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This is supporting research document for my final major project “Format - Map� London College of Communication FdA Design for Graphic Communication May 2010

The client is yourself – this project should allow you to undertake something that you’ve always wanted to do and learn about a certain format. Your goal is to highlight your creative thinking, research skills and practical ability by showing the design world how the format can be used, applied, manipulated and pushed in ways never thought of or seen before. It’s about showing off your skills and producing the best piece of work you have ever made. What you produce should be something that people will look at and go, ‘Wow!’ Project start date: 19April 2010, submission date: 1June 2010.

Analysis, questioning and personal interpretation of the brief

The brief:

To choose, examine and push the limits with one of the basic graphic communication formats - maps. To produce a piece of graphic design that shows off the potential of format and your creativity and skills as a designer. The message: how creative and innovative you can be with your format, how the format can be used and applied in new ways and showing and using the most ambitious and appropriate range of skills and processes to achieve this. Content must be something about the format itself, historical facts or technical information for example. It should be interesting and be based on your research and enquiry into your format.

The brief is repeating in almost every sentence that this has to be something new, something to enjoy to make, but research based and still stay in a boundries of format. And people should like it. We were asked to be influenced by somebody or something, I am. And I tried to keep it as close as possible to research, and use findings + time to make it.

Secondary research examples & useful collection






Ignoring gravity just a normal wish of human being - to feel like you are something more than just a human. These are my all time favorite pics by Dali.

Newton - apple. To break the “law� they taking apple tree to the space.

Willingness to destroy - to make art.

Animals in the skies horoscopes.

Letters are symbols on the map, too







People do like to show directions to others. ex.:”go to hell!”

Color excites, first impression, dark, mistical, seeing these color combinations people mostly go “wow” or “thats cool”

Day, night, sky, stars, repetedness, reflections. Does it trains our memory or makes image memorable?

Inside out, or outside in.

Actually people are lazy creatures, if they cant get reward, they do not want to get involved.

Filling empy places with it, to make a rich view.

3D or Bubble Map



Flat world

When map is big free standing atlass, it becomes 3D. At least you can go around it, but not list it. as it had too many circles with maps in them and empty left spaces again were filled with circles. So I called it Bubble Map.

And no land but animals on it.

Smallest map book and bigest map book

Exciting, beautiful and truth. Wales represented in those times these uknown sea monsters over whom people had no power. Mistical again.


Perversion or reversion?

Religion, sins, dependence, love and horror. These are ones of most interesting maps.

Of mapa mundi and kind of like.






Many maps has these heads all around map blowing the winds.

No map is without them.

These amazeing grids or lines. How much I like them. They are definitely something special in these old maps.

Roll-maps raised my interest, in British Library exibition there were few to see. I like them. Its kind of secret - you can roll it out and in. Also its like a book, some rolls had more than one map in it. So may I will do.

Woodplate on the roof Metal plate, solid stone. of the Sevendroog Castle. Parralel in Greenwich Peninsula telling you where you are.








Envelope - way to remaind that the map exist. Or may it has political destination? And use of modern technologies like touch screen.

Radar on ships is another map - 4 D, including time,because time has changed every next circle radar goes. This one visitor attraction is in Greenwich Maritime Museum.

All good ones has map in them. “Blood Diamonds”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, “Gladiator” The same do all good story books, ex, “Swallows and Amazones”.

Its good. It has information about ash clouds or can zoom in for you any destination on the Whole World (only) .

“out of service” - if it would be like that, maps would never change !

Find on you-tube this animation which uses “edge of the world” too.

This one image is mine, I could manage to take it,because its closer, its just there, not that far as techniques of N.A.S.A. goes to take images. But its still beautiful, isnt it?

People used to make maps wherever they go. It is time to make map in space.

Adorable images by N.A.S.A. Some ask me questions: “what is it?� I said - that is...that is our surrounding. That IS around us. We as we are on the Earth, we dont see it, do not see it yet, but may be One Day. I never been there, and N.A.S.A. people havent, but we will... One Day.

Thanks to this project or I’d never know about it?

I could not resist these ones Most beautiful images I’ve ever seen

Analysis & Evolution of collected resources

I have collected more than loads of images about maps, about 60 % of them raised my attention. I divided them into groups: imagery maps, old maps, flat world maps, maps with strange grids, some interesting maps like type only maps, dog thought maps, maps about dreams or death, useful maps and etc. I was surprised how many different maps exist. New for me was that art is called officially map too. Nevermind, may its for good. Map is absolutely immportant to me. I am a map lover and without map I feel lost. I have maps everywhere in my house. I am happy I have it on my phone now too. Bad thing is that technologies aren’t perfect, for example, my phone map does not show my location precisely, when I want it. That’s why I prefer art, as there nothing can be wrong, if artist made it how he wanted to. I really put in myself into research, but at the end more in the way that I wanted to find just what I really like. Not like to try to collect just about everything what refers to term “map”. In the first place I like “old” maps. Because of that feeling that people do not know everything yet. And it comes to fantasy. Secondary, fantasy maps. Because fantasy at some point refers to reality. In third place stands modern “reality” maps, such as google map, ect. Hope everyone knows what a wonderful experience is to travel online and to zoom in just in any place on the globe to see how it is there. I think everyone had landed on street to see his own house. Also there are all the videos seen online about maps. There is so much, and many so good. Some of most interesting ones I found are aded to my blog: Same 3D map things, starting with envelopes, books, plates, dresses and boots, prototypes of land etc.

Ideas generation

After analysis of sen maps, I came up with 3 possible ideas: - Personal Treasure Map (it would be something weird, with setting personal places), - Improoved Google Map (including places, prices on products, opening times, live videos), - Imagery Map (more like an artwork, drawn, about population, moods, people, satisfaction, fantasy). To generate idea was not easy. I love maps, I knew during research, what I liked about each map or what I didn’t. I applied selectivity. I observed people, statistics, asked people questions. And I still was not sure what to make. I knew it must be something unusual, interesting, that half of people will not know about it.

In first instance map will have destination (objects in it, lands or planets). It will have distance

- erupting map,

Most interesting ideas are: - flat world,

- puzzle map (make your own map), - edge of the world, (measurements). It should have something what you can change or is changeing with time (that could be grids. It will have one more

- Fragile world (map), - Giants, like Gulivers, Alice in Wonderworld or dinosaurs.

- soft world (map),

dimension - time. It must have information (name of point or place).

- microchips, underskin (map creates during the process of movement).

At this stage was first consultation with tutors and other students. I told them few different Ideas I have. Looks like idea they liked the most was the fragile world or space, story about Giants and who or what is there where we do not know what is there.

One of the ways could be to improve digital maps like “google”. I wish that it would be possible not only to see photos of selected places, but experience “REAL TIME JOURNEYS”. As cameras are now nearly everywhere, they could be attached to every public transport, plane, also space ship too. (Space would be the most novel destination. I very like the man called Richard Branson, and he is offering now journeys, for everybody who wants, on the Space Ship). While Googlmaping, we could switch on and travel online in real time. Why not? Its so simple! So there are few examples I filmed, flying on plane at day, night (landing in London), morning (departing), going on train under Thames, diving in the ocean,( O.K. its filmed in London Aquarium), Driving on bad road surface (in Latvia).

I made questionary using Survey Monkey. Wanted to know many questions. I asked:what map should be? Anwers in three words: simple art with information. Nearly 60 percent of respondents have heard about “edge of the world”. ( Honestly I was expecting some 3 % only!!!) After this answer, I understood, that if I am designing for somebody, I have to get to know as many pople opinions as possible. And many people even knew to tell me what exactely is hapenning on the edge of the world. I’ve got many different stories. Next question was: where do we exist, who is ‘over’ us? “we are dust in the space” was most popular answer. Question about interactivity I formulated as: “Space. Would you like to: - discover it yourself?”, Which get majority of answers. Only quarter seemed to answer other questions, which were about not to get involved. Asked about future of maps, many think that maps will go digitaly, but nearly 80 percent was sure that all kind of maps will be used in future and maybe some new kind of technology.

Ideas was still around the flat world. How to devide water and land, how much space each continent takes, falling down people from the edge of the world or floating continents, God somwhere. Next I tried roll-map prototypes.

Possible final idea. Rolled map shoud have many maps (pictures) in, and we could roll it in and out. Map that have more than 3D was something intriguing. Adding time would be nice.

Also spiral or repetition: they could be mirrors. Things are repeating in maps. It is kind of REFLECTION

Sometimes looks like really hard brief - what is the thing I have to made to make everybody go “Wow!� ? Decided to make collection of most popular by now things and put them together to make something beautiful. Also its time to start making outcome. And so, following the: - questionaire: space, planets, dust. - British Library: Bubble Map. - questioning people + research: Alice

in Wonderland as a Giant Monster or Guliver would be in role of God Mother who stands over the Univers and keeps us safe as a wizard.

have consistency and following the tour to the Science Museum, for my big wonder(!), many planets consist from gas. It had to be drawn.

-obvious things as: directions and grids. Or latitude and longtitude. The planets and stars

Next was time to think how to put distance measurements between flying planets. And to notice and describe evry falling star.

The space with planets started to get contents and Second Drawing came. This one was good, it had planets, falling stars( may be God Mothers falling golden hair?) Dust below. So I decided to draw a map. For draving the lady I needed prototype, and doll was just in the next room, she had beautiful golden hair, just what was needed.

Final idea.

repetidness. Space must have some background colour.

Then was time to decide where the grids lie, where and I was advised by like, I made some tutors that I should screen prints at home. how the compas use screenprinting. I screenprinted So I decided to her hair and some screenprint all my big planets. poster-map. (Honestly They did look I would paint it beautiful. So I draw instead, but painting another lady with is not recognized as a graphic design.)

To see how it looks

planets and holding mirrors in every hand, for us, for never ending space, for

looks like. But instead of N (north) W (west) E (east) S (south) The letters NEWTON will be used, because he discovered the gravity, but there are

I made a little shoebox with planets and dust beneath and broken mirror pieces on the sides.

not any in space. Also we were asked to employ our influencies. The mine is by surrealists, so compass sign would be soft as Dali’s wathces. Now there was time for mass totorial. Tutors did not understood what I was doing, so there was no feedback. Later I started to feel like my space map is starting to go outside of frames, that is, it was asking me to include mirrors for reflection, but I couldn’t, because 2D is flat!

Then I found my UW pen, colored a bit my planets, so they could shine in darkness. As space is a darkness. I put inside box my torch - little money detector.

And it was so beautiful. Also The Black Hole must

be included. Its something horrible what can suck in. Then I went for next tutorial which was really helpful. I felt happy, because finally at least somebody was speaking to me about my work. Once I was told that whatever I will do in graphic design, it has to be flat in the end. But I so wanted to make it 3D. I bring in for tutorial my shoebox with flying planets. And it was accepted as a possible outcome. The first thing to change was to do not make people look with one eye into little hole from the end of the box to see how planets are shining.

What exactely will be in the box: To include in everything from the above (mirrors, direction lines, black hole, distance measurements). Plus take into account survey results(which was made on survey monkey) and to reflect them in to outcome. That would be: - precise information - art work, - simple, - include complex information, - easy to use, - personal, - fantasy, - nice, - abstract, - evils, demons, hell, monsters, fire, dragons, terorists, bogeymen, - angels, virgins, - god, - dust, - stars, planets, Earth, Universe, galaxies, atmospheres, Mother Earth.

Prototypes I made few little different boxes to see how it will look, where the grids will be, where planets will stand.

I draw a map grid or compas lines on the sides of box.

I put in the online sign for pointing - a drop shape - which tells where you are or your desired destination.

from the old maps with drawn Winds), which will be included in spacebox.

Making the original box.

Tuesday morning. So I made another box 30x30x64cm. Before sticking all of the box sides together, I had to draw the grid at first.

At first I made too big box. It was good (I I switch on the blue light and it looked OK.

I draw all the compass lines, but the problem is that they are not that good visibility as I was expecting. The outside of the box would be the abstract or soft gridlines.

I needed to rotate the black hole, I put on the back the windturner(?). Black hole should be rotating and at the end of the box.

Actually there will be no wind. But good idea as I will use this for the Winds (idea

could add on the top edge which reminds of antiqueness) etc, but I had to make it smaller in case if these few people who could help me with delivering box to the school will be not available on

Next thing is to get the proper lighting. All online resourses seemed so unuseful (there were some to order, but I did not

wanted to wait for delivery), and I went to search for high street lighting shops. I’ve got it and the size I needed for my box.

little toy soldiers.

Space box is filling in slowly, very acurately, to make sure that at each cross point there are 4 threds (representing compass). Each thred has one planet on it. So I was happy again. Actually I always have back up versions: for the case if my 3D box would not be accepted, I would do drawing, and if I wouldn’t get the bluelight, I all the time looked that the box would look great without blue light too (or maybe I could build in some little night light).

Next to each planet, on thread is directinal or descriptive sign (same as ordinary map has street names). Making angel and deamon. How they will look like? As the soldiers in Afganistan, war and piece are popular themes, I decided to paint the

Winds will be 4 - in each corner. In picture below is prototype for Winds and Space Temperature.

Black hole and Time became united, and I am using mechanism of wall clock for Black Hole. And as scientists are wondering if we will go into Black Hole once, I wrote on it: “Only Time Will Tell” I made prototype for clock.

And testing clock with Black Hole.

Outside of box. It will be wrapped in these “amazeing soft gridlines”.

idea to use the antiq frame. I wanted “the past to meet the future”. Now I had to find the proper frame as the one I had was only a one edge. Frame used is from the little mirror. It such looks like a picture.

And if it is a picture, it has to have a wall behind. For the wall At one moment I felt I used black sugar sorry for the Doll not paper for test piece, to be used anymore, so I placed her next to and now will cut out the box, so she could some cartoon. The problem raised is feel like owner of the that description of the Fantastical Future space, wich stands Space. in front, covering the lighting, is not in good visibility anymore because of frame. So I had to remove it. It will now stand next to the framed But I turned back to 3D picture, same as

it would be exhibition piece in the museum. Especially its rigth place, because it has description of whats inside.

Another positive aspect is that frame with wall will save viewers of the feeling that they have to look inside of box, now it feels more relaxed, like screen or picture. After I filmed a little inside to see how it would look, if it would be a movie.

Final piece

I have designed for you future imagery space map. It includes destinations, descriptions, mix of real and fantasy objets, referencies starting from eldest flat world maps to contemporary digital maps. This map is a new in format in the way how it is laid out (I’ve never seen anything like that), also consistency and special lighting. Possibly it could be developed to movie.

Bibliography: Allen, P. (1992) Atlas of atlases : the map maker’s vision of the world ; atlases from the Cadbury Collection, Birmingham Central Library, London: Ebury. Andrews, M. (1991) Birth of Europe, colliding continents and the destiny of nations London: BBC Books. Botting, D. (1978) Pirates Amsterdam: Time-Life. Cunliffe, B. (1979) Celtic world, London : Bodley Head, 1979 Harmon, K. (2004) You are here : personal geographies and other maps of the imagination New York, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press. Hoyle, F. (1977) On Stonehenge London: Heinemann Educational. Martin, T. (2000) Essential surrealists Bath: Parragon. Peckl, M. (2006) Another girl another world, Nurnberg: Verlag fur moderne Kunst Nurnberg; New York, NY: Distributed outside Europe, Distributed Art Publishers. Pedretti, C. (2004) Leonardo da Vinci, Cobham, Surrey: TAJ Books. Whitfield, P. (2005) Cities of the world: a history in maps, London: British Library. Internet 4/30/10 12:21:36 Referencies: 1. Exhibition: “Magnificent Maps”, British Library, 30Apr – 19Sep 2010 My blog:

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