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CENTENARY Celebrations & Activities
The 2023-2024 academic year will be rich with activities and events that commemorate Marymount’s founding and honor our Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary roots, including:
Constituent Events
September 23, 2023
Centennial Mass & Evening Reception
A beautiful evening Mass and Cocktail Reception are planned for this special day, which falls upon the actual date of the founding of our School.
December 02, 2023
Home for the Holidays
This festive event is for alumnae and alumnae parents and (in this anniversary year) will feature special touches evocative of Christmas in Killarney.
April 19-20, 2024
Reunion Weekend
Honoring all alumnae, and celebrating, in a special way, alumnae from classes ending in 4 and 9. The weekend festivities will include Classroom Visits, a Co-Ed Cocktail Party on Senior Lawn, Mass, and a Ladies Brunch.
A Sampling Of Student Activities
• Uniform Fashion Show
• Mass of the Holy Spirit & Legacy Tea
• Spirit Week & Song Contest Tribute
• Founders Day
• John 10:10 Project - 100 Years of Service to Los Angeles
• Commemorative Banners along Sunset Boulevard
• Launch of the Digital Archives and Interactive Digital History Book (Fall 2023)
• Commemorative 100th Anniversary sweatshirts and other merchandise