PUBLISHED BY Ocean Publishing, 14 Upper Fitzwilliam St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 678 5165
Fax: 01 678 5191
Patrick Aylward
Martin Foran
Editorial Email: martin@hardwareand homestylenews.ie
Dermot Casey
Email: dermot@hardwareand homestylenews.ie
Catherine McDonagh
Audrey Fitzgerald
PRINTED BY WG Baird Ltd., Antrim
Whilst every e ort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this journal is correct, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.
We welcome readers to this latest issue of Hardware & Homestyle – and the thought occurs to us that we have been presenting our unique o ering to the trade for a decade now. A lot has changed in that time of course. And yet, so much remains the same. Thankfully.
The challenges we face now may be di erent from those present back then, in many ways. But our readers are still innovating, still putting their best foot forward and still enabling people across the country to achieve their goals in terms of their homes, gardens and home lives. And we still love covering what’s happening!
Since the pandemic of course, the notion of ‘home’ has taken on so much more meaning. Home is now the place to relax, unwind and escape while also being a place of work, leisure and entertaining.
Stores throughout the country strike the balance in providing the items that people need to square this circle. And they do so every day, mindful of seasonal influences and variations.
For example, the summer has been a time of riotous colour in our stores throughout the country. The weather might have been mixed but the trade has contributed a huge amount to our towns and villages as always, with stunning displays inside and outside stores.
Again, our issue looks at those at the coalface. Like Patrick Atkinson, CEO of Chadwicks Group, who features in On The Record. We also go ‘out and about’ to look at recent shows and events like spoga+gafa in Cologne and Exclusively in London.
We profile more inspiring retail from around the world – this time it’s Colombia! And we check in in with a number of suppliers, as usual.
Rounding if o are our usual items, like The Room Outside – and the Final Say, to finish on a note of inspiration.
We hope you enjoy the issue.
The notion of ‘home’ has taken on so much more meaning
Martin Foran, Editor
Ten years in – and (still) loving what we do!
Confidence among small business owners has improved despite many ongoing challenges, according to the latest ‘Small Business Sentiment Survey’ report from the Small Firms Association (SFA).
David Broderick, SFA director said: ‘Our ‘Small Business Sentiment Survey’ report indicates that Irish entrepreneurs’ mood has improved this summer.
‘As encouraging as this is, small business owners are still struggling with rising business costs.
‘The cost of labour is the most significant driver of business costs in small firms followed by energy and insurance costs.
‘Small business owners reported prioritising increasing pay and conditions, additional training and upskilling and retention and performance related bonuses to entice and retain staff in Ireland’s highly
competitive labour market.
‘These cumulative impacts alongside the introduction of a statutory sick pay scheme, a new public holiday and changes in employment regulations, this year, have added to employment costs and greater administration burden on Ireland’s micro and small employers.
‘Small firms continue to be cautious when it comes to accessing external sources of funding. Intentions to apply for credit decreased from 37% in summer 2022 to 33% this year.
‘With both Ulster Bank and KBC having left the Irish market, entrepreneurs seeking finance now have fewer options.
‘The proposed recommendation by the Low Pay Commission to increase the National Minimum Wage to €12.70 per hour from January 2024, as part of the introduction of a National Living Wage in 2026, will place additional
• Small business sentiment increased 9 points since summer 2022 according to new survey
• Rising business costs identified as biggest risk by small firms
• Ireland’s dynamic economy continues to be the primary driver of business opportunities for entrepreneurial small firms
• Small Firms Association will be calling for measures in Budget 2024 that continue to back Ireland’s small business owners
pressure on employment costs, especially for small businesses in the retail, food manufacturing sectors and across the experience economy.
‘Ahead of a decision on this proposed increase, SFA recommends that government consider how employers with a substantial proportion of minimum wage employees can be supported during the progression to a National Living Wage.’
Despite these challenges 33% of SFA members feel the business environment is improving, compared with 24% in summer 2022.
Ibec has published its Economic Outlook, which forecasts growth in domestic demand of 3.4% in 2023 and 2.3% in 2024.
The Outlook says that whilst we are now beyond a period of significant volatility, with global supply chain disruptions, volatile energy prices and inflation now well on the path to more normal levels, there is also an increasing sense that we may be entering a period of more moderate growth globally.
Commenting on the report, Ibec chief economist, Gerard Brady, said: ‘Over the past 18-months the global
economy has been boosted by bounce back demand as we recovered from Covid and ongoing significant levels of fiscal support from Governments.
‘As demand normalises, fiscal support is withdrawn and we begin to experience the lagged impact of rapid interest rate hikes we expect to see a moderation of global demand, particularly in some major trading partners.
‘The global economy has proven resilient to high inflation and consequently higher interest rates thus far.
‘This is in line with our expectations in our Q1 Economic Outlook that the
ingredients were in place for stronger than expected growth in the US and that a prolonged recession in Europe was unlikely.
‘However, there are still some concerns about growth slowing significantly in some major trading partners.
‘Whilst the US economic performance looks very robust, major trading partners such as the UK, Germany and China are of greater concern. All have material economic vulnerabilities due to rising interest rates and weak demand which may persist through 2023 and 2024.’
Speaking about the survey Broderick noted: ‘Ireland’s dynamic economy continues to be the primary driver of business opportunities.
‘It is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of small firms that they want to invest and expand their businesses and have an appetite to explore new markets.
‘The fundamentals of the Irish economy and forecasts remain strong for the remainder of 2023 but for small firms to feel confident, SFA will be calling for measures in Budget 2024 that continue to back Ireland’s small business owners and take firm action to reduce the costs government imposes on the economy, so that it is not causing negative impacts on small businesses’, concluded Broderick.
Not only was exhibition space at the UK housewares, gift and small domestic electricals show completely sold out sooner than ever before, but visitor numbers smashed the show’s pre-Covid attendance.
Exclusively saw a 10% increase on last year’s figures, but more significantly the volume of visitors in 2023 over the two days beat the pre-Covid 2019 figures by 8%.
Visitor statistics combine buyers from the UK independent and multiple retail sectors with international export buyers, consumer and trade media and influencers.
For more see our report in Showtime!
Consumer prices rose by 6.1% over the 12 months to June 2023 Statistician’s Comment ...
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published the Consumer Price Index (CPI) June 2023. Commenting on annual changes shown, Anthony Dawson, Statistician in the Prices Division, said:
‘The latest publication for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) shows that prices for consumer goods and services in June 2023 increased by 6.1% on average when compared with June 2022.
‘This was down from 6.6% in the 12 months to May 2023. Prices have been rising on an annual basis since April 2021, with annual inflation of 5.0% or more recorded in each month since October 2021.’
The most significant rises in the year were seen in
Key Findings
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels which was up 15.7% and Recreation & Culture, which rose by 10.4%. Increased electricity (+34.7%) and gas (+47.3%) costs, along with higher mortgage interest repayments (+46.4%) are reflected in the yearly growth of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels.
The annual change in Recreation & Culture costs reflects a rise in prices in package holidays (+43.2%) and pets & related products & services (+13.7%) compared with June 2022.
Education (-6.3%) and Transport (-4.1%) were the only divisions to show a decrease when compared with June 2022.
‘Consumer prices in June rose by 0.8% in the month. During June 2022, prices grew by 1.3% in the month. The most significant monthly price changes were increases in Recreation & Culture (+3.9%) and Transport (+2.5%). Recreation & Culture rose due to higher prices for package holidays.
‘Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Household Maintenance (-0.7%) and Miscellaneous Goods & Services (-0.4%) were the divisions to show the largest decreases when compared with May 2023.
‘It should be noted that these figures relate to the CPI. The flash estimate published on 29 June 2023 related to the EU Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP).’
• The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 6.1% between June 2022 and June 2023, down from an annual increase of 6.6% in the 12 months to May 2023.
• This is the twenty first straight month where the annual growth in the CPI has been at least 5.0%.
• The divisions with the largest increases in the 12 months to June 2023 were Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels (+15.7%) and Recreation & Culture (+10.4%).
• Education (-6.3%) and Transport (-4.1%) were the only divisions to show a decrease when compared with June 2022.
• Consumer prices rose by 0.8% in the month between May 2023 and June 2023.
• The divisions with the largest growth in the month were Recreation & Culture (+3.9%) and Transport (+2.5%).
• The divisions with the largest declines in the month were Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Household Maintenance (-0.7%) and Miscellaneous Goods & Services (-0.4%).
The Construction Industry Federation has welcomed Hubert Fitzpatrick as its new Director General. Fitzpatrick took over the position from Tom Parlon, who retired from the organisation on 30 June.
CIF President, Joe Conway wished Tom Parlon well in his retirement and welcomed Hubert Fitzpatrick’s appointment as the new Director General.
Look forward
‘I look forward to working with Hubert in his leadership of the Federation, an organisation which today represents a €32bn industry, employing 170,000 people,’ he said.
Hubert previously held the positions of Director General Designate, Chief Operations Officer and Director of Housing, Planning and Development Services with the Construction Industry Federation.
The ever-popular GIMA trend report is set to return this September with three webinars confirmed, each providing delegates informative and interactive insight into those trends that are set to shape consumer desires, attitudes and aesthetics in 2025.
Created in partnership with trend expert, Scarlet Opus – GIMA’s long-term trend partners, the report will explore what’s driving change and the fundamental shifts impacting consumer behaviour.
With a keen focus on gardening and outdoor living, this will address everything from colour and materials to shapes, patterns and textures.
Taking place on September 12, 13 and
14, the team from Scarlet Opus will use the webinars to delve deeper into those trends that will shape garden retail in 2025. Not only this but they will walk delegates through how this exclusive content can help future proof new product development, visual merchandising, packaging and marketing plans.
Every webinar delegate will receive direct access to the online event, where Scarlet Opus will present the report.
A copy of the webinar recording, plus an exclusive e-book, will also be made available to delegates post-event, unveiling even more of the research and consumer marketing content that was gathered whilst identifying the trends.
With hundreds of entries and innovation creating new conversations ahead of the 2024 season, this year’s GIMA Awards have once again proved to be a fiercely fought competition.
With the judging having now taken place and the winners selected, the garden retail industry now holds its breath as it waits to find out who will be crowned winners this year.
Selecting from across 13 product and three marketing categories, plus the overall Sustainability Award – were a panel of eager judges with their work cut out for them.
Two additional Special Achievement awards – the Export Achievement and Supplier of the Year – will be judged by Gardenex and the GCA, respectively.
Speaking following the judging day, GIMA Director, Vicky Nuttall said: ‘Every year we see more and more new innovation, each time thinking that it can’t be bettered.
‘But then comes our judging day, and we are quickly humbled as it becomes apparent that the last 12 months have seen product design teams working harder than ever.’
GIMA director, Vicky Nuttall said: ‘We’re excited to have Scarlet Opus onboard once again to guide us through this trend forecast.’
To find out more about the forthcoming Scarlet Opus – 2025 Insights and Trends Report visit: www.gima.org.uk/events/ scarlet-opus-2025-insights-and-trendsreport/
Goods trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland has grown substantially since Brexit. International trade is strongly linked to better overall economic performance, particularly in relatively smaller countries where the size of the domestic market may limit the ability of firms to achieve economies of scale.
Research by the ESRI examines new data on Northern Ireland’s exports and imports on a detailed product and market level. The analysis was undertaken as part of a research programme on the allisland economy funded by Ibec.
Northern Ireland reported a total of €7.6bn in goods imports and €10.5bn in goods exports in 2021 (excluding sales to Great Britain which are not included as international trade.)
Of these flows, approximately 35 per cent of imports (€2.6bn) come from Ireland and 53 per cent of exports go to Ireland (€5.6bn). Ireland has considerably higher overall total goods imports and exports, at €99.8bn and €160.3bn respectively in 2021.
While sales and purchases with Great Britain account for the largest proportion of Northern Ireland’s external sales, its international trade (i.e., excluding Great Britain) is heavily concentrated in cross-border trade with Ireland.
Ireland purchased 53 per cent of total Northern Ireland exports and accounted for almost 35 per cent of Northern Ireland’s imports. The next most important export partner for Northern Ireland is Germany, accounting for 15 per cent of total exports.
Chadwicks Group has raised €60,000 for five Irish charities by taking on the Four Peaks Challenge.
In total, thirty-two colleagues took part in the fundraising efforts between 18-21 May. A 17-strong team made up of Chadwicks Group colleagues from across the country tackled all Four Peaks, climbing Slieve Donard in Co. Down, Carrauntoohil in Co. Kerry, Mweelrea in Co. Mayo, and Lugnaquilla in Co. Wicklow in one weekend.
Fifteen additional colleagues joined the challenge for the final peak at Lugnaquilla.
The funds raised will be split between the five charities which were chosen with great care by teams in each region. The charities selected are:
IWA provides nationwide assisted living services, community centres in every county, and campaigns for equal opportunities for people with physical disabilities. The donation will go towards running its services and activities including a Disability Action Advocacy Group, School Leavers service, and support for its 59 community centres across the country.
Pieta House provides free specialised treatment programmes for people who have suicidal ideation or participate in self-harming behaviours, as well as support for families affected. Pieta will use the donation to support initiatives including its free counselling services, crisis intervention and bereavement support services, and outreach services to groups and communities such as sporting associations, schools, businesses and front-line service providers.
IMNDA is the only organisation of its kind which provides care and support
to people with Motor Neuron disease, their families, friends and caregivers. Funding will be used to support its services including home visits, financial assistance towards home care, specialised equipment and communication aids, and counselling and research projects.
Purple House is Ireland’s community based cancer support centre, which provides free professional support and psycho-oncology services to those affected by cancer.
Purple House’s donation will fund its Child and Family Cancer services including support services, art therapy, sensory and creative therapies, outings, and individual counselling.
Mayo Autism Camp provides socially inclusive activities for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. Funding will go towards installing a sensory regulation Cubbie and special changing facilities for families.
Supporting the fundraising efforts, a number of sponsors included Gyproc, Glennon Brothers, Irish Cement, Kilsaran, Whiteriver, Murray Timber Group, Mannok and Cedral.
The team took on Slieve Donard in Co. Down, Carrauntoohil in Co. Kerry, Mweelrea in Co. Mayo, and Lugnaquilla in Co. Wicklow between 18-21 May.
Fifteen additional members of the team joined the core team at Lugnaquilla for the final hike.
Patrick Atkinson, CEO of Chadwicks Group, said: ‘We’re proud to announce
Dublin 18 had the highest proportion of buildings with an A energy rating at 33% in Q2 2023
Key Findings
• The highest proportion of A rated energy audits was in Dublin 18, at 33% of dwellings with a Building Energy Rating (BER). This finding is based on 15,200 energy audits
• Dublin 18 had the lowest average
dwelling age, at 15 years for buildings with a BER audit. Dublin 6 had the oldest average, at 61 years
• The number of domestic building energy rating audits published between April and June (Q2) 2023 was 23% more than Q2 2022
• Electricity was the main space heating fuel used in 88% of the dwellings with a BER audit and where construction was completed during 2020-2023
Chadwicks Group has raised €60,000 for five deserving charities through our Four Peaks Challenge. The team’s efforts were incredible, and we exceeded our fundraising targets by €10,000, which will go a long way in supporting our five chosen charities.
‘We have a long and proud history of working with and donating to charities who help some of the most vulnerable communities in Ireland. On behalf of Chadwicks Group, I’d like to congratulate and thank all 32 employees who went above and beyond in their efforts over the weekend.’
Grateful Aidan Stacey, commercial director, Irish Wheelchair Association, said: ‘Irish Wheelchair Association is incredibly grateful to Chadwicks Group for their amazing donation raised through the Four Peaks Challenge as well as their ongoing support over the years.
‘We are working to build a more inclusive society for people with disabilities across Ireland and Chadwicks Group is helping make this possible. I cannot thank them enough.’
• Dwellings built in 2015-2019 and in 2020-2023 were considerably more energy efficient than those built in earlier periods with 96% and 99% respectively given an A rating
• At county level, Kildare (24%), Meath (22%) and Dublin County (21%) had the highest proportion of A ratings while Leitrim had the lowest at 3%
The Irish SME Association, ISME, is calling on Government to introduce measures as a matter of urgency, that will help tackle and reduce business fraud in Ireland.
If successfully implemented, these simple suggested steps will reduce fraud and save small businesses from severe financial loss. Currently the cost of fraud to the SME sector is conservatively estimated at €310 million annually.
Tackling business fraud crosses a range of government departments and state agencies, so ISME will be contacting the Minister for Finance; Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment; the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications; the Central Bank; ComReg and the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau, in its effort to implement three basic fraud reduction tactics for businesses, we are told at time of writing.
The top three measures to tackle basic online and telephone fraud are, says ISME:
Tackling email compromise – with good workplace security and password policy. Email compromise is used to carry out invoice redirect fraud, or to circulate malware or ransomware, through phishing or social engineering. Service providers must do more to stop email compromise at source.
Tackling scam texts and calls – with the installation of filters capable of detecting incoming fake calls or texts. Large numbers of businesses and consumers have been victims of ‘smishing’ texts which purport to originate from service providers.
ComReg estimates the cost alone of these scam calls and texts in Ireland to be in the region of €300m per annum. The technology to disrupt scam texts and calls exists. It simply must be rolled out to all manufacturers and network operators.
Tackling invoice redirect fraud – with Confirmation of Payee (CoP) technology for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments. Fraudulent EFT activity has significantly increased in Ireland recently as legitimate IBAN changes have occurred because of the closure of Ulster Bank and KBC.
EFT payments in Ireland rely fully on the payee IBAN to effect the payment, yet payee details are not cross-checked by banks against the IBAN on record for that payee. CoP requires a bank to match the payee IBAN with the name of the payee on file, and if the IBAN does not match the payee name, the payment will not be processed. There is no reason Irish banks should not immediately roll out CoP.
Commenting on these pressing fraudulent issues, Neil McDonnell, CEO of ISME, said: ‘Small businesses continue to suffer losses in the tens of millions because Ireland is failing to tackle the most basic elements of online and telephone fraud.
‘It is not just these businesses that suffer, consumers are also affected by these types of fraud.
‘This cannot continue, Government action is needed, now.
‘Therefore, we are calling on the Government to impose these three basic fraud reduction tactics on telephony operators, internet service providers and banks with immediate effect.
‘While they will not eliminate fraud, these measures will most certainly make substantial steps in the right direction to reduce it.’
ISME is concerned that the big increase in the minimum wage planned by the Low Pay Commission for next year will be unaffordable for many small businesses.
Neil McDonnell, chief executive of ISME said: ‘The divergence in wage levels paid between the minority of those working in multinationals and the public service, and the majority working for small firms, is enormous.
‘The Low Pay Commission’s recommendation must reflect the ability of small employers to pay realistic, affordable rates of pay.
‘While it is easy for unions and large multinational firms to say “just pay more,” the evidence based reality is that wages in small
firms have been rising faster than the average industrial wage and the NMW.
‘Trying to tackle cost inflation via the NMW is a fool’s errand. Ireland has overtaken Denmark as the most expensive country for consumer prices in the EU. We need to tackle costs, rather than pass them on to consumers in higher service prices, if we are to address our cost of living.’
Wage increases 2019-2023: Average Industrial Wage (+22%), National Minimum Wage (+18%), Weekly Wage Small Firms (+25%).
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A er having returned to growth in June, construction activity in Ireland saw a renewed decline in July amid a first reduction in new orders since January.
More positively, firms continued to take on extra sta and remained optimistic that activity will expand over the coming year.
The headline seasonally adjusted BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland Construction Total Activity Index fell to 45.6 in July from 50.4 in June, dropping back below the 50.0 no-change mark to signal a renewed fall in total activity in the sector.
Output has now decreased in nine of the past ten survey periods, and the latest reduction was the most pronounced in the year-to-date.
Declines in activity were broad-based across the three monitored categories of construction as commercial posted a first fall in six months.
Those respondents that saw a drop in activity at the start of the third quarter o en linked this to a renewed weakening of customer demand.
This anecdotal evidence was consistent with the latest data on new orders, which signalled a first reduction in six months. Subdued customer confidence and associated delays in the approval of projects were among the factors leading to the fall in new business, which was solid overall.
Despite the drop in workloads in July,
construction firms continued to expand their sta ing levels. Employment increased for the seventh consecutive month. Moreover, the rate of job creation was solid and the fastest since February. Continued hiring was consistent with confidence among construction firms that activity will expand over the coming year.
Sentiment picked up slightly from June but was below the series average. Firms were optimistic that demand would show signs of improvement over the next twelve months.
Approximately 30% of respondents were optimistic in the outlook for activity.
In contrast to the increase in employment, companies scaled back their purchasing activity in July. The fall was the second in as many months and most pronounced since January.
The drop in demand for inputs coincided with a first shortening of suppliers’ delivery times in just over 12 years amid further evidence of supply chains returning to normal.
The rate of input cost inflation picked up in July, a er having slowed to a 34-month low in June.
The latest increase was still much so er than seen during 2021 and 2022, however. Around 23% of respondents saw their input costs rise at the start of the third quarter, against 3% that posted a fall.
The usage of subcontractors by construction firms increased for the sixth successive month, albeit at only a slight pace that was weaker than that seen in the previous survey period.
Meanwhile, subcontractor availability declined to the least extent since February.
Commenting on the latest survey results, John McCartney, director & head of research at BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland, said:
‘The July PMI was a mixed bag. Last year’s construction slowdown gave way to a progressively less severe contraction through the opening half of 2023, culminating in a return to growth in June.
‘In this context, and given the continued pick-up in housing starts, the back-slide into contraction in July was unexpected.
‘The acceleration in input cost inflation also bucked a slowing trend that has been in place since April 2022, and is at odds with the latest Wholesale Price Index data.
‘It remains to be seen if the more timely PMI is picking-up early signs of renewed inflationary pressures or whether this is just a blip.
‘On a positive note, construction firms reported increased employment for the seventh successive month, and for the tenth time in the last 12 months.
‘This demonstrates that building firms are still able to recruit sta despite the tight labour market, and suggests an underlying confidence about the future.
‘This confidence was replicated in the future expectations indicator which remains positive, and which shows a slight increase in sector optimism between June and July.’
Leading Builders Merchants Chadwicks Group has over fifty branches across the country. Chadwicks is currently the largest building material, timber and steel provider across Ireland.
‘As part of our brand ethos’ says CEO, Patrick Atkinson, ‘we consistently strive to offer the widest
range of products at the best value for our customers and to offer a breadth of solutions which makes it easier for our customer to complete their building project.’
Patrick Atkinson joined us for a special ‘On The Record’ chat regarding their branch upgrade programme – and a lot more besides!
H&H: Hi Patrick, you are very welcome to ‘On The Record!’ First of all, can you take us over the current upgrading process, where and when it began and where we are now?
PA: As part of our commitment to local communities and to continue to amplify our customers’ in-branch experience, we have been coordinating a nationwide refresh of our branches since 2018.
We have invested €50m in the branch upgrade programme and the digital transformation of our business.
This ongoing rebrand programme works to ensure our customers have access to the largest range of products and materials and receive expert product knowledge from our highly trained teams across the country.
To date, thirty-two branches have been upgraded across the country with the latest being our branch in Dundalk. Further upgrades are planned for Mallow and Midleton and the programme is due to be complete by the end of next year.
H&H: Can you summarise the key reasons for the changes and the aspects you were keenest to address in the programme?
/ What was the thinking that drove the programme?
PA: The revamp and upgrade of our
branches has been designed with our customer in mind. We wanted to provide customers with a one-stop-shop housing everything they need to get the job done.
The goal is to provide our customers with an enhanced shopping experience coupled with best-in-class customer service and unrivalled product knowledge.
We know our customers are busy. Our new layouts are designed to improve the overall shopping experience and make products easier to find.
We have also added new product lines in our tools and workwear categories and created beautiful new showrooms for the likes of our bathroom, doors and floors ranges.
In our larger branches, we have added ECO Centres which have the most up-todate materials for sustainable building needs including insulation, airtightness, ventilation systems, heat pumps and controls, solar energy and water-saving products.
This addition to branches has proved extremely popular and our highly skilled merchanting team have been trained to advise on the sustainable products and solutions available for new build and retrofit projects.
Reflecting our role in local communities, a lot of our upgraded branches now also have a community hub where customers
can meet and catch up in the branch.
The hub features a coffee station and a community board and a trade board for information on local tradespeople and initiatives happening locally.
We also wanted to ensure that all our upgraded branches are as sustainable as possible.
For example, Bray is our first branch to achieve an A-rated BER certification, thanks to plastic-free internal signage and significant upgrades to the building such as installing 50kWp Solar PV panels and introducing a new and improved energyefficient VRF heating system with Heat Recovery Ventilation.
Where possible our branches also work to support local biodiversity to the standards of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, as well as partnering with schools in the area to provide pre-used materials to create dedicated ‘Bug Hotels’ in green spaces at the branches.
H&H: How have customers been reacting to the newly rolled out upgrades?
PA: Feedback from customers has been overwhelmingly positive. They appreciate that the branches are being designed with them in mind to give them the best experience possible.
Our branches are also becoming
community hubs – for example, a new coffee station in our rebranded Kilkenny branch allows customers to meet and catch up, and a community board in the area gives all the relevant information on local initiatives of interest to tradespeople.
Many of our branches have been serving the trade needs of local communities for 20, 30 and 40 years, so while enhancements are being made across branches, the teams remain the same, so customers can still enjoy the same expert product knowledge from Chadwicks teams that they’ve come to appreciate over the years.
H&H: Have you noticed any changes in how they shop with you now?
PA: Yes. Our customers tend to be time poor, so flexibility and convenience are hugely important. Research we carried out last year found time pressure is a key pinch point for the trade and 87% of tradespeople wanted more time saving solutions and products.
Over the last number of years, we have been on a journey to offer our customers the best possible shopping experience. This started with our branch upgrade programme and the digital transformation of our business.
Traditionally, the construction industry has been slower than other sectors to embrace digital, but at Chadwicks Group we want to provide our customers with a complete and frictionless purchasing experience across the Chadwicks Group estate.
The pandemic accelerated the demand for options like click & collect and last year we launched our website Chadwicks.
ie which has over 10,000 products and materials along with real-time stock information and a choice between one hour click-and-collect or next day delivery for core lines across our Chadwicks branches nationwide.
The website has performed extremely well for us and feedback from our customers has been excellent.
H&H: What are the big trends when it comes to what people are buying?
PA: Sustainable materials and retrofitting are two trends high on the agenda for our customers. Customers want to increase
the energy efficiency of their homes and are actively seeking out more eco-friendly products.
We also have Eco Centres across some of our branches, with dedicated teams who can help customers understand what sustainable and energy efficient materials are best suited to their jobs, to support them in improving the building energy ratings (BER) of their homes.
We have also partnered with YourRetrofit. ie to give further support to homeowners. YourRetrofit.ie is the most comprehensive free online retrofit platform which gives homeowners a step-by-step plan on how to upgrade their homes’ BER. (See article in this section).
It houses everything you need to know about retrofitting – from where to start and what materials are required, to arranging free appointments with your local Chadwicks branch in person, over the phone, or online, for personalised advice. The platform makes it easy for those planning work on their home to optimise their budgets and get the best value when it comes to improved energy performance and the maximum available grants. It will also estimate the energy and mortgage savings per home after the work is complete, and the increase in the property’s value.
H&H: Have you introduced any new ranges that you have been impressed with of late? What new showrooms have been introduced?
PA: Our three most recent branch upgrades, Chadwicks Dundalk, Robinhood Road, and
Clonmel, have all seen new showrooms installed, with new product lines across Mascot and Snickers workwear, Colourtrend paints, and new doors, floors and bathroom ranges.
At over 10,500 square feet, Chadwicks Robinhood Road features 2,000 new products for sale. The branch features a new showroom, paving and decking area, external wall insultation display, Brick Centre, and increased power tool range.
We have also introduced The Fixing Centre, a ‘store within a store’ concept which aims to provide builders, engineers, specialist tradespeople and DIYers with all of the tools and materials they need in one convenient location.
The Fixing Centre offers a host of materials including setting chemicals, concrete anchors, nuts, bolts, nails and fixings suitable for any trade job. Customers can also order specialised fixings through dedicated teams of fixing and tool specialists.
More recent ‘store in store’ options include the products available from our specialist architectural ironmongery business, Proline, and our concrete accessories business Sitetech, which are both recent additions to Chadwicks Group.
H&H: Has the programme of upgrades benefitted the DIY and trade customer alike / how do you strike the balance between catering for both? Have the upgrades helped? What is the trade feedback?
PA: While a huge part of our business is focused on the trade, we also cater for DIY enthusiasts and our merchanting team are on hand in branch to provide advice on the products any DIYer needs to complete a job at home.
H&H: You are very much a part of your local communities wherever you are located, this has been seen in the involvement of local personalities at openings etc. the contributions towards charities. How important is this to you, to play such a strong role locally?
PA: Community is at the heart of our brand, which is why we’re passionate about creating positive change in the communities we operate in.
We understand the importance of supporting local communities, and it’s a privilege to be able to play a role in helping communities across the country.
This year, we brought back our Four Peaks Challenge, which saw the team raise €60,000 for five Irish charities.
In smaller towns in particular, our branches cater to both the trade and the general public.
When we commenced the branch upgrade programme, a key focus was to make our branch layouts easier to navigate and to create a store which is designed with our customers in mind. To date, the feedback from the trade has been overwhelmingly positive on the new look branches.
As well as revamping the layout, it should be noted that our team plays a massive role in the success of our local branches.
In each of our branches, the team has remained the same and I am proud to say we have an excellent track record in retaining our colleagues.
Our team, which is the reason we are in the top 25 Best Workplaces in Ireland, has built up excellent relationships with our customers who value the extensive product knowledge and dedicated customer service when coming into branches.
A 17-strong team climbed Slieve Donard, Carrauntoohil, Mweelrea, and Lugnaquilla over four days, with 15 additional colleagues joining for the final peak in Wicklow.
The funds raised were split between our long-term charity partner, Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA), and four charities which were carefully chosen by colleagues across the country: Pieta House, IMNDA, Purple House, and Mayo Autism Camp.
As part of our work with IWA, we supply building materials to their community centres across the country to help improve accessibility for its visitors.
Most recently, we celebrated the newly built IWA Sligo garden area. IWA operates 59 community centres nationwide and provides 1.3 million hours of assisted living services to more than 2,000 adults and children annually.
We also support the education of local apprentices. We are founding partners of the soon to be built Design and Construct Centre in TU Dublin and we offer specific educational scholarships for students.
We support access to the Apprentice Programme and are also key sponsors of World Skills Ireland events which are aimed at encouraging young students to undertake apprenticeships.
H&H: Any plans for the near future?
PA: Following the launch of our new retail website, we want to continue to invest in the digital transformation of the business to deliver an unrivalled customer experience.
We also want to continue expanding our branch network in areas where there are high levels of construction activity. We plan to open three new branches by the end of 2024 and continue to add specialist companies to enhance our offering for our customers.
Three quarters (76%) of Irish homeowners have, or plan to make their homes more energy efficient. That’s according to new research* by Chadwicks Group.
Reducing energy bills (45%) is the key reason for homeowners carrying out work followed by making a home warmer for the winter months (30%) while 16% say they want to make their home more environmentally friendly.
Of those who have recently made improvements to their home, more than half (54%) insulated the attic, 41% switched to more energy efficient lighting and 26% insulated external walls.
Those who plan to carry out work in the near future are also planning similar upgrades. However, a third of those planning to carry out work also say they want to add solar panels to their home.
The research examining attitudes of homeowners towards retrofitting was carried out to launch Chadwicks Group’s partnership with YourRetrofit.ie – a comprehensive retrofit platform which gives homeowners free, personalised advice on how to upgrade their homes’ Building Energy Rating (BER).
Advice YourRetrofit.ie houses everything you need
to know about retrofitting and offers very specific advice based on the details of an individual’s home and tailored to their budget.
It begins by identifying where the home is deficient and then provides a clear set of options regarding what work to carry out to improve the home’s BER including detailed costs estimates, information on available grants and other savings that can be achieved.
The platform makes it easy for those planning work on their home to optimise their budgets and get the best value when it comes to improved energy performance and the maximum available grants.
It will also estimate the energy and mortgage savings per home after the work is complete, and the increase in the property’s value.
As part of the partnership, visitors to the site will be provided with a detailed breakdown of the materials required to get the job done from Chadwicks.
They can also book a free appointment with a member of the Chadwicks team to come into their local branch or avail of an online or phone consultation to receive expert advice on the options for their home as well as the best products and materials required.
Finally, the platform will connect users with local SEAI approved contractors.
More than three quarters of homeowners (76%) are familiar with BER in relation to homes, while 8 in 10 (80%) are familiar with the term retrofit. 63% are aware of the BER of their own home, while just over half (52%) have had a BER assessment.
Ensuring the home is considered energy efficient (51%) is the top reason why homeowners get a BER assessment, followed by learning how to improve a home’s energy efficiency (41%).
Costs come into play for almost three in 10 (29%), who consider the potential to save money the most important factor.
When it comes to buying or building a home, BER is a consideration for almost two thirds (64%) of potential buyers.
When it comes to reasons not to carry out retrofitting work, cost is the main barrier for almost two thirds (64%).
Uncertainty also comes into play, with a quarter (25%) unsure of what work would deliver the best impact, and 17% admitting they don’t know where to start.
With cost being a major factor in deciding whether to carry out upgrades to the home, the Chadwicks Group research found that homeowners could be missing out on thousands worth of government grants.
One in five (22%) admit they’re not at all
familiar with government SEAI grants, almost half (49%) say they’re only familiar.
When asked how they funded to their home, just 22% availed government SEAI grant. 61% used savings, while 23% went to the Credit Union for a loan.
Launching the new partnership of Chadwicks Group, Eco-Builder author of Build Your Own, Harrison said:
‘I’m delighted to team up with Chadwicks Group to launch this exciting new partnership with YourRetrofit.ie.
‘This new website will provide homeowners across Ireland with simple and invaluable advice for the BER of their home based on budget.
‘The site offers everything you know about carrying out upgrade to your home.
‘There’s also an option to make an appointment with a member the Chadwicks team in-branch virtually to find out what products materials you require to get the
‘As a builder, I’m passionate about empowering people with the necessary skills and knowledge to upgrade
• Three quarters (76%) of energy efficient.
• Almost half (45%) say reducing home upgrade.
• One in five (22%) admit they’re funding home improvements.
• 64% say the BER rating of
• Chadwicks Group partners most comprehensive retrofit
As the saying goes, from little things, big things grow. Almost twenty years ago, in 2004, Patricia Velez started Ambiente Gourmet in her garage in Medellin.
With a passion for cooking, a love of beautiful, useful things and an understanding that people want more than just a shopping experience, the Ambiente brand was born.
From that business created in her home, Ambiente Gourmet grew to having forty stores across Colombia.
On the back of this remarkable success,
in 2014 Ambiente Living was born and it has evolved into an exciting offering of thirty product lines in a 12,000-square-foot (1100m2) space that includes a thriving restaurant and bar.
Not stopping there, Patricia and her team have now grown Ambiente Living to seven stores across Colombia; in total there are more than fifty stores in 100 locations with 350 staff and four different brands: Ambiente Gourmet, Ambiente Living, Ambiente Patio and Ambiente Loft.
As one of the five Global Honorees at the 2023 Global Innovation Awards (gia) in Chicago, the gia expert jury praised Ambiente Living for its unwavering dedication to creating magical, memorable experiences for its customers.
‘The Ambiente Living stores are true experience hubs,’ one of the judges said.
‘The stores entice consumers with a multi-sensory experience that is inspiring and highly memorable, with impactful visual displays, hearty cuisine, artisan perfumery and so much more.’
Ambiente Living in Colombia is a true retail success story that started out two decades ago in the garage of an entrepreneur who understands the priceless nature of memories.
The jury also commended Ambiente Living for taking social responsibility seriously.
‘The business implements sustainable sourcing practices, including sourcing from indigenous populations and artists, and their stores are mainly staffed by single mothers whose success is supported by providing them with the support and flexibility they need to succeed both in their role as moms and at work.’
This focus on taking care of staff has meant that not only is staff retention high, but that the culture and atmosphere is one of support and genuine care, and so customers feel welcomed and like part of a family.
‘We have always been very different,’ says Andrea Freydell, chief growth officer of Ambiente Living, and proud daughter of Patricia.
‘We focus on offering our guests unique experiences. When customers come to us, I see this as inviting them into our home.
‘I am a host and I want them to have the best experience possible. The only thing you cannot replace is an experience that you remember.
‘We are not easily replaced – even the Internet cannot do that. The memories that we make for the community will make us last.’
Ambiente Living is a place where everyone is welcome, and with so many different areas and scenes to take in there is something for everyone to admire and enjoy.
‘We don’t want to appeal to just one generation,’ says Andrea.
‘We have many female visitors in their 40s, young people in their 20s, teenagers, grandparents, men coming in for a drink and entertainment – there is something to spark enjoyment in everyone. Essentially, we are a multi-sensory lifestyle center.’
Patricia’s five-year-old niece says that the store is her favorite place in the world.
‘That is one of the best compliments you can get, and I think it’s because together – the music, the grand piano, people enjoying themselves, children carrying their dogs because we are dogfriendly – all makes for beautiful memories.’
Experiential branding to create those unique moments is a crucial part of Ambiente Living’s recipe for success.
‘Consumers can hear our piano from any point in the store, rejoice in freshly made pasta, discover new botanical perfumes and greet old friends as they dine,’ Andrea says.
‘All of these things are branding, but they also make memories.’
As the store has evolved, more and more
‘We don’t want to appeal to just one generation,’ says Andrea.
‘It’s about o ering products that improve people’s lives,’ says Andrea. ‘Things that are practical and beautiful.
‘Once, the kitchen was hidden as it was considered a place where the work was done, and it was o en messy.
‘It was pushed to the back of the house and was out of sight.
‘Now it is at the forefront of the home and it’s a place you want to show your friends and family. We want the products you use in everyday life to be pieces you like to show others.’
attractions have been added to the eclectic mix.
‘We’ve had orchestras playing in the store, art exhibitions, fashion parades and artisanal perfumes and jewelry shows,’ says Andrea.
‘Recently we also started working with local artisans creating non-industrialized work – such as street art and sculptures. We’ll keep adding more of this to the o ering.’
The lighting and feel of the store is reminiscent of a New York Soho warehouse, with large wall art of iconic scenes – such as Brooklyn Bridge and rusty fire escapes – and exposed brick walls and decorative plants to bring a touch of green to the spaces.
‘The lighting in the store is dramatic,’ says Andrea. ‘We predominantly use our own lamps to focus and guide consumers’ attention as beams of light would in a theatre.’
The layout emphasizes the feeling that Ambiente Living is a world of its own, with many smaller places to be found within its eco system, and the sta and product placements encourages customers to dri o and explore di erent parts of it.
Within the creatively considered spaces, there is a high degree of multi-category integration, with objects placed between furniture groupings to lead customers from one place to another.
‘Each space has a particular composition that balances contrast and harmony,’ says Andrea.
‘Each space tells a story as we mix textures and materials to evoke a particular type of luxury location.’
When it comes to products, there is an element that runs through all of the stores that Patricia embraced when she originally created Ambiente Gourmet.
Becoming a global honoree at the gia awards in Chicago was a memorable milestone for Andrea, her mother and their sta , but attending The Inspired Home Show and being a part of something bigger also meant a lot to them.
‘We loved the human element of the Show,’ says Andrea.
‘The mentorship from the judges and expert jurors, the comradery between other retailers and suppliers.
‘It was much more than just seeing suppliers – it is about growth and support for all of us in the industry.
‘It’s so inspiring to see what others are doing, and we love being a part of it all.
Sponsored and organized by The Inspired Home Show and the International Housewares Association (IHA), gia (IHA Global Innovation Awards) is the world’s leading awards program honouring overall excellence, business innovation and creative merchandising in homegoods retailing. For more information about the gia retail program, the co-sponsors or participating in gia, contact Piritta Törrö at piritta.torro@ inspiredconnection.fi. Additional information on gia is also available online at TheInspiredHomeShow.com/ Awards/gia-Retailing.
For more information about The Inspired Home Show 2024 and to preregister for a free Show entrance badge, please visit TheInspiredHomeShow.com
Comprehensive trend guide in partnership with Springboard Futures.
Trend has become the foundation of successful home and housewares development and retailing across all channels.
The breadth and depth of concurrent trends influencing home and housewares business has expanded exponentially under the influence of an increasingly empowered and informed consumer.
In response, every channel and retailer must explore prevailing trends and accurately assess their optimum marketing and merchandising potential, based on well-informed, continuous and objective evaluation of those trends.
HomePage News introduces the InSight™ Trend Index, an exclusive digital guide that explores emerging and enduring home and housewares trends through the products and innovations that embody them.
This comprehensive and expansive report series was developed in partnership with Springboard Futures and its founder, industry trend authority Tom Mirabile, who also serves as consumer and lifestyle trend analyst for the International Housewares Association and HomePage News.
The Springboard team explored influential trade shows in the U.S. and abroad seeking
home and housewares trends driven by global influences such as design, consumer lifestyle and functional/ material innovation.
‘The objective of these explorations is to provide both suppliers and retailers with actionable insight into those trends poised to inspire consumer spending and industry growth,’ said Peter Giannetti, editor-in-chief of HomePage News.
‘True sea change events like the postpandemic realignment are rare,’ Mirabile said. ‘Still, trends resulting from these o en present unique opportunities for reinvention and growth.
‘This is when the ability to interpret and respond to trends will determine which businesses will thrive, and which will merely survive.’
The HomePage News InSight Trend Index will be rolled out on HomePageNews.com in a series of themed portfolios each week into the 3rd quarter of 2023.
The first portfolio posted is The Great Entertainers: The Artist, The Contemporist, The Naturalist, The Postmodernist, The Traditionalist and The Great Gi er. Future portfolios include:
• Material Evidence, Responsible Choices, [RE]clamation Nation
• All About Ease, [RE]innovation, Get It Together
• Pantone Color Stories
• Barely There, Raising the Bar, Something’s Brewing
• The Great Outdoors, Into the Woods, Memory Makers, Water Works
• In the Groove, Golden Opportunities, Modern Romance, New Geometries
• World of Wellness
To view the InSight Trend Index go to https://www.homepagenews.com/ insight23/great-entertainers Home Page News.
The International Housewares Association is the 85-year-old voice of the housewares industry. The notfor-profit, full-service association sponsors the world’s premier exposition of products for the home, The Inspired Home Show, IHA’s Global Home + Housewares Market (TheInspiredHomeShow.com), and o ers its 1,300 member companies a wide range of services.
While there are many factors influencing consumers’ perception of value these days, trust and quality emerge as the two most important in research revealed by IHA’s trend expert Tom Mirabile.
Mirabile, principal of Springboard Futures, gave a keynote session, Consumers in control: insights & imperatives for the new economy, to reveal the 2023 Value Equation Index – new research highlighting the most important elements influencing consumers’ purchases of home and housewares products today.
The survey of 1,200 householders was conducted as a joint project between Springboard Futures, Project Partners Network and The Trend Curve.
Trust emerged as consumers’ #1 consideration when purchasing home and housewares products.
When choosing a retailer or brand for those purchases, 22% said trust was extremely important, 37% said very important, 37% said somewhat important and only 2% said not important at all.
Among the other factors influencing consumers’ perceptions of value today are:
• Price – When it comes to price, waiting for a promotion was most likely to influence a purchasing decision (39%). But free shipping/returns was a close second at 34%, a category that Mirabile said jumped from last year’s survey. The ability to earn loyalty rewards also increased its influence from 2022.
• Convenience – The pandemic created new standards for convenience that aren’t going to go away, said Mirabile. Home delivery/store pick-up remained an important factor here, coming in as the #2 most important factor at 43%.
• Ratings & Reviews – While there’s definitely some skepticism of online ratings and reviews, consumers find negative reviews to be the most helpful for two reasons, said Mirabile. One is because they give brands an opportunity to respond or handle them publicly, and the other is they make positive reviews seem more authentic or genuine.
Reputation for reliability/durability influenced their trust the most (60%), followed by prior personal experience (47%). (Respondents could select two factors.)
Recommendations from others came in next (28%) indicating ‘we’re delegating trust to other people,’ to some degree, said Mirabile. Brand remains a significant aspect of trust, with 88% saying brand is extremely, very or somewhat important.
For newer companies or even legacy brands looking to mix things up a bit, Mirabile pointed out that brand partnerships and licensing agreements are ‘an opportunity to reinvent yourself constantly’.
These relationships are probably under-utilized in the home and housewares industry, he added.
Quality came in as consumers’ #2 most important consideration when purchasing home and housewares products.
Durability (59%) and reliable performance (51%) were by far the top two factors in determining quality, followed by safety (21%), ease of use (19%), minimal care (16%) and material composition (13%).
• Lifestyle Benefits – Mirabile often encourages housewares brands to think about, ‘What’s the message (about lifestyle benefits) beyond what a product does?’ and to include that on packaging or in online content. Respondents rated wellness (46%) as the top lifestyle benefit they’re looking for, followed by family & friends (34%), learning new skills (33%) and emotional health (30%).
• Shopping Experience – Most consumers say they do an equal mix of shopping in-store and online (43%), though the number of those who skew one way or the other tends to lean more heavily toward online only (37% vs 22%). ‘The opportunity here is to excite consumers in-store,’ Mirabile said.
• Responsibility – Social responsibility is trending up in importance, and environmental responsibility is trending down. But that doesn’t mean environmental concerns are going away, he said, they may just be taking a back seat to other more pressing concerns right now.
• Data privacy, safety and security – 75% of respondents said privacy, safety and security was extremely or very important.
‘Trust emerged as consumers’ #1 consideration when purchasing home and housewares products.’
Autumn is here! The evenings are drawing in and becoming colder. GARDENA® offers a complete range of all that is required to help you to prepare your garden for the Winter season. From watering systems, pumps, lawn care, robotics, smart system to tree and shrub care, garden tools, soil cultivation and city gardening, GARDENA® is the preferred brand for millions of home and garden owners worldwide when it comes to garden care. Available from select Garden Centres and Hardware/Electrical stores. See www.gardena.com
For trade and retail enquiries contact Liffey Distributors Ltd.
Phone: 01 824 2600 Email: info@liffeyd.com
ULMA Construction, one of the leading suppliers of formwork and scaffolding systems, was able to quickly create new storage capacity for formwork panels by installing an OHRA cantilever racking system outside.
The plywood panels are protected from the weather in the 58metre long outdoor rack by an integrated roof and a clad back wall.
To be able to store the differently dimensioned panels without bending them, OHRA adjusted the distances between the rack uprights accordingly and varied them within the rack.
ULMA Construction generates most of its revenue from the rental of its formwork and scaffolding systems.
This means that the maintenance of the elements plays a crucial role - only if all parts are always in perfect condition is it possible to pour concrete without defects and ensure a smooth supply of formwork elements to the construction site.
For this reason, ULMA always keeps up to 20,000 square meters of coated plywood in stock, which can be used to repair and refurbish the formwork systems.
Previously, the panels were stored on the floor. However, this took up a lot of space in the factory and meant that the plywood panels had to be moved by forklift each time to access the panels behind them.
This made the whole storage situation confusing and inefficient.
Outdoor racking system frees up space in the production hall
ULMA took the introduction of a new concrete formwork system in Germany as an opportunity to implement a new warehouse for the plywood panels.
An outdoor cantilever rack was the quickest and simplest solution to create additional storage space in a short period of time.
Building regulations in the state of Hesse allowed for the construction of a cantilever rack over 6metres high and 58 meters long without having to wait for a building or installation permit.
An integrated, 2metre deep roof and a trapezoidal sheet metal back wall protect the stored plywood panels from the elements.
One challenge was that the panels ranged in size from 3.3 x 2.4metres to 0.6 x 0.3metres.
To prevent the panels from bending
during storage, OHRA adjusted the distance between the uprights and varied it within the rack:
The distance between 26 uprights is 1,000mm, the distance between the remaining 27 uprights is 1,200mm.
Thus, all formats can be stored safely, and the space can be used well.
The huge racking system was implemented within six months, without affecting operations.
With the new racking system, ULMA has efficiently expanded its storage area and created an orderly storage of plywood panels.
ULMA Construction has created a new storage capacity for formwork panels by installing OHRA cantilever racks in only six months. The 58metre long external racks with roof and clad back wall were specially adapted to the different dimensions of the plywood panels by varying the centre distances within the racks. This makes it possible to store any panel size without the panels bending during storage.
About ULMA Construction
ULMA Construction, based in Rödermark, Germany, stands for optimized use of formwork from the planning to the completion of a construction project.
High-quality, economical and coste ective concrete formwork systems are available for rent or purchase.
Experienced project managers accompany customers’ construction projects from planning the use of the formwork systems to the return of the rental equipment.
ULMA Construction is a subsidiary of the Spanish company ULMA Construcción.
Since it was founded in 1961, the Group has been designing, manufacturing and marketing mass-produced sca olding and concrete formwork systems.
Starting from Spain, the company’s international subsidiaries are now
distributed in di erent countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
About OHRA:
OHRA has been a European market leader in heavy-load storage technology for over 40 years.
A specialist in the storage for particularly long, heavy and unwieldy goods, the OHRA cantilever and pallet racks have proven themselves on the storage technology market.
They are characterised by a particularly high load-bearing capacity, robustness and durability.
The portfolio ranges from simple racking solutions, through complete racking halls, to complex, fully automated storage and order picking systems for all sizes of company and diverse sectors.
All OHRA products are produced at the company’s own factory in Kerpen (Germany).
Today, OHRA is represented by its own sales o ices in 14 European countries, and in 14 other countries by its trading partners.
For further information:
OHRA Regalanlagen GmbH
Marketing Department
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 24-44
D-50169 Kerpen
Phone: + 49 2237/64-0
Fax: + 49 2237/64-152
Email: info@ohra.co.uk
LinkedIn: /ohra.regalanlagen
Instagram: /ohra.regalanlagen
Facebook: /ohra.regalanlagen
The entire diversity of the garden united in Cologne: spoga+gafa 2023 closed after three successful trade fair days and drew an extremely positive reaction. Around 30,000 trade visitors from 122 countries took part in the world’s largest garden lifestyle trade fair this year.
In total, over 1,800 exhibitors from 58 countries presented the trends and highlights of the coming garden and BBQ season.
Hence, the show almost matched the record figures of the year 2019. The next spoga+gafa is scheduled to take place in Cologne from 16 to 18 June 2024.
The gardens of the future are sustainable,
promote the social exchange and offer more potential than ever as extended living and working space.
That is the overriding conclusion of spoga+gafa.
The trade fair is on the pulse of time with its key theme ‘Social Gardens – Places of encounter’ and has raised awareness for the positive effects of gardens as social meeting places.
‘We are delighted that we were able to follow on from the fantastic results of the year 2019 with spoga+gafa 2023,’ stated Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH.
‘The exhibitors and the international trade audience were above all extremely pleased with the quality of the discussions
and the products.
‘The fantastic atmosphere in the exhibition halls underlined this impressively.
‘With a strong increase in the number of visitors from Germany and at the same time around 70 percent of foreign trade visitors, spoga+gafa once again confirmed its relevance as the industry’s most important international trade and networking platform.’
spoga+gafa 2023 in figures
1,853 exhibitors from 58 countries participated at spoga+gafa in 2023.
The increase in the number of European exhibitors and intercontinental growth above all from Asia and the USA was
In total, around 30,000 visitors from 122 countries came to Cologne.
As such, spoga+gafa achieved a 20 percent increase in attendance and extended its international reach by 10 nations.
In addition to Germany, the countries with the most visitors were in particular Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France and the Netherlands.
Great Britain, Italy, the USA and Canada experienced the strongest growth in the number of trade visitors.
The exhibitors of spoga+gafa particularly emphasised the significance of the leading global trade fair as an important personal exchange platform and were convinced about the quality of the international trade audience.
‘spoga+gafa went very successfully for us and our exhibiting members again this year.
‘It has shown that encounters in such a setting are simply not replaceable. One meets up with colleagues, acquaintances and all of the industry’s important decisionmakers.
‘It is of huge importance especially for the manufacturers to present their products on such a platform live – so they are experienceable and tangible.
‘We are already looking forward to next year’s spoga+gafa,’ stated Anna Hackstein, managing director of the Industry Garden Association e.V. (IVG).
In terms of the visitors, the top decisionmakers as well as important multipliers of the industry were also extremely satisfied with spoga+gafa.
John W. Herbert, General Secretary of the European DIY-Retail Association & Global Home Improvement Network commented: ‘spoga+gafa is the most important trade fair for our members.
‘The fact that the big brands have flocked back to spoga+gafa proves that the trade fair is indispensable and a must-attend date for the industry.
‘spoga+gafa has gained increased significance as an ordering show and as a means of direct exchange.
‘It serves as a barometer for how the business of the DIY stores is developing and reflects the atmosphere of the market.
‘Here at EDRA/GHIN, we are thus convinced by the relevance of trade fairs and especially by that of spoga+gafa.’ spoga+gafa 2024 will be staged from 16 to 18 June once again at the fair grounds of Koelnmesse.
‘The significance of the personal contact was confirmed once again at spoga+gafa. Business deals are still always transacted by people.
‘Being able to look each other in the eyes during conversations, but also being able to see and touch the new products and innovations is of great significance.
‘In our capacity as an association, we were able to welcome many participants, members and international guests at our stand.
‘The interest and curiosity is unabated again in 2023, which I am delighted about for the industry.’ – Martina MensingMeckelburg, President, German Garden Centre Association.
In addition to the events in Cologne, Koelnmesse is strategically expanding its portfolio in key growth markets around the globe like with the successful shows ORGATEC TOKYO in Japan, interzum bogota in Colombia and interzum guangzhou in China.
Further information can be found as well here: www.imm-cologne.com/trade-fair/ interzum-home/industry-sectors or here www.orgatec.com/trade-fair/orgatec-2024/ industry-trade-fairs/.
Further information: https://www. spogagafa.com/trade-fair/spoga-gafa/ industry-trade-fairs/
The next events:
FSB - International Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Facilities, Cologne 24.10. - 27.10.2023
EXPONATEC COLOGNE - International Trade Fair for Museums, Conservation and Heritage, Cologne 16.11. - 18.11.2023
imm cologne - The interior business event, Cologne 14.01. - 18.01.2024
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spogagafa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spogagafa/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/ spoga-gafa
‘In total, around 30,000 visitors from 122 countries came to Cologne.’
Exclusively reveals best of the best on trend products on opening day
The Exclusively Show revealed the ‘best of the best’ on trend products for the coming 18 months and more, courtesy of trend forecaster, Scarlet Opus.
The key products highlighted as setting the standards in terms of concept and design are:
• Aaira Surface – Multi-Purpose Cleaning + Disinfectant System
by DH Lifelabs @dhlifelabsuk• Tramontina GURU™ Smart Cooktop by TRAMONTINA
• Kiln Accents by DENBY
@tramontinauk @denbypottery• Cast Iron Shallow Casserole in Sea Salt by Le Creuset
@lecreusetuk• Bundt® Pans, Cakelet Pans, Bitelet Pans Nordic Ware @nordicwareuk
• Multi-Function Boxes + Insulated Travel Tumblers + Thermo Pot by black
+ blum @blackblumdesignCommenting on the emphasis upon trend forecasting at Exclusively, Exclusively Chair and Chief Operating Officer of BHETA, Will Jones said,
‘Knowing what consumers want next, enables suppliers and buyers to source more of what will sell.
‘It helps de-risk buying for retailers, informs and inspires merchandising and helps retailers be the best they can be and enjoy a more certain future.’
Popular cook, Mary Berry graced the Exclusively Show visiting Captivate Brands on its stand to meet retailers and media guests and talk about her licensed collections Signature, English Garden and At Home #MaryXCaptivate.
Also there was Lynsey, Queen of Clean who works with Swan and was helping to celebrate ‘ten years of colour’ with its Retro range.
Look forward Lynsey commented, ‘I have attended Exclusively for the past five years.
‘The show is full of amazing businesses, extremely well organised and offers a great place to network and meet new like-minded people.’
Commenting on the show, Exclusively Chair and Chief Operating Officer of BHETA, Will Jones said, ‘Exclusively is always lively and it is brilliant to see celebrities from the industry taking such an interest in the Show and its exhibitors.’
Not only was exhibition space at the UK housewares, gift and small domestic electricals show, Exclusively completely sold out sooner than ever before, but visitor numbers smashed the show’s pre-Covid attendance.
Exclusively saw a 10% increase on last year’s gures, but more signi cantly the volume of visitors in 2023 over the two days beat the pre-Covid 2019 gures.
Visitor statistics combine buyers from the UK independent and multiple retail sectors with international export buyers, consumer and trade media and influencers.
This ever-vibrant event featured established favourites such as the product development, the Scarlet Opus tours and talks on the latest trends, the Brand Showcase for media and influencers, and the Launchpad for small and start up exhibitors.
This year’s show also included a new level of theatre in terms of product demonstrations such as Denby’s live potthrowing exhibit, and an increased number of celebrity visitors, including industry icon, Mary Berry.
Exclusively’s Seema Grantham commented, ‘The figures speak for themselves, and I’m delighted, but not surprised.
‘Exclusively visitors, multiple, independent, UK and overseas had the opportunity to see the very best that the housewares, small domestic electricals, and gi sectors have to o er.’
Exclusively regularly has over 140 companies and three hundred brands participating and attracts leading buyers in the categories it represents.
It also targets international buyers, journalists, bloggers, and influencers, so the opportunities for exhibitors are extensive.
Will Jones, Chair of Exclusively commented, ‘This is fantastic news and an absolute endorsement of the show.
‘The whole team did a fantastic job and the content put in by organisers and exhibitors alike was superlative.
‘Make no mistake we’ll be bringing yet another exciting line-up of established and new favourites to the 2024 event.’
Autumn cleaning comes to mind at this time of year as always. It’s when everyone starts to prepare themselves for the shorter evenings and the various jobs around the house and Garden are being done.
Emerald Clover o ers a full range of chemical products for in and around the home, with a vast array of products, most people are very familiar with the Buster brands and Muss Buster being the main one that springs to mind. JL1 is the latest product to come under the Emerald Clover Brand. JL1 is a heavy duty degreaser that cleans your Baths, Stove, Glass, Grout on Walls and Floors, Oil stains from Heavy Machinery and Concrete and is safe to use internally and externally on milk tankers – a universal cleaner that will tackle any tough cleaning job.
There is no product available like this in terms of its wide range of uses and product quality – Eco friendly / Water-based / Biodegradable – we are always trying to develop products that are ecofriendly as the consumer demands this. JL1 Heavy Duty Degreaser comes in 750ML, 1L, 5L and 25L.
‘Quality cleaning products for outside and inside the home’. This is a company that prides itself in providing quality products with reliable and professional backup services to customers.
If it’s not right in the bottle, then it has no place on a customer’s shelf, that’s the motto here.
There are a number of brands available as follows – Busters, Farmers Friend, Power Blaster, King Katering, Builders Mate, I Love Birds, I Love Dogs and finally Really Good S**t, a varied range of products that cover the Home & Hardware centre / Builder Merchants / Agricultural / Garden centers / Retail and Automotive sectors.
The Busters o er a quality range of products that are for internal and external use and these products vary from cleaning Moss on roofs to cleaning Floors in the home
Muss Buster, also known as 4-in-1 is the flagship product of the Buster range today.
A Fast Action 4-in-1 product, this kills Moss, Algae, Lichen and Red and Green discoloration that is on external walls.
The benefits of using Moss Buster are as follows: This product can be used on Tarmacadam, Concrete, Footpaths, Kerbs, Tile and Slate roofs, patios, Decking, Greenhouse glass, headstones, PVC, pottery and walls.
Results can be seen in 90 minutes, rainproof in 180 minutes, 12 months long-lasting, no bleach or acids, fully biodegradable, as a 4-in-1 product promises value for money and gives great results and people are still buying this product today.
Weed & Muss Buster is a product formulated and used for the treatment of unwanted broad leaved weeds and Algae on Tarmacadam, Brick & Patios, Concrete
Kerbs and Paths, this product can also be used around the base of Roses, Shrubs, Hedges and Trees.
Simply dilute the Weed & Muss Buster with water in a garden sprayer or watering and ensure the Weeds & Algae are well sprayed – results will be seen in 48 hours.
There is nothing prettier than a perfect lawn with plenty of colourful plants. This is something to take pride in and to be
with your Tarmacadam or Concrete it will not change the surface to red because, unlike some lawn products, it doesn’t contain Sulphate of Iron.
Other products
The company has added other products to the range including Fungi Buster, Concrete Buster, Stone Buster, Brick Buster, Drain Buster, Floor Buster, Grease Buster, Oil Buster, Glass Buster, not to mention a Tile & Shower Buster, Oven & Grill Buster and Multi-Purpose Buster Marble & Granite Buster and Leather Buster to name just a few.
These products are available in di erent sizes, ranging from 750ML ready-to-use trigger spray bottles to 25L concentrate packs for dilution.
We can blend chemicals for clients in a form of an own brand or we can formulate that something special to remove that stubborn stain.
‘A product has to do what it is supposed to do and if it doesn’t people won’t buy it – it’s that simple.’
You can sell any product at the start but that will not continue unless the product delivers.
The way our product and Brand sales have grown is proof that the Buster products are of the highest quality.
‘We have a great range of products, priced competitively and all are made in Ireland and that’s the way it will remain.’
Farmers Friend products are a range of products that cover the Agri. sector –products include Dairy Farm Hypo-Chlorite also known as Chloris and Red Label, Aluminum Trailer Cleaner, Tractor & Farm Machinery Cleaner, Cow-Hex Teat Dip, Acid Milkstone Remover & Descaler, Chlorine Free Dairy Detergent, Hoof Bath Wash and finally Beaded Hand Cleaners.
Farmers Friend Hypo-Chlorite has several uses ranging from cleaning milk lines in dairies, water treatment and even cleaning Concrete.
This product was launched in the Autumn of 2018 and has already become a product of choice for stores and end users.
This product has been a massive product for us in Northern Ireland and customers have already started to choose our product over well-established brands.
We also have a loyal customer base in the south and this is increasing as people are getting more customised to the product and the Farmers Friend brand.
The Buster products were always ‘repped’ by their own sales teams with their vans and trucks being a common sight over the length and breadth of the country.
However, products are also going through Wholesalers – Ashtown Trading, based in Dublin which covers the twenty-six counties.
We have the products to make your Lawn look like that. Lawn Buster is a new product that was launched 3 years ago.
Lawn Buster comes in liquid and granular format – the liquid version is packed 1L, 2.5L, 5L, 10L and 25L with Lawn Buster 5L once diluted at 10:1 covering 2,000sq yards.
Lawn Buster is formulated to remove Moss from your Lawn. Lawn Buster can be diluted at 10:1, contains Iron which will provide a rich Green lawn and rapidly treats Lawn Moss down to the root.
It will also strengthen your lawn and it will help it maintain its Green colour keeping your lawn Green and Moss free.
Lawn Buster granular is an Organo based Mineral Fertilizer that treats Moss while also feeds your lawn giving your lawn a healthy Green colour that protects your lawn against everyday use.
Lawn Buster granular is a 100% Irish product and comes in 5KG, 10KG, 20KG bags.
The main advantages with this product is it won’t blacken your lawn and there is no need to scarify your lawn once product is applied – if this product comes in contact
Ashtown Trading is a well-known company that covers a vast range of products. Both have sales representatives on the road and tele sales back at base (Tel 01 838 7387)
So your needs will be well covered.
The hardware and Agri. stores have always got behind our products and this is reflected in how our company has grown over the past number of years.
The support that we have received from all sectors is what really makes these products a success.
This has given, and will give us, more scope to develop new products and grow the company even further.
Without their support we wouldn’t be able to bring our products to the end user and we would like to thank these people for all their help to date.
Feature: Pipelife
Underfloor heating combines high comfort levels, low maintenance and excellent energy e iciency — for these reasons, such systems have become popular in many European countries.
Listening to the feedback from investors, designers and installers, Pipelife has taken the next step by adding prefabricated underfloor heating to the product portfolio.
Pipelife’s Ireland’s technical manager Michael Geary explains the solution and the advantages it o ers throughout the construction process.
What is prefabricated underfloor heating by Pipelife?
Pipelife’s prefabricated underfloor heating solutions entail a comprehensive service that covers everything from the design to the assembly and delivery of underfloor heating systems.
The prefabricated mats and prefab manifold cabinets boast exactly the same customizability and benefits as standard hydronic underfloor heating products while speeding up the installation process 3-6 times.
The solution is particularly advantageous for large-scale building projects, such as residential complexes, row houses, hospitals, hotels and nursing homes.
From finding qualified workforce and meeting project deadlines to keeping up
with increasing customer expectations and regulations, the buildings sector currently faces plenty of challenges.
Developing end-to-end services is a way building material suppliers can help mitigate these issues, and prefabrication is one of the areas with large yet relatively untapped potential.
‘In many countries, like in the Netherlands for example, there is a growing demand for prefabricated underfloor heating mats,’ says Michael.
‘We wanted to combine such a product with other services that we have been o ering to our clients, such as design support and preassembled manifolds, creating a unique, all-inclusive o er on the market.’
Construction projects are frequently delivered late and exceed their original budget. Prefabrication allows avoiding unplanned costs while taking significantly less time than traditional on-site construction.
If installing standard underfloor heating in a room of 20m2 typically takes 20-30 minutes, prefabrication allows completing the same task in just 5-7 minutes –o ering major gains for contractors as well as investors.
Furthermore, Pipelife’s prefabricated mats and manifolds are assembled in factory-controlled environments by trained professionals using only top-quality materials.
The process eliminates risks of typical installation errors, such as deviations from the drawing plan or incorrect connections.
This way, prefabrication not only allows achieving higher reliability and excellent service life of the installed heating system but can also help optimize supervision on-site.
‘As the whole system is produced, preassembled and delivered by a single supplier, the reliability from the technical standpoint is very high – facilitating and speeding up the commissioning,’ explains Geary.
Underfloor heating systems are known for their long, maintenance-free service life. If functionality issues arise, they o en can be traced back to poor design.
The optimal heat output of each system must be carefully calculated and depends on multiple factors, such as the insulation and age of the building, heating zones desired, heat sources available, and even the selected floor finish.
As designing heating systems requires in-depth expertise and is time-consuming, Pipelife o ers full design support as part of the solution.
With a design team that has more than a decade of design experience and in-depth industry background, almost 300 design projects were completed last year alone.
The service saves project designers hours of tedious work. A fully tailored heating system design, considering the unique conditions and requirements of the particular project, is prepared and sent to the customer in just a few days.
‘This way, we can ensure the best technical solution for our clients while saving time for project designers — who can focus on other tasks or even take on more projects,’ sums up Geary.
‘As time pressure in the building sector keeps increasing, just as expectations of project safety and quality, such a service is a win-win solution.’
New opportunities for installers Reports show an acutely growing shortage of skilled workers in the EU, slowing down the completion of the started projects and, if unresolved, impeding future growth of the construction sector.
Prefabricated products can be installed in a shorter time and by fewer people, compensating for the lack of high-profile installers many countries in Europe are struggling with.
‘Nowadays, installers are typically paid either per project completed or per square meter installed. As the demand for qualified installers is high, they o en have to decline requests.
‘Our solutions enable installers to accept
more projects as they can complete their tasks faster,’ explains Geary.
The new prefabricated underfloor heating solutions do not eliminate the need for skilled construction workers on-site, as their expertise is still required to carry out specific tasks like connecting the mats to a manifold and pressure testing.
‘Our prefabricated underfloor heating is tailored to each project; these are not generic products that will be available in depot stores,’ Geary asserts.
‘The installation process is faster and simpler compared to standard underfloor heating systems, but it requires supervision and assistance from qualified specialists.’
As construction material costs keep rising, the profit margins for investors and contractors have eroded over the last few years.
Prefabrication is a way to address the ine iciencies that standard construction entails and minimize material waste, helping alleviate the cost increases.
The data from already commissioned prefabricated hydronic underfloor heating projects in the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Serbia show impressive cost-e iciency improvements compared to traditional underfloor heating systems.
‘Considering the time savings and e iciency gains throughout each step of construction, the overall cost savings are 20-30%,’ says Geary.
‘Our completed prefab projects clearly show how stepping away from the standard approach can open up new opportunities in the buildings sector.’
Qual-Pex Plus+ Easy-Lay Pipe is noticeably more flexible than other pipes. It’s quick and easy to uncoil and the flexible material allows you to manoeuvre the pipe with complete ease.
Qual-Pex Plus+ ‘Easy-Lay’ Pipe is available in tan lengths and coils, in imperial sizes of 1⁄2”, 3⁄4”, and 1” and white multilayer sizes of 16mm, 20mm, 26mm & 32mm. This extensive range of pipe offers installers the solutions they need. Your next phase of plumbing success starts here!
Like many words that were brought to the American continent, ‘Fall’ survived the name replacement that happened on this side of the Atlantic, as did many other words that are now commonplace there but have fallen out of favour here.
In many ways it is a better and more evocative name for this season than the word Autumn, and it could be argued that it is a better counterpoint for the word for the opposite side of the year – Spring. These are both words that are related to an action and movement and they are almost antonyms, as things can spring up or fall down.
Fall is a little more poetic too and I suspect it was more favoured and encouraged by poets and other writers in the past in certain parts of the Englishspeaking word.
And because parts of America are especially known for their spectacular displays of leaf colour at this time of the year too, this possibly prompted the cementing of the word in the northeast of the country. There the leaves on the trees give a lastgasp explosion of shades of yellow, red and orange before they do indeed fall to the ground.
These colours, tints and shades are evocative of this time of the year - no matter what you call it – where these hues are used on many products and lines that are marketed under the banners of ‘Harvest’, ‘Autumn’ or even ‘Halloween’ – although the colour of pumpkins probably had some bearing on the latter, and it certainly has an American connection in its more modern iteration rather than its first origins.
Shops are festooned in shades of orange and russet from September to the end of October as merchandisers latch onto this now traditional use of the colour – the colour of falling leaves and season’s end.
I certainly would not expect garden retailers to start reusing Fall again instead of Autumn – that era has long passed here – but the use of the colours associated with the term’s probable origins of falling leaves, and more particularly the leaf colours of certain plants, should be part of the displays in the plant areas beyond the shop that o en struggle to look bright and relevant at this time of the year apart from the pink, white and reds of cyclamens and heathers.
Those trees and their leaf colour that we mentioned should obviously be a starting point, although due to climate and soil type the colours here may not be quite as enticing as those that encourage tourists
‘In addition to plants, we can incorporate suitable pots and containers into our merchandising scheme.’
to flock to New England and elsewhere in America at this time of the year.
Certain Maples, Liquidamber, Amelanchier and some Mountain Ash are all good species to be promoted for their leaf colour, and although this can be accomplished all year round it is at this time of year that the customer can see the actual changes that take place in the tree’s foliage.
These trees are best brought under cover into a sheltered spot on the covered plant sales area to prolong the selling period by ensuring that the plants won’t lose there leaves too quickly.
Proper feeding and soil type have a bearing on leaf colour too so make sure to encourage the customer to do so either verbally or by incorporating the appropriate product into the display.
And it’s not just tall trees that have attractive leaf colour and form at this time of the year, as many shrubs, perennials and grasses also have a suitable look and colour.
Shrubs such Smoke Bushes, Spindle Trees, Stag’s Horn and a host of others can be incorporated into a display, as can climbers such as Boston Ivy - a particular favourite with customers at this time of year as they only now notice it on neighbours’ walls.
Certain grasses such as Pennisetums can also be added to this ‘Fall’ plant merchandising in order to add di erent form and texture to displays to make them more inspiring and interesting.
Firm customer favourites such as Heucheras, that come in a host of Autumn shades for pale rust to deep red, are a definite must-use plant, as they look quite like rosettes of fallen leaves. Physalis and Solanum with their orange fruit are also an easy sell at this time of the year and tie nicely in with our theme, albeit with their fruit and not their foliage.
We can incorporate other fruiting lines into the Autumn-themed displays too, shrubs such as Pyracantha, Holly and Cotoneaster will work well here, especially if they can be sourced with actual fruit on their branches.
These displays need not be in one cramped area but throughout the covered plants sales area, where one themed display can lead to another more so than trying to include all the plants into one messy display.
In addition to plants, we can incorporate suitable pots and containers into our merchandising scheme that will tie in with
The word ‘Fall’ is an interesting term when it comes to a name for this time of the year. It is o en thought of as an Americanism but it began its linguistic journey as an alternative word for Autumn on these islands centuries ago before travelling to the other side of the Atlantic.
the colours of our Autumn theme. Plastic or ceramic planting pots in appropriate earthy, or contrasting, shades are best - browns, oranges, reds and creams all work well with this colour scheme, as do baskets made of willow or wicker, either real or made from an artificial material.
It is worth remembering that at this time of year customers might not be too interested in their back garden but they
still want kerb appeal and will require something attractive for their front door. Encouraging them to create an Autumn display is a relatively easy prospect, and if all else fails you can sell them a pre-planted container in suitable shades!
We can tag on some other sales here
too, such as harvest themed wreaths and lanterns and other paraphernalia to decorate that front door, that can be easily adapted to Halloween mode when the time comes with the addition of a carved pumpkin – or a turnip for traditionalists – all revolving around the colours of Autumn. Encouraging this type of home display also means that the customer will want to invest into a more suitably Winter feeling theme as we head towards year’s end and the colours of Christmas time, but that’s a subject for another day.
In retail it is usually much easier to work with the natural world than to buck against it, and regardless of what you call this time of the year, it is the colours that it evokes and the depth of those shades that need to be sold, albeit for a relatively brief period.
It is an excellent theme to embrace at a time of year when garden retailers can be stuck in a period of not-quite-readyto-change at the end of Summer – before Winter sets in and everything shi s yet again with the seasons.
Don’t fail your business this Fall, take a leaf from nature’s book …
Since establishing Retail Services & Solutions in 2007, Liam has become one of the most e ective people within the retail side of Irish horticulture.
His knowledge of the mindset and ethos of those in this sector, combined with his problem-solving ability, experience and hands-on work ethic make him uniquely placed to o er advice and help to those who need it.
Key to his success is his knowledge of purchasing, pricing and sales combined with his understanding of layout, signage and merchandising, and how the interaction of these can lead to increased sales and profits.
086 8221494 - retailsands@gmail.com
Excess moisture can cause major damage to properties including peeling wallpaper, damp, mould or mildew on cold surfaces such as walls and windows.
Prime contributors
Low temperatures and rainy weather are prime contributors to excess moisture in the home.
Ideally, indoor moisture levels should be between 30 and 50%, however, cold weather and regular activities such as boiling liquids, showering and steam ironing make it difficult to maintain humidity at these levels.
In fact, during winter, moisture levels can be more than 70%.
Mould and mildew on the wall, condensation on or around windows and walls, peeling paint and musty smells are just a few examples of problems driven by excess moisture and condensation.
These problems are most prevalent in the colder months when windows are not opened, trapping heat and moisture in the home.
These conditions can also be prevalent on cold surfaces and in wardrobes and cupboards, particularly against outside walls, where there is no air circulation.
This can cause musty smells and, potentially, mould growth on walls or clothing.
Moisture Absorbers are
designed to reduce excess moisture and unpleasant odours. This reduces condensation and mould growth in the home.
The UniBond Aero is one of the leading moisture absorbers and odour neutraliser with 360° air circulation. It effectively absorbs moisture to help create a more comfortable indoor climate and prevent common damp problems such as condensation, mould and musty smells.
UniBond Aero has 4 main characteristics that make it stand out in the market.
1. Moisture and odour control – The AERO 360° moisture absorber is a simple solution to effectively absorb excess moisture and neutralise bad smells in your home. It is ideal for rooms up to 20m².
2. Optimal performance – The aerodynamic design promotes 360° air circulation for advanced efficiency. The tabs are made of active moisture absorbing crystals and include patented anti-odour agents. One tab will last up to three months.
3. Safe and silent – The AERO 360° humidity absorber device functions without electricity and provides maximum safety thanks to its spill-prevention system, which also makes it an extremely convenient option to effectively reduce moisture in indoor spaces.
4. Sustainable material – The device is made from 60% recycled plastic and is easy to use, featuring a level indicator that shows users when a new dehumidifier refill is required. Since the device itself is reusable, customers do not have to worry about replacing the moisture absorber regularly.
All of our trousers are designed to meet the specific demands of different jobs and working conditions. They’re packed with intelligent details and smart solutions that solve the everyday problems you can run up against in the building and construction industries.
Hard work and even harder working conditions will put your trousers to the test. That’s why ours have the durability necessary to crawl, climb, and carry your way through whatever your workday can throw at you. And that’s no matter if it’s boiling hot, freezing cold, or soaking wet. Snickers Workwear is hard-working and long-lasting.
We invented the modern work trouser over 50 years ago, and we’ve continued to reinvent them ever since. We utilise the latest technologies and match them with innovative fabrics and materials to construct trousers that are the first choice for professional craftsmen and craftswomen everywhere.
JMBL launch new MOY Fiberglass ladders & Maston Spray Paint!
Leading hardware wholesaler, importers and distributors, Joseph Murphy Ballina Ltd (JMBL), are forging ahead confidently in the industry.
MD Lorraine Burnell explains: ‘For over 107 years Joseph Murphy has imported and sold hardware, homewares, DIY and agricultural products throughout Ireland under their exclusive MOY Brand.
‘Our extensive breadth of product is not confined to one category but rather diverse collections spanning from light hardware to agricultural, DIY, Garden, hand tools and seasonal products.’
Develop JMBL continually develop new product ranges and own brands, such as the
John Sta ord & Sons are delighted to announce that they are the new exclusive agents for MPS German made blades in Ireland.
Our new partnership with MPS will provide the Irish market with these incredible HighQuality German made blades at competitive pricing.
Martin Pott founded the company Martin Pott Sägen (MPS) in 1987, which focuses on o ering high-quality, yet a ordable saw blade products.
Today MPS is defined by innovative thinking, advanced technology, and exclusive, unique products.
MPS is amongst Europe’s leading producers of saw blade technology. They are proud of the fact that this vision, forged in their founding years, is stronger than ever.
MPS are firmly committed to operating in Germany – and adhere to their promise
of quality, as expressed by the traditional ‘Made in Germany’ stamp of excellence.
One of the keys to their success is that they concentrate on doing what they do best, in other words making products for perfect sawing.
They produce blades for a variety of applications, including jigsaws, reciprocating, circular, sabre and hole saw blades.
All the materials and production methods meet the most demanding requirements.
The first-rate steel varieties they use come from Germany, Austria and Sweden. These are perfectly shaped in their Wasserliesch plant using patented laser technology.
John Sta ord & Sons continue to add new high-quality products to their range.
Recently, they became the agents for Truper and John Deere Garden tools. Since the launch of these products earlier this year, these brands have become incredibly popular with their existing loyal customer base and new customers alike.
MPS will be a fantastic addition to their 2400 products, which we already supply, full point of sale display units are available to enhance customer experience.
In 2023 our exclusive brands, including AC Brooklyn & Protool have launched an extensive range of new products and will continue doing so into the future. We continue to invest in our large stockholding for maximum availability.
For further information on how to become a stockist, please email sales@sta ord.ie or phone our sales team on (053) 936 7246.
Since DS Supplies launched the MultyHome Ecotrend door mats last November, we have received very positive feedback from retailers nationwide along with repeat orders.
SK (part of the Scheurich-Group of Companies), German manufacturers of top quality indoor pots, signs-up Ames True Temper as their distribution partner in the Republic of Ireland.
Two long-standing and wellrespected companies have decided to work together to distribute the SK brand, with a clear focus on improving the marketing, distribution and sales of indoor pots, to the DIY and garden centre channels.
Tremendous growth
Indoor pots have shown tremendous growth in recent years and the partners are confident that their combined knowledge and resources will bring further sustainable retail growth.
The agreement started on 1 June, 2023 and sees True Temper’s team presenting the new product range to their customers.
These all-weather durable eco-friendly door mats are heavy duty, made from recycled car tyres and plastic bottles. The range also includes Boot Trays made from 100% recycled plastic bottles.
Wonderful MultyHome Europe
‘Yet another great reason to partner up with True Temper as your supplier of choice for all things outdoor’, says Niall Nugent, sales and marketing director at Ames True Temper.
As with all Lowe products it is designed to be applied directly to existing rust. The first coat binds to the surface while neutralising the rust.
The second coat ensures that an e ective barrier is created and prevents any further corrosion.
If used over Lowe Rust Primer, then only a single coat is required to give e ective protection against rust.
The Lowe Range is ideal for o ering long-term protection for gates, railings, sheds, machinery and other metal surfaces.
It’s great adhesion also makes it suitable for use on most plastics.
Tel: 01 4011 666 info@dssupplies.com
process over 5 million used car tyres annually (which would perhaps otherwise end up in landfill) to produce wonderful Home & Gardening products, including door mats, decking tiles, border edging, stepping stones, paving slabs, anti-fatigue matting plus more.
To further appraise the collections, please contact our o ices to arrange a visit.
Tel: 01 4011 666
Email: info@dssupplies.com dssupplies.com
In addition, the fact that it is flexible and microporous makes it suitable for use on wood as it will not crack or flake and allows the wood to breathe.
The Lowe Gold gives a rich metallic finish which also makes it an attractive option for engraving headstones!
The new Lowe Gold Paint is available in 250ml, 500ml and 1ltr sizes. Coverage is circa 10 square metres per litre.
It touch dries to a smooth finish within 2-4 hours depending on conditions. Clean up with Douglas White Spirits.”
Following his recent appointment as Group Head of Innovation & Sustainability, Ken Mulkerrins, has published Kilsaran’s ESG strategy, outlining the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability under four pillars: Planet, People, Solutions, and Performance.
In 2022, Kilsaran formalised its sustainability policy, aligning it with the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and the recommendations of the Paris Agreement.
Under the Planet pillar, Kilsaran aims to reduce energy consumption and associated emissions by closely monitoring its processes and investing in research and innovation labs to develop carbon-reducing technologies.
The People pillar emphasizes the importance of sustaining the workforce and providing educational opportunities for employees.
The Solutions pillar is dedicated to developing products that lower the embodied carbon of the built environment, while the Performance pillar focuses on the company’s financial sustainability and its contribution to local employment and communities.
‘Kilsaran, the largest independent producer of concrete and building products in the country, has established a strong reputation for its commitment to sustainability,’ we are reminded.
With a track record of environmental responsibility dating back to its founding in 1964, the company has consistently prioritised green initiatives before sustainability became a widespread concern.
Kilsaran has set a scope 1 and 2 intensity reduction target of 37% by 2030, which is aligned with the SBTi.
The company have recently calculated and verified their scope 3 emissions associated with its supply chain and will soon be setting targets for same.
Ken MulkerrinsKey Transparency is key when reporting emissions and targets and Kilsaran are delighted and proud to be part of the CDP Network in 2023 where they disclosed their emissions data for the first time. The company also prioritises environmental monitoring and responsible land management, ensuring that pollution is prevented, and quarries are restored once work is completed.
‘As Ireland’s leading manufacturer
of concrete products, Kilsaran plays a crucial role in supporting the construction industry’s goals, including the construction of up to 33,000 new houses per year until 2030,’ readers are told.
‘The company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and proactive approach to innovation position it as a pioneer in the construction sector’s sustainability e orts.
‘For more information, please visit www.kilsaran.ie’
Best wishes to Chadwick’s on the relaunch of their Clonmel branch!
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Brand: Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 |
Brand: Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT
Brand: Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 |
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• Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage
• Rechargeable battery - no need for a nearby power socket
• Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage
• Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged
• Responds automatically to record any motion
• Rechargeable battery - no need for a nearby power socket
• Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged
• Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor
• Rechargeable battery - no need for a
• Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged
• Responds automatically to record any
4G | Full microSD White
• Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with
• Ideal for mobile monitoring of home,
• Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection
• Responds automatically to record any motion
• Ideal for mobile monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
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• Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection
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• Ideal for mobile monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
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SmartLife Outdoor Camera|SIMCBO50WT
Brand: Nedis Inner Carton
4G | Full HD 1080p microSD (not included) White
Brand: Nedis | Article
• Smart
Inner Carton EAN: |
• Easy to required
• Waterproof
• Rechargeable
4G | Full HD 1080p | Pan tilt | IP65 | Cloud Storage (optional) / microSD (not included) | 5 V DC | With motion sensor | Night vision | White
Brand: Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 | Inner Carton EAN: | Outer Carton EAN: 5412810428533
• Smart IP Battery Outdoor Camera – Total flexibility as it is 100% wireless
• Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage
• Rechargeable battery - no need for a nearby power socket
• Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged
• Responds automatically to record any motion
• Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection
• Ideal for mobile monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
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• Solar Panel
• Responds
Smart IP Battery Easy to connect required
• Motion
• Waterproof housing
• Rechargeable battery
• Solar Panel – to
• Ideal for Read more
• Responds automatically
• Motion detection
• Easy to connect directly to Nedis Smartlife App via 4G network - no separate hub required
• Ideal for mobile monitoring
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Pan tilt | IP65 | Cloud Storage (optional) / included) | 5 V DC | With motion sensor | Night vision |
number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 | Carton EAN: 5412810428533
Outdoor Camera – Total flexibility as it is 100% wireless to Nedis Smartlife App via 4G network - no separate hub
By je haden4G | Full HD 1080p | Pan tilt | IP65 | Cloud Storage (optional) / microSD (not included) | 5 V DC | With motion sensor | Night vision | White
(IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage no need for a nearby power socket the battery charged to record any motion 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
Brand: Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 |
Inner Carton EAN: | Outer Carton EAN: 5412810428533
Full HD 1080p | Pan tilt | IP65 | Cloud Storage (optional) / microSD (not included) | 5 V DC | With motion sensor | Night vision | White
Nedis | Article number: SIMCBO50WT | Product EAN number: 5412810418848 | Carton EAN: | Outer Carton EAN: 5412810428533
• Smart IP Battery Outdoor Camera – Total flexibility as it is 100% wireless
• Easy to connect directly to Nedis Smartlife App via 4G network - no separate hub required
• Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage
• Rechargeable battery - no need for a nearby power socket
• Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged
• Responds automatically to record any motion
Smart IP Battery Outdoor Camera – Total flexibility as it is 100% wireless to connect directly to Nedis Smartlife App via 4G network - no separate hub required
• Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection
Waterproof housing (IP65) for indoor and outdoor usage
Rechargeable battery - no need for a nearby power socket
Read more online
The first time I met Richard Branson, I assumed he would be that Richard Branson: the outgoing, adventurous, ‘Screw it, just do it’ king of the grand gesture.
Solar Panel – to keep the battery charged Responds automatically to record any motion Motion detection 6 – 10 meters, with AI Human Motion Detection for mobile monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
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Surprisingly, though, he seemed a little shy, especially at first. Great guy? Definitely. Charming, thoughtful, and witty? Absolutely.
But still: even though he’s happy to do things like this, Branson is clearly an introvert. I shouldn’t have been surprised, though, because being introverted or extraverted has little to do with what you do, especially in public.
Let’s take a look at a few other myths about introverts and extraverts at work.
Extraverts like to spend time in the outer world of people and things, introverts in the inner world of ideas and images.
The above quote comes from the folks at Myers-Briggs, early popularisers of the ‘E’ and ‘I’ in your MBTI personality test result. Unfortunately, science shows that’s really not the case. A study published in Personality and Individual Di erences found that introverts tend to spend the same amount of time with people, and doing things, as extraverts do. (And they’re just as happy as extraverts when they do.)
• Ideal for mobile monitoring of home, garden and other belongings
outer world: interacting with people and doing things.
The only real di erence in extraverts and introverts is their sensitivity to outside stimulation. I’m introverted, so a er a while I need a little quiet time to recharge. My brother-in-law is extremely extraverted and never seems to need quiet time; to him, more interaction – and more doing –provides even more energy.
A study published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that extraverts get energy from talking and interacting with other people, but so do introverts; in fact, both extraverts and introverts said their energy levels were highest when they interacted with other people, whether at work or in their personal lives.
Yep: whether you’re introverted or extraverted, you like to spend time in the
Extraverts are better suited to leadership than introverts.
Yeah, no. According to multiple studies, there’s no di erence in the e ectiveness of introverted and extroverted leaders in terms of overall team and company performance.
Except in certain circumstances; as Adam Grant notes, extroverts are more e ective leading employees who tend to
Professional success has little to do with whether you’re introverted or extraverted. The key is how well you adapt to di erent situations--and to the needs of other people.
seek guidance, direction, and motivation, and introverted leaders are more effective leading employees who tend to take initiative and work well without supervision.
The best leaders? Whether introverted or extraverted, they adapt to the individual needs of each employee. The key is what you do with who you are, and what you believe.
As Simon Sinek says: These are phenomenal, phenomenal leaders who are all introverts. The one thing they have in common, whether you’re extroverted or introverted, is undying belief in your cause.
The charisma is not how much energy you have. The charisma is how much you’re willing to devote to that.
And if it’s all of it, you have charisma. You have leadership capacity.
If you’re an introvert, one of your strengths is the ability to assess, analyse, evaluate, and make considered, thoughtful decisions. So is the willingness to back your decisions – and your goals – with determination, effort, and persistence.
Both of which are qualities of a great leader.
Extraverts are better at sales than introverts.
Actually, neither extraverts or introverts are better. A study published in International Journal of Selection and Assessment found no correlation between extraversion or introversion and sales performance.
The real winners? Ambiverts, the people who tend to fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum – and as a result, can more easily adapt their approach depending on the individual needs of potential customers.
According to the authors of a study published in Psychological Science:
Because they naturally engage in a flexible pattern of talking and listening, ambiverts are likely to express sufficient assertiveness and enthusiasm to persuade and close a sale but are more inclined to listen to customers’ interests and less vulnerable to appearing too excited or overconfident.
Turns out the same is true for being a great leader and a great salesperson: your personality matters a lot less than your willingness and ability to adapt to the needs of other people.
Extraverts perform better in public situations than introverts.
Extroversion and introversion have little to do with social skills. Plenty of introverts are engaging, and plenty of extroverts are socially awkward.
The situation also matters. Some extroverts love interacting in a group but
struggle with one-on-one conversations. Some introverts are uncomfortable one-onone but feel comfortable performing in front of tens of thousands of people.
The best meetings I ever attended were led by an introvert. He wasn’t loud, or talkative, or charismatic, or any of the stereotypical signs of extraversion.
When he spoke, it was to the point. When he listened, he really listened. He had figured out how to use what he did best to his advantage.
Research bears out that approach; a study conducted by Carleton University found that performance is mitigated by psychological coping style.
If you’re shy, coming to a meeting
prepared will help you feel comfortable speaking up. If you’re outgoing and gregarious, reminding yourself to listen more than you speak – or even to make sure you speak last – helps ensure other people feel listened to and valued.
And gives you the opportunity to learn whether – especially if you’re an extravert and like to think out loud – whether your assumptions, or first-take opinions, are wrong.
By jeff haden, contributing editor, inc.@ jeff_hadenThe opinions expressed here by
Inc.com columnists are their own, not those of Inc.com.