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Planning for space and for operational efficiency

St. Mary’s was experiencing a bed shortage and turning away 800 ED admissions a year. The solution was unclear. Lack of a coherent long range plan caused space that was originally earmarked for surgery to be lost to other needs. When asked by St. Mary’s to solve OR space shortages, plan for growth and combine their remote outpatient site with IP surgery for operational savings, MMA responded with a comprehensive look at all the ‘halo’ conditions surrounding not just the OR but other interventional service lines as well. The result was the refinement of an option that combines AM Admit, extended care and other pre surgical testing beds in one location connected to a comprehensive flexible post anesthesia arena greatly enhancing staff and anesthesia efficiencies as well as patient convenience and privacy. Surgical patients can be discharged without having to go back through the main lobby. The suite is configured for future growth. Improvements include all new electrical and code compliant filtered air distribution to the existing OR’s.

A new operating room in an already crowded suite

Offering the latest in Stryker digital communications and PACS integration, St. Mary’s new neurological operating theatre is part of a comprehensive new neurosciences initiative. MMA assisted the hospital in combining improved stat digital ED diagnostics with a new dedicated NCCU and neurosciences bed unit to launch this strengthened service line. The challenging aspect of this initiative was the reallocation of non surgical space within an already undersized OR to create the room needed for the new operating room.

Melanie Nash, OR Director was skeptical at first. CSPD was undersized, the anesthesiologists complained about lack of space. The physicians locker rooms were too small, the hallways were used for storage and pre and post op were marginal at best. Sounds familiar? How were we going to fit in a new OR without any additional space. St. Mary’s asked MMA to help. Through long range surgical planning, building relationships with the staff and the Docs, a level of trust was created that allowed the tough inevitabilities to be forged and agreed upon. The result is the launching of a needed marketplace initiative and revenue generating service without having to expand the building. MMA can be your partner for your tough assignments as well.

More than just a Gift Shop

The new Gift Shop significantly modernized the appearance of the existing main visitors lobby, increased Gift Shop utilization and sales, and further demonstrated St. Mary’s commitment to modernization. St. Mary’s initially sought design consultation services from a large Hallmark franchise Owner, but after seeing MMA’s design thoughts and analysis the Hallmark consultant endorsed MMA’s creative design solution. On budget, on time.

“I’m just thrilled. I get so many compliments. I’m really proud of our space.” ~ Janet

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