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Fishing Village Regeneration P10-P15

Hampstead Meteorological Museum P16-P19

Parsons Animal Care Center P20-P23

A Vertical Tradition P24-P29

Extra Works P30-P31


The Root

Reconstruct the natural forces that are considered disasters with appropriate means, using local materials and construction methods to rebuild homes for residents of the underdeveloped areas of Mumbai. Find a balance between people’s live style and the forces of nature. Time: Collaborator: Role:

Feb.2015-Jun.2015 Zhibin Li, Yifei Hu, Yuqing Shi, Yan Li, Juntong Zhang Principal designer, Mechanism designer

D3 Nature Systems Competition 2015 [1st Prize] https://www.archdaily.com/776912/d3-natural-systems-2015-winnersannounced

As the abnormal climate phenomenon growingly aggravates, alongside with severe deforestation, frequent invasion of flood and rising sea level have been eroding precious land of Bangladesh, forcing a great number of climate refugees to flee from their own home. As flood often comes quietly at night, poor civilians who live right next to flowing water have developed the habit of packing their requisites into an emergency package right next to their bed for immediate escape, and as a result, they are forced to move every year. Also, with each flood invasion, the waterline merges the cultivated land, and as is often the case, due to insufficient drainability of the land, as long as the field is flooded once, it will be unable to cultivate for several years. 2

This project utilizes the theory of the configuration characteristic and physiological function of natural root system in soil-fixation and hopes to realize its goal by biomimic root system with original strong anchoring force and shear resistance of its natural system. In the meanwhile, this project provide climate refugees with a floatable comprehensive infrastructure that include basic living units, dock, instantassemble road panels, farmland units etc., all of which are designed to be easily built by local residents. In times of flood, the whole community will float with wasted water barrel structure, saving residents’ lives as well as its livelihood, the farmland.



Utilizing the hydraulic pressure drill to facilitate the palification process. Biomimic “root” system has a shorter construction period compared with actual plants.

By dispersing the micro-bot in actinoid directions and routes that lead pipes that will be the bases to forster microbes to solidate the soil.

FAIR UNIT The tube contains the culture medium of heavy-metal ions’ solidification microbe to solidate soils.


BEFORE FLOOD Biomimic root system finish its palification in a very short time cycle.

DURING FLOOD The whole infrustructure floats alongside the flood through the floatation structure formed with waste water barrels.


PORT TERMINAL UNIT Equipped with alterable table-flap, the commercial unit can transform into a temporary dockyard when flood intrudes, which is able to provide waterborne traffic to local residents.





These undefined platforms can transform for use as temporary aid stations where casualties can stay safely with foods, water, health care and accommodation.

In order to protect trees that can’t be removed from water logging, we use this unit to provide contact with fresh air with four extendable fences holding back water.


Inmitation of the inner structure of the root Making the structure able to save the land resource for the people, providing possibilities of living safely when faced with the great weather changed frequently.

Inmitation of the inner structure of tree crown To store and transport resources.

Making use of Microbial mineralization The micro bots drag out a structure containing micro organism inside which could transfer mineral ions into the solid phase, forming nets like the root of trees, increasing the capture ability to catch the ground, saving land resource.







Transformed through the upper larger pipe into the lower inner small pipe which extends outwardly through conversion to form primary root system.

Could be used to contain and transport microorganism holding structure which will be launch into the soil part.

Upper micro pipe structure is divided here into different direction, and they will penetrate into the soil in various direction.

Pulley structure could be used to seperate pipe structure into different direction, making them penetrate into the soil beter, to save the land resource.

Rotary table which could be used to hold the pulley structure as well as those pipes, also it could strengthen the underground structure.

Temporary launching space for micro bots which will penetrate into the soil later,inside contain a basic launching structure to emit those micro bots.

Launching structure placed inside the temporary launching space, providing original emission power to launch the micro bots.

Drill structure which applied to the micro bots making it possible for them to penetrate into the ground.

Moving track structure which could be used to create holes in soil for micro organism to reproduct, improving the capture abliliy.


Fishing Village Regeneration

In order to revitalize the ruins of the fishing village after an accidental fire, we used the plank road to plan the transportation system on the tidal flat, imitating the original building texture to create public space for the residents. At the same time, building materials and construction methods support the self-manufacturing of local residents. Time: Collaborator: Role:

Apr.2015-Jun.2015 Dingming Wang, Haolin Zhu Principal designer

Autodesk Revit Chinese National Sustainable Architecture Design Competition [2st Prize] https://www.eeeetop.com/thread-25013-1-1.html

The site is located in a small offshore fishing village in the south of China. A fire from a decade ago burned the traditional wooden houses in the middle of the fishing village. Within ten years, the villagers rebuilt some of their houses on the ruins. However, due to the lack of unified planning and construction, the new villages faced problems such as inconvenient transportation and insufficient space for power supply. The tides also have many negative effects, so that some villagers choose boats for daily traffic. However, the village is dominated by old people and children. Water transportation is not only troublesome but dangerous. Therefore, the establishment of a systematic road traffic system on the ruins is the preferred method of updating in this area.

With the high building density, space of public activities for the elderly and children is extremely scarce. There were a large number of underfloor shacks before the fire on the island. Now there are only a few rebuilt shacks and broken vacant lots and chaotic road traffic. Most of the island's area is in the tidal flat area, making it difficult for plants to survive. Therefore, there are problems such as inconvenient transportation, lack of public activity space, and waste of space.



1. Arbor area

2. Grassland area

3. Shrub area

4. Beach area

1.Spatial dispersion, lacking of contact 2.Integration of existed road system

3.Redesign the road frame

4.Recreation of plank road

5.Recreation of Platform

1.Leavng blank spaces on the field

3.lmplantation of outdoor platform




2.Divide the site into six region

1. Theater 2. Yoga room 3. Restaurant 4. Children's lounge 5. Children's activity room 6. Dance studio 7. Confession room 8. Father bedroom 9. Chapel 10. Mahjong room 11. Restaurant 12. Kitchen 13. Children's restaurant 14. Child climbing room 15. Library 16. Baptismal room 17. Church hall 13

The exhibition hall The exhibition hall is an export gateway of the village culture. Increasing the visibility of the travel resources of the village can enhance the Pshing village's economy.


Children's playroom Many vertical components are set in this section. The three main monomers are hyperbolic buildings, providing children with a wide range of environments and freedom, in order to improve their physical and mental health.

The elderly activity room This section is fully concerned with the needs an gathering events. Special activities such as playi to release loneliness common among retired p convenience of the elderly.

nd culture of senior citizens, with a number of rooms and space for ing cards and morning tea have been added into this part, in order populations. This area is equipped with barrier-free access for the

The church Hong Kong has a great number of Christians. Seniors and children are involved in prayer activities. As an important part of their culture, the church provides them a place to communicate with each other.

The library The small library is of great significance to the village. This part has a large window area for good lighting.


Hampstead Meteorological Museum As a natural meteorological museum in mountainous region, the work simulates the influence of wind as a natural force on the terrain, shaping the wrinkles formed by wind blown through grass and snow, allowing the building to naturally grow from the terrain. Time: Collaborator:

Jun.2015-Jul.2015 Individual

The site is located near London, England. The typical temperate maritime climate is mild and rainy all year round under the influence of prevailing westerly winds. Due to the constraints of natural conditions and the intervention of human factors, London has a changing climate and extreme weather phenomena. The site is located on a hilltop in the HamPstead mountainous area not far from London. It is based on a small weather station on the top of the mountain. It uses a meteorological category as a skeleton to extend a comprehensive museum that integrates functions of visit, education and entertainment.



Program Component

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

South Elevation


Third Floor Plan

Forth Floor Plan

West Elevation


Parsons Animal Care Center

We were commissioned by a local agency to build an animal shelter in Parsons, KS. Implementability is the most significant meaning of this design, therefore I am committed to using local building materials and construction. A large number of meticulous construction drawings complete this design. Time: Collaborator:

Jun.2018-Aug.2018 Individual

Site Plan 20


1st Floor Plan 22

2nd Floor Plan

Material and Structure

Wall Sections 23

A Vertical Tradition

As an architect, I think we need to take effective and predictive measures to solve urban problems. The introduction of new logic and models is necessary. Therefore, I focused on the metropolis and presented a grounded vision for the extreme urban phenomenon. In the study of traditional Chinese architecture, I found that the courtyard is an indispensable part, reflecting the harmony and reunion between the family and the neighborhood. In contrast, the missing parts of modern architecture in Hong Kong have gradually emerged. The gap between interpersonal relationships is the direct consequence of the lack of public space. Therefore, repeating the atmosphere of the traditional building complex and bringing the courtyard back to the high-rise building will be the main concept of my design. Time: Collaborator:

Nov. 2018 - May. 2019 Individual

The full version thesis book can be found at the following URL: https://issuu.com/marvin_li/docs/thesis_book_-_marvin_li

Essence of Courtyard As a carrier of various interactive activities, the existence of the courtyard has appeared in various types of traditional houses. The types of activities in the courtyard include, but are not limited to, entertainment, exercise, communication, and the like. These activities have become an important part of the life of the residents, and they have an impact on residents in many aspects (sound, light, smell).

The shared space has reclaimed an important essence of the traditional Chinese dwellings for the residents, the courtyard. Hong Kong society has a social phenomenon in many big cities, that is, the alienation of interpersonal relationships. Locals who have lived here for a long time have deep-rooted social circles, while migrants and young people, potential customers of this design, have limited possibility to get involved in delighted interactions. From the perspective of maximizing resources, I adopted the mode of courtyard life in ancient Chinese dwellings, relying on shared functional space to create new vertical courtyards in modern high-rise buildings. This mode of life not only satisfies the basic needs of the residents, but also promotes the harmony of the neighborhood. The entire building will be the strongest support for tenants in this fast-growing city. 24


Original City Module Residential areas are scattered around downtown

Ideal City Module Residential areas are inside downtown

On this basis, the site I chose is at the center of the contradiction. Nowadays, the city planning in Causeway Bay is chaotic. New commercial buildings are rapidly expanding into the sky, while the old buildings have not yet reached the stage of demolition. The new building surrounds the old building and also surrounds the street, further increasing the city's sense of oppression. The site I chose was an unremoved old residential building on the commercial street. With the analysis of the site, I came up with guidance on architectural design. The Site is located next to a pedestrian street. Accorded to neuroscience for cities, the building's faรงade will have an intuitive impact on the city streets. I am committed to creating flexible faรงades that break the barrier between streets and buildings, broaden people's perception of urban space, and bring a sense of direction and security. At the same time, my building will be dedicated to solving the housing problems of urban participants, alleviating the traffic pressure of the city and the psychological pressure of people.

Site Plan

Structural System 26

Mechanical System

Check in Service Circulation

Residential Circulation

Elevator Core Front Desk

Shared Laundry

Shared Kitchen

Shared Dining

Shared Kitchen

Shared Laundry


Shared Laundry

Shared Kitchen

Shared Dining

Shared Kitchen

Shared Laundry


Lobby & Stores

Section with Labeled Courtyard Area 27

In a fast-growing society and city, the younger generation of residents will face greater challenges and opportunities, not seeking stability and long-term as before. For those who face a lot of life pressure, this building module will become a less burdensome living choice. In the process of conceiving this building, I added a lot of guiding design to change people's living habits and views on urban life under the interaction of multiple orientations and multiple senses. The emergence of more similar buildings and urban planning, as well as the cooperation with each other, will slowly change the status quo of bad development of the city.


Plans 29

Extra Works

From the beginning of the study of architecture, I became interested in realistic style painting and began to practice pencils and pens. Later, I learned the use of watercolor and realized the possibility of high quality and fast sketching.

REPRODUCTION OF ANCIENT ROMAN RELIEF 12.02.2014 , Harbin , China In the process of learning architectural history, I began to have an interest in Roman relief Ancient Roman reliefs contain a wealth of stories, also containing the image of the characters and aesthetic research. I selected a favorite work for a copy, using Fine Point to simulate the texture of slate.





Name Date of Birth Nationality Langauge

Zongmin Li (Marvin) Aug 11th 1994 Chinese Mandarin, English

Current Location Phone E-mail Graduation Time

1401 College Ave, Manhattan, KS (785) 491-9597 zongmin@ksu.edu May 2019

EDUCATION Harbin Institute of Technology, College of Architecture Sep 2012 - Jun 2017 Harbin, Heilongjiang Province China

Bachelor of Architecture, Including: Architecture Design & Theories, Residential Planning & Landscape Design, Architectural Mechanics, Architectural Physics, Architectural History, Construction Facilities, Winter City Planning, Special topics: Campus Building Design, Sports Building Design and Hospital Design, etc.

Kansas State University, APDesign Aug 2017 - May 2019 Manhattan, Kansas State United States

Master of Architecture, Including: Architecture Design & Theories, Environmental Systems in Architecture, Digital Architecture, Architectural Construction, Site Planning & Design, Professional Practice, Architecture Programming, etc.

EXPERIENCE The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT Sep 2016 - Jan 2017 Harbin, Heilongjiang Province China

Intern Architect Primary Subjects covered: New Campus of Anhui Province Technical School New Campus of Fuhua Middle School

Work Shop between Harbin Institute of Technology and Hong Kong University Feb 2015 Hong Kong China

Desgin Researcher, Interpreter Primary Subjects covered: Architecture Deisgn Studio - Harbin Museum City Research of Hong Kong

COMPETITIONS D3 Nature Systems Competition 2015 (United States) 1st Prize Oct 2015

Primary Designer https://www.archdaily.com/776912/d3-natural-systems-2015-winners-announced

Autodesk Revit National Sustainable Architecture Design Competition (China) 2nd Prize Jan 2016

Associate Designer

SKILLS Softwares


Sketchup Rhino Grasshopper Revit Fusion 360 Auto CAD

Vary Lumion Photoshop InDesign Acrobat DC Premiere

Supporting Other

Laser Cutting Machine 3D Printing Wood Shop Tools Model Making Sketching Realistic Hand Drawing

Singing (Top 3 Singer in 17th Harbin Institute of Technology Singer Competition, 2015)



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