July issue 2014

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July 2014 Volume 4 Issue 7


Maryam Morrison spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

Front Cover by Maryam Morrison Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; edenmagazine@hotmail.com or www.theedenmagazine.com 2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

Your Golden energy...

Five Steps to co-create...

Archaeology for Woman...

By Sherri Cortland

By Corina Luna Dea

By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song

4 Grace....

8 Life is but a Dream

By Jan Diana

By Dr. Michael Lennox


12 Qualities of heart centeredness By Rashmi Khilnani



CONTENTS Unconditional love By Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Summer in Delos

28 34 Transcending the Trials

love is a shared energy of blessing

By Katerina Kostaki

By Dr. Barry Hammer

36 Snow Leopards

Experiencing Bliss By Sara Chetkin

By Rash







Home Base: Your Golden Energy and

Soul Protection Practices By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song www.IWOLight.org

All Maa’s Blessings to you dear ones...

realities of suffering with Visions of Miraculous solutions created through your The current Cosmic Cycle we are in, is Golden Energy. pushing you to clear out all that is heavy, dense and debilitating. The Benevolent As I witness the pain that exist in others Energies reaching out to help you, cre- lives, my message to all those who are ate desire and waves of movement to in pain is a message based on Timeless build your Life upon a foundation that Wisdom... it is a message that works to supports the Best, Highest and Purest alleviate suffering...it works Divinely to realities in your Life. To take advantage EmPower you in your Life Path. Put it of the Cosmic stream, each day focus into practice and you will become stronon clearing out more layers of negative ger and your Light will emerge more Triprogramming, challenging conditions umphant: and any limiting perceptions. Replace 5 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014


(which is your Golden Energy-Power) and commit to not allowing any negative energy steal your Golden Energy-Power This cycle is about Mastering Spiritual in any way! Protection so as to build your foundation of Light in an iron-strong way. I EnCour- Dark forces are threatened by anyone age you to become Master-full in your breaking out of their grip. Know that if Spiritual Practices and remind others to you are making progress on your Spirido the same, so they do not fall under tual Path, sabotaging forces will always the spell of dark forces. In my book The try to pull you back! That is why you Impeccable Warrior of Light, you and must maintain Impeccable Awareness of your loved ones can receive Excellent how they move about and what they do and thorough training on how malevo- to derail and distract you. Practice stoplent forces attack mind, body and spirit. ping them in their tracks...this is a worthy You will also receive Training in the Mag- and wise goal! nificent Ways the Legions of Light can be invoked...the infinite ways Grace is Taking your Power back is a great opavailable to you and how to utilize your portunity to feel the Divine Essence Golden Energy to ensure you are con- rise up within you, EmPowering you to stantly Triumphant on all levels. stand up to malevolent forces and Courageously tell them, “I do NOT listen to To maintain Awareness of your Gold- you anymore! I cast you to the Light! I en Energy, think of your Life, Golden am protected by a circle of Angels, I Dreams and Goals, as a game, such as am protected by a circle of Light and I a basketball game. In a basketball game, only serve the Light! I will NOT feed you the players receive training on how to with negativity, so get out! Leave me in observe the other team with supreme Peace, leave this space in Peace!” care. In order to score a Victory, each team must maintain control of the ball, After making such a Declaration, repeat and to do this, they must also keep track your Mantras and Prayers to fill up the of the other team’s moves to ensure they space with the Light. You ARE Powerdo not snatch the ball from them. If the full and each time you stand up to the opposing team does steal the ball...you dark side...each time you refuse to be must be determined to take it back im- controlled by them, you become stronmediately. ger! On the other hand, each time you allow them to control you through negaThe ball is your Golden Essence, which tive thoughts and motives, you become is your POWER. When you protect your weaker. So do not let them manipulate Golden Energy Power and create with it you! Send them to the Light, to be conconsciously, you can score endless Vic- sumed by the Brilliant Violet Flame of tories for your Highest Destiny! Visualize Transmutation. being in control of a ball of blazing Light, 6 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

With Impeccable Vigilance, observe the LIVE A MIGHTY LIFE... movements of dark forces! Keep your eyes fully open…notice every shadow... BE POWER-FULL! choose to see every footprint, to catch REFLECT YOUR GOLDEN ESSENCE them in their sneaky ways. Do not be INTO EVERY THOUGHT AND ACTION afraid of them! They have no authority ENDLESS VICTORIES TO over you! YOU are Power-full and All Ways have been! You have the Light YOUR LIGHT! Forces watching your back... take refuge JAI JAI MAAAAAAAAAAA! in this. At the same time, maintain Golden Awareness that you do have to do your part. YOU MUST NOW CHOOSE TO BECOME AN AWAKE, ALERT, BRIMMING-WITH-LIGHT WARRIOR! Consider your Golden Energy to be your Home Base...and do not leave Home for any reason. Stay on Home Base… you are safe there. Do not leave the Base of Positive Energy, Awareness, Self Love, Self Respect. Your Golden Energy is God Energy, Soul Energy and your Soul Essence! Therefore, Be Positive...stay Positive...remain focused on your Golden Energy. Utilize the Impeccable Warrior of Light Tools to Honor and amplify your Golden Energy. By doing this, you set the example for your children and all your Loved ones, on how to live an EmPowered, Radiant Life. For more Training on accessing your Golden Energy, take refuge in The Impeccable Warrior of Light book, join us on Facebook, sign up for our complimentary Newsletter and visit our website often . Remember...I AM with you every step of the Way...


Spiritual Growth Checkpoint:

Five Steps to Co-create Unlimited Abundance, Healing and Health By Sherri Cortland Author of three metaphysical books and Irene Lucas For more about Sherri and her books, please visit

www.sherricortland.com 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014


With my third book, Spiritual Toolbox, one of my main objectives is to help folks directly connect with Spirit, because that’s something that we all deserve and can certainly achieve. I wanted the meditations that I included in the book to be effective and easy to use, so I turned to my dear friend, Irene Lucas, author of 30 Miracles in 30 Days, for permission to include her powerful and introspective spiritual exercise: Five Steps to Co-create Unlimited Abundance, Healing, and Health. Irene has been a metaphysician for more than twenty-five years and writes and produces videos to empower people with developmental disabilities. I first met Irene at Ozark Mountain Publishing’s 2010 Transformation Conference, where we were both speakers, and I was immediately attracted to her high-vibrational energy. I know from personal experience that this particular meditation is like being in one of Irene’s potent workshops and I asked her permission to share it with my The Eden Magazine readers this month. Without further ado, here’s Irene with some important advice and her very special five-step exercise to assist us in connecting with Spirit. You do not need other people to connect to Spirit for you—I used to think so. Let go of the erroneous belief that other people are more worthy—gifted, have an inside track, special knack, etc.— than you. Even if you hold that belief, press on anyway. You will be thrilled— as was I, and wow, what a huge relief 10 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

when you discover that you are a beloved, worthy, Divine co-creator and communicator with Spirit. As part of the One, each of us radiates the spark of Spirit within. Spirit, the Holy Masters, Angels and Archangels are all awaiting their turn to dance in the Light with you, revealing and cultivating your own already present gifts. Your Divine Celestial Army and Personal Cheering Squad are eager and awaiting their turns! Each of the five steps is presented in-depth in the following meditation. Relax, enjoy, review and have fun… Step 1: BEGIN HOLY BREATHING. So much simpler than it sounds, especially since you are breathing anyway! Your breath is the Breath of Spirit. • Breathe in. Breathe in Spirit. As deep ly as you can, breathe in through your nose; then breathe out through your mouth. • You are refreshed, revitalized, infused with the Divine energies. • Breathe out any other energies, such as distracting thoughts, experiences, and/or emotions that do not serve to help you stay clear and focused. Step 2: CLEAR AND CREATE YOUR OWN SACRED SPACE. Whether you are in a calm space at home or surrounded by chaos and seemingly psychotic behavior anywhere from supermarket lines to traffic jams to office staff meetings and anyplace in between, clear and create your own sacred space!

• Accomplish this in a moment. Breathe, intend, pray, creating a physical sacred space as well as a sacred state of mind and grace. • Call forth Divine White Light and breathe in the Light. Say or think “I bless this space as sacred.” Breathe Spirit in. “I call forth St. Germaine and the Violet Flame of Transmutation.” Breathe out. “I bless and send all ener gies into the Violet Flame.”

pected and unexpected ways. • Offer your gratitude. Consider the mat ter already complete and wait for the miracle to unfold and manifest. • Ignite your vision and intention with your own personal passion. Imagine how it feels to have already received the miracle!! The energy of gratitude is, in fact, its own Divine prayer.

Step 4: INVITE AND ENVISION YOUR DIVINE FRIEND/S. Rest. No need to compel, will, or achieve. Simply allow. • Invite your Divine Friend/s. • State the miracle/s you intend and/or your question/s clearly and specifically. • Relax into the meditation—you are already Divinely supported! You don’t have to be a tower of faith—just be will ing to be willing!


Thank you, Irene! Dear Readers, as Irene so often says, we have only to alStep 3: FOCUS AND FIND YOUR low, notice and be grateful for the mirCLARITY OF INTENTION. acles manifesting in our lives. Please • Use your best honesty and authenticity remember that we are souls presently and have fun at the same time. residing in a human body and as such • What is your heart’s desire, your clear we are already connected to Spirit beintention? cause we are part of Spirit. Learning to • You do not sit at a restaurant table and communicate directly with Spirit from our simply ask for food and wait to see human bodies is part of our evolutionary what arrives. You are specific in your process and something that we can all intention and ask and inform carefully do with a little focus, determination, and and specifically. meditation.

Step Five: PRACTICE GRATITUDE AND PAY ATTENTION. Make the leap to be alert and aware. • With gratitude in your heart, listen for the answer/s to your question/s and watch for the miracles arriving in ex-

For more about Irene Lucas, her work and her book 30 Miracles in 30 Days, please visit her website at http://theuniverseislistening.com 30 Miracles in 30 Days is published by Ozark Mountain Publishing and available at Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com.




Archaeology for th Woman’s Soul Awaken Woman… Unearth Yourself… Worship your Truth www.archaeologyforthesoul.com https://www.facebook.com/corina.andronache.5



…. …. h… by Corina

Luna Dea

Art by Colleen Koziara For more info, visit: www.mysticalwillow.com or call 630-668-0850 13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

The Awakening It’s been a while since time stood still The question still ringing in my head: “Who am I?” I asked… Divorced twice…I’m not a mother… My home is gone, I hate my work… My mind, my body, my Soul Resisting to know The direction in which I should truly go. And then it came… A vision like no other before… Transformed forever, the path unfolding itself! In all splendor, my body became the trunk of a tree Strong, impressive, imposing… All of a sudden my arms turned into branches My fingers into twigs… As I grew roots deep within the Earth, The Great Mother received me with love My essence pushing deeper and deeper Toward the Core… A warm feeling engulfing my heart… I felt safe and loved…and somehow… In a split of a second all my pain was just gone, She, the Great Mother swallowed it all… Unfettered my burdens… My past, my present, my distant future For none of it mattered anymore As I became part of all that there is… All that there was… 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

And all that shall be… Timeless I became, unbound by a place A feeling, an emotion or a thought… And all of a sudden, It happened that I was carrying In my strong branches The whole globe, the whole world… Holding this beautiful sphere My mind, my psyche, my Soul became one… Dichotomies of good and bad, Love and fear, Day and night All disappeared…into the ethers! I bow to you, Oh Mother Earth You placed yourself into my branches, My arms caressed the pain you have endured… And then I knew… If you can do it, so can I! I can love without resisting what is I can stand awed by humanity Raptured in the longing, Yearning for a pure love Accepting the day and the night Surrendering to the moon in the dark The sun that warms my flesh The rain that washes off my pain. I bow to you again, Oh Mother Earth… You showed me my truth, my love, my myth You told me I’m perfect in my imperfection…

You loved me as I am and told me I am not broken… Fragmented… Forgotten…

Unwanted… Discarded… And Insignificant! You told me I matter! You told me you need me To heal the wars… The hunger… The cutting of your trees The killing of your creatures The polluting of your rivers… The blood shedding on your flesh. You told me to hold you tight Never to let you go… For you yearn for me as much as I for you. For your peace Your freedom Your stirring of my Soul. I held you tight that day When you surrendered to me and I to you… In that magical moment I met my mother crying all alone, Along with souls that pained me in the past… I held them all in my heart, My branches, my canopy offered them shade For so exhausted they were Coming into this world To inflict pain… A gesture of self-sacrifice on their part So I can see what I am made of, How deep my compassion can be…

How I can love unconditionally no matter what… Now I know that I can forgive myself and others Letting go of blame, Taking full responsibility For the unlimited potential resting within me, No longer hiding my Light… Now…ready I am to let it all shine bright! ~~~~


This poem is my gift to You, sisters… to the Goddess, to all her trials and tribu¬lations throughout history from the time when the world was changed to a pa¬triarchal mind set, when all became broken down and dismantled into pieces no lon¬ger glued together by the loving essence of the Feminine energy. It is my way of showing gratitude to all the women before me who had the strength to continue loving, sharing, giving birth and nurturing others in spite of the rejection and humiliation they suffered all along. It is my gratitude story to that mo¬ment when us, women, chose to stand in our power and say “No” to what became in¬sulting to our Soul.

want. We can leave spaces as long as we want, knowing that a blank space on a page means silence. You don’t have to keep a rhyme or be mindful of how long or short a stanza is. Just give it a try. I believe that writing our story in a poem form has the potential to heal our deepest wounds. It allows us to by¬pass the mind and let the soul speak its own language. Poetry is the language of the Soul. You can write your story from the beginning or the end, from the mid¬dle of your life, mix events and memo¬ries, feelings, colors, words spoken or not spoken. The reader does not have to know the exact order of events, yet in recalling and expressing them in your own unique way, a sense of peace will come Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul tells to you and forgiveness can happen in a every woman’s story. It is the story of blink of an eye when your soul reveals heart breaking, Soul making, senses to you forgotten memories from the past. awaken¬ing to the beauty of life, to the uniqueness of the feminine essence, to “The Awakening” featured here is one the gifts the Divine Feminine has been of the chapters of my first published sharing always with the world, finally poetry book. It is part of a poem/story now standing on her own ground, no in five chapters about fifty pages long. longer accepting centu¬ries old dogma This book has been a work in the makand oppression by a sys¬tem that feels ing for more than a year now. When this threatened by her love and passion, by poem came to me, I had no idea that I her compassion and strength, by her can write something like this. I have writnatural gifts as healer and nurtur¬er, ten short verses since 2011, but someby her wisdom and intuitive nature. thing of this magnitude never before. It is my healing made manifest through writing the story of the Divine Feminine from the perspective of my own life ex¬perience. Through the process, I have discov¬ered that poetry liberates from having to keep a structure or follow rules of punctuation. We can begin a line any¬where on the page in any way we 16 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

Yet, the biggest challenge in putting this book together arose when I intuitively sensed the message that this book shall not be printed on regular pa¬per for I am not to cut trees to make it. In the end, I have decided to print this book on organic Cotton Rag Paper.

The printing is done all the way in India as I could not find a local printer who wants to work with this paper at a reasonable price. It is a hand-made book all the way. Even the binding is done by hand, being sewn with organic hemp thread. This is a book inspired by women, for women, by women. It is done in collaboration with eight other women from various places in the world who were so generous to offer their art work for this project. I am deeply honored for their contribution and kindness. It will be available for purchase by the end of July.

Born and raised in Communist Romania, Corina Cristea, known as Corina Luna Dea, is a Gypsy Soul, a passionate spirit, poet, writer, teacher and visionary, deeply committed to igniting the Fire of Passion in the Soul of the World. As a powerful voice for the Divine Feminine, Corina stirs women’s hearts through her poetry and poetic prose, inspiring them to become living poetry, unbound and free of all negative conditioning that stands in the way of living true to the Self. Corina holds a B.A. in Psychology, learning along the way many other healing modalities. She was also trained as a Life Coach at Coaches Training Institute.

Beloved sisters, I invite you now to allow your lives to become living poetry….become undone, let go, surrender, unearth yourself, worship your truth…Sift through layers of emotional sediment and dirty your hands with pieces of your life as you bring it into Light from the depth of emotional sediment. As these broken pieces lay barren in front you, don’t hurry to put them together. Let them sit there for a To contact Corina email her at while until they become acquainted with corinausa2003@yahoo.com each other and life begins to make sense from a deeper place in your Being… And all is well as you travel light on the land¬scape of your heart…. Unbound Love, ~Corina Luna Dear~


QUANTUM PRODUCTS and JEWELRY By: DrMaddalena Encu Mezyed

Scientists and doctors have debated on how well magnetic therapy for pain really affects the world and if it really works. After many long studies and debates it has been prove that magnetic therapy pain is one of the very few natural remedies or products that really does work. There are many benefits that come with using magnetic therapy for pain including natural treatment for joint pain, knee pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, inflamed joints, headaches, muscle spasms, insomnia, and even fibromyalgia. This is just one of the few illnesses and conditions that can be treated by magnetic therapy for pain.

Analgesic, Anti-Virus, treatment of disease such as respiratory diseases like asthma, regulation of Blood Pressure, Reduce blood viscosity, regulation of endocrine, excludes. Toxins from the body Packaging. Great offer for package : 1. 1 wand + 1 pendant = 155E (from 175 euro) + 355E(from 450 euro) = 510 Euro 2. 1 wand + 1pendant + 1 bracelet small = 135 Euro (from 175 euro) + 255 Euro(from 450 euro) + 155 Euro (from 250 euro) = 545 Euro

3. 1 wand + 1pendant + 1 bracelet small + 1 bracelet big = 125 Euro + 255 Euro Medical Benefits. Strengthen the Natu- + 155 Euro + 255 Euro (from 375 Euro) ral healing Power, enhance immune = 790 Euro function, improve the general Physical, Anti aging, Cancer Prevention, Inhibit 4. 2pendants + 2 bracelets = 920 Euro and eliminate tumors, Anti-Inflammatory, 18


Magnetic therapy for pain may be for you if you are one of the many individuals who suffer from pain that is consistent that doesn’t seem to go away regardless of what you do then you should know that you are not alone. Thousands if not millions of people all around the world suffer from some type of pain in one form or another that seems relentless. Many of these individuals are using magnetic therapy for pain to help decrease the amount of pain that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Many athletes choose to use magnetic therapy for pain because it carries no side effects and can be used as little or as often as needed. Medical Benefits. Strengthen the Natural healing Power, enhance immune function, improve the general Physical, Anti aging, Cancer Prevention, Inhibit and eliminate tumors, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-Virus, treatment of disease such as respiratory diseases like asthma, regulation of Blood Pressure, Reduce blood viscosity, regulation of endocrine, excludes. Toxins from the body Packaging A Energy Pendant Will Protect You Or Your Loved Ones From Negative Energy... And Reduce Stress From Electro Magnetic Fields Giving Increased Immunity, More Strength, More Energy, Making You Feel Better, More Positive And Enable Quicker Healing. We offer the clients with Energy Pendant, which is based around the same zero point energy concept as the Energy wand. This Energy Pendant is designed using certain superior minerals that is held in a titanium case, fusion and processed by AMized Fusion Technology. Wearing of this Energy Pendant helps in increasing body’s ability to fight stress that may come from everyday life. Moreover, people have attained positive results by wearing this Energy Pendant. 19 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

Article Grace the Way of the Heart

GRACE THE WAY OF THE HEART Message from the Goddess Mother

by Jan Diana

Evvie by InteriaK

My Beloved Children, “It is with heart as part of your beautiful vesgreat heart that I greet you this day as our very subject is your heart! When we speak of your heart, of course you have your physical 20 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

sel. The heart we speak of today is your Heart Center, the place where within dwells the sacred spark that is your divine essence.

Each of you has your very own heart and yet you are a part of the One heart of all, the Sacred Heart. It is time for your awareness to be raised to the great blessing that your heart offers you, for as you begin to connect with your heart, the gateways to greater understanding will shower upon you, blessing you with even greater sparks of awareness of your sacred truth.

leads you on pathways of illumination and serenity. When you learn how to connect with your heart mind and master being in this state of conscious awareness, all of your life experiences will be filled with great joy and infinite possibilities. As you begin to become aware of this sacred space, you will know more fully the sweetness, the stillness of serenity and grace, all flowing in a perpetual dance that enlivens and elevates. You see the pathways of the heart, of the heart mind and heart consciousness are always graceful.

The Sacred spark, that light of your divine essence held within your sacred heart is your authentic truth guiding you on the many pathways of your journey. This sacred essence is the light, the love that fuels your life and expressions, which is leading you into a full Imagine living your life feeling the sweet remembering of your holy truth and silkiness of energy which is graceful, purpose. loving, very peaceful and filled with joy. There is no longer any resistance; there In these times of great change, the con- is only loving, the lightness of the dance sciousness of the collective of Earth is of sweet presence of the essence of reaching to elevate into greater wisdom your divine true nature. and brighter awareness. There is a thirst for knowing and understanding more It is your divine birthright to learn and than ever before. In a quest for greater remember how to be in your heart, in understanding, many are searching for heart consciousness and to master this the pathways of lightness.It is a time natural ability. to remember more of your truth and sacred purpose for this lifetime. With Let us speak about grace and how it this in mind, I bring to your awareness, will assist you in your journey of reyour sacred heart for within your heart membering your sacred heart. Grace are the answers you seek. There is is a state of mind, a state of beingness. a treasury of knowledge and wisdom It exists within the present moment, which lies within your heart. an element of the unified field of consciousness. It is a component, a flavor Would it surprise you to know that you of the sweetness of the light, the forever have a mind in your heart as well! It is loving essence that you are intimately called your heart mind. The heart mind a part of. is the way to heart consciousness and 21 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

Within the flowing energy of divine grace, there is a flowing of a loving presence of honor, devotion, celebration, joyfulness, serenity, wisdom and knowing acceptance without question of you and your magnificence. It feels as if you are held in such loving support, as a loving parent who loves you without any question, celebrating you and your journey of experiences into higher levels of conscious awareness and expression, knowing of your perfection always. Imagine feeling this divine grace in every moment of your life experience! Grace flows to you perpetually within the fields of divine love that are your very source of self and of life. As you open your mind to this truth and choose to have greater awareness of this, you shall feel it even more, as if little drops of golden raindrops are dancing in your energy fields bringing sparkles of great joy, lighting pathways to your heart. With a simple shift into the sweet focus of your heart, joy, grace and all of the many sweet flavors of Serenity, you will notice more opportunities to feel a deeper connection to your sacred heart and the true essence of yourself. Your journey will take on a new flavor of brightness, allowing you to navigate within the flow of grace to reach the levels of heightened awareness, creating new pathways of discovery of your magnificence. Each of you are evolving at your own


pace and choosing. As you focus on grace, allowing yourself to flow in the sweetness of grace, you will feel how the process of shifting into greater awareness can be much easier and simpler. You will begin to recognize what you have always been, a great master in the process of remembering your truth. As you develop your heart consciousness and being in this state of being, you will also be developing your many abilities and attributes which are your divine birthright. To choose to elevate into the lighter pathways will bring you such joy as you remember and develop your mastery. I celebrate you my beloveds, for this is the time you have dreamed into being. Let yourself flow within the rivers of grace, and allow yourself to be in joy. Your heart will guide you always, for love is always present. You will feel my loving embrace ever more as you reach greater awareness. I am always here for you. I am the greatest supporter of you and your glorious journey. Call on me as you desire with the words Mother’s Love and you shall feel my loving embrace, as I hold you in my arms in the dance of our forever oneness of heart.” With great love, Your Beloved Mother

As a Gift I am offering you a Free TeleClass, “Grace,The Way of the Heart”.

Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, Take a journey to connect at a very deep and master practilevel with your heart mind, allowing this tioner. imprinting to create a clear pathway for Her mission is to you. Experience flowing in grace, feel- assist clients and ing uplifted within the sacred flowing students in creating essence that is your truth. Learn how harmony, balance, to recognize the heart mind’s guidance heightened levels of clarity, develop inas you develop a greater awareness of nate gifts and your divine truth. Truly a sweet experi- abilities, empowering them on their ence! personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Note: Register by subscribing by email Reiki Master, and more. at: www.sunshineinyourheart.com Sessions and Classes by phone. If you (if the time is not convenient, register to have questions or would like to set up receive the recording when available) a session, you can reach her at website www.sunshineinyourheart.com NEW Course: Enhancing your innate abilities through Angel Communica- or by email tion: develop and heighten your clairau- sunsinyourheart@aol.com dience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. Contact me for infor- SPECIAL offer 20% discount for new clients. Free meditation journeys, mation on this fun course. articles, & classes. http://www.sunshineinyourheart.com/ free_telecasts.html


Life Is But A Dr



Part 3 by Dr. Michael Lennox

Art by Maryam Morrison https://www.facebook.com/maryammarts 25 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

We live in a symbolic universe. Even right now, you are working with the interpretation of symbols. The letters you are seeing represent sounds that when put together in a particular order, form a word in which you recognize meaning. The word stands for the thing itself. Put enough of those together in yet another particular order and a sentence emerges capable of expressing a dynamic, complex thought. If we take away all of these layers of representation, what we are left with is a vast space of enormous, unexpressed potential. It is an immediate and accessible idea for most people that dreams have meaning. This notion has a rich cultural history spanning countless millennia and has been backed up by some considerable science for well over a century. Taking that next leap and declaring our waking life to be just as interpretable as our sleeping dreams is the ultimate goal of dream work; we call this working with the Living Dream. When we interpret a dream, we work with the symbols that make up the story of the dream itself. We can do the same thing with the stories that unfold in our lives and have the same insightful experience. A client of mine charmingly refers to this as dream-ality. Working with dream-ality is, in fact, is the entire purpose behind the dream work that I encourage people to do. I have recently returned from a six month retreat where I went to the beau26 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

tiful Ojai Valley to write. The land where I am living right now is a beautiful, expansive ranch in Ojai, California north of Los Angeles. The woman who owns this property found a hawk lying dead at the side of the road. We took it upon ourselves to give this blessed animal a sacred burial which included taking its feathers for ritual work. As a mundane event on a Tuesday afternoon it is just being kind to a dead animal. However, in the parlance of the Living Dream, suddenly it is transported to the realm of the Mesa, where we both get to revel in the expansiveness of Hawk Medicine. We now have the benefit of greater vantage point, our vision soaring to new heights with the help of the beloved Totem who sacrificed her life so that we could have greater vision. I’ll take the later version every time. Here is an example of how this played out with a client I worked with recently. First, a little background on her: She was working as a licensed massage therapist for many years, but was currently toying with the prospect of returning more toward her creative roots working with clothing design. There were obstacles being revealed to her massage work, including issues around the bureaucratic elements to keeping her license current. She had the following experience and we processed it exactly as if it were a dream. Here is the story that unfolded:

She was called to an old, very opulent mansion to do a massage on an equally old woman, the matriarch of a family of wealthy lineage. As the massage progressed, the old woman made it clear that she wanted to be sexually stimulated as part of the service she was receiving. Keeping impeccable boundaries, the dreamer finished the massage in a completely legitimate fashion even though she had a sense she would not be paid for her services. She left feeling very uncomfortable and quite shaken up. We worked with the images in this way: The old wealthy woman was interpreted as representing old ideas of abundance and prosperity which had always been linked to massage. The invasion of boundaries with the sexually predation of this character aspect was connected to feeling like she was prostituting herself in order to stay connected to a flow of income. She felt she had to continue to do massage in order to support herself, even if that meant having to do something she clearly didn’t want to do. Fortunately, this waking dream also gave her a powerful sense that she was able to keep her integrity intact and walk away from this scenario whether she knew for sure that she would be paid or not. The process of examining the deeper feelings she was having about this bumpy transition in her experience of work was made all the more profound by looking at this bizarre occurrence through the lens of dream work. The insights she had about her attachment to security through massage work were much eas-

ier for her to relinquish because of the power that these images had when examined through the lens as being expressions of her own unconscious. There is no value in perceiving this creepy old woman through the lens of judgment and ridicule. However, by incorporating her as a character aspect of the witness, my client was able to clearly see the toxicity of lack mentality in action. Her attachment to massage as her only basis for financial security was just that ugly. I am happy to report that this client is now thriving in new ways with the principle of creative expression at the center of her decision making. This same principle can be used by you in your everyday life. You experience a peaceful moment and see a bird overhead and suddenly it’s a dream image representing the vantage point enjoyed by our flying brethren. Hitting every red light on your way to an obligation that is stirring up a sense of resistance may indeed be that sign you think it is. It isn’t magic; and projecting power into everything can be a distraction if you take this too far. But living in the pure synchronicity of life’s miraculous unfolding can make the journey all the richer. How real is your dream-ality? Find out more about Dr. Michael Lennox at www.michaellennox.com or on Facebook at Michael Lennox and Perchance To Dream.



excerpts from rashmis book the divine mother speaks the healing of the human heart


by Rashmi Khilnani



Acceptance Together with compassion and embracement I would like to bring into your bouquet the flowers of acceptance. Acceptance and embracement are very close to each other. In many of the biographies of your saints and enlightened Yogis, time and again they share with you the power of acceptance on the spiritual path. The more readily you are willing to give up, through practice, your expectations and preconceived ideas and to come into the spontaneity of acting, rather than reacting, from the power of your Now Moment, the more immediately you access the magic zone of acceptance.

aspect of the Divine Simple Father, Bhole Baba, who many of you know as Babaji, has stressed the importance of chanting this mantra to facilitate moving from Kali Yuga to Satha Yuga (moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius). For those of you who chant this or other powerful mantrams as part of your daily practice of coming out of incessant thinking, acceptance comes naturally and easily.

The sacred mantram used in ancient Egypt and in current time by Sekhem initiates all over the world is, as we mentioned before, “Sa Sekhem Sahu.” “Sa” is the breath of life, “Sekhem” means spiritual power balanced with humility, Meditation, chanting, toning, and read- and “Sahu” means the Realized Being ing the great scriptures such as the and Becoming. Shiva Purana or the Book of Thoth, and also modern channeled information One of the most perplexing aspects of such as The Keys of Enoch and The human love that many of you find yourPleaiedean Agenda and other high en- self in, is that the more deeply you love ergy books all help to teach and inspire another, the greater is the capacity to you into the principle of acceptance. Let “hurt” another or be hurt by the beloved. go of the human tendency, to resist your The most difficult relationship and the heart’s desire for acceptance of all that strongest loving bond in human terms is. Purification of your mind through the starts with your earthly mother—she sacred mantram, “Om Namah Shivaya” who conceived you and gave you birth. helps greatly to still the mind and bring Many of you have chosen very chalyou to the space of accepting your life lenging relationships with your earthly as it unfolds moment-to-moment. “Om mothers in this current lifetime—this Namah Shivaya” simply means I love time for merging and clearing of past myself, I honor myself, God/Goddess karma. As we have said before, the law dwell within me as me. Another mean- of karma only operates in relative realing of this mahamantra (maha: great) ity. The truth of the matter is that many is, I seek refuge at the feet of the God/ of you will choose from your heart to Goddess within my heart. There are love and honor your families and yet many other meanings to this deep to walk on a completely different path magical tool of mind purification. The from your family and ancestors at this 30 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

at this time. I, the Goddess, feel your pain. I feel your courage. For to choose from the heart requires you to be very brave and single-pointed on your spiritual journey. Finding the balance between honoring your parents and yet coming out into your own integrity is a wonderful forum for learning and growing. It is also where a lot of the pain is stuck in your hearts. Give me your pain, give me your suffering, and give me your anger. I will transmute it for you. The Divine Mother, we will call her Isis here (she has many names), can take you and your emotional baggage to a higher harmonic and transmute it. This alchemy is based on the Law that if a problem or stuckness exists on one dimension, by going up a dimension or a couple of dimensions, you transcend the difficulty and come to a higher, more enlightened perspective. Just to give you a picture for your mind, the panoramic view from a penthouse on Central Park is more expansive than one from the third floor of the same building. The perspective, by shifting position, changes your attitudinal view completely. At times, you will choose to give your pain and unresolved problems to an aspect of the Divine Father instead. In the Egyptian pantheon, we have many aspects to this holy energy . . . a very powerful one being the Divine Father, Ra. Equally effective would be Babaji, the simple father, Buddha, Jesus, or any other aspect of the Divine Male.

over time, layer by layer, the connection of the primordial relationships to your earthly mother and father, they come up in the unresolved issues that are regurgitated in your relationships—until healed. That is why, although changing partners may be a joyous choice, to use it as an escape from your mother/ father issues does not work. Most of you did not have the perfect atmosphere for the flourishing of Divine Love at the time of your birth. This is a given. After the initial shock and trauma of popping out of the safety and love of the womb, where everything was done for you, you go through childhood being this little person, with these towering adults probably bossing you around with their “shoulds” and “oughts” and “can’ts.” Therein begins the grand struggle between the wonderment and magic of your soul connection, each year becoming dimmer, while the controlling adult perspective kicks in.

Untangling the knotted and convoluted memories and traumas (not the happy ones of course), particularly of the first ten years of your life, is crucial. All this sounds like a lot of hard work and so many of you say “why bother?” It is easier for me to “stay in my mind” and the illusion that “I get to control my reality.” Deeply connected to this issue is also the human tendency to fix others, control other’s behavior instead of working on shifting one’s own attitudes and reactive behavior. This is all a part of the wonderful stormy challenging glorious Unless you consciously begin to heal path back to the magic mystery of your 31 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

hearts. The only person you have the right to change and the full power to change is yourself. Others can be cajoled, tantalized, persuaded, inspired, or on the negative side, manipulated into change. Manipulation and control of the behavior of others, especially your nearest and dearest, leads to the same consequences being inflicted upon you. If you can come to the simple realization of honoring yourself and honoring others and honoring the differences between you, even if you don’t agree with them, you come to a State of Grace; the alchemy of the heart. If you wish for freedom and a release from limitation, control, and manipulation, the first step towards freedom is the allowance of granting this freedom to your parents, your children, and your beloved. At times, the consequences of following your heart involve greater and greater detachment from the people you love who are not journeying on the same pathway—frequency of the heart. This is of course extremely challenging and at times traumatic for many of you. In the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, spiritual initiates were put through many difficult tests on finding the balance between loving and detachment and also many initiations in the integration of higher mind and heart. Today the incompletions of past lives are coming up for each of you in quick succession to embrace, feel, heal, and release. Discussing your dramas endlessly with each other is counterproductive as each 32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

of you is going through an accelerated amount of processing of lifetimes yourselves. Herein comes a balance between the wisdom of sharing and moving through your stuff and letting go. Let it be noted here, that as you heal an issue in a Now Moment, all past-life issues connected to that are usually simultaneously healed so an over-obsession with past-life regression is not required. On the other hand, at times, based on intuition, it is quite relevant to try and heal an issue coming up in the Now, that seems irresolvable, by going back into its root in another lifetime. An issue will not come up in this lifetime to be healed if it has already been healed and resolved in past lives. An over obsession with the past takes you out of the power of the Now Moment. To be fully enlightened means to be fully present to the power of the Now, moment-to-moment. An enlightened being has no attachment to the illusion of their past or their future. They give themselves the present of their presence in the present. As we have said before, it is the mind that takes us into the past and future and keeps us fixated in duality, relative reality. An enlightened being has no attachment to the illusion of their past or their future. They give themselves the present of their presence in the present.

Cellular memory release, for example of past trauma or suffering, occurs from the DNA. But for this to be effective, your intention and a good healer are enough. Getting enamored by the various story lines of past lives and not going to the crux ofthe issue to be resolved is missing the point of past-life healing. I do understand though, that it can be fantastic spiritual entertainment. excerpts from rashmis book the divine mother speaks the healing of the human heart.available on amazon.com and kindle .

Rashmi Khilnani was born in Chandigarh, India and spent the first six years of her life in Cairo, Egypt. She went on to study and teach with world-renowned avatars, gurus and teachers and became a specialist in energy medicine. She is on the forefront in bringing the ancient Mystery School teachings of Egypt, India, Tibet and China, as well as the teachings of the Essenes, into current time and making these wisdoms simple and accessible to people at all levels of soul journeying. Rashmi teaches and practices several healing modalities and has taught Reiki Masters, doctors, scientists and others from many walks of life the secrets of the Mystery School teachings. She is a global metaphysical teacher, urban shaman, international lecturer, artist, seminar leader and TV personality. Rashmi is the host of 2013 and Beyond with Jeremy McDonald heard monthly on Blogtalkradio.com. Rashmi is the executive producer and one of the speakers in a new documentary film, IGod, which will feature spiritual authors, heads of various religious denominations and people at all levels of soul journeying. IGod is being produced by Robert Friedman and Neale Donald Walsh, and directed by Jonathan Friedman. 33 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

Unconditional Love By Ellen Angelica Pendergast

Have you ever heard someone ask, “what’s the matter?” Usually this statement is asked when one feels something is not quite in balance with the other, and asks that question out of concern. Looking closely at this question, there is a more literal meaning of this statement than our society gives it credit, for as the question REALLY implies, “what are you manifesting, ie., changing into matter/ creating?

that we are able to experience by our feelings; an outcome within that reality will manifest as a result of how we are feeling and what we are focusing on. People are manifesting every moment of every day...is is always happening whether we are aware or unaware, and whether we are desiring it, or not. And we then experience these ‘choices’ by literally entering into a dimension with the outcome that best matchs our feelings.

Our thoughts and most importantly, our feelings, literally take protons, electrons, and with energy, produce matter.... creating a reality that we live, breathe and experience life. But also, and most importantly, within that reality, are countless outcomes that are possible and

Feeling bad? You will find in your reality more things to feel bad about. Feeling good?



More experiences with those feelings surfacing will transpire!

Since Love is really the truth of who we are, there is only unconditional Love, meaning that we cannot possibly place a condition on whether we feel or not feel for someone...it just IS. Any conditions placed on a Love relationship is NOT love, but a need, and that never will manifest Love nor keep it in place. Love will still exist, as that is all there really is, but it will not be experienced; instead, in a sense, it will be somewhat ‘blocked,’ from the experience of it. Love and fear cannot stand in the same space, meaning that fear blocks Love, but never overpowers or removes it. One can feel pretty much out of the Love frequency, but all that means is that our feelings are temporarily manifesting an outcome that is blocked by Love, and can appear at times, very fearful and ‘hellish’ at best. Love is still there, but blocked and the only way to release it is to DECIDE to be aware of the Truth of us all, meaning that there is really only Love, and that awareness immediately heals everything, for it causes fear to disperse, meaning the blockage is removed. Therefore, feelings of trust, respect, enthusiasm, and Love will start those protons, atoms, etc., to manifest a dimensional reality that feels GOOD; as does the opposite. And how is this possible? Because all there is IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.... anything else is a misnomer, meaning that there is no such thing as CONDITIONAL LOVE, for Love never has, nor ever will have ‘conditions.’

One either Loves or one does not. And experiencing unconditional Love is to have the experience of what God truly is, and also what we are, for there is really ONLY ONE Being siting here, one energy, called Love. And...how you feel, determines what reality you will create, and thus, experience. Blessings!

Ellen Angelica Pendergast received a B.A. in Education in 1978; four major fields of study: English, Art, Social Studies, and Psychology. Received her M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 1997. Has treated patients in a locked psych ward, held a two office private practice, and currently is starting a private practice in Arizona. Taught Psychology classes at a University in the Chicago area, and has just completed a children’s book. She is currently writing another book for young adults and the general public. Contact Ellen; spiritmindedblog@gmail.com 35 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥

July 2014

Art by Maryam Morrison https://www.facebook.com/maryammarts 36 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

Summer in Delos by Katerina Kostaki http://www.academyofinnerlight.net


t is summer, and the Greek sky is shining by the sun’s golden fire rays.

I have made a tiring journey by ship, but by the end the outcome rewards me from the very first moment, while facing the new harbor of this sacred island. I walk upon the dusty covered roads of luminous Delos and a thousand memories of ancient thought-forms float like little stars in the sky made of invisible little threads, so old and bound up with Ancient Earth.



People who walked upon the Sacred soil, talked, loved, suffered, lived their own lives walking through the narrow streets. Upon those streets ,the ones walking similarly now days, we see wrecked houses, remnants singing their own rhythms.

prise overcomes you, for your belief that daily matters have depleted the last drop of the tranquility of your Spirit along with your invaluable inspiration, it’s exactly in that special moment those two strike from deep lethargy and mix with emotion to channel a powerful blend.

Images and words, joys and dramas It appears as a trailer of a movie, where formed and grown in the cobbled roads of people stalk in front of you who intertwins the Human Soul. with the crowd. The view of Delos seduces you, so that you sink in a sweet reverie, in a visualization of a life immersed in white and azure as in an invisible painting of a magnificent Creator, who lives Omnipresent, around us, and especially in our hearts.

On this instant the writer’s pen is authorized to behold the steering wheel of narration, and prevails…

“The Path to Light stirs through prickly roads and stiffly ways…Whoever wishes to transverse this path needs to be armed In that very Centre of Earth, our heart with great patience and courage…”. opens its gates to spread and paint with color the whole World, the color of Love. At the far end of the horizon I star the sun It is that world that all artists of life plunge keeping on his course westwards, saluttheir brush and cast this color on the can- ing good bye to the – ruined from time vas of material reality. and weather conditions – columns, and At all times the ship of human existence the sandy paths. was tossed dangerously by going through turbulent waters and shaken by stormy Some of his rays transform the rocky beds winds. into golden, while passing through tourists recall the coolness of the missing shadow Somewhere there inside the pitiless sea upon this stripped from trees island. of centuries small communities aka cities with hidden secrets, emerged and even A museum full of ancient monuments today they bequeath to youth (but proba- stands somewhere there at the edge of bly less happy…) a principleof their splen- the path. dor, a small heritage. A scripture at the end of the big hall emI stand across the ruins of lions, that seem phasizes the historical significance of the to guard even until now the small island island and the amazing co-existence of falling into a meditative state of mind. so many races of people under the umbrella of Harmony and Unity. It is in these unique moments that sur38 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

All nations lovingly united and not divid- Katerina Kostaki ed! is a visionary artist, spiritual There is something left for us to learn author, poetess, from this image, it suffices to see beyond freelance article words……but, how many of us indeed writer, mentor do succeed that, and in what degree? and video creator. Does the word “ unity “ remind us anything? She was born in 1966 in Athens , Greece. She was Time raced forward, placing us face to awarded as Mentor for participating to face with ourselves, our karmic respon- the European Union Program entitled sibilities, our life purpose, but how many “Implement” (May-October 2006) in of us are truly ready to live up to this contribution with two International timeless calling? Universities: Institut Technik Undbildung and Deis-Cork Institute of Technology. Are we ourselves closing the ways of She attended lessons on Counselling evolution, placing obstacles to progress, on 2007. to self-improvement, to upward path towards spiritual uplifting, while our ances- She took a distant learning course on tor’s richness is spread around like ripe “ALCHEMY OF TRANSFORMATION ” fruits? by Classic Insight Org. (former Online Humanities Org.) on 2010. Her work Knowledge is the wealth that we have related to spirituality, spiritual coaching/ accumulated from the Tree of Life and counselling, mythology, esoteric from the Wisdom of Centuries. research, self esteem, relationships, self improvement, historical reviews, Taste this knowledge and accept its rich- Nature protection, New Age, mystery ness with grace in the present moment. and metaphysics has appeared in Create our “ Weltanschauung ” imple- several publications (trade –union, menting the gifts of knowledge. Offer local and cultural) both in print and the benefits of this positive energy to a online. She writes and translates her thirsty world for a better future. books/articles /poems/newsletters from Greek to English language herself. It lies in our hand to act the best for world free from negativity! Love and Peace Spiritual author

http://endlesslifejourney.blogspot. gr/2009/10/summer-in-delos.html





art by Mikeinel

By Dr. Barry Hammer

Genuinely caring relationships or loving empathic connection propels the two or more participating individuals to a very high vibratory speed frequency of conscious and unconscious energy, the level of full cohesion, integrated coherence, or permanent integrity wholeness, which cannot be disintegrated, the supreme source level of reality or creative intelligence. That integrated wholeness or core integrity level of reality integrates the individual, relational, and unity or universal levels of reality. Optimal health of all levels of our being, including body, 40 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014

mind, energetic heart, soul, and spirit, involves attunement to the integrating wholeness of reality, which is the energy of individual integrity and the connective energy of love, uniting the inner and outer (or subjective and objective) levels of reality into a greater integrated wholeness of being. Thus, the experience of true wholeness and fullness of being or overflowing abundance of life energy comes from the relational union of subjective and objective reality, or inner and outer reality, in fully invested self-forgetful communion with another individual.

Perhaps the co-created blessed energy of love can also magnetically repel malign inner and outer forces. The expansive energy of love should be able to displace and replace contracting energies of fear and negativity that naturally attract malign predatory forces of all kinds, inwardly and outwardly. When we are full of true love or genuine warmhearted unselfish caring, then we are free of fear; and then evil negativity has nothing of its own nature to attach itself to in us, so it automatically gets reflected back to sender as a principle of justice, as epitomized by the principle, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” Any qualities, gifts, or treasures of love, goodness, or spirit we unselfishly, generously share with others naturally grows more abundantly developed in us, too. As we give deeply of our warmhearted caring energy, time, talents, insights, and material resources to other people, we thereby access, elicit, or “pump out” correspondingly deeper, richer, grander levels of energy from the inner wellspring or bottomless, inexhaustible reservoir of our own individual being. This involves a veritable ontic gift exchange, bringing out the best in ourselves by bringing out the best in others, through a process of vibratory resonance or empathic attunement. We are not necessarily limited only to exchanging material gifts, resources, and ideas (although that can also be very valuable and necessary, at times); we can also enrich one another’s inner being

and transformational development with a higher or grander vision of what we can be at our best, as a blessing, true vision of excellence, or what the ancient Greeks called Arete. When we view others with the “eyes” or perspective of love, it can give us a true vision of their realistically attainable greater levels of unfolding fruition, transformational development, and limitless abundance of being. When we invest our whole being in empathic communion or heartfelt attunement with another individual, to the core of their being, that enables us to see beyond their surface appearance (such as their physical features, illusory acquired psychosocial masks of ego-personality, and current level of development) to a deeper level of their permanent being and of what they are naturally meant to become. This ability of empathic loving communion to see beyond the surface appearance and the sometimes disagreeable, acquired, personality traits of other individuals brings to mind St. Exupery’s insightful observation, in The Little Prince, “only the heart sees rightly; what is essential is not visible to the eyes.” True love, or warmhearted caring, is a great co-creative transformational blessing power to bring our deeper hidden or latent inner resources to the surface in more developed form. Furthermore, the energy of caring warmth or true love is like a soothing lubricant, ointment, or balm to release whatever energies, habits, or patterns have become stuck, misdirected, distorted, and toxic in us.


As we develop greater discernment, alertness, responsibility and accountability to self and others, we can thereby increasingly align ourselves with the vibratory energy pulse of love, as integrated wholeness, which enables it to gradually transform us into its own blessed nature, while transmuting or transforming our “shadow” or negative qualities. We must learn to follow the winding vibratory pulse of integrity, beauty, love, to its source in our own limitless power source, our inexhaustible core being, metaphorically like following the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz story. People should experiment with various ways of producing soulful, heart-inspired products that are made with love, saturated with the living energy presence of love. Such products would be highly blessed living products, imbued with regenerative love-life energy to enhance the vitality, well-being, and creative functioning of people who come into contact with those blessed products, and the regenerative relational or connective energy field transmitted by such products. That would be a meaningful contrasting alternative to “dead” products that are produced exclusively through mechanical means, without much investment of the producer’s inner being or heartfelt caring. Such products are basically deadening or numbing, shallow, sterile, dry, without real juices of life energy, like a body without a soul. However, love-inspired, loveblessed products can serve to revitalize contemporary society, as well as enrich individuals, dyadic relationships, fami42 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

lies, groups, and social networks, with a greater quality, stature, nobility, blessedness, enchantment, or richness of being, beyond the more easily measurable, quantifiable, material benefits that can exist without such infusion of loveblessed energies. At their best, social and professional networks can function as synergistic/co-creative platforms, thereby providing opportunities to exchange empowering energy, liberating new options, expanded resources, and a transformative blessing grounded in a true vision of one another’s untapped potentials. Through the process of fully investing our conscious attention and caring energies in heartfelt empathic communion with other individuals, we make contact with the core of their being where those untapped latent potentials abide, and we energize those potentials to become activated, like seeds that sprout or eggs that hatch when exposed to warmth of sunlight. We are meant to serve as energy transformers, inner and outer resource magnifiers, amplifiers, or elicitors, for one another. The best way to generate a sustainable momentum for our individual lives, personal relationships, social networks, and global society is to deeply explore how we can minimize energy draining or toxic energy processes, while maximizing energy gaining or regenerative energy processes, in our inner and outer lives. Such co-creative synergistic partnerships would be guided by win-win mutual benefit principles rather than Social Darwinism, involving zero sum game destructive predatory competition, grounded in win-lose scenarios.

Warmhearted individuals around the world should unite as a veritable “tribe” or community of embodied human seraphim, outlets for divine love flame. Uniting together in this way would greatly amplify the energy power of love, enabling the force of love to bless, heal, and transform this world, and distressed individuals in this world, from the inside as well as from the outside, as a regenerative inner atmosphere. Perhaps such a community of love-awakened individuals would be relatively rare in the universe, since purported extraterrestrial visitors to our planet earth are usually depicted as being basically mechanical, robotic, technologically advanced but without heart and soul, without energy feeling, and therefore, apparently lacking the ability to create and appreciate true beauty and joyful vitality. Those who contribute to awakening the loveheart and soul of humanity should be respected and rewarded for their contributions, even if they lack the technical skills necessary to contribute to the material needs of humanity. The more readily quantifiable, measurable, skills and contributions of more technically or mechanically oriented persons should also be respected and rewarded without devaluing, marginalizing, and impoverishing those who lack such skills but who are naturally meant to serve the nourishment and development of the “inner being” of humanity through the relatively advanced level of their own inner being, their heart and soul.

Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/ transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and SelfTransformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer. The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.


Transcending the Trials of Tran

A Journey to On By Rash

htt 44 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014



Art by Maryam Morrison tps://www.facebook.com/maryammarts

Synchronicity had served me well. No sooner had I made the decision to spend several months in the mountains of northern New Mexico, than my inner knowingness guided me to the timeless, secluded village of Chimayo. Even before seeing the website of the place I’d be calling home for the months to come, long before setting foot on the land, some part of me knew that this was where I would end up. When I let go of how my logical mind assumed it was supposed to be, the pieces fell into place like magic. Nestled away in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo mountains, Chimayo was an enigmatic oasis of green tucked into a landscape of breathtaking contrast, an arid painted desert of muted earth tones, set against a crystalline sky. In the same breath, it was a living paradox, a melding of unfathomable Divinity and unthinkable, “wild-west” style lawlessness. It was a place out of time, where the inevitability of coming home was etched somewhere deep within my consciousness. Something inside me had felt the pull as far back as the previous winter,when I had visited for a few weeks. It was then that I first sat in the mysterious adobe chapel for which this historical valley is known and connected with its extraordinary energies. My heart knew, even then, that I’d be back. But, my mind was still compelled to go through the motions of logic when it came down to the formalities of househunting. Presuming I’d be living in Santa Fe itself, I proceeded to rule out every last sensible option from the on-line New Mexican classifieds, one by one, long-distance from South Florida. 45 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

I was poised and ready for something— I didn’t know quite what—to reach out and grab me. Santa Fe is the kind of enchanted place where you almost expect that sort of thing to happen. Whenit didn’t, I started to become concerned.A phone conversation with a sympathetic real-estate agent, whose dreamysounding Santa Fe summer rental was already taken, took my search in a totally different direction. She told me about a property she knew of that was more “off the beaten track” than the options I’d been exploring. She described a “lavender farm,” with acres of pastoral orchards, herb gardens and flowering fields, being run as a rustic Bed & Breakfast in the village of Chimayo, some thirty miles north of Santa Fe. The top floor of the main building, she said, was available as a private apartment. My heart nearly stopped. I jumped on the next plane. Rancho Manzana was every bit of what she’d described, and more. There were lush, shaded acres of apple and apricot orchards—an artist’s palate of living color that hosted the understated, Santa Fe-chic country weddings that often took place there on summer weekends.

windows, was out of a dream. It would be my haven for withdrawing from the world and steeping myself in transcribing the final chapters of the book, Oneness. I rented it on the spot. There, months of days would melt one into the next, as the teachings of Oneness consumed my every waking hour. I left the property only once or twice a week to drive into Santa Fe to collect my mail and indulge in Sage Bakery’s great coffee, decadent pastries, and sumptuous slices of the world’s best fresh-baked bread. Yet, aside from that occasional taste of the “real world,” I was totally cut off from it. No TV, no newspapers, no distractions. Oneness would become my life. Literally. Little did I suspect that this idyllic setting would host a gut-wrenching transformation that was slated to take place within me. The contrast between the hours of ecstatic moments lost in the Love of Oneness and the rawness of my interactions with the outside world couldn’t have been more blatant. It was here, against a stage set that radiated the illusion of peace and serenity, that the inner drama of radical self-confrontation and a crash-course in Divinely-induced detachment from the material world would unfold. That time, so safely harbored in the spiritual womb of the New Mexico desert, was yet another turning point. But, it was one with a profound difference. This was the proverbial “point of no return.”

An enormous country kitchen in the painstakingly restored, vintage adobe main house hosted gourmet cooking classes now and then. Upstairs, the expansive apartment, with its soaring cathedral ceil- Oneness begins to set the stage for ings and dramatic, wall-to-wall picture the journey ahead Oneness speaks: 46 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

The journey you have taken to change your physical location was indeed a “sacred journey.” You succeeded in shifting your focus as you shifted your presence to a new location. Now the dust has settled. And, you are here, where you will complete your metamorphosis.

mourn the lack of mundane companionship. Your days will be filled with the delights of your unfoldment. And, an environment has been selected and prepared for you that will support this work. It is you who designed these circumstances. This situation is not just something that has happened to you. You have choreoYou will find that your circumstances will graphed this dance into the next dimentransform at a pace you have not as yet sion with the attention to detail that you experienced, now that you have made take pride in. the transition to your new location and new levels of vibration. There has been You instinctively designed an environa major shift for you, and your momen- ment of great simplicity for this chapter tum should accelerate rapidly from this of your life. And, it will become obvious point forth. to you that the burdens of material belongings, with which you have weighted The integration of this consciousness yourself in the past, are neither necesas part of your own awareness will sary nor desirable. You will learn to live happen in such a subtle and gradual on the wind, not with the challenges of way that you may not even realize that austerity but with considerable physical the transition has occurred. Yet, if you comfort and total non-attachment to the reflect upon it, you will note that your necessity to retain any of it. The trapcircumstances are quite different, and pings of a physical existence can now be the way you feel about and approach shed effortlessly. And, you see that there the interactions in your daily life are a is now truly nothing that can bind you or radical divergence from the way in which hold you back from being all you have you focused your attention prior to this come into form to be. time. Do not concern yourself with the non-reContact with others will be limited from sponsiveness of others to your presence. this point forth. For, it is imperative that They are responding, with their seeming your transition be accomplished quickly, indifference, to your higher needs, excompletely, and without distraction. You pressed vibrationally, for solitude. In the will not have the need for the mundane times to come, this level of solitude will distractions of day-today life that most in come to be prized, for you will be suryour reality require. You have become rounded incessantly with the needs and truly autonomous. And, this is an essen- demands of being in public service. In tial part of your process. the present period, however, you will instinctively turn inward and will shun the Naturally, you sense that you will not companionship of others. 47 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

Honor your own inclination to do so, and do not fault yourself for not feeling inclined to become “socially established” in this new location. That is not part of the plan for you here.

ity and will transition with it well in hand, as you travel between dimensions in the course of your work. Your higher dimensional capabilities will manifest as what would be termed miraculous in realities from which you have ascended— and You will find that your material needs will to which you will return in order to teach be taken care of with minimal effort on and to facilitate for the multitudes making your part. And, you will be able to focus this tumultuous journey. your attention on establishing yourself as a messenger of Divine Consciousness in You will know that the “feats” that you are such a way as to insure that the message naturally able to perform are not miracwith which you have been entrusted is ulous at all, but rather are indicative of delivered intact and is well received by the natural state of being at the higher an audience that hungers for its contents. vibrational levels to which you have ascended. You will come to embody these Do not concern yourself with who you capabilities to demonstrate, as a livwere in the past. The past is now far ing example, the capability of all beings behind you. You have made the shift. And, who are focused in making the transforyou are operating at a level that bridges mational shift. And, you will refer to this dimensions. In essence, you have one place of crossing over in the process of foot in each of two dimensions. And, you helping others through the shift. can perceive what was—what has been your reality in this lifetime— through the Now a very different category of experiperspective of an elevated vantage point. ence will unfold before you, and you will You have begun to delight in allowing come to understand the circumstances your awareness to play the part of the in which others like yourself have found witness. And, you have noted the “greet- themselves, throughout history. Your foing,” the vivid presence of Oneness, all cus will continue to be simple loving kindaround you. This is the beginning of a ness toward all whose lives you touch. shift in full visual recognition of that un- And, the contrast will be a radical porderstanding. Oneness is everywhere—in trait of the world through which you have every thing, every breath, every thought, journeyed. The vivid reality of where you and in every expression of your manifest- have been will shock and trouble you, ed creation. You, the Artist, are sculpting on occasion. Yet, by sparing yourself the every nuance of this experience. And, burden of your own judgment, you will be the skill to be perfected now is to do so able to be present, in the moment, and in consciously. full authenticity. As you step fully into fifth-dimensional reality, you will have mastered this abil48 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July


You are not the manifestation of your past history. You have transcended it. The inclination to repeat that history is a way to reinforce life lessons as well as to represent, physically, the karma with which you entered this lifetime. Both sets of constraints have been released now. And, in essence, you have begun to write this chapter anew. We are here with you always. It is not a question of appearing or disappearing. When you invoke these energies, know that you do so not in expectation of filling in a void—expecting a Presence where there had been an absence. For, the Presence is Eternal. It is your perception of that Presence that varies, as your process deepens. There will come a time—and soon— where your perception of this Presence will take precedence over all else. And, you will know yourself to Be that Oneness, not just sometimes, but all the time. You are shifting into that state of Beingness rapidly now. The process has been initiated. And, you instinctively are pulling inward and wanting to close off the outside world. You are retreating into your cave, as it were. And, when you emerge from it, you will be a transformed being.

Rasha is a modern-day spiritual Messenger, she has worked as a courier of Divine guidance for over twenty years. In February 1998, she began a profound dialogue with the universal Presence, “Oneness”─ the Divinity we all share. Word for word, Rasha transcribed the principles that give us a new level of understanding of the mystery we call “life.” Theses teachings empower us to take a quantum leap into our own inner depths and totally transform our lives ─ and our world. www.onenesswebsite.com


Learning to say

“I Love You” www.shilpasinamdar.com

by Shilpa Savant

I Love You the three most beautiful and magical words anybody in this world would want to hear from one special person in their life. However, most often than not, the magic of these three words does not last for long in today’s time and age. We have come across such a situation in our life too, where we have felt & imagined while reading a book or while watching a movie or seeing a much in love couple, that we should also have a is the meaning of the sentence “I Love similar love story repeated in our lives. You”? It is made up of three words I, Love But how many a times, we might have and You. It is essential to understand the had a chance to have a similar love story meaning of each of these words before which got aborted well before time may we attempt to understand their combinabe even before the magic of the words tion. ‘I Love You’ seeped in, making us wonder what went wrong? It is high time, we What is “I”? learn the complete meaning of “I Love Who is this I, that is loving the other? Try and remember the days when we first You”, before we say it in future. said I Love You to anyone (Romantically). What was our age? 50 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

What was our level of understanding about ourselves? Had we explored our identity in our own eyes before offering ourselves to the other? Did we really have the answer of The Question “Who am I” at that time? It is important to know who we are, Before we love anyone. In teen age, one of the main reasons why the magic of love doesn’t last for long, is the highly dynamic growth process of “I” that is changing very rapidly during teen age.

adults. We can prevent these harsh ways of realizations, by doing first things first. Before saying I Love You, let us develop our understanding of “I”first. What is Love? What is this exact nature of this Love, which we are so eager to offer to the other? Is it convenience or companionship? Is it to flare our ego or to care for the other? Is it conditional or unconditional? If it is about convenience, ego & conditionsthen its love, but not Love. Love lasts for long, love doesn’t. Love is to care and be there unconditionally as true companion. Who is a true companion? One who treats the other at peer level and ensures that the bridge of communication is nurtured through appreciation of heart, attention of mind and availability of time. Time is life and Love requires time to grow. Courage to commit, conviction to care and consistency in companionship are key ingredients of Love that lasts.

It is very important in teen age that our definition of I grows beyond our appearance, our social background and our future plans. Because these aspects related to I are changing unpredictably and changing very fast especially in this age. I have seen very sweet couples in their teens, who are unable to recognize each other, by the time they reach their adolescence. I have also seen adolescence, who hurriedly venture into love marriage only to realize they are not so compatible to each other, by the time they become 51 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

let us dare to care consistently and be and heart- felt appreciation for the other there for the one who we love, Before for being the other (for You being You). we say “I Love”. I have witnessed lovers, who have taken each other so much for granted, that they summoned the magic to vanish, however unintended it might be. And then, they wonder why their partner went on with his/her life without the other in search of true companionship. The irony is, we realize the value of one (who was taken for granted) in their absence. We need to ask ourselves, is our love, mature enough to be Love? If yes, then be assured the magic would last forever. What do you mean by “You”? In the name of “You” what do we love? Is it the other person’s sheer existence or mere appearance? Is it that person’s natural individuality or tailor-made slavery in admiration of our ego? Does our scope of Love include the inconvenient, unpredictable, uncontrollable side of the other’s personality? Or is it restricted to what matches our perception, our requirements and our sense of control?Let us remember, that the other person would go on evolving. This process is dynamic and endless. And Only way in which we can Love long-lastingly, is by Loving the ever-lasting divinity in the other “You”.

have seen so many real life love stories, where lovers are still learning one or the other of three words of “I Love You”. For example, there are couples who have learned “I” and “You” and still learning “Love”. There are couples where only one of the two has seen the “You” and the other is still learning to see divinity in the other one.

There are couples where both are busy with “I” and “Love” and both are taking the “You” for granted. It is vital that they realise that they are WIP (work in progress) couples and should continue to evolve themselves and their relationship “You” (inner nature, core divinity) last with greater awareness and sensitivity for long “you” (appearance, habits, per- for self, relationship and the other. sonality) don’t .Let us focus on You (the divinity of other), Before we say I Love The journey of romantic life is from “I” to You. This focus would mean that we treat “You” on the path of “Love”. When the the other person with utmost honesty, entire combination is learned, expressed trust, respect, sincerity, unconditional and lived, the compassion expands. 52 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

The care that started in the form of loving the other expands to include the family, friends and society of the other. The journey of expanding care makes the romantic lover more and more compassionate citizen, transforming him/her into universal human being. Are we generous enough to undertake the journey?

learning to see and honour spirituality within self, the relation and the other. This learning process may require many life times and yet it will be worthwhile. The shortest and fastest way to realize our long lasting Love is by being the mature Lover to the other. Let us remember, the other will reflect who we are, sooner or later. In this lifetime whomever we say “I Love You”, let us mean it, live it and endure it forever. Be assured, when we commit to this maturely , the universe will protect, nourish & Love us on each step of the process by acting as our ultimate unlimited, unconditional source of Love.

Have we grown beyond our temptations to judge and criticize others? Judgments and criticisms are indicative of our own inability to see divinity in the other. This inability is indicative that our restricted sense of small “i”. The small “i” of intelligence requires insight and inclusivity in order to be mature “I”. After all, the entire Universe itself is a romantic verse of Unity. All lives are nothing Love is continues process of nurturing, but celebrations of Oneness. When we empowering and enriching the natural love our partner with serenity, harmony, dynamic individuality of the other. The balance, stability and honour, we come behavior opposite to Love can be seen closest to what life is all about. When we in the form of draining, belittling, disre- will really learn the words I Love You, the specting the other’s individuality, capa- magical words would last in the cosmos bilities, potential & those who contribut- like the prayers, celebrating Oneness of ed in nurturing the other’s life. the Universe. Learning to say “I Love You” means Happy Learning …. 53 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

Snow leopards


These rare, beautiful gray leopards live in the mountains of Central Asia. They are insulated by thick hair, and their wide, furcovered feet act as natural snowshoes. Snow leopards have powerful legs and are tremendous leapers, able to jump as far as 50 feet (15 meters). They use their long tails for balance and as blankets to cover sensitive body parts against the severe mountain chill.

sheep, and fifteen birds in a single year. As these numbers indicate, snow leopards sometimes have a taste for domestic animals, which has led to killings of the big cats by herders. These endangered cats appear to be in dramatic decline because of such killings, and due to poaching driven by illegal trades in pelts and in body parts used for traditional Chinese medicine. Vanishing habitat and the decline of the cats’ large mammal prey are also contributing factors.

Snow leopards prey upon the blue sheep (bharal) of Tibet and the Himalaya, as well as the mountain ibex found over most of the rest of their range. Though these powerful predators can kill animals three times their weight, they also eat smaller fare, such as marmots, hares, and game birds. One Indian snow leopard, protected and observed in a national park, is reported to have consumed five blue sheep, nine Tibetan woolly hares, twenty-five mar- http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animots, five domestic goats, one domestic mals/mammals/snow-leopard/ 55 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♼ July 2014



Your Inheritance Awaits by Sara Chetkin

Trust. It’s a powerful word, isn’t it? Almost alienating if you feel you have none, and I often notice that I don’t. I encountered my lack of trust the other day. My mother and I were on our way to the grocery store, and she was telling me that from now on whenever she feels frustrated or powerless, she’s going to recite Psalm 23 (my mother has a knack for esoteric interpretations of scripture). If you don’t know it, it’s the one that begins “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” She started reciting the verses, and the words reminded me of my own fears.

I was teary eyed and grateful for the reminder. I felt inspired to follow the wisdom of divine intelligence. I wanted to restore my faith. But how?

What does it take to simply relax into life; to watch events flow by, lazy as a river, or to remain in utter tranquility as they descend upon you in a thundering downpour? In other words, how can we be in the world, but not of it? The answer, my friends, is trust. Trust that all is well. Trust that we will be provided for. Trust that the bumpy road is tempo“I’ve forgotten to trust in the abundance rary. Trust that we have the power and of the universe,” I thought. “I’ve lost intelligence to move through every situfaith in the God within.” ation in a perfect state of grace. Easily said, not so easily done. 57 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July


Let’s face it: we’re all control freaks. Although we might not need control over the behavior of others or the state of the house or what we have for dinner, I’m fairly certain that we all want some measure of control over the direction and quality of our lives. This is natural. The only problem is we get lost, thinking these things begin and end with the world around us. We tell ourselves stories to defend this perspective and to justify our problems. Stories like: “I was laid off because they hired someone younger. I’m too old now to find another good job.” Or “I never got my Master’s degree because my mother became ill, and I had to take care of her. Now I’ll never make enough money.” How about “My relationship with my kids is bad because my ex-wife is always saying terrible things about me. They’ll never love me now.” We all have a story like this, and I’m not attacking the feelings of frustration that accompany these stories. I would, however, like to address the logic behind them.

but it could be. Divinity dwells within each of us. It is the universal, infinite intelligence that empowers everything, and we all have access to it. So, why don’t we trust it to make the best decision possible in any situation? Right now, when we make a decision, we rely almost entirely on our personalities: our opinions, our education, our upbringing, our politics, (okay, and even our spirituality). Yet, these are nothing compared to divine intelligence!

Give up control of your life to the God within you, and see how your life changes. Truly, this is the only way to live up to our full potential as human beings. Life isn’t about what we do. It’s about how willing we are to merge with divine intelligence. And in order to merge fully, to give our life over entirely to the divine, we need to trust. Don’t worry. You won’t disappear when you do, but your perspective will change. You’ll feel safe. You’ll feel secure. You’ll feel lighter, knowing that you are provided for. You’ll feel happier, knowing that stress is a The fact is, our lives and what we ex- waste of life energy. I could fill the page perience in them begin and end with with the benefits of this approach to life. us. To some extent we understand this, and we set about creating our lives Sounds utopian, right? And nearly imaccordingly: working towards goals, fac- possible to achieve? ing challenges and trying to live up to our full potential. We may even have a Well, there a couple of things we can regular spiritual practice in place, but do to get started. First, we must fulduring all of that meditating, chanting ly embody the attitude that everyand working and striving, how often do thing we need is already within our we reflect on who is directing the show? grasp. Now that’s trust, and it’s what ? Who is choosing the goals? Who is Psalm 23 is all about. Knowing that we figuring out how to reach them? I bet are safe and well provided for. Secfor most of us the answer isn’t “God,” ondly, we need to understand just 56 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2014

how incompetent our personalities are at helping us live joyful and abundant lives. Think about it. What is a personality? It’s a conglomeration of belief systems, convictions and opinions developed over a lifetime and based on interpretations of past events. In other words, it is not immutable, and it certainly isn’t infallible. Yet, we give it total reign over our lives. Yikes! Have you ever heard the expression “convictions make convicts?” We are prisoners of our convictions and belief systems! They promote unconscious behavior; they lull us into an opinionated stupor, and we make one choice after another in this sleepy state of mind. Thankfully, we always have the choice to wake up and see things differently. We can see things through the eyes of God, the God within. You can begin this transformation today. Whenever you feel angry or frustrated, take a moment and breathe before you act. Sit still. Allow the emotions expression within you. Acknowledge them, and then recognize that they are temporary. They can pass as quickly as they arose. Now, when you feel calmer, make a decision. You just brought yourself a tiny bit closer to the God within. Acting consciously is acting divinely. Give it a try. It might change your life.

Sara Chetkin was born in Key West, Fl in 1979. When she was 15 she was diagnosed with severe scoliosis, and spent much of the next 15 years traveling around the world seeking healing and spiritual insight. These travels and explorations are the basis for her first book, The Healing Curve. She graduated from Skidmore College in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology. After graduation she moved to Somerville, MA and worked in various cafes and restaurants, while pursuing an education in herbal medicine as well as in spiritual studies at Delphi University in McCaysville, GA. In 2004 she began a master’s program at the New England School of Acupuncture, and in 2007 earned a Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. She is a Ro-hun therapist and an Ordained Minister with the Church of Wisdom, Delphi University. She lives in New York State with her husband, Brecht, and their son, Adrian. The Healing Curve: A Catalyst to Consciousness, published by Rainbow Ridge Books, ISBN 978-1-937907-8, is available on Amazon.com, BN.com, and bookstores everywhere.


Ancient Feminine Practice of LOVE By Huda Musa


Women’s pleasure and celebration of her body is the presence and embodiment of the Sacred Goddess. The Sacred feminine is the exact medicine and healing for all the ravages in the world. The missing ecstatic experience of love which is our true nature contributes to low energy, inability to connect to one’s intuition, lack of comm-UNITY connection and lack of creative inspiration. The missing link within ourselves is self-love, intuition, and sacred sexuality. This is a letter to the male consciousness from me as a Goddess, as a representative of every woman, girl, and individual who has endured through the male dominance present in our society. What happens when there is an abuse of masculine power? What happens when the divine feminine is oppressed? How is this healed on an individual level? On a global level? The shift has come and the Goddesses are back. This is for those who never found their voice; this is dedicated to the art of communication. This is to knowing the human condition and to understanding where transformation must take place on a global consciousness level, in order to change the game of life. There are many healing modalities and lifestyle choices that can help one heal and improve their quality of life. By healing ones heart and pain, one can find inner balance, bliss and gratitude. It allows one to tap into their higher purpose for each perceived misunderstanding and to SEE, FEEL and KNOW through multidimensions. By exploring our individual

journey, one can remember their true divinity and courageously share it with others. It is through the development of human potential, where humans can experience an exceptional quality of life filled with creativity, happiness and fulfillment. Those who unleash their potential often find themselves directing their actions within society towards assisting others to release their potential. This is what brings about positive social change at large. This “Human Potential Movement” arose out of the 1960’s and teaches individual will is all powerful and determines your life. Awareness is the alchemical container of inner change and energy follows awareness. There are many ways to transform your life from a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical space. For more information on how to engage in a Life transformation workshop, contact Huda. You can find Huda at: www.hudamusa.com or hudamusa555@gmail.com The truth is like a scalpel because it is painful to open our wounds and uncover all of the lies. The wounds in our emotional body are covered by the denial system, the system of lies we have created to protect those wounds. When we look at our wounds with the eyes of truth, we can finally heal these wounds. ~Anonymous


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