione Lazio Budget: 25.000 € Strategy: Mix food and music Date: 2012.11.23-25 Venue: Rome, Alpheus
34 Project: Dinner placèe Aim: To celebrate women Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Logotype Buyer: A Tavola Magazine Strategy: Menu with cosmetic ingredients
A Tavola needs to involve women in an exlusive dinner to celebrate the role of women not only in cooking. Starting from tradition we created something unespected using cosmetic ingredients. The old grandma’s tricks.
Project: Food event Aim: 80th anniversary celebration of futuristic food Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Logotype Visual Buyer: Accademia Italiana della Cucina Budget: 15.000 € Strategy: Travel from tradition to innovation Date: 2012.02.18 Venue : Rome, Palazzo Rospigliosi
The event is dedicated to the creation of new combinations of dishes that modified traditional cooking bringing progress in science and technology. The aim of this project is to achieving an unusual and original event exciting for culinary experts and professionists. For this reason is very important the process of ideation. Focus on training: project works for students of high schools and colleges, conferences for culinary experts and chemical engineers.
Incentive Projects
Peroni wants to reward the performance of the best agents. After choosing the best program and destination, the event begins with the teaser campaign which brings the participants at the start of their journey. Two concepts have been created to be declined on the athmosphere we want to give at the event keeping in mind that human resources are the best investment for the company.
“Heat the heart!”the claim for a company banquet organized to give help. An exclusive and elegant event keeps in an old slaughterhouse, a not coincidentally in this venue.
Project: Incentive travel Aim: To award the best agents Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Communication materials ideation Visual communication Visual teaser campaign Buyer: Birra Peroni Srl Budget: 50.000 € Strategy: Exclusive venue Date: 2013.10.18-21 Venue: Amman
Project: Company banquet Aim: Fundraising Tools: Logotype and claim Powerpoint project presentation Buyer: Anonymous company Strategy: Exclusive venue Date: 2012.12.2 Venue: Rome, Ex Mattatoio Testaccio
Project: Convention Aim: Sales meeting Tools: Logotype and claim Powerpoint project presentation Budget presentation Buyer: Systagenix Wound Management Italy Srl Budget: 150.000 â‚Ź Date: 2013.01.28 Venue: Malta
For a special sales meeting, Systagenix asked a place suitable to told its history!
A cosmetic company have to rollout its new products line, for this reason need to organize an event reproducing its vision.
Project: Product rollout Tools: Logotype and claim Powerpoint project presentation Communication materials ideation Buyer: Cosmetic company Budget: 60.000 â‚Ź Date: 2013.05.25-27 Venue: Trento, Riva del Garda
Project: Sport event Aim: To improve customer loyalty Tools: Schedule Buyer: Banca CR Firenze SpA Date: 2011.12.16-18 Venue: Florence, Ponte Vecchio
Project: Incentive travel Aim: Dealership training Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Buyer: Mazda Motor Italia Srl Date: 2012.05 Venue: Greece
Since 13 years, the week before Christmas, the well-known golf approach championship takes place on the most charming tee of the World, that has such extraordinary stage as the Ponte Vecchio, the city of Florence and its river.
Mazda Motors to train its dealerships needs a special travel. The place suggested was in Greece, the island that has a particular link with the company values and origins.
Cultural Projects
The goal of the project is the creation of a new version of the most important plays starting from Shakespeare's Hamlet. A work written and revisited different times which can be translated by web users into text, graphic, visual, and performative formats. This work will published at the realization of the entire play in an issue by Feltrinelli in Italy, by Anagrama Editorial in Spain and South America and by Atheneum in Holland. Deep researches and studies about Hamlet history (also about the language used by Shakespeare and about the many performances, characters and music) they were made to conceive an event that would bring this project to the attention of the public. Event structuring with scouting of venues, testimonials, technological equipment and sponsorships Creation of a special communication campaign using marketing strategies to attract target audience.
A lot of libraries risk to become museums. It’s time to create a dynamic environment for young people involving one of the industies with most sales in the world: video games.
Project: Cultural event Aim: To broadcast a new crowdsourcing platform Tools: Written analysis and research Prezy project presentation Visual communication Visual teaser campaign Buyer: The Global Hamlet association Strategy: Workshop with special guests Date: 2013.09 Venue: Rome, Teatro India
Project: Cultural event Aim: Library memberships increase Tools: Powerpoint project presentation Buyer: Zètema Progetto Cultura Srl Budget: 30.000 € Strategy: To involve videogames industry Date: 2012 Venue: Library of Rome
Project: Creative award Aim: Students increase Tools: Web communication Logotype Buyer: IED Istituto Europeo di Design SpA Budget: 50.000 € Strategy: Contest Date: 2012.02.07-04.05
Project: Sensorial experience Aim: Benefactors increase Buyer: UNHCR Italia Strategy: To simulate unconfortable situation Date: 2012.06
Anonymous contest created to conceal IED courses’ promotion. Operation designed stimulating the imagination and originality of young people regarding their future career. The historical period in which we live requires young people who are entering the postgraduation to look toward new goals and develop skills that enable them to create new and original professions in creative background. The participants have to write a post on the official fb page in which to tell who will be in 3 years. The most creative people will receive some awards sponsored by IED.
“Routine is fantastic” is a sensory experience thinked into a rebuilted apartment to reassess the wonderful feeling of having an home. Each room stimulates a sense. Uncomfortableness. You can’t understand it until you feel that.
Communication Projects
How is the best way to develop lateral thinking? Edward De Bono chose a valid method of creativity. To develop each part of the process it’s necessary a global vision but in an ceaseless change of hat. In this way our mind can change point of view. The creation of the weekly report/magazine I sei cappelli per pensare allows to the authors to interchange hats each others to deliver different topics in a different way.
O’Reilly Media introduced a new style of presentation in 2009. Quick, intuitive, easy and not boring: Ignite. You have five minutes and twenty slides to speak about something. Fiveteen seconds for each one of them! On February, 2011 this method was carried in Italy. This presentation was concerned on image communication that this new process bring connecting topics of public relations like as body language and outfit.
Project: Editing Aim: To give news Tools: Web Magazine Buyer: IED Istituto Europeo di Design SpA Budget: none Strategy: Point of view changing
Project: Ignite Aim: Image communication Tools: Powerpoint presentation
How can you present yourself? A self-promotion video editing through personal balance: value, weaknesses, aeareness, ambitions, desires, certainties.
Project: Video Aim: Self presentation Stretegy: Child shotting
The sound is an important tool in the perception of space that allows you to make experience in it. This concept was carried out by comparing the futuristic theme of Vangelis in Blade Runner,1982 directed by Ridley Scott and the compositions of Michael Nyman in Gattaca, 1997 directed by Andrew Niccol.
Project: Sound moodboard Tools: Audio Stretegy: Chronology presentation
Project: Video Aim: Different perceptions Venue: Rome, Termini Station
The space is perceived differently by those who pass through it. It isn’t possible to separate the noise from the context. The creation of the atmosphere is subjective. Each individual creates his own atmosphere.
Project: Text composition Aim: Space perception Tools: Noises Fragrances Beverages Postcards Strategy: The use of senses
Imaginary space insipred from “Le città invisibili” written by Italo Calvino. Space to create. Invisible city. Exploitation of the other four senses. In this city you can only feel. Each venue becomes what you feel.
Pull my finger out to know myself. Give up the little girl to uncover the woman. Forget memories to start over. Responsibility. Stress. Excitement. It’s difficult, shocking but wonderful. I have always leave a piece of my heart in every stage I built, in every project I wrote.
Setup Live Srl 82, Via Filadelfia 82 - Turin p. 4, 6, 8
City Sound Srl 12, Bastioni di Porta Nuova - Milan p. 10, 12
Ballandi Entertainment SpA 14, Viale Carso - Rome p. 14
Be Spoke Srl 18, Via Augusto Riboty – Rome p.29
Blow Up Srl
Studio Umami 21, Viale Giannotti - Florence p. 16, 35, 36
IED 11, Via Alcamo - Rome 122, Via Giovanni Branca - Rome p. 20, 22, 38
Queimada 169, Via Vittorio Veneto - Rome p. 28
Next SpA 26, Via Sallustiana - Rome p. 35, 36
Omnia Meeting & Congressi 29, Via Torino - Rome p. 35, 36
DDW Srl 3, Via Lucano - Milan p. 38
CONTRIBUTORS Giulio Muttoni, CEO Set Up Live Fabio Pazzini, Production Manager City Sound Claudio Montefusco, Executive Producer Ballandi Roberta Perna, Sommelier and Journalist, Partner Studio Umami Alessandra Colucci, Brand Care Consultant Queimada Tommaso Avellino, Architect Blow Up Riccardo Croci, Founder Partner Be Spoke Francesco Conticello, Communication director Next Alessandra Pomponi, Business development and managing partner Omnia Meeting
Francesca Russo, Event manager and editor DDW Fabiana Romano, Media, PR Mktg and Editor director Michela Marchi, Event and Social media manager Ilaria Legato, IED management director, PR and Food design consultant Simone Barillari, Literary critic, Editor, Fouder of TGH Emanuele Merlino, Cultural manager Zètema Giulia Grechi, Research Fellow Roots&Routes Paola Gagliardo, Account director Next Serena Angelini, Codirector and PR Roberto Capucci Foundation
24, Via Dandolo – Rome p. 30
Personal brand (p. 27) Martina Carlino. Soft Strategy (p. 28) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Giulia Pierini, Carlo Poli, Luca Valerii. Moved (p. 28) Martina Carlino, Francesco Fiorani, Martina Piazzoli. Kia Urban Beat (p.29) Agate, Martina Carlino, Sara D’Annibale, Marianna Giorgini, Giulio Oppedisano, Giulia Pierini, Eleonora Puccioni. Santana (p. 30) Martina Carlino. Fashion Ice (p. 31) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Giulia Pierini. Alessandra Marchi runaway (p. 31) Martina Carlino, Marianna Giorgini, Giulio Oppedisano. Spaghetto al pomodoro (p. 33) Martina Carlino. Taste this sound (p. 33) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Marianna Giorgini, Giulio Oppedisano, Lorenzo Sandano. Caffè antipasto (p. 34) Martina Carlino. Tabula rosa (p. 34) Martina Carlino. Peroni incentive travel (p. 35) Martina Carlino. Mazda incentive (p. 36) Martina Carlino. Golf Challange (p. 36) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Sara D’Annibale, Giulia Pierini. Ecososteniamo la bellezza (p. 36) Francesca Agate, Federica Belli, Martina Carlino, Federica Di Ruzza, Giulio Oppedisano. Knights are back! (p. 36) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Sara D’Annibale, Sofia Melluso, Giulia Pierini, Eleonora Puccioni, Virginia Santeusanio. Christmas company day (p. 35) Martina Carlino. The Global Hamlet (p. 37) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Giulio Oppedisano, Eleonora Puccioni. Bibliogiocando (p. 37) Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Giulia Pierini, Lorenzo Sandano. Write your future (p. 38) Federica Caglioti, Martina Piazzoli, Marianna Giorgini, Martina Carlino. Routine is fantastic (p. 38) Martina Carlino, Daniela Coppola. Citta invisibile (p. 40) Martina Carlino. Luoghi affettivi (p. 40) Martina Carlino. Sound moodboard (p. 40) Martina Carlino. I sei cappelli per pensare (p. 39) Marilena Alesci, Francesca Agate, Martina Carlino, Claudia Lesti, Greta Procentese, Alice Ruggini. Comunicare attraverso l’immagine (p. 39) Martina Carlino. Presentare se stessi (p. 40) Martina Carlino.