December 2016

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Edison Cortiz

Haute couture Rising star

The Power of Like By Roxana Jones

Healthy Self= Heal thy Self By Donald L. Hicks December issue 2016 Volume 6 issue 12









COMBINE ANCIENT IDEAS... By Michael White Ryan












EDISON CORTEZ Haute Couture Rising Star




Front Cover By Denni Christopherson Makeup & Hair By Genevie Wenner



Photo by Artin Mardirosian



Spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings and Lliving in healing and peaceful world

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maryam Morrison

Maryam Morrison

Contributing Editor DINA MORRONE PUBLIC RELATIONS Maria Elena Infantino CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jan Diana Tara-jenelle Walsch Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi Michael White Ryan Donald L. Hicks Roxana Jones & Arnaud Sain-Paul PHOTOGRAPHY & GRAPHICS Artiphics (Artin Mardirosian, Arlete Aivaz) EVENT PHOTOGRAPY KRESTIN ALM SHERI DETERMAN CONTRIBUTING STYLISTS + MAKEUP ARTIST Edward Hakopian WEBSITE FACEBOOK To have a copy visit us in

Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;


Calico The Band Americana California Country Music

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CALICO is a California band in the deepest, most natural sense of the term. Specifically, the moniker is shorthand for California country—as if that weren’t vividly apparent from the first moments of Under Blue Skies, the group’s resonant, accomplished sophomore album, with its musical intricacy, lyrical eloquence and timeless immediacy. The thought-provoking, tightly harmonized songs of founder/leaders Manda Mosher and Kirsten Proffit exist in a continuum with the seminal form Gram Parsons famously dubbed Cosmic American Music. When the two met in 2012, they were traveling parallel paths as L.A.-based singer/songwriters plotting their next moves. Kirsten was booking a tour for an album she’d just finished recording, and Manda was playing local shows, one of which Kirsten attended. As members of the city’s roots community, they were aware of each other and followed each other on social media. A prescient promoter thought they’d make a great double bill at the House of Blues, an offer neither could refuse, despite the promoter’s insistence on dubbing the show “Goddesses of Americana,” as they laughingly recall. Kirsten and Manda decided to do a song together, agreeing on Lucinda Williams’ “Change the Locks.” They met for the first time at rehearsal and instantly felt a spark. As they observed each other, Manda had a realization. “You’re kind of a lone ranger, like me,” she said to Kirsten, and in that moment, the spark became a flame of inspiration, yielding their first collaboration, “Lone Ranger.” At that point, says Kirsten, “There was no denying that there was something special happening musically between us. We didn’t even have a plan in terms of what we wanted to sound like. I remember asking Manda, ‘What is our sound?’ We just started playing, and that’s what it sounded like.” What sort of person loves your music? The people who will love our work are people who appreciate good, honest songwriting, beautiful vocal harmonies, and music made with organic instrumentation. Anyone who likes genuine music will love CALICO. It is less about a genre and more about honesty and the ability to move people with that honesty. How would you describe your genre of music? We like to describe our music as California Country; a genre that originated during a time in California when artists from the Laurel Canyon such as Crosby, Stills & Nash, Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Brown were creating a new sound. Gram Parsons is also a key historical figure in the creation of the California Country sound. He was drawn to a desert town called Joshua Tree, CA for creative inspiration along with Emmylou Harris. 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e Decemeber 2016

California has a rich musical history from which we draw much of our influence. For our readers who have never heard your work, please explain your sound in 5 words: Harmonies, stories, colors, beautiful tones. Do you write all of your own songs? Songwriting is a craft we both have studied and practiced since our youth. We love to write together, individually, and we enjoy collaborating with other writers in our community. We often bring in guest writers on our songs. We feel it brings diversity and color to our songs most of the time. We also occasionally record and perform songs written by other artists who inspire us. We covered Bob Dylan’s song “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” on our first album Rancho California, and covered Joni Mitchell’s “Ladies Of The Canyon” on our upcoming release. Are all the members of your band female? The core of our group is female, we are female fronted, and our vocals and harmonies are primarily female. This wasn’t a calculated decision, however it happened naturally when we (Kirsten & Manda) started writing together. We do play with a variety of musicians who are male and female. They all bring something unique to the sound and personality of the group. We have found that there is a real magnetic and beautiful thing that happens though, when women get together and lift each other up to achieve a goal. What are you currently working on? We have just completed a new, full-length album that we are preparing for release in 2017 entitled “Under Blue Skies”. We are planning our touring schedule for next year which will take us through the Southwest, The Pacific Northwest and overseas to the United Kingdom and Europe. We’re working on a new set of music videos and live performance videos for our songs on the upcoming record. Do you have a desire to travel to other countries? Yes, always! It would be wonderful to go to Japan, Brazil, Australia, France, Italy and so many more. We are fortunate that we are able to incorporate travel with the work we have chosen. It allows us to experience a broad taste of cultures beyond the already diverse city of Los Angeles and develop friendships with people from different cultures. Traveling inspires us and fuels a desire to travel more!


What do you like most/least? We strongly dislike double standards in our business and really any situation. We absolutely love to see a sense of community in what we do among our peers. It is truly wonderful to watch other artists stand up and help each other and work together to benefit someone who needs help. We see this over and over in our scene in LA, it never gets old and it creates a real bond between the musicians. Which skills or personal attributes are most important to being successful? Perseverance, patience, stamina, and the ability to handle rejection are all important. Also a healthy sense of what is possible is very important. We all have different strengths and weaknesses so to acknowledge them and grow toward the artist you want to be is worthwhile challenge. It is also important to us to possess grace and humility amid a strong sense of self. What advice would you give to someone wanting to pursue a music career? Know what your unique strengths are as an artist and completely dive into being that. Don’t try to be something that you are not. Try not to constantly compare yourself with others and instead strive to grow upon your own personal bests. What are some typical mistakes people make when trying to pursue this career? The momentum of technology is changing the music business so quickly that clinging onto old business models is probably the worst thing an artist can do. It would be a mistake to not embrace the connective nature of the Internet and social media. Artists can connect directly with their fan bases now. It would be a mistake to sit around waiting for other people to build your business for you when there are so many tools now available to make that personal connection yourself. Waiting around to “be discovered” or waiting around in general. If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose this career? Would you do anything differently? We can all look back and see where we could have done something differently that may have worked out a little better. We don’t make a habit of dwelling on those things, though we do make a point of learning from them. We love what we do and feel very fortunate to have a fan base and the ability to continue creating. We couldn’t imagine not doing this! If you could open for any artist on tour right now, who would it be? If we have to pick one, it would have to be Dolly Parton, She is a force to be reckoned with onstage and she is fantastic songwriter as well. To tour with a tried and true artist like Dolly would truly be an honor. 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016


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Is there a charity that you are passionate about? We support a local organization called Compassion Through Action, a group that brings sack lunches, personal supply bags and clothing to LA’s homeless population with friendliness and grace. It is hard to imagine that there are so many displaced people living in the US. We know that there is no easy long-term solution but the immediate needs of these folks are real and need attention.

Ted Russell Kamp on bass, Matt Lucich on drums, Kaitlin Wolfberg on violin are part of the Calico Band. The Rancho California was their album which won many awards including Americana Album Of The Year. Los Angeles Music Awards.

There is another group in Venice, California, called SPY – Safe Place for Youth. The lady who heads it up realized there is a growing population of homeless people under the age of 25. The young men and ladies are able to come there during the day, get food, shelter, work prep and counseling. It is a beautiful organization especially in this area of Los Angeles where the homeless population grows each week. One of our favorite music charities is MusiCares, which is run by The Recording Academy. MusiCares gives financial aid to musicians who need assistance with health care, addiction/recovery, rent, and musical instrument replacement. Do you feel your work has any spiritual aspects? For us, creating and sharing music is spiritual. Music is about exploring the human condition and connecting us all through catharsis of emotion and shared experience. We pour ourselves fully into the creation of our recordings and performances and the act of songwriting feels like capturing thoughts and ideas from the ether that need to be spoken loudly. It’s difficult to describe it exactly but it is most certainly a spiritual force greater than we are. When we tour we visit towns and meet people we may never see again. We are touched by them and we hope that we touch them as well. It is entirely about human interaction and getting the most out of these experiences. There is a synergy between us when we are on stage and the people in the audience; a special connection that cannot be duplicated any other way. We hope to inspire and that is definitely a spiritual aspiration. Have you ever performed for any non-profit organizations? Yes we have supported many non-profit organizations with our performances and have organized evenings that bring together artists in our community for a shared cause; we love to be able to do them. Some of the non-profits we have supported are Compassion Through Action, Toys For Tots, SoundGirls.Org, Songs For Sandy Hook, MusiCares, Wounded Warrior Foundation, and others.

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Kirsten Proffit is an award-winning songwriter whose songs have been heard in countless movies and TV shows, including “Friday Night Lights,” “Dawson’s Creek,” “Smallville”, “Party of Five” and Jiminy Glick in Lalawood. Her critically acclaimed solo album, Lucky Girl, generated two singles, both of which garnered much airplay, “Something I Can’t Be” and “Redemption Day.” She’s also a celebrated solo performer who has shared the stage with Duncan Sheik, Paula Cole, the Steve Miller Band and others. Born in Santa Cruz, California, at 10 she moved with her family to Majorca, Spain for three years before returning to California. In 2006 she was named Best Female Artist in the Orange County Music Awards. Special Thank you to Photography by DENNI CHRISTOPHERSON Location DRAGONFLY CREEK RECORDING Malibu, CA. Charley Pollard, Makeup and Hair Genevie Wenner 18 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e Decemeber 2016

Manda Mosher is, remarkably, a sixth generation Angeleno. She spent her first years in a Victorian house, since bulldozed, in Glendale. Her Everything You Need album, and the EP follow up City of Clowns, won her rave reviews and a legion of fans around this country. As a teen she fronted rock bands, but knew there was more to learn, and studied songwriting at Berklee before returning to L.A. She worked inside the music industry, at a label, in music publishing and at The Recording Academy, all the while honing her singing-songwriting chops. In 2005, she won Female Singer/Songwriter Of The Year at the Los Angeles Music Awards, which led to her first album, produced by Guy Erez, on Red Parlor Records. She toured extensively, and released her EP, which contained two singles, “City of Clowns” and a poignant cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “State Trooper.” In 2010, the Los Angeles Music Awards awarded her with National Touring Artist of The Year. To listen to please visit; id772156839

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Message from the Goddess Mother

You will develop this way of being and master it. It will become second nature to you, as you continue to elevate and expand your conscious awareness. Now is the time to truly blossom as you desire. You have the magic wand in your hand. Focus your attention from your heart on what you desire to create and experience. Watch the magic unfold in a gentle loving manner.

THE JOY OF YOU by Jan Diana

Greetings My Beloveds of Heart, “Celebrations are in order today, as you have successfully moved through the sacred portal, leading you onto the steps of further enlightenment. This was a choice you made in your hearts many years ago. So celebrate your grand achievements as you are now positioned to step into the lighter energies which will take you onto the pathways of heart reaching the greater wisdom and understanding that you so desire. Begin to notice the gentle nature of life and of those around you. In doing this you will become aware of the frequencies that uplift your greater awareness. Yes, though before you may have felt more resistance, now you are capable of seeing and feeling the softer side of everything. It is as if you are now viewing and experiencing through your heart’s eye and of course that is what is occurring.

With practice comes proficiency. Developing your mastery is a process of recognizing truth, choosing ideal pathways and focusing. Being guided to take the action steps which you feel inspired to take, leads you to fully manifest the desires of your heart. The connection to the truth of you is now more easily accessible. It is mostly a matter of choice, clarity, practice and focus. As you develop your clarity and focus, you will be able to align with your ideals in a graceful manner. With this alignment, you will begin to notice your desires coming into your reality in a more seamless manner. Of course as you practice holding the visions of your ideals, you will become aware of what truly is possible. Be patient with yourself as this is a glorious process, a glorious adventure, filled with opportunities to reach beyond what perhaps you thought possible. Connecting with the higher parts of yourself is now more easily attainable. Just release attachment to the old ways, the old stories that held you in visions of lesser value. See yourself letting go of the ropes to a heavily loaded wagon that you have felt yourself towing through your life. See the energy threads to the old story dissipate and the beautiful wagon now moving forward in great ease. Imagine the magic. What was thought to be perhaps impossible for you before is part of the old stories of the past. You are now moving into the new arenas where possibilities are limitless. You have access to all the answers that you desire. You are always being guided by your higher self as well the masters, angels and guides who stand beside you. 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Take some time to connect through your heart to this grand part of self. Feel the love and bathe in the lightness of heart. Here is where you will receive your answers. Here is where that beautiful guiding lightness flows to you and within you, bringing you great joy. Think of yourself as beginning a new chapter in that amazing story of your life. You are now ready to begin to know yourself as the creator of your own life story. There is no value in the blame of others or circumstances for what is or has been your reality, as you now can recognize that you have the magic wand in your hand.

truth, that you are truly magnificent. Allow yourself to accept and embrace that you are the enlightened one, becoming more enlightened with every breath. The joy is here for you to choose. As you choose joy, more joy will come to you until your reality is all joy. The wonder of you fills volumes of greatness in the realms above. The wonder of you is known to all. The wonder of you is joy. Let yourself accept and know the sweetness of this truth. Open your heart and receive this message of love from My Heart into yours.

How wonderful to feel and know the power you hold. You have the power to create what you desire, the life of your dreams.

You are the joy of My Heart, My Beloveds. You are joy. This is your time to experience and know your truth. Be the joy of you and live the dreams of your hearts desires.”

This power is love. It is the divine love that has offered you this gift of life. What blessings you have experienced thus far. Imagine now what more wonder lies for you to create and experience, knowing you have that power within your heart.

With great love, Your Beloved Mother

Take some time to ponder on this message today. Breathe it into your heart and know the truth of it. Seek out the ways of releasing from the old stories, letting go of the ropes. Let yourself begin to blossom in grand ways. As you desire to find the pathways of release, you will be easily guided to reach them. You are endowed with the gifts and abilities of the divine source. You are my children of light and as such, are capable of being and experiencing all the dreams of your heart, free of any perceptions of lesser value. The adventure you have chosen is a glorious one. You are now remembering more of your divine nature. What a glorious achievement! We celebrate together your great wonder and advancements. Now you can easily move forward into the next stages of your personal evolution. You are on your way to knowing and experiencing the greatest of joy. Joy is your divine nature. Within joy is the peace, serenity, wisdom and all that you have longed to feel and know. It is all within your reach. Step into your new roles as an awakened master. Let yourself be all that you desire. Go forth accepting the

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Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Sessions and Classes by phone. You can reach her at website or by email . Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes. FREE CLASS- “The Gift of the Golden Rose”. Experience the Golden Rose Ray on a journey to the Sacred Gardens of Light, learning how this gift can bless your life. Class information & Registration at:


Us and the Absence of Love By Sunita Pattani

Yesterday I came across an account by Psychiatrist Dr. Emanuel Tanay, who in my opinion, correctly pointed out that there are very few people who are true fanatics. The vast majority of people of all faiths are peaceful, but it is the fanatics, he stated, that quite often rule. A German aristocrat during the Nazi rule, Dr. Tanay lost everything and ended up in a concentration camp. Although he passed away earlier this year, he did communicate an important message: don’t be ruled by fanatics. Yesterday’s account got me thinking. Yes, there is immediate action that needs to be taken to manage the current atrocities that people are suffering, but we also need a long-term plan. A plan that our current education system is not executing. This plan not only needs to take into consideration intellect, but it needs to place a heavy focus 26 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

on the heart. It’s not just about ‘out there’ and changing society, but rather the focus begins with each one of us taking a deep look within. Reflection upon the recent events such as the Peshawar attacks, hostages in Sydney café and the Westgate mall attack made one thing very clear: that when a certain group of humanity suffers, we are all affected in some way. There are those of us who feel the pain that our fellow humans are suffering; the grief, the anger, the compassion, the empathy. Then there are the perpetrators who have masterminded and committed atrocities - they too have a personal view on the occurrence. And of course there are even those who are so engrossed in their own lives that the tragedy is but a faint whisper in the background of their daily activities.

Aside from witnessing the terrible event that has taken place, in actual fact, what we are also witnessing though our responses is our very own perception. We are witnessing first and foremost our own level of personal development. That’s right, I said, personal development. The perpetrators of this crime are an extreme example of what happens to one without adequate love and awareness education. They use their heads to fuel a very incorrect perception that they have developed. A perception that says that it is acceptable to kill others - even children. We develop our personal perceptions very early on in life -and we build our life around these perceptions. We grow up, have children and knowingly or sometimes unknowingly pass these perceptions on to our children. We teach our children the way of life as we perceive it ourselves, based on our personal experiences. We teach them how to love and how to respect, (or may be not, depending on who we are). We teach them about boundaries and we attempt to discipline them appropriately. My point is that our children follow our guidance – positive or negative. The truth however, is that we can only take our children as far as we have been ourselves. I am not referring only to education here, but rather to the people that we are. When terror strikes and when tragedies happen, we are called to re-examine our personal perceptions. Many people may feel helpless when they think about all that is not right in this world. Amongst all the terrible crimes, there is terror, torture and murder - and this dear friends, is the absence of love. Love is an experience. It knows no boundaries, it knows no colour, creed or sex; it knows no religion. Love heals, it gives hope, it touches people’s hearts and it has the ability to transform humanity. Sometimes love needs to be tough. I believe that our natural natures are one of love, but we forget this if we not reminded as children. So important is this one factor, that if not realised, acknowledged and guided in the correct way, it will create obstacles, suffering and atrocities in adulthood. Aside from dealing with the heart-wrenching aftermath of these attacks, perhaps the next step is to ask ourselves what role we are each personally playing in creating a better humanity, because the children of today will shape tomorrow’s future. Change is closer than we think. We are the change. We – that’s you and me, hold a responsibility towards the future. And change can be challenging. Change requires that we question our belief systems. Change requires that

stand objectively and ask ourselves where we unite and where we divide in our personal actions. Change requires that we question how loving our actions really are, and what perceptions are we passing on to our children. We may not have complete control over what life brings us, but we do have control over how we choose to respond - we have a choice as to whether we choose the response of love or fear. Yes, terror needs to be dealt with immediately, with the best options available at the time. But…each and every one of us has a responsibility to not only nurture our intellects, but also to nurture our hearts. To stand strong, to be positive role models, and to frequently question our beliefs and behaviours, in hope that love , either gentle or tough, will one day free us from darkness. Humanity doesn’t need material advancement as much as it needs love. If you would like to learn more about how you can heal emotionally, then check out Sunita Pattani’s book ‘The Transcendent Mind – The Missing Peace in Emotional Wellbeing.’ Which published in Mach 2015. For more information please visit

Sunita Pattani is a psychotherapist and author based in East London, specializing in exploring the link between mind, body, spirit and emotional healing. Since childhood she has been fascinated with science, spirituality, consciousness and the deeper question of who we really are. She explores this question from a multi-disciplinary perspective, and implements the findings within her therapy practice. Pattani is a graduate of the University of Birmingham, where she obtained a degree in Mathematics, Science and Education in 2003, followed by a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in 2004. Pattani taught for five years before she returned to college to receive an advanced diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapeutic Counseling. A regular blogger for The Huffington Post, Pattani’s first book, My Secret Affair with Chocolate Cake: The Emotional Eater’s Guide to Breaking Free was published in 2012. Her second book The Transcendent Mind: The Missing Peace in Emotional Wellbeing was published in March 2015. 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Photo by: Sergey Nivens 28 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Want to Measure Your Consciousness? By Richard Barrett

Everyone talks about consciousness as if it is something difficult to measure. But is it? I started work on defining a metric for measuring human consciousness around 1995. It was an accident really; I was trying to bring together the ideas of Vedic philosophy regarding the higher levels of consciousness and Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It struck me that the different graduations of higher levels of consciousness, as expressed in the Vedic tradition, corresponded to the varying degrees of self-actualization expressed by Maslow. From this research came the idea for the Seven Levels of Consciousness Model. Once I had defined the model, I quickly realized that specific values and behaviours could be associated with each level of consciousness, and consequently, if you could ascertain the values of an individual or group you could identify what levels of consciousness they were operating from. The measuring system I developed became known as the Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT). In 1997, I formed a company, the Barrett Values Centre (BVC), and began to use this measuring system to map the consciousness of leaders and organizations all over the world. To date BVC has measured the consciousness of more than 5,000 organizations, 4,000 leaders and 24 nations.

Model differs from most other models in one important way: It looks at personal development through the lens of the ego-soul dynamic—the progressive, and normally subtle, influence of the motivations of the soul over the motivations of the ego. Under normal circumstances, the level of consciousness you are operating from will be the same as the stage of psychological development you have reached. However, no matter what stage of psychological development you are at, when you are faced with what you consider to be a potentially negative change in your circumstances or a situation that you believe could threaten your internal stability or external equilibrium—anything that brings up fear—you may temporarily shift to one of the three lower levels of consciousness.

In recent years, I began to recognize that in addition to mapping human consciousness, the Seven Levels Model could also be used as a template to describe the stages of human psychological development. Figure 1 shows the stages of psychological development and their correspondence with the seven levels of consciousness. We grow in stages (of psychological development) and we operate at levels of consciousness. The Seven Levels

Figure: Stages of psychological development and levels of consciousness 29 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Alternatively, if you have a “peak” experience—an experience of euphoria, harmony or connectedness of a mystical or spiritual nature— you may temporarily “jump” to a higher level of consciousness. When the threat or peak experience has passed, you will return to the level of consciousness that corresponds to the stage of psychological development you were at before the experience occurred. In rare situations, a peak experience may have a lasting impact, causing you to shift to a higher stage of psychological development and operate from a higher level of consciousness. Similarly a “negative” experience, if it is traumatic enough, and particularly if it occurs in your childhood and teenage years, can impede your future psychological development by causing you to be anchored, through frequent triggering of the traumatic memory, into in one of the three lower levels of consciousness. Measuring Your Consciousness Want to measure your consciousness? Well you can do so right away. Simply follow this link——and do the free assessment like more than 100,000 people have done. A few minutes after completing the assessment, you will receive a personalized feedback report. Look over the report and if you want to dig deeper, take some time to do the exercises you will find at the back of your report. Levels of Consciousness In order to understand the model, and what you have just done (if you have obtained your assessment), I would like to briefly describe the seven levels of consciousness. Level 1: Survival consciousness The first level of personal consciousness is concerned with your body’s physiological survival and your ego’s self-preservation. We need clean air, food, and water to keep our bodies alive and healthy. We also need to keep ourselves safe from harm and injury and defend ourselves from physical or verbal attacks. Whenever you feel threatened or insecure, physically or financially, you shift into survival consciousness. Level 2: Relationship consciousness The second level of personal consciousness is concerned with establishing and preserving relationships that engender a sense of emotional belonging. As young children, we learn very quickly that, if we don’t belong, we cannot survive. We also learn that, in order to belong, we need to be loved. When you are loved uncon30 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

ditionally, you develop a healthy sense of relationship consciousness. You feel secure in yourself because you grew up feeling loved for who you are. Level 3: Self-esteem consciousness The third level of personal consciousness is concerned with establishing and maintaining your sense of selfworth. In order to feel good about ourselves we need to feel recognized and acknowledged by others, not just our immediate family, but also by our peers and the authority figures in our lives. You build a healthy sense of self-worth when you are young by spending quality time with your parents; being praised for your accomplishments no matter what they are, and encouraged to keep trying even when things go wrong. Level 4: Transformation consciousness The fourth level of human consciousness is concerned with the search for your true identity. At this stage of development the questions you are asking yourself are “Who am I?”, “Who is the ‘I’ that lies beyond my parental and cultural conditioning?”, and “Who is the ‘I’ that wants to break out and be seen in the world?” Only when you answer these questions, can you discover your authentic self. The prize that comes with the pursuit of self-knowledge is freedom: The freedom to express yourself with honesty and integrity. When you discover and express who you really are, you no longer have to hide behind the façade constructed by your ego. You will be able to march to your own tune, not the tune others have imposed on you. To find out who you are, you will want to embrace adventure; you will want to discover and hone your skills and talents: you will want to become all you can become. You will want to embrace your soul self. Level 5: Internal cohesion consciousness The fifth level of human consciousness is concerned with finding meaning in your life—what you came into the world to do. At this level of consciousness, the question is no longer “Who am I?” but “Why am I here in this body, and in this situation?” For some, those who do not feel any sense of purpose, this is a daunting inquiry. For others, who are gifted with a particular talent, your purpose may seem more obvious. If you are not sure of your purpose, simply focus on what you love to do and pay attention to what is immediately in front of you. Do it to the best of your ability. Alternatively just follow your joy, develop your talents, and pursue your passion. This will lead you eventually to where you need to be to fulfil your soul’s destiny.

Level 6: Making a difference consciousness The sixth level of human consciousness is to make a difference in the world—in the immediate world that surrounds you, in your community or nation, or in the global society. Once you have found a purpose that gives your life meaning, you quickly learn that the difference you can make is much bigger if you collaborate with others who share a similar purpose or are aligned with your cause. This is where all the work you have done in learning how to manage, master, or release the emotions associated with your subconscious fears pays off. The more easily you are able to connect and empathize with others, the easier it is to collaborate and thereby leverage your impact in the world. Level 7: Service consciousness The seventh level of human consciousness is selfless service to the cause that is the object of your soul purpose. You reach this level when making a difference becomes a way of life. You are now fully imbued with your soul purpose and living the life of a soul-infused personality. You are at ease with uncertainty and embrace whatever comes your way, without judgement. You are always looking for opportunities to grow and develop. Full spectrum consciousness It is important to recognize that higher is not necessarily better. Ideally, you should learn how to master all levels of consciousness. Individuals who are able to do this are said to be operating from full spectrum consciousness. They display all the positive attributes of the seven levels of personal consciousness: • They master their survival needs by staying healthy, assuring their physiological survival and their financial security and keeping safe from harm and injury. • They master their relationship needs by building friendships and family connections that create a sense of emotional belonging based on unconditional love. • They master their self-esteem needs by building a sense of pride in themselves and their performance and acting responsibly and reliably in everything they do. • They master their transformation needs by having the courage to embrace their authentic selves and letting go of the fears that keep them focused on their deficiency needs. • They master their internal cohesion needs by uncovering their soul’s purpose and aligning the beliefs of their ego with the values of their soul. • They master their making a difference needs by

actualising their sense of purpose and leveraging their actions, and by collaborating with others who have a similar purpose or are aligned with the same cause. • They master their service needs by leading a life of selfless service for the good of humanity and the planet. Conclusion What the Seven Levels Model enables us to do is make the evolution of consciousness, conscious: If you can measure something, you can manage it. If you want to find out more about the stages of psychological development, the Seven Levels of Consciousness and how the Cultural Transformation Tools are used to measure consciousness of individuals, leaders, organizations and nations please read The Metrics of Human Consciousness.

3 Richard Barrett, Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre, is an internationally recongnised thought leader on values, culture and leadership in business and society. He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Wisdom Council of the Center for Integral Wisdom, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. His books include: Evolutionary Coaching (2014), The Values-Driven Organization (2013), What My Soul Told Me (2012), Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations (2011) and The New Leadership Paradigm (2010).

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The Modern Evolution of Human Connections a Natural Unification By Michael White Ryan


ENERGY has been symbolized throughout history in many shapes, forms, ideas and color. Choose your path wisely if this is within your intent, for there is no time to waste The path of understanding Energy begins with the one source, then Yin and Yang along with their redeeming five elements and their unlimited elemental characteristics. The term for energy may vary from culture to culture and yet its abilities and various strengths remain the same, if you ever get to know them! Another important aspect to wrap your head around is, there is movement in stillness and stillness in movement. When we apply this idea to the five elements, they no longer remain locked into a singular definition. The same truth also applies to us when we jump out of our belief-moulds and release ourselves of who we think we are. The band-wagon knowing has brought hope to the ears, from out of the ether everything is now connected. We talk sustainability while not knowing how to sustain. We stand at the forefront of acknowledging, everything is energy while remaining with our current kindergarten mindset. Energy is a new world, full of unknown meaning, resounding within the social parameters of every day conversations. It has birthed an existence on every refrigerator door, the electric car race and innovations which are now representing the greater good for one and all. It’s absolutely amazing our ability to jump aboard a progression towards relationship-unity in the age of the selfie!!! 33 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

I for one am still perplexed about this freely used abundant term “energy”. Are we talking vibration, or is it frequency, is it good or bad, is there only the one type, do we even know or are we just sprouting, keeping up with the Joneses? I have heard it said that all things come from the one source. It is nothing and it is everything and yet it is nameless and it is formless. In my mind, I can now reason that the needle in the hay stack is easier to find!!! Where to start in unraveling answers to even the simplest of tomorrow’s energy questions can easily bear the fruit of constant confusion. Cultures in every corner of the globe have fathomed the mysteries of that which is greater than life since the moment of first-thought. Hollywood has recently conjured up its own symbolic idea in these latest two movies “Dr. Strange and “Arrival.” The speed of which the world functions today is challenging the very existence of every thought you and I have ever conceived since our time of birth, if awake!!! Does time exist, does the answer even matter, and yet it is that which every human measures, all that is motionless and all that is in motion!!! When forging a foundation in grasping our true powers, we are given one of three options. To be a follower of another, to be a leader of one’s own life or to fluctuate between the two! It is good to ask one’s self, are you the fish or are you the fisherman? It’s a simple question to remind us of the motive which drives us into tomorrow’s ocean of energetic possibilities. How is it, that we have slowly become aware to the necessity of energy relationships in today’s world of opportunities? For the young people of today it is their natural state of being, for the older generation the recession of 2009 hopefully has taught many lessons??? One being the importance of correct choice at the beginning of all relationships, be they in business or personal. To have prior knowledge of human energy to human energy relationship, is crucial for tomorrow’s adventures. If we are to have any level of relationship with continued success. Are you aware of the number of profile systems which have sprung into the business worlds “necessity lists of must haves?” What is a profile and what are their benefits, if any? The age old systems of four predominant patterns and the in-between cusps, has had center stage for the last sixty so plus years. We know what to expect, we now fit some form of acceptable mould, how lucky we are! It keeps us positive, we have drank the cool-aid, we fit a social 34 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

format and we are selfie-pleased!!! It’s good for business. It’s an internet harmony-marriage. We have got what we wanted and we are so in control, we are creators of our own destiny, halleluiah. “Is that all there is,” the radio blasts out? Comfort zones are so easily achievable as we jump from the next to the next never knowing we are bound to an educated mould. It stands to reason that ENERGY is the next unknown questioning of, what is it? The spiritual leaders of this world in a desperate attempt, have finally thrown everything together into the one-pot and called it “deep learning,” it sounds so logically progressive. Meditate, visualize, open, love, chackras, white light, gestures, color, be, natural enhancers, bend over, music and whatever is left. ALL supposedly known energetic hand-me-downs via spirits, gurus, leaders, books and whatever, without any description or understanding of what this energy thing actually is!!! Its mind blowing stuff, we read and follow for answers that do not exist as yet!!! Merry blessings to you all

Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Eastern philosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants. They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Henderson NV.

Cosmos and the Human Energetic System -

Part I: The Crystalline-Electric Cosmos By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

Abstract It is clarified that we live in a conscious crystalline electric cosmos, which in essence, signifies the neural network or brain of our Prime Creator. It is further explicated that our crystalline cosmos is spherical in shape being comprised of 356 dimensional concentric space-time layers that fit within one another, something similar to the well-known nested Russian Matryoshka dolls. Furthermore, it is elucidated that the fabric of space-time within each dimensional layers is composed of a crystalline lattice or a grid that resembles a textile fibrous composite cloth with crystalline electric currents running through its system. More specifically, the cosmos is comprised of a field that is created as a result of the plasmic separation of positive ions (cations) and negative (anions) within its crystalline structure. This plasmic field binds (glues) ALL together, whose local congregation of one charge form or the other creates a potential field that demands to be settled, causing a ‘flow’ of crystalline-electric nature. Moreover, this plasma is not fixed in one dimension or in only one universe. Like the stroboscopic light of a ‘flashing nature,’ it fluctuates (vibrates), and fades ‘in’ an ‘out’ of dimensional realities (from one universe and into other universes). Thus, a cosmic pulse emanates from the (galactic) cosmic grid. And, the cosmic pulse within the spiraled galaxies forms the creation pattern in the form of a spiral. In particular, within our Nebadon universe, our spiraled Milky Way Galactic Grid has a function of being a formatted creation server that allows ALL THAT IS within its sphere of influence to dynamically and creatively expand. Moreover, this plasmic field operates in a spectrum. The operation of this released plasma is akin to something 36 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COMe Decembe 2016

like the phenomenon of piezo-electricity in crystals, having to do with the advent of pressure within the crystalline matrix of the Cosmic Grid. Simply put, as one applies pressure upon the lattice of a crystal, electric current flows through the crystal. Similarly, the intra-dimensional plasma within the fabric of the space-time within the cosmos produces a braided current that is helical in geometry, and is crystalline in nature. Thus, the cosmos contains within it a crystalline-electrical circuitry, which operates within the active plasma of the galaxies and intra-space. Moreover, an electric current is inherently produced by the crystalline structure of the geometric cosmic lattice (referred to as the ‘Cosmic Grid’). As such, the cellular crystalline structures’ of the cosmic plasma produces a force that is electrically charged as well as being crystalline and coherent. This is to say that, the crystalline lattice of the fabric of space-time is coherent, conscious, sentient, and constitutes a ‘living’ grid. In fact, the edifice of this braided crystalline-electric current, in essence, forms something of a ‘cosmic power transmission lines.’ Finally, a brief discussion is presented with regard to the relevance of the crystalline-electric cosmos (the macro-cosmos) and our energetic system (the micro-cosmos). The details of the human bio-plasmic field (the ethereal body) as well as our Auric-chakric system, and finally, the nature of formation of our crystalline light body as a pre-requisite to ascension, has been postponed to the publication of three companion papers, which are to appear in the future issues of the magazine.

Cosmos as a Conglomerate Set of ‘Space-Time’ Layers The subject of cosmology of the universe, is truly fascinating. Cosmos, is indeed, the product of light physics. And, there are two aspects to light physics: space and time. These two phenomena are inter-related, with one being mutually dependent on the other. Without time there is simply no space, and vica versa. In fact, time may be regarded as being the inverse of space. In other words, the tendency to time diminishes the propensity of space, and vica versa. It is therefore, appropriate to speak of a single phenomenon when speaking of light physics, which is the concept of space-time. Space-time permeates the domain of the cosmos. The author has illustrated that there are indeed, a total of 356 distinct and identifiable space-time layers within the cosmos. And, due to the isotropic and axisymmetric dispersion of light as to create space-time cosmic layers, cosmos is, indeed, spherical. Thus, the cosmos may be envisioned as being as a series of concentric spherical layers nested within one another not unlike the Russian Matryoshka dolls. Furthermore, these ‘dimensional layers’ constantly spin about a central SOURCE of omnipotent consciousness that we refer to as our Prime Creator. Moreover, the inner (higher) dimensional layers more adjacent to the axis of rotation passing through the center of cosmos (the domicile of the SOURCE) are envisaged to rotate at a faster speed than the outer (lower) dimensions. In this respect, the terms ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ refer to the consciousness state or the state of light quotient permeating the dimensional layers. Alternatively, the rate of rotation (rotational speed) of the dimensional layers may be referred to as ‘frequency’ that provides another venue for quantifying the conscious state within each particular dimensional layer. There are many earths, planets, solar systems, galaxies, and such within the dimensional layers providing myriad forms of inner realities within the multiplex of Omniverse. The purported reality based upon linear-time is actually unique within the first three dimensions, where due to the infinitesimal progression of time, it gives the illusion of linearity or linear perception of the past, present, and the future. In reality, time is a curvilinear phenomenon, having been a byproduct of the rotational aspect of the dimensional layers of the cosmos. In fact, space regarded as a rectilinear phenomenon, has to do with the relative change of position within the domain of cosmos, which is often characterized by a Euclidean rectilinear vector. The author has illustrated the fact that time may be depicted as a rotational vector being perpendicular to the vector of space at any prescribed set of values of the space and time within the cosmos. In this respect, the erroneous contention by the mainstream science that time may be a scalar quantity should be regarded as resolved. In this regard, space may be considered as the spherical path corresponding to a particular spherical

surface layer within the cosmos, which may be represented by a free vector acting at any point being tangent to the surface path. Furthermore, a vector that is directed along the radius of the spherical layer, and is clearly perpendicular to the free vector of space, may be regarded as the time vector. In this respect, time is a rotational phenomenon that may be expressed in terms of two angles acting within two mutually perpendicular plane that collectively give rise to the particular domain of a dimensional layer having a certain radius. And, as this radius is changed, it gives rise to the progression of time. Thus, traversing within the innerspace (out of a particular dimensional layer) is synonymous with the concept of ‘time travel,’ while changing position within the confines of a particular dimensional layer constitutes ‘teleportation.’ Furthermore, the concept of frequency may be regarded as the inverse of the incremental time that may, alternatively, be defined as the rate of change of rotational ‘dimensional angle,’ (or speed of rotation) of a particular dimensional layer. Thus, instead of speaking of reducing the incremental change of time (faster progression of time) as to insinuate faster perception of time or ‘consciousness’ as to reach a higher dimension, we can, alternatively, speak of increasing the ‘frequency.’ And, clearly, time takes place in a nonlinear strobe sequence of ‘consciousness units.’ There are many universes in the Multiverse, and all were formed by the Divine-Thought, the Prime Creator. Discerning the sacred scientific nature of cosmos, unlocks the door to truly understand the workings of the cosmos. We are now at the incipient point of exploring and undertaking this. And, therefore, there is both a sacred and scientific aspect to understanding the machinery of the cosmos. Comprehending the sacred nature of ALL things is ultimately crucial in unlocking the door into our true nature and origin. The science behind cosmology and its sacred applications will eventually lead to a quantum leap in consciousness, which constitutes the crux of the author’s body of research work as a light worker in the ongoing Ascension movement of our planet and our SELVES. Our Crystalline Electric Cosmos Our plasma physicists have now graduated to refine their theories to propose that there exists an ‘electrical cosmos.’ These scientists are able to understand that there exists a ‘potential function’ between any two points in the space that leads to ‘flow’ of plasma from one point to another. The ideology is quite analogous to the concept of electricity as well as magnetism. With regard to electricity, there exists a difference of charge between two consecutive points, which is generated through a difference in number of electrons existing at one point as compared to the other. 37 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e Decemeber 2016

Therefore, an electric potential is developed between the two points as a result of the difference of charge status existing between such points. There is a tendency for the excess electrons at the negatively charged point to ‘flow’ into the other, which is deprived of such electrons. This process happens in order to ‘relieve’ or ‘equalize’ the overall system from such unevenly charged status. Therefore, electricity (flow of electrons) occurs as the result of migration of charged ions from one ‘pole’ to another. Similarly, magnetism is essentially governed by the existence of oppositely charged poles (south or north) in a way that two mutually charged poles ‘repel’ and two oppositely charged poles ‘attract’ one another. Again, due to a potential existing between two oppositely charged poles, there is a tendency of ‘flow’ from one to the other. The phenomena of electro, magnetic, and plasma flow are quite analogous. However, plasma physicists prefer to dispense with the concept of polarization. Instead, they consider two opposite ‘poles’ as gateways, one fulfills the role of ‘entrance’ and the other the ‘exit’ as ‘flow’ occurs ‘into’ the entry and ‘out of ’ the exit doorways.

the center of the galaxy. Our spiraled galaxy contains a larger sphere of positive charges superimposed upon a smaller inner-sphere containing negative charges. The Galactic Center as well as our sun and the planets are electrically charged. The great central sun is the focus of a great cosmic crystalline electric discharge, which is the source of all radiant energy. All astronomical bodies are inherently charged objects immersed in a universe that, in essence, has a crystalline-electromagnetic fabric (such as a fibrous composite cloth). On a galactic scale, these dynamic charges appear locally on all cosmic bodies, arising from the plasmic separation of positive and negative ions. These electromagnetic forces played a crucial role in sculpting the surfaces and shaping the orbits of the bodies of our solar system. Crystalline-electric discharge created the form, and is a major factor in our universal evolution. The changes that are occurring are activating the crystalline emissions that will form the crystalline aspect of the evolving planetary elliptical space, what may be referred to as the new ‘firmament.’

Some of the new theorists of plasma physics conclude that the black holes and dark matter do not exist, and that electricity is responsible for the energy that formed planets and stars. While the notion of latter, that ‘electricity is responsible for energy that forms the planet and stars,’ is accurate, the former conjecture is purely incorrect. Black holes do, indeed, exist. However, their function is utterly inter-twinned with that of the white holes. But, the true nature of white as well as black holes are not yet embraced. Black holes are not the carnivorous all-consuming monster we think of. Also, it is not the black holes or any theorized ‘dark matter’ that coheres, gravitates, and powers the cosmos. It is, rather, something of a coherent cosmic electrical force, which is geometric in nature. It is, in fact, a form of refined electrical energy with induced crystalline attributes, and it is coded with the Divine. It is indigenous to the existence of the ‘Crystalline-Electric Cosmic Grid’ that employs such crystalline-electric forces in the cosmos. Current advancements in higher resolution instruments have allowed our scientist to observe images and evidence of the omnipresent ‘filaments’ and ‘cellular structures’ of cosmic plasma. This is an exciting and important new understanding that is leading to a requisite discovery that emptiness in space may neither be considered as “void” nor is electrically neutral. It all has to do with cosmic electricity. The extra-terrestrial cosmos is not electrically neutral. Rather, it is charged within a crystalline structure. ‘Neutral’ plasma cannot organize itself into cells and filaments. Our advanced telescopes are now providing images that reveal strands of electrical currents feeding the core of our spiral Milky Way galaxy. In electrical terms, the filaments are the ‘cosmic power transmission lines’ feeding the plasma at

The cosmic pulse that occurs in our physical universe is not new. This knowledge was well known in the era of the Atlanteans. In fact, it was utilized. The cosmic pulse is an immeasurable, supreme, god SOURCE with an intra-dimensional energetic force. There are two aspects to the energy of the cosmic pulse: first of all it is formed as a lattice, a living sentient grid; and secondly, it is a conduit of crystalline-electric current in the cosmos. The cosmos contains within it a crystalline-electrical circuitry, which operates within the active plasma of the galaxies and intra-space. This circuitry feeds the core of our galaxy. This ‘active’ plasma is in many forms, both hot and cold, and it is coherent and conscious. This plasma is not fixed in one dimension or in only one universe. This plasma operates in a spectrum. Like light, it fluctuates and fades ‘in’ an ‘out’ of both dimensional realities and into other universes. It is, the glue that binds ALL together. This intra-dimensional plasma produces a braided current that is helical in geometry, and is crystalline. This plasma is released through something akin to what is experienced in the piezo- crystalline matrix of the Cosmic Grid. The electric current is, therefore, produced by the crystalline structure of the geometric cosmic lattice, the Galactic Grid. It becomes coherent, through the ‘pinch’ of its attraction and compression. This current is coded with an inverse spiral to our planet. It is also requisite to the upshift of our planet including us to the higher frequencies of consciousness. Just as our earth is a living sentience, so are the galaxies. All galaxies have conscious sentience, which is of higher order and more refined. The cosmic pulse within spiraled galaxies forms the creation pattern in the form of a spiral. The cosmic pulse emanates from the galactic cosmic grid. The Galactic Grid in our spiraled Milky Way has a function of being a formatted creation server that allows

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ALL THAT IS within its sphere of influence to dynamically and creatively expand, just as our evolving planetary grids do on our earth. Our 144-Crystalline Grid is energized via the spiraled cosmic pulse of our Galactic Grid. The crystalline electricity that is allowed to flow through is received into the core of the planet, and an inverse spiral now emanates outward and is made available for the higher dimensional expansion of the human auric form. The Human Energetic System’s Symbiotic Existence with The Cosmos Human Beings have an auric energy that forms an electromagnetic field. This field receives energy patterns and codes constantly through induction. The higher geometry of this field must be upshifted to crystalline. It will do so by evolving into a crystalline format and will expand depending on the intent, focus, and attunement of the individual concerned. It will enable the divine human to carry the higher frequencies coming into our planet through the 144-Crytsalline Grid via the pulse of the cosmos. In this process, it will upshift our DNA into a more complex crystalline form. Our DNA is now shifting from electromagnetic into crystalline. The crystallization of the pineal, pituitary and thymus glands is essential. This is to prepare for what is beginning to occur now in the Crystalline Age. There is a new crystalline structure and code to activate the transformation of these three divinity glands required to move into the higher frequency. This action will play a role in facilitating the DNA transformation to crystalline energy. Among the ‘quantum’ attributes will be a much greater immunity for the body physical, and an expanded consciousness to multidimensionality. The crystalline-electric currents of the cosmos integrate all matter. As such, the suns, stars, and planets are all to an extent driven and powered by this current. Accordingly, every stellar and planetary body in space carries an electrical resonate charge, including our earth. This energy is received through the magnetosphere of earth, and is drawn into the earth’s crystalline core. It emits a bluewave radiation that provides higher spectrum light to our inner earth civilizations. Each planet has a specific parameter of electrical charge it carries. Our planetary electromagnetic grids and magnetosphere act as double layered surge protectors, but occasionally this charge overloads. There is evidence of this, unrecognized, in our solar system, and indeed, on earth. When this charge is overloaded in a surge, a form of internal electricity will burst out that create implosion effects both on the physical planet and its intradimensional aspect. This has occurred on our earth before. This is, in fact, what formed the Grand Canyon and other locations on earth! The arc lightening emitted from within the Earth that created the Grand Canyon often creates a unique energy field in these locations. All reverse spin

of intra-dimensional light occurs here, and as such a unique balance, counter-balance occurs that spins light in helical and anti-helical spins. Gemstones and minerals found within these areas such as the Grand Canyon have unique properties as a result that can be very balancing and beneficial to auric expansion. This benevolent energy is very unique on our planet, and allows multidimensional awareness and experiences of bi-location more easily in certain vectors within it. The conduits of the charge of the electric crystalline cosmos are networked throughout the galaxy, and can be compared to the leylines of the earth, or the nervous system of the human body. Light through its myriad aspects such as electricity, magnetism, gravity, crystallization are the most essential and important factors in the Cosmic Grid, and, indeed, our developing planetary grid. They are the primary tools of our planetary frequencial Ascension. Thought creationism involves processing of information codes that are received through the cosmos. These communicate with our RNA through our crystallized pituitary and pineal glands. These codes of information are transmitted or conducted by the neuronal networks in matter/anti-matter and “dark” plasma in which the Omni Earth is contained. Through the development of the crystalline light body tri-level crystallinity system, we readily access greater consciousness that gives us the capability to navigate within the realm of higher dimensionality. Our crystalline light body interacts with all three levels of modality. But, concerted effort is required to develop awareness into the crystalline ‘Light-Body’ system. The polarity grid (the electromagnetic grid) has been collapsing. The Crystalline Grid has now come into play and as it is gaining full energy. Understanding the phenomenon of Crystalline Light Body is of paramount importance as we ascend in these new energies. Relevance of the Cosmic Energies to our Energetic System Our auric system is quite complex, but now only operates at its base level. The primary longitudinal axial current that is received through the 7th chakric vortex is disseminated through the pituitary to induce secondary and tertiary currents at specific angles. The new circuitry of the aura operates in coherent light. Matter-antimatter and bio-energy plasma life exist in varying layers of dimensional resonance frequency. It is quite beyond us in duality to comprehend the vast complexity and dimension of the electro-crystalline nature of creative energies. Every thought is a totally unique geometric rhythm translated into crystalline electrics and pulsed from the higher source into mind into physicality through a myriad of dimensional gateways. Every particulate, every aspect of our experience is gathered together in unique specific bands of crystalline light frequency. Each thought we have, 39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

each instinct and compulsion we have, is concisely composed of a distinguished intensity and impulse frequency. In summary, we all exist in one band, one spectrum of divine frequency. Understanding the true nature of ‘life consciousness,’ as well as the vast realms of the Omniverse Cosmos, including earth itself, is very challenging. Yet, all of us with employing our inherent power of intuition can reach beyond and conceive the energies at play at this remarkable time in our planet’s history. We are changing our etheric skin in order to evolve and incorporate these wondrous attributes. All of us with further attunement as a result of utilization of power of intuition can reach and discern beyond that which is ordinary. We have 7 distinct primary chakras that correspond to different points of life energy distribution within our bodies. The chakras extend sensory filaments, which provide a means for DNA transference, into each sequential matter/”dark” (invisible) matter/antimatter dimensional field. The pineal gland is usually called “the third Eye,” or “the seat of soul,” which connects us to the ethereal and beyond the physical realm of existence. Our auric system is quite refined and complex. Each auric layer is separated by bio-plasmic double layered membranes, forming a durable sheath lamina or skin that is lined with opposing current in order to conduct energy within and without our auric system. The auric system receives and auto projects charged energy particulate, and this occurs somewhat like the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) with all its magnificent colors. We constantly receive ‘life’ energies from outside, which primarily come to us via the energies emitted by our sun. When fully crystalline, the optimal healthy human auric field becomes our full etheric body. The ordinary human aura tied to the electromagnetic grid cannot sustain the higher frequencies of the cosmos crystalline energies. Few of us can retain the sacred geometric crystalline form of aura that has been referred to as the merkaba all the time. The way that our ethereal body, our consciousness, or our thought energetics interfaces with the 3-D is through our physical body. Our physical body constitutes a complex system of endocrine glands that interface with our neural network through our heart. The heart is an extremely complex neural organ, much more sophisticated that our brain, that interfaces with our entire network system and all body components through our blood and its sophisticated circulatory system. Our heart is the organ that directly interfaces with our ethereal body, the energetic source that animates our physiognomy. As our ethereal body vibrates, it interfaces with our physical body through our heart by a way of ‘beating.’ Understand that ‘beating’ is a phenomenon distinct from ‘resonance.’ In the case of the former, the frequency 40 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

of animation is compliably close to the natural frequency of the physical body, while in the latter case, the frequency of animation ‘exactly’ matches the natural frequency of the animated body. The truth is that we have a physical consciousness on the 3-D earth that is quantum and discrete in nature. This means that we receive stroboscopic light of ‘flashing’ nature that illuminates us and gives us consciousness only discretely and not continuously. As a result, there is an interval within the span of our consciousness that the author has referred to as the ‘dark period,’ in which we become unaware of our current space-time dimension. We constantly fade into and out of consciousness within a period that is of quantum scale, closely approximating the Planck’s number of 10-43 earthly seconds. During this ‘dark period,’ we become unconscious from one particular plane of dimensional consciousness and reappear, and become conscious in another parallel plane of consciousness. This way, we actually sequentially jump between the parallels, but this ‘dark period’ is so small and of a quantum scale that in conjunction with our currently low (or slow) frequency of vibration, we remain oblivious to our absence. Thus, as a result of beating our heart, and due to the discrepancy between the two phenomena of resonance and beating, the physical body remains ‘detached’ from the ethereal body during the ‘dark period,’ giving rise to a state of consciousness that is only prevalent during the frames of consciousness in the particular physical plane in question. This state of consciousness referred to as the ‘physical’ or ‘active’ state of consciousness, is clearly distinct from the state of ‘subconsciousness’ pertinent to the ethereal body or the ‘soul’ comprising the totality of the all SELVES being animated in all the parallels. When we graduate to have a ‘crystalline light body,’ the distinction between the ethereal body representing the soul and the ‘aura’ becomes ambiguous, affording one to discern and remember the sojourns of all the parallels, and remain aware throughout the process of sequentially jumping from one plane to another. Note that even at this ‘subconscious’ level of consciousness, still the state of consciousness is of ‘discrete’ nature (as opposed to being fully ‘continuous’), as clearly a similar ‘torus effect’ exists for all the souls integrating to form an ‘oversoul.’ dissemination, as is afforded by the ‘Engine of Life,’ in the analogy of ‘wheel (or carousel) of consciousness,’ is similar in nature to the case of soul-SELVES consciousness distribution, as distinctly there also exists a similar ‘dark period’ as the oversoul ‘sequentially’ propagates the light of consciousness to each soul on the carousel. In this respect, the state of ‘continuous’ consciousness is reserved for the Prime Creator who has an omnipotent conscious presence in all dimensions at all times. This state of consciousness is referred to as the state of ‘superconsciousness, a natural characteristic of the ‘spirit,’ which emanates from the very Prime Source of consciousness referred to as the ALL

MIGHTY GOD. If our hearts stops beating, our ethereal body severs its ties with our physical body, rendering it ineffective to manifests itself in 3-D physicality. The ethereal body, therefore, remains only interfacing in antimatter, and can only have a ghost-like existence within physical matter. Although its consciousness still remains intact, for all practical purposes, it becomes completely stealth, without any evidence of thought energetics in matter whatsoever. After a specified interval of time, most likely, it will depart this plane of existence and embarks on animating physical bodies of other ‘SELVES’ (e.g., another 11) in the parallels. Under such circumstances, when a particular SELF passes on, the ethereal body sequentially jumps within and without the parallels, still conforming to the ‘torus effect’ of returning to a particular parallel within the 10-43 second darkening period associated with the Planck’s number. In this respect, therefore, the ethereal body continues as usual, sequentially animating other 11 bodies in the parallels, with the exception of ‘skipping’ the process of sequential jumping to the physical domain in question (the plane of existence within which one “dies”).

There are Levels I, II and III crystallinity, which resonate in higher dimensions. Recall that there are a total of 356 dimensions, 12 of which are within the physical realm (matter). After that, there is only antimatter. Heart chakra is the 4th chakra in physicality, and establishes our link in physicality through beating of the heart that also interfaces with our ethereal and intuitive existence as a system of micro cosmos operating within the macro cosmos and the neural network of God, our Prime Creator. The 7 chakras are encompassed within the 7 etheric bodies. The number

of chakras increase to a total of 12+1 when crystalline. From there on, it increases to 96 (level I crystalline light body], 144 (level II crystallinity), and 240 (level III crystallinity). In this respect, our etheric energetic body expands as we grow in consciousness and light up like the Aurora Borealis.

j Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi is a retired professor of “Micromechanics of Materials,” an area in science that was introduced by him and soon made popularized by other scientists in 19980s. The field quickly took off by many other scholars, soon culminating in numerous publications, complete symposiums, and even new University Departments dedicated to the subject area of ‘Micromechanics.’ The author has engaged in research and teaching at University of Maryland, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory, Atlantic Research Corporation, Institute of Paper Science and Technology of the Georgia Institute of Technology, etc. Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi is the president of the Institute of Spiritual Science, a lightworker, and the author of many articles on variety of topics reflecting the true connection between the Science of Spirituality and the mainstream science (see links to blogs listed below). The author is highly ‘attuned’ with the realm of divine and higher consciousness, a messenger, and in SERVICE to God and humanity, with the underlying mission to raise consciousness in this era of pre-ascension for humanity. Dr. Sarfarazi’s efforts are done in respect and appreciation for the Almighty’s directives, the ‘Divine Plan’ for humanity, and in SERVICE to God and the mankind. With Unconditional Love https://multidimensionalconsciousness.wordpress. com/ https://humanphysiologyandenergetic.wordpress. com/ 41 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016


By Dean Sluyter

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Don’t Give Thoughts a Second Thought

I hated high school dances. I didn’t know the cool moves. I envied the guys with older sisters who would play records and make them dance with them — they looked so slick and confident out on the floor, while I lurked on the sidelines, trying to figure out how they did it. Figure out. That, of course, was the problem — I was trying to process it through the thinking mind. When I did work up the courage to get out on the floor with a (gulp!) girl, I spent the whole time listening to my mind as it tried to break down what the other kids were doing, get my body to imitate them, evaluate how I was doing, and monitor the degree of contempt with which the other kids were surely watching my dorky moves. It was miserable. It took some pretty serious weed-smoking to break out of that trap. Under the influence, I made a great discovery: Listen to the music, not the thoughts. And listen with the whole body. I could let the music bypass the mind and go straight to my stomach, my spine, my pelvis, my arms and legs, and move them.

43 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2016

There was one disappointment, at first. I thought pot was supposed to blow my mind, blow away all my thoughts. They were still there. But I could ignore them. Thoughts? Performance anxiety? Social insecurity? And, for that matter, paranoia about getting busted by the school authorities? Sure, they were all there, but I was busy listening to, and moving with, the music. I could ignore the thoughts. Screw ’em. Soon after this epiphany, my earnest intoxicant usage came to an end. It had served its purpose. It turned out that the option of ignoring thoughts had always been available. Of course I could still act on the few that that were useful, but the rest of that static? I could just let that sizzle in the background. Meditation became my consciousness optimizer of choice. I explored a number of methods and traditions, and eventually my teachers encouraged me to teach others. Soon I discovered the number one challenge of teaching meditation: convincing people that thoughts don’t matter. There’s such a strong and prevalent preconception that meditation means forcibly suppressing your thoughts or making your mind a blank that it can take some skill to pull the rug out from under those expectations and guide (or trick) the student into tasting the ease of peaceful coexistence with thoughts. Whether you meditate with a mantra, breath, noting of sensations, or anything else, the key is that our attention is naturally drawn to the silent boundlessness that is our own essential nature. Like a feather floating out of the sky, it may take its sweet time drifting left and right, but in the end gravity is irresistible. All this time, we thought we’d achieve tranquility by quieting the mind, but that turns out to be backwards. We settle naturally into tranquility, and, as a side effect, the mind tends to become less active. But even if it doesn’t — if there’s still dust floating in the air after the feather settles — it doesn’t matter, because we’re tranquil. In meditation as in life (on the dance floor and everywhere else), our feverish preoccupation with thoughts is misplaced — and can be dropped at any moment. It doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter how little or how much you think. It doesn’t matter whether your thoughts are momentous or trivial, clever or dumb. Just don’t engage with them. 44 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Listening to your thoughts — buying into them, taking them seriously — is engaging with them. Trying to push your thoughts away is engaging with them. Trying to think your mantra louder or bear down on your breath harder to keep new thoughts from coming is engaging with them. Trying to resolve your thoughts is engaging with them. Whether you’re wrestling with the meaning of life or trying to remember who played The Professor on “Gilligan’s Island,” the feeling is usually, “If I just get this one thing resolved, then I can settle down.” What was your one must-resolve-now question ten minutes ago? Anything you try to do with regard to thoughts is engaging with them. And that makes meditation supremely simple. You don’t have to work out which kinds of engagement are helpful and which aren’t. Just drop the whole thing. Fuhgeddabouddit. It’s fine. It takes care of itself. It turns out that, back in high school, no one really cared how cool or dorky your dance moves were … except you. Now, no one cares how thought-filled or silent your meditation is … except you. You can just ignore those thoughts and dance your way through meditation — and life.

j Dean Sluyter (pronounced slighter) has taught natural meditation throughout the United States since 1970 and is the author of several books and audio programs, including Cinema Nirvana, The Zen Commandments, and the forthcoming Natural Meditation: A Guide to Effortless Meditative Practice (Tarcher/Penguin ISBN 978-0-399-17141-3, March 2015)


Cat & Kitten for adoption

Cats At The Studios, Inc is a non profit rescue organization comprised entirely of volunteers. We are dedicated to nurturing, neutering/spaying, and finding a good homes for abononed cats and Kitten. We are looking for volunteers and help please contact us at

Nature and the Self A Spiritual Union By Princella Talley

Sleepless nights. The urgency to get out of the house followed by the stress of being stuck in traffic during the morning rush. A demanding job along with the miscellaneous tasks that require handling throughout the day. Another night without sufficient sleep and it’s time to do it all over again. In today’s world, this routine is all too common. Of course, there’s always the joys of technology to enchant us during our downtime. We have video games, apps and virtual reality scenes that offer realistic views of exotic destinations from the comfort of one’s own living room.

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Katerina Plotnikova Photography 47 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Amidst the chaos, the daily inconveniences, and the technological advancements, many of us tend to forget the importance of the Mother we call Earth. And yet, a deeper union between man and Earth is essential to the path towards spiritual fulfillment. As we nurture this relationship, it becomes evident that we are more than mere witnesses of the natural world. We are a highly evolved species that will forever be intricately connected to nature’s grace and intimidating power. Science recognizes that people are intimately linked with the Earth. Advertisers, travel agents and photographers are just a few of the professionals who use the impact of the ocean to influence and excite the public. What is it about the ocean that causes us to associate it with happiness and serenity? Scientists and forward thinkers continue to analyze this phenomenon, most commonly noting our connection to the ultimate life source – water. Water is fundamental to the survival of every living thing. More than half of both the Earth and the human body is filled with water. Salt is part of the sea and salt is also found within our physiology. These simple facts remind us of the Earth family we belong to and the commonalities we share. Magnificently coiled strands of creation, the double helix, are part of our DNA and are within every life form. From the tallest trees to the humblest of plants, scientists have discovered that we all have the ability to feel. The DNA coding of humans, plants and animals is quite different and often complex, but the similarities are astounding. Our eyes may not look the same, but much like us, plants have the ability to see light. Intuitively, flowers sense their environment and respond to it. Carnivorous plants capture insects because they can feel a nearby presence and have the ability to quickly react. Connect with nature by avoiding distractions. As environmental issues continue to be a topic of global interest and conservation efforts gain traction, it seems as if there is an innate urge in many of us to protect nature. Much like the mother who is willing to defend her young at all cost, there is a bond between people and the planet that is filled with love and unspoken understanding. But how can the unkindled spirit awaken this subdued connection? The simple solution is to spend time outdoors, but the answer is far more profound. We must awaken the senses by uniting our innermost selves with nature. Heightening our awareness is not how we come to notice – but to 48 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

truly see the world. Going for a walk while music blares from an iPod or sitting by the lake while playing games on a cellular phone only offers a sample of the magic surrounding us. Without interference, our conversation with the natural world flows more freely and with greater significance. Go for a walk separated from the busy streets and listen to the playful songs of the birds. Take in the sights of the flowers dancing with the wind. Notice that what once seemed still is, in actuality, full of life and movement. Your sense of inner peace will begin to manifest itself with a newfound intensity because Mother Nature is stirring the soul. Suddenly our troubles are less daunting, our complaints less significant as we realize that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. The spiritual connection to nature reverberates around the world and cannot be broken by geographical differences. As joyful eyes set their gaze on majestic hills, weary feet find solace as they settle into soft sands near the ocean. Though many miles apart, Mother Nature’s voice speaks to everyone in its own special way. Our bond with nature lends to self-discovery. The true meaning of enlightenment varies by person, but we are all hoping to know what we are and who we are beyond the confines of modern society. We crave love, joy and the reassurance of divine wisdom. Nature is a key that helps us to open the inner eye and discover our true self. If we allow it, the connection between Mother Earth and the human spirit will crash into us like waves washing away our inner turmoil, fighting depression and boosting our natural immunity to illness. As we yield to the magnificence of the natural world, we allow our spirit the chance to separate from the confusion of a life without the understanding of a higher purpose. Scientific and psychological theories abound, but the spiritual union of nature and our innermost being is much too powerful to be ignored.

b Princella Talley is a writer fueled by art and the beauty of nature. Her articles have been featured in well-known publications and she is often found interviewing artists on her blog Connect with her on twitter @p_talley101

49 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2016

The Power of a Like By Roxana Jones

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Let’s face it. The Internet has changed forever our way of interacting with each other. Relationships keep evolving as I write these words and there is no doubt that technology is proving us that unconditional love – that is the essence that connects us all – is more powerful than anything else. As a writer, I spend many hours of my day in the virtual realms where I do the research for my creations, and I keep in touch with like-minded people throughout the world that support my work and have become friends. Yes, true friends. I’ve been one of those fortunate human beings who have witnessed how our world has changed at an accelerated pace through the last four decades. I still have in my memory those days when the only way of communicating with a friend that lived abroad was through typewritten or handwritten letters in stamped envelopes that were sent through the postal service. Then the email came as a more efficient and faster way of sending messages, attachments, etc. But emails were still not enough. So the creative minds continued to search for new solutions until the use of social networking sites became what they are today: the new alternative for human interaction. As a result, the “culture of the Like” (synonyms may vary from site to site) has come here to stay. I’m always amazed of how much one can tell of someone you have never met, through the way they interact in the virtual world. Some people can be so generous and open-minded, willing to connect, offering a nice word or simply “liking” you as a friend. Others can be so scanty and close-minded. They can have you for years as their virtual friend without even letting you know they exist, or even worse, without noticing that YOU exist in their world! A few questions keep boggling my mind. What would someone lose by making a “like” to a post that a virtual friend shares? When it comes to our demonstrations of appreciation, why is it that some of us can be so generous and others so stingy? Yeah I know, some will say it is only because they don’t have enough time. Others might not even think of it as such a big deal. And last but not least, we might even find those who would say: “who cares.” And this is precisely where I wanted to arrive. You see, after using social networking sites in very active ways for the last five years, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of people DO CARE! A simple “like” that you can offer by effortlessly clicking a button with your finger, can mean so much to so many… Yes, for years I have been “liking” and commenting to

posts from people that I haven’t physically met – and receiving the same from them of course. Only positive results have come from this new habit I have developed as it is through all that “liking” that I have been able to connect with so many wonderful people out there, impossible for me to find any other way. When you make a “like” you’re sending a smile to another person, a tacit gesture that says: “I acknowledge you.” I believe that this is one of the greatest things technology is allowing us to put into practice: the power to acknowledge that we’re all equally present here and now, and all equally important and worthy. I am a promoter of smiles. In the real world I have felt the power of giving a smile to a stranger and how that smile has changed a life forever. In the virtual world I have felt the same by giving my “likes”. They are truly powerful “virtual smiles” that can benefit giver and receiver if offered with real care. So next time you see something you “Like” on the Internet why don’t just go ahead and press the Like button as a way of smiling and acknowledging that other that “you don’t know”? It is harmless for the giver and yet so meaningful for the receiver… Until next time, and don’t forget to be love,

Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul devote themselves to their life purpose: To open as many hearts as possible and to help shifting the consciousness of the planet. As spiritual healers and teachers, life and business partners, their intent is to “ help millions around the world to embrace change and start living the type of love, happiness and abundance both of them now know exists for everyone once they are healed.” Together, they work enthusiastically in bringing to their audience the best of themselves so that everyone can connect to their own Truth and unveil who they truly are: divine beings enlightening the world in their own unique ways, even when darkness makes it hard to believe it is so. 51 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e July 2016 2016 51 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December

Healthy Self = Heal Thy Self By Donald L. Hicks

Do you need healing? Do you have an ailment, an old wound, or some emotional scar that needs healing? If not you, is there someone in your family who needs healing? A pet? A friend? Your community? Your country? Do you need healing among friends or family due to the vicissitudes and divisiveness of the recent elections? Is there a rift that needs to be mended? For most of us, there is always a need for healing of one kind or another. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or we’re just doing our part as Light Workers to heal the damaged environment, there is always work to be done for a Healer. So how do we do it? Where do we begin? As with most things, healing begins with ourselves. You may not have thought of this, but this physical “vessel” or “body” that our soul is now puppeteering has incredible built-in healing properties. Every cell in our body has the innate ability to repair itself. If you think about it, that’s miraculous! Most things that are damaged either stop functioning as designed, or won’t work at all. But not the body! The moment it is damaged, it begins a frantic rush to repair any damage, sending in teams of blood cells to fight off infection and clot the wound while releasing other chemicals to aid the healing and adrenaline to help us ignore pain. Even in the case of a fatal wound or disease, the body tries to heal itself until the very end. Cells repair themselves, or if they are irreparably damaged, they are replaced.

And our body learns and adapts through the process! Break a bone and the body will patch the break stronger than the previous bone. Get repeated blisters and the body will build up callous to prevent future blisters. Cut yourself, and tough scar tissue will replace the skin. We can learn a lot from the body about healing. And one of the most important things we can learn is the mind/body connection. Mental stress, frustrations, and pent-up anger can cause our pulse to race, our muscles to tense, and our breathing to increase. In this sense, any mental “dis ease” literally leads to “disease”. And the flow goes both ways. A diseased or damaged body can affect the mind. And the soul. If one abuses their body to the point it begins to break down prematurely, this can alter our Life Purpose and prevent the Soul from learning whatever lesson it hoped to learn during this incarnation. Opposite to this, in some cases the Life Purpose is to learn how to cope with disease, disfigurements, or another physical or mental malady. Every injury or disease (emotional or physical) involves the mind/body/soul mergence. So what can we do? Follow the example of the body and until our last breath: Heal Thyself. And how do we do this? By bringing together mind, body and soul. The road to Healing begins in Forgiveness and passes through Gratitude.

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Below, I will list the simple steps to access your own Divine healing powers through meditation. But before you begin this meditation, please do the following: A. Forgive: The first step of healing is Forgiveness. If you’ve accidentally damaged your body through a fall, bumping your arm on a doorway, or taking part in some type of risky activity (skydiving, motocross, etc.): forgive yourself (and learn where needed). If we learn from every mistake, we never fail at anything. A mistake becomes a lesson. It was a “mis-take”. If it was someone else who caused you harm, forgive them. I know this is sometimes hard to do, depending on the circumstances, but if you truly want healing, it is necessary. After all, what good is it to heal, yet carry around a grudge or grievance that later contributes to cancer? B. Choose a healing color: Before you meditate, choose a color that to you represents Divine Healing. As an example, I use the colors of the rainbow (since it occurs naturally) to represent certain Divine properties. For me: Red is love, Orange is peace, Yellow is comfort and inner peace, Green is healing, Blue is blessings, Indigo is intuition and spiritual gifts, Violet is knowledge. I also use White for purity and protection. Use whatever color resonates with you. Healing Meditation: 1. It goes without saying, you’ll want to find a location to meditate where you can sit comfortably, and have a low risk of being interrupted. This meditation doesn’t take long to perform: 10 minutes is more than enough time. But how much time you spend is up to you. 2. Begin your meditation by asking for healing (for yourself, a friend, pet, family member, country, planet – or all of these). 3. Pause for a moment and be grateful. As I mentioned, the road to Healing passes through Gratitude. Give thanks for being healed in advance, knowing that “before they call, I will answer” or “before ye have thought to ask, it is answered”. Being grateful has a second benefit here: gratitude is the fastest method of quieting a chattering mind and leaving the Ego speechless.

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4. Close your eyes and imagine a beam of healing light (i.e. – green) shinning down from the heavens, encasing you in that beam, and spilling around you to form a growing bubble. 5. Say to yourself: “I Am Healing”, and then imagine sending a wave of this healing light in all directions away from you. (If you want you can use your hands to “push” or force the healing light in all directions. I sometimes even imagine a “boom” as if the statement “I Am Healing” holds such power it causes an explosion). 6. Envision this healing light flowing across fields and mountains and through cities, healing everything it washes over. The cat with the injured paw is suddenly healed; the blind can suddenly see; the deaf can hear (and so on). If you have an aching back, imagine someone with a sore back suddenly feeling relief. It you have a bad knee, imagine someone with the same problem being healed (what you are giving, you will receive). 7. Allow your vision of spreading, healing light to continue as long as you’d like, until in your mind, you can see the entire planet encapsulated in this green healing light. If you’d like, you can even “change colors” and repeat this, imagining blessings, unconditional love, intuition, peace, (etc.), until all of Earth is covered in a rainbow. When you are finished, simply end your meditation and await your own Healing Power to return and heal to you. For this is a Universal Law: “Give and it shall be given unto you in the same measure”. So if you want healing, the surest way to receive healing is to give it. Let “Heal Thy Self ” lead you to being a “Healthy Self ” while you heal the world. Namaste,

Donald L. Hicks is the author of several books, including The Divinity Factor and Look into the stillness. For more information, visit his Facebook page at: DonaldLHicksAuthor/?fref=ts

55 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e September 2016

A Brief View of Consciousness, Where Is It Exactly? By Simon S Cartwright

56 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e Decemberr 2016

Consciousness If consciousness exists, then what is it and why can't it be operated on by a brain surgeon or similar? In Hypnotherapy, the hypnotic state is often defined as an altered state of consciousness; that level of consciousness at various levels lower in frequency than our waking or "Beta state". But what is it and why can't it be located and worked by a surgeon? Clearly, consciousness is more of an abstract concept, than it is a physical body or brain part, and as such no exact location for it could be identified by a brain surgeon to begin his operation. Indeed some of the greatest philosophers and thinkers throughout history have pondered this subject of consciousness, what is it exactly? Where is it located? But to quote from a manual written by The Academy of Hypnotic Science "it remains mysterious, elusive and impossible to agree upon". Subconsciousness, (that level of consciousness below our normal waking, objective consciousness), is non judgemental and highly suggestible, utilising this factor, hypnotherapists can effect changes to harmful beliefs and habits at the subconscious level. The subconscious also drives the autonomic nervous system (possibly this drive comes from the hypothalamus) which is responsible for all our involuntary body actions i.e.: breathing, heart rate, lymph functions, growth, repair and replacement of dead and dying cells etc. In Rosicrucian ontology, consciousness is described as an attribute of every cell in our body and, as such, is present in our whole being. We have objective consciousness, which is that coming to our awareness through our five objective senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.) Then we have subjective consciousness, which allows for interpretation of the objective data, using reasoning, judgement, our life experiences, social conditioning and education etc. Psychic consciousness, where intuition and the extra sensory perceptions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, vibroturgy etc lie, and then we have cosmic consciousness, for the sake of brevity, briefly described as an awareness of a oneness with everything in existence and a connection to the universal creative universal forces. Dutch cardiologist Pim Van Lommel has conducted

extensive research on the near death experience (surely a state of altered consciousness), and the consistent experience of expanded consciousness. Those having this experience seem to think with crystal clarity and recall their life's experiences back to early childhood and yet their brains exhibit no activity whatsoever! So, what is consciousness and where is it located? What is observing its own body down on an operating table? Could life and death as we know it merely be different states of an infinite consciousness? According to Lommel, the brain does not produce consciousness. The brain and body act together, more like a T.V./Radio that tunes into specific electro-magnetic waves and converts them into images and sound. Our waking objective consciousness reduces all received information into a single truth that we experience as reality. During altered states of consciousness, we are not limited to the objective senses, we access other senses of our conscious and subconscious and avail ourselves of much more data; more "reality".

, Simon Cartwright, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Simon is a graduate of the Academy of Hypnotic Science, a Government accredited teaching facility for Clinical Hypnotherapy. Many clients are benefitting from this deeply relaxing therapy that naturally counters the anxieties and stresses of the modern world. Contact: Simon sees clients at his Cheltenham clinic for a variety of issues including: Smoking cessation, Weight issues, Fears and phobias, Stress and anxiety, and issues of Self confidence and Public speaking.

57 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Edison Haute Couture Rising Star


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When you lay eyes on an Edison Cortez design you are immediately struck by the craftsmanship and fine attention to detail that has gone into each piece. The lines are sensuous and curvy. Whether it’s a short cocktail dress, a wedding gown, shirt, or an elaborate evening gown, there is always something captivating that makes you want to take a closer look. When you wear one of his pieces you will notice the custom fit and feel because it fits like a glove. It’s as if the body and the piece become one. And when you walk into a room, be prepared to have all eyes turn to look at you. Cortez through his hard work, immense passion for art and fashion, combined with his heritage, has created a look and style that is uniquely his. Edison Cortez was born in Los Angles. He first developed his interest in fashion at the age of 13 while attending the Native American Performing Arts, an organization that teaches Pre-Columbian Native American Culture. Although his grandmother worked as a seamstress in the

fashion industry, and he claims she was a huge influence in his life, Cortez would say that he actually discovered his own passion for fashion when he began making traditional regalia for himself. People around him were taking note of his artistic talents. Soon they became interested in his Art and commissioned him to make traditional outfits for them as well. In 2008, he attended the Art Institute of Hollywood. The Hollywood Campus takes all that Los Angles has to offer and uses it as a laboratory for understanding the complexity of cultures, industries, and image. He continued working on costumes for the Native American performers and selling Native American Art Supplies. He also interned for a few Los Angeles based Designers. In 2013, Cortez graduated from the Art Institute with a BFA and began working on his first collections. He has worked for Lorena Sarbu, Mark Zunino, Lily et Cie, and Barraci. Cortez says that the Fashion Designers who have inspired him the most are Versace, because the designs are elegant and risky, Alexander McQueen, because they’re edgy, 61 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

avant-guard, and innovative, and Elie Saab, because they are elegant conservative and sexy. The fabrics that Cortez uses are silk fabrics that come from Italy. All the lace comes from France. The embroidery and embellishments are made the same way from the beginning of haute couture. His beadwork is outsourced but he creates the design and draws up the pattern. There is a woman in-house who does all the beadwork but once again she too does it in the style of haute couture French beading. Cortez is proud to say that all the clothing is made right here in the United States. In late 2013, Cortez launched his first collection at the Art Institute's portfolio show. Since then his name and his client list has continued to grow. His designs have graced runways, red carpets, awards shows, beauty pageants, live concerts, and they have been splashed on the pages of fashion magazines and editorial pieces. He has made custom gowns for various celebrities including, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore, Sofia Milos, Miss Bulgaria Lidia Ivanova, Heidi Balnavera (Mrs. Jaime Camil) Miss America 1994, Lu Parker, Tonantzin Carmelo(best Native American Actor) and many others. Get ready to hear a lot more about this young and very talented Los Angeles based Fashion Designer. New York, Paris, Milan‌ the sky is the limit for Edison Cortez. (In this editorial piece, Edison Cortez has created designs for International singer Maria Elena Infantino and Peter Andrew Soli, Westwood Lawyer and restaurateur in Malibu, of Coral Beach Cantina and Zooma Sushi. Photography by: Monika Sedziute is an international fashion and portrait photographer working under MGarsia name. After many years spend in Spain and developing her photographic projects in China and London. She recently moved to Los Angeles. With her signature use of color and tones, her images feel evoke a timeless quality, strong emotions and the combination of modernism and classics. 62 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

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Photo by George Crawley of Gitan, Esq. 64 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

GALACTIC SHAMANS s MODERN s LIVING AMONG US By Honi B Shamanism is the oldest healing practice on earth and each culture and tribe has had its own unique way of bringing through the transformational energy of their shamanic healers. Traditionally, shamans were chosen in various ways: some were born into healing families to carry the lineage forth. Some still were chosen based on their astrological birth chart and some were chosen because they survived a near death experience or had actual life after death experience which gave them access to other worlds and star systems. Shamans live between the physical and spirit realm and have the ability to travel in the astral plane and experience a multi-dimensional living. This enables them to communicate with both the underworld and upper worlds. Some shamans bring their healing via sacred plant medicine while others, who are more connected to upper star origins, use the ancient breath to bring their practice into fruition. Galactic shamanism is not as popular as it only applies to very limited individuals that are uniquely situated to fully expand in the astral plane. This means that they are able to collaborate with star systems and galactic federation of light and communicate in a divine light language, work with frequency fields, access codes through stargates and distribute transmissions for updating the DNA structure of the people they are healing. As children, many of modern Shamans were outcast, lonely and often felt they were not of this earth. Invariably, this had to do with their extra spiritual abilities, their ability to communicate with animals, their astral travel and encounters with star beings, UFOs, to name a few. In addition, they often had an ability to write in codes and create unusual sounds that were their early experience with transmission codes. Currently, Rare Modern Galactic Shamans that are living in cities have lifetimes of training in that they have already undergone many incarnations prior to their current incarnation. This means that in their soul agreement they agreed to be born into very dysfunctional families as well as go through many difficult life lessons in this last incarnation. For example, they might have experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, devastation, war. Howev-

er, enables them to complete the ascension process by transcending and transmuting all density into light and rise to the resurrected state by purifying their fields and being able to lead the way of Ascension through a diamond template which the higher councils guide. These rare shamans often live in modern world with all its daily stresses and many also are parents while simultaneously having jobs such as cashiers, waitresses, hostesses, drivers, lawyer, dressmaker, policy maker, military, or teacher. They might maintain these jobs until they receive the CALLING, be it in the in a form of an accident, death or some kind of devastation which shifted their path and put them on the path of service. They may suddenly discover they have innate abilities that they have never honed but suddenly know how to perform. Their regular living gave them the tools to develop the skills they need to surrender to the NEW awareness and serve from there. This often includes dramatically changing their life by letting go of everything they had and they knew and stepping into the new that was guiding them. For many of these shamans, life has been a difficult ride and they have continued as their only KNOWING comes from being service to LOVE from ABOVE and serve humanity. They stand out of the crowd by the power of their radiant light and profound clarity and humility being able to serve on behalf of Great Spirit in the borrowed vessel they are in. Their greatest JOY is to complete the earth's mission by honoring the divine plan they agreed to serve before they took a vessel and came to earth. Galactic Shamans have volunteered to be incarnated on Earth to assist with Humanity's Ascension by helping individuals transform into the new templates to house in the highest light as well as heal the land from the hurt and traumas, and then activate the land with the higher dimensional frequencies setting the foundations for the new communities for upcoming Cities of Light. HoniB (Galactic Shaman | Planetary Healer | Ascension Guide | TransMedium) To learn more, please visit her on her FB page: https://

65 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Natalie Avakian

Professional Dancer & Spiritual Instructor Professional Dancer and Businesswoman Natalie Avakian talks to Eden Magazine about the healing art of dance and how this influences her work and personal life. EM: So What are you projects currently? Natalie Avakian: I was recently featured as a dance instructor on the Logo TV show Finding Prince Charming. Also, I'm working on developing a new show that has to do with my dancing, traveling and bringing the aspect of the healing art of dance. EM Can you tell us more about the healing art of dance? NA: It has come to my attention that over the years, people of all ages and all walks of life have come to me for dance, but what they were really coming to me for was a need to feel acknowledged, to connect, to feel good about themselves, to have a space and energy that’s safe for them to interact with me and one another. I feel like dance above all else, is a healing art and that through it, people can rediscover a trust that was lost sometime in their lives. EM: Can you give us a specific example? NA: One of my students was just diagnosed with cancer and is coming back to dance. This is helping her have a healthy distraction in a positive environment where she doesn’t have to be immersed in the thought of this heavy predicament in her life. Another one of my students has experienced several tragic deaths in his family all at the same time. I have students who are veterans dealing with PTSD, students who experience social anxiety, students who are going through a divorce. They are people who want integrate themselves back into social settings and the safe space I provide for them in class is a healing environment for them to open up. EM: How does your spirituality play into your teaching? NA Teaching for me is more than just dance and has very little to do with the patterns I teach - dance is just a tool. It is way to channel and to wield the energy in my class in order to create a space for those seeking a connection to do so with a feeling of happiness, safety and belonging. I can feel people's hurts and pains while teaching, and I honestly feel that there is some healing that is experienced in my classes by creating a space of love and openness. It is my calling and my destiny to heal through my art and to use the pain from my past to create a stronger role model as a leader for women in our lifetime. You can take Natalie Avakian’s classes on: Wednesdays at Rain Nightclub, 12215 Ventura Blvd., Studio City CA 91604. For private lessons or booking, go to, find her on social media, email or call 818-533-8392 for more info.

66 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016


Anaheim White house recipes

Anaheim White House Restaurant Bruno Serato

Bruno Serato owner of the “Anaheim White House Restaurant" graciously for the first time will be sharing some of his recipes with The Eden Magazine readers around the world. We are proud to feature every month one of his most delicious dishes. The beautiful historical Anaheim White House Restaurant is certainly the most prestige restaurant in your neighborhood, that serves in an elegant atmosphere for you to enjoy a delicious meal. One time visit to the Anaheim White House Restaurant is a grantee to take you back there again. Have your first experience today by visiting to have your delighted moment to remember. Bon AppĂŠtit 68 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

Choc Banana Serves 4 ppl

Ingredients: - 2 Large, Ripe Banana (Sliced) - 1 Cup Crème Anglaise - 1 Cup Chocolate Ganache - 1 Vanilla bean - 4 oz. Vanilla Ice Cream (2-2 oz. scoops) - Spun Sugar - 4 Puff Pastry rounds (4” diameter) - 1 Tsp. Butter - 1 Egg Yolk - 1 Tbsp Sugar - 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread butter on small baking sheet, place puff pastry on sheet and brush with egg yolk. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven to cool. Crème Anglaise: - 1 Cup Heavy cream - 6 Egg yolks - 6 Tbsp sugar - 1 Vanilla bean cut in half and scraped Bring cream to boil. Add vanilla bean, whisk in sugar and egg yolks. Reduce for approximately 5 minutes on very low heat until reaching desired consistency. Strain and set aside. Chocolate Ganache - 8 oz Semisweet chocolate (chopped) - ½ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream In a double boiler, melt chocolate. Add cream. Stir with a spoon until butter is melted and texture is consistent. Dessert Assembly: Slice bananas into slices. Cut cooked puff pastry rounds into halves leaving complete circles per. Place sliced bananas on back of one base. Dust sugar atop bananas and caramelize with torch until golden brown. In large plate spread anglaise on bottom. Place 1 pastry round then layer with whipped cream, place 2nd pastry round and layer with chocolate. Place caramelized bananas round as top layer. Place scoop of vanilla ice cream and serve. 69 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e December 2016

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