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MASSIMILIANO BRIARAVA CURRICULUM VITAE Born in Salò (BS, Italy), on September 28th, 1971 Resident in Bologna e.mail: / cell phone: 347-0089510


Massimiliano Briarava is a theatre director, performer, university professor and scholar in visual and performance arts, trained at the Universities of Bologna and Los Angeles. In the early 90’s he is a founding member of the italian rock band “Scisma”. In 1994 he enrolls at the University of Bologna, Department of Art, Music and Performance; in 1997 he gets a scholarship for an Overseas Program to California. He enrolls at UCLA and attends master courses in directing. In 2001 Massimiliano Briarava graduates magna cum laude in Disciplines of Art, Music and Performance, with a thesis on comparisons between theatre improvisation’s techniques and cognitive development of the child through the act of playing. In 2006 he completes his Ph.D. in Theatrical Studies with a thesis on the practicality of experimental theatre in Italy. Between 1998 and 2006 Briarava develops his artistic and scientific apprenticeship with Arnaldo Picchi, professor in Directing theatre and Theatre iconography at the University of Bologna. With Picchi, Briarava performs as actor, associate director, assistant in classes, examinations, actors’ trainer, and coordinates the permanent art workshop of the University of Bologna, dedicated to research on performance and production of events. In his experience as a theatre director he has staged: 1) dramatic plays (Endgame by S. Beckett, Volpone by B. Jonson, The Horaces and the Curiaces and The exception and the rule by B. Brecht, JekyllHyde, from R.L. Stevenson, 6 cartoons for Amphytrion, from H. V. Kleist, Grammatical studies for bluebirds, from “The blue bird” by M. Maeterlinck). 2) original adaptations of novels (different developments, through space surveys, performances, video, installations, on Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass by Lewis Carroll; on Heart of a dog by Michail Bulgakov). 3) operas (three, never staged before: Re Enzo, music by O. Respighi, Malombra, music by M. E. Bossi, Paolo e Francesca, music by L. Mancinelli, all performed at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna). All his productions are specially focused on transdisciplinarity and pedagogy, with the contribution of all participants, optimizing the available resources, keeping control of the expenses, reaching the best with the least. In his experience as teacher and professor he has held classes and workshops for 1) the UCLA summer session, as professor of Italian theatre (2 years). 2) the University of Bologna, as professor in acting and directing for the Department of Art, Music and Performance (5 years); for the Erasmus Mundus Master Program (3 years). 3) ERT (Emilia Romagna Teatro), as theatre professor for high school students (2 years), and staging two performances. 4) The prison of Bologna, as theatre teacher for inmates (for 8 years), and staging three performance. Briarava’s theatre and university projects are often related to unconventional spaces, special users (prisoners, drug addicts, adolescents, citizens, students) with a large participation of guest-artists and a particular attention on the selfpedagogical process activated by theatricality. This wide range of interlocutors


makes transdisciplinarity the trademark of his production and classes. In his experience as performer for theatre: the main roles he performed are: Salimbene de Adam in Re Enzo, by R. Roversi; Sosia in Amphytrion, by H. V. Kleist; Cimbeline in Cimbeline, by W. Shakespeare; Robespierre in Giacobini, by F. Zardi/P. Weiss/ G. Buchner; Volpone in Volpone by Ben Jonson; A.L. Lavoisier in Oxygen by C. Djerassi e R. Hoffmann; Richard II in Ric2felix, from “Richard II” by W. Shakespeare; Kierkegaard in Don Giovanni trionfante (Mozart/Kierkegaard). For films: he acted in main roles for music videos, ads, short film, long film. Among them: the music video L’innocenza with the band Scisma (SEE THE VIDEO HERE), the advertisement 1979, winner of the “Reason Wine” contest (SEE THE VIDEO HERE). In 2010 è he is actor and screenplayer consultant for the docu-fiction E’ stato morto un ragazzo, dedicated to the tragic true story of Federico Aldrovandi, 18 yo, killed by policemen. The film, directed by Filippo Vendemmiati, has won the David of Donatello e the BIF&ST as best docu-fiction (SEE THE FILM HERE). For the opera, he took part to: I Puritani, directed by Pier’Alli; La gazza ladra, directed by Damiano Michieletto; Sigismondo, directed by Damiano Michieletto; Adelaide di Borgogna, directed by Pieralli; Cenerentola, directed by Daniele Abbado; Ernani, directed by Beppe Tomasi; Turandot, directed by Roberto de Simone; Il Trovatore, directed by Paul Curran; L’olandese volante, directed by Yannis Kokkos; Norma, directed by Federico Tiezzi; Divorzio all’italiana, directed by David Pountney; Guglielmo Tell, directed by Graham Vick. In 2011 Briarava collaborates with Birmingham Opera Company, as assistant of director Graham Vick, for the production of a new opera, Life is a dream, from the play by Calderon de la Barca. The project involves more than 200 citizens/volunteers, trained as chorus and actors; once again, in Briarava’s experience, the use of unconventional spaces and the fusion between actors and spectators, develop a vital and genuine way to think and produce art, encouraging a larger fruition for theatre and music, universal languages. From 2007 Briarava coordinates a cultural project meant to preserve and the develop the original pedagogical system and theatrical method created by professor Arnaldo Picchi (who passed away in 2006), a cross-over approach on teaching and practicing arts, a one-and-only case in the italian University tradition. The first volume of Arnaldo Picchi’s unpublished diaries, edited and introduced by Briarava, has been recently released. Four more volumes, edited by Briarava, are going to be released in the next months: a glossary for theatre directing, a handbook for theater iconology, collected plays and collected novels. Since 2008 Briarava sings as Basso in Komos, gay men choir based in Bologna. Since 2012 he holds the artistic direction of the choir. For a complete overview, with multimedia materials and certifications, of the projects fulfilled by Briarava in the last 15 years, refer to the interactive file Massimiliano Briarava. WORKS 1997-2012, available and downloadable at:

Warning: for personal reasons Massimiliano officially changed his last name in 2010 from Cossati to Briarava (his mother’s last name). In all certifications and works material you can find both names according to the time before or after 2010. Proper ID and registry certification attached.


CURRICULUM VITAE European format




MASSIMILIANO BRIARAVA (formerly Massimiliano Cossati. See attached ID certification)

Address Phone E-Mail

VIA BROCCAINDOSSO 18, 40125, BOLOGNA (ITALY) +39-347-0089510



Place and date of birth

Salò (BS), September 28th, 1971

E DUCATION • Qualification

1) 1990, High School Diploma (chartered accountant qualification; grade 44/60). 2) 1997/98, Master courses in theatre directing at UCLA 3) 2001, University degree (Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Disciplines of Art, Music and Performance; grade: 110, magna cum laude) 4) 2006, Ph.D. (Doctorate in theatrical and cinematographic studies) 5) 2007-2010, Post PHD scholarship for practical activities and workshops at the University of Bologna

• Name and type of Institute 1) State Commercial and Technical Institute “Cesare Battisti” (Salò - BS). 2) University of California, Los Angeles, Dept. of Theatre, Film and Television 3, 4, 5) University of Bologna, Literature and Philosophy Faculty, Department of Art, Music and Performance • Main subjects of study 1) Manager; accounting; computer programming 2, 3, 4) Art and theatre history, applied arts, critical studies; directing theatre; theatre workshop activities; pedagogy; team-work leading; organization of cultural activities. Art aesthetic, iconography and semiology. Multimedia languages.

P ROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE 9) 2013: Teacher in dramaturgy and directing for the “Steps Ahead Academy”, in Florence; part of the international project Roots and Routes 8) 2012: assistant director for Graham Vick, in Birmingham Opera Company’s production of the opera “Life is a dream” by J. Dove, based on the play by Calderon de la Barca. An experimental opera, involving the citizens of Birmingham. 7) 2010: script advisor and actor for the docu-film E’ stato morto un ragazzo directed by Filippo Vendemmiati, winner of the “David di Donatello” and the BIF&ST awards, for best documentary. 6) 2008-2012: coordinator writer and editor for the publication of the writings, diaries and essays of Prof. Arnaldo Picchi; 5 volumes. With financial aid by Carisbo Foundation in Bologna. On September 2012, first


volume, Enzo re. Dalla pagina alla scena, has been released. Release of next 4 volumes is scheduled for Spring 2013. 5) 2007-2011: teacher, in charge of practical activities and workshops, for the Department of Art, Music and Performance of the University of Bologna and for the Erasmus Mundus Master program, with foreign students. He holds 9 different course-workshops. 4) 2001-2011: teacher and theatre director, coordinator of artistic activities in social/educational contexts: a) 2002-2011: 9 years of permanent workshops in arts and performances for high surveillance and female sections of the prison of Bologna. Financial aid by Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna; b) 2001-2003, three workshops in art and performances with adolescents, promoted by ERT (Emilia Romagna Teatro); c) 2001: theatre workshops in rehabilitation centre for drug addicts, promoted by Reggio Emilia Social Services office. 3) 1999-2006: assistant of prof. Arnaldo Picchi in his academic courses (Theatre Directing and Theatre Iconography); trainer, actor and coordinator in Picchi’s permanent theatre workshops and productions. 2) 1998-2013: director for experimental theatre and opera theatre. He directs 15 performances. Actor and perfomer for theatre, short films, ads and opera. 1) 1998-1999: theatre teacher for the UCLA Summer Session courses. 2 years.

• Position

Teacher; lecturer; theatre trainer; theatre and opera director; social operator; actor; scholar, writer and editor in the field of art critic, history and performance; coordinator of cultural projects

• Main tasks and responsibilities


Theatre Teaching and Directing; Team leader; Coordination of cultural projects; Social education and rehabilitation; Literary production.


Native tongue


Other tongues • reading skills • writing skills • speaking skills





Competences and skills In developing relations

Competences and skills in management

As professor in universities, theatre director, workshop leader and educator, coordinator of cultural projects, in the last 10 years I have developed relational skills, managing team-work with students, artists, and in difficult environments as, for example, prisons and rehab centers: I always focused on the result as well as on the process, promoting a transdisciplinar approach to any language of performance. Performance and visual arts have, in my personal experience, the role of social mediator, useful in any context. Both in the fields of university, art, social services, I had the chance to positively interact and fulfil projects involving people with different ethnics, tongues, cultures, social and physical conditions.

My professional activities are always based on the capability of balancing and optimizing the tools, the differences and the specificities of every single context. I have acquired some experience involving artists and citizens in mutual exchanges, in applying cultural projects to public and private institutions, in order to get financial aid and support; in editing economical plans and budgets; in the organization of events.


Technical skills

As an freelance in the field of education, literature and art studies I have acquired knowledge in managing editorial research, computer applications dedicated to text, image and video creation and editing. As a theatre operator I have acquired skills in managing group work, rehearsals and performances, involving any kind of audience, conducting projects as director, actor, assistant. As a lecturer I have acquired skills in sharing information, passion, experiences in the field of visual and performance arts. As a scholar I have acquired skills in permanent research and development of cultural studies.

Artistic skills

Theatre directing: coordination of the arts, crafts and techniques of performance, work on texts and scores, use of space. Acting: performative use of body, voice, space, objects and techniques. Teaching: teacher in humanistic disciplines, educator through performance and visual arts. Literature: production, adaptation, editing of literature; essays, handbooks, novels. Besides, since 2008 I sing as Basso in Komos, choir based in Bologna; from 2012 I hold the artistic direction of the group.


Massimiliano Briarava. WORKS 1997-2012 It contains: A) a detailed record for every project as author, teacher, editor, collaborator; B) web links and url addresses to all the sample works available online: books, video, trailers, press review; C) ID certifications, degrees, documents, contracts with universities and theatres, letters of presentation. Fast internet connection recommended July 31st, 2013


License for the treatment of personal data according to D. lgs. 196/03


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