5 minute read
Can you share about your career trajectory?
My career path was not linear, it’s been circuitous. I started out thinking I wanted to be a doctor, as I’ve always really liked science. Once in college, I found myself gravitating to classes in humanities and religion. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with a degree in Religion, but I felt it would provide me with a foundation to go into any number of career options. After college I had a number of different experiences: teaching English in Nepal, teaching seventh grade at my old elementary school (Saint Anastasia), working at my dad’s business in marketing and sales, and working as a flight analyst. I even considered becoming a commercial pilot. It was saying “yes” to trying a variety of different things that helped me rule out what I didn’t want to do.
In college, I was a cross-country and track & field athlete, and I came to realize that there was more to be done to help young women who are grappling with understanding their physiques and body composition. When a job at the Dairy Council opened up, I realized this would be the way for me to educate others about where food comes from, and to help people make connections between food and fueling their bodies. Later, when an opening came up at The University of Utah to teach a nutrition communications course, I was able to craft that course based on concepts and people whom I’ve met over the course of my career, and to bridge that work with my role at the Dairy Council.

What inspired you to found Athletics United?
Running has always played a huge role in my life. I met my husband, Mike, when we were both on the cross country team at Princeton. Even after our son was born, we still really enjoyed running and wanted to use that passion to give back to the community. As we watched the events of the world unfold in 2016, we wanted to assist the growing refugee population. Mike and I approached a local non-profit that had been working with refugee families to ask if there would be an interest in forming a running club with their clients to help build community through sport. In 2018, we formally incorporated and created a nonprofit called Athletics United.
What advice would you give those who are seeking to find a meaningful career?
I think I’d say three things: The first is to explore what interests you. I switched from thinking I was going to be a biology major, which felt very practical and had job prospects, to studying Religion. This made me a lot more open to saying “yes” to opportunities. The second is to know that you’re not alone. People are willing to share what they are good at and can help you navigate until you ultimately figure it out for yourself. The last thing is to have the confidence to do the things that are hard. In my own life, Marymount prepared me to be a confident, strong woman, who doesn’t shy away from challenges.
What is the accomplishment of which you are most proud?
I’m proud that I became a pilot when I was seventeen years old. I’m proud that I qualified for the Olympic trials in the marathon, and that I completed a 100 mile bike race this past summer. But the thing that I am most proud of is founding Athletics United with my husband, and making the decision to do something that was difficult without knowing the outcome. My hope is that these experiences impact my two young boys’ lives and help them grow into kind, grateful humans who believe in themselves. I am grateful to Marymount for preparing me to believe that I could do anything. The teachers I had, the friends I made at Marymount, all instilled that sense of confidence.
Legacy Tea
Marymount was honored to welcome alumnae mothers, aunts, and grandmothers of current students to the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit and Legacy Tea. Sailor Sisters of all ages enjoyed visiting with their Marymount students and reconnecting with one another.

Send in Your News
Alumnae, your Sailor Sisters of all ages want to hear from you. Send in any updates to alumnae@mhs-la.org. If you include photos, please send them in a jpeg format with a resolution of 300dpi.
Join Marymount Connect
Join our online networking platform, Marymount Connect, to find and offer career support, whether you’re just starting out, or are wellestablished in your field.
Home For The Holidays
Alumnae were thrilled to return to campus for a meaningful Advent Mass in the Chapel, followed by brunch in the beautifully decorated Dining Room.

Faculty, Staff, and members of the Class of 2023 were excited to catch up with college-age alumnae from the classes of 2019-2022 at this informal on-campus event. Alumnae were interested to see the construction on campus, and to hear about some of the things being planned for the centenary year.
Nyc Brunch
Head of School, Jacqueline L. Landry, hosted a special brunch at ABC Kitchen for New York alumnae of all ages. Both longtime residents and new transplants to the city agreed that it was great for fellow Sailors to be brought together, and to make new friends.
Susan Wright Strader ‘61 writes, “My husband (Tim) and I visited London on an arts trip and had lunch with Angela Phillips Aylwin ‘61 and her husband, John. Angela and I feel fortunate to see each other regularly whether in London, Spain, or Orange County! Joyce DeHardt Humboldt ‘61 and her husband, Bob, visited Orange County from their dual homes in Minneapolis and Florida. They spent a day with Tim and me touring the magnificent Christ Cathedral.
Tim and I were honored to have led the fundraising campaign to convert the former evangelical Crystal Cathedral into a Catholic worship space for the Diocese of Orange. Seven buildings on 34 acres became the seat of liturgical life and all the programs and ministries supporting parishes, Catholic schools, seminarians and retired priests and religious.
Sadly, our beloved teacher and friend, Sister Maureen (Bonaventure) Murray, RSHM passed away. Tim and I attended a beautiful celebration of her life with Mass, remembrances, and a reception at the RSHM Provincial Center in Montebello. She was a remarkable woman, having held many positions of leadership within the RSHM community.”
Erin Hellige George ‘96 wrote to share a job update, “I am a Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) where I have worked for the past 17 years, having served as the BCG Dallas Office Leader for the past four years. As of October 1, 2022, I now lead the BCG Southwest Region, including Houston, Dallas, Austin and the surrounding states.
I am the first woman to run one of our major regions at BCG in North America, and Marymount prepared me so well to have the confidence to continue to jump into these new roles! Thank you Marymount!”
Alexandra Zimnoch ‘10 shared, “I got married this May to Stephen Ambrose III in Vero Beach, FL. Adrienne Zubia Doherty ‘10 and Cassandra Zimnoch ‘13 were bridesmaids. Kyra Richardson ‘10 also attended!”
Alexandra Zimnoch ‘10 married Stephen Ambrose, III
Luca Hagop to Aline Khatchadourian Antreasyan ‘01 and Dan Antreasyan (12/01/22)
Henry Edward V to Leslie Wiggins Bedford ‘03 and Hank Bedford (1/18/23)
Blakely Lynn to Jennifer Schmidt Garner ‘01 and Sean Garner (10/24/22)
Meyer Henry to Alexandra Bartholomew Michaelson ‘06 and Jonathan Michaelson (07/26/22)
Everson Desrochers to Juliette Spinner Pearse ‘07 and Luke Pearse (11/23/22)
Molly Ann to Lisa Schmidt Olin ‘03 and Adam Olin (2/02/23)
Libby Jane to Alexis Sherman ‘04 and Sam Zeanah (09/24/22)