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Students reflect on how attending Marymount has informed the way they understand community, collaboration, friendship, and themselves through the lens of the RSHM Mission to be of service to others so that all may have life.

“Marymount has provided the opportunity for different mindsets and individuals from different backgrounds to come together and combine thunderstorms of ideas into one collaborative and unique product. Our shared experiences of growth, reflection, and development have provided each and every student with a unique experience, each deeply understood and accepted by her peers.”
Lucia Sun ‘25
“During times of difficulty, we are encouraged to rely on each other for strength and guidance. Every student truly wants to help those around them succeed. The Marymount experience is defined by our sense of sisterhood that radiates through every minute we spend together.”

Katie Bauer ‘23
“Through the service opportunities at Marymount, I can look at the world as a glass that is half full, not half empty. By collaborating with my classmates during times like retreat, I learn not to take anything for granted and to cherish even the small moments in life.”
Margaux Elizalde ‘25
“The creative liberty in every aspect at Marymount gave me the platform to discover my voice. All the extracurricular programs, specifically the clubs and the alliance program, have lead me to a life of activism, not only in the classroom, but in my personal life as well. In being the leader of Feminists For Change and as the communications chair for the Abilities Alliance, I have found my passion for creating change and promoting awareness. Having found my voice from the various programs and support I have received at Marymount, I was able to help institute a school policy to provide free feminine products to our community.”
Isabella Sullivan ‘24
“Marymount places equal value on our academic studies, our personal growth, our spiritual development, and our athletic programs while leaving time for us to make lasting relationships with our teachers and friends.”
Margaux Curtes ‘26