Publisher & Editor Jamison Sky Creative Director Martine Tunaley Columnists Caitlyn Cann
Contributers Nick Terrone Sarah Yip Jaime Sky Marty Alyse
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EDITORS LETTER Welcome to Volume 2 of SilentEarth – The Magazine. The first issue was such a huge success that we decided to continue and bring to our readers what they have been requesting! Some more interesting stories and some must have fashion. You will not be disappointed because we have delivered! In this issue, Nick Terrone will teach you about Quantum Jumping and Sarah Yip will explain Chinese Face Reading! I am sure you will never look at people the same after you read this article. You will also be introduced to some of our models and the fashion in this issue is impressive… so impressive that Home And Away TV Series had to have some of the pieces that are shown in Volume 2 for the TV show! Our regular columnist Caitlyn Cann is back, and we have a new columnist starting with us in Volume 3. Mark Kelson, International Music Producer and Songwriter makes an appearance and so do some designers of the fashion that has been featured in this issue. The WINNER of the Photo Competition is announced too, also on our Facebook Page – SilentEarth – The Magazine as well and come like our new social media page – Instagram – silentearththemagazine. We hope you love the second issue as much as you have loved the first. The top ten countries that love SilentEarth – The Magazine in order are: Australia, closely followed by USA, Hong Kong, UK, Indonesia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada and Singapore and France. So keep ‘liking’ our Pages and keep ‘sharing’ our Pages so that we can continue to bring to you
SilentEarth – The Magazine Creative Director-Martine Tunaley
Editor-In-Chief- Jamison Sky
Cover Model- Amber
CoNtEnT Sarongs And Tees Make Summer A Breeze
Happy Jumping
Accessorise This Summer
ori Castner
aitlyn’s olumn
UniSex Bohos
Because there is a little bit of Hippie in all of us
Sunny Jim is a WIN! By Emma Hancock from Sunny Jim
CARLY HOOD JEWELLERY DESIGNER Like Carly Hood Designs on Facebook
ag netism
Face Reading Secrets
How to Read Your Face Like a Book By Sarah Yip Back in the days before facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft Word, people couldn’t judge you by your online activities or resume. They simply looked at your face and read it like a book.
side represents your feminine (Yin), and your right is your masculine (Yang). Difference between left and right can influence your career and relationships – for example, someone with stronger Yang energy may prefer to work with males or in competitive fields.
Face Reading is derived from the art of whole body reading. In the East, we believe that a person’s character and health is revealed by their physical appearance. This information can be used for personality analysis, relationship compatibility and to improve your life expectancy. I completed basic Face Reading training in 2008 and have used it in hundreds of psychic readings since then. Here are the seven main areas that I assess in clients:
Then I look at the most prominent section for strengths, and the least developed section for weaknesses. For example, your classic ‘egghead’ scientist has a large forehead and small chin, suggesting they have brilliant ideas but lose their socks. We call this a Yin personality – someone who is refined, sensitive and needs to maintain good health routines.
Your Ears show your Kidney strength, and inherited energy levels. Large ears with hard, thick rims denote good circulation, both social and physical. For those of you with smaller, soft, thin ears, it’s about working smarter not harder. I recommend protecting your adrenals through regular sleep and relaxation.
My earlobes attach to my head, which means that I Overall Proportions prefer to talk than listen. This Firstly I mentally divide sometrait almost got me fired from one’s face into three sections: a few jobs, until I studied Holistic Counselling and learned Spirituality and Mental Power A typical entrepreneur has a wide to accept advice! On the plus (forehead) – Intuition and intel- jaw, showing their focus on accu- side, my pointy ears are a sign ligence mulating resources. This is a Yang of psychic ability and someone Social Focus (ears, eyebrows, personality – someone with physi- who follows their inner voice. eyes and nose) - People skills cal strength who pushes through and empathy obstacles. They often need to learn Your Eyebrows are sign of inMaterial Gain (mouth and chin) diplomacy. testinal health and your cour– Work style and physical enage or guts. I like to see dark If someone’s face is asymmetridurance brows as these show loyalty cal, this has a meaning. Your left
and commitment. People who’s eyebrows are too thick may be aggressive. Thin brows (e.g. faint before plucking) belong to someone who’s cautious and likes their privacy. Some people believe that eyebrows with the outer one-third of hair missing can signify thyroid issues. I see this formation on people who have trouble finishing projects and usually recommend Chinese herbs and acupuncture as a solution. Perhaps their Liver and Spleen need support. Your Eyes are not only the window to your soul, they reveal your clarity of purpose and passion. I want to see them sparkling and clear! The eye requires eight times more oxygen than other body cells, so a lack of fresh air (and fresh ideas) shows here first. Large eyes give someone an idealistic worldview, whereas smaller eyes suggest a detail focus. Someone with white eye whites (sclera) has a clear vision of what they want and achieves goals easily. This is the person to date or to hire for a job. Just make sure that you have white sclera too otherwise their vision might override yours! Time to go for that jog… Someone with yellow sclera may feel ‘jaundiced’ and grumpy - this could be a sign of a stressed Liver. I never push someone with red eyes for a decision, as they are too tired to think clearly. If you can see white under someone’s iris (many celebrities have this sign), this person needs to be more grounded. They could be living on nerves and at risk of burnout. Dark circles under the eyes indicate someone who is out of sync with nature. Perhaps they are a shift worker, sleep late, or eat food out of season. A diet high in salt, cold drinks or excessive sex can also cause dark circles. You can make the circles disappear by replenishing your Kidneys with herbs and changing your habits. Try Himalayan pink salt and herbal teas instead of coffee. Buy fruit and vegetables from organic grocers or grow your own rather than shopping at supermarkets. Your Nose gives away your cardiovascular health. A red nose (not due to cold weather) is a sign of a stressed heart. This is someone who keeps things inside, and only lets their feelings out in bursts. That’s right – Santa’s a nice guy at work but he’s probably an angry drunk. Alcoholics or ‘internally acidic’ people often have a red nose (and red palms, but that’s another article…) Moon-bathing, green smoothies and a holiday can do wonders to bring them back into balance. The Japanese Healer Ohashi believes that the bridge of your nose correlates to your spine, so any crookedness here could suggest issues that need correction with stretching or therapy. I believe in a metaphysical reason for every illness. If a client complains of chronic sinus or postnasal drip, I’ll ask them why they are crying inside – what’s in their face that they’re avoiding? Many times, they have gone through a crisis or death but not had time to grieve yet. Sinus issues can also be related to food intolerances – see your Chinese medicine practitioner or a naturopath for help with these. Often, by strengthening our Liver and gut we can reduce the symptoms and ‘take back our digestive power’. Your Mouth reveals your emotional and digestive health. It shows how easily you speak up and
whether you enjoy life. I see many people with small, tight mouths these days, e.g. politicians are notorious for their thin lips. This can be a sign of too much meat in the diet and/ or a controlling personality. They are trying so hard not to let anything slip out that they don’t allow life in, which leads to spiritual emptiness later on. Creative hobbies, drinking more water (non-fluoridated), meditation and detoxing are recommended when you have tight lips. A protruding lower lip can indicate someone who doesn’t let go. They may need more fibre in their diet! Personality wise, they can be very charismatic but also childish if they don’t get their way. Well defined lips (especially a distinct V on your upper lip) suggest a strong stomach. I have this formation and Hoovered food as a kid. That said, after years of stress the V disappeared and I developed all kinds of gut issues. As I’ve restored my digestive health through herbal medicine and energy healing, my lips have recovered their former shape. Your Chin expresses your character under fire. Do you give in or fight back? I assess willpower from the jaw. If someone has a jutting chin, I know they are self-motivated and just need a kick start. If a client has a receding chin, I encourage them to work with a team to reach their goals. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this basic introduction to Face Reading. Remember, your face and body are always changing. You can heal any part of yourself with love, effort and support. You have the right to be healthy! For more information please check out books such as Reading The Body – Ohashi’s Book Of Oriental Diagnosis by Ohashi or Mian Xiang – Discover Face Reading by Joey Yap.
You can also book a reading with me, or read more articles at www.sarahyip.com. I post regularly on my blog and facebook as The Numbers Queen www.facebook.com/TheNumbersQueen
Sarah Yip
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Accessorise This Summer
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Fairina Cheng
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Mark The Music Man
Mark Kelson is a Musician, Sound Engineer and Producer. Residing in Melbourne, his solo album ‘Resurgence’ will be out in September 2014. I was always into music for a very young age, I have played guitar around 25 years now and I was always interested in recording. When i was in like year 7 at school, I would borrow the schools 4 track recorder and spend my holidays at my grand parents making demos with a guitar and drum machine. Professionally I recorded my first album when I was about 18, and it all just went from there, after many years of touring, making records and working with other musicians, it seemed natural for me to move into Production so I went back to University and studied it formally. I wanted to be an Architect but once I got a real guitar I know I was going to do something with this music thing. People often ask me if it’s difficult what I do. I think anything worthwhile in life is difficult or takes some commitment and effort. I spent many years staying up all night booking tours overseas and eating can of bake beans to commit my time to it. Although being a musician has led me in different directions with the production element and I am also writing for a sound magazine in Japan. I would not say I have succeed in a commercial sense but I feel I’ve been lucky to make lots of records and tour the world with various bands My first serious band was when I was about 19, I picked up guitar at 12 or 13 and probably started singing much later. My band The Eternal formed when another band I had been in for 7 years disbanded. We were stuck and not really progressing musically, so I put some new musicians together and went about writing new material. Within a year we were singed to a label in Finland and off we went on our first European touring adventure. We have made five albums, a few DVD’s and we have toured extensively around the world. I am about to release my first solo album in the coming months in which I performed all instruments and handed all the product duties. I’ve been doing this so long, if I say I’m nipping off to Japan tomorrow no one flinches an eye lid..’owe Marks off doing some music thing again…’ I have played in China, Japan, Western, Eastern and Northern Europe several times. America twice I think, Canada and South America. I did my first solo tour in
Japan earlier this year, just me and an acoustic, that was fun, and I’m heading back in October for a second. I really dig places like Hungary, Finland, & Romania as far as Europe in concerned. Japan is a place I really love to be and play, such lovely people. I’m not a Producer in that Hip Hop / R & B way… that world Producer gets thrown around to loosely I produce artists in this way - they come to me with a song or album, and my job is to focus the direction, help shape the songs and be critical of the material and to get the best performance of the artist. So I generally get contacted by people who have a serious project and want to work out my cost and a budget, sometimes I just engineer, sometimes I just mix, sometimes I just produce, very often I do all three. I really enjoy getting involved in peoples projects, it since when the client walks away with something they really love. Music is one of the coolest things you can do, even if you don’t make a cent, seeing the world and paying very little to do so and playing songs that you have written is a awesome experience. People don’t realize that the music and sound industries are in a tough place, with free digital downloads it really has affected people selling records, making an income and intern, that has affected studios making an income, maybe bigger studios have closed. There are very few studios around employing engineers like in the old days, I run a small mixing studio in my home and freelance to a few bigger ones. As far as being a musician I’m not sure there is such thing as making it anymore, there is so little money in music for the musician these days so you better be prepared to be broke! Shows like The Voice don’t help either because they teach people you can go on a game show to be musician and not actually put in any work. Most of these artists also only release one album and disappear, stuck with a huge bill to a record company and in a contract with a company that doesn’t want to release any music by them, for 20 seconds it might be fun but I don’t see it as anyway to land yourself a long term career. I think I offer something good to my clients and I have had many unique experiences as a musician Anyone can do anything they chose if they’re hard working and focused enough. I think, I have had lots of studio experience and I’m very pedantic when it comes to details. I would say I offer something very individual and personable and not all producers are like that. I do care the artist gets a result they can afford and that they are happy with, I genuinely enjoy the job. I passed out in Holland and woke up in Finland I have experienced crazy things being a musician. I have toured the world! I had a few band run ins with booze, on a tour a few years back, I passed out in Holland and woke up in Finland with cuts on my face, and some how I had managed to catch a train, bus and plane, well I may have been carried, just proves you can get through an airport in any state. Although to be honest, I don’t subscribe to this kind of shit, just occasionally the adrenaline is high from a show and you get crazy, it happens! Because our music is fairly emotive, we also tend to attract some interesting fans, for the most part the fans we do have are loyal and have been with us many years, we usually meet the long times fans for a beer on tour and catch up, we are not massive so its like a nice little family really with many familiar faces. I’m not very good at singing other peoples songs, I have enough trouble remembering all my own! I have always been the main songwriter and lyricist for my bands. I’m very into the creating music
part of being in a band. There are many great young bands around today but I tend to work with rock bands with the occasional country or blues artist. I think there is a wealth of Australian talented bands its just hard for them to take it to that next step with the music industry being in the state it is. Of course some manage to break through and good on them. I am a firm believer that if you want anything done properly you need to do it yourself. I follow Buddhism as I find it just helps in life, which in turn, helps in your career and every other aspect. I basically try to keep calm put out lots of love and think before act. I guess I also learn you can’t achieve true happiness for anything external and you need to spend a lot of time coming to terms with yourself and learning to love yourself. It really does affect the energy you put out into the world, and I do believe if you put our love and positively even when it is challenging that good karma tends to come your way. My advice to anyone is to just do what you love, and do it well. At the end of your life you want to look back without regrets and know you did what you wanted, even if at hard times. Peace love and happiness to all! Cheers. Mark
www.markkelson.com www.facebook.com/MarkKelsonAus www.kelsonicstudios.com www.facebook.com/KelsonicStudios
Sarongs And Tees Make Summer A Breeze
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Quantum Jumping Leap into your Heart’s Desires
ARNING: This article contains unconventional concepts and perspectives that may challenge your understanding about reality. Proceed ONLY if you have an open and curious mind. This is pretty much the first thing I say to every audience I speak to when sharing this kind of content. I say it in a ‘tongue-in-check’ kind of way, to keep things light hearted, but there is an element of seriousness here as well. You see, it is true that this article is going to cover some ideas and concepts that may truly be a bit of a stretch for some to connect with and that’s totally fine. If the title of this article has grabbed your attention I’m going to assume that you’re open to some ‘out there’ concepts of reality and consciousness. If that’s you, please keep reading as I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed. Having said that, here’s the interesting thing. Even though what you’re going to read might seem a little mystical and esoteric, let me assure you that these concepts are actually based on the most cutting edge Unified Field Physics that we have today. Some of which I’m going to share with you here in a basic understandable way. You see, I don’t know about you, but I’m very open to alternative ideas and concepts of reality and metaphysics, topics that some might label as ‘woo woo’. However, for me to REALLY connect with a mystical idea it has to have at least some sort of scientific evidence that supports it. Otherwise it’s just a dogma. If a concept has no way of being scientifically verified, then it’s a little harder for me to incorporate it into my belief system. For the purposes of this article, I’m going to assume that you’re a little like me in that sense, interested in the point where science and mysticism intersect. I’ll add to that by going one step further. When you think about it, what might seem like a miracle, is often just science and physics we just don’t understand yet. I mean, imagine telling a person 200 or even 100 years ago, that someday you’ll be able to communicate with another person anywhere in the world with a wireless device smaller than your hand. Imagine how that person would have reacted? It’s worth keeping that in mind if you come across something in this article that might make you want to LOL. Even though there is some seriously complicated physics at the foundation of all this, I intend to explain what Quantum Jumping actually is, how it works and how you can practically use it in your own life to manifest your heart’s desires. I’m going to take you on a step by step journey that may at times seem a little ‘off track’, but if you can hang in there with me, you might just have an ‘ah-ha’ moment (or two) that might just spark something within you to try this out for yourself, do some further research or maybe even get in touch with someone who can teach or guide you more personally. Or, if you’re still reading this, if nothing else, I’m sure you’ll find this information interesting at the very least. Ok, the first and most obvious question is; ‘What is Quantum Jumping (Q.J)?’ Q.J is a type of meditative, cognitive, visualisation process. Through following some simple relaxation instructions, (or through self-guidance), the brain enters into the Alpha state. From here you can then energetically connect with a parallel reality or dimension where an alternate version of yourself exists. The idea is that through this technique, you can interact with this version of yourself and when you do this in a very specific way, it can assist you in this reality to manifest whatever you want and dissolve anything that is holding you back from being who you truly are and fulfil your soul’s blueprint. Ok, WOW, hold the phone! Now that last paragraph might have triggered something with you, either a laugh, a ‘yeah right, what a load of crap’, or perhaps some interest to read further. You can
now see why I started with that ‘warning’ at the beginning right? Your reaction is neither ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘right’, or ‘wrong’. It’s simply an indicator of where you’re at on the circle of life. One point on the circle is no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than any other, it just ‘IS’. This Q.J thing sounds pretty surreal right? But as i mentioned, I’m now going to start to share with you some foundational science and physics that will hopefully build a level of belief within you that there is actually something to this Q.J thing. So much so, that it might inspire you to take some sort of action. Whatever that may be. Building a level belief in a self-transformation technique like this is probably the most powerful thing you can do to create change in your life. Beliefs are an EXTREMELY powerful human phenomena. Henry Ford said ‘Whether you believe you can or you can’t, either way you’re right’. The power of belief is linked to the VERY well documented ‘Placebo Effect’ in that if you BELIEVE a pill will do X for the body, in 1/3 of cases X will occur in the body even though the pill was nothing but a sugar pill. Just think about how many wars past and present have been fought simply because of a difference in beliefs. But why are they so powerful? Why am I going to point to science to help raise your level of belief? Well, because it’s linked to a very powerful question that I’d like you think about for a moment, and that question is: ‘Are your beliefs shaped by your experience, or do you experience what you believe?’Just take a moment to consider that. Perhaps you think it’s a bit of both and you’re probably right. It’s kind of like a loop where one effects the other isn’t it? Kind of like the connection between thoughts and feelings where if you shift one thing, the other will follow. But you see the fact is that you have more control over what you chose to believe than the experience you are having in any moment. If you change your belief, you can change your experience. Maybe that’s why they are such powerful things that we continue to fight over. Your conscious and unconscious belief structure will determine what you perceive, notice and hence, experience. It’s like that phenomenon where you suddenly notice all the red cars on the road as soon as you buy a red car. This is also the reason why two people can recall two TOTALLY different experiences from the same event they both attended. Why? Because they have different beliefs which influences what and how they perceive the same external stuff. So why the science to explain Q.J? Because it is the best and most fundamental tool we have for justifying most of our collective beliefs. As a society we believe things to be true about ‘the world out there’, because the scientific method tells us it is so. Ok, so having said that let’s start from a place as foundational as possible. At the basis of everything is energy. This is pretty undisputable. We know that absolutely everything, when you break it down to its smallest essence, it’s just energy. Now if you look at the scientific definition of ‘energy’, as it applies to physics, interestingly enough it’s actually impossible to observe energy directly. All we can (and do) observe is the EFFECT of one system on another. So in a way, you could say that ‘energy’ is simply the ‘communication’ part between two systems or things. So more practically speaking you could say that the energy we use to power our planet, be it electricity, nuclear power, the fuel for our machinery etc, is created by combining certain chemicals which create a chemical reaction and then we attempt to control the resuling EFFECT. This effect is often an explosion which produces a chain reaction often resulting in some sort of propulsion. This is exactly how anything that uses any type of oil-based fuel works be it your car or a rocket to the moon. Combining highly explosive material with some sort of spark produces an explosion that pushes a piston that turns the cogs that powers the wheels etc. In relation to the human body, in one way, it’s not so different. We do in fact have an electrical system in the body that produces not so much an ‘explosion’ but a firing of neural activity that our nervous system manages. Have you ever had an ‘electric shock’ when touching your car door or rubbing your feet on the carpet? This would be IMPOSSIBLE if we did not have some sort of energy surging through our body. We are in fact emitters and receivers of energy in the form of frequency vibrations. Have you ever walked into a room or met a person and experienced a distinct ‘vibe’ that made your hair stand on end? Well, there have been many experiments that have determined that
we have two main organs that have this inherent ability to emit and receive electro-magnetic energy, frequencies or vibrations and they are the heart and the brain. The Chinese have known about the energy of the body for thousands of years and have integrated this knowledge into healing and health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) calls the energy, or ‘life force’ of the body ‘Chi’ and by stimulating the flow of Chi, it facilitates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. This energy is a very real thing that can easily be observed by scientific devices. This is basically the science behind many healing modalities such as Acupuncture, Acupressure Massage, Reflexology, Chiropractic Medicine and Kinesiology.Why is this stuff about energy important? Because if it really is all there is and if it is the building blocks of reality as we know it, then it makes total sense to have an understanding of what it is and how it behaves. Once we know this, we can use this knowledge CONSCIOULSY in a practical way rather than unconsciously like most of us do. Running side by side this theme of energy is the idea of the unconscious mind. It’s SO important to get a better understanding of what the unconscious mind is, its role in our lives and how to work with it. Why is it so important? Well, the famous Psychologist Carl Jung had this to say about the unconscious mind: ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious it will continue to run your life and you will call it fate’ Hm . . . powerful stuff I think. More about the conscious and unconscious mind shortly. In high school we all learned two simple laws about energy that still apply today and they are: ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ and then there’s The Law of The Conservation of Energy which states: ‘Energy can be neither created or destroyed just transformed from one form to another’. As I said, some of this may seem a little ‘off track’, but stay with me here because it will all come together and make logical sense in the end. As for the first law, it relates to what I mentioned earlier about energy. If for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, then that means that whatever is happening ‘over here’ in one system, is going to have some sort of effect on whatever is happening ‘over there’ in this system. Having said that lets now bring in another characteristic about the dynamics of energy. It can only ever go in one of two directions, it can either expand or contract but it cannot do both at the same time. Another way of saying this is that energy (or systems) can only ever be repelled from one another or attracted to one another depending on the energy dynamics that’s happening between them. Hm . . . ok. For some you wheels may already be turning here. Every heard of ‘The Law of Attraction’? Or seen the movie or read the book ‘The Secret’? There was a lot of information left out of the book and movie which explains why so many people who followed the instruction were left scratching their heads asking themselves ‘where’s my stuff?’ They did however mention one thing about this law that is actually scientifically true. And that is ‘like energy attracts like energy’. In other words, to attract what you want to experience in your life, you have to create a resonance with that energy within YOURSELF FIRST and by doing this you will emit an ‘attracting force’, vibration or frequency that connects to the energy/frequency/vibration of what you want and by doing this it will start to draw in the synchronistic situations, circumstances, events and people, that will allow that energy to manifest into your physical experience. This is just ONE aspect of the The Law of Attraction, which can also be defined as ‘what you put out is what you get back’. But don’t be fooled by the speakers and authors who are making squillions teaching this stuff because even though it may be a simple law of the universe, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to implement in our daily lives. Why? Because there are a multitude of other factors involved in using the Law of Attraction effectively such as the power of aligned action, your beliefs, perceptions,
the unconscious mind etc. All of which are topics beyond the scope of this article. Ok so as far as Q.J is concerned, trust me we are getting there but let’s just check in and summarise what we have discussed so far. Everything is energy. Energy is simply a type of communication between ‘stuff ’ (or systems). All the energy that exists always has existed and always will and can only be transformed from one form to another. Energy can only ever go in one of two directions. It’s either expanding (or radiating) or contracting. What happens ‘here’ has an effect on what happens ‘there’. The human body, particularly through the heart and brain, is an emitter and receiver of electro-magnetic bio-energy/frequency/vibration (three words that are basically describing the same thing). I hope this is all making some sort of sense. It’s beyond the scope of this article to share the examples of the scientific experiments that have been done to verify all of the above aspects of energy, but they are most definitely out there. However, having said that and keeping in mind what we have mentioned so far about energy in the context of Q.J, let’s consider this extremely relevant quote from Albert Einstein: ‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics’. Hm . . perhaps more wheels are turning for you at this point? But now let’s consider this idea of ‘frequency’ and ‘vibration’. It seems to be an important element here. But what does it mean? WHY is it important? It’s important because all energy, everything from the subatomic world to the cosmological world is moving, or vibrating, at a particular frequency for it to change form from something that our 5 senses cannot detect, to something that our 5 senses can detect. We all know that each one of our senses are limited to the energy frequency that they can actually detect. Did you know that we are only able to see and hear less than 1% of the light and sound spectrum? We know that there are certain sounds, tastes, smells etc that our ears, tongue and nose simply cannot detect. Why is this? This is simply because our senses are designed to capture certain energetic frequency vibrations which our sensory apparatus then translates into electrical impulses which are then interpreted by our brains as a smell, a sound or an image etc. If the frequency is beyond what our senses can detect then we simply have no experience of that image, smell, sound, etc. To go one step further, in a way, you could say that we are NOT experiencing ‘the world out there’ as it actually IS, we are simply experiencing a MINISCULE representation of a field of energy that is being translated into an electrical phenomenon within our brain and THAT is in fact what we are experiencing. So what does this all mean? Well it means that if everything in the universe is moving at different speeds, then to experience or ‘detect’ a phenomena, it needs to be moving within a particular range. Otherwise to us and our senses it will seem like it doesn’t exist. A simple example to explain this idea more practically is the idea of a spinning ceiling fan. When it’s turning slowly (or it’s energetic ‘FREQUENCY’ is low) you can clearly see each blade. But as it speeds up (or raises its frequency) the blades seem to become less visible to us. If they were to spin even faster, to our eyes it would appear that the blades disappear. However, if you now introduce the idea of resonance, there is a way that you could see the blades appear without having to reduce the speed of the fan. If you spun your head around fast enough in the same direction of the fan, you would soon start to see the blades again wouldn’t you? What have you done? Apart from causing yourself a massive head spin, you’ve created a resonance between your eyes and the fan. To relate this back to energy, it’s no different with regards to a TV or a Radio. You know that you can only watch one channel or station at a time depending on what resonant frequency you’re device is tuned into. The more resonance between the emitting and receiving device, the clearer
your reception. So how does all this information about energy relate to Q.J? For now, let’s just leave out the idea of dimensions all together and investigate whether there is any scientific basis (or even evidence) to support the idea about how we could connect with and manifest anything in our lives be it a new job, better health, money, a lover, a bigger house, a trip around the world etc. Let’s start by asking ourselves; ‘what is it that I REALLY want?’ If you look at the things I just mentioned you’ll realise that it is NOT the thing you want, but the FEELING you THINK that thing will give you. Isn’t that right? Think about it. No matter what you say you want in life, you only want it because you believe that if you had that thing you will feel better. So you could say, that what you’re really wanting is an emotion. What is an emotion? The name kind of gives it away, E-MOTION. It’s the physical experience of Energy In Motion. Or said another way, it’s the experience of the movement of energy within your body. So let me map out this idea a little further with some simple logic. Energy is the basis of the entire physical (material) and non-physical (spiritual) world. Everything everywhere is energy and like energy attracts like energy. All the energy that ever is, was and shall be already exists here and now. You, me and all humans are made of energy. So therefore everything in the universe must be connected to each other. I’m sure you’ve heard this concept before, perhaps in more spiritual circles, this idea that ‘we are all connected’, ‘we’re all one’ etc. Even though I deeply believe this, if you cannot show me HOW this is the case, then to me, it’s just another dogma or concept. Now let’s take a more scientific approach to this idea of ‘oneness’ shall we? There is a field of scientific investigation called Unified Field Theory. Why does it have the word ‘UNIFIED’ in it? Because at present, we have two theories we use to describe the inner and outer world. We use Einstein Field Equations to explain and predict what we see in the outer world. This includes very large things in our universe like stars, planets and galaxies. Then we have a type of physics to explain the very tiny aspects of existence called Quantum Theory. This is the science used to describe our inner world and the world of the very tiny. Now since big stuff is made out of small stuff, you would think that the two of these theories would complement each other in some way, but they don’t. One of the ways we are trying to unify these two seemingly opposed theories of reality is by asking ourselves: ‘What is it that connects all things?’ The answer is SPACE, or to use a more ‘scientific’ term; ‘The Vacuum’. Space is absolutely EVERYWHERE. It’s between stars, planets, galaxies. And believe it or not, everything you see around you, which you think is so ‘solid’, on an atomic level is 99.99999999% SPACE! To paint a clearer picture for you, the densest material we have on this planet is a diamond. However on a molecular level if you grow one of the atoms to the size of a peach, the next closest atom would be about 200 meters away! Amazing right? If you remember what I was saying earlier about energy and resonance, you’ll understand that we only have an experience of the world around us as being so ‘solid’ because our ‘human energy’ and the energy of the physical matter around us is resonating within a similar range enabling us to detect it with one of our five senses. When this happens we call it ‘real’. However if the energy in that same thing were to shift it’s energetic frequency beyond our ability to perceive it, then it seems to disappear to us and all of a sudden it becomes ‘unreal’. So what I’m saying here is that we are comprised of mostly space. Your next question may be. ‘So what? Why is it important to know that I’m made of mostly empty space?’ It’s important because of something that science discovered over 100 years ago but swept under the carpet because it was an unexpected discovery, too overwhelming for them to deal with at the time. And that is that ‘SPACE’ is not empty at all, but INFINETELY DENSE with energy.
It might seem like it’s ‘empty’ to our five senses, but it’s actually infinitely full of energy which is in such perfect equilibrium that it all cancels itself out and seems like nothing to us. It’s almost like a fish swimming in water never realising what the concept of ‘water’ actually is and never knowing that it’s actually wet. But do we have any proof that the energy density of the vacuum is infinite? Actually we do. All we have to do is quote one of the most influential physics text books we have called ‘Gravitation’. It was written by some of the most respected physicists who ever lived including Charles Misner, Kip Thorne, and John Wheeler. On page 426 it states: “present day quantum field theory gets rid by a renormalization process of an energy density in the vacuum that would formerly be infinite if not removed by this renormalization.” You see ‘renormalisation’ is what physicists do to equation outcomes that end in infinities. Since they try to avoid using infinities in equations, they basically make the number ‘more manageable’ and turn it into a finite number so it becomes easier to use in their equations. Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. So if Space is infinitely FULL of energy and we are made up of 99.9999999% space which is everywhere in the universe, then perhaps we have the capacity to communicate with the entire universe. How do we do this? By doing EXACTLY what every ancient master has told us to do: by going within ourselves and connecting with the space within us that is literally and energetically connected to everything in the universe. Perhaps Jesus wasn’t speaking metaphorically when he said ‘the kingdom of heaven is within’. So to bring it back to our topic a little, Quantum Jumping is simply a process of connecting with the energy of an alternate dimensional reality within yourself and creating a resonate field with that reality so you can draw it into your life. If that’s so, the next logical question is: ‘How do you create a resonant field?’ There are 3 powerful ways to create a resonant field with whatever you are wanting to attract into your life: 1) Set an intention just before you ‘Quantum Jump’. 2) Create the emotions within yourself as if you already HAVE that desired reality. 3) Use your unconscious mind and Alpha brain wave state. 1)The Power of Intent. This might sound like a simple thing, but it’s SO important. Why? Because energy, which has been explained above, RESPONDS to intent. How do we know this? We know this through many different experiments, the most compelling coming from the work of Dr Masaro Emoto who has analysed the effects of exposing water to different intentions. He did this by putting water in containers with different words written on them. These words included: ‘LOVE’, ‘GRATITUDE’, ‘THANK YOU’, positive words as well as negative words such as ‘I HATE YOU’, ‘I WILL KILL YOU’. ‘YOU’RE AN IDIOT’. He not only exposed the jars to labels but even to other stimulus such as different types of music such as classical and heavy metal music. To investigate the effects Dr Emoto analysed the frozen water crystals before and after exposure. What he found was amazing. When exposed to anything positive such as words, music or even to the attention of meditating monks the water crystals were beautifully formed and looked just like the little snow flake cut outs you see in shop window displays at Christmas. However when the water was exposed to negative stimulous, words or music, the crystals were more deformed and ugly looking. We have known for a long time that water is an amazing conductor of energy, especially electricity and from the results of these experiments it’s not hard to see why. And when you consider that the human body is approximately 70% water, it really gets you thinking right? 2) Create the emotions within you ‘AS IF’ you already have the outcome. From what has already been discussed about energy, it should seem pretty obvious why this is such an important step. If like energy attracts like energy, then it makes sense that when you are do-
ing a QJ, you want to create the emotion and energy as if you already have that thing in your life first. Doing this is like fishing for what you want in the universal sea of infinite possibilities. If you want to catch a particular fish you need to bait your hook with the right food to attract that fish. This is exactly the same thing. There is no way you can attract that shiny new car into your life if you continually bait your hook (and your thinking) with ‘I don’t have enough money’, even if that might actually be true in your reality at this temporary moment. 3) Using your unconscious mind. This is basically a process of leading yourself into the Alpha state of the brain. This is the state that I lead my clients into when conducting hypnotherapy. Self-hypnosis is not a difficult thing to do but unless you’ve been coached by a therapist or done some researched on how to do it, I would recommend that you simply do your Quantum Jumping at two times of the day when you are ALREADY in an alpha brain wave state. This is first thing in the morning and last thing at night, that moment when you’re half-awake half asleep. This is the perfect time to visualise EXACTLY what you want, feel EXACTLY what you want to feel and hear EXACTLY what you want to hear. This is the time to make the EXPERIENCE of what you want as real as possible. Now here is the the golden nugget, the element that makes this entire process even more powerful. After relaxing your body and mind, just before you start to visualise everything you want to attract and create in your life imagine taking a journey into your heart. Actually picture yourself being right in there. From there, imagine shinking in size to the size of the cell. Imagine seeing billions of cells everywhere. Then imagine going smaller and smaller in resolution past the DNA structure and opening up into the world of the atoms. Imagine seeing billions of these. Then zoom down even further until you are face to face with the subatomic world within your heart. From here emerse yourself into the massive amount SPACE that is within you. This is the place where you are literally connected to all the energy of the universe. THIS is the place to now start your visualisations and what you wish to attract/create by connecting with the pictures, images, sounds, smells and emotions that you WANT. Once complete, simply zoom back up the way you came and then open your eyes. Congratulations, you’ve just communicated with the infinite universe. And that’s it folks. That’s the formula right there. Now you might be asking; ‘So what then?’ Well, the answer is simple. You just have to ‘let go’ of the expectation of HOW you THINK what you want should come to you and just let universal forces do the rest. But at the same time, keep an eye out for the little signs and synchronicities in your day that will present themselves as opportunities to guide you to the right place at the right time. Getting anything you want in your life takes action, a rather huge piece of the puzzle that ‘The Secret’ left out, however action that is in energetic alignment (following your excitement) is 100 times more powerful than action taken out of fear or lack. It’s this kind of action that will allow you to synchronistically rendezvous with people, situations and circumstances at the right time. And when this happens you will start to really know yourself as the creator of your reality. I couldn’t think of any better way to build extraordinary levels of self-confidence.
www.quitwithnick.com.au Twitter: @quitwithnick Facebook: www.facebook.com/quitwithnick
Happy Jumping
Nick Terrone
ori Castner
Why did you decide to start modeling?
I have grown up always loving fashion and styling so I thought it would be an excellent experience and education in the industry to give modeling a go!
Who have you modelled for?
I have modeled for Stefan Hair Shows, Queensland Brides, Bmag, Zalquie Make-Up, Goddessbynature Gowns to name a few.
Most interesting job you have done?
I think the most unusual shoot I have taken part in was when my whole body painted white for a levitation shoot as an evil mermaid.
What challenges do you face being a model?
I think my biggest challenges are trying to keep myself motivated and trying to fit everything in!
What do you do when you’re not modeling?
When I’m not modeling I work as a full time Dental Nurse.
Where do you want this career to take you? I would absolutely love to travel and model overseas.
Who is your favourite model? Sahara Ray
Do you have any fears or phobias when it comes to modeling?
I wouldn’t say I have any fears or phobias when it comes to modelling but I defiantly still get butterflies before parades!
Are your friends and family supportive of this career?
My family and friends are very supportive through my journey so far and are always excited for me.
Any advice to give someone wanting to start out in this industry?
My advice to anyone starting out in this industry would be to always keep an open mind and give everything a go! You can follow Tori on Facebook and Instagram Facebook-Tori Castner Instagram-Tori Castner
UniSex Bohos
Because there is a little bit of Hippie in all of us
SilentEarth UniSex BoHo Green $34.95
SilentEarth UniSex BoHo Green $34.95
SilentEarth UniSex BoHo Brown $34.95
SilentEarth UniSex BoHo Purple $34.95
Models Lisa Jessica Beau Makeup Matison Lavery Photography Marty Alyse Shot on location at Dayboro
SilentEarth UniSex BoHo’s $34.95
rystal Richards and Jason Jordan of Beerwah, Queensland are the proud owners of Raptor Vision which is based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. We have been working with birds of prey for over ten years now. Two years ago, with only two birds, we decided to finally turn our passion into a business – and Raptor Vision was created. We only had the two birds but now we have another eleven to add to our mix. We have a Wedged Tail Eagle, an Osprey, Barn Owls, Masked Owls and a Barking Owl – a total of 13 to be exact. We get our birds from Zoo’s or Wildlife Demonstrators We have named all our birds bar one. Lunar was named in one of our Facebook competitions. There is Reef – the Osprey and Morgan – the Wedge Tailed Eagle. China, Twilight, Mum, Shadow and Luna are all Barn Owls. Wesley, Talon, Mum, Dad and Spike are all Masked Owls and Eclipse is a Barking Owl. Although the birds sleep in huge enclosures on our Sunshine Coast Property, they must also be housed individually. Birds of Prey are known to be territorial and their safety, health and well-being is our number one priority. They have so much personality! Training the birds and seeing them in shows is really rewarding! Training usually starts when the birds are very young and get trained to step on a glove by using positive reinforcements. Because they are birds of prey, their diet includes mice, rats, chicken, chicken necks beef and Reef, the Osprey, primarily eats fish. We also use these positive reinforcements when we train them to fly to the glove and also get them used to different types of sounds, places and people. It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to train each bird because each one has a unique personality. We have been embarrassed a couple of times by our birds! We train our birds every single day, but sometimes things just don’t go according to plan! Just like kids, sometimes they don’t listen and have left us red faced one or two times! You need to have patience and understanding to work with these creatures. We usually say no to patting as they have sharp talons and we wouldn’t want someone to get accidentally scratched .
We have never been severely injured by any of our birds. Jason has been accidently scratched because their feet are incredibly sharp. It is something we always have to be mindful of, their sharp claws! We love all our birds equally but I must admit, I do have a soft spot for Morgan, my Wedge Tail Eagle. After all, he is just a gentle giant.
For more information on Raptor Vision contact Jason or Crystal www.raptorvision.com.au
Facebook Page Raptor Vision
Tabitha Huntley Melbourne VIC
Interview With Model Carol Larson Sass Management Your look is amazing! Where are you from? I was born in Sydney but my Mother is from the Philippines and my Father is from Denmark. I now live in Brisbane and I have been here since I was 4 years old. How long have you been modelling for? I have been doing some modelling jobs since I was 18, but I started to take it more seriously last year and now I work for the agency Sass Management. Why did you decide to start modeling? I really enjoy it and I’m a creative person so I love that each job is a bit different. Who have you modelled for? I mainly do Commercial and Fashion Modelling, but I also do Promotional, Film and TV and Extra work. Most interesting job you have done? It would be a tough choice between a recent competition I was involved with, extra work on an upcoming movie or filming for a music video that is currently in production, unfortunately that’s as much detail as I can go into as they aren’t officially released yet. What do you do when you’re not modeling? I work doing Freelance Graphic Design and I like to play electric guitar and video games. Where do you want this career to take you? Towards more opportunities in modelling and acting. Who is your favourite model? At the moment probably Adriana Lima and Emily Didonato, they both have similar but amazing features. Any advice to give someone wanting to start out in this industry? It’s all about building a portfolio of your work and getting your name out there!
Carol’s official Website www.carol-larsen.com
Rebecca, my daughter, lost
her shoes this morning and started screaming that it was all my fault. “Where are they?” She demanded. “They were under my bed last night. Where did you hide them?” Now yelling is one thing I can do without at 7am during the breakfast rush. I suggested that if she wanted to squeal like a lunatic she go up to the local oval. She took off, in her pyjamas, crying: “I’m leaving home. I’m going to find a much nicer mother.” Any small disagreement will trigger similar cries from Rebecca. It could occur because she wasn’t allowed to wear her new dressing gown into the city at high noon or because the guest list for the birthday party was considerably edited.
or maybe she has seen Oliver Twist often enough to know the world out there isn’t as easy as it is with Mum. The first time Rebecca left home she was three. She packed a lacy hanky, a tin of baked beans, a pair of clean knickers and a pen. I’m still wondering what she intended to do with the pen. Anyway, she got as far as the next corner – about 500 metres
aitlyn’s olumn
son shot through with a school bag full of sand from the sandpit in the backyard. One mother of five kids in the neighbourhood found the perfect solution to the constant threats of “I’m gunna run away” She threw the lot of them, aged between three and ten, into the car and headed off to a building she claimed, was an orphanage that was on the other side of town. Now this was enough to make them think that mother meant business. She dropped them off outside the “orphanage” and drove away. Mind you, she only went around the corner. But those ten minutes were enough to frighten the tripes out of them and she hasn’t heard a murmer or complaint about living conditions at home since then. Rebecca must know my reaction like clockwork now. I offer to pack her bag, interjecting small talk with: “It’s going to
BE IT EVER A HASSLE THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME When you explain that 35 children can’t possibly fit into the house, powered reaction will commence. “Kylie’s mother lets her,” was Rebecca’s retort when her last birthday rolled around. “I’m going to live with Kylie” Now this new arrangement it appeared, would give me much more time to myself. Melissa, my other daughter, does not threaten to leave home. She must really be a homebody
up the road – and when no one ran after her she came home, a little more than defiant that no one had followed her. I’m sure most kids try to run away at least once in their lives and what they think will support them – like clean knickers and tinned beans – is beyond me. My friend tells me that he ran away when he was four. He took an empty suitcase and carried a pineapple. And a colleagues four year old
be so lovely and quiet without you. Now Mummy can have a nice rest. I can hardly wait” Occasionally I throw in; “Melissa and I are going out for Pizza tonight” or “On Sunday we are going horse riding” Her ego will be suitably battered, her lust for take away food will be whetted and a change of mind is imminent. And I know her answer, too. In order not to lose face she says: “Well, watch out because I’m still going. When I’m ten”
DESSERTS BY MR PALEO Salted Vanilla Bliss Balls INGREDIENTS 1 cup Dry Almonds, 1 cup Coconut, 3 tablespoons Maple Syrup, 3 tablespoons Coconut Oil, 1 Vanilla Pod 3/4 teaspoon Sea Salt, 1 cup Soaked Dates, 1/4 cup Sesame Seeds, 1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds and 1\3 cup Sunflower Seeds
METHOD Place all ingredients into a high-powered blender and pulse until combined. Make sure to scrape down mixture from sides. Roll into balls, place into a container and refrigerate. The amount of balls you can make will depend on the size.You can press into a tray and chill then cut into squares if you are short of time.
You can follow Mr Paleo Instagram - @mrpaleodesserts Facebook - mr paleo desserts
Ann-Marie Calilhanna of Sydney, Australia is the Sydney Photographer for the LGBTQI newspaper The Star Observer. Since 2004 she has also been the official Photographer for Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. After working in the Hairdressing and Private Investigation industry for many years, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to become a professional photographer. I have now been working as a Photographer for more than 12 years and I love it. Aside from the Star Observer and Mardi Gras, I also do a great deal of freelance work. Not many people can make a living out of doing something they love so much, so I consider myself extremely lucky that I am able to make it my career. Photographs span generations For me, photographs create memories that are timeless reminders of what and how we were. These captured memories allow future generations to connect with history and reflect on those trail blazers who have gone before them. My job gives me the opportunity to capture important moments that create history. Knowing that I was able to document something significant, which may change history, is very special to me. I love colour and movement, which is why working in our community is so fantastic! The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is a festival that is larger than life, full of passion and emotion that brings together people from all walks of life. It is an incredible honour to capture such an important event for our community. I feel lucky that I am able to make a record of the causes, issues and celebrations that happen so that we, and future generations, can remember it. I also get to capture the fun of the month-long festival; the creativity, the laughter and excitement, as well as the child-like joy of our gay Christmas. It’s great witnessing people celebrating being part of such a fabulous community! Most people do love jumping in front of the camera, which makes my job easy and fun. People enjoy seeing themselves online, and being able to share their memories with their friends.. The photo page on the Star Observer website is one of the most popular pages. While I am well known for my event photography, I am a versatile photographer with experience shooting weddings, corporate events, real estate and other studio photography. I am able to capture each and every event in a unique way, which sets me apart from my competition. You will rarely see me in front of the camera; I am on the right side of the camera, where the magic happens. You can view Ann-Marie’s work on the official Star Observer’s Website www.starobserver.com.au You can also contact Ann-Marie on: toann_marie@hotmail.com
ag netism
Pure Moda Pantera Scoop One Piece $219
Indy C Analeigh Black Shoes $59
Pure Moda Pantera Silk Shift $319 Belle Fever Heart Washer Necklace $59
Pure Moda Bahamas Silk Shift $319 Belle Fever Double Infinity Bangle $89
Pure Moda Bahamas Silk Shift $319 Belle Fever Double Infinity Bangle $89
Pure Moda Bahamas Scoop One Piece $219
Models Alina Raisa Makeup Leonie Southwell Photography Marty Alyse Shot on location in Brisbane
Emma is from Brisbane Australia and is featured in this issue of SilentEarth – The Magazine. I was always interested in the fashion world. When I was younger a Model Scout approached me in a shopping centre and suggested that I should try modelling. Soon after that I went with my friend to the Australia’s Next Top Model casting and got quite far into the auditions. So I decided join a model agency and it went from there. My favourite model is Kate Moss The modeling jobs I have done are interesting and varied and it was only a few weeks ago that I did a shoot where I was a Zodiac Sign. I was dressed in feathers and tulle with wild hair and makeup. I have also had the opportunity to stay in some beautiful locations for shoots, which is always great. I have also done a few national and international campaigns so it would be great to get plenty more of those as well! People think what I do is all glamorous but it’s not! modelling is a very demanding lifestyle with a lot of early wake up calls, airports and long hours in high heels. On top of that you need to keep in good shape and look after your skin. My family and my good friends are really supportive and enjoy hearing stories. I attend quite a few castings and these can be scary because you are meeting people who could make or break you and you need to ready in that split second! A few weeks ago I had to do a runway walk in front of somebody famous who was sitting on a chair watching me from the other end of the room. It was more daunting than walking in front of an entire audience. Confidence, resilience and good self-esteem are vital For someone starting out in this industry, they must be aware and understand that confidence, resilience and good self-esteem are vital because it is likely that they will face harsh criticism by industry people or just people that they know in general. It is harder for young girls starting as they need to learn quickly and don’t realise how demanding the industry can be. When you walk on set you are expected to know how to pose and which angles are best to advertise the clothes instantly. Usually you haven’t even seen what you’re wearing or what your makeup is like because other people have dressed you. So it is always good to pack a small mirror with you. Practice also makes perfect as poses that come naturally don’t always look the most natural on camera and you often have to hold uncomfortable poses. Recently I had to sit on some sharp rocks in swimwear and look happy and relaxed. It certainly wasn’t relaxing! Hehe. Follow Emma on Instagram @emmasengstock
Emphasize With A Splash Of Colour
Liquid Crystal Australia Necklace $44.95 Neyku Calipso Frills Bikini Top $59 Nude Beach Australia Shorts P.O.A Sunny Jim Beach Bag $89.95
Sunny Jim Beach Bags
Wendy and Holly Shoes $69.95
MadHunt Designs Square Bangle Peach $16 and Light Peach Neclace $28 Neyku Kaftan $99 Hive Flower Bomb Pink Bikini Top $47.50 and Bottoms $47.50
White Tiger Designs Charlie Necklace $35 Slix Pink Viper One Piece $35
Neyku Calipso Frills Bikini Top $59 and Bottoms $59 MadHunt Designs AllnBead Necklace $38
Funkita One Piece $84.95 Belle Fever Name Necklace $59
Models Alina Raisa Makeup Leonie Southwell Photography Marty Alyse Shot on location in Brisbane
When did you start designing jewellery?
Last year I resigned from my Senior Designer position in Sydney and moved to Magnetic Island with my boyfriend. I hoped to be able to find design work in Townsville or on the island, however there was no work around in my field. Instead there were lots of week night and weekend markets and I decided to come up with a sellable product that reflects the flora and fauna of the Australian tropics. I began drawing images and sourcing materials and the concept of my jewellery was born. My very first market day was such an unexpected success that I thought ‘I must be onto something here’ and have been making and expanding my jewellery range ever since.
What were you doing before you started this?
I have always been a Graphic Designer and still am. I’ve done lots of freelance work for a whole range of clients throughout Sydney, Melbourne and London. With my jewellery, I get to combine my own graphics with pendants and make them wearable.
Why did you decide to do jewellery making?
Magnetic Island is a tourist destination and being a big traveller myself, I love buying jewellery when travelling to different places. I find that jewellery makes special gifts for yourself or loved ones, as well as it being such an easy and light item to carry when travelling. I love wearing jewellery that I’ve bought whilst on holidays because there is that positive experience and memory attached to it. I want the same association with my jewellery. Also, I feel with this type of jewellery that the world is your oyster in which images I can combine with the pendants. As a Graphic Designer with a love for illustration, this is the perfect template for me.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration comes from the beautiful and unique flora and fauna of Australia.
How did you break into the industry?
After a few months of selling my jewellery at the markets, I was encouraged by a friend to try selling to a shop in Mission Beach. I went into the store, introduced myself and showcased my jewellery to the owner. She ended up buying half my range then and there. That gave me the confidence to keep going and approach other shops. In one year, I managed to sell my jewellery and get representation in 23 shops throughout Australia.
Do you wear your own jewellery?
Of course. I love wearing colour and can always find a piece in my range to match an outfit. I’ve also given a piece of jewellery to each of my female friends and family members who often wear them.
Did you receive any help starting this business?
My main source of help was from my boyfriend, friends and family who either helped me at markets or gave me advice on my designs. I’ve pretty much been figuring it out on my own though, designing new ranges, making the jewellery, selling the jewellery and doing all the finances. I’ve learnt a lot in the past year. Lately I’ve been signing up to talks on running a small business and online marketing so am hoping to implement that knowledge next.
Do you have some pieces that are more popular than others?
I do, my ‘In the Tropics’ beach range is very popular and I think this is due to the vibrant colours I use. I’ve also just released a new range - A to Z of Australian birds, in which I’ve illustrated a native bird sitting on it’s corresponding letter. It is quite a special and unique range and proving to be very popular.
Like Carly Hood Designs on Facebook www.facebook.com/CarlyHoodDesigns Shop At
www.etsy.com/shop/CarlyHoodDesigns Carly Hoods Designs are also featured on Home And Away Television Series week nights on Channel 7
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Sunny Jim is a WIN! By Emma Hancock from Sunny Jim For nine years I’ve been living in Asia in the corporate world in Japan, Hong Kong and most recently Singapore. During my time in Singapore I decided I needed an additional creative outlet so Sunny Jim was born. It was almost two years in deal of time getting the quality control and production just right. Sunny Jim is a summer-focused brand and I’ve designed a range of uber-chic UPF50+ sunshades, beach bags and cotton pom-pom throws. I have worked across several industries in three countries and all of the skills I have developed along the way have been instrumental in getting Sunny Jim to where it is today; from Singapore. For two years I worked on Sunny Jim in the evening after work and vested in the business before it was launched in 2012.
I took a huge leap of faith and resigned from my full-time corporate job to take on Sunny Jim as my new career. It was liberating, scary as hell, and phenomenal all at the same time. It has been a huge change working from home and having no one to report to except myself. I’ve just relocated back to Australia from Summer season gets underway! My husband stayed on in Singapore for another our sales agents and packing boxes (the glamorous life of small business!). When you own a small business you have to do absolutely everything; opening a bank account seemed like a huge job to me as I haven’t lived in Australia for almost a third of my life and everything seemed new! In 2014 we are looking at expanding into the US, The Middle East, Japan and South Africa and being a work-from-home-Mum is going to be an interesting challenge! In a matter of three months Sunny Jim picked up 70 stockists across Australia. When I see images of our range in my stockists stores it gives me an immense amount of satisfaction and a real sense of achievement. Also, when I see get a glimpse!
The biggest challenge has been getting used to working from home, not having a regular income and really believing that what you are doing is the right thing. Self doubt is such a deal breaker so I am really conscious that all achievements or failures, big or small, are only going to make the business and myself that much better. I also had a baby girl in June, Isabella Grace. She blessed us three weeks early so managing emails, production and orders with a new born is certainly up there with the biggest challenge of my life! Dealing with suppliers in foreign countries is challenging and I learnt the hard way about not having the best people working for you. you. I scaled the production back, brought on the best people possible and then charged ahead. Hands down Facebook and Instagram has helped my business grow. I use these Remove all the time wasters on your feeds and hone in on who is doing the best things in your industry. The amount of amazing business relationships I have started from these two mediums has been phenomenal. I really admire Samantha Wills, the person behind the brand and the brand itself, has been a huge inspiration to me. Her brand consistency, products and customer service are some of the best I have come across. Samantha’s drive, global growth and success is something that I admire as well as the fact that Samantha is a kind and hard working women. If I were to give anyone advice when starting an independent business is for them to have their eyes wide open! Budgets are tight in small business and I now only work with people I admire and respect. If it doesn’t feel right, cut ties immediately (even if it means loosing some hard earned cash). I don’t work with anyone who I wouldn’t want to share a coffee or meal with! Everything changed for me when I started working for myself. When you only have yourself to answer to you really need to put on your “big girl pants” and get things done. I’ve met some amazing people along the Sunny Jim journey and I really believe the energy you put out is the energy you get back in. The people who work with and collaborate with Sunny Jim are amazing and the business and brand is constantly strengthening.
STOCKISTS SilentEarth Clothing Co. www.silentearth.bigcartel.com
Pure Moda www.puremoda.com.au
Seriously Twisted Jewellery www.seriouslytwisted.com.au
Craybands www.craybands.com.au
Madhunt Designs www.madhuntdesigns.com.au
Clearly Helena www.clearlyhelena.com
Fairina Cheng www.fairinachengjewellery.com
Indy C www.indyc.com.au
Nude Beach Australia www.nudebeachaustralia.com Belle Fever Jewellery www.bellefever.com.au
Empress Bats Emporium Slix Swimwear www.etsy.com/au/shop/empressbats- www.slixaustralia.com emporium
Sunny Jim www.sunnyjim.com.au
Carly Hood www.etsy.com/au/shop/carlyhooddesigns White Tiger Designs www.whitetigerdesigns.com.au Neyku Swimwear www.neyku.com Liquid Crystal Australia Hive Swimwear www.hiveswimwear.com Funkita www.funkita.com
Wendy & Holly Shoes
www.liquidcrystalaustralia.com.au Dream On Creations Facebook – Dream On Creations Pink-A-Boo Designs www.etsy.com
“A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.� ~Lao Tzu
SilentEarth Photography