Architecture Dissertation

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“Role of Building Automation in Architecture”



Government Engineering College, Thrissur Batch 2016 21


Government Engineering College, Thrissur


Certified that the dissertation entitled “ROLE OF BUILDING AUTOMATION IN ARCHITECTURE” submitted by Ms. MARY SUSHMA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture during ninth semester of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University is a bona fide work carried out by her under my guidance and supervision.

PROF. BIJU. C. A (Dissertation guide) (Head of The Department)


(Internal Examiner) (Examiner)


I do hereby declare that the dissertation entitled “ROLE OF BUILDING AUTOMATION IN ARCHITECTURE” is a bona fide record of the study done by me independently during the ninth semester B.Arch. degree course in the School of Architecture and Planning, Government Engineering College, Thrissur and the dissertation has not previously formed the basis of B.Arch degree course.

Place: Thrissur MARY SUSHMA



Iextendmysinceregratitudeto my guideProf.DrJosnaRaphealwhosepatience and valuable suggestions have helped me in seeing things in a logical manner and formulate a direction for my study. I would also like to extend my gratitude to our dissertation coordinator Prof. Sujith K.M for his guidance towards the completion of my dissertation.

I also extend my sincere thanks to Prof. Surya S, Prof. Geetha A, and Prof. ShijinaN.P,fortheirsupportandtimelyguidanceandopinions.Iamthankfultomyclassmates for their inspiring spirit and emotional support.

My heartfelt thanks to my parents for being the pillars of support throughout the process. Above all, Iam grateful to Science for its endless technologies that made this possible


Human era has witnessed a wide range of technological advancements ranging from the invention of steam engines to artificial intelligence, which has made life easier but have significantly caused damages to planet Earth. As technology advanced, increasingly complex structures were built with associated systems which were able to maintain comfortable living and environmental conditions but gave less regard to natural environment. As energy prices roseinthe1970sfocuswasplacedonthefacilityefficiency. Thebuildingownersandmanagers began to see the wisdom in applying newly available computer based digital controls to the efficient management of energy efficient heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC systems, thus began the field of Building Automation Systems (BAS). The research aim at finding how Building Automation Systems, while aiming to promote technologically enhanced living conditions contribute in making a building sustainable. The study completely based on secondary sources like books, research papers and technical journals understand the basic concepts andtypesofBuildingAutomationSystemsandvarioussustainablebuildingpractices. The study after a careful analysis from case studies concludes by putting together some general benefits of control systems and some specific strategies for achieving particular sustainability goals.

Role of Building Automation in
ii Role of Building Automation in Architecture CONTENTS Page no. Abstract.......................................................................................................................................i Table of contents ii List of figures ...........................................................................................................................iv CHAPTER 1 STUDY BRIEF 1 1.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Research question ...............................................................................................................1 1.3 Aim 1 1.4 Objective .............................................................................................................................2 1.5 Methodology 2 1.6 Scope 2 1.7 Limitation ............................................................................................................................2 CHAPTER 2 SUSTAINABILITY ......................................................................................3 2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................3 2.2 Definition 3 2.3 Sustainability Parameters ....................................................................................................4 2.4 Sustainable in Construction Sector 6 2.5 Sustainable Architecture 6 2.6 Sustainable Buildings...........................................................................................................7 CHAPTER 3 BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS ...................................................8 3.1 Introduction 8 3.2 Early human settlements .....................................................................................................8 3.3 Early Buildings and Building Controls 8 3.4 Automation 9 3.5 Building Automation Systems.............................................................................................9 3.6 What is controlled? 10 3.7 Types of BAS ....................................................................................................................10 3.7.1 Building Security Systems..................................................................................10 3.7.2 Automatic Access Control Systems 11 3.7.3 HVAC Systems...................................................................................................13 3.7.4 Air Quality Monitoring Systems 13
Smart Lighting Systems 14
7.6 Fire Alarm Systems 14
Intelligent Parking Systems ................................................................................15
Predictive Maintenance Systems 15 3.7.9 Smart Façade Systems........................................................................................15 3.7 Advantages of BAS ...........................................................................................................16 3.8 Limitations of BAS 17
4 CASE STUDIES 18 4.1 USGBC Headquarters Washington, D.C 18 4.2 GBCI Headquarters, Noida, UP.........................................................................................22 CHAPTER 5 SYNTHESIS ...............................................................................................28 5.1 Analysis..............................................................................................................................28 5.2 Inference 29 5.3 Conclusions........................................................................................................................29 BIBLIOGRAPHY 30
Building Automation in


Figure 1.1: Methodology ...........................................................................................................6

Figure 2.1: Venn diagram of sustainable development 6

Figure 2.2: Diagram indicating the relationship between three pillars of sustainability 6

Figure 4.1: USGBC Headquarters, Reception Area 6

Figure 4.2: Stairs USGBC Headquarters, Washington D.C ......................................................6

Figure 4.3: Eco Corridor............................................................................................................6

Figure 4.4: Graph showing reduction in energy consumption for 6 years 6

Figure 4.5: LED Lightings with daylight sensors 6

Figure 4.6: Occupancy sensors linked to chairs 6

Figure 4.7: Roof top radio meters..............................................................................................6

Figure 4.8: treadmill desk..........................................................................................................6

Figure 4.9: Graph showing waste diversion ..............................................................................6

Figure 4.10: Informational signage on waste bins 6

Figure 4.11: GBC India Corporate Head Office 6

Figure 4.12: Location of GBC India Corporate Head Office ....................................................6

Figure 4.13: views......................................................................................................................6

Figure 4.14: Clean Build Carbon Offset Content Label............................................................6

Figure 4.15: Exhaust Fans 6

Figure 4.16: Display of materials used in the building 6

Figure 4.17: CO2 Monitor .........................................................................................................6

Figure 4.18: segregation of wastes.............................................................................................6

Figure 4.19: physical activity sessions.......................................................................................6

Role of Building Automation in Architecture




The construction and operation of buildings are a major source of demand for energy and materials that produce various by products like green house gases. The modern day construction is largely based on the materials derived from the surroundings around us i.e., the environment. Construction uses energy and the natural resources on a huge scale and produces huge quantities of by products. This is leading to the consumption of the resources on the earth on a much faster rate than the regeneration of these resources. Similarly, the production of by products is introducing unwanted materials into the environment as a result, further polluting it.

World at present is experiencing a number of problems like air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution, shortage of the natural resources etc. All this highlights the very important need of protecting nature and preserving it for our future generations, emphasizes the urgent need of adopting sustainable construction practices and sustainable Architecture. It is important that we find alternative solutions or switch to more energy efficient building construction and building management practices to successfully slow down and to reverse global warming and to prevent world resource depletion.

Various technologies and materials have been developed during the course of time which are energy efficient and cause less pollution to the environment and at the same time make human life easier. One such technological advancement was the development of Building Automation Systems. Building Automation Systems controls various components within a building such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning etc. The primary aim of this type of systems are to improve the efficiency of the system, to reduce costs and to increase safety. A centralized building management system brings all of these building systems together, but this account is a simplification of what’s really happening behind the scenes.


How can Building Automation Systems, while aiming to promote technologically enhanced living conditions contribute in making a building sustainable.

1.3 AIM

To find out how building automation systems helps in making a building sustainable.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


1. To study the concept of sustainability and sustainable building practices

2. To study the concept, history, evolution and types of Building Automation Systems

3. To analyse the applications of Building Automation Systems through case studies.

4. To put together the BAS technologies that can be incorporated into a building to make it sustainable


Case studies

International National 1.USGBC Headquarters Washington D.C

1.GBCI Headquarters Delhi, India

Theories and concepts

• Data from Technical Books

• Data from Research papers

• Data from Articles on Automation Systems

• Company brochures

• Case studies from US Green Building Council and Green Building Council of India


The study will be focusing mainly on the recent advancements in technologies for building management and its potential applications that has helped in making human life easier and comfortable

The study will not be focusing on the material requirements in terms of both energy and expenditure.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Analysis Inference Conclusions Project
Collection Figure 1.1: Methodology
Brief Data




Technological developments that had begun with the industrial revolution have brought about an idea that it could become more dominant over nature. After World War II, rapid economic development plans had been put into practice in order to meet rising needs in urban areas with migration from rural areas, in addition to population explosion. An unplanned urbanization process had begun by putting into practice these development policies without regarding protection of environment.

Unplanned urbanization as a result of industrialization has caused reduction in green field gradually, increase in energy need per capita, over consumption of limited natural resources and usage of petroleum resources intensively. Environmental problems including global warming, rise in greenhouse gas emission, depletion of ozone layer and reduction in biodiversity have reached global dimensions as a result of imbalance between production and consumption. Environmental issues as a result of current economic development models based on over consumption of natural resources and destroying life, has downgraded the social wealth and the standards of living to the lowest level of all time.

The worries about rapidly consuming natural resources could fail to assure the necessities of mankind and about deceleration or even stopping of economic growth and community development as a result of this insufficiency one day, had been made an issue for the first time at Brundtland Report (WCED, 1989) in 1989. Today states, organizations, institutions, business world, governmental and non governmental organization and other stakeholders have an understanding about the fact that natural resources are limited and human life is under risk in the world. Sustainability concept which can be defined as “meeting the needs and expectations of the present without compromising future generations to meet their own needs and expectations” in the Brundtland Report (WCED, 1989) has been kept as a common common measure of recommended solutions.


According to Our Common Future, (also known as the Brundtland Report, published on October 1987 by the United Nations) sustainable development is defined as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” [1] Sustainability is the ability to exist constantly. In this century, it refers generally to the ability of the human civilization and the biosphere to co exist. It is also defined as the process of humans maintaining change in a homeostasis equilibrium environment, in which the the direction of investments, exploitation of resources, institutional change and the orientation of technological development, are all in harmony and enhance both future and current potential to meet human aspirations and needs. For many in this field, sustainability is defined as an interlinked domains or pillars: environment, economic and social.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture



On Social Development, the World Summit in 2005, identified three major areas that contribute significantly to the social science and philosophy of sustainable development. These “pillars” in many certification schemes and national standards, form the backbone of solving the main issues that the world faces now.

Figure 2.1: Venn diagram of sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts

2.3.1 Environmental Sustainability

Figure 2.2: A diagram indicating the relationship between the “three pillars of sustainability”, in which both economy and society are constrained by environmental limits

Previously it was known as the prime reason for sustainability. It continues to play an important role and has been further incorporated into the corporate habitat.

Environmental sustainability means giving the planet to future generations better than how it was taken, protecting natural systems and ecological balance from destruction. It is necessary to take into consideration ecological balance and saving in consumption of non renewable resources Sustainability of a resource is dependent on ability of renewal itself at the same time. To keep it simple, environmental sustainability means handing over of natural resources to the future generations without any destruction. For this reason, when determining usage level of natural resources; it must be taken into consideration the rates of renewal of these resources

Environmental sustainability requires being thoughtful in the subjects of

• Protection of liveliness and variety on the earth,

• Conservation of life supporting systems,

• Sustainable use of renewable resources,

• Savings in using non renewable resources,

• Minimizing destruction to the environment and its living things, and

• Protection of cultural and historical environments.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

2.3.2 Economic Sustainability

The economic pillar has the most innovative possibilities to combine sustainable practices, technology, and money making tools.

The development models that we see today depends on boundless production and consumption of services and products. When it is taken into consideration from an ecological aspect, an above mentioned model requires using existing resources as if they are endless. Nevertheless, it is a fact that these resources which can meet the basic needs of people are finite and these resources are getting reduces day by day without restoration as a result of excessive usage. On the other hand, again it is clear that there are environmental issues as a result of wastes which are results of this consumption. In economic process, because production consumption balance must be set by considering ecological susceptibilities and social fair matters, economic sustainability is one of the major subjects of sustainable development.

A sustainable economic development requires;

• Strengthen and maintain current jobs

• Promote stimulants that work with human nature to encourage sustainable practices.

• Promote fully informed accounting and market practices to promote environmental health and social prosperity.

• Improve understanding and quantification of ecosystem services in cost benefit analysis.

• Positively impact costs of processes, services, and products throughout the full lifecycle

• Promote cost structures that reduce risk and premium for new technologies.

2.3.3 Social Sustainability

The social pillar with the quality of life as one of the major priorities is focused on wellness, health, and education of the people.

Social Sustainability which is an important goal of sustainable development aims at some basic freedoms and rights simply related to being a human. The most important one of basic right and freedom is equality and balance among generations. Resources can be transferred down to next generation to assist their existences and provide their wealth.

A sustainable economic development need:

• Protect health of communities affected by pollution by empowering them to take action to improve their environment and health

• Strengthen the education about sustainability of the common public, stakeholders, and affected groups.

• Protect, preserve and restore access to basic resources like food, water, land, and energy for present and future generations.

• Encourage the development, planning, modification or building of communities to promote sustainable living.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture



People need a lot of buildings for sustaining their lives during civilization. These facilities cause a lot of environmental problems during their construction, operation and maintenance, and destruction. Buildings consuming huge amount of energy and natural resource have an impact on climate change by affecting quality of air and water in cities.

According to 2010 data, 45% of world energy and 50% of water are used by buildings. When looked environmental effects; 23% of air pollution, 50% of greenhouse gas production, 40% of water pollution, and 40% of solid waste in cities are environmental problems caused by buildings Intensive usage of natural resources because of activities of construction industry, solid and liquid wastes and gas emissions at the end of construction and destruction activities have a lot of negative impact on the environment. These negative impacts can be summarized as consumption of unrenewable resources, decrease in biological diversity, destruction of forest areas, loss of agricultural areas, air, water and soil pollution, destruction of natural green areas, and global warming.

Construction industry which is not efficient in economic respect, it also cannot support environmental sustainability because of producing much wastes and not using resources efficiently. “Sustainable architecture” and “sustainable construction” concepts which serve a systematic approach to subject by determining principles, strategies, and methods becomes prominent for finding solution to environmental problems caused by buildings.


Sustainable architecture is a term that describes environmentally conscious design techniques in the field of architecture. In the broader context, sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. The idea of sustainability, or ecological design, is to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations. The term can be used to describe an energy and ecologically conscious approach to the design of the built environment.[2]

The idea of sustainability, or ecological design, is to ensure that our use of presently available resources does not end up having detrimental effects to our collective well being or making it impossible to obtain resources for other applications in the long run.[3]

2.5.1 Sustainable Energy Use

Efficiency in energy use over the entire life cycle of a building is the major goal of sustainable architecture. Architects use many different active and passive techniques to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and increase their capability to generate or capture their own energy. To minimize complexity and cost, sustainable architecture gives importance to passive systems to take advantage of location of building with incorporated architectural elements, supplementing with renewable energy sources.Site analysis can be incorporated to optimize use of utilize local environmental resources such as ambient wind and daylight for ventilation and heating.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


2.5.3 Sustainable Building Materials

Sustainable architecture often includes the use of recycled or non virgin materials, such as reclaimed wood and recycled metals. The reduction in use of virgin materials creates a corresponding reduction in energy used in the production of materials. Often sustainable architects attempt to substitute old structures to satisfy new needs in order to avoid unwanted development. Reclaimed materials and architectural salvage are used when appropriate. Whenever older buildings are demolished, frequently good woods are reclaimed, renewed, and sold as flooring materials. Any stone of good dimension is reclaimed similarly. Many other parts are reused as well, such as windows, doors, hardware and mantels thus reducing the consumption of new products. Green products are usually considered to contain less VOCs and be better for human health and environmental health.

2.5.3 Waste Management

Waste takes the shape of spent or useless materials produced from households and commercial buildings, building construction and demolition processes, and manufacturing and agricultural industries. These materials are carelessly categorized as municipal solid waste, agricultural or industrial by products and demolition or construction wastes. Sustainable architecture focuses on the onsite management of wastes, incorporating waste such as grey water for use on garden and landscapes, and reducing sewage by composting. These methods, when merged with off site recycling and on site food waste composting, can reduce waste from a house to a small amount of packaging waste.


A sustainable building design is one that achieves high performance over the full life cycle, in the following areas:

• Minimizing natural resource consumption through more efficient utilization of nonrenewable natural resources, land, water and construction materials apart from utilization of renewable energy resources to achieve net zero energy consumption.

• Minimizing emissions that negatively impact the indoor environment and outdoor environment, especially those related to indoor air quality, greenhouse gases, global warming, particulates and acid rain.

• Minimizing discharge of solid waste and liquid effluents, including demolition and occupant waste, sewer and storm water apart from creating the required infrastructure to accommodate removal of wastes.

• Minimal negative impact on site ecosystem.

• Maximum quality of indoor environment, including air quality, illumination, thermal regime, acoustics and visual aspects so as to provide comfortable and satisfactory psychological and physiological perceptions.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture





Let’s talk about Human Body. We all know how our body works. The Human body is an intricate network of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems that together make life possible. Various systems like the skeletal system, the muscular system, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system etc works together for the better functioning of our bodies. The skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and nervous system in particular creates an infrastructure that facilitates other systems. Similarly, the nervous system sends in various signals to different parts of the body according to which each body part responds. All of these systems require energy to function. That’s were the respiratory and digestive systems come in. They provide the energy required for these systems to function. Thus, humans are complicated organisms but when our organ systems are healthy they ensure our well being. Are the buildings, that we live in, any way similar to our body? Most people think of buildings as static and lifeless objects. It’s true because we don’t see the buildings breathe or move around. They may not be as complex as the human body, but they do have certain life like activities going on in the inside. In an average day, lights go on and off, heating and cooling systems adjust the temperature, vents decide how much air to let it, and countless other processes happens in a building that have to be controlled. Now one may ask, “Who controls these systems?”

That’s were Building Management Systems or BMS comes in.


Humans right from the evolutionary phase had been very sensitive to their environment, temperature, humidity, light, sound etc. As history states, in those days, even though humans were no more than any other living creatures on the planet, there was a constant effort to understand and control everything that happened around them. Early humans depended on fire for warmth during cold winters, while the natural shade of a tree comforted them during hot summer days. As technology advanced, increasingly complex structures were built with associated systems which were able to maintain comfortable living and environmental conditions.


Modern era of buildings beginning in the late 19th century witnessed rapid advancements in mechanical and electrical systems specifically designed to maintain comfort with little regard to energy efficiency and none to environmental impacts. The major drawbacks of this rapid development was high consumption of energy resources and environmental pollution. As energy prices rose in the 1970s focus was placed on the facility efficiency. The building owners and managers began to see the wisdom in applying newly available computer based digital controls to the efficient management of energy efficient heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC systems, thus began the field of Building Automation Systems (BAS).

Role of Building Automation in

Now let’s back to the earlier question, “who controls these systems?”.

Early building control systems during 1960 1970s were mainly pneumatic controls, in which pressurized air was used to control mechanical equipment. This method of controlling required frequent calibrations and maintenance and was difficult to keep tight control and was difficult to modify control sequences.

Electrical and electronic controls were introduced after 10 years during 1980s which used electrical devices to control buildings. They required less calibrations and tighter control and were easy to modify control sequences compared to the former.

Direct digital controls were then introduced later on, which are still used today. They used microcontrollers which were more accurate to control and easier to program and were much easy to change control sequences.

Systems like these controls various activities in a building like heating, ventilation, air conditioning, surveillance, fire and safety etc. They act like organ systems in our body, which when properly calibrated and managed facilitates the proper functioning of a building.


Labor saving technology or automation, or is the technology by which a procedure or process is performed with minimum human assistance. Building Automation Systems are interlinked, centralized, networks of software and hardware, which monitor and control the environment in commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities. While managing various building systems, the automation system ensures the operational performance of the facility as well as the safety and comfort of building users.

Building automation systems are like a building’s brain. They’re the part that tells different equipment in a building what to do, the same way our brain tells our body parts what to do. The energy management systems in a building acts like our respiratory and digestive systems that provides the body with the necessary energy required to perform the day to day functions


Over the past four decades since the 1970s increasing awareness of environmental pollutions and global warming has brought added attention to the important role that the BAS systems play in managing efficient buildings. No longer limited to the controlling of just HVAC systems, BAS systems have become the central nervous systems of modern buildings, controlling everything in a virtual facility. The field of BAS rests at the intersection of traditional professions such as electrical work, HVAC, Information Technology, Engineering, Computer Sciences and others.

A building automation system controls all the functions of a building from a central hub. Many modern systems can be controlled remotely through a digital platform or app. The software at the heart of this type of system uses a logic algorithms to manage these systems according to direct inputs and preset conditions, giving rise to the term “smart building.”


Role of Building Automation in Architecture


Building Automation generally begins with the control of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems.

The various other systems that are controlled by the BAS includes:

• Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC)

• Chillers

• Boilers

• Air Handling Units (AHUs)

• Roof top Units (RTUs)

• Fan Coil Units (FCUs)

• Heat Pump Units (HPUs)

• Variable Air Volume boxes (VAVs)

• Lighting control

• Power monitoring

• Security

• Close circuit video (CCTV) and other Security systems

• Card and keypad access

• Fire alarms and other emergency systems

• Elevators/escalators and other Mechanical systems

• Plumbing and water monitoring


3.7.1 Building Security Systems

In the earlier days the security of a building was the sole responsibility of a security guard or associated staffs and was mainly provided at the major entrances and exits of the building. The huge burden of protecting a building and its users was bound to a handful of human force. Both armed and unarmed security officers were called upon to deal with every threat and emergency situations. They had to be constantly vigilant not only during day time but also during night. They also had to keep accurate logs for the building users and constantly observe and report any anomalies or suspicious activities. This also put their lives in grave danger whenever there was a threat or an infiltration.

Modern day Advanced Building Security systems have completely changed the way we think about building security. Automated Building Control Systems consists of two parallel systems that works simultaneously making building protection possible. These are:

1. Monitoring Systems

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


2. Crime Prevention Systems

1. Monitoring Systems

These are a series of cameras and sensors of various types that constantly monitor and oversee the activities going on in and around the building. Various sensors used are motion sensors, fire detectors, carbon monoxide detectors etc. The information collected are simultaneously sent to the supervisors in the form of emergency alarms and images. This data is often stored and managed in a security data server

2. Crime Prevention System

These systems based on the information from the monitoring systems, performs ingress and egress management and controls. These systems also use certain detectors like door open close detectors, glass break detectors to detect emergencies.

These systems together provide complete security solutions to buildings with reduced human participation.

3.7.2 Automatic Access Control Systems

In the earlier days the access control was carried out by a staff like a receptionist. They were required to maintain accurate logs of the movement of users in offices and institutions. This data was used to calculate the average work hours of an employee or to determine the pay scale of workers. Such data were often prone to manipulation either by individuals or intruders.

Technological advancements have changed the way we think about security and have rescued humans from the burden of providing security to buildings and human resources. Development of advanced software and programmable machines promises better results in access controls. The benefits of Advanced Access Control Systems or AACS are pretty obvious when we think about it. They provide completely efficient protection to the employees, patrons, information, equipment and other resources without question.

Types of Advanced Access Control Systems

Mainly there are three types of access control systems:

1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

2. Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

3. Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

This is the least restrictive in all the access control systems in which the owner can decide who all can have access to a specific location. It essentially allows the user complete access towards all the spaces and object in the building.

2. Mandatory Access Control

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


Such control systems are employed in buildings that requires more sophisticated control systems. In this system only the owner has access to all units or facilities and provides the user with partial or limited access based on the owners’ decisions. MAC classify all the users and provides them with labels that permit them to gain access through security with established security guidelines.

3 Role Based Access Control

In RBAC the access is provided only based on the roles of the user or title of the jobs. It provides specific access to specific purposes rather than provided particular access to multiple individuals.

Benefits of Advanced Access Control Systems

1. Knowing the persons coming in and going out at all the times

The systems keep track of everybody who moves around in the building and ensure there are no intruders in the building. In a building with many, it will be rather difficult to know who belongs to the building and who doesn’t. It helps prevent strangers from entering the building undetected

2. Keep track of employees

An access control system can reduce the chaos when a building has workers coming in for multiple shifts in a day. It provides the users with information regarding the correct timing for their shifts. It also keeps track of who has shown up for work and who hasn’t.

3. Secure sensitive documents and data

The system allows the owner to limit access to highly sensitive areas in a building that houses important hardware software and other confidential information.

4. Reduce theft and accidents

Since the access systems does not allow entry to strangers and movements of people inside the building are restricted to confidential areas, the possible chances of thefts and accidents will be less in an access controlled building.

5. No more dependence on locks and keys

With the use of engineered software and machines that run on such software dependence of locks and keys are reduced. The owner and employees don’t have to worry about lost keys anymore, because the keys that they will be carrying around will be their own iris or fingerprints.

Working of Advanced Access Control Systems


Identifying individuals through distinctive characteristics, biometrics uses the fingerprint, face, iris or palm for authentication. Biometric authentication cannot be transferred between individuals and working with an access control card for authorization can significantly increase the security of the building.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


3.7.3 Smart HVAC

Traditional HVAC systems takes about 40% of the electric bills in many buildings. Most of the time the users have to adjust the temperatures on the thermostat so that the system runs minimally while the building isn’t occupied, to save money, but it often means returning to the building at uncomfortable temperatures. Similarly, traditional HVAC systems heated or cooled the whole building uniformly no matter whether all the spaces were occupied or not.

A smart system learns and understands the buildings heating and cooling requirements over the period of time and adjust automatically to them, and keeps providing the users with enough air to keep the indoor areas comfortable, without overconsumption of energy. A variable speed air handler can provide the indoors with more air on hot days and similarly less air on cold days.

The system also leans the habits of its users. Various sensors in the system senses when someone enters or leaves the space automatically adjusting the cooling and heating load and makes sure air is not sent to unoccupied areas. The system can also be connected to smart devices like smart TVs and mobile devices via an app, so that they can also be controlled remotely. It provides the user to control everything from adjusting the temperatures to even closing and opening of air vents as needed.

Benefits Of A Smart Hvac

1. Saves money and energy

Installing a smart HVAC system is an investment eventhough the it is more expensive than the traditional one. It pays for itself over the time by cutting short the energy bills by around 20%.

2. Adaptability

The system learns and adapts to the preferences on the user rather than making the user reset the thermostat throughout the day.

3.7.4 Air Quality Monitoring

Advanced BAS systems allow real time monitoring indoor air quality to create a healthier and more productive indoor environment, whilst exceeding sustainability standards. Good indoor air quality is fundamental for our health and productivity. Buildings will be equipped with wireless sensors that will monitor carbon dioxide levels and small harmful particles, sending out warnings and signals adjusting the ventilation if necessary.

In countries with strong air pollution, it is important to measure the quality of air that comes in through the ventilation. Smart systems can indicate what filters need to be replaced and decide to turn the system off, should the outside air quality be critically bad. It is said that the decision making ability is lowered by up to 21% when CO2 levels reach 1000ppm compared to 600ppm and productivity gains of 8% can be achieved through improved thermal comfort and air quality.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


3.7.5 Smart Lighting Systems

Smart lighting is a lighting technology designed for energy efficiency, convenience and security. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or day light availability. Smart lighting adjusts to the preferences of occupants also called human centric lighting.

Energy Consumption

Smart lighting enables households and users to remotely control lighting appliances, minimizing unnecessary light and energy use. The concept of smart lighting also involves utilising normal light from the sun to reduce the use of man made lighting, and the simple concept of people turning off lighting when they leave a room

Smart Lighting Controls

• They use motion sensors or occupancy sensors that detects movement of user in the room or space to automatically turn on lights and turn of them when the user exits the space. Thus, the building owner does not have to worry about the people forgetting to turn of the lights after use.

• They use another set of sensors called the day light sensors which based on the amount of daylight available, adjusts the artificial lighting accordingly. Hence energy consumption is reduced on a bright day.

• Various other types of sensors are available based of particular requirements like ultrasound sensors, heat sensors, sound sensors, door contact sensors, infrared sensors etc.

3.7.6 Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems are designed so as to alert us during an emergency so that we can take necessary actions to protect ourselves and others. Alarm systems and automatic fire detection are a recent development in the range of equipment that are available to fight the threat of fire in domestic and commercial buildings. These buildings have been successfully programmed to create an effective and authentic means of detecting fires within a building and signaling an alert to the occupants.

It uses detectors like smoke detectors, heat detectors, flame detectors, etc to alert the people in a building. The fire alarm control panel acts as a central hub for all the detector signals to be wired to and provides a status indication to the users. The detectors send in signals in case of a fire outbreak triggers the alarm. As soon as the alarm is triggered fire extinguishing systems activates including sprinkler systems, gas systems, foam spray, etc.

3.7.7 Intelligent Parking

Smart systems are not just implemented where people work or live, but in the surrounding infrastructure also. Sensors and cameras can detect where parking spots are free and send this information to travelers, reducing extra laps and unnecessary consumption of fuel.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

This information is also shared between multiple systems, so that commuters also get data about parking spot from public streets. Other applications include, allowing visitors to reserve spaces for parking in advance or automated online payment systems for frequent users.

3.7.8 Predictive Maintenance

The biggest expense during a building’s life cycle goes to its repair and maintenance, which eventually ends up exceeding the total construction costs. Smart technology permits facility managers to save repair and maintenance costs and completely change the way in which they run their building, by shifting from a reactive to a predictive maintenance model.

Sensors placed all around the machinery like heaters or pumps can be programmed to observe and detect critical levels of noise, heat or vibration. Above a certain threshold, a signal or warning is sent and the fault can be fixed before it escalates into a big error. This type of repair and maintenance based on needs rather than scheduled intervals has been shown to be 3 to 9 times cheaper.

3.7.9 Smart Façade Systems

A façade of a building is an envelope separating the inside and outside of a building and are the most strikingly visible parts of a building. They peotect the indoor areas of the building from harsh external climate. Just like our skin, an extremely versatile organ of our body, it should be natural for it to be the part of the building which bears technology capable of becoming adaptable to the environmental conditions of the place where it Is located.

A façade can be considered smart when it adapts to environmental conditions and transforms itself simultaneously. This happens through its components (passive or active), which adjust to adapt to different conditions, responding to changes that occur on the outside and inside of the building.

Example is the climate responsive façade of Al Bahar Towers in Abu Dhabi, which was developed using a parametric description for the geometry of the actuated façade panels that responded to the solar heat gain.



A modern Building Automation System equipped with appropriate sensors and meters conveys benefits in mainly in three categories: comfort advantages, financial advantages,, and environmental advantages.

3.7.1 Comfort Advantages

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


• In terms of user comfort, the most predictable benefit from a BAS is temperature regulation. By automating HVAC systems, an automation system can help to avoid cool mornings in the winter and uncomfortably hot morning in the summer, by activating temperature control systems right before anybody arrives and turning them off when everyone leaves.

• Automation Systems are sometimes also used to control the amount of fresh air that is allowed into a space or to maximize the ratio of natural to electric light.

• Increased user comfort is an important aspect of modern automation systems.

Building engineers know that a correctly programmed automation system can clearly understand the difference between a quiet morning and a morning disturbed by calls from the temperature of a troubled user.

• The amount of fresh air entering inside a building is also important. Everyone gets a drowsy feeling during afternoon meetings, because chances are high that the room is full of carbon dioxide. The automated sensors can clearly detect such changes in the air quality and stimulate mixing of fresh air into the interiors.

3.7.2 Financial Advantages

• A correctly used BAS will generally pay for itself over time in the long run in lower utility bills alone. According to one approximate, allowing the BAS to adjust HVAC use based on simply monitoring occupancy alone can results in savings between 10% to 30%.

• A building automation system can also help to make effective use of heavy pieces of equipment, increasing their lifespans and providing more indirect savings.

• Large commercial spaces often employ light sensors to detect the level of sunlight entering from rooftop windows, allowing their systems to adjust their interior lighting accordingly. Offices may connect simple sensors like motion sensors to their systems to trace when a room is not occupied and conserve energy by turning off the lights.

• It is also important factor that the property value increases. Properly managed smart buildings are more comfortable and more environmentally friendly, making them more desirable for certain real estate clients. This may result in a bounce in property value that excel the increase from low operating costs.

3.7.3 Environmental Advantages

• When it is being used properly, a smart building is less expensive and more user friendly to operate than a regular building.

• While environmental advantages don’t generally benefit the building owner directly, as noted above, they can serve to make a property more desirable. Many building owners also have a very personal interest in keeping a portfolio of buildings that are energy efficient.

• Buildings operating a Building Automation System tends to have considerably smaller carbon footprints. A building that also uses smart metering along with its automation systems can also use that information to validate its energy consumption. This paves way to certifications like Tenant Star, ENERGY STAR, or LEED.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture




• A BAS is more like a steering wheel of a car, which lets you control the vehicle, but we don’t actually know what’s going on in the inside of the system. A BAS provides building management staff with the tools to control a building, but no information about what is going on in that building. The knowledge is mainly limited to the developers and technicians

• A full upgrade into a BAS can require a significant amount of initial investment depending upon the scale of the building.

• Vendor lock in is another challenge. When a single company provides all the integrated system in a building, further adding new features often requires sticking with the existing service provider. An overlaid or retrofit system can defeat this challenge. Otherwise, the updates provided by the company may offer limited features and lack the flexibility that a building manager wants from a modern BAS.

• The final challenge of using a BAS is obsolescence, i.e, a decade or two after installation, the technology used in the building will likely become out of date. Building owners and managers need a strategy in place to address this..


4.1 USGBC Headquarters, Washington DC

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

About US Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a non profit establishment. It supports the development of healthy prosperous and resilient communities through the conversion of the built environment. Through its LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building program, USGBC is devoted in changing how our communities and buildings are designed, built and maintained, enabling a socially and environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy environment that improves the quality of lives of people.

USGBC Headquarters

The headquarters located on the 5th and 6th floors of 2101 L Street NW in the center of Washington D.C.’s Golden Triangle, is composed of 73,770 sq ft built up area. It was the first project to achieve certification under the LEED (2009 version) for commercial interiors. The USGBC team wanted the space to be classically timeless and modern. This was attained with natural light and flexibility in accommodating ongoing changes through a mix of private offices and workstations. Reduction in energy consumption played a key role in the design of the space.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Architect: Ken Figure 4.1: USGBC Headquarters, Reception Area

Sustainability Features

Eco Corridor

The most innovative strategy used on the project was what is called the eco-corridor, along the main south facing elevation of the building, they pulled workstations off the perimeter window line and created a corridor. The eco corridor was designed to maximize natural lighting in the work space, utilizing light reflective carpeting and furniture

Energy Performance

Electrical consumption is one of the largest expenses for a commercial interiors space, a building, or a real estate portfolio. Using electrical submeters and circuit level sensors, the UGSBC office tracks energy consumption and uses this knowledge to identify areas for improvement. Continuous monitoring and management of the electrical consumption in the space has allowed the team to reduce consumption and realize cost savings

Figure 4.4: Graph showing reduction in energy consumption for 6 years

Role of Building Automation in Architecture
Figure 4.2: Stairs USGBC Headquarters, Washington D.C Figure 4.3: Eco Corridor

Various Strategies adopted are:

• The USGBC space has electrical submeters that monitor the HVAC, plug load, and lighting consumption, and circuit level sensors which monitor more precise loads like the individual VAV units and high or low voltage lights

• There are energy modlets on small appliances, like the coffee machines, printers, and multi functional devices that power down overnight and, for some equipment, completely power down on the weekends, which reduces the base load.

• Seeing trends in energy use helped the team identify areas for improvement. For example, the Facility team adjusted HVAC schedules and startup/shutdown times for the office.

• Additionally, when other building tenants have an event in the building, USGBC does not run the HVAC system on the floor.

• The USGBC office installed led lights and a lighting control system with day lighting sensors to reduce energy demand. Along with day light sensors one set of outlets are linked to occupancy sensors and shut down when the work area is not occupied

Human Experience

• Improved thermal comfort: Roof top radiometer helps gauge live conditions and adjusts the automated shades in the office accordingly.

• TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compound) reduction: Recent studies link improved cognitive function to lower levels of VOCs which is driving a new push for improving human health in the built environment. USGBC features a Materials Wall in the office that showcases the materials used in the headquarters and explains the sustainability features of each material.

• Green cleaning products research and implementation: Disinfectants available in the market used for cleaning was harsh on the lungs. In working with janitorial service provider, the team found a plant based alternative that had much less impact.

• USGBC staff utilizes tread mill desk, surrounded by greenery which adds biophilic design.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Figure 4.5: LED Lightings with daylight sensors Figure 4.6 : Occupancy sensors linked to chairs

Waste Management

It can be a challenge to get everyone in the office to understand the waste streams in the space. Education and training are ongoing strategies that improve the percentage of waste diversion in the USGBC space.

Various waste management strategies include:

Improved informational signage: The Facility team created signs for each of the four waste streams collected in the office: Compost, Paper, Recycling (including plastic, metal, & glass) and Landfill. The improved signage includes photos of accepted items for recycling and composting.

Waste audits: Waste audits allow the team to see the changes in waste diversion as a snapshot in time, used as a verification. For example, there are noticeable changes in the summertime when more people are going out for lunch and bringing back takeaway containers or other materials that are then disposed of in the office.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture
Figure 4.7 : Roof top radio meters Figure 4.8 : treadmill desk Figure 4.9 : Graph showing waste diversion Figure 4.10 : Informational signage on waste bins

Water Efficiency

Water savings in the USGBC space are the result of both highly efficient appliances in the space and the ongoing occupant engagement to educate staff and visitors how to reduce personal water consumption. It can be challenging to conserve water in highly utilized spaces, like the kitchen, so ongoing education is key to remind occupants of their impact.

Various Strategies implemented are:

• High performing appliances including industrial dishwasher, sensor driven sinks, hybrid urinals, low flow showerheads, and dual flush toilets

4.2 GBCI Headquarters

• Owner: GBCI India

• Architects: Anagram Architects

• Location: World Trade Tower, Sector 16, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

• Area: 4,265 sq ft

• Facilities: Private and open office workspaces, reception area, cafeteria, pantry, two conference rooms, server room

• Full Time Employees: 17

About GBCI

Founded in 2008, GBCI is the only credentialing and certification body within the sustainability industry and green business to exclusively administer project credentials and certifications of EDGE, LEED, Parksmart, GRESB, SITES, PEER, WELL, TRUE and ICP. Located in several countries, GBCI currently supports professionals and project teams all over the world.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Figure 4.11 : GBC India Corporate Head Office


The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a non profit establishment. It supports the development of healthy prosperous and resilient communities through the conversion of the built environment. Through its LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building program, USGBC is devoted in changing how our communities and buildings are designed, built and maintained, enabling a socially and environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy environment that improves the quality of lives of people.

GBCI in India

Corporate head office of GBCI India in Noida provides on ground support for customers for regional green building and business project teams in the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions. A staff of around 40 people operating in centers from multiple cities across India provides support in technical development, market development, certification, technical and marketing customer solutions.

The need for a Head Office India ranks third place globally for countries outside the U.S. with the most LEED certified space, having over 15 million gross square meters of area. Thus it was essential for GBCI to set up an office in India to provide local support to individuals and project teams. USGBC launched version 4 of its LEED rating system in 2016. It became crucial for GBCI India to illustrate though its space the achievability of the credits and the positive effect they have on human health and the environment

Sustainability Features

Location: The first step towards creating this space was to identify a centrally located commercial space in Delhi NCR, well serviced by public transportation. The project team identified a 25 storey building in Noida next to the Delhi Noida Direct Flyover and the Noida sector 16 metro station. With a convention center, fitness center, access to multiple modes of transportation, food courts, and an upcoming hotel, the 10th story of this office building became ideal for GBCI India to locate its new corporate head office.

The office stands in a very prime location in Noida sector 16. It is central to many regions of Delhi NCR and is well serviced by various modes of public transportation. The project leverag es site design and amenities within the immediate vicinity like a fountain / water feature, artis tic installations and landscaped elements to further to encourage physical activity.

Density: The project site has a surrounding density of about 35,000 square feet per acre of buildable land and a presence of diverse facilities like banks, post offices, restaurants, fitness centers etc. within a one quarter mile walking distance from the building. The strategic location of the office thus encourages walkability.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Figure 4.12 : Location of GBC India Corporate Head Office

Parking: A location well-served by transit also helps reduce the office's parking requirement by 81.25%. The office encourages carpooling by dedicating 1/3 of available parking capacity for carpool vehicles.

Lighting & Views

GBCI India’s office space has been designed to optimize both natural and artificial light to ensure energy savings as well as keep occupants’ circadian rhythms in sync.

Daylight: The project site is oriented so that it enjoys a favorable north orientation for daylight. A clear envelope, open office layout and transparent interior partitions (cabins and conference rooms) ensure daylight penetrates deep into the floor plate. Daylight simulations carried out for the space demonstrate that 76.04% of the regularly occupied floor area complies with sDA thresholds of 300 lux for at least 50% of the occupied hours in a year. The occupants in the space also enjoy good quality views.

Glare: The space faces north and enjoys good daylight exposure, however, to prevent any discomfort due to glare, the provision of manually controlled blinds allows occupants to customize the space as per their preference.

Lighting: Through efficient spatial design and appropriate lighting fixture selection, the space commits to providing an indoor environment in sync with circadian rhythm of occupants. LED lighting coupled with occupancy sensors and daylight sensors improve lighting efficiency. While selecting the lighting fixture, the focus has not been on lux levels alone but also on CCT of the fixture to ensure the least disturbance to the human circadian rhythm. Lighting controls are provided for all shared and individual occupied spaces.

Figure 4.13 : views

Views: Quality views to the outdoors including sky, flora, and fauna have been known to reinforce a connection with nature and impact occupant’s mental health in a positive manner. The spatial layout of the GBCI Noida office is such that the project has provided a direct line of sight to vision glazing with at least two kinds of views to 87.6% of the regularly occupied area

Visual Balance: Finishes and furnishings chosen for the space have mostly followed a light color palette and higher light reflectance coupled with accents in green and blue. The lighter color finishes enhance the brightness within the space and maintain a visual balance.

Biophilia: The space demonstrates incorporation of biophilic elements like plants, which have been known to influence occupant’s mental health and productivity in a positive manner.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture



The energy consumed by buildings during construction and the operational phase results in fossil fuel burning which contributes to the ambient air pollution. LEED provides a structured approach to energy efficiency, which starts with a focus on design that reduces overall energy needs.

Green Power: The space is engaged in a 5 year renewable contract to offset 100% of electricity consumption and CO2 emissions through the purchase of RECs and Green Power. CSG CleanBuild (REC) helps offset an annual electricity consumption of 50,000 kWh/year. Green e Climate’s certificate indicates that the project invests in green power to the tune of total energy usage of 439,036 kBtu of district cooling energy use for a total of 30 Metric Tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

Efficient System Design: The project realized an energy cost savings of 35.85 % due to efficient lighting and adaptable lighting controls, daylight harvesting, plug load monitoring, smart appliances, efficient mechanical systems, and thermal comfort controls for 100% of occupants.

Proper commissioning ensured systems were operating per the basis of design and owner’s project requirements and that no energy was wasted through operational errors.

Sensors: The project space is integrated with daylight sensors and occupancy sensors which regulate the light levels in the space and minimize energy wastage. Energy wastage is further reduced by following demand controlled ventilation, wherein the carbon dioxide sensors continuously monitor the CO2 levels in the space and accordingly regulate the treated fresh air.


90.4% of products by cost are low emitting materials. This reduces the concentration of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health, productivity, and the environment.

83% of all materials installed in the space were transparent in terms of composition and origin. Twenty (20) materials had Environmental Product Declarations reports and 21 materials demonstrated compliance with BPDO’s Material ingredient credit. Of these, 5 materials had Cradle to Cradle certifications, 8 materials had Health Product Declarations

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Figure 4.14: Clean Build Carbon Offset Content Label Figure 4.15: Exhaust Fans

and 8 materials demonstrated compliance with ANSI/BIFMA regulations for material ingredients.


Flush out and air testing were performed to ensure exceptional indoor air quality. Formaldehyde, particulates, ozone, TVOC, chemicals from CDPH standard method v1.1 and CO were within LEED limits.

Figure 4.16: Material Display

Filters: Despite being located in a place where the ambient air quality can be challenging around the year, the space manages to provide healthy indoor air to occupants through incorporation of MERV 13 filters and carbon filters, which arrest particulate matter and organic gases.

Co2 Sensors: The space has been designed for demand controlled ventilation. The sensors located in the space constantly monitor the carbon dioxide levels and the set point has currently been kept at 750 ppm. Whenever the CO2 levels exceed the set point, the TFA gets switched on automatically to regulate the air quality.

Air Quality Monitors: A huge display located at the entrance of the space constantly displays the critical air quality parameters like the PM 2.5 , PM 10, CO2 and TVOC levels. This has helped generate greater responsiveness amongst the occupants towards their environment.

Figure 4.17: CO2 Monitor

Exhaust: All the washroom doors have a self closing mechanism and are separately exhausted. Placement of printers and cleaning chemicals has been done in a thoughtful manner to avoid contamination of indoor air.


Segregation waste is the first step towards effective management of waste. All operational waste falling under the categories of “Plastic”, “Food”, “Paper” and “E Waste” is gathered separately on site. Additionally, to reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills, the project demonstrated 83% construction waste

Figure 4.18: segregation of wastes

diversion across 11 material streams.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


Physical Comfort

The manner in which buildings and the spaces around the buildings are planned and designed can encourage active living and inculcate healthy habits amongst people.

Physical Activity: Throughout its space, GBCI India encourages occupants to follow an active lifestyle by organizing weekly fitness sessions. The sessions organized in the space include varying fitness forms like Zumba, Yoga and Aerobics, led by both internal and external instructors.

Thermal Comfort: Efficient system design ensures the occupants are provided with an indoor atmosphere which is thermally comfortable. An occupant survey is used to monitor the occupant satisfaction levels. Additionally, provision of portable fans and thin blankets/shawls is made so occupants can customize the environment based on their preference.

Acoustical Comfort: With a double glazed façade on the outside, the layout of spaces is done in a manner to ensure acoustical comfort for the occupants. The space zoning is done in a manner to cater to all kinds of work scenarios like focused work, group discussions or workshops while ensuring speech privacy, minimum reverberation, and minimum intrusion of outdoor noise.

Ergonomic Comfort: Furniture or equipment over time can cause discomfort and strain the body, especially in occupational environments that require repetitive tasks. Accordingly, all furniture installed in the space ensures compliance with HFES 100 standard or BIFMA G1 guidelines.

Standing Desks

Sitting is recognized to be the “new smoking”. In its space, GBCI India allows for varied working environments to encourage occupants to follow an active lifestyle. Provision to alternate between sitting and standing work conditions has been given through adjustable height laptop arms, height adjustable additional screens and fixed height standing desks.

Beyond Thresholds

GBCI India committed to going beyond the minimum requirements and pushing the LEED credit thresholds wherever possible. In terms of indoor water use reduction, the project has demonstrated an exemplary performance. While LEED places limitsthe threshold at 55% for exemplary

performance, the project has gone on to demonstrate a reduction of indoor water use by 85.95%. Even for the Optimize Energy Performance credit, the project when ahead to demonstrate a 35.85% reduction in energy use, while LEED placed the threshold for exemplary performance at 32%.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

Figure 4.19 : physical activity sessions Figure 4.20 : Standing desks


5.1 Analysis

Building automation systems can benefit a building in a number of ways. Let’s look at some important categories:

• Higher Energy Efficiency

• Better Indoor Air Quality

• Greater Occupant Comfort and Productivity

Let’s examine how each of these can be achieved.

Higher Energy Efficiency

A few building control system practices stands out as the most meaningful options for achieving efficiency in energy consumption.

One method is effective occupancy control through occupancy sensing and schedules. Many equipment remain unscheduled, have their schedules over ruled, or are not programmed correctly. It is generally estimated that 10 30% energy savings can be achieved through scheduled control alone. Adding occupancy based scheduling can add more savings.

Another building control practice which helps in achieving energy efficiency is demand control ventilation. Here, only the required amount of outside air is allowed into the space by closely monitoring return CO2 levels and regulating fresh air dampers. A good amount of money can be saved by not conditioning cold winter outside air or hot summer outside air.

Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Proper indoor air quality can be achieved without compromising comfort or costs. Present day building control systems can lead to a fine tuned building where comfort, energy performance, and sustainable factors all exist harmoniously.

In general:

• Temperature sensors and humidity sensors monitor thermal comfort.

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors and carbon monoxide (CO) sensors closely monitor various pollutants ensuring the required minimum fresh air ventilation.

• Control systems also provides smoke control during a fire, maintaining breathable air zones for evacuation.

• The control system controls and monitors natural ventilation dampers.

Greater Occupant Comfort and Productivity

A building control system can connect building access to the activation of HVAC and lighting for a particular space such as an office or zone. This is good for both individual comfort control as well as efficient use of equipment and power. Beyond comfort of occupants, the building control system also has a intense effect upon productivity of its

Role of Building Automation in Architecture


occupants. For example, an automated control system can monitor for carbon dioxide or other pollutants and initiate ventilation, signals, alarms, or other corrective activities.

In particular:

• Based on sensor input, controllers provide optimal zone ventilation, heating, and air conditioning.

• Sensors in each room detects temperature variations and allows occupant controlled set points and overrides.

• Humidity sensors are used to control winter humidification of air and summer de humidification.

5.2 Inferences

Every project pursuing the sustainability path comes across its own challenges, some region specific, some specific to the vision for the space, some specific to the time. As a goal, sustainability may be driven by a number of factors such as desire for green building certification, environmental stewardship or the financial promises of lower operating costs. No matter what drives toward the sustainability goal, building automation and control systems can contribute greatly to its achievement.

An intelligent or smart building is one that uses systems and technology to create a space that is not only safer, healthier and more productive for its users but also more functionally efficient. In such a building, a network of electronic devices controls and monitor the lighting and mechanical system to reduce maintenance and energy costs. Lighting is controlled by a system based on sensors which can trace the presence of occupants and the relative darkness, and regulate lights accordingly. Sensors are placed in rooms and air ducts to monitor temperature. Such buildings have hot water systems to supply heat to the building’s air handling units and chilled water systems to cool its air and equipment, with sensors maintaining temperatures at optimum level. Intelligent buildings also have alarm capabilities. Whilst fire and smoke alarms are common, other types of alarms for reporting critical faults in the mechanical and electrical systems are also increasingly coming into use.

5.3 Conclusions

Our planet Earth is at peril due to a number of factors which include population explosion, urbanization, excessive energy use and associated global warming, water scarcity and inefficient waste management. A number of solutions have been researched for attaining sustainability. A few sustainable solutions have been discussed. Construction industry consumes 40 percent of the total energy and about one half of world’s major resources. Hence, it is imperative to regulate the use of materials and energy in this industry. Green and intelligent buildings and various green ratings systems like LEED certification have been evolved for promoting sustainability in the construction industry. Life cycle costing and life cycle management of resources play an important role in the development of sustainable construction. A truly sustainable building should be energy efficient and should provide comfortable living conditions to its inhabitants and should also do less harm to the environment.

Role of Building Automation in Architecture




1. Sustainable Development sustainable development

2 Doerr Architecture, Definition of Sustainability and the Impacts of Buildings

3 M. DeKay & G.Z. Brown (2014) Sun Wind & Light, architectural design strategies, 3rd ed. Wiley,

4 Understanding Building Automation and Control Systems _Control_Systems.html


1. Shengwei Wang (November 4, 2009) Intelligent Buildings and Building Automation 1st Edition Automation/Wang/p/book/9780415475716

2. H.W. Kua, S.E. Lee (2002) Demonstration intelligent building a methodology for the promotion of total sustainability in the built environment

3. César Benavente Peces (19 November 2019) On the Energy Efficiency in the Next Generation of Smart Buildings Supporting Technologies and Techniques

4. What is Building Automation Learning the basics

5. Smart Building Automation Integrates Systems | Johnson

6. Building Automation Systems |

7. Building Automation Systems

8. USGBC Headquarters | U.S. Green Building Council

9. GBCI | Green Business Certification Inc.

10. Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design LEED

Role of Building Automation in Architecture

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