Walks and hikes

Page 1


List of walks and hikes Walk number


Height difference (in metres)

Walk title



The mineral world

The Moulin de la Serpe




Mountain lakes

The lake and meadows at Les Plagnes



Walking Map time reference PAGES 2h30



45 min


21 website


Alpine pastures

Les Mattes Circuit






Breathtaking views

To the foot of the Roc d’Enfer







Alpine pastures

The La Thuile – Le Plan balcony route


La Thuile





Alpine pastures

The Alpine Meadows of Arâches




Fresh mountain air

Fond de la Combe Circuit




Mountain lakes

Lac de Lessy




Breathtaking views

The northern balcony trail above Chamonix





Les Murailles Circuit



















Large lakes

Ontex mini circuit







Large lakes

The Taillefer circuit – the shrine trail





24 website



Roc de Nantbellet







Forest watershed nature trail







Breathtaking views

The Trélod








The Bellevaux Valley







Mountain lakes

Lacs de la Tempête







Large lakes

The Lake Aiguebelette balcony route


Breathtaking views

Lac Noir and the Grand Arc



The Village of Le Monal




Fresh mountain air

Lac de la Rosière and the Cascade des Poux




Alpine pastures

The Alpage de Ritort and the Refuge de Péclet Polset



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Breathtaking views

To the foot of the Aiguilles d’Arves




Mountain lakes

Tour of the Lacs des Cerces





Around the Esseillon Forts, the “sentier des Bâtisseurs” (Builder’s Way)


aussois et Avrieux



























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Long-distance footpaths:

sumptuous journeys

through breathtaking scenery A few legendary tours:


The Tour of Mont Blanc: legendary!

“Looking down from its 4810 metres, Mont Blanc can speak to us. Its summit is crowned with a mass of clouds? It is said to be wearing its hat: a storm is brewing. Wisps of cloud form two enormous, eastward-pointing ears? Mont Blanc is being a donkey: cloud and rain are gathering. The summit snows are blown by the wind? It is smoking its pipe: high winds are coming. Keep a weather eye on the mountain and you can’t go wrong” (Georges Hyvernat).


From Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean.

The GR5 and its variants provide one of the most beautiful A-to-B walks in the Alps. Starting in SaintGingolph, the Savoie Mont Blanc section of the trail takes you through the Chablais, the Giffre, the Aiguilles Rouges, the Pays du Mont Blanc (it includes the Tour of the Dents du Midi), the Beaufortain, the Vanoise, the Haute-Tarentaise, the Haute-Maurienne and Névache, before entering the “département” of Les Hautes Alpes.

THE GR® 65

Geneva - Le Puyen Velay.

The Way of Saint James starts on the shores of Lake Geneva and crosses the Albanais and Chautagne regions before reaching Yenne in the AvantPays Savoyard.

THE GR 9® Chartreuse.

This footpath heads south from Culoz in the Rhone Valley and gradually climbs up into the Chartreuse Mountains. Lying at the junction between the Alps and the Jura, the Chartreuse’s majestic limestone ramparts cast their long shadows over Chambéry, Voiron and Grenoble. The area’s varied landscape nurtures an exceptional diversity of plants, with Mediterranean species growing alongside other varieties more commonly associated with Arctic regions.

THE GR 96® Pre-Alps of Haute Savoie.

From Samoëns and the HautGiffre, the GR96® leads all the way to the Bauges Regional Park. It traverses the Désert de Platé, steps across the Arve Valley, crosses the Plateau des Glières between the Borne and Fier Valleys, goes through the Aravis Mountains, and then descends to Lake Annecy.

Hikers will find welcoming accommodation at the numerous mountain huts and “gîtes d’étapes” that are to be found all along these trails. Don’t forget to book ahead.


From north to south, each area of Savoie Mont Blanc has its own

distinctive landscape, with its own particularities, environment, history and architecture.

Genevois, Albanais, Haut-Rhône, Val des Usses: Towering above Geneva, the imposing mass of Le Salève is traversed by the superbly panoramic “Route des Crêtes”. With views stretching in all directions, there are few better places from which to observe the dramatic complexity of the surrounding countryside. To the south and west of Mont Salève, the Rivers Rhone, Usses, Fier and Chéran meander around the fields, farms and fortified houses of the “granary” of Haute Savoie, home to the area’s characteristic white wine, Roussette. Lake Annecy: La Tournette, the Col de la Forclaz, the Semnoz, the Dents de Lanfon and Mont Veyrier provide a truly magnificent backdrop to the city of Annecy and the turquoise waters of its lake. The “Bout du lac” nature reserve at Doussard preserves the wetlands at the southern end of the lake, allowing visitors to discover how the area has evolved. Designated a nature reserve in 1977 in order to protect its amazing flora, the Roc de Chère at Talloires also offers one of the most spectacular views over the lake. Bornes, Aravis: Extending from the Plateau des Glières, an important Resistance stronghold during the war, to the Colombière and Aravis Passes, the Bornes-Aravis area is simply idyllic. With its spruce forests, alpine pastures, traditional farms and picturesque chalets, the area has a wonderfully warm and welcoming atmosphere. The cows that graze the area’s lush pastures provide the rich and creamy milk that is used to make reblochon, one of the region’s most prestigious cheeses. From the Mont Charvin to Pointe Percée, the Aravis Mountains run along the border between Savoie and Haute Savoie.

Chablais Portes du Soleil



Genevois HautRhône

Lake Annecy




Val d’Arly




Avant-Pays Lake Savoyard Bourget Chambéry



Aix-les-Bains, LAKE Bourget, Chautagne, Avant Pays Savoyard: Straddling the Rhone Valley, the bucolic hills and dales of the Avant Pays Savoyard are covered by a patchwork of forests, fields and vineyards. To the east, the sparkling and romantic waters of Lake Bourget lap against the shores of Aix-les-Bains, a spa town and resort that has been awarded the prestigious “France Station Nautique” label. On its wilder western shore, the steeply forested slopes of the Dent du Chat plunge into the waters of the lake, ensuring seclusion and tranquillity for the beautiful Hautecombe Abbey. North of the lake, around the Savières Canal, lie the alluvial plains of La Chautagne, an area that is renowned for its gastronomy and its wines.

Geneva ke La Thonon-les-Bains


Massif des Bauges: The eastern ramparts of the Massif des Bauges rise above the shores of Lake Bourget to the summit of Mont Revard – a magnificent belvedere overlooking the lake. The Bauges Mountains, which form part of the French pre-Alps, have been classified a regional park, and the area has remained true to its traditions, with the production of farmhouse cheeses (tomme and vacherin), and craft industries, such as “l’argenterie des Bauges” (production of wooden tableware). Fabulous walks are to be found throughout the park, notably across the Revard Plateau, through the forests and pastures of La Féclaz and around the Bellevaux Valley.



Pays Chamonix du Mont-Blanc

Beaufortain Albertville




e oi Moutiers

Ta r e n t a i s e


Chartreuse, Combe de Savoie, Val Gelon: The lush pastures that form the heart of the Chartreuse Mountains and Regional Park provide a striking contrast to the seemingly impenetrable bastion of white limestone that surrounds the massif. Access to these high meadows is barred by dense forests, steep cliffs and deep gorges – spectacular scenery that also hides the Grande Chartreuse Monastery, home to this ancient order of monks.


Grand Massif



Unspoilt countryside

Savoie Mont Blanc: wonderfully unspoilt countryside Chablais, Lake Geneva, Geneva Alps, Portes du Soleil: From the small harbours, vineyards and meadows that line the shores of Lake Geneva to the fields and pastures of the Abondance Valley and the rugged mountains of the Portes du Soleil, this is an area that has preserved its heritage. Unspoilt villages have maintained their traditional chalets and farmhouses, and local producers still take great pride in their delicious Abondance cheese. Faucigny, Grand Massif, Arve Valley, Giffre: The gentle hills of the Faucigny form the gateway to the Giffre and the Grand Massif, which culminates in the 3096-m high Mont Buet. Wide fertile valleys, glacial cirques, waterfalls, mountain streams and gorges… this is the Alps in all its glory. The area also houses some unique treasures, such as the Cirque du Fer à Cheval, and the karsts of the Désert de Platé.

Pays dU Mont-Blanc: Although its summits and climbs are legendary, the cradle of mountaineering also offers magnificent hikes through a landscape of forests, pastures, lakes, spectacular glaciers – including the Mer de Glace – granite towers and crystalline summits that rise from 500 metres to 4810 metres above sea level. Four nature reserves and fourteen towns and villages complete the attractions of this truly exceptional corner of the world.

With a national park, two regional parks and sixteen nature reserves, Savoie Mont Blanc is one of the most beautiful areas of France… …and a hiker’s paradise. Nature reserves in Savoie La Grande Sassière, La Bailletaz, Tignes, Les Hauts de Villaroger, Plan Tuéda, La Sache, Les Hauts Plateaux de Chartreuse. Nature reserves in Haute Savoie Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval, Passy, Aiguilles Rouges, Les ContaminesMontjoie, Carlaveyron, Vallon de Bérard, Roc de Chère, Bout du Lac d’Annecy, Delta de la Dranse. The Vanoise National Park Created in 1963 to protect the ibex, the Vanoise is twinned with its Italian neighbour, the Grand Paradiso National Park. Covering 125,000 hectares, the Vanoise is the largest nature reserve in Western Europe. It has 107 summits above 3,000 metres and it is home to ibex, chamois, marmots, ermines, snow voles, golden eagles, lammergeyers, eagle owls, black grouse and common frogs, etc. Although very little of the Vanoise is forested, the park contains 1,200 species of plants, including edelweiss, lady’s slipper orchids and larch trees. Vanoise National Park Tel: +33 4 79 62 30 54 Website: www.vanoise.com

Beaufortain, Val d’Arly: Wood and stone built chalets punctuate bright green pastures above the shores of deep-blue mountain lakes. This is the Beaufortain, an area where villages seem to cling to the steepest slopes and where lush alpine meadows provide perfect grazing for the cows that produce the milk used to make Beaufort, the “Prince of Gruyère cheeses”. The Val d’Arly, with its pretty floral chalets, forms the link between Savoie and the Pays du Mont Blanc and Europe’s highest mountain dominates the view from many of the area’s summits.

The Bauges Regional Park is an area of exceptional diversity, with 1,300 species of plants, 150 species of nesting birds and 9 species of amphibians. In the Bauges, Mother Nature is the guardian of a veritable treasure trove with its legends, its secrets and its gems, including cyclamen, Dauphiné cinquefoils, alpine longhorn beetles and golden eagles. Massif des Bauges Regional Park Tel: +33 4 79 54 86 40 Website: www.parcdesbauges.com

Tarentaise: Every tributary of the Tarentaise Valley hides a forgotten corner, a rarely visited nook, that time and “progress” have passed by. And then there is the aptly named Haute-Tarentaise, in which experienced hikers can explore the high mountains between the Beaufortain, the Italian Alps and the Vanoise, a national park that has preserved unspoilt valleys and glorious peaks, such as the Grande Casse, Mont Pourri and the Sommet de Bellecôte.

The Chartreuse Regional Park’s first priority is to preserve the natural environment. In this respect, the diversity and wealth of its habitats are an inestimable source of delight to experienced naturalists and novices alike. The wonders of the Chartreuse are expressed most audibly in the autumn, when stags can be heard rutting in the twilight, and most colourfully in the spring, when fields bloom with lady’s slipper orchids. And, with luck, attentive nature-lovers may also glimpse chamois, pygmy owlets, black grouse, the orchid Gymnadenia corneliana, or even a lynx. Chartreuse Regional Park Tel: +33 4 76 88 75 20 Website: www.parc-chartreuse.net

Maurienne: One side of the Maurienne and Haute-Maurienne Valleys is lined with little known but magnificent mountains, such as the Aiguilles d’Arves and the Albaron. The other side of the valley contains the Vanoise National Park, where gleaming glaciers drape the flanks of the Dômes de Chasseforêt, de l’Arpont, des Nants and du Génépy. The Haute-Maurienne has a particularly rich history with traditional villages, such as Bonnevalsur-Arc, Valloire and Albiez-Montrond, and quintessentially alpine landscapes. For walkers, the Vanoise is undoubtedly the jewel in the area’s crown, with fabulous fauna and flora to observe.

To find out more… www.savoie-mont-blanc.com

(the price of a standard call from Britain to France)


GR 65 The Way of Saint James

T hre e -day tr ave r se

Santiago de Compostela was built as a simple regional church to mark the last resting place of St James, whose remains were found there in 813. Then, in the Middle Ages, it became the objective of Western Europe’s greatest pilgrimage. The first pilgrims were motivated by their faith but, as the centuries passed, the Way of Saint James has become a pretext for an adventure, a journey, a way of finding oneself. Of the 1854 km leading to Santiago de Compostela, 52 km are found in Haute Savoie.

District: Archamps ve

EtrembRegion: Genevois Haut-Savoyard

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Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n° 3430 OT Mont-Saleve/SaintJulien-en-Genevois/Annemasse IGN Top 25 n° 3430 OT Bellegarde-Sur-Valserine/ Grand Crêt d’Eau IGN Top 25 n° 3331 OT Rumilly/Seyssel/Le Grand Colombier

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5 km

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First stage: hotel in St Blaise


St Julien Tourist Office: Tel: +33 4 50 04 71 63

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Second stage: gîte de l’Espérance 74270 Chaumont Tel: +33 4 50 32 27 49 Tel: +33 4 50 32 23 99 Third stage: hotel in Seyssel

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Waymarkers: GR rouge et blanc, balisage départemental et coquille St-Jacques, jaune sur fond bleu



Type of itinerary: A to B Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free


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le Rhône



1375 m

le Grand Piton

Col Mont Sion



N50 D


Le Chable





H A U T Chaumont R H Ô N E 2e


Archamps Neydens



From Annemasse, follow the N206 to the A40 “Geneva, Lausanne” motorway. Leave the motorway at junction n°13.1 (Parc d’Affaires International). Follow the N206 to Les Combes, between the villages of Lathoy and Archamps. The French section of the Way of Saint James/ GR65 starts at the trail marked “Crêts d’Acier”.



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MonnetierMornex Road access and parking:


Day 1 Start height: 474 m Highest point: 885 m Height difference: 450 m Total time: 4hrs not including rest stops

Les Combes to the Col du Mont Sion Les Combes is the French and Haute Savoie gateway to the GR65, which begins at St Peter’s Cathedral in Geneva. From the cathedral, the trail heads towards the border through the eastern part of the town of Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, where the first GR65 sign is found. Follow the road and track to go behind the International Business Park (Parc d’Affaires International). At the next road, turn right, go through Lathoy, and then head towards Neydens. Cross the footbridge over the motorway and follow the wide, rocky track. This flat section of the trail offers beautiful views of Mont Salève, to the east, and the Jura, to the north. Follow signs to Verrières, and then to Beaumont. From the church in Beaumont, head towards Jussy. Continue to Les Crêts, which forms the entrance to the Chartreuse de Pomier. Go through the Chartreuse and back onto the road. Follow the path overlooking the orchards along the base of Mont Salève. Follow the track on the right (waymarker). After going through a clearing that offers a wonderful view, rejoin the road at St Blaise cemetery. Follow the track to the Col du Mt Sion. Overnight stop.

Jussy and its superb lines of pear treas marking the entrance to the village. Many of the area’s orchards still grow traditional varieties. Do not miss the exhibits about Mont Salève at the Maison du Salève. The museum explains the history and geography of man’s relationship with the mountain (permanent exhibition, temporary exhibition, shop, picnic room).

Day 2 Start height: 785 m Highest point: 815 m

Col du Mont Sion to Chaumont From the Col du Mont Sion, start to the left of the road (on the opposite side to the “hamlet of Father Christmas”) and follow the track uphill towards Charly. This section of the GR65 follows the same route as the “Balcon du Léman” long-distance footpath: wonderful views over the Vuache and La Mandallaz hills. In Charly, make a short detour (5 min) to visit the Chapelle de St-Jacques. Follow signs to La Croix de la Biche, Chez Grésat, La Motte and Chaumont.

In Chaumont: Arbannaz waterfall and the restored remains of the old castle, which was pulled down in 1616 by Henry 1st of Height difference: 420 m Genevois-Nemours. Due to its geographical position, Chaumont was a town and a fortress in the Middle Ages. To get to the gîte in Chaumont, head right, uphill, for 10min. Total time: 4hrs 20min Overnight stop. not including rest stops

Several views across the whole of the “Avant Pays Savoyard” region.

Day 3

From Chaumont to Pont de Fier

The route to Seyssel offers some excellent views of the Montagne des Princes, the Grand Colombier and the meanders of the Rhone. Do not miss the beautiful houses in the two hamlets of Les Côtes. Savour, in moderation, the still or sparkling white wines of Seyssel, which has enjoyed Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée status since 11th February 1942. The 60 hectares of vineyards that make up the AOC lie in the districts of Seyssel (Ain), Seyssel (Haute-Savoie) and Corbonod. Wine has been Highest point: 540 m produced here since the 11th century. Today, the white grape varieties grown are Roussette de Savoie (also known as Altesse), Height difference: 380 m Chasselas and Molette.

Start height: 560 m

Total time: 6hrs not including rest stops

From the road, go down the track to the “Vers Rosset” bend. Bear right to cross the vineyards of Roussette de Frangy, a local white wine. From the church in Frangy, cross the River Usses and head towards Désingy. Go through Champagne, Tagny, Vannecy, Pelly and Les Côtes d’en Haut to get to Seyssel. From Seyssel, follow the greenway beside the Rhone to Pont du Fier. Frangy has a number of shops (grocer’s, chemist’s, banks, tobacconist’s, bar, etc). Seyssel is unusual in that it is divided into separate towns by the Rhone. The town on the left bank is in Haute Savoie; the town on the right bank is in the Ain.

This leg of the trail goes through some wonderfully varied countryside and finishes at the lowest point in Haute Savoie: the banks of the Rhone at Seyssel, a mere 260 metres above sea level.


Mini Tour

of the Dents Blanches

In 4 days

The Tour of the Dents Blanches is a rugged hike through wild countryside that should only be undertaken by experienced walkers who can navigate over difficult terrain. The more difficult sections are borderline mountaineering and the route should not be attempted early in the season, as persistent snowfields can make some passages dangerous. The following description only covers the French part of the tour but, if you wish, you can continue the trail into Switzerland. DISTRICT: Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval


Region: Grand Massif









Road access and parking: Cluses – Les Allamands: 24 km From Cluses, follow the D902 to Taninges. Go through Taninges, and then take the D907 through Samoëns. Follow the road towards Les Allamands. There are several parking spaces before and after Les Allamands.


2,5 km


Refuge de Bostan Tornay

Col de Joux-Plane 1712 m

Type of itinerary: A to B

Les Dents Blanches 2711 m

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free


Waymarkers: GRP, Départemental waymarkers Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n°3530ET Samoëns/Haut-Giffre


Refuge de Vogealle


les Allamands


MOUNTAIN HUTS Refuge de Bostan-Tornay 1763m

Refuge de Folly





Tel: +33 4 50 90 10 94 Tel: +33 4 50 45 09 74 Tel: +33 6 23 84 70 80 www.Bostan.free.fr

Cirque du Fer à Cheval


Refuge de la Vogealle 1901 m

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Tel: +33 6 60 16 27 55 Tel: +33 4 50 89 77 59

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Refuge de Folly 1574 m

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Day 1

Les Allamands (Samoëns) to the Refuge de Bostan-Tornay

Day 2

From the final parking area after Les Allamands, turn right to follow the “Tour des Dents Blanches” local long-distance footpath (GRP). At the “Le Plan” crossroads, Highest point: 1963 m go straight on towards the Refuge de Height difference: 766 m Bostan-Tornay. The track winds up in a series of switchbacks through forests, Total time: 2hrs 30min over alpine pastures and past the Chalets not including rest stops de Bostan. The trail climbs between the Dents d’Oddaz and the Avouille to the tiny plateau containing the Refuge de Bostan-Tornay. A short stage that provides a good warmup for the rest of the tour. Added extra: retrace your steps from the Refuge de Bostan-Tornay, and then bear right to head Superb views of the Giffre up to the Col de la Golèse (30 minutes Valley, the Pointe de la from the hut), from where there is an Golèse and the Chalets de unbeatable view of Les Terres Maudites, Bottière. An amazing area the Refuge de Golèse and the Giffre and of rocky boulders, grassy meadows and alpine flowers. Morzine Valleys. The Tête de Bostan can be reached from the Col in 2hrs 50min.

Start height: 1096 m

Day 3 Start height: 1901 m Highest point: 2338 m Height difference: 437 m Total time: 3hrs 30min not including rest stops

Grandiose scenery with colours ranging from the dark grey of the rocks to the turquoise of the mountain lakes. A high mountain atmosphere for this penultimate stage.

Refuge de Bostan-Tornay to the Refuge de la Vogealle via the Col de Bostan

From the Refuge de Bostan-Tornay, go up the barren slopes of the Combe des Verdets, staying to the left of the Lac de Verdets, to get to the Col de Bostan. Highest point: 2638 m Once at the Col de Bostan, there are Height difference: 875 m two alternatives: either continue along the Swiss section of the Tour des Dents Total time: 5hrs 15min Blanches, or stay in France and follow the not including rest stops route described here to the Refuge de la Vogealle. From the Col, go over the Golette de l’Oule, and then the Pas du Taureau (in-situ chain as a hand line), via the Col du Taureau. Care required. Follow a path on the right towards the A high-mountain Refuge de Folly. This takes you to a small atmosphere, sections of plateau, from where you follow a grassy scrambling with in-situ hand ridge along the Combe de Praz Riant to La lines, magnificent views: Combe aux Puaires. Turn off the path to Cirque du Bout du Monde, the Refuge de Folly and head towards the Pointe Rousse, Lac de la Refuge de la Vogealle via the right bank of Vogealle, Dents Blanches, the eponymous lake. Pointe de Bostan Some of the sections of this route are very steep and exposed, so a sure foot and good weather conditions are essential.

Start height: 1763 m

Refuge de la Vogealle to the Refuge de Folly (1574 m)

Day 4

From the Refuge de la Vogealle, retrace your footsteps towards the lake. After a steeper section, take the path on the left, signposted “Refuge de Folly par le lac des Chambres”, to the Pas de l’Ours. The path winds up past a waterfall to the Vallon de la Vogeallette and then to the Vallon des Chambres (snow throughout the year). Just before the lake, bear right to follow the path (with in-situ hand line) that climbs above the ice and the turquoise waters. After a small plateau the path heads steeply down and crosses Les Eaux Froides. A final scree chute and a grassy slope lead to the Refuge de Folly. This stage can be quite difficult due to the exposed and technical section through the Pas de l’Ours (slippery rocks), and the permanent snowfields of the Combe des Chambes. Many hikers will find walking poles useful.

Start height: 1574 m Highest point: 1574 m Height difference: 241 m Total time: 2hrs not including rest stops

This mini tour of the Dents Blanches provides a total immersion in a wild, unspoilt and truly spectacular mountain range.


Refuge de Folly to Les Allamands From the Refuge de Folly, leave the Tête du Fer à Cheval behind you and go down through the forest. Cross the Pont des Barmes over the Landes Rau stream. At the crossroads, take the track on the right to the Dalle du Tuet (rock climbing), and then follow a path (cable hand line) across the steep slopes. The angle eases as you reach the hamlet of Le Crêt and the car park. As elsewhere on this tour, this leg crosses some very steep ground equipped with cable hand lines. This route is very slippery when wet. Take care.

Pays du Mont-Blanc The Cont  Nature Reserve and the Baroque Trail



Here, we would like to suggest a less-usual way of visiting the Mont Blanc Massif. The route starts in Les Houches, goes through the Contamines-Montjoie Nature Reserve, follows part of the Baroque Trail, and ends by taking the amazing Mont Blanc Tramway and the Bellevue cable car to get back to the start point. On its way, the route takes in sections of the famous Tour of Mont Blanc (TMB). The naturalist and scientist Horace-Bénédict de Saussure was probably one of the first people to walk the TMB, doing so in 1767, long before it was signposted and mapped! The TMB is a 150-km trail through France, Italy and Switzerland that is usually walked in 8 to 10 days. Hikers with a little more time can extend the standard route to around 200 km by following the numerous variants. Highest points - Standard route: Grand Col Ferret 2537 m, Testa Bemada 2534 m, Le Brévent 2525 m. Variants: Col des Fours 2716 m, N Fenêtre d’Arpette 2665 m.

D9 02

Mont d'Arbois 1829 m


Region: Pays du Mont-Blanc



Road access and parking: Chamonix-Mont-Blanc - Les Houches: 8 km. Leave Chamonix-Mont-Blanc and follow the N506 to a right-hand turn for Les Houches. Park beside the cross-country ski centre (foyer de ski de fond), near the ice rink.

les Houches


B Ca ellevu ble e ca r

c lan y t-B a on w M Tram


DISTRICT: Les Houches

2,5 km



night 3 optional 9 3 D90


Type of itinerary: circuit

le Champel

St-Nicolasde-Véroce Mont Joly 2525 m

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free Waymarkers: Départemental waymarkers, “Espace Mont-Blanc” waymarkers Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n° 3531 ET SaintGervais-les-Bains/Massif du Mont-Blanc


les Contamines-Montjoie

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MOUNTAIN HUTS Gîte du Champel 1196m Nathalie & Serge ERRARD Le Champel 74170 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains Tel: +33 4 50 47 77 55 Tel: +33 6 26 08 30 80 Fax : +33 4 50 47 77 56 www.champel.fr

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Hotel at les Contamines Montjoie

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Contact TO: Les Houches Tel: +33 4 50 55 50 62 Website: www.leshouches.com


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Les Contamines-Montjoie Tourist Office: Tel: +33 4 50 47 01 58

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Notre-Dame de la Gorge

The return leg takes 1 the Tramway du Mont-Blanc then 2 The Cablecar de Bellevue


t amines-Montjoie In 3 days Day 1 Start height: 992 m Highest point: 1672 m

From Les Houches to Champel From les Houches, follow the GR5 towards the Bellevue cable car. Continue to “Les Trabets”, and then turn right onto the path to the Col de Voza (snack bar). At the Col, the view opens out to take in the Arve Valley, Les Contamines-Montjoie, the Aravis Mountains and the Aiguilles Rouges. Cross the Mont-Blanc tramway, bearing right towards “Les Maisons”, “Les Béttières”, “Bionnassay” and its little chapel, and then “Les Champel”, where you will spend the night.

Height difference: 869 m Total time: 3hrs 30min not including rest stops

This first day offers some wonderful views of the glaciers flowing down from Mont-Blanc, the Aiguille Verte, and the Aiguille du Goûter, etc. Lying at 1200 m, Champel is a tiny hamlet nestled in a grassy corner below the glaciers of the Domes de Miage.

Day 2 Start height: 1196 m Highest point: 1751 m Height difference: 949 m Total time: 4hrs not including rest stops

Le Champel to Les Contamines-Montjoie and Notre-Dame-de-La-Gorge From Le Champel, follow the “Tour du Mont-Blanc” towards the Chalets de Miage. This beautiful trail follows a precipitous route above the Gorges de Gruvaz - take care. The small hamlet of Miage should not be missed. Do not take the path to the Col de Tricot, but continue southwest to the Chalets du Truc, just below Mont Truc (in geographical terms, Truc means rounded summit). Follow the path to the Granges de la Frasse, and then take the most direct route down to Les ContaminesMontjoie. Turn left onto the D902, and follow it for 500 m. Go over the bridge and follow the Bon Nant stream towards Notre-Damede-la-Gorge. This is part of the Baroque Trail. There are no fewer than 14 shrines along the path to the church of Notre-Damede-la-Gorge, a former pilgrimage objective. Re-built in 1699, it was the parish church for all the inhabitants of the valley from the 12th century to the beginning of the 19th century. Retrace your steps back to Les Contamines-Montjoie. Several 1* to 3* hotels. After Notre-Dame-de-la-Gorge, the trail continues to the Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme (see Tour of the Beaufortain).

This second day allows you to explore the cultural and historical heritage of this valley, as well as to enjoy some breathtaking views. Every visitor to Les Contamines-Montjoie should take the time to visit the village’s 18th century Baroque church. Finished in 1759, it was immortalised in 1802 by the famous English painter, William Turner. A very informative brochure on the Baroque Trail can be bought at the tourist office.

Day 3 Start height: 1196 m Highest point: 1196 m Height difference: 250 m Total time: 6hrs not including rest stops (using the Mont-Blanc Tramway to get from SaintGervais to the Col de Voza and the Bellevue cable car to get back to Les Houches).

Les Contamines-Montjoie to Les Houches via Saint-Gervais and the Baroque Trail From les Contamines-Montjoie, follow the Baroque Trail to Saint-Gervais, a route that the valley’s inhabitants have been using from time immemorial. Follow the Bon Nant stream, go through the forest, follow the road to Tague, cross the Les Crouets footbridge, and then follow signs to the Plaine des Praz to get to Saint Gervais. Head to the Mont-Blanc Tramway station. The tram takes about 35 minutes to get to the station at the Col de Voza. From here there are two options: 1. Walk down the path taken on day one – allow about two hours. 2. Take the Bellevue cable car – much faster! In order to avoid a long wait, it is advisable to look up the timetables for the Mont-Blanc Tramway (www. compagniedumontblanc.fr) and the Bellevue cable car (www.leshouches.com).

On day three, you will see a gentler aspect of the mountains. The entire route is dotted with shrines, chapels and churches – reminders of the Counter Reformation. Taking the Mont-Blanc Tramway for the return leg from Saint-Gervais to the Col de Voza provides an original way of finishing your walk. The building of the tramway at the beginning of the 20th century was a major engineering achievement. If you have time, why not take the tram all the way to its terminus at the Nid d’Aigle – the gateway to the high summits.


The Heart

of the Beaufortain

in 3 DAYS

With every steps you will discover another aspect of an unspoilt landscape of green pastures, surrounded by snowy peaks and dotted with sparkling lakes. This walk is a perfect way of spending a long weekend, relaxing in the heart of a living and working mountain community, while breathing the fresh and revitalising air of the alpine meadows. If the Beaufortain could be summed up in one word, that word would be harmony, especially when it comes to tantalising the taste buds with a morsel of the area’s great ambassador and the “Prince of Gruyères” – Beaufort cheese. DISTRICT: Beaufort sur Doron Region: Beaufortain Road access and parking: From Beaufort head towards Roselend, and then to the Cormet. Park at the Plan de la Lai, just after the hut (approx. 3 km before the Cormet de Roselend).


Tête Nord des Fours 2756 m

Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme


Type of itinerary: A to B

Barrage de la Gittaz

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Refuge du Plan de la Lai

D Barrage de Roselend

Waymarkers: GRP Tour du Beaufortain and GR 5 and GRP Tour du Mont-Blanc

Cormet de Roselend 1968 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 - 3532 OT Massif du Beaufortain and 3531 OT Megève


Col du Grand Fond 2671 m

Plan de la Lai Tel: +33 4 79 38 72 25 http://caf.albertville.online.fr/


Refuge du Col du Bonhomme


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le Roignais 2999 m

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Tel: hut +33 4 79 07 05 28 Tel: warden 02 99 88 49 15 http://caf.albertville.online.fr/

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Refuge de Presset Tel: +33 6 87 54 09 18 Tel: +33 6 14 36 57 67 CAF Chambéry +33 4 79 68 20 77 http://www.cafchambery.com/

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Refuge de Plan Mya

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Tel: +33 6 08 46 03 10 Tel and Fax: +33 4 79 38 30 15 www.refuge-mya.com/

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Refuge de Presset


Day 1 Start height: 1818 m Height difference: + 958 m (inc. Tête des Fours) and - 323 m (+ 615 m direct to hut)

Plan de la Lai to the Refuge du Col du Bonhomme and ascent of the Tête Nord des Fours From the Refuge du Plan de la Lai (staffed hut), head towards the Col de la Sauce (2307 m). The path follows the impressive Crête des Gittes to the Refuge du Col du Bonhomme. Leave your gear in the hut to lighten the load for the walk to the Tête Nord des Fours (2756 m), which offers an exceptional view.

Total time: 4hrs not including rest stops

It is possible to do the tour of the Rocher du Vent (spectacular via ferrata). From pastures to summits, this first stage offers outstanding views of Mont Blanc, a mere stone’s throw away.

Day 2 Start height: 2433 m Height difference: + 881 m and - 890 m

Refuge du Col du Bonhomme to the Refuge de Presset The path starts behind the hut, on the right, and then descends towards Les Chapieux. At the Chalets de la Raja, bear left to get to and follow the road to the Cormet de Roselend. Turn left off the road to go up the Combe de la Neuva to the Col du Grand Fond (2671 m). The Col overlooks the Lac de Presset and the Pierra Menta. Go down to the hut. NB: The Refuge de Presset only sleeps 24, so advance booking is essential.

Total time: 6hrs not including rest stops

The superbly situated Refuge de Presset offers a magnificent view of the Pierra Menta. (Include the legend: see Lac de Presset walk).

Day 3 Start height: 2514 m Height difference: + 238 m and - 1000 m

From the Refuge de Presset to the Plan de la Lai Follow the path to the Col Bresson, just to the north of the Pierra Menta. Go over the Col to follow a path overlooking the Lac de Roselend. At the junction with the path to the Col du Coin, turn right and go down towards the hamlet of Treicol. Before reaching the hamlet, bear right to follow the GR to the Grande Berge, the Petite Berge and the pastures of the Plan Mya. This route can also be done in the other direction, in which case it is possible to spend a night at the beginning or the end of the tour at the gîte de Plan Mya.

Total time: 4hrs not including rest stops

This leg offers a different perspective on the Pierra Menta, in which its needle-shaped profile metamorphoses into a squat tooth. The view of the turquoise waters of the Lac de Roselend is magnificent.

At the Lac de Presset, listen to the legend of Gargantua who: “… tripped over a mountain in the Aravis, which, under the shock, burst into a thousand pieces. An enormous pointed rock shot into the Beaufortain, giving birth to the Pierre Menta. Fortunately without disastrous consequences, as only three grasshoppers and a rat were squashed”.



of Mont Thabor

I n 6 days

The cross-border tracks around Mont Thabor are traditional points of passage between the Maurienne, Upper Susa and Clarée Valleys. The Tour of Mont Thabor is a moderately difficult, multi-day walk through fabulously varied countryside, where every pass and every valley reveals new delights. The wild and unspoilt landscape of mountain lakes and rocky slopes also provides superb views into the Vanoise and Ecrins National Parks and across the Queyras Mountains to Italy. DISTRICT: Valmeinier 1500 Region: Maurienne




Type of itinerary: A to B


Waymarkers: GRP Tour du Thabor


Maps and guides: 3535 OT Névache Mont Thabor / “Autour du Thabor” guidebook

Barrage de Bissorte

Valmeinier 1500




Valfréjus Refuge des Marches

Mont Thabor 3178 m


tunnel de Fréjus

MOUNTAIN HUTS Refuge des Marches 2183 m

Refuge du Mont Thabor

Roche Château 2902 m

Tel hut: +33 4 79 05 02 26 Tel: +33 4 79 56 61 54 www.refugedesmarches.com




Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free






Road access and parking: Take the A43 to St-Michel-Valloire. Follow signs to Valloire (D902), and then Valmeinier 1500 (D215A). Go into the centre of Valmeinier and turn left 100 m after La Taverne to get to “La Ville Dessus”. Park here.


Refuge des Drayères

Refuge du Thabor 2502 m Tel: +33 4 79 20 32 13 Tel: +33 4 79 20 32 49 http://maurienne.ffcam.fr/club/

Les Granges de la Vallée Étroite

Refuge I Ré Magi (Vallée Etroite) 1865 m Tel: (+39) 01 22 96 451 Tel: (+39) 36 89 17 952 Tel: (+39) 34 96 11 29 20 www.iremagi.it


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Refuge Terzo Alpini (Vallée Etroite) 1865 m

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Tel: (+39) 01 22 90 20 71 Tel: warden (+39) 01 22 90 76 45 www.terzoalpini.com Névache : hôtels, auberges, gîtes Contact the Vallée de la Clarée TO: +33 4 92 21 38 19 Refuge des Drayères 2180 m j > i MX `]]\j cd \`e `\i

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Tel: hut +33 4 92 21 36 01 Tel: warden +33 4 92 21 37 28 CAF: +33 4 92 20 16 52

Day 1 Start height: 1500 m Height difference: +1225m / – 542 m Total time: 5hrs not including rest stops

From Valmeinier 1500 to the Refuge des Marches

Day 2

This variant on the GR follows the stream along the Vallon des Inversins to the Col des Marches. From the pass at 2725 m, the path descends to the Refuge des Marches, providing excellent views of the Lac de Bissorte.

Start height: 2183 m Height difference: + 604 m / - 297 m Total time: 3hrs 15min not including rest stops

A wild and airy route that finishes magnificently with a 360° panorama of the Maurienne Valley and the Ecrins Mountains.

Day 3 Start height: 2502 m Height difference: + 676 m / - 1313 m Total time: 7hrs not including rest stops This stage takes you to the summit of Mont Thabor, from where you can enjoy one of the most spectacular views of the Alps, taking in prestigious peaks such as the Grandes Jorasses, the Matterhorn, the Grande Casse, Mont Pourri, the Ciamarella, Mont Viso and the Aiguilles d’Arves.

Day 5 Start height: 1600 m Height difference: + 917 m / - 437 m

Refuge des Marches to the Refuge du Thabor This stage could be called the “lake trail”. From the hut, follow the path under the Roche Noire and past the Lac des Bataillères to the Col des Bataillères (2787 m), situated on the ridgeline that runs southwards from the Crêtes des Sarrasins. As the path descends to the Refuge du Mont Thabor you can admire the reflection of the Cheval Blanc in the clear waters of the Lacs de Sainte-Marguerite (Lac Long and Lac Rond).

The tiny huts between the Lac de Bissorte and the Lac des Bataillères were built as shelters and rest stops for smugglers and their mules.

Day 4

Refuge du Thabor to the Granges de la Vallée Etroite, including the ascent of Mont Thabor

Start height: 1765 m

Head towards the Col de la Vallée Etroite, and then follow the GR57. Go past Lac Peyron, and over the Col des Méandes. Cross the plateau at the foot of the gully, and then take the path on the left onto the shoulder. Follow the way of the cross to the aptly named chapel of Notre Dame des Douleurs (Our Lady of the Pains). Continue easily to the summit. Follow the same path back to the Col des Méandes, then turn right and go down to the Prat du Plan. Go past the Maison des Chamois, a former iron mine, to get to the Pont de la Fonderie. Spend the night in one of the two huts (I Ré Magi or Terzo Alpini) at the Granges de la Vallée Etroite.

Height difference: + 406 m / - 571 m Total time: 5hrs 15min not including rest stops

Granges de la Vallée Etroite to Névache The GR5/GR57 takes you to the Col des Thures, where the mountains of the three kings are reflected in the waters of Lac Chavillon. Follow the valley to the Chalets des Thures (possible to climb the Aiguille Rouge: 2hr round trip). As the path descends to Névache, look out for the “hoodoos” (narrow pillars of rock supporting a cap of harder stone) on the left. Follow the Roubion stream to the hamlet of the same name, and then follow the Clarée Valley to Névache (hotels, gîtes, auberges, etc).

The Vallée Etroite has retained its undefinable Italian charm. This leg gives a taste of the southern Alps.

Névache to the Refuge des Drayères


Go up the Clarée Valley to the Pont du Rately. Cross the river and go up the switchbacks to the Chalets de Biaune. Follow the Chemin de Ronde to the Refuge des Drayères.

Start height: 2170 m Height difference: + 624 m / - 1304 m Total time: 8hrs not including rest stops

Total time: 5hrs 45min not including rest stops

Refuge des Drayères to Valmeinier 1500 This leg brings you back from Les Hautes Alpes to Savoie. Cross the Seuil des Rochilles and go past its three lakes (Lac de la Clarée, Lac Rond and Lac du Grand Ban). The path then heads right over the Pas des Griffes (2554 m) before descending to Les Arendiers. Follow the Neuvache stream back to Valmeinier.

This stage across alpine pastures is both varied and strenuous. Solitude is guaranteed as you follow a succession of ridges, small summits and passes; the only signs of human occupation being a few chalets, shepherd’s huts and an 18th century fort on the Plateau de la Plagnette.

The Chemin de Ronde was the path patrolled by Louis XIV’s soldiers to protect the area from incursions from neighbouring Savoie and from pillagers.


Tour of the Mean Martin into the heart of the Vanoise

In 5 days

Wandering through wide-open spaces dominated by glaciers, this tour showcases the extraordinary variety of landscapes and the wealth of the fauna and flora of the Vanoise National Park. Despite the length of some of the days, the modest height gains mean that any moderately fit walker can enjoy this tour. And a warm welcome in a comfortable mountain hut awaits you at the end of each day.

DISTRICT: Bonneval sur Arc Region: Maurienne Road access and parking: Take the A43 motorway to Modane, and then go up the Maurienne Valley to Bonneval-sur-Arc. Park in the car park on the edge of Bonneval


Type of itinerary: circuit


Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Lac de la Sassière

Lac du Chevril

Waymarkers: PR, GR5



Lac de Tignes

Refuge du Carro 02


Refuge du Fond des Fours

Grande Aiguille Rousse 3483 m


Col de l’Iseran 2764 m


3 Pointe de la Sana 3436 m 3330 m Pointe de Mean Martin


Refuge Vallonbrun 2272 m


Tel: hut +33 4 79 05 93 93 Tel: warden +33 6 71 28 72 20 http://refuge.vallonbrun.free.fr/ Bonneval-sur-Arc

Refuge du Cuchet 2160 m Supervised hut, no meals provided Tel: +33 4 79 08 71 49 www.vanoise.com

Refuge du Plan du Lac Refuge Vallonbrun

Refuge du Plan du Lac 2364 m




Tel: +33 4 79 20 50 85 http://plandulac.refuge.free.fr

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Refuge de la Femma 2352 m


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Refuge du Fond des fours 2537 m Tel: hut +33 4 79 +33 6 16 90 Tel: warden +33 6 87 13 41 24 www.vanoise.com Refuge du Carro 2759 m

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MAPS AND GUIDES: IGN Top 25 - 3633 ET Tignes Val d’Isère - Haute Maurienne


Gite d’étape du Petit Bonheur (Bessans) Tel: +33 4 79 05 06 71 http://petitbonheur.bessans.free.fr/

Day 1 Start height: 1790 m Height difference: + 598 m / - 126 m Total time: 5hrs not including rest stops

Bonneval-sur-Arc to the Refuge de Vallonbrun

Day 2

Follow the Chemin du Petit Bonheur (GR5), beside the River Arc, back down the valley. Go through Le Villaron and Bessans to the Collet de la Madeleine. Turn right and go up to the Refuge de Vallonbrun. This first stage, mostly along the valley floor, provides an excellent warm up for the rest of the tour.

Start height: 2272 m Height difference: + 690 m / - 600 m Total time: 6hrs 30min not including rest stops

Rock paintings at the Rocher du Château, between Bonneval-sur-Arc and Bessans. Traditional houses at Le Villaron.

Day 3 Start height: 2364 m Height difference: + 737 m / - 564 m Total time: 6hrs not including rest stops

Start height: 2759 m Height difference: - 950 m

Traverse almost horizontally to the Plan de la Cha, and then go past the Refuge du Cuchet (supervised hut but with no meals provided – possible stopping off point, depending on where you started). Continue to Pré Vaillant, and then go up to the Turra de Termignon. The GR5 continues to the car park at Bellecombe, and then to the Refuge du Plan du Lac. After the Refuge du Villaron, it is possible to climb up to the Roche aux Pieds (rock carvings) + 1hr 30min

View of the Glaciers de la Vanoise. Information panels at the Plan du Lac, next to the hut.

Refuge du Plan du Lac to the Refuge du Fond des Fours

Day 4

Go down to the Chapel St Barthélémy. Turn off the GR5 to follow the right-hand path to Plume Fine. Go up the Vallon de la Rocheure to the Refuge de la Femma (staffed hut that could be used to cut the stage in two). Go up to the Col de la Rocheure (2911 m). NB: the route to the Refuge du Fond des Fours is not easy to follow in poor visibility. In bad weather, it is better to follow the Vallée des Pissets to Le Manchet (2000 m), and then go back up to the Refuge du Fond des Fours (allow an extra 1hr 30min).

Start height: 2537 m Height difference: + 750 m Total time: 7hrs not including rest stops

Refuge du Fond des Fours to the Refuge du Carro Follow the path to the Col des Fours (2976 m), and then go down to the Pont de la Neige, on the road to the Col de l’Iseran. Go down the road to the Pont de l’Oulietta, which marks the start of the “Sentier Balcon” that traverses across to the Refuge du Carro. (The tour can be cut short by following the Vallon de la Lenta straight back to Bonneval: 4hrs 30min.)

A panoramic footpath with outstanding views of the mountains on the Franco-Italian border, including the Albaron and the Lévanna.

Wild high-mountain scenery. The pastures and chapels at St-Barthélémy and St-Jacques.

Day 5

Refuge de Vallonbrun to the Refuge du Plan du Lac

Refuge du Carro to Bonneval sur Arc Follow the path down to the hamlet of Ecot, going through the gorge below Le Montet. At La Tullière, turn right onto the track to Ecot and follow it all the way to Bonneval. Variant: This stage can be extended by going over the Col des Pariotes, and then following the path that leads to the source of the River Arc: + 2hrs.

Total time: 3hrs not including rest stops

Visit to the traditional hamlet of Ecot, whose stone houses seem to emerge directly from the rock. Tralenta boulder field (Clapier de Fodan). NB: A number of start points are possible (suggestions: Bessans, Bellecombe (Termignon), Le Manchet (Val d’Isère). The itinerary can easily be modified to suit the chosen start point).



1 THE moulin de la serpe A very pleasant circuit on the shores of Lake Geneva that combines an enjoyable stroll with a chance to discover more about the area’s culture. This walk starts on the shores of Lake Geneva, a crescent-shaped glacial lake that is fed by the River Dranse and the River Rhone, which flows through the lake from east to west. Covering an area of 582 km2 and descending to a maximum depth of 310 metres, Lake Geneva has the particularity of being divided in two by the Franco-Swiss border. The two largest cities on the lakeshore, Geneva and Lausanne, together with the towns of Vevey and Montreux, are on the Swiss side of the lake, whereas the spa resorts of Thonon-les-Bains and Évian-les-Bains attract large numbers of tourists to the French side. The Metamorphosis trail, along the banks of the River Foron, gives walkers the chance to discover the history and folklore of the Sciez area. The legend of the Moulin de la Serpe provides the background to a 7-km walk that takes in 11different themes (the landing stage, the boxwood forest, the lovers of the Foron, the water engine, etc) presented in a variety of ways (illustrations, tables, tableaux, etc).

2 The lake and meadows at Les Plagnes Originally a marsh, the basin has filled with water to become a lake surrounded by dark green forests. From the beginning of May onwards, large numbers of fishermen come to fish the waters of this superb lake. Sandwiched between the 2080-m high “Pointe de la Chavache», whose slopes feed the «Cubourré» waterfall, and Mont de Grange (2436 m), this is a great place to cool down on hot summer days. From the car park, go down the road, bearing immediately left to follow the shores of the Lac des Plagnes. Walkers who would like to do a longer circuit (4hrs, 660 metres of height gain) can follow the eastern bank of the lake and go up to the Refuge des Tinderêts (see page 64). If you would like to travel light, leave the picnic at home and have lunch at the refuge.

From the beach car park, follow signs to the Château de Coudrée, and then to Le Moulin.

DISTRICT: Abondance Region: Haut-Chablais Portes du Soleil

DISTRICT: Sciez Region: Lake Geneva/Vallée Verte Road access and parking: Thonon-les-Bains - Sciez: 8 Km. From Thonon-les-Bains, follow the N5 towards Yvoire. Just before Sciez, turn right towards the Château de Coudrée, Port de Plaisance de Sciez. Park in the car park next to the beach at Sciez. Type of itinerary: circuit Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers

Total time: 3hrs not including rest stops

Type of itinerary: circuit Best season: from spring to autumn, when snow free Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers Height difference: 90 m

Best season: all year

Height difference: 98 m

Road access and parking: Thonon-les-Bains - Abondance: 27 km. From Thonon-les-Bains, follow the D902, and then the D22 to Vacheresse. Go through Vacheresse to Abondance. In Abondance, follow the road to the Lac des Plagnes. Park in the large car park at the end of the road.

Start height:

Highest point:

372 m

444 m

Total time: 45min not including rest stops

Highest point:

1190 m

1268 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n°3528ET Morzine Massif du Chablais

Enjoy a moment of contemplation at the Chapelle Sainte-Anne and admire the very old and beautiful chalets.

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n°3428ET Thonon/Evian/Le Léman

Two themed trails: the “Errance romantique” (romantic ramble) at Nernier (birthplace of the painter Vegetti and home to Lamartine), and the “Moulin de la Serpe”. Leisure park: Les Aigles du Léman.

Start height:

Contact TO: Abondance Tel: +33 4 50 73 02 90 Website: www.abondance.org

Contact TO: Sciez sur Léman Tel: +33 4 50 72 64 57 Website: www.tourisme-sciez.com


4 To the foot of the Roc d’Enfer

8 lac de lessy

A wild and unspoilt area in a valley where chapels and chalets are omnipresent. Look out for the numerous shrines, statues, chapels, etc. The Roc d’Enfer rises to an altitude of 2243 m. In former times, it was called Mont Maudit (Damned Mountain) because of the steep and exposed route to the summit, but don’t worry, the walk described here stays at the foot of the mountain. The walk has a very varied atmosphere, starting with a “mountainous” section at the foot of the Roc d’Enfer, and finishing amongst chalets and forests. Climb up to the Col Ratti. Go straight on. Do not take the track to the chapel. The River Brévon, which rises at the foot of the Roc d’Enfer, has given its name to this valley.

Formed by glaciers, this mountain lake lies in the heart of magnificent alpine pastures and at the foot of the Pic de Jalouvre, just under the cliffs of Le Buclon. Legend has it that during severe droughts a stone emerges from the dried-up lake, on which it is written “when you see me, you will cry” – proof that the lake is an essential element in the life of the meadows. Another legend tells of two newly-weds who drowned in the lake. Much later, the bride’s veil was found in the River Borne. The Aravis is reblochon country - a cheese that was created in order to defraud tax collectors in the Middle Ages. In local patois, “reblocher” means to milk a second time, as, in order to avoid paying tax on the milk they produced, local peasants would not completely milk their cows, leaving some milk to be collected once the tax collectors had left. This second milking produced a very thick and creamy milk, which was used to make cheese for the farmer’s own consumption. From the chapel, follow signs to the “Lac de Lessy par les Chalets de Mayse” to the lake. Return by the same path.

DISTRICT: Saint-Jean-d’Aulps DISTRICT: Grand-Bornand

Region: Haut-Chablais portes du soleil Road access and parking: Thonon-les-Bains – Essert-Romand: 29 km. From Thonon-les-Bains, take the D902, and then the D328 to Essert-Romand. In Essert-Romand, go up a narrow road to the right of the church. At the T-junction, turn right and follow the Refuge de Graydon road to the end. Parking spaces next to the chapel. Total time, not including rest stops: 5hrs

Region: Aravis Road access and parking: Annecy – le Grand-Bornand: 32 km. From Annecy, take the D909 to Thônes. Go through Thônes and continue to Saint-Jean-de-Sixt. From Saint-Jean-de-Sixt, follow the D4 to Le Grand Bornand. Go through Le Grand Bornand on the D4 towards the Col de la Colombière. Park in the old village of Chinaillon: echelon parking possible next to a pretty stone pool. If there is no space here, continue to the junction with the main road – several possible parking spaces.

Type of itinerary: circuit Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers Height difference: 1100 m Total time: 5hrs not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

1340 m

1905 m

Type of itinerary: round trip. Can be extended by following the tour of the Roc des Tours (circuit) Best season: from spring to autumn, when snow free Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n° 3228ET Thonon-les-Bains

Height difference: 1070 m

The Bellevaux waterfall, near the tree-top adventure course, is perfect for canyoning

Total time: 6hrs 15min not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

1284 m

1965 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n° 3430 ET la Clusaz le Grand-Bornand Contact TO: Saint-Jean-d’Aulps Tel: +33 4 50 79 65 09 Website: www.saintjeandaulps.com

The traditional architecture of the village of Le Chinaillon. Contact TO: Le Grand Bornand Tel: +33 4 50 02 78 00 Website: www.legrandbornand.com


11 Ontex mini-circuit An unbeatable panorama over Lake Bourget and a bird’s-eye view of Hautecombe Abbey. Founded in the 12th century by Cistercian monks, Hautecombe Abbey has been the last resting place of members of the House of Savoie since 1189. In 1992, the abbey was taken over by the Chemin Neuf ecumenical community. Follow the path through the woods to Ontex. Go past the village hall (mairie) and the church, and then follow the signs to “Le Mont”. At the shepherd’s hut, turn right onto the track through the forest. At the Les Barmes junction, turn left towards Le Grumeau, and then go to L’Arcelet. Follow the “Point de vue des tables” signs. Retrace your steps to the previous junction and follow signs to Le Grumeau to get back to the viewpoint and car park.

18 The Lake Aiguebelette Balcony Route This airy route across the western flank of the Montagne de l’Epine overlooks France’s third largest natural lake. It provides numerous vantage points from which to admire the 70 hectares of wetlands surrounding lake Aiguebelette’s calm and pure waters, wich are much appreciated by bathers, fishermen and rowers. From the cemetery, the path goes up through the woods to the Grotte de Conche (cave and spring). Above the “grotte”, the path becomes steep, narrow and difficult, as it follows the edge of a cliff to join the “Balcons du lac” trail (1hr). This relatively flat track was built to serve the area’s charcoalburning kilns. The path then goes back down to Les Logers, and then to Les Gustins. Follow the road for 400 m, then turn right onto the track that joins the minor road beside the lake, which is followed to its northernmost tip. Go under the A43 to get back to Nances via the Grotte de Loup.

DISTRICT: Ontex Region: Bourget Aix Road access and parking: From Le Bourget du Lac, follow the road towards the Tunnel du Chat for 3 km, and then turn left towards the Col du Chat. Just before the Col, turn right to head towards Hautecombe/La Chapelle du Mont du Chat. Follow this road to the car park at Le Grumeau. Type of itinerary: circuit Best season: all year

Total time: 2hrs not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

608 m

819 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 - 3332 OT Chambéry

Visit Hautecombe Abbey (departure point for boats to Aix les Bains). The Le Cornillon via ferrata (start: Col du Chat car park). Contact TO: Bourget du Lac Tel: +33 4 79 25 01 99 Website: www.bourgetdulac.com

Region: Avant Pays Savoyard Road access and parking: From Chambéry, take the A43 motorway towards Lyon to junction n°12 Aiguebelette. At the roundabout, turn right, and then right again to follow the road to Nances. Park next to the cemetery in Nances. Type of itinerary: circuit

Waymarkers: PR Height difference: 211 m


Best season: NB: the path is steep and exposed. This walk is not suitable for young children or for people who suffer from vertigo. It is also a walk to avoid when it is wet or snowy. Waymarkers: PR Height difference: 450 m Total time: 5hrs not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

390 m

840 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 - 3332 OT Chambéry

Admire the views of Lake Aiguebelette The floral laundry basins and hamlets of Nances are worth a visit.

Aix les Bains Tel: +33 4 79 88 68 00 Website: www.aixles bains.com

Contact TO: Aiguebelette Tel: +33 4 79 36 00 02 Website: www.lac-aiguebelette.com


12 The Taillefer circuit – the shrine trail

16 The Bellevaux Valley

This route starts along a way of the cross marked by colourful bas-reliefs depicting the life of Christ. Leave the route for a moment to visit the shrine and cave at Notre Dame du Lac, overlooking Duingt and the Château de Ruphy. In the Middle Ages the peninsula on which the Château de Ruphy was built was actually an island. The view opens out to take in the whole of Lake Annecy, the second biggest natural lake in France, after Lake Bourget. One of the cleanest lakes in the world, Lake Annecy was formed around 18,000 years ago when the great Alpine glaciers melted. It is fed by several small rivers running off the surrounding mountains, and flows into the River Thiou and the Canal du Vassé, both of which flow through Annecy.

The Bellevaux Valley, at the foot of Mont Pécloz, offers a highly enjoyable outing. The nature trail through the valley explains the different components of the landscape and the delicate balance between mankind and nature. The path goes up steep wooded slopes to join a shady track. On leaving the forest, go across meadows to the ruins of the village of La Chapelle, and then descend to the stream of the Nant de la Lanche (chapel). The temporary exhibitions that line the return leg along the Chéran can be enjoyed in the cool air produced by the river. Dogs must be kept on a lead.

The Château at Duingt marks the boundary between the “large lake” to the north and the “small lake” to the south.

DISTRICT: Ecole-en-Bauges Region: Bauges Regional Park Road access and parking: Go through the village of Ecole and head towards Jarsy. After the sawmill and the bridge over the Chéran, turn right onto the minor road to Carlet. Park at the convent.

DISTRICT: Duingt Region: Lake Annecy

Type of itinerary: circuit

Road access and parking: Annecy – Duingt: 12 km. From Annecy follow the N508 through Sevrier and Saint Jorioz to Duingt. Park beside the church in Duingt.

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free Waymarkers: PR

Type of itinerary: circuit

Height difference: 300 m

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Total time: 2hrs 30min not including rest stops

Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers Height difference: 250 m Total time: 1hr 15min not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

448 m

649 m

Start height:

Highest point:

868 m

1150 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 3432 - OT « Massif des bauges »

To find out more about the flora and fauna of the Park, visit the Maison Faune Flore at Ecole.

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n° 3431 OT lac d’Annecy

A guided visit is the ideal way to learn more about Duingt’s interesting cultural, religious and historical past. Its natural attractions include an amazing boxwood forest. Contact TO: Rive Gauche du Lac d’Annecy Tel: +33 4 50 52 40 56 Website: www.visit-lacannecy.fr et www.lac-annecy.com


Contact TO: Cœur des Bauges (Châtelard) Tel: +33 4 79 54 88 87 Website: www.lesbauges.com

14 Forest watershed nature trail

9 The northern balcony trail above Chamonix

Follow the trail of the “wood snail” through the marvellous Nant Cortay Valley. The burbling of a multitude of mountain streams fills the air as you follow the nature trail explaining the relation between water and the forests of the Arly watershed.

The traverse of the northern “balcony” route above Chamonix is one of Haute Savoie’s greatest walks. The outing starts by taking the impressive Aiguille du Midi cable car to the Plan de l’Aiguille and finishes by taking the Montenvers rack-and-pinion railway back to Chamonix. Simply breathtaking! There is no better way to immerse oneself in the magical atmosphere of the high mountains and marvel at the magnificent summits of the Mont Blanc Range. The walk starts in the shadow of the Aiguille du Midi, the Dôme du Goûter and Mont Blanc, to finish beside the Mer de Glace, at the foot of the Grandes Jorasses, the Drus and the Aiguille Verte. And, what is more, the entire route offers unbeatable views of the Aiguilles Rouges and Passy nature reserves, just two of the 9 nature reserves in Haute Savoie – the largest number of any French “département”. On leaving the Aiguille du Midi cable car, follow signs to the Refuge du Plan de l’Aiguille, and then to Montenvers.

From the car park, go along the road towards Cernix and cross the stream. At the bend in the road, turn right to follow the path up the slope and through the forest. The descent starts next to some tables and chairs sculpted out of trees.

DISTRICT: Cohennoz Region: Val d’Arly Road access and parking: When coming from Crest-Voland, head towards Cernix, and then to Les Panissats. Go through Les Panissats and park 150 metres further on, on the right, just after the bridge over the Nant Cortay stream. When coming from Cohennoz, park on the left 1 km after Cohennoz, just before the bridge over the Nant Cortay stream. Type of itinerary: circuit Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Total time: 1hr 30min not including rest stops

Region: Pays du Mont-Blanc Road access and parking: Annecy - Chamonix: 101 km. Take the A41 towards Geneva, and then bear right onto the A40 to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc. Park at the Aiguille du Midi cable car. Type of itinerary: A to B

Waymarkers: PR Height difference: 180 m

DISTRICT: Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

Start height:

Highest point:

980 m

1160 m

Maps and guides: IGN : Top 25 3531 OT Megève (NB: path not shown on the map)

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free Waymarkers: departemental waymarkers Height difference: 250 m Total time: 2hrs 30min not including rest stops

Start height:

Highest point:

1035 m

2288 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 n°3531 ET Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

A refreshing stroll through the heart of Val d’Arly. Cohennoz has a lovely little museum. Contact TO: Crest Voland - Cohennoz Tel: +33 4 79 31 62 57 Website: www.crestvoland-cohennoz.com

This original walk through the Mont-Blanc area will provide the whole family with unforgettable memories. Contact TO: Chamonix Mont-Blanc Tel: +33 4 50 53 00 24 Website: www.chamonix.com


23 To the foot of the Aiguilles d’Arves

21 Lac de la Rosière and the Cascade des Poux

This path through alpine meadows provides stunning views of the three peaks of the Aiguilles d’Arves: the Southern, the Central and the Cat’s Head. From La Basse du Gerbier you can see the Col Montignard, a traditional route from the Arves Valley to La Grave and the mountains of the Oisans area.

This very easy and shady walk follows the Ruisseau de la Rosière to the Cascade des Poux waterfall. Accompanied by the soothing bubbling of the stream, this is a relaxing outing through a beautiful forest.

Follow the farm track for 2.5 km to the Chalets de Pré-Valloire. The waymarked path heads up rightwards to the Chalets de la Motte, and then follows the Ruisseau des Mulatières to La Basse du Gerbier.

After the cabin, cross the bridge and take the track on the right to the nature trail. The path climbs through a magnificent pine forest. Follow the path on the right back to the valley. Once back on the track, go up the valley on the left towards the Cascade des Poux. The return leg follows the stream to the lake.

DISTRICT: Albiez-Montrond

DISTRICT: Courchevel 1650

Region: Maurienne

Region: Tarentaise

Road access and parking: From Montrond, follow the road through Le Chalmieu to the television mast (approx. 3 km from Le Chalmieu).

Road access and parking: Turn left at the roundabout at the entrance to Courchevel 1650 and follow signs to the Lac de la Rosière. Park at the lake.

Type of itinerary: round trip

Type of itinerary: circuit

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Best season: from spring to summer, when snow free

Waymarkers: Arvan Villards GRP Height difference: 622 m Total time: 4hrs not including rest stops

Waymarkers: wooder signs Start height:

Highest point:

1956 m

2578 m

Height difference: 150 m Total time: 2hrs not including rest stops

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 – 3435 ET Valloire Aiguilles d’Arves Guidebook: La Maurienne à pied - réf: P731

Start height:

Highest point:

1536 m

1686 m

Maps and guides: IGN Top 25 - 3534 OT Les Trois Vallées

Col de la Croix de Fer. In Saint Jean de Maurienne take the time to visit the cathedral, with its cloister and crypt, and the Opinel and Mont Corbier museums. Contact TO: Albiez-Montrond Tel: +33 4 79 59 30 48 Website: www.albiez-montrond.com


An easy and shady walk to the Lac de La Rosière and the Les Poux waterfall. Contact TO: Courchevel 1650 Tel: +33 4 79 08 03 29 Website: www.courchevel.com

Getting the most from your walks Practical information: Tips for staying in a mountain hut Before going to the hut

A mountain hut is not a hotel

At the hut

Does everyone sleep in the same room?

Telephone the warden to book your stay. Check the weather forecast, access routes and opening dates for the hut. Pack a head torch and a change of warm clothing. A sleeping bag is not necessary, but take a sleeping-bag liner (available from most outdoor shops), or sew two sheets together. Duvets, blankets and pillows are provided. Some huts will rent sheets or sell disposable sheets. The hut warden is there to welcome hikers and climbers and to do the cooking; however, it is customary for “guests” to help with chores, such as clearing tables and folding blankets. Hut users are also expected to respect certain rules (meal times, lights out times, etc). The warden will also be happy to give advice on walks and climbs in the area around the hut. On arrival, hut users should “check in” with the warden. On entering the hut, take off outdoor shoes and put on the slippers provided by the hut – this is essential to keep the hut clean and ensure everyone’s comfort. Store your gear in the places provided. Respect the timings (meals, lights out) set by the warden. For everyone’s welfare, huts are non-smoking Every hut is different, but an increasing number of huts have rooms for 4, or even 2 people, rather than dormitories. Rooms for snorers may also be designated. Earplugs are nevertheless recommended!


There is usually mobile phone reception but this may depend on your operator. The hut phone is for hut use only (bookings, rescue, information)


The hut’s low-power solar electricity supply cannot be used to recharge mobile phones, cameras, or video recorders, etc.

Prevent waste

Showers are a luxury, so do not empty the hot water tank or gas supply. Do not throw rubbish down the toilet; take it home with you. Ask about possible restrictions on camping/bivouacking and cooking fires. Whatever you do, respect the environment.

Useful contacts METEO France +33 892 68 02 74 +33 892 68 02 73


PASTOU dogs are used to protect flocks and herds. They are trained to chase off any intruders (wild animals, errant dogs, people). If you are too close to a flock, the PASTOU will try to frighten, or even attack you. If you come across sheep, cows or goats, give them a wide berth. If a PASTOU comes towards you, stay calm – a passive attitude should reassure him. Do not try to stroke him, feed him or photograph his flock – he may see that as a threat. In areas where dogs are allowed, and if you have your dog with you, keep it on a tight leash.

Websites: www.chamonix-meteo.com www.meteo.fr www.pleinchamps.fr Tourist offices and many accommodation providers also post weather forecasts. It is vital to check the weather before setting off. National Union of Walking Guides for Savoie (SNAM73) +33 4 79 55 45 14 snam73@lesaem.org National Union of Walking Guides for Haute Savoie (SNAM74) +33 4 50 53 54 25 snam74@lesaem.org

27 27

National Union of Mountain Guides (SNGM) +33 4 79 68 51 05 www.sngm.com – email: accueil@sngm.com Haute Savoie Nature Reserve Management (ASTERS) + 33 4 50 66 47 51 www.asters.asso.fr or www.gypaete-barbu.com Vanoise National Park (PNV) +33 4 79 62 30 54 www.vanoise.com Bauges Regional Park (PNRMB) + 33 4 79 54 86 40 www.parcdesbauges.com Put the emergency services number in your mobile. In case of an accident, call 112 (European emergency number)

Mountain huts





Chablais - Portes du Soleil Refuge les Tinderets Beaufortain - Val d’Arly Refuge l’Alpage Coeur des Bauges - Parc Refuge Du Creux de Naturel Régional du Lachat Massif des Bauges Parc National de la Chalet d’altitude Vanoise La Fournache Parc National de la Refuge du Plan sec Vanoise Parc National de la Refuge La Dent Vanoise Parrachée Parc National de la Refuge Le Fond Vanoise d’Aussois Parc National de la Refuge Le Montana Vanoise Beaufortain - Val d’Arly Refuge de l’Econdu


Beaufortain - Val d’Arly


Beaufortain - Val d’Arly

Refuge du Plan de la Lai Refuge Les Arolles


Chablais - Léman Vallée Verte

Refuge de la Dent d’Oche


Maurienne - Parc National Refuge d’Avérole de la Vanoise

+33 4 79 05 96 70 www.refuge.averole.free.fr +33 4 79 05 37 86



Maurienne - Parc National Chalet refuge du de la Vanoise Club Alpin Maurienne - Parc National Refuge du Carro de la Vanoise

+33 4 79 05 83 78 www.clubalpinlyon.com


Info not available


From 15/03 to 12/05/2008 61 From 15/06 to 07/09/2008 Between those two periods, open on booking and for groups From 16/03 to 22/05/2008 64 From 16/06 to 02/09/2008 From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 109


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008


Info not available


Info not available


Info not available


Info not available


Arêches-Beaufort Arith Aussois Aussois Aussois Aussois Aussois


Bonneval-sur-Arc Bourg-SaintMaurice Bourg-SaintMaurice Bourg-SaintMaurice Bozel Bramans Bramans Bramans

Bramans Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc

Parc National de la Vanoise Parc National de la Vanoise Parc National de la Vanoise Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise Maurienne - Parc National de la Vanoise Maurienne - Parc National de la Vanoise Maurienne - Parc National de la Vanoise


Pays du Mont-Blanc

Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc

Pays du Mont-Blanc

Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc

Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc


Opening dates

+33 6 75 00 34 73 www.refuge-tinderets.com



From 15/06 to 01/09/2008


+33 4 79 38 18 46 www.refuge-alpage-beaufortin.com +33 6 07 09 22 40 www.lesbauges.com +33 6 23 36 65 75


Info not available From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 From 15/12/2008 to 15/03/2009

24 19

+33 6 09 38 72 38 www.lafournache.free.fr +33 4 79 20 35 48 +33 4 79 20 31 31 +33 4 79 05 12 90 +33 4 79 20 32 87 www.refuge-vanoise.com


Info not available



Info not available




+33 4 79 20 39 83 www.fondaussois.refuges-vanoise.com


+33 4 79 20 31 47


From 01/03 to 15/05/2008 From 01/06 to 15/09/2008 From 15/03 to 18/05/2008 From 01/06 to 30/09/2008 Info not available From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 (Supervised) April-May-June-SeptemberOctober: book your stay Info not available


Info not available



+33 4 79 38 34 91 www.natureetmontagne.com +33 6 11 48 90 05

natureetmontagne@natureetmontagne. com

+33 4 79 38 72 25 +33 4 79 89 07 78 +33 4 79 38 12 63 +33 6 88 32 56 05 +33 4 50 73 62 45 +33 4 50 73 16 14 +33 4 50 73 60 53

+33 4 79 05 95 79 +33 6 74 57 63 72

Refuge Les Evettes

+33 4 79 05 96 64 +33 6 87 83 90 62 Refuge de la Croix +33 4 79 07 05 28 du Bonhomme 02 99 88 49 15 Refuge Les Mottets +33 4 79 07 01 70 www.lesmottets.com Refuge Robert Blanc Refuge Le Mont Jovet

+33 4 79 07 24 22 +33 6 81 62 04 79 +33 4 79 08 11 20 www.refuge-mont-jovet.fr +33 6 23 23 01 46 +33 4 79 55 03 06 +33 6 74 28 48 01 +33 4 79 05 10 93 +33 4 79 05 88 67 www.petitmontcenis.com

Chalet d’Altitude de Bramanette Chalet d’altitude Le Petit Mont Cenis Refuge d’Ambin +33 6 77 95 21 33 +33 4 79 20 35 00

Maurienne - Parc National Refuge du Suffet de la Vanoise Pays du Mont-Blanc Gîte d’alpage de René à la Jeanne Pays du Mont-Blanc Refuge Albert 1er

Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc Chamonix-MontBlanc



+33 4 79 05 30 17 refuge.gite.dusuffet.perso.cegetel.net +33 4 79 0504 46 +33 4 50 54 17 07 +33 6 84 16 36 33 +33 4 50 54 06 20 +33 4 50 54 14 36 +33 6 70 70 63 77 +33 6 88 56 03 54 +33 4 50 54 19 57 +33 4 50 53 49 14

Refuge Chalet de Lognan Refuge Chalet du Lac Blanc Refuge d’Argentière +33 4 50 53 16 92


Refuge de Bellachat +33 4 50 53 43 23 +33 4 50 53 46 99 Refuge de la +33 6 87 99 01 66 Charpoua Refuge de la +33 4 50 55 85 88 Flégère +33 6 03 58 28 14 Refuge de Leschaux +33 6 73 10 29 47 www.gardienne-de-leschaux.com +33 6 99 59 71 67 +33 6 16 24 50 71 Refuge des +33 4 50 54 40 16 Cosmiques +33 6 64 66 92 22 Refuge du Col de +33 4 50 54 02 33 Balme +33 6 08 32 60 95 Refuge du +33 4 50 47 23 99 Couvercle +33 4 50 53 16 94 Refuge du plan de +33 6 65 64 27 53 l’Aiguille Refuge Envers des +33 6 76 52 61 17 Aiguilles +33 6 19 26 16 25 Refuge le Requin +33 4 50 53 16 96 +33 4 50 47 21 89





42 60


From 02/06 to 30/06/2008 60 (Open only during the week-end) From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 (Every day) From 01/09 to 30/09/2008 (Open only during the week-end) From 22/03 to 18/05/2008 (De- 88 pending on snow conditions) From 21/06 to 07/09/2008 16


From 10/02 to 14/06/2008 30 (Mountain hut open, not supervised) From 15/06 to 07/09/2008 (Supervised mountain hut) From 29/06 to 01/09/2008 40 Open in winter on booking From 14/06 to 14/09/2008 19 From 20/05 to 20/09/2008


Info not available



From 15/06 to 30/09/2008



Info not available


Info not available


From 01/06 to 15/08/2008 (Open in winter, not supervised) From 14/06 to 14/09/2008



From 01/06 to 15/09/2008 (Open in winter, not supervised)



From 15/02 to 15/10/2008 (Supervised in winter) From 25/06 to 15/09/2008



Info not available


From 15/05 to 31/10/2008


lelievre.chris.pinou@free.fr bellay.catherine@wanadoo.fr




From 15/06 to 15/09/2008


Info not available





Opening dates


Chamonix-MontBlanc Champagny-enVanoise

Pays du Mont-Blanc

Refuge les Grands +33 4 50 53 16 98 Mulets +33 6 72 81 22 08 Refuge de Plaisance +33 4 79 62 30 54 +33 4 79 08 76 17


From 29/03 to 17/08/2008



Champagny-enVanoise Champagny-enVanoise Champagny-enVanoise Châtel

Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Chablais - Portes du Soleil

Refuge du Laisonnay Refuge la Glière

+33 6 08 54 34 61 www.laisonnay.com


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 46 (Supervised mountain hut) From 16/09/2008 to 14/06/2009 (Not supervised) Info not available 16

+33 4 79 09 85 53 +33 6 63 73 60 96 +33 6 08 98 19 02


Info not available



Info not available


From 25/06 to 10/09/2008



Pays du Mont-Blanc Val d’Arly



Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise

Refuge de Grand Plan Refuge des Lacs Merlet

From 01/06 to 15/09/2008 every days (Open only during the week-end during April-May and from mid-September to mid-October) From 01/01 to 31/12/2008



Beaufortain - Val d’Arly



Massif des Aravis- ThônesVal-Sulens Bornes Aravis - Les Villages du Faucigny Autour du lac d’Annecy Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Tarentaise - Graniersur-Aime Albanais - Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Chablais - Portes du Soleil

Gîte d’étape Le +33 4 79 31 87 36 www.refugedulachat.com Lachat Refuge du Parmelan +33 4 50 27 29 45

From 01/06 to 30/09/2008 (Open in the summer, open in winter but not supervised) Info not available Info not available


Refuge les Man+33 4 50 22 47 22 geurs de Lune +33 4 50 03 53 03 Refuge de la Servaz +33 4 50 44 50 25

Info not available


From 01/06 to 15/10/2008


Refuge de la Coire

Info not available



Entremont Faverges Granier Gruffy La Chapelled’Abondance La Côte-d’Aime

Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise


La Côte-d’Aime


La Léchère

Tarentaise - Naves

Refuge Le Plan des Gouilles Gîte d’alpage de Trebentaz Refuge de Doran

Refuge du Semnoz



+33 4 50 73 26 17 +33 6 07 14 49 34 +33 4 50 58 08 00 www.refugedoran.com


+33 6 17 85 01 71


+33 6 17 85 01 71


+33 6 82 12 40 42 refugedelacoire.monsite.orange.fr +33 4 79 09 70 92 +33 4 50 52 50 18

Refuge de Bise

+33 4 50 73 11 73 +33 4 50 78 18 28

Refuge de Presset

+33 6 87 54 09 18 +33 6 14 36 57 67 +33 4 79 68 20 77 +33 6 84 35 07 41 +33 4 79 09 70 62 +33 4 79 24 44 09


Refuge la Balme Pierra Menta Chalet Auberge Desevlaz La Léchère Tarentaise - Naves Chalet d’altitude Le Logis des Fées La Léchère Tarentaise - Naves Refuge Le Nant du +33 4 79 24 40 13 www.naves-savoie.com Beurre Lanslebourg-Mont- Maurienne - Parc National Refuge Le Cuchet +33 4 79 62 30 54 www.vanoise.com Cenis de la Vanoise Lanslevillard

Maurienne - Parc National de la Vanoise Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges - Rive Gauche du Lac d’Annecy Chautagne - Coeur des Bauges Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Bornes Aravis - Massif des Aravis

Refuge de Val+33 4 79 05 93 93 refuge.vallonbrun.free.fr lonbrun +33 6 71 28 72 20 Refuge de la Combe +33 6 22 06 07 73 www.la-combe.net +33 4 79 01 49 98

Le Grand-Bornand

Bornes Aravis - Massif des Aravis

Refuge de la Pointe +33 4 50 02 40 90 Percée - Gramusset +33 4 50 23 40 67

Le Petit-Bornandles-Glières Le Petit-Bornandles-Glières Le Petit-Bornandles-Glières Les Clefs

Bornes - Aravis - Faucigny - Glières Bornes - Aravis - Faucigny - Glières Bornes - Aravis - Faucigny - Glières Bornes - Aravis

Refuge de Maize

Les ContaminesMontjoie

Pays du Mont-Blanc Val Montjoie

Les ContaminesMontjoie Les ContaminesMontjoie Les ContaminesMontjoie Les ContaminesMontjoie

Pays du Mont-Blanc Val Montjoie Pays du Mont-Blanc Val Montjoie Pays du Mont-Blanc Val Montjoie Pays du Mont-Blanc Val Montjoie

Refuge - Gîte +33 4 50 47 13 31 équestre la Roselette Refuge de la Balme +33 4 50 47 03 54 +33 4 50 47 17 05 Refuge de Tré +33 4 50 47 01 68 la Tête +33 4 50 47 73 44 Refuge du Nant +33 4 50 47 03 57 Borrant Refuge les Conscrits +33 4 79 89 09 03

Lathuile Le Châtelard

Le Grand-Bornand



From 09/06 to 30/09/2008 25 From 20/12/2008 to 30/03/2009 (Supervised in winter) From 01/06 to 30/09/2008 62 (Open all year long: book your stay. Supervised in winter) Info not available 22 From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 Open in winter. Supervised From 01/01 to 31/12/2008



Info not available




From 01/01 to 31/12/2008 (Closed 19 in August) From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 24 (Supervised mountain hut) From 01/09/2008 to 30/06/2009 (Not supervised) Info not available 27


From 01/06 to 28/09/2008

25 20



Refuge d’Orgeval

+33 4 79 54 80 44 +33 4 79 52 18 72

Info not available

Refuge de Bombardellaz

+33 6 07 44 32 73

From 20/06 to 20/09/2008 32 (Open during the week-ends from the end of September to the end of October) From 14/06 to 14/09/2008 48 (Open during the week-ends until mid-October on booking. Depending on weather conditions) From 25/05 to 15/10/2008 19

Refuge de Spee Refuge le Savarne Refuge Rosairy


+33 4 50 22 47 15 +33 6 72 91 21 38 +33 4 50 22 80 46 +33 4 50 25 09 18 www.lesavarne.com +33 4 50 03 56 07 +33 6 08 84 86 90 www.la-tournette.com laroselette.free.fr

Info not available


Info not available

20 20


From 01/01 to 31/12/2008 (Closed each year from 15/11 to 15/12) From 1/06 to 30/09/2008


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008

62 80


From 29/03 to 30/09/2008 (Supervised in April and May) From 07/06 to 19/09/2008 From 15/03 to 12/05/2008 From 30/05 to 28/09/2008



www.trelatete.com www.lescontamines.com/ refugenantborrant www.guides-mont-blanc.com





Mountain huts


Mountain huts












Chalet d’altitude de +33 6 11 95 08 90 la Traie Refuge du Saut +33 6 03 85 10 39 +33 4 79 08 40 31 Refuge La Sapinière +33 4 79 05 00 23 +33 6 10 16 54 61 Refuge Le Mont +33 4 79 20 32 13 Thabor +33 6 34 13 18 30



Lac d’Annecy - Massif des Refuge de Pré-Vérel Aravis - Col de la Forclaz Chablais - Portes du Soleil Refuge de l’Abricotine Chablais - Portes du Soleil Refuge de Chardonnière Maurienne Refuge Les Marches


Pays du Mont-Blanc


Pays du Mont-Blanc

Passy Passy

Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc


Pays du Mont-Blanc


Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise

Refuge chalet La Porte de Rosuel Refuge du Col du Palet Refuge Entre Le Lac


Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise

Refuge Le Grand Bec

Pralognan-laVanoise Pralognan-laVanoise Pralognan-laVanoise Pralognan-laVanoise Pralognan-laVanoise Pralognan-laVanoise Praz-sur-Arly

Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Pays du Mont-Blanc Val d’Arly Pays du Mont-Blanc Val d’Arly Avant Pays Savoyard - Lac d’Aiguebelette Chartreuse Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Pays du Mont-Blanc

Montriond Morzine

Peisey-Nancroix Peisey-Nancroix Peisey-Nancroix

Praz-sur-Arly Saint-Christophe Sainte-FoyTarentaise Sainte-FoyTarentaise Sainte-FoyTarentaise Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Gervaisles-Bains Saint-Jean-d’Aulps Saint-Martin-deBelleville Saint-Martin-deBelleville

Gîte le Châtelet d’Ayères Refuge de MoedeAnterne Refuge de Platé Refuge de Porcherey Refuge de Varan

Refuge le Mont Pourri




+33 6 07 13 50 72 www.montmin.net +33 6 74 76 14 06 +33 4 50 74 17 43 www.refuge-abricotine.com +33 4 50 79 16 75 +33 4 50 90 11 40 +33 4 79 05 02 26 www.refugedesmarches.com +33 4 79 56 61 54 +33 4 50 58 85 32 http://perso.orange.fr/lechateletdayeres 04 50 93 60 43 04 50 78 02 09 +33 6 09 42 42 34 04 50 93 85 60 www.refugedeplate.fr +33 6 80 64 01 43 porcherey.online.fr



From 23/02 to 11/05/2008 46 Depending on weather conditions From 07/06 to 14/09/2008 (Open until the end of September on booking) Info not available 36


From 01/06 to 30/09/2008 25 From 15/12/2008 to 24/04/2009 Info not available 20


Info not available


From 26/05 to 30/09/2008 17 From 18/12/2008 to 30/03/2009 Info not available 130

lionel.didier@skiyousoon.com refuge.deplate@yahoo.fr

+33 6 09 37 61 65 +33 6 81 39 78 46 +33 6 83 11 36 80 Chalet d’altitude Le +33 4 79 08 73 79 Repoju +33 4 79 08 75 23 Refuge de la +33 4 79 22 96 38 Valette +33 4 79 08 71 36 Refuge du Col de la +33 4 79 08 25 23 Vanoise +33 4 79 55 32 25 Refuge du Peclet- +33 4 79 08 72 13 Polset +33 6 63 68 46 92 Refuge Le Roc de +33 4 79 08 79 75 la Pêche Refuge Les +33 4 79 08 75 64 Barmettes +33 4 79 09 77 04 Refuge du Petit +33 6 62 49 99 21 Tétraz Refuge du Plan +33 4 50 21 90 57 de l’Are Chalet Auberge La +33 4 79 36 59 05 Ferme Bonne de la Grotte Refuge de +33 4 79 06 87 19 l’Archeboc Refuge du Ruitor +33 4 79 06 92 12



From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 From 28/06 to 14/09/2008 From 24/12/2008 to 29/03/2009 From 10/04 to 15/10/2008 (Open week-ends of 19-20 january, 26-27 January, 2-3 February, from 9 Feb to 9 March except on Tuesdays) Info not available

35 19

From 15/06 to 15/09/2008


Info not available

40 50





From 15/03 to 10/05/2008 (Only on booking) From 08/06 to 08/09/2008 From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 Open in winter – free access, not supervised From 04/05 to 30/09/2008



From 14/06 to 14/09/2008


www.coldelavanoise.refuges-vanoise. com

Info not available




From 15/03 to 01/05/2008 84 From 01/06 to 15/09/2008 From 01/06 to 02/11/2008 60 From 20/12/2008 to 15/05/2009 Info not available 27


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 23 From 20/12/2008 to 01/04/2009 Info not available 18


Info not available From 01/06 to 30/09/2008



Info not available



Info not available


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008


Info not available





Pays du Mont-Blanc

Refuge de Durier

+33 6 89 53 25 10

Pays du Mont-Blanc

Refuge de Miage

Pays du Mont-Blanc

Refuge de Plan Glacier Refuge de Tête Rousse Refuge le Fioux chez Botoche

+33 4 50 93 22 91 +33 4 50 93 41 03 +33 4 50 93 23 25 www.refuges-guides-mont-blanc.com +33 6 11 26 32 92 +33 4 50 58 24 97 http://perso.orange.fr/teterousse/ +33 6 19 02 90 71 +33 4 50 93 52 43 +33 4 50 78 38 30

Chablais - Portes du Soleil Refuge de Graydon +33 4 50 79 68 62 +33 4 50 75 70 65 Chalet Auberge de +33 4 79 08 91 46 Gitamelon Refuge du Lac +33 6 12 20 61 44 www.guides-belleville.com du Lou +33 4 79 24 20 81

Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise

From 01/05 to 30/09/2008


+33 4 50 93 12 48 +33 4 50 47 05 31 +33 4 50 54 40 93 04 05 53 16 03 +33 4 50 93 45 23 www.auberge-bionnassay.com

Pays du Mont-Blanc



+33 4 79 07 94 03 www.vanoise.com +33 4 79 07 97 16 +33 4 79 07 91 47 +33 4 79 07 63 85 +33 4 79 04 20 44 +33 6 77 16 85 30 +33 4 79 07 90 43 +33 6 14 48 77 26

+33 6 07 38 24 69

Pays du Mont-Blanc


Info not available


Refuge - Auberge du Truc Refuge Aiguille du Goûter Refuge auberge de Bionnassay

Pays du Mont-Blanc


Info not available

04 50 93 61 98 www.refugeduvaran.com +33 6 88 47 10 62

Refuge Le Monal

Pays du Mont-Blanc

Opening dates



36s 20


From 01/06 to 30/06/2008 et 38 From 01/09 to 30/09/2008, Every day except on Monday. From 01/07 to 31/08/2008. Info not available 24 Info not available


Info not available


From 01/06 to 30/09/2008


From 24/05 to 28/09/2008 (Open during Christmas holidays and winter holidays (in February) From 01/06 to 30/09/2008

24 18


From 02/07 to 30/09/2008



Info not available


planglacier@guides-mont-blanc.com/ planglacier.htm teterousse@orange.fr




Saint-Sorlind’Arves Sallanches Sallanches

Maurienne Pays du Mont-Blanc Pays du Mont-Blanc

Refuge de l’Etendard Refuge de Mayères Refuge de Véran


Pays du Mont-Blanc

+33 4 79 59 74 96 perso.wanadoo.fr/caf-chambery +33 4 79 59 72 43 +33 4 50 78 29 28 www.refuge-mayeres.com +33 6 88 63 15 28 +33 4 50 93 76 39 +33 4 50 47 76 23


Opening dates


Info not available



From 03/05 to 31/10/2008 From 15/06 to 15/09/2008

55 27

Sallanches Samoëns

Pays du Mont-Blanc Faucigny - Grand Massif

Refuge du Nid d’Aigle Refuge du Tornieux +33 4 50 93 78 54 Gîte du lac de Gers +33 4 50 89 55 14


From 14/06 to 30/09/2008

20 52 18

Refuge de Bostan

+33 4 50 90 10 94 www.bostan.free.fr +33 6 23 84 70 80 Refuge de Chardon- +33 6 81 35 67 34 nière +33 4 50 90 11 40 Refuge de la Golèse +33 4 50 90 59 53 www.refuge-golese.com +33 4 50 34 91 28


Info not available From 18/12/2007 to 01/05/2008 From 15/06 to 15/10/2008 From 15/06 to 15/09/2008


Faucigny - Grand Massif


Faucigny - Grand Massif


From 15/06 to 14/09/2008


Faucigny - Grand Massif



Refuge du Folly

+33 4 50 90 10 91 refuge-du-folly.9online.fr +33 6 86 12 04 15 +33 6 11 49 71 21


From 22/12/2007 to 30/04/2008 80 (In winter, only with booking in advance. 20 people maximum) From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 (Open every day) From 10/06 to 30/09/2008 72


Faucigny - Grand Massif


Bornes - Aravis - ThônesVal-Sulens Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Faucigny - Grand Massif Faucigny - Grand Massif


Info not available


+33 4 50 44 68 59


Info not available


From 15/06 to 15/10/2008


bruno@refuge-wills.com contact@grenairon.com

From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 From 01/06 to 30/09/2008

53 87

Gîte d’alpage Les Praz Dzeures Seythenex Chalet les Marmottes Seythenex Gîte d’alpage Le Drizon Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Refuge Alfred Wills Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Refuge de Grenairon Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Faucigny - Grand Massif Refuge de la Vogealle Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Faucigny - Grand Massif Refuge de Sales Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Faucigny - Grand Massif Refuge les Fonts Sollières-Sardières Maurienne - Parc National Relais Le Monolithe de la Vanoise Talloires Lac d’Annecy - Massif des Refuge la Tournette Aravis - Rive Plein Soleil Termignon Maurienne - Parc National Refuge de l’Arpont de la Vanoise Termignon Maurienne - Parc National Refuge de la de la Vanoise Femma Termignon Termignon Termignon Thônes Vacheresse Val-d’Isère Val-d’Isère


+33 6 14 50 45 89 +33 4 50 32 48 67 +33 6 70 63 12 45 www.refuge-wills.com +33 4 50 34 47 31 www.grenairon.com +33 6 20 60 91 40 +33 4 50 58 29 49 +33 4 50 34 47 01 +33 4 50 34 12 41 +33 4 79 20 50 55 +33 4 79 20 50 90 +33 4 50 68 98 41 +33 4 50 67 46 47 +33 4 79 20 51 51






Pays du Mont-Blanc


Pays du Mont-Blanc

Valmeinier Maurienne Villarodin-Bourget Maurienne - La Norma Villarodin-Bourget

Maurienne - La Norma


Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise


Tarentaise - Parc National de la Vanoise

+33 4 79 07 66 48 +33 6 89 89 62 70 Refuge Les Aiguilles +33 4 79 59 01 77 d’Arves Refuge de la Pierre +33 4 50 54 62 08 à Bérard +33 4 50 54 63 45 +33 4 50 54 06 98 Refuge de Loriaz +33 4 50 54 06 45 +33 6 89 33 83 68 Chalet La Tanière +33 4 79 56 80 29 Refuge de l’Aiguille +33 6 80 72 46 63 Doran Refuge de l’Orgère +33 4 79 05 11 65 +33 4 79 05 11 29 Refuge de la Martin +33 4 79 08 71 49 +33 4 79 06 44 32


From 15/06 to 15/09/2008



From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 Info not available

56 37 50



Info not available


From 14/03 to 04/05/2008 From 07/06 to 20/09/2008 From 14/03 to 12/05/2008 From 13/06 to 30/09/2008


Info not available


Info not available


From 01/06 to 30/09/2008


From 15/05 to 15/10/2008



From 15/06 to 15/09/2008



From 16/03 to 18/05/2008 From 14/06 to 28/09/2008 From 21/03 to 12/05/2008 (Supervised mountain hut) From 15/06 to 15/09/2008 Info not available




Info not available


From 15/06 to 30/09/2008


clairejacquemot@aol.com refugelaleisse@gmail.com


Refuge Penuel

Refuge de la Turia


www.refugedesales.com www.lesfonts.com

+33 4 79 05 45 40 www.vanoise.com +33 4 79 20 33 00 +33 6 81 85 28 69 Maurienne - Parc National Refuge de la Leisse +33 4 79 05 45 33 www.vanoise-refugelaleisse.com de la Vanoise Maurienne - Parc National Refuge Entre +33 4 79 05 27 13 de la Vanoise Deux Eaux +33 4 79 20 50 24 Maurienne - Parc National Refuge Porte de +33 4 79 20 50 85 plandulac.refuge.free.fr de la Vanoise Plan du lac +33 4 79 05 81 33 Bornes - Aravis Refuge de Larrieux +33 4 50 02 19 52 +33 4 50 60 34 09 Chablais - Portes du Soleil Refuge le C’Maclie +33 4 50 73 12 98 www.anthonon.fr +33 4 50 26 22 12 +33 4 50 81 04 34 Tarentaise - Parc Refuge du Fond +33 4 79 06 16 90 www.vanoise.com National de la Vanoise des Fours +33 6 87 13 41 24 Tarentaise - Parc Refuge du Prariond +33 4 79 06 06 02 www.prariond.fr National de la Vanoise +33 4 79 07 21 31





36 16



From 14/06 to 21/09/2008




Info not available Info not available

37 34 70



From 31/05 to 30/09/2008



+33 4 79 08 71 49 www.refuges-vanoise.com +33 4 79 62 30 54


From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 34 (Supervised mountain hut) From 01/09/2008 to 30/06/2009 (Not supervised) From 01/07 to 31/08/2008 34 (Supervised mountain hut) From 01/09/2008 to 30/06/2009 (Not supervised)


Mountain huts


www.savoie-mont-blanc.com (the price of a standard call from Britain to France)

Non-binding document produced in conjunction with the development departments of the Tourist Boards and “Départemental” Councils of Savoie and Haute Savoie

The routes in this guide have been selected and described with great care. Savoie Mont Blanc and the authors of this guide cannot be held responsible for any accident that occurs when following the routes described in the guide, whatever the cause.

MEDIAPACK - RCS LYON 378 046 452 / Photo credits : SMBT : Ballanfat - Chabance - Collinet - Frescurat - D. Givois - G. Lansard - Mandray - Robesson - Rousson - Smit - Yvan Tisseyre - Vincent - Zvardon / Aravis/Gilles Lansard - OT Abondance / Matthieu Bozon - OT Albanais - Pascal Gautherot / OT La Balme de Sillingy - OT Vallée d’Aulps - Les villages du Faucigny - OT Vallée Verte / Gilles Place - Refuge du Plan du Lac - Thierry Lacour - Exploitation Téléphérique du Salève - M. Muller - Fancy Jupiterimages - Getty Images - Fotolia. Translation: Paul Henderson.

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