Historical Society

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The Nodaway County Historical Society and Museum

Visit us at: 110 North Walnut PO Box 324 Maryville, MO 64468 660-562-8176 Online at



nodawaycountyhistoricalsociety @embarqmail.com

Nodaway Count

Founded in 1944 and reorganized in 1964, th tive organization dedicated to the study, colle data and materials as well as active participat cultural heritage of Nodaway county.

Some of the Society’s accomplishments inclu 

Re-creation of an early settlement home in acquired by the society in 1977.

Relocation of the 1883 Hickory Grove one site.

The completion of a three-story museum t house historical material and documents f Nodaway County Genealogical Society, an ters of the American Revolution.

Permanent and temporary displays that de Nodaway County.

Presentation of historical and entertaining Institution travelling exhibits.

ty Historical Society display

he Nodaway County Historical Society is an acection and preservation of historically significant tion of community members of all ages in the


n the Caleb Burns house, built in the 1840s and

e-room country schoolhouse to the museum

to display Nodaway County artifacts and to for the Nodaway County Heritage collection, the nd the Nodaway County Chapter of the Daugh-

emonstrate the material and cultural history of programs, including two recent Smithsonian

Built in 1849 by pioneer Caleb Burns, the historic home at the corner of Second and Walnut preserves both the dwelling and artifacts of early settlement families in Nodaway County.

The Hickory Grove Schoolhouse made its way to the museum property in 1996 after resting for many years on the campus of Northwest Missouri State. Built in 1883, it served students near Clearmont. The main museum building houses two floors of displays to educate and entertain patrons. The lower level of the museum houses archive and research facilities for local history and genealogical study





NODAWAY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP FORM 110 North Walnut Street Maryville, Missouri 6446 660-582-8176 E-mail : nodawaycountyhistoricalsociety@embarqmail.com I wish to become a lifetime member; my check for $100 is enclosed. I wish to pay my dues annually my check for $20 is enclosed. I am interested in volunteering to help on Society projects. Please provide me with additional information and activities


Nodaway County Historical Society 110 North Walnut Street P. O. Box 324 Maryville, MO 64468

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