AIRS - International Safety System

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Safety & Quality control

Contents Our Story................................................ 1 AIRS Software Overview......................... 2 Occurrence module................................ 4 Audit Module.......................................... 7 Register Module..................................... 9 Risk Management................................... 10 Reporting & Analysis............................... 12 Administration....................................... 13 Hosting & Support.................................. 13 System Integration................................. 14 Case Studies.......................................... 15

International Safety System

Our Story International Safety Systems is a niche provider of enterprise safety management products and services. Founded in 2004 we have a proven track record of delivering whole of business safety management solutions. We are a tightly managed organisation which is able to provide highly capable solutions at reasonable cost without compromising quality or service standards. Our primary product, AIRS, is a fully featured, integrated software application for managing safety, quality and compliance data. AIRS is licenced as a single application (not modularised) on a “software as a service� basis for unlimited users. We offer a range of custom hosting options, from shared multi tenant platforms to dedicated sole use platforms with separate firewalls, continuous monitoring, routine penetration testing and encryption at rest, dependant on user preferences. Our SMS services include; gap and training needs analysis, documentation, implementation

and monitoring or, if required, a fully managed service, ideally suited to small companies that cannot afford a fulltime resource. In tandem with our SMS services we provide human factors (non technical) skills training for safety critical organisations including initial and recurrent programs specifically tailored to the respective industry. Due to their inherent flexibility, our products and services can be adapted to suit a broad spectrum of industries: Aerospace & Defence Airlines, MRO & ground support Mining, Oil & Gas Public Transport Health Care & Medical Tourism Manufacturing Government Departments


International Safety System

AIRS Software Overview AIRS is a fully featured “high value low cost” solution for increasing productivity in safety and quality departments. Licenced as a single integrated solution AIRS four core modules provide safety and quality managers with the tools for: Capturing and managing safety and quality data


Recording the results of detailed investigations Managing change, and continuous improvement

Managing risk throughout the safety management system including, incident and audit finding risk analysis, safety risk assessments, job safety analysis and a dynamic risk register

• Comments • Causal Factors • Investigations • Keywords

Causal factor analysis

Real-time monitoring of safety performance indicators

ANALYSE • Recommendations • Corrective actions • Prevenetative actions

Continuous Improvement

• Regulated Reports • Analytical Reports • Dashboard Reports • Power BI Integration


• Task Assignment • Personal Task Manager • Global Task Manager



International Safety System

Benefits: Increased productivity Informed decision making Consistent outcomes Streamlined business processes Increased compliance Centralised safety data (no more spreadsheets)

AIRS features a user friendly intuitive design that is easily adopted at all levels of the organisation. As a web application AIRS is rapidly deployable and fully customisable by the user. AIRS can be run as a standalone application or integrated with other systems using third party software. Integration with Microsoft Power BI transforms your companies data into rich interactive visuals, customisable dashboards and compelling reports which can be shared throughout the organisation.

Accurate and timely reporting Brand protection


International Safety System

Occurrence module Streamline your reporting requirements using AIRS incident/occurrence reporting system Capture a multitude of different report types, WHS, incident reports, hazard reports, security reports, operational reports, regulated reports and environmental incidents. AIRS Flexible design facilitates integration with existing workflows. AIRS supports multiple industry specific taxonomies such as STEADS and ADREP. Notifiable reports are exported directly to the regulators.

AIRS causal factors section is fully customisable supporting HFACS, 5 Why, or a user defined classification. Dynamically monitor safety performance indicators on AIRS customisable dashboard. Track outstanding actions and send reminder emails using integrated task managers. Data is stored in well-defined caches providing enhanced trend monitoring and analysis.

Email tasks notifications include calendar attachments allowing AIRS tasks to be imported into the users main calendar.


AIRS reporting tool has been designed to work across multiple devices without the need for device specific applications. Can be used on or offline. Inherent flexibility facilitates capturing a vast range of report types.

Use AIRS integrated tools to rate risk. Both initial and residual risk can be recorded. Get feedback from stakeholders to assist with root cause determination.


For more serious incidents conduct a detailed investigation.


AIRS incident investigation section supports ICAO Annex 13 investigations or other industry specific formats. Save records of interview and supporting documents and graphics.


International Safety System

Work Safety

AIRS incident reports are initiated from a common input form. Each report has additional “smart reports� which are used to capture specific information about the incident or information required by regulators. AIRS is designed to expedite the flow of information and resolve non critical events in minimum time. Critical events requiring detailed investigation are managed in a dedicated section that includes the ability to store records of interview and supporting documents and graphics. Data is stored to facilitate final report production with a single click. The reporting and analysis section includes numerous filterable reports enabling the production of customisable analysis and statistical reports.


Having determined the underlying root cause of the incident or hazard remedial actions can be implemented to prevent an occurrence. Remedial action options in AIRS occurrence module include; recommendations, corrective and preventative actions.

All tasks within AIRS can be assigned to a department and/ or the accountable manager and tracked by a 3rd party. Department managers and administrators monitor task completion using integrated task management tools



On completion of assigned tasks a residual risk assessment can be made and if ALARP the incident can be closed with a review date set if required.


International Safety System

Occurrence Reports

Report Sub-sections

Smart Reports




Defective Parts


Rejected Parts


Lightning Strike








Documents & Graphics


International Safety System

Audit Module Streamline your auditing requirements with AIRS integrated audit module Maintain all audit related records in a secure, searchable centralised database. No more spreadsheets! Plan and manage internal, external and 3rd party audits. Conduct infield audits using connected tablets. Raise findings during the audit with supporting documents and graphics. Assign corrective and preventative actions and monitor task completion. Compile audit reports and analyse audit performance using AIRS integrated tools and display results on a customisable dashboard providing instant insight into non conformance trends.

Checklists saved as templates

Build Checklist

Custom or IOSA checklists Details include checklist name, version date, audit element, description, regulatory reference, the requirement, remarks and acceptable means of compliance notes Unlimited fields Used in field to create findings using either laptop or tablet

Audit reference, frequency and source Date information: planned date, actual date and publication date Lead auditor and audit team members Audit target, scope, objectives, comments and summary


Supporting documents and graphics and/or paper checklists can be saved for each audit


Conduct audits online using tablet or laptop computer Conduct audits offline using paper checklists


International Safety System

Raise Findings

Audits can have unlimited findings which are classified in accordance with your preferred taxonomy Findings can be raised during audit Findings are risk rated and analysed to determine causal factors Each finding is assigned to a department and/or accountable manager for remediation Supporting documents and graphics can be saved for each finding

Findings can have multiple corrective and preventative actions Supporting documents and graphics can be saved for each CA/PA Each CA/PA is assigned to a department and/or accountable manager for remediation


Manage outstanding actions using AIRS integrated task management tools

Audit Report

Compiling finished audit reports is simply a click away Brief summary reports or detailed reports including all findings and CA/PA are available


International Safety System

Register Module AIRS registers module includes 6 registers for managing compliance and associated SMS related activities. Are you monitoring compliance activities in numerous disconnected spreadsheets? AIRS registers module allows you to consolidate these spreadsheets and manage fragmented data in a single application. The primary registers are interconnected with the occurrence and audit modules providing a direct link between compliance, proactive and reactive SMS activities.


The approvals register is used to manage permits, approvals, and other miscellaneous instruments issued by regulatory authorities. Colour coding provides quick assessment of approval status and flags approvals which are expiring in a customisable time period.

Management of change is always difficult. AIRS Change Register allows users to plan and mange change by identifying and allocating change tasks which are subsequently tracked by the accountable, or project manager.



Employers have a duty to take reasonable care to ensure the safety and welfare of employees. Many complex industries mandate drug & alcohol testing programs. AIRS damp register manages the results of the company’s DAMP program.


International Safety System

Risk Management History shows that accidents in complex and safety critical organisations not only ruin lives, but also affect business if output is lost, assets or equipment are damaged, insurance costs increase and profits are jeopardised. A core premise of an SMS is the identification of hazards and reduction of the associated risk through both reactive and proactive measures to minimise the risks that threaten the viability of an organisation. AIRS supports both approaches to risk management and includes risk management tools in all core modules.

AIRS risk management tools include: • Flexible 5x5 or 6x6 risk matrix layout • Initial and residual risk • Up to 5 user definable levels of risk • Multiple risk dimensions, eg. safety, compliance, environmental, and reputation • Control effectiveness • Assignment of risk to an accountable manager


International Safety System


AIRS risk register allows users to identify and manage all risks within the business. Information about the risk includes; description, cause, consequence, location, origin, equipment, hazard type, effected department, current controls, proposed controls and who has accepted the residual risk. The use of “parent/child� grouping allows the risk register to be used to prepare safety cases and job safety analyses.

The correspondence register is used to create a record of correspondence associated with the activities of the SMS such as detailed investigations or interaction with external parties or regulators.



The equipment register is used to manage equipment not captured by other systems, for example GSE, safety equipment, tooling calibration etc. Colour coding helps to quickly identify the serviceability of equipment. This register can also be used to plan scheduled maintenance and monitor repair status.


International Safety System

Reporting & Analysis Use AIRS integrated reporting and analysis tools to produce scheduled reports for stakeholders AIRS reports section provides users with a multitude of test and graphical reporting options. Reports include numerous filtering options which can be output in multiple different formats. Data used to generate reports can be exported for use in specialist reports or spreadsheets. Data can also be exported as a CSV file. The reports section includes an SQL query generator in which unique queries can be saved to generate customised reports. When integrated with MS Power BI users can produce highly customised reports and create dashboards for viewing real time data analysis.


International Safety System

Administration AIRS administration section provides granular control over access to all modules in the application DATA security is enabled on a need to know basis through AIRS account manager. AIRS accounts manager controls access to every page and form in the application permitting either editing or read only access. Role based permissions are supported. AIRS administrative accounts support strong passwords and mandatory expiry dates. All access to the application is logged and retained in un-editable log files. Inactive sessions are automictically timed out after a specified period. Single sign on is also supported using either integration software or OpenID.

Hosting & Support AIRS is a SAAS application hosted on MS Azure tenancies. Hosting options are available to meet client security expectations. These range from an entry level shared platform to sole use logically and physically separated platforms featuring, VPN access, encryption at rest, 2 factor authentication, additional firewalling and monitoring. All options are backed up and have fail over capability. AIRS SAAS option provides high availability and disaster recovery objectives are less than 60 minutes. We support AIRS by providing the fastest response times in the sector. In addition to phone and email support AIRS includes an integrated FAQ section and online video tutorials. AIRS is a dynamic program which is constantly improving based on feedback from the user group.


International Safety System

System Integration In conjunction with 3rd party integration software, AIRS can be connected to both legacy and inhouse applications for either real time or batch integration. Flow’s integration platform is based on Technology Connectors enabling you to integrate any application, API, file exchange, or database. Technology Connectors give you direct graphical configuration of any database, file, web service, and program libraries (i.e. Assemblies and COM objects). Talk to us now to see how we can integrate existing data into your SMS.

EDI Messaging

3rd party logistics


E commerce website

ERP/ Accounting

Job booking and costing


Cloud Apps/SAAS


Mobile Apps


International Safety System

Case Studies

In conjunction with 3rd party integration software, AIRS can be connected to both legacy and inhouse applications for either real time or batch integration. Flow’s integration platform is based on Technology Connectors enabling you to integrate any application, API, file exchange, or database. Technology Connectors give you direct graphical configuration of any database, file, web service, and program libraries (i.e. Assemblies and COM objects). Talk to us now to see how we can integrate existing data into your SMS.


Safety & Quality control

Contact us: Australia: 1300 733 340 or Int: +61 438 462 706 New Zealand: +64 274 963 141

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