68th International President
National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, Inc.
April 1, 2023
Dr. Raymond Giddens, Jr., District Eight Governor National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Inc.
C/O Giddens Memorial Chapel
2980 Meade Avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
Dear District Eight Colleagues,
It is my esteemed pleasure to welcome you to your 2023 District Eight Seminar. We are to be reminded that District 8 comprises the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada and Washington. With the leadership of your District Governor and State Presidents, District 8 is one of our associations fastest growing districts. Thank you for your service to and ministry within the death care industry as well as your unwavering commitment to the National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Inc.
I encourage you to use this time of convening to fellowship, learn, and grow. It is my sincere hope that when you return to your respective businesses you will have more to offer your client families and the surrounding community and that you will feel renewed and refreshed. I also encourage you to go back to your respective cities and states and recruit new members to become a part of this association.
I am humbled to serve as the 68th President of the National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, Inc. and proud of District 8 and the work you are doing.
Enjoy your seminar!
Yours in Funeral Service,
George J. Durham, Jr., CFSP, CFSGM68th
National PresidentServing Families and the Las Vegas Community is Our Passion, Our Committment, and Our Purpose.
• P Perso nalized Caring Servic es to Families
• A Af tercare Service Orie nte d Programs to assis t fa milies after the loss of a lo ved one.
• E Educa tional presenta ti ons b y profess ional cou nselors to assis t fa milies wi th their final wishes.
• F Full Dis closure on fu neral Planning Infor mation
• S Secure long- ter m quali ty bas ed funeral planning produc ts.
• R e turn Home Travel Assis tance Progra m
• R Representi ng funeral homes throughou t the inter mountain wes t wi th helpful and educati onal marke t i ng.
“We can help get the pieces together for you. ”