Tuina Massage in Ljubljana What does Tuina massage mean in Ljubljana? This type of massage originates from ancient China and is known as the oldest body type. It is also known as part of traditional Chinese medicine along with Qing, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. According to Qi imbalance, pain and illness occur due to the body's energy or nuclear power, which can cause imbalances or blockages. Tuina Massage in Ljubljana uses the same principle of acupuncture to stimulate the flow of Qi and improve harmony or balance of the body. Similar to acupuncture, Tuina also focuses on certain acupuncture, but the only difference is that the therapist uses fingers rather than needles. However, a combination of tuina and acupuncture can also be used.
How does Tuina affect your body? The main purpose of this type of massage is to provide balance and harmony for everyone and achieve real health. With Tuina it creates harmony in the yin and yang of the body and prevents the possibility of damage or blockage which can cause illness, disease or even emotional problems. From the same point of view of acupuncture, Tuina massage uses certain acoustic points and meridian energy to balance the blood and qi from your body, which leads to better health. According to the Chinese, if inaccurate, qi can cause constipation such as poor circulation. In short, Tuina massage helps the body eliminate energy blockages which cause Qi to stagnate, which can cause disorders or health problems. What technique is used in Tuina massage? During the session, the massage therapist who performed the Tuina massage uses a variety of printing techniques that differ in strength and speed. It's like a deep massage, but it's more difficult to treat, but from a gentle perspective. To balance aspects, the therapist uses passive, gentle and meditative techniques while in yang. More physical, dynamic, and active strokes are needed, which can create extreme sensations to stimulate the knots and blockages in the body. The therapist also massages the tendons and muscles to rearrange the whole body. It uses passive joint movements to rejuvenate joint and muscle function. Before attending this session, you need to tell your massage therapist what your needs are and what parts of your body are hurting so they know where to focus and what techniques to use. During the session, expect the massage therapist to use lotions, ointments, and herbal compresses. At the Tuina massage in Ljubljana, he uses various massage techniques that can be adapted to the patient's situation. Massage therapists can use techniques such as myofascial release, reflexology and acupressure. They also use chiropractic and osteopathy for aspects of stretching. There are eight basic techniques under the Tuina Massage in Ljubljana. This is; hold (na), press (tui), knead (mo), press (on), lift (ti). Also opposite (duan), reconnection (jie) and palpation (mo). For jumps and stretches, they use rolling as
their technique. The masseur uses a one-finger technique to stimulate the focus acupressure point. The massage therapist finally uses "Nei Gung" to stimulate the whole body. What is Tuina Massage? As an alternative treatment, Tuina massage is used as an effective treatment for certain health conditions in your body. To make sure this massage works for your body, it is highly recommended that you tell your doctor about your condition and ask if the Tuina massage can be part of the treatment plan. Tuina Massage usually treats health problems such as carpal tunnel, headache, arthritis, stress, osteoporosis, fatigue, insomnia, neck and back pain. It also alleviates musculoskeletal, digestive and respiratory diseases. Book your Tuina massage in Ljubljana now Are you interested in this type of massage? Let our massage therapists assess your condition and do the massage that is most useful for your help. Contact us now and let our professional massage therapists treat our pain.