Nursing For/um: Spring 2023

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Empowering Patients

Palliative Care Nurses Improve Quality of Life


Since the installation of UMSON’s living green wall in October, students can be found studying, collaborating, and, quite simply, taking a breather nearby. The wall is the two-story focal point of the Virginia Lee Franklin Lounge, and both are part of the renovated, expanded section of the School of Nursing building in Baltimore, for which a ribbon-cutting event was held in January (see “Seeds of Change,” Page 3).

Palliative care helps people living with serious illness live well, and it is fundamentally embedded in good nursing care. UMSON faculty are improving the palliative care that nurses provide through research and teaching.

Nursing in Their Genes

Is a passion for nursing genetic? There’s no gene that we know of, but we do know that we have many alumni who are members of the same family. In this issue, we spotlight four of those families.

FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 24 The Pulse Impact In Touch Advance 30 Empowering Patients 3 20 34 48 Research in Gambia Cultivating Cultural Humility Student Spotlight Class Notes Alumni Profiles Events Online Giving Honor Roll of Donors Legacy Society Seeds of Change Pioneer Exhibit Connects Past and Present Renovations at USG New Research Centers The Kirschling (R)Evolution
cover illustration: James Steinberg photo at left: Chris Hartlove

From the Dean

Spring came early in Maryland this year. The trees in the School of Nursing’s courtyard on Lombard Street were in the full glory of their pink blooms in mid-February and almost past their peak by the first week of March. It seemed a visual reminder of the speed with which time passes – rocketing by at a pace that confounds one’s sense of the clock or calendar. While this is my last “spring” as dean, I will continue to cherish the opportunity to be a part of the legacy of this amazing school and its people – our alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

At the end of January, we celebrated the newly expanded footprint of the School of Nursing building in Baltimore, designed to meet the needs of our changing and growing student population – the next generation of nurses. And we celebrated two exceptional pioneering nurses and alumnae, whose names have been inscribed on the stone façade of that addition: the Honorable Shirley Nathan Pulliam, DHL (Hon.), MAS, BSN ’80, RN, FAAN; and the late Esther E. McCready, DPS (Hon.) ’15, DIN ’53 (see “Seeds of Change,” opposite page).

During our ceremony, I spoke of how we stand on the shoulders of these two pioneers. Through their bold actions, perseverance, and abiding commitment to equity and justice, they made indelible contributions to nursing and to health care in Maryland and the nation. We titled our celebration “Seeds of Change” to honor the enduring nature of their legacies and as a reminder that change often comes through steady, incremental steps over time.

As I look back on my tenure as dean, I am struck by the changes we have experienced. The diversity of our student body has grown and reflects the changing diversity of our population. We have transitioned advanced practice nursing to the doctoral level and increased opportunities for nursing practice and leadership. We revised the curriculum with new emphasis on the importance of the social determinants of health. Our researchers have advanced scientific knowledge, from new understanding of the nature of pain to the potential therapeutic roles of virtual reality and placebos. We have developed new insight into preserving functionality in older adults and generated evidence-based practices in support of this. And we are building a body of scholarship around what constitutes great teaching and how best to foster student learning and engagement. These are all contemporary “seeds of change” and the building blocks of the future of nursing.

I am inspired by these changes and comforted by what endures – the deep commitment to excellence and to competent and compassionate care. I have every confidence that the School of Nursing will continue to move forward boldly, with each new generation standing on the shoulders of those who have come before and continuing to sow the seeds of change that will shape the future. It has truly been a joy and an honor to have served as your dean. I am forever grateful to each of you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do on behalf of the University of Maryland School of Nursing and the individuals, families, and communities we serve.


NURSING FOR/UM is published by the University of Maryland School of Nursing.


Giordana Segneri


Jillian Dreicer

Erin Merino

Mary Therese Phelan


Stacey Conrad

Amy Daniels

Erika Friedmann

Elizabeth Galik

Jana Goodwin

Jane M. Kirschling

Yolanda Ogbolu

Deborah Prout

Cynthia Renn

Cynthia Sikorski

Susan Wozenski


Stacey Conrad

Jane M. Kirschling

Monica Maggiano

Nicole Nash

Deborah Prout

Cynthia Sikorski

Lorrie Voytek


Skelton Sprouls

We welcome comments, suggestions, and story ideas from alumni, partners, and friends. Send correspondence to Giordana Segneri, Editor-in-Chief, at or 410-706-4115.

© University of Maryland School of Nursing, 2023


The Pulse

Seeds of Change

Honoring the Legacies of Alumnae

Esther E. McCready and The Honorable Shirley Nathan-Pulliam and Commemorating the Opening of the School’s Expanded Footprint, Providing New Spaces for Learning, Working, and Reflecting

Nightingale, Dix, Barton, Mahoney, Parsons, Wald, and Petry – the names of these seven influential nurses have been etched on the façade of the UMSON building in Baltimore since what was then the “new building” was built in the late 1990s.

Now, the names of two trailblazing UMSON alumnae join them, women whose legacies have shaped not only the nursing field, but also the well-being of the city, the state, and beyond.

The last names of Esther E. McCready, DPS (Hon.) ’15, DIN ’53, the first African American to gain admittance to UMSON, and former state Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, MAS, BSN ’80, RN, FAAN, have been engraved into the façade of the School’s recently opened expanded section, in recognition of their contributions to nursing, education, and public health.

UMSON honored these groundbreaking women’s impact as School, University, and state leaders cut the ribbon on the new space during a celebratory “Seeds of Change” event, Jan. 30.

“Today we come together to celebrate several things,” said Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, during her opening remarks at the event, which brought more than 200 people to the School’s auditorium. “On one level, we celebrate the expansion of the School of Nursing’s footprint here

“With this addition, we have the opportunity to permanently acknowledge two nurses on whose shoulders we all stand, each of whom has had a profoundly significant impact on health care.”

on Lombard Street. This renovation and expansion is designed to meet the needs of our changing and growing student population, the next generation of nurses.

“These future nurses stand on the shoulders of all those who have come before them. And with this addition, we have the opportunity to permanently acknowledge two nurses on whose shoulders we all stand, each of whom has had a profoundly significant impact on health care.”

Inside the expanded area, a living green wall spanning two floors is the focal point of a student-focused space, the Virginia Lee Franklin Lounge, on the first floor and a natural light-infused conference room on the second. The conference room includes a large gallery wall showcasing creative works from UMSON students, alumni, and employees.

Kirschling (with hands on scissors, left) and NathanPulliam (seated) cut the ribbon on the expanded section of the building along with state and University leaders and legislators during the Seeds of Change event. MATTHEW D’AGOSTINO/UMB

The newly opened section of the building also includes space housing the Office of Student and Academic Services, the hub of student life and success at UMSON. On the lower level, additional student gathering space includes a collaborative study room plus a casual sitting and eating space with a kitchenette. On the second floor, the expanded area features a display that recognizes the histories and contributions of McCready and Nathan-Pulliam through a museum exhibit (see “New UMSON Pioneer Exhibit Connects Past and Present,” Page 6).

Nathan-Pulliam, who attended the event surrounded by family, colleagues, and friends, said she is tremendously honored to be recognized by the School. “Words can’t express,” she said. “I’m so proud of the School of Nursing. Nationally, we’ve done great, and our nurses are everywhere.”

As a legislator, Nathan-Pulliam realized just how much she learned from her time at the School. “I was always prepared to use the nursing process to solve problems that came before me,” she said.

Upon the Shoulders of Groundbreaking Women

Both McCready’s and Nathan-Pulliam’s legacies are built on decades of breaking barriers. McCready, just 19 at the time, took on not only the School of Nursing, but higher education as a whole, with a landmark lawsuit. In 1950, she pursued a Maryland Court of Appeals decision after UMSON originally denied her admission.

The School’s previous offer to pay for her to attend a Tennessee nursing school had been upheld as legal by a Baltimore court. But with the help of her attorney, Thurgood Marshall, McCready sued for admission to UMSON, and the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled in

her favor. In her very first meeting with lawyers, McCready was asked “Who put you up to this?,” said Larry Gibson, LLB, the Morton and Sophia Macht Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, who presented McCready’s history and legacy at the event. “She had replied, ‘No one. I did this on my own, because I am a citizen of Maryland and entitled to attend my state’s nursing school.’”

McCready’s victory held national significance, Gibson said. While there had been Donald Gaines Murray’s court case against the University of Maryland School of Law, University v. Murray, in 1936, which was the first time a U.S. court ordered the desegregation of an educational facility, the decision was restricted to law schools, Gibson said. McCready’s lawsuit impacted all higher education programs.

“The duty of a state to provide equal educational opportunity to its citizens had to be satisfied inside the state’s borders. That led to the admission of African American students into professional and graduate schools all over the nation,” Gibson said. “That is what Esther McCready accomplished.”

McCready received a Doctor of Public Service honorary degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) in 2015.

Nathan-Pulliam was mentored by McCready and continued McCready’s trailblazing work in health care. NathanPulliam served in the Maryland General Assembly for 24 years before retiring as a Maryland state senator in late 2019, having focused her career on ensuring that all Marylanders have access to health care.

In her first year in office, she created a $2.6 million breast cancer diagnosis and treatment program for low-income women. And before retirement, one of her final actions in the Legislature was the creation of the Social Determinants of Health Task Force of Baltimore City, a cutting-edge policy intervention and the first such legislatively mandated task force in the country.

While Nathan-Pulliam might be known for these legislative accomplishments, to many, her legacy is one of friendships and mentorships.

“When I came to the Health and Government Operations Committee, I didn’t know my way, I didn’t know

“Let’s all go forth, to water the seeds of change that they have planted so that everyone has an opportunity to grow and flourish. Let’s move with boldness and with grace to advance social and racial equity.”
MATTHEW D’AGOSTINO/UMB right: NathanPulliam (foreground) is greeted by an audience member while Kirschling (center, left) and University System of Maryland Chancellor Jay A. Perman, MD, (center, right) look on.

what I was doing,” Maryland Del. Joseline A. Peña-Melnyk, JD, said in her remarks during the event. “But Shirley, she took her time to talk to me, to mentor me, and to give me an opportunity that many people wouldn’t do.”

Nathan-Pulliam wasn’t a mentor only to her legislative colleagues. Yolanda Ogbolu, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’04, CRNP-Neonatal, FNAP, FAAN, associate professor; chair, Department of Partnerships, Professional Education, and Practice; and co-director, Center for Health Equity and Outcomes Research, first interacted with Nathan-Pulliam as a constituent looking for help.

“I had successfully completed my initial nursing degree at Baltimore City Community College. And the next step was to take the board exam,” she said in her remarks. “My major problem –I had no money to pay the fee.” As a single mother living in an apartment with her 4-year-old daughter, Ogbolu had to make a choice – pay her rent or pay for her board exam. She chose rent.

“But I cried day and night with my decision,” she said. “But then suddenly, I said, ‘I’m going to write to everyone.’ I wrote to the governor, I wrote to my delegates, I wrote to senators at the state. Finally, one person, only one person answered my letters. That was Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam.”

And while Nathan-Pulliam told Ogbolu she’d missed the Maryland deadline for the exam, the legislator arranged for Ogbolu to take it in Delaware. Later, as a PhD student, Ogbolu applied to be a legislative intern with the senator with the hope of reconnecting and paying it forward. Additionally, she said, she wanted to learn how to translate her health equity research into policy. When they met again, Ogbolu asked Nathan-Pulliam if she remembered her. Nathan-Pulliam said she didn’t.

“And during my time with her, I understood why she didn’t remember me. As I read through the piles of letters and listened to phone calls that she received daily, I realized why remembering me would be difficult. The senator has helped 10,000 Yolandas –I just happen to be standing here, the one telling my story,” Ogbolu said.

Eyes Toward the Future

While the Seeds of Change celebration was a chance to look back at the stories of two alumnae who have been instrumental in changing health care, it was also a chance to look forward to the future of nursing.

The expanded and renovated space in the School of Nursing is very special, UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, said, because it’s a place for students to collect themselves and relax among the hustle and bustle of school and clinical practice. It’s a chance for them to remember who they are and why they’re here, he added. NathanPulliam and McCready laid seeds of change, Jarrell said, to help nursing get where it is today.

“But we also need to get where we need to go tomorrow. And I’m happy to tell all of you here what a terrific job our School of Nursing has done to get nurses out there and working,” he added.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted just how important nurses are in health care, Jarrell said, but also shined a light on how difficult the workplace had become for nurses and how hard it was to deliver care. UMSON has been focused on addressing this issue, he added, with a class of more than 700 students set to graduate this spring.

“And among them, just like our two honorees, some of these nurses will deliver primary care throughout Maryland. This is a nursing school that is committed to Maryland,” Jarrell said.

Just like Nathan-Pulliam and McCready, the nurses who come through the School can bring change to Maryland and beyond.

Both Nathan-Pulliam and McCready accomplished journeys that may have seemed impossible in their generations, Ogbolu said.

“They did their part. They left their mark – in fact, they left their names on the building. They showed us how to act with boldness, with compassion, with faith, and hope as an action word. Now it’s up to us,” she said. “So, I leave you with a question. What will you do to continue the journey? Let’s all go forth, to water the seeds of change that they have planted so that everyone has an opportunity to grow and flourish. Let’s move with boldness and with grace to advance social and racial equity.”

right: The façade of the expanded portion of the School of Nursing building in Baltimore now bears the names McCready (left) and NathanPulliam (right) CHRIS HARTLOVE

New UMSON Pioneer Exhibit Connects Past and Present

At the Seeds of Change event in January, UMSON unveiled a new exhibit as part of renovations to the second floor of the north side of its Baltimore building. Located at the entrance to a new conference room overlooking the School’s living green wall, the exhibit honors Esther E. McCready, DPS (Hon.) ’15, DIN ’53, and Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, DHL (Hon.), MAS, BSN ’80, FAAN. They are two of the School’s inaugural Visionary Pioneers.

The exhibit features McCready’s and Nathan-Pulliam’s personal histories and accomplishments as well as the historical context that highlights their achievements.

McCready, the first African American student admitted to UMSON, together with the NAACP successfully sued the School for McCready’s admission four years before the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education ended the doctrine of “separate but equal” public education facilities. McCready’s courage and determination to fulfill her childhood ambition of becoming a nurse were shown in her persistence in the face of discriminatory treatment by fellow students, faculty, and administrators. Through McCready’s efforts, Black students gained both admission to the School and greater acceptance by teachers and peers.

Nathan-Pulliam’s work as a nurse laid a foundation for her legislative achievements in the Maryland General Assembly, first as a delegate for District 10 beginning in 1995 and later as a senator for District 44 beginning in 2015 until her retirement in 2019. She focused on addressing health disparities and access to care for

citizens of the state and of Baltimore in particular, beginning with a 1998 bill to provide access to breast cancer screening for women without health insurance. In 2017, Nathan-Pulliam sponsored legislation to create the “Health in All Policies” workgroup, intended to foster collaboration among units of state and local government and to ensure that “health considerations may be incorporated into the decisionmaking processes of government agencies and private stakeholders who interact with government agencies,” according to the bill.

The exhibit incorporates historical photographs and objects from the School’s Living History Museum collection in addition to awards on loan from Nathan-Pulliam. Student and graduate nursing caps and yearbook photos connect these pioneering graduates to their UMSON experience, connecting past and present to inspire current students, employees, and alumni.

Hammerstrom is the curator of UMSON’s Living History Museum.

above: McCready in UMSON’s Living History Museum, 2005 left: Nathan-Pulliam at her Maryland Senate district headquarters, 2018

below: the new exhibit

6 • NURSING FOR/UM • SPRING 2023 The exhibit features
McCready’s and NathanPulliam’s personal histories and accomplishments as well as the historical context that highlights their achievements.

“Whether we are educating prospective students about offerings, guiding students through complex enrollment processes, advising on paths forward through personal challenge, or facilitating programs and connections to enhance career and leadership skills, we must meet evolving student needs in nursing education.”

Leadership Updates

UMSON is pleased to announce that a large number of faculty and staff have been named to a variety of leadership roles across the School, lending their significant expertise to enhancing teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and the student experience as UMSON strives to develop leaders in nursing education, research, and practice.

Lori A. Edwards, DrPH, BSN ’80, RN, CNS-PCH, BC Assistant Professor; Associate Dean for the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Program

“The Future of Nursing 20202030 report highlights that nurses are uniquely positioned as leaders to tackle health inequities and focus on the social determinants of health. Nurses who pursue a master’s degree take that first step to develop new skills, grow professionally, and become those essential leaders.”

Cheryl Fisher, EdD, MSN, RN Associate Professor; Director, MSN Nursing Informatics Specialty

Jana Goodwin, PhD, RN, CNE Assistant Professor; Chair, UMSON at the Universities at Shady Grove

Veronica Gutchell, DNP ’13, RN, CNS, CRNP Assistant Professor; Director, Governor’s Wellmobile Program

Nicole “Jennifer” J. Klinedinst, PhD, MPH, RN, FAHA Associate Professor; Co-Director, Biology and Behavior Across the Lifespan Organized Research Center

Michael Lepore, PhD Professor; Co-Director, Center for Health Equity and Outcomes Research

Hannah Murphy Buc, MSN, RN, CNE Clinical Instructor; Director, Entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Eun-Shim Nahm, PhD ’03, RN, FAAN, FGSA Professor; Associate Dean for the PhD Program

“Now is an excellent time to rethink and re-envision the PhD program. Students are returning to in-person education. Recently, major research and educational organizations have reset and transformed their directions. The National Institute of Nursing Research shifted its focus by identifying five new research priorities.”


Cynthia Renn, PhD, MS ’97, RN, FAAN Professor; Chair, Department of Pain and Translational Symptom Science; Director, Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research

Patricia Schaefer, DNP, RN, CNE-cl, CHSE, CNE Clinical Instructor; Director, Simulation Lab at the Universities at Shady Grove

Jennifer Schum, PhD Associate Dean for Student and Academic Services

Janet Selway, DNSc, MS ’88, AGNP-C, CPNP-PC, FAANP Associate Professor; Director, Doctor of Nursing Practice Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty

B. Elias Snyder, MS ’14, FNP-C, ACHPN Clinical Instructor; Director, Office of Global Health

Michelle R. Spencer, DNP ’19, MS ’06, BSN ’84 Assistant Professor; Director, MSN Community/ Public Health Nursing Specialty

Janet Armstead Wulf, DNP ’19, MS ’06, RN, CNL, CHPN, CNE Assistant Professor; Director, MSN Clinical Nurse Leader Option


Resnick Receives University System of Maryland and UMB Honors

Barbara Resnick, PhD ’96, RN, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, University of Maryland School of Nursing professor; Sonya Ziporkin Gershowitz Chair in Gerontology; and co-director, Biology and Behavior Across the Lifespan Organized Research Center, was awarded the 2022 - 23 University System of Maryland (USM) Wilson H. Elkins Professorship, which supports professors and researchers who demonstrate exemplary ability to

Howett Honored with Colleague Award

inspire students and whose professional work and scholarly endeavors make a positive impact at their institutions, across USM, and beyond.

The Elkins Professorship is intended to support compelling projects with a focus on research, scholarship, or community engagement that allow the recipient to make an important contribution to the teaching, research, or public service mission of the institution and the entire USM. One of four Elkins Professorship recipients this year, Resnick was awarded $68,000 to advance the development of a replicable model for successfully

implementing national guidelines on pain management in older individuals in long-term care facilities to improve assessment, diagnosis, and pain management among residents.

Resnick is also one of seven University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) faculty members in 2022 to earn the title of Distinguished University Professor, the highest appointment bestowed on a University faculty member. These professors have been recognized nationally and internationally for the importance of their scholarly achievements; have a demonstrated breadth of interest through their excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service; and have brought distinction to UMB as a result of those activities.

Resnick has achieved all of this through her research and scholarship, which focuses on the care of older adults related to optimizing health, function, and physical activity; exploring the impact of resilience and genetics on function and physical activity; and testing dissemination and implementation of interventions in real-world settings, including nursing home and assisted living facilities.

The interventions she has developed prevent functional decline, improve quality of life, and substantially lower the costs of care for vulnerable older adults. More recently, she has extended her work to assess the potential impact of function-focused care on individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. This research has been consistently funded by the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute for Nursing Research, the Agency for Healthcare

Maeve Howett, PhD, APRN, CPNPPC, CNE, professor and associate dean for the baccalaureate program, was honored with the University of Maryland School of Nursing Colleague Award during the University of Maryland Medical Center’s (UMMC) Nursing Excellence Awards Ceremony in May 2022. Howett was recognized for exemplifying excellence as a mentor and educator, especially for her role in developing the strategic direction for UMMC’s Nurse Residency Program and its journey to accreditation.

The award program read, “She embraces innovation, while balancing the organizational priorities and the educational experience for nursing students. She partners with UMMC and across the system to increase graduates’ readiness for practice and improve retention within the nursing profession.”

Howett has contributed to conceptualizing, developing, and implementing two entryinto-practice initiatives with UMMC: The Practice to Practicum Program provides a roadmap from the senior practicum experience at UMSON to a position as a University of Maryland Medical System registered nurse, while the Academy of Clinical Essentials provides an integrated, hands-on clinical experience for nursing students.

“This work has resulted in continuous improvements in the entry-level curriculum, infrastructure to support entry into practice, and standardized development of nursing preceptors,” the program stated.

Research and Quality, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the John A. Hartford Foundation, and the Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Foundation, among others.

“Dr. Resnick’s contributions to the multiple missions of the University are substantive and ongoing,” said Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean. “Through her research and scholarship, teaching and mentoring, and service, she has brought national and international recognition and true distinction to the University.”

— Compiled by Mary Therese Phelan

“Dr. Resnick’s contributions to the multiple missions of the University are substantive and ongoing. Through her research and scholarship, teaching and mentoring, and service, she has brought national and international recognition and true distinction to the University.”
Resnick (center) wears the medal designating her as a University Distinguished Professor, with Kirschling (left) and UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, (right) at the University’s Faculty Convocation in September. MATTHEW D’AGOSTINO/UMB

Ogbolu Named UMB Public Servant of the Year

Every fall, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) celebrates the extraordinary work of its faculty, staff, and students with awards that signify outstanding accomplishment in academics, public service, research, entrepreneurship, and education.

Yolanda Ogbolu, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’04, CRNP-Neonatal, FNAP, FAAN, associate professor; chair of the Department of Partnerships, Professional Education, and Practice; and co-director of the Center for Health Equity Outcomes Research, was named UMB’s 2022 Public Servant of the Year.

As chair of the Social Determinants of Health Taskforce of Baltimore City, formed in 2018 following legislation sponsored by former state Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, MAS, BSN ’80, RN, she leads a group charged with identifying and examining the negative social factors that cause hardship for Baltimore residents and for developing and implementing solutions.

Ogbolu’s longstanding passion for addressing global and local inequities resulted in her receiving a three-year, $950,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to develop the Global Learning for Health Equity Network, a program she co-directs with faculty in the UMB Center for Global Engagement. The national network is examining ways to learn from other countries to address health care inequities in local communities and builds on Ogbolu’s work in applying lessons from Brazil to issues of family isolation in West Baltimore.

UMSON Remains Strong in National Rankings

• Bachelor of Science in Nursing program ranked No. 9 (tied) in the nation (No. 3, tied, among public schools of nursing) in U.S. News & World Report’s 2022 - 23 “Best Colleges”

• Master of Science in Nursing Health Services Leadership and Management specialty ranked No. 4 (tied) in the nation (No. 2 among public schools of nursing) in the Nursing Administration/ Leadership category and ranked No. 7 (tied) in the nation (No. 3, tied, among public schools of nursing) in the Nursing Education category in U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 “Best Online Programs”

• Ranked No. 18 in the nation, up from No. 25, for Best Online Master’s in Nursing Programs for Veterans in the online programs rankings

Ogbolu’s funded projects have addressed cultural competency, social determinants of health, and social isolation. Her international efforts have sought to improve nursing practice in low-resource communities, including Nigeria and Rwanda.

In September, Ogbolu was a guest speaker at UMB’s inaugural Faculty Convocation. In her remarks, she recalled growing up not far from the University and how the hashtag #UMBtotheCore, seen on core values banners around campus, has special meaning to her.

“There was a statement we used to say: ‘We are Baltimore to the core,’” Ogbolu said. “And in this phrase, there’s a message of deep love for our city and for its beauty, in good times and bad. I’m extremely blessed to be at home in Baltimore and at UMB.”

Ogbolu (above check, center) serves as the principal investigator on a $2.4 million Pathways for Health Equity grant from the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission that has funded the development of the West Baltimore RICH (Reducing Isolation and Inequities in Cardiovascular Health) Collaborative, a partnership of community- and faith-based, academic, and health care organizations in West Baltimore, including UMSON and two other UMB entities. The collaborative aims to address hypertension and social isolation in four ZIP codes, selected due to race-based disparities in the represented areas. During an event in October, Maryland Sen. Guy Guzzone, chair of the Budget and Taxation Committee, signed the ceremonial grant check.

“There’s a message of deep love for our city and for its beauty, in good times and bad. I’m extremely blessed to be at home in Baltimore and at UMB.”

A Legacy of Opportunity

Under her leadership, our nationally recognized nursing programs have grown, and UMSON has made a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and increased the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff.

Jane Kirschling, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean of the University of Maryland School of Nursing, has often stated that she wanted her legacy to be that she left UMSON a better place to work and learn, grounded in civility, respect, and inclusion. Without a doubt, I can say she has certainly achieved this vision. Since joining the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) in 2013, she has made an indelible mark on the University and will leave UMSON on a positive trajectory of success.

Dean Kirschling has strategically opened the door for so many aspiring nurses. UMSON now has dualadmission agreements with every community college in Maryland that offers an Associate Degree in Nursing program. In addition, thanks to the generosity of Bill and Joanne Conway, substantial scholarships are available to more than 1,000 nursing students.

Dean Kirschling and I share a special appreciation for interprofessional education, knowing that we must address issues from a team-based model. As director of the UMB Center

for Interprofessional Education, Dean Kirschling has led the development of best practices in educational innovation, creating interprofessional learning opportunities in diverse settings, including the classroom, the simulation labs, and the Standardized Patient Program. Countless students from across our health, law, and human services schools have benefited from learning how a team-based model and working collaboratively can improve the lives of those we serve.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I knew I could turn to Dean Kirschling to spearhead collaborative efforts with our partners at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), developing a vaccination clinic that served the community, first in partnership with UMMC and then continuing solely as a UMB operation. Her can-do attitude has served not only UMSON and UMB, but our neighbors in West Baltimore as well.

Dean Kirschling leads with a level of honesty that is admirable, and she has never shied away from saying what needed to be said. I am grateful for her leadership and her contributions to UMB. I have enjoyed a great partnership with Dean Kirschling and wish her the best in her well-deserved retirement!

Dean Kirschling leads with a level of honesty that is admirable, and she has never shied away from saying what needed to be said. I am grateful for her leadership and her contributions to UMB.
Kirschling (third from left) and Jarrell (center) with UMB employees and those of the company that installed and maintains UMSON’s living green wall, a project on which Kirschling and Jarrell collaborated.

In 2022, the Pi at-Large Chapter of Sigma inducted

216 new members who met the academic and service criteria for the prestigious organization.

A Piece of the Pi

News from Sigma’s Pi at-Large Chapter at UMSON

During the induction ceremony last spring, the chapter recognized Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, with The DAISY Nurse Leader Award based on the following criteria:

• she creates an environment in which attributes of trust, compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development, and ethical behavior are modeled and supported

• she is accessible and responsive to the needs of those she leads

• she is a problem-solver and encourages critical thinking

• she is an advocate for those she leads and works with

• most importantly, she is a compassionate leader.

Kirschling has embraced the Pi at-Large Chapter, providing the support needed to make it a success. With her support, the chapter was named a recipient of the Sigma Chapter Key Award, in recognition of chapter excellence, at Sigma’s biennial convention in fall 2021.

The newest officers for the chapter were elected in July. To view the full list of officers and for more information about how to be involved, visit

Meet Kelsey Bradford, UMSON’s First-Ever School Health Officer

In October 2020, only seven months after the first COVID-19 cases were identified in Maryland, Kelsey Bradford, MD, MPH, assistant professor, joined UMSON to help students prepare to re-enter clinical sites safely. Her primary responsibility was to administer tests to confirm personal protective equipment fit students correctly (known as “fit testing”).

Shortly thereafter, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) instituted a COVID-19 daily symptom-monitoring system to track students accessing clinical sites and to ensure they were following testing and other safety protocols. She began teaching students to submit COVID-19-related information to the symptom-monitoring system to be approved to attend classes and clinicals, while emphasizing the importance of receiving COVID-19 vaccine boosters, once they became available. Bradford’s efforts also extended to COVID-19 protocols for faculty and staff.

In 2021, Bradford’s role expanded to reporting on COVID-19 data and recommending helpful resources. She helped develop and implement policies to guide students, faculty, and staff as the pandemic evolved, including how to report COVID-19 exposures, how to follow testing protocols, and how to determine when they are cleared to return to school or work post-exposure or illness. Bradford was hired full time in fall 2021 as UMSON’s first-ever school health officer and the first such position at UMB. She continues her work developing COVID-19-related policies, procedures, and protocols and is also focusing on student wellness and well-being, providing mental health resources and possible mentorship opportunities to students and recent graduates as they navigate the evolving health care landscape and the continuing effects of the pandemic.

Kirschling (left) receives the DAISY Nurse Leader Award from Sweeney (right) at the Pi at-Large Chapter’s spring 2022 induction ceremony.

A Home of Our Own

Renovations at Universities at Shady Grove

Provide Building Solely Dedicated to UMSON

It has been 23 years since the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) opened its doors in Rockville, Maryland, and UMSON has been there from the start, occupying Building I along with other universities and programs since those first days.

This spring, UMSON completed a one-year substantial renovation to Building I to make it a space dedicated entirely to the School of Nursing, which represents the largest program at USG, with 447 students. The space is essential, as UMSON’s presence at USG has continued to grow over the past two decades. In 2000, UMSON admitted 20 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students per semester at USG; in fall 2022, the entering BSN class hit 100, with a goal of 110 for the coming fall, as UMSON aims to educate more nurses to address the workforce shortage. In addition, the

School rolled out its Doctor of Nursing

Practice Family Nurse Practitioner specialty at USG in 2017, increasing the number of critical primary care providers that the School graduates. The $8.2 million renovation project, funded in part by the University System of Maryland, UMSON, USG, Bill and Joanne Conway’s Bedford Falls Foundation, and a Health Resources and Services Administration grant through U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen’s office, expands UMSON’s space in the building by approximately 12,000 square feet, for a total of 27,000 square feet. The increased space will support expanded teaching and learning capabilities through a five-room hospital suite; a multi-purpose room designed for flexible simulation needs; and upgraded classrooms and offices, including a suite for the Office of Academic and Career Services. These spaces are in addition to eight existing state-of-the-art simulation laboratories that underwent a significant upgrade in 2017.

The project design, despite working within the limitations of a more than 20-year-old building, includes sustainable features such as airflow that responds to room occupancy, energy-efficient LED lighting with occupancy sensors, and water-saving plumbing fixtures.

“We are very excited about this expansion,” said Jana Goodwin, PhD, RN, CNE, assistant professor and chair of the UMSON program at USG. “The new simulation spaces, especially, will allow us to be innovative and creative in the ways we safely prepare nurses and nurse practitioners for the workforce. To be immersed in an environment that so closely mirrors practice is an invaluable learning experience.”

“The new simulation spaces, especially, will allow us to be innovative and creative in the ways we safely prepare nurses and nurse practitioners for the workforce.”
Building I (right), UMSON’s home at USG, and the new five-room hospital suite on the second floor, during construction (below) PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE UNIVERSITIES AT SHADY GROVE

UMSON Launches Two New Organized Research Centers

UMSON has established two new organized nursing research Centers of Excellence: the Placebo Beyond Opinions (PBO) Center and the SYNAPSE Center.

The PBO Center, directed by Luana Colloca, MD, PhD, MS, professor and University of Maryland, Baltimore MPower Professor, promotes rigorous and systematic research on the mechanisms of placebo effects as well as the effect of placebos on variability in symptoms; treatment responses; and perception of clinical encounters based on socioeconomic factors, disparities, and diversity related to understudied populations.

A Hero and a Friend

The center will continue promoting interdisciplinary investigation of the placebo phenomenon while nurturing higher education programs focusing on placebo research.

The Symptom Science Using Neuroscientific Psychological Approaches (SYNAPSE) Center, directed by Ian Kleckner, PhD, MPH, associate professor, focuses on addressing symptom science through experimental research. The center encourages new perspectives by studying and treating symptoms through the lens of the psychology of mental states and perception along with their underlying neural circuits that support thoughts and behaviors.

Through methods including brain imaging and high-frequency sampling of patient symptoms and behaviors, and by leveraging modern theories of emotion, consciousness, and mindbody correspondence, the center will focus on a broader approach to understanding medical symptoms in patients with a range of conditions.

“I am excited that these UMSON organized research centers will lead scientific discovery to enhance the health and well-being of the people of Maryland and beyond,” said Erika Friedmann, PhD, professor and associate dean for research.

Pat-Ekeji, last fall. The sisters initially aimed to address the issue of bullying but soon realized that the book had a broader significance.

“We live in a diverse culture, and we want children to see themselves represented,” Nwogwugwu explained. “We have done a great job highlighting the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in professional and educational settings; however, there is a great need to incorporate this more in the teachings of very young children.”

stand up to a bully and show up for themselves as heroes, but most importantly, as friends.

The book showcases “the impact that bullying has on the mental well-being of kids and the impact ‘otherism’ can have on a sense of self-worth,” Nwogwugwu said, explaining that otherism is the idea that individuals who don’t fit into the norms of a social group are treated as outsiders.




health nurse practitioner and

personal experiences, Charlotte Nwogwugwu, DrPH, MPH, MSN, HIV PCP, CPH-BC, assistant professor, published a children’s book, A Hero and a Friend: A Fight Against Bullying, with her sister, Dianne

A Hero and a Friend tells the story of an impactful day for friends Chinonye, a Nigerian girl, and Aarya, a Sudanese girl, who bond over their shared interests and experiences as children of foreign-born parents. The book follows the girls through a day at school during which they

A Hero and a Friend has garnered positive feedback from reviews online and during readings at local schools. The book will be part of a series, with the second installment planned for this fall. The book is available for purchase on

“I am excited that these UMSON organized research centers will lead scientific discovery to enhance the health and well-being of the people of Maryland and beyond.”
from background as psychiatric mental from MATTHEW D’AGOSTINO/UMB Nwogwugwu holds a copy of A Hero and a Friend.


Graduates, family, and friends of the Class of 2022 gathered at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena in Baltimore, May 19, 2022, for the first in-person Convocation ceremony that the School had held since 2019. During the ceremony, nearly 500 nursing degrees and certificates were conferred.

The 2022 Dean’s Medal for Distinguished Service, which each year recognizes someone external to the School who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to advancing UMSON and its mission, was presented to William J. McLennan Sr., who had recently retired as executive director of Paul’s Place, a human services outreach center in Southwest

Baltimore. UMSON’s partnership with Paul’s Place spans more than 35 years, and the School created the organization’s original facultyled Nurses Clinic, which serves as a student clinical site.

“The pandemic shined a light on how you, as frontline health care professionals, are a critical part of the equation to move individuals, families, and communities to a more stable and healthy life,” McLennan said. “Don’t forget to put your own oxygen mask on first! Find the time to take care of yourself because it will give you an even greater ability to take care of those around you – friends, colleagues, family, and of course, your patients.”

Earlier in the day, Christine Grady, PhD, RN, FAAN, received the degree of Honorary Doctor of Public Service from the University of Maryland, Baltimore during its Commencement ceremony. Grady is a nurse-bioethicist and senior investigator; as chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, she leads one of the nation’s preeminent centers for bioethics scholarship and training.

“Today is a celebration of grit, determination, and resilience. And of our continued commitment to keep giving to others.”
MAY 2022
clockwise from top left 1. An entry-into-nursing graduate is embraced by her pinner. 2. McLennan Sr. delivers the keynote address. 3. Elaborate mortarboard artwork 4. Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, celebrates! 5. Presenting Grady with an Honorary Doctor of Public Service degree 6. Student speaker Babich
7. Outside of the arena, post-ceremony
7 6 1 3 4 2 5


On Dec. 19, UMSON hosted its Graduation ceremony at Baltimore’s historic Hippodrome Theatre, honoring more than 300 summer and fall 2022 graduates.

Suzanne Miyamoto, PhD, RN, FAAN, chief executive officer of the American Academy of Nursing, served as the keynote speaker. “You are a nurse. Your power will be immeasurable. Your presence will be extraordinary,” she said. “Challenge your comfort and channel your boldness. Today marks one milestone. The success of what lies ahead is built on your strength and determination.”

University of Maryland, Baltimore

President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, who conferred degrees at the ceremony, recognized the many contributions made by Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, who announced her retirement in October.

“It has been my great pleasure to work with her side by side through these many years,” he said. “Dean Kirschling, thank you for all that you have done.” Kirschling received a standing ovation from the platform party joining her onstage.

“One thing I need each and every one of you to do today as you cross this stage is to give yourself credit for buckling your seatbelts and committing to a lifetime of nursing.”
clockwise from top left 1. Graduates embrace outside of the Hippodrome. 2. Miyamoto delivers the keynote address. 3. Student speaker Oladigbolu 4. PhD graduates 5. Faculty Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing with Miyamoto (second from right)
6. Faces of the graduating class
5 5 6 1 2 3 4
See more photos from both ceremonies at nursing. Click on “Photo, Video, and Program Archive.”


UMSON is one of 50 schools of nursing from 28 states selected by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) to participate in a national initiative designed to foster inclusive learning environments and build a more diverse nursing workforce.

133 UMSON courses at entry and advanced levels have been mapped to 204 subcompetencies of AACN’s new Essentials, ensuring that UMSON’s curriculum is aligned with the revised blueprint for competency-based education.

UMSON’s new Parsons Hall sculptural replica, installed last fall in the courtyard, is composed of 5,300 pounds of concrete, 1,000 pounds of granite, and 230 pounds of bronze. (See “Hall of Memories,” Page 35.)

Twenty-five percent of students’ tuition and fees are covered through the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers; UMSON has renewed its partnership with the Peace Corps to participate in the program for another five years, and it is the only University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) school to offer the scholarship.

Carla Storr, ScD, MPH, was appointed professor emerita following her retirement in September 2021; she served on the UMSON faculty for 13 years and as a member of 60 PhD dissertation committees, 18 of which as chair.

For five years running, UMSON has earned the

Health Professions

Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, which recognizes colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Approximately 50 incoming entry-intonursing students completed a Naloxone administration training to counter opioid overdose and received an administration kit during their orientation before this spring semester.

Mary Etta Mills, ScD, MS ’73, BSN ’71, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, former professor, retired (again) last year, after having served the UMB community in several different roles for nearly 50 years, including as interim UMSON dean in 2019.

“In order for there to be good, appropriate care, there needs to be good, shared decision making. There is a clear discussion of risks and benefits – and people are respected and not treated like criminals for refusing an intervention or care.”
Rachel Blankstein Breman, PhD ’18, MPH, RN, assistant professor TIME magazine, November 2022
16 • NURSING FOR/UM • SPRING 2023 — Compiled by Giordana Segneri

The Kirschling (R)Evolution

It would be natural to imagine that last fall, when Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, announced her retirement at the end of this academic year, the UMSON community would enter a period of reflection and, perhaps, would slow down the pace as an era came to a close. But that would be antithetical to the nature of Kirschling’s consistently forward-looking, exceptionally productive tenure, a decade-plus not only of the dean herself quite literally rolling up her sleeves to get things done but of constant growth, evolution, and a revolution in the core work of the School. The pace has quickened, the momentum propelled forward as we look toward a future that is defined

Emphasis on Expanding the Nursing Workforce

In response to national calls and local needs, UMSON has continued to drive (often in very creative ways) toward building the nursing workforce –through growing its student body; expanding its academic programs and physical footprints both in Baltimore and at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) in Rockville, Maryland; partnering with practice sites; and increasing diversity among its student body and employees.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

UMSON became the first University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) school to formalize a leadership position dedicated to DEI, and the School has worked continuously to provide programming and professional

and driven by the important work that has been and continues to be done at UMSON and by UMSON students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

This is Kirschling’s legacy – one focused on making UMSON a better place to work and learn and marked by significantly elevating the School’s local, state, national, and even international impact and reputation.

Summarizing the extensive accomplishments and providing all of the details of how the School has grown and evolved during Kirschling’s deanship would be impossible with the limited pages we have here (in fact, there are nearly 500 news releases chronicling this work on our website). But certain themes emerge from her tenure.

development to students and employees to increase equity, justice, and respect. Our In UniSON position statement reflects our commitment to doing the continued hard work of nurturing an anti-racist environment and to honoring and celebrating community members who have opened doors and who continue to do so.

Contributions to Nursing Science

In raising the profile of nursing research, UMSON has focused on the importance of “bench to bedside to community.” Kirschling created a research-intensive academic unit, diversified UMSON’s research faculty, and promoted interprofessional approaches to research that have far-reaching impacts on health care. Support of UMSON’s PhD program, among the first in the nation when it was established more than four

decades ago, and of the School’s PhD students and postdoctoral fellows has been a hallmark of her tenure.

Promotion of Community, Academic, and Practice Partnerships

Providing opportunities for students, contributing to the health and well-being of our local and global communities, and bolstering the nursing workforce all require collaborative efforts, and Kirschling has emphasized developing beneficial and sustainable partnerships with entities such as Paul’s Place, a nonprofit community-serving organization in West Baltimore where UMSON faculty and students provide clinical care to residents; community colleges statewide to create a pipeline to UMSON’s BSN program; and University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) hospitals to promote clinical opportunities for students, care coordination among clinicians, cooperative research opportunities, and more.

Nursing on a National Stage Kirschling’s legacy may be no more evident than in how she has elevated UMSON, and nursing in general, at the national level. Through her involvement in national organizations, her policy and advocacy efforts statewide and federally, and her emphasis on workforce issues and the value of interprofessional education, UMSON and the work it undertakes is more visible than ever.

On the following pages, we provide a timeline of a selection of the School’s noteworthy accomplishments during Kirschling’s tenure.

– 2023
Dean Kirschling’s Legacy: Making UMSON a better place to work and learn, grounded in civility, respect, and inclusion.



Kirschling (above, at left) takes helm as UMSON dean and UMB director of interprofessional education



UMSON establishes Nurse Leadership Institute, a yearlong program that develops nurse leaders in practice and education


Eight UMSON doctoral candidates selected as Jonas Nurse Leader Scholars


UMSON launches state’s first Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)-to-Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program


UMSON names 25 inaugural Visionary Pioneers in commemoration of 125th anniversary

UMSON hosts inaugural White Coat Ceremony


Department of Pain and Translational Symptom Science established



UMSON begins offering its Registered Nurse-to-BSN program at Laurel College Center in response to Maryland’s increasing demand for bachelor’s-prepared nurses


UMSON signs first community college Dual-Admission Partnership agreement for RN-to-BSN program with College of Southern Maryland

UMSON receives largest gift in history, $5.24 million, from Bill and Joanne Conway’s Bedford Falls Foundation, establishing the Conway Scholars program

UMSON selected for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars program to increase number of nurses holding PhDs


UMSON receives accreditation from Society for Simulation in Health Care


UMSON granted 10-year accreditation from Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education


UMSON begins offering DNP Neonatal Nurse Practitioner specialty



UMSON hires first associate dean for diversity and inclusion at UMB


UMSON receives $750,000 gift from Mary Catherine Bunting, MS ’72, CRNP, RN, to fund its Community and Public Health Environmental Initiative (CPHEI) with Baltimore City Early Head Start and Head Start centers


UMSON honored with AACN Advocate of the Year Award


UMSON hosts undergraduate research UM Scholars for first time


UMSON expands its DNP Family Nurse Practitioner specialty to USG


UMSON joins Global Health Educators Climate Commitment

UMSON’s DNP program ranked No. 5 in U.S. News & World Report’s first-ever DNP rankings


White House announces UMSON’s participation in pledge on opioid education


$2.7 million National Institutes of Health grant funds Omics Associated with Self-management Interventions for Symptoms (OASIS) Center at UMSON


University of Maryland Urgent Care opens in UMSON building in Baltimore, providing clinical learning site



The Conways’ Bedford Falls Foundation makes an additional $2 million gift to expand Conway Scholars program to advanced degree students


Two UMSON master’s programs, the Nursing Informatics specialty and the Clinical Nurse Leader option, hit No. 1 in U.S. News & World Report rankings


UMSON cuts ribbon on new clinical simulation labs at USG



Through funding from Conways’ Bedford Falls Foundation, UMSON begins covering costs of BSN courses for community college students participating in Dual-Admission Partnerships


Together with University of Maryland School of Medicine, UMSON cuts ribbon on expanded and enhanced interprofessional Standardized Patient Program facility in UMSON’s Baltimore building



UMSON again receives largest gift in its history, $10 million, from the Conways’ Bedford Falls Foundation to provide scholarships for nearly 350 Conway Scholars


UMSON launches graduate Care Coordination Certificate program


Maryland Nursing Workforce Center established at UMSON


UMSON receives INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine’s Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award



Additional $500,000 received from Bunting to continue work of CPHEI in Early Head Start and Head Start centers


UMSON celebrates 130th anniversary and inducts five new Visionary Pioneers



At request of then-Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, UMSON offers early-exit option to graduating entry-into-nursing students to bolster nursing workforce during COVID-19 pandemic


After only a few months’ pause, UMSON returns to hands-on clinical and simulation learning



UMSON students and faculty join COVID-19 vaccine rollout effort at UMB Southern Management Corporation Campus Center vaccine clinic, which Kirschling (below, at right) later directs

Korean Culture and Art of Maryland performed at the official launch celebration of In UniSON.


UMSON introduces In UniSON: Together We Commit, Together We Act, its anti-oppression position statement



UMSON’s BSN program becomes among first in nation to offer an entirely revised curriculum based on AACN new Essentials, a blueprint for competencybased education


UMSON’s Peace Corps Coverdell Fellowship scholarship program renewed for additional five years


UMSON receives INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine’s Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award for fifth consecutive year


U.S. News & World Report ranks UMSON’s online master’s programs for first time, and they rank among the best

Another gift from Conways’ Bedford Falls Foundation, $13.8 million, becomes largest gift in School history, funding 345 more Conway Scholarships, dedicating $1 million to USG building renovation, and establishing named Bill and Joanne Conway Dean of the University of Maryland School of Nursing

With dual-admission partnerships with Hagerstown Community College and Allegany College of Maryland, USMON formalizes partnerships with every community college Associate Degree in Nursing program in Maryland


UMSON launches nation’s only graduate Substance Use and Addictions Nursing Certificate


U.S. News & World Report ranks BSN programs for first time, and UMSON ranks in top 10

UMSON offers early exit to graduating entry-into-nursing students for fourth and final time during pandemic



Faculty members selected to serve as R3 Champions of statewide Resilient Nurses Initiative


UMSON and UMMS partner to pilot Practicum to Practice Program and Academy of Clinical Essentials, two highly innovative nursing workforce development programs aimed at mitigating nursing shortage


UMSON receives $2.4 million state grant to develop community collaborative aimed at improving cardiovascular health and reducing social isolation in West Baltimore

Health Professions


UMSON’s historic Pi Chapter of Sigma international honor society expands to Pi at-Large Chapter to include nurses of Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center

Top Colleges for Diversity 2022



UMSON launches two new organized research centers focused on placebo effects and symptom science


UMB’s 10-year capital Catalyst Campaign concludes, with UMSON raising more than 150% of its goal (the largest percentage of all UMB schools)



UMSON cuts ribbon on expanded footprint of Baltimore building, providing new spaces for learning, working, and reflecting; it features names of two pioneering alumnae on façade and a living green wall, the second only at UMB


UMSON receives fifth gift from Conways, an additional $7 million, creating 218 more scholarships


A newly renovated Building I opens at USG, entirely dedicated to UMSON programs

Pi at-Large Chapter


Raising the Gambian Research Bar


Veronica P.S.

Njie-Carr, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, FWACN

It’s the smallest nation on the African mainland and one of the poorest in the world. Located along the West African coast, its dense population – projected to reach nearly 3 million by 2025 – continues to face rising heart disease, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases, serious obstacles to maternal and women’s health, and an insufficient supply of health care providers.

Gambia’s research capacity to deal with these challenges is “weak,” notes a recent report from the Global Challenges Research Fund, following 24 years of dictatorship that destroyed much of the government’s infrastructure, including research. In 2016, the former British colony returned to a democratic government, and the transformational changes that resulted have stimulated new opportunities for research in academic, health care, and other institutions.

Maryland, Baltimore President’s Global Impact Fund (PGIF) to develop a research ethics and methods certificate program in Gambia as a foundation for subsequent expansion to a master’s program. Njie-Carr serves as co-principal investigator (PI) with UMSOM’s Henry Silverman, MD, MA, professor, and UTG’s Jainaba Sey-Sawo, PhD.

The PGIF seed grant supported the beginning work on developing Gambia’s capacity efforts, such as holding virtual workshops and conducting surveys to gather data for the Fogarty grant application. The Fogarty award will fund tuition and fees for the health professionals, research committee members, and scholars in the certificate and master’s programs in addition to professional development programs for trainees, such as mentoring, grant writing, regional conferences, and travel to the United States to observe best practices. The PIs on the project will also serve as faculty, educating others to ensure the project’s sustainability.

“We are keenly cognizant of the importance of utilizing best evidence in caring for patients to promote positive outcomes,” Njie-Carr says. “Gambian health professionals and academics will undoubtedly benefit from the Fogarty award as the country strengthens its research enterprise and capacity development efforts.”


One of the first priorities ethicists will face in building research participation by Gambian people is to respect the nuances of the local culture, Njie-Carr explains. For instance, she says, unlike in Western cultures, family and community, not individuals, are at the center of Gambian society, meaning that research designs will need to reflect local values for relevance. Also, high illiteracy will require creating informed consent forms that rely heavily on graphics and illustrations.

To continue that growth, UMSON’s Veronica P.S. Njie-Carr, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, FWACN, associate professor, has been awarded $1.18 million from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health to strengthen capacity in health research ethics and methodology in the country. The Fogarty International Center supports and facilitates global health research conducted by U.S. and international investigators, builds partnerships between health research institutions in the United States and abroad, and educates the next generation of scientists to address global health needs.

As part of the five-year project, faculty from UMSON and from the University of The Gambia (UTG); the Medical Research Council, Gambia Unit; and the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) will collaborate to extend the work of the University of

Njie-Carr, a member of the Gambian diaspora, teaches, mentors, and supervises academic faculty, nurse leaders, and graduate nursing students in UTG’s Department of Nursing, where she is a consultant on curricula and research activities. Her interest in supporting the next generation of academic scholars led to her work in building capacity in low-tomiddle-income countries, where she has a strong track record developing, implementing, and evaluating education and research programs.

“We live in a culture where people think if you ask questions, you’re not smart enough,” Njie-Carr explains, adding that many young Gambians have never had an opportunity to be mentored. The PGIF and Fogarty awards, she says, will help build a cadre of new researchers “with the guidance, support, and mentorship to go higher and rebuild a research enterprise with scientific integrity and rigor.”

“We are keenly cognizant of the importance of utilizing best evidence in caring for patients to promote positive outcomes.”

Cultivating Cultural Humility

Cultural humility, as opposed to cultural competence, moves beyond working respectfully with people from diverse cultures to recognizing one’s own biases and limitations and actively working to avoid making assumptions that can cause harm to others. “Traditionally, a lot of us have been taught that you can study other cultures or people and become ‘competent’ in caring for them,” says B. Elias Snyder, MS ’14, FNP-C, ACHPN, clinical instructor and director of UMSON’s Office of Global Health.

“But you can’t really become competent in a culture other than your

own. In response, the movement for cultural humility says, ‘Let’s approach people from other cultures with respect, appreciation, and genuine curiosity.’” He underscores that it may be uncomfortable and take effort to say, “I don’t know, but I’m curious.”

Part of this work is recognizing our biases in order to address them. “Internal biases are things that we may not be aware of that inform how we react to other people or situations,” he says. “When you don’t take the time to recognize a bias, you can perpetuate harm to others. Both inner work and outer work are required. Inner work is learning about yourself, your biases, and being comfortable getting feedback. Outer work is trying to move beyond that bias and make a positive impact.”

Snyder has spent several years living in East Africa working on various health care projects and returns to Tanzania annually to continue his work. He specializes in palliative care and hospice. He offers these recommendations for providers to expand cultural humility and mitigate bias:

1 Do foundational learning.

“If you have a particular community you work with, organize a group of employees and community members for a book club or intentional discussion about cultural practices,” Snyder suggests. This is important, he says, “because it can be burdensome for somebody to constantly explain themselves. There has to be an element of self-learning and independently doing the work.”

2 Get to know your biases –but be gentle with yourself.

“We all have bias, whether we realize it or not,” Snyder says. “The idea is to approach it really gently with ourselves as opposed to denying it or being very rigid in an attempt to fix it.” He says the important aspect of this is to recognize the biased thinking, work on mitigating it, and consider the process a growth opportunity.

3 Cultivate friendships with people.

But make sure these people include those who are different from you. Forming close friendships with different people makes it easier to learn and make mistakes. “Even having coffee with a friend can be a learning opportunity,” Snyder says. “You don’t need to attend a conference or webinar to learn about culture; just make it part of your everyday life.”

4 Open the lines of communication.

“There has to be genuine curiosity, appreciation, and respect, and those things can be cultivated,” he says.

“It can be as simple as saying, ‘I want to make sure we give you the best care. This is really important to me, so please tell me how I can best support you and make this experience better.’” He indicates that initiating this conversation normalizes the fact that everyone has unique needs and experiences and alleviates the patient’s burden of having to initiate the conversation.

“There has to be genuine curiosity, appreciation, and respect, and those things can be cultivated.”
B. Elias Snyder, MS ’14, FNP-C, ACHPN

Answering Her Calling

Some say nursing is a calling. Margaret Giblin, BSN ’22, says she has received several signs along her journey that have confirmed this.

Born and raised in the Baltimore area, Giblin attended the Friends School of Baltimore, where her education was grounded in social justice and equity. In her senior year, she participated in a seminar led by Jhpiego, a Johns Hopkins-affiliated nonprofit focused on global birthing outcomes, and she learned about maternal mortality rates and racial disparities in health outcomes, both in the United States and worldwide. She also learned about the frequent complications that can lead to devastating consequences, and she became interested in midwifery and women’s health.

Giblin started in a pre-med track at Washington College on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, balancing her studies with acting in several theater productions. She quickly realized she was more interested in bedside and patient-centered care, she said. After speaking with her aunt, a nurse, she decided to pivot to pre-nursing. She chose to be closer to home and attended Towson University to complete the necessary prerequisites. Giblin still loves theater and says it has helped her with the communication and interpersonal skills that are critical for work in health care.

When Giblin first applied to UMSON, she was not accepted. She persevered and applied again, not

only being admitted but securing a Conway Scholarship, which covered her tuition, books, and fees. Giblin said she was ecstatic when she learned she had received the scholarship and knew it was a sign that she was meant to be at UMSON.

The Conway Scholarship motivated Giblin to succeed academically and enabled her to move within walking distance of campus. “The scholarship was such a blessing,” she says. “I was able to focus 100% on school.”

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Giblin administered vaccines at the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s on-campus vaccination clinic. While participating in clinical rotations at the University of Maryland Medical Center, she found that patients were alone for long periods of time without family being able to visit. Giblin says she enjoyed being an empathetic connection and support system to help patients through a

trying time. This sense of fulfillment is another sign she is on the right path in achieving her calling, she says.

On the first day of her Maternity, Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing class, she witnessed an unmedicated birth. “It was the most beautiful thing,” she says, adding that she “learned so much in the rotation about fetal monitoring and high-risk pregnancies.” Her academic and clinical experiences at UMSON strengthened her passion for nursing, says Giblin, who has remained in Baltimore, working as a graduate nurse on the Comprehensive Transplant Unit at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. She eventually wants to become a Certified Nurse Midwife and work to advocate for birth workers of color within the profession. She says, “A city is only as strong as its most vulnerable populations.”

“A city is only as strong as its most vulnerable populations.”


Thanks to continuing advances in health care and technology, people are living much longer, even after developing serious illnesses. According to a 2019 report from the Center to Advance Palliative Care, 12 million adults and 400,000 children in the United States are living with a serious illness (cancer, heart or kidney disease, dementia, etc.).

“People live with serious illness longer, and we need to be able to provide the best care possible for them to manage symptoms and assist with decision-making about goals of care and treatment preferences,” says Joan Carpenter, PhD, CRNP, ACHPN, FPCN, assistant professor, who conducts research focused on palliative care.

Palliative care nurses encourage decision-making and improve quality of life for seriously ill patients and their families

Palliative care is intended to help people living with a serious illness live well. It helps them stay at home rather than having to go to the emergency room or the hospital. Offered by an interprofessional team of providers, it reduces physical discomfort, improves quality of life, and makes living with a serious illness easier – both for the patient and for those who care for them.

Palliative care is appropriate for patients of any age and at any stage of serious illness, Carpenter says. A person living with dementia and their care partner may receive palliative care to discuss disease trajectory and support with difficult treatment decisions. A person with congestive heart failure may receive palliative care for treatment of shortness of breath and anxiety to improve their quality of life.


While palliative care is receiving increased awareness among health care providers and patients, most undergraduate nursing programs haven’t offered much palliative care education beyond one or two lectures, says Janet Wulf, DNP ’19, MS ’06, RN, CNL, CHPN, CNE, assistant professor and director of UMSON’s entry Clinical Nurse Leader master’s option.

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and End of Life Nursing Education Consortium have advocated for refocusing nursing education to teach competencies for delivering primary palliative care, which is defined as palliative care provided by clinicians who are not palliative care specialists. Primary palliative care is provided to individuals affected by a life-limiting or life-threatening condition.

“Primary palliative care is the care that every nurse should be able to provide to patients who are suffering physical, spiritual, psychological, or social distress,” Wulf says. “Palliative care is profoundly and naturally embedded in good nursing care.”

AACN, which establishes standards for nursing education, released its latest The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education in spring 2021 as a blueprint for the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies of bachelor’s, master’s, and Doctor of Nursing Practice graduates to transform nursing education. The new document outlines four important domains that make up the discipline of nursing, one of which is hospice/palliative/supportive care.

Wulf (left) observes a palliative care communication simulation involving Bachelor of Science in Nursing students in her Palliative Care course and a standardized participant, a person acting as a patient.

UMSON introduced a revised curriculum last fall for the entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program to align with the new Essentials; it includes a new required primary palliative care course for all BSN students, one of the first required such courses in the country. Wulf is part of the team of faculty members who developed content for the course, alongside Hannah Murphy Buc, MSN, RN, CNE, clinical instructor and director of the entry BSN program; and Melissa McClean, MSN, ANP-BC, NP-C, ACHPN, clinical instructor.

“Every nursing student needs to have a course in palliative care, so they feel comfortable identifying unmet palliative needs in their patients,” Wulf says. “They’ll have a toolkit to address those needs to the extent they can, and if they’re not able to address them, then the nurse works with the medical team to involve specialists in palliative care.”

Murphy Buc says she is enthusiastic about the primary palliative care education that UMSON’s BSN students will receive moving forward. They will be able to assess a patient’s goals for care, talk about the patient’s decisionmaking capacity and who might make decisions for them, and prioritize appropriate nursing assessments and interventions for a patient receiving palliative care versus a patient whose goal is curative treatment, Murphy Buc explains.


Murphy Buc recalls experiencing a great deal of moral distress during her early career working in a surgical intensive care unit (ICU) that her subsequent work in palliative care helped alleviate. “One of the most upsetting pieces to me was the way in which I saw people die in an intensive care setting,” she says. Murphy Buc became interested in end-of-life discussions and eventually sought additional palliative care education.

“Palliative care helped me to see that there are so many ways that we can improve what we’re doing in every practice area if we’re thinking through the lens of whole patient and whole family care.”

“Palliative care helped me to see that there are so many ways that we can improve what we’re doing in every practice area if we’re thinking through the lens of whole patient and whole family care,” she adds.

UMSON is preparing nurses to deliver primary palliative care in a hospital setting, but faculty recognize that traditionally marginalized groups disproportionately suffer from serious illnesses and have limited access to high-quality, person-centered equitable care. In addition to her work as the BSN program director, Murphy Buc is a doctoral student researching hospice care among patients who are experiencing homelessness or a vulnerable housing situation.

“Hospice and palliative care operate on the assumption that a patient has a home and a support network,” Murphy Buc says. “Especially among marginalized populations, those assumptions aren’t fair. We know what the barriers are, but how do we set up a situation where communities with health disparities can access excellent palliative and hospice care?”

Several research studies with cancer patients reveal that the earlier palliative care is introduced to patients, the longer patients will live. In addition, quality of life for patients and their families improves and patient satisfaction improves, a metric that hospital systems closely track because patient satisfaction rates affect value-based reimbursement models from government insurance payers such as Medicare and Medicaid. The U.S. health care system has slowly been transitioning from the traditional fee-for-service model, which prioritized reimbursement based on a hospital or provider’s volume of patients, toward a value-based system of care (and reimbursement). Clinicians are beginning to see institutions adopt a patient-first approach that aligns with nursing’s goals of providing quality, compassionate care.

“The medical community is moving away from the traditional model of hierarchy, with an individual or physician dictating the way care is delivered,” McClean says. “Health care entities are concerned with end users –patients – being satisfied with their care, and offering a palliative care model improves patient satisfaction.”

Through her research, Carpenter has found that patients aren’t typically aware of different treatment options and how they may affect their quality of life.

“When we have conversations with people living with serious illness and talk about what kind of life they may live, I find people saying, ‘No one ever told me that,’” Carpenter explains.

With older adult patients who have serious illness, surgery often requires a stay in the ICU, and complications can occur. “We talk about the treatments and what life might look like after surgery,” Carpenter says. “It’s not just about the treatment itself, but how it will impact their quality of life and their ability to do the things they want to do in the future.”


The U.S. health care payment model for a palliative care team remains challenging for patients and providers.

Marian Grant, DNP ’10, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, FPCN, RN, FAAN, a former UMSON faculty member, is working with the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care, where she serves as a senior regulatory advisor, to explore new ways to offer and pay for palliative care benefits. For instance, recent Medicare regulations now allow Medicare Advantage plans, the type of Medicare provided by private health insurance companies, to offer home-based palliative care as a supplemental benefit to beneficiaries with chronic illness. Several states are also revising their Medicaid requirements to require palliative care benefits for those enrollees.

“State and federal government agencies recognize the benefits of palliative care services for their constituents and are now experimenting on ways to pay for it,” Grant says. “This is needed because current fee-for-service payment, where providers get paid for clinical visits and procedures, doesn’t reimburse for palliative care services like education or support to the family, or for non-billing members of the interdisciplinary team like nurses, social workers, or chaplains.”

“It’s not just about the treatment itself, but how it will impact their quality of life and their ability to do the things they want to do in the future.”

In addition to the satisfaction that patients and their families report that they’ve received from palliative care, offering palliative care is a form of social justice, says B. Elias Snyder, MS ’14, FNP-C, ACHPN, clinical instructor and director of UMSON’s Office of Global Health. Snyder has practiced in palliative care and hospice nursing in a variety of settings internationally and domestically and is researching global end-of-life practices in his PhD program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He explains that with palliative care, nurses and other providers aren’t choosing the health care goal; they’re putting that decision into the hands of the patient. “When providers give people honest information about treatment options and how those options might impact their lives, patients have the autonomy to make informed decisions that are aligned with their goals and values,” Snyder says.

Conversations between palliative care teams and patients require as much listening as talking, and the communication methods involved require just as much skill as other health care procedures. “Being able to have conversations about serious illness and treatment preferences is not easy,” Carpenter says. “We’re not born with those skills – many of us spend a lot of time learning them.” BSN students in the new palliative care course will participate in role playing and simulation exercises and learn about tools that help clinicians identify and respond to emotions and challenging questions.

Because nurses make up the largest portion of health care workers in the country, it’s vital that they’re prepared to provide the type of patient care that focuses on quality of life and symptom management. “Palliative care education has the potential to shift the practice of health care – if we get enough nurses taking time to know their patients’ wishes, I think they can help the health care team make better decisions with the patient’s family,” Carpenter says.


While most U.S. hospitals have palliative care teams, there is a significant need for palliative care providers in community environments and in other countries around the globe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 40 million people around the world need palliative care, and 78% of them live in low- and middleincome countries. Worldwide, only 14% of people who need palliative care receive it.

Snyder has witnessed the suffering that patients in low- and middle-income countries endure due to limited access to life-sustaining treatments and palliative care. Snyder spends part of the year doing clinical work and conducting research in East African countries, including Tanzania. He says that many providers in Tanzania are uncomfortable communicating with patients about serious illnesses. That experience inspired him to develop palliative care trainings at FAME Medical Hospital in collaboration with a team of physicians, nurses, and social workers to create modules and clinical practice guidelines that are culturally responsive and based on locally available resources, such as pain management options.

While the goals of palliative care are the same worldwide – easing suffering, advocating for patient autonomy, and supporting patients to make informed decisions – the assessments and treatment options may vary greatly among countries. In Tanzania, Snyder and his palliative care

team adapted comprehensive assessments to include questions such as, “How far do you walk to get water?” “Do you have electricity?” “What’s your income – are you selling fruits and vegetables at the local market?” “What traditional practices and herbs do you use?”

The Tanzanian palliative care team must be resourceful with pain management techniques. If acetaminophen and ibuprofen are available (morphine and controlled medicines are nearly impossible to access), the team uses medications off label and creatively to manage pain and symptoms, while also including traditional medicine from community healers and herbalists.

Snyder is bringing what he’s learned from Tanzanian providers to meet the needs of individuals and communities in the Baltimore area, such as cleverly utilizing available resources to solve problems and emphasizing the importance of community in caring for people with serious illness. He plans to continue collaborating with Tanzanian colleagues to improve palliative care services in that country. “In the U.S., we’re always going to other countries, teaching new things and trying to help people,” he says. “Because no one country has all the answers, global health should have a bidirectional approach, where we’re both learning and growing with each other.”

Snyder (right) with Maasai Elders he met with to discuss end-of-life rituals; this photo is used with permission from these Maasai Elders. PHOTO COURTESY OF B. ELIAS SNYDER



Is there a nursing gene? We don’t know of a specific one that’s been identified, but a penchant for providing exceptional care for others certainly seems to be a shared trait among family members –or maybe it’s modeled behavior that inspires relatives. Whatever the reason, we’re proud to claim these four families among our alumni, representing six decades of education at UMSON.

“We always encouraged each other – and it felt great knowing that my brother was just a few meters away.”


“It has made us appreciate each other more and better understand each other’s struggles and celebrate each other’s victories.”

Remi (seated) and Paul Ademola come from a family of nurses and UMSON alumni, including their sisters Adedayo Comfort Ademola, MS ’13, BSN ’07, and Ebunoluwa Ademola, BSN ’13. “My sisters are great nurses, and that inspires me,” Remi says.



Remilekun Ademola, BSN ’20, RN, and Paul Ademola, BSN ’20, RN-BC

Paul and Remi were study partners, graduated together, and took their NCLEX exams a month apart. During their first nursing jobs at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, they worked in different units at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Baltimore. Paul says it was a daunting initiation: “Everyone was learning, and I had to learn faster. Yet I never felt alone or inadequately prepared.” He started out in a cardiac telemetry unit before transferring to behavioral health and is now board certified in psychiatricmental health nursing and pursuing his Master of Science in Nursing degree. Remi is a member of a medical-surgical team and is also exploring further studies in psychiatricmental health nursing.

SPRING 2023 • 31

Christine retired in 2018 from a nursing career that encompassed instruction and coordinating curriculum and programs in areas such as childbirth education, obstetrics, lactation, perinatal bereavement, and nursing student clinicals. “Watching staff and students grow during their experiences and seeing joy on their faces at their ‘aha’ moments is gratifying,” she says. Now a mixed-media artist, Christine recently completed artwork for a book, Kefi: Cherishing the spirit of a loved one after death, co-created with a fellow nurse.

Annie began her nursing career in neurotrauma before going back to school for a degree in marketing and management, then moving into ambulatory care and administration. As a nursing director of


Christine Kirk Shippen, MS ’98, BSN ’73, RN, IBCLC, RLC; Annie Shippen, MSc, MSN, MS ’10, RN; and Cambra Growden, BSN ’01, RN

operations quality for a surgery network, she has gained experience in managing staff, budgeting, and regulatory compliance, among other areas, that “gave me a broader perspective on health care logistics,” she explains.

While not genetically related to the other Shippens, Cambra is married to Christine’s son, Michael. She worked in critical care nursing and hospice case management and as a clinical instructor before moving to an integrative health care practice. Deeply listening and validating the journeys of her patients and fellow nurses is important to her. “As nurses, we often don’t discuss the personal effects of witnessing loss and suffering, nor the joys of being touched by profound recovery,” she says.

“Chris, Annie, and I are close friends and confidants. To all of us, nursing is not only a profession but part of our identity, and we all speak the specialized language of healing that only a nurse can understand.”
Christine Shippen (seated), Annie Shippen (left), and Cambra Growden (top) are bound by family ties and their shared commitment to caring and healing. Christine served as president of the UMSON Alumni Association, 2015 - 17.


Kimberly (left) and Tim Sparklin both graduated with their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees from UMSON, 34 years apart. They also both served on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It is really nice being able to connect with my mom on a professional level on top of the personal,” Tim says.

Kim Sparklin recently retired after a 38-year nursing career that included trauma care and working for Baltimore County Public Schools. Most recently, she managed COVID-19 outbreaks for the Baltimore County Department of Health in settings such as nursing homes, group homes, and hospitals.

“I was able to use my nursing knowledge to provide supportive care to my colleagues on the front line,” she says.


Carmel A. McComiskey, DNP ’10, MS ’96, PPCNP-BC, CPNP-AC, FAANP, FAAN, and Molly McComiskey, DNP ’21, CPNP-AC

As a young neonatal intensive care unit nurse, Carmel was drawn to caring for babies with surgical needs, an interest that eventually led to her becoming a charter member of the American Pediatric Surgical Nurses Association and an editor for a pediatric surgery textbook and a specialized journal. In her role as director of nurse practitioners at UMMC, she fosters recruitment, onboarding, orientation, and retention of advanced practice nurses. She is also an assistant professor at UMSON.

Tim was one of those front-line workers, spending six months of the pandemic in the adult emergency department at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) before moving to infection prevention. Tim’s nursing career began as a result of a suggestion from Kim, when he was transitioning from another job post-college.

“I will always be grateful that we had a conversation about me looking into nursing because it changed my life for the better,” he says.

Molly worked in the pediatric intensive care unit at UMMC before joining the pediatric brain tumor team at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. Her relationship with her mother is key to her success, she says. “I’ve seen really sad things, so having someone who truly understands and isn’t afraid or uncomfortable with what may have happened is incredibly helpful. I’m so lucky to have my mom,” she adds.


, who served as president of UMSON’s Alumni Association 2017 -19, and Molly McComiskey share a passion for pediatric nursing.

“Tim is my go-to for all medical discussions, and we share similar values such as concern for others and a lifelong love of learning. I am very happy and proud there are two nurses in our family.”
“I jokingly tell people that I think I might have taken my daughter to work one day too often. I think Molly came to understand and appreciate the contributions advanced practice nurses make to the treatment and quality of a family’s life.”

Hall of Memories

Named for Louisa Parsons, first superintendent of the University of Maryland School of Nursing upon its founding in 1889, Parsons Hall opened as a nursing students’ residence at 618 W. Lombard St. in November 1922, six years after Parsons’ death and 30 years after her tenure at the thenUniversity Hospital Training School for Nurses. Prior to this, students lived in a section of the old University Hospital and in row houses next to the hospital.

Parsons Hall served as student housing for more than six decades, until the 1980s, and was later used as nursing faculty office space. The seven-story structure was demolished in 1998 for expansion of the University of Maryland Medical Center. To mark the occasion, the Alumni Association held a Wrecking Ball gala and sold bricks from Parsons Hall as memorabilia.

To honor the memory of Parsons Hall – shown here, to the right of the hospital, as it appeared circa 1990 – and the many nursing students and faculty who occupied it, last fall UMSON installed in the Baltimore courtyard a nearly 11-foot-tall, cast stone sculptural replica of the entrance as it appeared in 1922. It includes the stone medallion that later adorned the front exterior, visible in the photo. Newly installed landscaping and a new bench accompany the replica. (See “Change of Address,” Page 44.)

The sculpture was unveiled at the All-Alumni Reunion event in September, and a time capsule, to be opened in 25 years, has been sealed inside it.


Class Notes

Let your fellow alumni know what’s happening in your professional life. Submitting an update to Class Notes is easy; just visit classnotes or contact us at or 410-706-0674. You can also send us mail courtesy of Cynthia Sikorski, director of alumni relations, at 655 W. Lombard St., Suite 516A, Baltimore, MD 21201. As we are unable to confirm all alumni credentials, only UMSON degrees and graduation years are included.


Edna Brown Lebow Stillwell, MS ’72, BSN ’63, was the first editor and is now the emerita editor of the Journal of Gerontological Nursing

Denise Feller, BSN ’69, a Walter Reed Army Institution of Nursing graduate and retired lieutenant colonel of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps, was a guest speaker in March 2022 at the annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Helena, Montana.


Linda Flynn, BSN ’75, dean and professor at Rutgers School of Nursing in New Jersey, was honored as a Nurse Educator of the Year for 2022 by the National League for Nursing.

Patricia McMullen, MS ’81, BSN ’75, stepped down as dean of the Catholic University of America Conway School of Nursing in Washington, D.C., in October 2021 after more than 12 years.

Margaret “Peggy” Wilmoth, MS ’79, BSN ’75, professor at the University of North Carolina School of Nursing and an UMSON Visionary Pioneer, was selected as a member of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine in December.

Adelaide “Addie” Eckardt, MS ’81, BSN ’78, former Maryland state senator, was interviewed by the Dorchester Star for an article published in April 2022 about last year’s election and the issues and priorities she considers most important.

Joan Stanley, MS ’78, an UMSON Visionary Pioneer, joined with colleagues to address the “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Future of Nursing Education” in an article published in the March 2022 issue of Academic Medicine. She was also quoted in a January 2023 Johnson & Johnson Nursing News Highlights article, “Ahead of the Curve: Nursing Leadership and Well-Being Education in the Classroom,” about a two-year initiative to create a curriculum focused on developing essential skills in resilience.

Patricia Gonce Morton, PhD ’89, MS ’79, an UMSON Visionary Pioneer, and John Nerges, MS ’02, co-authored the article “Male Nurses’ Perceptions of the Facilitators and Barriers to Recruitment, Retention, and Job Satisfaction” published in the February 2022 issue of Nurse Leader.

Carol Snapp, BSN ’79, was inducted as a fellow of the American College of Nurse-Midwives at the organization’s 67th annual meeting and exhibition in May 2022.


Betsy Chang Ha, BSN ’80, published a memoir, The Paper Tiger’s Daughters, in January 2022 about Asian American and Pacific Islander immigrants in the United States that connects U.S. policies and the civil rights movement that influenced her parents’ decisions and choices as early immigrants that unintentionally caused great harm to future generations. The book offers a resource of traumainformed practices to help buffer the harm of adverse childhood experiences.

CARING FOR ALL Oluwatosin “Tosin”

Olateju, MS ’15, BSN ’11, is the founder and executive director of Food and Care for All Inc., a nonprofit organization in Ellicott City, Maryland, that caters to the needs of underserved communities. The organization offers a walk-in food pantry, clothing closet, and sexual health clinic. Olateju works with a diverse team to conduct needs assessments on focused communities, advocate for equitable policies, mobilize community partnerships, and build capacity for staff through training. She also mentors nursing students and assists them with integrating public health theory into their assigned practice settings. Olateju received a certificate of recognition from Howard County (Maryland) Executive Calvin Ball on the occasion of the grand opening of the organization’s facility in April 2022.

Lori Edwards, BSN ’80, UMSON assistant professor and associate dean for the Master of Science in Nursing program, and Sarah Szanton, MS ’95, dean and Patricia M. Davidson Professor for Health Equity and Social Justice at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, were quoted in the January/February 2023 issue of INSIGHT into Diversity in an article about how nursing schools are teaching advocacy skills to help advance health equity.

Marian Currens, BSN ’81, director of the University of Maryland Center for Addiction Medicine at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) Midtown Campus, is quoted in an April 2022 Baltimore Sun story, “Drug Treatment: There’s an app for that too, and University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown has been testing it with positive results.”

Lisa Rowen, MS ’86, senior vice president and chief nurse executive at the University of Maryland Medical


System (UMMS) and an UMSON Visionary Pioneer, was named a 2023 Fellow of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership. Rowen has also been appointed to the board of directors of the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health (UMUCH) in Bel Air. She also joined Elizabeth Cushing, BSN ’14, a trauma nurse at UMMC, as part of a panel discussion on WYPR, Baltimore’s NPR affiliate, in September to discuss the impact of an immersive education program on staffing at UMMS hospitals.

Mary Bolt, MS ’90, BSN ’88, president of Cecil College in Bay View, Maryland, was named by The (Maryland) Daily Record as one of the 2022 Maryland’s Top 100 Women.

Helen Hash, BSN ’88, received the Society of Hospital Medicine Maryland Chapter’s Hospital Medicine Affiliate of the Year award.

Dawn Mueller-Burke, PhD ’01, MS ’88, UMSON assistant professor, shared her perspectives about the effect of the pandemic on the nursing profession in a Baltimore Sun story, “Nurses on the front lines look to refill their ‘empty cup,’” published in May 2022.

Carol Ann Sperry, MS ’88, was interviewed by FOX45 News, Baltimore’s FOX affiliate, in September about a mass-casualty drill at Fort Meade and at the University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center (UMBWMC).

Joan Insalaco Warren, PhD ’04, MS ’88, received the Maryland Action Coalition’s Exemplary Leadership Award at the organization’s annual leadership summit in May 2022.


Charonne Jones, BSN ’92, was interviewed for a May 2022 article in Afro News, “Home Care Agencies Call for More Funding to Support Staff,” about her nursing career path and her role as CEO and owner of Aamira, a home care agency.

Cara Krulewitch, PhD ’92, was recognized by Continental Who’s Who as a Pinnacle Lifetime Achiever for her career in epidemiology and midwifery and in acknowledgment of her work as the owner and CEO of CJ Consulting Group.

Mary Beth Flynn Makic, MS ’92, professor of clinical teaching and specialty director of the Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, was featured in a December article for that campus about what she has learned about mass shootings.

Muibat Sanni, BSN ’94, received the Community Impact Award at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center’s annual The Sisters of Mercy Nursing Awards ceremony in May 2022.

Susan Bindon, DNP ’11, MS ’96, UMSON associate professor and associate dean for faculty development, was quoted in an article on in December about the need for more nurse educators.

Marla De Jong, MS ’96, was selected as vice chair of the American Academy of Nursing Fellow Selection Committee.

Barbara Resnick, PhD ’96, UMSON professor and Sonya Ziporkin Gershowitz Chair in Gerontology and University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Distinguished Professor, was featured in an article on in August about why stretching is good for your body.

Robin Ford, MS ’97, was quoted in a Kent County Crier story and on the Star Democrat website in May 2022 about being named Nurse of the Year by University of Maryland Shore Regional Health (UMSRH) in Easton.

Bonjo Batoon, BSN ’98, was featured in an article on in October about his experiences on the Maryland Go-Team and the opening of his own online business.


2022 Nursing Excellence Awards

Congratulations to the alumni whose excellence in their work at UMMC was recognized at the hospital’s annual nursing awards ceremony in May 2022.

CNO Award for Team Excellence

Melissa McBride, MS ’10, BSN ’04

Ashley Hernandez, MS ’16, BSN ’12

Rebecca Meyerson, MS ’20


Robertlet Pindell-Jones, BSN ’99

Jamie Kirschner, BSN ’05

Jasmina Begollari, BSN ’18

Jasmine Tewell, BSN ’18

Alexandra Huntress-Reeve, BSN ’20

Excellence in Innovation Through Research

Karen McQuillan, MS ’86, BSN ’81

Excellence in Innovation Through Evidence-Based Practice

Sarah Rosenbloom, BSN ’19

Moving On Up

Excellence in Leadership Thanh Cao, MS ’08

Excellence in Leadership-Clinical Susan Williams, MS ’15

Excellence in Quality

Emily Smith, MS ’15

Ashley Waak, BSN ’18

The Art of Caring

Molly Conway, BSN ’18

Personifies Professionalism

Steven Gee, BSN ’01

Contagious Positive Attitude

Agnes Kim, BSN ’17

The Art and Science of Nursing/ Excellence in Precepting, Mentoring, and Education

Kelly Devine, BSN ’18

Special Friend of Nursing/ Infection Prevention Team

Timothy Sparklin, BSN ’17

Congratulations to the following alumni, who have recently received promotions: SENIOR CLINICAL NURSE I

Christopher Steets, MS ’16

Dominique Duval, BSN ’17

Nicole Hauser, BSN ’18

Aubrey Powers, MS ’19

Rebecca Meyerson, MS ’20

Alexia Owusu-Sakyi, BSN ’20

DAISY Awardee


Martina Patricio, BSN ’97

The DAISY Award recognizes nurses who provide extraordinary compassionate care and honors the super-human work nurses do for patients and families every day.

Karyn Comfort, BSN ’21



Three UMSON alumni took the helm as deans of institutions between July 1 and Aug. 1. Bimbola Akintade, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’03, former associate professor and associate dean for the Master of Science in Nursing program at UMSON, began his new role as dean of the East Carolina College of Nursing in North Carolina on July 1, and Linda Ghazi Haddad, PhD ’93, did the same at the University of Memphis Loewenberg

George Zangaro, PhD ’05, MS ’98, authored an article, “Completion and Attrition of DNP Students of the 20062015 Matriculating Cohorts,” published by Nursing Outlook in February 2022.

Jennifer Hrabowski, BSN ’99, was recognized by the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School in Baltimore for her work launching and operating six women’s clinics in the Emory Healthcare system in Atlanta.

Angie Price, BSN ’99, has joined the University of Maryland Shore Medical Group (UMSMG) – Women’s Health in Easton.


Esther Schaftel, MS ’00, was recognized with the Patient and Family-Centered Care Award at the annual The Art of Caring Awards Ceremony at Greater Baltimore Medical Center in June.

Nancy Glass, PhD ’01, Independence Chair in Nursing Education at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, discussed a new app that can help link victims of domestic violence to resources, information, and personalized safety plans during an episode of the school’s On the Pulse podcast in October, which is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

College of Nursing in Tennessee. Exactly one month later, on Aug. 1, Seon-Yoon Chung, PhD ’16, took on the role of dean at the University of Wisconsin/Oshkosh College of Nursing. Not bad for a single month’s work!

In addition, a little more than a month later, Sylvia Trent-Adams, MS ’99, an UMSON Visionary Pioneer, was named the seventh president of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. On Sept. 12, she became the first Black woman to lead a health science center in Texas.

Donna S. Havens, PhD ’01, co-authored an article, “Psychological responses of hospital-based nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: A cross-sectional study,” published in the February 2022 issue of Applied Nursing Research.

Connie M. Ulrich, PhD ’01, has been selected as a Hastings Center Fellow for the impact her work in bioethics has had on scholarship and public perception of ethical issues affecting health, health care, science, and technology. Ulrich was also quoted in a November 2022 Journal of the American Medical Association article about a study she is leading to determine what influences retention of participants enrolled in cancer clinical trials.

Tamara Kim, DNP ’21, BSN ’02, has joined UMSMG – Pediatrics in Easton.

Bimbola Akintade, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’03, dean of the East Carolina University College of Nursing, and Shannon Idzik, DNP ’10, MS ’03, UMSON professor and associate dean for the Doctor of Nursing Practice program, were interviewed for an August 2022 article in Scrubs Magazine, “As Demand for Nurses with Master’s Degrees Grows, Will Nursing Salaries Increase?”

Tina Anselmi-Moulaye, MS ’04, was recognized with the Cynthia Arnold Scholarship Award at the annual The Art of Caring Awards Ceremony at Greater Baltimore Medical Center in June.

Ladan Eshkevari, BSN ’04, received the Program Director of the Year Award from the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology during its 2022 Annual Congress in August.

Christine Frost, MS ’04, was appointed vice president of nursing and chief nursing office at Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center in July. She has been selected as president-elect of the Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders.

Danielle M. Wilson, BSN ’04, has joined UMSRH in Easton as director of patient care services operations.

Brittany Altermatt, MS ’05, has joined the medical oncology team at the May Cancer Center at the University of Texas Health San Antonio as an adult nurse practitioner.

Ronnie Ursin, MS ’07, BSN ’05, was appointed CEO/chief nursing officer of USMD Hospital at Arlington, Texas, in June.

Brigit VanGraafeiland, DNP ’08, MS ’05, was named as one of 50Forward Emerging Leaders by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.

Gwynneth Jarrell, BSN ’06, an UMSON Doctor of Nursing Practice AdultGerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner specialty student, presented a poster that received the best quality poster award at the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses National Conference in April 2022.

left to right, top row: Akintade and Haddad; bottom row: Chung and Trent-Adams

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Bayla Berkowitz, MS ’07, was inducted as a fellow of the American College of Nurse-Midwives at the organization’s 67th annual meeting and exhibition in May 2022.

Paul Thurman, PhD ’18, MS ’07, shared his knowledge of prescriptive authority for clinical nurse specialists (CNS) as it relates to advocacy, legislation, and implementation at the CNS Curbside Consult at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in April 2022.

Robyn Lanasa, BSN ’09, has joined UMSMG – Cardiology, in Easton.

Angela Novas, BSN ’09, is the chief medical officer at the Hospice Foundation of America in Washington, D.C.


Rebecca Aiken, MS ’10; Jennifer Zeller, DNP ’22, MS ’10; and Michele McKee, MS ’16, received Health Care Heroes awards from The (Maryland) Daily Record. Aiken and Zeller received individual Nurse Practitioner of the Year awards, while McKee was honored with a Lifetime Achievement award.

Michelle D’Alessandro, DNP ’10, has been appointed chief nursing officer at UMUCH in Bel Air.

Hana Gebrewold, MS ’10, received the Compassionate Caregiver Award at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center’s annual The Sisters of Mercy Nursing Awards ceremony in May 2022.

Marian Grant, DNP ’10, and colleagues authored an article, “The Equity Issue with Advance Care Planning Cost Sharing,” that was published in Health Affairs Forefront in March 2022.

Lindsay Ward, MS ’14, BSN ’10, was named as one of 50Forward Emerging Leaders by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.

Nicole Beeson, MS ’21, BSN ’11, senior vice president and chief nursing officer at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, was quoted in December in a CBS Baltimore news story about the nursing shortage in Baltimore County.

Nicole Lollo, MS ’12, has been selected as president-elect of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland.

Deirdre Smith, MS ’15, BSN ’12, a vascular surgery nurse practitioner at UMBWMC talked about the prevalence and warning signs of vascular disease on Maryland Public Television in September.

Sherri Bauman, MS ’13, works at the UMB Institute of Human Virology as a research nurse coordinator.

Claire Miller, BSN ’14, has joined Mercy Personal Physicians in Lutherville, Maryland, to provide care to patients of all ages.

Emily Nicoli, MS ’14, was a guest speaker at the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine’s annual conference in Baltimore in March 2022.

Amanda Palmer, BSN ’15, was recognized as a Team Member of the Quarter during the UMMC Midtown Campus Leadership Forum in March 2022.

Joseph Haymore, DNP ’16, has been named director of clinical innovation at Spartan Medical, a company that provides advanced medical devices and technologies for U.S. Veterans Administration and Department of Defense surgeons.

Christine Simon-Waterman, DNP ’16, president of the Maryland Nurses Association, provided guest commentary in Maryland Matters in October about the value of school nurses.

Rachel Blankstein Breman, PhD ’18, was featured in a TIME magazine article in November about a rise in home births during the pandemic.

Fellows Selected to National Organizations

Congratulations to the 10 alumni, including two UMSON faculty members, inducted as 2022 American Academy of Nursing (AAN) Fellows in October and the three alumni inducted as 2022 American Association of Nurse Practitioner (AANP) Fellows in June. They join communities of more than 3,000 AAN and more than 900 AANP Fellows worldwide.

Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing

Michelle Munroe, MS ’03, BSN ’92, founder, Coastal Georgia Women’s Foundation

Susan Bindon, DNP ’11, MS ’96, associate professor and associate dean for faculty development, UMSON

Kenneth Rempher, PhD ’05, MS ’99, adjunct clinical professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro School of Nursing

Desiree Clement, MS ’03, BSN ’01, assistant professor and assistant dean of graduate clinical programs, Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing

Bimbola F. Akintade, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’03, dean, East Carolina University College of Nursing

Christine Pintz, PhD ’06, professor, George Washington University

Stephan Davis, BSN ’07, assistant professor; executive director, inclusive leadership education; and assistant dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Virginia Commonwealth University College of Health Professions

Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff, PhD ’07, associate professor and senior nurse researcher, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing

Kelly Doran, PhD ’11, MS ’08, associate professor, UMSON Marian Grant, DNP ’10, senior regulatory advisor, Coalition to Transform Advanced Care

Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Joanne Silbert-Flagg, MS ’83, BSN ’79, associate professor and director, MSN programs, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Desiree Clement, MS ’03, BSN ’01, assistant professor and assistant dean of graduate clinical programs, Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing

Brigit Vangraafeiland, DNP ’08, associate professor and associate director, DNP Executive Track, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing


Alex Kim, BSN ’19, was interviewed by Buzzfeed in February 2022 about his experiences as a travel nurse and his use of TikTok as a platform for sharing information about the nursing profession.

Young Ho Kim, MSN ’19, UMSON adjunct faculty, received an Excellence in Teaching Award – Clinical Education at UMSON’s Convocation in May 2022.


Anna Lou Paniza, BSN ’20, who works on the in-patient adolescent care unit at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, received a DAISY Award in November 2021.

Chelsea Macatangay, BSN ’21, was photographed caring for an infant at University of Maryland Children’s Hospital, in a Baltimore Sun article in October about children with respiratory viruses overwhelming Maryland hospitals.

In Memoriam

Mary Catherine Green Heininger, DIN ’46

Eugenia Crow Kiser, DIN ’47

Ethlynn E. Crow, DIN ’48

Melvina Rita Malek, DIN ’49

Margaret V. Herbert, BSN ’50

Irene Chamberlis Ewing, DIN ’51

Patricia Crist Snyder, BSN ’54

GeorgeAnna Smith, BSN ’55

Virginia D. Thorson, BSN ’55

Joan S. Bird-Eisenhauer, BSN ’56

Barbara Daniel Pickett, MS ’92, BSN ’56

Janet Judkins Lina, BSN ’57

Eileen Greif Fishbein, BSN ’58

Eleanor Burnham, BSN ’59

Frances H. Fleming, BSN ’59

Helen Anderson Bills, BSN ’63

Jacqueline Jeanne Landers, MS ’66

Susan C. Steinberg, MS ’77, BSN ’66

Marie S. Davidson, MS ’67

Gail Sharon Hiller, BSN ’67

Sandra L. Christensen, BSN ’68

Cynthia E. Willis, MS ’69

Anna G. Grundler, BSN ’70

Bella P. Caplan, MS ’78, BSN ’73

Mary F. Hall, MS ’73

Brenda Oiying Pat, BSN ’73

Delores Goldman Keene, BSN ’74

Adeline Mosberg Cronin, BSN ’76

Gail J. Petre, BSN ’76

Sherry L. Coughenour Kirchner, BSN ’83

Dorothy L. Atkins, MS ’88

Anthony R. Dominick, MS ’93, BSN ’88

Brad A. Taft, MS ’95

Janet A. Strennen-Russell, BSN ’96

Alison E. Stoynoff Relyea, BSN ’99

Judith A. Grillo, MS ’05, BSN ’02

Veronica T. Ridings, MS ’02

Sally Reynolds Petrie, BSN ’10

Stephanie White, BSN ’13

This list includes notices the School of Nursing received from Feb. 1, 2022 - Feb. 15, 2023.


Alumni Council

Get involved at a leadership level. Nominate yourself or a fellow alum for an Alumni Council position.

Alumni Speaker Series

Join a panel of alumni to speak with current students about career development.

Alumni Admissions Ambassador

Sign up to participate in recruitment events and share your story; contact admitted students and welcome them to UMSON.

Class Representative

Assist with outreach to your classmates for the annual All-Alumni Reunion and other events and programs.

Speed Networking Program

Quick! Share advice with entry-into-practice students about their professional development.

Living History Museum

Volunteer as a docent and share the history of UMSON and the nursing profession with visitors.

Preceptor/Adjunct Faculty

We are seeking nurses to precept students, provide clinical instruction, and teach select didactic courses.

For more information, contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at or 410-706-7640.

to share your time and talent how and when you choose.

Sign up today at to

■ reconnect with classmates

■ enhance your career through fellow alumni connections

■ locate alumni by specialty area, geographic region, or shared interest

■ share professional updates, news, photos, events, and jobs

■ mentor graduating students

■ learn new ways to stay engaged with UMSON.


The following alumni have returned to UMSON in faculty or staff positions, shaping the next generation of nurses.

Janet Selway, MS ’88 associate professor

Kimberly Hampton, MS ’06, BSN ’02 assistant professor

Rachael Holton Parran, MS ’14, BSN ’03 clinical instructor

Kyungsook Gartrell, PhD ’14, MS ’10, BSN ’05 assistant professor

Maria Robinson, DNP ’22, MS ’11, BSN ’07 assistant professor

Charlotte Seckman, PhD ’08 associate professor

Johnny Gayden, MS ’14, BSN ’10 assistant professor

Sarah Green, MS ’20, BSN ’11 clinical instructor

Kaitlin Shapelow, MS ’13 clinical instructor

B. Elias Snyder, MS ’14 clinical instructor and director, Office of Global Health


During the Maryland Nurses Association (MNA) 119th Annual Convention in October, several UMSON alumni received awards.

Adelaide Eckardt, MS ’81, BSN ’78

Legislator of the Year Award

Nancy Goldstein, DNP ’10, MS ’86, BSN ’80

Outstanding Nurse Educator Award

Barbara Biedrzycki, MS ’96

Most Outstanding Leadership Award

Kamala Via, MS ’12 Outstanding Advanced Practice Clinical Nurse Award

Alita-Geri Carter, MS ’13 Outstanding Pathfinder Award

Election Results: UMSON Alumni Association

Congratulations to the alumni elected to the executive committee of UMSON’s Alumni Association, the oldest continuously active nursing alumni association in the nation. Remember that anyone who has received a diploma or degree from the School is automatically a member of the association. There is no membership fee!


Tracie Schwoyer-Morgan, DNP ’10, MS ’00


Oluwatosin “Tosin” Olateju, MS ’15, BSN ’11

Julie Riggs, DNP ’19, BSN ’12


Congratulations to the following alumni who received Excellence in Nursing awards from Baltimore magazine at a ceremony in May 2022.

Lora L. Clawson, BSN ’86, Neurology/Psychology/ Behavioral Health

Donna Donovan, BSN ’91, Operating Room

Danielle Crump, BSN ’98, Oncology

Rosalyn Berkowitz, BSN ’99, Emergency Department

Matthew Piper, BSN ’03, Emergency Department

Colleen Casey Gaffney, MS ’04, Acute Care/Family Practice/General Medicine

Lyndsi Hiler, MS ’16, MS ’10, Neurology/ Psychology/Behavioral Health

Elizabeth Krug, MS ’10, Management/ Nurse Executives

Areti Matta Walker, MS ’10, Pediatrics: Neonatal

Stacey Brull, DNP ’12, Management/ Nurse Executives

Joshua Cruz, BSN ’14, Operating Room

Sarah Stanley, MS ’14, Acute Care/Family Practice/ General Medicine

Kate Hanold, BSN ’15, Cardiovascular

Gina Shelley, MS ’15, Management/ Nurse Executives

Lindsay Sneller, BSN ’15, Pediatrics: Neonatal

Diedre Korkpor, MS ’16, Management/ Nurse Executives

Dooah Almarzoog, MS ’18, Case Management

Sarah Romecki, BSN ’18, Emergency Department

Meghan Borkowicz, BSN ’19, Pediatrics: Neonatal

Elizabeth Abbasi, BSN ’20, Management/ Nurse Executives

in the Loop with UMSON Connect!
Join fellow graduates in UMSON’s online alumni community.

Critical Care Casey

Casey Green, BSN ’17

On July 8, 2021, Casey Green, BSN ’17, RN, CCRN-CMC, CTRN, CFRN, CEN, TCRN, CPEN, NRP, became the 85th nurse ever to obtain all five emergency nursing certifications from the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing. Green also obtained Acute/Critical Care Nursing and Cardiac Medicine certifications from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. She earned all seven certifications in the same year, just four short years after graduating with an RN-to-Bachelor of Science (BSN) degree from UMSON.

When asked about the benefits of acquiring all these certifications, Green says, “Evidence-based practice is knowing the knowledge and then thinking of new ideas. I think education helps us be more innovative as nurses.”

Green was exposed to nursing at a young age through her grandmother, a critical care and obstetric nurse. “She got me this gigantic medical book and I used to carry it around everywhere,” Green recalls. “When people are at their worst, I like being their calm. That’s what pulled me toward nursing.”

After graduating from Howard Community College in Columbia, Maryland in 2014, Green began working full time at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), first in medical-surgery telemetry at the Midtown Campus and then as an intensive care and emergency room nurse. She chose UMSON for her RN-to-BSN because she wanted “a program that was flexible but still had the support of a large institution,” she explains. Green says she ultimately wants to be a nurse anesthetist and was attracted to UMSON’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Anesthesia specialty; she plans to return to the School for her DNP degree in the future.

Green continues to keep herself busy in her career. She is an assistant nurse manager in the intensive care unit at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore.

There, she has gravitated toward nurse educator responsibilities such as coordinating classes, aiding with recruitment and retention, and being a resource to other nurses. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Towson University in Maryland and at Howard Community College, a critical care transport nurse, and a volunteer firefighter/paramedic.

Green’s passion and drive for nursing education are evident, as she continues to pursue certifications that make her a more well-rounded provider. She also hones her craft by teaching other nurses how to be successful.

“I have learned so much in my career so far and I want to share my nursing and career knowledge, as well as study tips, with future nurses and current nurses,” she says. “I created Critical Care Casey to do that.”

Critical Care Casey, www.critical, is a mentoring and tutoring service through which Green advises nurses seeking to enter the critical care field and aids nursing students who need additional support with studying. Casey also utilizes her LinkedIn and Instagram accounts to communicate valuable information and create a safe and positive online space for nurses. She explains that critical care nursing can be a difficult specialty area to enter and remain in because of its high-stress nature. As of March, Critical Care Casey had nearly 10,000 followers on LinkedIn.

Through the service, Green has mentored about 150 students and nurses, assisting them through their nursing degree programs and careers in critical care. From providing school tutoring to resume reviews and helping nurses find jobs and certifications in their specialty, Green is committed to supporting the next generation of nurses.

“Nursing is my passion, and I want to share it with everyone,” she says.

ALUMNI PROFILE THE FIVE BOARD OF CERTIFICATION FOR EMERGENCY NURSING CERTIFICATIONS: • Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) • Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) • Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN) • Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN) • Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN)
“Nursing is my passion, and I want to share it with everyone.”

Change of Address

While our documentation is sparse, we know the street address of Parsons Hall, UMSON’s former residence hall that was demolished in the late 1990s, changed over time, as the building was expanded. It opened at 618 W. Lombard St. in November 1922; the original cast iron street numbers are shown here and now adorn the brick façade of the UMSON building in Baltimore as part of the Parsons Hall sculptural replica installed in the courtyard. Various documents and photos show the street address as both 620 W. Lombard St. (circa 1930s) and 622 W. Lombard St. (circa 1970s).

Did you live in Parsons Hall?

Do you remember the street address at the time you lived there?

We’d love to hear from you! Email us at


Prioritizing Compassionate Care

Karen E. Doyle, DNP ’20, MS ’91, MBA, BSN ’85, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, was running shock trauma nursing at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) when the pandemic hit. Her job was already an intense one. She was the senior vice president of nursing and operations at UMMC’s R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, the nation’s only dedicated trauma facility, which treats 7,500 critically ill or severely injured patients every year. But she added to it, taking on a position as the primary incident commander for UMMC’s COVID-19 response.

“We had to make sure our staff stayed safe through the pandemic,” she says.

Doyle experienced the fear and stress that one would expect in such a high-stakes, high-pressure role –but she also loved it, calling it a “great privilege” to develop new policies and procedures for providing medical care through a pandemic. She loved it so much that she was inspired to pursue a new role, as senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer at UMMC.

She’s been in this position since October 2021, and she’s still glowing with professional and personal joy for the work, where she’s accountable for a multimillion-dollar budget and 4,500 nurses across two hospitals, the Downtown and Midtown campuses. After 35 years in nursing, this new role is giving her the opportunity to draw from her decades of nursing experience to help UMMC offer

the best possible patient care. Last fall, Doyle was awarded UMSON’s 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of her professional achievements.

She’s also integrating her own experience as a patient into her new role. Doyle has gone through treatment for breast cancer twice and says those experiences offered her invaluable insight into how to deliver compassionate care to patients.

“The things that matter the most to patients often have nothing to do with clinical experience or knowledge,” she says, things like how they are given bad news, what type of support systems are available, and how it feels to wear a backless robe in a waiting room or have difficult veins for endless IVs.

“We’re with the patients when they’re going through their hardest and scariest times,” she says.

Doyle adds that she puts a lot of

thought into how to foster a culture of compassionate care so patients and their families feel comfortable and supported, always trying to make patient care decisions by imagining the patient is her own mother or father. And she loves recognizing nurses who go above and beyond to deliver compassionate care through monthly awards and regularly sharing kind notes from patients and their families. She recalls a nurse who kept a cell phone charged so the patient could stay in touch with family through COVID-19 visitor restrictions and a nurse who helped another patient pick out wigs after losing her hair during chemotherapy.

“There is no greater joy than being able to share a thank you from a grateful patient,” she says.

“There is no greater joy than being able to share a thank you from a grateful patient.”

NCLEX Pizza Party

UMSON, May 18, 2022 u

AACN Policy Summit Washington, D.C., March 27, 2022

Pi at-Large Chapter Induction Ceremony

UMSON, April 25, 2022

LifeBridge Health Levindale, May 10, 2022

Donor Event

Hidden Waters, June 22

 Time Capsule Placement UMSON, Sept. 13 p White Coat Ceremony USG, Aug. 26
CNL Students with then-Gov. Larry Hogan

In UniSON Anniversary UMSON, Oct. 18 (below, left)

American Academy of Nursing Health Policy Conference Washington, D.C., Oct. 28 (below, right)

Save the Dates

State of the School, Baltimore

Monday, May 1

State of the School, Universities at Shady Grove

Monday, May 8

National Nurses Week, Thousands of Thank Yous

Saturday, May 6 - Friday, May 12

University of Maryland, Baltimore

Commencement and UMSON Convocation

Thursday, May 18

Maryland Action Coalition (MDAC)

Virtual Summit: Collaborating to Meet Challenges and Opportunities

Monday, May 22

32nd Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics (SINI)

Thursday, July 20 - Friday, July 21

Learn more about these events and others at

 White Coat Ceremony UMSON, Jan. 20  Pi at-Large Chapter Induction Ceremony UMSON, Nov. 15
Alumni Reunion UMSON, Sept. 24

I invite you to celebrate UMSON’s past, present, and future with a gift to the Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN Endowed Scholarship.

Make a gift online at kirschlingscholarship or by using the envelope in this issue.


This spring semester, I have the privilege of reflecting on my first full year as UMSON’s associate dean for development and alumni relations. It’s a job filled with challenges, opportunities, and infinite possibilities, and it truly is my honor to serve the School in this role. I can honestly say that I look back with pride, see the potential in the present, and feel excitement for the future.

My reflections on UMSON contain many constants, like a fantastic team, inspiring students, and dedicated alumni. But there is one constant that is about to change – Dean Kirschling has announced her retirement after more than a decade of visionary leadership. I remember the dean’s first days at UMSON in 2013, and it’s been a rewarding experience to collaborate with her as she has strived to achieve her legacy: making UMSON a better place to learn and work.

Increasing scholarship support for our students is one of the ways Dean Kirschling has changed UMSON for the better. With her leadership, we secured funding for 97 new endowments and are able to provide financial support to an ever-growing number of students. Therefore, it seems only fitting that we create a scholarship honoring her leadership and legacy to commemorate her retirement.

Today, I invite you to celebrate UMSON’s past, present, and future with a gift to the Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship will ensure that Dean Kirschling’s steadfast support of nursing education will continue in perpetuity. You can make a gift online at or through the mail using the envelope included in this issue.

As I look to the future, I will continue to think of ways we can support the School, its students, and its mission. Whether you choose to support the Kirschling Scholarship or other important programs, your commitment to UMSON is making a positive impact every day. As you look to your future, I hope it continues to include UMSON.

Each year, our Honor Roll of donors, included in this magazine, recognizes the alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends who have so generously supported the School. We can’t say it enough: We appreciate you!

Online Giving to UMSON is Now Even Easier!

If your preferred way of making a gift to UMSON is online, you may have noticed a big change (and improvement!) to our online giving site. Our new platform, GiveCampus, offers:

• enhanced searchability: it’s easier to find any specific account, scholarship, or endowment

• a streamlined checkout process

• new ways to give, such as Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay; of course, you can also make your gift online using a credit card, as you were able to before

• easy set-up for a recurring gift: this is a great way to give automatically that works with your budget and schedule and helps ensure a steady source for funding for UMSON.

This new site enables you to support UMSON quickly and securely. Visit today at www. or scan this QR code:


Honor Roll of Donors

JULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 2022

The annual Honor Roll of Donors recognizes alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends who have contributed $100 or more to the University of Maryland School of Nursing, July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. A list of all donors is available online at

As it is impossible to confirm all donors’ credentials, only UMSON degrees and graduation years are included.

$1,000,000 and up

Bedford Falls Foundation Charitable Trust

Evelyn Norwitz

$250,000 - $999,999

University of Maryland Medical System†

$100,000 - $249,999

American Heart Association

Mary Catherine Bunting, MS ’72†

Alta Fay Schuster, BSN ’54

Martha J. Shively, BSN ’72

$50,000 - $99,999

The Alicia & Yaya Foundation

Marco A. and Debbie Chacon

Rosemary Noble, BSN ’66, and Michael W. Noble

Salisbury University

Barbara A. Stepura, MS ’85

$25,000 - $49,999

Janet D. Allan and Beverly Hall

Alzheimer’s Association

Baltimore Community Foundation

Bertha & Olin Cooper Hoddinott Foundation Fund

Francis D. Drake

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Charlene G. Gooch, BSN ’71

Penn State University

Pamela Reik Schrank, BSN ’68, and W. Winslow Schrank†

David Vlahov, MS ’80, BSN ’77, and Robin Gershon

$10,000 - $24,999

Jeanne Ascosi, BSN ’74†

Marlene H. Cianci, MS ’66, BSN ’65†

Jon B. Closson

Connie Slewitzke Trust

Frank E. & Miriam Loveman Foundation

Herman & Walter Samuelson Foundation

Jane M. Kirschling

Olufowora M. Kuti, BSN ’77 National Philanthropic Trust

Joyce A. Parks, DNP ’14, MS ’93, and Kevin Parks

Michelle M. Rivest, MS ’79, BSN ’75, and Jeffrey A. Rivest

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Linda E. Rose, PhD ’92, and William G. Smillie

Susan L. Tancredi, MS ’79, BSN ’69, and Peter Tancredi

Courtney A. Thomas, BSN ’66

Joyce Willens, PhD ’94, and Bradford H. Lamson-Scribner

William F. & Caroline Hilgenberg Foundation†

$5,000 - $9,999

Carolyn J. Brownell, BSN ’86

Estate of E.L. Bunderman, DIN ’31


Virginia Lee Franklin Memorial Trust†

Judith A. Freitag, BSN ’77

Winifred S. Hayes, MS ’74, BSN ’71†

Wallace J. Hoff

Henrietta D. Hubbard, BSN ’73

Carol A. Huebner, PhD ’90, and Michael F. Huebner

Bruce E. Jarrell and Leslie S. Robinson

Jean M. Jones, BSN ’72

Anita M. Langford, MS ’79, BSN ’77†

Carol H. Lee, BSN ’72

Julia A. Llewellyn

Paul Luckenbaugh*

Myrna E. Mamaril, MS ’93†

James G. Melonas

Sharon L. Michael, BSN ’71†

Elizabeth A. Ness, MS ’93†

Marla T. Oros, BSN ’84

Sandra A. Schoenfisch, MS ’76†

Eleanor B. Schron, PhD ’08, MS ’79, and Spencer R. Schron

Alan J. Silverstone and Kylanne G. Silverstone

Verizon Foundation

$2,500 - $4,999

Kim A. Burks, BSN ’01, and Robert Burks Jr.

Cecil J. Clark Jr., MS ’90†

Jill A. DeCesare, BSN ’69†

Emily P. Deitrick, BSN ’68

Susan G. Dorsey, PhD ’01, MS ’98

Duke University School of Nursing

James L. Hughes and Malinda Hughes

Karen Huss, MS ’75, BSN ’69, and Richard Huss

Louise S. Jenkins, PhD ’85, MS ’81†

Joseph Jeff McKinney, BSN ’75

Karen A. McQuillan, MS ’86, BSN ’81, and Robert V. McQuillan†

Norma J. Melcolm, MS ’69†

Glenda B. Motta, BSN ’71

Elizabeth G. O’Connell, MS ’74, BSN ’73†

Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund

Virginia K. Saba*

Sue Song

John E. Sundeen

$1,000 - $2,499

Maxine H. Counihan Aldridge, BSN ’02

Anna C. Alt-White, PhD ’87†


Nellie C. Bailey, MS ’93

Shawn C. Becker, MS ’05†

Marjorie Stamler Bergemann

John Bing

Sharon A. Childs, MS ’91†

Claudette C. Clunan, BSN ’72†

Community Foundation of Frederick County

Linda K. Cook, PhD ’05, MS ’97

Marla J. De Jong, MS ’96

Janice M. DiGrazia, BSN ’81

Bradley T. and Barbara Foote

Martha B. Gibbons, MS ’68

Rosa R. Goldstein, BSN ’58, and Lawrence Goldstein

Bridgitte C. Gourley, DNP ’08

Dinah L. Halopka, BSN ’74†

bold: Louisa Parsons Legacy Society

† Cornerstone Club, recognizing those who have dontated to UMSON for 20 years or more

* deceased

J Taylor Harden, MS ’77, BSN ’72

Barbara R. Heller†

Elizabeth E. Hill, PhD ’03

Patricia A. Hong, BSN ’72

Sandra Jensen, MS ’70†

George Johnson and Christine A. Johnson

Beatrice J. Kalisch, MS ’67

Joseph H. Kelly, MS ’85, BSN ’77, and Mary C. Kelly

Joanne E. King, MS ’03, BSN ’80

Eugenia Kiser, DIN ’47

Loree S. La Chance, BSN ’89

Angela L. Lee, MS ’93

Patrick T. Lee

Ruth J. Lee, DNP ’10, MS ’04

Nancy B. Lerner, DNP ’10, MS ’74, BSN ’66

Wendy L. Lessler-Derechin, BSN ’93

Sandra W. McLeskey

Betty Jane Mincemoyer, DIN ’48†

Kathryn Lothschuetz Montgomery, PhD ’97, and John B. Montgomery

Elizabeth S. Niemyer, BSN ’78, and John Niemyer

Tyler Ostrowski and Kathryn M. Ostrowski

Harriet E. Palmer-Willis, MS ’70, BSN ’68

Charlene M. Passmore, BSN ’77†

Thomas S. Paullin

Malinda M. Peeples, MS ’97

John M. Preto, MS ’82, BSN ’77, and Jane F. Preto

Elizabeth Boyer Reeder

Maureen A. Robinson

Carol A. Romano, PhD ’93, MS ’85, BSN ’77†

Rosetta F. Sands, MS ’70, BSN ’66

Sigma Theta Tau Inc. Pi Chapter†

Susan E. Simms, BSN ’78

Melinda Michaels Stewart, BSN ’72

Jacquelyn M. Jones Stone, MS ’71

Michael and Theresa Tafelski

Michael Testerman

Anita Throwe, MS ’68

Marion Burns Tuck, MS ’80†

Rusty E. Yeiser and Gail P. Yeiser

George A. Zangaro, PhD ’05, MS ’98

$500 - $999

Linda Daley Atila

Janet C. Austen, MS ’07

Cheri C. Battee, BSN ’72

Deborah S. Beatty, MS ’96


“I have found it important to give to the University of Maryland School of Nursing over the past 20+ years because I have received so many opportunities from the education and experiences given to me by the University and the faculty.”

Kimberlie A. Biever, MS ’07, MS ’00

$500 - $999 (continued)

Kimberlie A. Biever, MS ’07, MS ’00

Marita S. Bowden, BSN ’66

Deborah L. Bowers, BSN ’78

Mary M. Breach, MS ’72

David S. Bush, MS ’09

Christina L. Cafeo, DNP ’13

Jeffrey S. Cain†

Honora E. Caldwell, BSN ’72

Robin B. Cohen, MS ’73†

Linda Costa, BSN ’76

Darlene J. Curley, MS ’82, BSN ’80†

Emilie M. Deady, BSN ’72†

Linda K. Diaconis, MS ’95

Sandra Dunnington, BSN ’76, and Kenneth R. Dunnington

Nancy Eason, BSN ’75, and Alan D. Eason

Shirley B. Edwards, MS ’80, BSN ’78†

Nina Faragher

John W. Foreman and Linda P. Foreman

Norma K. Francis, BSN ’62

Patricia Golembieski, BSN ’71†

Patricia A. Grady, MS ’68

Dennis Guberski and Denise Guberski

Susan E. Gutkin, MS ’99

Dorna P. Hairston, PhD ’05, MS ’88

James Hamilton

Laurette L. Hankins

Donna Sullivan Havens, PhD ’91†

Hoenes Family Foundation Inc.

Catherine Hoerauf

William Holmes and Leslie Holmes

Maeve Howett

Catherine Ingle, BSN ’61


Sally A. Kaltreider, MS ’88†

Kelso Bishop Family Foundation Inc.

Anne M. Kim, BSN ’00

Barbara G. Kormann, BSN ’66†

Suzanne M. Labansky, BSN ’68

Hyeon Joo Lee, PhD ’09, MS ’02

Pamela A. Lentz, MS ’00, BSN ’84

Marianne T. Lynch, BSN ’03

Charlotte E. Naschinski, MS ’82†

Yan Ni, BSN ’14

Oluwakemi D. Ogunseye, DNP ’20

Katharine W. Parris, MS ’95, BSN ’69†

Ann E. Roberts, BSN ’93

Barbara A. Rose, MS ’93

Gina D. Rowe, PhD ’13, DNP ’10

Sara Shibe

Richard J. Sikorski and Cynthia C. Sikorski

Harold W. Smith, MS ’77, BSN ’72†

Joan M. Stanley, MS ’78

Barbara M. Sylvia, PhD ’90

Shirley B. Teffeau, BSN ’55†

Thomas Edison State University

Patricia T. Travis, PhD ’88, MS ’76, BSN ’69

Joan I. Warren, PhD ’04, MS ’88†

Susan M. Wilby, BSN ’73†

Margaret C. Wilmoth, MS ’79, BSN ’75†

May C. Wong, MS ’74†

$250 - $499

American Endowment Foundation

Robin Barthlow-Busan, BSN ’81

Jeffrey Barton

Becket Green Condo Neighbors

Patricia K. Beneshan, BSN ’66

Andrea Caldwell Berndt, MS ’89

Georgia Boyer, BSN ’61†

Sally D. Brown, BSN ’74†

Rose M. Burke, BSN ’74†

Ling-Yin Chen

Patricia I. Christensen, DNP ’14

Bart Citterbart

Justin Codd and Giordana Segneri

Andrea Conte

Deborah N. Dang, PhD ’06, MS ’78, BSN ’72†

Leslie W. Daugherty, BSN ’75†

Helen G. Dearborn, BSN ’61

Amanda H. D’Erasmo, BSN ’95

Jan M. DiSantostefano, MS ’93

Donna M. Dorsey, MS ’75†

Katherine Fornili, DNP ’16

Adalyn G. Frank, MS ’95

Edward G. Frank, BSN ’82

Erika Friedmann

Linda George-Cruickshank, BSN ’92

Mary J. Graham, MS ’80†

John D. Guberski

Rita M. Haley, BSN ’79

Constance A. Hoffacker, MS ’85, BSN ’73, and Henry J. Hoffacker III

Kristine R. Holmes, BSN ’74

Elizabeth K. Johnson, MS ’08, and Richard N. Johnson

Kathleen P. Johnson, MS ’96

Jane F. Kapustin, MS ’85†

Peg A. Kauffman

Deborah R. Kemere, BSN ’71

Gail G. Kestler, BSN ’71†

Janis Kilmer, BSN ’57

Lynda A. King, BSN ’69

Diane L. Krasner, PhD ’98, MS ’94, BSN ’79

Dianne L. Mackert, BSN ’72

Rita Malek, DIN ’49*

Kathleen M. Martin, DNP ’08, MS ’97

William J. McLennan

Beverly J. Meadows, PhD ’06, MS ’84, BSN ’69

Carolyn J. Means, BSN ’81

Michele A. Michael, MS ’74

Nancy J. Miller, BSN ’73

Lois H. Neuman, BSN ’63†

Samson A. Omotosho, PhD ’98

Daniel J. O’Neal III, BSN ’66

Laura J. Owenson

Robin Prothro, BSN ’79

Katherine J. Reichelt, BSN ’64

Barbara M. Resnick, PhD ’96†

Marianne E. Rhodes, BSN ’69

Caleb A. Rogovin, MS ’92†

Natalie J. Rook, MS ’85, BSN ’72†

Cynthia K. Russell, DNP ’21

Paul G. Saleeb

Kay F. Sauers, MS ’78, BSN ’72

Patricia Schaefer

Kari L. Schoening, BSN ’53

Susan K. Schurman, MS ’08, BSN ’99

Nayna Shah

Christine K. Shippen, MS ’98, BSN ’73†

Janet R. Southby, MS ’71†

Debra A. Spencer, MS ’99

Florence C. Strawser, BSN ’71

Anne Smyth Terry, BSN ’78

Margaret E. Trimble, BSN ’67

United Way of Central Maryland

Mary Patricia Wall, PhD ’04

Sandra B. Warner, BSN ’60

Mary L. Wetter, MS ’92

Katharine Wheaton, BSN ’15

John W. Willis Jr., BSN ’93

$100 - $249

Christine L. Abelein, MS ’92†

Ademola P. Ademola, BSN ’20

Yaw Adjei, BSN ’20

Brenda M. Afzal, MS ’99, BSN ’98

Laura L. Allen, MS ’15, BSN ’06

Lisa Allman, BSN ’93

Cheryl A. Andrews, MS ’99, BSN ’77

Cathy L. Attanasio, BSN ’73, and James Attanasio

Damian M. Ayichi, MS ’13, MS ’08

Janis L. Bahner, BSN ’71

Emily M. Bailey, BSN ’01

Patricia D. Balassone, MS ’79, BSN ’74

Christine L. Barclay, BSN ’77

Brigitte Bard

Barbara A. Barrett, MS ’78

Robert Barton and Premsri Barton

LaKeisha D. Beasley, MS ’07

Cecile M. Behneman, BSN ’69

Joan R. Benfield, MS ’92†

Edna J.K. Benware, BSN ’76†

Suzanne J. Best, MS ’06, BSN ’01

Mary Griffin Bey, BSN ’75

Sabrina L. Bielefeldt, MS ’15

Pamela J. Biernacki, BSN ’83

Roberta S. Billman, BSN ’74

Derryl E. Block, BSN ’75, and Steven H. Greenfield

Steffi J. Bokser, BSN ’85, and Allan Bokser

Christine Boltz, MS ’98

Patricia J. Bosak, BSN ’69

Margaret A. Bradford, MS ’76, BSN ’74†

Diane M. Breckenridge, PhD ’96

Voncelia S. Brown, MS ’82, BSN ’78

Tracy B. Browne, BSN ’16

Constance S. Browning, BSN ’65†

Carola Bruflat, BSN ’68

Barbara J. Bungard, MS ’11

Lisette K. Bunting-Perry, BSN ’83, and James Perry

Brooke K. Buppert, BSN ’06, and William G. Buppert

Ann W. Burgess, MS ’59

Colleen M. Burke, BSN ’77†

Vicki L. Burt, BSN ’73

Michelle Butler, MS ’01

Kathryn A. Cadwell, MS ’93, BSN ’75†

Brian Caffo

Rosanne T. Calure, MS ’96, BSN ’91

April A. Campbell, BSN ’91†

Carol W. Capozzoli, BSN ’67†

Kathryn D. Capozzoli, MS ’80

Cynthia A. Carbo, BSN ’78

Kristen M. Carlin, MS ’17

Berlyn S. Carlson, BSN ’73†

Mildred M. Carpenter, BSN ’69

Ruth M. Carroll, PhD ’90

Barbara J. Chapman-Nellis, BSN ’77

Donald Joseph Charney

Nora C. Cincotta, MS ’97

Monica J. Clark-McGrew, BSN ’80

Annie M. Clavon, MS ’83, BSN ’79†

Jane B. Clemmens, DIN ’50†

Anne Cliatt

Betty Clifford, BSN ’85

Thomas R. Coe, MS ’94

Anne H. Cole, BSN ’67†


“The University of Maryland School of Nursing provided me with a quality education, great memories, and long-lasting friendships, all of which have enabled me to have a fulfilling career. Donating is a way of saying ‘thank you’ and investing in future generations of nurses”

George A. Zangaro, PhD ’05, MS ’98

Frona S. Colker, MS ’74†

Imogene S. Combs, BSN ’69†

Emily E. Comstock, DNP ’21

Rochelle G. Conn, MS ’94

Barbara L. Conrad, BSN ’73†

Karen A. Cook-Henderson, BSN ’72

Kirsten Corazzini

Maura P. Cornell, BSN ’80†

Frances D. Fosbroke Cox, BSN ’74

Joan L. Creasia, PhD ’87

M. Karen Cucina, BSN ’72

Georgia E. Cusack, MS ’99, BSN ’84

Renee R. Dash, MS ’04

Charlotte E. Davies, MS ’68

Linda Lindsey Davis, PhD ’84 †

Carol E. Davisson

Sally Dempster, BSN ’56

Sarah M. DeRossi, BSN ’66

Marsha H. DeWeese, MS ’93

Valerie DeWeese, BSN ’81, and

Dale K. DeWeese†

Carol A. Distasio, MS ’73, BSN ’71†

Inez Haynie Dodson

Nancy Donovan, BSN ’76

Margaret A. Dooling, MS ’80

Patricia L. Dorio, BSN ’95

Carol Swamidoss Douglas, BSN ’85

Elizabeth S. Duda, BSN ’69

Bernadette R. Durkin, MS ’88

Patricia B. Eagen, BSN ’63

Kathleen F. Edwards, BSN ’67

Ann Louise Ellenson, BSN ’70†

Mary Ann C. Faith, BSN ’73

Lori Fantry

Donna M. Feickert-Eichna, BSN ’73

Marylouise K. Felhofer, MS ’91

Larry Fillian

Carolyn W. Fitzgerald, BSN ’78†

Judith G. Flemmens, BSN ’67†

Elaine M. Floyd, MS ’74

Dorrie K. Fontaine, MS ’77

Lark A. Ford, BSN ’76

Janet Tull Foreman, MS ’81, BSN ’76†

Julie C. Fortier, MS ’68†

Christie Fredericksen

Causaunda B. French, MS ’77†

Silvia I. Freyre, BSN ’11

Wanona S. Fritz, MS ’78

Joseph M. Fuggi

Christyn A. Gaa, DNP ’20

Sangeeta Gauchan, BSN ’19

Denise C. Geiger, BSN ’79†

Joseph S. Giba, DNP ’19

Judith K. Gilbert, BSN ’84

Robyn C. Gilden, PhD ’10, MS ’01

Vicki L. Gillmore, PhD ’90, MS ’77, BSN ’76

Antoinette M. Gonzalez, BSN ’55

Sonya Z. Goodman, MS ’79, BSN ’73†

Ellen J. Gorman, MS ’93†

Patricia A. Grinnell, MS ’65

Lijun Guan, BSN ’05

Shirley C. Guy, MS ’94, BSN ’73

Katherine L. Haag, MS ’99, BSN ’97

Bonnie M. Hagerty, MS ’77†

Carole F. Hair, MS ’79

Chelsea T. Harris, MS ’01

Ruth M. Harris, MS ’81, BSN ’79†

Clare E. Hastings, PhD ’95, BSN ’77

Debbra M. Hattery, MS ’96

Sharon Haynie

Michele D. Heacox, MS ’93†

Joan N. Hebden, MS ’85, BSN ’75

Kristin L. Heiner, BSN ’92

Donna C. Herndon, BSN ’69

Eileen B. Hollander, MS ’89, BSN ’83, and Craig Hollander

Jane M. Houck, MS ’84†

Brenda S. Jackson, MS ’77

Teri L. Jackson, BSN ’80†

Maranda C. Jackson-Parkin, PhD ’13, MS ’06

Connie A. Jastremski, MS ’82, BSN ’80†

Karen A. Jeffries, MS ’91

Lisa M. Johnson, BSN ’87

Jeanette A. Jones, MS ’70*

Hazel L. Jones-Parker, DNP ’12

William Jordan, BSN ’81†

Sara Kass-Gergi

Bonnie E. Keene, BSN ’71†

Abidogun B. Kehinde, BSN ’99

Rosalind R. Kendellen, BSN ’68

Frances L. Kerr, MS ’07

Jade S. Kim, DNP ’19

Katie L. Kinzie, BSN ’62

Mary Shelley Darling Knach, BSN ’79

SallyAnn J. Koch, BSN ’67

Rita M. Koenig

Thomas W. Koenig, BSN ’84, and Margaret A. Tangires Koenig, BSN ’84

Mary Jean Kotch, BSN ’74

Nancy E. Krauss, MS ’67†

Gaby M. Kuperman, BSN ’72†

Sally G. Kweti, BSN ’99

Nancy Lacy, BSN ’54

Linda S. Lammeree, BSN ’94

Rose C. LaPlaca, BSN ’81†

Eve L. Layman, BSN ’73†

Sheila E. Lee, BSN ’83

Gail Schoen Lemaire, PhD ’96

Sheila P. Levings, BSN ’97

Patricia A. Lewis, BSN ’80

Shirley Eppel Liberman, BSN ’55†

Carol A. Libonati, MS ’86, BSN ’68

Katherine N. Linden, BSN ’77†

Nancy Lougheed, BSN ’61

Denise T. Lowman-Kedzierski, BSN ’81

Laurice P. Lucas, BSN ’82

Joseph Macek and Ellen Macek

Karen M. Mack, MS ’01, BSN ’83

Barbara J. Major, BSN ’74†

Sandra B. Malone, PhD ’98

Lauren M. Manrai, DNP ’20, BSN ’16

Susan Dullea Markus, MS ’06, BSN ’74

Gloria J. Mayfield, MS ’72

Mary E. Miller Mazza, BSN ’83

Gail O. Mazzocco, MS ’74†

Anne E. McArdle, BSN ’74†

Donna Behler McArthur, PhD ’98, BSN ’76

Lisa S. McCarl, MS ’84, BSN ’81, and Clayton S. McCarl Jr.

Marie C. McCarthy, MS ’79

Margaret A. McEntee, MS ’73†

Ann Scanlon McGinity, MS ’74

Margaret A. McGinty, BSN ’71

John McKee

Debra L. Mendelsohn, BSN ’76†

Lillian A. Milburn, BSN ’04

Gayle Sharon Miller, BSN ’66

Marilyn J. Miller, PhD ’00, MS ’81, BSN ’79

Priscilla O. Mills, BSN ’69

Marik A. Moen, PhD ’18

Jacqueline M. Moore, PhD ’90

Tracie L. Morgan, DNP ’10, MS ’00

Erin E. Morris, BSN ’19

Anissa G. Nahabedian, MS ’17

Marina V. Needham, MS ’06, BSN ’98

Michaele Nesbitt-Johnson, DNP ’17, BSN ’83

Alexander K. Ngati, MS ’05, BSN ’03

Myra N. Njapau-Dove, DNP ’20

Maidana K. Nunn, MS ’63

Kevin J. O’Brien, MS ’98

Phyllis R. O’Day, MS ’78, BSN ’71

Yolanda A. Ogbolu, PhD ’11, MS ’05, BSN ’04

Patricia A. O’Hare, MS ’76†

Diane E. Olechna, MS ’00

Clara Arehart Olivas, MS ’67

Lynn M. Oswald

Joyce B. O’Toole, MS ’68, and Thomas J. O’Toole

Ifeoluwa M. Oyefeso, DNP ’18

Brenda Pat, BSN ’73

Linda T. Patterson, BSN ’72

Paul M. Patterson, DNP ’12, MS ’03, BSN ’01

Beverly J. Paulk, BSN ’65

Laura P. Pendley, BSN ’87†

Claire L. Peneza, MS ’15

Regina Phillips, MS ’79

Donald Pooton and Mary Pooton

Susan E. Postal, DNP ’14, MS ’06, BSN ’87

Deborah Prout

Nan K. Pue, BSN ’66†

Madonna Putz-Vitarello, BSN ’84

Suzanne R. Ranson, BSN ’76†

Kristen E. Rawlett, PhD ’14

DeVontee Rayford, DNP ’20

Daniel M. Reeks

Karen K. Reichert, BSN ’66

Barbara A. Reville, DNP ’11

Richard Ricciardi, MS ’91

Loretta M. Richardson, MS ’71, BSN ’68†

Eleanor M. Riordan, BSN ’47

Ellen S. Ristorcelli, BSN ’81

Cheryl L. Robinson, MS ’00

Teresa V. Robison, MS ’88, BSN ’80

Jake A. Rodriguez, BSN ’19

Janet Rowan, MS ’63, BSN ’61 †

Judith W. Ryan

Lois Sabolsice, MS ’67†

Sharon A. Saunders, BSN ’89†

Carole Schauer, MS ’70†

Barbara Schmitthenner, BSN ’57†

Deborah Lynne Schofield, DNP ’09, MS ’95, BSN ’92

Suanne Seefried

Margaret K. Seuss, MS ’96

Genet Z. Seyoum, BSN ’07

Sarah J. Shaefer, PhD ’96, MS ’80, BSN ’74†

Donna Beth Joy Shapiro

Brian C. Sharkey, MS ’00, BSN ’98

Phyllis W. Sharps, PhD ’88, BSN ’70†

John Sherk

Patricia A. Skelton, MS ’93

Mary L. Skoglund, MS ’82

Andrea L. Smith, MS ’83

Elizabeth P. Smith, MS ’99

GeorgeAnna Smith, BSN ’55*

Sally Jo Snader, BSN ’81

Sarah Snarski, BSN ’19

Laura M. Sorkin, MS ’96†


The Louisa Parsons Legacy Society

Derek E. Spencer, MS ’99, BSN ’90, and Trina D. Spencer

Eva F. Squibb, BSN ’13

Irene C. Stadler, BSN ’87

Gena Stiver Stanek, MS ’85, BSN ’80†

Jean P. Staples, BSN ’68†

Sheri B. Stern, MS ’91, BSN ’75†

Ann L. Stevens

Susan R. Stone, MS ’87, BSN ’82

Josephine M. Strauss, BSN ’71†

Synergy HomeCare

Elizabeth K. Tanner, MS ’74, BSN ’70

Gail F. Tarlton, MS ’02, BSN ’00

Wienshet Teklu, BSN ’99

Barbara N. Terry, BSN ’71†

Kerri A. Thom

Diane L. Thompkins, MS ’84

Gregory Tino

Laura K. Toews, MS ’16

Rita H. Tonner, MS ’98, BSN ’71

Natalie L. Troup, MS ’97

Nina K. Ungar, BSN ’83

Barbara L. Van de Castle, DNP ’14

Kim L. VandenAssem, MS ’11, BSN ’87

Jane M. Vardaro, MS ’77, and Joseph E. Vardaro

Lorrie Voytek

Duy Vu, BSN ’13

Suzanne D. Walton, MS ’87, BSN ’78†

Linda Elaine Wendt, PhD ’91†

Robert W. West, BSN ’14

Mary E. White, BSN ’76

Paula A. Wiegel-Thrasher, BSN ’73

Michelle C. Wike, BSN ’98

Adele Wilzack, MS ’66†

Barbara V. Wise, PhD ’99, MS ’82

Rebecca E. Wise, BSN ’69

Judith R. Wood, BSN ’71

Priscilla S. Worral, PhD ’86

Susan Wozenski

Eileen M. Wyant, BSN ’72

Gina Ng Yap

Vasso G. Yfantis, MS ’01, BSN ’97

Janet Young

Terry Young

Sherry L. Zane, BSN ’69

Teresa S. Zemel, MS ’87, BSN ’77†

Shijun Zhu

The Baccalaureate Class of 1956 was omitted from the Honor Roll of Donors in fall 2021. We apologize for this error.

Estate of Myrtle Ageton, DIN ’44, and Robert Ageton

Janet D. Allan


Floraine B. Applefeld

Estate of Carolyn V. Arnold

Jeanne Ascosi, BSN ’74

Estate of Zabelle S. Howard Beard

Deborah S. Beatty, MS ’96

Abbe R. Bendell, BSN ’74

Ann F. Bennett, MS ’69

Marjorie Stamler Bergemann

Estate of Jean L. Bloom, DIN ’46

Estate of Margaret Brandt, DIN ’50

Estate of Mary J. Brewer

Estate of E.L. Bunderman, DIN ’31, and Clarence Q. Bunderman

Estate of Ann Ottney Cain

Estate of Dorothy C. Calafiore, BSN ’51

Estate of Shirley E. Callahan, BSN ’52

Sharon A. Childs, MS ’91

Estate of Avon B. Chisholm

Marlene H. Cianci, MS ’66, BSN ’65

Estate of Gladys B. Clagett and Lansdale G. Clagett

Estate of Bonnie L. Closson, BSN ’61

Jon B. Closson

Claudette C. Clunan, BSN ’72

Steven S. Cohen

Regina M. Cusson, MS ’79

Estate of Mary Jane Custer

Jill A. DeCesare, BSN ’69

Carol Distasio, MS ’73, BSN ’71

Nancy Donovan, BSN ’76

Susan G. Dorsey, PhD ’01, MS ’98

Carol Drake, BSN ’68*, and Francis D. Drake

Celeste A. Dye, BSN ’66

Kay F. Edwards, PhD ’81, BSN ’67

Estate of Barbara Elgin, BSN ’54, and Lee Elgin

Estate of Lura Jane Emery, MS ’79

Julie C. Fortier, MS ’68

Judith A. Freitag, BSN ’77

Beth Ann Gan, BSN ’77

Estate of Mary H. Gilley, DIN ’44

Debbie Gilbert Glassman, MS ’79, BSN ’75

The School of Nursing’s Legacy Society is named in honor of pioneering nurse and philanthropist Louisa Parsons, the University of Maryland School of Nursing’s first superintendent; she made the first planned gift to the School in 1916. The Louisa Parsons Legacy Society comprises people who, like Parsons, are committed to supporting future generations of students and nurses by providing funding for scholarships, research, faculty positions, and other critical needs. Joining the Louisa Parsons Legacy Society allows you to make a significant difference to future nursing students without impacting your current lifestyle.

To learn more about making a planned gift, contact Stacey Conrad, associate dean for development and alumni relations, at or 410-706-7640.

Estate of Judah Gudelsky

Carolyn Cook Handa, BSN ’63*

Laurette L. Hankins

Sharon Hanopole, BSN ’66

Phyllis B. Heffron, BSN ’74

Barbara R. Heller

Estate of K. Cornelia Hesselbach

Estate of Marie L. Hesselbach

Estate of Kjerstine K. Hoffman, DIN ’47

Carol A. Huebner, PhD ’90

Margaret H. Iles, DIN ’53

Catherine Ingle, BSN ’61

Estate of Mary McCotter Jackson

Jeanette Jones, MS ’70*

Estate of Jean W. Keenan, DIN ’48

Jane M. Kirschling and Robert Flick*

Anita M. Langford, MS ’79, BSN ’77

Cynthia P. Lewis, BSN ’58, and Jack C. Lewis

Estate of Phyllis R. Luckenbaugh, MS ’79, BSN ’72, and Paul Luckenbaugh

Estate of Ann Madison, BSN ’62

Estate of Mildred Madsen, BSN ’73

Estate of Rita Malek, DIN ’49

Myrna Mamaril, MS ’93

Estate of Demetria Manandic, BSN ’54

Estate of Lois Marriott

Joan Nicholason Martellotto, BSN ’66

Margaret A. McEntee, MS ’73

Estate of Wealtha McGurn

Beverly J. Meadows, PhD ’06, MS ’84, BSN ’69

Norma J. Melcolm, MS ’69

Estate of Joan L. Meredith, BSN ’62

Sharon L. Michael, BSN ’71

Nancy J. Miller, BSN ’73

Patricia Gonce Morton, PhD ’89, MS ’79

Sondra M. Mroz, BSN ’66

Elizabeth A. Ness, MS ’93

Evelyn Norwitz

Elizabeth O’Connell, MS ’74, BSN ’73

Daniel J. O’Neal III, BSN ’66

Harriet Palmer-Willis, MS ’70, BSN ’68

Barbara J. Parker, PhD ’86, MS ’76

Charlene M. Passmore, BSN ’77

Thomas S. Paullin

Margot A. Regen, MS ’79

Ann E. Roberts, BSN ’93

Estate of Margaret Robinson

Linda E. Rose, PhD ’92, and William G. Smillie

Estate of Amelia Carol Sanders, DIN ’53

Patricia A. Saunders, BSN ’68

Estate of William Donald Schaefer

Estate of Phyllis J. Scharp, BSN ’50

Sandra Schoenfisch, MS ’76

Eleanor B. Schron, PhD ’08, MS ’79, and Spencer R. Schron

Estate of Alta Fay Schuster, BSN ‘54

Estate of Beverly Seeley

Christine K. Shippen, MS ’98, BSN ’73

Martha J. Shively, BSN ‘72

Deborah K. Shpritz, MS ’82, BSN ’78, and Louis Shpritz

Estate of Betty Lou Shubkagel, BSN ’54

Estate of Anna Mae Slacum

Estate of Connie Slewitzke, BSN ’71

Rebecca S. Stanevich, BSN ’73

Barbara A. Stepura, MS ’85

Estate of Marie V. Stimpson, MS ’89, BSN ’84

Jacquelyn M. Jones Stone, MS ’71

Estate of Sandra Sundeen, MS ’68

Estate of Ginger V. Swisher, DIN ’49

Susan L. Tancredi, MS ’79, BSN ’69, and Peter Tancredi

Courtney Ann Kehoe Thomas, BSN ’66

Virginia D. Thorson, BSN ’55

Estate of Norma C. Tinker, BSN ’48

Estate of Martha C. Trate, BSN ’48

Marion Burns Tuck, MS ’80

Robin Varker, BSN ’75

Elena V. Virts, PhD ’15, BSN ’00

Joella D. Warner, MS ’70, BSN ’64

Estate of Helen Parker Wear

Doris Baumgardner Webb, BSN ’59, and John H. Webb*

Margaret C. Wilmoth, MS ’79, BSN ’75

Susan Dorsey Wilson, BSN ’66

Estate of Patricia Yow

As we are unable to confirm all alumni credentials, only UMSON degrees and graduation years are included.





After more than a decade leading UMSON into the future, Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Bill and Joanne Conway Dean, walks toward the School’s iconic iron front gates on Lombard Street with her beloved rescue dog, Frankie. He became a mascot of sorts during the pandemic, when he joined the dean on camera during video conferences, often sitting in her lap or lounging on the couch behind her. Frankie wears a jacket in Maryland colors knit by Mei Chen, RN, an UMSON RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing student who is also a University of Maryland Medical Center nurse.

Office of Communications

655 W. Lombard St. Baltimore, MD 21201

Katie is the recipient of the Carol Drake, ARNP (BSN ’68), Scholarship, which Carol and her husband, Francis Drake, a 1967 graduate of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, created to provide support for undergraduate nursing students based on academic achievement and financial need. Carol passed away in September 2018 and is dearly missed.


“I would not have been able to thrive as I have without your scholarship. Receiving a scholarship gave me time to dedicate to myself and my wellbeing, which enabled me to maintain my enthusiasm toward this nursing program and my future career.”
Katherine “Katie” Stone Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student
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Articles inside


page 55


page 50

Prioritizing Compassionate Care

pages 47-50

Change of Address

page 46

Critical Care Casey

pages 44-45

Want the scoop from UMSON?

pages 41-42

Class Notes

pages 38-40


pages 32-37


pages 27-32

Answering Her Calling

pages 25-26

Cultivating Cultural Humility

page 24

Impact Raising the Gambian Research Bar

pages 22-23

The Kirschling (R)Evolution

page 19


page 18


page 17


page 16

UMSON Launches Two New Organized Research Centers

page 15

A Home of Our Own

page 14

A Piece of the Pi

page 13

A Legacy of Opportunity

pages 12-13

Ogbolu Named UMB Public Servant of the Year

page 11

Resnick Receives University System of Maryland and UMB Honors

page 10

Leadership Updates

page 9

New UMSON Pioneer Exhibit Connects Past and Present

pages 8-9

The Pulse

pages 5-7

From the Dean

page 4
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