5 minute read


It's a sustainable world. When you read the books and listen to the increasingly expanding number of updated podcasts, this is where we, the lesser uninformed, learn our lingo and then sprout it into the world as some form of factual knowledge. How good are we? It's a confusing time to be alive; at least, that's what we have been told. And, of course, it begs the question, what do we know? And the second question is, La-DiDa, can I ever live without my 3 x 6-inch living screen?

Seeing as the mood is good, and one's dreams have become incredibly detailed. Like all great stories, a big apology if this doesn't fit your agenda; business is great when profitable; this is agreeable, yes. Let's talk entrepreneurial. You have an idea of how to remain sus- tainable within today's market. The goals are set, the exit strategy is fixed in place, and keeping secret the real agenda from all partners.

Imagine and Create

Create a business name; pull the old gang together as the players you know already have access to everyone needed all the way down the line to the cleaners. We build our own building and set up multiple businesses inside, as the economy is ripe for expansion. You work the conventions; the sales pitch is professional rhetoric at its best. Funds now come from a number of sources; of course, the actual amount is played down. Twelve months pass, and all is in place. One detail is left out, how enterprising of you; you already own the land under a different company name where the building is to be built.

The process now begins, and the best mate architect draws up a number of proposed designs for the prospective venture's easy targets. A year went by; the idea grew, extra finance was needed, the project was completed, and now we are standing on the big opening day. The right people are invited, the press is all over it, the community is involved, and it is all go from here on in.

Business schools teach Build Sell Exit Money Money Money

Within a couple of years, businesses move out; profits are down, the economy has turned, lenders are owed big time, and a great idea with bad management all goes to the toilet. The building closes, remains vacant for a year, liquidators sell off everything, and finally, it goes up for auction. A buyer acquires a relatively new building at a fifth of the initial cost. Who doesn't like a bargain? In the beginning, there was a second secret strategy. Has your awareness put it together yet? By now, you have worked out who the new buyer is under another different company name. The idea would make a good movie; sounds ripe for Hollywood?

Now that's, true sustainability.

Are you up for another? A new art enterprise just opened in a country town by a person with longview foresight. The town is basically a drive-through and mainly viewed by its past thinking, but an undertow has begun, and its growth is soon to explode. The new enterprise has all the hullabaloo openings, and the town is all excited about the new venture in town. Meanwhile, this clever young entrepreneur is buying up buildings left, right, and center. A king in the making.

History, believe it or otherwise, plays an important role in buildings the next adventure. As a matter of fact, did you know history plays a major role in everything humans create and do? In the case of the art enterprise, the last two businesses failed badly. It's a year in now, and three businesses have already left the building, with another leaving as soon as it acquires a location. If you are a business owner, here is a question to consider. Who is capable of choosing a location, the agent, the owner, an already vacant position, the cost, and the market survey? Next comes the attraction; how do we get them online or in the door?

As the story unfolds, we are already aware things are not as one would have hoped they would be, or is it? It's a small old town with limited buildings; when the area increases, those buildings our friend is collecting will end up hundreds of percent of what he paid. And the town has made him a king for what he is supposedly doing for the community. Having a second strategy is the name of the game!

What makes a business successful? Do we really know, or have we just chosen the recommended makeup that is currently being thrown out to the unaware? With all the past twenty years' latest knowledge, why are so many businesses still failing? Each year a new success process informs us of the way forward. Basically, telling us the last process was only a great marketing strategy; obviously, the latest will prove to be no different. Someone makes money; someone gives up their earnings!

In order to understand the relationship we humans have with our surrounding natural environment, have you ever considered relating to everything the same way as you talk and respect your best friend? Once this occurs, objects no longer remain as objects, one begins to treat them and experience them as you do with your pet or favorite child. For some of you, this will be a life-changing experience in how you function within this world and how this world functions with and for you. Try this experiment, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Who doesn't like surprises?

Take a holiday, and it can be fun, fun, fun. Take time out without an agenda, and it can become a harrowing experience. Namely, now that you have an abundance of time on your hands, fears, and memories may begin to appear in your thoughts. What will you do? This may play out as, how did you get what you have, and did you consider all who were a part of your consequential experience? Of course, love was in your heart, and all was deliv- ered respectfully with integrity and authenticity absolutely.

How brave of you. It's all fun, fun, fun.

It has been said it's a dog-eatdog world, and for some, this is obviously a true and everyday functioning fact. Do we judge because we have been told and educated we are better, or are we afraid to know the reality that exists outside one's comfort door via our purposeful pre-trained human mind?

Keep jugging along, as we will never know much of anything. At least not until centuries have passed, and even then will, we have finally moved beyond "knowledge is power." Dare you to look around, as that famous quote hasn't done much for us up to this day; physical garbage is on the increase; verbal garbage is on the increase, and your freedom is on the decrease. What's next?

Fear less in 2023 is the motto of the brave and courageous human.

If time is a Bitcoin, then your health is the only currency worth buying into. The problem is, now, every month, there is a new food diet to better your physical and mental state of being. Yep, you guessed it, the last fifty diets didn't do anything, either. It appears to be guesswork at its best, and then there's the behind-the-scenes marketing sales force; good on you guys, sell it like it is.

The roadside sign says, "Stay woke as your future depends on it" they spelled aware incorrectly. Have you noticed that woke is also a four-letter word?

Spiritual Growth Checkpoint:

By Sherri Cortland, ND

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