Mass Youth Soccer Monthly - September 2016

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Mass Youth Soccer Monthly Connecting Soccer families across Massachusetts

September 2016


SAVE THE DATE Mass Youth Soccer Workshop January 28th 2017

Nominate Your Coach or a Volunteer for a Mass Youth Soccer Award

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Massachusetts Youth Soccer 2017 Workshop

Saturday January 28th 2017 Great Wolf Lodge, fitchburg EDucation sessions for Coaches, Parents, Referees and Administrators

Mass Youth Soccer is dedicated to the education and development of parents, administrators and coaches, as well as players. On January 28th of 2017, we are offering a day-long symposium filled with speakers and classroom sessions to assist all of our members who support the beautiful game in MA and beyond.

In collaboration with:

Click the banner below to visit the 2017 workshop website. Registration will open on September 15th 2017.

The First Time Coach: Teaching U6 Players Rob Holliday Assistant Technical Director

If you are like the majority of volunteer soccer coaches, the first time you will be step on the field in the role of a coach will be when your son or daughter enters a pre-k or kinder soccer program. At the end of your 1st session when you have the players set up to scrimmage, you may question your decision to volunteer (and your sanity) as players enter and leave the field at will, pick daisies, watch airplanes and tackle their own teammates to the ground. DO NOT BE CONCERNED, this is all perfectly normal behavior for young soccer players and they will improve as the season progresses. Your role as a U6 coach is not to create the next Christian Pulisic or Mallory Pugh, your role is to keep players safe and create an environment for them to have fun.

Keep the Players Safe

In Massachusetts, all volunteer youth soccer coaches must go through the Adult Registration and CORI process. In addition to confirming your Youth Soccer Organizations insurance obligations are met, it also safeguards the players on the field. Even if you only find out you will be coaching the day before your first session, you must complete your Adult Registration and CORI process prior to stepping on the field, more details can be found at the following link: When you arrive at your allocated field and begin to set up for your session, ensure that your playing area is safe (free of debris or sharp objects) and goals are properly secured. Throughout the session, ensure players are getting appropriate rest/water breaks and always be aware of inclement weather. The clothing you wear must be appropriate for being on the soccer field. If you coach on grass fields, invest in a cheap pair of cleats, sneakers and wet grass fields do not mix well! Ensuring the players are in a safe playing environment is different from making a young soccer player feel safe. Take some time to learn your player’s names at the start of your first session and make yourself approachable throughout

your session by speaking to the players at their own height. (Bending down on one knee when giving instructions) Give players an opportunity to talk and listen to them when they speak. Smiles, praise for players, pleases and thank-yous are small graces which when combined with a friendly demeanor will help young players to feel safe and comfortable

For players aged 4, 5 or 6 there should always be a parent or guardian available on the sideline. Mass Youth Soccer advocates sessions for U6 players to be 45 minutes long (Max 1 hr), Prior to the start of your first session, ensure that you have met the player’s parent/guardian and know where they are sitting. Any important medical/allergy information or behavioural concerns must also be known by the coach.

Make it FUN

Now that you are confident of returning players to their parents in one piece, you can focus on ensuring the players have fun! Long term your goal should be for all of your players to want to continue playing soccer after the end of the season. If your short term goal is just to survive the next 45 minutes of practice, then my best advice is be energetic, enthusiastic and flexible while you attempt to survive. Young children will respond well to being able to learn and discover things for themselves, if you put them in situations where they can experiment, be imaginative, are constantly moving and allowed to β€œplay” then they will have fun! Mass Youth Soccer has developed a full season of U6 Session plans that are designed to provide a fun, challenging and imaginative experience for 4, 5 and 6 year old soccer players. Our U6 session plans include 4 activities and are structured to

Massachusetts Youth Soccer ensure minimal use of cones and limited requirements on the coach to change the field set up between activities. In an ideal world, there will be 2-3 coaches for a group of 10-12 U6 players. (If you have 6 or less players, consider joining with another team for practice) This will allow one coach to lead an activity, whilst the others can assist with individuals who may be apprehensive to get involved, have an abundance of energy or need their shoelaces tying…again. Introducing an activity should be quick and concise. Do not try to give the players all of the rules or information at one time. It is much more effective to layer the activity by delivering new rules or incentives as bite size information during rest periods between rounds of activity. Our U6 session plans linked on the next page can be used as a guide for volunteer coaches to deliver a session; if a game is not engaging for the players then it is OK to skip to the next game. Similarly if the players are really enjoying a game then you can extend the activity for longer and include more rounds.

Introducing an activity

1. Explain the Game in 30 seconds or less (What are the field boundaries? How do you score? 2. Demonstrate the boundaries and how to score points/ goals. 3. Use a Check for Understanding to ensure players know what to do. (What should I do if one of the sharks take my ball?)

can you use to stop the ball going out of the field?) To assist U6 players in their learning, but should avoid dictating what players do when they have the ball at their feet. (Kimmy pass to Jess, SHOOT Alex, SHOOT!) U6 Goals for the Season Technique: Dribbling (Inside, Outside, Laces, Sole) Shooting (Laces or Toe) Tactics: Learn the rules for 4v4 Physical: Improve Agility, Balance and Co-ordination Social/Emotional: Have Fun, develop friendships, improve sharing and emotional control

Coach Education

Mass Youth Soccer recommends that all U6 coaches complete the US Soccer F License (Online) or the NSCAA Level 1 (Online or in Person). Our Mass Youth Soccer Technical Staff are always available to answer questions and details coach education opportunities for U6 coaches are listed below. We hope that you enjoy your season coaching U6’s and continue to volunteer to coach with your local soccer organization! Good luck!

The goal for U6 players is to keep them moving with a ball at their feet for as much time as possible! With this in mind, it is important to be flexible in regard to periodization of your session. The number of players in your session, the weather, age of your players and what stage of the session you are in can all be factors in determining how long a round or full activity should last.

Upcoming Live Courses NSCAA Level 1 Diploma September 10 Concord - Carlisle September 10 Haverhill September 11 Westwood September 12 Braintree September 14 Braintree Click here to register for an NSCAA course in MA

Young children learn best by playing and experimenting. By having a soccer ball each and manipulating the ball using different surfaces of their feet, U6 players will get better simply through Trial and Error. As a coach we can utilize guided discovery questions (e.g. Jess, what part of your foot

Online Courses US Soccer F License - Link The β€œF” license is a 2-hour course, conducted entirely online, intended for all parents and coaches of 5-8 year old players.

How do young players learn?

Activity 1


Super Mario Brothers


8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid, place 8-10 cones randomly across the middle third of the field; these are mushrooms. All the players start at 1 end. On the coachs’ command, all the players try to dribble to the other side without hitting a mushroom. If all the Mario Bros. make it through, the coach puts down more mushrooms and the players try again. After all mushrooms are down (cones), have the players go faster.


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: Players get through without hitting any mushrooms. β€’ Round 2: If a player kicks a mushroom, they must dribble around it twice before going to the end. β€’ Round 3-4: Players race to the other side without kicking any mushrooms.

Activity 2


Wreck It Ralph

8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid, select 2-3 players to be Fix It Felix's. Felix's will place their soccer balls on top of cones to build a tower. The rest of the players are Wreck it Ralph's. They dribble their soccer balls around the grid and try to knock the balls off of the cones. The Felix's try to fix all the towers that Ralph has wrecked!


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: Coaches can be either the Fix it Felix's or the Wreck It Ralph's. β€’ Round 2: Select 2-3 players to be the Felix's and the rest of the players are Ralph's. β€’ Round 3+: Rotate players into both roles each new round.

Activity 3


Pacman/Ms. Pacman

8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid, scatter cones of different colors around the playing area. Select 2-3 players to be ghosts. Ghosts dribble their soccer ball and try to hit Pacman/Ms Pacman. Pacmen do not need a ball. They try to pick up as many cones as they can. If a ghost hits them below the knee, they drop their cones, get a ball and become a ghost. Coach can re-distribute the cones around the playing area.


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: Pacmen who get hit by a ghost only lose their cones but keep playing. β€’ Round 2-3: Pacmen who get hit become ghosts also and hunt the Pacmen. β€’ Round 4: All Pacmen and ghosts have to dribble a ball. When a Pacman gets hit, they still join the ghosts.

Activity 4 Sonic The Hedgehog vs Knuckles & Tails Duration

8 mins

15Wx20L yard grid, place 2 goals on the end line; 1 goal close to each corner. Divide the players into 2 teams. One team starts on the coaches right and one on his/her left. The coach starts in the middle of the 2 goals with all the soccer balls. When the coach serves a ball onto the field, 1 player from each team chases after it. Whomever get the ball tries to bring it back and score in their team's goal.


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: Game lasts until a goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds. β€’ Round 2: Game can be 1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2 or 3v3; do not get bigger than 3v3. β€’ Rounds 3-4: If 2 players are on the field for either team, they both must touch the ball before it is scored.

Game - 4v4

Duration - 25 mins

Set up a 20W x 30L yard field and scrimmage. Take plenty of breaks for rest and water.

Click here to visit the Mass Youth soccer Website and view all u6 session plans


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Activity 1


4 Surfaces - Dribbling


8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid and a 3 yard end zone on each side line, each player has a soccer ball. Have the players try to use 4 surfaces of their foot in a fluid motion and in order: Outside of the foot (pinky toe,) Inside of the foot (big toe,) laces and bottom (sole.) Once the ball has been stopped, have them try it with the other foot. Players must remain inside the boundaries which includes the end zones.

Variations β€’ Round 1: β€’ Round 2: β€’ Round 3: β€’ Round 4:

Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

The players use 1 surface at a time then layer in the next surface. Players complete the pattern with their favorite foot. Players complete the pattern with their non-favorite foot. Players switch feet after completing all 4 surfaces with 1 foot and repeat

Activity 2


Crocs in the River

8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid and a 3 yard end zone on each end line, all players start with their ball in one end zone. The coaches start as crocs in the river. On the coach's command, the players will dribble their soccer ball across the river to the other side. If they stop it in the end zone, they are safe but if a croc gets their ball and dribbles to the opposite end zone, the dribbler becomes a croc also.

Variations β€’ Round 1: β€’ Round 2: β€’ Round 3: β€’ Round 4:

Activity 3

Activity Time 90 secs

Intervals 4

Coaches start as crocs and if ball is lost, dribbler and croc switch rolls. Players start as crocs and if ball is lost, dribbler and croc switch rolls. When ball is lost, dribbler becomes a croc also. Players get in pairs and work together to beat the crocs


Score in Any Goal

Rest 30 secs

8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid with 1 cone goal (2-3 yards wide) at each end, the coach is on the sideline at midfield with all the balls. Coach divides the players into 2 teams set up on either side of the coach. Coach serves a ball onto the field and 1 player from each team steps on and tries to score in either of the 2 goals. Play for 30 sec. or until a goal is scored or the ball is out of bounds.


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: A passing goal is one point a dribble through the cone goal is 10 points. β€’ Round 2: Players can only score in opponent's goal. β€’ Round 3-4: Coach makes game a 2v1 with bonus points for goals scored after a turn or pass.

Activity 4


2v2 Combat

8 mins

In a 15Wx20L yard grid, with a goal on each end line. The coach and all the soccer balls are on the sideline at midfield. The coach divides player into 2 teams; 1 team starts on the coach's right and the other on the left. When the coach plays a ball onto the field, 2 players from each team enter the field and try to score in opponents goal.


Activity Time 90 secs

Rest 30 secs

Intervals 4

β€’ Round 1: 2 players from each team play 2v2 to goal or ball leaves the field. β€’ Round 2: Bonus points for goals scored after a move or turn. β€’ Round 3-4: Coach can adjust the number of players on the field to: 3v2 or 3v3; no bigger than 3v3.

Game - 4v4

Duration - 25 mins

Set up a 20W x 30L yard field and scrimmage. Take plenty of breaks for rest and water.

Click here to visit the Mass Youth soccer Website and view all u8 session plans

Annual Awards

Each year, Massachusetts Youth Soccer accepts nominations for awards to recognize people who give their time and energy to make the sport better. Nominations for the 2016 awards are now open, the Mass Youth Soccer Annual Awards Banquet will take place on Sunday Jan 29th 2017.

Click here to download a nomination form Administrator of the Year Award honors the extraordinary accomplishments in administration of youth soccer programs at any and all levels over a career. Volunteer of the Year Award honors those who are excellent role models for their community. Willingness to promote players and the game of soccer, sound moral and ethical character and increasing the opportunities to participate in soccer are all characteristics of nominees for the Volunteer of the Year award. Recreational Coach of the Year is awarded to coaches of a boys’ team and a coach of a girls’ team in a recreational program for his or her coaching activities, sportsmanship, player development, personal coaching development and citizenship. (Town/MTOC qualifying leagues are known as β€œRecreational” ny US Youth Soccer) Competitive Coach of the Year is awarded to a competitive coach for both a boys’ team and a girls’ team for his or her coaching activities, sportsmanship, player development, personal coaching development and citizenship. TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year Award is given to an individual for his or her extraordinary accomplishments as a TOPSoccer Buddy and who has demonstrated patience, understanding, dependability, compassion and who has proven to be an invaluable volunteer to the US Youth Soccer TOPSoccer Program by filling many roles including coach, role model, cheerleader and by assisting with administrative responsibilities. TOPSoccer Coach of the Year Award is given to a person who has shown patience, understanding, dependability, and flexibility; provided leadership and support to players and volunteers; and taught the game of soccer while creating a fun learning environment.

The Kohl’s US Youth Soccer American Cup provides recreational youth soccer players an opportunity to experience a consistent and high quality statewide tournament in a fun, family-like atmosphere. It fosters stimulation and excitement about soccer in an effort to increase the recreational players interest in and love for the game. We want the recreational player to feel special and have fun! The Kohl’s American Cup can achieve this by providing recreational players with the opportunity to participate in an original event outside of their normal league play. Mass Youth Soccer will be sponsoring a Kohl’s Cup Tournament on Sunday, October 2. It is a great highlight of your Fall Season to have the players play in a recreational tournament. The teams play 2 games and will get to enjoy the US Youth Soccer interactive village. Girls and Boys playing on recreational teams from U10 t o U14 are eligible to play. Please contact Nancy Hart if you have any questions.

Click here for More Info

Columbus Day Tournaments Dalton CRA Just For Kicks Soccer Tournament October 8th-9th Location: Dalton, MA Website: Contact: Age Groups: U10-U14 Harvest Cup - Barnstaple October 8th-9th Location: Barnstaple, MA Website:: Contact: Age Groups: U9-U14 Mansfield Youth Soccer Columbus Day Tournament October 8th-10th Location: Mansfield, MA Website: Contact: Age Groups: U9-U14 (Grades 3-8) 35th Annual Natick Columbus Day Tournament October 7th-10th Location: Natick, MA Website: Contact: Age Groups: U9-U14

North Andover Columbus Day Tournament October 8th-10th Location: North Andover Website: Contact: Age Groups: U10-U14 Peabody Fall Invitational October 8th-10th Location: Peabody, MA Website: Contact: Age Groups: U10-U14 Pepperell Fall Classic October 8th-10th Location: Pepperell, MA Website: Contact: Age Groups: U8-U14

Click here to view all Mass Youth Soccer sanctioned Tournaments

Mass YOuth Soccer Supports

HELP US REACH OVER 44 MILLION YOUTH ATHLETES We need to recruit every organization in the United States responsible for youth athletes, collectively totaling more than 44 million kids, to pledge to participate in Team Up Day

THE MAKINGS OF A SPEECH ConcussionFoundation.o cussionFounda org #TeamUpSpeakUp

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@ConcussionFoundation @C Conc cussiionFou unda ation

On September 13, 2016, we will ask every coach & captain to give this short speech to their team. This is the message we want all athletes to hear.

1. 2.

On September 13, 2016, we will ask every coach & captain to give this short WE’REtoAtheir This is the message we want all athletes to hear. speech Teammates look out for one another on and off the field

1. 2.



Teammates look out for one another on and off the field A TEAMMATE WITH A CONCUSSION IS A TEAMMATE THAT NEEDS YOUR HELP.

They may not be able to recognize their own injury, putting them at risk, and an athlete A TEAMMATE WITH A CONCUSSION IS A TEAMMATE THAT YOUR HELP.Getting them off the field is goo with a concussion will be mistake-prone andNEEDS ineffective. They may not be able to recognize their own injury, putting them at risk, and an athlete for your teammate, and good for your team. with a concussion will be mistake-prone and ineffective. Getting them off the field is good for your teammate, and good for your team.



I EXPECTleader’s YOU TO SPEAK UP IF YOU HAVE A CONCUSSION. A team attitude setsTHINK the YOUR toneTEAMMATE for howMIGHT the entire team responds to concussions. A A team leader’s attitude sets the tone for how the entire team responds to concussions. All members of the team are expected to speak up to the coach, team captain or athletic members of the team are expected to speak up to the coach, team captain or athletic trainer seesomething. something. trainerififthey they see ConcussionFoundation.o org

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Send out your fundraising link to friends and family, organize a bake sale at your soccer games, Dana-Farber has tips and materials for all teams.


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Bring your team and your community together to score the ultimate goal Γ’€“ conquering cancer! In partnership with:



Objectives (5 W's) Organization

Who: Flank Players What: Running with the ball to Penetrate Where: In the central and flanks areas of the field When: In possession of the ball with space to attack Why: To penetrate the opponent's defense and create goal scoring opportunities

Duration 10 min


Warm-up / Orientation

Intensity Med-High

β€’ Area: In a 20Wx30L yard grid divided into 2x10 yard wide channels as shown in the diagram. Players #2, #3, #7 or #11 with a ball each will do the following Intervals 1: Runs with the ball and passes the ball across to the next player in line with the right foot ~ 2: Run and Pass with the left foot ~ 3: Run at each other and make a move going to the right then accelerate and pass the ball ~ 4: Move to the left

Coaching Points

Activity Time 2min

Rest 30 sec



β€’ What? Technique of Running with the Ball: ~ Push the ball forward with the laces. Big toe down. Distance of your touch ~ Each touch of the ball should push it a few steps ahead of the dribbler ~ Distance and pace of the touch matches the stride ~ The head is up and the eyes scan the field


2v2 to Goal and Counter Goal


Duration 15 mins Intensity Med-High

β€’ Area: In a 20Wx30L yard grid with one goal inside a 8 yard scoring zone and a counter goal on the opposite end line. β€’ The attacker dribbles onto the field when the defender confronts the dribbler, he/ she has the option to pass to the teammate or run with the ball into the scoring zone to beat the keeper. Goals from running with the ball into the zone are 10 pts.

Coaching Points

Activity Time 4 mins

Rest 1 min



β€’ What? Technique - Dribbling: Running with the Ball ~ Receiving: Body position, Surface Selection of the foot and ball, First touch direction and distance β€’ Team Tactical Attacking Principles - Playing forward when possible: Where? When? Why? - Create a 1v1: When? Where? Why? - Create diagonal passing lanes: Who? Where? When? Why?



18 min

Intensity Medium

Learning 3v3 to Goal and Counter Goal

β€’ Area: In a 20Wx30L yard grid with one goal inside a 8 yard scoring zone and a counter goal on the opposite end line β€’ The 3 attackers will play to penetrate the space and get into the scoring zone to score. The defenders score in the counter goals. All laws apply.

Coaching Points

Activity Time 7 min

Rest 2 min



β€’ What? Technique - Dribbling: Running with the Ball ~ Receiving: Body position, Surface Selection of the foot and ball, First touch direction and distance. Team Tactical Attacking Principles - Playing forward when possible: Where? When? Why? - Create a 1v1 or 2v1: When? Where? Why? - Create diagonal passing lanes: Where? Why? - Triangulate: Where? When? Why?


7v7 Duration 30 mins Formation R GK-2-3-1 v W GK-2-3-1 Activity Time 12 mins


In a 40Wx60L field play 7v7. All FIFA laws apply. Encourage the players when to run with the ball.

Coaching Points

Technical Execution, Team tactical attacking principles, 5W's, Speed of Play

Rest 3 mins Intervals 2

Click here to visit the Mass Youth soccer Website and view all u10 session plans

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Objectives (5 W's) Organization

Who: #8, #9, #10 Where: In the attacking half of the field What: Dribbling and Running with the Ball to Penetrate When: In possession of the ball with space to attack behind the defense Why: To penetrate the opponent's defense and create goal scoring opportunities

Duration 15 min


Warm-up / Orientation Dribbling Lanes

Intensity Med-High

Area: 30Wx 40L yard grid divided into 2,15 yard wide channels. Part 1. A player from each endline dribbles toward each other in the channel, performs a move to right side, accelerates past and passes to next player (repeat). Same as before now perform a move to left. Part 2. Play a 1v1 game in the channel to the end-lines.

Coaching Points

Activity Time 2 min

Rest 30 sec



β€’What? Technique - Dribbling, running w/the ball, head up, surface of foot to touch ball forward, distance of dribble touch, acceleration into space behind defender, change of direction/pace, use of turns, moves, feints. β€’Team Tactical Attacking Principles - Play Forward or Hold the ball: Where? When? Why?

Orientation 4 v 3 to Goal w/Counter Goals


Intensity Med-High

Duration 25 min

Area: 50Wx40L yard area with a big goal and 2 counter goals Targe t Team (Red): #'s 6, 8, 9, 10 - Opposition Team (White): #'s 1, 4, 5 Red players alternate dribbling the ball onto the field to start play. Red plays to score on big goal. If White wins the ball they score in the counter goals. Goals scored after dribbling by an opponent is 10pts, all other goals are 1pt.

Coaching Points

Activity Time 45 sec

Rest 45 sec

Intervals 15+

β€’What? Technique - Dribbling to penetrate & beat an opponent, surface of foot, distance of dribble touch. Receiving the ball to go forward, change of direction/ pace, acceleration past defender. β€’Team Tactical Attacking Principles - Play Forward or Hold the ball: Where? When? Create 1v1: Who? Where?


Duration 25 min

Intensity Medium


7 v 7 to Goal

Area: 50Wx60L yard with 2 big goals Target Team (Red): #'s 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Opposition Team (White): #'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Each team is trying to score in opponent's goal. All rules apply. Goals scored after dribbling behind an opponent is 10pts, all other goals are 1pt.

Coaching Points

Activity Time 11 min

Rest 3 min



β€’What? Technique -Dribbling to penetrate. Receiving to go forward. β€’Team Tactical Attacking Principles - Play Forward or Hold the ball: Where? When? Why? Create 1v1: Who? Where? Why?


9v9 Duration 28 mins Formation R GK-3-3-2 v W GK-4-3-1 Activity Time 11 mins


In a 50Wx75L yard field, play 9v9. All FIFA Laws apply.

Coaching Points

Technical execution - Team Tactical Attacking Principles, 5W's, Speed of Play

Rest 3 mins Intervals 2

Click here to visit the Mass Youth soccer Website and view all u12 session plans

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Mass Youth Soccer Monthly

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.