At the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce we provide leadership to assist in the growth and development of business, and to enhance the community as a desirable place to live, work, and play. A 501(c)(6) non-profit organization, we are member-supported and are more than 225 members strong. We have an operating budget of just over $100,000, and are staffed by two full-time, and one part-time employees. Your Chamber also operates the Maryville License Bureau under contract with the Missouri Department of Revenue. Our greatest resource is, and always has been, the willingness of our many volunteers to sacrifice their time to make our committees work and our events a success. What an exciting time to be a member of the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce! Founded in 1907, our venerable organization has continually adapted to meet the needs of the business community. In 2012 the Northwest Missouri Home and Better Living Show debuted, which is the ultimate venue for area businesses to showcase their products and services to a receptive local audience. Our board is always working to build even more value on your investment. Our goal with this document is to, in one place, describe what we do--and hopefully, encourage you to support us in our endeavors. I think you will agree that, for a Chamber of our size, we are involved in a huge range of activities that would not happen without your financial investment and volunteer spirit.
At your service,
Jordyn Swalley Executive Director
Welcome! .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Celebrate Milestones Ribbon Cuttings, Socials, & Open Houses....................................................................................................... 3 Improve Your Business’ Visibility Web Listings, Bulk Mailings, & Referrals ........................................................................................................ 4 Be “In the Know” Newsletter, Calendar, & Chamber Alerts ........................................................................................................ 5 Promoting Retail Show-Me Green & Back-to-School Sales Tax Holidays ................................................................................ 6 Chamber Bucks & Christmas Shop Local Campaign ...................................................................................... 7 Promoting Maryville Maryville Viewbook & Tourism ......................................................................................................................... 8 Business Advocacy Legislative Coffees & Legislative Agenda ....................................................................................................... 9 Serving Our Community Community Partnerships ................................................................................................................................... 10 Investing in Future Leaders Leadership Maryville......................................................................................................................................... 11 Facility Rental........................................................................................................................................................... 12 Welcoming New Residents New Resident Program ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Raise Your Business’ Profile Chamber Champion Event Sponsorship ......................................................................................................... 14 Chamber Events Annual Banquet, Great Northwest Day, & Northwest Missouri Home and Better Living Show ............. 16 Maryville Marathon, Farm-City Banquet, Fair Parade, & Downtown Sounds Concert Series ............... 17 Superb Leadership 2013 Board of Directors ................................................................................................................................. 18 Get Involved Committees & Chamber Ambassadors ........................................................................................................... 23 “Fair Share” Investment Guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 24 Membership Application ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Business Categories................................................................................................................................................. 26
Ribbon Cuttings. One of the most exciting events for a business--whether new or existing--is celebrating a grand opening, anniversary, recent achievement, or business milestone. These events are a great way to increase awareness about your company’s products or services. The Chamber Ambassadors will hold ribbon cuttings for any new business in the Maryville area, member or non-member, within three months of opening. The Chamber Ambassadors will also host a ribbon cutting for member businesses that have relocated, completed a major renovation of their building, added a completely different product line to their existing business, added a major department, or has new ownership. The Chamber Will The Participating Business Will: Invite Ambassadors, Board and the media Consider providing light refreshments Add the event to our online calendar Introduce employees that are present Provide the ribbon and scissors Give a brief description of products & Introduce Ambassadors & Board members services present If you are considering hosting an event, your first step is to contact the Chamber to get on our calendar. You should allow yourself plenty of time to organize the details of the event, and give our Ambassadors and press participants enough notice to clear their calendars.
Socials. The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is pleased to offer members opportunities to promote their products and services. Socials offer area business people a chance to gather informally in a friendly atmosphere to exchange ideas, see old friends, make new business contacts, discuss common concerns and find out what our area businesses have to offer. Socials should be FUN! These events are exclusive to Chamber members and their employees and are typically held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. or from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The Chamber Will The Participating Business Will Provide: Provide notices of your event to all Hors d' oeuvres (typically 30-40 attend) members by e-mail Beverages (or cash bar when applicable) Add the event to our online calendar Door Prize(s) Include an advertisement in The Chamber Insider, our monthly newsletter
Open Houses. These events differ from socials as they are open to the general public. We will assist member businesses with the publicity of an open house by sending promotional materials to our members in the same fashion as we would for a social.
Improve Your Business’ Visibility WEB LISTINGS, BULK MAILINGS, & REFERRALS
Online Web Listings. When area business leaders met to form the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce in 1907, the need to make connections and share information was at the forefront of their minds. Some 106 years later, our members still need this connection. While the need is the same, the means of communication is very different. In 2009, the Chamber was proud to introduce the new www.maryvillechamber.com website. The revised website has the capacity to poll our members, accept RSVPs to our events, plan complex events, and display customized listings for all our members. Our Chamber is unique in that every one of our online business listings is on its own webpage with a static URL. What does this mean? Confidently include the Chamber’s URL for your business in your promotional materials (example www.maryvillechamber.com/members/yourbusiness.htm) knowing the link will always work. Finally, you control the content of your listing—want a small logo or a PDF file like a menu on your listing? Give us a call at (660) 582-8643. It’s like having a little website for free!
Bulk Mailing Permit. The Chamber maintains a bulk mail permit which is available for use by Chamber members. To receive the bulk mail discount, all pieces of mail must be exactly the same size and weight and the mailing must include at least 150 pieces all going to the same zip code. For further information and authorization to use the account, please contact the Chamber office. The Chamber is ready to help you with your mailing and has all the forms and information you need. You save the hassle of maintaining a bulk mail permit, and could save hundreds of dollars you would have spent on first-class stamps!
Business Referrals.
Area Chambers of Commerce often function as clearinghouses of information for people looking for local businesses or just looking for something to do while visiting town. We are no exception—we get calls, hundreds of them, and we send them straight to area attractions and to our member businesses. We made over 500 phone referrals in 2014 pointing them in the direction of our members! Add to that the traffic from our website, about 1,300 visitors a month, and you can begin to see how becoming a Chamber member can raise your business’ profile.
The Chamber Insider Newsletter. Published 12 times a year, The Chamber Insider is your primary connection to what is happening at the Chamber. With articles about Chamber events, issues affecting business, and local economic indicators the Chamber Insider has news you won’t get anywhere else. In 2009, the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce transitioned to a digital newsletter. Monthly, we send a reminder via e-mail that directs them to our website where the newsletter is hosted. You can read all the recent issues at: www.maryvillechamber.com/newsletter. Don’t have an email or would rather get it in the mail? No worries, we can put you on our mail out list! Looking for a low-cost way to reach Chamber Insider readers? For $35, we will insert an 8.5 x 11” ad into both our physical and digital copies for distribution to all our members.
Online Calendar. A great feature of our website is a “live” calendar with Chamber of Commerce and community events. Created with Google Calendar, it is easy to share access with our community partners and for staff to update events from anywhere in the world. Check it out at: http://www.maryvillechamber.com/calendar Want to get your event on the calendar? Use the link on the calendar page, or give us a call at 660582-8643.
Chamber Alerts. Chamber members are quickly notified of possible fraudulent activities effecting area businesses through the Chamber Alert program. This service gets you “in-the-know” immediately via e-mail or fax. Is someone passing counterfeit $20s or running a scam? The fastest way to know is with Chamber Alerts. To report fraudulent activity, members should first call Public Safety, and then notify the Chamber by phone at 660-582-8643. The Chamber will on occasion use the Chamber Alert network to send out other vital information affecting you and your employees, such as a severe weather warning or a notice of a street closure, in cooperation with Maryville Public Safety.
In both cases, county and city governments have the option of participating. The Chamber is an advocate of our local government’s participation and a tireless promoter of the event across our region. We are particularly aggressive in marketing these events in areas that do not (or cannot) “opt-in,” like our neighbors in Iowa.
Show-Me Green Tax Holiday.
The State of Missouri sponsors two sales tax holidays each year. The first, held in April, is the “Show-Me Green Sales Tax Holiday” and features no taxes on Energy Star appliances. These appliances include: clothes washers, water heaters, dishwashers, air conditioners, furnaces, refrigerators, freezers, & heat pumps.
Back-to-School Tax Holiday. The second, held in August, is the “Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday” and features no taxes on items commonly purchased in preparation for the school year. These include clothing, all school supplies, computer software, personal computers, printers, scanners & more.
We ensure that the Greater Maryville area knows what specialty businesses are participating by putting our members on the flyer in hopes of customers taking advantage of this great money saver. Completely save when you shop local and save money.
Chamber Bucks.
The Maryville Chamber of Commerce operates the Chamber Bucks gift certificate program—a program developed to help support our local economy by encouraging the sale of goods and services from Chamber members right here in Maryville.
2013 Chamber Bucks Sales—That’s Chamber Bucks, a paper certificate very similar to a $32,485 back into Chamber Member Businesses! check, are issued in $25, $10, and $5 denominations at the Chamber office. The certificates are sold at face value and may be purchased by anyone. A listing of Chamber member businesses is included with each Chamber Bucks purchase, and the Chamber Bucks may be redeemed only at Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce member businesses. Chamber bucks are a perfect gift for everyone as they can be used to purchase nearly anything— groceries, gas, entertainment and more—all while supporting our community and its economic health.
Christmas “Shop Local” Campaign.
Our single largest retail promotion is the Christmas “Shop Local” Campaign. Partnering with the City of Maryville and Nodaway County Economic Development, the Chamber produces promotional materials encouraging Maryville residents to shop local during the holiday season.
Maryville Viewbook. Published every two years, the Maryville Viewbook is a 50-page glossy booklet that is the first introduction that many people will have to our community. Featuring articles on government, commerce and industry, history, demographics, community life, education, recreation, and health care this book is essential reading for any new resident or visitor. To provide benefit to our members, opportunities are provided for members to advertise in this publication. In addition, the books feature a full membership listing at no cost to members. Thousands of copies of the Viewbook will be sent by mail or handed out in person to: Businesses and individuals contemplating a move to Maryville; All new residents of Maryville as identified by the Chamber; Walk-in guests of the Chamber; The parents of students on move-in day at Northwest Missouri State University; Maryville Hotel guests; Area employers for use as a tool to recruit new employees unfamiliar with our community; Non-resident participants at Chamber of Commerce events, like the Maryville Marathon and at Great Northwest Day at the Capitol. The Viewbook is also put on our website as a digital “flipbook” for the thousands of site visitors a year to read.
Tourism. The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is a charter member of the Pony Express Regional Tourism Commission, an organization dedicated to increasing awareness of tourism opportunities in Northwest Missouri. Working together with the Pony Express Regional Tourism Commission, we can produce and distribute literature promoting our attractions and special events across the region. The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce also produces and distributes a tri-fold visitor’s guide to the community and owns/operates two large kiosks for visitors located at area hotels.
Business Advocacy. The Government Affairs Committee is one of the smallest, but most active committee of volunteers the Chamber has. Each month, these committee members meet to discuss issues impacting our business community. In the most general terms, the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is the business community’s “go-to” source for advocacy in the political sphere on issues unique to our community. In 2010, this committee surveyed membership to provide feedback to the Maryville City Council, then considering a more comprehensive smoking ordinance. The finished legislation reflected the many concerns raised by business owners. Annually, the committee will host two “Legislative Coffee” events, wherein our state elected officials brief membership on activities in Jefferson City that effect them.
Legislative Agenda. Take a look at the new 2015 Legislative Agenda. The Greater Maryville Chamber updates the Legislative Agenda every year, also putting it in electronic format since 2012. This Legislative Agenda is the product a volunteer-driven process by the Governmental Affairs Committee. Comprised of knowledgeable volunteers whose mission is to review, debate and make recommendations to the Chamber‘s Board of Directors. This document will guide Chamber staff and volunteers when advocating on behalf of our business community with elected officials both locally and with state officials. Also included for your convenience is a directory of government officials.
Community Partnerships. Maryville has no shortage of social and civic organizations dedicated to the improvement of our community. Chamber staff and volunteers work with organizations like Nodaway County Economic Development, Maryville Citizen’s for Community Action, the City of Maryville, Northwest Missouri State University, Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, the Campaign for Community Renewal, Nodaway County, the University / Community Collaborative, the Joint Planning Task Force, and many more. Want some examples? The Chamber works closely with Nodaway County Economic Development. We share office space, staff skills, and other resources to retain existing businesses and recruit new ones to Nodaway County. No single organization can take credit for recent economic development successes, namely the opening of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the attraction of green industries like the Carbolytic Materials Company. In 2015, we are partnering with CIE, RCOG, NCED, SBTC & MU Extension to help rebuild affected businesses by the Energizer closing. In early 2010, the Chamber partnered with the City of Maryville, Northwest Missouri State University, and Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments to raise public awareness about the census. We placed posters and banners, shared information with the media, and hosted training meetings for Census Bureau staff. We did it all for a good cause--census data is used to allocate hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal funding. In early 2011, preliminary Census results indicated a growth rate of nearly seven percent. In 2010, the Chamber became a charter member of the Maryville Public Arts Coalition (M-PAC) an organization that has annually put on their successful event, “Window Wonderland,” which put community art in the windows of downtown businesses. In 2015 we are partnering with the Downtown Organization and Missouri Main Street to improve and create an attractive historical downtown. In 2011, the Chamber worked closely with the Campaign for Community Renewal (CCR) to keep downtown business owners abreast of the construction from Phases II and III of the downtown streetscape project. The Chamber partnered with downtown businesses to build and install signs informing drivers on the detour routes that their favorite businesses will be open during construction and informing about parking availability. In 2011, the Chamber working in partnership with the University / Community Collaborative will produce a “community portal” website to be hosted at http://www.maryvillemo.org. This site will feature links to many community institutions and will serve as a guide to the many resources of our community to people doing research on Maryville around the world.
Investing in Future Leaders LEADERSHIP MARYVILLE
Celebrating its 29th graduating class in 2015, Leadership Maryville is the Chamber’s program for familiarizing our community’s future leaders with the people and issues that impact us all. Leadership Maryville provides education and leadership development for active, civic-minded individuals. Participants attend an opening “get acquainted” social followed by weekly informative sessions leading up to a legislative trip in Jefferson City, known as “Great Northwest Day at the Capitol.” The curriculum helps participants gain an in-depth awareness of all facets of Maryville, encourages selfdevelopment and relationship building, and gives a better perspective of civic, business and general community needs and issues. This venerable institution sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Maryville, but facilitated by past graduates, has been producing future leaders of Maryville since 1986.
Leadership Maryville Advancing
Twenty -Eight
Have a home business and need to make a presentation to a group? Maybe you have an established business but need an off-site location to host your next employee training. Well, Chamber members are in luck--we rent out the conference room at our offices at 423 North Market to members at no cost on a first come-first-serve basis. Our facilities include: The 475 square foot conference room has enough chairs and tables to seat at least 25 people. Room rental includes the use of the adjacent kitchenette and two bathrooms. A room key is available for access to the building after Chamber business hours. The conference room is equipped with dry erase board and a television. Arrangements can be made in advance to provide a data projector with screen.
Welcoming New Residents NEW RESIDENT PROGRAM
The Chamber New Resident Program is a highly successful and well-received program that can be a benefit to your business. If you have ever moved your household any distance, you know that the transition to a new area can be pretty stressful. The New Resident Program is a great way to help our new residents adjust, and at the same time introduce your business to them.
I love the newcomer program! It is so nice to be able to sit down with someone to find out about our new town and ask questions without feeling like you are irritating them. [Chamber Members] Your participation in the newcomer program has paid off! When my husband and I were looking for places to eat or shop, we chose a lot of your businesses simply because of the program. Then, because of the service when we went in, we continue to frequent your business.
The mission of the New Resident Program is three-fold: to welcome new residents, to present them with important information about Maryville, and to promote sponsoring businesses. Any Chamber member in good standing is invited to join this exclusive program. How does it work? Eligible new residents contact your Chamber office or are identified by Chamber staff - Erika Pennington through public record searches. An appointment is then scheduled for our New Resident Program Coordinator to meet with the new resident and to provide them with a free packet of valuable give-aways and information.
Participating businesses and organizations may provide a discount coupon, small token and/or business brochure as a means of introducing their business. We encourage you also to include your business cards. Sponsors may change their items in the packet as desired at no cost. In addition, participating businesses will have their business name, address, and phone number placed on the exclusive sponsor listing which is included in each new resident packet. As new residents realize their needs for products/services, they can refer to this list and can choose to support businesses that went the "extra mile" in welcoming them to Maryville. Sponsors also receive new resident contact information and as much demographic data as our new residents are willing to share. New residents have been most appreciative of the consideration and generosity shown to them on behalf of both your Chamber and the participating businesses. Eligible new residents must be moving from outside the area to within a five mile radius of Maryville city limits. Traditional university students are ineligible due to similar programs offered students through Northwest.
How Much does it Cost? Participating Chamber members pay two dollars per new resident visit. The billing is done quarterly with all monies payable to the Chamber.
The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is planning another year full of great events. The Chamber Champions Program is an innovative way for Chamber members interested in becoming a sponsor of these events to save time and money by purchasing a bundle of major event sponsorships in one convenient package. In 2015, our Chamber Champion events will be the Annual Chamber Banquet (January), Great Northwest Day at the Capitol (February), the Northwest Missouri Home and Better Living Show (March), Chamber County Classic Marathon (June), three Downtown Sounds Concerts (June-August)---one being during the Big B.A.M. (Bike Across Missouri), and the Farm-City Banquet (November).
Program Goals & Objectives To provide our members information about sponsorship opportunities well in advance of the event and to provide an explicit set of marketing deliverables. To provide foundation funding for the implementation of Chamber programs without multiple request for funding. To facilitate event planning within budgetary constraints. To promote Chamber members, expand involvement, and provide value for investment. GOLD LEVEL: A $3,600 Annual Investment Annual Banquet: lncludes 8 tickets, banner displayed, program listing, verbal recognition. Great Northwest Day at the Capitol: lncludes 2 registrations and sponsorship listing. Home & Better Living Show: lncludes name and/or logo on advertisements, banner displayed, a free 10' x 10' booth at the event, and verbal recognition. Chamber Country Classic Marathon: lncludes name and/or logo on promotional materials, advertisements and t-shirts, banner displayed, runner packet inserts. Summer Concert & Event Series: lncludes name and/or logo on advertisements, banner displayed, and verbal recognition during 3 separate events. Farm City Banquet: lncludes 6 tickets, banner displayed, program listing, verbal recognition. One FREE Insert in the Chamber Insider Newsletter. Website: Banners will be provided on our website’s homepage. SILVER LEVEL: A $1,700 Annual Investment Annual Banquet (2013): lncludes 4 tickets, program listing, verbal recognition. Great Northwest Day at the Capitol: lncludes 1 registration, and sponsorship listing. Home & Better Living Show: lncludes name on advertisements, a free 10' x 10' booth at the event, and verbal recognition. Chamber Country Classic Marathon: lncludes name on promotional materials, advertisements and tshirts, runner packet inserts. Summer Concert Series: lncludes name on advertisements, verbal recognition during 3 separate events. Farm City Banquet: lncludes 4 tickets, program listing, verbal recognition.
Your Business’ Exposure Your company will receive excellent exposure at some of our community's premier events. All Chamber Champion Sponsor names will be recognized on a specially designed Board of Recognition that will be displayed during various Chamber events. Sponsors will be listed in the monthly newsletter, and all Gold Sponsors will have their logo on the home page of the Chamber web site and sponsorprovided banners will be displayed during events.
Example: Print Media
Example: At an Event Banners I’d like to thank our sponsors…
Board of Recognition
Annual Banquet. Once each year in January, members of the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce gather to recognize the hard work of our volunteers, the outstanding contributions of members of the community, and to roll out plans for the coming year.
Great Northwest Day at the Capitol . Great Northwest Day at the Capitol is an annual event coordinated by the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce. A delegation of Maryville area business and community leaders travel to Jefferson City to meet with our legislators and state officials to increase their awareness of issues impacting our community. The trip begins with a bus ride to the State Capitol in Jefferson City where our group is recognized on the floors of the House and Senate. The delegates then join regional attendees for a luncheon and legislative update. Following lunch, delegates make visits to legislators and state agency officials. The highlight of the trip occurs during the “Great Northwest Celebration” held for all elected members of the Missouri General Assembly and other state officials. The Mardi Gras-themed event begins with a reception at the Capitol Plaza. The event features live music, food, games, prizes and booths highlighting the Great Northwest communities.
350 hearty souls descended on Jefferson City to remind those who serve in state government that the northwest corner of Missouri is making our state a better place to live even in the toughest of times. “Great Northwest Day” at the Capitol has blossomed over the years, and it is clear that the people in Jeff City know us! I was proud to be part of the experience. I soaked it all in and heard many stories about rising to the challenge with real investments in time, talent and treasure. I sat at lunch with leaders who persisted in seeking permission, funds and community commitment to build bike paths, improve streets and invest with vision in a better quality of life for one and all…
- John Jasinski, President Northwest Missouri State University
It’s great fun—but more importantly, the event is a vital venue to communicate our local issues to policy makers.
Northwest Missouri Home & Better Living Show. Hosted in March of each year, the Northwest Missouri Home and Better Living show is your chance to showcase products and services before more than 500 area residents. The most recent show featured over 25 vendors, live entertainment, and 14,000 square feet of displays.
Maryville Marathon. By bringing in runners from across the nation, the Chamber Country Classic (a.k.a. the Maryville Marathon) fills area hotel rooms and restaurants and brings positive attention to Maryville. The annual event, held in June, features four race lengths, hundreds of runners, and thousands of dollars in cash prizes. You can get information about the event year-round at: www.chambercountryclassic.com.
Farm-City Banquet. Each November, the Chamber recognizes the enormous contributions of Nodaway County’s agricultural community at this fall feast. Attendees hear from expert speakers and the outstanding contributions of our farm families are recognized.
Nodaway County Fair Parade. The Maryville Chamber Ambassadors, have the honor of hosting the Nodaway County Fair Parade each year. In 2010 the Ambassadors celebrated record attendance at this free event.
Downtown Sounds. Three times each summer, hundreds of area residents gather on the square in downtown Maryville to take in a free concert. Designed to get people on the streets and make people fall in love with our beautiful downtown again, this popular event has become a tradition for cool summer nights.
Superb Leadership 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Jeff Bram, President. Jeffrey P. Bram was born and raised in Maryville and has lived most of his life in the area. Jeff attended Northwest Missouri State before graduating from Dallas Institute of Funeral Service in 1984. Jeff has been licensed as a Missouri funeral director and embalmer for 30 years. In 2007, he founded the Bram-Danfelt Funeral Home in Maryville, Missouri, and currently owns and operates this establishment. Jeff is married to Kim Bram and they are the parents of 3 children.
Sean Sheil, Past President.
Sean was born and raised in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. He came to Maryville in 1981 and attended Northwest Missouri State University where he received a BS in Computer Science May 1987. Sean is currently employed as a Business Process Analyst at Nodaway Valley Bank. Nodaway Valley Bank has been committed to providing northwest Missouri superior financial service since 1868. Previously, Sean worked for Northwest Missouri State University from 1985 – 2012 in various Information Technology roles. Through the years he held positions as Programmer, Network Manager, Manager of Client / Server Services, and Manger of Network / Server Services. Sean’s wife, Paula, currently works for Citizens Bank and Trust as a Qualified Plan Assistant. She has been with CB&T since 1996. They have two children, Felicia, a Sophomore and Jessica a Freshman at Maryville High School. Both girls are active in several sports. Sean is the past President of the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce. He is a current member of the Maryville Elks Lodge #760. He is also a past member of the Missouri Jaycees. He served as President of the Maryville Jaycees, District and Regional Director with the Missouri Jaycees. If he is not out keeping up with his children’s activities or working on a computer or two, it is possible that he is out geocaching with his family. “I have always enjoyed working with the Maryville community while benefiting from its’ small town charm and innovative focus. It has been a privilege working with the Maryville Chamber of Commerce in their efforts to enhance this growing community.”
Audra Bradley. Audra Bradley is a Maryville native and a Maryville High School graduate. She attended Missouri State University where she managed a sports complex, bar and grill that was awarded NSA Missouri Park of the Year in 2008 under her management. She then spent five years as a Sales manager and Marketing Consultant for Nodaway Broadcasting. She is currently a Marketing Associate for Sysco Kansas City, where she partners with local businesses to deliver a variety of innovative and quality products to our area. Audra's other past activities include Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation Board Member, Northwest Technical School Business Advisory member, Leadership Maryville President, graduate and facilitator. Audra is also a member of the First United Methodist Church.
Brandon Stanley. Brandon Stanley is Vice President for University Marketing and Communication at Northwest Missouri State University. He is responsible for providing vision, strategic direction and management to University marketing, communication, and KXCV-KRNW. Stanley, who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business management from Northwest, joined the University’s communications and marketing office in 2013 as chief officer of marketing and design. In that role, he led the University’s marketing efforts, overseeing advertising, graphic design and social media. Previously, Stanley was employed as manager of public relations for Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun and Worlds of Fun Village in Kansas City, Mo. Beginning at Worlds of Fun in 2004 as a marketing account executive, he developed and executed marketing campaigns to promote park attractions and events, managed online and social media content, and coordinated media-related activities.
Chris Wiltfong. Chris Wiltfong, Store Director for Hy-Vee Maryville. Chris grew up in Lee’s Summit, MO. He attended Longview Community College where he earned an Associates in Arts and later graduated from Rockhurst University in Kansas City with a Business Administrations degree. Chris went to work for Hy-Vee part time in 1993. In 1996 he went to work full time for Hy-Vee in Olathe and in 2000 transferred to Lawrence, KS. In 2010 he transferred to Liberty, MO; and in March of 2011 was named store director in Maryville, MO. Chris is married to Tanya, third grade teacher at Eugene Field. Together they have four wonderful daughters; Isabella, Gabrielle, Alexandra and Evangelene. Chris is a member of the Rotary Club of Maryville where he was voted Rotarian of the Year in 2012. Chris also serves on The United Way of Nodaway County board.
Teresa Hayes. Teresa is originally from Montgomery City, Mo and came to Maryville in 1993 to attend Northwest Missouri State University and pursue a degree in Elementary Education. In 1999 she started her own wedding and event decorating business, which was franchised in 2012. In 2013 she opened The Nesting Place home décor, gifts, and antique store. This same year she also obtained a real estate license and is a sales agent with United Country Twaddle Realty. Teresa and her husband Coby have five children: Gage, Claire, Abby, Casey, and Jaden. Coby is General Manager at JL Houston Co. in Hopkins MO. They enjoy spending time with their kids and attending their many sporting events. “As a business owner I am excited to be part of the Maryville Chamber of Commerce. I hope to be a part of bringing growth and community betterment to Maryville. “
Dr. Matthew Baker. Dr. Baker was raised in Grant City, MO and graduated from Worth Co. R-III high school. He stayed close to home and attended Northwest Missouri State University to complete his undergraduate coursework. After back surgery at age 20, Dr. Baker enrolled in Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City in August of 2001. After graduating in August of 2005, he began his Chiropractic work in New Albany, Indiana, with the goal of opening a future practice in Maryville. Dr. Baker reached that goal when he and his wife Jackie opened Baker Chiropractic & Rehab in January of 2009. Jackie also attended Northwest Missouri State University and is the co-owner and office director of Baker Chiropractic. They have a four year old daughter, Josie and a newborn daughter, Lily. Their favorite activities include spending time with family, Bearcat and Chiefs football games and traveling to Chiropractic and business seminars. They also enjoy spending time on their farm near Barnard. “I have spent all but a few years of my life in this area. Maryville has been an unbelievable place to practice Chiropractic and be a business owner! It has been an honor to be a member of the Maryville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and I look forward to helping the businesses of Maryville in 2015 by serving on the board.”
Harold Spire. Harold was born and raised on a dairy farm in Parnell, Missouri. He attended Northwest Missouri State University and received a degree in Farm Operations. He began working for Nodaway Veterinary Clinic Maryville, MO after short time farming; but in 1989, he started working for Farmland Industries as a Livestock Production Specialist. Harold then began working for Consumers Oil Company Inc, Maryville which has been in business since 1928. Harold became the branch manager of Consumers Oil Company in Savannah, Mo until 1996. Not long after, he came back to the home office in Maryville where he was the feed and grain manager until taking over the General Manager position in 1999 to present. Harold is married to Diana Spire. Diana is a Personal Banker at Bank Midwest NA in Maryville. Diana had worked for Energizer for 38 years until it closed. Harold is a member of the Maryville Pride Lions Club where he has served as president and on the board of directors, Maryville Elks Lodge #760, and Knights of Columbus, Maryville. Harold also is the Chairman of the Missouri Cooperative Managers Association of Missouri. “As a person growing up in the rural community, Maryville was always a place we come to shop. Being personally affected by the closing of a main employer in our town; I know how important the Chamber is in promoting Maryville and all it has to offer such as manufacturing, education, small businesses and health care.”
Polly Howard. Polly was born and raised in King City, Missouri. After high school, she went on to graduate from Northwest Missouri State University with a degree in broadcast journalism and public relations and master’s in higher education leadership. She put her degree to work in television news in Des Moines, Iowa and St. Joseph, Missouri. She returned to Maryville after seven years to work for her alma mater in development and alumni relations, prior to making the move to Conception Abbey as the Director of Development in 2013. Polly and her husband, Cameron, have three children; Stella, 4, Maggie, 2, and baby Hank. Her husband is a retired narcotics officer who has his own security system business and works for the Maryville Daily Forum in advertising. Stella is in preschool at St. Gregory’s in Maryville. Polly is a member of Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation (NWMEF) where she was the past public relations chair, advisory board member of Big Brothers Big Sisters and was on the initial board to establish the organization in Nodaway County. She is also on the endowment committee for St. Gregory’s school. “I became familiar with Maryville as a college student and at the time didn’t think my path would pass back through the city of my alma mater; however when I had the opportunity to return I was elated. I am excited to be a part of the Chamber board to bring a perspective of someone who has been a part of the community as a student and now as a professional, who hasn’t always lived here, but is proud to call Maryville home.” 21
Committees for 2014 Agriculture – Assists staff with all aspects of the planning of the Annual Farm-City Banquet. Ambassador Parade – Organizes the Ambassador’s Parade held during the Nodaway County Fair. Responsible for: selection of theme; selection of Grand Marshal; identify parade route; contacting Public Safety and Campus Safety for street closures; parade registration and line up; and for selecting judges. NW Missouri Home and Better Living Show – Plans all aspects of the Maryville Business Expo to be held in 2014. Country Classic Marathon – Organizes and executes the Chamber Country Classic Marathon which includes full and half marathon, 5K and 10K run. Committee divided into the following subcommittees: Registration – assists with participant recruitment, pre-registration, runner packets, registration process day prior and day of, t-shirts; Refreshment – gathers free refreshments for runners and end of race. Food concessions for volunteers and attendees; Water Station – recruit businesses and organizations to run water stations; Start/Finish Line – recruits volunteers to assist with the finish line and tracks running times and tear off tags; Awards – Selection of awards. Hand out finisher medals and awards; Route Coordination – marks route for race day, sets up mile markers and signs along route, recruits volunteers to help direct traffic; Medical Services – responsible for setting up medic tent with supplies and medical volunteers to be on site and along route during event. Government Affairs – This committee will meet occasionally to address issues affecting our businesses and our community. They assist staff with the following: the formation of a Chamber policy on issue advocacy; identifying issues; polling membership; writing position papers for review by the Board of Directors, authoring press releases and newsletter articles relating to Chamber positions on issues; and the planning of two legislative coffees and/or luncheons.
Chamber Ambassadors. With only two full-time equivalents on staff, keeping up with our 250 members can be a challenge. Our Chamber relies on a core group of tireless volunteers we call our Ambassadors to be our eyes, ears, and vocal champions in the business community. Our Ambassadors are the working arm of the Chamber, assisting staff by: volunteering or finding volunteers for activities such as the Nodaway County Fair Ambassador’s Parade, Downtown Sounds, and the Chamber Country Classic Marathon; attending monthly luncheon meetings; staying well informed on the functions of the Chamber and relaying that information to others; attending ribbon cuttings, socials, and open houses; contacting potential members during membership drives; and contacting current members during “Operation Thank You.”
Thank you for considering membership to the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce. A membership application can be found on the next page, and Fair Share Investment Guidelines are explained below. To get started as a Chamber member, please return a completed application along with your membership payment to our office at: 423 North Market, Maryville, MO 64468. The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce has designed a program to ensure equitable financial participation by all Chamber members. Your business’ Fair Share financial contribution is determined in formulas devised by fellow Chamber members and the Board of Directors. The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6 non-profit—your contribution is deductible as a business expense. If you are viewing this document in electronic format (PDF), note that the next page features auto-fill functionality to simplify the calculations. If you need further assistance in computing your membership rate, call the Chamber office at 660-582-8643 or contact us by e-mail at chamber@asde.net. Retail / Amusement / Automotive Wholesale Service / Distributor 1-4 employees ................................................................................... $180 employees 5-10 .......................................................... add $14.25 each employees 11-25 ........................................................ add $12.25 each employees 26-100...................................................... add $10.10 each employees 101 and above .........................................add $6.10 each
Financial Institutions $39.65 per one million dollars in assets up to and including $25 million, $18.05 per each additional million through $60 million, and $8.75 per each additional million. The maximum contribution is $2,375. Outside Distributors / Services Located outside of Greater Maryville, but providing goods or services to the area: $215.
Manufacturing / Processing / Finishing Transportation / Construction / Milling 1-4 employees ............................................................................. $180.00 employees 5-10 .......................................................... add $11.25 each employees 11-25 ...........................................................add $9.25 each employees 26-50 ...........................................................add $7.25 each employees 51-100.........................................................add $5.25 each employees 101-200 ......................................................add $4.10 each employees 201-300 ......................................................add $3.00 each employees 301 and above ..........................................add $2.00 each
Apartments / Hotels / Motels / Inns Bed and Breakfasts $2.60 per unit (minimum of $180.00) Insurance / Real Estate / Travel $180.00 for one principal in business $40.00 for each additional associate soliciting sales
Grocery Stores / Convenience Stores / Cafes Taverns Lounges / Pubs / Dining 1-4 employees. ................................................................................. $180 employees 5-10 .......................................................... add $12.25 each employees 11-25 ........................................................ add $10.25 each employees 26 and above .............................................add $8.25 each
Professional Services / Accountant Attorney / Doctor $180.00 for one principal in business. $80.00 for each additional professional
Utilities / Publishers / Broadcasting / Cable 1-4 employees ................................................................................... $370 employees 5-25 .......................................................... add $14.50 each employees 26-50 ........................................................ add $12.25 each employees 51-100.........................................................add $3.50 each
Home-Based Businesses $100.00 for one principal plus $10.00 per additional part-time employee and $15.00 per additional full-time employee.
Hospital / Nursing Home $2.60 per bed (minimum of $180.00)
Associate Membership $50.00 Associate Membership includes individuals and special memberships as decided by the Board of Directors.
Schools $235.00 for each Governmental Agencies / Universities $1,235.00 base plus negotiable amount Not-For-Profit / Fraternities / Sororities $120.00
Additional locations are $35.00 each.
Contact Person
Business Mailing Address
E-Mail Business Location or
Same as Mailing Address
Business Categories for Listing in the Chamber Directory (See Next Page):
I am interesting in becoming a Chamber Champion. Select One: Retail / Amusement / Automotive / Wholesale / Service / Distributor Manufacturing / Processing / Finishing / Transportation / Construction / Milling
I am interesting in participating in the New Resident Program.
Grocery Stores / Convenience Stores / Cafes / Taverns / Lounges / Pubs / Dining Utilities / Publishers / Broadcasting / Cable TV Number of Local Employees1 Hospitals / Nursing Home Number of Beds Apartments / Hotels / Motels / Inns / Bed and Breakfast Number of Units Financial Institutions Assets (In Millions) Home-Based Business Full-Time Employees2
Part-Time Employees2
Professional Services / Accountant / Attorney / Doctor Insurance / Real Estate / Travel Number of Principals Public and Private Schools Number of Schools
Governmental Agencies / Universities Non-Profit / Fraternities / Sororities Associate Membership Outside Distributor / Services
My Fair Share is: An “employee” includes full-time, part-time, owner, and managers. A part-time employee is anyone working under 35 hours a week. Two parttime employees equal one-full time employee. 2 Do not include the principal in a home-based business on either line. 1
Business Categories Abstracts Accessories Accountants Acupuncture Advertising Agriculture Air Conditioning Air Duct Cleaning Alterations Alternative Energy Animal Care Antiques Alzheimer's Care Apartments Appliance Dealers Assisted Living Attorneys Auction Services Auto Body Repairs Auto Insurance Auto Service Parts Automobile Dealers Awards / Trophies Bait Shops Banks Banquet Rooms Bars / Lounges / Taverns Baseball Teams Beauty Salons Beverages Books Bowling Center Building Supplies Business Assistance Business Forms Camping Cards Carpet Cleaning Carpet / Rug Dealer Catering Cellular Phones Chiropractors Churches Cleaners Clothing Stores Coffee Shops Commercial Floor Care Solutions Commercial Insurance Computer Repair Computer Services / Dealers Concrete-Ready Mixed Conference Centers / Meeting Rooms Conservation Construction
Construction Management Consulting Contract Labor Convenience Stores Copier Lease Cosmetics / Facials Credit Services / Unions Cremation Services Cruises Dance Instruction Dentists Department / Discount Stores Disability Services and Resources Distributors Economic Development Education Electric Companies Electrical Supplies / Contractors Electronics Employment Services Energy Services Engineering Design Engineers Entertainment Excavating Exterminators Farm Hardware Farm Machinery Fire / Water Restoration Flooring Florists Formal Wear Foundations Funeral Homes / PreArrangements Furniture Garage Doors Garbage Collection Gas Stations General Contractors Gifts GIS Glass Engraving Glass Shops Golf Courses Government Grocery Stores Hardware Stores / Home Improvement Hauling Health Food / Supplies Health & Fitness Health Insurance Healthcare Services Heating Contractors Home Builders
Home Care Home Interiors / Decorating Home Medical Equipment Home Improvement Home Owners Insurance Hospitals Hot Tubs Hotels / Motels Ice Cream Individual Insect Control Insurance Insurance Agents Internet Services Interpreter Referral Service Investments IT Services Janitorial Cleaning Jewelry Retail Job Training Kitchen & Bathroom Design Landscaping Laundromats Lawn / Garden Lawnmower Sales License Vehicles Lighting Fixtures Livestock Sales Livestock/Pet Supplies Loans Locksmiths Lumber Manufacturers / Industry Martial Arts Mattresses / Bedding Medical Equipment Mental Health Treatment Monuments Mortgages Mufflers / Exhaust Systems Nail Spa Networking Newspapers Non-Profit Nurseries Nursery Grower Nursing Homes Office Supplies / Equipment Oil Change Optical Goods Optometrists Packing / Shipping Pest Control Pharmacies Physicians / Surgeons Photography Printers
Propane Property Insurance Radio Stations Real Estate Development Realtors / Property Management Recreation Recycling Rehabilitation Rentals Replacement Windows Restaurants Roofing New / Repair Sale Barns Schools Screen Printing / Embroidery Seasonal DĂŠcor Senior Citizens Senior (Unassisted) Apartments Service Organizations Shoe Stores / Repair Signs Small Engine Repair Snow Removal Social Service Organizations Sports Apparel Sporting Goods Steel Processing Stock / Bond Brokers Substance Abuse Surveyors Tanning Tax Return Preparation Telecommunications Television Marketing Temporary Labor Tire Dealers Titles Tools Towing Tractors Travel Agencies Truck Chrome Truck Repair Truck Tires Universities Utilities Vending Veterinary Services Watch Repair Wedding Accessories Weight Loss Center Welded Chains Wind Energy