Moving with Maslen
A weekly ‘to do’ checklist designed to help your move run smoothly
Moving home often comes high on lists of stressful life experiences although we like to think that it should be a straightforward and enjoyable thing to do.

Every move is unique and it’s something we help people do every day. So we thought we’d share some of our own hints, tips and tricks that we’ve learned along the way to make your move a time you’ll look back on with fond memories.
4 Weeks to Moving Day
Decide whether you need a professional moving firm, get estimates and book one now
Inform current doctors and dentists of your move. Ask them for recommendations of practices if you’re moving out of the area and arrange for medical records to be transferred
Stock up on boxes and bubble wrap and start some early packing and ‘de-cluttering’. Freecycle is a great place to look for these items
Sell unwanted things on eBay or Facebook Marketplace to cover some of the moving costs or donate unwanted quality items to a worthy charity
If you have children of school age or any pets start making arrangements for them to be looked after on moving day
Book and pay for your mail to be redirected
Make utility providers aware of your move
2 Weeks to Moving Day
Inform any official bodies you deal with, such as banks, credit cards, insurers, HMRC, the DVLA and local council of your new address
Update any online subscriptions you have that use your physical address, such as internet providers, mobile phone companies or shopping sites such as Amazon and eBay
Start to use and run down the contents of your freezer
Empty and pack the contents of your loft, garage or shed and drain any fuel from power tools and lawnmowers
Notify your landline phone or cable supplier and arrange for a final bill or installation at your new address
Make arrangements with gas, electricity and water companies for final readings and taking over the supply at your new home
1 Week to Moving Day
Think about what items you’ll need for the first few days in your new home and put them aside
Pay outstanding bills to people such as the milkman, newsagent, window cleaner, gardener etc.
Confirm all details for final readings, disconnections and new connections with utility companies
Arrange to have dishwashers, washing machines, cookers disconnected if you’re taking them with you
Ask the seller for any warranties, instructions or contracts for their appliances and fittings
The Day Before the Big Day
Defrost and thoroughly clean and dry your fridge and fridge freezer
Finish any last minute packing
Put together essential moving day items such as any medications and a bag of overnight clothes and toiletries, and put them aside with a bottle of water and some sandwiches just in case anything gets delayed
Moving Day Essentials
Think about what essentials you might need when you arrive and pack a dedicated box for things such as the kettle, cups, plates, cutlery, tea, coffee, milk, cold drinks, scissors, a sharp knife, and bottle and can openers
Make sure you have cleaning supplies to hand such as bin bags, light bulbs and basic DIY tools
Clearly mark which box your clean bedding is in. There’s nothing worse than having to search for it after a busy day moving home!
Moving Day
Take final meter readings
Lock all windows and doors and turn off all switches before leaving
Be on hand when the removals company is taking an inventory and loading the truck.
Keep any valuables such as jewellery and cash safe with you Reconfirm that they have the correct address and clear directions to your new home
Make sure your seller or their agent has provided details on where everything is and how it works, including the boiler, stopcock, fuse box and meters
Remember that you can’t move in until you’ve heard the words “congratulations you’ve completed”
quick checklist of who to notify:
Banks/Building Societies

Credit Card Companies
Store Cards/Accounts
Mail Order Companies/Amazon/eBay
Magazine/Newspaper Subscriptions
Lease Hire or Rental Companies
Any Other Creditors
Insurance Companies
The AA, RAC or Other Motoring Companies
Professional Organisations / Associations
Mobile Phone/Cable/Landline Companies
Share Registers
Inland Revenue
Premium Bonds
The Council
Electoral Register
Vet and Pet ID Chips
Post Office
TV Licence
Milkman/Gardener/Window Cleaner
Cemetery/Burial Plot
Your Employer
Private Health Care Provider
Gas/Electricity/Water Suppliers
Gym/Sports/Social Clubs
Friends & Family
Putting together an overnight bag with a toothbrush and toiletries is always a good idea and makes the first morning in your new home far easier
Pack and label boxes by room so unpacking everything can be done in a simple, stress-free and organised manner at the other end
AND remember, we’re here for you every step of the way. So if you need help just ask...