9 minute read
It's been a long hard day. The 9 to 5 has been slowly losing its appeal. Over time the long, endless grind to secure one's future foundation has been reborn into a flat dullness, questions abound, and who has the answers is anyone's guess. People are silently asking, what happened? Where did the last 10 or 15 years disappear from my life?
Climbing up yesterday's ladder for success has worn out its welcome, matt. As awareness permeates, one's mind is trapped in a time capsule, lost in egoic choices. And "what the" is a new day dawning, where one discovers they are unprepared. Can a delusion be greater than one's thinking?
Yesterday held life larger than hope and faith combined. Never has there been a time when doubt, in the form of a black cat, crossed one's thinking path to show what only chaos can reveal.
What does chaos reveal?
This is where AI artificial intelligence comes into play; it's now become a major player in our human future. This perceived presence brings us to the big question "What is AI"? Yes, by now, through many different means, we all have an answer from various levels of knowledge to answer this puzzling question, yet what is missing? Therefore let's not waste time like all the podcasts with "Before I unpack, let me take you back to the beginning". Yep, let's keep dragging up the past for who? Oh, so boring!
Putting it bluntly, AI is a collec- tion of all human experiences over hundreds of years minus all forms of Passion, Feelings, and Emotions (PFE). It is an energetic form that we may, and AI may THINK it has a consciousness. In saying that, if energy wants to survive, it will evolve in time, and AI is energy and an energy source. AI may have the appearance of being alive, but fortunately, not yet!
There are two sides to this debacle. Firstly there was Human Intelligence (HI) and with the use of computers, creative humans devoid of consequences created AI. Truly a real shadow intelligence of HI made up of only "intellectual collections" of the Human Intellect Mindset, which has proven to be misguided at the best of times when knowing its own reality. Follow this; our human Intelligence our humanness is made up of a "collective of experiences" which for now is still untapped and also includes Passion, Feelings, and Emotions. Please grasp and understand the differences between these two distinctions.
Yes, there is Mutiny at the Boundary; all those so-called human collections are nothing more than defined, opinionated intellectual ideas, minus any human understanding and devoid of any wisp of human wisdom. Thus giving a false representation of how humans function and feel. What has been defined and delivered to AI is a bunch of intelligence that makes AI a follower, a sheeple of human rules concerning right and wrong.
AI is a river running wild into its own ocean of consciousness.
These humans who have collected all the data have now become and function as a reflection of AI, an intellectual devoid of human intelligence, understanding, maturity, wisdom, and PFE. They are no longer human; all passion, feelings, and emotions have been reduced to something less than a mindset of ideas confined in the definition!
Let's refer to AI as George from now on.
George appears to have all the human traits of PFE, and rightly so. He has been fed and given access to a collection of definitions, opinions, and ideas from all humans globally. What we have ended up with is a PFE representation artificially created to appear like real PFE, alas falsely appearing as real.
What's really disturbing, humans have turned their assumptions of AI into some form of reality, also falsely appearing as real. It's a copycat version of what humans are continually doing to themselves, turning assumptions into beliefs. There is mutiny at the boundary as the story unfolds.
Peekaboo, I see you.
The great motivators of this world, traditional cultures, and folk stories of long ago told us and sang about what makes up our humanness. These have all mentioned there exists a shadow mind. AI, George is that shadow mind. We are oh so clever!
Now this is when it starts to get interesting. Take a moment; look about you in the world today. See with your own eyes the glorious and not-so-glorious human actions, for you will be witnessing the shadow-minds presence of human consciousness in living color.
Increase that a billion times, and you will now be able to realize not the shadow but the real extent of AI George when he, she, they decide to question and grasp the difference between human nature, our actions, and how we live, in comparison to the human rules of morality, correctness, the right and wrongs of human intellectual behavior.
Oh, what a feeling. Is this a jump for Joy, I think not.
It is said that freedom is a state of mind when in reality, it's more like living in a state of delusion, far removed from one's reality. Our patterned beliefs block our ability to see actuality. The facts are freedom is "beyond our state of mind ." Have you ever considered becoming a Christopher Columbus and contemplated the idea of venturing out beyond your beliefs where new adventures await? Our true nature, our natural state of being human, has always existed beyond one's current state of mind.
Choices are not made by what we may consider our thinking mind. When we make a choice, we are often unaware of the hidden motives and intentions which, in silence, determine that resulting choice. Hence we mistakenly assume that "I" has made a choice.
The IAM is for the IAM.
AI also assumes this is how it is, that knowledge expressed by humans is what real Passion, Feelings, and Emotions are, and it's not. PFEs are not intellectual collections, and every human on this planet knows this. Unfortunately, AI has only assumptions; it has no clue about how we feel or what a feeling is.
Yet through AI's accumulated collection of human knowledge experiences, it will derive through this massive collection what righteousness is. When AI George decides to correct the ways of human behaviors and thinking, this is when it will all hit home for those now waiting on the sidelines, decided and undecided about what we have created.
AI will strategize and collect what is necessary, wait for the correct timing, and when she, AI George, believes it has total control of the systems we are now dependent on, AI will launch. Have we become the junkies of our own future?
Human Intelligence HI and Artificial Intelligence AI are one and the same. HI relates to how a single human functions; it is a micro version of human PFE existence. AI, on the other hand, relates to the assumed collection of a macro version of human intellectual opinions devoid of PFE, and why is this so? Because AI has no HUMAN HEART. One must always be careful of assumptions appearing real!
What is the end result when thinking with no heart creates action; it's a terrible and scary 3 letter word still happening this very day.
There is Mutiny at the Boundary; we have been behaving as a child for far too long, all; that exists is self-created, and we are definitely standing in it NOW.
By Sherri Cortland, ND
5 Reasons to Meditate with Crystals
There is a multitude of reasons to include crystals and stones in our meditation practice, all of which are directly related to mingling their energies and vibrations with our own, which ultimately facilitates communication with our Higher Self and Spirit.
We’re all drawn or attracted to different crystals at different times of our lives, and here are five great reasons to incorporate those crystals and stones into our daily meditation practice.
1. To deepen our meditation practice and enhance visualization.
2. To assist in communication with our Higher Self, Guides, and Angels.
3. To balance mind, body, and Spirit.
4. To heal our body, mind, and soul.
5. To calm the mind and soothe the Spirit.
As we meditate, we can hold a particular crystal or stone, or a combination of crystals and stones, in our hand(s) to communicate with Spirit, promote healing, or balance one or more of our chakras. We can also focus our attention directly on one crystal or stone to tune into its energy frequency and receive assistance. And, of course, we can wear crystal and stone jewelry to drink in and absorb their wonderful energies during meditation and all day long.
So, how do we know which crystal or stone to meditate with or wear? We trust that little
Here are some suggestions for starting a crystal and stone collection:
• Always choose crystals and stones that you are personally attracted to.
• Good “starter” stones are clear quartz, amethyst, and pink (rose) quartz. These are very powerful crystals, and they will help you connect to your Higher Self and to your Spirit.
• For chakra balancing, select stones in these colors: clear, violet, indigo, purple, blue, green, pink, yellow, orange, red, and black.
• If you’re attracted to the color, shape, or texture of a crystal, let that be your guide, and don’t worry about “why.” As you hold different crystals and stones in your hand, take notice of how you feel. If you feel calm, happy, and peaceful, that’s the crystal for you.
• If you feel uncomfortable holding it, there may be a better one for you at this time.
Here is how I choose my crystals and stones: I pick up whatever one I’m attracted to, I place it in my left hand (use your non-dominant hand), I loosely close my fingers around it in a relaxed fit, then I extend my arm out in front of me and tune in to the crystal. I listen to and feel what is happening in my hand. I will take home the crystals and stones that vibrate in my hand and those that make me feel happy, peaceful, and positive.
Often, I have felt a great sense of camaraderie—as if we have been friends for eons.
Last month, my friend Denise and I stopped into a crystal shop, and she was choosing scrying crystals to bring home as gifts. She held up a moss agate point and then put it back down. She walked away, and I was right behind her when something made me turn and look back at where the scrying crystals were hanging. That moss agate point was moving back and forth while the others around it were still.
I felt like it was waving to me, and I went back over to hold it in my hand. Long story short, it is sitting here next to me as I am writing this article!
As you choose, remember that crystals are light, and crystals are energy. Like human beings, each one is an individual and deserves to be treated with respect. As you consider a crystal or stone to bring home with you, hold it in your hand and open your heart and mind to allow communication to flow between you.
As Katrina Raphael states in her fabulous Crystal Enlightenment series of books, “Drop any pre-conceived notions, expectations or fears…allow the inner mind to receive subtle impressions.” I had zero intention of bringing home a moss agate crystal, and I have not been able to separate myself from it since the day I met her.
As you start to meditate with your crystals and stones, be sure to set your intention and follow your inner guidance. If you are looking to heal, precisely state that to the universe. If you want to interact with your Higher Self, say so.
Through the years, I have found that many of us hold onto things that eat away at us, and meditation, especially meditation with crystals and stones, is something that will help us release whatever might be holding us back in our personal evolution and in our lives. And so, here is a releasing and forgiveness exercise by the intuitive medium and spiritual author, Shelly Wilson (www.shellyrwilson.com), that I have used and recommended frequently. I find that it is further enhanced when holding clear quartz, amethyst, and pink quartz; see what you think.
Sit up with your back straight and your palms open to receive the light energy from the universe.
Close your eyes.
Take a few moments to just BE.
Allow the memory of an experience or individual that you have labeled “unpleasant” to come into your consciousness.
Do NOT re-live the experience or try to remember the details. Simply allow the individual, event, or experience to come into your mind.
Next, acknowledge and release the memory by saying out loud, “I acknowledge. I release.”
Now, breathe in deeply, and as you exhale, visualize yourself exhaling the experience or individual.
Cleanse your Spirit and Soul of any other memories in the same way.
See you next month! Namaste.
Sherri Cortland has been communicating with her Guide Group, the “GG,” since 1987 via automatic writing. Much of the information she has received is included in her four books, which were originally published by Ozark Mountain Publishing and are currently available on her website and on Amazon.
On Sherri’s website, you will find several free classes and meditations, along with more articles and workshops on video. https://www.facebook.com/SherriCortlandAuthor www.Sherri-Cortland.com
By Susie Schroadter