June Newsleter

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The Panda Herald

Table Of Content


Greetings LTG 22/24

Recap of May May DCM, Color Run, Relay For Life

District Project Project Eliminate Progress

Rallies Portland Rally, Tacoma Rally, Seattle Rally

Summer Events June DCM

Member/Officer of the month All Graduating Seniors

Key Club Key Leader Meet Your Appointees and Convention Aides Athena Sok, Ben Scrange, Anav Gagneja, Suvir Copparam, Ryan Miura and Jag Bains

Greetings! As school dwindles down to these few days left, we bid our seniors a do and say one last good bye to our school until next fall. I wish you all the best on any finals that is coming up. Some of you will be graduating High School and leaving Key Club behind. I want to let you know by joining this club that you all have willingly done, has effected your community one way or the other. I want to take this last opportunity to say “Thank You” for serving us, for serving those who live half way across the world, for serving future generations. I don’t know all of you personally but because of Key Club we are all connected in a web that won’t let us break apart. Although you seniors are done with High School, don’t stop serving. Be good to yourself, be good to others. As we end the school year I would also like to address the tragic events that have effected our community. First the shooting at SPU, Paul Lee passed away on June 5th. Although I personally did not know him I have a friend that did. I would also like to address the shooting in Santa Barbra, and the shooting at Reynolds High School in Oregon. This past month was filled with tears and violence. I encourage all of you reach out to those who are sitting by themselves at lunch, include everybody. Take that first step in getting to know your peers. Tell those you love that you love them, because you really don’t know if today is your last. I love you all and be good.

In Love, Care, And Service,

Lillian Sam Lieutenant Governess Division 22/24 Key Club International



PAINT │Color War│ Happiest 5K


Tennis Tournament│ Miracle Minute│ Face and whipped cream


Bonding │Cheese balls │Celebrate

Photo credit Michelle Phung

Our 2nd annual Joint Event the Color run was on May 11th, which was also on mother’s day. Our volunteers throw color (dyed corn starch) on the runners. Kids of all ages participated in this run which took place in Seattle Center that then made it way to the north side of Down Town Seattle, and back. Then after enjoyed a mini concert and more color throwing.


This DCM Over 300 people came to Gene Coulon park on Saturday the 31st to come together do meet and greets, Play tennis, volley ball eat food and just enjoy each other’s company. This DCM also attracted Key Clubbers all the way from Oak Harbor to Oregon. Together we were able to film parts of the call to convention for Portland Rally, Seattle Rally, and DCON. In the DCM we also raised over 600 dollars for project Eliminate. The Winners of the Mixed Doubles Tennis Tournament are Luana Williams and Daniel Kim they get free passes to Seattle Rally and a special shout out from me!


On June 7Th Roosevelt students as well as Ingraham Students came together and stayed over night at Kings High School in a relay to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. There students participated in various games and activities. Two participants from each club walked around the track for 24 hours, relaying in and out. Not only this relay was a great cause, Roosevelt Key Club and Ingraham Key Club bonded overnight. From playing card games or tossing the frisbee around. Photo Credit: Ryan Henrie

I am Proud to announce our district project this year is once again Project Eliminate. This coming year our division will be more involved in fundraising for project eliminate. We will have some Divisional fundraiser and this year will hopefully get participates in the Eliminate Dance! We’re off to a great start already with the miracle minute from the previous DCM. Also new Merchandise is coming soon, so stay tuned.

SUMMER EVENTS June DCM: BONFIRE/ Senior send off When: June 23rd 6: 30PM- 10PM (I will be there earlier) Where: Golden Gardens Bring: Yourself and a friend Ingraham KC: Hot dogs Roosevelt KC: S’more stuff Ballard KC: Fire Wood Shorecrest KC: Drinks, Chips, Ice cream If you want to continue to serve during the summer I will be posting events on Facebook and I will email events as well

SPOT LIGHT OF THE MONTH: ALL GRADUATION SENIORS Congratulations to the Class of 2014! You all deserve the best. As you go on with your lives and leaving High School behind these memories that you’ve made with each other, will stay with you forever. It’s bittersweet to see you all go but great things are waiting to be done. The thing that stuck to me the most as I was sitting in on Ballard’s Graduation was “you just finished the preface, chapter one starts today”. It’s true your novel is just starting. I want this page to honor all the seniors who completed thirteen years of required schooling, and also added on community service, sports, friends and on top of that family. These past years you all have experiences losses, gains, tears, laughter. All these experiences shaped the very person you are. I’ll see you all real soon in the near future.


What is key leader? Key leader is weekend experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed. Participants begin by attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their schools, communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills. For more information go to www.key-leader.org. Next Key Leader: Portland area, October 24-26, 2014, Camp Collins, Gresham Seattle Area, November 7-9, 2014, Camp Sambica, Belleve

INTRODUCING YOUR NEWEST MEMBERS TO THE DISTRICT BOARD! How's it going, Key Clubbers? My name is Athena Sok (but you may also call me Tina) and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be appointed as your KFamily Relations and International Projects Director! I reside in the city of Tacoma and I am a shark of Division 34. I bleed black and gold because I am an incoming senior at Lincoln High School. But enough about me, I am extremely excited to work with the district board this year AND to meet all of you! As your K-Fam/Int. Projects Director, I plan to significantly improve the relationships and communication between Key Club members and the K-Family branches. In this upcoming year, my plans include district wide events that allow Circle K, Kiwanis, and many more K-Family members to join together and share our love for service. These events will be put on in support of our preferred charities which will allow more K-Family members to join our cause! I am looking forward to a fun-filled and fantastic year with you all. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (253) 310-3271 or sok.athena@gmail.com

│ Tina Sok: K- Family Relations Director

Hey Key Clubbers, we have a single year left. In 2015 The Kiwanis family will turn 100 and The Eliminate Project will come to a close. Maternal /Neonatal tetanus is not waiting for us to act. We must fight quickly and together. Now that I sound like a dictator, I want to make sure you know me! I am Ben Scranage, your 2014-2015 District Projects Director. I want to work with each and every one of your clubs to make sure that the Pacific Northwest reaches their goal of fifty thousand dollars this Key Club Year! I promise you that even though I live in the small town of Harrisburg, Oregon, just outside of Eugene, I will be there for any of your questions at any time of the day. My phone number is (541) 220-0066, and my email is ben.scranage74@gmail.com. Reach out and don't feel like a stranger.

│ Suvir Copparan:

Ben Scrange: District Project

Hi, I'm Suvir Copparam, your Membership Growth and Reactivation Director! I'll be working to increase membership and make club meetings more fun for all of you this year! Outside of Key Club, I'm really interested in programming and making things/engineering which I'd like to use to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I really love being part of an organization that is making such a huge difference in the world with the help of so many other people!

Membership And Growth

Hello PNW! I’m Ryan Miura and I’m one of your Convention Aides this year who will help plan the 66th annual District Convention. Key Club has had a huge impact on who I am, and I hope I can continue to grow and learn from my experiences as a part of the K-Family. I love trees, cats, and meeting my fellow PNW Key Clubbers so holla at me if you happen to see me and want to talk! I’m pumped to represent the most loving and spirited division around, Division 66, so let’s work together to have a great year of service!

Ryan Miura: Convention Aide

Hey! I'm Jag and I'm your convention aide! I'm really ecstatic to be on the board and ready to put on the best DCON ever! I'm a runner and I love listening to music! Most of my free time is spent on going to all of my home key club's service projects..because, well...Key Club is life! My favorite color is aquamarine and I'm super random and charismatic with most anything! I look forward to becoming best friends with all of you Key Clubbers! Agapé!

Jag Bains: Convention Aide I'm Anav Gagneja, and I'll be serving as your communications director this year! Stumbling into that first key club meeting as a confused sophomore was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I've ever made - one that has led to a myriad of amazing friends, countless hours of devoted service, and an innumerable amount of great experiences. I'm so excited to be able to give back to this club which has provided me with so much! Outside of Key Club, I enjoy science, friends, and cookie crisp. Can't wait to make this the best year ever working on the District Board!

│ Anav Gagneja: Communications

Welcome to the board!

District Contact Information Lillian Sam: Lieutenant Governor Lilliansamltg2224@gmail.com

Lisa Antonio: District Governor lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com

Jenny Zhang: District Editor editorjennyzhang@gmail.com

Aneesh Pappu: District Treasurer apappu97@gmail.com

Ik Hoon Jung: District Secretary ijungpnwsec@gmail.com

Cleo Tsang: Convention Chair pnwconventionchair@gmail.com

John Jay: District Administrator jmjay@comcast.net

AREA CONTACT INFORMATION Bo Jordan: Area Administrator Bojordan50@msn.com

Suzanne Endroedy: Ass. Area Administrator Suzbeth1@comcast.net

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