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Two Zachs are Better Than One VNUE Radio Offers Autistic People DJ Slots on National Programs
By Diane Lilli
Zach Bair is a lifelong recording artist and music/tech entrepreneur. He serves as president and CEO of VNUE (OTC: VNUE), a leading music technology company focused on providing new revenue streams to artists and labels, such as its StageIt live-streaming platform and the management of its rights through products such as its Soundstr music recognition technology platform. Previously he was CEO of Immediate, which sold to Mark Cuban in 2006, and he owns and operates his RockHouse Live concept of live music venues and restaurants.
Arenowned DJ interviews a famous musician and music tech leader on air, and afterward, they stay off-air, talking for hours. By the time the conversation is over, they not only share the same name but are also true friends with a common mission: to create a new initiative for people with disabilities to work on-air as DJs.
Radio personality Zach Martin had discovered how many young Autistic people were working in below-minimum wage jobs and was looking for ways to help people on the autism spectrum. He had already founded Sophia's Mission, a 501c3 nonprofit, to help victims of AIDS years ago, but quickly transformed his mission to help those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), gain rewarding employment.
Once he met Zach Bair, whom he was interviewing for his suicide awareness single, Ordinary Girl, Martin knew he'd found a fellow activist.
have a responsibility to help those in need, and my area of expertise was as a DJ on major radio stations. Zach Bair, a tremendous friend and music leader, was the perfect person to help me accomplish this mission. He was all on board, instantly."
Bair said he could see the future with new-tech radio platforms, including people with ASD. Within a few weeks, VNUE Radio was born in association with the already-established NEWHD Radio.
Zach Martin is a longtime New York City radio personality, known for being on Q1043, a nationally syndicated ultimate classic rock show; CBS FM; the famous KROCK, and sometimes heard on WFAN NY. He is the founder of NEWHD MEDIA and SophiasMissionUS.org, a 501c3 organization with a mission to create job opportunities for autistic people and anyone with disabilities.
Bair also happened to be CEO of VNUE, Inc, a leading music technology company, so the gears started turning between the two Zachs.
"I knew right away what would help these amazing people, who deserve to be heard and yearn for a way to connect with others," said Martin. "It had to be on-air. We had to create new music platforms that gave these talented people who just happened to have ASD a public place to share their gifts. We all
"Zach [Martin] and I hit it off –we realized we had a shared passion that extended well beyond a simple interview between a DJ and a musician," said Bair. "This evolved into a friendship and then to VNUE Radio – which was born from Zach Martin's original creation. It was a natural fit for me and for VNUE. Not only is it a great idea to help those who have talents who are often overlooked, but the station, curated by Zach [Martin], plays extremely good music, and not just by big artists, but emerging artists too. It is a true magic combination."
In 2021, the CDC reported that 1 in 54 children in the U.S. was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Luckily, with so many families dealing with Autism, the stigma of having ASD is disappearing. People are no longer ashamed to be part of this vibrant community, and with good reason. Being different is often an asset, not a disability.
But as children grow older and move beyond their protected school days, they will need jobs to be part of our communities and not just be labeled as ASD. When children on the autism spectrum grow up, what kinds of well-paying opportunities will they encounter? Turns out, not many.
The legal loopholes surrounding worker wages for those with disabilities are shocking. U.S. labor laws created in 1928 say people with disabilities can be paid less than minimum wage. The Fair Labor Standards Act, the section 14(c) waiver program, legally permits employers to pay less than the minimum wage to individuals with disabilities.
These laws are still mandated today, offering plenty of wiggle room for many companies that trap employees with ASD in low-paying jobs. A report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights reports that this is a violation of civil rights and that the 1928 law must be ended because it's being used to place people with disabilities in "exploitative and discriminatory" work programs.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rightsreports that tens of thousands of "subminimum-wage" workers, who have disabilities, are only paid an average of $3.34 an hour.
By giving a voice to those with ASD, the "two Zachs" have created a meaningful and powerful vehicle for those with disabilities. If you want to hear great radio offering a number of different music genres, check out these stations.
VNUE Radio is available through iOS and Android apps, as well as online, and features a host of unique programming, including unique content, exclusive interviews, and music ranging from up-and-coming indie artists to hitmakers.
Some of the diverse ASD groups of DJs playing on VNUE Radio shows include:
From Los Angeles
Jeremiah Gray is the morning personality for NEWHD Los Angeles. He hosts shows on weekdays from 6 am-10 am and Saturdays from 6 am to 11 am. Diagnosed with Autism at the age of 5, Jeremiah is now 17 years old and loves baseball and "America's Got Talent." Jeremiah is following in his Dad's footsteps into the broadcasting industry.
From Michigan
Ian Minicuci is a native Michigan actor and writer best known for his work with John C. Reilly and Ed Helms in the hit comedy Cedar Rapids. A veteran of the 48-Hour Film Challenges, Ian has won awards for his work on both sides of the camera, On camera in the Best Genre award-winning "California Dreamin'," and as co-writer for his work in the 2011 short Apples and Acid. Ian also happens to be disabled.
From New Jersey
Sophie Martin is an advocate for Autism and anyone with disabilities. Sophie Martin was destined for broadcast greatness. Growing up the daughter of a prominent radio personality, Zach Martin, her life has been surrounded by music and legends since before her birth. An avid linguist, traveler, and advocate of many causes, Sophie brings her soothing voice and wit to NEWHD, bringing you the best rock in a style she can.
From Nashville
Emily Paton is a blind broadcaster and hosts her DJ gig from Nashville every evening.
As Emily says, "I got my start in radio at my college station and continued the concept I used for my show there at an internet radio station. This show mainly goes for the "I haven't heard this in forever" reaction. I wouldn't just play songs from the 90s; I would play songs that mainstream radio isn't currently playing, but they had played in the past. My show is a bit of all three plus more. It marries those "forgotten songs," as I call those not played in the mainstream, the coolest new songs, special little treasures from classic artists, and perhaps a few timeless classics. Tons of surprises to be had!"
From New York
Bobby Vinton, 45, has been blind since birth. He does two radio slots: Saturday AM and Saturday evenings. Gone are the days when Bobby would sit alone in his room listening to the radio or playing his vinyl records (he still loves vinyl!)
Most days, before his new DJ gig, he would sit on the living room couch with the large picture window behind it, rocking back and forth and just listening to whatever sounds were resonating – the lull of the television, the phone ringing, my parents talking… the irony is that he spent hours and hours sitting in front of that window, without being able to see the world that existed outside that window. Sophia's Mission and NEWHD Media have become that window, and now what he does see is a bright future filled with purpose and meaning.
To learn more or help fund the nonprofit Sophias Mission, visit sophiasmissionus.org.
To listen to VNUE Radio, download the App.
To listen to NEWHD Media, download the App.