Making History Gala Invitation 2019

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honorary chairs Gover nor Charlie Baker and First Lady Lauren Baker H e n r y L o u i s G a t e s , J r. Deval Patrick Nathaniel Philbrick Cokie Roberts

gala committee Mary Beth and Paul Sandman, Chairs Catherine Allgor Oliver Ames Lee Campbell Bert Dane Joan Fink Anne McNay Marshall Moriarty Lisa Nurme Bob Ripley Michael Shea Newcomb Stillwell

signature Anonymous Fred and Janet Ballou Eleanor and Levin Campbell Anne and Colin McNay Robert Pemberton and Barbara Jordan Mary Beth and Paul Sandman Shea & Company

presidential L. Dennis and Susan Shapiro

benefactor Ben and Jennifer Adams Elizabeth and Edward Baldini Lee Campbell Tim and Ruth Carey Casner & Edwards First Republic Bank To n y a n d K a t e L e n e s s Nina and Marshall Moriarty M&T Bank Lisa and David Nurme Julia and Fred Pfannenstiehl Lia and William Poorvu

patron Catherine Allgor and Andrew Jacobs Oliver and Elizabeth Ames Nancy and Robert Anthony Boston Document Systems Bert and Sally Dane F i d u c i a r y Tr u s t C o m p a n y Joan and Peter Fink Newell and Kate Flather Jonathan Hecht and Lora Sabin Connie Coburn and James Houghton

Catherine Lastavica G e o rg e L e w i s A n n a n d F r e d Ly n n Andy and Maureen Nguyen John O’Leary and Sarah Britton Joe and Joan Patton Vivian and Lionel Spiro N e w c o m b a n d Tr i n a S t i l l w e l l John and Elizabeth Winthrop J u d i t h a n d J a c k W i t t e n b e rg

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