The following pages and identity is a system put in place for SELF and was created to help in presenting the brand in a consistent, recognizable way.
TYPOGRAPHY Alternate Gothic No1 and EloquentJFPro Alternate Gothic No 1 and EloquentJFPro should be primarily used for headlines
Alternate Gothic No1 Regular
abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyz
SELF / Style Guide
EloquentJFPro Regular
abcdegh ijklnopq rstuvwxyz ABCDEGH IJKLNOPQ RSTUVWX YZ
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles
TYPOGRAPHY Athelas Athelas should be primarily used for sub-headings and all body copy. It should not be used for any headlines.
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles Regular
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles Bold
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles Italic
Social Media is changing the game when it comes to our fitness lifestyles Bold Italic
Es endam quia coratibea si denihillaut aut que et quam il minctiis dolupti blaborese di dolupta quuntinus aliquam quundit ut fugit of ciminis ex eatioria ipsam sequia cum dolorerferum re optiatur? Regular
Es endam quia coratibea si denihillaut aut que et quam il minctiis dolupti blaborese di dolupta quuntinus aliquam quundit ut fugit of ciminis ex eatioria ipsam sequia cum dolorerferum re optiatur? Bold Italic
SELF / Style Guide
Deep Pink C=13 M=93 Y=19 K=17
SELF / Style Guide
Lime Green
Lemon Yellow
C=38 M=14 Y=97 K=0
C=0 M=5 Y=85 K=7
Royal Blue
Burnt Orange
C=100 M=70 Y=0 K=0
C=20 M=83 Y=81 K=8
High Contrast/Full Colour images are enhanced by adding contrast to present a warmer and more comfortable atmosphere.
Black and White/and image can be converted into a black and white filter. However for SELF magazine black and white is unusually seen and only used in specxial circumstance.
Natural Lighting/ When using natural lighting it is best to capture as much of a warmer glow as possible to create a more natural and
Narrow Depth of Field/ When capturing close-ups narrow deoth of field should always be considerd to create a more personal feel, this should also be applied when taking headshots.
SELF / Style Guide