Estate - Outcome

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In November 2010 the Cabinet approved initial investment to bring forward the Council’s ambition to improve the both the quality and number of homes available in the borough through an estate renewal programme. 13 high rise blocks and adjacent low rise blocks between Gascoigne Road and King Edward’s Road are included within the estate renewal programme. The council have appointed East Thames Group as developer partner to redevelop the eastern end of




Gascoigne Estate. The coun cil and East Thames will wor as equal partners sharing re sponsibility for funding, de sign, construction and main tenance. The new homes wil be a mixture of social rent affordable rent and private ly owned homes. A full mas terplanning exercise for Gas coigne will take place late in September 2013 where th public will have a chance t give their views on propos als for the Estate. Alongsid the physical regeneration o

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In the next 20 years, ham will undergo its big since the borough was f and urbanised. The Thame we form the heart, is t ation area in Europe. I governments’ plans to communities in the sou London Mayor’s ambition is more evenly shared be


Barking and Dagenggest transformation first industrialised es Gateway, of which the largest regenerIt is crucial to the develop sustainable uth-east and to the to ensure prosperity etween east and west

in London. The borough contains the United Kingdom’s biggest brownfield regeneration site at Barking Riverside and the future home of London’s environmental technologies at Dagenham Dock. A major sustainable community will be developed on land released by Ford in South Dagenham and Barking Town Centre will be revitalised to become the town centre of choice for the new communities.

“An important part of our vision is that the Gascoigne is no longer t estate�

thought of as an

Barking and Dagenham Council has announced its partner to work on the regeneration of the borough’s biggest housing estate. East Thames will work with the council to redevelop the eastern half of the Gascoigne estate in Barking. Demolition work is already underway on part of the first phase of the works, which forms part of the council’s Estate Renewal programme. Four tower blocks and four low rise blocks at St. Margaret’s will be demolished as part of the first phase - a total of 364 properties. The homes will be replaced with brand new housing - a mixture of social rent, affordable rent and privately owned homes. A full masterplanning exercise will take place later this summer, in which members of the public will have a chance to give their views.

The ‘411’

The Gascoigne estate is due for demolish ending in 2016. Regeneration will be in the process soon after which will create 20,000 homes for working people and families. This will mean that many of the tenants in the estate would be unable to recieve a home from this project. Those few who will, are likely to consequently become the subject of increased rents and house prices resulting in an ever-escapable cycle of poverty in the estate whether or not the regeneration takes place. One thing that will become for sure, is the inevitable social divide.


Maryam Shariff


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