About young people

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About young people We need to recognise a revolutionary right, a right never sanctioned by a charter or claimed by a manifesto or a movement: “I affirm the right of young people to dream and see their dream come true.” To exercise this right you must be prepared. You need schools of freedom, international, pragmatic and multicultural schools of economics and politics, which educate a new generation of business leaders, who can harmonise the apparent age-long antagonisms: economics and ethics, action and contemplation, financial power and love. Starting studying in Milan, Rome or Florence and continuing in London, Madrid and maybe finishing in New York, doing work experience in leading companies in different countries and with different cultures, is part of the uniqueness of our courses. ESE has created an academic space without borders where every student can move freely, following their dreams, within the same School. ESE welcomes only 100 new students from 60 different nationalities at each location creating an intercultural and international environment. The quality of the teaching staff, the number of teachers in relation to students and compulsory attendance ensures the high academic performance of each student. … Beyond the pyramids of the industry ... beyond the skyscrapers of finance ... behind everything you see and touch, behind all that is useful, beautiful, true that has conquered humanity ... at the origin of all intuition, every scientific attainment ... there is always the dream of one man ... of an individual ... Elio D’Anna Health is Wealth speech – Houston October 5, 2005 First of all, I want to thank you all for being here and for your support to the health is wealth mission. E.S.E. has been founded on the motto ‘visibilia ex invisibilibus’ – the visible things come from invisibility. The school is concerned with everybody’s problems – namely quality and inner harmony how to blend together two worlds that are apparently divided, and don’t even hear each other. Inner states and outer events Vision and Reality Quality and quantity “ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

Creativity and Pragmatism Financial Power and Love What we are historically living is not a political or financial or environmental crisis – but a crisis of values, of quality, of ideas. The barren sands, the darkness and lifelessness are seen only through mortal eyes. ESE is trying to communicate to young people how to harmonize opposites and how to change the outer world through the change of their inner states. To make these ideas practical, I had to hire a great economist , and with a him I wrote a very pleasurable Book “The School for Gods”… And who are the Gods? All those human beings who have understood that to be concerned about having or quantity or Financial Power is an error ( in the past giants like the Greek or the Roman empires disappeared ) and that only the attention on the quality – creativity and inner beauty can allow an individual, an organization or a country to go beyond difficult moments like these we are living, now unhurt. The healthier your ideas the wealthier you life and the world around you. ( I’m here ) Just to tell you that everything is beautiful and the world is not so bad as they want us to believe – the world is as you dream it! This is not a political or economic, financial or environmental crisis, but a crisis of values of quality of your own vision and ideas. An individual, an organization, a country fails if that individual organization or country is only concerned with quantity or financial power. An individual, an organization, or a country develops if that individual, organization, or country is concerned with raising the quality and values of their people. Every company or enterprise has to become a school of being – a school of responsibility. You can possess only what you are responsible for. Thank you. About young generations “Ordinary man is not used to following his intuition, nor is he encouraged to do so. Since ancient times, young men have been entrusted to schools at a very early age to instill and keep alive in them the pathway to that precious ‘knowledge’ already lying deep within them. From the time of Socrates to modern day these schools have existed, if somewhat secretly, all over the world – fostering and conserving for posterity the most precious treasure known to man – his innate independence. But Schools and Universities have ceased to dream. A real School should exist to bring together dreamers regardless of nationality, color, belief and wealth, to concentrate on the “ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

most important subject of study – oneself. The most concrete result of knowing oneself is the realization that the world is your own projection, the world is how you dream it. Students of a real School will be distinguished for their ability to think in ‘levels’ and not by contrast. The work done in the School should prepare them for a work of transformation of thought: from a conflict-ridden consciousness to an inner state of integrity, from an empirical, reactive man to an intuitive, creative being. Knowledge is limitation, a barrier to freedom. Knowledge is only a pale description of what reality is. Knowledge prevents you from going beyond. Knowledge closes off your intuition and happiness. Remember! You are the Supreme Artist and as such you can make this world as beautiful as you want. It is time to disregard all conventional teachings, ideologies, disciplines, books and ideas, and written words, and dive deeply within yourself to find your own truth and uniqueness; this alone will remove all your own obstacles and leave you free from any hypnotism and in full mastery of all and everything. Only visionary leaders, men free from every ideology or superstition can ferry mankind from the psychological shore of the ordinary, weak, irascible and bigoted man, to that of the new man inspired by the principles of a School of Being. About young people If what you observe within yourself remains, then it is real, if is disappears it is not real. If you are not aware of what is not real within yourself, it will manifest itself in the world of appearances. If you do not observe the shadows within yourself, they become real in the world of events. Self-knowledge is a great magic. Self-knowledge means not allowing even a corner of darkness in your psychology. When we refuse to meet the dark parts of ourselves they become visible in the outside world as symptoms and we perceive them as an invasion, an attack from the outside. Self-knowledge, self-remembering, self-consciousness is light that enters into our psychology and puts things in order. Dualism, polarity is a principle of unity. Friction between opposites creates energy that is used as fuel to reach completeness, the unity of the being... the smallest trace of dualism in our conscience confuses us, distracts us, eliminates us. Negative emotions manifest themselves as tragic events, because we justify them, because we are not aware of what is happening in us emotionally and earlier still psychologically. Financial crises and acccidents occur to balance this lack of consciousness, lack of attention, lack of self-knowledge... “ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

For the vertical man- one who has an observer of himself, the solution comes before the problem. Knowing himself, intervening on himself, he does not allow distraction in his psychology to manifest itself in the outside world as a problem. The vertical man is a tireless student of himself and his prime objective is self-mastery. In self-awareness, self-knowledge, there is no need for anything false to make itself visible on the screen of the world once we have seen it... light and darkness cannot coexist. Evil doesn’t exist.. EVIL is unconsciousness, lack of light, lack of knowledge. Its opposite is LIVE. Evil is life, self-awareness, self-knowledge, and light turned upside down... God created heaven and earth... a duality... the game is expressed in the world of duality through opposites. We must be able to live in the world of conflicts with the knowledge that behind all the opposites is a harmony, a unity that pulses. Love your enemy, turn the other cheek. A young man asked Buddha if he could become his disciple. Have you ever stolen? - asked Buddha. No, never! - replied the young man. Then go and steal - said Buddha - and then come back to me... Holiness contains crime.. You must know all the roles and all the levels to reach unity... if that role is missing in self-knowledge, it must in time and in space be balanced. In time and in space we are not able to see that the opposites are the same thing... first one then the other shows itself and we are not able to see the unity that pulses within ourselves.. the bandit becomes the sheriff.. Buddha's 'go and steal', is the unity that pulses. “And then God created Adam.. from his rib (side, from the greek)”, he extracted his double, the woman. Dualism is always born from the unity that, in the world of appearances, manifests itself as man/woman, good/bad,...a duo of apparent opposites. Unum locutus est Deus hoec duo audivi (Master Eckartus). The divine manifests itself in polarity.. polarity expresses unity. We can only express the superior by negating the base... the opposite.. Immortality, infinity, love... through a double negation that affirms. In Eden there were two trees.. the tree of life and the tree of good and evil... LIFE.. EVIL... Polarity is the symptom, unity is the cure... There is no illness that doesn't have as its ultimate aim healing. The symptom is the cure in progress. If you have no symptoms you are either cured or dead... There is nothing bad in polarity. Antagonism creates the necessary energy to go towards unity... The friction between opposites allows us to enter the Garden of Eden (the state of oneness, of unity). Evil, sin is the identification with one of the opposites, excluding the other. Separation -this is the sin. “ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

Marcus Aurelius was taught by his tutor not to take sides with any opposites: “Not to be a Green or a Blue partisan at the races, or a supporter of the lightly armed or heavily armed gladiators at the Circus... Jesus was crucified between two extremities... the extremities are thieves.. if you contain them, if you keep this third force that unites and balances them, you feel the beauty, the strength, the energy of polarity. Also in the Hindu philosophy Brahama, the creator, has an opponent, Shiva, the destructive force. Vishnu is the third balancing force. The most common Hindu mantra is to recite the three names of god, the three forces. Whoever buys a lottery ticket is hunting misfortune. Whoever, through an integral work, has built within himself the power to have that money, does not need to win it... That power will build the external financial power... If you do not have the power and you play, you can only win by misfortune, by lack of luck... Being lucky means being complete, flawless, without sin. The absence of sin means oneness, integrity, understanding, absence of worry... The world is a symptom, our body is a symptom, everything happens to balance us... The eternal conflict is fruit of our inattention, lack of awareness... The world does not produce symptoms. It is the symptom... it is the cure in process, a healing procedure... Think of what amplification of our mentality is necessary to see every conflict, even a war, as a reflection of an unrecognised inner conflict. Loss is a gain not yet recognised. Behind losses and gains pulses unity, pulses healing... Identifying ourselves with one of the extremes is the sin... The vertical man uses the friction between the opposites... he knows that the extremes are not separate, they are two sides of the same coin... Don't alarm yourselves for nothing... the worse the symptom the easier it is to get a bull's eye, because the trail is stronger, more evident. What is it that the world lets us see? Let’s go out to see what I am lacking.. If I am conscious of something negative, conflictual, obscure in myself, that very thing disappears.. The demon is unawareness. Unconsciousness is the evil... The inner conflict is reproduced outside as tragic, negative events... but these events come to inform me; they are not a punishment but a balancing. Illness and accidenst are signs to show the way towards oneness, awareness, integrity. A true School To successfully transfer from father to son a complex machine, made of men, ideas and property, like a business, you need special preparation, you need schools and universities that teach that the ‘dream’ is the most real thing there is; that behind all that we see and touch, behind the skyscrapers of finance, the pyramids of industry, behind every achievement of civilisation, there is always the dream of a man, an individual, a brilliant visionary. “ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

Mass education, the universities/beehives cannot prepare them or welcome them. We need universities organised in small campuses, schools that put the individual and the realisation of his dream at the centre of all their activities and at the top of all their priorities. From elementary school to university, by now all the schools before, and the organisations after, have become factories of unhappy people, schools of fakirage that teach people to put up with the pain of being dependant and the sufferance of doing that which you don’t love. A true school should remind young people of their uniqueness, of their originality and to never separate themselves from their dream/identity. “Do only what you love”. Educating entrepreneurs is a subversive activity For whoever will be the successor of the family fortunes, and will carry on the entrepreneurial ‘dream’, we have to strengthen their leadership qualities, courage, sincerity, independent thought, love for the business and for their men. We have to develop his sixth sense: intuition, and a seventh sense: the ‘dream’. The entrepreneur knows that success is always a revolution. Because of this he is fundamentally a rebel capable of putting at stake his reputation and funds to modify reality, to break with pre-existing plans and equilibriums and create others than are more advantageous… Putting together other men, taking on the responsibility for them, transmitting enthusiasm to them, infecting them with your own dream, can all be called entrepreneurial characteristics… they are in fact qualities of the being… to access higher levels in the steps of human responsibility”. An entrepreneur, behind the apparent search for an advantage, for a profit; much deeper than he himself can know, he is at the service of a project; he is already a man that does for other men; he knows that their betterment is his success. His life is dedicated. He has no choice. Like a captain on an ancient ship, he knows that he has to go back with the ship or sink with it”. He knows that only the ‘dream’ can make us free, overcome all our limits. Only the ‘dream’ can transform poverty into prosperity, difficulties into intelligence, fear into love. To prepare these men we need free, international, practical, multicultural schools. In economics as in politics, we need to educate a new generation of business leaders, pragmatic dreamers capable of harmonising the apparent antagonisms that have always existed: economics and ethics, action and contemplation, financial power and love.

“ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

About young people Don't stop dreaming! Reality is made of your dream. It's your dreaming substance that gives life to the world. If you stop dreaming the world dies, it is as simple as that. Young people die because they ceased to dream. Their addiction to drugs or alcohol is due to a society that does no more than inhibit and prohibit and neglect the most real thing there is: the Dream. Poverty, crime and wars come from a society that has stopped dreaming. Entire civilizations, races, empires, countries and peoples have disappeared from the face of the earth for having forgotten the very reason of their existence.

“ Fragments of discourses “ by Elio D’Anna – ( European School of Economics – All Right Reserved)

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