EDEN T h e
© Magazine
HAISHA Life Coach, Self-Help Expert
ANGELS By Jan Diana
By Cheralyn Darcey
May 2018
Table of Contents 6
By Noa Belling
TURNING THE TIDE By Tara-jenelle Walsch
Cover Photo by
Evan Duning
Photo by Artin Mardirosian
Spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings and Lliving in healing and peaceful world
Maryam Morrison
Eden Magazine is an non-profit & independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; maryammorrison@theedenmagazine.com
Haisha v
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e April 2018
v If you’ve grown weary of self-help books giving you step-by-step instructions on how to be happy and achieve success, the new series “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha” promises to provide a better approach to accomplishing your goals and living a fulfilling life. Haisha is a life coach, self-help expert, and author who regularly speaks to audiences around the world. She provides insight and guidance into areas including interpersonal communication, marriage and parenting, self-awareness, relationships and goal setting. Haisha has built an exclusive private practice, providing one-on-one counseling to executives, celebrities and other notables who want to better connect with themselves and others, improve their leadership skills and create a legacy. Like her clients, she found her new career by being present in the moment and open to her opportunities. After working as a film producer and actress over four years straight, Haisha was stressed and unhealthy. She decided to take a break. For her, a break was getting a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. It turned out she was a natural fit. One of her professors touted that “one session with Lisa is equal to 10 years of counseling.” Soon after, her classmates and friends began seeing her for coaching. Word spread, and she was asked to help actors on set. “It grew organically,” explains Haisha. She soon realized, “this is where I’m supposed to be.” Merging her experience from counseling friends and classmates with those from her travels, Haisha developed SoulBlazing, her method of life coaching. SoulBlazing is an interactive process of therapy that draws on Haisha’s counseling background as well as her experience in improvisation. She uses the impostor model with clients to help them discover the masks they wear as different characters in their lives. She also uses these masks to explore the who, what, when, where and why of those characters. She then guides clients in a process of self-discovery as to how they use these masks to get what they want and authentically need, or how these characters can be used as weapons. Haisha also brings into her practice different modalities she learned in school as well as her travels: Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, Shamanism and eye gazing.
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning 9 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e April 2018
v In conjunction with SoulBlazing life coaching, Haisha has created the video series “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha.” The first season just released on Amazon Prime Video, consists of 15-episodes each of which feature an interview with a different person who excels in their respective field and has overcome obstacles to achieve success. The guests include: Harry Hamlin, Lee Aronsohn, Elina Furhman, Maria Conchita Alonso and Isabaelle Furhman among others. From this series, viewers are able to gain an understanding of the common behaviors and practices that lead to success and learn how to establish a positive momentum in their lives. According to Haisha, one take away from the interviews is that the guests did not reach their goals by having a strict five, 10 or fifteen-year life plans, but rather, they were present in the moment. They were “tuning out the noise of tomorrow or yesterday,” so that they could be open to the opportunities of the moment. By being present in the moment, and listening to their own desires, new opportunities presented themselves. Once they had found and described their new paths, Haisha then focuses on the energy and discipline it takes to move forward. Beyond the lessons they teach, the shows are interesting to watch. Haisha has a gentle way of interviewing her guests to lead them to talk about their journeys, their epiphanies and their struggles. According to Haisha, “A lot can be learned by listening to others and how their behaviors, actions, strategies and philosophies lead to success. What viewers will find is there are a lot of common denominators and similar approaches among these people, which provide a solid foundation and, in some cases, a complete blueprint that others can use to accomplish goals and live a fulfilling life.” SoulBlazing also has an online component on her website. Haisha offers online life coaching with additional video and interview content to offer additional inspiration. Through the website, clients can also learn to be a SoulBlazing life coach and follow in Haisha’s life-changing footsteps. She also offers leadership classes for children and adults.
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning 11 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e February 2018
v The successes brought about by SoulBlazing for Haisha’s clients has lead their personal and professional success. Luminary leaders, Haisha’s newest project, is aimed at business professionals in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. While the focus of Luminary Leaders is corporations and groups, the coaching is both personal and professional. Haisha explains, “In order to do well in business, you need to fix yourself first.” Business only works well when you “enjoy what you do, and it is not drudgery for the dollar.” Haisha views travel as essential for personal and professional growth. Having traveled to more than 60 countries on seven continents, Haisha has observed and researched the behaviors and social practices of other cultures. She has visited wellness centers around the globe and brings those healing modalities into her practice of SoulBlazing. Haisha finds great fulfillment in her charitable work personally and recognizes that it is professionally beneficial as well. She has philanthropic projects all over the world which have blossomed into group philanthropic tours, a charitable foundation and a yearly gala. Haisha is the author of Whispers from Children’s Hearts, an inspiring and fascinating look into the minds and hearts of children she has met through her philanthropic work around the world. The success of the book led to the formation of the Whispers from Children’s Hearts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to recognizing and supporting charities that benefit the needs of children. Expect more from Lisa Haisha. She is completing her book on SoulBlazing which is expected out in 2019 as well as her memoir of her travels which is expected in 2020. A great place to get started with Haisha’s SoulBlazing techniques and to learn about other people’s paths is her new series on Amazon Prime, “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha.”
v Photogrpahy by Evan Duning 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
Photogrpahy by Evan Duning 13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e March 2018
with Joe Santos, Jr.
Playing With
“Matches" By Joe Santos, Jr.
I was having dinner recently with a female friend in her early 40’s and we started talking about her dating life. (Or the lack thereof ). This conversation has become one of many I have more often than not lately. How and why is it that so many of my talented, beautiful, smart, funny, successful friends of all ages (men and women, straight and gay alike) can’t seem to meet their equal? Listen, I don’t exactly believe in the Love at first “swipe”… but a butterfly or two in the tummy might be a good start. She went on to describe her experiences of late. One guy is 28 and “emotionally unavailable, with the depth of a bird-bath”. (You were expecting Shakespeare in the park?) Another guy is 52, divorced 5 years, with “Baby Momma” issues. Meanwhile, the “kids” are 21 and 24 and far away from home. Run, hide, and change your number! I don’t need to see you on an episode of 20/20. To me, seeing ourselves in someone else and finding delight in that, is the start of the ultimate relationship. Many of us settle for much less and feel unfulfilled and unhappy, maybe because we don’t take the time to prepare for life’s and love’s opportunities. We need not worry and not to hurry. Date yourself. Take time to see in you what you would like to see in other people and practice what it takes to be worthy, consistent and available. Keep a sense of humor and self. Don’t doubt or compromise your core. Our instincts are there to protect us and nurture others. Keep them in tune. Base your choices on strength. Be self-reliant, we all know what we want and deserve. Be realistic. I remember a friend saying how lonely she was and how she just wanted to be loved. (if I had a violin for every time I heard that) She said she prayed to God each night to bring her the love of her life. But, he had to be a professional, stable, between 32 and 44, have a full head of blonde or light brown hair, blue or green eyes, smooth, muscular, athletic, well endowed and made no less than 250k a year. And God replied???
months and we are in love. Although we haven’t met in person yet, I finally found my “soul mate”. “Huh? Say what now? In love? Soul mate? What about physical attraction, pheromones, chemistry? You haven’t even smelled his breath yet! Has today’s society changed the rules of engagement? Have we become desensitized to romance? Has the art of the hunt become a thing of the past because of the fear to offend? What about dating sites? There are all sorts out there that promise to match you by commonalities, body type, religion, profession, finances, sexual orientation, you name it. We live in a time convenient for finding love and romance, at least a date. We literally have access to the world at our fingertips. Could that be half the problem? Have we become too comfortable communicating feelings and emotions through a screen? Does it make us feel safe? Are we too trusting? No doubt how powerful a tool technology has become but has it taken the place of a true physical connection? Have the tools of the past become ancient? Manners, music, poetry, conversation, charm, flirtation, chivalry? I have one thing to say to that. True love is out there and living large within us. It is not elusive. It finds us in all sorts of places and sometimes when we’re not looking. But especially in our silence and when our eyes and hearts and minds are wide open. Stop playing with matches. Let your “match” be what strikes the spark to your flame.
∑ Joe Santos, Jr. is a Celebrity Chef and Life-Stylist. He joins The Eden Magazine as a writer sharing his unique view on life, death, love, and the avoidance of mediocrity.
I hear a lot of stories about people meeting online. One in particular… ”I’ve been talking to someone for five
How to Choose lower for any Occasion By Cheralyn Darcey
Although all flowers can make any event or moment special, choosing ones which say exactly what you mean can bring additional depth, feeling and expression to the occasion. Once you know the meanings of flowers, selecting just the right ones will not only be easy but delightfully enjoyable. You may be familiar with the popular meanings of a few flowers already. Roses have a strong association with love, daisies with happiness, lilies connect with peace and sunflowers have reputation for strength but all flowers have meanings. Using them in your floral gifts, displays will share these sentiments and feelings in a subtle and delightful way. Flower meanings come from what is known as the ‘Language of Flowers’ and this collection of meanings and the way they have been gathered goes back centuries. Cultures throughout history and time have observed the way plants, particularly their flowers, look, feel, taste, grow and are of use and have associated meanings based on these attributes. These meanings have been used to help identify flowers, to pass down important knowledge about plants through generations and also as a coded language in societies where communication, especially of a more romantic or sentimental nature, needed to be guarded.
People of the Victorian period made the Language of Flowers extremely popular were it was used not only for messages between friends, lovers and even foe, but in their jewellery, furnishings, artworks, textiles and naturally gardens and floral displays. Not many people of the time would dream of organising a dinner centrepiece without careful consideration to the meanings of each blossom. Today, our return to a deeper understanding of nature is bringing the Language of Flowers alive once more. Flower meanings and their applications are becoming popular as we seek to appreciate, to protect and live in harmony with our botanical friends. You can choose the perfect flowers for occasions in your life and bring in the harmony of nature by thinking about what it is you would like to say, express and share with your family and friends. Look at the personality of those involved in your celebration and match flower meanings to them or perhaps choose flowers which express your hopes for those present. Here are are some occasions and suggested flowers you could select which will match what you wish to express. First Date - Yellow Roses mean new friendships, relationships and beginnings and can express a desire to be open to a next date if all goes well. New Baby – Peonies share wishes of good luck, future prosperity and health as well as help spread the happy news of a birth. Anniversary - Forget-me-nots are a wonderful flower for any anniversary as they indicate a promise to remember another always and that you are thinking of special memories between you. They also mean true love. New Job - Delphinium mean new opportunities, possibilities and even leadership, so these are very good to use as gifts or decoration when seeking a new job as well as celebrating landing one. Hospital Visit - Sunflowers are wonderful flowers for those who are unwell or facing health challenges. They mean strength, happiness, confidence and generally ‘get well soon’.
Birthday - Gerbera Daises are the perfect birthday flower. They mean happiness, celebration, appreciation and wishes for a happy life. House Warming - Cornflowers are wonderful to add to an occasion celebrating a new home because they speak of protection, new home blessings and new friendships. Funeral - These are very personal occasions but should you wish to give flowers which offer support then Heartsease are a compassionate way to say that you are thinking of those affected and that you are there for them. Wedding – If you would like to give flowers to someone to celebrate news of a wedding then you might consider a flowering cactus! They mean love which will always endure.
d Cheralyn Darcey is the author of “Flowerpaedia, 1,000 flowers and their meanings” (Rockpool Publishing) available at book stores and from online booksellers. She is an environmental artist, flower therapist and teacher who has had a lifelong connection with the spiritual and healing properties of plants. For the last 30 years, her art has been featured in workshops, exhibitions, art prizes and publications internationally. She was also a selected Environmental Artist in Residence at the International Environment Convention in 2011 and an Artist in Residence during the Year of Biodiversity, as well as presenting at the Australian Museum. Her other publications include the Australian Wildflower Reading Cards, Flower Reading Cards, and Florasphere Calm/ Florasphere Inspired coloring books. Rockpool Publishing www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au/ Flowerpaedia http://redwheelweiser.com/detail.html?id=9781925429466
Shannon Keith An Activist Attorney
Shannon Keith is an American animal rights lawyer, activist, and documentary director/producer. a multiaward-winning filmmaker and the founder and president of the non-profit organization, ARME (Animal Rescue, Media & Education) and it’s mission, Beagle Freedom Project (BFP). Shannon formed ARME in 2004, a non-profit rescue and advocacy group, in order to advocate for social change for animals, create new policies for the betterment of their welfare, and rescue animals in need. As a filmmaker, she focuses on stopping the problem at its roots through educational documentaries and has won several awards for her groundbreaking films exposing animal cruelty. Her first documentary, “Behind the Mask,” explores the underground world of those activists who break the law to save animals. “Skin Trade,” her second documentary, exposes the cruelty, fraud and deception in the fur industry. Her third documentary, “Sanctuary,” which she just completed, delves into the world of primates exploited for the pet trade, entertainment and testing, and ultimately ending in sanctuaries. Her first two films garnered several awards including best documentary feature at festivals nationally and internationally. 20 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
with Shannon Keith
Shannon as an activist and rescuer, saves dogs, cats and other animals from abuse, neglect and imprisonment, and organizes campaigns against animal exploiting industries, such as the Beagle Freedom Project, rescuing animals from laboratories. Since 2010, Beagle Freedom Project has rescued over 1500 animals from laboratories, where they were experimented on for cosmetics, products and drugs. These animals would have been otherwise killed after the experiments ended, but BFP, with its inventive campaign, secures the release of these animals, finds them loving homes and educates the public about the fraudulent practices of animals testing via these incredible ambassadors. BFP also focuses on changing laws. Since 2014, BFP has passed its signature legislation, “The Beagle Freedom Bill” in five states, making it mandatory to release dogs and cats
after testing instead of killing them. This is the first step of many towards ending testing and is the only law that recognizes the value of animals beyond being used as subjects. BFP also has an innovative app for the smart phone called “Cruelty Cutter.” This app has since revolutionized shopping, allowing the user to simply scan a barcode to learn if a product is tested on animals. It works world-wide and also serves as a form of activism, as the user can tweet, Facebook and even email a company from the app that they refused to purchase their products because they are tested on animals. Shannon lives in Los Angeles, CA with her two rescued dogs, Cha Cha (a Chihuahua) and Gracie Mae (a pitbull) and two rescued cats - Chester and Faith. all rescued from shelters, as well as two cats and one rabbit (rescued from animal testing).
To Help please visit: www.rescuefreedomproject.org The Eden Magazine supports BFP
Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) is a unique program, run by the national non-profit Animal Rescue, Media, and Education (ARME), which painstakingly negotiates with laboratories across the world for the release of all dogs and other animals. In turn, BFP helps give animals a chance at a normal home life, following everything they have endured for vanity and scientific curiosities. The organization uses the rescues as a vehicle to draw public attention to the plight of animals languishing in labs, and to promote the cruelty-free lifestyle choices everyone can make. The rescued animals act as public ambassadors who give animal-testing victims an actual face, and remind the public that these animals are not just furry little test-tubes, but dogs no different than their own. To date, Beagle Freedom Project has rescued over 900 animals, including Beagles, mixed breed dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, pigs, fish, guinea pigs, rats, mice, ferrets, and goats. BFP has given hope and homes to these research animals in 39 states and 9 countries. Their stories of survival have been covered extensively by local and national media, such as CNN, NBC Nightly News, HLN, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Yahoo! News, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and many more. BFP has an ambitious immediate and long-term agenda that is both political and pragmatic. The organization is always working towards the release of more animals, and the end to animal testing all together through its legislation and innovative programs. BFP’s signature legislation, The Beagle Freedom Bill, which mandates post-research releases of dogs and cats from testing, has been passed in 5 states, and is pending in several others. There are nearly 400 labs in the U.S. that use close to 70,000 dogs (96% are beagles) every year. Because so many labs kill the animals instead of releasing them, BFP has advanced this legislation to authorize their release. This legislation will guarantee the dogs’ freedom, and attract positive press attention to this hidden issue. The use of beagles in labs and all animal testing facilities will only end once people are informed. BFP runs nationwide outreach and educational campaigns to raise awareness of animal-testing, as well as steps people can take to help stop it! This includes educational campaigns like “Skype in the Classroom,” teaching thousands of children worldwide about animal testing, and BFP’s Cruelty Cutter app, making ethical shopping a breeze! (www.cruelty-cutter.org) BFP is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, a DBA of ARME: all donations made to it are tax-deductible. Beagle Freedom Project has just expanded and changed its name to Rescue + Freedom Project, because it has always rescued all animals and all breeds from captive cruelty.
Photo by Brenda Saint Hilaire Photography 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
VEE FAUNA Helping Venezuela Children & Animals in need
Due to the unfortunate situation that Venezuela faces today it has become increasingly difficult for people and even more for animals to survive. There is a great lack of food, medicines and 1st hand necessities, this, together with a huge inflation and devaluation of the Bolivar, makes it almost impossible to have access to these items at a price that can be afforded by most people. If found. Due to this situation Maria Conchita Alonso created VEE FAUNA 2018, a benefit event that brought help to 5 nonprofit Animal Foundations in all of Venezuela and "Luchemos por la Vida" (Fight for Life). Registered as a 501c3 in the US, this foundation is run by a priest and various nuns who take care of 2 orphanages, one of them with 300 children infected with HIV, and a home for elderly individuals with disabilities. Zoo animals also suffering in this difficult time in Venezuela. The event, the organization of VEE FAUNA, opened the doors to help those in need. Every year we will be helping different foundations. Together we can be the voice of those who have none, not only for those in Venezuela but throughout the world. Help save them with your love and support. Special Thank you to our sponsors; Lamboghini Winery, (Brand Ambassadors; Susanne Migdal and Gloria Kisel-Hollis) and Suzan Hughes founder of S.H.E. The Eden Magazine and many more.
Maria Conchita Alonso interview with Angie Perez
We would like to know a bit more about the altruistic side of Maria Conchita Alonso. Which causes are you most passionate about? I like to help, any cause, it makes me happy. But the ones that are really in my heart are the ones for those that have no voice, the animals and children, and the invisible ones, the elderly.
ple and animals are dying. Then, many families who leave the country leave their pets behind, either with a family member, a friend or just as simple as dropping them off on the streets, I have never seen so many pets abandoned like in these past years, and it is going to get worse. It is so painful to see all the poodles, Labradors, golden retrievers, Chihuahuas, thrown everywhere, left there to die.
Have you always been an animal activist? Since when did you become an animal lover? I have always loved them, there was always a pet at home, my parents loved them. When I was a baby we had a dog and a cat (although my first real one was when I was in my 30's, her name was Sabana, I rescued her from the Venezuelan jungle where I was shooting the opening of a soap opera). I grew up with dogs, and we've had a monkey, horse, birds, parrots, hamster, even an alligator! But I became an activist through a friend of mine when I stopped eating meat seeing the suffering of animals.
Innocent babies that were not homeless dogs, don't know how to survive on the streets, to defend themselves... something happens with cats. AND, for the first time EVER! people are eating dogs.
Several years ago, “People En Español” stated in a headline you were “The Vouce for the Animals.” Have you always helped them? How so? When I started, there was no Facebook or Twitter, much less Instagram, so I did my activism through e-mails to help animals in the USA, mostly in California, with a few exceptions. Then Twitter appeared: I became addicted to it, and started working out of there, and then I saw the situation in Venezuela, how many foundations there are, and how little help they get (none from the regime), so I started working "heavy duty" to save "Venezuelan lives"; and now with Instagram, more than ever... I am here to spread the word around of what is happening and ask for help. There is a huge group of foundations and all these internet tools have allowed us to help from anywhere in the world. We ask people to help with fostering, finding them a forever home, we ask for donations to buy food, pay the vet, for transportation, medicine. What is the current situation of animals in Venezuela? Oh my God... Because of the daily devaluation of the Bolivar, our currency, like, today 1 dollar is 630.000 bs... but tomorrow it could go up to 800 or 900, that is why peo-
What Can People do in order to help animals, not just in Venezuela but all over the World? We need to educate people. We need them to know that they have feelings like us. They understand, sense what is going on. They are so intelligent! People don't realize that they need the same things we do. Love, respect, education, food, time with them. You can't just buy an animal as a baby and then throw away when they grow up, they are part of the family! You can't just tie them up and leave them alone the whole day. They will love you and protect as long as you love and protect them. Something great to do when you go out, especially in countries like ours, keep always food and water in your car. You see a homeless dog or cat? Please feed them. You see one of them hurt on the streets, if you have time, don't just take a photo and leave, take him to a vet, to your home, to a friend, or to a foundation; there are so many activists, so many foundations that all they do the whole day long is save lives, they, and us, will help find the money to pay the bills, or to find a foster home until a real family appears, they will help, but you have to do so too. If you can donate 1, 2, 3 dollars a week, if everyone could donate 5 dollars a week, EVERYONE, a change can happen. If everyone could have ONE animal from a shelter and be their "godmother, godfather" a change can happen. You can also help a lot in the internet. Retweet. Repost. It is VERY much needed that people know what is going on and how we can save our four legged friend.
Why are you against the use of fur? Because of the way they obtain the fur is cruel and inhuman. Quiet often the animal is still alive. Many of them are born and raised in farms, many have never seen the sun, touched the grass, nor received a human loving touch. They are in cages knowing/feeling what is coming to them. Hearing the screams of the ones already taken... for "you" to look "beautiful". I would love to put in a room a bunch of people, lots of celebrities that wear fur, and show them a video of how it happens, have them hear their screams... I assure you they will never EVER will wear fur again in their life. Where does the idea of “Vee Fauna” Foundation come from? I have been helping with my own money for years, I thought it wasn't a big deal, 10 dollars here, 15, 20, 25, but when you do that every week to help different foundations or/and people, it adds up. So my accountant told me I should stop, although now I could not... I could not disappear from their lives, so I created "Vee Fauna".
When I created VeeFauna it was not only for us to do an event twice a year, I want this to become an international organization like Humane Society, Peta, etc. Where all year around they receive donations and help thousands of animals. That is one of the dreams my team and I have, to save, with the help of the foundations and "everyday people", as many possible lives as we can all year around. How can our readers help these causes? Are there any websites to facilitate donations year round? At the moment we are working on making Vee Fauna a non-profit foundation, meanwhile we will continue with Luchemos Por La Vida (Fight For Life), the non-profit foundation that has an orphanage and abandoned old people with disabilities, with whom we did our first event and will do the next one. So, for now, you can help by sending a check to them at: Bank of America, written to Luchemos Por La Vida, Acct #: 8980 7533 4735, but because they receive donations from different people, companies, countries, etc. to not get confused, you should write below in the memo the name of our Org. VEE FAUNA.
You just had your first event in Los Angeles, hosted by Vee Fauna. Which non-profits are you helping right now? It was such a success! We were so happy! Not only did we help those 6 foundations that we had chosen out of hundreds (each time we will choose different ones) but we made enough money to help others, we are still helping! I put a team of friends together and we worked SO hard!, most of us doing this for the first time... It was crazy and very hectic, many nights I had anxiety, but we did it! It was such a great event! Live music, singers, a casino, silent auction, the energy was amazing. How often do you plan on having this type of event? Annually? Several times per year? Would it always be held in L.A.? Twice a year, once in L.A. and the other one at another city. Why did you decide to combine animals with children suffering HIV and abandoned elderly? What’s their common bond? We want to be the voice of those who have none. Animals, babies/children and abandoned 3rd age people have no voice. So, as long as they don't have one, we MUST be theirs. The connection amongst them for me is that they all have a heart that beats, feelings, they need love, attention, support, food, a home. (and for me, they all also have a soul...). How would you like to take this initiative? 29 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
It might seem like stating the obvious, but when you feel down, your posture slumps and your head hangs low. Even if you fight it, when you are feeling low your impulse is to stoop your body in a downward direction. What might not be as obvious is that your posture can also perpetuate, or cause you to feel, a certain way and that changing your posture can change your mood and mind. Richard Petty, Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University, explains that the brain has areas that reflect feelings such as confidence, and when the specific area is triggered it is difficult to tell the difference between natural confidence and temporary confidence as a result of standing up straight. The brain responds in the same way to both. So your confidence can make you stand upright and standing upright can create confidence. The same applies to smiling. You can feel happy and smile naturally and you can smile to make you feel happier. Choosing to smile is seen to yield the same warm effects as smiling naturally, such as increasing ‘feel-good’ hormones like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, reducing the stress hormone cortisol, increasing relaxation and increasing the sense of pleasure in doing a task. Try it out for yourself. First try standing or sitting in a slouched position and look downwards. How do you feel now, and what kinds of thoughts come to mind? Notice this for a few moments. Then contrast this by righting your posture, perhaps holding your chin up and chest open in a way that feels comfortable. Notice how your feelings and your outlook might shift along with your posture. Now add even a small smile even if you don’t feel like it and track how your body responds. Stay with this awareness for a few moments to absorb the feelings. Another way that changing your posture can change your mind is in relation to qualities or personality traits such as confidence and loving kindness. For example, if you stand with your hands on your hips and expand your chest area, as if making yourself bigger, and hold this pose for just 2 minutes, it has been scientifically proven to increase confidence and reduce anxiety. Contrast this with placing a hand on your heart. Notice how you might feel different now to when your hands were on your hips, possibly awakening in you a desire to be more sincere and caring towards yourself and others. You cannot fundamentally change who you are or what your natural personality is, but you can use these kinds of postural shifts to increase your access to different traits that could be helpful in different situations.
Experimenting with your body in these kinds of ways can be empowering, giving you a sense of how changing your body can change your mind, your mood and your outlook. Extract from chapter 3 of The Mindful Body, by Noa Belling (Rockpool Publishing, 2018)
Noa Belling is a psychotherapist and bestselling author. Her previous books include the international bestseller, The Yoga Handbook, Yoga: A Union of Mind and Body, and Yoga for Ideal Weight and Shape. Noa holds a masters degree in Somatic Psychology, which is a field that incorporates body awareness and physical movement in the psychotherapeutic process. Her latest book, The Mindful Body, offers practical strategies for building emotional strength and managing stress through body mindfulness. Mindful Body, Rockpool Publishing https://www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au/ http://redwheelweiser.com/detail.html?id=9781925682182 website; www.noabelling.com
with Margaret Tomaszewicz
The Importance of Ending Testing on Animals Part 2
By Margaret Tomaszewicz
Testing on animals started in the United States in 1938 when the FDA passed a law requiring all drugs must be tested on animals to assure these drugs are safe for human consumption. Since then all new drugs been tested this way. Although the law only applies to medical drugs, many companies test other products such as cosmetics, cleaning products and pesticides on animals. For cosmetic tests, bunnies, mice, guinea pigs and monkeys are used the most. These animals are put into small cages, tortured and blinded. They live in constant fear and often die from these experiments. The most stunning fact is that animal testing is not only cruel but also unnecessary. - Today we already have thousands of ingredients that are proven safe. - Because animals and humans are genetically different, the results from testing are not even accurate. - The FDA does not require cosmetics to be tested on animals. As a matter of fact the FDA supports finding ways to assure the safety of products without testing on animals. However, all over-the-counter medicines or their ingredients are tested on animals as required by FDA. - There are other methods of testing, using computer simulation to replicate human tissue on microchips. We can easily use new technology to replace animal testing. Many countries all over the world like India, Israel, Norway and the European Union have already banned animal testing for cosmetics. Unfortunately many products are being manufactured and or sold in China where animal testing is required by law. An estimated 300,000 animals die in Chinese labs every year. According to PETA, cosmetics like Dior, Estee Lauder, Gucci, Bliss, Benefit and Clinique sell their products in China and therefore must be tested on animals.
selling of products that are tested on animals. By supporting companies that are cruelty-free, we are sending a powerful message to the whole cosmetics industry. They must know that they will lose our business unless they stop testing on animals. In my skin care studio, I like to ask my clients what products they use at home. All of my clients do not support testing on animals but unknowingly use products that do just that. So please look for the cruelty-free bunnies logos below which assure a product is cruelty-free. To search for cruelty free products visit: https://features.peta.org/cruelty-free-company-search/index.aspx Please check your make-up bags and cleaning supplies to see if you find any products that you use are on this list and please replace them with the ones that are cruelty-free. In next few months I will tell you about upcoming legislation to ban animal testing and how we can support them. To Your Health!
f Margaret Tomaszewicz is a licensed esthetician with over 25 years of experience. She is the owner of European Skin and Massage Studio in Santa Monica, California and has developed the Organic WODA European Natural Skin Care Line. Her products are available on wodaskincare.com and on Amazon.com
The only way this barbaric practice will change is if we all take a stand against it.
For every product sold WODA Skin Care plants a tree.
The best way to do this is to buy products that display cruelty-free logos and support laws that will prohibit the
Margaret can be reached at 424-279-9771 or europeanskinandmassagestudio@gmail.com wodaskincare.com
Reclaming Your True Self with Angela Dunning
Practicing Our Profession with Humility By Angela Dunning
Gaining a professional qualification to help others does not automatically mean that I am healed and that all of my personal issues are now resolved. Some people in the therapeutic and healing professions unfortunately get caught up this particular mind-trick that our Ego likes to play on us: That once we receive our certification we are somehow miraculously well and healed and no longer have any issues of our own. It seems that stepping into a helping role for those who come to us with “issues” and in need of healing, can sometimes trigger an unbalanced response in our ego where we begin to believe we no longer have any issues, or we forget that we are in fact still a vulnerable, wounded and flawed human being. While it is true that we do indeed step into a different, professional role when helping other people, which comes with responsibilities and remunerations, it is imperative that we always keep a close eye on this balance in order to keep our ego in-check. The best and most authentic way I have found to do this is to practice humility so that we can practice with humility when helping others. In many Shamanic traditions and practices humility is at the core of their approach to living in harmony with nature, Spirit and the Universe. Central to this approach is believing in equality with all life forms, valuing all life as sacred, and knowing that there is a greater force at work guiding our lives than merely our clever-old sophisticated minds. All of this places humans in a much more humble and egalitarian relationship with others and avoids the pitfalls of an over-inflated ego who believes in themselves too much. Here are a few suggestions for practicing humility: • Keeping our feet on the ground, being grounded and close to nature is an extremely effective way of keeping ourselves real, honest and humble. Daily practices, meditations, prayers, body and breathing-exercises which keep our feet connected to Mother Earth enable us to move out of our ego and more into our “clay bodies”. We can then remember our true nature, connect to soul and spirit more easily and prevent ourselves from getting carried away with thinking, analysing or ego-games. A very practical and physical way to do this is to pray and meditate on our knees. This immediately takes us out of our ego, onto the earth and into a humble position.
• Remember that we learn and heal through our work with our clients as much as they do. It is always a twoway process. If we are awake, open and humble in our work then we receive learning, wisdom, and opportunities to grow that wouldn’t come along without our clients. In this sense, we need them as much as they need us in order to really heal ourselves and hone our skills. • Avoiding language which plays ego’s game, e.g.: Expert, foremost, leading, the only person, or the most experienced. • Remaining a student and client ourselves. Continuing our own personal healing with whatever form of therapy or healing modality speaks to us, as well as continuing our professional learning post-qualification. • Not taking ourselves or our work too seriously! Another way that many spiritual and shamanic teachers work is through humour and keeping things light. We need to lighten up! Laughter is great medicine for bringing us back down to earth, to the here and now and for softening our edges around our rigid ego. A professional certificate is a wonderful achievement but is by no means the end of the road. On the contrary, in my experience I have found that is simply another beginning. A stepping-off into a deeper layer of healing and learning that comes hand-in-hand with the new role we are moving into. Keeping ourselves humble from this point forward is vital for both our own and our clients’ healing.
e Angela Dunning is the author of The Horse Leads the Way: Honoring the True Role of the Horse in Equine Facilitated Practice. You can learn more about Angela; her work helping people and horses reclaim their wildness, and read more of her articles at: www.thehorsestruth.co.uk You can also connect with Angela on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehorsestruth or www.thehorsestruth.co.uk 39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
with Juan Bastos
Immortalizing Gore Vidal’s Cheekbones By Juan Bastos Photos by Tom Parry
When I was asked to paint a portrait of Gore Vidal, scenes from his life flashed by: with his half-sister Jackie Kennedy, his close friend, Tennessee Williams, Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, his legendary feud with William F. Buckley, not to mention his towering literary canon. My portrait was going to be used for the cover of The Gay and Lesbian Review, a literary magazine based in Boston. Fortunately, Gore had moved from his cliffside villa in Ravello on the Italian Amalfi coast to his home in Los Angeles, and a meeting was arranged for the initial sitting for taking pictures. It was an afternoon in the fall of 2006 when I rang the bell at his beautiful Mediterranean home in the Hollywood hills. As I entered a very large living room, Gore was sipping a whiskey, while his cat “Baby” sat nearby. “What would you like to drink,” he asked, “Whiskey, gin or vodka?” It was three p.m. and I replied a glass of water would be fine. Gore was 81 years old and the good looks he was known for had faded, however he exuded a presence and charisma that was like a good vintage wine. The room was beautifully decorated with many of the furnishings he’d brought from Italy. An extremely large 18th century painting was attached to the ceiling, the only “wall space” Gore was able to find for the piece. Several beautifully framed photos decorated the surfaces of tables, amongst them one of Jackie when she was First Lady with a warm inscription, one of Gore with Princess Margaret, and a few of his string of dogs, all named “Baby Rat.” We talked about writers, and bonded over the fact that we’d both enjoyed reading Thomas Mann’s, The Magic Mountain, when we were teenagers, and that we’d both reread it as soon as we’d finished it. I decided to take pictures outside in the garden near the swimming pool, where the light was better and more dramatic than indoors. When I mentioned to Gore about his powerful looks, he replied, “It’s all here,” pointing to his cheekbones, “If you don’t have this, just forget it.” Back in my studio I worked on the portrait for a couple of weeks, based on the photos, and then through his assistant, scheduled a live sitting. I’d created a head-and-shoulders-sized pastel of an informally dressed Gore, wearing a cardigan sweater. Gore sat for me, and although he liked the portrait, he barked, “I don’t have those jowls,” and soon after, thanks to a few strokes of my fingertips, I had erased ten years. He was pleased to notice a resemblance with his father, who he told me he looked like a fox. Then he compared my work with John Singer Sargent, which was very flattering.
Before I left the house, I mentioned what a great experience it was to meet him and to do his portrait, to which he replied, “Mi casa es su casa.” Our meeting evolved into a friendship over the next few years, and every time I went to visit him, I would rush back to my car and write down as many of his witty and entertaining remarks as I could remember. During the Biden-Palin TV debate, he yelled at the screen, “How humiliating for Biden to be sharing the stage with a waitress.” A photo of his friend Christopher Isherwood, who wrote The Berlin Stories, the basis for the play and film, Cabaret, was on his bedtable. I told him I was a good friend of Don Bachardy, Isherwood’s long-time partner. Don had told me that when Chris spoke German, he had a working class accent because he’d learned it from hustlers in Berlin. Gore replied, “The things one can pick up for ten dollars.” Gore is gone now, but those cheekbones have been immortalized and now live in close proximity to my memories of our delightful time together. Juan Bastos is widely known for his several hundred portrait commissions over the past three decades in the U.S., South America, and Europe. He has also been featured in a number of one-man and group shows, the most recent being his November 2017 retrospective of 40 California portraits at Denenberg Fine Arts in West Hollywood. Mr. Bastos lives in Los Angeles and a selection of his work can be viewed at www.juanbastos.com.
By Ellen Tadd
Photo by Katerina Plotnikova Photography
Minding Our Words By Ellen Tadd
Telepathy is the language of communication in the spiritual realm. Imagine knowing the thoughts of all the people around you and having all your thoughts revealed without speaking. No one could manipulate or pretend to be other than who they are. All our motivations, fears, and loves would be exposed. Here on earth, our thoughts also influence our lives and the environment around us in significant ways, but not as quickly or as completely. We need to rely on verbal and written words to express our thoughts and how we give voice consciously or unconsciously has great power. Words can heal, words can harm, words can motivate, words can discourage, impacting the quality of all our relationships. I often feel that words are very much like knifes or fire. They are important tools, but if misused they can quickly turn destructive.
People often express words without giving them a thought, like “I’m fine” when they actually feel in turmoil or physically ill? Using words unconsciously can make it difficult to experience connection with others, and yet, telling everyone all the details of our inner life is not appropriate, nor do we have enough time to have deep and substantive conversations with all the people that we interact with in a day. Recognizing the power of words, How can we use them with integrity and appropriateness? Here is a silly little example. When people ask me, “How are you?” My most recent response has been “I am many things.” I’ve decided that this answer is honest, up beat, but not too revealing in the midsts of a quick interaction. Often people laugh. I’m simply suggesting that being thoughtful in how we use language is important, even in a causal conversation. Words can be used unconsciously without the awareness of their influence, unscrupulously to mislead, or skillfully to navigate beneficial outcomes. But surely we can’t live a life of integrity, one of actualizing our best, without minding our words. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people tell others what they want to hear, because of the desire to be liked or to avoid conflict. We live in a culture where lying has become an accepted epidemic, the manipulation of words to get what we want without regard to the consequences for others or the world at large. At the other extreme, many repress their words for fear of causing emotional pain, the fear of being judged, or simply a lack of confidence. Either holding back our personal expression or aggressively using language for only personal gain leads to an array of problems. A mature approach to the wise use of language considers others, while simultaneously demands that we develop a tough skin, in order to become comfortable to have the frank yet loving conversations necessary to support each other’s growth and to hold us all accountable for our behavior. Through the years I’ve heard many stories from clients who don’t feel free to openly express themselves for fear of losing their job or sending a relationship into turmoil. Just think of the news stories about Harvey Weinstein and the large number of women who have been afraid to talk about how he misused his power to take advantage of them. This brings up a fundamental question. What is more important getting what we want or actualizing our best? If getting what we want is the primary goal, then it becomes much easier to become a victim. My spiritual guides who have been my teachers define fulfillment as self-actualization, rather than our cultural definition of getting what we want. This is not to say that we should all blurt out all our feelings, but rather to recognize from 44 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
a spiritual perspective that this is our earth school and circumstances are put before us for our lessons to be learned. I realize that using words wisely is not always easy. It requires working through fears, such as the fear of rejection or the fear of hurting people’s feelings. But ultimately the skill of using words wisely supports self-esteem, deepens relationships, and contributes to a world where people can begin to trust that what other’s say is what they actually mean.
Ellen Tadd is an internationally known clairvoyant counselor who has been teaching and counseling for more than forty years. She is widely respected for the integrity of her work the accuracy of her perceptions and guidance, and the clarity and usefulness of her teaching. Her work has been supported by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, the Marion Institute, Deepak Chopra, Child Spirit Institute, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Boston Center for Adult Education, among others. Her work has been covered in Newsweek, and Tadd has lectured across the country at colleges, universities, hospitals, and community groups. Tadd’s first book, Death and Letting Go, appeared on the Boston Globe bestseller list. Her latest book The Infinite View: A Guidebook for Life on Earth was published in March by Tarcher Perigee.
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Cat & Kitten for adoption
Cats At The Studios, Inc is a non profit rescue organization comprised entirely of volunteers. We are dedicated to nurturing, neutering/spaying, and finding a good homes for abononed cats and Kitten. We are looking for volunteers and help please contact us at CatsAtTheStudios@yahoo.com
with Roxana Jones
Four best ways to prevent depression
and suicidal thoughts By Roxana Jones
“I felt utterly exhausted that night, so worn out I didn’t want to live anymore. I showered thousands of kisses on my daughters. I told them how much I loved them and waited until they fell asleep. I was so proud of them; they were the only thing that made me feel that my life had been worth living. My husband’s words during his last visit quickly left their effect on my sick mind and it wasn’t long before I convinced myself that, if I was that old and useless, there was nothing left to live for. Their grandmothers and my sister Betrys would take care of them once I was gone. Moreover, although Sebastián was a poor husband, he was a good father and they would be in good hands. It was already late that night when I locked myself in the bathroom, with a small, sharp knife I took from the kitchen. I spent several hours, seated on the cold marble floor, crying as quietly as I could, and playing around with my veins without finding the nerve to sink the knife in. I only managed to make a superficial cut in the skin of my left wrist, which bled a little. The thought of my daughters acted as a lifesaver. They were the angels who protected me in those moments of profound darkness. Their smiling little faces, their kisses, and the way they said, “I love you, Mommy” passed before me, ever more vividly. I couldn’t let my demons win this battle. Where was the girl whose desperate wish to live had beaten death some few times in her childhood? Where was my self-respect? I had to find it, to make the effort. The time to return to the other side had not yet come.” While I Was Learning To Become God Amazon Bestseller and Award Winner Book by Roxana Jones It seems almost impossible for me to consider I was the woman that lived this dark and tragic moment many years ago. At the age of 32, my lack of self-love led me to believe there was nothing else for me here on Earth. My negative self-talk had completely annulled the voice of my heart, the voice that had been trying to save me for so along.
The world can seem so unfair and pointless for so many of us. The tragic deaths of many public figures who have committed suicide over the past years, makes me realize how fortunate I am to be able to be alive and writing about my experiences, after rising above my depression and suicidal thoughts on that night back in 1998, when I tried cutting my wrists. It’s hard to describe in one article all that I have to say as a survivor of this very dangerous condition so many people, without distinction of any kind, are currently suffering throughout the world. However, I will share four lessons I learned while I was healing myself, which helped me to achieve a fulfilled life and never go back to experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts. 1. Differentiate between the ego-mind and the true Self. Inside of you there are two voices talking to you all the time. The negative and ‘louder’ voice is always giving you the type of advice that keeps you in the comfort zone, procrastinating, stagnant, not achieving any type of improvement, or reproducing more of the old habits and addictions that make you feel unhappy and hopeless. The positive and ‘softer’ voice, on the other hand, is always finding ways to get listened by you amidst all the negativity that constantly flows to you from the collective unconscious. With just one single whisper, that soft voice can make you feel so loved and at peace; listening to it simply feels so right… So, where are these voices coming from? The negative voice always comes from what I call the egomind (other names for it are devil, demon, darkness, evil, and so forth,) and the positive voice always comes from our true Self (God, Spirit, Divine Self, Higher Self, Heart, and so forth.)
To acknowledge these two voices on a daily basis and to only follow the positive one is key to go beyond any state of depression. In my personal case, once I learned to differentiate the two voices, I was able to begin my healing process by remembering that who had been ‘suggesting’ me to take my own life, had been my ego-mind, not my true Self. This was so liberating and empowering. It allowed me to never look back and to stay focused on the voice of my true Self. Any desire of staying in a depressive state, or any suicidal thought you may experience, ALWAYS comes from the ego mind as your true Self will never want to harm you in anyway. 2. Understand the difference between a habit and/or addiction and a choice. Habits and addictions are those behaviors and mental patterns you are constantly repeating, without even knowing you are doing them. The promoter of any bad habits or addictions is the egomind. One of the decisions I took that helped me to understand my habits and addictions was to forgive myself and then have the courage to accept I was addicted to many things, some very harmful, others not so much. Now, here’s the stepping-stone: once you can identify or become aware of your habits or addictions, once you "know" of your habit or addiction, it becomes your choice to continue repeating it or stopping it for good. This step can be life-changing, because once you turn your habit or addiction into a choice you have been unconsciously taking, you immediately gain your power back and realize you are the only one in control, and then YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENT CHOICE. 3. Take full responsibility for your healing, and feel ready for it. There are many wonderful treatments, therapies, techniques, and so many qualified people that can help while you are in the process of healing and improving your life. However, the how or who are not what matter the most when it comes to conquering depression and suicidal thoughts. Individually, you are the only one who can make any healing process offered by others work. You are the only one who can believe in your power to overcome anything. And you are the only one who can learn to master your
own ego-mind on a consistent basis, so that all negativity can leave your life for good. 4. Have a clear life purpose. You tend to identify yourself with the roles you play in your life. You can certainly be a mom, a dad, a wife, a husband, an employee, a business owner, a professional, a friend, a lover, and so on. That’s all good, but none of these roles are the true reason why you are here on planet Earth, they are only a small part. You must go beyond all the roles you have, you must go deep inside yourself to discover your most authentic life purpose. Why? Because you will feel as if something is missing if you don’t, and also because once you find it, you won’t depend on any "role" to be happy and fulfilled. In other words, if tomorrow, God forbid, you lose the love of your life, or your dream job, or anything that means the world to you, you will still be content and imperturbable just because your life has meaning and purpose, and no matter what happens with the people and circumstances in your reality, you can stay motivated and move on simply because you know your calling, and you know how important it is for you to reach the finish line. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share your comments or questions and feel free to share this article if you know someone who will find it useful. May you always listen to the positive voice that is the only one whispering words of Truth… Until next time,
, Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul are successful copreneurs and philanthropists who have been working together since 2009. Through their different online ventures, Roxana and Arnaud empower individuals and businesses through the common goal of promoting the growth and expansion of positivity around the world. Up to now, Roxana and Arnaud have inspired 40M people on social media and their HealThruWords® online community counts with 200,000+ members. Please visit healthruwords.com
Be Mindful, Be Heartful, Be Empowered
Roxana Jones Arnaud Saint-Paul
with Michael White Ryan
By Michael White Ryan It’s the ultimate mindset massage, what was is. Do the lessons from experience, even exist, choices are endless. Which do I choose? You remember reading about choice in an entrepreneur’s book or magazine. Now lost between all the hype and confusion, it inevitably comes down to choosing. Any purpose will do, it fits in with everyone’s social acceptable construct, I’ll take the popular purpose! Consider for a moment, if one adopted this process and then applied for a US patent, once accepted, you and your next forever generations would never have to work. Never ever again. Caution, contents, what? Our world is now drowning in self-expression, it is the new addiction! Conceived in a wasteland of endless human emotions. Birthed from the bowels of past unsolved unaccountable experiences. Not that it hasn’t always been here. A tipping point has emerged and contaminated the masses. We feed off it like staving dogs competing for inclusion, is it a good thing, is it a bad thing, it’s neither, our life exudes the results. As a species we are experimenting with self-expansion, not to be mistaken for evolution as that is an entirely different subject, left for another time.
Today, self-expression explodes out from our senses, captured by the wonders of smell, flavors, taste, laughter, heartfelt feelings, love, imagination and connection. The big question, who is this “i” experiencing all these tasty delights. Could it be just the animal/creature aspect of self. No wonder we related to that movie “The Shape of Water”. Are we a creature fleeing into new hidden/found innocent experiences to tantalize those naive unexpressed feelings/emotions? These are todays safety distraction-drugs, addictions in our parallax evolutionary experiences. Unfortunately, our animal may discover he/she is on an incorrect playing field. For in essence. we are not an animal/ creature!!! Society demands we all feel good about who we are we demand how others see us, hence the fascination with another addiction the “so-we-don’t-get-left-out-of-the-got-to-have-products” BE THE TRIBE!!!. Time is definitely on a fast-paced increase, it has become the tortoise and is now years in-front of any humans predetermined calendar. Do we even know where we are, constantly distracted passionately about creating enjoyable sensory experiences, and it’s by choice? Heading down pathways believing we need to feel good about a purpose driven self, which self. There is no time for hesitation, no space to ask the simple questions, are we making a positive impact while watching garbage grow. We contemplate ideas that life is about purpose, experience, getting in touch with nature, with our spiritual self. Have you ever noticed, life grows/evolves in a set of sequences? If this is the case, then what is my/yours/ ours individual sequences? Who do you ask, where is it hiding? The endless antidotes lectured/written across the entire globe, over time dissolve into nothing more than some concocted idea soaked in a meism valued-needed manifestation, supposedly priority paid by the universe, arriving overnight. It had to happen, it was expected, our innocence demanded it. We now, finally turned the curve, experimenting in realms of humanism is our future. We, the collective have been stuck in a repetition-survival time zone for far to long. Yes, we are leaving those “once upon a time stories” behind us forever. It has been a deliberately placed anchor around our personal/collective evolution for eons.
The intelligent creative ones have crossed a line. How far, is greater than any conceived realization. Being great at what they do is no excuse for their blind conscious indulgence swamped in egoic self-consumption. Every action/mindset is a “seed for consequences tomorrow”. The ongoing catch cry, change takes time, life was not meant to be easy, by those who have the power to make things good are still talking/walking down the bypass lanes. Is it up to us absolutely! Can we do it absolutely! Take yourself beyond the boundaries of ones existing-limited-knowledge. When knowledge comes out of us, it has been confined. Develop your awareness skills for that which exists outside of mind, when we allow current information to permeate, feed us, we may just stand a chance of unbecoming. Once developed, acted upon, then release it back into whence it came, for life is constantly offering you, your next incoming replacement. Blessings to one and all….
t Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Eastern philosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants. They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Carlsbad CA.. www.languageofspace.com
Message from the Goddess Mother
Photo by Katerina Plotnikova Photography 54 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings on this glorious day! Many are present with us to support this special message offered today, that it may be received with open hearts and minds. As we look upon the horizon of what is to come forth in the days ahead, we are filled with great joy. The beautiful lights that dance in the skies above are shinning messages of the wonders about to unfold. Messages that are both peaceful and yet filled with joyful excitement. There are many new beginnings for our Beloved Gaia and for us all as we embark on greater potentials and possibilities ever known to humanity before. Celebrate these words My Beloveds for your hearts have been in prayer for the days ahead for a very long time. There shall be great singing in the heavens above as choirs of angels take to expressing this great joy. Your hearts will lift in song with them for the days of joy which will unfold. Let us talk for a moment about the gift of those blessed ones who hold positions in the angelic realms. They are not only messengers of love, truth, unity and joy, but they
also offer to each one to be in service of assisting in their journeys of life. They live to please and uplift, to remind of the divine that is the truth of all. They are of pure in heart and only will take steps to assist you in ways that are aligned with divine principles of truth. They are always compliant with the light, and with the Creator’s plan. They work in the realms of divine principles of truth, lightness and love, always honoring and devoted to the divine. Whenever you desire assistance for anything in life, you may call upon them. They are already aware of you and your situation and know how to best assist. They will never cross the boundaries of free will, for they honor your choice to experience as well as the divine principles that are part of the Creator’s plan. However, if you desire for your burden to be lifted, to have a clearer vision of what would be a better path for you, they can assist. All you do is ask and allow yourself to receive. You can do this through prayer or just with intention of connecting and make your request with a grateful heart for their loving service.
Many times you have been assisted in your life. Now you can become more aware of this loving support. Angels are here to assist you to remember your divinity. They do so in love. It is their great joy to fulfill their sacred missions of heart. As we move through today and the days ahead, call upon them often. They will assist you to focus, to recognize the greater vision of what is possible. They will help to uplift your spirit, guiding you, helping you find the answers that you are seeking. There is such glory that awaits you. To step onto the lighter pathways is to reach for that glory. It is your birthright, your destiny and you are ready. As a gift today I offer you a greater connection to your angels that are specifically here to assist you. This gift offered today for you to choose if you desire, is for the song of the angels to be heard in your heart as a constant. Imagine when you focus on your heart to feel, sense, know and hear the song of the angels. How delightful to know they are with you always. How wonderful to feel the vibrations and frequencies of the angelic choir present in your heart!. To accept this gift gently place your hand on your heart, and breath into your heart space. Say or think the words, “I accept the song of the angels into my heart. Thank you.” Now feel the sweetness of the angelic choir as they sing to you. They sing the song of truth, of joy and of the great love that the Creator has for you. Feel into the bliss. Bask in the lightness of heart and know you are so loved. Yes My Beloveds, you are so loved. It is time to remember and feel the call to be in your heart, where all truth is felt and known. The days ahead are filled with great promise. May you choose the pathways of greater joy offered to you. May you dance in the song of the angels and remember the bliss of our love. Shamon.” With great love, Your Beloved Mother
FREE CLASS: As a Gift I am offering you a Free Tele- Class, “Remember Who you are”. -Restore pathways to remembering the truth of yourself using the tools of SVH, a prayer modality that can shift the old stories, old beliefs and perceptions that are not relevant to your truth. -Receive tools that you can utilize in your life to further free yourself from the veils of forgetting -Take a journey to meet your true self and receive a priceless gift You will leave this class filled a greater vision of yourself and what is now possible for you. This class is a great joy bringer! Note: Register by subscribing by email at: www.jandiana.com (if the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)
2 Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes. http://www.jandiana.com Sessions and Classes by phone. You can reach her at website http://www.jandiana.com or by email sunsinyourheart@aol.com.
Beauty of Surrendering By Jayita Bhattacharjee
Crystal Ball Photography
There is a rapture in the soul surrender to this cosmic beauty, a peace amidst the wilderness of heart. There is a beauty, a poise, in the repeating tune of a universal rhythm. That dawn breaks in after a night and spring dances with the passing of winter. While we live in each passing season of life, let us take the moments to drink the waters of fleeting times, come as they may, and leave ourselves to the surging dance of life. Let these moments of splendor, this unending peace from the flowing waters flood your soul. Let them leave you with a seed of sympathy that sprouts in your aching soul, a strength in what stays behind, after all that passes, an enduring beauty carved in our hearts. The beauty that strikes our grieving souls, is an eternal one of an eternal 58 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
sunrise that which makes its way to create a season of new beginnings. The lingering sun on the horizon, its melting golden hues in the still waters charts our souls to something eternally serene that whispers of a new daybreak, a new inception awakening us. Every beginning is carved from an ending, that has been the pathway of the past, and the gateway to the future. This is the echo of God, an ageless truth. The brook of life never ceases to flow despite the rocks underneath the passing waters. Plunge your soul in this water and all you will feel is a healing caress as it is in its flow that you will find the pearls of timeless touch.
One that can revive the part of your soul that has died from an ache, the agony of an irreplaceable loss. And all that comes out is something heavenly where sunbeams meet this earth and co create a peace so timeless. The holding off and then the willingness to surrender, the push and pull of emotions, this is ultimately grand in the final analysis of life, as it keeps the pathways open, always inviting but never chasing, welcoming but never intruding. It never wears you down with its madness, your vision changes as you change, everything around you softens as you soften, all that you see melts as you melt in the joy of soul-surrender, a new madness is born in you, a madness to find a new purpose in life, a purpose that is going to bring you home again, a meaning that is going to reconcile you with yourself again. Our true peace unleashes when are no longer in battle with our souls, our true power shows up when we cease to be powerful, when we walk away from the relentless, unceasing battle for power, just when we stop struggling, does life start to flow again with ease, this is the peace that unfolds when you flow in the brook of surrender. There is a missing link betwixt compassion and surrender, the beauty of empathy takes you to the beauty of surrender that you need to behold, the ease, the sweetness with which you give out the essence of your fragrance, is the same ease with which you receive the beauty of life, the gift of compassion. Immerse in a total surrender to life, never try to question it. Let life take its course and you walk on its trail, let life lead you, guide you in the wildest adventure of it. Let life consume you with its passions, let life steal your heart with its beauty as it is this beauty, this charm, this enthrallment that never really dies away, while the rest withers with time. God seeded us with a light of life, a light that lies dormant, waiting to be awakened. Never resist life just surrender to it, as the pain that fills your eyes emerges from resisting, and it is peace that rises from surrendering, this gives the euphoric kiss of life, the loveliest breath that you ever had can only emerge from the beauty of surrendering. We tap into the wisdom that we dwell in a nothingness and everything else is led by the invisible godliness. Surrendering is embracing life every moment with whatever it brings, blessings or lessons. Acceptance or rejection of each gift need not engulf our thoughts, as in acceptance lies the serenity of our sanctum. As your soul bathes in the light of life, the peace of surrendering falls from the heart and finds it song on the lips. Seize the moment in its unceasing beauty, capture the moment in its timeless view before it becomes all a memory, behold the moment in its breathless wonders before
it becomes something to look back at, that is the art of living in a total surrendering. The pathway back to yourself, to your inner sanctuary, is to live in the beauty of surrender. Every moment becomes a moment of amazement, as we choose not to live in reason and intellect all the time, but to surrender ourselves and all that comes in our life to the divine. Everything in our lived is planned by a divine design and surrendering ourselves to that unknown gives us the joy of living life to the fullest. Intellect may not win its battle at times, and reason may not be able to give all that we need. It is in those moments, that we need to welcome the beauty of surrendering to the divine. It is in this beauty, that you see the divine smiling, the light beaming from the sanctuary, the light that shows us how to go with the flow of life. Surrendering is a way of saying that even though we fail to see where the river is flowing, but still we choose to be at peace with the flow, as this unfolding of life happens in the light of a divine design. Trust that all will be unfolded in time and let your trust flow in the act of surrendering.
t Jayita Bhattacharjee....born in Calcutta, India and later on pursued education from University of Houston in Economics, she had chosen her career as a trustee and teacher. Her Indian residence is in the vicinity of the famous Belurmath. Currently, she is settled in Tampa, Florida. Her love for writing on a journey of heart and soul was hidden all within. Looking at the moments captured in love and pain, joy and grief, the hidden tragedies of life...it was a calling of her soul to write with the ink that kept flowing from her heart. This is what gave her the fulfillment, the richness in her soul. Her books "The Ecstatic Dance of Life', " Sacred Sanctuary", " Light of Consciousness", "Dewdrops of Compassion" are meant to shed light on what guides a person to respond to the mystical voice hidden inside, to soar in a boundless expansion with the limitless freedom of spirit. "It is in the deepest joy that I write with every breath of mine." 59 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
with Tara-Jenelle Walsch
Turning theTide By Tara-jenelle Walsch There’s a strange sensation being experienced in the world right now. Have you noticed? If you listen carefully, you’ll likely hear a lot of talk around despair, confusion, disbelief and fear for the future. Most of us are struggling personally to stay balanced; financially, emotionally and physically. All of which takes daily strength, courage and trust. On top of that we are exposed to the weight of political chaos; provoking hostility, finger-pointing and side-taking. All of which creates irritation, animosity and separation. The unfavorable combination of personal struggle and worldwide chaos is shifting our universal energy. This shift in energy is the sensation I’m referring to—an “energetic sensation.” One constructed from a field of vibrations invisible to the human eye. The particular energetic sensation that I notice being experienced on the planet right now has a signature similar to a downward magnetic pull or tugging.
Have you felt it at all? This is what has so many of us anxiously spinning in circles, depleted and exhausted for no apparent reason, and feeling abnormally doubtful or illogically irritated. The good news is that we’re not victims of this downward pull. We can do something in response to its existence. In fact, doing so could be one of our greatest opportunities, as a whole, to energetically turn the tide of humanity. But to reverse our current situation we must first join forces with each other. By aligning our hearts and minds with unity and coming together as a team we can override the direction in which we are headed and collectively lift the energy back up. We have the ability to reshape society like this. And when we begin to consistently hold one another in a higher, harmonic vibration, we will create a Soulciety. But how? How can we build the tranquility of unity within a sandstorm? Simply put: By coming together. Currently, our spiritual, political and sexual disapproval of one another is scattered all over the place. Judgement and fear are ever-present. But it’s time to stop. It’s time to let go. It’s time to put our swords down and place our differences to the side so that we are open enough to listen without defense and feel safe enough to look one another in the eyes. Beliefs are limiting. There are no absolutes and yet we hold onto our opinions and beliefs as absolute. This energetically transforms humanity into one big lot of bumper cars because everything is constantly changing and everyone looks at things from a different perspective. It boils down to what feels good, which boils down to energy. And it’s our job to be aware of the personal energy we emit and to stay aligned with and grounded in the energy of the greater good for all. To not sit back in fear and get sucked into a windfall of negative energy by default. We need each other more than ever right now. We need to know that we aren’t alone. Actually, we need more than just “knowing” that we aren’t alone, we need to feel that we aren’t alone. When we genuinely feel that we aren’t alone our heart breathes in more hope than despair and we're filled with an undeniable sense of being embraced and protected—even, and especially, if we’re physically alone most of the time. Reassuring each other that we’re here for another is one of the first things we can do to start increasing unity. This will generate a sense of partnership so empowering that we’ll be urged to pass the feeling onto someone else, creating a domino effect in the direction of peace.
Another way to increase unity is by being a Walking Blessing. We can become this by extending kindness to all who cross our path, through our words, actions and self-expression. And by entering all interactions with only one agenda; the greatest good of the whole. Without the need for others to be a certain way. Without the mind judging and objecting, but rather the heart guiding our personal energy to exude a sense of invitation, with the nonverbal communication of, “I understand. I get it. I’m just like you.” One of the most natural ways to step into becoming a Walking Blessing is by simply reminding ourselves that we all just want to be loved. This is our greatest commonality. Love binds us all. But herein lies the catch: The prerequisite of it all is that we have to first retrieve the ability to be there for ourselves. To be kind to ourselves and love ourselves. Only then can we ensure that our own inner battery is charged enough to share clean and positive energy with others. We can start our own “self-charging” by increasing awareness around any energy we experience throughout the day that has a downward pull. Perhaps it's the big sighs we take, or the occasional negative comments we make. Maybe it's a critical inner dialogue, or even bigger still, “shutting down” and hiding out from others— protecting ourselves for no apparent reason. One way to activate a heightened self-awareness is to ask our true selves to guide and redirect us back to love the moment we experience a downward emotion. As we return to love internally, we’ll find it easier to then share love with others externally. Then others will be given the opportunity to receive our love and also share theirs. It’s helpful in such moments to look into each other’s eyes without turning away, and to express feelings from the heart, however they may fumble out. There is no right way, just a real way. Being honest, vulnerable and authentically who you are within your expression. This establishes a new sense of kinship, safety and togetherness. These small, yet courageous choices to consciously interact with ourselves and others will alter your personal energy which in turn will alter the energy of others, ultimately shifting humanity towards the greater good and the universal vibration that herds us all. This new dedication to unity will be energetically con-
tributing to a redefined society, creating a Soulciety… once a dream, yet so close to reality now with clear direction and fire in our bellies. We have the fortitude it takes to engage ourselves and others in this way. Together we can turn the tide. You in? RoadMap to Turning the Tide 1. Feel into and identify the current universal energy. 2. Remember you’re not a victim of negative energy or prey to a downward pull. 3. Make a commitment to be part of the solution and help reverse the energy. 4. Release your grip on old beliefs and opinions that you’ve been holding onto. 5. Dedicate to being part of creating a new-found unity. 6. Start with yourself by increasing awareness around the energy you emit. 7. Reassure others they aren’t alone through your words and actions. 8. Decide to be a Walking Blessing. Kindness will follow organically. 9. Feel into the lighter universal energy as it starts to emerge and extend it to others.
e Are you in a soul quandary? Feel free to ask Tara-jenelle for courageous insight. Submit your question to https://www.facebook.com/tarajenellewalsch Tara-jenelle Walsch is a monthly columnist for the Eden Magazine. She is the author of the book, Soul Courage, and the founder and spirit behind the Soulebrate greeting card company. You will also find her speaking publicly about emotional and energetic awareness, and a sacred formula which she believes has the ability to enrich the world at large. Tara-jenelle was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Towson University in Baltimore. She currently lives in the beautiful hills of Ashland, Oregon. www.soulcourage.com
The California Lebanese Ladies Organization Gala 2018 Dedicating to helping elderly
Photography by Jennifer Sharp
To care for those who once cared for us is the highest honor The California Lebanese Ladies Org was bestowed the 2018 CLLO Mother of the year award to Mrs. Badiha Alwan. The gala took place in Taglyan Complex in Los Anegles. The proceeds from the gala will be donated to the homes of the elderly in Lebanon. Over 18 years ago, Mrs. Susan Nahas started a non-profit organization to raise money and support the homes of the elderly in Lebanon. The organization grew to become The California Lebanese Ladies Organization, also known as the CLLO. In February 2016, the CLLO was incorporated as an independent tax exempt entity, headquartered in Glendale, CA. This is an American organization formed under the law of the State of CA as a non-sectarian- non-political organization formed solely for charity purposes. Its mission is to assist the homes of the elderly that offer a living to the less fortunate elderly located throughout Lebanon. Some of the elderly are left without a home or a roof, without a family to support them and often without receiving any assistance or benefit from the government. The members of this organization are greatly influenced by the love and compassion for the elderly whereby a numerous number of them are left without the love of family, medical assistance, social security and often without a roof. There is an enormous need for our mission and although we are not able to provide them with a full dignified life but with your help we may bring a smile into their wrinkled face. These reasons make us lean to your kindhearted generosity and we thank you for your support of our cause. This non-sectarian, non-political organization raises funds from various contributions and holds two fund raising dinners per year recognizing citizens with integrity and compassion to the elderly. 64 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
These elderly live in homes or in centers that are financially backed by religious institutions, community donations and minimum reimbursement from the government. That money put together does not cover the cost of food, medicine, doctor’s surveillance, clothing and staffing. The California Lebanese Ladies Organization operates in California but it aims to raise funds from all over the world for the homes of the elderly. We donate all the money that we collect during the year. We issue checks to the centers that we visit in person. We have no middle agents. We have no administration costs. We work out of our homes for causes that benefit the elderly. There is a colossal need to help the elderly. Although we cannot provide them with a total dignified living but we hope the little help we offer will brighten their days and put a smile on their face. We know that you share the respect we hold for the elderly. We owe you our ability to help. We thank you for your kindhearted generosity in order to give back to the elderly. Please follow us on facebook at California Lebanese Ladies Organization- @CLLO.Charity and on the web at www.cllo.org
Speaker Slam 2018
At The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute
Communication… how we communicate, how we speak, what we say to others, the way we say it, these are all a part of our everyday life. Marcus Geirs, producer of the US Speaker Grand Slam Award, has been working on the art of “speaking” for some time through his Speaker Slams. He believes that if one studies and works on the art of speaking, even if English is not your first language, you will be able to, with confidence, stand in front of a large crowd, office staff, stage, town hall, or even friends and colleagues over dinner, and be able to communicate better and more effectively. With practice and proper training one can achieve great heights and be respected around the world through doing something that we all do every day and sometimes even take for granted, and that is the art of speaking. On March 2nd, 2018, European and US top speakers came together to compete against each other in West Hollywood California, for the top prize, The US Grand Slam Speaker Award. Marcus Rübbe, Astrid Arens, Christoph Ulrich Mayer, Gerhard Matthes and Matthias Bartsch, who won the almost two-year-long competition process in Europe, out of a field of 170 nominees, represented Europe. For optimal preparation, the five Europeans were personally trained by David Strasberg and his top-class team at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute® in West Hollywood. Legendary acting coach Lee Strasberg and his wife Anna Strasberg founded the Institute. Their son, David Strasberg, is the current Creative Director and Chief Executive Officer and was also one of the judges of the Speaker Slam.
Lee Strasberg created the Method Acting technique, which is taught all over the world. Many notable names studied with Lee Strasberg personally at the Actors Studio, including Marilyn Monroe and Al Pacino. In later years when the school was started, both Alec Baldwin and Claire Daines studied there. For two weeks the German Speakers were trained in method acting, improvisation, movement, slam poetry and acting for film and television. "The training has shown us how to bring our full potential as a speaker onto the stage and how we can combine our personality with our professional expertise as well as link our emotions to convince the audience and the jury. This is a powerful combination," said Rübbe about his training. The training at The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute® really paid off in the overall performance of the speakers. In addition to the topics theme, authenticity, body language, entertainment, and energy levels, were also judged. The jury consisted of David Strasberg, German Hollywood star Werner Daehn (known for Oscar-winning masterpiece "The Lives of Others", "Valkyrie" with Tom Cruise, "Triple X” with Vin Diesel, and many more), Marcus Giers, International Top Speaker and Business Expert, Ruth Bornhauser, one of the Hollywood’s top executives, and Marian Thomas Griffith of The Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, and the evening was hosted by actress, Adrienne McQueen (Fast and the Furious). The winner of the US Speaker Grand Slam Award was the inspiring Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and former NFL football star, Keith Mitchell. His outstanding impulsive presentation not only convinced the audience but also inspired the jury. Giers said of Mitchell, "There are speakers who are who they are, and there are speakers who, through their performance, motivate and inspire people to take their lives to another level, speakers that change the world and help other individuals to change the world.”
Television actor JLouis Mills, known for the CBS TV series, “Heartbeat” placed second. He received a standing ovation and the enthusiastic audience did not want to let him off the stage. Marcus Rübbe, Germany's Framing Expert No. 1, scored the best speaker from Europe and secured 3rd place in the overall ranking of the best speaker’s right behind the two Americans. The other top speakers from Germany also showed great moments and emotions. Arens, Ulrich Mayer, Matthes and Bartsch gave their lectures in the finest English language and thus drew the sympathies of the audience immediately on their side. In Germany, they are among the best in their field and provide, with their lectures, brilliant fireworks of enthusiasm from their audiences.
They know how to excite the audience and conquer international stages. Even if the first prize of the US Speaker Grand Slam Award 2018 went to the American Mitchell, all the speakers were winners! At the after party, Strasberg said, “The US Speaker Grand Slam Award 2018 was a rhetorical firework of inspiration, innovation, and motivation," Major German TV broadcasters, such as Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) and the most well-known daily newspapers (including the Süddeutsche Zeitung) reported on the US Speaker Grand Slam Award. Luxe Life Radio, which can be heard on IHEART Radio, invited the top German acts for a one-hour exclusive interview in their Hollywood Studios. They were referred to as "some of the greatest entrepreneurial minds Germany has to offer." "All of us, organizers, jurors, and speakers, are enthusiastic about this transatlantic partnership between Germany and the USA", Giers summarized. Rübbe, Arens, Ulrich Mayer, Matthes and Bartsch were honored to be able to celebrate such great international success and at the same time act as role models for other colleagues and to inspire future speakers. And to also show them that no matter what language you speak, if you open yourself up and put yourself up in front of others even it’s not your mother tongue, you will feel fully rewarded, even if you don’t win the big prize. The key is to “Go For It” anyway. All the speakers, American and European, were able to show that with the belief in oneself and one's own dreams, courage and passion, something extraordinary can happen through spoken word.
AN EXQUISITE FASHION WEEK MARATHON IN SAN FRANCISCO The beginning of spring in San Francisco commenced with the Fashion Community Week this year. After gaining popularity and demand for the shows, Fashion Community Week decided to introduce a spring edition of the show in addition to the Fall Fashion week that has been taking place since 2013. Fashion Community Week is the Global ‘Intersection’ of Fashion in San Francisco, offering business and marketing platform for Fashion Designers and brands. The organization received an award by the Mayor of San Francisco for its commitment towards building a fashion community and offering legitimate fashion platform in San Francisco. It is a launching platform for emerging designers and designers coming from under represented backgrounds. Every year the platform brings all of the Fashion industry of San Francisco together, while attracting International fashion businesses as well.
The organization highly believes in supporting Local and Global Fashion Businesses, Talents and Organizations that need our support! Fashion Community Week is an expression of Community coming together, creating business and collaborations. Every year Fashion Community Week chooses different non-profit organizations to raise awareness by gifting proceeds from the fashion week to benefit these organizations. This year the proceeds are benefiting Dress for Success. In very short time, the organization received over 50 International and Local media credentials that include Forbes and Huffington Post. The organization even got invited to take part in International Fashion market and had successfully collaborated in various locations in Europe, Middle East and United States. Since two years Eden Magazine has been the major Media partner of Fashion Community Week. This year the Spring 3-day Fashion marathon consisted of a Fashion Industry conference followed by showroom presentation and series of exquisite Fashion Shows representing Local and Global Fashion on the runway.
The opening night kicked off at the Fashion Incubator of San Francisco, a Fashion Conference with a discussion focusing on ‘Current affairs and future of Fashion’. The conference presented Daria Shapovalova(More Dash & Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days), Janet Wu(Silkroll), Evelyn Zoubi(ecloset.me & Glanse), Whitney Catchcart(3D look & Cathcart Technologies) and Julia Lam (Tara & Co). The second night was our grandiose evening that took place at the Elegant Members only privé location: The Olympic club. This was the first ever fashion event at the location and the private club opened up the doors just for a day to ‘Welcome’ the Fashion Community Week guests and participants. This evening presented brand new International and Couture collection of the season featuring six Fashion Designers on the runway. The presenting designer brands were Agaati, Seatylish, Isabelle Fabrics, SiBi, Nidiritzy and Nancy Vuu. This evening commenced with a Gold reception with Specialty cocktails and delectable hors d'oeuvres with live music by El Disco and showroom presentation by Philine, Motiv Ring, See it Buy it, Mary Kay cosmetics, Jewels of Nepal and Agaati. The celebration after party was hosted by
private members club: ‘The Modernist’, with live music and specialty Fashion Community Week cocktails. The Finale evening of the spring show took place at the Gorgeous Clift Hotel presenting five Local and Pret A Porter designer collection of the season on the runway. The presenting Designer brands were Stella Carakasi, The Dancing mama, Wear Mahsa, Vannessalynne Designs and Philine of San Francisco. The evening began with a social cocktail hour with live music by Melissa Rae, followed by the runway show and concluding with Celebration closing party with musician Polafunk. Although this was the first Spring edition of Fashion Community Week, it was a great success that pulled an important Guest list that consists of Socialites and Elites of San Francisco. Stay tuned on social media (Facebook, Instagram & Linkedin) for upcoming Fashion Community week events Locally and Globally. Catch the next Fashion community week to experience new fashion collections, designers, brands and new beauty faces in the industry. 73 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2018
for Digestive Disorders
By Dr. Louis Granirer
The digestive system is very crucial. It assists the body to absorb required nutrients and eliminate waste products. Any problems affecting it can lead to a lot of discomforts. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimates that the number of Americans affected by digestive disorders to be 60 to 70 million. Luckily, there are natural, holistic healing remedies that can eliminate these diseases. Digestive disorders include the following. Heartburn (acid reflux) is a symptom of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It occurs when contents from the stomach move back into the esophagus causing irritation. Gas is simply the air inside your digestive tract. It enters the gut when you swallow it and when undigested foods in your large intestine are broken down by bacteria to release it. Its symptoms include passing gas, burping, stomach pain and bloating. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the contents of your stomach return into the esophagus leading to heartburn. GERD is caused by unexpected relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
treatment is pegged on the concept that the body knows and is able to correct its problems. The technique first analyzes the body to identify the root cause of the disorders after which nutritional support and lifestyle changes are recommended to help the body heal itself. Unlike traditional forms of treatment, it does not attempt to mask the symptoms. Instead, it tackles the underlying cause of the problem. Holistic Healing The first instinct when we experience pain and physical discomfort is to visit a medical professional to address the disease. This is not wrong, and it's sometimes the best way to deal with the situation. However, physical pain is usually a manifestation of an underlying greater imbalance. Holistic healing appreciates this fact. Instead of dealing with the physical aspect only, it addresses the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, too. It is not a quick fix. It is a journey to a more balanced lifestyle.
Diarrhea is characterized by loose, watery stools. It leads to malabsorption and dehydration. Diarrhea can be caused by food allergies and intolerances, infections, problems in the digestive tract and medicine side effects.
The body contains different types of chemicals including neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones. Chemical imbalances can lead to many disorders in the body. Some diets can inhibit or stimulate hormone production and neurotransmitters thus leading to chemical imbalances. What appears to work for one individual might not work for another. That is why Nutritional Response Testing is perfect for identifying chemical imbalances. It can be customized to fit each individual's needs.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used to describe two disorders that lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. They are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. They both cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, weight loss, and fatigue.
Are you struggling with any disorders? Are you looking for a safe, less invasive and effective treatment to deal with your condition? Nutritional Response testing is one of the best holistic healing remedies. You don't have to suffer any longer.
Constipation is characterized by fewer than normal bowel movements (less than three a week) or dry, hard and difficult bowel movements that are painful to pass. Other symptoms of constipation may include bloating and stomach pain. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that occurs in the large intestine (colon). It leads to bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and constipation. It is still not clear what causes IBS. Nutritional Response testing is the perfect holistic healing remedy to deal with digestive disorders. This form of
d Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in NYC who specializes in traditional chiropractic treatments and holistic healthcare. Learn more by visiting his website. www.holisticchiropracticcenter.com/NYC-Chiropractor