Trigger points massage/Acupressure in Ljubljana What is the trigger point / acupressure massage in Ljubljana? Acupressure is a type of massage therapy from traditional Chinese medicine. If you are familiar with acupuncture, the process is the same and the difference is that fingers are used instead of needles. Massage therapists apply pressure with their fingers to stimulate Qi or life energy which is called at various points in acupressure.
How does acupressure work? In addition to stimulating Qi, acupressure is used to treat energy to avoid the discomfort needed. With this type of massage therapy, the therapist presses certain points to increase the flow of energy where your body has symptoms or illness.
The purpose of acupressure or other bodily work is to restore health and balance in the body's energy channels and to control the opposing forces of yin, negative forces and yang, positive energy. Some supporters state that acupressure is not only for the energy field and the body, but also for the mind, feelings and soul. Some even believe that the therapist can transfer the necessary power known as the appearance of Qi to others. In general, trigger points massage / acupressure in Ljubljana has two acupressure points which are mainly used by professionals. local points and triggers. At local points, the main focus is on the target area where the client suffers from tension and pain. In this section, the therapist stimulates and reduces pain. On the other hand, trigger points are stimulated by the therapist to reduce pain and tension. Or other problems that need to be addressed in other parts of the body, sometimes outside the therapist's touch point. Along with other medical options, acupressure massage therapy is often used as an additional treatment. It is also effective in maintaining health care.
What to expect from massage / acupressure in Ljubljana A professional massage therapist usually presses firmly with your thumb, fingers or toes, but gently on the acoustic points on your body. Usually, the pressure lasts 30 seconds to two minutes, which can be released slowly. This technique can be repeated three or five times. Massage therapists stretch or massage acupressure points. Like other typical massage therapies, acupressure is performed on a soft massage surface and you can lie down in full clothing. This type of massage therapy can take up to an hour. It is best to do this massage therapy session regularly to get the best results. After the session, you may feel sleepy for a while and sometimes feel pain, but soon it will calm down.
Benefits of massage / acupressure in Ljubljana Studies show that acupressure is very beneficial for people with sportsmanlike moods who suffer injuries. This can relieve pain, regulate mobility. It can also help people with nausea and vomiting who are undergoing chemotherapy. It can also help people experience extreme stress, anxiety and tension. It can also promote healthy sleep. This can also minimize digestive problems and headaches. This treatment stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems. It also allows the body's immune system and natural healing abilities to function. Book your massage / acupressure in Ljubljana now! Do you want to relieve pain naturally? Well, acupressure can help. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor first, especially if you are in good health or are being treated if you are eligible for an acupressure massage. If you have open sores, varicose veins, bruises and swollen areas, it is not recommended to participate in this type of massage. If your doctor approves this, ask our professional massage therapist to do this type of massage directly at your home. Heal and calm down right at your doorstep!