Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development

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Territorial Development The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution

Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®

Intercultural Dialogue to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved

Timisoara Tirana Valencia Warszawa Wien Z¸ rich

Learning Communities for


Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development A New Commercial and Educational Offer 'Culture for Dialogue' – 'Travel for Dialogue' Life, Beyond Tourism

With the patronage of

Affiliate Member of SIPBC Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO

Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura

Società Italiana per la Protezione dei Beni Culturali onlus

International Institute

ICOMOS Hungary

Life Beyond Tourism®


, Innsbruck, Salmpu, Paro), Bohile (Valparaiso), o, Opatja), Cuba mark (Copenha(Batumi, Kutaisi, a, Tokyo, Kyoto, rael (Jerusalem, osovo (Pristina), (Podgorica),MoPoland (Warsaw, Sibiu, Timisoara), rasnoyarsk, MoUkhta, Uljanovsk, anska Stiavnica, eden (Goteborg, nbul, Izmir), Turham, Edinburgh, lphia, Pittsburgh,

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The Mottos over the years

Comunità di Apprendimento per il Dialogo tra Culture e per lo Sviluppo del Territorio Una nuova offerta commerciale e formativa ‘La Cultura per il Dialogo’ - ‘In viaggio per il Dialogo’ Life, Beyond Tourism Paolo Del Bianco a cura di Corinna Del Bianco Masso delle Fate Edizioni Via Cavalcanti 9/D - 50058 Signa (FI) www.massodellefate.it © Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® - Life Beyond Tourism® © Masso delle Fate Edizioni ISBN 978-88-6039-375-3 Si ringrazia il Centro Congressi al Duomo che ha sponsorizzato questa pubblicazione e ne ha consentito la traduzione con il suo staff

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XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® nel 25° Anniversario dell’inizio delle attività della Fondzione Firenze 12,13 Marzo 2016

Comunità di Apprendimento per il Dialogo tra Culture e per lo Sviluppo del Territorio Una nuova offerta commerciale e formativa ‘La Cultura per il Dialogo’ - ‘In viaggio per il Dialogo’ Life, Beyond Tourism

A conclusione la presentazione di una proposta per una Raccomandazione PATRIMONIO e CULTURA per il DIALOGO INTERCULTURALE patrimonio, viaggio, dialogo

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Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

INDICE La Certificazione di Qualità, Diritti di Autore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4 Nota introduttiva agli Esperti Fondazione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 In tema di contributo al Dialogo tra Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6 Ringraziamenti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7 Una nuova offerta, anche commerciale, per i consumatori di dialogo tra culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8 Parte 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9 Le riflessioni della Fondazione in merito a Patrimonio e Cultura per il Dialogo Interculturale in questi dieci anni dal 2006 al 2016, fino alla proposta di Raccomandazione. Parte 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 13 Gli elementi e i documenti che nel corso degli anni sono stati prodotti dalla Fondazione -che hanno avuto l’adesione da parte di molte Istituzioni, Università, ma anche Città e Ministeri-, con i suoi due manifesti e i suoi tre motti. Parte 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 21 La proposta di consegna ufficiale alla Comunità Internazionale della conclusione del nostro lavoro costituita dal Modello LBT non solo teorico, ma anche già operativo come cita la stessa risoluzione della AG ICOMOS 2014/42-con il suo Manuale di applicazione pratica e Certificazione di Qualità per il Dialogo tra Culture- per l’applicazione dell’orientamento LBT su scala mondiale, se ritenuto d’interesse dalla Comunità Internazionale medesima con i suoi portali www. lifebeyondtourism.org e www.vivafirenze.it, portale locale pilota Parte 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22 Introduzione alla Raccomandazione Parte 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 28 Note informative e loro contesto Parte 6 Le schede di memoria per l’anniversario della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco di alcuni di coloro che ci hanno accompagnati in questi anni e che ci hanno donato, nella loro lingua, il loro ricordo di questi momenti della nostra evoluzione fin dall’inizio dell’attività -14 settembre 1991 Parte 7 Abstract pervenuti entro il 10 febbraio 2016 “Comunità di Apprendimento per il Dialogo tra Culture e per lo Sviluppo del Territorio” Parte 8 Allegati

All. A) Sustainable Development Goals

All. 1) Dichiarazione d’Intenti

All. 2) Formazione

All. 3) Dichiarazione Auspici con elenco firmatari

All. 4) MoU con ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites

All. 5) Risoluzione 2014/42 Assemblea Generale ICOMOS 2014

All. 6) Patrocini LBT

All. 7) Elenco Istituzioni firmatarie MoU per Life Beyond Tourism

All. 8) Programma Iniziative 2015/2016

All. 9) Schema valutazione programmi

All. 10) Bozza schema date significative Fondazione

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3/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

La Certificazione di Qualità Diritti di Autore di "in Viaggio per il Dialogo tra Culture” nelle “Learning Communities per lo sviluppo

territoriale e per il Dialogo tra Culture” “La Convenzione UNESCO 1972 un contributo alle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 e queste un contributo alla Convenzione 1972”

La Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco lancia la Certificazione di Qualità per il Dialogo tra Culture, In Viaggio per il Dialogo, oltre il Turismo dei Servizi e dei Consumi, per quelle aziende operanti nei vari territori che sono sensibili nel proprio operare quotidiano ai temi di Accoglienza, Ospitalità, Dialogo, - sia in vista dell’anno 2017 dichiarato dall’ONU “Anno internazionale del turismo sostenibile” per lo sviluppo (All. A) - sia in vista dell’agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile per i goal del terzo millennio, (All. A) - sia nell’auspicio dell’adozione del Dialogo tra Culture tra i goals del millennio. Il dialogo tra culture, ovvero “la cultura per il dialogo” o "la cultura del dialogo”, “Culture for Dialogue” sarà possibile anche e soprattutto grazie a "il viaggio per il dialogo", ovvero "in viaggio per il dialogo" “Travel for Dialogue”, "ospitare il viaggiatore per dialogare", con la partecipazione di tutte le Comunità di Apprendimento a livello internazionale per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza essendo ben consapevoli i soggetti partecipanti di essere costruttori di dialogo ovvero soggetti che partecipano alla costruzione della pace nel mondo: . i Residenti . i Viaggiatori - ovvero residenti temporanei . i Servizi sul luogo (alberghi, ristoranti, ecc.) . . le Istituzioni Culturali . gli Intermediari on line e off line . le Amministrazioni pubbliche . i Centri di Ricerca dei trend di mercato . le Istituzioni preposte alla Formazione Le strutture aderenti si potranno fregiare del marchio della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco

Della Certificazione di Qualità di "in Viaggio per il Dialogo tra Culture”® nelle “Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”®, il copy right e la proprietà intellettuale contenute in questo quaderno di lavoro è e rimane della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. I diritti d’autore saranno fatti valere da parte della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. La Fondazione invita le aziende turistiche e dell’industria del turismo, i governi, le organizzazioni della comunità e le singole persone ad utilizzare il © -"in Viaggio per il Dialogo tra Culture”© nelle "Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”© "The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution to the UNESCO Convention of 2003 and 2005 and both these for the 1972”© come piattaforma e opportunità di base per lo sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza con una riproduzione corretta e formale citazione della fonte e riconoscimento della proprietà della Fondazione Romuado Del Bianco come proprietaria e autrice del lavoro. La pubblicazione parziale del presente lavoro non è consentita e sarebbe considerata una violazione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale.


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4/ p XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

Nota introduttiva agli Esperti della Fondazione La XVIII Assemblea Generale degli Esperi Internazionali della Fondazione cade nel 25° anno di avvio del nostro contributo al Dialogo tra Culture. Questo è un quaderno di lavoro approntato velocemente per comodità degli Esperti partecipanti alla 18 Assemblea Generale e al Convegno del 13 marzo. Abbiamo ricevuto molti più contributi di quanti aspettavamo ed i tempi si sono allungati per l’organizzazione della Assemblea sottraendo tempo alla conclusione di questa pubblicazione che avrebbe avuto bisogno ancora di tempo per un ulteriore affinamento. Ci dispiace per eventuali errori o ripetizioni, ma come ben sapete obiettivo principale della Fondazione è sempre consegnare un documento di riflessione a tutti voi che avete sempre partecipato dedicando tempo e passione a queste ricerche della Fondazione; a maggior ragione quest’anno in cui concludiamo l’informale incarico ricevuto dal prof. Tomaszewski, con una proposta che auspichiamo di utilità per la comunità internazionale. Con questo quaderno di lavoro presentiamo il risultato della ricerca negli ultimi dieci anni di attività: da un incarico informale del Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski nel 2006, alla Raccomandazione del marzo 2016; è un contributo fondato sull’esperienza acquisita nelle attività avviate nel 1991 grazie alla partecipazione ai convegni e alla partecipazione degli Esperti della Fondazione in particolare nel corso dei nostri incontri annuali. I momenti fortemente caratterizzanti questi 10 anni (2006-2016) possono essere distinti come segue: - incarico informale sul tema Patrimonio e Turismo ricevuto da Andrzej Tomaszewski il 26 e 27 maggio del 2006 a Cracovia e a Zacopane - una prima presentazione del risultato della ricerca Life Beyond Tourism, in Azerbaijan, a Baku il 20 novembre 2007, nel convegno “XXI Secolo Le Città Storiche Islamiche” - una successiva presentazione ufficiale a Firenze di Life Beyond Tourism il 15 marzo 2008 - una successiva condivisione con ICOMOS nella sua Assemblea Generale in Quebec il 1 ottobre 2008. - la sottoscrizione della Dichiarazione di Intenti 15,16 marzo 2008 (all. 1) - la partecipazione e presentazione di LBT a tanti convegni internazionali, in nord America, sud America, Giappone, Paesi del Centro Est Europa, Paesi Caucasici, Russia, Italia. - la sottoscrizione MoU con ICOMOS a Parigi il 4/03/2013 - presentazione ufficiale del Modello LBT alla Tavola Rotonda nel marzo 2014 - presentazione ai Membri ICOMOS partecipanti alla AG ICOMOS 2014 a Firenze, novembre 2014 - AG ICOMOS Risoluzione 2014/42 - partecipazione al Congresso mondiale in Cambogia a Siem Reap febbraio 2015 - assemblea degli Esperti della Fondazione marzo 2015 - convegno celebrativo il 50° anniversario di ICOMOS in Varsavia 22 giugno 2015 - convegno Conservatori Polacchi in Varsavia e Cracovia, ottobre 2015 - sottoscrizione di vari Memoriandum di collaborazione, ultimo in ordine di data, lo scorso gennaio, con il Centro Regionale Arabo per il Patrimonio Mondiale (ARC-WH) a Manama, in Baharein con il Presidente del Centro S.E. Mai Bint Mohamed Al Khalifa, Ministro della Cultura.

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5/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

In tema di contributo al Dialogo tra Culture

In questo particolare momento di globalizzazione una forte promozione delle convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 è imprescindibile e urgente e la Convenzione UNESCO 1972 deve essere vista non solo in funzione di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio, ma quale straordinario aiuto per una fruizione a livello globale del patrimonio per favorire l’incontro, la conoscenza e il dialogo tra le persone di tutto il mondo, quindi rappresenta un potente contributo alle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 che favoriscono la promozione della conoscenza del patrimonio immateriale e la promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali con il rispetto per la diversità, per una crescita della comunità internazionale in pacifica coesistenza, quindi un percorso prezioso per un contributo alla pace nel mondo. Ne consegue che anche la Convenzione UNESCO 1972 beneficia, a sua volta, della promozione delle due convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005, in quanto costruttore di pace e la pace, per lo sviluppo in pacifica, coesistenza è il primo vero patrimonio dell’umanità l’unico vero patrimonio che può tutelare lo stesso fragile Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità, Convenzione UNESCO 1972, in casi bellici. Chi scrive è stato albergatore fiorentino e, pur sulla via del tramonto, lo è ancora con alle spalle la responsabilità di conduzione di 5 unità alberghiere a Firenze e anche di aziende di servizi in outsourcing agli alberghi del territorio e in due città italiane. Il gruppo nel complesso ha superato i 400 dipendenti negli anni ’90. La crisi del Golfo del 1991 -Saddam Hussein I e Bush Senior - combinata con gli effetti della malattia SARS diffusa dagli impianti di condizionamento sugli aerei, hanno portato anche in Italia e senz’altro in città come Firenze e Venezia, una delle più gravi crisi del turismo; sono fallite aziende e nate nuove compagnie su quelle ceneri, da cui nuova necessità di outsourcing per flessibilizzare i costi. Il nostro gruppo e in particolare la nostra Compagnia VIVAHOTELS, vivendo in una città patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità, sentì la necessità di costituire una Fondazione come Centro Studi e Esperienze per apprezzare meglio l’evoluzione del mercato per un’appropriata offerta di prodotto. La costituita Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, che poi, per la ricerca svolta, ha assunto il nome Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism, sottolinea il proprio parere sull’importanza, da parte di coloro che vogliono contribuire alla tutela e conservazione del patrimonio, di evitare di abbinare i termini turismo e cultura in quanto troppo spesso sono confusi con il mondo dei servizi e dei consumi, suggerendo invece viaggio e cultura che molto meno si confondono con quelli; sostiene poi l’importanza della fruizione del patrimonio da parte di un pubblico sempre più vasto, per l’esercizio al dialogo per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza della comunità internazionale, così come sottolinea l’importanza dell’assunzione di consapevolezza da parte dei siti Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità siti che, ben oltre il Patrimonio e con il Patrimonio, dovrebbero favorire comunicazione, incontri e dialogo tra culture. Il Modello LBT è quindi una nuova pratica, anche commerciale, per quanto non profit e destinata alla comunità internazionale, una pratica che intende caratterizzarsi nel contribuire alla conoscenza e all’esercizio del rispetto delle diversità. Sotto la guida del cardiologo e amico Prof. Francesco Marchi, un’operazione al cuore opera del prof. Popoff a Villa Maria Beatrice a Firenze il 2 febbraio 2004, ha comportato un ridimensionamento dell’azienda e il suo passaggio da Compagnia VIVAHOTELS in espansione nel centro Europa, con una sede già aperta a Budapest, a Centro Congressi al Duomo concentrato nel centro storico di Firenze. In questa situazione e con questa decisione la Fondazione ha avuto il suo meritato sviluppo.


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6/ p XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

Ringraziamenti A conclusione dell’incarico informale dell’amico Andrzej Tomaszewski desidero porgere un ringraziamento particolare a coloro che hanno contribuito a orientare questo percorso: inizio con i membri del Consiglio Direttivo della Fondazione negli anni: Carla Guiducci Bonanni, Maurizio Bossi, Gianfranco Catarzi, Giovanna Dani, Carlotta Del Bianco, Caterina Del Bianco, Corinna Del Bianco, Simone Giometti, Francesco Marchi, Emma Mandelli, Hoshino Tsuji. Il Collegio Sindacale nelle persone Paolo Meli, Marzio Marzi, Gianni Raviglione, Marcello Kutufà e Alberto Carisio, ma anche Francesco Civita e Mary Westerman Bulgarella che hanno contribuito non poco a creare Palazzo Coppini. Un ringraziamento al Consigliere Marc Laenen per avermi accompagnato con la sua esperienza, nel mondo del patrimonio, in particolare dopo la scomparsa di Andrzej. Un ringraziamento particolare anche al primo Comitato Scientifico, Luciano Alberti, Antonio Natali, Carlo Sisi cui ha partecipato anche Antonietta Esposito. Non dimentico il gruppo di lavoro 2006 cui hanno partecipato Antonio Natali, Serafino Degli Innocenti, Stephen Tobin e successivamente anche Sue Millar e Amund Sinding Larsen. Concludo con un ringraziamento particolare al Prof. Antonio Paolucci, già Ministro della Cultura, che con le sue parole ed i suoi messaggi scritti in più occasioni, è riuscito ad entusiasmare la Fondazione; con lui anche Cristina Acidini, Bruno Santi che sono stati altrettanto preziosi in particolare per lo sviluppo della ricerca e del DVD “Firenze 2000 anni di storia” (ArtMedia Studio) messo a disposizione degli Ospiti degli alberghi quale primo benvenuto a Firenze; ma non dimentico Luigi Zangheri con la sua attenta e piena partecipazione alla mia presentazione al simposio ICOMOS in Quebec il 1 ottobre 2008, con Gennaro Tampone. Un ringraziamento per l’apertura con i paesi di lingua russa al Presidente Alexander Petrovich Kudriavtzev con Nikolaj Gorski Chernichev. Un ringraziamento particolare al Direttore Generale ICCROM, Stefano De Caro e all’amico Masanori Aoyagi Commissario dell’Agenzia degli Affari Culturali del Giappone, Bunka cho, che hanno creduto nella Fondazione e nella ricerca Life Beyond Tourism tanto da sottoscrivere Memorandum di Collaborazione e da presentare la Fondazione, a Tokyo, all’Università Josai che ha avviato i corsi Life Beyond Tourism cui sono seguiti anche i test nella Toyo University, senza dimenticare la fiducia dimostrata dal Prof. Masanori Aoyagi in ben oltre dieci anni, affidando alla Fondazione l’incarico fiduciario di proprietaria dei terreni di Somma Vesuviana in cui ha condotto la ricerca archeologica nella grande villa romana che anche Alberto Angela ha presentato agli italiani nelle sue trasmissioni televisive. Un ringraziamento ancora a Baku, all’Azerbaijan, dove Life Beyond Tourism è stato presentato per la prima volta su invito del Rettore Madame Mammedova e ove il Ministero della Cultura è stato il primo a sottoscrivere il Memorandum di Collaborazione per Life Beyond Tourism. Grazie anche al Presidente ICOMOS Gustavo Araoz che a Kyoto per le cerimonie del 40° di ICOMOS propose di riflettere sull’opportunità di sottoscrivere un accordo di collaborazione tra la Fondazione con l’International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS, accordo poi sottoscritto il 4 marzo 2013. A tutti voi, Esperti della Fondazione, una lunga lista di nomi amici che oggettivamente non è facile elencare, ma che è presente in rete, va la mia gratitudine per aver accompagnato la Fondazione in questo ambizioso percorso per questa ricerca; grazie per la vostra fiducia e per la passione con cui avete sempre partecipato., Concludo ancora con un ringraziamento a Andrzej Tomaszewski in quanto mi ha presentato all’allora Direttore ICCROM a Roma e oggi Direttore del Centro Regionale del Patrimonio Arabo a Manama, Mounir Bouchenaki, che ha incoraggiato moltissimo, in tutti questi anni la Fondazione alimentandone fiducia e spirito di sacrificio nelle ricerche condotte, accrescendone i contatti a livello mondiale e valorizzando i risultati ottenuti; siamo ben lieti di aver concluso un Memorandum di collaborazione proprio pochi giorni or sono a Manama, in Baharein con il Presidente del Centro e Ministro della Cultura, grazie alla sua convinzione e determinazione. Mi scuso ancora con quanti ho qui omesso, con tutti si è creato anche un legame personale, di stima, di fiducia e di amicizia, un rapporto che spesso è diventato anche familiare.

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7/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

Una nuova offerta anche commerciale, per consumatori di dialogo tra culture Ricordiamo che la Fondazione è nata per volontà di un’impresa turistica; apprezziamo il turismo, questo fenomeno globale che sta avvicinando il mondo con le sue diversità culturali e valorizzando i territori. Siamo membri UNWTO e partendo proprio dal Codice Etico UNWTO e da tutta l’ammirevole attività di ricerca svolta anche per lo sviluppo sostenibile, vorremmo semplicemente contribuire ad aggiungere “sviluppo sostenibile in pacifica coesistenza” aiutando a riflettere sull’importanza del dialogo tra culture, fondamentale anche per la salute del mondo delle imprese del settore dei viaggi. Ben sappiamo che gli operatori turistici hanno in sé una potenzialità per il dialogo tra culture, potenzialità dimensionalmente non facilmente immaginabile; quindi gli operatori turistici sono potenzialmente gli assicuratori di se stessi per i rischi da riduzione o crollo di fatturato per guerre e atti terroristici ! E’ anche evidente che l’arte dell’ospitalità e dell’accoglienza si dovrà sempre più orientare, oltre ai servizi e ai consumi, verso l’arte del dialogo tra culture: che come dice il titolo dell’Assemblea, rappresenta un’eccezionale nuova offerta commerciale per consumatori di dialogo tra culture e formativa per la rete internazionale di operatori orientati a contribuire alla costruzione della pace nel comodo con il dialogo. Ecco spiegato il perché, in tutta questa pubblicazione, eviteremo di scrivere il termine turismo non certo perché siamo contrari, ma in quanto ormai in tutto il mondo questo termine è inscindibilmente legato al concetto di servizi e di consumi, quindi un fenomeno tendenzialmente egocentrico e meno legato al concetto culturale per il bene della comunità internazionale ove invece intendiamo condurre la nostra attenzione per questa nuova proposta commerciale e formativa. I tempi sono cambiati e da più parti si sente questa volontà che si sta trasformando in un movimento orientato a Life Beyond Tourism per favorire il dialogo tra culture, su cui tutto il settore dell’accoglienza e dell’ospitalità si confronterà nel prossimo futuro in una competizione virtuosa per il bene della comunità internazionale. Una ricerca promossa dalla Fondazione nel 2015 sull’ospitalità tradizionale a Firenze, dimostra l’importanza di questa attenzione.


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XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

PARTE 1. Le riflessioni della Fondazione in merito a Heritage e Culture for Intercultural Dialogue in questi dieci anni dal 2006 al 2016, fino all’attuale proposta di Raccomandazione

IL COINVOLGIMENTO DELLA FONDAZIONE NEL MONDO DEL PATRIMONIO Grazie, Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski con questo ringraziamento la Fondazione desidera volgere il proprio pensiero e porgere un tributo al Presidente Andrzej Tomaszewski per il suo informale invito alla fondazione e al suo Presidente a Cracovia, il 26 maggio 2006, a partecipare al Comitato Scientifico Internazionale ICOMOS Teoria e Filosofia della Conservazione e del Restauro per contribuire attivamente a riflettere e proporre in merito al binomio heritage & tourism. Questa XVIII Assemblea Generale degli Esperti Internazionali della Fondazione apre con il testo introduttivo del contributo che abbiamo avuto l’onore di presentare alla grande conferenza organizzata dal Comitato ICOMOS Polonia. Era il 22 giugno 2015, eravamo a Varsavia nel prestigioso Palazzo di Wilanów per celebrare il 50° anniversario di ICOMOS; anche in quell’occasione come solito nella Fondazione, abbiamo ricordato con affetto e gratitudine il Presidente, amico e maestro, Andrzej Tomaszewski cui la Fondazione deve riconoscenza per aver avuto l’occasione di essere coinvolta nel tema Heritage and Tourism ed aver avuto l’opportunità di riflettere e di confrontarsi in tale prestigioso contesto internazionale su un tema di particolare importanza, mai attentamente preso in considerazione al suo sorgere e che invece oggi, sia per il forte carattere del turismo, sia per la sua importanza economica, sta ponendo serie problematiche in tutti i luoghi così detti turistici ed in particolare nei siti Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità. Dobbiamo però notare che in questo fenomeno non esiste solo il carattere forte del turismo, esiste soprattutto anche una non piena consapevolezza dei territori sulla loro identità e non esiste neppure la capacità di vedere la potenzialità nel favorire il dialogo fra culture ed il rispetto delle diversità in questo mondo che si sta avvicinando a 10 miliardi di individui; ma non si vede neppure come la Convenzione UNESCO 1972 Patrimonio Mondiale possa aiutare le Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 immateriale e 2005 diversità delle espressioni culturali e viceversa queste possano aiutare la 1972; né si vede come tutte le tre convenzioni possano generare una nuova offerta commerciale che invece esiste ed è preziosa per l’economia mondiale e per la crescita della comunità internazionale in pacifica coesistenza in viaggi culturali. . Quindi si deve vedere tutta una possibile nuova pratica, anche commerciale, che molti potrebbero definire un nuovo prodotto commerciale, cui noi aggiungeremmo “con una nuova etica”. Con questo contributo della XVIII Assemblea Generale la Fondazione ritiene di aver dato risposta all’incarico ricevuto dal Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski e di aver concluso la sua attività di ricerca. La Fondazione proseguirà con l’Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism per l’insegnamento di quanto conseguito, cosa già attiva in Giappone, a Tokyo, con la presentazione del Prof. Masanori Aoyagi Esperto della Fondazione e oggi Commissario dell’Agenzia degli Affari Culturali del Giappone, Bunka Cho. Nell’Aprile 2016 inizieremo in Azerbaijan a Baku, poi in Georgia e così sarà in molti dei luoghi ove è stato sottoscritto il Memorandum di Collaborazione Life Beyond Tourism. Inoltre è in corso di studio con l’Univeristà di San Pietroburgo definizione lo statuto per la costituzione di una associazione mondiale, una rete di università dal nome che comunica bene la sua missione “International Association of Architectural Education for Territorial Development and Intercultural Dialogue” per sottolineare l’importanza, anche in architettura, in urbanistica e nella pianificazione del territorio, della sensibilizzazione nella ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di ambienti confinati e del territorio, per favorire il dialogo, in un momento di esponenziale globalizzazione.

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Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

Come vedremo, la Fondazione da Firenze, su invito di Andrzej Tomaszewski, con il vostro contributo, sta definendo e applicando concetti nuovi come il “viaggio altruista”, “il residente temporaneo”, la “biografia culturale”, ma soprattutto “Le Comunità in Apprendimento per lo sviluppo territoriale e il Dialogo tra Culture”; tutto questo è ritenuto dalla Fondazione un contributo imprescindibile per la Comunità Internazionale globalizzata e che sta tendendo ai dieci miliardi di individui, per contribuire ad uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza. Tale contributo al dialogo deve essere attivato con uno sviluppo esponenziale, anche proprio grazie alla forza del patrimonio: quindi ancora un motivo per tutelarlo e valorizzarlo, ma anche per fruirne, proprio per avvicinare le masse di culture diverse e per favorirne un incontro, quindi il dialogo. Proprio per questo motivo i Siti Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità con Life Beyond Tourism -che si afferma quale nuova pratica, anche commerciale, per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza- vengono ad assumere una responsabilità ancora maggiore a quella derivante dall’appartenenza alla Lista della Convenzione UNESCO 1972, in quanto costituiscono naturali centri di formazione al dialogo fra culture, un compito che hanno il dovere di svolgere anche proprio nell’interesse del loro patrimonio. Con Life Beyond Tourism la Fondazione, dal 2007, vede l’affermata Convenzione UNESCO 1972 quale strumento di diffusione di conoscenza delle convenzioni 2003 e 2005 in quanto i Siti del Patrimonio mondiale attraggono visitatori dai tanti Paesi del mondo con culture diverse; questi Siti Patrimonio possono e devono assumere la posizione di promotori delle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale e UNESCO 2005 per la promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali, convenzioni che, per essere apprezzate, non possono attendere tanti anni quanti sono occorsi alla Convenzione UNESCO 1972; tanto maggiore sarà la capacità di tali Siti nel diventare Centri di Formazione al Dialogo per la diffusione delle citate Convenzioni 2003 e 2005, tanto maggiore sarà la loro capacità ad affermarsi in una nuova pratica, anche commerciale, orientata al bene dello sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza, dunque una responsabilità nei confronti della Comunità Internazionale; è per questo che si intende giungere con la 18° Assemblea Generale ad una RACCOMANDAZIONE alle Istituzioni competenti nell’interesse della Comunità Internazionale per uno sviluppo sostenibile in pacifica coesistenza. Grazie Andrzej e con te pare opportuno ricordare tutti coloro che ci hanno lasciati, ma che non possiamo dimenticare in quanto hanno concorso, mattone dopo mattone, a costruire questo risultato: Arimitzu Tsuji, Mihaly Zador, Bohumil Fanta, Alexej Komec, Arest Beglarian, Alexej Rovenko, Alexej Skaev, Ekaterina Genieva; ma non dimenticheremo certo Gianfranco Catarzi, Carla Guiduci Bonanni e il silenzioso amico Emanuele Di Castro. A tutti loro è dedicato questo nostro impegno Paolo Del Bianco


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Warsaw 22 June 2015 Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue Hosting the traveller to promote intercultural dialogue Life Beyond Tourism Paolo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism “On this, the 50th anniversary of ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, obviously in Poland, in Warsaw, the home town of the man whom I consider to be my older brother, Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski, the city where I was awarded the Professor Jan Zachwatowichz Prize by the President of ICOMOS Poland Boguslaw Szmygin, I am here to present to you the contribution of the Fondazione that I have the honor of chairing. This year marks the 25th year of our work in contributing to intercultural dialogue and the 10th year since Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski invited the Fondazione and myself to make a contribution to the scientific debate within the great ICOMOS family, in the knowledge: • that this activity in favor of dialogue had been backed by a Florentine hotel company in Florence that since 1991 believed and wanted the Foundation; • that the Fondazione is totally dedicated to fostering intercultural encounter in its activities; and • that the Fondazione has always considered tangible and intangible cultural heritage to play a crucial role in fostering encounter, dialogue, mutual knowledge and respect for cultural diversity. The professor repeatedly voiced his concern over the damage that mass tourism was doing to heritage, while remaining fully cognizant of tourism's economic importance for the very survival of numerous cultural monuments and sites. In the course of our conversations I endeavored to console him by reassuring him that we would try to devise a "model" capable of turning mass tourism into a "friend" of heritage. On the day that I received that warm, if informal, invitation we were in Cracow to attend the first Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, a committee of which Professor Tomaszewski had been elected the first President. Yet it is thanks to that invitation that I am here today, to present to you the results of the activity conducted from 2006 by the Fondazione, which has always felt the encouragement over the years of the proximity of ICOMOS Paris to which Professor Tomaszewski was eager to introduce us. This activity, presented at various conferences 1, was illustrated last year in two publications, the first in three languages Italian, English and Russian in March2, and the second, published for the participants at the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2014, in Italian, English and French in November3. We moved on from the LBT philosophy to its practical implementation with the LBT Economic Model, on a not-for-profit basis, devised for dissemination in franchising at the global level; this led to the preparation of - a Manual for the practical application of the LBT Model; - its Quality Certification was defined in terms of Travel for Dialogue; - two Internet portals, one worldwide <.ORG> and one <.NET> with a pilot scheme VivaFirenze.it for the Florence area,


First in Azerbaijan the 20th November 2007 in Baku in the Conference “XXI Century the Historic Islamic Cities”, later in Florence the 2008 March the 15 and 16th followed by Declaration of Intent Attached 1.


The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226)


The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433)

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were set up. The LBT Model proved its ability to contribute to the economic support of the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2014 -with the pilot scheme VivaFirenze.it- and to sustaining the conservation of a site's heritage, that selfsame heritage that is an economic driver for its region, that selfsame heritage for whose conservation it is often so difficult to find funding! The LBT Model has shown its simplicity in moving from theory to implementational practice in an economic yet not-forprofit vein for the benefit of development in a framework of peaceful coexistence through a new commercial offer, whose global development is in the hands of individual regions in franchising, in a not-for-profit environment. I hope that we have satisfied the expectations of Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski when he first issued me with his famous invitation.

He himself, watching from on high, will be considering what we have achieved and published in our two publications in 2014, not without assessing . the ICOMOS Resolution 42/2014 and . the Declaration of Florence reached by the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly whose scientific symposium entitled "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" witnessed a broad debate in which cultural heritage was associated with the theme of intercultural dialogue for the construction of development in a framework of peaceful coexistence. Thus, bearing in mind also the message of the Declaration of Florence, with which we are especially pleased, he will be the judge of: - whether, how and to what extent the Fondazione over the past ten years has worked well to make its contribution to the great ICOMOS family; - whether what we have formulated with our LBT philosophy and with its LBT Model . is effective in its practical implementation on the ground; . may be considered a contribution in the sense understood by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, when he voiced these words in his Synthesis Report On the Post-2015 Agenda, in December 2014: Transformation is our watchword. At this moment in time, we are called to lead and act with courage. We are called to embrace change. Change in our societies. Change in the management of our economies. Change in our relationship with our one and only planet. … “


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12/ p XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

PARTE 2 Gli elementi e i documenti che nel corso degli anni sono stati prodotti dalla Fondazione -che hanno avuto l’adesione da parte di molte Istituzioni, Università, ma anche Città e Ministeri-, con i suoi due manifesti e i suoi tre motti. INTRODUZIONE Coniugare il Patrimonio con il Dialogo, tramite il Viaggio Quanto la Fondazione presenta con Life Beyond Tourism è la ferma volontà di coniugare il Patrimonio con il Dialogo tra Culture tramite il viaggio, ciò consentirà di aggiungere ai due termini Tutela e Valorizzazione il termine di Fruizione del Patrimonio per il dialogo tra culture. Così, nello spirito di Life Beyond Tourism, il Patrimonio è visto quale strategia e potente opportunità per favorire l’incontro tra culture quindi il dialogo, quindi un contributo alla promozione e alla sensibilizzazione delle Convenzioni: . UNESCO 2003 per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale . UNESCO 2005 per la promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali, che sono grande esercizio, su scala mondiale, al rispetto della diversità culturale. La Fondazione che dal 1991 ha avviato l’attività di dialogo tra culture - dal 2007 con Life Beyond Tourism vede l’affermata Convenzione UNESCO 1972, Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità, quale contributo alla diffusione delle citate convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005, convenzioni che non possono assolutamente attendere per la loro promozione e diffusione tanti anni quanti ne sono occorsi alla stessa Convenzione Patrimonio Mondiale del 1972 ; la Fondazione ha notato una circolarità nella sinergia tra queste tre convenzioni, infatti le due convenzioni 2003 e 2005, a loro volta, porgono silenziosamente il loro contributo alla convenzione 1972 come vedremo dalle slide di presentazione. Da qui nasce la proposta di una Nuova Pratica Commerciale per il bene comune, con le comunità in apprendimento proprio per favorire la rapida e diffusa conoscenza e condivisione delle citate convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005. Per la loro conoscenza e pieno apprezzamento la Fondazione propone la rete commerciale mondiale del turismo per una diffusione ‘virale’, ovviamente dovrà essere la cultura del luogo a guidare il viaggio del visitatore e non dovrà essere consentito ai servizi e ai consumi di trasformare la cultura dei territori visitati e ciò sarà possibile trovando nuove offerte commerciali orientate al dialogo.. Con la presentazione di questa raccomandazione, la sua discussione finale, valutazione, integrazione ed approvazione, la Fondazione intende concluso il proprio impegno assunto dall’informale incarico ricevuto dal Prof. Tomaszewski. Resta il fatto che da questo anno noi saremo pienamente coinvolti per condurre . il Centro Incontri Internazionali a Firenze, favorendo l’incontro tra le istituzioni scientifiche come i Comitati Scientifici Internazionali ICOMOS, per farli incontrare sempre con un più ampio pubblico di uditori dando così seguito all’impegno assunto con ICOMOS con la Risoluzione della Assemblea Generale 2014/42 . l’Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism impegnato ad insegnare la conclusione di questa ricerca e di questa pratica alle istituzioni interessate, così come già accade in Giappone a Tokyo, in Azerbaijan e in quei Paesi che già fatto richiesta e che dimostreranno in futuro il loro interesse . la formazione verso formatori nelle lingue inglese, russa, spagnola, ma anche giapponese e auspichiamo araba e cinese, . ad aprire una stretta collaborazione con università internazionali interessate alla progettazione per lo sviluppo del territorio ove forte sia l’impegno a favorire il dialogo tra culture auspicando l’avvio di corsi e borse di studio su “Architectural Education for Territorial Development and Intercultural Dialogue”. Tutto questo la Fondazione auspica di poter impostare e condurre d’intesa con UNESCO e UNWTO di cui è Membro da anni, partendo dalle carte fondanti come il citato Codice Etico e le Convenzioni, per incidere su

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una categoria che, come detto, ha una potenzialità incommensurabile nell’attività di dialogo tra culture, dialogo che costituisce una “assicurazione” anche per le attività degli operatori del settore del turismo attività che vivono solo in condizioni di pace.


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XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

IL PATRIMONIO PER IL DIALOGO Una nuova pratica commerciale, con altra etica per il bene della comunità internazionale, non solo tutela e valorizzazione, ma anche fruizione del patrimonio per il dialogo tra culture con un limite programmato di fattibilità E’ noto che l’evoluzione e il successo dei luoghi simbolo come Firenze conseguente allo sviluppo del fenomeno turistico sui loro territori viene prevalentemente misurata in fatturato nelle aziende di servizi del territorio. Le indagini statistiche sono prevalentemente di carattere numerico su dati come presenze, permanenza media, spesa media per persona, fatturato, ecc.. Tali indagini dovrebbero essere sempre comparate anche con il limite ammissibile di presenze -quando eventualmente deliberato dalle amministrazioni pubbliche e possibilmente distinte nei vari mercati- con una conseguente previsione dei servizi necessari per tali limiti per non eccedere nelle possibilità offerte dal territorio; tutto sarà nell’ottica di porsi un obiettivo ambìto, ma che rappresenterà anche un limite sotto gli occhi di tutti, attori e osservatori. La Pace patrimonio dei siti Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità Proprio nei siti patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità, in particolare in quelli che vivono in larga parte del flusso dei visitatori interessati al Patrimonio, si dovrebbe giungere ad una piena consapevolezza di quanto lo sviluppo di tali luoghi dipenda, ancor prima che dal patrimonio, dal fattore pace; per questo la Fondazione sottolinea l’importanza che, proprio per questa forma di dipendenza dal mercato turistico i siti interessati non possono non lavorare per contribuire alla pace nel mondo. Dunque i Siti del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità, culturale e naturale, devono diventare centri costruttori di pace, luoghi di formazione d’intesa anche con UNWTO per favorire riflessioni sulle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale e 2005 sulla promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali, quindi centri per formare al dialogo tra culture in linea con il codice etico UNWTO e sue derivazioni. Per questo la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism vede nel Patrimonio non solo i temi di ‘tutela’ e ‘valorizzazione’, ma soprattutto di ‘fruizione’ per ‘favorire il dialogo tra le diverse culture’, quindi vede nel Patrimonio una strategica opportunità che la nostra comunità internazionale non deve assolutamente perdere: . sia per l’opportunità data dall’importante diffusione del fenomeno turistico a livello mondiale . sia per la diffusione dei siti patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità . sia per l’opportunità che è data dal viaggiatore: costui per scelta, in condizioni di rilassatezza e di fiducia nei confronti dell’organizzazione che ha organizzato il viaggio alla quale ha affidato il proprio tempo e il proprio denaro, segue con grande attenzione il programma suggerito. In breve in una numerosa Comunità Internazionale con un numero di viaggiatori che ha già da tempo superato il miliardo all’anno, la fruizione del patrimonio per il dialogo tra le diverse culture è una opportunità per la comunità internazionale che non può essere perduta in quanto il dialogo è imprescindibile per la pace e la pace è imprescindibile proprio per la così detta economia turistica, che, così, diventa economia di pace che, con la pace, tutela anche il patrimonio : la circolarità della sinergia delle convenzioni UNESCO 2003, 2005, 1972.

Una evoluzione : dal viaggio egocentrico al viaggio altruista, oltre il turismo sostenibile con il residente temporaneo Con questi concetti si procede oltre il turismo sostenibile, con il residente temporaneo, transitando dalla distin-

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zione tra - turismo egocentrico, egoistico come il turismo termale per il mio benessere, il turismo culturale, per la mia cultura, il turismo sportivo, per il mio fisico, ecc. ove al centro del sistema è il soddisfacimento del piacere del soggetto partecipante - viaggio altruista ove il viaggiatore partecipa ad un movimento che vede nei viaggiatori la grande opportunità per diffondere un messaggio di pace con l’esercizio al dialogo tra culture che vede in questo il grande contributo da parte dei viaggiatori, quali messaggeri di pace, che donano se stessi -tempo e denaro- alla Comunità Internazionale quindi vede il loro contributo alla crescita della stessa Comunità in pacifica coesistenza. Così il turista dei servizi e dei consumi si trasforma in viaggiatore, poi in residente temporaneo, grazie anche ai soggetti residenti del luogo che favoriscono la conoscenza e l’apprezzamento della diversità culturale con la conoscenza del luogo.

Le Comunità in Apprendimento, per il Dialogo e per lo Sviluppo del Territorio in pacifica coesistenza Nascono così le Comunità di Apprendimento per lo sviluppo territoriale e per il dialogo tra culture, le Comunità di apprendimento sono: . i Residenti . i Viaggiatori - ovvero residenti temporanei . i Servizi sul luogo (alberghi, ristoranti, ecc.) . . le Istituzioni Culturali . gli Intermediari on line e off line . le Amministrazioni pubbliche . i Centri di Ricerca del trend del mercato . le Istituzioni preposte alla Formazione Vediamo che non manca la costruttiva partecipazione del mondo dei servizi e del mondo intermediario che possono profittare di una nuova pratica commerciale, un nuovo prodotto, ma con altra etica; tutti costoro, viaggiatori, residenti, prestatori di servizi e intermediari, rappresentano le varie comunità che devono apprezzare l’importanza del loro ruolo nel dialogo tra culture per favorirne la conoscenza, la condivisione fra i soggetti stessi -da qui learning communities-, diventando così le comunità di apprendimento. Queste comunità possono consapevolmente e orgogliosamente sostenere e promuovere la diffusione della nuova pratica commerciale e possono orgogliosamente contribuire alla promozione delle convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 proprio grazie alle opportunità di mobilità che l’interesse per la conoscenza del patrimonio (Convenzione UNESCO 1972) desta nei singoli soggetti a livello internazionale; è facile notare che siamo ben oltre il turismo sostenibile. Una nuova pratica commerciale orientata al bene della Comunità Internazionale la rete degli operatori di pace Con l’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism -applicato sui territori con il relativo Modello LBT- si partecipa alla costruzione di questa nuova proposta commerciale, con altra etica, in linea, come detto con il Codice etico UNWTO, per il bene comune, in cui il piacere personale non è perso, in quanto viene percepito in modo altruistico, ovvero con il proprio compiacimento a concorrere al bene della comunità internazionale; i partecipanti sono consapevoli e orgogliosi di appartenervi e di contribuire alla diffusione e all’apprezzamento


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dell’importanza delle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 per lo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza, quindi sono consapevoli di essere costruttori di pace e ne devono essere orgogliosi. In questa nuova pratica commerciale, Life Beyond Tourism® vede 1- la Cultura del luogo che guida il Viaggio del visitatore così che 2- il Turismo Internazionale non trasformi la Cultura dei Territori visitati.

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17/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

IL BINOMIO TURISMO - CULTURA Un binomio da gestire con una forte sensibilità culturale, per gestire le potenzialità del mondo dei viaggi per favorire la nuova offerta dialogo tra culture e non per lasciarsi sopraffare dall’esuberanza del commercio che porta a modificare le culture dei territori 1) al Congresso Mondiale UNWTO/UNESCO su Turismo e Cultura: “Building a new partnership” che si è tenuto in Siem Reap, Cambogia, 2-4 Febbraio 2015 ha partecipato come uditrice anche la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism. L’obiettivo del Congresso era identificare le opportunità chiave, le sfide e i modelli per una più forte cooperazione in questi due aree operative strettamente interconnesse. La Fondazione intende dare il proprio contributo ai sopraindicati obiettivi UNWTO/UNESCO con alcuni spunti utili per un approccio formale adatto alla combinazione turismo-cultura, combinazione che la Fondazione preferisce chiamare cultura e viaggio per il dialogo interculturale in quanto la Fondazione sollecita una forte attenzione nella ‘guida’ del binomio Turismo-Cultura, per evitare che l’esuberanza del commercio effimero porti il turismo stesso ad un eccesso di azione dinamica sul territorio visitato, azione che deve essere sempre gestita per non giungere a deformare la cultura del territorio che ospita il turista evitando gli errori ormai già commessi in città simbolo come sappiamo. La Fondazione con Life Beyond Tourism sostiene - che viaggio e cultura sono due termini che dovrebbero stare sempre assieme per favorire uno sviluppo in coesistenza pacifica, contribuendo, con l’aiuto di UNWTO a promuovere le Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 (patrimonio immateriale) e 2005 (diversità delle espressioni culturali), con il ruolo strategico della Convenzione UNESCO 1972 (patrimonio mondiale) che favorisce la mobilità delle persone per il piacere di conoscere i siti patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità. Tali convenzioni 2003 e 2005 non possono attendere tanti anni per giungere alla diffusione di notorietà la Convenzione UNESCO 1972; - che i termini “Cultura” e “Viaggio per il Dialogo”, rappresentano un importante binomio in quanto il visitatore porta ricchezza al territorio, ma soprattutto la presenza del visitatore fornisce spunti per riflessioni culturali che con il viaggio rappresentano un’incommensurabile opportunità per lo scambio di valori tra culture con la conoscenza della diversità e l’esercizio al suo rispetto - che le nazioni che saranno più coinvolte nella Convenzione UNESCO 1972, potranno avere maggiori opportunità per promuovere questa nuova offerta commerciale attivandosi a diventare Centri di Formazione Mondiale per il Dialogo tra Culture e assumendo le responsabilità di questo nobile incarico, - che per favorire il dialogo debba essere data particolare attenzione e sostegno alla ‘formazione’ delle Comunità di Apprendimento dei Residenti, dei Viaggiatori, dei Servizi sul luogo (alberghi, ristoranti, musei, ecc.), delle Agenzie di Viaggi, di Intermediari on line e off line, Amministrazioni pubbliche e delle Istituzioni preposte alla Formazione, - che è fondamentale che queste Comunità di Apprendimento debbano acquisire una adeguata consapevolezza sul loro ruolo che favorisce il dialogo tra culture per lo sviluppo del territorio in coesistenza pacifica. Per tali Comunità di Apprendimento si devono creare le condizioni per un continuo apprendimento, anche trasversale, su questa loro responsabilità fino a renderle ‘Certificabili’, come vedremo. - i luoghi che favoriranno questa evoluzione potranno proporre una nuova pratica commerciale diventando Centri di Formazione per il Dialogo tra Culture, quello che oggi potrebbe essere chiamato “turismo altruista” -La nuova pratica commerciale è formativa : ’Il Patrimonio e la Cultura per il Dialogo Interculturale’ - ’In Viaggio per il Dialogo’ - ospitare il viaggiatore per favorire il dialogo. CONCLUDENDO A) La cultura del luogo -nel senso più profondo del termine- deve guidare il viaggio, quindi il turismo non deve deformare la cultura del luogo visitato 18

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La cultura locale è motivo di viaggio, anche se il viaggio viene spesso venduto per attrazioni che non sono esplicitamente riconducibili a questa. Il patrimonio culturale, tangibile ed intangibile, rappresenta un’opportunità di incommensurabile importanza per cogliere l’attenzione delle grandi masse al fine di orientarle all’esercizio del dialogo interculturale oggi imprescindibile. Per poter esercitare il dialogo le persone devono essere messe in condizione di apprezzare il contesto, la dimensione e il processo che realizza un’espressione culturale iniziando dalla percezione della necessità di quell’opera, per proseguire nella ricerca delle risorse per progettarla e realizzarla in quelle forme oggi visibili, con quei materiali e in quella collocazione, proprio per la funzione pensata. La corretta comunicazione di tutto questo rende possibile una maggiore conoscenza che spesso, nel mondo dell’intangibile, conduce alla consapevolezza della difficoltà di conoscere e comprendere realmente questo patrimonio culturale, consapevolezza che induce comunque al rispetto per la diversità. B) Il viaggio altruista, per la Comunità Internazionale. Il viaggio da ‘egocentrico’ e ‘egoistico’ (ben radicato nel mercato del consumo con prodotti come ‘turismo culturale’ per la mia cultura, ‘turismo termale’ per il mio benessere, ‘turismo sportivo’ per il mio fisico, ecc.…) diventa altruista, ovvero diventa un’opportunità per il viaggiatore per donare se stesso (tempo e denaro) alla Comunità Internazionale per il suo contributo alla crescita della stessa Comunità in pacifica coesistenza. Così il turista dei servizi e dei consumi si trasforma in viaggiatore, poi in ‘residente temporaneo’ grazie anche ai residenti che favoriscono la conoscenza e l’apprezzamento della diversità culturale tra residente e visitatore, con la costruttiva partecipazione del mondo dei servizi e del mondo intermediario che possono profittare di un nuovo prodotto, di una nuova offerta commerciale, ma con altra etica. La Fondazione auspica un ulteriore incontro con UNWTO, dopo la sua visita a Madrid dello scorso 30 maggio 2015, in quanto ritiene che il modello LBT debba essere conosciuto per una sua completa valutazione anche nel suo Manuale e Certificazione di qualità per il dialogo tra culture,, materiale già presentato e consegnato allora a UNWTO.

CORSI LIFE BEYOND TOURISM Oltre il Turismo Sostenibile sono necessari nel più breve tempo possibile corsi lBT Con l’anno 2015 sono iniziati i corsi formativi LBT. I corsi sono a disposizione sia di istituzioni -private e pubbliche- sia di enti formativi (universitari e post universitari) su richiesta. E’ intenzione della Fondazione offrire corsi, con l’Istituto, nelle seguenti lingue: italiano, inglese, francese, giapponese, russo, spagnolo, tedesco. La programmazione dei corsi LBT può essere chiesta da qualsiasi istituzione il cui intento sia ospitare nei propri programmi didattici una nuova strategia oltre il turismo sostenibile, per quei territori che intendono promuovere . non solo un'economia turistica. ma soprattutto . la cultura dell’accoglienza dei visitatori e della loro ospitalità . il dialogo tra culture : ovvero quei territori che intendono gestire . una nuova offerta commerciale -con altra etica per il bene della comunità internazionale- per il flusso dei visitatori per non subìre il turismo ma per gestirlo ed essere membri attivi della comunità internazionale e centro di formazione per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza.

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In Giappone . il 5 settembre 2015 a Tokyo, alla Josai International University, Facoltà di Turismo, si è concluso il primo Corso Intensivo di una settimana su Life, Beyond Tourism. Ha voluto il corso per la Facoltà di Turismo della Josai International University il Cancelliere la Sig.ra Noriko Misuta. Testimone eccezionale alla firma, il Commissario dell’Agenzia per gli Affari Culturali del Giappone Bunka Cho. Il corso è semestrale. Ottobre 2015 si è tenuta una prima conferenza su Life Beyond Tourism, a Tokyo alla Toyo University. Le due Università -Toyo e Josai- hanno complessivamente circa 50.000 studenti. Molte università in Giappone stanno inaugurando la Facoltà di Turismo, tra cui la Kyoto Prefecture University, per seguire un orientamento nazionale. In Azerbaijan In aprile 2016 avranno inizio i corsi in Azerbaijan, a Baku alla Facoltà di Architettura e Costruzioni. Sviluppo Programmi di Formazione v. Allegato n. 2.


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PARTE 3 La proposta di consegna ufficiale alla Comunità Internazionale della conclusione del nostro lavoro costituita dal Modello LBT -con il suo Manuale di applicazione pratica e Certificazione di Qualità per il Dialogo tra Cultureper l’applicazione dell’orientamento LBT su scala mondiale, se ritenuto d’interesse dalla Comunità Internazionale medesima IL MODELLO LBT PER LA COMUNITA’ INTERNAZIONALE Come già noto e formalmente comunicato e pubblicato nel corso del 2014 il modello Life Beyond Tourism è stato concepito dalla Fondazione per essere messo a disposizione della Comunità Internazionale. Gli Esperti sono chiamati a considerare anche questo delicato momento per garantire che la gestione di questo Modello LBT possa essere condotta nel rispetto dei principi fondanti il Modello LBT medesimo, nell’interesse della Comunità Internazionale e nell’ottica di un suo sviluppo a livello mondiale in franchising, ma in ambiente non profit forse gestibili anche da Centri del Patrimonio Mondiale di Categoria 2 sotto gli auspici di UNESCO e in collaborazione con UNWTO..

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Introduzione alla RACCOMANDAZIONE 1- visto - la ricerca avviata dalla Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco nel 2006 su informale invito del Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski -allora Presidente del Comitato Scientifico Internazionale ICOMOS Teoria e Filosofia della Conservazione e del Restauro- conclusasi con la definizione dell’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism, - che tale orientamento è stato presentato per la prima volta in Azerbaijan, a Baku il 20 novembre 2007, nel corso del Convegno “XXI Secolo Le Città Storiche Islamiche” - che la sua successiva presentazione è avvenuta a Firenze il 15 marzo 2008 - che proprio a Firenze è stata sottoscritta il 16 marzo 2008 la dichiarazione d’Intenti dai partecipanti alla Tavola Rotonda della Fondazione, dichiarazione che poneva il termine di 5 anni per giungere a formulare una proposta operativa, una best practice, - che successivamente è stato presentato al simposio ICOMOS in Quebec il giorno 1.10.2008 - che a conclusione dei cinque anni è stato presentato il frutto di tale Dichiarazione d’Intenti con la definizione e presentazione di un Modello LBT operativo, non teorico, con obiettivi fissabili e con risultati misurabili, per conoscere il progress del livello di Dialogo tra Culture conseguito dal territorio, - il Manuale Ed.0 per il Modello LBT e la Certificazione del Modello LBT stesso, che sono stati presentati nel corso della 16° Assemblea Generale degli Esperti internazionali della Fondazione nel marzo 2014 e nel corso del simposio ICOMOS del novembre 2014 con due idonee pubblicazioni codificate, febbraio 2014 e ottobre 2015 - che nell’accompagnamento dell’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism® la Fondazione non usasse il termine turismo per non confondere il proprio messaggio che vuole essere orientato solo all’apprezzamento dei valori del luogo, perché oggi, a livello globale, al termine turismo viene associato il concetto di servizi e dei consumi - la sottoscrizione di numerosi Memorandum of Understanding da parte della Fondazione relativi allo sviluppo dei risultati della ricerca della Fondazione 2 - sapendo - che per tale orientamento ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites ha sottoscritto un MoU di collaborazione con la Fondazione Romaldo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism, in data 4 marzo 2013 - che all’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism la Fondazione ha dato seguito con il Modello LBT - che il Modello LBT è stato sperimentato in occasione della AG ICOMOS 2014 - che in merito a LBT la AG ICOMOS di Firenze nel 2014 ha approvato Risoluzione 42 avendone accertata l’operatività per i servizi all’Assemblea Generale; - che il Modello LBT è stato concepito dalla Fondazione per essere messo a disposizione della Comunità internazionale 3 -ritenuto imprescindibile che debba essere la cultura del luogo a guidare il viaggiatore e che il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi non può deformare la natura e il carattere del luogo visitato, 4 - riflettendo sull’importanza della combinazione patrimonio, viaggio e dialogo, ovvero . quanto possa essere importante il patrimonio e la cultura in genere dei singoli luoghi per creare interesse in un vasto pubblico, per visitare i territori con i loro patrimonio e culture . quanto possa essere utile il viaggio e quanto la visita dei luoghi possa creare opportunità di conoscenza e di apprezzamento della diversità culturale e per l’esercizio al rispetto della diversità, 22

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- quanto la visita di un centro culturale possa creare dialgo tra culture per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza in una comunità internazionale giunta a oltre 7 miliardi di individui, comunità che sta procedendo speditamente verso i 10 miliardi di individui, - quanto sia importante giungere a dedicare i siti patrimonio mondiale a centri per formare al dialogo tra culture e a farli diventare anche promotori di fondi da dedicare al patrimonio - quanto i centri per formare al dialogo tra culture diventino a loro volta un’altra pratica commerciale, seppure con altra etica, 5 - Considerando - l’importanza di avvicinare le culture come anche esplicitamente auspicato dal proclama del Decennio 20132022 dell’ Avvicinamento delle Culture annunciato ufficialmente dal DG UNESCO Irina Bokova da Almaty il 23 agosto 2013 con the Chairperson of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Mr Imangali Tasmagambetov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Erlan Idrissov, officially launched the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures(2013-2022), for which UNESCO has been designated as lead agency for the United Nations system, was adopted by UNESCO General Conference’s Resolution 36C/40 in November 2011 followed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 67/104 in December 2012 - “The objective of the Decade is to promote mutual understanding and respect for diversity, rights and equal dignity between peoples, through intercultural dialogue and concrete initiatives,” said the Director-General. - le Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 per la loro diffusione ed il loro apprezzamento internazionale non possono attendere tanti anni quanti ne sono occorsi alla stessa Convenzione Patrimonio Mondiale del 1972 per contribuire allo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza. - la Pace è il “patrimonio” del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità - che il viaggio internazionale favorisce l’avvicinamento delle culture come indicato dal Manifesto della Fondazione 2014 1- La Pace è imprescindibile per uno sviluppo sostenibile 2- Il dialogo interculturale è strategico per contribuire alla Pace nel Mondo 3- Il patrimonio –naturale e culturale- è un elemento strategico per incontri internazionali quindi per il Dialogo Interculturale 4- La conoscenza e il rispetto della diversità culturale (tangibile e intangibile) sono fondamentali per il Dialogo Interculturale. 5- L’incontro, in particolare dei giovani, è fondamentale per il Dialogo Interculturale 6- Il viaggio -con la conoscenza del Patrimonio del luogo visitato, con i suoi valori e le conoscenzeè quindi uno strumento strategico per acquisire conoscenza e per formarsi al rispetto - che è fondamentale l’importanza di convertire il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi in viaggio di conoscenza dei reciproci valori tra residente e viaggiatore - che il ‘patrimonio culturale’ – tangibile e intangibile – è motivo di viaggio, quindi opportunità di conoscenza; con la sua ‘tutela’ e ‘valorizzazione’ deve esserne favorita la sua ‘fruizione’ per promuovere un intenso dialogo fra culture - che con l’orientamento e il Modello Life Beyond Tourism si ha la possibilità di nobilitare in modo diffuso e veloce il viaggio organizzato per il suo contributo al dialogo tra culture nella comunità internazionale che sta tendendo a 10 miliardi di abitanti - che con Life Beyond Tourism si intende ridurre sensibilmente e progressivamente, l’interesse delle masse per il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi per esaltare il viaggio della conoscenza dei valori, dello scambio dei valori e l’esercizio al rispetto della diversità - che con Life Beyond Tourism si attiva una Nuova Pratica anche Commerciale che supera l’odierno concetto di turismo, in quanto è oltre il turismo sostenibile, oltre il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi, oltre il turismo egocentrico ed egoistico in quanto mira a favorire il dialogo per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza, in quanto, come detto, - è la cultura della destinazione -nel senso più profondo del termine- che deve guidare il viaggio

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23/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

- il turismo internazionale non può modificare la cultura della destinazione - che il viaggiatore è in primo luogo Ospite del Paese, in secondo luogo è Ospite della Città, di quel Territorio, poi è Ospite della struttura commerciale ospitante; solo infine è cliente pagante, - che con la nuova pratica commerciale i meccanismi funzionali del turismo sono superati e sono portati ad essere strumenti di conoscenza e di rispetto attraverso la interpretazione e la presentazione di un luogo da parte dei suoi stessi residenti attraverso il viaggio e il dialogo, così che con il viaggio tutti lavorano assieme per favorire il dialogo tra culture, ognuno nel proprio ruolo: a. il motivo del viaggio è la conoscenza del patrimonio e della cultura del luogo per favorire il dialogo, b. i prestatori dei servizi, sono ben consapevoli del proprio ruolo di accoglienza che non è solo offrire servizi, ma anche favorire conoscenza per il dialogo tra culture, c. gli Intermediari (le agenzie di intermediazione) nella loro posizione centrale tra domanda e offerta, quali consulenti per la giusta scelta di ogni viaggiatore tra viaggio egocentrico-egoistico dei servizi e dei consumi o un viaggio della conoscenza del luogo per la conoscenza e per il dialogo d. Il Viaggiatore - un residente temporaneo: - che deve essere stimolato nelle sue valutazioni di scelta su dove e perché andare, senza condizionamenti da parte degli intermediari, - che deve capire di essere di fronte ad una scelta, se essere consumatore di servizi o essere partecipe di un movimento per la conoscenza dei valori e uno sviluppo dell’umanità in pacifica coesistenza; - nel caso della scelta di conscenza dei valori viene favorito il prolungameneto del soggiorno ed il viaggiatore si identificherà sempre più in residente temporaneo, adattando di conseguenza il suo comportamento, conodcendo e rispettando sempre più il luogo visitato. - che contribuisce allo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza, favorendo la conoscenza dei valori dei luoghi, della loro personalità - che considera il viaggio - un regalo personale (di tempo e denaro) da lui stesso offerto alla Comunità Internazionale; - un regalo da condividere con gli altri, - un regalo per conoscere e per farsi conoscere, - un regalo per aprirsi al dialogo, - un regalo per apprezzare e rispettare la diversità; - per esercitarsi a contribuire ad uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza, - per promuovere il dialogo tra i giovani di tutto il mondo come approvato dalla AG ICOMOS con Risoluzione 2014/42 - una nuova pratica commerciale frutto di una visione oltre il turismo egocentrico ed egoistico che vede nella cultura della destinazione -nel senso più profondo del termine- la guida del viaggio del visitatore e che non consente al turismo dei servizi e dei consumi di modificare la cultura della destinazione visitata - una nuova proposta commerciale orientata al bene comune, in cui il piacere personale non è perduto in quanto viene percepito in modo altruistico, ovvero con il proprio compiacimento a concorrere al bene della comunità internazionale di cui si fa parte; i partecipanti sono consapevoli e orgogliosi di appartenervi e di contribuire alla diffusione e all’apprezzamento dell’importanza delle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 per lo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza, e in piena armonia con il Codice Etico UNWTO, quindi sono consapevoli di essere costruttori di pace e ne devo no essere orgogliosi. e. Le organizzazione di intermediazione turistica Con la nuova pratica commerciale l’intermediazione turistica diventa consulente proponendo al viaggiatore di scegliere fra un programma tradizionale di servizi e di consumi o di partecipare ad un movimento internazionale


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per il bene della comunità internazionale contribuendo con il suo viaggio al dialogo tra culture ed aiutandolo nella scelta f. Il territorio, la regione Life Beyond Tourism si concentra fortemente : - sulla fruizione del patrimonio e delle espressioni culturali del territorio per il dialogo tra culture preservando il carattere del territorio; quindi è ancora una volta un contributo alle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale e 2005 per la promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali, - sulla consapevolezza della regione interessata, che deve dimostrare sempre più di essere all’altezza di governare il proprio territorio e di mostrare interesse per dirigere i propri visitatori verso un'offerta in linea con il livello di qualità della destinazione, visitatori che devono anche essere orientati verso la cultura del territorio, al suo paesaggio e alla cura dell'ambiente - sull’uso e il godimento della sua cultura in particolare delle espressioni culturali -istituzioni culturali e imprese economiche rappresentative- meno note ma non per questo meno importanti, - sul devolvere parte dei fondi provenienti dai servizi ai visitatori al patrimonio e alla cultural del territorio medesimo - sull’uso e il godimento della sua cultura e del patrimonio per il dialogo interculturale, salvaguardando la cultura locale, contribuendo così alle convenzioni più volte citate : UNESCO Convenzione del 2003 per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale; UNESCO del 2005 Convenzione sulla protezione e la promozione della diversità delle espressioni culturali; g. la tendenza del mercato Per le autorità locali è d’importanza fondamentale avere una forte visione prospettica dello sviluppo della domanda del mercato dei viaggi verso il proprio territorio, promuovendo un’adeguata continua ricerca pluriennale mobile sull’orientamento del mercato turistico per quel luogo, per una continua visione prospettica al fine di essere in grado di anticipare le tendenze future per proteggere il territorio con tempestive soluzioni in armonia con i tempi dell’amministrazione del territorio. h. La nuova pratica commerciale dunque è : - per il Patrimonio, non solo tutela e valorizzazione, ma anche fruizione, per la sua tutela e valorizzazione quindi un contributo alla-Convenzione UNESCO 1972 WH ma anche alla fruizione del Patrimonio per il dialogo l’esaltazione del dialogo tra le culture per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza, quindi ancora un contributo alle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 e al Proclama del Decennio 2013-2022 per l’Avvicinamento delle Culture proclamato dal DG UNESCO Irina Bokova da Almaty il 23 agosto 2013 legando l’attività commerciale alla protezione e conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio con una devoluzione del fondo proveniente dalle commissioni di intermediazione dei servizi del territorio. 6 - Condividendo altresì l’importanza - di contribuire tutti alla diffusione, presso le grandi masse, della conoscenza delle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale immateriale UNESCO 2005 sulla promozione e protezione della diversità delle espressioni culturali, quindi condividono l’importanza di avvio di centri per formare al dialogo tra culture e all’apprezzamento e al rispetto della diversità delle espressioni culturali, oggi imprescindibile, per uno sviluppo della comunità internazionale in pacifica coesistenza con la combinazione dei fondamentali tre elementi patrimonio, viaggio e dialogo con Life Beyond Tourism, quindi di contribuire all’affermazione di questa nuova pratica commerciale per il bene della comunità internazionale e nell’ottica di rendere virale la sua diffusione - di contribuire alla visione della Convenzione UNESCO 1972 strumentale ai fini del dialogo tra culture, quindi una convenzione non solo fondamentale per la tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio stesso, ma quanto la stessa sia strategica se il patrimonio diventa fruibile per il dialogo tra culture: patrimonio, viaggio e dialogo

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Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

7 - Notando una evoluzione 1- Dal viaggio egocentrico al viaggio altruista, oltre il turismo sostenibile con il residente temporaneo Con questi concetti si procede verso il dialogo, ben oltre il turismo sostenibile, con il residente temporaneo, transitando dalla distinzione tra - turismo egocentrico, egoistico come il turismo termale per il mio benessere, il turismo culturale, per la mia cultura, il turismo sportivo, per il mio fisico, ecc. ove al centro del sistema è il soddisfacimento del piacere del soggetto partecipante - viaggio altruista ove il viaggiatore partecipa ad un movimento che vede nei viaggiatori la grande opportunità per diffondere un messaggio di pace con l’esercizio al dialogo tra culture che vede in questo il grande contributo da parte dei viaggiatori, quali messaggeri di pace, che donano se stessi -tempo e denaro- alla Comunità Internazionale quindi vede il loro contributo alla crescita della stessa Comunità in pacifica coesistenza. E’ così che il turista dei servizi e dei consumi si trasforma in viaggiatore, poi in residente temporaneo, grazie anche ai soggetti residenti che favoriscono la conoscenza e l’apprezzamento della diversità culturale con la conoscenza del luogo, quindi i vari soggetti coinvolti diventano le Comunità di Apprendimento per il Dialogo. 2- Le Comunità in Apprendimento, per il Dialogo Con Life Beyond Tourism nascono le Comunità di Apprendimento per lo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza. LBT è applicato sui territori con il relativo Modello LBT e con questo si partecipa alla costruzione di questa nuova proposta commerciale dedicando i siti patrimonio mondiale a centri per formare al dialogo tra culture che a loro volta diventano un’altra pratica commerciale con etica orientata al bene comune. Qui la soddisfazione personale non è persa, in quanto viene percepita per il compiacimento a concorrere al bene della comunità internazionale; i partecipanti sono consapevoli e orgogliosi di appartenervi e di contribuire alla diffusione e all’apprezzamento dell’importanza delle Convenzioni UNESCO 2003 e 2005 per lo sviluppo della Comunità Internazionale in pacifica coesistenza, quindi sono consapevoli di essere costruttori di pace e ne saranno orgogliosi: . i Residenti . i Viaggiatori - ovvero residenti temporanei . i Servizi sul luogo (alberghi, ristoranti, ecc.) . . le Istituzioni Culturali . Intermediari on line e off line . le Amministrazioni pubbliche . i Centri di Ricerca dei trend di mercato . le Istituzioni preposte alla Formazione 8 - Condividendo fermamente 1) che deve essere il territorio con il suo patrimonio e la sua cultura contemporanea a guidare il viaggiatore ai fini di un comune esercizio al dialogo e alla migliore conoscenza e rispetto della diversità delle espressioni culturali 2) che deve essere il territorio ad acquisire consapevolezza della propria realtà e potenzialità, quindi a interpretare correttamente le proprie realtà e a comunicare e presentare se stesso candidandosi a livello mondiale come offerta e pratica culturale, non solo come servizi e consumi 3) che è il territorio e la sua cultura che deve trasformare il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi in viaggio di conoscenza e in consapevoli soggetti attivi i suoi partecipanti, attivi nel contrastare il turismo che deforma la natura e il carattere del luogo visitato con le Comunità di Apprendimento 4) che deve essere la cultura del luogo a coinvolgere il soggetto interessato al viaggio fino a farlo sentire ospite non turista, ma viaggiatore, e fino a renderlo residente temporaneo per un suo contributo alla conoscenza e al dialogo tra culture 5) che il territorio deve vedere nell’ospite in primo luogo l’ospite del proprio Paese, poi l’ospite della propria regione e città, infine l’ospite delle strutture di accoglienza e ospitalità e, solo infine, cliente pagante i servizi richiesti,


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6) che le commissioni per intermediazione dei servizi ai viaggiatori devono essere in buona parte trattenute trattenute sul territorio e in parte a lui devolute con il coinvolgimento del territorio stesso e degli ospiti. 7) - che il Patrimonio, culturale e naturale e la Convenzione UNESCO 1972 rappresenta una potente strategia per promuovere le convenzioni UNESCO citate 2003 e 2005

Per quanto espresso in questa Parte 4 si invita a riflettere su una possibile raccomandazione 1- a riflettere su “Heritage and Culture for Intercultural Dialogue “,“patrimonio, viaggio e dialogo” e quanto questo possa essere importante per il coinvolgimento delle grandi masse che si muovono oggi per turismo, al fine di creare dialogo tra culture per uno sviluppo in pacifica coesistenza in una comunità internazionale giunta a oltre 7 miliardi di individui 2 - a riflettere quanto sia importante giungere a orientare i siti patrimonio mondiale a centri per formare al dialogo tra culture, quindi, a loro volta, questi diventano un’altra pratica commerciale, seppure con altra etica, 3- a porre a disposizione della Comunità Internazionale l’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism con il suo Modello di Applicazione pratica e la sua Certificazione di Qualità per il Dialogo tra Culture, tenuto conto di quanto detto che Life Beyond Tourism ha già potuto dimostrare la propria operatività nel corso della Assemblea Generale ICOMOS del 2014 come riscontrato nella stessa Risoluzione della AG ICOMOS citata 2014/42 4- di far partecipare all’impostazione di sviluppo del modello le organizzazioni internazionali che promuoveranno la rete facendole beneficiare di parte dei fondi raccolti 5- a contribuire così a dare inizio ad una delle iniziative sia scientifiche che operative, i cui risultati siano in grado di contribuire ai progressi della Comunità Internazionale impegnata nel Patrimonio-Viaggio-Dialogo, 5.1- sia nel corrente termine, un contributo al Proclama of the Director-General who has launches the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures on 23 August 2013: UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, the Chairperson of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Mr Imangali Tasmagambetov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Erlan Idrissov, officially launched the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022. 5.2- sia nel breve termine, 2017 -avendo le Nazioni Unite dichiarato l’anno 2017 l’Anno del Turismo Sostenibile per lo Sviluppo 5.3- sia nel lungo termine , “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)

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PARTE 5. Gli elementi e i documenti che nel corso degli anni sono stati prodotti e che hanno avuto l’adesione da parte di molte Istituzioni, Università, ma anche Città e Ministeri, con i due manifesti e i tre motti.

NOTE INFORMATIVE - CONTESTO A) L’ESPERIENZA DELLA FONDAZIONE A FIRENZE Le attività oggi condotte dalla Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism hanno avuto inizio il 14 settembre1991 a seguito della caduta del muro di Berlino, con un Comitato condotto da Paolo Del Bianco. Alcuni anni dopo, il 3 novembre1998, sulla base delle esperienze e attività svolte, la compagnia alberghiera Vivahotels®, oggi Centro Congressi al Duomo® - CCAD Firenze-, decide di costituire la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. Con la prosecuzione di queste attività e con l’avvio delle ricerche in tema di patrimonio e viaggio, come auspicato dal Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski Presidente del Comitato ICOMOS Teoria e Filosofia della Conservazione e del Restauro con atto notarile del 27 ottobre 2011(R.17053-F.6534) la Fondazione ha preso il nuovo nome Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism con la ricerca cui era giunta nel 2007 e ciò per marcare l’attività svolta come auspicato dal Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski.

L’esperienza della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism in tema di Patrimonio è strettamente collegata alle tematiche connesse alla capacità del Patrimonio stesso nel favorire mobilità, quindi incontri internazionali, quindi conoscenza, quindi dialogo tra culture, un’esperienza che si è sviluppata fin dagli anni ’90 con giovani studenti universitari provenienti da vari paesi -prevalentemente della ex Unione Sovietica e Blocco Sovietico. La rete oggi raggiunta è di oltre 500 istituzioni / università in 93 Paesi dei 5 continenti (v. punto B), allegati 1,2,3,4 e 5). I suoi Motti : 1998 Per la Pace nel Mondo fra i giovani di diversi Paesi con la cultura. incontrarsi, conoscersi, comprendersi per sviluppare l’amicizia tra i popoli 2005 Incontri Internazionali, senza competizione, nel rispetto delle singole identità; un passato da conoscere assieme un comune futuro da costruire. 2010 Da Firenze contribuiamo a suscitare emozioni nei giovani con riflessioni utili per la comunità internazionale


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Il Manifesto Life Beyond Tourism 2008 1. Il turismo è un’irrinunciabile risorsa di prosperitàà 2. Il turismo è opportunità di conoscenza dello spirito del luogo con le sue espressioni culturali e conoscenze tradizionali 3. Il turismo, nelle sue varie forme, va ben oltre il solo soddisfacimento di esigenze individuali 4. L’operatore turistico favorisce la conoscenza dello spirito del luogo e il dialogo interculturale 5. Il turista è un potenziale seminatore di conoscenza e di dialogo interculturale 6. Il sito visitato diventa laboratorio di conoscenza e luogo di crescita di tutti i visitatori 7. La comunità del sito visitato considera il viaggiatore in primo luogo ospite della città, poi ospite delle aziende di servizi e solo in ultimo loro cliente 8. Il laboratorio di conoscenza stimola una domanda di prodotti turistici sempre più quali cata, non solo nei servizi e nei consumi ma soprattutto nei valori 9. La progettazione e la gestione del territorio e dell’ambiente confinato non possono prescindere dalle ‘Co- noscenze Tradizionali’ e dal ‘Dialogo Interculturale’ 10. Il ‘patrimonio culturale’ – tangibile e intangibile – è motivo di viaggio, quindi di opportunità di conoscenza; con la sua ‘tutela’ ‘valorizzazione’ deve esserne favorita ‘la fruizione per il dialogo fra culture’.

Il Manifesto Life Beyond Tourism 2014 1- La Pace è imprescindibile per uno sviluppo sostenibile 2- Il dialogo interculturale è strategico per contribuire alla Pace nel Mondo 3- Il patrimonio –naturale e culturale- è un elemento strategico per il Dialogo Interculturale 4- La conoscenza e il rispetto della diversità culturale (tangibile e intangibile) sono fondamentali per il Dialogo Interculturale. 5- L’incontro, in particolare dei giovani, è fondamentale per il Dialogo Interculturale 6- Il viaggio -con la conoscenza del Patrimonio del luogo visitato, con i suoi valori e le conoscenze- è quindi uno strumento strategico per acquisire conoscenza e per formarsi al rispetto Il luogo degli incontri : Centro Storico di Firenze, Patrimonio Mondiale Il luogo degli incontri è stato Centro Storico Firenze Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità Riteniamo opportuno tracciare questa sintetica panoramica dell’esperienza a Firenze ove l’evoluzione del turismo ha comportato una silenziosa continua trasformazione del tessuto urbano, quasi totalmente del Centro Storico, patrimonio dell’Umanità, con il cambio di uso degli edifici che ha inciso radicalmente nella vita di tutte le città; infatti la sua destinazione da residenziale, artigianale e commerciale è passata prevalentemente a destinazione ricettiva turistica e servizi per i turisti. Questo è il risultato di una politica di sviluppo urbano che, in tante altre simili situazioni, dagli anni ’60 non è riuscita a intuire l’importanza del fenomeno turistico e la sua capacità di rapida diffusione e affermazione nel tessuto economico del luogo sradicando dal Centro Storico i cittadini che hanno ceduto le loro proprietà al mondo dei servizi turistico-ricettivi. Il fenomeno ormai è largamente e uniformemente diffuso nei paesi con libero mercato in quanto il mondo dei viaggiatori interessati a conoscere altri paesi con altre culture si è sempre più sviluppato tanto da rendere il turismo una moda che ha modificato il viaggiatore in “una parte di un sistema commerciale” influenzato fortemente dalle scelte del mercato ove tutto quanto nei secoli nel viaggio era stato concentrato con i sacri termini di accoglienza e di ospitalità viene semplicisticamente ricondotto al termine ‘servizi turistici’.

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Il luogo che accoglie i turisti segue sempre meno il dettato della propria cultura e, con l’intento di uniformare i propri servizi per le esigenze di un ampio pubblico culturalmente eterogeneo, si conforma ad un’accoglienza sempre meno secondo la propria cultura perdendo le sfumature più genuine della propria tradizione per l’accoglienza e l’ospitalità. Apparentemente di scarso valore, questo modo di gestire l’accoglienza si trasforma in industria turistica che finisce per modificare il comportamento del luogo, le sue tradizioni, infine le sue conoscenze. Tutto è entro una logica, che penetra silenziosamente nella vita quotidiana di un luogo tanto che il territorio inizia a cambiare se stesso per adattarsi ad un ritmo di servizi e di consumi lontani dalla propria cultura, per far fronte ai servizi necessari ad un ampio pubblico che nel 2014 ha superato il miliardo e cento milioni di viaggiatori (dato UNWTO). I siti patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità vengono visitati da un numero crescente di visitatori, una crescita non facilmente dimensionabile nel tempo. Tutto il tessuto urbano tende a candidarsi all’offerta di servizi ai turisti: prima piccoli alberghi, poi grandi alberghi e catene alberghiere, poi i low cost e i bed & breakfast, per parlare solo dell’accoglienza ricettiva; una trasformazione diretta cui si aggiunge una trasformazione indotta da specifici eventi come avvenuto di recente a Firenze con lo spostamento della sede del Tribunale di piazza San Firenze. A seguito di questo importante ed eccezionale trasferimento in altra sede, lontana dalla precedente collocazione, tutti gli studi professionali che erano nelle vicinanze del tribunale hanno lasciato i loro locali; questi, per le loro piccole/medie dimensioni, sono stati trasformati in piccole unità residenziali da offrire in affitto per brevissimi soggiorni; una trasformazione consistente sul tessuto urbano per la tipologia di destinazione. Firenze, il cui piano Regolatore del 1964 prevedeva uno sviluppo da mezzo milione di abitanti a 700.000, a conclusione dello scorso secolo ha visto invece un decremento di circa il 30%. Il Piano Regolatore di Firenze del 1992-1994 trattava la tematica del turismo in meno di una pagina -su oltre 200 pagine del Piano- sotto la voce “Le Risorse”, non ritenendo necessario dare una diretta attenzione al tema turismo; a Firenze, invece, già dagli anni ’70 il turismo rappresentava una grande risorsa, se non già “La Risorsa”, con palese tendenza al suo vigoroso sviluppo; merita ricordare che allora il Centro Storico di Firenze non era ancora parte della Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità UNESCO, inserimento avvenuto nel 1982. Il positivo effetto economico del turismo, per città come Firenze, non ha destato mai preoccupazioni, anzi era un fenomeno positivo, quindi benvenuto; ma in città piccole come Firenze tale fenomeno è stato ed è di tale importanza tanto da cambiare le sorti e l’immagine di quella città nel termine di pochi anni. In questo fenomeno, che in genere è sfuggito alla programmazione delle Amministrazione pubbliche di tante città in tanti Paesi, la ricchezza derivante dall’attività turistica è stata subìta, non gestita, quindi potrebbe essere comparata ad un eccesso di dosi di una terapia medica, eccesso che da vitale si può trasformare in letale. Dunque in tali situazioni il mercato diventa l’ideatore, il progettista, l’esecutore e il direttore dei lavori della inconsapevole trasformazione dei territori che purtroppo non hanno potuto decidere e gestire il loro sviluppo, ma hanno solo subìto la tendenza del mercato, per una mancata tempestiva intuizione pubblica. Tutto questo accade così velocemente che l’amministrazione pubblica spesso non ha né il tempo di accorgersene, né il tempo per intervenire nelle grandi decisioni di politica di sviluppo della propria città. In sintesi si può dire che quando l’amministrazione pubblica non gestisce per tempo il fenomeno turistico contribuisce a far subire lo sviluppo del suo territorio secondo le regole del mercato, manifestando quindi la mancanza di visione politica e conseguente mancanza di un piano per la sua stima preventiva e conseguente attuazione, non ponendo neppure limiti all’alterazione della propria realtà con possibili gravi riflessi sulla propria comunità locale. Così i cittadini continuano a lasciare i centri storici delle loro città prima attratti dai prezzi vantaggiosi nella vendita delle loro residenze, poi, coloro che sono rimasti, lasciano per la difficoltà di vivere in quell’ambiente che non è più città, ma museo a cielo aperto con prodotti, servizi, e prezzi e orari orientati ai turisti e spazio urbano destinato ad una umanità in un comodo abbigliamento, talora troppo comodo e con atteggiamenti altrettanto comodi, tanto da essere spesso irrispettosi del luogo, dei suoi costumi e tradizioni, abbi30

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gliamento e atteggiamento che, comunque, con tutti i vari stili, disegni e colori, contribuiscono a cambiare totalmente il paesaggio storico urbano. In queste situazioni anche il piano di gestione per UNESCO non è facile da condurre e non mancano situazioni come quella di “Firenze Centro Storico” che recentemente è stata “messa sotto osservazione”, quindi al primo dei tre livelli previsti da UNESCO.

Una forte visione prospettica: un piano pluriennale mobile Nelle scelte dell’amministrazione pubblica la tutela e la valorizzazione del Patrimonio saranno da considerare sempre più nell’ampio contesto territoriale che include il sito per pianificare con lungimiranza le implicazioni che lo sviluppo del turismo porta sul territorio. I passaggi per le varie autorizzazioni chiesti dai vari ordinamenti variano da paese a paese così come i tempi per le soluzioni; ma la velocità del mercato è ovunque uniforme e imporrebbe un ritmo che la politica spesso non può seguire. La politica, dunque, può e deve affidarsi ad indagini preventive per obiettivare una ‘forte visione prospettica’ -un piano pluriennale mobile- seguita da una grande forza politica per la loro tempestiva valutazione e applicazione. Cosa intendiamo per ‘una forte visione prospettica’: in città ove il patrimonio culturale rappresenta di fatto il motore economico del luogo, assumere delle decisioni oggi significa applicarle totalmente tra alcuni anni, quindi le decisioni che prendiamo oggi dovrebbero essere almeno quelle che si pensa debbano essere necessarie tra alcuni anni. Ne consegue che nelle scelte di sviluppo urbano è imprescindibile una continua ricerca, e aggiornamento mobile della stessa, su le tendenza del mercato per accompagnare le scelte per il futuro delle città. Tanto più in avanti nel tempo saranno le proiezioni di tendenza, quanto maggiore sarà la capacità di gestire e di non subire lo sviluppo. Così si pensa possa essere data una soluzione a quanto espresso a conclusione del paragrafo precedente che riportiamo per esteso : “Dunque in tali situazioni il mercato diventa l’ideatore, il progettista, l’esecutore e il direttore dei lavori della inconsapevole trasformazione dei territori che purtroppo non hanno potuto decidere e gestire il loro sviluppo, ma hanno solo subìto la tendenza del mercato, per una mancata tempestiva intuizione pubblica.”

B) PRESENTAZIONE DI LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® Le attività di contributo al Dialogo tra Culture della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism hanno avuto inizio il 14/09/1991 dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino, creando opportunità d’incontro tra i giovani universitari dei paesi della ex Unione Sovietica e Blocco Sovietico, attivando opportunità formative e culturali a Firenze per favorire il dialogo tra questi giovani prima uniti dalla politica, adesso insieme con la cultura. Con l’esperienza derivata da queste attività in questi 25 anni la Fondazione, con tutti i docenti e le loro Università che hanno partecipato, 1- ha definito l’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism, poi 2- ha definito il Modello LBT per l’applicazione pratica del Modello stesso . con un Manuale, redatto da docenti dell’Università di Firenze e . con la Certificazione di Qualità del viaggio per il dialogo 3- ha messo in pratica tale Modello LBT in un sistema culturale, non profit a livello mondiale . portale delle espressioni culturali e naturali dei territori <ORG> www.lifebeyondtourism.org a livello locale

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. portale locale, economico <.NET> www.location.beyondtourism.net uno per località (portale pilota VivaFirenze.it) 4- ha definito lo sviluppo del Modello LBT, in ambito culturale, economico, non profit, con matrice di sviluppo mondiale in franchising 5- ha pensato il Modello LBT non profit per destinarlo alla Comunità Internazionale B.1) L’orientamento e il Modello Life Beyond Tourism per la Comunità Internazionale Con Life Beyond Tourism si ha la possibilità di nobilitare il viaggio organizzato per il suo contributo al dialogo tra culture nella comunità internazionale che sta tendendo a 10 miliardi di abitanti Con Life Beyond Tourism si tende a ridurre in modo virale, l’interesse per il turismo dei servizi e dei consumi per esaltare la conoscenza reciproca dei valori e l’esercizio al rispetto della diversità culturale. Life Beyond Tourism è stato definito dalla Fondazione con le Università della propria rete internazionale e concepito per essere posto a disposizione della Comunità Internazionale. Life, Beyond Tourism® ovvero le grandi opportunità (life),Oltre il turismo per Patrimonio e Territorio per il Dialogo! L’Orientamento LBT La Fondazione ha definito un orientamento chiamato Life Beyond Tourism presentato per la prima volta in Azerbaijan a Baku il 20.11.2007, nel Convegno “XXI Secolo Le Città Storiche Islamiche” organizzato dalla Università di Architettura e Costruzioni con il Ministero della Cultura di Azerbaijan, negli anni è stato presentato in molti altri convegni nelle sue versioni aggiornate. Il Modello LBT di applicazione Pratica per i territori, con Manuale e Certificazione di Qualità è nato per l’applicazione pratica su scala mondiale dell’orientamento LBT con un sistema non profit, in franchising. E’ composto . da due portali culturali, economici, ma non profit, uno mondiale ed un specifico per ogni luogo . dal suo Manuale (redatto dalla Fondazione con il prof. Giovanni Liberatore Università degli Studi di Firenze) e . la sua Certificazione di Qualità per il Dialogo della Fondazione. Il Modello LBT opera per i territori e i suoi residenti per favorire: - un’approfondita interpretazione e presentazione del territorio medesimo con i suoi valori - la presentazione delle espressioni culturali meno note, ma non meno importanti; - la tutela della personalità del territorio in un mondo in rapida globalizzazione.


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32/ p XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

B.2) Ne sono a conoscenza - UNESCO, il 29 ottobre 2014 presso la sede di Parigi, l’Assistente del Direttore Generale UNESCO, Alfredo Pérez de Armiñán, alla presenza di Peter DeBrine Programme Specialist Sustainable Tourism, World Heritage Centre, ha ricevuto una delegazione della Fondazione guidata dal Presidente Paolo Del Bianco, che gli ha consegnato: 1. il Manuale applicativo del Modello Life Beyond Tourism® per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dei Territori; 2. la raccolta di tutte le Dichiarazioni di Auspici Life Beyond Tourism (LBT), pervenute alla Fondazione da quasi 300 istituzioni in 47 paesi. (All. 3 - Testo della Dichiarazione di Auspici con elenco firmatari) - UNWTO : da ottobre 2015 sono in corso consultazioni per formalizzare la collaborazione e la divulgazione di Life Beyond Tourism presso i Membri Associati B.3) Hanno condiviso l’orientamento Life Beyond Tourism - 300 Istituzioni e Università di 47 Paesi che hanno sottoscritto una Dichiarazione di Auspici (All. 3 - Testo della Dichiarazione di Auspici con elenco firmatari). - ICOMOS ha 1. sottoscritto il Memorandum di Collaborazione LBT con la Fondazione il 4-03-2013 (All. 4) 2. approvato la Risoluzione 2014/42 che riconosce Modello LBT e riconosce la sua funzionalità pratica avendo il sistema LBT sostenuto economicamente la AG ICOMOS 2014 esplicitando la propria operatività con VivaFirenze.it (All. 5). 3. delegato la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® quale referente scientifico per il 18° Simposio 2014 Heritage, Landscape as Human Values per la Sessione I “Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation” con il proprio membro del Consiglio DIrettivo Emma Mandelli 4. delegato la Fondazione con il Consigliere Carlotta Del Bianco alla organizzazione del Florence Youth and Heritage Festival nel corso della 18 Assemblea Generale, a Firenze nel novembre 2014 - ICCROM. . Ha sottoscritto un Memorandum di Collaborazione in data 13-09-2010 - Patrocini . Consiglio di Europa . Società Italiana Protezione Beni Culturali (SIPBC) . altre (All. 6) - 98 organizzazioni istituzioni e università hanno sottoscritto un accordo di collaborazione specifico su Life Beyond Tourism, fra cui citiamo il Ministero della Cultura e Turismo di Azerbaijan, il Ministero dell’Educazione in Kyrgyzstan, alcune agenzie dei Ministeri di Georgia, Cambogia e Armenia, numerose città importanti tra le quali Kyoto ,Tbilisi, Mostar, Ibagué, la Provincia di Firenze e università quali la Josai International University, quest’ultima grazie alla presentazione da parte dell’attuale Commissario per gli Affari del Governo Giapponese (Bunka-cho) prof. Masanori Aoyagi. (All. 7) B.4) Pubblicazioni Le esperienze e l’orientamento della Fondazione su turismo e patrimonio e il Modello LBT -con il suo Manuale e la sua Certificazione- sono stati ripetutamente presentati e pubblicati in vari convegni dal 2007 nei paesi ove poi le istituzioni hanno sottoscritto il Memorandum di collaborazione, poi presentati in dettaglio sui testi in © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


33/ p Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità - XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

questi ultimi due ultimi anni, 2014 e 2015 2014 - Febbraio 2014, in Italiano, Inglese e Russo "Life Beyond Tourism®, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226) - Ottobre 2014, Italiano, Francese, Inglese ISBN "Life Beyond Tourism® with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433). Questo secondo volume è stato concepito specificatamente per i Membri ICOMOS partecipanti alla AG ICOMOS 2014 a Firenze. 2015 - Marzo 2015, in Italiano, Inglese e Russo “Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue®” the non profit tourism “LBT Model” quaderno di lavoro della 17° Tavola Rotonda degli Esperti della Fondazione (ISBN 978884040064). - Atti del Convegno “Heritage in Transformation”, Polonia, Varsavia ICOMOS 50° 21, 22 giugno 2015, Contributo della Fondazione dal titolo Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue - Hosting the traveller to promote intercultural dialogue - Life Beyond Tourism - Atti del 2nd Congress of Polish Conservators “The Past for the Future” Polacchi, Polonia, Varsavia e Cracovia International Edition October 6 – 10, 2015 Warsaw – Cracow Contributo Fondazione dal titolo Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue a new commercial offer for the tourist market with Life Beyond Tourism - Atti dell’International symposium - MARKI - Accademia of Architecture and Construction “National and International Competence for the Conservation and Restauration of the Cultural and Historical Buildings of Russia” in Russia, Mosca 2015-09-18,20 Contributo Fondazione dal titolo Cultural Heritage Conservation for Intercultural Dialogue Life Beyond Tourism®.


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34/ p XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - Un Contributo ai Siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità

B.5) Attività Ad oggi l’attività della Fondazione si svolge prevalentemente su temi d’interesse popolare, per coinvolgere le masse in riflessioni in campi di diffuso interesse come: 1- Abbigliamento : Costume Colloquium (biennale, 5 edizione Nov. 2016) 2- Alimentazione : Saperi e Sapori (6 edizione dal 2009) 3- Patrimonio e Espressioni Culturali 3.1 Naturale Bio (UNU Ipsi Satoyama Initiative) : workshop a Firenze 2015 Cambiamenti Climatici (tema aperto ad un prossimo sviluppo) 3.2 Culturale e Espressioni Culturali 3.2.1 Culturale Tangibile (Espressioni Culturali) Tutela, Valorizzazione e Fruizione per il Dialogo . Comitati Scientifici Internazionali ICOMOS fino a 5/7 per anno con uditori intl . Comitati Scientifici Internazionali ICOM fino a 5/7 per anno con uditori intl . Comitati IUCN con uditori intl . Comitati con uditori 3.2.2 Culturale Intangibile (Espressioni Culturali) Tradizioni Popolari in Piazza: . 2016 Carnevale nel Mondo . 2018 Tradizioni in Piazza 4- Religioni : (tema aperto ad un prossimo sviluppo) La valutazione delle iniziative avviene secondo i criteri della sostenibilità a. Sociale b. Ambientale c. Economica Dal 2013 a questi abbiamo aggiunto . Culturale (come auspicato dal DG UNESCO Irina Bokova) . Dialogo tra Culture (come auspicato dalla Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco) B.6) Fondi per il Territorio e per le organizzazioni internazionali che collaborano allo sviluppo della rete a livello mondiale LBT ha già dimostrato la sua duttilitàà e capacità di produrre fondi per il territorio e per sostenere eventi come la AG ICOMOS 2014 (v. Risoluzione AG ICOMOS 42/2

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XVIII International Assembly of Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® on the 25° Anniversary of the beginning of the Foundation’s activity Florence 12,13 March 2016

Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue and for Territorial Development A New Commercial and Educational Offer 'Culture for Dialogue' – 'Travel for Dialogue' Life, Beyond Tourism

Conclusion with the presentation of a proposal for a Recommendation HERITAGE and CULTURE for INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE heritage, travel, dialogue

A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites - 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites

CONTENTS The Certification of Quality, Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4 Introductory note to the Experts of the Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 On the theme of contribution to the Dialogue among Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7 A new offer, also commercial, for the consumers of dialogue among cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8 Part 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.


Ideas of the Foundation regarding Heritage and Culture for the Intercultural Dialogue in these ten years from 2006 to 2016, up to the proposal of the Recommendation for Experts. Part 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 13 Elements and documents that during these years have been produced by the Foundation – and which have received the adhesion by numerous Institutions, Universities and also Cities and Ministries-, including its two manifestos and three mottos. Part 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 21 Proposal of the official delivery to the International Community of the results of our activity represented by the Model LBT, not only theoretical, but also already operational as cited in the afore-mentioned Resolution 2014/42 of the ICOMOS General Assembly – with its Manual of practical application and Certification of Quality for Dialogue among Cultures – for the application of ethos LBT on the world scale, if considered of interest for the International Community itself, with its portals www.lifebeyondtourism.org and www.vivafirenze.it, the local pilot portal. Part 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22 Introduction to the Recommendation Part 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 28 Information notes and their context Part 6. Memory articles for the anniversary of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco of some of those who have accompanied us in these years and have given to us, in their own language, their memories of these moments of our evolution since the beginning of activity on September 14, 1991. Part 7. Abstracts received by February 10, 2016 “Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue and for Territorial Development” Part 8. Attachments

Att. A) Sustainable Development Goals

Att. 1) Declaration of Intents

Att. 2) Education

Att. 3) Declaration of Auspices with the list of signatories

Att. 4) MoU with ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites

Att. 5) Resolution 2014/42 of ICOMOS General Assembly 2014

Att. 6) Patronships LBT

Att. 7) List of Institutions Signatories of MoU for Life Beyond Tourism

Att. 8) Program of Initiatives 2015/2016

Att. 9) Scheme of Programs’ Evaluation

Att. 10) Draft scheme of significant dates of the Foundation

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3/ p. A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites - 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

The Certification of Quality Copyright of "In Travel for Dialogue among Cultures” in the “Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue” “The UNESCO Convention 1972 a contribution to the UNESCO Conventions 2003 and 2005, and these being a contribution to the 1972 Convention”

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco launches the Certification of Quality for Dialogue among Cultures, In Travel for Dialogue, beyond Sustainable Tourism, beyond Tourism of Services and Consumption, for companies operating on various territories that in their everyday operational code are sensitive towards the themes of Welcome, Hospitality, Dialogue, - both in view of the year 2017 declared “International Year of Sustainable Tourism” for development (att. A) - and in view of the 2030 agenda for the sustainable development for the Millennium Development Goals (att. A) - and also with the hope of including Intercultural Dialogue among the Millennium Goals. Dialogue among cultures, or rather “culture for dialogue” or "culture of dialogue”, “Culture for Dialogue” will become possible also and especially thanks to the "travel for dialogue", or in other words "in travel for dialogue", “Travel for Dialogue”, "hosting the traveller for establishing dialogue", with the participation of all the Learning Communities on the international level at the development process in peaceful coexistence with participating actors being well aware of the construction of peace in the world: . Residents . Travellers - or rather temporary residents . Services’ sphere of the territory (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc.) . Cultural Institutions . Intermediaries on line and off line . Public Administrations . Research Centres on the market trends . Educational Institutions The member actors will bear the trademark of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco

Thus the copyright and the intellectual property of the Certification of Quality "In Travel for Dialogue among Cultures”® in the “Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”®, described in the present edition are and remain the property of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. The copyright issue will be managed by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. The Foundation invites tourism companies of the travel industry, governments, organizations of the international community and single individuals to use © -"In Travel for Dialogue among Cultures”© in the "Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”© "The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these being a contribution to the 1972 Convention”© as a platform and basis opportunity for the development in peaceful coexistence – and do it with a correct reproduction and formal citation of the source, as well as the recognition that the Fondazione Romuado Del Bianco is the owner and author of the work. Even a partial publication of this work is not allowed and would be considered a violation of the rights of intellectual property.


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18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites

Introductory note to the Experts of the Foundation The XVIII General Assembly of International Experts of the Foundation coincides with the 25th anniversary of the start of our activity for the contribution to Dialogue among Cultures. This is a quickly prepared work notebook for the convenience of the Experts participating of the 18th General Assembly and Conference of the 13th March. We have received much more contributions that we have expected and thus more time was required for the organization of the Assembly, cutting time also for the conclusion of the present publication, which would require still more attention for further refinement. We apologize for the eventual errors or repetitions, but as you know the main goal of the Foundation has always been to deliver a paper for reflection for all of you who have participated at our initiatives in devoting their time and passion to this research of the Foundation; furthermore this year, in which we conclude our informal assignment received from Prof. Tomaszewski, and we would like to conclude with a proposal of ideas that we hope could be useful for the international community. With this working paper we present the results of the research of the last ten years of activity: from an informal assignment by Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski in 2006 to the Recommendation of March 2016; this is a contribution based on the experience gained with the activity that started in 1991 thanks to the participation in conferences and involvement of the Experts of the Foundation in particular in the course of our annual meetings. The highly characteristic moments of these 10 years (2006-2016) can be divided as follows: - informal assignment on the topic Heritage and Tourism received from Andrzej Tomaszewski on May 26-27, 2006 in Krakow and Zacopane - the first presentation of research results on Life Beyond Tourism, in Azerbaijan, Baku on November 20, 2007, at the conference “XXI Century Historic Islamic Cities” - the following official presentation of Life Beyond Tourism in Florence on March 15, 2008 - a successful sharing with ICOMOS at its General Assembly in Quebec on October 1, 2008 - subscription of the Declaration of Auspices on 15,16 March 2008 (att. 1) - participation and presentation of LBT at numerous international conferences, in North America, South America, Japan, Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus Countries, Russia, Italy. - signature of the Memorandum of Understanding with ICOMOS in Paris on March 4, 2013 - official presentation of the LBT Model at the Round Table in March 2014 - presentation to the ICOMOS Members participants of the ICOMOS General Assembly 2014 in Florence in November 2014 - Resolution 2014/42 of the ICOMOS General Assembly - participation at the international Congress in Cambodia, Siem Reap, in February 2015 - Assembly of Experts of the Foundation in March 2015 - conference celebrating the 50° anniversary of ICOMOS in Warsaw on June 22, 2015 - Conference of Polish Conservators in Warsaw and Krakow in October 2015 - signature of various Memoranda of Understanding with the last in terms of date last January, with the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH) in Manama, Bahrein, with its President H.E. Mai Bint Mohamed Al Khalifa, Minister of Culture.

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5/ p. A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites - 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

On the theme of contribution to the Dialogue among Cultures in this particular moment of globalization, a strong promotion of the UNESCO Conventions 2003 and 2005 is indispensable and urgent, while the 1972 UNESCO Convention should be perceived today not only in its function of protection and valorisation of heritage, but also as an extraordinary help for the fruition of heritage at the global level for favouring encounters, knowledge and dialogue among peoples all over the world, and it represents thus an important contribution to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 that favour the promotion of knowledge about immaterial heritage, as well as promotion and protection of the diversity of cultural expressions, which stimulates respect for diversity and growth of international community in peaceful coexistence, favouring, thus, the precious movement of contribution to the peace in the world. Therefore, it follows that also the 1972 UNESCO Convention benefits, in its turn, from the promotion of the both UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions, as Peace for Development in Peaceful Coexistence represents the first and foremost heritage of humanity, the only true heritage that is able to protect the fragile World Heritage of Humanity itself, to which the 1972 UNESCO Convention is dedicated. The author of the present paper has been a Florentine hotelier and, even though on his way towards sunset, he still remains the Florentine hotelier with the responsibility of conducting 5 hotel units in Florence and also some services’ companies in outsourcing to the hotels of the territory and in two other Italian cities. The group on the whole numerically exceeded 400 employees in the 90's. The Gulf crisis of 1991 -Saddam Hussein I and Bush Senior - combined with the effects of the SARS disease disseminated via air conditioning systems in aircrafts, have led Italy and certainly other cities like Florence and Venice, to one of the most serious tourism crises; companies went bankrupt and new ones born out of those ashes because of the need outsourcing to render costs more flexible. Our group and especially our VIVAHOTELS Company, being rooted in a city which is the world heritage site, felt the need to set up a foundation as a Centre for Studies and Experience for a better understanding of the evolution of the market and creation of an appropriate product offer. The created Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, which afterwards, due to the research carried out, has taken the name of Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism, underlines its own opinion of the importance, on behalf of those who want to contribute to the protection and conservation of heritage, of avoiding the combination of terms tourism and culture, as they are very often confused with the sphere of services and consumption, suggesting instead the terms travel and culture that are much less confused with the above; it further sustains the importance of the fruition of heritage on behalf of the ever growing public, for the aim of dialogue, for development in peaceful coexistence of the international community, and it underlines also the importance of raising the awareness by the World Heritage sites of Humanity, the sites that, well beyond Heritage and with Heritage, should be favouring communication, encounters and dialogue among cultures. The Model LBT is, therefore, a new practice, also a commercial but non-profit one and is destined to the international community, intending to distinguish itself due to its contribution to the knowledge and exercise of respect for diversities. Under the guidance of the cardiologist and friend Prof. Francesco Marchi an operation on heart by the Prof. Popoff at the Villa Maria Beatrice in Florence took place on February 2, 2004, which lead to resizing of the company and its transition from the company VIVAHOTELS in expansion towards the Central Europe with a seat already open in Budapest, to the Centro Congressi al Duomo concentrated in the historic centre of Florence. In this situation and with this decision, the Foundation has gained its deserved development.


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6/ p. 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites

Acknowledgements In conclusion, I would like to express my special gratitude to all those who have contributed to orienting this movement: I start with the members of the Council of Directors of the Foundation in these years: Carla Guiducci Bonanni, Maurizio Bossi, Gianfranco Catarzi, Giovanna Dani, Carlotta Del Bianco, Caterina Del Bianco, Corinna Del Bianco, Simone Giometti, Marc Laenen, Francesco Marchi, Emma Mandelli, Hoshino Tsuji. The Board of Auditors represented by Paolo Meli, Marzio Marzi, Gianni Raviglione and Alberto Carisio, but also Francesco Civita and Mary Westerman Bulgarella that have contributed significantly to the creation of the Palazzo Coppini. My gratitude to the Councillor Marc Laenen for having accompanied me with his experience in the sphere of heritage, especially after the passing away of Andrzej. Special thanks also to the first Scientific Committee with Luciano Alberti, Antonio Natali, Carlo Sisi, at which Antonietta Esposito also took part. I don’t forget to mention also the 2006 working group with the participation of Antonio Natali, Serafino Degli Innocenti, Stephen Tobin, but also Sue Millar and Amund Sinding Larsen. I conclude with my particular gratitude to Prof. Antonio Paolucci, previously Minister of Culture, that with his words and written messages, on numerous occasions managed to arouse enthusiasm in the Foundation, but also Cristina Acidini, Bruno Santi and Luigi Zangheri that have been equally precious especially for the development of research and DVD "Florence 2000 years of history" (ArtMedia Studio) made available to guests of the hotels as the first welcome to them in Florence; I do not forget Luigi Zangheri and his attentive participation in my presentation at the ICOMOS symposium in Quebec on October 1, 2008, together with Gennaro Tampone. A special gratitude also goes to the President Alexander Petrovich Kudriavtzev, for the opening to the Russianspeaking countries since 2002 with Nikolai Gorski Chernichev. Special thanks to the ICCROM Director General, Stefano De Caro and the friend Masanori Aoyagi, Commissioner of the Agency of Cultural Affairs of Japan Bunka Cho, who believed in the Foundation and in the research Life Beyond Tourism so as to sign the Memorandum of Understanding and to present the Foundation in Tokyo at the Josai University where the courses Life Beyond Tourism has just started, as well as at the Toyo University where some trial courses have taken place, without forgetting the confidence demonstrated on behalf of Prof. Masanori Aoyagi in over ten years, entrusting the Foundation with fiduciary assignment of being the owners of the property of Somma Vesuviana, where it carried out archaeological research in the large roman villa, which was also presented by Alberto Angela in broadcasts to the Italians. My gratitude also to Baku, Azerbaijan, where Life Beyond Tourism was presented for the first time upon the invitation of Rector Madame Mammedova and where the Ministry of Culture was the first to sign the Memorandum of Understanding Life Beyond Tourism. Thanks also to the ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz that in Kyoto for the ceremonies of the 40th ICOMOS anniversary proposed to consider an opportunity of signing a collaboration agreement between the Foundation and the International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS, the agreement signed on March 4, 2013. To all of you, Experts of the Foundation, a long list of friends, which is objectively not easy to be named, but which is already present online, I express my gratitude for having accompanied the Foundation on this ambitious path of this research, thank you again for your confidence and passion, with which you have always taken part at our initiatives. I conclude with expressing again my thanks to Andrzej Tomaszewski as he presented me to the then Director of ICCROM in Rome and now Director of the Arab Regional Center for World Heritage in Manama, Mounir Bouchenaki, and he also encouraged me enormously throughout all these years, fuelling the Foundation’s trust and spirit of sacrifice in this research, and increasing its worldwide contacts valorising, thus, the obtained results; we are very pleased to have signed a Memorandum of Collaboration just a few days ago in Manama, Bahrain with the President of the Centre and in the presence of the Minister of Culture of Bahrain, thanks to his conviction and determination. I apologise once again with all those whom I omitted here and with whom personal relations have also been built, relations of respect, trust and friendship, relations that have often become family-close.

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7/ p. A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites - 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

A new offer, also commercial, for the consumers of dialogue among cultures Let’s remember that the Foundation was established by the will of a tourism company; we appreciate tourism, this global phenomenon that is making the world closer with its cultural diversities and is valorising its territories. We are members of UNWTO and starting right from the UNWTO Code of Ethics and all the admirable research activities carried out on sustainable development, we would like to contribute simply to the "sustainable development in peaceful coexistence" helping to think about the significance of the dialogue among cultures, which is fundamental also for the health of the travel industry itself. We all know well that tour operators carry in them a potential for dialogue among cultures, the potential which is even not easy to imagine; therefore, tour operators are potentially the insurers of themselves against the risks of reduction or cuts of turnover due to wars and terroristic acts! It is also evident that the art of hospitality and welcome will have to be always more oriented, beyond services and consumption, towards the art of dialogue among cultures: which, as the title of the Assembly states, represents an exceptional new commercial offer for the consumers of dialogue among cultures, and an educational offer for the international network of operators oriented at contributing to the construction of peace in the world with the help of dialogue. Here it is explained why, throughout this publication, we will avoid using the term tourism, certainly not because we are contrary to it, but because already all over the world it is intrinsically linked to the concept of services and consumption, and therefore is a basically egocentric phenomenon less tied to the cultural concept of the good of the international community, while instead of it we intend to conduct our attention to this new commercial and educational proposal. Times have changed and from many sides we perceive this desire, which is turning into a movement oriented at Life Beyond Tourism to promote dialogue among cultures, to which all the sphere of hospitality industry will be confronted in the nearest future in a virtuous competition for the good of the international community. A research on the traditional hospitality in Florence has also been promoted by the Foundation in 2015, which demonstrates again the significance of this attention.


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8/ p. 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites

PART 1. The ideas of the Foundation regarding Heritage and Culture for the Intercultural Dialogue in these ten years from 2006 to 2016, up to the proposal of the present Recommendation. INVOLVEMENT OF THE FOUNDATION IN THE WORLD OF HERITAGE Thank you, Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski with this gratitude, the Foundation would like to direct its thought and give its tribute to the President Andrzej Tomaszewski for his informal invitation to the Foundation in the person of its President, in Krakow on May 26, 2006, to take part at the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Theory and Practice of Conservation and Restauration in order to contribute actively to the reflection and proposal of ideas regarding the combination heritage & tourism. The present XVIII General Assembly of the International Experts of the Foundation opens this introductory text with the contribution that we had honour to present at the conference organized by the ICOMOS Committee of Poland. The presentation took place on June 22, 2015, in Warsaw in the prestigious Wilanów Palace, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50° anniversary of ICOMOS; also on that occasion, as it is usual for the Foundation, we remembered with affection and gratitude the President, friend and teacher Andrzej Tomaszewski to whom the Foundation owes its recognition for having been involved in the topic Heritage and Tourism and for having got an opportunity to reflect and discuss it in such a prestigious international context, the topic that has never been taken into consideration attentively enough at its origins and that is presenting serious problems today in all the so-called touristic sites and in particular in the World Heritage Sites of Humanity. But we must note that this phenomenon does not only possess the intrusive soul of tourism, there is also and especially a lack of full awareness on behalf of territories regarding their own identity and there is not even an ability to see the potential of promoting dialogue among cultures and respect for diversity in this world that is approaching 10 billion people; neither it is evident how the 1972 Convention on the World Heritage could help the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 on the intangible heritage and that of 2005 on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, and viceversa how these last ones could help the 1972 Convention; neither it is visible how all these three conventions could generate a new commercial offer that already exists and is precious for the world economy and for the growth of the international community in peaceful coexistence in cultural travels. Thus, we should be able to see the possibility of a new practice, also commercial, that many might define as a new commercial product, term to which we add “with a completely new ethics”. With this contribution, the XIII General Assembly of the Foundation considers to have provided a response to the assignment of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski and to have concluded its research activities. The Foundation will continue with the International Institute Life Beyond Tourism towards the teaching of what has been achieved, the process already active in Japan, Tokyo, thanks to the presentation of Prof. Masanori Aoyagi, Expert of the Foundation and now Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, Bunka Cho. In April 2016, we will start teaching also in Azerbaijan, in Baku, then in Georgia, and further on in many places where the Memorandum of Understanding Life Beyond Tourism was signed. Moreover, the analysis of the definition of a statute for the establishment of a worldwide association in collaboration with a university in Saint Petersburg is also in course, and it will represent a network of universities under the name that gives a perfect idea of its mission "International Association of Architectural Education for Territorial Development and Intercultural Dialogue", emphasizing, also in architecture, urban studies, project planning of the territory, as well as in the concept creation, design and

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construction of indoor environments, the importance of awareness about the need of encouraging dialogue, at the time of exponential globalization. As we will see, the Foundation from Florence, at the invitation of Andrzej Tomaszewski, with your contribution, is defining and applying new concepts such as "altruistic journey", "the temporary resident", the "cultural biography ", but above all "Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue"; all this is considered by the Foundation a vital contribution to the globalized International Community that is moving towards ten billion people, in order to contribute to its development in peaceful coexistence. This contribution to the dialogue must be activated with an exponential growth, today we could say 'viral', also because of the power of heritage: therefore one more reason to protect and valorise it, but also to enjoy it exactly in order to bring people of different cultures closer and to facilitate their encounter and, consequently, dialogue. Precisely for this reason, the World Heritage Sites with Life Beyond Tourism -which affirms itself as a new practice, also commercial, for the development in peaceful coexistence- come to assume an ever greater responsibility in relation to that of belonging to the list of the UNESCO 1972 Convention, as they constitute natural centers of education for dialogue among cultures, a task that they have a duty to perform especially in the interest of heritage. With Life Beyond Tourism since 2007, the Foundation sees the affirmation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention as an instrumental platform for the dissemination of knowledge of the 2003 and 2005 Conventions as the World Heritage Sites attract visitors from many countries of the world with different cultures; these Heritage Sites can and should assume the position of promoters of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the Conventions that in order to be appreciated, cannot wait as many years as those that occurred for the 1972 UNESCO Convention; and thus the greater will be the capability of these Sites to become Education Centers for Dialogue and dissemination of the above 2003 and 2005 Conventions - the greater will be their ability to establish themselves as a new practice, also commercial, oriented to the benefit of development in peaceful coexistence and, therefore, responsibility towards the International Community; and that is why, with the 18th General Assembly we intend to arrive at a RECOMMENDATION addressed to the competent Institutions in the interest of the International Community for sustainable development in peaceful coexistence.

Thank you Andrzej, and together with you it is necessary to remember all those who have already left us, but whom we cannot forget as they have contributed, brick after brick, to the construction of these results: Arimitzu Tsuji, Mihaly Zador, Bohumil Fanta, Alexej Komec, Arest Beglarian, Alexej Rovenko, Alexej Skaev, but also Ekaterina Genieva; and we will certainly not forget Gianfranco Catarzi, Carla Guiduci Bonanni and the silent friend Emanuele Di Castro. Our work is dedicated to all of them Paolo Del Bianco


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18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® - A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites

Warsaw 22 June 2015 Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue Hosting the traveller to promote intercultural dialogue Life Beyond Tourism Paolo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism

“On this, the 50th anniversary of ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, obviously in Poland, in Warsaw, the home town of the man whom I consider to be my older brother, Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski, the city where I was awarded the Professor Jan Zachwatowichz Prize by the President of ICOMOS Poland Boguslaw Szmygin, I am here to present to you the contribution of the Foundation that I have the honour of chairing. This year marks the 25th year of our work in contributing to intercultural dialogue and the 10th year since Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski invited the Foundation and myself to make a contribution to the scientific debate within the great ICOMOS family, in the knowledge: • that this activity in favour of dialogue had been backed by a Florentine hotel company in Florence that since 1991 believed and wanted the Foundation; • that the Foundation is totally dedicated to fostering intercultural encounter in its activities; and • that the Foundation has always considered tangible and intangible cultural heritage to play a crucial role in fostering encounter, dialogue, mutual knowledge and respect for cultural diversity. The professor repeatedly voiced his concern over the damage that mass tourism was doing to heritage, while remaining fully cognizant of tourism's economic importance for the very survival of numerous cultural monuments and sites. In the course of our conversations I endeavored to console him by reassuring him that we would try to devise a "model" capable of turning mass tourism into a "friend" of heritage. On the day that I received that warm, if informal, invitation we were in Cracow to attend the first Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, a committee of which Professor Tomaszewski had been elected the first President. Yet it is thanks to that invitation that I am here today, to present to you the results of the activity conducted from 2006 by the Foundation, which has always felt the encouragement over the years of the proximity of ICOMOS Paris to which Professor Tomaszewski was eager to introduce us. This activity, presented at various conferences 1, was illustrated last year in two publications, the first in three languages Italian, English and Russian in March2, and the second, published for the participants at the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2014, in Italian, English and French in November3. We moved on from the LBT philosophy to its practical implementation with the LBT Economic Model, on a not-for-profit


First in Azerbaijan on November 20, 2007 in Baku at the Conference “XXI Century the Historic Islamic Cities”, and later in Florence on March 15-16, 2008, followed by the Declaration of Intents, Att. 1.


The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226)


The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433)

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basis, devised for dissemination in franchising at the global level; this led to the preparation of - a Manual for the practical application of the LBT Model; - its Quality Certification was defined in terms of Travel for Dialogue; - two Internet portals, one worldwide <.ORG> and one <.NET> with a pilot scheme VivaFirenze.it for the Florence area, were set up.

The LBT Model proved its ability to contribute to the economic support of the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2014 -with the pilot scheme VivaFirenze.it- and to sustaining the conservation of a site's heritage, that selfsame heritage that is an economic driver for its region, that selfsame heritage for whose conservation it is often so difficult to find funding!

The LBT Model has shown its simplicity in moving from theory to implementational practice in an economic yet not-forprofit vein for the benefit of development in a framework of peaceful coexistence through a new commercial offer, whose global development is in the hands of individual regions in franchising, in a not-for-profit environment. I hope that we have satisfied the expectations of Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski when he first issued me with his famous invitation.

He himself, watching from on high, will be considering what we have achieved and published in our two publications in 2014, not without assessing . the ICOMOS Resolution 42/2014 and . the Declaration of Florence reached by the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly whose scientific symposium entitled "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" witnessed a broad debate in which cultural heritage was associated with the theme of intercultural dialogue for the construction of development in a framework of peaceful coexistence. Thus, bearing in mind also the message of the Declaration of Florence, with which we are especially pleased, he will be the judge of: - whether, how and to what extent the Foundation over the past ten years has worked well to make its contribution to the great ICOMOS family; - whether what we have formulated with our LBT philosophy and with its LBT Model . is effective in its practical implementation on the ground; . may be considered a contribution in the sense understood by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, when he voiced these words in his Synthesis Report On the Post-2015 Agenda, in December 2014: Transformation is our watchword. At this moment in time, we are called to lead and act with courage. We are called to embrace change. Change in our societies. Change in the management of our economies. Change in our relationship with our one and only planet. … “


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PART 2 Elements and documents that during these years have been produced by the Foundation – and which have received the adhesion by numerous Institutions, Universities and also Cities and Ministries - with its two manifestos and three mottos. INTRODUCTION Combining Heritage with Dialogue, through Travelling What the Foundation presents with Life Beyond Tourism is a strong desire to combine Heritage with Intercultural Dialogue through Travelling, which will allow to add to the two terms Protection and Valorisation the term of Fruition of Heritage for dialogue among cultures. Thus, in the spirit of Life Beyond Tourism, Heritage is seen as a strategy and powerful opportunity for promoting the meeting of cultures and, consequently, dialogue, contributing thus to the promotion and awareness about the Conventions: . UNESCO 2003 for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage . UNESCO 2005 on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, these are a great exercise on the worldwide scale in the respect for cultural diversity. The Foundation that since 1991 has started its activity of dialogue among cultures, since 2007 - since 2007 with Life Beyond Tourism has been observing the affirmation of the UNESCO 1972 Convention on World Heritage as a contribution to the dissemination of the aforementioned UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions, the conventions that absolutely should not wait for their promotion and dissemination as many years as were needed for the 1972 World Heritage Convention itself; the Foundation has noticed the circularity in the synergy of these conventions, and in fact the two conventions of 2003 and 2005, in their turn, give silently their contribution to the 1972 Convention as we will see in the presentation. On the basis of this, the proposal of a New Commercial Practice for the common good was born, with learning communities aimed at the promotion of rapid and widespread knowledge and sharing of the aforementioned UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions. For their understanding and full appreciation, the Foundation proposes to use the commercial network of tourism for a 'viral' diffusion, and obviously it should be culture of the place to guide travelling of visitors, while services and consumption should not be allowed to transform the culture of the visited territories, which will be possible finding new commercial offers oriented towards dialogue. With the presentation of this recommendation, its final discussion, evaluation, integration and approval, the Foundation intends to conclude its commitment undertaken following the informal assignment on behalf of Prof. Tomaszewski. However, this year we will be fully involved to conduct . the International Meetings and Study Centre in Florence favouring the encounter between scientific institutions such as ICOMOS International Scientific Committees, in order to bring them together with a wider audience of listeners, following therefore the commitment undertaken by ICOMOS with the Resolution of the General Assembly 2014/42 . the International Institute Life Beyond Tourism is involved in teaching the conclusions of this research and practice of the institutions concerned, as it is already being done in Japan, Tokyo, in Azerbaijan and in those Countries that have already requested it and that will demonstrate in future their interest . training to trainers in the English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese languages and we hope also in Arabic and Chinese, . opening towards close cooperation with international universities interested in designing and project-making

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for the development of territory where strong is the commitment to promote dialogue among cultures and hoping to launch the courses and scholarships on the topic "Architectural Education for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue". The Foundation hopes to be able set up and conduct all the above in consultation with UNESCO and UNWTO, of which it has been a member for many years, sharing its principles, starting with the founding papers cited above like the Code of Ethics and the Conventions, aimed at influencing the category which, as mentioned, has an immeasurable potential for the activity of dialogue among cultures, dialogue that constitutes an "assurance" also for the activities of operators in tourism sector that can exist only in conditions of peace.


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HERITAGE FOR DIALOGUE A new commercial practice, with another ethics for the benefit of international community, not only protection and valorisation, but also fruition of heritage for dialogue among cultures with a programmed numerical limit

It is well known that the evolution and success of the symbolic places like Florence is due to the development of the phenomenon of tourism on their territories and is mainly measured in terms of turnover of the services’ industry in the area. The statistic surveys are mainly of numeric character on the basis of data such as presence, average length of stay, average expenditure per person, turnover, etc .. These surveys should always be compared with the permissible limit of presences -when eventually established by the public administration and possibly distinguished on various markets - with a consequent forecast of necessary services for such limits in order not to exceed the possibilities offered by the territory; everything will be in the perspective of the targeted objective, but will represent also a limit in the eyes of all, stakeholders and observers.

The Peace as heritage of the World Heritage Sites of Humanity In the world heritage sites of humanity, particularly in those existing largely because of the flows of visitors interested in Heritage, one should come to a full awareness of how much the development of such places depends, even before the heritage itself, on the factor of peace; for this reason the Foundation emphasizes the importance, exactly because of this dependency on tourism market, of the sites in question that should be absolutely engaged in contributing to the peace in the world. Thus, the Sites of World Heritage of Humanity, cultural and natural, should become the centres constructors of peace, places of education in synergy with the UNWTO for the encouragement of reflection on the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, and therefore centers of education on dialogue among cultures in line with the Code of Ethics and its derivatives. For this reason, the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism sees in Heritage not only the issues of 'protection' and 'valorisation', but especially 'fruition' for 'encouraging dialogue among different cultures', and thus it sees in Heritage a strategic opportunity that our international community should not absolutely miss: . both for the opportunity given by the important worldwide dissemination of the phenomenon of tourism . and for the dissemination of world heritage sites of humanity . and for the opportunity that is given by the traveller, this one by choice, in conditions of relaxation and confidence towards the company that organizes the trip, to which he entrusts his own time and own money, and follows attentively the suggested program. Briefly, in the numerous International Community with a number of travellers who has long time ago exceeded one billion per year, the fruition of heritage for dialogue among different cultures represents an opportunity for the international community which cannot be lost as dialogue is essential for peace and peace is essential for the so-called tourist economy, which, thus, becomes the economy of peace with peace, that together with peace itself protects also the heritage: the circularity of the synergy of the UNESCO Conventions 2003, 2005, 1972.

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An Evolution : from an egocentric journey to an altruistic journey, beyond sustainable tourism with the temporary resident

With these concepts we proceed beyond sustainable tourism, with the temporary resident, passing by the distinction between - egocentric tourism, selfish as thermal tourism is for my well-being, cultural tourism for my culture, sports tourism for my physical shape, etc. where at the center of the system is the satisfaction of pleasure of the participant - altruistic journey where the traveller participates at a movement that sees in travellers a great opportunity for disseminating the message of peace with the exercise of dialogue among cultures that perceives travellers as messengers of peace that donate themselves -time and money- to the International Community that thus sees their contribution to the growth of Community itself in peaceful coexistence. Thus, a tourist of services and consumption is transformed into a traveller, and then in a temporary resident, thanks also to the residents of the territory that encourage knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity with the knowledge of the place.

Learning Communities, for Dialogue and Territorial Development in peaceful coexistence

This is how are born Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue, and Learning Communities are: . Residents . Travellers – or rather temporary residents . Services of the territory (hotels, restaurants, etc.) . Cultural Institutions . Intermediaries online and offline . Public Administrations . Centers for Research on market trends . Educational institutions

We see that there is no lack of constructive participation of the spheres of services and intermediaries that can take advantage of a new commercial practice, a new product, but with a different ethics; all of them, travelers, residents, services providers and intermediaries, represent various communities that must appreciate the importance of their role for dialogue among cultures in order to encourage the sharing of knowledge between themselves – out of here Learning Communities – that become truly communities that learn. These communities can consciously and proudly support and promote the spread of the new commercial practice and can proudly contribute to the promotion of the UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions exactly thanks to the mobility opportunities that arouse interest for the knowledge about heritage (UNESCO 1972 Convention) in individual personalities at the international level; it is easy to see that we are far beyond sustainable tourism.


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A new commercial practice oriented at the benefit of International Community the network of the operators of peace With the ethos Life Beyond Tourism –applied on territories with its respective Model LBT- one participates at the construction of this new commercial offer, with another ethics, in line, as already said, with the UNWTO Code of Ethics, for the common good, in which the personal pleasure is not lost but is perceived in an altruistic way, or in other words, with proper satisfaction of contributing to the good of the international community; participants are aware and proud to belong and contribute to the spread and appreciation of the importance of the UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions for the development of International Community in peaceful coexistence and, consequently, are aware of being peacemakers and are proud of it. In this new commercial practice, Life Beyond Tourism® sees 1- Culture of the territory that guides the Travel of the visitor as well as 2- International Tourism that does not transform the Culture of visited Territories.

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COMBINATION TOURISM - CULTURE A combination to be managed with a strong cultural sensitivity, in order to manage the potential of travelling for favouring the new offer dialogue among cultures and not being the victim of the exuberance of business that leads to transforming the culture of territories

1) at the World Congress UNWTO/UNESCO on Tourism and Culture: "Building a new partnership" that took place in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2-4 February 2015, the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism participated as an observer. The objective of the Congress was to identify the key opportunities, challenges and models for a stronger cooperation between these two closely interconnected operational areas. The Foundation intends to make its own contribution to the above objectives of the UNWTO/UNESCO with some useful ideas for a suitable formal approach to combining tourism-culture, a combination that the Foundtion prefers to call culture and travel for intercultural dialogue as the Foundation sees apprehensively the combination of Tourism-Culture, because of the fear that the exuberance of the phenomenon of tourism leads tourism itself to excessive dynamic action on the visited territory, action that must be always managed so as not to arrive at the deformation of culture of the territory that welcomes tourists, which occurred exactly like this already in many cases, as we know. The Foundation with Life Beyond Tourism maintains that - travel and culture are two terms that should always stay together for fostering development in peaceful coexistence, contributing to promote the 2003 UNESCO Convention (intangible heritage) and the 2005 Convention (Diversity of Cultural Expressions), with the strategic role of the UNESCO 1972 Convention (World Heritage) which facilitates the mobility of persons for pleasure of getting to know the world heritage sites. These 2003 and 2005 Conventions cannot wait for many years to reach to the level of dissemination and awareness of the 1972 UNESCO Convention; - the terms "Culture" and "Travel for Dialogue" represent an important combination as the visitor brings wealth to the territory, but especially the visitor's presence provides points for cultural reflection that with the travelling represent immeasurable opportunities for the exchange of values between cultures with the knowledge of diversity and action in the respect of it - countries that will be more involved in the UNESCO 1972 Convention will have more opportunities to promote this new commercial offer taking steps to become Centers of World Education for Dialogue among Cultures and taking on the responsibility for this noble task. - in order to encourage dialogue, special attention and support should be given to the 'education' of Learning Communities of Residents, Travelers, Services of the territory (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc.), Travel Agencies, Intermediaries online and offline and Educational Institutions, - it is essential that these Learning Communities should acquire adequate awareness about their role of favouring dialogue among cultures for the development of territory in peaceful coexistence. For these Learning Communities should be created the conditions for continuous learning, even transversal, about this responsibility of them in order to render them 'Certifiable', as we will see further. - the places that will favour this evolution will be able to propose a new commercial practice becoming Education Centres for Dialogue among Cultures, which today might be called "altruistic tourism". - the new commercial practice is educational: ’Heritage and Culture for Intercultural Dialogue’ - ’In Travel for Dialogue’ – hosting the traveller for encouraging dialogue.


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IN CONCLUSION A) The culture of the place -in the deepest sense of the term- should guide travelling and, consequently, tourism should not deform the culture of the visited place. The local culture is a reason for travelling, even if trips are often sold for attractions that are not made explicitly referable to it. Cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, represents an opportunity of immeasurable importance for grasping the attention of large masses in order to direct them to the exercise of Intercultural Dialogue which is indispensable today. In order to be able to exercise dialogue, people should be enabled to appreciate the context, dimensions and process that contribute to the creation of cultural expressions starting from the necessity behind the creation, and the following search for resources, design and final realization it in the forms that are visible today, made with those materials and in that location, exactly for the intended function. The proper communication of all this renders possible a better understanding that often, in the world of intangibility, leads to the awareness about the difficulties to learn and really understand the cultural heritage, the awareness that anyway induces respect for diversity. B) Altruistic travelling, for the International Community. Travelling from 'egocentric' and 'selfish' (well established on the consumer market with products such as 'cultural tourism ' for my culture, 'spa tourism' for my well-being, 'active tourism' for my body, etc. . ...) becomes altruistic or in other words becomes an opportunity for the traveller to donate himself (time and money) to the International Community making his own contribution to the growth of the Community itself in peaceful coexistence. Thus, a tourist of services and consumption is transformed into the traveller, and then into the 'temporary resident' thanks to the residents that encourage knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity between the resident and the visitor, with the constructive participation of the sphere of services and intermediaries that can take advantage of a new product, a new commercial offer, but with a different ethics. The Foundation hopes to have a further meeting with the UNWTO, after its visit to Madrid of May 30, 2015, believing that the Model LBT should be known for its complete evaluation, including its Manual and Certification of Quality for the dialogue among cultures, and the respective materials have already been presented and delivered to the UNWTO on that occasion.

LIFE BEYOND TOURISM COURSES Beyond Sustainable Tourism, LBT courses are urgently needed With the year 2015 have started the training courses LBT. The courses are at the disposal of both institutions - private and public – and educational establishments (universities and post-graduate) upon request. The intention of the Foundation is to offer courses, with the Institute, in the following languages: Italian, English, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, German. The programming of courses LBT can be requested by any institution whose aim is to embrace inside of their didactic curricula a new strategy beyond sustainable tourism, for those territories that intend to promote . not only a tourism economy. but especially . the culture of welcoming visitors and the hospitality . dialogue among cultures: © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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namely those territories that intend to manage . a new commercial offer -with a different ethics for the good of the international community - for the flow of visitors in order not to suffer tourism but to manage it and be active members of the international community and an international education centers for development in peaceful coexistence. In Japan . on September 5, 2015 in Tokyo, at the Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, concluded the first one-week Intensive Course on Life, Beyond Tourism. The course was desired for the Faculty of Tourism of the Josai International University by the Chancellor Mrs. Noriko Misuta. The exceptional witness of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding was the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan Bunka Cho. The course is of six months duration. In October 2015 was held the first conference on Life Beyond Tourism, in Tokyo at the Toyo University. Both the Universities -Toyo and Josai- have a total of about 50,000 students. Many universities in Japan are inaugurating Faculties of Tourism, including the Kyoto Prefecture University, following thus a national tendency.

In Azerbaijan In April 2016 will begin the courses in Azerbaijan, Baku, at the University of Architecture and Construction. Development of Educational Programs See Attachment n. 2.


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PART 3 The proposal of the official delivery to the International Community of the results of our activity represented by the Model LBT, not only theoretical, but also already operational as cited in the afore-mentioned Resolution 2014/42 of the ICOMOS General Assembly – with its Manual of practical application and the Certification of Quality for Dialogue among Cultures – for the application of the ethos LBT on the world scale, if considered of interest for the International Community itself.

MODEL LBT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY As it is already known and has been formally announced and published in 2014, the Model Life Beyond Tourism was conceived by the Foundation in order to be made available to the International Community. The experts are invited to consider this sensitive moment to ensure that the management of this Model LBT can be conducted in respect with the founding principles of the Model LBT itself and in the interest of the International Community and with a perspective of its development on the worldwide level in franchising but in a nonprofit environment, also manageable by the Centres of World Heritage of Category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO and in collaboration with the UNWTO.

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Introduction to the RECOMMENDATION 1- in view of: - the research begun by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco in 2006 in response to an informal invitation from Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski - then President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration - which led to the definition of the Life Beyond Tourism philosophy; - the fact that said philosophy was presented for the first time in Azerbaijan, in Baku, on 20 November 2007 in the course of a conference on "Historic Islamic Cities in the 21st Century"; - the fact that it was subsequently presented in Florence on 15 March 2008; - the fact that the Declaration of Intent was signed in Florence on 16 March 2008 by participants in the Foundation's Round Table, said declaration setting a deadline of five years for perfecting an operational proposal, a best practice; - that was further presented during the ICOMOS Symposium in Quebec on 1.10.2008 - the fact that when said five-year term reached expiry, the result of the Declaration of Intent was presented with the definition and presentation of an operational, non-theoretical LBT Model with targets that can be set and results that can be measured, to track the progress of the level of Intercultural Dialogue achieved on the ground; - the LBT Model Manual and LBT Model Certification, which were presented in the course of the 16th General Assembly of the Foundation's International Experts in March 2014 and in the course of the ICOMOS symposium in November 2014 with two appropriately codified publications in February 2014 and November 2015; - the fact that, in developing the Life Beyond Tourism philosophy, the Foundation steered clear of using the word tourism in order to avoid confusing its message, which aims to be directed solely towards appreciation of a destination's values, because the word tourism is associated throughout the world today with the concept of consumer-driven services; - the fact that numerous Memoranda of Understanding have been signed by the Foundation in connection with the development of the results achieved in the course of the Foundation's research; 2- in the knowledge that: - in connection with said philosophy ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites signed an MoU of cooperation with the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism on 4 March 2013; - the Foundation has followed up on its Life Beyond Tourism philosophy with the LBT Model; - the LBT Model was tested at the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2014; - the ICOMOS General Assembly in Florence in 2014 approved Resolution 2014/42 with regard to LBT, having demonstrated its operational character for the services of the General Assembly; - of the fact that the Foundation devised the LBT Model with the intention of placing it at the disposal of the international community;

3- considering it essential: - that the traveller is guided by the culture of his destination and that tourism based on consumer-driven services cannot distort the nature or the character of the destination visited; 4- reflecting: on the importance of the combination between heritage, travel and dialogue, in other words: . the important role that an individual destination's heritage and culture in general can play in fueling the interest of a broader audience in order to prompt visits to destinations in connection with their heritage and culture; . the useful role that travel can play and the extent to which visiting destinations can create opportunities for ac-


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quaintance and appreciation of cultural diversity and for exercising respect for diversity; - the extent to which visiting a cultural centre can create intercultural dialogue for development in a context of peaceful coexistence in an international community which currently numbers of 7 billion individuals and which is rapidly heading towards the 10 billion mark; - the importance of succeeding in turning world heritage sites into centers for training people in the art of intercultural dialogue and rendering them promoters of funds to be dedicated to the heritage - the extent to which centers for training people in the art of intercultural dialogue become, in turn, another form of commercial practice, albeit driven by a different ethic; 5- considering: the importance of bringing about a rapprochement among cultures, a hope explicitly voiced in the proclamation of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022 officially announced by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova in Almaty on 23 August 2013 with the Chairperson of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Mr Imangali Tasmagambetov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Erlan Idrissov, for which UNESCO has been designated as lead agency for the United Nations system, and which was adopted by UNESCO General Conference's Resolution 36C/40 in November 2011 followed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 67/104 in December 2012 - "The objective of the Decade is to promote mutual understanding and respect for diversity, rights and equal dignity between peoples, through intercultural dialogue and concrete initiatives," said the Director-General. -that the UNESCO Conventions 2003 and 2005 cannot wait as many years for their international dissemination and appreciation as it took for the World Heritage Convention of 1972 to contribute to the development of the international community in a context of peaceful coexistence; - that peace is the "heritage" of mankind's World Heritage; - that international travel fosters cultural rapprochement as indicated in the Foundation's 2014 Manifesto: 1- Peace is essential for a sustainable development; 2- Intercultural dialogue is strategic for contributing to peace in the world; 3- Heritage, both natural and cultural, is a strategic factor for international encounters and thus for intercultural dialogue; 4- Knowledge and respect for cultural diversity (both tangible and intangible) are essential for intercultural dialogue; 5- Encounter, especially among young people, is essential for intercultural dialogue; 6- Travel, acquiring knowledge of the destination visited with its values and knowledge, is therefore a strategic tool for the acquisition of knowledge and for the development of respect; - that it is of crucial importance to convert the tourism currently based on consumer-driven services into travel allowing resident and traveller to exchange knowledge of their mutual values ; - that tangible and intangible "cultural heritage" is a motive for travelling, thus an opportunity for knowledge; along with its "safeguarding" and "enhancement", also its "use and enjoyment" for promoting intense intercultural dialogue must be encouraged; - that with the Life Beyond Tourism philosophy and Model it is possible to broadly and rapidly ennoble organised travel so that it can make a contribution to intercultural dialogue in the international community as it heads towards a population of 10 billion people; - that Life Beyond Tourism's aim is to substantively and gradually reduce mass interest in tourism based on consumer-driven services in order to replace it with interest in travel for acquiring knowledge of values, for exchanging mutual values, and for exercising respect for cultural diversity; - that with Life Beyond Tourism a new practice also of a commercial nature is set in motion, overcoming the current concept of tourism inasmuch as it stretches beyond sustainable tourism, beyond tourism based on consumer-driven services, beyond egocentric and egotistical tourism because it aims to foster dialogue for development in a context of peaceful coexistence, on the grounds that, as we have seen: - it is a destination's culture in the deepest sense of the word that must be the driving force behind travel; - international tourism cannot alter the culture of its destination; © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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- the traveller is first and foremost a Guest of the Country, secondly a Guest of the City, of that Territory, as well as a Guest of the commercial structure hosting him, and only in the last instance a paying customer; - with the new commercial practice tourism's functional mechanisms become obsolete and tend to be transformed into tools for knowledge and respect thanks to the interpretation and presentation of a destination by its own residents through travel and dialogue, so that with travel everyone, each in his own role, works together to foster intercultural dialogue: a. the reason for travel is knowledge of a destination's heritage and culture to foster dialogue; b. service-providers are well aware of their host role, which does not involve simply offering services but also fostering knowledge for intercultural dialogue; c. mediators (intermediary agencies) occupy a central position midway between supply and demand, in their role as consultants helping each traveller to make the right choice between egocentric-egotistical travel based on consumer-driven services and travel for knowledge of a destination for knowledge and for dialogue; d. the Traveller – a temporary resident: - who must be stimulated in making a choice as to where to go and why, without being influenced by the intermediaries; - who must understand that they face a choice, whether to be consumers of services or to become part of a movement for knowledge of values and for the development of mankind in a context of peaceful coexistence; - who, in the event they choose knowledge of values, are encouraged to extend their stay and will increasingly feel like temporary residents, thus adapting their behavior and increasingly getting to know and to respect the destination that they are visiting; - who contribute to the development of the international community in a context of peaceful coexistence, fostering knowledge of a destination's values and of its personality; - who consider travel to be: - a personal gift (of time and money) that they offer to the international community; - a gift to be shared with others; - a gift for knowing and for making themselves known; - a gift for opening up to dialogue; - a gift for appreciating and respecting diversity; - for working to make a contribution to development in a context of peaceful coexistence, - for promoting dialogue among young people throughout the world as approved by the ICOMOS General Assembly in Resolution 2014/42; - a new commercial practice resulting from a vision looking beyond egocentric and egotistical tourism, which sees a destination's culture in the deepest sense of the word as being the driving force behind the visitor's travel and which does not allow tourism based on consumerdriven services to alter the culture of the destination visited; - a new commercial proposal directed towards the common good, in which personal enjoyment is not lost, because it is perceived in an altruistic fashion, in other words in terms of the personal satisfaction to be gained from helping to further the good of the international community of which the traveller is a member; participants are aware and proud of belonging to it and of contributing to the dissemination and appreciation of the importance of the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 for the development of the international community in a context of peaceful coexistence, and in full harmony with the Code of Ethics UNWTO, and thus they are aware of the fact that they are builders of peace and that they can be proud of that role. e. tourist mediation organizations With the new commercial practice, tourist mediation takes on a consultant's role, offering the traveller the choice between a traditional programme based on consumer-driven services and taking part in an international movement for the benefit of the international community by contributing to intercultural dialogue with his journey, and assisting him in his choice.


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f. the territory, the region Life Beyond Tourism focuses strongly: - on the use and enjoyment of heritage and of a territory's cultural expressions for intercultural dialogue, safeguarding that territory's character; thus once again contributing to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and of 2005 on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, - on the self-awareness displayed by the region involved, which has to show that it is increasingly equal to governing its own territory and to showing an interest in directing its visitors towards an offer in line with the destination's quality level, while also steering them in the direction of its territorial culture, its landscape and its care for the environment; - on the use and enjoyment of its culture, in particular of its cultural expressions - cultural institutions and representative businesses - which, while possibly less well-known, are no less important for all that; - on earmarking part of the profits from the provision of visitor services for the heritage and culture of the territory itself; - on the use and enjoyment of its culture and its heritage for intercultural dialogue, thus safeguarding local culture and contributing to the following conventions, cited previously more than once: the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003; the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005; g. market trends It is of crucial importance for local authorities to promote adequate ongoing multiannual research into the dominant trends in the tourist market of travelling for their area, in order to have a constant vision of future prospects so that they can play ahead of upcoming trends in order to protect their territory with timely solutions in harmony with the times of administrating the territory. h. thus the new commercial practice is: - not only safeguarding and enhancement of heritage but also its use and enjoyment, for its safeguarding and enhancement, thus a contribution to the UNESCO Convention of 1972 on World Heritage and, at the same time, also to the use and enjoyment of heritage for dialogue, for the promotion of intercultural dialogue for development in a context of peaceful coexistence, thus also a contribution to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and of 2005 and to the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022 officially announced by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova in Almaty on 23 August 2013, pegging the commercial activity to the safeguarding and enhancement of heritage by setting aside any profits from commission received for mediating territorial services. 6- also agreeing on the importance: - of everyone contributing to the mass dissemination of familiarity with the following Conventions: the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003; the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005; and thus recognizing the importance of setting up centers for training in the art of intercultural dialogue and in appreciation and respect for diversity of cultural expression, a crucial issue today if the international community is to develop in a context of peaceful coexistence, by combining three elements - heritage, travel and dialogue through Life Beyond Tourism, thereby contributing to the success of this new commercial practice for the benefit of the international community and with a view to rendering its dissemination viral; - of contributing to the vision of the UNESCO Convention of 1972, which is essential for the purpose of intercultural dialogue, thus a convention which is not only crucial for the safeguarding and enhancement of heritage itself, but which recognizes how strategic that vision becomes if heritage can be put to use and enjoyment for intercultural dialogue: heritage, travel and dialogue.

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7- detecting a shift 1- from egocentric travel to altruistic travel, beyond sustainable tourism with temporary residents. With these concepts the move is towards dialogue, going way beyond sustainable tourism, with temporar residents, moving on from the distinction between: - egocentric and egoistic tourism such as spa tourism for my well-being, cultural tourism for my culture, sports tourism for my fitness, and so forth, where the hub of the entire system is satisfying the pleasure of each individual participant, and - altruistic travel where the traveller takes part in a movement that considers travellers to be a major opportunity for disseminating a message of peace through the exercise of intercultural dialogue, which sees this as the major contribution made by travellers in their capacity as messengers of peace who give of themselves - of their time and their money - to the international community and is thus aware of their contribution to the community's growth in a context of peaceful coexistence. Thus the tourist of consumer-driven services is transformed into a traveller and then into a temporary resident, thanks also to residents who foster knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity through knowledge of the destination, thus the various players involved become Learning Communities for Dialogue. 2- Learning Communities for Dialogue With Life Beyond Tourism we see the birth of Learning Communities for the development of the international community in a context of peaceful coexistence. LBT is applied in the territories with its attendant LBT Model and participates through that model in the construction of this new commercial offer by devoting World Heritage sites to centers for training in the art of intercultural dialogue, which in turn become another commercial practice based on an ethic seeking the common good. In this context personal enjoyment is not lost, it is merely perceived as satisfaction in helping to further the good of the international community; participants are aware and proud of belonging to it and of contributing to the dissemination and appreciation of the importance of the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and of 2005 for the development of the international community in a context of peaceful coexistence. Thus the following players are aware that they are peace builders and they will be proud of that fact: . Residents; . Travellers – or rather temporary residents; . Local service providers (hotels, restaurants, museums and so forth); . . Cultural Institutions . On-line and off-line intermediaries; . Local authorities; . Market trend research centers; . Training institution; 8- firmly agreeing: 1) that it is up to the territory with its heritage and its contemporary culture to guide the traveller for the purpose of a shared exercise of dialogue and of better knowledge and respect for diversity of cultural expressions; 2) that it is up to the territory to acquire an awareness of its own reality and potential, thus correctly interpreting its reality and communicating and presenting itself, staking its candidacy at the global level as a cultural offer and practice rather than simply as consumer-driven services; 3) that it is up to the territory and its culture to transform tourism based on consumer-driven services into a journey of knowledge and its participants into pro-active, aware players who play an active role in combating the kind of tourism that distorts the nature and the character of its destination, with Learning Communities; 4) that it is up to the destination's culture to involve the traveller so that he feels like a guest rather than a tourist, that he feels like a traveller, and even a temporary resident, in order to allow him to contribute to mutual knowledge and to intercultural dialogue; 5) that it is up to the territory to consider its guest first and foremost as a guest of the country, then as a guest of the region and city, then as a guest of the structure hosting him, and only in the last instance as a customer paying for the services he requires;


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6) that profits from commission for mediating services to travellers must be broadly kept in the territory and partly set aside for that territory, with the involvement of both the territory itself and its guests; 7) - that cultural and natural Heritage and the UNESCO Convention of 1972 represent a powerful strategy for promoting the above-mentioned UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005.

on the basis of what has been expressed in the present Part 4, we invite you to think over a possible recommendation 1- to a debate on "heritage, travel and dialogue" and on the extent to which this may be important for involving the broad masses that move for the purpose of tourism today, in order to foster intercultural dialogue for development in a context of peaceful coexistence in an international community that currently has a population of over 7 billion; 2 - to a debate on the importance of managing to steer World Heritage sites into becoming centres for training in the art of intercultural dialogue, thus in their turn becoming another commercial practice, albeit with a different ethic; 3- to offering the international community the Life Beyond Tourism philosophy with its Practical Implementation Model and its Certification of Quality for the Dialogue among Cultures, bearing in mind that Life Beyond Tourism has already demonstrated its operational viability in the course of the ICOMOS General Assembly for 2014, as acknowledged in the ICOMOS General Assembly's Resolution 2014/42; 4- to render participants at the development of the model also the international organizations that would promote the network making it partially beneficiary of the gathered funds 5- to thus setting in motion a scientific and operational initiative whose results are capable of contributing to the progress of the international community committed to Heritage-Travel-Dialogue; 5.1- in the immediate term, to the Proclamation of the Director-General who launched the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures on 23 August 2013: UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, the Chairperson of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Mr Imangali Tasmagambetov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Erlan Idrissov, officially launched the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022. 5.2- in the short term, 2017, following declaration by the United Nations of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 5.3- and in the longer term, to "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)"

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Elements and documents that during these years have been produced and received the adhesion by numerous Institutions, Universities and also Cities and Ministries, with its two manifestos and three mottos. INFORMATION NOTES – THE CONTEXT A) EXPERIENCE OF THE FOUNDATION IN FLORENCE

The activities carried out today by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism began on September 14, 1991, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, with a Committee led by Paolo Del Bianco. Some years later, on November 3, 1998, basing on the experience and conducted activities, the hotel company Vivahotels®, today known as the Centro Congressi al Duomo® – CCAD Firenze-, decided to set up the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. With the continuation of these activities and the launch of research on the themes of heritage and travel, as advocated by Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski, President of the ICOMOS Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration with a notary act of October 27, 2011 (R.17053 -F.6534), the Foundation acquired a new name of Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism due to the research conducted since 2007, which marked significantly its activity, as advocated by Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski.

The experience of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism regarding Heritage is closely linked to the issues related to the ability of the Heritage itself to facilitate mobility and consequently international meetings and therefore knowledge and dialogue among cultures - experience developed since the '90s with young university students coming from various countries - prevalently from the former Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc. The network has now reached more than 500 institutions / universities in 93 countries on 5 continents (see point B), attachments 1,2,3,4 and 5). Its Mottos : 1998 For peace in the world, among young people of different Contries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understand each other to develop friendship among peoples 2005 International encounters without competition, respecting individual identities – discovering the past together, working to build a shared future. 2010 From Florence, we are helping to trigger young people’s emotions urging them to come up with thoughts and proposals of use to international community


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The Manifesto Life Beyond Tourism 2008 1. Tourism is a crucial source of prosperity 2. Tourism provides an opportunity for getting to know -- spirit of place - cultural diversity - traditional knowledge 3. Tourism in its various forms goes way beyond the mere satisfying of personal needs 4. People working in the tourist industry foster awareness of spirit of place and of intercultural dialogue 5. The tourist is a potential harbinger of knowledge and of intercultural dialogue 6. The tourist destination is a workshop of knowledge providing all visitors with an opportunity for personal growth 7. The community of the visited tourist destination considers the traveller to be first and foremost a guest of the city, then a guest of the business providing the services and facilities, and only lastly, their customer 8. Workshops for knowledge trigger a demand for increasingly high quality tourist products not only in terms of consumer services but also, and above all, in value-related terms 9. Architectural, urban and environmental planning and management need to foster 'Traditional Knowledge' and 'Intercultural Dialogue' 10. Cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, prompts people to travel, providing them with an opportunity to increase their knowledge; thus not only must that heritage be 'protected' and 'enhanced', it must also be used ‘to fuel intercultural dialogue’. The Manifesto Life Beyond Tourism 2014 1- Peace is essential for sustainable development 2- Intercultural Dialogue is strategic for contributing to Peace in the World 3- Heritage –both natural and cultural – is a strategic factor for Intercultural Dialogue 4- Knowledge and respect for cultural diversity (both tangible and intangible) are essential for Intercultural Dialogue. 5- Encounter, especially among young people, is essential for Intercultural Dialogue 6- Travel, acquiring knowledge of the destination visited with its values and knowledge, is therefore a strategic tool for the acquisition of knowledge and for the development of respect The venue of encounters: Historic Center of Florence, World Heritage Site The venue of meetings has been the World Heritage Site, the Historic Center of Florence We would like to draw this brief overview of the experience in Florence where the evolution of tourism led to a silent continuous transformation of the urban fabric, almost of the whole Historic Center, the World Heritage Site, with the change of use of buildings, which affected radically the life of the city; in fact their destination from residential, commercial and craftsmanship was transformed mainly into tourist accommodation and tourist services. This is the result of a policy of urban development that, in many other similar situations since the 60-s, failed to understand the importance of the phenomenon of tourism and its ability of rapid diffusion and affirmation in the economic fabric of the territory by taking away the roots of the citizens from the Historic Center selling their properties to the sphere of tourism and accommodation services.

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The phenomenon is now widely and evenly spread in countries with free market as the world of travellers interested in learning about other countries and cultures has increasingly developed so as to render tourism a trend that has transformed the traveller into "a part of the commercial system" strongly influenced by the choices of the market where everything that throughout centuries of travelling had been concentrated within the sacred words of welcome and hospitality is now simplistically attributed to the term 'tourist services'. The place that welcomes tourists follows less and less the norms of proper culture and, with the aim of uniforming its services to the needs of a wide culturally diverse audience, conforms itself less and less to the hospitality according to its own culture that is losing its most genuine nuances of the tradition of welcome and hospitality. Apparently of little value, this way of managing hospitality turns into a tourist industry that ends up with changing the behaviour of the place, its traditions and, finally, its knowledge. Everything is within one logic that penetrates silently into the everyday life of the territory so that it begins to change itself in order to adapt to the rhythm of services and consumption which is very distant from their own culture, so as to provide the necessary services to a broad public that in 2014 exceeded one billion and one hundred million travellers (UNWTO data). The world heritage sites are visited by an increasing number of visitors with a growth which is not easily resizable over time. All the urban fabric tends to change itself adapting to tourist services: at first, small hotels, then large hotels and hotel chains, then low-cost ones and bed-and-breakfasts, speaking only about welcoming in terms of accommodation; a direct transformation in addition to the transformation induced by specific events as it happened recently in Florence with a change of headquarters of the Court in Piazza San Firenze. Following this important and exceptional transfer to another location, distant from the previous one, all the offices that had been located in the vicinity of the court have also left their locations; these, for their small / medium dimensions, have been transformed into small residential units to be offered for rent for short stays; a consistent transformation of the urban fabric regarding the type of destination. In Florence, the 1964 Management Plan, which was forecasting the growth of its population from half a million inhabitants to 700,000, at the end of previous century saw instead of it a decrease by roughly 30%. The Management Plan of 1992-1994 of Florence was dealing with the theme of tourism in less than one page – on the total of over 200 pages of the Plan - and under the section "Resources", not considering necessary to give a direct attention to the theme of tourism; in Florence, however, already since the 70-s tourism has represented an important resource, if not "The Resource", with an obvious tendency to its vigorous development; further it is worth recalling that the Historic Center of Florence was not yet part of the List of World Heritage of UNESCO, the inclusion to which took place in 1982. The positive economic impact of tourism on cities like Florence has never aroused concerns, rather it was a positive phenomenon and consequently welcome; but in small towns like Florence this phenomenon was and is of such importance so as to be able to change the destiny and the image of the city within a few years. This phenomenon, which is typically neglected in the public administrations’ planning in many cities in many Countries, as well as the wealth deriving from tourism, has been suffered, not managed, so it could be compared to excessive doses of medical treatment, an excess that from life-giving could turn into lethal. Thus, in such situations "the market" becomes the creator, the designer, the performer and the director of works of the unconscious transformation of territories that unfortunately had not been able to decide and manage their development, but they have only suffered the market trend, due to the lack of timely public insight. All this happens so rapidly that the public administration is often not in time to notice it, neither they have time to intervene in major policy decisions regarding the development of their own city. In synthesis, it can be said that when the public administration does not manage in time the tourism phenomenon, it contributes to making the territory suffer its own development in accordance with market rules, thus demonstrating the lack of policy vision and the consequent lack of its implementation plan, for its prelimianry


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estimation and consequent realization, not even putting limits to the alteration of their own reality with possible serious effects on their own local community. Thus, people continue to abandon the centers of their cities first attracted by affordable prices for sale of their residences and then, those who remain, leave the centre because of the difficulty of living in that environment that is no longer the city, but an open-air museum with products, services, prices and opening hours oriented at tourists and the urban space adapted to people comfortably dressed, sometimes even too comfortably and with an equally comfortable behaviour, often disrespectful of the place, its customs and traditions, way of dressing and attitudes that with all the variety of styles, designs and colours contribute to totally changing the historic urban landscape. In these situations, even the management plan for UNESCO is not easy to be drawn, and there exist many situations like that of the "Historic Center of Florence" which has recently been "put under observation", the first of the three levels of attention of UNESCO.

A strong perspective vision: a mobile multiannual plan In the choices of public administration, protection and enhancement of Heritage will be considered more and more in the wide territorial context that includes the site, in order to plan well ahead the implications of the development of tourism brings to the territory. The steps through various authorizations requested by various regulations vary from country to country, as well as the timing for finding solutions; but the speed of the market is uniform everywhere and would impose the rhythm that the politics often cannot follow. The policy, therefore, can and should rely on prior investigations in order to objectify a 'strong perspective vision' – a multiannual mobile plan - followed by a major political force for their timely evaluation and application. What do we mean by 'a strong perspective vision': in the city where cultural heritage represents by the matter of fact the economic engine of the territory, taking decisions today means fully applying them in a few years’ time and, thus, the decisions that we take today should be at least those that we think should be necessary in a few years. It follows that in the choices of urban development it is essential to carry out an ongoing research, as well as its dynamic update regarding the tendencies of the market in order to accompany the choices for the future of the cities. The more advanced in time will be the projections of tendency, the greater will be the ability to manage and not suffer development. Thus, it is presumed that a solution could be given to what has been expressed at the conclusion of the previous paragraph, which we reproduce entirely below: “Thus, in such situations "the market" becomes the creator, the designer, the performer and the director of works of the unconscious transformation of territories that unfortunately had not been able to decide and manage their development, but they have only suffered the market trend, due to the lack of timely public insight”.

B) PRESENTATION OF LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® The activities of contribution to the Dialogue among Cultures of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism began on 14.9.1991 after the fall of the Berlin Wall, creating opportunities for meeting between university students from the countries of the former Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc, enabling educational and cultural opportunities in Florence for the encouragement of dialogue among these young people united previously by politics, and now together again thanks to culture. With the experience derived from these activities in the past 25 years, the Foundation with all the professors and their Universities that participated in these activities, 1- defined the ethos Life Beyond Tourism, and then 2- defined the Model LBT for the practical application of the Model itself . with a Manual, written by professors of the University of Florence © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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and . with the Certification of Quality of travel for dialogue 3- has put in practice this Model LBT in a cultural, non-profit system on the worldwide level . portal of cultural and natural expressions of territories <ORG> www.lifebeyondtourism.org on the local level . local, economic portal <.NET> www.location.beyondtourism.net one for each location (pilot portal VivaFirenze.it) 4- has defined the development of the Model LBT, within a cultural, economic, non-profit system, with the matrix of worldwide development in franchising 5- has designed the non-profit Model LBT to be destined to the International Community B.1) The ethos and the Model Life Beyond Tourism for the International Community

With Life Beyond Tourism there opens a possibility to ennoble organized travelling for its contribution to the dialogue among cultures in the international community that is heading towards 10 billion inhabitants. With Life Beyond Tourism there is a tendency to reduce in a viral way the interest towards the tourism of services and consumption in order to enhance the mutual understanding of values and exercise the respect for cultural diversity.

Life Beyond Tourism was defined by the Foundation with the Universities of its international network and was conceived to be placed at the disposal of the International Community. Life Beyond Tourism® or in other words the great opportunities (life), Beyond tourism for Heritage and Territory for the Dialogue! The ethos LBT The Foundation has developed an ethos called Life Beyond Tourism that was presented for the first time in Azerbaijan in Baku on 20.11.2007, at the Conference "XXI Century Historic Islamic Cities" organized by the University of Architecture and Construction with the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan, which in the course of years has been presented on many other occasions in its updated versions. The Model LBT of Practical application for territories, with the Manual and Certification of Quality was born for the practical application on the worldwide scale of the ethos LBT with a non-profit system, in franchising. It is composed . of two cultural, economic but non-profit portals, one worldwide and the other specific for each territory . of the Manual (prepared by the Foundation with Prof. Giovanni Liberatore of the University of Florence) and . its Certification of Quality for Dialogue by the Foundation.

The Model LBT operates for territories and their residents to encourage: - an in-depth interpretation and presentation of the territory itself with its values - presentation of less-known cultural expressions, but not less important; - protection of the territory's personality in the world of rapid globalization.


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B.2) Of the above are aware - UNESCO, On October 29, 2014, at its headquarters in Paris, the Assistant to the UNESCO Director General, Alfredo Pérez de Armiñán, in the presence of Peter De Brine, Programme Specialist for Sustainable Tourism, World Heritage Centre, received the delegation of the Foundation headed by the President Paolo Del Bianco who delivered to them: 1. Manual of application of the Model Life Beyond Tourism for Sustainable Development of Territories; 2. collection of all the Declarations of Auspices Life Beyond Tourism (LBT), received by the Foundation from nearly 300 institutions in 47 countries. (Att. 3 - Text of the Declaration of Auspices with the signatories list)

- UNWTO : since October 2015 are underway the consultations for formalizing the collaboration and dissemination of Life Beyond Tourism among the Associate Members B.3) The ethos Life Beyond Tourism was sustained by - 300 Institutions and Universities from 47 Countries who signed the Declaration of Auspices (Att. 3 - Text of the Declaration of Auspices with the signatories list). - ICOMOS has 1. signed the Memorandum of Understanding LBT with the Foundation on 04.03.2013 (Att. 4) 2. approved the Resolution 2014/42 that recognizes the Model LBT and recognizes its practical functionality as the LBT system has financially supported the 2014 ICOMOS General Assembly exemplifying its operational character with VivaFirenze.it (Att. 5). 3. delegated the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco as scientific advisor for the 18th Symposium of 2014 Heritage and Landscape as Human Values for the Session I "Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation" in the person of the member of its Board of Directors, Emma Mandelli 4. delegated the Foundation in the person of Carlotta Del Bianco to carry out the organization of the Florence Youth and Heritage Festival during the 18th General Assembly that took place in Florence in November 2014 - ICCROM. . has signed the Memorandum of Understanding of 13-09-2010 - Patronships . Council of Europe . Italian Society Cultural Heritage Protection (SIPBC) . other (Att. 6) - 98 organizations, institutions and universities have signed a specific collaboration agreement on Life Beyond Tourism, among them we mention Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan, some agencies of the Ministries of Georgia, Armenia and Cambodia, many important cities including Kyoto, Tbilisi, Mostar, Ibagué, Province of Florence and universities such as the Josai International University, the latter one thanks to the presentation on behalf of the current Commissioner for Cultural Affairs of the Government of Japan (Bunka-Cho) prof. Masanori Aoyagi. (Att. 7)


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B.4) Publications The experience and the ethos of the Foundation on tourism and heritage and the Model LBT -with its Manual and its Certification- that have been repeatedly presented and published in various conferences since 2007 in countries where the institutions have signed the Memorandum of Understanding, and which have been further presented in detail in the published works during these last years, 2014 and 2015. 2014 - February 2014, in Italian, English and Russian "Life Beyond Tourism®, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226) - October 2014, in Italian, French and English ISBN "Life Beyond Tourism® with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433). This second book was conceived specifically for the ICOMOS Members participating at the 2014 ICOMOS General Assembly in Florence. 2015 - March 2015, in Italian, English and Russian “Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue” the non-profit tourism “LBT Model” working paper book of the 17° Round Table of the Experts of the Foundation (ISBN 978884040064). - Proceedings of the Conference "Heritage in Transformation", Poland, Warsaw ICOMOS 50°, June 21-22, 2015, with the contribution of the Foundation entitled Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue - Hosting the traveller to promote intercultural dialogue - Life Beyond Tourism - Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Polish Conservators "The Past for the Future" Poles, Poland, Warsaw and Krakow International Edition October 6-10, 2015 Warsaw – Cracow, with the contribution of the Foundation entitled Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue a new commercial offer for the tourist market with Life Beyond Tourism - Proceedings of the International Symposium - MARKI - Academy of Architecture and Construction "National and International Competence for the Conservation and Restauration of the Cultural and Historical Buildings of Russia" in Russia, Moscow 2015-09-18,20, with the contribution of the Foundation entitled Cultural Heritage Conservation for Intercultural Dialogue Life Beyond Tourism®.

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35/ p. A Contribution to the World Heritage Sites - 18° General Assembly of the Fondazione Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism®

B.5) Activities As of today, the activity of the Foundation develops mainly on the themes of popular interest, so as to involve the masses into the reflection in fields of common interest such as: 1- Fashion: Costume Colloquium (biennial, 5th edition Nov. 2016) 2- Culinary Art: Saperi e Sapori (6th edition from 2009) 3- Heritage and Cultural Expressions 3.1 Natural Bio (UNU Ipsi Satoyama Initiative) : workshop in Florence in 2015 Climate Change (theme open to the future development) 3.2 Cultural Heritage and Cultural Expressions 3.2.1 Cultural Tangible Heritage (Cultural Expressions) Protection, Valorisation and Fruition for the Dialogue . ICOMOS International Scientific Committees up to 5/7 per year with international audience . ICOM International Scientific Committees up to 5/7 per year with international audience . IUCN committees with international audience . Committees with audience 3.2.2 Cultural Intangible Heritage (Cultural Expressions) Popular Traditions in Piazza: . 2016 Carnival in the World . 2018 Symbolic Spaces and Shapes in Popular Traditions) 4- Religions : (theme open to the future development) The evaluation of the initiatives is carried out according to the criteria of sustainability a. Social b. Environmental c. Economic Since 2013 we have added to the above . Cultural (as advocated by UNESCO DG Irina Bokova) . Dialogue among Cultures (as advocated by Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco) B.6) Funds for the Territory International organizations that collaborate for the development of the network at the worldwide level LBT has already demonstrated its flexibility and ability to generate funds for the territory and for the support of events such as the ICOMOS GA 2014 (see ICOMOS GA Resolution 42/2014).


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XVIII Международная Ассамблея Экспертов Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко®-Life Beyond Tourism® в 25° Годовщину начала деятельности Фонда Флоренция 12,13 марта 2016

Обучающиеся Сообщества для Межкультурного Диалога и Территориального Развития Новое Коммерческое и Образовательное Предложение ‘Культура для Диалога’ - ‘ Путешествие для Диалога’ Life, Beyond Tourism Результаты с презентацией предложения Рекомендации НАСЛЕДИЕ и КУЛЬТУРА для МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОГО ДИАЛОГА наследие, путешествие, диалог

Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Сертификация Качества, Авторские Права . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . с. 4 Вступительная статья Экспертам Фонда . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . с. 5 На тему вклада в Диалог между Культурами . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . с. 6 Благодарность . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . с. 7 Новое предложение, также коммерческое, для потребителей диалога между культурами . . . . . . .с. 8 Часть 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. 9 Размышления Фонда о вопросах Наследия и Культуры для Межкультурного Диалога за последние десять лет с 2006 по 2016 гг., до предложения Рекомендации для Экспертов. Часть 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. 13 Работы и документы, которые в течение лет были подготовлены Фондом – к которым присоединились многочисленные Учреждения, Университеты, а также Города и Министерства – включая два его Манифеста и три девиза Фонда. Часть 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. 21 Предложение официального вручения Международному Сообществу в завершение нашей деятельности в рамках Модели LBT, не только теоретической, но уже оперативной, как указано в Резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014/42 –с ее Руководством по практическому применению и Сертификацией Качества для Диалога между Культурами – для реализации философии LBT на мировом уровне, если это будет сочтено интересным самим Международным Сообществом, при помощи порталов Модели www.lifebeyondtourism.org и www.vivafirenze.it, местный пилотный проект. Часть 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. 22 Введение к Рекомендации Часть 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. 29 Информационные статьи и их контекст Часть 6 Памятные записи, к годовщине Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко, оставленные нам на своих родных языках некоторыми из тех, кто в течение лет сопровождал нас и поделился своими воспоминаниями о нашей эволюции с момента начала деятельности – 14 сентября 1991 г. Часть 7 Абстракты, полученные нами по 10 февраля 2016 года «Обучающиеся Сообщества для Межкультурного Диалога и Территориального Развития» Часть 8 Приложения

Прил. A) Цели Устойчивого Развития

Прил. 1) Декларация о Намерениях

Прил. 2) Обучение

Прил. 3) Декларация о Намерениях со списком подписавших ее

Прил. 4) МоС с ИКОМОС Международным Советом Памятников и Достопримечательных Мест

Прил. 5) Резолюция 2014/42 Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014

Прил. 6) Патронажи LBT

Прил. 7) Список Учреждений, подписавших МоС по Life Beyond Tourism

Прил. 8) Программа мероприятий 2015/2016

Прил. 9) Схемы Оценки Программ

Прил. 10) Предварительная схема памятных дат Фонда

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Сертификация Качества Авторские Права of "In Travel for Dialogue among Cultures” in the “Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue” “The UNESCO Convention 1972 a contribution to the UNESCO Conventions 2003 and 2005, and these being a contribution to the 1972 Convention” (“Путешествие для Диалога между Культурами” в “Обучающихся Сообществах для Территориального Развития и Межкультурного Диалога”, “Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 года как вклад в Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 годов, которые сами также являются вкладом в Конвенцию 1972 г.”)

Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко создал Сертификацию Качества для Диалога между Культурами, Путешествие для Диалога, за рамками Услуг и Потребления, для компаний, оперирующих на различных территориях, которым в их ежедневной деятельности важны также темы Гостеприимства, Диалога, - принимая во внимание 2017 год, объявленный “Международным Годом Устойчивого Туризма” (Прил. A) - принимая во внимание также Повестку дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года (Прил. A) - учитывая также надежду на включение Диалога между Культурами среди целей устойчиого развития. Диалог между культурами, а именно “культура для диалога” или "культура диалога”, “Culture for Dialogue” будут возможными благодаря "путешествию для диалога", а именно "в путешествии для диалога" “Travel for Dialogue”, "принимать путешественика для реализации диалога", с участием всех Обучающихся Сообществ на международном уровне для развития в мирном сосуществовании, участники которых хорошо осознают свою роль в качестве строителей диалога и участников строительства мира в мире: . Местные жители . Путешественники – иными словами, временные местные жители . Сфера услуг территории (отели, рестораны, и т.д.) . . культурных институтов . Посредники онлайн и оффлайн . Городские администрации . Исследовательские Центры тенденций рынка . Образовательные Учреждения Организации, принимающие участие смогут использовать логотип Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко.

Авторские права Сертификации Качества "Путешествие для Диалога между Культурами”® в “Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”®, представленные в данной публикации, принадлежат Фонду Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко. Авторские права могут быть переданы только Фондом Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко.


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Фонд приглашает туристические компании и других операторов сферы туризма, правительства, организации международного сообщества и отдельных субъектов использовать © -"in Viaggio per il Dialogo tra Culture”© в "Learning Communities for Territorial Development and for Intercultural Dialogue”© "The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution to the UNESCO Convention of 2003 and 2005 and both these for the 1972”© в качестве платформы и возможности для реализации устойчивости в мирном сосуществовании, осуществляя корректное воспроизведение и формальное цитирование источника, а также с признанием собственности Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко в качестве владельца и автора. Частичная публикация данной работы запрещена и будет считаться нарушением прав интеллектуальной собственности.

Вступительная статья Экспертам Фонда

XVIII Генеральная Ассамблея Международных Экспертов Фонда совпадает с 25° годовщиной начала нашей деятельности по вкладу в Диалог между Культурами. Данная публикация представляет собой рабочую тетрадь, быстро подготовленную для удобства Экспертов, принмающих участие в 18-ой Генеральной Ассамблеи и Конференции 13 марта 2016 г. Мы получили гораздо больше заявок, чем предполагали, что увеличило время для организации Ассамблеи, сокращая его для работы с данной публикацией, которое было бы необходимым для ее подготовки в малейших деталях. Мы приносим извинения за возможные допущенные ошибки или повторения, но как вы хорошо знаете, основной целью Фонда всегда было предоставление документа для размышления всем вам, кто всегда принимал участие в наших инициативах, посвящая свое время и желание исследованиям Фонда; поэтому в особенности в этом году, когда мы завершаем наше неформальное задание, полученное от Проф. Томашевского, и мы надеемся, что наши размыления будут полезны международному сообществу. В данной работе мы представляем результаты исследований, проводимых нами за последние десять лет деятельности: с момента получения неформального задания от Профессора Андржея Томашевского в 2006 году и до Рекомендации в марте 2016 г.; этот вклад основан на опыте деятельности, начатой в 1991 году благодаря участию в конференциях и, в особенности, благодаря участию Экспертов Фонда в наших ежегодных встречах. Характерные моменты этих 10 лет (2006-2016) могут быть представлены следующим образом: - неформальное задание на тему Наследие и Туризм, полученное от Андржея Томашевского 26-27 мая 2006 года в Кракове и Закопане - первая презентация результатов исследований на тему Life Beyond Tourism в Азербайджане, Баку, 20 ноября 2007 г. на конференции “XXI Век Исторические Исламские Города” - последующая официальная презентация Life Beyond Tourism во Флоренции 15 марта 2008 г. - презентация для ИКОМОС в рамках его Генеральной Ассамблеи в Квебеке 1 октября 2008 г. - подписание Декларации о Намерениях 15, 16 марта 2008 (прил. 1) - участие и презентация LBT на многих международных конференциях, в Северной Америке, Южной Америке, Японии, Странах Центральной и Восточной Европы, Странах Кавказа, России, Италии. - подписание Меморандума о Сотрудничестве с ИКОМОС в Париже 4 марта 2013 г. - официальная презентация Модели LBT на Круглом Столе в марте 2014 г. - презентация Членам ИКОМОС, участвующим в Генеральной Ассамблее ИКОМОС 2014, которая прошла во Флоренции в 2014 году - Резолюция Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014/42 - участие во всемирном Конгрессе в Камбодже, Сием Реп, в феврале 2015 года - Ассамблея Экспертов Фонда в марте 2015 года - церимониальная конференция в честь 50-ой Годовщины ИКОМОС в Варшаве 22 июня 2015 г. - конференция Реставраторов Польши, Варшава и Краков, октябрь 2015 г. - подписание многочисленных Меморандумов о Сотрудничестве, последнее во в прошлом январе, с Арабским Региональным Центром по Всемирному Наследию (АРЦ-ВН) в Манаме, Бахрейн, в лице его Президента Маи Бинт Мохамед Аль Калифа, также Министра Культуры.

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Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

На тему вклада в Диалог между Культурами В этот особый момент глобализации крайне необходимо и неотложно рапространение Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг., в то время как Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 г. должна сегодня восприниматься не только в ее роли по охране и валоризации наследия, но и для содействия использованию наследия для социальных целей на мировом уровне для стимулирования встреч, познания и диалога среди людей во всем мире, что представляет собой, следовательно, мощный вклад в Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг., которые содействуют распространению знаний о нематериальном наследии и охране форм культурного выражения, и способствуют также уважению к культурному разнообразию для роста международного сообщества в мирном сосуществовании, внося тем самым вклад в мир в мире. Отсюда следует, что также Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 года получает преимущества, в свою очередь, от продвижения обоих Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 годов, так как Мир, для развития в мирном сосуществовании, является первейшим истинным наследием человечества, единственным истинным наследием, которое может охранить во время военных действий само же хрупкое Всемирное Наследие Человечества, которому посвящена Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 года. Автор этих строк был флорентийским гостиничным предпринимателем и, хотя уже и на пути к закату, все еще им является, неся на своих плечах ответственность управления 5 гостиничными единицами во Флоренции, а также компаниями сферы услуг через аутсорсинг для отелей территории и в двух других итальянских городах. Количество сотрудников в целом достигло 400 человек в 90-х годах. Кризис в Персидском Заливе – Саддам Хуссейн I и Буш Старший – который совпал также с последствиями болезни SARS, вызываемой также приборами кондиционирования в самолетах, - привели в Италии и безусловно во многих других городах как Флоренция и Венеция, к одному из наиболее крупных кризисов туризма; компании обанкротились и на их пепле родились новые для удовлетворения новых потребностей аутсорсинга, чтобы сделать цены более подвижными. Наша группа и в особенности наша Компания VIVAHOTELS, находясь в городе-объекте всемирного наследия человечества, почувствовала необходимость учредить Фонд как Центр Исследований для более глубокой оценки эволюции рынка и создания соответствующего предложения и продукта. Создание Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко, который впоследствии принял имя Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism, как мы увидим, подчеркивает свое собственное мнение о важности со стороны тех, кто желает внести вклад в защиту и сохранение наследия, с целью избежания понятий туризм и культура, так как они очень часто смешиваются со сферой услуг и потребления, и с употреблениеам понятий путешествие и культура, которые гораздо меньше смешиваются с вышеназванными концептами; утверждает также важность повышения осведомленности со стороны объектов Всемирного Наследия Человечества, которые находятся далеко за рамками Наследия и для Наследия и должны содействовать комуникации, встречам и диалогу между культурами. Модель LBT, таким образом, представляет собой новую практику, также экономическую, хотя и не коммерческую, предназначенную для международного сообщества, которая намерена быть охарактеризована в качестве вклада в познание и практическую реализацию уважения к разнообразию. Под руководством кардиолога и друга Проф. Франческо Марки 2 февраля 2004 года прошла операция на сердце Профессором Попофф на Вилле Мариа Беатриче, что привело к изменению размеров компании и переходу от VIVAHOTELS, расширяющейся в центральной Европе и с уже открытым представительством в Будапеште, к Centro Congressi al Duomo, сконцентрированному в историческом центре Флоренции. В данной ситуации и при помощи этого решения Фонд получил также свое заслуженное развитие.


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6/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

Благодарность В завершение мне бы хотелось выразить особую благодарность всем тем, кто внес вклад в формирование этой деятельности: начиная с членов Совета Директоров Фонда в течение различных лет: Карла Гуидуччи Бонанни, Маурицио Босси, Джанфранко Катарци, Джованна Дани, Карлотта Дель Бьянко, Катерина Дель Бьянко, Коринна Дель Бьянко, Симоне Джометти, Марк Ленен, Франческо Марки, Эмма Манделли, Хошино Тсужи. Совет Аудиторов в лице Паоло Мели, Марцио Марци, Джанни Равильоне и Альберто Каризио, а также Франческо Чивита и Мэри Вестерман Бульгарелла, которые внесли свой значительный вклад в создание Палаццо Коппини. Благодарность также Советнику Марку Ленену за то, что он сопровождал меня при помощи своего опыта в сферу наследия, в особенности после ухода Андржея. Особая благодарность также первому Научному Комитету в составе Лучано Альберти, Антонио Натали, Карло Сизи и при участии Антоньетты Эспозито. Я не забуду также о рабочей группе 2006 года, в которой приняли участие Антонио Натали, Серафино Дельи Инноченти, Штефен Тобин, а также Сью Миллар и Амунд Зиндинг Ларсен. И наконец, благодарность Проф. Антони Паолуччи, ранее Министру Культуры, который при помощи своих слов и письменных сообщений, многократно вселял энтузиазм нашему Фонду, а также благодарность Кристине Ачидини, Бруно Санти, которые внесли не менее ценный вклад в особенности в исследовательскую работу и создание DVD “Флоренция 2000 лет истории” (ArtMedia Studio) предоставленных в распоряжении Гостей отелей в качестве первого приветствия во Флоренции; но я не забуду также Луиджи Дзангери и его внимательное всеобщее участие в моей презентации на симпозиуме ИКОМОС в Квебеке 1 октября 2008 г., вместе с Дженнаро Тампоне. Глубокая благодарность за открытие нам с 2002 года русскоговорящего мира Президентом Александром Петровичем Кудрявцевым и Николаем Горским-Чернышевым. Особая благодарность также Генеральному Директору ИККРОМ Стефано Де Каро и другу Мазанори Аояги, Комиссару Агенства по Культурным Воспросам Правительства Японии Бунка Чо, который поверил в Фонд и исследования Life Beyond Tourism, подписав Меморандум о Сотрудничестве и представил Фонд в Токио, в Университете Джосаи, в котором начались курсы Life Beyond Tourism, за которыми последовал также Университет Тойо, не забывая также доверие, оказанное нам Профессором Мазанори Аояги в течение более чем десяти лет, доверяя Фонду юридическое владение участком земли в Сомма Везувиана, на которой он проводил археологические исследования на крупной римской вилле, которые были также представлены Альберто Анджела в его телевизионных передачах для итальянцев. Еще раз благодарность Баку и Азербайджану, где Life Beyond Tourism был впервые представлен по приглашению Ректора Азербайджанского университета архитектуры и строительства Госпожи Мамедовой и где Министерство Культуры стало первым учреждением, подписавшим Меморандум о Сотрудничестве Life Beyond Tourism. Мы благодарим также Президента ИКОМОС Густаво Араоц, который в Киото на церимонии 40° годовщины ИКОМОС предложил подумать над возможностью подписания соглашения о сотрудничестве между Фондом и Международным Советом Памятников и Достопримечательных Мест - ИКОМОС, соглашением, которое было подписано впоследствии 4 марта 2013. Всем вам, Экспертам Фонда, список дружеских имен которых который было бы нелегко процитировать здесь, но который полностью представлен онлайн, направлена моя благодарность за то, что вы сопровождали Фонд на этом амбициозном пути исследований, спасибо вам за ваше доверие и за энтузиазм, с которым вы всегда принимали участие в наших инициативах. Я завершаю выражением особой благодарности Андржею Томашевскому, который представил меня тогдашнему Директору ИККРОМ в Риме, являющегося сегодня Директором Арабского Регионального Центра Всемирного Наследия в Манаме, Муниру Бушенаки, и который всегда воодушевлял Фонд, укрепляя его в уверенности и духе самопожертвования для проводимых исследований, и он увеличил также количество контактов Фонда на мировом уровне, валоризируя ценность результатов исследований; мы очень рады подписанию Меморандума о Сотрудничестве всего несколько дней занад в Манаме,

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7/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

Бахрейне, в лице Президента Центра и в присутствии Министра Культуры, благодаря их убежденности и целеустремленности. Я приношу мои извинения всем тем, кого я не упомянул, и с кем у нас создались также крепкие личные отношения, построенные на уважении, доверии и дружбе и ставшие зачастую даже семейными. Новое предложение, также коммерческое, для потребителей диалога между культурами. Мы напоминаем, что Фонд родился по желанию туристической компании, и мы высоко ценим туризм, этот глобальный феномен, который сближает мир с его культурным разнообразием и валоризирует его территории. Мы являемся членом ЮНВТО и, отталкиваясь именно от самого Этического Кодекса ЮНВТО и от всей важнейшей исследовательской деятельности по теме устойчивого развития, мы бы хотели добавить к устойчивому развитию сочетание “в мирном сосуществовании”, помогая размышлять о важности диалога между культурами, фундаментально важного также для здорового состояния компаний в сфере туризма. Мы хорошо знаем, что операторы сферы туризма несут в себу невыраженный потенциал для диалога между культурами, который нелегко даже представить, и, следовательно, туристические операторы являются гарантами самих себя для уменьшения риска “коммерческого ущерба” - резкого падения оборота по причине войн и терактов! Также очевидно, что искусство гостеприимства и приема должно быть все больше ориентированным, помимо услуг и потребления, на диалог между культурами, который, что очевидно из названия Асссамблеи, представляет собой новое исключительное коммерческое предложение для потребителей диалога между культурами, и образовательное предложение для международной сети операторов, ориентированных на вклад в строительство мира в мире при помощи диалога. В вышесказанном и состоит причина того, почему во всей этой публикации мы будем избегать использование термина туризм, не потому, конечно же, что мы против него, но потому что он во всем мире повсеместно связан с понятиями услуг и потребления и является, соответственно, эгоистическим феноменом, будучи гораздо менее связанным с понятием культуры на благо международного сообщества, внимание которого мы хотим привлечь к этому новому коммерческому и образовательному предложению. Времена изменились и во многих местах слышны подобные пожелания, которые превращаются в движение, ориентированное на Life Beyond Tourism, для содействия диалогу между культурами, о чем предстоит задуматься в ближайшем будущем всей сфере гостеприимства в непростой конкуренции на благо международного сообщества. Исследование, организованное Фондом в 2015 году о традиционном гостеприимстве во Флоренции, также демонстрирует значимость внимания к этому вопросу.


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8/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

ЧАСТЬ 1. Размышления Фонда о вопросах Наследия и Культуры для Межкультурного Диалога в течение этих 10 лет с 2006 по 2016 гг. и до настоящей Рекомендации Экспертам. УЧАСТИЕ ФОНДА В СФЕРЕ НАСЛЕДИЯ Спасибо, Проф. Андржей Томашевский настоящим выражением благодарности Фонд желает направить свои мысли и выразить признательность Президенту Андржею Томашевскому за его неформальное приглашение Фонду и его Президенту в Кракове 26 мая 2006 г. принять участие в Международном Научном Комитете ИКОМОС по Теории и Философии Сохранения и Реставрации, с тем чтобы внести свой активный вклад в размышления и предложения касательно сочетания наследие и туризм. XVIII Генеральная Ассамблея Международных Экспертов Фонда начинается с вводным текстом и выступлением, которое мы имели честь представить на крупной конференции, организованной Комитетом ИКОМОС в Польше. Она состоялась 22 июня 2015 года, в Варшаве в престижном Дворце Виланов в рамках празднования 50° годовщины ИКОМОС; по этому случаю, как это принято в Фонде, мы вспомнили с искренним чувством и благодарностью Президента, друга и учителя Андржея Томашевского, которому Фонд признателен за возможность быть привлеченным к теме Наследие и Туризм и задуматься и узнать другие мнения по этому вопросу в таком престижном международном контексте, посвященном теме особой важности. Теме, которая никогда не была принята во внимание должным образом с момента своего зарождения и которая сегодня, по причине как всепоглощающего характера туризма, так и его экономической важности, представляет сегодня серьезные проблемы во всех так называемых туристических местах и, в особенности, на объектах Всемирного Наследия Человечества. Однако, мы должны заметить, что в данном феномене существует не только всепоглощающая сущность туризма, но также и в особенности неполное осознание территориями их самобытности, также как и отсутствует способность видеть потенциал содействия диалогу между культурами и уважению к разнообразию в этом мире, который приближается к 10 миллиардам жителей; отсутствует также понимание, насколько Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 года о Всемирном Наследии может помочь распространению Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2003 г. о нематериальном культурном наследии и Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2005 г. о разнообразии форм культурного самовыражения и наоборот, как они могут быть полезны Конвенции 1972 г.; неясно также и то, как все три Конвенции могут произвести новое коммерческое предложение, которое уже существует и является ценным для мировой экономики и для роста международного сообщества в мирном сосуществовании, в контексте культурных путешествий. Таким образом, должна быть очевидна возможность реализации новой практики, также коммерческой, которой можно дать определение нового коммерческого продукта и, добавим также, продукта, основанного на новой этической базе. При помощи настоящего вклада в XVIII Генеральную Ассамблею, Фонд считает, что он предоставил результат задания, полученного от Проф. Андржея Томашевского и завершил свою исследовательскую деятельность. Фонд продолжит свою деятельность с Международным Институтом Life Beyond Tourism для обучения всему достигнутому, и эта деятельность уже активна в Японии, Токио, вследствие презентации Проф. Мазанори Аояги, Эксперта Фонда и Комиссара Агентства по Культурным Делам Правительства Японии, Бунка Чо. В апреле 2016 г. мы начнем преподавание также в Азербайджане, в Баку, а затем в Грузии и во многих других местах, где был подписан Меморандум о Сотрудничестве Life Beyond Tourism. Кроме того, в данный момент в процессе разработки устав по учреждению мировой ассоциации

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9/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

совместно с одним из университетов Санкт-Петербурга, под названием, хорошо передающим ее миссию “Международная Ассоциация по Архитектурному Образованию для Развития Территорий и Межкультурного Диалога”, подчеркивающим, насколько важно, также в архитектуре, урбанистике и планировании территорий, повышения осведомленности о необходимости содействия диалогу в момент высшей степени глобализации. Как мы увидим, Фонд из Флоренции, по приглашению Андржея Томашевского и при помощи вашего вклада, дает определение и применяет новые понятия, такие как, “альтруистическое путешествие”, “временный местный житель”, “культурная биография”, и в особенности “Обучающиеся Сообщества для Территориального Развития и Диалога между Культурами”; все это вопринимается Фондом как неотложный вклад в глобализированное Мировое Сообщество, стремящееся к десяти миллиардам жителей, для содействия развитию в мирном сосуществовании. Подобный вклад в диалог должен расти со стремительной скоростью, которую сегодня можно было бы назвать ‘вирусной’, именно благодаря мощности наследия: соответственно, еще один мотив чтобы не только охранять и сохранять его, но и использовать для социальных целей, чтобы сблизить массы людей, принадлежащих к разным культурам и содействовать встречам между ними и, следовательно, диалогу. Именно по этой причине Объекты Всемирного Наследия Человечества с Life Beyond Tourism –который утверждает себя как новую практику, также коммерческую, для развития в мирном сосуществовании – принимают на себя еще большую ответственность по сравнению с той, которая возложена на них включением в Список Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 г., так как они представляют собой естественные обучающие центры для диалога между культурами, и выполнение этой ответственности является их долгом именно в интересах их же наследия. C Life Beyond Tourism Фонд с 2007 года утверждает Конвенцию ЮНЕСКО 1972 г. в качестве инструмента для распространения знаний о Конвенциях 2003 и 2005 гг., так как Объекты Всемирного Наследия привлекают посетителей из различных Стран мира, принадлежащих к различным культурам; эти Объекты Наследия могут и должны принять позицию продвигающих Конвенцию ЮНЕСКО 2003 г. по охране нематериального культурного наследия и Конвенцию 2005 г. по охране и продвижению разнообразия форм культурного самовыражения - конвенций, которые, чтобы получить признание не могут ждать столько же лет, сколько понадобилось для распространения Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 г.; чем больше будет способность таких Объектов стать Обучающими Центрами для Диалога и для распространения вышеназванных Конвенций 2003 и 2005 гг., тем большей будет их способность утвердиться в новой практике, также коммерческой, ориентированной на благо развития в мирном сосуществовании и, следовательно, тем выше будет их ответственность по отношению к Мировому Сообществу; и поэтому с 18° Генеральной Ассамблеей мы намерены прийти к РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ, адресованной компетентным Учреждениям в интересах Мирового Сообщества для устойчивого развития в мирном сосуществовании. Спасибо, Андржей, и вместе с тобой нам представляется важным вспомнить о всех тех, кто нас уже оставил, но кого мы не можем забыть, так как они внесли вклад, кирпич за кирпичом, в строительство сегодняшнего результата: Аримитсу Тсужи, Михала Задор, Богумиль Фанта, Алексей Комеч, Арест Бегларян, Алексей Ровенко, Алексей Шкаев, а также Екатерина Гениева; и конечно же мы не забудем Джанфранко Катарци, Карла Гуидуччи Бонанни и молчаливого друга Эмануэле Ди Кастро. Наш труд посвящен всем им, Паоло Дель Бьянко


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10/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

Варшава, 22 июня 2015 Наследие для Межкультурного Диалога Гостеприимство путешественникам для продвижения межкультурного диалога Life Beyond Tourism Паоло Дель Бьянко Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко - Life Beyond Tourism

“По случаю настоящей 50-годовщины ИКОМОС, Международного Совета Памятников и Достопримечательных Мест, проходящей конечно же в Польше, в Варшаве, в родном городе человека, которого я считаю своим старшим братом, Профессора Андржея Томашевского, города, в котором мне была вручена Премия имени Яна Захватовича Президентом Комитета ИКОМОС Польши Богуславом Шмыгиным, я здесь, чтобы представить вам труд Фонда, во главе которого я имею честь стоять. Текущий год отмечен 25-летием нашей деятельности по внесению вклада в межкультурный диалог и 10-летием с того момента, когда Профессор Андржей Томашевский пригласил Фонд и меня лично внести вклад в научные дебаты в рамках большого семейства ИКОМОС, зная о том, что: • данная деятельность на пользу диалога поддерживается флорентийской отельной компанией, которая с 1991 года поверила в идею Фонда и пожелала создать его; • деятельность Фонда полностью посвящена содействию международным встречам в своей деятельности; и • Фонд всегда считал, что материальное и нематериальное наследие играет ключевую роль в способствовании встречам, диалогу, взаимопознанию и уважению к культурному разнообразию. Профессор также многократно выразил свое беспокойство касательно ущерба, который массовый туризм наносит наследию, полностью осознавая при этом его экономическую значимость для выживания многочисленных культурных памятников и достопримечательных мест. В ходе наших бесед, я попытался утешить его, уверяя, что мы попытаемся создать "модель", способную превратить массовый туризм в "друга" наследия. В тот день, когда я получил это теплое, почти неформальное приглашение, мы были в Кракове для участия в первой Конференции Международного Научного Комитета ИКОМОС по Теории и Философии Сохранения и Реставрации, комитета, для которого Профессор Томашевский был выбран первым Президентом. Но именно благодаря тому приглашению я сейчас здесь, чтобы представить вам результаты деятельности, проводимой с 2006 года Фондом, который всегда в течение лет ощущал в этом поддержку ИКОМОС в Париже, которому Профессор Томашевский нас с радостью представил. Данная деятельность, представленная на различных конференциях 1, была продемострирована в прошлом в двух публикациях, первая на трех языках – итальянском, английском и русском – в марте2, и вторая, опубликованная для Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС в 2014 году, на итальянском, английском и французском языках в ноябре3. Таким образом, мы продвинулись от философии LBT к ее практическому применению при помощи Экономической Модели LBT, на некоммерческой основе, задуманной для распространения через франчайзинг на мировом уровне; это привело к подготовке - Руководства по практическому применению Модели LBT; - ее Сертификация Качества, в рамках Путешествия для Диалога; - двух интернет порталов, один всемирный <.ORG> и второй <.NET> с пилотной схемой VivaFirenze.it для


Впервые в Азербайджане 20 ноября 2007, в Баку на Конференции “XXI Век Исторические Исламские Города”, и позднее во Флоренции, 15 и 16 марта 2008, за чем последовала Декларация о Намерениях, Приложение 1. 2 3

The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226) The LBT Model "Life Beyond Tourism with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433)

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территории Флоренции , где была задумана Модель.

Модель LBT доказала свою способность внести вклад в экономическую поддержку Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014 г. –при помощи пилотной схемы VivaFirenze.it- и в поддержку сохранения наследия местности, так как само наследие и является экономическим мотором для региона, для сохранения которого часто очень сложно найти спонсирование!

Модель LBT продемострировала свою простоту в переходе от теории к практике применения в рамках экономической и все же некоммерческой схемы на пользу развития в рамках мирного сосуществования при помощи нового коммерческого предложения, глобальное развитие которого в руках отдельных регионов по принципу франчайзинга, в некоммерческом контексте. Я надеюсь, что мы удовлетворили ожидания Профессора Андржея Томашевского, когда он впервые выдвинул мне свое неформальное приглашение.

Он сам, наблюдая свысока, сможет оценить то, чего мы достигли и опубликовали в наших двух публикациях в 2014 году, принимая во внимание . Резолюцию ИКОМОС 42/2014 и . Флорентийскую Декларацию, подписанную в завершение 18-ой Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС и научного симпозиума под названием "Наследие и Ландшафт как Общечеловеческие Ценности", которые стали свидетелями широких дебатов, в которых культурное наследие ассоциировалось с темой межкультурного диалога для построения развития в рамках мирного сосуществования. Таким образом, принимая во внимание главную идею Флорентийской Декларации, которой мы особо рады, Профессор Томашевский будет судьей того: - насколько хорошо, каким образом и в какой степени работал Фонд в течение последних десяти лет для внесения вклада в семейство ИКОМОС; - насколько то, что мы сформулировали при помощи нашей философии LBT и ее Модели LBT, . эффективно для практического применения на местности; . может быть рассмотрено в качестве вклада в смысле, понимаемом Генеральным Секретарем ООН Бан Ки-мун, когда он произнес следующие слова в своем Обобщающем Отчете по Пост-2015, в декабре 2014 г.: “Преобразование наш девиз. В настоящий момент времени мы призваны руководить и действовать смело. Мы призваны возглавить перемены. Перемены в наших обществах. Перемены в управлении нашими экономиками. Перемены в нашем отношении к нашей одной и единственной планете. … “


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ЧАСТЬ 2 Работы и документы, которые в течение лет были подготовлены Фондом – к которым присоединились многочисленные Учреждения, Университеты, а также Города и Министерства – включая два Манифеста и три девиза Фонда. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Объединить Наследие с Диалогом, через Путешествие То что Фонд презентует при помощи Life Beyond Tourism – это твердое решение объединить Наследие с Диалогом между Культурами, что позволит добавить к двум понятиям Охрана и Валоризация понятие Использования Наследия для диалога между культурами. Таким образом, в духе Life Beyond Tourism, Наследие видится как стратегия и мощная возможность для содействия встрече культур и, соответственно, диалогу и рапространению знаний о Конвенциях: . ЮНЕСКО 2003 г. по охране нематериального культурного наследия . ЮНЕСКО 2005 г. об охране и поощрении форм культурного самовыражения, что представляет собой важнейшую деятельность на мировом уровне для уважения к культурному разнообразию. Фонд, который с 1991 года начал свою деятельность для диалога между культурами, а с 2007 года - с 2007 года с Life Beyond Tourism наблюдает утверждение Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 года и Всемирном Наследии Человечества, как вклада в распространение Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг., конвенций, которые не могут ждать для своего продвижения и распространения столько же лет, сколько понадобилось для самой же Конвенции о Всемирном Наследии 1972 года; Фонд заметил цикличность единства между трех конвенций, так как конвенции 2003 и 2005 годов, в свою очередь, вносят свой вклад в тишине в конвенцию 1972 года, как мы и увидим в презентации. Отсюда рождается предложение Новой Коммерческой Практики на общее благо, с обучающимися сообществами именно для содействия быстрому и широкому распространению знаний о вышеназванных конвенциях ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. Для их распространения и полного осознания Фонд предлагает использовать мировую коммерческую сеть туризма для ‘вирусного’ распространения, и конечно же именно культура местности должна руководить путешествием посетителя, и не должно быть позволено услугам и потреблению видоизменять культуру посещаемой территории, что станет возможным при нахождении новых коммерческих предложений, ориентированных на диалог. С презентацией данной рекомендации, ее финальной дискуссией, оценкой, поправками и одобрением, Фонд намерен завершить свою задачу, полученную неформально от Проф. Томашевского. При этом остается также в силе то, что начиная с этого года мы будем полностью вовлечены в деятельность . Международного Центра Встреч во Флоренции, способствуя встречам и взаимодействию между научными учреждениями, такими как Международные Научные Комитеты ИКОМОС, с целью позволить им взаимодействие с более широкой аудиторией, следуя таким образом нашему обязательству, принятому по отношению к ИКОМОС в Резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи 2014/42. . Международного Института Life Beyond Tourism, занимающегося обучением результатам этих исследований и практики заинтересованным учреждениям, как это уже происходит в Японии в Токио, в Азербайджане и тех Странах, которые уже сделали запрос или же продемонстрируют свой интерес в будущем. . по обучению преподавателей на английском, русском, испанском, японском и, мы также надеемся,

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арабском и китайском языках, . по открытию тесного сотрудничества с международными университетами, заинтересованными в развитии территорий, задействованных в содействии диалогу между культурами, и с надеждой также на начало курсов и стипендий по теме “Архитектурное образование для Территориального Развития и Межкультурного Диалога”. Все это Фонд надеется создать и реализовывать в согласии с ЮНВТО, членом которой он является в течение многих лет, базируясь на таких основополагающих документах, как Этический Кодекс, чтобы повлиять на категорию, которая, как говорилось выше, имеет неизмеримый потенциал в деятельности по диалогу между культурами, диалогу, который является также “гарантией” деятельности сотрудников сферы туризма, которая может существовать только в условиях мира.


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НАСЛЕДИЕ ДЛЯ ДИАЛОГА Новая коммерческая практика, основанная на новой этической базе, на благо международного сообщества, не только охрана и валоризация, но также использование наследия для социальных целей для диалога между культурами с ограничением общего количества Это известный факт, что эволюция и успех городов-символов как Флоренция, являющиеся следствием развития туристического феномена на их территориях, главным образом измеряются оборотом компаний сферы услуг территорий. Статистические исследования в основном ограничиваются количественными показателями, такими как пребывание, средняя продолжительность, средняя стоимость пребывания, оборот и т.д. Подобные исследования должны быть всегда сравнимы также с допустимым количеством пребываний – если они установлены административными органами и по возможности дифференцированы для различных рынков – и должны быть сопровождаемы соответственным предвидением необходимых услуг в рамках допустимого, чтобы не нарушить равновесие и возможности территории; все это с перспективой постановки конкретной цели, которая будет также ограничением в глазах всех участников и наблюдающих за этим процессом. Мир как наследие объектов Всемирного Наследия Человечества Именно объекты всемирного наследия человечества, в особенности те, которые живут в основном за счет потока посетителей, заинтересованных в Наследии, должны прийти к полному осознанию того, насколько развитие таких территорий зависит, еще больше чем от самого наследия, от фактора мира; поэтому Фонд подчеркивает важность того, что именно из-за этой зависимости от туристического рынка, подобные объекты не могут не быть активными по внесению их вклада в мир в мире. Таким образом, Объекты Всемирного Наследия Человечества, культурного и природного, должны стать центрами строительства мира, местами обучения в согласии также с ЮНВТО для стимулирования размышлений о Конвенциях ЮНЕСКО 2003 г. по охране нематериального культурного наследия и 2005 года по охране и поощрении разнообразия форм культурного самовыражения и, следовательно, центрами обучения диалогу между культурами в соответствии с Этическим Кодексом ЮНВТО и последующими документами. Поэтому Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism видит Наследие не только в контексте его ‘охраны’ и ‘валоризации’, но в особенности его ‘использования’ для ‘содействия диалогу между различными культурами’, и, следовательно, видит в Наследии стратегическую возможность, которую наше международное сообщество ни в коем случае не должно упустить: . по причине широкого распространения феномена туризма на мировом уровне . по причине популярности объектов всемирного наследия человечества . а также по причине возможностей, предоставляемых самим путешественником по его собственному желанию, в условиях расслабленности и доверия к компании, организующей его путешествие, которой он доверяет свое время и деньги и с большим интересом следует предложенной программе. Коротко говоря, во многочисленном Международном Сообществе, в котором количество путешественников уже давно превысило миллиард в год, использование наследия для диалога между культурами представляет собой возможность для международного сообщества, которая не может быть упущена, так как диалог существенно необходим для мира и мир существенно необходим именно для так называемой экономики туризма, которая, таким образом, становится экономикой мира, охраняющей через мир само наследие: цикличность единства конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003, 2005, 1972 годов.

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Эволюциия : от эгоцентричного путешествия к альтруистичному путешествию, за рамками устойчивого туризма с постоянными местными жителями С вышеназванными понятиями мы выходим за рамки устойчивого туризма с постоянными местными жителями и утверждением разницы между - эгоцентричным и эгоистичным туризмом, таким как термальный туризм для моего здоровья, культурный туризм для моей культуры, спортивный туризм для моей физической формы и т.д., где в центре системы стоит удовлетоврение и наслаждение участника - и альтруистичным путешествием, в рамках которого путешественник участвует в движении, которое видит в путешественниках огромную возможность для распространения идеи мира для реализации диалога между культурами, в которую они вносят большой вклад как вестники мира, отдающие себя – свое время и деньги – Международному Сообществу, внося тем самым вклад в его рост в мирном сосуществовании. Таким образом, турист услуг и потребления превращается в путешественника, а затем во временного местного жителя, благодаря также самим местным жителям территории, которые содействуют оценке и уважению культурного разнообразия через познание местности.

Обучающиеся Сообщества, для Диалога и Развития Территорий в мирном сосуществовании Таким образом, рождаются Обучающиеся Сообщества для территориального развития и диалога между культурами, а именно Обучающиеся Сообщества включают: . Местных жителей . Путешественников – иными словами, временных местных жителей . Сферу обслуживания территории (отели, рестораны, и т.д.) . . культурных институтов . Посредников онлайн и оффлайн . Административные органы . Исследовательские Центры о рыночных тенденциях . Образовательные учреждения Из этого очевидно конструктивное участие сфер обслуживания и посредничества, которые могут использовать новую коммерческую практику, новый продукт, но с совершенно иной этической базой; все они, путешественники, местные жители, сферы обслуживания и посредничества, представляют собой различные сообщества, которые должны суметь оценить важность своей роли в диалоге между культурами для содействия познанию и взаимопониманию между самими же субъектами – и отсюда learning communities – обучающиеся сообщества. Эти сообщества могут сознательно и гордо оказывать поддержку и содействовать распространению новой коммерческой практики и вносить вклад в продвижение Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. именно благодаря возможностям мобильности, которые порождают интерес к познанию наследия (Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 г.) на мировом уровне; легко заметить, что так мы выходим далеко за рамки устойчивого развития.


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Новая коммерческая практика, ориентированная на благо Международного Сообщества, сеть операторов мира С философией Life Beyond Tourism –применяемой на территориях при помощи соответственной Модели LBT- можно принять участие в этом новом коммерческом предложении, основанном на совершенно другой этике, в соответствии с Этическим Кодексом ЮНВТО, для общего блага, в котором личное удовольствие не теряется, а воспринимается альтруистически, а именно с собственным удовлетворением от содействия благу международного сообщества; участники осознают и гордятся принадлежностью к этому и своим вкладом в распространение и осознание важности Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. для развития Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании, и, таким образом, осознают, что являются строителями мира и должны гордиться этим. В этой новой коммерческой практике, Life Beyond Tourism® подчеркивает, что 1- Культура местности руководит Путешествием посетителей также как 2- Международный Туризм не видоизменяет Культуру посещаемых территорий.

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СОЧЕТАНИЕ ТУРИЗМ – КУЛЬТУРА Сочетание, которым следует управлять с четким перспективным видением, чтобы управлять потенциалом сферы путешествий для содействия новому коммерческому предложению для диалога между культурами и чтобы не быть поглощенными избыточностью бизнеса, который трансформирует культуры территорий

1) Всемирный Конгресс ЮНВТО/ЮНЕСКО на тему Туризм и Культура: “Строительство нового партнерства”, который прошел в Сием Реп, Камбоджа, 2-4 февраля 2015 гг. и в котором в качестве слушателя принял участие также Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко - Life Beyond Tourism. Цель Конгресса состояла в нахождении ключевых возможностей, проблемных мест и моделей для более тесного сотрудничества этих двух тесно связанных оперативных сфер. Фонд намерен внести свой собственный вклад в вышеназванные цели ЮНВТО/ЮНЕСКО при помощи некоторых идей, полезных для формального подхода к сочетанию туризм-культура, сочетанию, которое Фонд предпочитает называть культура и путешествие для межкультурного диалога, так как Фонд призывает к особому вниманию в ‘управлении’ комбинацией Туризм-Культура, чтобы избежать того, что избыточность эфимерного бизнеса приведет его самого к чрезмерности динамической деятельности на посещаемой территории, деятельности, которая должна быть всегда под контролем управления, чтобы не прийти к деформированию культуры территории, принимающей туриста, избегая ошибок, совершенных уже во многих случаях в городах-символах, как это хорошо известно. Фонд с Life Beyond Tourism убежден, что - путешествие и культура представляют собой два термина, которые должны всегда стоять рядом для содействия развитию в мирном сосуществовании, внося вклад, при помощи ЮНВТО, в продвижение Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 года (о нематериальном наследии) и 2005 года (о разнообразии форм культурного самовыражения), со стратегической ролью Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 года (о всемирном наследии), которая способствует мобильности людей с целью получения удовлетворения от познания объектов всемирного наследия человечества. Данные Конвенции 2003 и 2005 гг. не могут ждать столько же лет, чтобы достигнуть уровня известности и распространенности Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 г.; - понятия “Культура” и “Путешествие” представляют собой важнейшее сочетание, так как посетитель приносит с собой благосостояние на территорию, но в особенности присутствие путешественника предоставляет идеи для культурных размышлений, которые вместе с самим путешествием представляют собой неизмеримые возможности для обмена ценностями между культурами, познанием разнообразия и утверждением уважения к нему - страны, которые будут больше всего привлечены к Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 г., смогут иметь наибольшие возможности для продвижения этого нового коммерческого предложения, активируясь, чтобы стать Всемирными Обучающими Центрами для Диалога между Культурами и принимая на себя ответственность за эту благородную задачу. - для содействия диалогу особое внимание и поддержка должны быть уделены ‘обучению’ Обучающихся Сообществ, состоящих из Местных Жителей, Путешественников, Сферы Обслуживания территории (отелей, ресторанов, музеев и т.д.), Туристических Агентств, Посредников онлайн и оффлайн и Образовательных Учреждений, - крайне важно, чтобы эти Обучающиеся Сообщества достигли соответственного уровня осознания их роли в содействии диалогу между культурами для развития территорий в мирном сосуществовании. Для таких Обучающихся Сообществ должны быть созданы условия для постоянного процесса обучения, также трансверсального, для повышения их ответственности, чтобы в конечном итоге сделать их ‘Сертифицируемыми’, как мы увидим далее. - территории, способствующие этой эволюции, смогут предложить новую коммерческую практику, став Обучающимися Центрами для Диалога между Культурами - то, что сегодня может быть названо “альтруистичным туризмом”. 18

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-новая коммерческая практика является обучающей: ’Наследие и Культура для Межкультурного Диалога’ - ’Путешествие для Диалога’ – гостеприимство для путешественников для содействия диалогу. В ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ A) Культура местности –в наиболее глубоком смысле этого слова- должна вести за собой путешествие и, следовательно, туризм не должен деформировать культуру посещаемой местности Культура местности является мотивацией путешествия, даже если путешествие часто продается по причине достопримечательностей, которые не всегда напрямую связаны с ней. Культурное наследие, материальное и нематериальное, представляет собой возможность неизмеримой важности для привлечения внимания широких масс, с целью сориентировать их на реализацию межкультурного диалога, так необходимого сегодня. Чтобы быть в состоянии осуществлять диалог, люди должны иметь условия оценить контекст, размеры и процесс, в котором реализуются те или иные культурные выражения, начиная от понимания необходимости создания данного произведения, и далее с исследованием ресурсов, использованных для его проектирования и создания в формах, видимых нашему глазу сегодня, из тех конкретных материалов и в том конкретном месте, которые полностью соответствуют задуманной функции. Правильная коммуникация всего вышеназванного позволяет получить наибольшие знания, которые часто, в сфере нематериального наследия, приводит к осознанию сложности познания и истинного понимания культурного наследия, осознания, которое в любом случае ведет к уважению разнообразия. B) Альтруистичное путешествие, для Международного Сообщества. Путешествие от ‘эгоцентричного’ и ‘эгоистичного’ (хорошо укрепленного на рынке потребления с такими продуктами, как ‘культурный туризм’ для моей культуры, ‘термальный туризм’ для моего здоровья, ‘спортивный туризм’ для моей физической формы и т.д. .…) становится альтруистичным, а именно становится возможностью для путешественника отдать самого себя (свои время и деньги) в дар Международному Сообществу в качестве своего вклада в рост самого же Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании. Таким образом, турист услуг и потребления трансформируется в путешественника, а затем во ‘временного местного жителя’, благодаря также самим местным жителям, которые способствуют познанию и уважению культурного разнообразия между местным жителем и путешественником, с конструктивным участием сферы услуг и сферы посредничества, которые могут воспользоваться новым продуктом, новым коммерческим предложением, но с другой этической базой. Фонд выражает надежду на следующую встречу с ЮНВТО, после первого визита в Мадрид 30 мая 2015, так как считает, что Модель LBT должна быть признана и оценена для ее полного осознания также через ее Руководство и Сертификацию Качества для диалога между культурами, материалы, которые были уже представлены и переданы в ЮНВТО в момент вышеназванного визита.

КУРСЫ LIFE BEYOND TOURISM За рамками Устойчивого Туризма, в самое ближайшее время необходимы курсы LBT В 2015 г. были начаты обучающие курсы LBT. Вышеназванные курсы предоставляются как организациям – частным и общественным – так и образовательным учреждениям (университетеским и пост-университетским) по их запросу. Намерением Фонда является предложение курсов, посредством Института, на следующих языках: итальянском, английском, французском, японском, русском, испанском, немецком.

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Проведение курсов LBT может быть запрошено учреждением любого типа, которое намерено включить в свои учебные программы новую стратегию за рамками устойчивого туризма для тех территорий, которые намерены продвигать . не только экономику туризма. но в особенности . культуру оказания приема путешественникам и гостеприимство . диалог между культурами: а именно для тех территорий, которые намерены управлять . новым коммерческим предложением –с другой этикой для блага международного сообщества – и потоком посетителей, чтобы не быть жертвой туризма, а управлять им и быть активными членами международного сообщества и обучающими центрами для развития в мирном сосуществовании. В Японии . 5 сентября 2015 г. в Токио, в Международном Универитете Джосаи при Факультете Туризма прошел первый Недельный Интенсивный Курс, Life, Beyond Tourism. Курс был проведен по желанию Факультета Туризма Международного Университета Джосаи и Советника Госпожи Норико Мисута. Исключительным свидетелем подписания Меморандума был Коммиссар Агентства по Культурным Делам Правительства Японии Бунка Чо. Курс является семестральным. В октябре 2015 г. прошла первая конференция по теме Life Beyond Tourism в Токио, в Университете Тойо. Два Университета – Тойо и Джосаи – насчитывают в общем около 50.000 студентов. Многие Университеты в Японии окрывают Факультеты Туризма, среди которых Университет Префектуры Киото, чтобы следовать национальной тенденции. В Азербайджане В апреле 2016 г. начнутся курсы в Азербайджане, Баку, в Университете Архитектуры и Строительства. Создание Обучающих Програм См. Приложение 2.


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ЧАСТЬ 3 Предложение официального вручения Международному Сообществу в завершение нашей деятельности в рамках Модели LBT, не только теоретической, но уже оперативной, как указано в цитированной выше Резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014/42 –с ее Руководством по практическому применению и Сертификацией Качества для Диалога между Культурами – для реализации философии LBT на мировом уровне, если это будет сочтено интересным самим же Международным Сообществом.

МОДЕЛЬ LBT ДЛЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО СООБЩЕСТВА Как известно и уже формально объявлено в течение 2014 г., Модель Life Beyond Tourism была задумана Фондом, чтобы быть переданной в распоряжение Международному Сообществу. Эксперты приглашаются к размышлению над этим деликатным моментом, чтобы гарантировать, что управление этой Моделью LBT будет проходить в уважении основополагающих принципов самой же Модели LBT в интересах Международного Сообщества и в перспективе ее развития на мировом уровне через франчайзинг, но в некоммерческом контексте, которые возможно смогут быть управляемы также Центрами Всемирного Наследия 2 категории под эгидой ЮНЕСКО и в сотрудничестве с ЮНВТО.

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1- принимая во внимание - исследования, начатые Фондом Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко в 2006 году по неформальному приглашению Проф. Андржея Томашевского – тогда Президента Международного Научного Комитета ИКОМОС по Теории и Философии Сохранения и Реставрации – завершившиеся определением философии Life Beyond Tourism, - что эта философия была впервые представлена в Азербайджане, в Баку 20 ноября 2007 года в рамках конференции “XXI Век Исторические Исламские Города” - что ее следующая презентация прошла во Флоренции 15 марта 2008 года - что именно во Флоренции была подписана 16 марта 2008 Декларация о Намерениях участников Круглого Стола Фонда, декларация, которая предоставляла 5-летний срок для формулирования оперативного предложения, передовой практики, - которая впоследствии была представлена на симпозиуме ИКОМОС в Квебеке 1.10.2008 - что в завершение 5-летнего периода были представлены результаты вышеназванной Декларации о Намерениях с определением и презентацией оперативной, а не теоретической Модели LBT, с четкими целями и измеряемыми результатами, для оценки прогресса развития Диалога между Культурами, достигнутого на территории, - Руководство Изд.0 для Модели LBT и Сертификация самой Модели LBT, которые были представлены в течение 17° Генеральной Ассамблеи Международных Экспертов Фонда, которая прошла в марте 2014 г. и также в течение симпозиума ИКОМОС в ноябре 2014 г. с двумя соответственными публикациями с кодом, в феврале 2014 и октябре 2015 г. - что в содействии движению Life Beyond Tourism Фонд не используется термин туризм, чтобы не делать менее ясной нашу собственную идею, ориентированную исключительно на осознание ценностей местности, так как сегодня на глобальном уровне, термин туризм ассоциируется с понятием услуг и потребления - подписание Фондом многочисленных Меморандумов о Сотрудничестве, касающихся развития и результатов исследований Фонда 2- учитывая - что в виду данной философии, ИКОМОС Международный Совет Памятников и Достопримечательных Мест подписал Меморандум о Соглашении с Фондом Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism, от 4 марта 2013 г. - что следуя философии Life Beyond Tourism, Фонд создал Модель LBT - что Модель LBT была испытана по случаю Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014 г. - что касательно LBT, Генеральная Ассамблея ИКОМОС во Флоренции в 2014 г. приняла Резолюцию 42, с подтверждением оперативности посредством услуг для Генеральной Ассамблеи - что Модель LBT была задумана Фондом для предоставления в распоряжение Международного Сообщества 3-считая крайне необходимым что культура местности должна вести путешественника и что туризм услуг и потребления не должен деформировтаь природу и характер посещаемой территории, 4- размышляя о важности сочетания наследие, путешествие и диалог, а именно . насколько важны могут быть наследие и культура, в особенности отдельных мест, для создания интереса в широкой публике к посещению территорий вместе с их наследием и культурой 22

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. насколько может быть полезным путешествие и насколько посещение мест может создать возможности познания и осознания культурного разнообразия и утверждения уважения к разнообразию, - насколько посещение культурного центра может содействвать созданию диалога между культурами для развития в мирном сосуществовании в международном сообществе, которое превысило 7 миллиардов жителей, сообществе, которое стремительно движется к 10 миллиардам, - насколько важно прийти к тому, чтобы посвятить объекты всемирного наследия цели центров для обучения диалогу между культурами - насколько центры для обучения диалогу между культурами становятся в свою очередь новой коммерческой практикой, основанной на совершенно иной этике. 5- Принимая во внимание - важность сближения культур, как это открыто заявлено провозглашением Десятилетия Сближения Культур 2013-2022, официально объявленного Генеральным Директором Ириной Боковой в Алма-Ате 23 августа 2013 г. совместно с Председателем Национальной Комиссии по делам ЮНЕСКО и ИСЕСКО Республики Казахстан, Господином Имангали Тазмагамбетовым и Министром Иностранных Дел Республики Казахстан, Господином Эрланом Идрисовым, которые официально положили начало Международному Десятилетию Сближения Культур (2013-2022), для которого ЮНЕСКО была объявлена ведущим агентством системы Объединенных Наций, что было одобрено Резолюцией Генеральной Конференции ЮНЕСКО 36C/40 в ноябре 2011 г., за которой последовала Резолюция 67/104 Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН в декабре 2012 г. - “Цель Декады – содействие взаимопониманию и уважению к разнообразию, правам и равноправного достоинства среди людей, посредством диалога среди народов, через межкультурный диалог и конкретные инициативы,” заявил Генеральный Директор. - Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. для их рапространения и международной оценки, которые не могут ждать столько же лет, сколько понадобилось самой же Конвенции о Всемирном Наследии ЮНЕСКО 1972 г. с целью внесения вклада в развитие Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании. - Мир является “наследием” Всемирного Наследия Человечества - что международное путешествие содействует сближению культур в соответствии с заявленным в Манифесте Фонда 2014 г. 1- Мир является необходимым условием устойчивого развития 2- Межкультурный диалог является стратегическим для содействия Миру в Мире 3- Наследие –природное и культурное- является стратегическим элементом для Межкультурного Диалога 4- Познание и уважение культурного разнообразия (материального и нематериального) являются основополагающими для Межкультурного Диалога. 5- Встречи, в особенности среди молодежи, являются основополагающими для Межкультурного Диалога 6- Путешествие –с познанием Наследия посещаемой местности, ее ценностями и знаниями – является, следовательно, стратегическим инструментом для получения знаний и развития уважения

- что фундаментально важно конвертировать туризм услуг и потребления в путешествие взаимного познания ценностей между местным жителем и путешественником - что ‘культурное наследие’ – материальное и нематериальное – является мотивом путешествия и, соответственно, возможностью познания; необходимо содействовать не только его ‘охране’ и ‘валоризации’, но также его ‘использованию’ для поощрения интенсивного диалога между культурами - что при помощи философии и Модели Life Beyond Tourism дается возможность облагородить организованное путешествие широко и быстро посредством его вклада в диалог между культурами в международном сообществе, которое движется к 10 миллиардам жителей. - при помощи Life Beyond Tourism ставится цель значительного и прогрессивного сокращения интереса масс к туризму услуг и потребления, чтобы повысить роль путешествия для познания ценностей, обмена

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ценностями и утверждения уважения к культурному разнообразию - что посредством Life Beyond Tourism активируется Новая Практика, также Коммерческая, которая выходит за рамки сегодняшнего понятия туризма, так как она за пределами устойчивого туризма, за пределами эгоцентричного и эгоистичного туризма, ставя своей целью содействие диалогу между культурами для развития в мирном сосуществовании, поскольку, как было сказано выше, - именно культура места назначения –в наиболее глубоком смысле этого понятия – должна вести путешествие - международный туризм не должен трансформировать культуру местности - что путешественник является в первую очередь Гостем Страны, затем Гостем Города, конкретной территории, и затем Гостем принимающей его коммерческой структуры; и только после всего этого он является платящим клиентом, - что при помощи новой коммерческой практики функциональные механизмы туризма преодолеваются и становятся инструментами познания и уважения посредством интерпретации и презентации местности для самих же местных жителей посредством путешествия и диалога, и таким образом все совметсно содействуют диалогу между культурами, каждый в своей собственной роли: a. мотивом путешествия является познание наследия и культуры местности для содействия диалогу, б. сотрудники сферы услуг, хорошо осознают свою собственную роль оказания гостеприимства, которая заключается не только в предоставлении услуг, но также в содействии диалогу между культурами, в. Посредники (агентства посредничества) в их центральном положении между спросом и предложением и как консультанты по верному выбору каждого путешественника между эгоцентричнымэгоистичным путешествием услуг и потребления и путешествием для познания местности для диалога г. Путешественник . временный местный житель: - который должен быть стимулирован в оценке своего выбора о том, куда и почему ехать, не будучи обусловленным со стороны посредников, - который должен осознать, что он находится перед выбором, быть ли ему потребителем услуг или участником движения для познания ценностей и развития человечества в мирном сосуществовании; - в случае выбора познания ценностей, создаются более благоприятные условия для большей продолжительности пребывания, и путешественник все больше идентифицируетсяс постоянным местным жителем, приспосабливая соответственно свое поведение, все больше узнавая и уважая посещаемую им местность. - который вносит вклад в развитие Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании, способствуя познанию ценностей местности и их самобытности - для которого путешествие это - личный дар (времени и денег) от него самого по отношению к Международному Сообществу; - дар для разделения его с другими, - дар, чтобы узнать и быть узнанным, - дар, чтобы открыть себя диалогу, - дар, чтобы оценить и уважать разнообразие; - чтобы на практике внести вклад в развитие в мирном сосуществовании, - стобы содействовать диалогу среди молодежи всего мира, как это было утверждено Генеральной Ассамблеей ИКОМОС при помощи Резолюции 2014/42 - новая коммерческая практика, являющаяся результатом видения за рамками эгоцентричного и эгоистичного туризма, который видит в культуре места назначения – в наиболее глубоком смысле этого понятия – ведущего путешествия посетителя, которое не позволяет туризму услуг и потребления видоизменять культуру посещаемой местности - новое коммерческое предложение, ориентированное на общее благо, в котором личное удовольствие не теряется,


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24/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

а воспринимается в альтруистическом смысле, а именно с собственным удовольствием от участия во внесении вклада в благо международного сообщества, частью которого он является; участники осознают и горды тем, что принадлежат и содействуют распространению и осознанию важности Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. по развитию Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании и в полном соответствии Этическому Кодексу ЮНВТО, и, следовательно, осознают свою роль в качестве строителей мира и должны гордиться этим. д. Организации по туристическому посредничеству С новой коммерческой практикой туристическое посредничество становится консультантом, предлагая путешественнику выбор между традиционной программой услуг и потребления или же участием в международном движении на благо международного сообщества, внося вклад при помощи своего путешествия в диалог между культурами и помогая ему в этом выборе е. Территория, регион Life Beyond Tourism в значительной степени концентрируется на : - использовании наследия и культурных выражений территории для диалога между культурами, сохраняя характер территории; таким образом, это снова вклад в Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2003 по охране нематериального культурного наследия и 2005 г. по охране и поощрению разнообразия форм культурных выражений, - повышении осведомленности данного конкретного региона, который все больше должен быть в состоянии управлять собственной территорией и демонстрировать интерес к направлению своих посетителей к предложению, соответствующему уровню качества самой территории, путешественники должны быть также заинтересованы в культуре территории, ее ландшафте и заботе о ее окружающей среде - на использовании для социальных целей и удовольствия ее культуру, в особенности культурных выражений – культурных учреждений и представительных экономических предприятий – менее известных, но от этого не менее важных, - на передаче части доходов, получаемых от продажи услуг потребителям, на нужды наследия и культурысамой же территории - на использовании для социальных целей и удовольствия своей культуры и наследия для межкультурного диалога, охраняя местную культуру и внося, таким образом, вклад в Конвенции, не раз цитированные выше: Конвенцию ЮНЕСКО 2003 года по охране нематериального культурного наследия; Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 2005 г. по охране и поощрении разнообразия форм культурного самовыражения; ж. Тенденции рынка Для местных административных органов крайне важно иметь мощное перспективное видение равития спроса рынка путешествий на собственной территории, поощряя соответственные постоянные многолетние и подвижные исследования по ориентированию туристического рынка для этой конкретной местности, для постоянного перспективного видения с целью быть в состоянии предвидеть будущие тенденции, чтобы защитить территоррию при помощи своевременных решений в гармонии со временным фактором управления данной территорией. з. Таким образом, новая коммерческая практика : - для Наследия, не только его охраны и валоризации, но также использования для социальных целей, для его охраны и валоризации и, следовательно, вклада в Конвенцию ЮНЕСКО 1972 г. о Всемирном Наследии, но также для использования Наследия для диалога и утверждение роли диалога между культурами для развития в мирном сосуществовании и, соответственно, еще раз вклад в Конвенции ЮНЕ-

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25/ с. Вклад в Объекты Всемирного Наследия

СКО 2003 и 2005 гг. и в Десятилетие Сближения Культур 2013-2022, провозглашенное Генеральным Директором ЮНЕСКО Ириной Боковой в Алма-Ате 23 августа 2013 г., связывая коммерческую деятельность с охраной, сохранением и валоризацией наследия и передачей финансовых средств от комиссий посредничества сферы услуг территории. 6 - Утверждая также важность - внесения всеобщего вклада в распространение, в особенности среди широких масс, осведомленности о Конвенциях ЮНЕСКО 2003 об охране нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО 2005 об охране и поощрении разнообразия форм культурного самовыражения, и соответственно понимание важности организации центров обучения диалогу между культурами и осознанию и уважению разнообразия форм культурного самовыражения, на сегодняшний день крайне необходимого для развития международного сообщества в мирном сосуществовании с сочетанием трех основных элементов, наследия, путешествия и диалога с Life Beyond Tourism, и следовательно для содействия утверждению этой новой коммерческой практики на благо международного сообщества и с перспективой сделать вирусной ее рапространение и - внести вклад в видение Конвенции ЮНЕСКО 1972 г., являющуюся инструментом для диалога между культурами и, соответственно, исключительно важную не только для охраны и валоризации самого наследия, так как она сама является стратегически важной, если наследие становится используемым для диалога между культурами: наследие, путешествие и диалог 7 - Отмечая эволюцию 1- От эгоцентричного путешествия к альтруистичному путешествию, за рамками устойчивого туризма с постоянными местными жителями Посредством этих понятий мы двигаемся к диалогу, далеко за рамками устойчивого туризма, с временным местным жителем, проходя через различие между - эгоцентричным, эгоистичным путешествием, таким как термальный туризм для моего здоровья, культурный туризм для моей культуры, спортивный туризм для моей физической формы и т.д., в которых в центре системы стоит удовлетворение субъекта-участника - альтруистичное путешествие, в котором путешественник участвует в движении, которое видит в путешественниках важную возможность для рапространения идеи мира с практической реализацией диалога между культурами, важный вклад со стороны путешественников как вестников мира, которые отдают самих себя в дар – свое время и деньги – Международному Сообществу, что делает видимым их вклад в рост самого же Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании. И по мере того как турист услуг и потребления превращается в путешественника, а затем во временного местного жителя, благодаря также самим местным жителям, которые способствуют познанию и осознанию культурного разнообразия с познанием местности, и таким образом различные привлеченные субъекты становятся Обучающимися Сообществами для Диалога. 2- Обучающиеся Сообщества, для Диалога С Life Beyond Tourism рождаются Обучающиеся Сообщества для развития Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании. LBT применяется на территориях при помощи соответственной Модели LBT и посредством этого они принимают участие в построении этого нового коммерческого предложения, посвящая объекты всемирного наследия роли центров для обучения диалогу между культурами, которые в свою очередь становятся другой коммерческой практикой с этикой, ориентированной на общее благо. В данном случае, личное удовольствие не теряется, но вопринимается как радость от способствования благу международного сообщества; участники осознают и гордятся своей принадлежностью и вкладом в распространение и осознание важности Конвенций ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 гг. для развития Международного Сообщества в мирном сосуществовании и, следовательно, осознают свою роль как строителей мира и гордятся этим: . Местные Жители


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. Путешественники – иными словами, временные местные жители . Сфера обслуживания территории (отели, рестораны, и т.д.) . культурных институтов . Посредники онлайн и оффлайн . Городские Администрации . Исследовательские Центры тенденций рынка . Образовательные Учреждения

8 - Твердо утверждая 1) что должна именно территория, вместе с ее наследием и современной культурой, вести путешественника к цели совместной реализации диалога более глубокого познания и уважения к разнообразию форм культурных выражений. 2) что территория должна быть осведомлена о своих собственных реалиях и потенциале и, следовательно, должна корректно интерпретировать свои собственные реалии, информировать о них и презентовать себя на мировом уровне в качестве культурного предложения и практики, а не только в качестве услуг и потребления 3) что территория и ее культура, которая должна трансформировать туризм услуг и потребления в путешествие познания и его участников в сознательных субъектов, активных в противодействии туризму, который деформирует природу и характер посещаемой местности при помощи Обучающихся Сообществ 4) что культура местности увлекать субъекта, заинтересованного в путешествии, в такой степени, чтобы позволить ему почувствовать себя гостем, а не туристом, путешественником и, наконец, сделать его временным местным жителем для его вклада в познание и диалог между культурами 5) что территория должна видеть в госте в первую очередь гостя своей Страны, затем гостя своего региона и города, затем гостя структуры гостеприимства и приема и, наконец, клиента, оплачивающего запрошенные услуги, 6) что комиссии от услуг посредничества для путешественников должны в основном оставаться на территории и частично перенаправляться на эмоциональное вовлечение самой же территории и ее гостей. 7) – что Наследие, культурное и природное, и Конвенция ЮНЕСКО 1972 года представляют собой мощную стратегию для содействия вышеназванным Конвенциям ЮНЕСКО 2003 и 2005 годов. Касательно всего выше изложенного в данной Части 4, мы приглашаем к размышлению о возможной рекомендации

1- к размышлению на тему “Наследие и Культура для Межкультурного Диалога “,“наследие, путешествие и диалог” и насколько она может быть важна для привлечения широких масс, перемещающися сегодня с целью туризма, для практической реализации диалога между культурами для развития в мирном сосуществовании в международном сообществе, движущемся к более чем 7 миллиардам человек. 2 – к размышлению насколько важно прийти к тому, чтобы ориентировать объекты всемирного наследия на превращение в центры для обучения диалогу между культурами, которые в свою очередь становятся новой коммерческой практикой, основанной на совершенно иной этике, 3- предоставить в распоряжение Международного Сообщества философию Life Beyond Tourism вместе с ее Моделью Практического Применения и ее Сертификацией Качества для Диалога между Культурами, принимая во внимание все вышесказанное, что Life Beyond Tourism уже смог продемонстрировать свою оперативность в течение Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014, в соответствии с указанным в резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи 2014/42 4 – привлечь к участию в разработке и развитии модели также международные организации, которые будут содействовать данной сети, позволяя ей пользоваться преимуществами собранных финансовых © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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ресурсов 5- к содействию, таким образом, началу проведения инициатив, научных и оперативных, результаты которых могут быть в состоянии способствовать прогрессу Международного Сообщества для НаследияДиалога-Культуры, 5.1- в сегодняшнем понимании вопроса: вклад в првозлашенное Генеральным Директором ЮНЕСКО Десятилетие Сближения Культур, объявленном 23 августа 2013: Генеральный Директор ЮНЕСКО, Ирина Бокова, Председатель Национальной Комиссии по вопросам ЮНЕСКО и ИСЕСКО Республики Казахстан, Господин Имангали Тазмагамбетов, и Министр Иностранных Дел Республики Казахстан, Господин Эрлан Идриссов, официально объявили Международное Десятилетие Сближения Культур 2013-2022. 5.2- в ближайшем будущем, 2017, в виду того, что ООН Объявила 2017 год Международным Годом Устойчивого Туризма для Развития, 5.3- и в более долгострочной перспективе: “ Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года (Преобразование нашего мира: Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года)


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Работы и документы, которые в течение лет были подготовлены Фондом и к которым присоединились многочисленные Учреждения, Университеты, а также Города и Министерства, включая два его Манифеста и три девиза.


Деятельность, проводимая сегодня Фондом Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism началась 14 сентября 1991 г. вследствие падения Берлинской Стены по решению Комитета под руководством Паоло Дель Бьянко. Несколько лет спустя, 3 ноября 1998 г., на основе опыта и проводимой деятельности, отельная компания Vivahotels®, сегодня называющаяся Конгресс Центр аль Дуомо - Centro Congressi al Duomo® - CCAD Firenze-, приняла решение учредить Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко. По мере продолжения этой деятельности и с началом исследований по теме наследие и путешествие, в соответствии с желанием Проф. Андржея Томашевского, Президента Комитета ИКОМОС по Теории и Философии Сохранения и Реставрации, при помощи нотариального акта от 27 октября 2011 (R.17053-F.6534), Фонд принял новое название Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism в виду исследований, к которым он пришел с 2007 г. и с целью подчеркнуть деятельность, проводимую по желанию Проф. Андржея Томашевского.

Опыт Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism по теме Наследия тесно связан с тематиками о способности самого же Наследия стимулировать мобильность и, соответственно, международные встречи и, следовательно, диалог между культурами - это тот опыт, который получил свой развитие с начала 90-х годов с молодыми студентами из разных стран – в основном происхождением из стран бывшего Советского Союза и Советского Блока. Сеть, которая на сегодняшний день состоит из более 500 учреждений / университетов в 93 Странах на 5 континентах (см. пункт Б), приложения 1,2,3,4 и 5). Девизы Фонда : 1998 Для мира в мире, с молодежью из разных Стран, через культуру. Встречаться, знакомиться, понимать друг друга, чтобы развивать дружбу между народами 2005 Международные встречи, без конкуренции и в уважении к индивидуальности каждого – Узнавать вместе прошлое, чтобы строить совместное будущее. 2010 Из Флоренции, мы помогаем вызывать эмоции в молодежи, стимулируя их к идеям и предложениям, полезным международному сообществу

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Манифест Life Beyond Tourism 2008 1. Туризм – незаменимый ресурс для повышения благосостояния 2. Туризм предоставляет возможность понять: - дух той или иной местности - разнообразие культурных выражений - традиционные знания 3. Туризм в своих разнообразных проявлениях значит больше, чем только удовлетворение индивидуальных потребностей 4. Туристический оператор способствует пониманию духа места и межкультурному диалогу 5. Турист – это потенциальный распространитель знаний и межкультурного диалога 6. Посещаемая территория становится лабораторией познавания и местом роста для всех путешественников 7. Местные жители в первую очередь признают путешественника гостем города, затем гостем компаний сферы услуг и, в последнюю очередь, – клиентом 8. Лаборатория познавания стимулирует запрос на туристическую продукцию всё более высокого качества, не только в сфере услуг и потребления, но и в ценностном смысле 9. Планирование и руководство территорией, а также окрестностями, не могут происходить без учета "Традиционных Знаний" и "Межкультурного Диалога" 10. "Культурное наследие" – материальное и духовное – это побудительная причина путешествий, и соответственно, возможность для познавания; вместе с "защитой" и осознанием "ценности" культурного наследия, необходимо способствовать также "использованию его для межкультурного диалога".

Манифест Life Beyond Tourism 2014 1- Мир является необходимым условием устойчивого развития 2- Межкультурный диалог является стратегическим для содействия Миру в Мире 3- Наследие –природное и культурное- является стратегическим элементом для Межкультурного Диалога 4- Познание и уважение культурного разнообразия (материального и нематериального) являются основополагающими для Межкультурного Диалога. 5- Встречи, в особенности среди молодежи, являются основополагающими для Межкультурного Диалога 6- Путешествие –с познанием Наследия посещаемой местности, ее ценностями и знаниями – является, следовательно, стратегическим инструментом для получения знаний и развития уважения Место встреч : Исторический Центр Флоренции, Всемирное Наследие Местом встреч стал Исторический Центр Флоренции – Объект Всемирного Наследия Человечества. Мы считаем важным представить краткое панорамное видение опыта во Флоренции, в котором эволюция туризма привела к тихому непрерывному видоизменению городской структуры, почти всего Исторического Центра, объекта Наследия Человечества, с изменением цели использования зданий, что значительным образом повлияло на жизнь во всех городах; их роль от зданий жилого, ремесленного и коммерческого назначения превратилась в основном в здания туристического назначения или же сферы услуг и обслуживания для туристов.


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Это стало результатом политики городского развития, которая, как и во многих других подобных ситуациях, начиная с 60-х годов не смогла понять важность феномена туризма и его способность к быстрому распространению и утверждению в экономической структуре местности, вырывая с корнем из Исторического Центра местных жителей, которые передали свою недвижимость сфере туризма. Этот феномен уже широко и однородно распространен в странах со свободным рынком, так как мир путешественников, заинтересованных в познании других стран и других культур развивался все больше и больше, сделав туризм модой, которая превратила путешественника в “часть коммерческой системы”, значительным образом влияя на тенденции рынка, на котором все то, что раньше было сконцентрировано в священных понятиях прием и гостеприимство, упростилось до термина ‘туристических услуг’. Местность, принимающая туристов все меньше следует диктату собственной культуры и, с целью сделать однородными собственные услуги соответственно требованиям широкой культурно разнообразной публики, все меньше и меньше отвечает критериям гостеприимства собственной культуры, теряя наиболее истинные оттенки собственных традиций приема и гостеприимства. Очевидно низкого качества, этот способ управления гостеприимством превратился в туристическую индустрию, которая видоизменяет поведение местности, ее традиции и, наконец, ее знания. Все соответствует единой логике, которая неслышно проникает в ежедневную жизнь местности до такой степени, что территория сама начинает меняться, чтобы адаптироваться к ритму услуг и потребления, далеких от ее истинной культуры, чтобы предоставить все необходимые услуги широкой публике, которая в 2014 году превысила миллиард и сто миллионов жителей (данные ЮНВТО). Объекты всемирного наследия человечества посещаются все время растущим количеством посетителей, рост которого сложно измерить во времени. Вся городская структура стремится подстроиться к предложению услуг туристам: сначала мелкие отели, затем крупные отели и сети отелей, а затем низкобюджетные структуры и bed & breakfast, говоря только о структурах гостеприимства; конкретное видоизменение, которое добавляется к другим ситуациям трансформаций, как произошло недавно во Флоренции с перенесением Суда с Площади Сан Фиренце. Вследствие этого важного и исключительного переноса Суда в новое место, расположенное далеко от предыдущего, все профессиональные студии в его окрестностях покинули свои помещения, которые, ввиду своих средне-мелких размеров, были превращены в небольшие жилые структуры для сдачи на краткие пребывания; существенное преобразование городской ткани по типологии назначения. Флоренция, План Управления которой 1964 года предполагал рост населения от полумиллиона жителей до 700.000 жителей, в завершение прошлого века наблюдала спад населения на приблизительно 30%. План Управления Флоренции 1992-1994 гг. посвятил тематике туризма меньше чем одной страницу – на более чем 200 страницах всего Плана – в разделе “Ресурсы”, не считая необходимым уделить непосредственное внимание теме туризма; во Флоренции же, уже с начала 70-х годов туризм представляет собой важнейший ресурс, если не “Ресурс” с очевидной тенденцией своего бурного развития; стоит вспомнить также, что тогда Исторический Центр Флоренции еще не был включен в Список Всемирного Наследия Человечества ЮНЕСКО, в который он был включен в 1982 году. Положительный экономический эффект туризма для такого города как Флоренция, никогда не вызывал беспокойств, а наоборот воспринимался как положительный феномен; но в таком маленьком городе как Флоренция данный феномен имел и имеет такую важность, что он смог изменить судьбу и образ самого города всего лишь за несколько лет.

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В этом феномене, который обычно не включался в программы Городских Администраций во многих городах во многих странах, ставших жертвой богатства, производимого туристической деятельностью, вместо того чтобы быть управлямым, стало подобным превышению дозы медикаментов, которые из жизнедательных могут превратиться в летальные. Таким образом, в подобных ситуациях “рынок” становится создателем, дизайнером, исполнителем и режиссером деятельности по бессознательному преобразованию территорий, которые, к сожалению, не смогли принимать решения и управлять своим развитием, но стали жертвами тенденций рынка, по причине отсутствия своевременного осознания этого общественной администрацией. Все это происходит настолько быстро, что общественная администрация часто не успевает ни заметить этого, ни вмешаться в крупные решения политики развития собственного города. Кратко можно сказать, что когда городская администрация не управляет своевременно феноменом туризма, она содействует тому, что развитие ее территории становится жертвой правил рынка, демонстрируя тем самым отсутствие политического видения и соответственное отсутствие плана для его предварительной оценки и последующей реализации, не ограничивая даже изменений собственных реалий с возможными тяжелыми последствиями для собственного местного сообщества. Таким образом, местные жители продолжают покидать исторические центры своих городов, вначале привлекаемые выгодными ценами на продажу своих жилищ, а затем оставшиеся уезжают по причине сложности жить в атмосфере, которая больше не является городом, а музеем под открытым небом с продуктами, услугами, ценами часами работы, ориентированными на туристов, и городским пространством, предназначенным для расслабленно одетых людей, порой даже слишком расслабленно, и с таким же расслабленным поведением, которые со всем разнообразием стилей, рисунков и цветов вносят вклад в тотальное изменение исторического городского ландшафта. В этих ситуациях, непросто также разработать и план управления для ЮНЕСКО, и уже достаточно ситуаций подобных “Историческому Центру Флоренции”, который недавно был помещен на первый из трех уровней повышенного внимания, предусмотренных ЮНЕСКО.

Глубокое перспективное видение: многолетний подвижный план В принятии решений городских администраций, охрана и валоризация Наследия должны быть всегда рассматриваемы в широком территориальном контексте, который включает в себя сам объект для своевременного планирования сложностей, которые привносит на территорию развитие туризма. Шаги для получения разрешений, требуемых различными правилами и регламентами, которые разнятся от страны к стране, также как и время необходимое для их реализации; но скорость рынка везде одинакова и утверждает ритм, которому политика не в состоянии следовать. Политика, следовательно, может и должна доверять предварительным исследованиям, чтобы ставить перед собой цель ‘глубокого перспективного видения’ – многолетнего перспективного видения - , за которым следует политическая мощь для его своевременной оценки и применения. Что мы имеем в виду под ‘глубоким перспективным видением’: в городе, в котором культурное наследие представляет собой по факту экономический мотор местности, принятие решений сегодня означает их полную реализацию через несколько лет; следовательно, решения, которые мы принимаем сегодня должны как минимум соответствовать тому, что мы считаем необходимым через несколько лет. Из этого следует, что в решениях, касающихся городского развития крайне важно проводить постоянные своевременные исследования о тенденциях рынка, чтобы они принимались во внимание в будущих решениях города. Чем дальше во времени будут прогнозы развития, тем выше будет способность управлять развитием, а не быть его жертвой. Таким образом, как нам представляется, может быть предоставлено решение для выраженного в предыдущем параграфе, что мы полностью приводим ниже: “В подобных


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ситуациях “рынок” становится создателем, дизайнером, исполнителем и режиссером деятельности по бессознательному преобразованию территорий, которые, к сожалению, не смогли принимать решения и управлять своим развитием, но стали жертвами тенденций рынка, по причине отсутствия своевременного осознания этого общественной администрацией“.

Б) ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® Деятельность по вкладу в Диалог между Культурами Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-Life Beyond Tourism началась 14/09/1991 после падения Берлинской Стены, путем создания возможностей для встреч среди университетской молодежи стран бывшего Советского Союза и Советского Блока, предоставляя им образовательные и культурные возможности во Флоренции для содействия диалогу среди этой молодежи, ранее объединенной силой политики и теперь снова сближенной благодаря культуре.

На основе опыта, полученного через эту деятельность за 25 лет вместе со всеми преподавателями и их Университетами, принимавшими участие, Фонд, 1- дал определение философии Life Beyond Tourism, и затем 2- дал определение Модели LBT для практического применения самой же Модели . с Руководством, подготовленным преподавателями Флорентийского Университета и . Сертификацией Качества путешествия для диалога 3- практически реализовал эту Модель LBT в контексте культурной некоммерческой системы на мировом уровне . портал культурных и природных выражений территорий <ORG> www.lifebeyondtourism.org на местном уровне . местный экономический портал <.NET> www.location.beyondtourism.net отдельный портал для каждой конкретной местности (пилотный портал VivaFirenze.it) 4- определил развитие Модели LBT в контексте культурной, экономической, некоммерческой системы, предполагающей всемирной развитие через франчайзинг 5- задумал некоммерческую Модель LBT для передачи ее в пользование Мирового Сообщества

Б.1) Философия и Модель Life Beyond Tourism для Международного Сообщества С Life Beyond Tourism возникает возможность облагородить организованное путешествие для его вклада в диалог между культурами в международном сообществе, движущемся к 10 миллиардам жителей. С Life Beyond Tourism мы стремимся уменьшить значительным образом интерес к туризму услуг и потребления для повышения всеобщего уровня познания ценностей и утверждения уважения к культурному разнообразию.

Определение Life Beyond Tourism было дано Фондом совместно с Университетами его собственной международной сети, и оно было задумано, чтобы быть предоставленным Международному Сообществу. © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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Life, Beyond Tourism® или же огромные возможности (life),За рамками туризма для Наследия и Территории для Диалога! Философия LBT Фонд дал определение философии под названием Life Beyond Tourism, представленной впервые в Азербайджане, в Баку 20.11.2007, на Конгрессе “XXI Век Исторические Исламские Города”, организованном Архитектурно-Строительным Университетом и Министерством Культуры Азербайджана, и в течение лет эта философия в своих обновленных версиях была представлена на многих других конференциях. Модель LBT для Практического Применения на территориях, с Руководством и Сертификацией Качества родилась для практического применения на мировом уровне философии LBT при помощи некоммерческой системы через франчайзинг. Она состоит . из двух культурных, экономических, но некоммерческих порталов, один мирового уровня, второй специальный для каждой отдельной местности . из своего Руководства (подготовленного Фондом и Проф. Джованни Либераторе Флорентийского Университета) и . ее Сертификации Качества для Диалога, созданной Фондом. Модель LBT оперирует для территорий и их жителей с целью содействия: - углубленной интерпретации и презентации самой же территорией ее ценностей - презентации менее известных культурных выражений, но от этого не менее известных; - охране самобытности территории в мире быстрой глобализации.


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Б.2) О вышеназванном осведомлены - ЮНЕСКО, 29 октября 2014 года в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО Ассистент Генерального Директора ЮНЕСКО, Альфредо Перез де Арминян, в присутствии Питера Де Брина, Программного Специалиста по Устойчивому Туризму Центра Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО, принял делегацию Фонда под руководством Паоло Дель Бьянко, которая вручила ему: 1. Прикладное Руководство Модели Life Beyond Tourism по Устойчивому Развитию Территорий; 2. Собрание всех Деклараций о Намерениях Life Beyond Tourism (LBT), полученных Фондом от почти 300 учреждений из 47 стран. (Прил. 3 – Текст Декларации о Намерениях со списком всех подписавших) - ЮНВТО: с октября 2015 года ведутся переговоры по формализации сотрудничества и распространению Life Beyond Tourism среди Ассоциированных Членов Б.3) Поддерживают философию Life Beyond Tourism - 300 Учреждений и Университетов в 47 странах подписавших Декларацию о Намерениях (Прил. 3 – Текст Декларации о Намерениях со списком подписавших ее). - ИКОМОС 1. подписал Меморандум о Сотрудничестве LBT с Фондом 4-03-2013 (Прил. 4) 2. одобрил Резолюцию 2014/42, признающую Модель LBT и ее практическую функциональность, так как система LBT экономически поддержала Генеральную Ассамблею ИКОМОС 2014 года продемонстрировав собственную оперативность VivaFirenze.it (Прил. 5). 3. делегировал Фонд Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко в качестве научного референта 18° Симпозиума 2014 Наследие и Ландшафт как Общечеловеческие Ценности для Сессии I “Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation” в лице Члена своего Совета Управления Эммы Манделли 4. делегировал Фонд в лице Советника Карлотты Дель Бьянко для организации Florence Youth and Heritage Festival, параллельного мероприятия 18 Генеральной Ассамблеи, которая прошла во Флоренции в ноябре 2014 года. - ИККРОМ. . подписал Меморандум о Сотрудничестве от 13-09-2010 - Патронажи . Совет Европы . Итальянское Общество Охраны Культурных Ценностей (SIPBC) . другие (Прил. 6) - 98 организаций учреждений и университетов подписали специальное соглашение о сотрудничестве, посвященное Life Beyond Tourism, среди которых назовем Министерство Культуры и Туризма Азербайджана, Министерство Образования Кыргызстана, некоторые отделы Министерств Грузии, Камбоджи и Армении, многочисленные важные города, среди которых Киото, Тбилиси, Мостар, Ибагуе, Провинция Флоренции, а также университеты, среди которых Международный Университет Джосаи, последний © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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благодаря презентации от имени Комиссара по Культурным Делам Правительства Японии (Бунка-Чо) Проф. Мазанори Аояги. (Прил. 7) Б.4) Публикации Опыт и философия Фонда о туризме и наследии и Модель LBT –с ее Руководством и Сертификациейкоторые были многократно представлены и опубликованы в рамках различных конференций начиная с 2007 в странах, где различными учреждениями был подписан Меморандум о Сотрудничестве, и которые были подробно представлены в публикациях двух последних лет, 2014 и 2015 2014 - февраль 2014, на итальянском, английском и русском языках "Life Beyond Tourism®, Travel for Dialogue" (ISBN 9788840404226) - октябрь 2014, на итальянском, франацузском и английском языках ISBN "Life Beyond Tourism® with Heritage for Sustainable Development" (ISBN 9788840400433). Данная публикация была задумана специально для Членов ИКОМОС участников Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014 года во Флоренции. 2015 - март 2015, на итальянском, английском и русском языках “Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue” the non profit tourism “LBT Model”, рабочая публикация 17° Круглого Стола Экспертов Фонда (ISBN 978884040064). - Материалы конференции “Heritage in Transformation”, Польша, Варшава, к 50° годовщине ИКОМОС, 21, 22 июня 2015, статья Фонда под названием Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue - Hosting the traveller to promote intercultural dialogue - Life Beyond Tourism - Материалы 2-ого Конгресса Реставраторов Польши “The Past for the Future”, Польша, Варшава и Краков, Международное Издание, 6-10 октября 2015 г., Варшава – Краков, статья Фонда на тему Heritage for Intercultural Dialogue a new commercial offer for the tourist market with Life Beyond Tourism - Материалы Международного Симпозиума – МАРХИ – Архитектурно-Строительная Академия “Отечественный и Международный Опыт по Сохранению и Реставрации Культурных и Исторических Памятников России”, который прошел в России, Москве, 18-20 сентября 2015 г., статья Фонда под названием Cultural Heritage Conservation for Intercultural Dialogue Life Beyond Tourism®.

Б.5) Деятельность На сегодняшний день, деятельность Фонда касается в основном тем широкого интереса, с целью привлечения масс к размышлению о вопросах, представляющих общий интерес, таких как: 1- Мода : Costume Colloquium (раз в два года, 5 выпуск ноябрь 2016) 2- Кулинароное искусство : Saperi e Sapori (6 выпуск с 2009) 3- Наследие и Культурные Выражения 3.1 Природное наследие Био (Инициатива ИПСИ Сатояма ООН) : семинар во Флоренции 2015 Климатические Изменения (тема открытая для будущего развития) 3.2 Культурное Наследие и Культурные Выражения 3.2.1 Культурное Материальное Наследие (Культурные Выражения) Охрана, Валоризация и Использование для Диалога . Международные Научные Комитеты ИКОМОС до 5/7 в году открытые международным слушателям . Международные Научные Комитеты ИКОМ до 5/7 в году открытые меж-


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дународным слушателям . Комитеты IUCN (Международный Союз Охраны Природы) открытые международным слушателям . Комитеты открытые слушателям 3.2.2 Культурное Нематериальное Наследие (Культурные Выражения) Народные Традиции на Площадях: . 2016 Карнавалы в Мире . 2018 Символичные Формы и Пространства в Народных Традициях) 4- Религии : (тема открытая для будущего развития)

Оценка инициатив осуществляется в соответствии с критериями устойчивости a. Социальный б. Окружающей среды в. Экономический С 2013 года мы добавили к ним также . Культурный

(в соответствии с пожеланием ГД ЮНЕСКО Ирины Боковой)

. Диалог между Культурами

(в соответствии с пожеланием Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко)

Б.6) Финансовые средства для Территории для международных организаций, которые сотрудничают для развития сети на мировом уровне. LBT уже продемострировал свою гибкость и способность производить финансовые средства для территории и для поддержки таких мероприятий, как Генеральная Ассамблея ИКОМОС 2014 (см. Резолюцию ГА ИКОМОС 42/2014).

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PARTE 6 Le schede di memoria di coloro che ci hanno accompagnati in questi anni e che ci hanno donato, nella loro lingua, il loro ricordo di questi momenti della nostra evoluzione fin dall’inizio dell’attività -14 settembre 1991- a testimonianza dell’attività della Fondazione e della vostra attenta e operosa partecipazione, anche per ricordare l’ importanza del vostro accompagnamento; infatti voi rappresentate la Fondazione, il Presidente è semplicemente un direttore, un coordinatore. A conclusione una intervista chiesta dal dr. Emanuele di Castro di Roma. Questa parte avrebbe dovuto avere ben altra impostazione; Maurizio Bossi era stato delelgato a tale scopo ed aveva concepito un ottimo schema di lavoro per una apposita pubblicazione che avrebbe dovuto raccogliere la storia della fondazione nella sua evoluzione proprio con brani estratti da tali vostri contributi, tutti armonizzati dalla sua maestria; a conclusione di questo volume sarebbero state raccolte tutte le vostre partecipazioni per esteso. Aveva impostato le fasi della Fondazione secondo i momenti di vita imprenditoriale del suo ideatore e fondatore che qui scrive; questa avrebbe dovuto essere la sequenza 1975 Accoglienza Inizio dell’attività turistico-alberghiera da parte di Paolo Del Bianco, poi fondatore della Fondazione RDB-LBT 1991 Incontri e Tributo a Firenze : Be Part of History Inizio dell’attività di coinvolgimento emotivo degli ospiti degli alberghi 1993 Invito a Firenze Inoltro di oltre 60 inviti ad altrettante università dei Paesi della ex Unione Sovietica e Blocco Sovietico. Inizia il grande sogno : invitare il mondo a Firenze per la conoscenza, l’apprezzamento della diversità e per favorire il dialogo tra culture 1998 Costituzione Fondazione Nascita della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® 2006 Da Firenze, con Firenze Auditorium al Duomo, non una conversione al mercato ma una Best Practice per una missione di dialogo (Riflessione del Prof. Antonio Paolucci) 2007 Con il Patrimonio, per il Patrimonio Life Beyond Tourism 2013 Primato delle relazioni interpersonali Palazzo Coppini - ancora una best practice con il Centro Studi e Incontri Internazionali invece di una residenza storica già licenziata. Purtroppo il Consigliere, Amico e Maestro Maurizio Bossi è particolarmente impegnato nell’insegnarci la serena accettazione delle decisioni della natura e la forza e la determinazione nel contrastarla; quindi e non si è potuto dedicare a tutto questo: ne sentiamo la grande mancanza anche se il suo contributo è ancora costantemente attivo quindi presente in tutte le nostre attività e anche questo documento nelle vostre mani è ancora un suo contributo.

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Part 6 The memory articles of those who have accompanied us in these years and have given to us, in their own language, their memories of these moments of our evolution since the beginning of the activity – 14 September 1991 – as testimonials of the work of the Foundation and your attentive and operational participation and contribution; indeed, it is you who represent the Foundation, its President is simply a director, a coordinator. In conclusion, an interview taken from Dr. Emanuele di Castro in Rome. This sixth part was supposed to have a different setting; Maurizio Bossi had been delegated for this work and had conceived a perfect working scheme for a separate publication dedicated to the history of the Foundation in its various evolutional phases with the inclusion of the extracts of your papers all harmonized between themselves by the mastery of Maurizio; at the conclusion of this volume, all your full papers would be gathered together. He had divided the phases of the Foundation according to the life stages of its creator and founder, also the author of the present paper, and this was supposed to be the sequence. 1975 Hospitality Start of the touristic and hotelier activity by the founder of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism 1991 Encounters and Tribute to Florence : Be Part of History Start of the activity of emotional involvement of the guests of hotels 1993 Invitation to Florence Forwarding of more than 60 invitations to as many universities in countries of the former Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc. The start of a great dream: inviting the world to Florence for the knowledge, appreciation for diversity and promotion of dialogue among cultures 1998 Constitution of the Foundation Birth of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco 2006 From Florence, with Florence Auditorium al Duomo, not a conversion to the market, but a Best Practice for the mission of dialogue (thought of Prof. Antonio Paolucci) 2008 With the Heritage, for the Heritage Life Beyond Tourism 2013 Primacy of interpersonal relations Palazzo Coppini – another best practice with its International Research and Study Centre instead of an already registered historic residence. Unfortunately, the Councillor, the Friend and the Master Maurizio Bossi is now particularly busy teaching us the calm acceptance of the decisions of nature, and the strength and determination in contrasting them; thus, he could not dedicate himself to carry out all this work: we miss him greatly, even though his contribution is still constantly active and present in all our activities, and the present document in your hands is his contribution as well.

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ЧАСТЬ 6 Памятные записи тех, кто в течение этих лет сопровождали нас и оставили нам на своих родных языках воспоминания о нашей эволюции с момента начала деятельности – 14 сентября 1991 г. – в качестве свидетельства о работе Фонда и вашем внимательном и активном участии, о важности которого мне бы хотелось напомнить; именно вы и есть Фонд, его Президент – это всего лишь директор, координатор. И в завершение, интервью, взятое у Докт. Эмануэле ди Кастро в Риме. Данная шестая часть должна была иметь совсем другую структуру; Маурицио Босси был делегирован на эту работу и задумал отличную схему для отдельной публикации, в которой бы рассказывалась история Фонда в его различных эволюционных фазах, с выдержками именно из ваших работ, сгармонизированных между собой мастерством Маурицио; в завершение этого издания были бы собраны все ваши статьи в полном виде. Он задумал распределение на фазы деятельности Фонда в соответствии с фазами жизни его создателя и основателя, автора данной работы, и такой должна была быть последовательность этой публикации. 1975 Гостеприимство Начало туристическо-гостиничного дела основателем Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко-LBT 1991 Встречи и Признательность Флоренции : Be Part of History Начало деятельности по эмоциональной вовлеченности гостей отелей 1993 Приглашение во Флоренцию Рассылка более 60 приглашений в различные университеты Стран бывшего Советского Союза и Советского Блока. Ответ со стороны Грузии и последующий визит в Тбилиси, а затем в Польшу: начало большой мечты : приглашать весь мир во Флоренцию для познания, уважения к разнообразию и содействия диалогу между культурами 1998 Создание Фонда Рождение Фонда Ромуальдо Дель Бьянко 2006 Из Флоренции, с Флоренцией Аудиториум аль Дуомо, не превращение в объект рынка, а Передовая Практика для миссии диалога (Размышления Проф. Антонио Паолуччи) 2007 С Наследием, для Наследия Life Beyond Tourism 2013 Первичность межличностных отношений Палаццо Коппини – еще одна Передовая Практика с его Международным Центром Исследований и Встреч, вместо уже зарегистрированной исторической резиденции. К сожалению, Советник, Друг и Учитель Маурицио Босси сейчас особо занят тем, чтобы научить нас спокойному принятию решений природы и силу и устремленность в противостоянии ему; поэтому он не смог заняться всеми этими вопросами: нам его очень не хватает, несмотря на то что его вклад и присутствие в нашей деятельности все также активны и, соответственно, также и документ в ваших руках является и его вкладом.

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XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® nel 25° Anniversario dell’inizio delle attività della Fondzione Firenze 12,13 Marzo 2016

18th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Florence, March 12 – 13, 2016

Comunità di Apprendimento per il

Learning Dialogo Communities for Intercultural Territorial Development tra Culture e per loDialogue Sviluppofordel Territorio for a contribution to the UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions with the 1972 Convention

Una nuova offerta commerciale e formativa ‘La Cultura per il Dialogo’and - ‘InEducational viaggio perOffer il Dialogo’ A New Commercial Culture for Dialogue' – 'Travel for Dialogue' Life, Beyond Tourism Life, Beyond Tourism

A conclusione la presentazione di una proposta per una Raccomandazione PATRIMONIO e CULTURA per DIALOGO INTERCULTURALE (for (for the il Anniversary of the Activity the Foundation) the 15th Anniversary of theofFoundation) patrimonio, viaggio, dialogo


Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®

Territorial Development The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution

to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved

Learning CommunitiesUnder forthe patronage of: Intercultural Dialogue


GULNARA ABDRASILOVA Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction We are associated with Foundation Romualdo del Bianco invisibly, but with strong threads of friendship. Sometimes, unexpected events happen such as a riptide that will hold a human being and change their course of life and carry them to new horizons. One of these events for me was the familiarization with the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation and personally meeting with their leader, Mr. Paolo Del Bianco. It happened at an international conference in Florence in December 2008. The name of our city Almaty in Kazakh language means "apple" and it is a symbol of apples. So, I brought big red apples to Florence as a gift for Paolo Del Bianco. Mr. Del Bianco was so excited! Before this meeting I knew about the Foundation from my colleagues professors, yet meeting in person opened the world of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation for me. On the basis of the organization lies a world of striking altruism, philanthropy and a desire to improve the world. It is practical, rather than a simple declaration of well-known principles. It arouses a deep respect and encourages cultural and educational effectiveness of activities within the Foundation. With the collapse of global social and political systems in 1990’s the Foundation offered support to young Soviet professionals and made a huge contribution in preserving the stability in professional areas of these countries. More than 100,000 days of cultural dialogue and promotional works over the years on every continent - is the colossal work of employees of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation - real enthusiasts who promote the ideals of the world, kindness, preservation of cultural heritage! For example, from our Kazakh Leading Academy Architecture and Civil Engineering (KazGASA, Kazakhstan) during the period of cooperation with the Foundation, several professors participated in events in Italy and other countries. Our students remember , with pleasure, workshops in Florence. KazGASA graduate Koyshanbayev Nurlan entered the contest «Degree and Profession» (Azerbaijan, 2009) and was the winner who was awarded an internship in Florence. The internship in Italy was a good springboard for the professional development of Nurlan, and he recently defended his PhD thesis in the field of Architecture. For me personally the Foundation activities gave me the possibility for international contacts 117


and I have found new friends – architects, critics and historians. We, the students and faculty of KazGASA, are glad that we are members of the community united by Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. Thanks to the activities of the Foundation international contacts of our Academy flourished and we have found friends in different countries. Every academic year we look forward to the new activities of the Foundation such as conferences, festivals, workshops, that have become an integral part of the lives of young architects in Kazakhstan. It is autumn . . . from the windows the audience can see falling of yellow leaves from the trees, on the horizon glistening snow-capped mountains, on a desk scattered red apples. At the desk bowed several students of the Department of Architecture of KazGASA as they are in a hurry to finish their projects, because one of these days they are going to Florence to a workshop organized by the Romualdo Del Bianco.



CRISTINA ACIDINI Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della città di Firenze Ho avuto il piacere di seguire le attività della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco prima che essa stessa avesse una propria esistenza, formalizzata e strutturata. Vale a dire nel tempo in cui l’amico Paolo Del Bianco, con Giovanna e la famiglia intera, cominciò a intensificare la propria straordinaria attività di “creatore di ponti” culturali e amicali tra Firenze e l’Italia dall’un lato, e dall’altro lato paesi che ora la globalizzazione rende più accessibili, ma che solo qualche lustro fa erano remoti in senso geografico e antropologico, dall’Est europeo appena liberato dalla Cortina di Ferro, all’Asia profonda, all’Estremo Oriente. L’umanità, la saggezza, la dedizione dei Del Bianco hanno costruito una fitta rete di dialoghi basati sulla generosità dell’accoglienza personale e diretta, che ha dato e sta dando frutti da quando la Fondazione ha consentito di allargare e consolidare i rapporti internazionali. Al tempo stesso, l’attività della Fondazione raccoglie e mette a frutto le iniziative assunte da Paolo Del Bianco anche nel campo della condivisione della tutela e della valorizzazione dei beni culturali del nostro territorio, dagli Uffizi – cuore del sistema museale fiorentino - ai centri periferici della “grande Firenze”: sono molteplici le iniziative, quali mostre o restauri, che lo hanno visto impegnato in un sostegno perfettamente integrato, grazie alla sensibilità che gli è propria, con gli indirizzi e le finalità delle istituzioni pubbliche. Volentieri ho partecipato e partecipo, per quanto possibile, alle iniziative della Fondazione, che danno spesso luogo a momenti pubblici di alta qualità: ricordo, fra i tanti casi possibili, i numerosi convegni internazionali tenuti nella prestigiosa sede dell’Auditorium Il Duomo (frutto, fra l’altro, di un restauro e riuso intelligente che ha rivitalizzato un isolato di gran pregio in ubicazione strategica tra la Cattedrale e la Stazione, di fronte a Santa Maria Maggiore), convegni che hanno visto organizzazioni internazionali come ICOMOS e UNESCO prende parte attiva a questi incontri fiorentini. I programmi culturali della Fondazione, d’altra parte, mantengono in essere una positiva interazione con i musei statali del Polo fiorentino, dei quali ho la responsabilità e la guida dal 2006. La serie dei “Costume Colloquium”, ad esempio, ha visto in ruolo di grande rilevanza la Galleria del Costume di palazzo Pitti. Mentre tante anche prestigiose istituzioni attraversano momenti di crisi che comportano una riduzione dell’attività, vedo nelle solide basi della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco le condizioni favorevoli non solo per una continuazione a lungo termine delle sue numerose e diverse iniziative, ma anche per lo sviluppo di nuove linee di “buone pratiche” grazie alle quali, all’insegna di una stretta collaborazione fra le istituzioni pubbliche e il settore privato, il mondo che crede nella cultura e lavora per essa sia sempre più unito e collegato.



GIULI ALASANIA Tbilisi State University / University of Georgia In contemporary world where individualism is the main characteristic of the West and the rest of the universe slowly assumes the same, posture, an urgent issue is to surmount personal solitude, estrangement and isolationism. Various associations, international alliances are created to not only formulate main principles of world order, but control them as well. But ascertained rules of these associations and alliances are not universal and they are acceptable for just one certain part of the world. The remaining part lives with such a different order, due to many various reasons, including dissimilar values, that on a local and global level a constantly contradiction frequently leads to an open conflict and slaughter. International mafia alliances, corruption, poverty, ignorance still remain as an incurable disease. Despite the achieved high level of communication in the world, the transnational crime exists together with an intense fair of everything unfamiliar and alien. Different people, the representatives of different traditions and cultures in various parts of world began to think how to solve this problem. In 1998, in Istanbul a non-governmental organization "Dialogue Eurasia Platform" was established inspired by the ideas of Turkish leader Fethullah Gulen. I, as a member of organization board, as well as a leader of existed department of this association in Georgia, continually took part in meetings and activities with the participants from other countries. The major goal was maintain a dialogue between cultures and ensure peaceful coexistence in world. These meetings did not resemble those scientific conferences I used to participate before. But, particular importance of these kind of activities was fairly clear to me. Five years ago I attended a similar meeting in Florence, initiated and organized by Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation . Most noticeable fact was that this Foundation as well as the organization itself I collaborated with, was established in 1998. It’s activities started with tourism, unified 5 hotels in one system (1981) - VIVAHOTELS (432 rooms). From there these activities expanded and gained a new content. I learned about Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation from Leila Khubashvili - professor at Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University who collaborated with it from the day it was established. Soon after I was introduced to Paolo Del Bianco - a founder of the foundation, president and axis, his wife, children, grandchildren, whole family that consists not only of immediate members of the family, but of every chief of the foundation. These people live with the life of the foundation, they have the most noble goals - to connect the representatives of different past, culture and traditions; to construct a bridge of collaboration and friendship between them; to consolidate them around values; to make a world safe; to show everyone that it is possible to preserve an unity merely with variety. Paolo named the foundation after his father - a famous businessman and patron who originally owned hotels in Florence. Nowadays, this business is in the service of the foundation. I remember I was surprised by an unlimited energy, bright eyes and goodwill towards everyone, as well as the phenomenal memory of Paolo Del Bianco, which preserves even a smallest favor ever extended by anyone to him. Paolo is a real leader. The world stood and stands by such leaders. We became friends. Later I became a member of the foundation board, in 2013 I was awarded with a foundation medal for doing my bit in a cultural dialogue. 120


This well-educated person with a right view, refined humor, open in human relations and prodigiously tolerant is very firm in protecting his values. Respecting other's opinion, Paolo strives not to overwhelm you with his ideas, but his enthusiasm is very contagious. At the very first meeting he impresses you and makes you a part of his world. Certainly, I was surprised to hear that the idea of creating this foundation was born in Tbilisi. Paolo at each meeting underlines the fact that the foundation is a result of Tbilisi meetings. He often mentions Mr. Roin Metreveli, Mr. Tamaz Kandareli, Mr. Temur Kobakhidze with gratitude. In the annual conferences the participation of Georgians is quite catchy. It is not accidental that Paolo Del Bianco was awarded Honoris Causa by Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Academy of Arts, Tbilisi City Hall chose him as Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II presented him the Cross of St. Nino that Mr. Paolo wears with his christening cross. Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, as well as Academy of Arts are beautified by a bust of Leonardo Da Vinci performed by De Rennie using particular cararra marble ordered by Paolo. The foundation not only invites Georgians to participate in different conferences but organizes forums dedicated to Georgia, its culture, past and present. It is significant that in 2012 a memorandum was signed with Tbilisi City Hall and a portal "Life Beyond Tourism" was presented. In very difficult post war 2008 for Georgia a Georgian culture week was held in Florence with the initiative and support of the Foundation of Romualdo Del Bianco. The representatives from different countries took part in it. During one week in the center of the world culture - in Florence, citizens of Italy or guests could familiarize themselves with the works of Georgian painters, taste Georgian cuisine, listen to Georgian polyphonic music performed by Georgian singers, watch Georgian movies, receive information about the history and the present of Georgia, attend a scientific conference on different issues. Themes presented at the conference were published later. Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation organized similar days for other cultures as well. It is significant, that with the assistant of Mr. Paolo, professors of University of Florence took part in our planned activities. Meetings were organized with a famous medievalist Prof. Franco Cardini, with the deputy Mayor of Florence and with the rector of University of Florence. The foundation organized conferences with my co-supervising in 2012-2013: "European Security and Caucasus" and "Caucasian Landscape: Cultural Inheritance and Identity". The interest of Paolo is very wide, it encompasses the whole world. Japan, Philippines, Russia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Ukraine - it is not a complete list of the countries which participated in conferences together with me. Here, everyone is one family. Due to peculiar characteristics of the host everybody feels free as if at their home. I visited his home, Paolo visited mine as well. We, his friends, feel that he has such a feeling reserved only for us. But no. A warm relation is spread to everyone equally. At our first meeting a cooperation with Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation was signed. After that our collaboration grew step by step. A protocol for cooperation was signed with two universities which I am directly involved with: International Black Sea University - I am a vice rector of it, and University of Georgia - I am a founder and a chairman of the Board of Trustees there. The foundation has signed a mutual collaboration memorandum with the Tbilisi State University where I am a professor. After that the professors and students of these universities have taken part in conferences held in Florence. Unlike other MOUs, these ones signed with the foundation, doesn’t remain just on a paper. Here the collaboration is always . in the stage of implementation. 121


The main addressee of the foundation’s activities is youth. Its motto is "for peace in the world, among young people of different countries, through culture meeting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among peoples". During a year leaders of Romualdo Del Binaco foundation organize student conferences several times. Students from different countries participate in these conferences and competitions. Winners receive awards, organize exhibitions, discuss urgent problems. The foundation activities focus on culture. ICONOS participates almost at every conference; the foundation collaborates with UNESCO. Often the discussion evolves around the conservation and restoration of cultural monuments. According to the concept drown up by Paolo - "Life beyond tourism", during the conference participants were (or will be) introduced to this splendid part of Italy, visited (or will visit) museums guided by the best professionals who are Paolo's friends, collaborators and like-minded people. In these activities the City Hall plays a role also. It is significant, that in these activities the main place is taken by a presentation of new projects and different books, published in Georgian as well. I attended many such presentations. Once I even was a reviewer of a book "Roman Pontifexes and Their Epoch", written by Prof. Leila Khubashvili. Connection of different cultures and people is not only daily job for Paolo Del Bianco and the members of this group, but a life style and passion as well. We, the members of his family, are happy that we are part of his life. On May 8, 2013 an inauguration of Palazzo Coppini international meetings and learning centre was held. At the XVI century palace of great historical value, which Paolo acquired specifically for these activities, there are conference halls and library, where you can find works of different scientists in various areas of science and art. A well deserved acknowledgment of the foundation was a Columbus Award – “Arts, science, initiative" presented to Mr. Paolo on October 12, 2013. This award is given annually to celebrate the distinguished people, among them Nobel prize winners, as "Builders of civilizations". Today, Mr. Paolo Del Bianco and members of the foundation established by him, continue a time-honored tradition of the best children of Florence. Paolo's grandchild, by the way, is named after one of the most distinguished of those children - Cosimo de' Medici. We hope he will continue the traditions as well as each member of the family. Passed 15 years of the foundation were very productive. Today Romualdo Del Bianco's activities have become a great movement that is spread throughout the world. I wish the foundation and its founder - dear Paolo long life and prosperity for his family. But what is equally important, I wish him great luck not only for his family, not only for Italy, but for the welfare of the humankind.



LARISSA ALEKSEEVA Perm National Research University THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY Jubilees are good occasions to get into reminiscences and into future perspectives. In 2009 on the initiative of Olga Karpova, vice Rector of Ivanovo State University, I was invited to take part in students’ workshop as a group leader. I was told that it would be a great project, which aim was to promote and encourage cultural direct links with institutions of higher education in different countries, increasing the network of contacts of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. With this perspective a group of students from Perm State University came to Florence at the invitation of the Foundation. A few words about our location. The city of Perm is situated in the Ural mountains about 4 000 km away from Florence. It is a very peculiar land, comparing to Florence. It was christened in the XVI century, when Italy had already passed into the epoch of the Renaissance. Now Perm is a great civilized city, which is the first eastern large city in Europe. Perm University, founded in 1916, is the first higher educational institution in the Urals. I adopted the idea of participating in the project, organized by the Foundation and Ivanonovo State University, connected with the possibility to study the cultural heritage of Florence. This is the way I found myself in Florence. I feel I was in a different territory, in a new and different world. This event was connected not only with a certain scientific lexicographical issue, but was the beginning of long last international links with the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. Moreover, it was a beautiful spring with a fine weather. We came to Florence and immediately understood the etymology of this name. Everything was in blossom. Florence is a specific city, since it has a very clear expressionism, that is, buildings, sculptures, pictures. This is the city for the eye. And the Centre of gravity. In Russia, the study of cultural and historical layers of lexicon has far going traditions and methodology. The possibility to take part in the compiling of a special type of dictionary seemed to be very attractive, since it might deal with peculiar, unique and always fresh data. I realize that the cognitive aspect of such kind of a task is rather important and actual for lexicography. It is clear that research of Florence is aimed at the analysis of traces left by this city in the world writings. That was one of the primary tasks of the “Dictionary without Boundaries”, which was based on what people say or believe about Florence. In other words, we had to create primary cultural text about Florence. According to the project, the students’ task was to compile an electronic version of a Dictionary for guides and tourists. It is a unique project, which has no analogous in Russia. We came to Florence, because it became clear to us that to write such an opus, it is necessary not only to contact Florence and Florentines, but also to deepen into Florentine life. My students were involved into the idea of the project with great interest; they felt that they were establishing connections between people and cultural tradition, playing the role of mediators. The students taking part in the workshop learn to keep integrity during their work. They learn not only how to describe events, but also to penetrate into their depth. 123


It happened so, that our impressions of Florence were formed through the particularly acute lens of the Foundation’s system of values. Taking part into the events suggested by the Foundation, we were continually aware of being in direct contact with the rich historical past and historical traditions of the Renaissance. The greatest pleasure of those days was the meeting with Paolo del Bianco. Our meeting has coloured my life ever since. He came to the opening ceremony of the workshop. Later I came to know that he personally took part in the opening and closing ceremonies with nice traditions. Paolo del Bianco is an accomplished and profound public speaker. He talked with pleasure showing his fantastic passion and respect for the young audience. His speech was a great stimulus for us to work for the benefit of cross-cultural dialogue. Most important are his attitudes toward Florence, toward human relation, and toward the role of man in culture and society. Paolo believes that the land of birth is precious and has been entrusted to its people for safe-keeping, and must be passed to descendants. By his personal experience, he shows the students how to pick out the roots of man’s own ancestry. Paolo teaches us that the deeper we go into the past, the more likely we continue its traditions in future. Our talks with Paolo took a regular character and covered much wider topics than compiling dictionaries. I was very glad that Paolo revealed his sincere interest in people’s life, their every day problems, as well as in the history and culture. However, the most part of our talks were devoted to the future development of the Foundation. A keen observer, he is always impressed by simple detail of common talk. I know that Paolo gets much involved in the Russian art. He said that Russian people are successful in expressing their insight most fully in the arts. That is why I often present him with albums of Russian painting. My first impressions of Paolo are still very strong and clear in my memory. He is full of energy, and at the same time very curious and with deep insight. In his work, he is moving quickly enough to get substantial results. His activity demands an extraordinary level of personal investment. He exhibits intense and passionate commitment in everything. His most salient personal qualities are erudition, sense of humour, and kindness. Paolo travels all his life. It seems, that he knows all about the countries he visits. During the last decade, Paolo has made several trips to Russia, including Siberia territory. While traveling extensively, he gained valuable experience and knowledge, which is very helpful for his further projects. While a guest in Russia he spoke about the Foundation, past and future, emphasizing the role of cultural contacts with Russian cities. He always provides a road map for further activity. He has developed a wonderful philosophy of the foundation, where every idea and proposal is valuable, no matter where and who it comes from. He is more of a philosopher than almost any person in the Foundation. In addition to being the president of the Foundation, Paolo del Bianco is one of the most influential leaders in Florence. During our stays in Florence, we were invited as guests to various social events connected with intercultural contacts and witnessed his importance for the city. Paolo’s interest in the links with Russian students was derived from his concern with issues about the cultural links and friendship of young people. He loves young people who devote their lives to serving culture and knowledge. My friendly relations with the Foundation developed very quickly, thanks to the sincerity and openheartedness of all the members of the Foundation. Friendly atmosphere was among all the 124


people, who worked at the Foundation. They were full of optimism concerning the future of the Foundation. I was invited to the Foundation four more times as the leader of Perm group of students. In such a way, an invaluable period for me connected with the Foundation began in my life. In 2013, the Foundation put forward the idea to organize the first International Scientific conference in Heritage Lexicography. The conference’s name was “Life beyond Dictionaries”. The trends of the conference integrate language, semiotics, nature and culture. A special place in my recollection is given to the events of 2010, connected with rather a long and tiresome delay of our return home due to the volcanic emissions. Comprehending the hopelessness of the situation, we had to stay in Florence and wait for the clean sky. We had not a happy mood. During all this period, our colleagues from the Foundation were with us, encouraging and supporting us. All the years round we are in regular correspondence with the Foundation. Each year we are guests of the Foundation. The Romualdo del Bianco Foundation is not an office, not a body, but a developing organism, which is growing quantitatively and territorially. What is more important, it develops conceptually. It is a special place on the globe, which attracts people to work together for the sake of cultural future. The Foundation has received wide recognition in Italy and Russia for its activity, and catches the attention of many various people; and there is general agreement among them that this is a place on the globe with nice people of major talent and importance. The Romualdo del Bianco Foundation discharges their responsibility to society by fulfilling human duty with uninhibited truthfulness. The Foundation works with people of all ages and transcends national boundaries. It appeals to universal ethical and cultural values. With the help of the Foundation, my students learn to get knowledge, to provoke their sympathy to other people, and to raise the level of their awareness, especially regarding matters of national heritage. We know the main purpose of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, connected with the contribution to the process of “Intercultural Dialogue” with the knowledge of the “Diversity of Cultural Expressions” and of the “Traditional Knowledge”; their activity is connected with the contribution to the “awareness of the conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage”. In my view, this guideline is an honorable international mission of the Foundation. We leave and beauty stays. Beauty is eternal. I link the perspectives and the future of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation with the following. Taking care of the historical heritage beatifies its future. This action will make Florence the eternal place of beauty on the globe.



BÓNA ISTVÁN DR. HABIL Hungarian Academy of Fine Art MY MEMORIES ABOUT THE STUDENT’S WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED BY THE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO FOUNDATION One day a young art historian, Pattantyús Manga appeared in our department, the Conservation/Restoration Department of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. She has worked that time at the Monument Protection Authority, and she had a direct connection with the Slovakian colleagues, namely with Mrs Pinciková. Pinciková invited her to join a student workshop in 2001, between the 5-12th of February. Manga wanted to ask one of my colleagues to join her and organize together a Hungarian group of students for the workshop. My colleague didn’t show any interest. Somehow I got the information and soon answered positively to Manga. I haven’t even heard about her and the Foundation before, but we agreed the participation, and had a perfect cooperation from the first second. The workshop proved to be perfect, the students has gained a lifelong experience in Florence. Since then two of them are teachers in art universities and finished their doctoral programmes. Really a good start! Understanding the importance of this opportunity, I decided to take as many students to the workshops as possible. It was not very difficult, since I met wonderful colleagues there, excellent relationships developed during the next workshops, and step by step I started to understand the aims and the working style of the Foundation. I tried out myself as a project leader also. It was an enormous work, but on the other hand it gave a lot of positive experience for me. Actually, considering my professional position within the University, I didn’t gain anything with this activity in Florence. My colleagues and bosses considered me as a fool, who for some silly reason sometimes go to Florence with some students. They practically understood nothing about the importance of the student’s mobility, and the experiences gained by them during the international workshops. It has still no any influence on the education in my university at all. The students had a perfectly different opinion. A lot of them told me after graduation, that the week in Florence was the most valuable part of their five years of education. I must agree with them. Of course, the experience I gained for myself is absolutely invaluable. I have learnt so much during these weeks like in a second university. And I built everything in my educational programme, in my presentations. I am sure, that the level of my teaching work is far higher now, than before the workshops. But it is absolutely private, my business, no one cares… Unfortunately the changes in the circumstances meant, that we had to stop the participation on the workshops. My small university never gave any support or help for the participation, partly because they didn’t understand the importance of it. As the economy broke down, the situation went worse; we lost all of our hope. But still, I remember positively for these years, since I always knew, it can’t be like this forever. I mainly consider how many young people had an opportunity to cooperate with students of different countries in Florence. The number is impressive… Of course I never gave up going on with the cooperation, but the circumstances are not favou126


rable at the moment. For architects, art historians, artists and conservators is a must to go to Florence or some other important heritage place in Italy. I am sure that some profession can’t be done in a properly high level if the professionals haven’t had a good overview on their heritage. I have seen how the young people changed day by day after the guided tours by their teachers. The presence of the teacher is absolutely important. Without their teachers the students benefit far less of the trips, than with a high level professional guidance. I think we can’t be grateful enough for the Foundation, and Mr. Paolo Del Bianco for these unique opportunities! We have to mention Mr. Del Bianco’s beautiful family, and the coordinators of the workshops: on the first place Mr. Simone Giometti. THANK YOU!!!



GIANNI CARIDI Imprenditore Alberghiero Fiorentino Ho conosciuto Paolo Del Bianco circa 30 anni fa. Quando Paolo faceva l’imprenditore alberghiero. All’inizio mi sembrò che lo facesse come tanti altri ma dopo averlo conosciuto meglio mi accorsi subito che, rispetto a molti suoi colleghi, aveva una marcia in più. E non era una marcia solo rivolta al business ma era una marcia anche rivolta al sociale, alla comunione tra le persone, a fini mutualistici, tendente a riconoscere nelle persone il loro lato migliore. Fù lui ad ideare e attuare la prima cooperativa di servizi alberghieri che tanto lavoro ha dato, e tutt’ora dà, a quelli, che all’epoca, erano extracomunitari. E’ stato Presidente della prima cooperativa di lavoro tra gli albergatori Fiorentini che non si occupava solo di riempire camere ma che spaziava dall’aggiornamento professionale al contributo in opere e attività a favore della città. Con questo carattere e questo atteggiamento era inevitabile che Paolo un bel giorno lasciasse la sua attività di albergatore passare in secondo piano e si cimentasse in qualcosa di più impegnativo, ma anche di maggiormente utile alla società. Ecco nascere la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco in onore ed in memoria del padre che tanto si adoperò, dopo la liberazione, per la ricostruzione di parte della città distrutta dagli eventi bellici. Nella Fondazione Paolo si è impegnato come nessun altro, coinvolgendovi anche tutti i suoi familiari, e non solo, ma anche varie ed importanti personalità Fiorentine. Ha utilizzato i suoi alberghi per sostenere numerose attività culturali Fiorentine ed Internazionali, queste ultime tutte indirizzate verso i giovani affinchè la conoscenza tra di loro fosse indirizzata all’amicizia tra i popoli di diversa estrazione e provenienza, con una particolare attenzione a coloro provenienti dall’Est Europa e dai paesi una volta in orbita sovietica. Avendolo seguito costantemente in questi ultimi 30 anni posso affermare che la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco da lui costituita, Presieduta e diretta ha fatto confluire a Firenze migliaia di giovani stranieri che hanno imparato a conoscersi e ad apprezzarsi ed, in contemporanea, a conoscere ed apprezzare l’ospitalità ed i beni culturali Fiorentini. Ma desidero qui ricordare anche un’altra attività che Paolo con i suoi alberghi ha voluto attivare: l’acquisto e, quindi, la cessione gratuita agli ospiti dei suoi alberghi di ingressi nei musei Fiorentini tra quelli meno conosciuti della città e, pertanto, con maggiori necessità economiche. Uno tra tutti il museo della casa natale di Dante Alighieri. Da qualche anno Paolo Del Bianco stà sostenendo anche un nuovo modo di fare turismo. Un turismo più consapevole, più sostenibile che vada più a fondo dei valori spirituali dell’uomo e che gli insegni ad apprezzare e godere di tutte le attività umane e culturali che oggi, se sapute vedere, si porgono alla nostra attenzione ed al nostro modo di essere persone consapevoli. Ecco quindi nascere LIFE BEYOND TOURISM. Ecco quindi nascere Palazzo Coppini e l’Auditorium Al Duomo che anziché diventare luoghi di commercio sono stati adibiti allo scambio di culture, di esperienze e di rapporti umani tra le persone e tra le persone, l’ambiente circostante e l’eredità culturali che ognuno di noi,nelle varie nazioni, ha ricevuto da chi ci ha preceduto. Credo che a Paolo vada il nostro più sentito ringraziamento non solo per quanto ha fatto fin’ora e per la parte di vita che vi ha dedicato ma per quello che farà e per la parte di vita che ancora dedicherà alle sue attività ed alla sua Fondazione per il bene di tutti noi. 128


DÁVID CˇÁRSKY Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava

The initial contact took place back in 2001, when we were approached by the FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO with a generous offer. At that time I was serving as Vice-Rector for International Relations at VŠVU, the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava (AFAD), while still teaching a course “Drawing for Art Conservators” for students of its Department of Conservation and Restoration. Together with my senior colleague Professor L’udovít Hološka we have selected a number of our students to take part in the international workshop “The Influence of Italian Mediaeval Frescos: A Project for their Conservation”, which took place in Florence. The event was a great success, both for its spirit of international cooperation, as well as for its artistic and academic merits. Thus together with our peer institutions from other countries we have contributed to the noble mission of the host organization. Following that first workshop, and owing a great deal to the personal involvement of Paolo Del Bianco, Dott. Simone Giometti, and others, the AFAD has established standard ties with the FONDAZIONE. Since then there were several occasions of close cooperation, dozens of AFAD students and several of its faculty members involved. I had the honor to participate as a teacher once again, in the year 2004. This time the international workshop was titled “From Masaccio to Marini, Heritage of Figurative Visual Art”. I continue to teach a specialized drawing course at AFAD. My students are supposed to demonstrate remarkable artistic talent and technical skills in draftsmanship, the assignments of my drawing courses have been created consciously for the training of future art conservators. In conservation and restoration it is imperative that the distinct technical knowledge is in balance with the artistic talent. To be able to face the most difficult tasks equipped with the facility of a skilled visual artist, when considering the specific character of a conservation department within a traditional art academy, our student has to go through a rather “classical” form of studio training in drawing. The historically approved system of gradual intensifying of the difficulty level of single assignments, with the emphasis on composition, perspective, volume, shape, basic knowledge of human anatomy, and, above all, the proportions, is aimed in the direction of mastering the studio projects with confidence. Of priority is the use of traditional approaches, techniques, and media. The participation in the activities of the FONDAZIONE has had a significant impact on our students and faculty, and has contributed to their academic and professional development. On top of that, they have had a unique opportunity to encounter international teamwork, they have found new friends, potential partners for future expert cooperation in the specialized field of art conservation on a university level, but also beyond the sphere of academe. In several cases, the unique experience in Florence has motivated our students to seek possibilities to study art conservation in Italy and in other countries in Europe, and in the USA. Thus they are bringing home valuable knowledge and skills acquired at the facilities of our esteemed partner institutions abroad. Some of our FONDAZIONE “alumni” are at present already well educated and successful art conservators, further, by utilizing and disseminating the valuable information they actively contribute to the noble effort of preserving the rich cultural heritage of our region.



THE FOUNDATION'S EXPERTS AT THE COMMISSION TO PRESERVE NATIONAL MONUMENTS OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA THE CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH YOU MET FOR THE FIRST TIME THE FOUNDATION AND THE FIRST IMPRESSIONS The first time representatives of the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“the Commission”) met the Florence-based Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation – Life Beyond Tourism was in September 2008. The aims of the Foundation are complementary to those of the Commission, in that the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation seeks to promote intercultural dialogue through the advancement of cultural tourism, while the Commission, by implementing Annex 8 of the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which relates to the preservation of cultural heritage, is thereby preserving the multiethnic tradition of the country’s war-ravaged society. It was therefore resolved that some form of collaboration between the two institutions should be established. For this reason, the Commission took part in the Florence International Exchange Festival held in 2008. The Foundation held a round table under the auspices of the Festival, with a view to promoting the values of world cultural heritage and identifying the most effective ways of preserving multicultural tradition. Bosnia and Herzegovina made a significant contribution with its presentation of the country’s multicultural and multiethnic cultural heritage. Collaboration between the Commission and the Foundation continued in 2011 during the 14th Edition of Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism (Borsa mediterranea del turismo archeologico) in Paestum (Salerno) from 17 to 20 November 2011, where Bosnia and Herzegovina had a pavilion. The similar views on unity in cultural diversity held by the Commission and the Foundation’s Paolo Del Bianco and Simone Giometti helped to ensure the successful collaboration between these two institutions. In March 2012 the Foundation and the Commission signed Memorandum of Understanding, to which the Sarajevo City Authority also later became a party. The impact that the Foundation and its activities have had in your personal and professional life • access to the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation website Life Beyond Tourism as an opportunity to give a significant boost to the development of cultural tourism • the promotion of cultural tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina via a global network • the promotion of cultural institutions, museums, associations and other organizations that have a part of play in the promotion of multiculturalism and unity in diversity • the promotion of catering facilities • attracting increased tourist numbers to less visited areas where there is cultural heritage of great value • joining a network of institutions and other associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina which aim to develop cultural tourism based on intercultural dialogue • further education and training of professionals aimed at the promotion of cultural tourism



An overall judgment about what did it mean for you to have known and participated in the Foundation's initiatives The support of international institutions promoting intercultural dialogue is important for a professional institution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the only one dealing with cultural heritage protection and preservation. Holding round tables such as those held in 2012 and 2013, where issues relating to breakdowns in intercultural dialogue, can help to resolve these problems in traditional multiethnic cities and societies such as Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These seminars provide an opportunity to discuss the problems facing certain societies and to find ways of resolving them. Bosnia and Herzegovina spoke of the threat to the traditional values of common living, reflected in indifference to the status of cultural institutions responsible for the preservation of the country’s multicultural tradition (the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and of one of the success stories - the restoration of Sarajevo’s City Hall, a symbol of the city that was all but destroyed during the war, and the National Library housed there, which was totally destroyed by incendiary missiles in 1992. The Commission proposed that a pilot project be launched with the implicit purpose of transcending divisions and encouraging cultural tourism based on intercultural cooperation. The Commission’s ideas were welcomed at the 2012 international round table of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation - Life Beyond Tourism, and these activities were recognized with the award of the Foundation’s bronze medal. In March 2013, at the next round table, the Commission’s presentation dealt with the 40-year experience of applying international conventions and with cultural heritage as a tool for intercultural dialogue. The fact that architectural symbols of multicultural dialogue such as the Old Bridge in Mostar and the Mehmed Pasha Sokolovic´ Bridge in Višegrad have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and that the historical development and evolution of the City of Sarajevo is a reflection of actual intercultural dialogue, reveals that Bosnia and Herzegovina was a society with a high degree of awareness of its own identity. It was pointed out that such societies, now ravaged by war, are particularly vulnerable to notions of reconstruction based on principles other than those of interculturalism. The Foundation’s round tables are a forum at which such efforts can be presented, and can also become a focal point from which international attention can be drawn to the crisis of multiethnicity and the right way can be found to resolve the crisis of multiethnic and multicultural cities and societies in the 21st century. It is also very beneficial to attend the final presentations of student projects at the workshops. Wishes for the future development of our collaboration • increased activities to present cultural and other institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the advancement of intercultural dialogue in collaboration with the Foundation • involvement of students from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the workshops held by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation - Life Beyond Tourism • advancement of research and analysis relating to the state of multiethnic cities and social environments



ELENA DIMITROVA University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia The political changes in early 1990s opened a period of profound societal restructuring in Eastern Europe – it was a time of difficulties and enthusiasm. We were surely far from anticipating the broadness of the challenges to face – economic but also social and cultural, it was already clear yet that we need to re-conceptualize the Past while building our new path to Future. I am myself involved in academic teaching and research in the field of urban development where the messages about the continuity of development and the balance needed between preservation and development are of primary importance. In September 2000 an international conference entitled “Heritage: Opportunity or Threat?” was organized in Ohrid, Macedonia. The discussion there focused on the enormous challenges set by heritage protection to the transforming societies of Eastern Europe under the conditions of general economic crisis, a generally retreating public sector, and insufficient expert capacity at the local level. The then missing interaction among experts within Eastern Europe was estimated as a major barrier to exchanging experience and developing region-specific policies and approaches. At the conference I first met Prof. Milan Prodanovic from the University of Novi Sad and learned about the International Winter Workshops in Florence, initiated by the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. Prof. Prodanovic was preparing his author’s week in Florence (workshop topic: Reinventing the city), which was focused on the spatial identity of cities in the Balkan region and their cultural links with European cities, Florence in particular. He was eager to organize as broad as possible representation of the regional diversity and he invited us to join in the upcoming workshop in Florence in December. The generous support of the Foundation who provided free accommodation and meeting facilities for all the CEE participants for one week was crucially important to the universities in the region at a time of considerable financial difficulties for higher education. The chances provided by such an event for both cultural interchange and for coming in touch with the unique heritage of Florence were well estimated by the Faculty of Architecture at the University. A modest travel subsidy by the University enabled a group of eight graduate students in architecture (specializing in heritage protection and urban planning) and two teachers to join in the workshop. My colleague Hristina Staneva and I started preparing for the event as team leaders of the Bulgarian group. Each of the students was expected to prepare and a poster presenting his/her own city of birth at the opening session of the workshop. The group was warmly welcomed by the Foundation President Paolo del Bianco and its Secretary General Simone Giometti. The international student groups formed on-site were to explore the city of Florence, to focus on particular aspects of urban space and morphology, and to agree upon a common message about similarities and peculiarities between Balkan cities and Florence, thus identifying general characteristics of the European city. Inspired by our experience during the first contact with the Foundation, Hristina and I decided to develop a next project, which applied for being included in the programme. The project was entitled “Coming closer by discovering the unknown: cultural tourism challenges to sustainable spatial development". It aimed at raising young professionals’ awareness on the anticipated challenges of future tourism development in the ‘transition’ countries of Eastern Europe. The 132


importance of promoting the cultural and historic values of a heritage which was then still largely unknown to the world because of the previously existing political division was to be considered in parallel with the vulnerability of heritage in times of political and economic crises. The project was included in the Winter Workshops program and scheduled for December 2001. When inviting participants to the workshop we first looked for our closest neighbours in the region but also tried to reach colleagues from regions further eastwards. Finally, three student teams – Bulgarian, Armenian and Romanian ones – met and worked enthusiastically together during the week of the workshop (unluckily the invited Turkish and Georgian teams could not make it). The preparatory homework was a chance for the students to investigate and conceptualize their own national cultural heritage as belonging to a broader cultural field. Team working was intentionally put as a central concept in the project – national teams working during the preparatory period and international ones during the workshop in Florence. Numerous new ideas about future development of the project were inspired by the interaction during the workshop. Unfortunately, the untimely death of Hristina Staneva in 2009 interrupted the development of this project and the realization of other ideas. I participated later on in two more consecutive editions of the Workshop in 2003 and 2004. Our teams were kindly invited by Prof. Prodanovic to join in his project entitled “The city as an Educational polygon – Smart City, the case of Florence” and always warmly welcomed by the Foundation. These were next chances our University took to involve in the international cultural dialogue also students from the new programme in Urbanism, established in 2002. I have been involved in organizing the participation of about thirty Bulgarian students in the winter workshops in Florence through the years due to the generous support by the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. I was thus able to witness and also personally take part in the development of the workshop concept with a stronger focus being put on the quality and depth of the process and outcomes. I am deeply grateful to Paolo del Bianco for the hospitality and for his unceasing energy and enthusiasm to welcome new and new friends in Florence from all over the world. I also highly estimate his strategic thinking about building and strengthening intercultural links that would work for a better world in the long term. I was always happy to witness the excitement of our students when facing for the first time the beauty of Florence, investigating its heritage and trying to understand its vibrant urban energy, and their eagerness to come in touch with the broader Toscana region. It was also deeply encouraging to attend international team working and watch how intellectual curiosity is challenged, how synergy is put to work, and how friendships emerge and grow. From my personal point of view a major impact of the Foundation’s activities is probably the growing young people’s self-confidence in their capacity for changing the world into a better place according to their own visions for the future. Meeting Paolo del Bianco and getting involved in the initiatives of the Foundation was also an important and lucky moment on my personal and professional path. The acquaintance and collaboration with Hristina Staneva brought me to ICOMOS-Bulgaria and, later on through that, to broader international contacts in the field of cultural heritage and to the involvement in CIVVIH – the international scientific committee of ICOMOS on historic towns and villages. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Paolo del Bianco, to Simone Giommetti and the team of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, and my best wishes to all of them for a long path 133


and the best of success in the field of intercultural communication for a better world. I do believe that for all of us who have once met in Florence due to the Foundation’s vision and activities, coming together has been a fruitful chance for broadening professional and personal horizons, outlining the connectivity of cultural space and empowering us all in re-building the unity of the broader cultural space of Europe.



VEFA EFENDIZADE Cyprus International University I participated with my students as the representative of the International University of Cyprus, in a conference entitled "Degree and Profession in the University of Construction and Architecture held in Baku in 2008, which is my hometown. I got acquaintance with Mr. Paolo del Bianco and his sympathetic team work in the conference. They invited us to collaborate and participate in their organizations. Therefore, a few months later my students and I participated in a workshop entitled “The Degree and Profession of World Festival organized by the Life Beyond Tourism and Romualdo del Bianco foundation in Florence. Since Italy was the country of my childhood dreams, I had a great time over there. When I was a Fine Arts student at Surikov Academy of Fine Arts in Moscow in the Soviet Union period, our professor Ilya Glazunov, who was a famous painter, took us to Italy, which was one of my biggest dreams in my life. Thus, I had a chance to observe and witness all the paintings of the famous painters and places which I had read in books and dreamed to see from my childhood. I had the chance to experience and touch the spectacular Renaissance art in Florence. I asked myself how all those genius artist such as Filippo Lippi, Filippino Lippi, Botticelli, Giotto, Gozzoli, Piero della Francesca, Masaccio, Donatello, Ghiberti, Brunneleschi, Ghirlandaio, Maso di Banco, Taddeo Gaddi, Michlangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and many others came out in the same place and the same time. Therefore, this journey to Italy had deep effects on my professional life. Years passed and I traveled to many countries in the world and had the opportunity to visit the world’s famous museums, but none of them gave me the pleasure and the extraordinary energy which I got in museums, churches, galleries in Florance. I wish my students also experience all those pleasure and enjoyment I experienced seeing the humane and universal art in Italy. I thank and appreciate heartily the Auditorium Al Duomo, the Romualdo del Bianco, and the Life Beyond Tourism and its great president Mr. Paolo del Bianco for giving me and my students to organize an exhibition of my paintings in 2011. We would like to inform you that we are ready to participate in your new projects and organizations. Long live the fabulous Florence and hope to continue accommodating us in the future.



VLADIMIR EGOROV - OLGA KARPOVA Ivanovo State University The fruitful contacts of Ivanovo State University with the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, which historic roots lead to the end of the 90s of the XX c., started in 2004, when – after a preliminary meeting in the 2003 by our Rector Vladimir Egorov and the Foundation’s President Mr Paolo Del Bianco promoted by Mme Ekaterina Genieva, Director of the Library for Foreign Literature of Moscow, we signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Сultural and Scientific Communication between the Foundation and Ivanovo State University. Over the years, when Foundation constantly and significantly enlarged and strengthened its international reputation, cooperation, developing intercultural communication and dialogue between different nations, more than twenty conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings were organized by our institutions in Florence: • 2004-2006 - seminar “Florentine Humanism of the XIV-XVI cc.” by Professors D. Polyvyanny and N. Revyakina; • 2006 - expert seminar “Molecular Design and Supramolecular Architecture of Nanomaterials” by Professor N. Usoltseva; • 2007 - international conference “The Florentine Contribution to Bolonsky Process” by Professor D. Polyvyanny; • 2009 - International Conference on “Lyotropic Liquid Crystals and Nanomaterials” organized under the Foundation patronage at Ivanovo State University within the framework of “Degree & Profession” Festival etc.). • 2013 - X International School on Lexicography “Life beyond Dictionaries” Our scholars had a chance to become not only partners but first-hand developers and prime movers of several projects carried out by the Foundation. With the Foundation support we involved over 300 teachers and students from a many institutions from Russia and other countries: Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Spain. And our recently organized joint lexicographical event – X international school on lexicography, brought together scholars from five continents and fifteen countries: Austria, South Africa, Australia, France, UK, Japan, Canada, etc. The cooperation with the Foundation let Ivanovo University find new partners in Florence – the University of Florence and Accademia della Crusca with which we now organize both joint meetings, conferences and other events. We have exchange with literature, ideas and publish joint papers. In other words, the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation and LBT philosophy to carry friendly, cultural and educational dialogue with different nations brought together new friends of the Foundation and Ivanovo Univeristy. By the decision of our University Academic Council the Foundation President Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was awarded the title of Honorary Professor for the great contribution of the Foundation into integration of our University into European educational environment. Moreover for outstanding activities and great personal contribution into intercultural dialogue Mr. Paolo del Bianco recently was awarded the Honorary Certificate of Ivanovo City government where he had 136


a meeting with the Head of the City Administration Mr. Alexander Kuzmichiov and discussed with him new perspectives of cooperation In its turn, the Foundation Board awarded Ivanovo State University with a medal of Honor for the effective cooperation. And in May 2013 we got a generous gift from the Foundation – Leonardo da Vinci bust. The unveiling procedure took place in the Main Reading Hall of Ivanovo State University and brought together local mass media, heads of regional departments of culture, education, tourism and other regional authorities. Paolo del Bianco had meetings and lectured to our students and Learned Council members talking about the Foundation activities and encouraging people to joint our fruitful cooperation. It should be noted that the Foundation contributes to the strengthening of friendly ties between Russia and Italy. It is an obvious example of successful realization of Bologna process in terms of academic mobility. It will become even more important and symbolic in 2011, a “Year of Russian Culture and Language in Italy and Italian Culture and Language in Russia”. Seven international students’ workshops organized by Vice-Rector for Public Relations, Head of English Department Professor Olga Karpova in 2008-2013 deserve special remark. At this time, when Life beyond Tourism non-profitable portal was opened, the project attracted participants from three countries (Serbia, Croatia, Hungary) and ten Russian Universities from all corners of multinational Russia: Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, etc. Participation of students from multinational regions of Russia profoundly contributed to LBT philosophy and opened new perspectives in mutual intercultural dialogue. Thus the Foundation and LBT helped us to show the cultural differences of various Russian cities and helped to understand their peculiarities. Students’ presentations of their regions took place in April 2013 at Duomo in the International day of ICOMOS. The project offered by our University is devoted to the compilation of a new encyclopedic dictionary entitled “A Dictionary without Boundaries: Florence in the Works of World Famous People (Writers, Artists, Musicians). Project of a Dictionary for Guides and Tourists”. This long-term project (called Dictionary without Boundaries) is devoted to the Italian, particularly Florentine, influence on different national cultures. Majestic Florence, a symbol of Renaissance and a source of inexhaustible inspiration for the most eminent figures of art and literature, encouraged young people from various universities (Belgrade, Budapest, Kazan’, Perm, Tomsk, Vladimir, Zagreb, etc.) to reflect Florentine grandeur and contribution to the world culture through making a unique multimedia dictionary of associative type. The dictionary entries allow combining descriptions of the life and creative works of famous people who once lived or worked in Florence with the students’ own impressions of the wonderful city, their personal feelings and emotions. Professors of Ivanovo State University used to work as international experts of the Foundation. Since 2004 we were invited by the Head of the Foundation Mr. Paolo del Bianco to hold round table discussions, develop further cooperation and prepare singing of Memorandum between the Foundation and Major of Ivanovo. During these visits along with fruitful meetings we visited many interesting cultural events, exhibitions and workshops together with members of the Foundation governing board (for example, the unforgettable Cynthia Sah’s and Nicolas Bertoux’s art shop whose sculptures are installed in many countries of the world: Paris, Taipei, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, etc. Ivanovo State University has always paid special attention to the development of friendly, cul137


tural and educational relations with foreign universities and non-governmental institutions which contributes to general research, teaching and social activities carried out at our University. Thus, together with Foundation Romualdo del Bianco and LBT we involved into fruitful joint cooperation our University partners from Denmark, Poland and Turkey. The result was remarkable: in May 2013 we organized together the first international conference on Tourism and Hospitality with published volume of Proceedings. This event was supported by Ivanovo Regional Government and brought together many businessmen, scholars and interested people. We had important Round Table discussions with all foreign partners and signed a joint Agreement of cooperation with Academia Dania and Istanbul University. In conclusion, in less than 10 years the initiatives promoted under the co-operation between our University and the Foundation (both in Florence than in Ivanovo) involved over 400 students and more than 100 professors; nowadays, the participation of our University in the Foundation’s commitment for the promotion of the local cultural expressions of the territories for the intercultural dialogue (the “Life Beyond Tourism” philosophy), arises new opportunities in the sooner future: Ivanovo State University stands by the Foundation in its commitment and has the possibility and will to affirm its dedication to the dissemination of Life Beyond Tourism, within the international network of universities of the Foundation: - by selecting, guiding and assisting students for searching and publishing in the Life Beyond Tourism Portal the most significant and representative “cultural expressions” of the territories (so called “populating process” of the LBT Portal) - by selecting post-graduates and PhD students who, by using the information gathered by their younger colleagues as above, carry out reseaches on the local “cultural biography”,. The Ivanovo State University really believe in the Initiative of the Foundation and we would like to be considered as one of the potential leaders (incubator) of an international working team made by Universities committed altogether in this fascinating topic regarding like the valorisation of the local cultural personalities, mainly with the interpretation and presentation of the less known institutions, the smaller ones. We are proud to follow this philosophy and to contribute with our forces in spreading out it at world wide level. The Ivanovo State University is ready to follow this initiative which promotes the intercultural dialogue for peaceful coexistence, starting from the heritage, tangible and intangible in each village of this world that is approaching to 10 billion inhabitants by practicing the MODEL Life Beyond Tourism .Org and .Net as incubator in our Region. We would like to congratulate the Foundation Board members and personally - Mr. Paolo del Bianco, our true and dear Friend, with the 15 anniversary since the established of the Foundation which fulfils today an important and serous task so necessary for modern world – bringing people together for fruitful and enthusiastic intercultural dialogue, promoting Florence around the world, working as a real Ambassador of peace.



MARCELLO GARZANITI Italian Association of Slavists University of Florence FOR THE FIFTEEN YEARS OF THE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO FOUNDATION I have known Paolo del Bianco since the beginning of the 2000s while the Foundation held wide relationships with countries of Central and Eastern Europe. From the very beginning I was impressed not only by his extraordinary communication skills, but especially by the idea of realizing seminars with groups of students, accompanied by their teachers, who had as their object Florentine cultural heritage, from its architecture to the literary work of Dante. The delegations that have come to Florence and that for many years have given me the opportunity to get to know or meet again colleagues of many universities in the Slavic countries, among which I would particularly like to mention the lecturers and researchers of the University of Ivanovo (Russia), starting with colleague N.V. Revjakina, an internationally renowned humanistic literature specialist. Later, I was coopted by the group of experts of the Foundation, to which I have tried to contribute with ideas and programming within the context of my slavistic researches. The support of the Del Bianco Foundation has allowed to organize the first international conference dedicated to the spread of Italian humanism in Russia, with particular focus on Maximus the Greek, who was educated in Florence and then became one of the most important writers in the sixteenth century Muscovy (22 to 24 November 2007, acts have been published in the journal "Studi Slavistici" 2009). I would also like to mention the presence of Paolo Del Bianco at Week on "Poland in Europe" (1-4 February 2011), held at the Faculty of Humanities (Palazzo Fenzi, Florence) and organized by the University of Florence and the Institute of Polish Culture (Rome). The event saw the participation of the Ambassador of Poland and important representatives of Polish academia and society in the presence of the Rector and several academics. I shall not stop without enumerating the many initiatives that took place at the Palazzo Coppini or at different institutions in Florence. These were promoted also by the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic, where with colleagues and students of my university I contributed to initiatives to strengthen the cooperation of the chair of Slavistics in Florence with the Foundation Del Bianco. I would particularly like to mention the Round Table "From Florence 20 years of dialogue with Eastern Europe (1991-2011); the experience of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in the creation of the “Life Beyond Tourism-Nonprofit Portal", realized within the Festival of Europe (Florence 2011). Finally, I would like to emphasize the collaboration with the Foundation in the organization of the X School of Lexicography (12-14 September), held at the Auditorium al Duomo and Palazzo Coppini, an event of great significance for the research activities of the newly formed Research Unit "Multilingual cultural heritage dictionary of Florence", based in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural studies of my university, and in which I wanted the Foundation to be represented. 139


I sincerely appreciate the enthusiasm with which the Foundation has supported and achieved the goal of the next International Congress of ICOMOS to take place in Florence (2014). Also our Research Unit has joined the initiative by presenting its proposals for the development of a multilingual lexicon of Cultural Heritage. I am sure that the collaboration with the Foundation, gained through years of joint activities, will develop even more and produce successful results in the future.



PAVEL GREGOR Slovak Technical University Bratislava The role of the architect in the creation of cultural values o​​ f contemporary society is irreplaceable as well as exploring the cultural and historical values of ​​ the previous generation of artists to teach future architects. When I tried (as a Head of Monument Preservation Department of Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava) to establish contacts with similar universities in Central Europe, meeting with Professor Bohumil Fanta of the Faculty of Architecture in Prague meant also the first contact with the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco and historic architecture of Florence in November 1999. International Integration Meeting in frame of Project: Influences of Renaissance Florentine Art of the second half of 15th century, in many European cities involved professors and students from the faculties of architecture of Bratislava, Budapest, Cracow, Prague and Warsaw. This project wanted not only to be one of architectural student workshop, but to be an answer to some of nowadays European challenges: such as the discovery of common roots, which overcome any political border and/or generation gap; the development of communication among people of different cultures, thanks to a better mutual knowledge; or the active contribution of people coming from different cultural areas, in order to reach common goals. While staying in Florence, students and professors visited the Uffizi Gallery, The Palatina Gallery (Pitti Palace) and the Academia Gallery, same as all historical buildings and places in Florence same as towns nearby which was possible to visit in one week. It was a week full of excellent artistic “masterpieces”. Some might say: typical student workshop than any other... Sure. Meeting with Paolo del Bianco - president and the soul of Foundation, with his humanity and passion for password “meetings and activities in Florence for young people, through which persons from different countries and cultures may meet, get acquainted and understand each other in order to favour mutual knowledge and friendship and, hence, contribute to promoting world peace” could inspire anyone and made​​ it an exceptional and unforgettable. Unforgettable as well as a number of these personal meetings and discussions with Paolo, whether these student meetings, integration meetings of professors in Forte dei Marmi, or expert Round table discussion, which I attended for over 10 years . All activities of the Foundation have brought benefits not only to the professional activities of an architect - teacher, but especially the wealth of personal meeting new contacts and learning about foreign cultures . If the Foundation was looking for their goals after “ the fall of the Iron Curtain “ in learning about different cultures , this goal is also currently showing always up to date and we all need to wish the foundation many more years of successful international collaboration and positive influence of young people.



ROMANA PRZYBYSZEWSKA GUDELIS University of Economy, Bydgoszcz THE EXTRAORDINARY CONTRIBUTION OF PAOLO DEL BIANCO TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF FRIENDSHIP AND PEACE IN THE WORLD I would like to analyze here briefly the history of contacts and friendship between President of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation – Paolo Del Bianco and his enormous undertakings on the one hand, and my personal life, the institutions I have represented and a wide circle of people engaged in these contacts on the other. My memory of the happy time when I became acquainted with Paolo Del Bianco dates back to the year 1997 when the official delegation from Poland came to Florence in order to strike up the fruitful ties in the field of tourism between Poland and Italy. It was a specific journey for me personally because one day before my departure I came down with nasty flu and I arrived in Florence with a high fever and a big pack of medicines. The Polish delegation consisted of the representative from the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the President of Polish Tourism Information Office in Rome and me – an urban planner, a researcher in the national Institute on Tourism in Warsaw, with the task of an Italian – Polish interpreter during the meetings in Florence1. I remember well that in Hotel Laurus we were welcomed warmly by a fascinating, full of energy architect - Paolo Del Bianco who immediately invited us to the famous Palazzo Vecchio to participate in the ceremony of the 30th anniversary of the first heart transplantation performed by doctor Bernard who was invited to Florence to receive a special prize. The following days Paolo organized for us a number of meetings in Florence Municipal Office, in the Florence University where we discussed with Faculty of Economy professors possibilities of cooperation. Then Paolo with his charming family (female!) invited us to their holiday house located at seaside in Forte dei Marmi. We visited Pisa, Pietrasanta and other attractive places too. I will not forget our exceptionally interesting discussions around the great table while I washed down my antibiotics with… glorious Tuscan red wine! Those days in Forte dei Marmi were often remembered and mentioned by Paolo in public in the next few years because of my entry in the guest memorial book. I wrote there that the Polish national anthem2 contains the sentence: “March! March, Da¸browski. March from Italy to Poland! “, and yet now the direction of the “march” is the opposite, because through Paolo Del Bianco’s invitations the Polish people march in large numbers from Poland to Italy. Paolo recounted to us then, with his characteristic commitment and passion, his plans and dreams which he would like to pursue together with his family on an international scale - built interpersonal relationships, mutual understanding and cooperation. He especially intended to take these actions to the countries of Eastern Europe, which just a few years before had come 1. In 1960 and 1964 – 66 I graduated from the Postgraduate Urban Planning Studies in Polytechnic School in Milan and I continued the architecture and urban planning training. 2. It is worth mentioning that in Reggio Emilia in 1797 the general Józef Wybicki wrote the text of Polish Legions’ Song which was later adopted as the Polish national anthem. 142


from the totalitarian rule. Paolo, the father of three daughters, was mainly concerned about students, their social and cultural awareness, their knowledge of the world, historical heritage, creating opportunities for mutual meetings and the exchange of ideas. That was the origin of the precious words appearing on the mission emblem of the to-be-created-soon (1998) Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation: “For peace in the world, among young people of different Countries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understand each other to develop friendship among people”. These ideas enchanted me in a special way and the opportunity to participate in the activities seemed to be an honour and distinction. But I have to admit that I did not fully believe in the successful implementation of his mission! I thought: “Of course, before me I have a wonderful, charismatic man, an architect, a humanist, a Tuscan with the heritage of Renaissance artists, whose potential was mostly his family, his great wife Giovanna and three intelligent, but underage daughters, a few co-operators, a chain of Vivahotels (an important asset!). Is this enough to take up such a great challenge? Isn’t it a utopian desideratum to plan internationally?” Yet, over the years, those plans became the tangible reality and developed. The organizational structure of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation acted as a springboard for research and creativity (numerous exhibitions of artists from many countries - from Poland to Georgia and to Japan), revitalization, design, restoration of the Florentine artworks (from the Uffizi Gallery and others) and yet the main outcome was to create cultural and social ties. At the same time, the geographical expansion of Paolo - “the modern Renaissance man” contacts, allowed his “World Family” to grow, strengthened by the bonds going beyond homogeneity of cultures, economic and even political systems. I am not going to give in this short note a historical description of all the activities undertaken by the Foundation, instead I would like to confine myself only to those that influenced most the fate and the awareness in my immediate environment. Since 2000, as a researcher at the University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (previously: Pomeranian University of Tourism and Hotel Management), I have regarded as the most fruitful activity the students’ and young academics’ participation in the International Students’ Workshops held annually in Florence. More than 50 people in total, students and tutors, took part in the workshops working in international teams and the mode of interaction contributed to exceptional relationships, more than once resulting in a long friendship3. After the workshops the students’ faces beamed with smiles and joy, undoubtedly due to direct contacts with the wonderful city – Florence, with President Paolo Del Bianco and the Secretary General of the Foundation - our wonderful friend Simone Giometti. This testifies what a great role is attached by the Foundation Management to the human relations at the time of each event, with each group of young people, with each student. A clear and just competition in the presentations of the workshops results facilitated the intercultural communication. The results of the workshop can be summa-

3. A classic example is the relationship and coexistance of Kinga Marecka from Bydgoszcz and Lubos Hazucha from Slovakia living now in Florence. It should be added that in 2008 Kinga Marecka wrote, under my supervision, a dual degree master’s thesis on the role of Paolo Del Bianco and his Foundation in student tourism - at the University of Economy in Bydgoszcz and in the same time at the University Le Mirail in Toulouse (France). 143


rized at least as follows: - gaining historical and cultural knowledge - improving the knowledge of foreign languages, mostly English - broadening horizons and becoming aware of cultural identity - making acquaintances and friends - sightseeing beautiful Florence, and learning its role as a huge tourist centre. The universities from our region, The Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun´, are still participating in the students’ workshops as leaders and partners, and the University of Economy is hoping to join them in the coming years. Other form of Foundation great activity are the unforgettable annual meetings at the Round Table, which bring together an increasingly friendly group of the members of RDB Foundation Grand Family. They are including representatives of science and regional and municipal authorities from an ever increasing number of countries, and I consider them absolutely of great importance. We feel truly honoured that Paolo visited Bydgoszcz three times, always making a concrete contribution to our joint efforts, and in 2011, together with Simone, he participated in the international conference in Torun organized by University of Economy in Bydgoszcz.. Unfortunately, in 2007 the President did not manage to collect a statuette – decoration of University of Economy in person, therefore I handed it to him in public during my stay in Florence in 2009. Meanwhile, I was awarded with a medal of the RDB Foundation in 2008 and it was a great honour for me4. This all contributed to the liberation of feelings, sincere friendships and a sense of belonging to a common Europe and the “common World” in a historical context and the desired development in the future. At the University of Economy more than 50 people, including President Krzysztof Sikora, Agnieszka Kowalkowska, Dominika Muszyn´ska - Jeleszyn´ska, Joanna Kosmaczewska, Paulina Kantowska (former student), are not only the ex-guests but simply fanatical friends of the Foundation led by Paolo, his growing family and new offspring, not forgetting, of course, the person completely dedicated to the mission of the Foundation – the Secretary General and our great friend - Simone Giometti. If we added to the fans the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz with the faithful to the Foundation Maria Murawska, we could say that in our city there is quite a large group of people promoting the idea: „ to come up with thoughts and proposals of use to international community”. A wide range of international contacts and activities of the Foundation has another, quite amusing, aspect: Paolo must learn to propose a toast in many languages. I remember the meeting in San Gimignano in the 2002 when during the lunch his toasts: “Alla salute!”, “Na zdrowie!” etc. in dozens of languages took ​​ more than 10 minutes. The European economic crisis has recently prevented the intense participation of our students and researchers in the new activities of the Foundation. The Ethos “Life Beyond Tourism” with the Manifesto, the Life Beyond Tourism Non Profit Portal Heritage Community and the LBT “Supporting System” offer fewer possibilities to universities but are more open to urban authorities and their agencies to promote tourism destination (the offices of tourism destination 4 . The famous awarding of the “al buio” medal - in the dark, in the under-the-renovation “Auditorium al Duomo” - nowadays the Amfitheatre Hall dedicated to the memory of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski. 144


promotion). However, The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz signed the document Memorandum of Understanding concerning the cooperation in this field already in 2011. And what’s next? I wish all these intense and vibrant activities of the Foundation, which does not waste energy on bureaucracy and paperwork, would continue to flourish. It ought to be accomplished for the benefit of the world, defying the struggles, contrasts and hatred. Paolo’s constantly travelling the world, receiving honorary doctorates and numerous awards, has become a global Ambassador of Peace, surpassing his plans from many years ago. He brings us closer culturally, scientifically, facilitates friendly relations. May his health and strength allow for the further development and the numbers of his followers grow, in which I actually believe, because Paolo’s oldest grandson, Cosimo, has promised me that he will rock... the cosmos!



RAY HUTCHISON University of Wisconsin-Green Bay It is remarkable that my most memorable teaching experiences, and most important professional contacts, come not from my own university, or even from my own country, but from a most remarkable city some 4,000 miles distant. The experiences and contacts are the direct result of the Del Bianco Foundation, and even more the foresight and vision of Paolo Del Bianco. Encounter I: I remember well my first visit to Florence. There was a conference in Venice and as part of the travel I was asked to meet with officials of the Del Bianco Foundation to explore possibilities for student travel and participation in Foundation activities. Sarah Meredith, another member of our faculty, had been invited to one of the workshops the previous year, and had recommended the activities to our student travel office. My travel muse for this first and next several visits was Cassandra, who served not so much as a warning, but as a guide for the odyssey. Our walk from the train depot to the Del Bianco office was nearly fatal – not realizing that we were on a two-way street, I started into the cross walk as soon as the traffic cleared, and bounced off the side mirror of an oncoming bus. After a brief meeting, Simone Giometti, invited us to dinner that evening with faculty from several architecture departments in Tuscany. I learned much at that dinner even though I did not realize it at the time: Florence is a magical place with a long and remarkable history, and not simply the birthplace of the Renaissance. The kings and queens of France did not use silverware until Catherin de Medici brought the Italian utensils to the royal court with her marriage to Henry II. It is difficult to finish a dinner after that knowledge has been shared, wondering if others are watching how you hold that fork! The following day I met Simone Giometti to discuss shared interests and thoughts about possible future activities. Sitting at the rooftop Pitti Palace, our half hour meeting stretched to two hours, ending with the suggestion that I return to attend the next meeting of the Roundtable of Experts,. I suggested that we might plan on a conference on immigration or other urban-related topics. When I left Florence I am not certain that I thought any of this would really happen. Dialogue I. The following year I attended the Roundtable of Experts with meetings in the newly opened Auditorium al Duomo. This was an overwhelming experience, the auditorium nearly full of representatives from more than a dozen countries. I had spent much the month before trying to figure out exactly what the Roundtable was, and now that I was in Florence, and in front of more than a hundred persons, I still was not sure. I spoke briefly, explained that our university would like to participate in the student workshops, that it was difficult because of the travel costs, but that I would be working with our university officials to develop a travel course and try to bring our students, because it was important that they have an opportunity to meet with students from other countries. When I finished, from the middle of the auditorium came a loud voice – Bravo! – followed by applause. This was my first introduction to Milan Prodanovic, and to his wife Sonja, who would introduce me to other their friends and help me to understand more about how the Foundation functions. Encounter II: Shortly after this I received an email inviting me to attend a meeting sponsored 146


by the Department of Architecture at the University of Florence on the topic a New Charter on European Heritage and Architecture. I tried to explain that as much as I would like to attend the conference, I had no expert knowledge on architecture and likely would not be able to contribute much to the discussion. That seemed to be less important than the fact that Paolo Del Bianco wanted me to attend the meeting, and so I arrived in Florence for the third time in the fall of 2006. And it was here that I learned my second important lessons about Italian culture and academic life. The first day of the meeting I arrived at the School of Architecture 5-10 minutes early. I did not think too much about the people who were outside the building, talking, when I arrived. I went to the nearly empty library conference room and sat down. Ten or fifteen minutes after the scheduled start, I went back to the lobby and noticed that the group of persons outside the building had increased in size. I went back to the conference room, and after another 10-15 minutes later several groups of persons came into the meeting room, having finished their discussions outside the bulling. The next day I decided to take a more leisurely approach, and left my hotel at the time the meeting was scheduled to start, and stopped at a local bar to have an espresso before heading over to the School of Architecture. I was in line behind a young woman when the door opened and four construction workers came inside. I ordered a cappuccino, and then the group of construction workers ordered a round of espressos. I thought… this would never happen in the United States! Life Beyond Tourism: At the 2008 Roundtable we were introduced to the new ethos for Life Beyond Tourism. Sitting in the meeting room of the Palazzo Vecchio, listening to the new program presented by Paolo del Bianco, I pulled out a notebook and began sketching out ideas that placed Life Beyond Tourism in the middle of an broader framework. My presentation another Roundtable several years later built upon those original notes, looking at life before the tourist experience, and life after the tourist experience, and moving the focus also to life before and after the tourist experience for other individuals and groups – the workers, owners, and others involved in the tourist destinations. The topic is much like Florence itself – the opportunities are never-ending. Dialogues III: For one of the Roundtable meetings, I made arrangements to participate in the Student Workshop organized by Milan Prodanovic. The workshop included student groups from eight different countries. After a brief presentation to the group about the program for the coming week, there was a coffee break, and the students were told that they had half an hour to form work groups – no more than one person from each country. I was astonished when the time was up and the students presented their work groups. I was invited to make several presentations to the groups, and accompanied them to many of the field trips across the city. This was beyond a doubt the most exciting classroom experience of my teaching career. Encounters III: I have had the great fortune of working with Simone Giometti and others at the Foundation on the Florence Expo, where I organized three sessions on The Tourist City, and 147


more recently on a stand-along conference titled Everyday Life in the Segmented City. The planning committee for the conference included colleagues from the University of Bologna and the University of Florence, as well as colleagues from South America and Europe that I had met through the Foundation. We hosted a group of 80 scholars from more than a dozen countries and four continents. A group of papers from the conference has been published in a volume titled Everyday Life in the Segmented City as part of the Research in Urban Sociology series, edited by Gabriele Manella, Camilla Perrone, and Lorenzo Tripodi. The volume contains a forward and dedication to Paulo Del Bianco and to the Foundation for his work in sponsoring the international dialogues that have made this and other workshops and conferences possible. Dialogues III: UW-Green Bay has awarded a small number of honorary doctoral degrees to a select number of persons who have made significant contributions in their field. When faculty we asked to nominate individuals for this award at our Spring Graduation ceremony, we nominated Paolo Del Bianco for this honor, and were pleased to have him visit our campus and meet with other faculty and university officials. I had the great privilege to arrange a series of meetings in Chicago for Paolo with officials at the Art Institute, the Art Institute School of Design, and the Chicago Architecture Foundation. We look forward to welcoming Dr. Del Bianco back to UW-Green Bay this coming Spring for the unveiling of the Leonardo da Vinci bust, a permanent memorial to his work and to the relationship between the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and the Romauldo Del Bianco Foundation in Florence.



NANA IASHVILI Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Tbilisi COLUMBUS PRIZE - ART, SCIENCE, ENTERPRISE I have great pleasure to remind my first private visit to Florence, prior which I already knew about various activities leaded and promoted by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation from the Rector of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, professor Soso Koiava. I also knew the foundation’s intention to establish cultural relations with the Georgian higher universities. And so, I’ve explored the foundation’s web-page and started an on-line communication. A great interest was attracted by a slogan “Art in your heart, a tribute to Florence” and the foundation’s motto “For peace in the world, among young people of different Countries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understand each other to develop friendship among people”. It gave birth to the academy’s involvement into the international activities like students workshops, scientific conferences, festivals, exhibitions, various cultural events. I’ve become acquainted with Mr. Paolo Del Bianco and his family, with Mr. Simone Giometti. The personal mutual sympathy, and especially, Mr. Paolo’s Personality has defined a new way of acting jointly “without competition, respecting individual identities, discovering the past together, working to build a shared future”. The Tbilisi State Academy of Arts and the Media Arts Faculty expressed their will to contribute in the cross-cultural dialogue between the Georgian and Italian ancient cultures, and thus, the intention was announced at the International Experts Round Table, my first meeting point for planning further activities, I attended in Florence. At that moment, I do knew for myself – I wish to become the foundation member and an expert with the goal of jointly providing an opportunity to the Georgian students and professors for presentation and interpretation of the Georgian cultural tangible and intangible heritage for the purpose of communication and respect to other nations. I’ve achieved to a strong decision to become involved and to involve academic audience in the foundation’s innovative attitude towards cross-cultural dialogue while applying the tourism development tools. Fortunately, the decision appeared to be extremely lucky and fruitful. At present, the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts and the Media Arts Faculty can’t imagine the time without collaboration with the Romulado Del Bianco Foundation, especially after launching the Life Beyond Tourism Non Profit Portal-Heritage Community, having a motto: “From Florence, we are helping to trigger young people’s emotions urging them to come up with thoughts and proposals of use to international community”. What are the outcomes of the collaboration? It is the cultural platform for the young professionals and students, for displaying their creative abilities and improving professional skills, sharing experience, becoming closer and drawing inspiration from the Italian great culture, for promoting themselves to the high experts in various fields, establishing the net of successful professional contacts with institutional representatives and the universities world-wide. All the above said is unimaginable if not taking into account the Personality of Mr. Paolo Del Bianco. I don’t know even a person who, after knowing Him, not to honour and respect greatly 149


this very charismatic Personality. Mr. Paolo is the Face of Florence, just as Dear, as the names, representing the ancient Florentine art and heritage, and in my opinion, these are not the overstated words. I think and would like to assure others, that the foundation’s honourable idea – To be the Host for the cross-cultural dialog has the roots of the “Georgian hospitality concept” if considering the hospitality of Mr. Paolo and his family. According to the Motto: “International encounters without competition, respecting individual identities, discovering the past together, working to build a shared future”, the cultural dialogue has been held as for me, as for Mr. Paolo, too, because his visits to Georgia became an opportunity to feel the “Genius Loci” here and to draw inspiration from communicating with the people, respecting and caring the heritage, and trying the best to build the collaborative future. I am one of those luckiest persons, who has recently been provided a chance to lead the international event in the newly renovated Palazzo Coppini. Congratulations to the Romulado Del Bianco Foundation and the Florentine scientific and academic audience, with founding the International Meeting and Study Centre, with the 15th anniversary of the Foundation and printing the publication, representing the 15 years long collaboration with about 400 universities and institutions of the cultural heritage world-wide. I wish the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and the Life Beyond Tourism Portal further development by involvement of the new members in the name of promotion the honourable idea of cross-cultural dialog. Several years ago, with the goal of recognizing Mr. Paolo Del Bianco’s merit, the Georgian government and the academic audience awarded Him with the Status of Honorary Citizen of the Tbilisi City, and also, with the Degree of “Honoris Causa” of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Now I’m sending Mr. Paolo Del Bianco the heartiest congratulations for deserving the "Columbus Prize - Art, Science, Enterprise", recognizing him as a distinguished Personality - "The Builder of Civilization".



YASEMIN INCE GÜNEY Balıkesir University It was December 2008, during the conference titled “Architectural education and the problems of Islamic architectural heritage preservation,” which was organized by Azerbaijan Architectural University jointly with Foundation of Romualdo Del Bianco in Florencte, that I first met with the Foundation and its beautiful people. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Nevzat Ilhan, one of the Foundation’s International Experts, who introduced me and my colleague Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Uçar to the wonderful world of the Foundation. I was impressed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere that was presented to all conference participants during the conference. The most memorable time for me was the pasta party when all the participants exchanged the spirit of the Foundation. I was also able to join the XII Round Table of the Foundation when I got to learn more about the activities of the Foundation and how we could participate more in them. We were impressed with the opportunities that the Foundation were providing for cultural dialogue among different backgrounds and thus Balıkesir University signed a co-operation agreement act with the Romualdo Del BiancoFoundation in May 2010 to strengthen our already existing partnership and to develop future colloboration between our institutions. With the help of Secretery General, Simone Giometti, we were able to attend our first international workshop in Florence as Balıkesir University during November 2010. It was the Touches of Renaissance workshop that was organized by our beloved Prof. Bohumil Fanta. Dr. Fanta also invited us to the International Summer School of Drawing in Prague that was organized by Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Fakulty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture. These were the first ever international workshops for our students from Balıkesir University to participate and for most of them it was the first international experience of their life. They enjoyed the opportunity to get together with students from other cultures and share their experiences. It was also a wonderful opportunity for us as academicians to get together with our colleaques from other countries and share our experiences. We not only attended the workshops but also organized our first workshop in March 2011. Titled “Understanding Brunelleschi”, the workshop aimed to introduce students one of the most important architects of the Renaissance period. By specifically focusing on the architectural masterpieces by Brunelleschi, the students examined in detail the socio-cultural, economic and political atmosphere in which sprung the Renaissance and its architectural masterpieces. The workshop proved to be an opportunity for students to visit and have a first-hand experience of the Renaissance masterpieces of Brunelleschi, which in turn will help them to understand the architectural ideals of the Renaissance period. All these gatherings were wonderful times where I met and sometimes worked together with a lot of new people from all around the world. It was also during the “Understanding Brunelleschi” workshop that I met with the Head of the Department of Architecture from the Eastern Mediterrenean University, North Cyprus. This meeting enabled me to spend the 2011-2012 aca151


demic year as a visiting professor at the Department of Architecture of the Eastern Mediterrenean University, North Cyprus. I truly and sincerely appreciate the mission of the foundation to encourage mutual exchanges of knowledge among young students, academicians and professionals from different countries through an array of cultural events. It is in these events that we as participants meet with each other, enjoy each others’ company, get to know and appreciate our similairites and differences, and favour mutual knowledge and friendship. These are all major steps towards contributing and promoting world peace. Thank you for all your dedicated work in all these years and proud to take part in some of them.



GEORGE KALANDIA Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography I always remember the tall man, with the bright cheerful face and hopeful eyes -Paolo Del Bianco, the first representative of an international foundation of the arts, who responded to the desire for a better future for our museum. His visit was important for us: firstly the professional advice of a world-recognized expert in the running and organization of museums was very interesting and secondly, we needed moral support and encouragement. Fortunately Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was at hand. The aforementioned president of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation visited the Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography when the museum was facing great changes. The new administration in charge there had many important problems to solve, such as: to stop the destruction of the unique historic building that the museum occupied, the issue of protection of exhibits, the introduction of modern registration standards, as well as administrative reform and the development of new international contacts and much more. Mr. Paolo Del Bianco says in the museum he saw a huge desire to succeed and in response we want to tell him that on that day, a distinguished Italian scientist expressed the greatest support for our wishes! Mr. Del Bianco has the unusual ability of turning practical pieces of advice into good deeds. Very soon information about our museum and unique photos were placed on his foundation’s web-page. This has greatly contributed to strengthening the international reputation and reach of the Georgian Museum. The holding of a conference dedicated to the memory of David Arsenishvili (1905-1963) in Florence was very important to us. There was also the first exhibition of the works of Petre Otskheli (1907-1937), the best representative of Georgian modernist painting. The Florence conference enabled us to establish new professional contacts, to hear expert opinion on the subject and most importantly, in the eternal art city we saw the modern practice of how to arrange a museum. Mr. Paolo Del Bianco is surrounded by an excellent team of professionals, which is one of the pillars of his foundation’s great success. In Georgia we have a saying: “Always seek people to talk to who are as knowledgeable as a good book”. We are lucky; Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was that man, communication with whom is like reading the most useful and practical book.



Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture cordially congratulates Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco with an anniversary and with honorable award of "Columbus Prize Art, Science, Enterprise" ! Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco is well known as one of leading centers of cultural exchange and collaboration. Foundation has deep historical roots and we are sure in it’s successful future. In area of architectural education we are linked with Foundation by creative bonds. We wish to you further creative successes and we hope on our further collaboration! Sincerely yours, Rector KNUCA, professor Kulikov P. Dean of Architectural faculty, professor, Kashchenko O.



OLEXANDER KASHCHENKO Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture CULTUROLOGICAL ASPECT OF ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION: IDEAS OF FOUNDATION ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AT KNUCA The aim of higher architectural education is forming of integral, creative personality of architect. This process will be realized on principles of conceptualness, flexibility, democracy through basic educational functions: educational, scientific, social: -- an educational function envisages the richness of content, actuality, flexibility of the program of studies, combination general individual; -- scientific function is conceptualness, solidity, subjectness, effectiveness, prognostic; -- social function - social oriented, motivation to perception in the general lines of human values. KNUCA was founded in 1930. Now at the Architectural faculty in direction Architecture and Art are available specialties Architecture of Building and Structures, Urban Planning, Design of Architectural Environment, Fine Art and Decorative Applied Arts. Therese specialties include specialization programs like Basics Theory and History of Architecture, Architecture of dwelling, Civil and Industry Buildings, Regional Planning, Urban Planning, Landscape Design, Business Administration in Architecture, Interior Design, Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Objects. About 1700 students study at the Architectural Faculty including foreign students. The teaching stuff of the faculty numbers about 140 qualified professors and assistants. In students education take part more than 30 departments. Eight of them are specialized architectural departments. The Architectural faculty KNUCA is the methodical centre of the architectural education in Ukraine. The program of architectural education has stable fundamental part and dynamic constituent, which is filled with information about new objects, technologies, methods. The architectural faculty of KNUCA is supported by activity in the field of cultural exchange, study and research of architectural monuments, their reconstruction and restoration. An architectural faculty constantly takes part in creative competitions, competitions of diploma works of graduating students of architectural faculties that is annually conducted in Russia and Ukraine. On one of such competitions - in Vologda (Russia) we fortunately become acquainted with the representative of Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco – Simone Giometti. After a few professional conversations we became interested in directions of activity of Foundation by the subjects of seminars, exhibitions, competitions. Additional information is got from a web-site and communication with colleagues from educational establishments of Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, that already had an experience collaboration with Foundation. An active collaboration with a fund began in 2007. Acquaintance with the leader of Foundation - Paolo Del Bianco – non-ordinary, creative personality, talented leader, interesting benevolent person – improved our willing of strengthened our creative collaboration. During this time some groups from our university had visited Florence for participating in the seminars. 155


At 2007 year teachers of Architectural faculty (Kashchenko Oleksandr, Kashchenko Tetyana) and students (Bogansky Anton, Karelina Daria, Griebiennikov Anton, Kuzmenko Kyrylo) took part in seminar "City as an educational polygon, Smart City, case of Florence” , (12 -7.12.2007), leaded by Milan Prodanovic . At 13-20 of November of 2008 Dean of Architectural faculty Kashchenko Oleksandr, Head of Department of Design of Architectural environment Timokhin Viktor, post-graduate student - Selyvanov Oleksii and students -Zasutskyi Ievgenii , Sliusar Valentyna , Bentia Marta attend the seminar in Florence -“Design of Urban Environment and Architechual Heritage Reuse: the Role of the “Genius Loci” within the “Life Beyond Tourism” according agenda “Programma Generale D’Integrazione Internazionale Tra Culture Diverse 2008-2009”. Working for the workshop task student wrought: «Certainly our interests and visual recognition are different, but we aspire to understand all values of city, and to create conditions, for that visitors could penetrate into this enviroment too. And whichever our purposes could be, our sights and positions, we see one - it is unique and gorgeous city». At 12 - 19 December of 2010 teachers of Department of Urban Planning – Head of department Kushnirenko Mariia, docent Inosova Tetiana and students Gvozdikovskyi Dmytro, Barvinko Oksana, Likhachova Ekaterina, Syngaievska Mariia took part in workshop “Reconstruction - as form of city development”. In Foundation events also took part teachers of Department of Drawing and Painting – Khodakivska Ludmila, Kolomiez Jurij, Tretyak Julia, Borodaj Julia and others. We were interested in program of International Congress “Domes of the World” at 3-6.11. 2011, and Kashchenko Tetyana, docent of Department of Architectural design of Building and Structures prepared thesis in topic division “Shapes of domes and their geometrical genesis” Each of seminars differed by creative novelty of theme and form of realization. For our students and teachers it was interesting to work in international groups under the direction of the known professionals in the situation of goodwill, openness, friendliness. All of it defined success of work with each of seminars and had a practical effect in future in study process at our faculty Developing collaboration between our organizations we had the honor to meet in Kyiv the leader of Foundation - Paolo Del Bianco and general secretary Foundation - Simone Giometti. In the period of this visit it took place the meeting with the representatives of city administration and leaders of university. With working visits our university visited architects and professors, which was cooperated with Foundation - Sandro Parinello, Stefano Bertocci, Genaro Tamponello, Carmela Crescenzi. At Ukraine our students took part also in International student seminar of the Florentine university and Odesa State Academy of Construction and architecture: Odesa Regional festival "Degree&Profession" with exhibition of diploma projects within the framework of Architectural –construction forum the "Odesa house 2011"on May, 17 - 20 2011. Students constantly participate in “Degree and Profession” Virtual Expo in the divisions of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment, Town and Community Planning, Conservation and Restoration of cultural properties. Practice of creative work on workshops programs gave considerable professional effect. Many students continue subjects of seminars in their educational architectural projects, and some of them developed this researches in master works and post - graduate study, for example: 156


-- master's Degrees Markelova J. Forming architectural - planning decisions in a civil spectacle buildings on the basis of principle of transformation; -- master's Degrees Bentya M. Forming architectural - planning decisions of higher educational establishments; -- post - graduate study Zasuzkiy E. Styling features of architecture of Ukraine; -- post - graduate study Singaivska M. Influence of innovative principles of architecture of 20th on modern architecture of Ukraine. Students and teachers of Architectural faculty KNUCA are very grateful to Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco for possibility to become familiar with interesting creative activity, to the cultural exchange, and for the possibility personally be acquainted with the outstanding famous monuments of architecture and culture in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. Such type of collaboration are kind of creative and scientific challenge for students and teachers of modern architectural schools, became new progressive direction in architectural field demonstrating synergetic effect of architectural educational, professional activity and cultural exchange.



TOMAS KACˇERAUSKAS Vilnius Gediminas Technical University The circumstances in which (and by whom) they met for the first time the Foundation and the first impressions they had; 1) The impact that the Foundation and its activities have had over the time in their personal and professional life. Taking part in the activities of the Foundation has enlarged both my research and teaching subjects. Researching the visual aspects and creative society I could appeal to certain examples from visual art and to certain models of creative society in European culture history. I could use the different cases from culture studies by preparing the courses of Aesthetics, Creative societies, Life Art and by creating study programmes Creative communication (master study programme) and Entertainment industries (bachelor study programme). 2) An overall thought about what did it mean for them to meet and take part in the Foundation’s Initiatives. Taking part in the Foundation’s initiatives I have enlarged my view, touched European cultural heritage, as well experienced close relationship with the colleagues and students. 3) A general description of the relationship with the Foundation that possibly highlight and describe the personal/human impressions, feelings, experience, values and some specific memories. The activities of the Foundation have been realized in Florence. This very attractive in cultural context city is a place of antique heritage, Renaissance art, and Italian culture. Although the tourism stimulates some cultural activities, the ideology of the Foundation ”Life beyond tourism” orient to life art inseparable from creative activities instead of just touristic aspirations. I have been involved into the activities of the Foundation by a participant of the workshop in 2008. The meeting with the president of the Foundation Paolo del Bianco and farther relationship have been exceptionally warm. 4) Perspectives and wishes for the future development of their collaboration with the Foundation. The Foundation is open for the new ideas including the ideas of creative society and creative industries introduced both in the workshops and scientific conferences. It contributes to develop cultural researches and studies, as well the relationship between the teachers and the students in the perspective of cultural heritage. However, possibly low prices for the accommodation would make available the initiatives of the Foundation for more large number of the participants.



TEMUR KOBAKHIDZE Caucasus University, Tbilisi I had the opportunity of meeting Mr. Paolo Del Bianco and enjoying hospitality of the Del Bianco family long before the Foundation was established in 1998. In 1993, when I was Dean of the Faculty of Western European Languages and Literature, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, I received a letter from Paolo, whom I had not known before that. It said I was welcome to visit Florence with friends, and enjoy a free stay at one of the Del Bianco family-owned hotels. Needless to say, I was amazed at the generosity of this offer, and called the enclosed phone number to make sure that was not a joke. The confirmation I received scattered my doubts. I was really invited to Florence, with a friend or two, for a free stay and a discussion on cultural exchange between my University and the would-be Foundation, which at that time was represented solely by Mr. Del Bianco and his plans for the future. My friends Dr. Kandareli, Prof. Gotsiridze and I were happy to participate in these discussions, as we realized that meeting with Paolo was giving birth to something new and exceptionally important. We discussed the possibility of establishing something like a scientific/scholarly society or fund that would connect individual scientists, scholars and students as well as universities and cultural institutions all around the world, and give them an opportunity to visit Florence for exchanging their ideas in live contacts. This was how my friendship with Paolo and the Del Bianco family began. It was our first visit to Florence and Italy, and all the conditions of our trip were so exceptionally favorable that after twenty years, Dr. Kandareli and I still remember it with gratitude and will not forget it for the rest of our lives. For us, it was the exploration of something that was very significant; in fact it was a life-changing experience. We had heard much of Florence and its culture, we had read books and articles, but we had never seen it by ourselves. It turned out to be an absolutely stunning experience, and we owe this favor to Paolo Del Bianco in the first place. Taken into consideration that my home country was experiencing severe hardships at the time (the 1991-92 civil war in Tbilisi had just been over), giving us this opportunity had also been a gesture of wise philanthropy on Paolo’s side, which had a lasting positive impact on the future Foundation, which was established five years later, and ever since, it has been a lasting impact on my scholarly career. Since that memorable event and thanks to the Foundation, I have been a frequent and regular visitor to Florence. At least once in a couple of years, I enjoy coming to Florence either on Foundation-connected business, or just to spend a week there during my winter vacations. Today I feel honored and thrilled to be the International Expert of the Del Bianco Foundation and to represent it in my home country. With the Foundation and with Paolo’s support, my colleagues and I have organized several events in Florence that had international significance. First was the participation of students from Tbilisi State University in the international student workshop "Following Dante. Dante as a Guide in Medieval and Today's Life”, which was organized by the Foundation in 2006. For my Georgian students, this was an extremely important event, as they had the experience they never forgot. Some of them whom I still meet today, keep dreaming of participation in any of the Foundation’s events in the future. They remember with gratitude the prizes they won in competition with their peers, the discounts they got from the Foundation, as well as the impec159


cable organization of the event itself and giving them the chance to visit Florence. Later, in January 2008 together with Professor Paul Douglass of San Jose State University, USA, I organized the International Symposium “T. S. Eliot, Dante, and the European Tradition". This was an exceptionally memorable event, remembered by many scholars who research the work of the eminent Anglo-American poet T. S. Eliot, or teach Dante and Italian culture at their universities. Many of the world-renowned scholars were present as participants, and among them Professor Jewel S. Brooker (USA), Professor Dominic Manganiello (Canada), Professor Nany Gish (USA), Anthony Cuda (USA), Professor J. X. Cooper (USA), who are considered among the best contemporary experts in the field. The symposium was quite a success and it is still remembered in scholarly circles on both sides of the Atlantic as one of the best organized events of the kind. The next stage of my collaboration with the Foundation was marked by the International Conference that was held in 2010, “The Romantics in Italy: Dante, Italian Culture, and Romantic Literature“. I was the co-organizer of the event (this time with Professor Douglass as project leader), and it was also successful, as distinguished scholars of Romanticism in literature from all over the world met together for live discussions, and many of them expressed gratitude for the perfect organization and friendly atmosphere that met them in Florence. It should be noted that the organization of all these events would have been impossible without the most active participation of the members of staff of the Foundation, most of whom are highly skilled professionals and experts in their field. I would specifically mention Mr. Simone Giometti, whose organizational talent has always impressed me and whose friendship, after years of productive collaboration, I especially value. In 2012, together with Dr. Patrick Query (USA) and Dr. Stefano Maria Casella (Italy), I organized the International Symposium “T. S. Eliot and the Heritage of Rome and Italy in Modernist Literature”, which was the second in the series of Eliot-related symposiums at the Foundation. This time we introduced the peer seminar for graduate students, which gave opportunity to the students from Georgia and other countries to participate in the work of internationally known scholars, hear their papers and discussions. The Florentine symposiums on T. S. Eliot and Modernism have gained popularity in the corresponding academic circles throughout the world, and I am frequently approached with the proposals and requests from my colleagues to organize the third edition. That is why I am currently working (together with Dr. Wim Van Mierlo of London University, UK) on the project of the third symposium provisionally titled “Time and Place in the Work of T. S. Eliot and His Contemporaries”, soon to be submitted to the Foundation. Tentatively, the symposium is scheduled for January 2015, and if it comes to pass, I am sure that it will be organized with the skills and competence that the international scholarly community is accustomed to when Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is the organizer. Many years have passed since I first met Mr. Del Bianco in Florence. Paolo has been to Georgia for a number of times since then, always making friends and promoting cultural cooperation between Tbilisi and Florence, Italy and Georgia. In return, many Georgian students and scholars have visited Florence and collaborated with the Foundation. I am lucky enough to often see Paolo in Italy as well as in Georgia, both on business and at leisure, and once we even gathered together in the neighboring Azerbaijan, where Paolo was invited by his friends and asked me and Dr. Kandareli to join him there. The friendship that was founded twenty years ago bore 160


rich fruit and today Paolo has many friends in Tbilisi. His contribution to international cooperation is highly appreciated, and he is one of the most respected and welcome guests when he comes to Georgia. In recognition of the importance of his contribution, Paolo has been awarded Honorary Citizenship of Tbilisi, which is a rare honor bestowed on a very limited number of distinguished people in this country. I am convinced that the collaboration with Del Bianco Foundation will lead to further achievements in cultural exchange and friendship between individuals and institutions of both countries that are engaged in this important process.



ELENA KOROBIY Amur State University Five years ago cooperation between AMUR STATE UNIVERSITY and FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO has begun.We got to know the activity of FONDAZIONE at the competition of graduate qualification works, which every year is realized by trans-regional public organization for the Advancement of architectural education. In the year 2011 the statement of cooperation between FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO and AMUR STATE UNIVERSITY was signed. The main mission of Amur State University is provision of a high quality, available, modern education transformed through knowledges and experience, through the development of scientific and educational technologies into professionals of a new formation. Such experts are capable to realize getting knowledges in science, production and in the business operations. Today getting of dignified education in sphere of architecture and design is impossible without learning of practice of the best European schools, which are based on the heritage of the World Art. As the result the development of the intercultural dialogue and interchanging by cultural heritage and traditional knowledges between experts, students, professors is very important. When we had taken part in event “Degree and Profession” for the first time, we left Italy with the idea to create own festival, which would unite like-minded people from various architectural and designer schools of Russian Far East. So, the idea to held a festival “ART SPACE AMUR” was born. Today this festival is international. During the last five years more than thousands of students, experts, teachers from different design schools have taken part in our event. They are communicate, share experience with each other, learn something new. Within the context of the festival competitions, seminars, scientific conferences, master classes, workshops are hold. The experience of organization of such events, which we got in FONDAZIONE , gave us the possibility to make our town Blagoveschensk more attractive for professionals, tourists. Besides Blagoveschensk’s near- border position promotes it. We hope that our activity will promote the development of Amur State University, Blagoveschensk and region, attract consideration to cultural and historical values of our region. In conclusion I’d like to wish success and prosperity to FONDAZIONE, Romualdo Del Bianco, express gratitude for the help, understanding, approval to Paolo Del Bianco and all his family, our good friends - Simone Giometti, Zdenka Skorunkova Dati, Chaira Gomiselli, Prof. Milan Prodanovic (who is a curator of workshop, in which we take part during last four years), his wife Sonya and all people who help to develop FONDAZIONE.



STANISLAW DANIEL KOTLINSKI Academy of Music end Dramatic Art of Gdansk Oggi, in un mondo in cui spesso la vita quotidiana sembra consistere soltanto in una sfrenata corsa alla ricerca di nuovi piaceri e divertimenti, è diventato sempre più difficile riuscire a trovare quei valori veri che, soli, sanno porsi come solido fondamento, robuste radici su cui far crescere la nostra esistenza. Da sempre li ho ricercati, quei valori, spesso con difficoltà e andando contro corrente, per migliorare me stesso e riuscire a costruirmi una vita diversa, che potesse avvicinarmi in modo semplice alla complessa e profonda verità dell'esistenza. Di questa ricerca è stato parte essenziale, da sempre, un forte desiderio interiore, innato e naturale, di dedicarmi anche ad altri. L’incontro con Paolo Del Bianco, avvenuto parecchi anni fa, è stato in questo senso per me fondamentale, perché questo sogno si è potuto realizzare proprio grazie a lui. Da lui infatti mi è stata offerta l’opportunità di portare il mio personale contributo a molte delle numerosissime iniziative dedicate a giovani artisti, musicisti e cantanti, che hanno preso vita grazie alla Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, da Paolo creata e guidata. Molteplici sono state queste iniziative, ma una in particolare tra tutte merita di essere menzionata: la trasformazione del vecchio cinema Astra nell’Auditorium al Duomo, un luogo di cultura nel cuore di Firenze dedicato e donato a tutta la cittadinanza. Paolo Del Bianco può essere definito a buon diritto un moderno missionario, che propaganda nel mondo una fede chiamata cultura. Fin dall'inizio ha saputo guardare lontano, proponendosi traguardi che nessuno accanto a lui riusciva a intuire con la sua lungimiranza. Con determinata e ferma volontà ha sempre percorso fino in fondo la strada intrapresa, lavorando con costanza e dedizione, in silenzio, e rifuggendo da facili pubblicità. Ha perseguito il suo sogno mettendo addirittura in pericolo la propria salute (ma neppure questo è riuscito a fermarlo), e spesso ha dovuto combattere contro difficoltà e incomprensioni che provenivano proprio dalla sua città, da parte di persone che forse non credevano che un uomo simile potesse ancora esistere oggi giorno. Pian piano lo hanno capito. Hanno dovuto capire! Nella sua missione, che dura ormai da più di vent'anni, Paolo Del Bianco ha spalancato le porte della sua amatissima Firenze al mondo, creando una rete incredibile di contatti e di rapporti internazionali e interpersonali. Le sue attività dedicate ai giovani hanno portato nel capoluogo toscano moltissimi ragazzi e ragazze provenienti da vari paesi, a volte anche in conflitto tra di loro, appartenenti a diverse culture e religioni, che hanno potuto incontrarsi a Firenze e sviluppare, lavorando insieme, importanti progetti di arti e scienze. Senza alcuna competizione, in sintonia, armonia e amicizia. Attraverso questi giovani una nuova immagine di Firenze si è diffusa nel mondo, l’immagine di una città umana, bella, accogliente e aperta, e questo è avvenuto per merito di Paolo Del Bianco, che non solo ha incoraggiato la presenza delle nuove generazioni nella sua città, ma si è anche impegnato a favore di un altro importante progetto, quello di promuovere un turismo concepito in armonica sintonia e in sinergia con il mondo della cultura: per farlo ha attraversato il mondo tante volte, ha incontrato migliaia di persone, facendo di questa sua idea straordinaria una ragione di vita, per sé e per la famiglia (e tutto questo senza curarsi delle spese che doveva sostenere, un dettaglio, questo, di cui Paolo, nella sua sincera generosità, evita sempre di parlare). 163


Per tutti questi motivi Paolo Del Bianco, esempio di persona illuminata e dall’indiscusso prestigio morale, è ammirato e stimato in tante parti del mondo, quale degno successore di più illustri e più saggi cittadini fiorentini che hanno reso Firenze una città unica al mondo. Non avrei mai pensato, però, che Paolo potesse ancora stupirmi e sorprendermi in modo così toccante come è riuscito a fare con la ristrutturazione e il nuovo allestimento di Palazzo Coppini. L’edificio ospitava prima uffici, e tutte le volte che mi capitava di entrare in quei locali mi rammaricavo che un ambiente così pieno di storia e di bellezza fosse destinato a quell’uso. Dopo più di un anno di assenza da Firenze, un giorno dello scorso aprile mi sono visto recapitare in Polonia l'invito per l'inaugurazione del Palazzo Coppini. Purtroppo improrogabili impegni artistici non mi hanno ancora permesso di visitarlo di persona, ma ho visto le immagini di questa nuova creatura di Paolo, e quello che ho visto mi ha riempito di gioia e ha reso ancora più forte il rispetto e l’ammirazione che nutro per lui. Il suo costante e appassionato impegno si pone come un esempio da seguire per tutti coloro che sono chiamati ad amministrare il patrimonio fiorentino, una eredità che deve assolutamente essere salvaguardata e tramandata alle generazioni future. E’ un compito difficile, oggi più che mai (basti pensare alla terribile crisi che sta attraversando il Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino e il suo festival, il più antico in Europa dopo quello di Salisburgo e il più prestigioso in ambito italiano), ma uomini come Paolo Del Bianco ci stanno dimostrando che non è una meta irraggiungibile. Per tutti questi motivi sono fiero ed onorato di essere amico di Paolo e di fare parte della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, che continua a irraggiare da Firenze verso tutto il mondo un segnale di altissima umanità, di amicizia e di pace, e contribuisce in modo assolutamente rilevante alla salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e umano della sua città e dell'Italia.



EGON KRÁK Ján Albrecht Music and Art Academy, Banská Štiavnica It was for the first time in November 1999 I visited International Round table, organized by Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco in Florence – a and I was impressed by the idea and mission of the Foundation. At this time I also met Mr. President Paolo del Bianco and other representatives of the Foundation and from this moment began my current international education activity in various fields, promoted by Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco. In the last decade of 20th century there were not enough non profit activities promoting special kind artistic competences of young people, especially in Central Europe. To find an Institution full of kindness, friendship and magnificent persons – like Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco in Florence is – was for me and many colleges simply incredible. After many years of Central European countries political isolation, the particular role of the wonderful mission was not only for giving many opportunities to young students with their creative intention - not only in the proper music area, but also in the future management as a leading personalities in the mentioned institutions and unions, with clear programmatic conceptions and challenging ideas. The Area where the Foundation had done – and still developing – the most excellent work is a deep impact into human behavior, references, the way of thinking generally. The young people who participate on many workshops, projects and conferences, are inspired by many suggestions directly in the centre of history, art, architecture, music – in the open air museum, Renaissance Florence. For me as musician, composer and teacher longtime cooperation and relationship with many events, organized by Fondazione Romualdo de Bianco, had a great importance in my profession. There is a historical anecdote, which wonderfully describe the legendary quality of reference between music teacher and his student – Giovanni Gabrieli before his death gave his ring to Heinrich Schütz, German composer, to continue his work at his native country… Looking at artistic profession generally, humanity, beauty, form and emotion need support and example how to live and work together in each period of life. The mission of the Foundation in Florence is able to give an answer to all these questions especially in the world which seems to be not very friendly in the last years… My idea as musician and composer was to bring another dimension and influence into young composers and musicians thinking which could enriched their imagination and practice. The deep knowledge of Early music and Vision of musical Beauty, - with many other experience in various musical setting of different historical periods - helps composers and other musicians to built and develop their own technique and imagination. The idea to teach especially this kind of methods and research means to explain the various types of polyphonic thinking and setting, different styles and syntax in selected historical music areas. To these and many other inspiration helped me lot of persons, whom I met during my collaboration with Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco. Thanks to initiatives and propositions in Florence many relations are still active to Polish, Russian, USA, French, Italian and Czech specialists, who enriched me and my work in many occasions. I am very pleased and honoured to express my great pleasure and LAUDATIO to the founder, 165


President Paolo del Bianco, for his smart and warm friendship full of charity - for outstanding cooperation with Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco in the area of Educational and Cultural Projects which have great importance not only for Slovak Higher Education Music, but for the whole Research and Educational Area in many countries - but also for generally Interdisciplinarity: exchange of scientific information, inter - library activities, documents and publications, conferences, workshops and artistic performances. My great thanks belongs also to Dr. Simone Giometti for his longtime friendship, kindness and understanding. The great work began - my wish is very simple: no end in this marvellous mission, which help people to make their life and work more civilised, more beautiful and simply human.



EVA KRALOVA Slovak Technical University, Bratislava My first contact with RDBF was happen in the fall of autumn of the year 1999. It was Prof. Mihaly Zador from the Faculty of Architecture in Budapest who invited our Chair of monument preservation (then with Assoc. Prof. Pavel Gregor as a head) to take part at the project of Prof. Bohumil Fanta from Faculty of Architecture in Prague that took place in Florence with support of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. Subsequently, an invitation from the presidency of RDBF came to us to take part at the yearly meeting of Foundation, its friends and partners – to the Round Table of Foundation. We received there the invitation to become the partner and member of Foundation’s environment. I accept the kind offer and from that time I am in permanent connection with Foundation. It is recognition of my person from RDBF presidency that it assigns me a member of its Committee of Experts. What attracts my interest for RDBF? There were more things and occurrences: President of RDBF – Arch. Paolo Del Bianco. When I came in contact with RDBF and I met its president, I was above multi-annual experiences with the Italian environment, with its culture and residents, too. My acquirement of Italian language makes me possible to perceive directly the authentic atmosphere of the space and the character of people. Italian’s mentality is near to my animus and I always appreciated their friendly, opened, of equal value partner access to us – the isolated form behind the iron curtain. The meeting with Paolo Del Bianco was indeed exceptional. There was such enjoyment of our meeting, such interest about the country where I am coming from, such volcano of cordiality and generosity that I yet never lived through (nor formerly, but not even later, too). Its unlimited confidence in human good, an inconquerable enthusiasm for the friendship and its belief about the force and contribution of interpersonal collaboration enchanted me immediately. And also the gigantic steam of personal energy widely shined out of all that! It was the energy that Paolo uses not only for the realization of its intentions, but he inspires by this energy and invites to co-operation the others. It is its strong life energy that is, as I uncovered later, a leitmotiv of the function of all Foundation and of its environment. This energy is peculiar to whole its family that equally avidly gives one’s time and one’s forces to the friends, partners and activities of Foundation. Fig. 1 The main motto of Foundation: “For peace in the world, among young people of different countries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among peoples“. This motto brought back to memory the political slogans from the period when the Berlin Wall stood yet, for several of us – coming from the so called „eastern block“. Nevertheless, I perceived, just by means of the Paolo’s enthusiasm and by the concrete activities of theirs Foundation, the qualitative difference between the influences of this motto compared the non personal attitude of peoples to the slogans of political propaganda. The principle of active creative co-operation in the milieu of Foundation was elevated over the simple individualistic competitivity. The competition was maintained in the activities portfolio 167


developed by Foundation, too, but as an incentive instrument for to search conjointly the new original solution and as the stimulating educational motivation. The key quality’s criterion for the valuation of attained results during the student’s workshops was always the co-operation – i. e. the distinct expression of the intercultural conjunction of impulses, expressional means and of the collective inclusion and formulation of the proposed solution. The creative designing workshops for the students on the different topics and in the different branches of art and culture were very favourites. Realized wholly through the collectives composed by the students from the various countries, they provided an extraordinary occasion to the active and concrete international collaboration oriented to the common aim. Applying the methodical principle “a cultural activity is not the scope but the instrument” in the research and interpretation of the architectural values of Florence, RDBF contributed very effectively to the mutual understanding and respecting the particularity of special ways, traditions and expressions of the participated nationalities and cultures. Fig. 2. I remember the impact of such “integrative” collaboration on the first groups of our students participated at the designing workshops in Florence from the beginning period of our partnership with RDBF. It was about 10 years after the political changes happened in the countries of Eastern and Middle Europe the free travelling through the whole continent was already quite natural for young people. The newly achieved possibility to freely travel also into the distant countries caused the foregoing contacts with the neighbours (the only possible, previously) became interrupted and forsaken. It was in force also for the contacts between the universities. After November 1989, there all our foreigner destinations were oriented mainly out of limit of iron curtain. We neglected and forget our neighbours. Our students knew better London, Paris or Barcelona than the contiguous Budapest, Brno, Prague or Krakow. Thanks to the projects and activities of RDBF, the colleagues from the formerly partner universities of East and Middle Europe met once again after 10 years in Florence and their students began to “discover” the cultural traditions and the common relations with their neighbours. From that time, there is anew opened up our neighbourly collaboration and it is yet a routine standard today. RDBF thanks! Fig. 3. Alongside of this culture-integrative mission of RDBF, there is advisable to remind its altruistic support all the participants of prepared activities as well as all the friends and partners of Foundation – i. e. the exceptional conditions of accommodation in the Florentine hotels, gratuitous visits in the main Florentine museums, galleries and other cultural jewels in the Florence and Tuscany. The friendly openness and warm-hearted willingness of all Foundation collective welcome always each visitor without reservation. The nicest and worthiest places of Florence offer to the study, research and discussion of the Foundation’s friends. For this – multiple thanks, too. Projects The first project I took part with my students and colleague prof. Pavel Gregor, was the project entitled “Searching for interrelations” under the leadership of Prof. Bohumil Fanta from Prague. The project, later internally transformed into the project “Touches with renaissance”, was very attractive for the students and it developed into the long-standing series. 168


Project Heritage for Future was proposed by our Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava and realized in co-operation with the Faculty of Architecture in Florence from the year of 2000. It was dedicated to the new use (reuse) of abandoned or incomplete buildings of architectural heritage. The aim of workshops was to design an architectural intervention into selected historic building of Florence or Tuscany for to create the convenient conditions for a newly inserted function. Thanks to disposed co-operation of Prof. Carlo Canepari the Italian students took part at the workshops, too. They made the perception of Italian traditions (not only those architectural) but also the day-to-day life in Italy more intensive for the entire foreign students. It was much appreciated. This project brought me more exceptional experiences – not only about the working methods and educational practices in partner’s universities (16 universities participated at the project together) but particularly about the transformation of architectural expression of students – prospective architects – per consequences of the entry of digital technologies into the architecture projecting practice. I thank very much RBDF for the possibility to take part also at other projects. I lived the exceptional experiences through two project realized in the frame of European program Culture 2000: “Towards the common European Heritage by model of Cinque Terre National Park” (2005) and “Rescuing the hidden wooden European sacral heritage” (2006). Both these projects were inspired and partly also realized by RBDF in the beginning co-operation with ICOMOS. The following development and actual vivacious relationship between ICOMOS and RDBF are very useful so for our RDBF’s Environment as for the international movement for monument safeguarding and active use, too. The participation at all projects of common ICOMOS – RDBF co-operation give the unforgettable professional as well as personal experience. The know-how and practices from those projects are a source of inspiration up to now. I utilize these sources often by the consultation with my students or in the processes for the conservation and active using of Slovak architectural heritage. Thanks for these occasions, dear friends from Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation! I wish full success to all your (and our mutual) “traditional” and new activities for to fill up the attractive but profound sense of Foundation’s motto!



ALEXANDER KUDRYAVTSEV Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences Moscow Architectural Institute (1999-2011) I’m sure, many will agree that the acquaintance with the Foundation starts with Paolo Del Bianco, its founder and permanent president. A wide-brimmed hat, flattering coat, unruly beard, deep voice – all of it reminds romatic heroes of the Garibaldi age. They call to action and they win. A very appealing and promising image that opens up new horizons. Then it becomes clear that the before everything else comes Florence, the city that leaves no Russian indifferent. My friendship with the Foundation started with fantastic talks of the Florentine hospitability towards architects and artists from Russia, the creativity of cultural events in the city and that we – people from Moscow Architectural Institute – are welcome there. Frankly speaking, in the late 1990s it didn’t sound too realistic: the world’s euphoria caused by Gorbachev’s Perestroika was long gone. But in 2000 in Minsk there was a usual review of qualification projects of students from the CIS and some foreign universities, and Prof. A.V. Stepanov, President of the Architectural School Association, together with Prof. G.V. Polyansky, Dean of the Department of Architecture of Belarus Polytechnical University, show an honorary guest around the exhibition. That guest was Paolo Del Bianco. We’re being introduced to each other, I drop one or two words in Italian and it gives a start to a friendship that, I hope, will never end. The very first idea of President of the Foundation was impossible (later I understood that almost all ideas of the Foundation at their initial stage seem impossible, but it truth they just require more effort) – to show the exhibition in Florence, which meant to show it to the whole Europe. How? The whole exhibition? With students and professors? The proposition not only to show the exhibition, but to hold the next event in Florence seemed to the audience of professors of architecture from all Russian schools absolutely unrealistic and Penza, a Russian town, won by majority of votes, leaving the architectural capital of Europe behind. However, a year later, in Penza, the idea looked totally implementable and of the proposition of Simone Giometti, the Envoy of the Foundation, was accepted as a triumph. Starting form year 2000 there first appeared a digital exposition of graduate architects from the CIS, and now “Diploma and Profession” portal became a rendezvous point for young architects from East and West, a true talents fair, supplemented annually by round tables, study groups, workshops – and the great Florence with its masterpieces of art. Curiously, the life of the Foundation is also measured by its architectural achievements. I remember the first review of qualification projects, when I was having a study group on the construction site of Al Duomo hotel. Now the magnificent Al Duomo amphitheatre hosts the major events of the Foundation, concerts during the Foundation festivals, the most attracting fashion shows. Mr. President included Prof. Stepanov and myself into the expert community of the Foundation, 170


which gave me an opportunity to collaborate and then make friends with various great people: men of culture, education, science, because the Foundation constantly increases its sphere of influence and swiftly reacts to the challenges of time. It is interesting that after the collapse of the USSR the Foundation became a place to meet and to share opinions on the problems of art and education for professors and scientists from the CIS countries, and we, Russians, have a fruitful discussion with our colleagues from Ukraine, Belarus, courtiers of Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, Baltic countries and Moldova. We value much the contacts with the specialists from Central and Eastern Europe , the comparison of different solution to similar problems – here, on the friendly ground of a beautiful city of a beautiful country, to which we owe much for the impulses of birth and development of the beauty. As I see it, our inherent gratitude sharply increases the effectiveness of the Foundation activities, gives birth to amazing initiatives and makes it possible to feel the pulse of global shocks. That why the Foundation moves from the cultural development of international students via Fiorentino – Days to global ecological problems, the world’s sustainable development and preservation of its cultural heritage. I’m grateful for the support of the Foundation in our efforts in the valorization of the Soviet architectural Avant-Garde of 1920s-1930s. Sadly, but even today it requires an active protection after the years of neglecting, with still exists in Russia up to this particular moment. The Foundation in cooperation with Moscow Architectural Institute and Shchusev State Museum of Architecture organized in the prestigious building of Florence National Archive an exhibition dedicated to 1921 - 1932 Vkhutemas – Vkhutein – a higher education institution in the sphere of object planning, a counterpart of Bauhaus in its ideology and period of activity, the predecessor of Moscow Architectural Institute. The experimental architectural education in the form of term tasks, contests, models were presented to the accompaniment of audio and visual materials, where the stars of contemporary architecture spoke about the role of Vkhutemas the creation of the present architecture, its influence on their own works. Exclusively for that exhibition Markhi students reconstructed the banner of Vkhutemas, with their predecessors waved at the International Workers’ Day demonstrations. The exhibition had such a success and attracted a great number of students and professors thanks to Prof. E. Mandelli, one of the experts of the Foundation. The Foundation together with ICOMOS, UIA and Russian organizations took part in a largescale international conference “Preserving the 20th Century Architectural Heritage” in Moscow in 2006. Its purpose was to attract the attention of the government and the organizations dealing with preservation of heritage towards the destiny of the 20th century masterpieces. It is known that they are few in the UNESCO list of World Heritage. Soviet Avant-Garde in Moscow was specially highlighted at the conference. The climax of the event was, in my opinion, the reception of the ICOMOS deputation by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who was told about the concerns of the international community with the physical state of that period’s buildings. The Foundation President P. Del Bianco, Vice-President D. Del Bianco, expert Prof. E. Mandelli took part in this pivotal meeting, when the Mayor proposed that ICOMOS should become the heritage preservation expert in Moscow. The Conference adopted a very important resolution – to make UNESCO include eight Moscow architectural Avant-Garde masterpieces into the list of World Heritage. This resolution is an instrument of protection of a very fragile layer of the national heritage, though there is a long way to go till its full implementation. 171


The most important events took place in Markhi which main building was once occupied by the architectural department of Vkhutemas. The Foundation has a long history of cooperation or, to put it better, friendship with Markhi. Markhi takes part in all student programs of the Foundation, and the climax of the friendship was when the Foundation presented to Markhi a bust of Leonardo carved from a piece of marble from Carrara. The bust was officially installed in the Markhi main hall in 2009. The ceremony was visited by President Del Bianco, Markhi rector D. Shvidkovsky and also many professors and students. Now, when the great Florentine watches closely our lives, I told my students a story very well known among architects that is connected with Shchusev, the author of the Lenin Mausoleum at the Red Square. When he was angry with a young architect who failed at following his instructions he used to tell him: “Now go stand beside Apollo Belvedere and see what a bad person you are!” (actually he used a more coarse word). Addressing my students, I would like to convey the idea that the presence of Leonardo raises the professional and moral responsibility of the future architect who would compare himself with the genius. I walk frequently beside the statue and every time I remember the generosity of the Foundation and its president Paolo Del Bianco, an honorary doctor of Moscow Architectural Institute. I was present when the birth of “Life Beyond Tourism” manifesto appeared. It marked a new direction the Foundation activities and I signed it along with prominent experts of the Foundation, such as A. Tomaszevsky from Poland with him we became close friends thanks to the Foundation. The unique creative atmosphere of friendship, distinctive of the Foundation, as I see it, comes from the devotion of the whole Del Bianco family to the mission of the Foundation. Its origin is the grateful memory of the father, forever alive in the hearts of the descendants, who prove it by good deeds, charity, helping the great city and searching new ways of its development. Targeting at culture and education, the university community as a most resonating to the creative atmosphere of the city, there are 150 higher education institutions participation in the life of the Foundation. The sphere of influence of the Foundation widens, its platform grows involving the whole cities, President Del Bianco leaves his business to dedicate himself to the Foundation, the whole family is involved in, bringing family warmth to the Foundation, and we, its adepts, feel it and try to contribute as much as we can in its activities. Today the Foundation is a renowned international humanitarian organization, its programs unite thousands of people from all continents. 15 years don’t look too much in the modern world, where thousands of organizations appear and fade away every day, but speaking about the Foundation, I can say that the whole generations grew up as more tolerant, educated, internationally integrated, friendly, keeping good memories of “Fiorentino Days” that were set up by the Foundation. Russia has a significant place in the works of the Foundation. Its involvement in a wide specter of affairs in capitals, university centers, provincial towns that carry the traditional culture, Siberia and the Far East deserves a great respect. The experience of the Foundation seems to remind us that there is no hierarchy of important and unimportant in culture – the cultural field of the country is doubtfully interesting in the process of globalization. And the role of Russian culture in the dialogue between the West and the East that is constantly stimulated by the Foundation is far from being determined. 172


In the year of its anniversary the Foundation was awarded the Columbus prize in arts, science and entrepreneurship. It may be the most important award ever given to the Foundation. I would like to remind that it was preceded by the Russian A. Komech prize “For Honor and Dignity in the Preservation of Heritage” presented to President Del Bianco this spring in Moscow. The winners of this prize are great people, who dedicated their lives to the preservation of the national heritage. The Foundation is the first foreign winner of the prize that is named after A. Komech – a wellknown scholar, a researcher of the early Christian architecture and national heritage. He was a good friend of the Foundation, promoter of its ideas in Russia and the problems of Russia in the Foundation. He was my friend, my senior, my teacher in the aspect of preservation of the historical environment. When I asked him, what he knew about the Foundation, he said: “It’s a great undertaking with great people. They should be our friends!” Certainly, I followed his advice, was involved in a great number of most interesting events together with the Foundation and I’m looking forward to many more years of productive cooperation.



ALEXANDER KUZMICHEV Ivanovo City Administration On the eve on the 15th anniversary of the Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation and on the occasion of the prestigious Columbus Award delivery, please accept our sincere congratulations and acknowledgement of the activities you carry out in the name of peace and mutual understanding between people of different nations and cultures. International relations have always been an essential part of the strategic development of the city of Ivanovo. The city authorities pay special attention to widening international ties with various governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions in other countries. Ivanovo has several sister-cities, for example, Łódz´ in Poland, Staffordshire in Great Britain, Hannover in Germany, Kmelnitsky in the Ukraine, Cralevo in Serbia, etc. and we treasure our friendship with them. Cooperation of Ivanovo City Administration and the Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation opened a new page in the city’s local history and in the development of its international contacts. It officially started in 2011, when, on December 14, the Memorandum of Understanding under the Life Beyond Tourism® Ethos was signed. In fact, the contacts between Ivanovo and the Foundation have a much longer history. Since 2004, Ivanovo State University, one of the leading educational centres of Ivanovo region, has initiated and realized over a dozen of successful scientific and cultural projects supported by the Foundation. Both recognized scholars and students had a chance to visit Florence and take part in the international events organized under the patronage of the Foundation. Mr. Paolo Del Bianco, President of the Foundation, visited the University as a guest-lecturer promoting the Life Beyond Tourism philosophy to the younger generation. He was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus of Ivanovo State University in recognition of his personal contribution into the development of academic mobility. One of the latest successful conjoint projects was the International Conference “Tourism and Hospitality without Borders: Trends and Prospects of Development” that was organized in Ivanovo on the basis of Ivanovo State University on May 31 – June 2, 2013, and supported by Ivanovo Regional Government, Ivanovo City Administration, the Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation, “Dania” Academy of Business and Technologies (Denmark), and University of Yeditepe (Turkey). The conference got together over a hundred of participants from different countries who discussed the world trends of tourism market and shared their experience in tourism industry development. The implementation of an interdisciplinary approach to the study and development of tourism was one of the main purposes of the conference. Nowadays, tourists are more and more looking for true experiences, for meeting and getting to know other people and other cultures. Thus, as we all understand, tourism policies need to adapt to these trends and develop a quality offer promoting local cultures and traditions and 174


paying attention to sustainable aspects: preservation of the heritage, of the landscape, of the local culture. The Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation is an excellent example of an institution that understands and promotes the ideas of sustainable tourism. We also share these values, trying to maintain our local identity, traditions and cultural heritage of the territory, to promote local crafts and to stimulate demand for their products. Therefore, it is quite evident that we should join our efforts in disseminating these common values and developing new approaches to tourism treated as a means of translating knowledge about peoples and countries worldwide. The Life Beyond Tourism Non-Profit Portal launched by the Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation a couple of years ago is a great way to present various territories of the world, with their cultural institutions and economic businesses, to show the true character of the places. That is why we did not hesitate when we were suggested to join the portal community and to contribute information about Ivanovo Region. On May 30, 2013, during the official meeting at Ivanovo City Administration, after the discussion on possible ways of further cooperation in the sphere of culture, science and education, Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was awarded a Certificate of Honour for his considerable contribution into the development of Russian-Italian relationships. On behalf of Ivanovo City Administration and Ivanovo citizens, I wish the Romualdo Del Bianco®–Life Beyond Tourism® Foundation prosperity, fruitful work, new ideas and new partners who will join the Foundation in the noble deeds of intangible heritage preservation and intercultural dialogue promotion.



MARC LAENEN ICCROM Director General (1992-2000) LIFE BEYOND TOURISM Thanks to Prof.Dr. Andrzej Tomaszewski ,former ICCROM Director,I met Paolo del Bianco at a dinner party in Florence in 2007, holding “ un bicchiere di vino” in our hands. We both agreed that the material expression of this beaker is only a “shell” of values and significances. We understood that the glass in its “material” substance may have its importance, but information about the wine, beer or vodka, that is (or rather was) in it, the way it was made, the reason why and how it has been decorated and the social occasions in which it was used, are relevant to understand its cultural significance for those who used it and for us today. In March 2008 I contributed to the Life beyond Tourism initiative by drafting the Declaration of Intent signed by 59 heritage experts from 19 countries, in which objectives and an operational way for implementation of Paolo’s Life Beyond Tourism vision was designed. It was an honour for me to be invited to join the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation-Life Beyond Tourism®, first as an expert and later as member of its Council, responsible for international relations and initiatives. Together with a group of competent professionals in the field of cultural heritage conservation and its interpretation and presentation, friends of the Foundation, we planned concrete action : an academic component for the development of ”best practices” of value based travel and the Life beyond Tourism Portal® as a platform for communication, experience exchange and the presentation by local partners, cities and territories, of their significant cultural and commercial initiatives and assets. This Portal is expected to generate financial support for local heritage conservation as well. Special focus is being given to UNESCO World Heritage listed sites which can become, apart from their exemplary role for conservation practice and territorial development, flagships for intercultural dialogue and for the development of humanity. Several governments of World Heritage listed cities and territories signed agreements with the Foundation for concrete pilot action. The Life beyond Tourism concept puts new accents and sets new orientations for cultural heritage work: after more than a century of research and development of appropriate conservation methodologies and techniques, a wider framework for the implementation of cultural heritage “ social fruition” has been drafted. Such fruition, in our view, is integral and integrated: integral since it involves material and immaterial cultural heritage resources, that basically are intertwined, together and link these resources up with contemporary cultural expressions, shaping together the cultural personality of living environments past and present; integrated since it fits into development of territories and, above all, of humanity. We all understand that heritage conservation is very instrumental to enhance the cultural personality of living environments and their further development. Especially heritage tourism has shown its powerful strategic potential for regional economic, cultural and environmental development, using heritage resources as “basic material” for development. The results are interesting but Life Beyond Tourism takes the issue further by developing heritage resource interpretation and presentation polices and practice for intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and ultimately for peaceful cohabitation and sustainable development of humanity. Its work focuses on value based travel and education 176


and on ways of efficient communication about changing interpretations and implementations of heritage values by local communities and their impact on society and environment through history in different cultural environments. While identifying and presenting which values we have in common with other cultures, past and present, here and elsewhere on the one hand and why and how such commonalities locally and historically have been implemented in a different way on the other, Life beyond Tourism makes bridges between cultures and opportunities for understanding, appreciation and respect for other cultures. Such action does not apply only to remote cultures past and present but is relevant within our increasing multicultural societies, that urgently need initiatives for viable cohabitation based on mutual understanding and respect. We should understand that cultural identity or cultural personality is not a static issue, but a dynamic one. Identity “becomes”, it “grows”. The increasing multicultural complexity of our living environments, being the result of migration as it has been in the past, urges bridging action between different cultural realities within native environments as well as in mixed cultural societies, were autochthonous and immigrant population challenge cohabitation in one single living environment. Condition for success is tolerance, mutual respect based on intercultural dialogue. Only based on mutual respect the new cultural reality becomes a project were all involved cultural “societies” have a joint civic responsibility to make it happen. For such purpose the mere presentation of heritage resources needs additional communication methods, techniques and a specific, well focused ”story or message”, documented with relevant heritage and contemporary resources, using the application of the most efficient and cost-effective ways of information transfer. In this perspective current intellectual and analytical approaches for knowledge may need additional emotional and synthetic “entries” by means of more performative initiatives to be effective. Such multifaceted approach still needs research and development and can become “de facto” a vehicle for intercultural dialogue leading, if well managed, to mutual understanding and respect for “the others”. It underpins UNESCO’s Convention for cultural diversity, makes its implementation happen in the field. UNESCO’s Convention indeed needs, apart from support and enhancement of differences, knowledge and understanding of “the others”, since mankind needs more than one mirror to recognize itself. Therefore the recently created Life beyond Tourism Research Institute® and the Life beyond Tourism Portal® are the type of initiatives that help UNESCO and the regional and local governments to fulfill their mandates.



VLADIMIR LESOVOY Kharkiv Medical University As a rector of Kharkiv National Medical University, Ucraine, I am very glad to have the opportunity to congratulate you with 15th Anniversary of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, so important for all the friends gathered by its activity during all this years. Our first meeting with Foundation was in 2006. The members of Rotary Club in Kharkiv, my native city, helped me to contact with my colleague Rotarian and professor of medicine Ricardo Gheri, the active member of the Foundation. He met us in our first visit to Florence and made us a warm reception, showed your beautiful city and acquainted with the world of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. He introduced us to Paolo Del Bianco and his family. That time we were involved into the work of conference which gathered in Florence the scientists from different countries of the world, we also had a great opportunity to visit the motherland of the Del Bianco family, we had an opportunity not only to enjoy the wonderful landscapes of Tuscany, taste unforgettable Tuscan cuisine, but to have heartwarming communication with Italian people and guests of that remarkable event. The first meeting initiated our long and pleasant collaboration. During further years our colleges as Prof. Kovaleva, Prof. Zhuravleva, Dr. Lisova and many other scientists of our university visited conferences and round tables, made their reports using the great opportunity to share our scientific achievements and to get acquainted with achievements of our colleagues from all over the world, by the kind invitation of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. We are also very glad that our friend Riccardo Gheri became a member of Editorial Board of the scientific magazine of our university. By my opinion nowadays in a period of great scientific progress is very important on the one hand to share our experience and on the other hand to save the great historical and cultural heritage of previous generations, only in this case we can move and develop on and on and the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation with all its various activities contributes to these noble goals. We are really happy to be part of this respectable society, and it is real pleasure to meet our confederates, people who are not indifferent to the actual problems, to the destiny of future generations. We are very proud of our collaboration with Romualdo Del BIanco Foundation which is already became a solid friendship. We wish long life and prosperity to the Foundation and its founder which during so many years makes a great contribution to the scientific, historical and cultural exchange and makes possible meeting of people from a great number of different places, helps them to know better each other, life and culture of their countries. We really hope that our friendship and collaboration will continue and bring us a lot of new interesting discovers, new friends and new invaluable experience.



JACEK MAJCHROWSKI Krakow City Administration The 15th anniversary of Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco is an important jubilee for Krakow authorities, as well as academic, scientific and artistic circles of our city. Florence and Krakow have both been for years present on UNESCO’s list naming the most precious treasures of world heritage. The two cities also share a particularly careful approach to the stewardship of their cultural legacy. In fact, science, culture, as well as historical and cultural heritage and their protection constitute the groundwork of our partnership and the most vital facet of our cooperation, whose volume, intensity and cordiality we owe to the Foundation Romualdo del Bianco and the personal commitment of its President Paolo del Bianco. I had the opportunity to personally meet President del Bianco in May 2005, when we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Krakow-Florence partnership. Together with Eugenio Gianni, responsible for international cooperation and partner cities in the Municipality of Florence, we discussed the potential of further developments in our cooperation. The substantial, yet particularly friendly meeting, made me realize that when initiating cooperation with Paolo del Bianco, we have gained a keen advocate of our cooperation with the capital of Tuscany and a devoted friend. Soon afterwards, in autumn 2005, a plaque commemorating the 20th anniversary of a Holy Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II was installed at a Florence stadium. At the same time Krakow was introduced to Florentians with an exhibition entitled Cracovia Totus Poloniae Celeberrima Atque Amplissima Regia Atque Academia Insignis. With time, the Foundation’s contribution to the development of our cooperation proved truly impressive. The personal commitment of Paolo del Bianco, who never failed to support our cities’ interrelationship, was recognized with the Honoris Gratia medal for services to Krakow. Even before the Foundation was formally established, Paolo del Bianco invited Krakow’s leading universities: the Jagiellonian University, the Krakow University of Technology, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Music, to cooperate with the experts of the University of Florence. He also saw to it personally that the cooperation was not merely an incidental one off event. The Foundation’s support helped to regularly hold exhibitions of works by artists associated with the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts and soon turned concerts given by ensembles and soloists of the Academy of Music into an integral element of Florence’s cultural agenda. Hundreds of Krakovian students and academics were also given a chance to get more familiar with the cultural heritage of Florence and Italy. Paolo del Bianco’s commitment to the development of cooperation between art restorers and architects of our cities also well deserves a mention. It was thanks to his personal engagement and support that in the year 2000, when Krakow proudly held the title of the European Capital of Culture, we managed to organize a seminar and an exhibition both under the banner Krakow – Florence, Common Architectural Heritage. Seven years later, we witnessed a bilateral conference focusing on the position of both our cities in the European civilization. The conference became a significant element of the celebrations



connected with the 750th anniversary of the foundation of Krakow on Magdeburg Law and the 15th anniversary of our cities’ friendship. The invited guests – recognized experts in art history, heritage protection and culture management – debated on the role of heritage in the development of historic centres, focusing on the most important phenomena that shaped the unique character that Krakow and Florence boast. When Florence hosted the ICOMOS conference in 2009, the Foundation facilitated a presentation of Krakow’s achievements in heritage protection and museology. Archecon, a Krakow-based architectural firm, prepared an exhibition showcasing our most impressive successes in renovation, including the restoration of the Cloth Hall with the Gallery of 19th c. Polish Art, the remodeling of Krakow’s Main Square and the creation of Europe’s only underground museum located right beneath it. It is impossible to give a mention to all initiatives and events supported by the Foundation that through the years have reinforced the partnership between Krakow and Florence. It is much more important to notice that we keep on adding new items to the list, such as the Life Beyond Tourism project, which Krakow officially joined in April 2011. I was particularly happy to hear that, when celebrating the 15th anniversary of its invaluable work, the Foundation Romualdo del Bianco will also join the eminent circle of those awarded with the prestigious Columbus Prize. It is our pleasure to share the joy of our friends and partners whose contribution to the development of international cultural cooperation and the development of Krakow-Florence partnership is unquestionable. I would like to congratulate the President and the Foundation on their spectacular successes and impressive achievements. Thank you for your friendship and your efforts to make the bonds between Krakow and Florence ever stronger! I hope you will enjoy many more successful years of fruitful activity, helping us all – as the Foundation’s philosophy requires – to discover the past together and build a shared future.



GULCHOHRA MAMMADOVA Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Contruction SCD IN ARCHITECTURE, RECTOR OF AZERBAIJAN UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation led by Mr. Paolo Del Bianco is instrumental in protecting, popularizing and exploring the historical heritage; promoting studies in the history of architecture and art; developing architectural education. Within 10 years of my acquaintance with Foundation activity I ascertained that the Foundation has incessantly been working in all directions above, holding geographically and quantitatively various actions. Currently involved in the Foundation sphere are public institutions and municipalities, universities and scientific organizations, architects, scholars, students from all over the world. A secret of Foundation’s successes lies, in the first turn, in the unique personality of its President Paolo Del Bianco. Love for his calling, genuine service of Foundation ideals, creativity, purposefulness and insistency in all undertakings are distinctive features of the President. It is his multilateral intellect, colossal creative energy and brilliant outward appearance that bring to mind the images of great Italians of the Renaissance. Talent and remarkable human merits of Paolo Del Bianco enabled him to create acquaintanceships that support his ideas and take an active part in his activity. As is known, behind a successful man there is a strong woman – a caring friend, confederate and assistant. The words above refer in full to Giovanna Dani, a spouse of Paolo Del Bianco. She is an active participant of all actions and projects of the Foundation to make her great contribution to its activity. It should be noted that the collaboration between the Azerbaijani Architectural-Engineering University and the Foundation started in 2003 when I first attended a Foundation-organized meeting of rectors of higher educational institutions. That was my first acquaintance with Foundation’s President Paolo Del Bianco, his family and team, my first meeting with Florence. The town whose worldwide fame is well known from history of architecture manuals stunned me with a great quantity of marvelous monuments, with its appearance imbued with historical past. Every turn or crossing of its narrow streets offered new challenges of historical site development, well-known palazzo and churches. It became evident as urban quarters went by that I was aware just of insignificant part of treasures of architecture and sculpture that Florence keeps in its inmost recesses. In spite of the fact that I visited Florence many times, I can contend that even today I’m still ignorant of priceless heritage of Florence. Every meeting with Florence is a Delight for soul and mind, a promise of new impressions enriching us with new knowledge and opening new pages of its rich history and priceless architecture. A great acknowledgement goes to Mr. Paolo Del



Bianco who provided hundreds and thousands of people with opportunity to feel this holiday keenly, get to know Florence better, clearly imagine Toscana and thus cognize Italy! It has to be kept in mind that the post-Soviet period of architectural schools, equally with the whole educational system of newly independent states proved to be time of reappraisal of knowhow, research into the western system of higher education and search for ways of development to ensure integration into the western system of education, modernization of specialists training and preservation of traditions. These questions were raised and addressed in the former Soviet Republics to comply with requirements arising from their social-economic development. Of paramount importance were relations with other architectural schools and exchange of information and experience to launch reforms in this area. Thus, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation played a key role on this track. The Foundation practical initiatives made it possible to strike up acquaintanceship, exchange views. Work Shops enabled students from different countries to unite into small groups, work together and compare their level of training with that of representatives of other architectural schools and thus identify strengths and weaknesses of students and specify tasks of educational process. Friendly, well-wishing, hearty attitudes of Foundation collaborators contributed to the unforgettable atmosphere of meetings attended by like-minded persons and friends of the Foundation. Every university involved in Foundation activity had a sort of Foundation “branches” composed of teachers and students taking part in its actions and maintaining close ties with the Foundation. Giving a new impetus to the development of ties between various architectural schools were festivals “Degree and Profession” that focused on support of graduates from architectural schools, beginners, etc. A complex of measures within a framework of weekly programs provide an opportunity to review and compare hundreds of graduation theses, arrange meetings with experts in architecture, discuss scientific problems and inform about their universities, exchange experiences and finally commune with friends. It a great honor for us that Mr. Paolo Del Blanco decided to hold the first regional festival “Degree and profession” in Baku at our University in 2010. It was his confidence and belief that enabled us to organize and hold the festival at the highest possible level. In two years, in 2012 one more festival “Degree and Profession” was held. Over the past few years the AAEU backed by the Foundation convened a great number of events, including scientific conferences as major ones. An international conference “The 21 Century and Traditional Islamic City”, Baku, 2007, was the precise spot where Paolo Del Blanco had first presented his grandioso project “Live beyond tourism” – a new concept of tourism aimed at intimate acquaintance with various cultures. A noble idea of respect to various cultures, contribution to their conservation and development put forward by a representative of world’s oldest and richest culture was welcomed with great interest and enthusiasm. Currently collaborating within the framework of the project are tens 182


of towns, institutions, universities, tourist associations, including our University and administration of Icheri Sheher, a historical fortress of Baku, as well as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan. Topical for the present-day world, a concept of the project is consonant with the policy of multiculturalism support pursued by Azerbaijan. To our thinking, this direction of Foundation’s activity is of far-reaching importance. In the years that followed the AAEU in association with the Foundation convened several conferences as follows: · International conference “The Historical Architectural Heritage in the New Social and Political Situation”, 02.2008 · International conference “Problems of Preservation of Architectural Heritage and Architectural Education”, 11.2008 International conference “Preservation and Adaptation of Architectural Heritage”, 11.2010 Conferences arranged by us jointly with the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation made it possible to draw in the Foundation activity not only collaborators of our University but also the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, architectural-design organizations of the country, as well as representatives of the Islamic countries, including Turkey, Iran, Morocco, Syria, etc. Besides, we set up student workshops, including: “Architectural heritage and tourism”, 11. 2008 “Sculpture and sculpture works in Florence”, 11. 2009 “Sustainable future: city territories for meeting and dialogue”, 11, 2010 “Symbols and elements of visual communication for youth action: on example of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation’s actions for young generation”, 11, 2011 The 7th annual meeting of the ICOMOS ISC TheoPhilos, in collaboration with the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the AAEU titled “Heritage under Pressure– Perspectives of Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)” was held in Baku, April, 2012. A true Florentine, Mr. Paolo Del Bianco is a successor to centuries-long traditions. He is an honorary professor of the Azerbaijani Architectural-Engineering University. Services of the professor are highly appreciated by public structures of Azerbaijan. In April 2013, President of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was honored with “National Heritage Award” at a ceremony arranged by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic. It should be added that this award is conferred upon persons and organizations that proved their worth in propaganda, research, protection, conservation and use of the Azerbaijani cultural heritage. 183


The Foundation’s friends were happy to congratulate Mr. Paolo Del Bianco with a prestigious award of Columbus. It was no mere coincidence that Paolo Del Bianco’s activity around his project “Life beyond Tourism” won a high appraisal of the Rotary Club that greatly contributes to the dissemination of lofty ethic standards in all the areas of human life. Mr. Paolo Del Bianco was nominated to the award for the development of inter-national cultural relations and propaganda of cultural identification of every people worldwide. An eloquent testimony to his fruitful activity on this tract were Foundation’s friends that came from different countries to attend the ceremony. The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is continuing with its creative initiatives. Today, the Foundation is stronger, confident and richer in its potential than yesterday. Mr. Paolo Del Bianco is surrounded with an excellent collective of like-minded persons – energetic, creative and noble people. Together with the President, the Foundation is presently headed by young generation of Del Bianco – his daughters Carlotta, Caterina and Corinna Del Bianco. Observations set forth above give hope to believe that the Foundation will henceforward proceed with its activity and keep on uniting hundreds of people to attain its noble aims. And the Azerbaijani Architectural-Engineering University will always be in the first ranks of friends and associates of the Foundation.



ZOHRAB MELIKYAN National University of Architecture and Construction, Yerevan For 15th Anniversary of the Foundation ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO Commemorative publication Dear President Poulo Del Bianko Dear Secretary General Simone Jiometty Dear friends I cordialy congratulate you and all members on 15th Gloriouse Anniversary of the “FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO” I was lucky when in mid 1990 I had an opportunity to meet to Poulo Del Bianko, the president of the Foundation “ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO”. He was invited to paerticipate at the selelebration of 80 aniversarry of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia. In his speech Poulo Del Bianko presented the main goals of activities of the foundation, underlining the following program: "For peace in the world, among young people of different countries, through culture –meeting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among peoples.", “Organization of the international workshops for students and working international groups”, “International encounters without competition, respecting individual identities – Discovering the past together, working to build a shared future”, which later in 1998 were underlaide in the Constitution of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. All stated declerations were very acceptable by students of our university and impresive for most of attendees. It was a pleasure to learn about such intentions promoted suggested by a representative of Italian nation very respected for Armenians. Later, when I was envolved in the foundations activities as an expert, I deeply sensed all humaneness of the program of the Foundation. During all 15 years of its existance the Foundation with participation and help of secretary general Simone Jiomety realized many important and useful initiatives which have had a deep impact over the time in personal and professional life especially for young people of different countries. I am sure the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianko will continue its activities that are very required by Youfness of all progressive societies of the world. I wish new success and continuation of the good job. Congratulations again and Long Live.



SARAH MEREDITH LIVINGSTON University of Wisconsin-Green Bay It is truly an honor and priviledge to be writing these words in honor of Paulo Del Bianco, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and this prestigious award that is being awarded. I was fortunate to have a Rotary Stipend for University Teachers in 20012002 and taught as a guest professor at the Academy of Music and Dance, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2001-2002. In February, 2002, the Dean who I worked with, Professor Egon Krak, invited me to attend the International Roundtable of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in Florence, Italy. He described it as a new international gathering of academics from all over the world organized by a foundation that promotes world peace and understanding. I had been to Italy once before as a young singer but had never been to Florence. I accepted without hesitation and little did I realize, it was going to be a life-changing experience. It was an inspiring experience but the most incredible part of this trip was going to the Roundtable and meeting the Del Bianco family and over 100 academicians from many parts of the world. As I had always wanted to serve our nation as a diplomat in the Foreign Service, (but became a singer instead), I felt I had been handed a gift by having the chance to be part of this event. Here I had the chance to actually connect with like-minds from all over the world in an historic setting to talk about our fields and exchange ideas about art, music, Italy, international education and the world’s future. I returned to my university in the fall and spread the word about the Foundation, its work and how we could be connected to them. It was the beginning of our fruitful collaboration. From 2003-2008, I took over 70 students to Florence to experience Italy and its rich culture on a program I entitled Vocalissimo. Many of these students have since then returned to Italy as students/tourists. Some of them sang in a concert that was held when Mr. Del Bianco was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from UW-Green Bay in 2007. Several of these students have also continued living and working in Europe. Their trip to Italy gave them a taste of international travel and study and gave them the confidence to travel there again on their own. Highlights of these trips were singing in some of the most prestigious and exquisite venues in Florence that were organized by the Foundation. I also remember my birthday happened during one of the student trips and I celebrated it on the top of the Laurus Hotel with the Del Bianco family and my students‌what an incredible memory for all of us. Another high point in our continued relationship with the Foundation is being the recipient university of the gift of LEONARDO sculptor piece that will be unveiled in May, 2014. This beautiful work of art that will be placed in the Arboretum on our campus. It will serve as an eternal reminder and symbol of the importance of international collaboration and how you make this possible. It it truly an honor for me to be part of this long-term relationship. I am commiteed to working hard to continue the exchange and collaboration of the Foundation with UW-Green Bay and with the other 1 70 academic institutions that are involved. I would also like to connect you to another new-found academic institution I have discovered recently, University of Sao Paulo-Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.



Lastly, I want to thank Professor Egon Krak, Sue Hammersmith, former Provost-UWGB, and Julia Wallace, Provost, UWGB, and Dean Scott Furlong, UWGB, for their unending support in recognizing the importance of this relationship for UW-Green Bay and their support in helping to maintain it. The existence of the Foundation and the spirit in which they carry out their work has truly been like a dream for me. It has connected me to academic institutions from Croatia, Italy, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Slovakia just to mention a few, and given me and others on my campus a working base to bring people from our respective fields together. It serves as a thread of gold that keeps winding through my journey of international teaching, performing, collaborations‌all working toward world peace and understanding. Thank you, Paulo Del Bianco and the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation for having the vision and providing the avenues to help educate students and faculty of the world. It is your foundation’s generosity and insight which has allowed institutions such as ours to actively participate in the promotion of tolerance and world peace.



ÉVA MESTER Restorer I met Paolo Del Bianco and his family, including his mother and father Romualdo del Bianco in 1996. This year marked the beginning of a dialogue between the students and teachers of universities from various countries which had been under the influence of the Soviet Union previously, a dialogue which is still continuing. Representatives from Poland (the universities of Cracow and Warsaw), the Czech Republic (Prague), Belorussia and Hungary (Budapest) as well as two professors from Japan attended the first meeting. Paolo Del Bianco set up a board that put forward proposals for the type of cooperation between students. The board accepted the proposal by the Budapest University of Technology, which was basically the bridge concept. Bridge in the literal sense of the word is a product of engineering, a historical artefact like for example the Ponte Vecchio, but it is an imaginary concept as well: something that connects countries, regions and cultures. I joined the activities of the foundation as a glass artist, restorer and expert in heritage conservation. I even made the following reference to the Foundation in my doctoral thesis: „I would like to thank the Italian Romualdo Del Bianco foundation for its generous support, and the opportunity to take part in research projects related to my field of interest for over a decade now." As a project leader I could organize international student workshops in Florence, where I had the opportunity to work and think together with the professors and students of various universities from Eastern Europe. The Foundation has had a very positive impact on my professional and personal life as well as that of students and professors who have taken part in Foundation's activities. It made them realize the importance of the community, intercultural relations and human values. Anybody who has attended these events will look at the world and Florence in a different way. Paolo Del Bianco and his family have been the driving force behind all this, and have provided full support to participants. The days I and other professors spent at Forte dei Marmi with Paolo's family are unforgettable. Just like the Carnival festivities in Viareggio and the visit to the marble mines in the mountains of Pietra Santa, and those summer days at the magnificent beaches, the operas, the fantastic excursions in the mountains to the former estates of the Medici. With the strengthening of globalisation I believe that the activities of the Foundation play an important role in the education of young people by showing an example to follow. Today I see a tremendous opportunity in the relaxed atmosphere of webinars. The global crisis has made travelling more difficult for some people, but I believe that if students can start participating in the work of the Foundation through web conferences, they will be more likely to contribute later by attending the Foundation’s events in person as well. I wish the Foundation success in the future and an increasing number of people who support the Foundation and take part in its activities! Viva Florence! Viva Romualdo Del Bianco Fondatione! Best regards



MARIA MURAWSKA Academy of Music of Bydgoszcz Dear Paolo, What do architecture and music have in common? Both are fields of art that shape the space around us. Whereas music does this through sounds, architecture does it by means of forms. Both art fields affect the way we feel and both shape our awareness and sensitivity. With these words I would like to start my discussion of the twenty-five-year-long cooperation between the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz and the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation from Florence, which began in 1998. It was Prof. Romana Przybyszewska-Gudelis, who initiated the cooperation, Prof. Roman Poszowski being rector of the Academy at the time. The valuable idea popularized by the Foundation that young people of various nationalities might meet together – 'for peace in the world, among young people of different countries through culture' – resulted in a trip taken by a group of teachers and students from Bydgoszcz to the capital city of Tuscany, and I am pleased to have been among them. On 26th November 1998, in St Felix church in Florence, the music of Bach, Vivaldi and Handel was performed by soloists and the Bydgoszcz Music Academy Chamber Orchestra under Prof. Pawel Radzinski's baton. The audience, among whom were Foundation representatives, gave the Polish artists an enthusiastic welcome. The moment we considered particularly important during our trip was meeting the Foundation president, Paolo del Bianco, who, in his welcome speech, spoke of the great ideas of Renaissance humanism, the origins of which were in Florence in the last decades of the 14th century, and of the notion of value in the modern, commercialized world. It was therefore an exceptional opportunity for young people to be able to meet in the city which once became the cradle of humanism, which in turn affected the cultural, political, social and literary landscape of Europe. Paolo del Bianco's historic speech opened a new dimension in the mutual cooperation between the Foundation and the Academy. The years that followed saw more Polish students participating in various workshops organized in Florence. Among them perhaps the most valuable was the 2004 project called 'Young Musicians to Florence', in which young participants that represented different countries (among them students of our Academy) composed musical works that served as a tribute to the capital city of Tuscany and performed them in a shared concert held at the Luigi Cherubini Conservatoire of Music. The output that resulted from the artists' participation in the project would never have come into existence without the Foundation's helping hand. The meetings that our students have joined during the workshops in Florence must have had a lasting effect on their personal development – not merely the development of their professional skills, but, what is more, a profound change in their perception of the outside world through the various cultures that the students had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with while working on the joint project. The day of 15th March 2008 remains among my fondest memories. It was on that day that, together with a number of Foundation experts, I signed the 'Declaration of Intent. Life Beyond Tourism. For Intercultural Dialogue', and the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz was awarded with the Foundation medal for the 'long-lasting relationships of cooperation 189


and friendship, and [its] belief in the mission of the Foundatio'. Taking great pride in the reward, I brought the medal back home. President Paolo del Bianco has paid several visits to the Bydgoszcz Academy, which, except discussing matters related to developing and presenting new ideas and forms of further cooperation, each time also meant friendly talks and a shared experience of listening to music . Considering the twenty-five years of cooperation with the Foundation, I am pleased to say with confidence that it has helped a number of young artists representing our Academy to develop their individuality. The multicultural character of the workshops held in Florence, their high professional standards and the direct contact with the greatest works of the art of Florence, the students have had an opportunity to become yet more fully engaged in the world of European culture. Let us hope that neither the economic crisis nor financial difficulties currently experienced by many higher education institutions will deter the Foundation from further developing its cooperation with the institution in the spirit of social, academic and cultural integration.



PIOTR NAPIERAŁA Palaces and Gardens of Jelenia Góra Valley Foundation

Dear Paolo, Dear Friends from the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation It is a great honour for me that I can share my thoughts and memories from cooperation with your Foundation, and particularly with its President Paolo Del Bianco in such special circumstances as on the 15th anniversary of its establishment. When in 2004 at the REMO conference in the Kliczków castle in Poland organized by prof. Jerzy Jasien´ko I met Paolo Del Bianco for the first time, I knew nothing about the Foundation created and managed by him. At that time, the information included in the conference agenda that he was the President of a foundation connected with Florence and Tuscany seemed not too important to me because, dealing mainly with conservation of historical monuments in Poland and Germany, I did not think that traditions and experiences of the Italian Foundation could be of any particular professional importance to me. However, when I heard the speech of Paolo Del Bianko during the conference, when I participated in a broader discussion in which he took part, I was under enormous impression of his personality. The expression, involvement, determination, strength in communication of thoughts, ideas or information were astonishing to me. Universal and clear communication of ideas of the Foundation and brief presentation of its activities caused my enormous interest in it. Its message, treating cultural heritage as an element of meetings between people, meetings leading to better mutual understanding of various cultures and values, used for integration between various nations, became particularly close to me. In any case, this was the common perception of this appearance. I wanted very much to get to know this extraordinary man better but Paolo had to leave Kliczków, and besides he was continuously surrounded by a group of his Polish friends and he was in fact inaccessible to me. Only after he left, my knowledge about the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and its President began quickly to get richer and richer. My acquaintances and friends, who had known Paolo for many years, cooperated with his Foundation and thanks to them I became closer to the extraordinary person of the president and the foundation itself. It was characteristics and astonishing to me that each of my interlocutors, when talking about Paolo, was doing it with such enormous excitement which confirmed only my observation from the conference in Kliczków. First, professor Jerzy Jasien´ko, who met Paolo several years earlier, introduced him as an extraordinary man, full of passion, energy, as well as warmth and kindness for other people. Later I heard almost identical descriptions from prof. Andrzej Kadłuczka, prof. Kazimierz Kus´nierz and prof. Elz˙bieta Trocka - Leszczyn´ska. It only fomented my special interest in the activities of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. It coincided in time with my activities in the Jelenia Góra Valley and somehow discovering of its unique cultural heritage. I could not understand why this area of Poland, so much saturated with historical monuments, so culturally diverse, so rich artistically, with such unusual history, is broadly underappreciated in our country. Landscape and nature-related values of the Jelenia Góra Valley, connected with the ridge of the Karkonosze and Rudawy Janowickie mountains, were commonly appreciated, but cultural heritage was somehow unnoticed. I was aware of po191


litical and ideological conditions which had an effect on such limited knowledge about heritage of the region. After the 2nd world war, these areas similarly to the entire Lower Silesia, experienced enormous exodus of the population and in this way cultural continuity of these areas was interrupted. Furthermore, in the communist system the goal was to erase awareness of the splendour of these areas and activities of its former inhabitants. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, after the big system transformation which changed situation in Poland, such condition of common unawareness of unique cultural value of the Jelenia Góra Valley had to change. I think that just inspired by cultural, educational, social, popularizing activities of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, I decided to create the Foundation of Palaces and Gardens of the Jelenia Góra Valley to present multicultural values of the region by means of its activities. Bearing in mind the manifesto of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and its conceptual assumptions aiming at multicultural dialogue, I decided to make use of these ideas in actions of our Foundation. These actions quickly brought about some effects. The Valley of Palaces and Gardens was entered by President of the Republic of Poland in the prestige List of Historical Monuments, and local authorities set up a cultural park of the Jelenia Góra Valley. Of course, it is only the beginning of the road to full understanding of this heritage, but very spectacular one. Obviously, I am not trying to compare here these two organizations. Activities of the Romualdo Del Bianko Foundation, covering with its reach multicultural dialogue on a global scale, absolutely exceed our even the broadest plans and visions, but the idea of breaking barriers, even the barriers of unawareness, is common. When wonderful professors: Jerzy Jasien´ko, Andrzej Kadłuczka and the late Andrzej Tomaszewski, involved in the idea of monument protection, who were friends with Paolo Del Bianko and, I will say immodestly, also with me, began to support intensively activities of the Foundation of the Valley of Palaces and Gardens, it became almost obvious that they also tried to ensure as close cooperation between both Foundations as possible. I was honoured when several years ago I was invited to Florence for presentation of activities of our Foundation. Later many times I took part in conferences and meetings organized by Paolo Dell Bianco in Florence. All of this resulted in signing of an agreement about continuous cooperation between the Foundation of the Valley of Palaces and Gardens in the Jelenia Góra Valley and the Romualdo Dell Bianco Foundation in spring 2013. For me it is a great honour and privilege to be in the group of partners of such outstanding Foundation. I would like to focus, as much as possible, on achieving the main two goals of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation – Life Beyond Tourism and Intercultural Dialog. At this point, I would like to mention three situations which made the biggest impression on me and encouraged me to collaborate as broadly as possible with the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. 1. Meeting in Paris in 2010 at the General Assembly of ICOMOS in the UNESCO office. Paolo Dell Bianco gave me a publication dedicated to the memory of professor Andrzej Tomaszewski, a wonderful man, prominent scholar and, as I have mentioned, very close to me in the last years of his life when he actively supported our activities in the Jelenia Góra Valley. I was especially touched by the fact that the Romualdo Dell Bianco Foundation, in order to honour memory of the Polish professor, prepared not only this publication, not only organized a special scientific session dedicated to his memory, but also called the wonderful Auditorium in Aurelius Hotel in Florence with his name. This is the Auditorium where the most important events organized by the Foundation take place. I remembered 192


then a situation from many years ago when one of the lecture halls in the WrocĹ‚aw University of Technology received the name of my father, several years after his death, and how this event effected my further life decisions. 2. In 2011 in Florence, an international conference dedicated to the Domes of the World took place. Its organizer was of course the Romualdo Dell Bianco Foundation. One of the initiators of the conference was professor Jerzy Jasien´ko who could not take part in it in person because of important family reasons. During the conference, President of the Foundation many times mentioned his name as an absent initiator, emphasizing his contribution in this important undertaking. And they were not only casual or courtesy reminders, but warm and kind thanks. 3. This spring, Paolo together with his colleagues showed us the renovated office of the Foundation in the Coppini palace in Florence, presenting exhibits, souvenirs and gifts that the Foundation received during many years of its activities from guests and delegations from all over the world. The fact that almost about every gift Paolo was talking with great passion, describing to us not only exhibits from the collection, but talking about circumstances and people from whom he received them, made me aware beyond all doubt that the idea of intercultural dialogue and using cultural heritage for meeting people, for starting friendships, for better understanding followed by him and by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is not only a slogan or high-flown idea, but an unusual and lively evidence of actions and passions of Paolo. I have quoted here only a few events but each of them illustrates how important to Paolo are people he works with, with whom he meets and how much he fulfils the idea that he is propagating. When I found out that Paolo became a winner of the prestige Columbus Prize - Art, Science, Enterprise, I could not help my conviction that the jury of this prize could not make a better choice. It will be a great honour and prestige for me to participate in this sublime ceremony. Similarly, it is an honour for me to become invited for the 15th anniversary of activities of the Romualdo Dell Bianco Foundation to share my thoughts from cooperation with such wonderful people who make such an outstanding team.



KOJI NISHIMOTO University of Tokyo Istituto Giapponese di Cultura a Roma (1994-1997) Fifteenth anniversary of the "Romualdo Del Bianco Faoundation"! How quickly the TIME flies!! I still remember perfectly well that morning in spring, 1996 -- a year before the start of the "Del Bianco Foundation"-- on which we, Paolo and myself, met for the first time. I was then Director of the "Istituto Giapponese di Cultura a Roma" in Valle Giulia district of the Eternal City. That morning, my secretary came up and annouced a visit, of certain gentleman Paolo del Bianco by name, with a letter of indtroduction from my former student who had become since Italian government scholarship fellow at University of Siena. Wondering what was the matter about, I told the secretary to show the gentleman in. And there, briskly walked into my office a man with such enthusiasm and convincing eloquence that at our first meeting I was completely carried away, consenting to join efforts in setting up a movement for the promotion of international understanding, and that through inviting young people from various countries to Firenze, putting them together in the same workshop, in order to foster cooperation as well as friendship. So far as I know, that was the start, the very start of the "Del Bianco Foundation". Since then, we met again and again in Rome, in Firenze and also at Massa di Carrara where Paolo has a nice villa. On these occasions, together with other friends and supporters, we had hot discussions about how to get Paolo's generous ideas into shape. All this, but above all the indefatigable zeal Paolo displayed in persuing his ideal, was the main force that made "Del Bianco Foundation" come into being in the early summer, 1997. Only a couple of months before that, however, in March, 1997, my directorship for the "Istituto Giapponese di Cultura" having come to an end, I had to leave Italy and come back to Japan. Non the less, our cooperation didn't cease at that point. With his insatiable curiosity and appetite for new field of action, Paolo came in fact several times to Tokyo and Kyoto to see his Japanese friends. We discussed, despite economic recessions which hit world economy in the meantime and political tensions which hindered and are still hindering the free exchange of ideas and information, the way to develop human network to involve East Asia more actively in the projects of the foundation. Apart from East Asia, Paolo's activity extended toward Eastern Europe (Poland, Czek Republic, etc.) bringing ever increasing number of young people to meet at the heart of the beautiful Arno Valley. Indeed as Callimaco, hero of great Machiavelli's play "Mandragola" states: 'Di cosa nasce cosa, e il tempo la governa.'(=Things come out of things, and the Time disposes them.), the "Del 194


Bianco Foundation" in these 15 years has expanded enorumouly its activities, diversified them tremendously. There still remains, however, the task of making it a global system, making it a meeting point for young people who wish to cooperate for peace and friendship. The same Machiavelli in his greatest masterpiece "Il Principe"(=The Prince), also asserts that the Time, or Fortune, governs only half of our action, the other half being at the disposal of the man of virtue with strong will. It is strongly hoped for, then, that the next, younger generation carry still higher the standard raised by Paolo 15 years ago, and make the "Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation" known to the world!



SERGIU NISTOR University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest ICOMOS Romania The Romualdo del Bianco Foundation at its 15th anniversary: Firenze again a place binding East and West I owe my first contact with Romualdo del Bianco Foundation to the late Hristina Staneva, distinguished Bulgarian professor and architect, whose memory I want to pay my deepest respect. It happened in 2002 that together with a group of students from the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu from Bucharest (UAUIM) I participated at the workshop organized jointly by the Foundation and the Faculty of Architecture of Sofia. I found a warm atmosphere of friendly and professional integration without competition that made me organize in the next years several groups of students to attend the Foundation International Workshops. In the years that followed the role of the Foundation developed little by little and its present status of main partner to many universities throughout Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Asia, is rewarding the vision of the Founders and their great heart and commitment. The Foundation plays an important role in ICOMOS, as member and secretariat of the TheoPhilos ISC and partner in the organization of the future General Assembly, not surprizingly hosted in Firenze. But the Foundation main contribution lies, in my opinion, in the re-binding of cultures and civilizations, thru the networking of their young professionals or academic structures. In late 1990’s and early 2000’s the work of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation made us get a better understanding of our neighbor’s culture and heritage. In a period in which many of us were looking “over the fence” only towards the West, until 1990 forbidden, the Romualdo del Bianco made us discover the richness of the Central and Eastern European heritage, the outstanding contribution of the Oriental cultures to the World civilization. Bridging the gap between cultures thru students working together will show very soon its profit to a better understanding of the contribution of all nations, including those emerged from the Berlin Wall collapse, to the richness of the World Heritage. 50 years after the Charter of Venice, Firenze and The Romualdo del Bianco Foundation witness in 2014 the title of the proceedings of the 1964 Venice Congress: Le monument pour l’homme (The Monument for Man).



TAMARA PETRASHOVA National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

MAKING HIGHLY QUALIFIED, CULTURED AND EDUCATED ENGINEERING MAJORS STUDENTS Founded in 1896, Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) turns out to be the oldest technical educational establishment in the Asian part of Russia behind the Urals. It was founded as Tomsk Technological Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. From its beginning, the University has sought to be excellent in all spheres. There is no doubt that the mutual efforts of its scientists, teachers, students, and alumni have made for the whole period of the university existence a valuable contribution to the development of the Russian science, education, industry, and culture. TPU, pursuing its aim, has always provided its students with an education that combines diverse traditions and innovations. This particular feature distinguishes TPU from other educational establishments. Therefore, the leading role of TPU and its significant influence on the Russian culture has been marked by the inclusion of TPU into the "List of the most valued objects of the Russian cultural heritage" by the order of the President of the Russian Federation of April 2, 1997. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that one of the buildings of the university campus, the Main building, refers to the federal list of the Tomsk cultural heritage monuments. Cooperation with other universities and collaboration at the international level has always been one of the priorities of Tomsk Polytechnic University activities. Therefore, when Olga Karpova, Professor of Ivanovo state University being the Coordinator of one of the projects supported by the Foundation ‘A Dictionary without Boundaries: Florence in the Works of World Famous Italians’ first introduced it and described its activities at the conference held in Ivanovo in 2009, it produced a great impression of an event, participation in which could give a lot in terms of acquiring new knowledge about other cultures and learning more about the cultural diversity interaction. The project focus was to study Florentine cultural heritage and reflection of its influence in both Italian and world cultures presented in the works of writers, artists and composers who once lived in or visited Florence and got inspired by the city, its museums, monuments, architecture and people. However, initially there was an uncertainty about joining the project. The main problem at that moment was to realize how engineering students interested in physics, mathematics and other natural sciences could be involved into the project activities and benefit of doing research not related to their majors. Nevertheless, in 2010 the first group of students from Tomsk Polytechnic University became the participants of the project contributing to it by introducing the works of writers, artists and scientists who lived in Russia and in the Siberian region, and found their inspiration visiting Florence. To say that the first experience of engineering majors students participating in such an unusual project was a success is equal to say nothing. It has become obvious that the idea of the project is spread much deeper than mere visiting a foreign country and going sightseeing. It assumes not only to establish an effective framework for intercultural communication but also it helps develop such skills as working in teams including international ones, skills 197


necessary to work with different information sources, abilities to take leadership, abilities to create a product that meets user’s requirements, and besides it provides a unique opportunity to explore the world’s diversity enlarging the advanced knowledge about it. Moreover, its philosophy rests on promoting intercultural dialogue and instilling a love and careful attitude in younger generation towards both world’s cultural heritage and the heritage of a man’s land. All of these are crucial for a person, and it does not matter what a professional field he or she belongs to. As for the TPU students, all of them who have been involved into the Foundation’s initiatives and participated in the seminars aimed at international students’ integration note that the Foundation provides a large opportunity, and the participation in the event has the major impact on their understanding of the world communication. They highlight why it turns to be so important personally for them, and for their professional and educational life. They emphasize that they have gained an experience of an international event. They have met new friends and interesting people. Those who have visited a foreign country for the first time describe their indelible impression of new atmosphere, different people, buildings and places. From students’ point of view, the trip to Italy is very useful since it proves to be highly cognitive and memorable. Students are supposed to visit a lot of interesting places – Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Palazzo Strozzi, Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti, Piazza del Michelangelo, San Marco Museum, Academia della Crusca, Academia Gallery, Boboli Garden, Bargello Museum. They can enjoy masters’ drawing and works of famous sculptors such as Donatello, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Stradivari etc. They have a chance to get to know more about Florentine royal family Medici. What is more unbelievable is a possibility to meet, for example, the mayor of the city Krakow and shake his hand. The outcomes of taking part in the project have exceeded students’ imagination and expectations. Without doubt, the consequences will have a lasting effect. They only wish more engineering majors students could take part in such workshops. And they hope that cooperation between universities- partners and the Foundation will continue. It is a strong belief that activities promoted by Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation give an exceptional opportunity for the participants to be imbued with the ideas of the Foundation initiatives related to cultural heritage and cultural expression that are significant for the development of intercultural dialogue and communication. Advancing the activities and philosophy of “Life Beyond Tourism”, the Foundation makes the participants realize that the promotion has a deeper sense because this activity helps understand better, first of all, our own country or region with its unknown and unique places of interest, outstanding people and traditions. Being involved into the global intercultural dialogue, individual cultural narratives acquire a chance to force their identity. The Foundation initiatives are surely can be viewed as innovating phenomena of the century that help develop intercultural dialogues, bring various human communities with different values and beliefs into contact and enhance mutual understanding by providing a well-designed series of opportunities both to introduce and enlarge knowledge. The more important is that a particular attention is paid to foster intercultural communication, understanding and tolerant attitude in younger generations. Its activities can be seen as offering something more or different to what is called just ‘tourism’ since cultural heritage is significant to all different communities, groups and individuals depending on their value since it is a key factor in the social, economic, and political promotion of nations.



MARIA PROKOPP Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem University Dear President Paolo Del Bianco, First of all would like to congratulate you for the 15th anniversary of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco. I am very glad that I could take part in the activity of the Fondation from its beginning. In 1999, our Department of Art History at the Faculty of Humanities of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary received your invitation to take part in the activity of the Foundation. In the following years I took part many times in the excellent international student-workshops of your Foundation. They were always very useful for me as a project leader and also for our students! It was a great experience to get to know the famous monuments in Florence, to make friends with students coming from different parts of the World and to enjoy your kind, generous hospitality, too. A lot of our ex-students made use of the experiences of your student-workshops in their career. Just to mention a few examples when our students gave presentations on different subject matters related to Florence: • In 2001 (on 10 February 2001) Anna Tüskés in the Museum of Fine Arts of Budapest talked about the panel–painting of Domenico Ghirlandaio: Saint Stephen martyr from the main altar from the Santa Maria Novella Domenican church of Florence; • in 2002 (on l7 February 2002) Máté Millisits talked about the impact of Italian Renaissance villa architecture in Hungary; • in 2004 on the relations between Renaissance profane architecture in Florence and the Novecento architecture; These are the workshops in which Hungarian students also played an active role: • In 2004, 14-23 February: “Discover the Real Spirit of the activity of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation”; • in 2007, 28 January – 4 February: “Space of the Town – Space of the Mind”; • in 2008, 17-24 February: “Florentine Themes in Dictionaries of European Writers” At the beginning it was a great help for our participation in the activity of the Foundation the recommendation of the Dott.ssa Serena PADOVANI from Galleria Pitti who has praised the person and the activity of Mr Paolo Del Bianco, the President of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco. Already in year 2000 Prof. Mihály ZÁDOR invited me to take part in his workshop in Florence organised by the Foundation Del Bianco. Prof. Zádor was in close friendship with President Paolo Del Bianco. For us, Hungarians it is a great pleasure that in the centre of the Foundation there is a room dedicated to Prof. Mihály Zádor in the splendid Palazzo Copponi. In addition to the workshops, the Foundation was great help for us Hungarians in the work of restoration of the frescoes of the castle of Esztergom, as well as exhibitions and conferences presenting the results of the work. I wish for the following years a good continuation of the magnificent work of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation with my best regards. 199


LJILJANA SEPIC University of Zagreb “SOUVENIR DE FLORENCE” - MY INVOLVEMENT IN THE FOUNDATION RONALDO DEL BIANCO ACTIVITIES At the end of 2000 I was first contacted by my old friend prof. Milan Prodanovic from University of Novi Sad as the workshop leader, and then officially by the Fondazione itself to join with selected students the international students workshop in Florence. The very mission of the Fondazione greatly appealed to me especially after previous war in Croatia and unresolved issues between our two countries because it presented possibility for young people to meet, to get acquainted and to get to understand each other. But not only students and professors from our two countries but also those coming from three other East European countries behind former Iron curtain! It was only after long persuasion that I was able to convince the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture Dean to let me select the students for our first workshop in Florence. (the word Balkan city in the workshop title proved to represent the greatest obstacle). And so eventually a week before Christmas we arrived to the workshop and joined other groups of students and professors. After touching introductory speech by prof. Prodanovic in which he first appologized for people from his home town Novi Sad being in the first line of attackers on Croatian town Vukovar the workshop proceeded and proved to be very succesful as all the following ones. For students of architecture being in Florence and being able to see and analyze on the spot the buildings they only met before during lectures as well as visiting the famous Florentine museums is beyond words. Several generations of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture students so had the opportunity to take part in the workshop groups formed by students from different countries (universities) enabling them in this way to open their minds to different cultures, creating energy from cultural and mental differences, and forming in this way lifelong friendships. As to myself the impact of being involved in the Foundation activities proved also to be quite important.The issue was not only in taking part in the prof. Prodanovic workshops titled „Re – inventing East-European cities...“ but also re-inventing former friendships and ties...It also ment forming permanent ties with my Faculty student during preparation for these workshop, the work itself in the workshops but also on trips we took to Siena, Pisa, S. Geminiano etc. Very valuable for myself proved The Experts Round Tables meetings during which we were given opportunity to present our ideas for future Fondazione activities, meet our colleagues from all over the world. I remember especially the Xth Round table held on the Pallazo Vechio premises! I also had opportunity to do some research connected with the subject I introduced to the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, that is Industrial Archaelogy( Florence markets , Prato Museum of Textiles etc). I am really sorry that after my retirement I did not have opportunity of any serious involvement in the Fondazione projects. It is my sincere wish that the Fondazione continues with its remarkable goal of building bridges between different cultures, peoples and traditions and I hope that perhaps I will find the way to participate in a modest way in this noble project.



TATIANA SERGEYEVA Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture Florence has its charisma for every cultured person. At school my history book disposed a picture of fabulous David statue by Michele Angelo. Being a student I have read a book “Sufferings and enjoyment” by Waise that was opened with the brilliant description of Florence by a boy named Michele who loved watching that marvelous city from the hill. Later when I looked at Florence from that hill in my real life I had the feeling that I have already seen this beautiful view. But that time I adored Florence from far aside studying books with pictures of Uffizi gallery. I really could not even dream that one day the Rector of our University Professor Nicola Bolotskih would propose me: “What about visiting Florence?” A year before he was invited to Florence by his Armenian and Lvov colleagues and has met very interesting personality Paolo Del Bianco there. After meeting with so bright and creative person as Paolo our rector made “historical decision” concerning our architects collaboration with Foundation, that now is difficult to overestimate. We selected a group of the best architects of our University and having crossed half a Europe by small bus we arrived to Florence on the 25th of February 2004 for participating in VI International Round Table of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation’s Experts. Before our arrival we have learnt to our great pity that Paolo Del Bianco was seriously ill. Our Rector wrote him: “Dear friend, we all are very worried over your health. We wish you to overcome this hard situation and all our team hope to meet you safe and sound in Florence. You have kind and generous heart and it should be healthy not only for you but for all people around who loves and respect you”. I remember perfectly well the moment when unexpectedly the news occurred in the air that Paolo Del Bianco in spite of his state would come in Alexander Hotel to greet the participants of the Round table. We could not believe that he can come but he did it. His coming was really impressive: very tall smiling man in a black hat with opera deep voice was shaking hands and found kind words for everybody. His charisma was tremendous and from this very moment we all were captured by his charm that still energizes and inspires us during nearly 10 yeas of sincere friendship. Since than 331 Ukrainian professors, students, postgraduates, members of government, practical architects, physicians, sociologists, psychologists, journalists, musicians and artists were involved by us to participate in the numerous activities organized by Foundation under the motto: “For peace in the world, among young people of different Countries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understand each other to develop friendship among people”. 30 workshops, 5 roundtables, 5 best diploma competitions, 3 exhibitions, Yalta festival – all these is not a full list of events that we have participated or developed in close collaboration and with real care of Foundation for these years. Trying to invest our competence and values into Paolo’s noble idea Kharkov team of experts developed a whole range of projects. One of the best Ukrainian specialists in church architecture Igor Klimov presented unique materials for workshops “Conception of Christian Orthodox Cathedral (idea, meaning, topic and language of symbols and signs”). Together with Luba Rizevceva they organized a workshop “The Ideal Cathedral” where students of different countries developed their ideas within collaborative work – as present day reflection of famous Council of Ferrara-Florence of 1438-1439. Igor’s original ideas for the project “European home” orientated not to the diversities but to commonness gave students an opportunity to unite past and present in the context of different cultures. Vladimir Lopatko who has very rich practical experience in restoration became a leader of the workshops “Conservation and reuse 201


of the architectural heritage for the future” and “Past and present technologies’ synergy in the restoration of East Slavonic folk wooden and stone architecture monuments”. Helena Remezova supervised the workshop «Florentine humanism of Х1У century. Visual arts of Renaissance and its modern understanding”. Professor Katherine Chercasova was a leader of the workshop “Ideal Christian Cathedral”. Michail Averbakh who is one of the best leaders of students’ best projects presented workshops “Visual communication in architectural environment” dealing with the urgent problem of advertising in historical city center. Together with Oksana Demidiuk he also participated in development a workshop “City as an education polygon». The project “Historical city center for disabled people” was proposed for students’ weekly workshops by Professor Viktor Mironenko and his postgraduate. The group of our experts in innovative educational technologies Natalia Turlakova, Oksana Demidiuk and Dmitriy Berezniakov under supervision of Professor Tatiana Sergeyeva proposed original methodologies dealing with organizing well-balanced “Ideal teams” for efficient international teamwork within students’ workshops and “Evaluation of the workshops efficiency”. Tatiana’s workshops “Self-identification – self-development – self-realization as a synergetic triad of contemporary life”, “Educational Tourism for Architects on the bases of international collaboration scheme”, “Tourism as a means of self-identification development”, “European integration without loosing self-identification” brought ideas that corresponded to the new development of the Foundation activities and were manifested in the Motto: “International encounters without competition, respecting individual identities, Discovering the past together, working to build a shared future” promoted in 2006 while opening of the Auditorium al Duomo. The greatest value the Foundation students workshops have been not only as educative and research events but mainly as social aim achievement. Communication within such beautiful environment as Florence and the charm of this marvelous city itself were the strongest points of the events. The main positive result of the workshops was not purely cognitive but psychological. Working in the atmosphere of friendship and collaboration the students (and even professors) have developed their self-esteem. Their self-identification became more definite and positive. Their motivation for study, interest to their future professional activity and enthusiasm has considerably grown. For such short period of time it was unbelievable. All these had sustainable results that were proved by the fact that most of the former participants of Florentine students workshops have became Masters, Post Graduators and PhD. At the beginning students were aimed at collaborative work and responsibility as a representative (or even ambassadors) of their culture, country, city and University. As a result they became real Agent of Changes at their own University, city and country. The Foundation stimulated our development. We grew together with the Foundation. Some of our ideas that were born within students’ workshops transformed into serious research projects. The idea of digitalizing results of measuring practice for developing database of city architectural heritage graphic reconstruction transformed into the project “Rescuing the Hidden European Wooden Churches Heritage” within scheme “Culture 2000” that was realized in collaboration with the Foundation. Workshops devoted to Eco-Humanistic SelfDevelopment and Self-Identification became prerequisites of a European project “Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development Based on Eco-Humanistic Principles & Advanced Technologies without Losing Identity” that has won grant and is successfully realized within TEMPUS scheme in collaboration with Milan Polytechnics (POLIMI). The Foundation and our University signed an agreement for the development of institutional and cultural relations and of activities of common interest. It is also remarkable that via Foundation that worked in close cooperation with Florentine University, Collegio degli Ingegneri della Toscana and Milan Polytechnics our University signed agreements with architectural faculties 202


and collegio defining the subjects for joint researches both in innovative projects in the field of technology of architectural monuments’ restoration as well as in investigating Italian (and more precisely, Genoese) fortresses of XIV-XV in Crimea on the south of Ukraine in town Kerch, Feodosiya, Sudak, Alushta, Balaklava Inkerman and Simeiz as well as more ancient tailings of tavros strengthening, inhabiting Crimea in X-III BC. Within these agreements we have organized student’s summer practices both in Crimea and Italy. Being received into the Foundation family we became not only a part of the huge net of relations but we tried to develop this net involving into collaboration other Ukrainian Universities such as Kharkov National University named after Karazin, Kharkov Medical University, Kharkov University of Economics, Kharkov University of Fine Arts, Kharkov Academy of Municipal Economy and Odessa Pedagogical University. Paolo presented young performers from Kharkov Musical University (Conservatory) and Kharkov University of Culture a unique opportunity to try themselves with international audience. Our European partners from France (University Lyon 2 and Rhen University) and Britain (Kings College of Cambridge University) also participated in the Foundation events. We even helped to arrange meeting of Paolo and John Barber for organizing Cambridge chorus concerts in Italy. We tried to involve into collaboration not only academic but also public organizations such as Union of architects as well as City and Regional Government. As a result Paolo Del Bianco and a delegation from Florence were invited in 2004 to the celebration of the 350 anniversary of Kharkov and in 2005 to the celebration of Victory day by Kharkov Mayor Vladimir Shumilkin and Kharkov Region Governor Arsen Avacov. Paolo was respected as a Florentine ambassador of high culture, humanism and mutual development. The Mayor invited Italian delegation to his office and to the sister cities reception in the City Hall, to the ceremony of awarding Kharkov with the EU Banner, to the President of Ukraine reception in Opera House. Paolo’s interviews were broadcasted by a whole range TV channels and the photographs with extracts from interviews were published in many Ukrainian newspapers. Special exhibition was devoted to the Foundation at Kharkov House of Architects and concerts of talented students - winners of international musical and vocal competitions were organized in Kharkov Musical and Pedagogical Universities. Behind all those official events real friendship strengthened and developed. Paolo has a gift to attract people and after his visits to Ukraine a lot of new friends appeared and have got a chance to visit Florence within the Foundation activities and enjoy masterpieces of this wonderful city. But the greatest masterpiece of Florence is Paolo himself with his open mind, generous heart and plentiful source of inspiration. After visits to Kharkov Paolo invited our whole team to his summer residence in Forte De Marmi where we celebrated his Anniversary in the circle of his charming Family and Friends. It is remarkable that wonderful people are attracted by the magnetic force of Paolo Del Bianco human nature. Thanks to Paolo we have learnt Maurizio Bossi who was Responsabile del Centro Romantico Gabinetto Scientifico Lettterario G.P. Vieusseux and his charming wife and historian Aurora Savelli; Emma Mandelli who is for us a beautiful symbol of Florentine university architects, Gennaro Tampone who was the Director of Collegio degli Ingegneri della Toscana. And of course Simone Giometti to whom we are extremely grateful for his friendship and to whom we are very much obliged for his help, understanding and patience. It was unforgettable hours spent together full of wonderful communication, piano music, singing, happiness and joy. One more fascinating page of our collaboration history is connected with Crimea. We involved into Foundation activity representative of Crimean Government Alla Lazareva and Natalia Girenko who occupied a position of the Minister responsible for the Historic and Cultural Heritage of Crimea. Paolo created brilliant idea to organize the Foundation Regional Festivals. 203


And we realized it in Yalta – the pearl of Crimea. More than 100 Ukrainian students, post graduates, professors and practitioners as well as guests from Italy, England, France and Poland took part in the events. The planner meeting was organized in the famous White Hall of Levadia Palace. Local TV and mass media broadly covered the event. Two international conferences “Sustainable regional development on the bases on synergetic triad university – power – business” and “University for the renaissance and development of cultural national heritage (architectural archeology and restoration)”; two students workshops “Cultural heritage and self-identification” and “The culture of Italy within architectural heritage of Crimea»; Degree & Profession Competition (30 projects) in the fields of Education and Science, History and Archeology, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning, Conservation & Restoration, Design & Arts, Sustainable development (economy, ecology, sociology), Information Technologies as well as Degree & Profession Exhibition were organized within Festival program. Festival guests visited monuments of historical and architectural heritage of Crimea: Livadia Historical & Architectural Complex, Vorontsovskiy Palace and Park; Sebastopol, Hersones, Balaklava, Genoa Fortresses of Crimea (Sudak), Nature Reserve Ai-Petri/Uchan-Su, Castle “Lastochkino Gnezdo” and Nikitski Botanic Garden. A selection of 32 articles presented by Ukrainian and European scientist and students was published. 37 works were presented at the RDBF site. 4 Round tables were devoted to the development of concrete projects within international collaboration and 5 protocols of intentions with Universities of Italy, Britain and France were signed. If not Paolo’s idea we would have never known that it is possible to organize all these events with sustainable results as our life proved later. Ukraine is now actively integrating into European environment and we are waiting with hope for the agreement concerning the associated membership of Ukraine that is expected to be signed this November. We are proud that we have invested into this historic moment by making first steps along the road that the Foundation and Paolo Del Bianco opened for us nearly ten years ago. Peoples diplomacy and good will sometimes do even more than official power. Students who visited the Foundation became real Agents of positive changes in Ukraine. This is an abstract from one of the letters that we have written to Paolo many years ago after his visit to Ukraine but every line in it is still a truth: “All our team is still under impression of your visit. We are very enthusiastic as to the future. We think with very warm feeling of you and Giovanna. Francesco was very right speaking about people’s eyes as the reflection of their soul. Your eyes are deep in our hearts. Your family charmed us. Your noble gentlehood, patience and kindness give an excellent example for all of us. You are genius giving people opportunity to learn each other under the situation of real direct communication. This is the best and the most efficient diplomacy. We understand perfectly well that dealing with the countries of the former communist orientation demands great courage and will. We are so grateful for your bravery and kindheartedness. Thank you very much for accepting our invitation and having the courage to visit our country with the whole family after very serious health problem. We are proud to be your friends. It is a great honor for us and we shall try to do our best in realizing all your brilliant ideas”. With sincere love and wishing success Tatiana Sergeyeva and all Kharkov team



JOSE DANILO A. SILVESTRE University of the Philippines Diliman “FIRENZE BECKONS” The attraction of Firenze is both personal and professional, it is emotional yet profoundly cerebral. As an architect, urban planner and academician, my first introduction to the Renaissance in both spirit and thought, was as a basic element of architectural history. The traditions of a comprehensive education in art and architecture at the University of the Philippines in the mid-1970s, called for a pervasive understanding of the whole gamut of Western architecture, from the pre-Classical, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance to the Modern era. To a large extent these traditions, and the philosophical frameworks which they embodied, were both inspiration and beacon. The emergent Post-modernist tendencies had only started their evolution from the then-prevalent Modernist paradigm. Filipino Architecture in its self-conscious quest for identity and definition, both acknowledged it’s multi-valenced roots as well as it’s idiosyncratic origins. Still, the historical “styles” were always a rich source. Robert Venturi’s seminal discourse, “Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture”, so misunderstood in it’s allegorical contexts, provided to me a more incisive and analytically creative challenge to rediscovering the Renaissance. Later, in 1990 to1995, a then young professor at the College of Architecture of the University of the Philippines, some of the first courses assigned to me by choice and attraction, were the History of Architecture, and Architectural Theory, both fecund and stimulating. Much of the pedagogical content of these courses found manifestation in the largely theoretical studies of the Architecture of the Renaissance. I befriended Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelangelo and the great artists of Renaissance Italy vicariously and in my imagination. They were my mentors in book and plan, in text and photograph. And I, a Filipino separated by both distance and time, had to find satisfaction in this. The Duomo, the Ponte Vecchio, the Palazzos Pitti, Strozzi, Riccardi, the Ospidagle di Innocenti, and the moving interior space of the Biblioteca Laurenziana beckoned and offered the difficult task of spatial comprehension from the limited communication of line, texture and shade. In 2007, at almost the same time that I was appointed Dean of the College of Architecture, of the University of the Philippines Diliman, I received my first invitation from the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco to participate in the Experts Roundtable Discussion. This initial contact was referred by Prof. Zhang Min, of Tsinghua University in Beijing, a colleague and friend in the Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities (IUSAM) of which we had both been affiliated with for some years. My interest and desire to finally visit Firenze would have to wait however until February 2010, on the last year of my term as Dean. It was then that I was finally able to participate in the Experts Roundtable and to personally meet Mr. Paolo del Bianco, President of the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco and Mr. Simone Giometti, Secretary-General. The



five days that I spent on that first visit to the Birthplace of the Renaissance, were much too short, if only to meet with new friends and colleagues, as well as other key officials and staff of the Fondazione. Needless to say, the initial visit to all the buildings which I had experienced only from books, would scarcely suffice, and only served to advance my wish to return. The academic potentials that emerged from the Experts Roundtable discussions, further opened rich and diverse opportunities, as co-participants and colleagues from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Poland, Russia and at least one old friend from Japan, Prof. Riichi Miyake presented their proposals for conferences, workshops and other activities. Upon my return to the Philippines, I found myself preoccupied with a notion to propose a project for collaboration with the Fondazione. This was heightened by the chance encounter I had had with some countrymen, longtime Filipino residents of Firenze whom I was happy to learn had made Firenze their home and integrated well into its culture and social structure. Still, I noticed that there remained much that was perhaps hidden, of the rich, warm and deeply creative culture of the Philippines. This was moreso of the commonalities that Italy and my country shared. This initial notion, led to a series of exploratory meetings with key colleagues at the University of the Philippines, among them former Director Ruben Defeo of the Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (OICA); former Dean Florentina Colayco, of the College of Fine Arts; former Dean Ramon Acoymo of the College of Music, a celebrated Tenor. The concept that emerged was one that focused on exploring and rediscovering the shared cultural ties between the Philippines and Italy, a relationship that traced cultural and artistic influences over centuries, and increasingly direct ties both politically, economically and socially in the 20th Century. The idea developed to initiate an inter-disciplinary undertaking that would encompass the fields of Architecture, the Fine Arts, Music and Dance, with an emphasis on cultural identity and shared traditions and artistic manifestations between the Philippines and Italy. The early discussions leading to this project, occurred within the first semester of our academic year 2010-2011 from the months of June and leading up to its fruition in October of 2010. Once the initial concept was in place, it became necessary to contact the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, to find out whether this was at all possible within the context and coverage of the mandate of the Fondazione. The warm reception of the idea, by President Paolo del Bianco, energized the project and advanced the interest of our initial group at the University of the Philippines. We then sought the support of the Juan C. Angara Foundation through the intercession of Senator and former President of the University of the Philippines, Edgardo J. Angara, and his friend and associate Atty. Avelino V. Cruz, both renowned patrons of Filipino Art and culture. The key support from Senator Angara and Atty. Cruz, led to another crucial element in the support structure for what was rapidly becoming an exciting, yet daunting undertaking. A crucial meeting with Ms. Nedy Tantoco, and officers of the Philippine Italian Association in Manila, provided the critical funding needed to proceed with the detailed planning of the endeavor. Additional support was generously provided by the UP College of Architecture Alumni Foundation Inc., DMCI Land, Boysen Paints and Bticino Legrand. Inspite of the relatively abbreviated timeframe, it was mutually agreed that the “Philippines-Italy: Cultural Nexus� pro206


ject would proceed in October 2010. The event would be held in Firenze, Italy at the Auditorium al Duomo, through the auspices of the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, and our group from the University of the Philippines Diliman. The 3-day event would comprise an Exhibit of Contemporary Filipino Art, a Musical Concert, a Dance Concert and an Academic Conference focusing on cultural intersections in Architecture/Urban Design, Fine Arts/Industrial Design and Music, with participation of academicians from the University of Florence and the University of the Philippines. A total of over seventy participants from the Philippines came to Firenze from 11 to 20 October 2010. These included some twenty-five undergraduate students of the College of Architecture; some fifteen faculty members from the Colleges of Architecture, Fine Arts and Music; some twenty alumni and participating artists; and twelve student dance performers of the multi-awarded UP Varsity Pep Squad. The Italian Embassy in Manila, led by then Italian Ambassador to the Philippines, His Excellency Luca Fornari, extended their gracious assistance in expediting the required travel documents of the participants. Again, the official invitation from the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco was also instrumental in this. Aside from the academic participants, the Office of the Mayor of Quezon City, sent two representatives, Councilors Roderick Paulate and Alfred Vargas, to initiate discussions leading to a Twin City relationship between Firenze and Quezon City. This was undertaken through the efforts of Ms. Divinia Capalad, Filipina member of the Firenze City Council, and the Office of the Honorary Counsul Dott. Fabio Fanfani. The “Philippines-Italy: Cultural Nexus� was further enrichened by the extraordinary assistance extended by the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco in arranging key meetings with the University of Florence, the Accademia di Bella Arti di Firenze and other importance offices. For our group, and most especially our students in architecture and fine arts, visits to the Uffizi Gallery, the Palazzo Pitti, the Casa di Dante, the Biblioteca Laurenziana, the Corridoio Vasariano, Santa Croce and the invaluable collection of the art treasures of Firenze. To many of our students, their participation was perhaps one of the most valuable experiences that they will long treasure. I am sure that it had a profound impact on both their personal and professional lives. All most all of them are now graduated, and are practicing architects. They all look back with fondness to those days in October of 2010 when they visited glorious Firenze for the first time. It is with a deep sense of gratitude, that I consider the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, and the persons who continue to further its goals of enhancing international, cultural and academic exchange. The exciting list of future activities and projects aimed at strengthening and forging of relationships, not only institutional in nature but all the more importantly, personal is worthy of acclaim and support. Since 2010, I have returned to the University of the Philippines, and am now serving as Director for the Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (OICA), aside from my continuing teaching of courses in Architectural Design, and Urban Design. My immediate predecessor, former OICA Director and retired Professor of Art Studies, Ruben D.F. Defeo continues to handle subjects, and in like manner is continuously beseiged by students urging us to organize 207


another return to Firenze. This is a pedagogical intervention that goes much further than the apparent sight-seeing, and tourism. It lies at the core of the “Life Beyond Tourism� paradigm promoted by the Fondazione in its efforts. I look forward, with both a sense of immediacy and excitement to future collaborations with my friends at the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco. In 2014, I look forward to again visiting Firenze and hope that succeding collaborations are neither few nor far between. In the years remaining to me as an educator, I cannot but consider the importance of what these humble endeavors attain. This is as important a responsibility to my students as the more innocuous curricular undertakings we implement. I for one, will never tire of these continuing efforts toward renewal and intellectual growth. Visits, such as the one we organized in 2010, in their explorations and intellectual excursions, are after all, self-defining. And self-definition is NOT only the concern of youth. It is a universal constant, a renaissance of the self. Ultimately, it is these that form the matrix of human experiences, most exquisitely rendering that which is both unique yet common to all of us. Firenze continues to beckon, and for that I am thankful.



ANNA SIWIK AGH University of Science and Technology THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO LIFE BEYOND TOURISM FOUNDATION Thanks to the boom in tourism in the last decades, never before in the history of humanity have the inhabitants of this planet travelled so much, or have been so vastly engaged in the discovery of other cultures. Tourism, which brings individuals and communities into contact, has a crucial role to play in the process of facilitating the dialogue between different cultures. All tourism activities have both positive and negative impact on the natural, cultural and socio-economic environment. Mass tourism is hardly sustainable: the overcrowding, the misuse of natural resources, the construction of new buildings and infrastructure, alongside other activities associated with tourism produce severe impact on the environment. This unfavorable impact may be not only of physical, but also of cultural nature. But tourism can also have positive effects on our cultural and natural heritage, on creativity and cultural diversity as well as on the intercultural dialogue. The intercultural dialogue can constitute a strategic instrument for peace, stability and conflict prevention. It constitutes the best guarantee of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Divided by the borders for decades, Europe needs a dialogue. Today’s world needs a dialogue, especially a dialogue between different civilizations, since many conflicts are due to misunderstanding and prejudices widespread among societies. Motto of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation brilliantly corresponds to this goal: For peace in the world, among young people of different countries, through culture. Meeting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among people. This idea is close to my heart. I remember the time of divided Europe. Living in a country where freedom of travel was significantly restricted, we had no opportunity to meet different kinds of people, to taste different types of food or to participate in the process of ideas exchange with people representing different points of view. Now Europe is open. The Schengen area is a space without internal borders. The free movement area in Europe is expanding. That is great. As we read in the Foundation’s document: The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation ‘targets youth because we believe young people are most open to meeting each other and learning about the different traditions and cultures of their peers. The Foundation also believes young people have the strongest desire to learn about the history and the art of different cultures. This is why students from our network of universities and academic institutions play such an important role in the international meetings the Foundation holds in Florence each year’. As the Vice Rector for Students Affairs I can only express my sincere thanks for this declaration. The international exchange program is a priority for my university (AGH – Univeristy of Sciene and Technology). The university exchange program has been designed to build bridges of international understanding among people of different religions, beliefs and cultures.



Thanks to the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation we can intensify this effort. I am really grateful for the invitation by Dr. Paolo Del Bianco to the Festival of Greetings from the Landes in December 2012. I was impressed by the warm and friendly atmosphere of the meeting, it was indeed a perfect example of intercultural dialogue. On the occasion of the Festival I made my first personal contact with Dr. Paolo Del Bianco. From the very start we have shared a common understanding of the Foundation mission and appreciated the prospects of our cooperation. We have signed Memorandum of Understanding under the Life Beyond Tourism Ethos between the Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism Foundation and the AGH-University of Science and Technology. It is worth mentioning that the cooperation between the Foundation and the AGH – UST was launched in 2004. Many AGH students took part in the Fourth Workshops on Sustainable Development in Italy under the tutorship of our Prof. Jan W. Dobrowolski as a result of his cooperation with the Del Bianco Foundation. The President of the Foundation introduced our students to the main principles of the Foundation mission which is focused on the intercultural dialogue and peaceful activity by stimulating friendly cooperation among students representing different nations. The interdisciplinary cooperation of students within the international teams resulted in the development of a small project related to actual environmental problems specifically focused on the improvement of the environment quality and management of green areas in Florence. The students of the AGH-UST took active part in long-term comparative monitoring of the exposition of old architecture to the air pollution in twin cities: Krakow and Florence. Within the joint Workshops organized by the Del Bianco Foundation the first case study in this field was carried out in Italy. The results of this case study were presented by the members of the Team of Environmental Protection (NGO) at the annual session of the student scientific research teams. The student research team took part in monitoring the impact of the traffic pollution also in the area of the Museum located in the former Auschwitz Nazi Camp. Prof. Dobrowolski was a scientific leader of the Del Bianco Foundation Workshop on Sustainable Development-Sound-Tourism-Education in Florence in February 2010. The output of International Conferences on Sustainable Development at the AGH-UST in the period from 1989 to 2008 as well as the UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and the Workshop on Sustainable Development of Historical Cities in Florence constituted valuable sources of information for students participating in the joint Workshop in this field. Prof. Dobrowolski presented information on the results of long-term cooperation with the Del Bianco Foundation during the International Conferences on Sustainable Development [including the 14th Conference in this field which took place in Krakow in September 2012] as well as at the Open University of AGH-UST, and also at the University of the Third Age at the Cracow University of Technology in 2013. The idea of qualified tourism in accordance with the Del Bianco Foundation was further developed by Prof. Dobrowolski in relation to the region of the Pieniny National Park. The issue was discussed at the Interuniversity Workshops in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Fifteen years in the life of a foundation might seem to be a short period of time, but in the case 210


of the Del Bianco Foundation it has been an event-filled decade-and-a-half. Growing from nothing – the Foundation is now known around the world for offering a new concept of cultural heritage as an instrument of mutual understanding among different cultures. The Foundation has been shaped by the incredible contribution of its President, Dr. Paolo Del Bianco. He is ‘a good spirit” of the Foundation. I can imagine how many wonderful things and good deeds have been done during all those years. I am convinced that at the root of that success lie his personal qualities: … the generosity of his spirit and the warmth of his heart. I am sure that this anniversary is just the first milestone in the years of work ahead for the Foundation. It is my pleasure on behalf of the AGH- UST to congratulate you, Paolo on the 15th anniversary of your Foundation. We are extremely grateful for your support. I can ensure you that our University will continue to be your reliable partner. Wishing you - and all of you who are working to further the Foundation’s vision and to make the world a better place - happiness, success and prosperity. Please, accept once again my warm congratulations.



PIOTR STACHURSKI Gliwice Academy of Entrepreneurship It was in Cracow almost exactly 13 years ago - 24th October 2000 - the second day of the Final Conference of the International Conference on Conservation “Kraków 2000” (Cultural Heritage as Foundation of Civilization Development). I presented a paper entitled “Creation of Architecture as a Perceptive Multi-Level (Based on the Analyses of Selected Examples of Medieval Religious Architecture)” in the session of Group A - New Philosophy of Heritage Protection. Session of this group took place in the International Cultural Centre (Rynek Gł. 25). Before my presentation, during a coffee break Dr. Marta Urban´ska - the Scientific Secretary of the Group - introduced me to President Paolo Del Bianco, who was the chairman of the afternoon session. We exchanged visiting cards. After two weeks I received e-mail from the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, asking me if I accept entering my personal data into the Foundation database. After four weeks I received an invitation to the 3rd International Round Table (19th - 26th February 2001). During the first day I met probably all the participants of this event. It’s very difficult to describe in few words the influence of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation on my personal and professional life. Especially in my professional life, but not only, it’s something that helped me to form my identity. I will try to describe this question as a few the most important experiences. 1. Experience of an international conference, international workshop, a kind of international brainstorm focused on selected problem. I mean first of all the International Project: A New Urban Identity, the Convent of San Domenico in San Gimignano (2001-2002) - the first and probably the most important activity of the Foundation I take part in (with Arch. Monika We¸glorz as my assistant) 2. Experience of the International Student Weekly Workshops - a fantastic idea of education based on work in international teams, connected with personal integration. I took part in four workshops as a tutor of a team representing the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice: 2004 - Christian Monuments of Architecture (Catholic and Orthodox Temples). The Ideal Cathedral (project leaders: Prof. Igor Klimov /Kharkov/ and Prof. Elena Lapshina /Penza/), 2006 Tower in the City (project leader: Prof. Elena Lapshina /Penza/), 2007 - Visual Communication in Architectural Environment: the Advertising in the Historical City Centers (project leader: Prof. Mikhailo Averbach /Kharkov/), 2008 - The City and the Mask Show (project leader: Prof. Amir Sarymsakov /Bishkek/). Finally, in 2010 I was the leader of the workshop: Architectural Signs of Town’s Identity - 4 teams participating: Gliwice, Kharkov (tutor: Prof. Volodymyr Lopatko), Penza (tutor: Prof. Elena Lapshina), Stambul (tutor: Prof. Kerem Ozel). 3. Experience of being a tutor of a diploma awarded by prestigious prize. In 2009 my diploma student Arch. Paweł Spisak was awarded the medal of the President of the Italian Republic, Prof. Giorgio Napolitano for the best diploma on Conservation and Restoration in the Degree and Profession competition ("Podium Grassum"- Local Centre of Culture in Grasse /France, Alpes-Maritimes/;First Proposal of Revitalization of the Rouachier Quarter). 212


4. Experience of Florence. Thanks to the Foundation I had an unusual opportunity to study architecture and art of Florence in situ, and to discover every time something new. It was really a life (study, research) beyond of commercial tourism, beyond of overcrowded spaces, permanent rush, and one moment sightseeing. 5. Experience of international cooperation initiated in Florence. The impact of the Foundation is not limited to Florence and Tuscany. Many times Florence was only a starting point of very important international cooperation. I will mention only 3 geographical directions (I think the most important). First of all I would like to commemorate Prof. Bohumil Fanta (Prague). I met him the first time during the Round Table in 2001. In the same year (in May) he took part in the conference “Srebrne Miasta (Silver Towns) 2001” in Tarnowskie Góry (Prof. Pavel Gregor and Prof. Eva Kral´ova from Bratislava also took part in it). Prof. Fanta and his wife Prof. Eva Fantova were frequent guests of summer student’s workshops in Kutná Hora, which I organized almost every year for students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. In 2006 and 2007 Prof. Fanta invited me as a lecturer to the Postgraduate Study on Conservation organized in Tel by the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. In 2008 Prof. Elena Lapshina invited me to Penza to give a lecture at the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, as a part of 5th Vladimir Tatlin International Scientific Conference. I was a very interesting meeting with Russia, including giant Moscow (where I met Prof. Nicolai Gorsky Chernyshev), Penza - a local administrative centre, and also Russian countryside. Last but not least - Kharkov, Ukraine. I’ve never been in Kharkov (in 2009 I took part in the conference organized by the Kharkov State University of Architecture and Construction in Yalta) but it’s impossible to mention in such a short text all the professors from this city, I cooperated with. In 2008 and 2011 groups of students and professors from Kharkov visited Gliwice, and then we continued together student’s workshops in Kutná Hora and in Prague. During the workshop in 2011 I met Prof. Fanta last time. It is difficult to come to terms that it was decisively the last time. In speech summarizing one of the Round Tables of Experts President Paolo Del Bianco said to the participants: “You are the Foundation”. As an “overall judgment” I could say - I feel a part of the Foundation, and the Foundation has been very important in my both professional and personal life. 1st October I started to work at the Gliwice Academy of Entrepreneurship (Gliwicka Wyz˙sza Szkoła Przedsie¸biorczos´ci), at the Faculty of Design (Wydział Sztuk Projektowych). We have started with the 1st Degree Study on Architecture. It’s something completely new, something to be built from the beginning. In March we would like to start with Postgraduate Study on Conservation. As soon as possible I would like to lead to the signing of the Agreement of Cooperation between our Academy and the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. Until the nearest Round Table I would like to present a proposal of international research - conferences, workshops... (I just think of the organizational form) - entitled “Alternative Florence”. The idea is based on the philosophy of Life Beyond Tourism. The basic question of this activity is: how to create in the city centre (inside the Arnolfo di Cambio city wall or in its immediate surroundings) new focusing points for tourist movement, alternative for extremely overcrowded places.



HOVHANNES TOKMAJYAN Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction National University of Architectur and Construction,Yerevan Congratulations to the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation apropos of the 15th anniversary of its establishment. Therefore by the decision of the Academic Council of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction we reward the “Romualdo Del Bianco” Foundation with a gilded medal for the significant contribution to science and art. Congratulations to the entire staff and the management of the Foundation the President Mr. Paolo Del Bianco, a loyal friend of ours and the General Secretary Mr. Simone Giometti on this occasion, who are connected with warm and intimate friendship ties with the faculty members and students of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction. Congratulations to the members of the Foundation with so important and well-deserved reward ''Columbos – Art, Science, and Entrepreneurship''. The close cooperation between the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction and Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation began at the end of the1990s. In 2002 the 53 university delegations throughout the world, including the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation delegation participated in the University's 80th anniversary celebrations. In this regard our first meeting in the Municipality ''hall of 500'' in Florence in 2013 is memorable. This was our first meeting in Florence, where thanks to the efforts of Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction and Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation the doors of Florence are open for the Universities of Commonwealth of Independent States countries (Former Soviet Union). Since that notable day the Armenia and the CIS Universities faculty members and students saw in reality the enduring masterpieces of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and many renowned artists, architects. The Romualdo Del Bianco foundation, pursuing its philosophy, gave an opportunity to enjoy the chefs d'oeuvres of the world art - the Michelangelo’s genius sculpture "David", the Leonardo da Vinci's ''Annunciation'', ''Adoration of the Magi'', the Botichelli's ''Spring'' and many other wonderful works in the Uffizi Gallery, the Academy Gallery, and elsewhere, hereby once again proving the adopted philosophy that the culture is the only possible way to build a bridge of friendship between people. Consequently, there is a mutual discernment of cultures; parallel to the perception and dissemination of Italian culture and art, we reveal and emphasize our national values, making it visible for the international community by means of the close cooperation of Italian universities and schools. Thereby this process allows us to enrich our national architectural heritage, to import the Italian culture into Armenian reality. Every time we gain an indelible impression from the workshops organized by the Foundation, where various universities students from different parts of the world are present. The workshops are accompanied by various interesting activities. There are no winners or losers, all the participants at the end of each work acquire high professionalism, get spiritual satisfaction, which they use throughout their life. It is a great honor for us that the delegations of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and 214


Construction have participated in the most important events of the Foundation history: the great opening of ''Auditorio al Duomo'' in 2006, ''Palazzo Coppini'', international conferences and research center's opening in 2013, one of the halls of which was named after the YSUAC founding rector Mr. Arest Beglaryan. And now our delegation is present here apropos of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Foundation, which again proves our years of close friendship. We've all been witnessing our close cooperation with Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, the vivid proof of which are the roundtable sessions, student and faculty exchange programmes, ''Best Diploma Project'' review-competitions, exhibitions, festivals in the past 10 years, which is an important stimulus for dissemination of cultural heritage, its estimation and preservation. The symbol of lasting friendship between Romulado Del Bianco Foundation and our University is the bust of Leonardo Da Vinci donated by the Fund to our University, which is in the square opposite our University. At the opening ceremony of the Leonardo Da Vinci’s bust many honorable guests, representatives of state authorities, the president of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation Mr. Paolo Del Bianco and the general secretary Mr. Simone Jiomettin were present. With great appreciation should be noted, that the organization of the festival ''Armenian Cultural Days in Florence'' became a reality thanks to the close collaboration of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction and Delta Culture association. Within the scope of the 90th anniversary celebrations of our University in October, 2012 during the ''Armenian Cultural Days in Florence'', Armenian architecture from the ancient times to our days was presented. The exhibitions of the history of Armenian architecture, modern art, the works of the faculty members of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction and ''The Best Architectural Diploma Project'' generated a great interest not only among the specialists but also among a wider range of public. Within the framework of the festival, folk music concerts, round tables, conferences and theatrical performance were held. We are confident that the friendly cooperation between the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction and the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation will be long-lasting, will bring us further successful results and will enrich the two friendly countries cultures with new, universal values.



JUNKO TSUJI Kyokane Corporation Ltd. FOR THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO FOUNDATION It is an extraordinary and privileged honor to have an opportunity to personally celebrate Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation’ s fifteenth anniversary. Since the very beginning of its establishment, the Foundation has been making positive interventions in tying people to people, training youngsters of all over the world with cultural heritage as their interface. The Foundation never seizes to pursue its original intent of enhancing intercultural dialogue and understanding among people’s diverse cultural backgrounds through the act of conservation of historic, cultural and artistic heritage, underlining the belief that eventually their intent will make a positive contribution to the peace in the world. These efforts should be broadly recognized and praised on this occasion. Being the peace-loving people, we cherish our Japanese cultural tradition while respecting others’ in their own way. The true heart of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation is what we aim for and how the Foundation has been making progress in last 15 years is the example that we would like to follow. What was especially remarkable in 2013, we had an extraordinary gift of honor from the Foundation. One of the distinguished meeting rooms in Palazzo Coppini was named after the late Arimitsu Tsuji, our last president and my late husband. It is something more than we deserve, but we are truly thankful to Paolo, a heartwarming Chairman of the Foundation, for manifesting the strong ties between us in this way. It is an additional honor, if I could add, for me that my daughter Hoshino makes her contribution as an Expert Member of the Foundation. 19 years ago in 1995, Arimitsu Tsuji, in his life, as a member of Rakuhoku Region Kyoto Rotary Club, became involved in conservation of three of Jacopo Bassano’s works owned by the Uffizi, as one of the 40th anniversary collaboration efforts of the becoming sister cities Florence and Kyoto. Through this project, Arimitsu was first befriended with Paolo who was then in charge of foreign affairs of the Florence East Rotary Club. At the same time, our third daughter Hoshino, who was then a Rotary act charter expert-knowledge development member, began her association with the Foundation and its philosophy. The bridge of trust we built between the Del Bianco and Tsuji families had never failed to become stronger ever since. In hindsight, when they first met was the time of two hospitality cultures nourished in Florence and Kyoto met and merged together. Even though the traditions they carry are completely different, it may not have been too difficult for them to naturally shook their hands and immediately began working together side by side looking in the same direction for peace making.



Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation’s main present activities under the flagship of “Life Beyond Tourism” literally connect and bond people to people with diverse cultural backgrounds in innumerable places all over the world. Through the conservation and enhancement activities, we see that connections made by people fuse their cultures and regional traditions. We also believe this is how knowledge, understanding and innovation can take place and be developed. Even in the small island country of Japan the spirit of “Life Beyond Tourism” will spread through its five elements of philosophy: encounter, communication, knowledge, conservation and economic development. We wish to let the Japanese youngsters soar in the wider world under this philosophy of enhancing intercultural respect and mutual understanding. Again wishing tradition and respect of heritage continue to build solidarity, so that people and their wish of protecting their rights and respecting others keep being strong. Congratulations for commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation.



JIR˘Í VANÍCˇEK Silesian University in Opava My first encounter with the Paolo Del Bianco Foundation (RDBF) was purely accidental. In 2001, I wanted to arrange for my students - at that time I taught at the South-Bohemia University – the participation in an international workshop for tourism students. I think that I participated in this workshop three times and out of that I was involved in the preparation of the workshop programme twice. In 2005 I transferred to the College of Polytechnics of Jihlava as the sponsor of the tourism study course and our cooperation with the RDBF continued. I participated in the workshop three or four times. I do not remember the exact number since I also participated at other events organized by PBF, for example the Round Table of RDBF. I am very honoured that I could become one of the signatories of the declaration “Life Beyond Tourism”. The cooperation with the foundation has been extremely useful in both my professional as well as personal life. First of all I fell in love with Florence, one of the most beautiful towns in the world and one of the world cultural centres. I have met many friends there. First and foremost Paulo del Bianco whom I hopefully can consider a friend of mine. And not only himself, but also members of his family. I have also met Romana Przybyszewska Gudelis from Bydgoszcz, Poland and also other teachers from this University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, such as Ass. Prof. Agnieszka Kowalkowska and Ass.Prof.Ewa Saks-Mucha. And we launched the cooperation between our schools which has lasted till now. I have lectured in Bydgoszcz several times as a visiting professor. Two years ago I moved over to another university - the Silesian University in Opava - where I currently work as the sponsor of the spa and tourism study course. Unfortunately, I have not succeeded yet in persuading the school management that the cooperation with the RDBF would be advantageous for our students. I would hereby like to thank Paulo del Bianco for his effort in creating links among students and teachers from many universities in Europe and outside Europe and I would like to wish RDBF lots of success in their praiseworthy work in the coming years.



EUPHYIM VYSHKIN Samara State University of Architecture and Construction THE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO FOUNDATION: A BEACON IN THE SEA OF CULTURAL CONTRADICTIONS It's no secret that in today's world priority is increasingly being given to commercial, ideological or political considerations, often in clear contradiction of aesthetic and humanitarian values and ideals. A beacon is needed, giving hope that a sustainable and balanced approach can be navigated through the tempestuous sea of ideas about the direction of modern culture. For many thinking people (and, significantly, for the creative young generation) the outreach and educational activity of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation is just such a 'beacon'. The Foundation not only invests a great deal in the conservation, propagation and dissemination of the cultural heritage of Florence, but is also highly active in the development and systematisation of cultural activity on a global scale. In this way, the Foundation demonstrates its capacity to appreciate any national culture, in the spirit of global multiculturalism, thereby contributing to mutual understanding and cooperation. For countries currently undergoing radical transformation, assistance in the organisation of the cultural realm is sorely needed. In the countries of Eastern Europe, for example, the relatively recent process of regaining sovereignty has stimulated both the development of national culture, free from ideological programme, and the rebirth of traditional values and traditions. Russia is a case in point. Increased information exchange about new research and approaches in the West and East, combined with contemporary ideological contradictions on the one hand, and a renaissance of interest in traditional national art and Russian philosophical aesthetics on the other, are influencing the development of cultural space. Well-established traditions of Westernism and Slavophilism, having long been in the dialectical balance, now find their ultimate expression in the form of war with each other. On the one hand, to stand to the side of progress in the mutual enrichment of cultures is impossible; on the other, multiculturalism is increasingly being anathematised, in an attempt to resist 'surrendering' national cultural traditions to the general treasury of world heritage, and rather to reveal it in contrast, thus betraying imperialist pretensions of exclusivity. The Foundation espouses a doctrine of cultural universality which allows for the preservation of national-historical identities, taking some of the heat out of this intense debate. For us, as representatives of architectural education, the interest in built heritage shown by the Foundation is of particular significance. It's an open secret that passionate discourse on the theory and philosophy of culture has been relegated to the background, while practice is dominated by naked mercantile banditry. A passing acquaintance with contemporary urban planning experience in provincial cities, such as my own beloved Samara, is sufficient to demonstrate this. The historic core of this Russian city is being disfigured beyond recognition by illiterate contemporary architectural interventions and barbaric demolition of mature buildings. Arson and other criminal 'solutions' have become a mere commonplace, as the unscrupulous pick at the carcass of this centuries-old architectural 219


ensemble, in greedy search of the most succulent urban morsels. Degradation at an ethical and aesthetic level within those strata upon which the fate of the city depends has played a significant role in creating and aggravating the current situation. In this respect, architectural education is of course highly significant; a nonchalent attitude formed here towards heritage and its unique identity, combined with the rampant pursuit of convenience, leads to distortion and impaired perception in the realm of aesthetic decisions, which can only be to the detriment of the historic environment. All this is reflected in the deformation of the face of historic cities, where at alarming speed the traditional and original - the very genius loci – is perishing, and in its place monsters rise up, disfiguring the city, without a hope of ever achieving organic harmony with its cultural heritage. The plight of the contemporary provincial cities of Russia reminds me of the history of my old stamp album. In my childhood a classmate gave me a pre-revolution stamp album, with stamps inside. Stamps in circulation at the time when the album was produced were relatively few, and I had significantly more in my own collection, and so it occurred to me that it would be more sensible and attractive to cut out the stamps from the old album, gather my newer stamps and systematise them, either by a chronological, geographic or thematic principle, and put them all in one new album. Now, when I look through the old album, with my clumsy excisions, I'm ashamed – it's a living reproof of my intellectual and aesthetic immaturity. Analogous feelings arise when one surveys the modern Russian city, with the crude holes in its architectural history. Clearly such immaturity – an inability to foresee the aesthetic consequences of one's actions – if forgiveable in a young child, is utterly inadmissible in those architects who hold the fate of the city in their sway. Therefore, it is gratifying to see so many practising and future architects involved in the activities of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, and that it is devoting so much attention to architectural education, affording it such an important position on the palette of central creative interests. A multitude of higher education institutions are always represented at the seminars and round table discussions organised by the Foundation, which also runs and monitors creative events, held in these same universities. As a matter of fact, that is how we were acquainted: Mr. Simone Giometti, the General Secretary of the Foundation, came to our city and attended a routine competition of architectural project work. His pleasant manner and consummate professionalism made a lasting impression. Later, in Florence, a meeting took place with the unique and wonderful man, Mr. Paolo del Bianco, the President of the Foundation, a person who combines depth and diversity of erudition with stormy romantic energy and a rare democracy (you are as likely to see him in VIP circles or with directors of multi-national organisations as amongst students and school pupils). Since that time, meetings with representatives of the Foundation have become a regular occurrence for our university. In addition, the creation of the Foundation's Internet Portal 'Life Beyond Tourism', a powerful and helpful tool for getting to know significant sites in various corners of the world, is already making a significant contribution towards the development of appreciation of regional cultural heritage. We have already made a page on Samara, and we hope that we might consider a seminar in the future. And at last a group of our students are travelling were able to travel to a seminar in Florence - a kind of culmination of the involvement of Samara's future architects in the cultural-educational work of the Foundation. I'm convinced that the Foundation will make many new friends in our city, and the city will in turn be given hope and the prospect of the preservation of its historic identity. 220


STEFAN WESTRYCH - STEFAN WRONA Warsaw Technical University OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO Dearest Paolo, As you surely remember, our relations started during your first visit in Warsaw in 1994 when you came from Cracow to the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology with prof. Kadłuczka and arch. Chrzanowski (if I remember the name properly). You already had precise ideas on how to help young people – students of architecture mostly from Eastern Europe to get to know better and to come closer to the Florence's rich cultural heritage. By offering a certain number of free-of charge stays in the VIVA Hotels network owned by Your Family, you initiated a programme that was developed few years later by the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco. During one of Your visits in Warsaw the problem of how to institutionalize this personal activity of Yours was put. Basing on our experiences of the Faculty of Architecture, we suggested that forming a foundation could be a right solution. Few years later the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco was registered and we i.e. Stefan Wrona and Stefan Westrych became, let's say, the godfathers of the Foundation. The Foundation has fiven the opportunity to fulfill, in a programmed and institutionalised way, diverse cultural, educational, scientific/editorial activities defined by numerous programmes, e.g.: • international workshops for architecture, music and arts students • scientific researches in different fields (also architecture) • editorial activities in collaboration with Florentine institutions • promotion, in the form of a competition, of the best thesis projects • collaboration with ICOMOS in organising international conferences on the protection of cultural heritage. Polish professors and students from Warsaw have participated in numerous international workshops, exhibitions, semminars, conferences and research projects organised by the Foundation in 15 years of its existence. All these initiatives, i think, are well documented and archived in the secretariat of the Foundation. Our relations with the Foundation and especially with You and your Family have a particular character. Our families know each other for over 20 years. Our children grew up together with the Foundation. We remember very well first years of our acquaintance, trips across the Tuscany, meetings in Forte dei Marmi, lardo di Colonnata, fresh onions in the market washed in the 221


fountain and eaten raw with great taste... We remember numerous Round Tables, opening of the Auditorium at Duomo, visits in Florentine museums, churches and squares. We remember great events celebrated in Salone del Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, awards given to You by the Polish government in merit of Your Work realised through the Foundation. Lots of memories. Florence, thanks to the Foundation's activity, became our city, known as no other, we can say in a personal and intimate way... We hope that after experiencing 15 years of the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco activity, you'll become even stronger and that you'll continue to contribute to „the peace in the world... and friendship between nations”. We are open and disposed to continue the collaboration; nevertheless we have to prepare „new force” of the new team of youngsters, who introduced by us would continue, with new and fresh ideas, this message you have sent 15 years ago. We wish to You and Your Family – the Soul and Heart of the Foundation – to be able to celebrate in great health the 30th anniversary in 2028 and that noone of us will be missing on that celebration. With warmests regards



ILSHAT YULDASHEV - JENNET YULDASHEVA Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University THE WORLD STANDS ON THE GOOD PEOPLE, KIND PEOPLES! Despite the high status of the University Professor, financial component does not allow most of us travel the world and sometimes even participate in professional conferences and congresses in the far abroad. 2005 - I was lucky - passed through strict selection I got an opportunity to have a short training in one of the prestigious universities of Germany - High School of medicine, Lower Saxony, Hannover. The pleasant bustle of preparation for the trip. We went together with my wife - she is also a doctor. KIND colleague of the University International Affairs Department, charming Tamara, gave us information about planned in Italy, Florence, scientific medical Symposium of physicians-cardiologists, conducted under the auspices and support of the International Fund Del Bianco Foundation. In Germany training passed on as usual, lectures, seminars, operating theater, dressing rooms... Having a Schengen visa, we could take part in the Symposium in Florence. At the situation of not as sufficient funds for the trip, we decided to use more affordable way, as we thought on that time - railway and go to Italy. But very KIND man - Professor Hausamen J-E - Head of the clinic, prompted us another option - to use the services of tourist airline HLX where was very reasonable prices for airline trip tickets. Brief correspondence with a very KIND and polite Del Bianco Foundation representative - Simona Giometti, and - we are ready to go to beautiful the Italy. Short luggage collecting, than flight from the invigorating freshness of late German autumn in the glow of the Italian sun we land at the airport of Pisa. One observation moment at the time of landing - almost all the passengers of the plane of sustained and disciplined “Germans” become passionately emotional “Italians”. They started waving their hands, to prepare for an exit, shouting: «Pronto! Pronto!», answering the phone. Well, to be a doctor – is a good thing, because we understood part of the words: Bellissimo! Dextra! Sinistra! Amore! We stayed at the hotel, which was also proposed by the Del Bianco Foundation and in the morning we arrived to get acquaintance with the organizers and participants of the Congress. Simona was not a lady, she turn up to very pleasant and KIND young gentleman – Simone. Simone Giometti. The delegations arrived from Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Poland, Armenia, other European, Baltic countries, we from Kyrgyzstan. Medical East-West Symposium “Ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias and iodine included disorders” was very successful. We have reported on our presentation, met colleagues from many countries. Met with the Head and President of the Foundation - Mr. Paolo del Bianco - very KIND, charming, contact, sensitive, friendly and intelligent gentleman. We got acquaintance with his wife, daughter Giovanna. The staff of the Fund tried to draw Congress productive, useful, and helpful for participants, and as a KIND hosts to introduce us to the best sights of Florence.



UFFIZI!! UFFIZI!! UFFIZI!! This magic word besots about every people of the planet Earth! It is a Museum of masterpieces! This is the visit card of Florence, Tuscany, Italy!!! We were lucky to visit it. Visit it’s excellent halls. See the great creations of the finest masters of the Italian Renaissance, David, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, the repentant Mary Magdalene... We were very happy to visit this symposium, and our believe that we must come back realized next 2006 year, on next symposium. I am Professor. Dr. Ilshat Yuldashev. Now about my current position – I defended a Postdoctoral thesis, I’m a Professor, Head of Pediatric Stomatology, Maxillo-Facial and Plastic Surgery Department of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University after the name of BN Elzin, Professor, Department of Pediatric Stomatology Department, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy after the name of IK Akhunbaev, Professor, Department of Special Clinical Disciplines, International High Medical School of International University of the Kyrgyzstan. Professor of the Department of Stomatology, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Advanced and Postgraduate trainings. I am a Vice President of Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Republic. My wife – Jennet Yuldasheva – Associate professor, Department of Internal Diseases for Stomatology and Pediatrics specialties of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University after the name of BN Elzin. Part of our success is because we all time met KIND peoples! The world stands on the KIND peoples! We are very thankful for all KIND men and women!



HELENA ZEMANKOVA Brno University of Technology I was firstly invited to Florence and the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco by my colleagues from Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava. I was amazed by helpfulness of Mr. President Romualdo Del Bianco, as well as the whole leadership of the Foundation, their cultural activities, wide range of co-operation with universities teachers and students not only from Europe, but from distant continent as well. Due to professional approach of the Foundation not only myself but my students and colleagues from Faculty of Architecture in Brno as well, we had a chance to visit galleries in Florence, be acquainted with architectural and artistic monuments in Italy and had a chance to co-operate with Italian professionals. I recall, as one of the most important co-operation, the European project Rescuing the Hidden European Wooden Churches Heritage an international methodology for implementing a database for restoration projects in 2006. I wish you, to the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Foundation, a lot of ideas, interesting activities and partners. Along with my colleague and students we are looking forward our future co-operation. I compliment to the Mr. President Paolo Del Bianco to the successful and reach life of the Foundation. With regards.



BOZ˙ENA ZIMNOWODA-KRAJEWSKA Nicolaus Copernicus University - Torun My friendship with the Foundation has long roots, because of 1999. The person who invited me to participate in a workshop student was Danuta Kłosek-Kozłowska from Warsaw University of Technology. The first meetings are always the most intensely lived out. The same was with the first trip to Florence. Preparations to draw up topic of workshops require significant effort students. The enthusiasm due to the recent entering Torun on the UNESCO World Heritage List (in 1997.) spread to the students who with fervor made a presentation of our city. Fifteen years is not a long period of time, but in terms of technological progress - huge. Internet and computer were not yet the basic tools work. Graphical presentation of the history and values of Torun had to be done manually. By working together, a group of students performing this task made friends one another. A lot of emotions has brought travel by coach that lasted nearly 24 hours. The biggest impression with the trip is luminous at night snow on the slopes of the Alps. We left with the winter wonderland, and the next day we were in the spring fairy tale. And yet it was the beginning of February. The meeting with the Foundation is to know an amazing man with a great heart and open to other people. Gone were any concerns about whether our work will obtain approval. The famous Toruń gingerbread in colorful packaging which imitate Thorn monuments have been adopted by Italian hosts with great joy. The program of our stay was very rich. In addition to the presentation of the results of joint work of different groups of students, we visited the most important museums, got to know the city. Paolo Del Bianco showed us places near Florence, which themselves probably would not get. Besides Fiesole, was Bivigliano, Pratolino, Scarperia, villas Medicci in Cafaggido and Trebbio. At home Antonio Natali - friend of Paolo - for the first time tasted grappa. Towards the end of our stay in Florence we visited Mrs. Maria Luigia Fuat, who led a school graphic Il Bisonte. Initially very intimate meetings during student workshops in fifteen years evolved into a very diverse initiatives. Ideas are often born at annual meetings of the Round Table. Contact the Foundation was very important for me. First, I had the opportunity to meet many people from different countries. With some I met in other circumstances. In 2010, together with Professor Tracewski of Minsk were working on a program for the restoration of the cathedral in Mogilev (Belarus). Participation in the international project S.Gimignano (2001-2002) was a great experience for me. I had the opportunity to learn a different point of view associated with the problem of adaptation of historical architecture to modern needs. The hospitality and cordiality Paolo Del Bianco and his wife Giovanna has allowed us to treat the Foundation, as the growing family. Because after all we participated in a family celebration when Carlotta solemnly informed us about their engagement. A few years later, with the hope we were waiting for favorable news about the health of Paolo after operations. Initiatives Foundation, inspired by the ideas of Paolo Del Bianco, lead always to widen directions of interest. This is especially important for the problems of the protection of cultural diversity and cultural heritage. I had the opportunity to participate in two events in this area under the patronage of the Foundation. The first event is 11th International Seminar: forum 226


UNESCO / University and Heritage (Florence, 11-15 September 2006). The second event is an International Conference: The Life Quality in City Centers. Conditions for Residence and Tourism - Torun / Bydgoszcz (Poland) 13-15 May 2011. Anniversaries are always an opportunity to reflect on - hence the initiative of the Foundation directed its members to present their impressions with the fifteen years of activity. In May of this year saw the opening of a beautiful seat of the Foundation in the historic Palazzo Coppini. I think that is a very important moment in the history of the Foundation. I hope Palazzo Coppini will become the place where the next generation of young researchers from different cultures and cultural heritage enthusiasts will compare their experiences and initiate new activities. I wish all the members of the Foundation who build the present to always remember the timeless value of a friendship. From it arises goodwill towards people, curiosity, tolerance and commitment. This is the future.



MIECZYSŁAW ZIOMEK Nicolaus Copernicus University - Torun Just a few words about my cooperation with the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in Florence, which has been going on for 15 years. My very first meeting with the President of the Paolo Del Bianco Foundation in 1997 in Florence made a big impression on me; I met a very cordial man, full of energy and enthusiasm. During this meeting he presented his idea to us (the participants of a workshop): ‘integration through culture’, a phrase which came from the Manifesto of the Foundation. This motto has been dear to me, and for the past 15 years of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, its ideas have also lived outside of Florence in the plein air meetings I organized in Banská Bystrica, in Vilnius, Lviv, and many places in Poland. Through these meetings we (art professors) share our experience and get to know one another’s teaching methods. As a project manager for all these years, I have taken to Florence 33 students from my Faculty of Fine Arts. I saw my students experience every trip to this beautiful city and get artistically involved. I am aware that these workshops were important in their artistic development. Now we all know first hand how important integration through culture is.



FIRST DRAFT OF THE INTERVIEW BY EMANUELE DI CASTRO Poche ore prima di andare in stampa ho ricordato che Emanuele Di Castro aveva inviato il testo di un’intervista che mi aveva chiesto e con me anche ai membri della mia famiglia e a Simone Giometti, Segretario Generale della Fondazione fin dalla sua costituzione nel 1998; ma è opportuno che spieghi chi fosse Emanuele Di Castro e il perché della sua intervista che in parte si comprende anche dalla sua mail del 20 luglio 2013. Grazie ad un grande consulente in organizzazione aziendale, l’Ing. Fernando Borioni, che mi ha accompagnato dal 1981 a costruire la compagnia VivaHotels e il suo sviluppo da uno a cinque alberghi, con aziende di servizi collegate e controllate, affiancandomi per la creazione di una struttura organizzativa che non poteva mancare per un veloce sviluppo imprenditoriale, ho conosciuto il dr. Emanuele Di Castro, un consulente al quale abbiamo affidato sempre la ricerca del personale necessario per lo sviluppo di un’impresa e il suo mantenimento in linea con le mutevoli esigenze. Un professionista silenzioso che ha accompagnato la mia attività dai primi anni ’80; mi ha conosciuto giovane imprenditore desideroso di costruire una rete di alberghi, un sogno che poi è stato interrotto da un problema al mio cuore per il quale ho dovuto cambiar passo. Al dr. Di Castro sono sempre ricorso, in particolare nell’anno più complesso della mia vita, il 2003, dove mi sono trovato a ricreare l’organizzazione generale per tre contemporanei pensionamenti di tre dirigenti e in un momento di importanti cantieri aperti. Un agosto difficile quello del 2003 in cui il silenzioso dr. Emanuele Di Castro mi è sempre stato vicino con una corrispondenza accorta, anche con citazioni di Dante che sono tra i bei ricordi della mia vita. Pochi mesi dopo un grave malessere temporaneo, a novembre 2003, cui non ho dato importanza e a seguito del quale non mi sono sottoposto ai necessaria controlli per i troppi impegni in corso; ma era stato un forte attacco di angina dimenticato per due lunghi mesi proprio per il cantiere aperto all’hotel Laurus al Duomo. Una ricaduta a gennaio mi ha portato obbligatoriamente dal Prof. Francesco Marchi da cui l’accertamento del grave rischio corso due mesi prima e sempre in agguato. Da qui l’operazione al cuore sotto l’esperta mano del Prof. Popoff. Il dr. Emanuele Di Castro era sempre lì che mi seguiva in questa fase complessa, selezionando sempre le persone giuste per il posto giusto. Con la stabilizzazione della situazione sono passati alcuni anni in cui ho sentito solo saltuariamente e telefonicamente il dr. Di Castro, l’ho cercato ancora nel 2013 ed è venuto a Firenze, dalla sua città, Roma. Quel giorno invece di un palazzo di uffici come lui lo conosceva, ha trovato Palazzo Coppini. Anni prima aveva saputo della mia passione per questa Fondazione, ma soprattutto per la sua missione di dialogo tra culture, ma quando vide la collezione e le sale, non mancò di esternarmi la sua grande sorpresa per questa evoluzione e, palesando anche ammirazione, mi chiese di potermi fare un’intervista da consegnarmi poi e da pubblicare a mio piacimento. Questa sorpresa di un professionista chiamato in genere dalle più importanti imprese in Italia per la ricerca di personale specializzato, con alle spalle una carriera di una quarantina di anni non poteva non sorprendere anche me; ovviamente accettai con piacere. Sono seguiti un paio di incontri con me e con mia moglie Giovanna e le mie tre figlie Carlotta, Caterina e Corinna. Il giorno 8 agosto ho ricevuto la mail che segue con l’allegato. Eravamo alla Maddalena, ospiti degli amici Franco e Milena e nel frattempo avevo messo in atto l’idea di strutturare il libro con 229


i contributi di tutti gli amici ed esperti della Fondazione. Un lavoro affidato a Maurizio Bossi come abbiamo visto, per questo passai a lui questa mail di Emanuele Di Castro con l'allegato. Purtroppo sappiamo che Maurizio non ha potuto portare avanti la pubblicazione e due giorni fa avevo dimenticato di passare anche questo contributo di Emanuele Di Castro all’editore assieme agli altri contributi. Leggendo il testo ci rendiamo conto che non è compiuto; lui aspettava ancora da noi ulteriori dettagli per la definitiva messa in stampa. Mi ha telefonato e scritto più volte, velatamente dispiaciuto per non aver visto un seguito del suo lavoro. Ovviamente sapeva che non era una dimenticanza, ma non sono stato a spiegare altro vista la situazione a Firenze. Anche lui è venuto a mancare e anche a lui dedicherò un gradino della scala di Palazzo Coppini, visto che non abbiamo più sale da nominare e la denominazione dei gradini, in questi casi, è forse più significativa. Penso che dovrò ricostruire la corrispondenza con lui, in particolare quella intercorsa nell’agosto 2003. In questa pubblicazione mi limito a riportare due sue e-mail quella di luglio 2013 da cui traspare il suo interesse in questa evoluzione di un imprenditore e quella del successivo agosto con cui mi invia la bozza finale della sua intervista, ma che non era finale, a ben leggere la mail. Oggi non posso dire che mi dispiace molto non aver portato a compimento questo suo desiderio, speravo semplicemente di poter valorizzare ancor più il suo lavoro inserendolo in un contesto più ampio ed articolato con gli altri contributi ricevuti. Soprattutto mi dispiace non avergli dato la soddisfazione che avrebbe meritato anche con gli approfondimenti, cui accenna nella e-mail di luglio, che sarebbero stati particolarmente interessanti soprattutto per le mie figlie; comunque sono certo che abbia avuto modo di apprezzare in più occasioni la stima e la fiducia che ho sempre nutrito in lui e la gratitudine personale, al di là del rapporto professionale. Grazie ancora dr. Di Castro per il suo grande e apprezzato contributo. Paolo Del Bianco



Da: "Emanuele Di Castro" <emanuele.dicastro@fastwebnet.it> Oggetto: bozza dell'articolo Data: 20 luglio 2013 20:54:18 CEST A: "'Paolo Del Bianco'" <direction@lifebeyondtourism.org>

Caro Presidente, ho completato e rivisto il testo, ma per esperienza va riletto più volte per renderlo accettabile nella forma e sviluppo del discorso, inoltre ora devo pensare come inserire le tante cose interessanti ascoltate parlando con sua moglie, le figlie e Simone, ancora non mi è chiaro come, ma sono certo che confermino e arricchiscano ulteriormente quanto già scritto. Penso e spero di riuscirci entro fine mese, poi lasciare decantare tutto per un paio di settimane, prima del timbro finale. Riflettendo sul tema centrale degli incontri e relazioni con tante persone invitate qui in Italia mi piacerebbe, se possibile , inserire un semplice numero, se esiste, che evidenzi il totale di quelli che dall’inizio di questo progetto sono entrati in contatto con la Fondazione, ( docenti, studenti, etc. ), perché un qualunque lettore possa concretamente capire il risultato già raggiunto come dialogo tra persone. Aggiungo, a titolo personale, che andando avanti nello scrivere e riflettere mi sono reso conto che si tratta di una storia esemplare nel senso che rientra, per come è iniziata e si è svolta, ad un patrimonio di saperi sociologici e “ aziendalistici “ per cui ad un certo punto ho preso a risfogliare autori in cui queste storie culturali sono state oggetto di studi molto interessanti. Buona domenica Emanuele Di Castro.

Da: Emanule Di Castro <dicastroemanuele@gmail.com> Oggetto: 0ggetto: versione " finale " testo del libro Data: 8 agosto 2013 17:11:21 CEST A: direction@lifebeyondtourism.org Caro Presidente, varie traversie con il server in uscita delle mail, in parte risolte, ma con tanta perdita di tempo. Il testo in allegato è la mia versione finale dopo aver riletto tutti gli appunti, in cui a fronte delle 18 pagine della conversazione con lei tutte sopratutto improntate ad una ricostruzione logica e cronologica, le altre 20 delle conversazioni con sua moglie, Carlotta, Caterina e Corinna, rileggendole, mi hanno comunicato più un'atmosfera fatta di sentimenti e ricordi e frasi molto puntuali che non è stato facile compatibilizzare con la prima parte del testo.A questo punto ho dovuto fare una scelta, evidenziando ciò di comune si riscontra nella storia di tutta la famiglia rispetto alla storia della Fondazione, evitando di approfondire alcuni aspetti più personali che pure fanno parte di questa storia. Resta la conversazione con Simone, la più oggettiva di tutte, seppure con toni anche appassionati, comunque oggettiva in quanto scandita con più dati ed informazioni sul percorso cronologico della Fondazione. Resto convinto che a questo punto bisognerebbe raccogliere tutti i contributi scritti e trovare una sintesi sul piano documentale ed espositivo e aggiungo, come proposta personale, che affiderei anche a Carlotta il compito di scrivere un paio di pagine sul " futuro" della Fondazione a breve, medio termine. Passerò agosto tra Roma e Fregene, mi chiami quando vuole, il nuovo indirizzo è dicastroemanuele@gmail.com non essendo sicuro che i server di fastweb funzionino regolarmente. Cari saluti e buone vacanze a tutta la famiglia. Emanuele Di Castro. 231


EMANUELE DI CASTRO Studio Staff di Roma LA FONDAZIONE ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO: ORIGINI DI UNA MISSIONE Per capire il significato e il ruolo della Fondazione è necessario ricercarne le tracce, più o meno visibili ed oggettivamente verificabili che precedono l’atto ufficiale della sua costituzione il 3 novembre 1998. Una ricostruzione affidata alla memoria del suo fondatore, dei familiari e più diretti amici e collaboratori che hanno partecipato, in modi diversi ma accomunati da una stessa ispirazione, alla nascita, consolidamento e affermazione di questa istituzione. Perché ogni nascita, rispetto al giorno in cui qualcosa viene alla luce, rappresenta solo la conclusione di un periodo di gestazione in cui un organismo inizia a vivere, ad acquistare una propria fisionomia, ad acquisire una propria identità nell’ambiente di cui è destinato a fare parte e solo tentando di ricostruire il processo della sua gestazione si riusciranno a capire meglio la sua morfologia di valori, contenuti, programmi, risorse, quello che gli consentirà di affermarsi, cioè vivere, sopravvivere, svilupparsi: con questo approccio si cercherà ora di ricostruire alcuni tratti fondamentali della Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco nella sua veste e identità con cui oggi si presenta sulla scena sociale e abbiamo imparato a conoscerla: Life Beyond Tourism. Cercando di rintracciare i sentimenti che sono all’origine della Fondazione, lo scenario è quello politico e sociale dei 20 anni della Guerra Fredda, un blocco di popoli all’Oriente dell’Europa privati di molti diritti e separati da tante altre nazioni con cui tuttavia condividevano valori fondamentali e percorsi della storia pregressa, vittime di bugie e minacce e verso i quali istintivamente il Fondatore avverte di nutrire una sorte di affetto, in quanto popoli soggiogati: un sentimento che in qualche modo è avvalorato dalla convinzione che allora l’Occidente era nella verità. Oggi in questa ricostruzione, a posteriori, delle origini di tale missione, incontriamo popoli e culture diverse, che in parte si scontrano ed in parte tentano un difficile, ma naturale terreno di confronto, semplicemente conoscersi meglio. Perché nel processo incerto e conflittuale di mettere a fuoco una visione del mondo il Fondatore, Paolo del Bianco, riconosce che anche noi vivevamo in tante falsità, lo stile americano dell’usa e getta, detto con altre parole riconoscere che nella vita non ci sarà mai certezza assoluta e bene e questa sarà una conquista che richiederà tempo, risorse ed una istituzione dedicata a questo difficile compito. Cronologicamente siamo alla fine del 1989, l’anno della caduta del muro di Berlino, vissuto come crinale della mia vita. Cosa potevo fare per questi fratelli? A quel momento i sentimenti e valori personali vissuti osservando e partecipando a ciò che avveniva su uno scenario mondiale s’innescano e confluiscono su altre esperienze e decisioni personali, quelle di un imprenditore del turismo che deve affrontare una crisi del business del settore per la compresenza di tanti fattori, endogeni ed esogeni. Infatti, quasi contemporaneamente alla caduta del muro di Berlino l’Architetto sta raggiungendo l’apice della propria storia imprenditoriale con l’acquisizione di 2 nuovi alberghi,che richiede grande impegno di tempo, notevole sforzo finanziario, gestione di una capacità produttiva 232


raddoppiata in termini di camere da mettere a disposizione della clientela,proprio quando la Guerra del Golfo, l’epidemia della Sars ed altre criticità stanno mettendo in crisi il turismo, soprattutto a Firenze dove non arrivavano più, come in passato, i turisti americani:un intreccio di eventi e problemi che sollecitano riflessioni e ripensamenti,la sensazione e decisione d’imboccare una nuova strada, un rimescolamento di carte in cui vengono recuperate e rielaborate idee e suggestioni, personali e sociopolitiche, degli anni precedenti. Così mentre dall’interno della realtà aziendale continuano a provenire ancora quei vecchi segnali indirizzati a continuare sulla strada fino allora percorsa, l’imprenditore diventa sempre più consapevole che ci voleva qualcosa di eccezionale,pur mantenendo il legame indissolubile con Firenze. Era diventato urgente, moralmente ed economicamente,andare in contro a paesi e persone che si stavano aprendo al mondo occidentale, in pratica bisognava sotto il profilo aziendale cambiare arena di competizione, personalmente sentirsi pronto e profondamente motivato a captare un messaggio di integrazione interculturale ancora in fieri,ma già decodificabile. Un processo di diversificazione congiunta, del business e della propria scala di valori ed interessi, da quel momento legati allo stesso destino, una svolta che conclude quella fase che porta alla nascita ufficiale della Fondazione, destinata a ricordare, non a caso, il nome del padre di chi di quella Fondazione è stato ispiratore, artefice, presidente. Se infatti la missione della Fondazione sarà poi quella sinteticamente racchiusa nel “ precetto” Life beyond tourism, (un mondo di opportunità, oltre il turismo mordi e fuggi) non è a caso il richiamo, nel logo, all’influenza che la storia pregressa della famiglia Del Bianco abbia giocato in questo progetto in cui i valori del lavoro, della socializzazione, della cultura e dell’imprenditorialità si tramanderanno da una generazione all’altra, pur nel rispetto delle tante differenze individuali, il vero, autentico patrimonio di esperienze, ricordi e messaggi educativi, in vario modo confluiti nella vocazione e identità della Fondazione Del Bianco. Tornando indietro, circa un secolo prima che vedesse la luce la Fondazione, il nonno paterno, Giovanni, apparteneva a quel mondo socialista delle società di mutuo soccorso,che profondeva anche tanto impegno e dedizione nel lavoro, una cultura del fare, da piccoli imprenditori dotati d’inventiva, voglia di rischiare, dividendo la propria vita a stretto contatto con gli operai dell’impresa edile, c persone di diverse estrazione sociale ma accomunati da un destino comune di lavoro e di umana socializzazione. Un incontro di valori non molto distanti da quelli che ispireranno i primi passi della Fondazione, irrobustiti da una forte armonia familiare che riesce sempre a superare,quei problemi di convivenza e reciproca solidarietà che spesso una famiglia allargata in più generazioni è costretta ad affrontare, di fatto un’atmosfera tendenzialmente coesa in cui la spinta all’integrazione di tutti i membri decisamente sempre prevale sulle naturali differenze e spinte centrifughe. Si tratta di quali indizi, tracce, memorie lentamente ma profondamente l’idea della Fondazione abbia preso luce e nutrito il suo fondatore, come un fiume che diventa tale solo con l’apporto di tanti affluenti che insieme danno vita ad un grande flusso di energia che scorre, appunto come fiume, in un territorio che, tra l’altro, stava assumendo una diversa fisionomia sociale e culturale. Sono infatti gli anni in cui stava prendendo piede una sorta di inquinamento morale causato dall’avanzata di una società consumistica, promossa da quella occidentale a fronte della quale quella dei paesi dell’Europa orientale o dell’Asia si presentano come depositari di culture più integre, con cui confrontarsi e associarsi in un progetto di reciproco dialogo e proficua conoscenza. 233


E’ soprattutto in occasione delle festività del Natale il momento cronologico e simbolico in cui nel futuro artefice di questa Fondazione scatta la consapevolezza e l’urgenza di sostituire a tante cerimonie consumistiche occasioni d’incontro e d’insegnamento diverso, per sé e la famiglia, ma proiettata, in prospettiva, in una dimensione molto più ampia, sostituendo a quei rituali rumorosi e umanamente aridi la possibilità d’incontri e conoscenze con un mondo orientale ancora partecipe di reali valori tradizionali, ma che rischiavano di poter rapidamente evaporare sotto l’impatto della civiltà consumistica occidentale. E’ matura così quella svolta personale e familiare che precede di poco la nascita della Fondazione,un evento che valutandolo oggi a posteriori, risulta più chiaro nelle sue istanze fondanti. E’ anche l’inizio delle riflessioni che sono elementi di fondo del Manifesto della Fondazione, scritta poi a Cracovia nell’autunno 2000, nel corso del Convegno Cracovia 2000. La Fondazione si trova così, di fatto, a collocarsi come una cerniera tra l’ovest e l’est, nel momento in cui il disgelo politico favorisce l’incontro, il ravvicinamento, il bisogno di scambiarsi non solo merci ma anche culture e valori, seppure ancora molto distanti. Un ravvicinamento favorito anche dalla ripresa e sviluppo del turismo, più impetuoso e consumistico ad ovest, più guardingo e ancora incipiente all’est, ma comunque uno strumento che saltando ogni logica politica favorisce immediatamente uno scambio socioculturale che inizia a circolare tra vari popoli coinvolti in questo processo: in altri termini e come abitualmente avviene,arriva a maturazione un destino personale quando alcune condizioni esterne favoriscono la nascita di qualcosa di nuovo, un atto creativo,una modalità innovativa di proporsi sulla scena sociale e culturale. Diventa così sempre più chiara la missione della Fondazione, rendere fruibile il patrimonio culturale di tanti paesi, soprattutto di quelli più svantaggiati, nell’ottica di sviluppare un dialogo su valori intangibili più che sulla pura conservazione e manutenzione di patrimoni e reliquie artistiche peraltro ammirevoli, un viaggio per conoscere valori diversi dai propri, facendo argine e proponendo un’alternativa alle idee e comportamenti che guidano, orientano e si stanno impadronendo del turismo di massa. Una missione che seppure lentamente si fa strada anche all’interno dell’ambiente familiare,nella misura in cui si affermano nuovi valori educativi , si tratti del circolo delle amicizie, del come trascorrere le festività, scambiarsi doni e regali, nell’insieme un sistema di vita diverso rispetto al passato ed all’ambiente circostante, che all’inizio poteva apparire come una forma di inaridimento ed evaporazione del passato prima di mettere in luce e condividere altre forme di socialità. Vi gioca a favore di tale conversione culturale la città di Firenze, con tutto il suo patrimonio passato e presente, nel bene e nel male, riassunto nella constatazione che si ride e si piange con Firenze,in quel tempo città ferita dall’atto vandalico di P. Cannata, un riappropriarsi completamente di questo patrimonio culturale, voltare le spalle ai viaggi in USA che fino allora erano stati il modello di riferimento culturale per cominciare a guardare e visitare tanti paesi dell’est, cominciando a contattarli inviando delle lettere simbolicamente missionarie,ma agli inizi prive di immediata risposta all’auspicio e domanda del fondatore: che posso fare? Siamo nel 1992, ma due anni dopo, il 1994, si verifica inaspettatamente un primo contatto con un docente della Georgia che fa sperare che per la Fondazione si possa finalmente aprire un mondo di opportunità, riconoscendo e dimostrando a se stesso di avere ragione, aprendo cuore e mente ad una speranza che inizialmente si configurava come semplice sfida, ma che gradualmente diventa messe di risultati, paesi visitati, incontri, ospitalità di studenti e docenti 234


di tanti paesi portatori di antiche tradizioni, riconoscimenti ufficiali o personali,eventi culturali, adesioni di organismi internazionali, pubblicazioni,una struttura operativa che giorno e giorno lavora per concretizzare la missione ormai concettualmente limpida di Life Beyond Tourism. Un cammino percorso nell’arco di due decenni, che inizia con l’incontro, insperato, in Georgia nel maggio del 1996, con il Patriarca Elia Secondo, in cui per la prima volta, anche in concomitanza con il regalo di una croce d’argento di Santa Nino e la Benedizione di Sua Santità, il futuro presidente della Fondazione sente che quella sarebbe stata la mia missione, quasi una investitura simbolica, la certezza di un totale impegno personale a dedicarsi a questa attività, stabilire questo sistema di relazioni con quei popoli fino allora esclusi, dimenticati, ancora lontani da un dialogo con il nostro occidente. Poi, per caso, siamo sempre nel 1996, settembre, un invito nella veste di imprenditore, in Polonia, a Cracovia ed a seguire a Varsavia, in un paese più vicino e più benestante della Georgia dove era scoccata la scintilla, un paese (la Georgia) tuttavia più lontano e ancora schiacciato da una situazione economica disperata. Iniziano allora gli scambi e l’ospitalità fraterna e familiare con i primi studenti polacchi, accolti in casa in Italia, ma pronti a ricambiare in patria, trovarsi tutti immersi in un’atmosfera conviviale inimmaginabile e fatta di autentica, reciproca, generosità, partecipare ad una lunga, interminabile cena nello spirito di una autentica amicizia tra culture distanti geograficamente e tradizionalmente , ma accomunate da un comune riconoscersi nei valori e riti delle atmosfere familiari. Da allora la vita familiare si è trasformata in piena dedicazione per questa missione, dimenticando fine settimana, festività, anche le natalizie e ferie; tutto il tempo disponibile era dedicate all’apertura verso gli altri per far conoscere meglio noi stessi, nell’auspicio di contribuire a costruire opportunità e un metodo di dialogo tra culture. In tutto questo è stato di particolare utilità l’auto personale con 9 posti, un piccolo vano che consentiva lo spostamento di varie persone e cose nei viaggi con questi nuovi fratelli da Firenze in varie località in Toscana. La Fondazione ha assunto pertanto un carattere molto poco formale, molto familiare e genuino, un carattere riconosciuto da tutti, in cui ricorre spesso, rievocandone soprattutto gli inizi, il termine semplicità e a volte anche quello “divertente”: l’avvio e sviluppo della Fondazione vissuta e partecipata intensamente da tutti i membri della famiglia dove semplicità ha significato il farsi e consolidarsi di tante nuove amicizie con persone di lingua, costumi e diversa estrazione sociale, semplicità e divertimento nell’organizzare la convivenza quotidiana nel corso di giornate trascorse insieme. La Fondazione, quindi, come autentica sorgente di vita, nella piena consapevolezza di stare vivendo un’esperienza molto particolare , sicuramente innovativa sul piano della conoscenza interpersonale ed interculturale, “ volersi conoscere… vedere gli altri come sono”, detto con parole ancora più semplici “ essere vissute con il mondo in casa”, in una condizione di autentica indipendenza ideologica. La storia della Fondazione da questi inizi di vero “ statu nascenti” alla sua ufficializzazione come istituzione formalmente costituita (3 novembre 1998 atto Notaio Alessandro Ruggiero) e progressivamente sempre più diffusamente riconosciuta ed apprezzata, diventa cronistoria di cui qui (non so ancora quel che sarà a conclusione) sono ricostruite fedelmente le varie tappe e che qui si vogliono solo accennare quelle ricordate, sul filo della memoria, dal suo fondatore. L’entrata a far parte del Rotary di Firenze, i primi contatti con giapponesi desiderosi di conoscere Firenze,la laurea della primogenita ed il suo successivo interesse e disponibilità ad occuparsi 235


della Fondazione, l’urgenza di dare stabilità e sicurezza ad oltre 100 famiglie direttamente coinvolte nell’attività alberghiera dell’impresa turistica che ha voluto partecipare e sostenere questa Fondazione fin dalla sua nascita, anche quale centro Studi ed Esperienze per un turismo diverso dal noto turismo ‘mordi e fuggi’ indifferente ai sentimenti e ai valori , i primi tentativi di individuare marchio e logo per la nascente Fondazione (Rodebi, Viva Hotels ?) la messa a punto del progetto di un turismo innovativo ed alternativo a quello dilagante,consumismo vs. accoglienza,la strutturazione della rete di relazioni internazionali e di sviluppo dei contatti personali, il coinvolgimento via via più intenso e operativo di tutto il nucleo familiare nelle varie attività della Fondazione sempre più frequentemente ad altissimo livello, la raggiunta consapevolezza che un patrimonio culturale non va solo tutelato e salvaguardato dall’obsolescenza materiale e spirituale ma soprattutto reso fruibile nello scambio diretto tra persone partecipi di origini culturali diverse al fine di favorire il dialogo tra culture in un mondo che si avvicina alla soglia dei 10 miliardi di abitanti. A conclusione di tutto ciò il sentimento di aver avuto successo e la sua consacrazione materiale con l’inaugurazione di Palazzo Coppini, il ciclo di una missione ormai compiuta ma che si proietta ancora avanti, come aver messo in mare una nave destinata a raggiungere mete ancora più impegnative.. Una nave che ha toccato decine e decine di paesi,ospitato centinaia e centinaia di studenti e personalità del mondo accademico, premiata con tante onorificenze per i suoi viaggi e missioni intorno al mondo e che ha trovato nel Palazzo Coppini il luogo dove ormeggiare prima di ripartire ancora per tanti incontri in altri, nuovi paesi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------DATI Oltre 500 Istituzioni ed Università in 77 Paesi nei 5 continenti Oltre 200.000 giornate di “incontri internazionali, senza competizione, nel ripsetto delle singole identità: un passato da conocere assieme, un comune futuro da costruire” tra giovani dei vari Paesi 8 Lauree Honoris Causa / Diplomi 1 in USA; 1 in Russia Mosca; 2 in Georgia, Tbilisi; 1 Ucraina, Odessa; 1 Azerbaijan, Baku; 1 Armenia, Yerevan; 1 Kyrgystan, Biskek. 1 Docenza 3 Docenze onorarie Riconoscimenti del Ministero della cultura di Polonia e di Azerbaijan Cittadinanza Onoraria di Tbilisi 236

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PARTE 7 Abstract pervenuti entro il 10 febbraio 2016

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PART 7. Abstracts received by February 10, 2016 ЧАСТЬ 7 Абстракты, полученные по 10 февраля 2016.

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


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XVIII Assemblea Internazionale degli Esperti della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®-Life Beyond Tourism® nel 25° Anniversario dell’inizio delle attività della Fondzione Firenze 12,13 Marzo 2016

18th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Florence, March 12 – 13, 2016

Comunità di Apprendimento per il

Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development Dialogo tra Culture e per loforSviluppo del Territorio a contribution to the UNESCO 2003 and 2005 Conventions with the 1972 Convention

Una nuova offerta commerciale e formativa A New Commercial Educational ‘La Cultura per il Dialogo’ - and ‘In viaggio per ilOffer Dialogo’ Culture Life, for Dialogue' – 'Travel for Dialogue' Beyond Tourism Life, Beyond Tourism

A conclusione la presentazione di una proposta per una Raccomandazione PATRIMONIO e CULTURA per il DIALOGO (60 abstracts,INTERCULTURALE authors from 31 countries) patrimonio, viaggio, dialogo


Learning CommunitiesUnder forthe patronage of: Intercultural Dialogue Territorial Development The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution

to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved


Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®


Le rôle du tourisme dans le dialogue des cultures MOUNIR BOUCHENAKI The Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, Director Bahrain Le fait que le tourisme soit aujourd’hui une des toutes premières activités mondiales en termes économiques, mais aussi comme facteur d’échanges culturels confère à ses acteurs une responsabilité particulière, celle de «rendre visible» la Diversité culturelle et de la «mettre en dialogue». Entre le sujet d’études et de recherches qu’il a longtemps été, et le bien de consommation classé dans la rubrique “loisir et tourisme” le patrimoine culturel est donc en train de trouver une nouvelle place. Souvent la motivation touristique pourrait paraître comme la seule justification des opérations menées pour le sauvegarder et le mettre en valeur.



Sviluppo del turismo e protezione del patrimonio culturale: una sfida per il Ventunesimo secolo STEFANO DE CARO Direttore Generale ICCROM Italy Non c'è dubbio che il turismo sia una componente essenziale per la trasmissione sociale della cultura al di fuori del ristretto ambito dei cultori di una disciplina, e ciò fin dall'antichità. Basta leggere ad esempio Pausania, la sua Periegesi della Grecia, o i resoconti dei viaggi dell'imperatore Adriano, per renderci conto di come il viaggio in terre straniere abbia rappresentato una componente importantissima dell’istruzione nell’Antichità Classica... e, in fondo la lista delle antiche Sette Meraviglie del Mondo, potrebbe rappresentare, mutatis mutandis, decisamente greco-centrico, con digressioni, il corrispondente della Lista del patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO attuale. Fu a partire dall’Umanesimo e dal Rinascimento che si sviluppò il fenomeno del viaggio di studio secolare, volto sopratutto alla riscoperta delle antichità, alla luce della ricoperta umanistica delle antichità, e cito, fra gli altri, i viaggi di Francesco Petrarca, o quelli di Ciriaco dei Pizzicolli di Ancona. Tale viaggio comportava, in molti casi, un sentimento di superiorità dei visitatori settentrionali rispetto ai popoli visitati, ma, generalmente, alla luce ei principi dell’Illuminismo, mostrava rispetto per le culture locali, senza dire dei vantaggi e degli stimoli che apportava ai luoghi visitati. Nel tempo con lo sviluppo del fenomeno del Gran Tour, nel corso dell'Ottocento, e con il coinvolgimento di strati sempre più ampi di popolazione, esso si trasformò in quello che conosciamo come “turismo di massa”, emerso con forza dirompente, dopo la rivoluzione industriale, nel bene e nel male, con il suo portato economico moltiplicato. Resta ancora da valutare appieno l’impatto del fenomeno sulla conservazione dei monumenti e, per il futuro, i criteri di valutazione della sua sostenibilità. Come si contrastano questi fenomeni? Con l'esatto opposto della cultura del totem: ponendo al centro della comunicazione turistica non il monumento, ma la città, non la città, ma la regione... con la loro complessità di monumenti, opere d'arte, ambiente naturale, e popolazione... e naturalmente curando tutti questi elementi contemporaneamente...



World Heritage, visibility, tourism and peace RAY BONDIN Heritage Malta, Manager Malta World Heritage is all about legal protection of important representative heritage sites as well as the present and long term good conservation of sites. But the UNESCO List is also about visibility, about informing the whole world on the importance of a particular heritage. Yes there are icons on the List that are already known to everyone but there are also many sites that were not so well known and have become well known with UNESCO recognition. Such recognition is a very strong motor for an increase in tourism which is fine if properly managed. The problem lies in that one single word: management. In spite of management plans and other plans tourism is very often managed very badly or not managed at all. The increase in tourism also opens the demand for new buildings within the heritage sites [hotels, offices, banks ect] and this leads to a discussion that has been going on for very long and never concluded as regards what new buildings are acceptable within world heritage sites. The other big issue refers to the non recognized heritage outside the World Heritage sites and their relationship with the recognized core zones. Heritage can, and should be, also a motor for peace and for intercultural dialogue. There are good examples where this has been the case but also examples where this has not happened. More transboundary nominations should be encouraged. Heritage should create dialogue and help in the solutions necessary to reduce conflict and not increase conflict. Dr Ray Bondin is an ex Ambassador of Malta to UNESCO but also former President of CIVVIH, 8 years as Member of the ICCROM Council and 9 years as member of the ICOMOS Executive.



Interactive Leadership Education by “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Journey” in the New Department of Global Innovation of Toyo University HAJIME IMAMURA Toyo University Japan 1. Our motivation to start new department in the new faculty While being aware of the "universal value for raison d'être of human existence", with full of entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, and daringly willing to act, we believe this kind of excellent human resources can change the future course of our globe. Hence, the aim of installing our "Department of Global Innovation" is to foster this new elite which plays a leading role in the global stages. 2. Key concept of human capital in new department Students are expected to train abilities in standardized skills of Philosophical thinking, Language and communication skills, Basic knowledge of economics of innovation and international relations, Business management and entrepreneurship, and Leadership skills and global networking capability. But, our uniqueness is we focus more on key concepts below. a) Knowledge angels Knowledge Angels will challenge to enhance the networking of innovative activities over-crossing the border of organizations without being seized by traditional practice, organizational custom. b) Interactive leadership Interactive leaders demonstrate their willingness to engage others in a variety of ways, including group decision making, building trust through openness and transparency, and being visible and accessible to followers. c) Territorial Development Territorial development is a voluntary process seeking to increase the competitiveness of territories by involving stakeholders in the framework of concerted action, usually transverse and often strong spatial dimension" 3. Main unique education program “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Journey” We have there tentative projects to enhance human capitals above mentioned a) Drama workshop on topics of global activities, b) Problem based learning with collaboration of international organizations and multinational corporations, c) Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Journey. All those are inter related, but we would like to present especially on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Journey” and like to get comments and suggestions for this program. It challenges extraction and solution of problems by traveling around the four countries one by one week a month, for example, France, Spain, Italy and Germany, through hearings and 244


dialogues from peoples in that territory, like universities, shops, tourism offices, museums, NPOs, entrepreneurs and so on. And, the aim is to find and recommend entrepreneurial plans being based on resources and needs of each territory. If there actually is a need and possibilities, in terms of further subjected to specific planning and research, also help to entrepreneurs in collaboration with the local citizens.



Tourism and culture, possibilities for a new partnership relation at the example of the historic core of Sarajevo ADI COROVIC Commission to Preserve National Monuments Bosnia Herzegovina Owing to extraordinary cultural and natural resources, the Sarajevo Canton Government declared tourism as a strategic economic branch and there are all preconditions necessary for Sarajevo to become again a significant center of cultural-historical, winter, hunting, spa, congress, rural or eco-tourism. According to data obtained from the Ministry of the Economy, it is noticeable that the cultural offer has been enriched, number of capacities and tourists is growing, and the goal – a sustainable development of the tourism – now appears to be achievable. However, it should be noted that until 2015 the level of tourist traffic has not yet reached the half of the sale in comparison to the prewar period (before 1992), which is a trend also typical for some other well-known destinations in the region. Causes are varied and the Town and Municipality Sarajevo make great efforts to rectify the shortcomings in the functioning of the system of tourist offer and services. Preparation of the Tourism Development Strategy, adopting the Law on the introduction of special museum protection zones, use and restoration of cultural heritage, and other measures aimed at improving the tourist offer and capacities are underway. Cultural offer and cultural heritage are significant resources, whereby the urban matrix of the historical core – Sarajevska aršija (Sarajevo downtown) – presents a unique argument the cultural tourism is based on. That is an example of the connection between the open spatial-urban concept and the idea of multiculturalism where acceptance of the other and different does not mean ceding territory, but interaction and harmonious intertwining of cultural diversities. This is a traditional way of the living, and in the same way residents of Sarajevo approach guests and today's tourists thus contributing to the cultural interaction. To this end, the protection of the traditional urban matrix and the "spirit of place" is essential as a prerequisite for development of cultural tourism offerings, from which the common benefit must have both, host and guest - a tourist, in circumstances where hospitality presents a traditional intangible value. The Commission to Preserve National Monuments, within the protection measures for Sarajevska aršija, which was proclaimed a national monument in 2014, determined measures aimed to protect such urban matrix and the “spirit of place”. It was planned to prepare the Study on elimination or reduction of negative impact of interventions carried out in the scope of the Historic urban area; Program of urgent measures, Management plan and Protection of the infrastructure, urban furniture and natural heritage. The aim of these measures is to really protect the cultural heritage, but they also directly affect the advancement of cultural tourism and raise the level of services. Currently, it is not possible to present a unique and tested model for achieving the ultimate 246


goal – a sustainable development of cultural tourism based on the cultural interaction and the subsequent economic prosperity, but it is possible to present plans and work of various institutions whose actions contribute to development of the local community, especially to the field of tourism. Coordination of the city, cantonal, entity and state institutions is necessary in order to find an adequate strategy and implement the agreed tasks, with inevitable consultations, networking and learning from the experience of centers with developed models of cultural tourism. To this end, the organization and joint devising of workshops and concrete projects is purposeful with a view to promote cultural tourism based on the interaction between a host and guest, as well as other forms of cooperation.



Intercultural dialogue through music MARIA MURAWSKA The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz Poland Classical music is an art form that seems universal across cultures. Music itself is a medium through which the composer and performer express themselves and pass their subjective emotions and feelings on to the listener, and, as a result, affect the listener’s own feelings, reactions and music awareness, the whole experience being naturally and thoroughly individual. Owing to its capacity to convey abstract meanings in a manner that defies straightforward semantics, music connects those that represent diverse cultures, hence becoming a tool in an intercultural dialogue and a natural bridge over cultural boundaries. A form of spiritual cohesion of people from different cultures may be observed in ’high culture’ events, a perfect example of which is the prestigious International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, organized in Warsaw since the beginning of the 20th century. The above-mentioned intercultural dialogue is held on several planes here: among professional pianists representing a variety of cultures as well as among amateurs, music being the common denominator for all of them. And yet, special significance attaches to the dialogue that the recipients of the music performed at the competition engage in. All the multi-cultural audience, among whom are both professional musicians as well as average music lovers, by participating in the event, share in the experience of being united in a broader social dimension on the one hand, and enjoy some very individual perception of the music on the other. The steadily growing interest in the competition may well be seen in the numbers. The first competition was held in 1927 and featured 26 pianists of 8 nationalities. The competition lasted one week. The last, 16th edition of the competition in 2015, saw 450 participants from 45 countries, and the whole event took three weeks! Along with the growing number of participating pianists, the numbers of the attending audience have also grown. Last year’s competition was witnessed by visitors mostly from Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States. Additionally, we have observed an increasing interest in the history, culture and musical traditions of Chopin’s motherland, including the actual places where the piano genius lived or which he frequented. With a reasonable degree of certainty we might speak of a special form of the tourist industry here, one that has become a link in the music-recipient-intercultural dialogue chain, and one that coincides with the ’Culture for Dialogue – Travel for Dialogue’ motto and, likewise, the Life Beyond Tourism idea.



Globalization and Mutual Understanding from the Viewpoint of Translation ALDO TOLLINI Ca’ Foscari University, Venice Italy

HIROKO KONDO Toyo University, Tokyo Japan

Translation studies are acquiring great importance in recent years since they are considered critical in the process of mutual understanding in a world which becomes more and more globalized and in need of mutual cultural exchange and of interconnection. However, we often limit our idea of translation to a very superficial pattern, that is mostly to the mechanical linguistic level, neglecting to contemplate the broader issue: translation from the point of view of mutual understanding and of intercultural communication. As a matter of fact, translation, taking place between two languages and two cultures, and acting as a mediator between them, should also be viewed in the cultural context. In fact, language is a reflection of an ethnic group’s culture, a means of transmitting cultural values and sets the parameters of human perception of the world. The position of the translator is that of a mediator of both sides: he is situated on or perhaps in the borders between two cultures. One of the most debated subjects in translation theory is to which extent the translator should be faithful to the original text, or if he can adjust it in order to respond to the reader’s culture. In relation to this, I would like to speak about my personal experience as a translator between two very distant languages and cultures: from pre-modern Japanese to Italian. (Tollini) In this globalized age, much more mutual understanding is necessary and translation is surely one of the tools. It is really a hard task to translate a poem into another language, as we have to decide how to deal with the rhyme. The rhyme scheme is an important part of a poem but also its contents are difficult to be translated into other languages when we find a wall, barrier between the cultures. When Sir Thomas Wyatt translated Petrarca’s sonnet, he omitted some names of the places. According to John Dryden, the translation comprises three levels: metaphrase, paraphrase and imitation. When we discuss the essence of Japanese culture, the element of ambiguity cannot be forgot. We never put –s at the end of the word to show it is plural. I would like to review Matsuo Basho’s haiku (Japanese short poem style: 5-7-5 syllables) and the scene of a jumping frog (or jumping frogs?), and would like to read between the lines together with the auditors. (Kondo)



Expanding the Cultural Dialogue of Life Beyond Tourism RAY HUTCHISON CĂĄtedra Santander, Faculdade de CiĂŠncias Socialis e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay USA The Life Beyond Tourism model focuses on the transformation of the tourist experience from the ego (self serving) to the altruistic (cultural learning). We can expand the model to include Life Before Tourism (how the tourist prepares for his/her visit), the Tourist Event (who is involved in the tourist event: individual, couple, family, group), and Life After Tourism (the lasting effect of the tourist experience). While tourist studies ordinarily focuses our attention on the individual tourist, the Life Beyond Tourism model can also be used to study the activities of other actors (local entrepreneurs, workers, and others) in the activities involved before, during and after the tourist event - in other words, a discussion of Life Before Tourism and Life After Tourism for the many groups of persons whose activities both create and are dependent on producing the successful tourist experience. This expanded Life Beyond Tourism model will focus our discussion on the cultural dialogue that can transform the ordinary tourist event into a lasting experience through cultural dialogue both before and after the tourist visit.



Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development - 'Culture for Dialogue' - 'Travel for Dialogue' G. GUGUSHVILI Rector of the Tbilisi State Academy of Art, professor Georgia

M. KIPIANI Head of Foreign Affairs Department Georgia

We’d like to greet the audience on behalf of the Tbilisi State Academy of Art, and speak briefly on a topic of “Travel for Inter-cultural Dialog”. Georgia is known with its ancient local culture-tangible and intangible, but also, as one of the most important countries of the SILKROAD, the historical trade route between Europe and the East, deriving its name from the trade in Chinese silk. So, historically, Georgia has become the crossroad of cultures. Tbilisi State Academy of Art was founded about 100 years ago, and its historic building, the monument of cultural heritage, is an excellent expression of multi-cultural interactions. It’s built in the nineteenth century, has a typically European facade, and an eclectic interior- the Mirror Halls are created in the Baroque, late Classicist and late Iranian – Qajar styles. The rehabilitation, restoration/conservation of the historic building has already started in 2015 and will last for 3 years. A year before, the London Fashion Week hosted the academy’s fashion design project, that was dedicated to the Mirror Halls as the source of inspiration for fashion designers and became an appeal for rehabilitation fundraising. Here, you can see the historic photos and the expected outcomes of the rehabilitation. So, after 3 years, we’ll have one of the most beautiful art academies not only in the region, but in the East Europe. With great pleasure, we welcome the Del Bianco Foundation and you all to celebrate and to share our excitement on the academy’s opening ceremony. Cooperation between the Tbilisi State Academy of Art and the Del Bianco Foundation is one of the excellent examples of cultural interactions with Italy and especially, Florence. Besides numerous international students workshops, the Tbilisi State Academy of Art was provided an amazing opportunity to become a member of the consortium within the Creative Europe Culture project “Workshops of Sacred Art and Craftsmanship in Europe”, that is leaded by Florence University and coordinated by the Sacred Art School, Firenze. This kind of partnerships, also including ERASMUS PLUS students and staff mobility projects with various European countries, can be even more developed within Georgia’s Visa Liberalization Action Plan, granted to Georgia several months ago. We are glad to make the first step for joining the European community, that will indeed enhance the “Travel for intercultural dialog”.



The recent experiences of tourism in Iran: New opportunities and limitations in intercultural dialogue and better conservation of cultural and natural heritage REZA VAHIDZADEH Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch Iran

SAHAR AHMADINEZHAD Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch Shangarf Restauro Co. Iran

Having a great potential of historical and natural attractions, Iran has not yet sufficiently benefited from tourism for conservation of its heritage. Although a new strategy was proposed in 2005 by government for better communication between heritage and tourism experts through combination of separate administrations of heritage conservation, tourism and Handicraft in a sole organization (ICHTO), there is still a great gap among these sectors, specially between Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Despite the fact that the number of foreign travelers arrivals visiting Iran declined from 2006 to 2012 (2735000 to 2116000), a new trend in traveling inside Iran started which increased the activity of local tourism business. This has not improved the livelihoods of local craftsmen so much, neither lead to survival of forgotten forms of tangible or intangible heritage such as special forms and instruments of local music of the eastern provinces fading by the death of the old generations of artists and/or wooden vernacular architecture in the isolated villages of mountain regions spreading all over the country or the artistic and engineering creation culture of historical earthen architecture which is the dominant figure of the Iranian monument and sites in the vast central plain of Persia. During the recent years scholars with different backgrounds in conservation, architecture and other fields of studies have tried to reverse the situation by presenting new projects for leading the tourism industry. This paper discusses the reasons of formation of the above mentioned gap by the help of surveying several case studies from heritage conservation in which the authors were responsible as directors or researchers for a considerable period of time. For each case the relation between tourism (both international and national) and cultural heritage conservation was surveyed in terms of different forms of income which is received by the local culture through communication with travelers, and new values which is produced by the society in its turn. Several limiting factors were identified in the existing pattern of tourism administration which slow down this process, such as the lack or inefficiency of non-governmental, non-profit seeking active partners in the local society, the limited role of universities and research centers in tourism studies and planning and the hesitation of cultural heritage responsible authorities for taking art in tourism economic process. Recommendations are made through comparing the key factors of the present state of tourism with the LBT model and models implemented by Iranian scholars, as alternatives. This shows that although the philosophies of travel are quite similar between the LBT and the ICHTO charter of travel, different paths were taken for implementation of them in practice.



Learning communities for intercultural dialogue for territorial development. ‘Local culture, in the broadest and deepest sense of the term, must be the driving force behind travel, thus tourism must not distort its destination’s culture.’ MARK CLAPSON Reader in History - University of Westminster United Kingdom In the context of a developed and wealthy, if vastly unequal, capital city such as London, the altruistic versus egotistical pursuit of ‘local culture’ is a complex issue. London prides itself on being the most (allegedly) multi-cultural city in Europe, so any idea of a uniform local culture is impossible. Yet London place-markets itself not only as a culturally diverse melting pot destination but also as a site where tourists can engage with essentially ‘British’ cultural sites and characters. This leads to some fascinating questions from the viewpoint of recent contemporary urban and social history. If London is taken to be something of a microcosm of the international community, then what implications does this have for egotistical and altruistic tourism? In London do many engaged in egotistical tourism, both developed-world tourists and visitors from the developing world, look to reproduce to varying degrees their own national or religious cultures in the capital, with consequently only partial or ‘tourist gaze’ engagement with other cultures in the capital? Many who visit Japanese restaurants are Japanese, while areas of west London which are populated by Lebanese and other ‘Middle Eastern’ residents are centres for tourism from those countries. This leads to a further question: in what ways do a variety of local cultures act as a driving force for tourism within the context of the ‘dominant’ as in ‘British’ culture of the wider city? Which kind of tourists are seeking a mostly ‘British’ experience as opposed to an engagement with the global diversity of London’s tourist offer? The similarities and differences between two highly popular tourist cities, notably Central London and the cultural and spatial heart of Florence, with a different demographic profile, will make a fruitful comparative context to consider the nature and impact of altruistic and ego-centred tourism, and for a rich vein of potential exchange between the Foundation and the University of Westminster.



The Metropolitan Agora for Greater Montreal, a joint elected officers and civil society learning and territorial development process DINU BUMBARU Directeur des politiques, Fondation Héritage Montréal Past President, ICOMOS Canada With Concordia Salus as its motto and a 325-island inland archipelago in the Saint Laurence River as its geographical setting, Montréal lives with intercultural, intersocial and territorial exchange, competition and dialogue ever since its precursor Iroquoian metropolis called Hochelaga was visited by French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1535 and it was founded in 1642 as a mystical Catholic colony called Ville-Marie in the context of Europe’s wars of religion. The conquest of Catholic New France by the Protestant England and the waves of immigrants of the 19th and 20th centuries along with its transformation into the cradle of Industrial Revolution, transportation and intercontinental trade in Canada enhanced that specific character of what is now a metropolitan area with some 100 municipalities and one of the largest concentration of designated heritage sites in Canada. The presence of such a diverse social and cultural fabric in society lead to a lively civic debate and collective education and innovation process to document, protect, revitalise, restore, expose or enrich the heritage of the metropolitan area. In 1975, Heritage Montreal, a not-forprofit independent organisation, was set up to encourage the protection of the historical, architectural, natural and cultural heritage of communities in Greater Montreal and the Province of Quebec. It became an important voice in defense of individual historic buildings, entire neighbourhoods or landscapes as well as sound planning and public consultation, and a catalyst for a collective capacity to educate, cooperate and contribute to enhanced territorial development policies, processes and tools that recognise the soul and cultural value of the territory and the role of citizens in shaping its future. In 2007, the National Geographic Society responded to a joint initiative of Heritage Montréal, Tourism Montréal and the World Center for Excellence of Destination, a UNWTO affiliated organisation, acknowledged Montreal as its first urban area of its Geotourism Programme and all parties plus the Mayor of Montreal signed a protocol recognizing the ICOMOS Charter on Cultural Tourism as a common reference. This event lead to a public process engaging citizen, civil society as well as academics and public officers to identify tangible and intangible heritage defining the personality of Greater Montreal and their integration into a special map produced in French and English with the National Geographic Society which was distributed through the schools, cultural venues, community organisations and touristic information bureaus. Despite such initiatives and experiment, the Greater Montreal area remained greatly fragmented due to a general localism reflecting government-decided administrative and political boundaries. Yet, the growing concerns for the global environment issues or a greater appreci254


ation for the unique endeavour of Greater Montreal from the pre-European centuries to the Modern Contemporary ages, made it obvious there was a need to overcome these abstract divisions. A first large public consultation process in the early 1990s on Montreal and the metropolitan region and the legal requirement from the Quebec National Assembly to produce a metropolitan land-use ad development plan in the early 2000s, brought no fruit. In order to break such stalemate, Heritage Montreal and the Institute for Policy Alternative of Montreal, a civil society think tank, convened an Agora citoyenne (Citizens Agora) in October 2010. Despite our hope, over 400 participants from the various regions of the metropolitan areas met, learned from experiences in Boston, Vancouver, Portland and Lyon, debated and started to develop a common sense and appreciation for the overall geography of the metropolitan areas, its environment and development issues. In 2011, this seed started to give fruits as some 350 citizens and organisations presented briefs at the public consultation sessions held across the metropolitan area on the draft Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement (PMAD or Metropolitan Land-use and Development Plan) which was improved, approved and ratified in 2012 by the Quebec Government. This collective learning process to go beyond local history and politics and develop a collective view on the overall geography and territorial development, did not stop in 2012. A suggestion by Heritage Montreal and other organisations, the biennial Metropolitan Agora bringing together Mayors and other elected decision-makers, and civil society organisations and citizens, was adopted by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM - Montreal Metropolitan Community) as a mechanism to support the implementation of the PMAD and to encourage cooperation and learning to improve the metropolitan strategies for sustainable planning, transport and environment, including heritage and landscapes. Since the PMAD’s adoption, the CMM held two such Metropolitan Agoras organised with a joint committee representative of the municipalities and civil society in the metropolitan area. In 2015, the Metropolitan Agora was followed by a Thematic Conference on Metropolitan Areas and the Montreal Declaration in preparation for the UN Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador, in 2016. The PMAD, these Agoras and a genuine spirit of cooperation and co-invention have created a new form of intercultural dialogue that acknowledges identity and heritage, not as constraints but as forces for territorial development. As the human society becomes more and more urban and that metropolitan areas become more numerous and influential in the care of heritage and landscapes as well as in the identity of community, the Montreal experience has valuable lessons to share on ways to foster a constructive dialogue in societies on developing, beyond respect for local history, a collective sense of geographical responsibility and optimism.



Local culture, in the broadest and deepest sense of the term, must be the driving force behind travel, thus tourism must not distort its destination's culture CHRISTINA HAYRAPETYAN CISP Armenia, Country Representative Armenia The cultural heritage of Armenia has multidimensional records dating back to the far-off eras and representing quite significant potential to be considered in terms of developing the relations between culture and tourism. Taking into account that the cultural tourism has a tendency towards becoming the most dynamically developing branch of modern tourism industry, Armenia with its tangible and intangible cultural assets can be considered as a destination to be promoted and enhanced with regards of competitiveness and attractiveness. The local distinctiveness can serve a definite base for framing it into a strategic approach and endorsing it as a recreational need. All the different branches of tourism will of course never lose their role, but it should also be highlighted that nowadays huge number of “tourists” become “travelers” with more expanded needs and cultural interest. With regards of this the role of the local communities should also be clearly acknowledged and strengthened as one of the main actors that are responsible for creating the sense of the place and representing the uniqueness and colours of the local culture. The regular observations in Armenia indicate that the role of the local communities and people has proven to be essential in defining the cultural characteristics of the country. Armenia as a country that slowly takes its path into decentralization can also take advantage of practicing cultural tourism, as in general terms the main cultural events are taking place in the capital city, while the regions having a huge potential of cultural diversity are often deprived of their ability to demonstrate the cultural values. Meanwhile it should be mentioned that along with the growing advantages of the cultural tourism, it can have its threat if there is no proper attention and concerned efforts towards preserving the cultural heritage. The mission of the relevant stakeholders and practitioners should be to develop and use the local resources in a way they support underlining the authentic culture, rather than diminish the local culture.



Cultural Travel Guide as one of the Primary Learning Tools of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation - RDB Website English–Native Language Joint Model of an Open Internet Learner’s Encyclopedic Dictionary LIUDMILA A. DEVEL RF, St.Petersburg University of Culture Russia One of the best RDB educational missions practices in the sphere of higher education carrying out the ideas of UNESCO conventions 2003, 2005, UNWTO/ UNESCO declaration 2015 can be demonstrated by the experience of the RDB Workshop 2015 "Efficient Youth Intercultural Dialogue through Education, the Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information" (Workshop) of implementing the website as an educational tool. RDB website (English–Native Language) is looked upon as an open/free easy to access internet learner’s encyclopedic dictionary. It is a learning tool as it is compiled as an educational assignment - generated and used primarily according to our surveys by Bachelor, Master and Post– graduate students from different countries and territories ac besides target groups of tourists, guides and world-wider circles of users. In contrast to standard guide books with full details relating to accommodation, restaurants, transportation, and activities the RDB Website is mainly Culture and Arts Heritage oriented. To promote the territory of Leningrad Oblast the participants of the Workshop were given the task to set up articles for the RDB website. The following UNESCO sites and monuments were chosen: Vyborg, Gatchina, Fort Konstantin, Ivan-Gorod, Krasnoe Selo, Kronstadt, Pulkovo, Repino, Road of Life, Shlisselburg-Fortress Oreshek, Strelna-Palace of Congresses State Complex, Taytsy-Demidov Estate. Government of Leningrad Oblast referring to the website potential can produce further promotional materials of the territory and the Departments of World Culture can have an option to develop elective courses syllabi on the website materials. The workshop participants enjoyed the task as they learnt much to achieve good, interesting and useful things for their multicultural and language skills improvement, human development. The below instruction has helped to set up articles: 1. Specify the country and Name of the monument/site/intangible object and its significance (UNESCO- special tick on the website or state, or regional), Download a good picture/s 2. 2 mini texts (English and Native languages between 20 and 50 words) and 2 extension texts (English and Native languages between 20 and 50 words) 3. Show the location on the map of the website 4. Commentaries – travel recommendations and personal impressions The detailed text of the presentation of the report with the description of the resources, examples of the articles, elective course syllabus can better show the role of the RDB website for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, the protection of the diversity of cultural expressions and tourist-culture building a new partnership model.



Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development Sustainable cultural tourism for territorial development: creative approaches to cultural engagement and the cultural heritage of hospitality SUSAN MILLAR ICOMOS ISC ICTC United Kingdom The inter-relationship between sustainable tourism and sustainable communities relies heavily on the perceived mutual economic and social advantages of cultural interaction. Addressing issues of peaceful coexistence rather than antagonism is especially important in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. World-wide the growth of tourism is leading to an increased fragmentation of visitor expectations and an observable and growing divide between those visitors seeking a deeper experience and fuller understanding of the people in the places they visit and those who are just ‘passing by’. This dichotomy has one key common factor – the lack of appreciation by the majority of visitors of the cultural values, cultural life and cultural practices of the places they plan to visit both before they travel and when they arrive at destination. A focus on personal experience, group bonding and speed of cultural encounters variously leads to an alienation from the host community, feelings of insecurity and a lack respect, rudeness and insensitivity that occasionally spills over into offensive behaviour. In parallel, there is disillusion amongst many host communities. Questions are being raised about the value and values of tourists and tourism. And this at a time when the exponential growth of tourism in the 21st century has reached phenomenal proportions. This paper highlights the key role of the cultural heritage of hospitality recognising the importance of the anthropological lens and the significance of first encounters and first impressions as a learning experience for visitors. It examines cross cultural relations from the point of view of the dangers of a clash of cultures and value of a positive experience of cultural exchange. It contends that there is a strong and under-valued, under researched relationship between success in celebrating the cultural heritage of hospitality and economic prosperity of a region.



Local culture, in the broadest and deepest sense of the term, must be the driving force behind travel, thus tourism must not distort its destination's culture ANNA GHAZARYAN Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia Armenia It is a historically and geographically undeniable fact that the Armenian Highlands have always been at the crossroads of different civilizations. Rich cultural heritage, particularly Armenian architecture is considered to be a major component of the world culture with its thousands of historical monuments. A proof of the rich architectural heritage can serve the decision of UNESCO to include some of the outstanding monuments into the list of World Heritage Sites. Today, tourism is the fastest growing area of ​​the economy, the booming market of new tourist products and the globalization of the industry. According to the Tourism Development Plan of Armenia tourism is declared as a priority sector of the economy due to the cultural and historical potential which has the country. This story element - historical heritage is more conducive to the development of cultural tourism in Armenia. Armenia is an open-air museum, where each historical and cultural site can be considered as a masterpiece. Availability of unique historical objects determines the successful development of tourism in the country. Armenia occupies one of leading places in the world in the density distribution of historical and cultural monuments - there are about four thousand unique historical monuments on the territory of 29.74 square kilometers. As for the activities undertaken by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia on the promotion of culture, it can be stated that numerous cultural projects are being implemented towards creating opportunities for the smooth development of cultural tourism of Armenia. As an example the Kiev Initiative Regional Programme that was supposed to bring together five countries at the south-eastern edge of Europe - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in terms of restoring historic town centers. The logical continuation of this program is Commus CoE and European Union joint project that will open new prospects for urban management and the rehabilitation of historic towns. International festivals such as “Golden Apricot” Film Festival, "Yerevan Perspectives" Music Festival, HIGH FEST Performing Arts Festival and many others year by year attract more tourists who visit Armenia and simultaneously promote tourism development in our country. It is worth mentioning the International Folk Festival "Armenia on the Crossroads of Peace". This cultural exchange project through mutual recognition and revaluation of their mutual heritage establishes human relationship between people of various nations and believes- Familiarization, Friendship and Peace.



The University of the Philippines as an emergent Centre of Global Education for Intercultural Dialogue  DANILO SILVESTRE University of Philippines Philippine The University of the Philippines, is the national university of the Republic of the Philippines, comprising fifteen (15) campuses nationwide of which seven (7) autonomous campuses are located in key cities throughout the Philippines Archipelago. The University System comprises campuses in Luzon, i.e., Quezon City RNCR (UP Diliman), Manila NCR (UP Manila), Laguna Province (UP Los Banos), and in Baguio City, Mountain Province (UP Baguio); the Visayas, i.e., Iloilo City (UP Visayas) and Cebu City (UP Cebu); and in Davao City, Mindanao (UP Mindanao). It's total student population is over 50,000 enrolled in undergaduate, masteral and PhD levels in diverse disciplines ranging from the Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Engineering, Management and Business, and other emergent fields . Of special relevance to the Life Beyond Tourism initiative, the flagship campus, UP Diliman also houses the Asian Institute of Tourism, the Departme nt of Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Management under the College of Home Economics, and is an acknowledged leader in Culture and the Arts, through the various programs offered under the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy and those of the Arts and Humanities Cluster, i.e., the College of Fine Arts, the College of Music, the College of Architecture, the College of Mass Communication and the College of Human Kinetics. This places the University of the Philippines in an optimal position to develop as a Centre of Education for Intercultural Dialogue in line with the definition by the Life Beyond Tourism organization and the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco. The archipelagic character of the Philippines, is characterized by a diverse cultural milieu, with a rich diversity manifested in 170 languages/dialects with a similar magnitude of ethno-linguistic groups and indigenous cultural minorities. The tropical climate, geomorphologic range, coupled with a marine biodiversity practically unrivalled in the world, are natural provenance enhancing and synergizing with the idiosyncratic cultural identity of the Filipino people. The Philippines is considered a developing country, but with one of the highest economic growth rates in recent years. The recent program completed in Japan, has provided an important inroad to the developed and highly industrialized nations of East Asia, Japan, China and Korea. The recent UNESCO conference held in February 2015 in Siem Reap, Cambodia also underscores the importance that the developing nations in Asia as well. of SouthAs an active and founding member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), it is in a unique and pivotal position to provide the Life Beyond Tourism initiative to expand its network and influence throughout the ASEAN Region. The nations of ASEAN manifest a diverse, but substantive cultural and historical assets and resources. However, dis260


tinct threats brought about by both natural hazards, i.e., typhoons, monsoon rains/inundation, active seismicity and exacerbated by climate change have taken their toll on both tangible as well as intangible heritage. As stated in the premises of the Life Beyond Tourism portal, the effect of rampant and unmitigated commercialism brought about by conventional “tourism” has done much to eradicate the oftentimes vestigial assets of both tangible and ntangible cultural heritage, as economic and political factors. It is thus of extreme importance and relevance for the initiatives and principles promoted by the Life Beyond Tourism program to establish a strong base in the Philippines. The University of the Philippines has a cohesive, established and effective network with international insitutions, national government agencies, local government units and non-governmental organizations, by way of ongoing contractual collaborations, consultancies, as well as extension services. These allow the University to mobilize it's diverse assets, from faculty, research associates, undergraduate and graduate students and alumni, through to its growing base of facilities and physical resources. The strategic and geographic dispersion of its autonomous campuses as well as other satellite campuses and units have effectively provided the opportunity to both influence, guide and advise communities and local governments in within their regional surroundings. Many of these communities, including those in remote and far-flung locations are endowed with substantive cultural assets and natural assets, often endangered, in critical need of protection as well as rationalized enhancements. The defining context of “alruistic tourism” as introduced within the context of Life Beyond Tourism, lends itself for further articulation and practical implementation under the auspices of the University of the Philippines. Several directions present themselves, not only in the milieu of Art and Culture but also within the disciplines of Science, Engineering and the Sciences. Of possible interest and expressed potential are two areas which come to mind: Firstly, for the promotion of Culture and the Arts, and the protection and enhancement of both tangible and intangible culture, collaborations between the University of the Philippines and agencies such asthe Department of Tourism and the Philippine Tourism Authority, the Department of Interior and Local Governments, and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), with it's attached agencies, the National Historical Institute, the National Archives of the Philippines, etc...are an optimal vehicle for the promotion of the types of projects and programs, that the Life Beyond Tourism program has initiated in Europe and Asia. Currently, the University of the Philippines Diliman has a three-way MOA with the Italian Embassy in Manila and the University of Naples for a research and extension collaboration project focused on the rehabilitation of a Church on the island of Bohol which was damaged during the earthquake in October of 2013. Another example of potential endeavors is the current project being undertaken by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) to rehabilitate the Metropolitan Theater in Manila, a historical structure representative of the Art Deco period in Manila. This project is being led by Dr. Gerard Lico, a facultyof the College of Architecture. Both current faculty members as well as prominent alumni of the University of 261


the Philippines hold key positions at the NCCA, including its current Chairman, retired Professor of Music, Felipe de Leon. One exemplary project, of high relevance to the Life Beyond Tourism program is the “Living Traditions” effort of the NCCA to preserve and perpetuate traditions, skills, talents that are in danger of being forgotten and lost due to the effect of modern production and the commercialism that accompanies it. The University of the Philippines is also involved in a multi-disciplinary collaboration with the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, tasked with developing protocols, programs and projects to mitigate both Climate Change and its disastrous effects in the Philippines. The mutidisciplinary team of faculty and university researchers fielded for this effort, span the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, architecture, management and economics. The effort is also supported by international agencies and various agencies of the Philippine government. The University of the Philippines has also mobilized its internal task forces, such as the UP Padayon, which functions as coordinating office for the multitude of extension services of the University. The defined goal of the Life Beyond Tourism initiative of promoting a new paradigm of “altruistic tourism” provides the potential for enhanced collaboration with the University of the Philippines within the context of a rapidly, but still developing country such as the Philippines. As both tangible and intangible cultural assets are faced with both natural and man-made threats, the inherent altruism that can be developed alongside current trends in “eco-tourism”, “edu-tourism” and cross-cultural dialogue. This paper will present modalities and attempt to introduce protocols within a collaborative framework between the University-based academe and the agencies of government that will provide cogent instruments for realizing the goals of Life Beyond Tourism. These initially would cover efforts toward preserving and promoting “authenticity” in cultural definition within the context of tourism and cultural dialogue, via the collaborative efforts described above focusing on culture and the arts. Furthermore, cross-disciplinary collaborations between science and technology and the humanistic sciences and creative disciplines shall also be explored and proposed within the context of the Life Beyond Tourism paradigm. These will range from formal/ official collaborations with an academic and research base to more informal and non-traditional modalities, covering such “volunteerism” and “experiential/knowledge-based” tourism aligned towards the “altruistic” prerogatives being introduced and espoused by the Life Beyond Tourism program. KEY WORDS: Life Beyond Tourism, University of the Philippines, altruistic tourism, tangible culture, intangible culture, volunteerism, culture and the arts, authenticity



Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue and Territorial Development Culture for Dialogue- Travel for Dialogue CALOGERO BELLANCA, SUSANA MORA Sapienza - University of Rome Italy These days, a traveller on a European and Mediterranean tour becomes impressed by such different places, views and cities. These places seemed to be designed by the presence of natural and architectural signs and images. UNESCO, at an international level has shown time and time again that the most important goal is education. The concept of diversity is no longer one of the methods used to unite people, in fact, for many years it divided people more than joining them together. Now, the importance is on how to manage the cultural heritage, contributing in many ways to help relationships even in dramatic periods of our recent history. The increasing separation between people and traditional values has limited creative capacity and has guided society to fragment and lead to social conflicts. Cultural Heritage may and must be a principal reason to find and rebuild collective memory and identity. This identity is being lost, as we can see upon walking through historical centres which are full of tourists but not “voyagers”. Most of these are close to what tourists want to find, but not what the essence of the city truly is, on occasion neglecting some periods of themselves. Historic centres are important for the economy of the country if the economic balance is positive. It does not matter if the most important historic and antique values are lost, in favour of trends and novelties; like a consumption object or a ready-to-use culture. The most sophisticated brands occupy the ground floors of the buildings in our main streets, with their images and slogans always the same, wherever they are situated. They are destroying beautiful and important interiors, losing the essence and spirit of the places and growing at a frantic rate. In this globalised world with such a quantity of tourists, historical centres may be places for getting to know each other and exchanging experiences. That is the “key” to joining people together.



The cultural biography of living environments and its instrumental value for intercultural dialogue oriented travel MARC LAENEN Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, ICOMOS Belgium Belgium To identify best practices of information transfer in intercultural dialogue oriented travel, the presentation of the cultural biography of living environments appears to be one of the possible working models. The key question is to make bridges between cultures in different cultural environments. In practice : the creation of a relevant interface between the traveller and the specific character of local communities by means of various opportunities for substantive knowledge, leading to understanding, appreciation and respect of oneself and other cultures and ultimately to the understanding humanity as a whole. The “cultural biography” ‘s specific questions are “What specific “narrative” do we convey?”, how can this narrative lead to an effective dialogue between cultures and “ how do we convey this narrative in the most efficient and cost-effective way?” The output is a narrative shared by and produced by different partners private organizations and public authorities that interpret and present (including performing arts and hosting facilities such as restaurants, hotels, bars…) parts of natural and cultural heritage and contemporary culture. This narrative focuses and clarifies the changing values shared in this community, its changing interpretation and implementation over time and its impact on environment, making the complex cultural stratification of the cultural landschape understood and appreciated. This narrative can contribute to mutual understanding, peaceful cohabitation and tolerance by identifying relevant commonalities in value implementation, by the clarification of differences and by identifying factors of reciprocal influences in different cultures past and present. Here the role of a coherent story produced by the interpreters and all mediators is of crucial importance.



Pilgrimage or Religious Tourism Issues of knowledge, hospitality, sustainability, and authenticity in the process of touristic transformation of Bosnian monastic and sufi sites  AMRA HADZIMUHAMEDOVIC Commission to Preserve National Monuments, Bosnia Herzegovina The role and symbolic meaning of landscape in Bosnian religious rituals will be used in this paper to illustrate the challenge to preserve both complexity and authenticity of Bosnian sacred sites faced with the human rights to ever evolving religious rituals and the threat of consumerist religious tourism in the contemporary times. Bosnian sacred sites have attracted seekers for knowledge and spiritual experience since the earliest times of history. Some of them have become the pilgrimage sites of regional and international importance. Nature has been used as a tool or as a medium of ritual, emphasizing the power of prayer by the exciting natural phenomena, such as rocks, mountain peaks, river wells, trees, caves, water flows, and waterfalls. The most important monasteries and tekkes are located at the sites of the extraordinary natural values, and the most important religious feasts have been taking place during the seasonal occurrences of the rare natural phenomena. All these pilgrimage sites were almost forgotten during the last half of the 20th century. At the turn of millennia their attraction got a number of new meanings, some of them even opposing religious and natural values of the sites and imposing different forms of both physical and intangible expressions. Impact assessment of these new impositions to Bosnian cultural landscapes has to qualify and quantify benefits and risks to their sustainability, complexity and authenticity. The term religious tourism will be deconstructed in the paper with the reference to some of the most important Bosnian sacred sites. I will discuss the dynamic between sacredness, heritage and landscape values, tourism and sustainability through the cases of the church of John the Baptist in Podmilacje; Bektashi tekke in Blagaj, Ajvatovica pilgrimage site in Prusac, and the Dobrun Monastery.



Sports and tourism: two living forces for mutual and understanding, culture and the development of society  ABIES MAXWELL OMOKARO Mustang Arts Gallery, Ibadan Nigeria Sports and tourism are only two of the living forces for the mutual understanding of people in a society and for the promotion of the society’s culture and development. Indeed both sports and tourism help to develop culture. We shall first discuss tourism and we shall move on from there to the better known field of sports. Tourism is a form of travel for pleasure or edification that is also a particularly complex communication system. Tourists take in tourist sites, not in isolation but as nodes in a network attraction that constitute the tourist itinerary and recreational geography of a region. We can talk of a vast, multinational tourist industry which provides the infrastructure for developing tourist environments, moving millions of travelers from destination to destination and lodging and entertaining them at each place. The industry is global, and with the advent of space travel, tourism is potentially inter-galactic and may well in future years take us from one planet to another. The consequences of tourism, that is, the processes of production and representation of culture for outsides, the interactions between local people and more affluent visitors, and economic and social impacts, are areas that will become more and more challenging as the decades roll by in our new millennium. Tourism is diverse in nature and it has a long history. In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the well-to-do sought education and amusement when setting out on established itineraries in the Mediterran and scared shrines for at least as long journey to Banaras (varanasi). Jerusalem or at a later time Mecca. By the 17th century the ground tour emerged. The European elite, especially the British, viewed travel on the continent as an essential component in the education of a young man, and a somewhat standard itinerary persisted in various forms until fairly recently. By the 18th century the Japanese were touring various provinces or Japan and visiting hot spring resorts, as well as participating in the much older tradition of the pilgrimage. With the advent of the railway and steam ship by the 19th century and the motor car during the first half of the 20th century, travel became less arduous and more accessible to more people, and the ground was prepared for the developments of mass tourism. Inexpensive air travel and easier communication in the post World War II period led to an unprecedented boom in international recreational travel. Essential to the expansion of travel is the development of the tourist industry itself, travel agents, tour operators and guides, hotels and resorts, transportation networks and information and communication systems, mass media marketing, tourist regions and attractions, travel gear and souvenirs, travel literature and films, educational institution that train industry personnel and foster scholarly research on tourism, regulatory and policy making bodies, government 266


agencies, professional associations and international travel organizations and clubs. As the industry supports increasing numbers of tourist, particularly Westerners, in economically depressed areas such as Bali, Kenya, parts of the Caribbean, the South Pacific and Southeast Asia, hosts come to depend on tourism as a major source of income and hard currency. In many regions tourism has become the number one source of foreign exchange. Tourists and tourist experiences are heterogeneous. The sociologist Erik Cohen has distinguished four tourist roles (organized mass tourist, individual mass tourist, explorer and drifter) and five modes of tourist experience (recreational, diversionary, experiential, experimental and existential) on a spectrum ranging from the experience of the tourist as the traveler in pursuit of ‘mere’ pleasure in the strange and novel to that of the modern pilgrim in quest of meaning at somebody else’s centre. The tourist industry has become sufficiently diversified to accommodate this wide range of needs. Tourist production, that us, the settings, the events and the artifacts created for tourists, and their marketing constitutes the most elaborate and expressive mode of communication in the entire tourist system. In tourist productions, symbols take precedence over information. Though tourist attractions are very diverse, the natural wonders (e.g ikogosi springs), distinctive neighborhoods, towns, regions and lifestyles, architecture and art, historic landmarks, monuments and museums, recreated villages and re-enacted events, technology, work displays and public works, expositions and amusement parks, garden and zoos (the University of Ibadan Zoological and Botanical gardens could be cited as nearby examples), sporting facilities, performances, sound-and-light shows, festivals and rituals, conferences and conventions, all share certain processes and structural features. How does something became a tourist attraction? According to U.S sociologist, Dean MacCannell, the process of site socialization “involves naming, whereby the site is authenticated and the marked off as worthy of special attention by signage or decree; framing and elevation, during which the site is protected and enhanced by special security measures, staging, or lightning, enshrinement, as structures are created over a special place (Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem) or to house objects of value (museums); mechanical reproduction of the site through postcards, miniatures and souvenirs; and social reproduction, as well as groups of people elsewhere name themselves after the attraction. MacCannel also analyses the structure of tourist settings in terms of “staged authenticity”. Building on Ervin Goffman’s nottion of front and back regions in social life, MacCannell distinguishes four regions that are intended for tourists, hotels, shops. International food franchises: front regions with back-region elements for atmosphere (hotel lobbies decorated with local products), front regions that simulate back regions (re-creations of traditional architecture or villages), back regions that are minimally modified to accommodate outsiders (film sets, dress rehearsals, factories) and back regions to which outsiders rarely, if ever, have access but for which they yearn. Some students of tourism have suggested that not all tourist attractions are ones of staged 267


authenticity. According to Cohen authentic situations may be encountered by adventurous tourists who move off the neaten tract. Covert tourist space is created when the industry conceals the staging of a setting in order to present it as “real”. Once tourists become cynical, they may adopt an attitude of staging suspicion and deny the authenticity of sites that have not been staged. Finally, there are tourist settings that are blatantly contrived and accepted as such. The issue of authenticity has stimulated much of the writing on tourism, which has been highly critical of tourists and tourist attractions. Daniel Boorstin’s pseudo-events, Richard Dorson’s Fake lore and MacCannell’s staged authenticity all characterize tourism in ways that both idealize and take for granted notions of authenticity and culture. Alternative perspectives suggest that all culture is invented, not just tourist attractions, and that authenticity is not given in the event but is a social construction. The preoccupation with the authentic is a culturally and historically specific phenomenon. 18th century lovers of ruins in England were rather permissive in the mingling of genuine and imitation antiques, whereas the makers of Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts are fastidious about the historical accuracy of minute details of their re-creation of Pilgrim life frozen in the year 1627. This issue is therefore less one of authenticity and more authentications: who has the power to represent whom and to determine which representation is authoritative. The representation of culture, what Richard Handler calls cultural objectification, is a complex ideological and political process. Edward said Mitchel Foucault, James Clifford, George Marcus and others have noted the relationship between knowledge and power and have suggested that the power to represent or to consume other cultures is a form of domination. One of the clearest instances is orientalism, defined by said as the knowledge created by the West about the East and deployed ubiquitously in tourist production. “here history…” the sound-and-light shows at the pyramids produced by a French team for Egyptian Ministry of Culture, traces the history of Egypt from the Pharaohs to the discovery of the Rosetta stone by Napoleon’s officers to the French sound-and-light show itself. Indeed, orientalism is one of tourism’s dominant modes. In addition to settings and events, artifacts are produced for tourists. A good local example may be cited here – the Oyo art works. Variously know as tourist art, airport art, and the arts of acculturation, these objects are produced locally by one group for another. U.S. anthropologist Nelson Graburn classifies locally made artifacts along two axes; objects made for the local community versus those made for outsiders, and objects whose sources are traditional as opposed to the “assimilated”. Six categories emerge: • • • • • • •

The persistence of traditional objects for local use Pseudo-traditional objects made for sale (e.g. Masai spears) Souvenirs (e.g. Maori carved key chains) Reintegrated arts, in which acculturated objects for local use also enter the tourist market (e.g. Cana reverse-appliqué molars). Assimilated fine arts for sale to tourists (e.g. European-influenced Balinese paintings) Popular arts defined as acculturated objects for local consumption.



Like authenticity, acculturation has its limits as a model for the study of tourist productions because changes are attributed to contact between what are presupposed to be autonomous, relatively isolated, and clearly, Bennetta Jules-Rosette views tourist art not as a deviation from a traditional form but as an objects emerging from a new social context. She suggests that artists and consumers are jointly producers of tourist art as a communicative process. Situated in a complexly international network of communication and economic exchange, these objects are interpreted in relation to the diverse markets in which they circulate. Whereas Graburn’s scheme is based entirely on the producer’s intended audience and sources, Jules-Rosette focuses on the malleable and multifocal nature of tourist objects in multiple contexts of exchange. Bali Florence Syme, a Rarotongan, complains: “Tourism is like a plaque – it destroys people, their culture and heritage, and the environment. Raronta would be better off without the pilgrims and temples of their new religion”. The workshop on tourism in Manila in 1980 condemned tourism as leading to: • • • • •

Economic exploitation Displacement of local populations Prostitution Crime and the Deterioration of the social fabric of the third world.

But many authorities have noted the economic benefits of tourism. For MacCannell, for instance, the tourist is “one of the best models for modern-man-in-general”. As tourism continues to expand and to take over more inventive forms, the controversies regarding its nature, value and dangers will command an ever greater share of our attention than hitherto. It might be auspicious to propose the setting up in Oyo state of professional studies in tourism, possibly a school of Tourism and the revival of the old Ministry of Information pamphlet series on Oyo State Town and Villages, this time with a strong bias towards tourist sites and potentials for tourism. SPORTS AND SOCIETY Sports belong in the world of Play and Leisure, yet business elites, mass media and government and political leaders recognize their potential for making profits, disseminating propaganda and eliciting pride and solidarity. Organized sports prevail virtually everywhere and have developed over the past 3/4 century into a major social institution. SPORTS AS INTERNATIONAL CULTURE Sports promote connections from the broadest level to the momentary bonding of two strangers, whether as rival participants or as fans sharing the same passion. Organized sports parallel the intricate weave of government agencies, in organizational structure: small towns, even rural areas are linked to one another and to big cities for state and regional (zonal) championship; major cities are knit together into national leagues and meet in regular competitions, and nations that play the same sports are drawn into relationships with one another through continental and worldwide federation that stage international contests between representative teams. Nationalistic feelings are fanned and simultaneously, people are united in a Global Folk Culture. International sports have succeeded as a basis for global community by promoting common knowledge and shared symbols among people of different nations. Comparative data on audiences for satellite television events show that major international sporting contests draw together more spectators than anything else. Sports provide a common frame of reference and rules that transcend cultural, political and language barriers. A sports pantheon of stars and a series of special events 269


make up a set of universally recognized symbols that constitutes one, of the elements of international culture. The Federation International de Football Association (FIFA), established, in 1904 as the controlling body for world soccer, is second only to the United Nations in the number of members. Association Football, called Soccer in the United States and Football everywhere else it is played, is the world's most popular participant and spectator sport. The Quadrennial World Cup is the only global championship for professionals in a team sport. It is estimated that one of every two people in the world watches the final match of the month-long tournament. Contests between professional athletes from different countries are common in individual sports like Tennis, Golf, Boxing, and Auto and Bicycle Racing, but contests in other team sports involve athletes officially ranked as amateurs. Basketball is followed by Volleyball as the spectator team sport with the widest participation in international amateur tournaments. In terms of the number of players, both male and female, field hockey is one of the world's most popular participant sports. Played in more than seventy countries, Field Hockey draws large crowds only in India and Pakistan. At the local level, sports competitions have much older roots. Forms of ball-kicking games were played in ancient China, Rome, and Greece, and a riotous brand of Soccer was played in the streets of medieval England during public holidays. At least since the intercity rivalry of the ancient Greek Olympic Games, glory has been shared by the towns’ people of the victorious athletes. Across time and place, sports promoters, whether governments or management, have told fans that they can properly assume the victory as their own. Identification of fans with athletes - whether in terms of a common school, city, nation, race or religion is the foundation of ever variety of spectator sport. Athletes and teams have served as important source of collective identity. As objects of conversation, publicity and mass media coverage, organized sports continue to focus community social life. REFERENCES: 1. Erik Cohen: Contemporary Tourism: Diversity and Change. Pp 16-48, May 2004 2. MacCannell: The Tourist: A New Theory of The Leisure Class: Pp 28-52, 1989 3. Nelson Grabun: "The Invention of Authentic Inuit Art." In Beyond Art/Artifact/Tourist Art: Social Agency and the Cultural Value(s) of the Aestheticized Object. Nelson Graburn and Aaron Glass eds. Special issue of Material Culture, 9(2):141-59. 2004



Cultural Landscape of the Casentino Valley: an Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development DIANE ARCHIBALD ICOMOS ISC TheoPhilos Canada The premise this presentation is based on is that the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of a territory is dependent on numerous factors such as the stewardship of the multiple communities that make up the territory. Recognizing that communities are made up of residents, service providers, cultural and educational institutes, travel agents, mediators, and the governing bodies, who are all stakeholders in safeguarding a territory. Safeguarding both the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of a territory is also dependent on how the traveller is received and integrated into the local culture. First, how do we encourage and foster the stewardship of a community in safeguarding their heritage. The first objective is to identify the cultural heritage of a territory, and to identify the specific cultural heritage characteristics of each of the multiple communities. This paper examines a practical methodology called “Cultural Mapping” that was developed and implemented in the case study of the territory of the Casentino Valley in Tuscany. A process of identification was implemented to determine the cultural heritage of the Valley according to predominant cultural themes such as continuity of human settlement over millennia, transhumance, interrelationships between human settlement and the natural landscape, sacred sites, and evolving sites of food and material production. Through the process of ‘Cultural Mapping” cultural patterns throughout the territory became evident. This presentation will discuss the outcomes of this “mapping” and significance to the stewardship of the territory. Second, is to create infrastructures to sustain the cultural heritage within a community and within the larger area of the territory. This presentation will discuss how the residents and diverse cultural centres of the Casentino Valley have developed an effective infrastructure called Eco-Museums throughout the territory that play an effective role in sustaining both tangible and intangible cultural heritage of each local community. Third, is to examine how the traveller is received and integrated into the local culture of the communities and the larger territory. Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, 18th General Assembly



Interaction of tourism and culture, in particular the intangible cultural heritage, in Azerbaijan JAFAR JAFAROV Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University Azerbaijan The key issue of the current state of the tourism sector of Azerbaijan is the interaction of tourism and culture, in particular the intangible cultural heritage. The problem of the intangible cultural heritage is actual, and subtle and complex at the same time. It is understood as the soul of the people, its mentality and identity. Features of heritage cannot be clearly seen and understood as distinguished from the historical monument. Nowadays, when tourism in the country is steadily gaining momentum as an alternative to energy sector, intangible cultural heritage appears as an extremely fragile phenomenon, and at the same time, it is an important resource that can bring real financial benefits and foster the modernization of the regions. In this aspect, practice of image-building concept has become extremely popular for us in the new millennium, that is, the formation of the current and desired images of areas, taking into account the disposal of its resources as a factor of intercultural dialogue. To generate the desired or targeted images, it was necessary to assess objectively the current image and the image of the territory, to identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the perception of the territory by the individual groups: visitors, investors, residents. At different levels, visions of the region may be ambiguous. For example, in the media, in official documents the region can be presented as a success but the residents believe that their region is unpromising. Therefore, when creating an image - brand it is important to define the purpose of the work: for attracting tourists, investors, labor force or only for the local population - for the formation of their self-consciousness, pride and local patriotism. That is why the practice of introduction of the intangible cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in the sphere of international tourism is of more cautious and incremental nature, involving careful ethnographic, socio-psychological and socio-cultural researches. The fact of perception of a tourist as a traveler-guest in any region of the country and the corresponding respectful and tutorial attitude towards him is revealing in this case. This approach has fairly proven itself as evidenced by successful projects like "Pomegranate Festival in Goychay", "Novruz in the Old Fortress" Festival in Baku, as well as the activities related to more grand events.



The selected marketing and promotion activities and their use in tourism and heritage area LUIS MIGUEL PINTO CITAD research Center, at Lusiada University in Lisbon, and Teacher at UBI university, Covilh達 Portugal The common opinion about marketing is that its main role is to attract the customers and make money without paying any attention to the negative consequences of the promoted offer. For this reason, marketing is avoided at many humanistic specializations such as architecture and tourism being perceived as unethical and unnecessary. The objective of the paper is to show that marketing can be used in more sustainable and ethical way. The main idea of the article is to present which marketing activities can be used in architecture and tourism to communicate successfully with the audience, promote such values as cultural heritage, dialogue, community support and sustainable development. The authors are presenting the most useful and up-todate tactics and methods from the area of promotion, branding and communication which should be learned by architects and tourists specialists to promote the intercultural dialogue and tolerance.



Creative tourism an audiovisual perspective on transdisciplinary ANTONIO POLAINAS RTP (Public Portuguese Television) and Teacher at Social Communication School, from Lisbon, Portugal In recent decades many of the activities of our society change its structure and expanding its borders. It was necessary to go beyond the border and seek new solutions to the demands of a new "world". We looked for new answers, "out of the box�, generating as a consequence, concepts such as interactivity and interaction. Currently, opposite to another reality, looking up other routes, for example, transdisciplinary for activities and areas of knowledge. In this context, let us reflect on this presentation on tourism and audiovisual. Tourism has been one of the areas which also has evolved, adapting to the changes in the world and contemporary society. As a result, developed the concept of so-called 'creative tourism'. In another reality, the audiovisual has also evolved and expanded its principles in all of human society. We live in an age of image and communication and audiovisual communication is the language par excellence. So it was logical its influence in almost all activities of modern man. We intend, in this presentation contextualize the principle bases of creative tourism relate them to the principles of contemporary audiovisual and within that relationship trying to find a set of success factors. Based on these factors, develop proposals for action and tourism investment strategies.



Transmission of ‘UN-CHIKU’ Japanese traditional knowledge at the tea ceremony – through a voluntary activity by the students and local stake holders in Tokyo CHIEKO NAKABASAMI Toyo University Japan In this report, we mention the importance of cultural dialogue between local people and tourists. For a practical research on it, we introduce an activity for attracting tourists, especially inbound passengers to Japan in one region of northern area of Tokyo. This activity is collaborated among the local government office, local cultural communities, local shopping avenue organizations, and the students of Toyo University. The activity has some groups categorized by what flavors of Japanese traditional culture can be offered, and in this report we are focusing on the Japanese Tea Ceremony with UN-CHIKU (うん ちく, 蘊蓄) activity. UN-CHIKU means the knowledge that has been accumulated for a long duration academically or professionally by individuals. In this activity, we are organizing tea ceremony at which UN-CHIKU is delivered from the tea ceremony host to the invited guests before or after the rituals for serving and drinking Japanese tea. A local tea ceremony circle members supports the activity as volunteers. A remarkable feature of this activity is the harmonization of the tea ceremony and the transmission of traditional knowledge which is offered by local people, not by experts or from books. UN-CHIKU has a wide array of cultural knowledge based on Japanese tradition and daily life experiences. Through the transmission of UN-CHIKU between the tea host and the guests, we expect that the guests are more interested in the Japanese way of thinking and feel that they can reach the soul of Japanese culture. The guests can discover something novel in each UN-CHIKU, and find the difference from their own cultures. The students have been discussing the context of the ceremony with local stake holders. Through the activity, they are thinking of how to convey UN-CHIKU and what sorts of UN-CHIKU should be offered at the tea ceremony by which has been arising in their mental spaces ‘Internal Internationalization’, the coexistence of the respect for different cultures and their proper traditional culture. As a matter of fact, this activity is currently in a trial-and-error phase and on-going research. In the future we would like to make a progress to report in more detail.



Pécs, a Page From Every Age ZSOLT PAVA Mayor, City of Pécs Hungary Apart from Budapest, Pécs is the only city in Hungary that can take pride in displaying the unique monuments of almost every historical age in its urban fabric. Established in the late antiquity, the Early Christian cemetery is presently a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Monuments from the Middle Ages include the former city wall, the Bishop’s Seat with the Cathedral and the first university founded in the Kingdom of Hungary. This era was succeeded by the Ottoman occupation, which alongside destruction, brought the construction of many magnificent buildings, including numerous mosques, baths and schools that further diversified the cityscape. The newfound Golden Age of the Modern era can be recalled through splendid civic housing, public buildings and structures belonging to the legacy of the by-now, world famous Zsolnay Porcelain Factory established in the 19th century. Pécs has long been associated with arts and has given many renowned artists with world-wide recognition: Marcell Breuer was a master of the Bauhaus school and Victor Vasarely was a top op-art artist. This exceptionally rich historical and religious background and the ever-renewing multicultural diversity that sprung from being located in the meeting point of East and West, provides the essence of present-day Pécs and render it one of a kind in the whole of Europe. The constructed heritage sites of Pécs convey an architectural, historical and religious fabric of information, which is also related to the fine arts and the townscape. The primary customer value of this cultural complex is that it provides information and insight that spans through several historical eras. Conscious and versatile heritage management, as well as the creative sensibility towards novity are closely coherent and mutually strengthening: these are the main appeals of Pécs, both culturally and regarding tourism. In the course of the last decades, the historical and religious monuments of Pécs have obtained a stressed role in local development policies and have served as the worthy basis of the city’s growth. Following the stabilization of the settlement’s socio-economic situation, tourism-related expansion took off in the 2000s. As a result of these projects, the Early Christian cemetery of Pécs/Sopianae was at first recognized as a World Heritage Site and was subsequently exhibited via a newly constructed visitor’s centre. The exhibition of the country’s first university was inaugurated, alongside opening the major improvements of the last years - the four salient institutions built within the framework of the 2010 European Capital of Culture Programme: the Kodály Centre, the Centre for Learning, the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter including the Zsolnay Mausoleum and the Museum Street augmented with the renewal of public parks and space. These complementary developments provide a starting point for the upcoming projects, that determine the future direction regarding present-day improvements and enable a more efficient management of the city’s existing tourism potential.



Culture and Tourism. New chances for the development of post-industrial city of Lodz in Poland ŁUKASZ M. SADOWSKI Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz Poland Lodz is one of the youngest cities in Poland. Despite its foundation in 1423, its career as an industrial town started later - in 1st half of 19th century. The city of textile industry, commerce and business was one of the fastest developing towns in Europe in the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. During the communist regime period Lodz was the main Polish exporter of textile goods to Soviet Union. After 1989 the industry collapsed. Lodz had one of the biggest rates of unemployment, the 19th century architecture was in process of devastation. From the beginning of 21st century onward, the new programmes for a revitalisation of town has started. The main, new aims for development are: • Redefinition of industrial town into the town of science and art: development of universities, academies, high schools, encouraging young people for studies, creating new museums, or museum’s branches, cultural spots, galleries etc. • Reconstruction and revitalisation of 19th century quarters, adaptation of industrial architecture into lofts, hotels, galleries, cinemas, shopping malls, yards with restaurants, bars. • Creation of the “New City Center” - a new quarter in the historical part of the town – joining the communication, business and art in the new area. All of those projects, programmes are partly supported by EU. Tourism will also held a big importance in Lodz’s future. Nowadays it is almost mono-national, so he city started the programme linked with multicultural past of the town: “Dialogue of 4 cultures – Polish-Jewish-German-Russian”. The aim is to remind about its past, present the local culture and also to attract tourists from the foreign countries. One of the most important creation is “Center of Polish-Jewish Dialogue” Lodz is one of the many post-industrial towns in process of redefinitions, revitalisations in the world today. However in my opinion this is a finest and most interesting example in Poland, as well as it faces different problems due to its population (almost 1 million habitants in the aglomeration). The lecture will be enriched with photos illustrating the process of the city’s transformation.



The Role of the Churches and Monasteries in Protecting the Cultural Heritage and Development of the Religious Tourism LEILA KHUBASHVILI Tbilisi State University Georgia The Georgian Church is one of the oldest in the world. It has centuries long great traditions, beginning from the IV century when Saint Nino first led preaching of Christianity in Georgia. At the end of the XIX century the Georgian Christian Church regained its autocephaly. From that time on the Georgian culture developed and flourished in the churches and monasteries. The Church became the protector of the national identity. Georgia, situated on the crossroads of the West and East, had always had good relations not only with the other ethnoses, but with other confessions too. In 1999 the Pope John Paul II, while visiting Georgia, said: “Georgia has always been the country of exclusively high generosity and kind attitudes, being the example of tolerance. It is clear when we see the sanctuaries of the different confessions: Christian, Muslim and Judaic, standing side by side in Tbilisi. The contributions of Georgia as situated at the crossroads of the different cultures and religions is significant in the process of building the whole civilization.”Historically, in the II century BC the great trading road stretched from India to China, crossed Georgia and was called the Great Silk Road, which in the modern days obtained a new importance as one of the most popular tourist roads. Nowadays, when the religious tourism became very popular and important part of the tourism industry, the Georgian churches and monasteries (their number is over 12 000 and they are distinguishable for their beautiful and ancient architecture) can encourage popularization of the Georgian culture, contribute to the economical growth and what is equally important – promote respect and tolerance between different religions provided that Georgian culture mostly is based on the religious fundament. In the modern irreversible processes of globalization the diversity and unique role of the culture generally is ignored and that in its turn produces new forms of ethnocentrism and extreme nationalism. Provided such situation we aim to enhance our vivid culture and thus take part in developing the ties between different ethnoses and confessions in order to respect each other through our cultures and consequently enrich each culture, to renew it and clear it from the tendencies which impede interrelations and dialogues, and that is the most important. One of the most complex modern challenges exists between the traditions and modern way of life. The dialogue between the old and the new. It conditions the future of the young generation an hence the future of the nation, so it requires to be deeply considered and balanced. To respond to these cultural challenges of the modern time, the Georgian culture represents a powerful source. We can name the following sites as examples of the mentioned: Jvari (Cross) Monastery in Jerusalem, Athens Monastery in Greece, Petriconi Monasery in Romania, Georgian city of Mtskheta, where Jesus Christ’s dressing is buried and this city once was known as “a new Jerusalem”, also the monastery complexes cut in the cliffs of Varzia and David Gareji, the monasteries of Ikalto and Gelati, which later ancient academies were open. In those academies like any other European ones, “SEPTUM ARTES LIBERALES' were taught.. The monks 278


there used to translate and write down old Greek manuscripts. The educational work done in the mentioned monasteries is very much alike to the activities in the Benedictian monastery of Monte Casino, which played great role in rescuing and protecting the Italian cultural heritage. My project aims to maintain an intercultural dialogue between the young people of different confessions and ethnoses in order rhe could discover the similar points in their cultures, to discover a common language to know each other’s religious and cultural values better. Such dialogues, to my opinion, will contribute in building a new civilization mentiones by John Paul II‌



The Role of the Churches and Monasteries in Protecting the Cultural Heritage and Development of the Religious Tourism TIJANA PETROVIC´ Town of Kotor Montenegro Kotor, the town which is situated in Boka Kotorska – one of “The Most Beautiful Bays in the World”, listed by this association, has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1979. From its foundation, under different governors, Kotor has been the place of meeting and exchange of many cultures which mutually upgraded their values during ages. The perid of greatest prosperity for the town of Kotor came during Venetian and Austro-Hungarian government. Magnificent town walls still stand and protect the cultural and historic urban core of the Old Town, thus witnessing the period of Kotor's most intensive development. Churches with dual oltars, catholic and orthodox, are only some of many indicators of traditional tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The importance of this ancient and antique town is evident in the fact that 60% of Montenegrin national heritage is situated in Kotor municipal area. Immensely rich natural, cultural and historic heritage is the reason why Kotor is today recognized as one of the most attractive tourist destinations, which is confirmed by the fact that Kotor is on the first place in the list of the towns that should be visited, published by the “Lonely Planet“. During 2015, half a million tourists visited Kotor. In order to find the best possible way to preserve and valorize the town of Kotor, Montenegrin government adopted the Law on Protection of Natural, Cultural and Historic Heritage Site, based on which, as well as on other laws, local self governance adopts various Plans in the area of culture and cultural heritage, with the aim to preserve, valorize and improve material and immaterial cultural heritage of Kotor. In this paper we will present our experiences, best practises and educational activities which we performed with the local citizens and with visitors, having in mind the importance of learning through tourism. We think of tourism in larger frame; not only is it a commercial industry, but more than that- a good way to expand knowledge and understanding of the world around us. We will also present the potentials of the town of Kotor, and how its natural, cultural and historic resources can be merged into a unique trademark, a brand powerful enough to attract tourists from all over the world.



Communicating heritage in the local context: a systematic approach for identifying heritage values EWA STACHURA PWSZ University of Racibórz Poland This paper discusses problems of architectural and urban heritage in the context of communicating local cultural values to visitors. Today architectural and urban heritage are considered as very important assets of a city. Heritage is part of a city’s identity underlining the uniqueness of its urban morphology defined by the buildings, architectural forms and landscapes. These as recognized by the inhabitants as characteristics of city culture. It follows that appreciation of urban and architectural heritage derives in part from knowledge obtained at school, via the Internet, local cultural institutions, the media and the home. Individual (or group) preferences relating to heritage, however, do not always accord with an objective value position. Individual users may appreciate places, buildings and city landscapes that have strong local context and meaning and yet little national/ regional historical (aesthetic) importance. Hence such places give valuable insights into local culture that are not accessible to casual visitors and tourists. The aim of my paper is to present a method that can strengthen the cultural heritage of a city. It consists of the following steps: 1. Recognise the awareness and understanding of urban and architectural heritage from the viewpoint of the city’s inhabitants. Research, therefore, must map the values, meanings and contexts that are important to the city inhabitants. 2. Confront the objective values embedded in urban and architectural heritage with the values of the city’s inhabitants. 3. Discuss heritage authenticity and its meaning. 4. Organise workshops concerned with city stories to propose ways of understanding heritage values with respect to cultural content (This can be organised by students of Architecture Faculties). The expected result will be to improve the way a city communicates heritage in its regulatory structures to increase respect and identification of its heritage values that will enrich the experience for visitors.



Educational institutions for sustainable tourism: experience of Odessa National Economic University OLGA DEGTIAREVA Odessa National Economic University Ukraine The sustainable tourism is strongly linked to paradigm of sustainable development, which step by step has been raising the awareness of socio-cultural, environmental, and economic identities in the world. Thus, sustainable tourism, which is also called responsible tourism, aims to make a positive difference to the people and environment of travel destinations and is defined as “tourism that respects both local people and the traveler, cultural heritage and the environment” (UNESCO definition). The main challenge in transition to sustainable tourism is to change the general consumption palette of tourism as satisfaction of egocentric requirements. The potential of educational institutions to impact the dialog in culture and travel is very huge. The experience of the Odessa National Economic University covers platform for scientific research and public discussions; awareness of sustainable tourism for young generation and support of students’ initiatives in this field; opening doors for assimilation of foreigners and learning how to contribute the socio-cultural environment. In fact, University joins home people and travelers in non ordinary way: as volunteers aiming to contribute the local heritage and they both learn from each other in sustainable way. The situation in Ukraine is of critical emergency now and traditional international tourism reflects it very rapidly by closing this travel destination. Actually mostly internal tourism has been currently developing. On other hand the volunteer movement became very strong last years and many local cultural initiatives have support and contributions from random travelers belonging to other Ukrainian regions. Thus, problems of region opened opportunity for travelers to contribute to the community growth in context of peaceful coexistence. As a signer of the Memorandum of Understanding LBT the Odessa National Economic University is not aside this mental transformation and has been trying to fix the altruistic tourism idea in cognitive behavior of national and international students, local entities, touristic business, and decision-makers. The University uses any opportunity to promote the LBT initiatives and as usual is open to common actions, such as trainings, conferences, research and any other kind of academic educational activity by dissimilation of LBT topics in Ukraine.



An Application of the Vicious Circle Schema to the WHS of Macau MARIA YOUNGHEE LEE Macau University of Science and Technology China What does the phenomenon of overcrowding due to huge visitor numbers mean for a WHS? Is it a sign that the WHS has entered the ‘mature’ phase of the tourism area life cycle (TALC), which is modelled as sequential stages of tourism development (Butler, 1980)? Tourism growth rate is used in this model to identify the phase of the TALC to which a site belongs. An excessively large volume of tourists at a WHS may indicate that the site has entered its mature stage (Butler, 1980). However, it is not always easy to walk through well-known WHSs, due to traffic bottlenecks created by an excessive volume of visitors. In addition, tourists in congested areas often carry their rucksacks on their chests rather than their backs to avoid attracting pickpockets. Several researchers (Cesario, 1980; Garrod & Willis, 1999; Orbasli, 2000; UNWTO, 2004; Gurluk et al., 2012) have described excessive visitor volume as a congestion phenomenon that reduces the quality of tourists’ experience and causes environmental degradation. Although the TALC framework is one of the most widely used models of tourism growth, it may be insufficient to explain the phenomenon of excessive tourist volume in WHSs. According to the TALC model, for instance, huge visitor numbers indicate that a tourist area has reached its mature stage, yet the phenomenon of congestion is not explained. However, previous researchers (UNWTO, 2004) have shown that excessive visitor volume is a congestion phenomenon that may lead to thoughtless and aggressive behaviour, exacerbating the pressure caused by the congestion. Therefore, the excessive numbers of tourists at WHSs need to be reconsidered using frameworks other than the TALC model. Russo (2000, 2002) also pointed out that the TALC model is of limited applicability to urban-historic environments. According to Russo (2002), the concept of the vicious circle may be of more use than the TALC model when investigating urban historical centres and congestion, as it provides greater specificity for the evolutionary stages of the TALC model. However, although the vicious circle schema is an effective tool for explaining the excessive numbers of tourists at WHSs, it has received insufficient attention from scholars. The aim of this paper is to address this conceptual gap. First, it investigates the potential application of the vicious circle schema to the WHS of Macau, which experiences congestion due to huge visitor numbers. Second, it addresses the question of whether an excessive volume of visitors to a WHS indicates that the site has entered the mature stage of the TALC. Third, recommendations are made for reducing congestion by more effectively managing visitors. Methods In an attempt to explain the phenomenon of congestion in HCM (Historical Center of Macau), it was decided to apply the vicious circle schema introduced by Russo (2002) to the context of HCM. For this purpose the four principal components of the vicious circle schema were examined in the context of Macau: the expansion of the tourist area, a high share of day-trippers, 283


congestion, and the down-grading in the quality of the tourism products. A multi-methods framework was adopted to obtain the required data for applying the vicious circle schema to HCM. First, as photos are used as proof of true view on the ground (White et al., 2014), a photo analysis (Adams et al., 2006) was conducted from May 2011 to April 2012 in order to obtain data relating to the number of visitors, the spatial structure of the shops and the products sold by shops in HCM. In the photos’ analysis process, the people and objects which were shown in the photos taken were counted and analyzed. Second, a face-to-face questionnaire survey was also conducted in April 2011 using a non-probability sampling method (Sapsford, 2011). Eleven main heritage places among the twenty-five heritage locations were chosen as interview venues (Figure 2) by cluster sampling (Deming, 1950; Lee, 1989; Park, 1993; Sapsford, 2011) in terms of their adjacency to the CBD (Central Business District) of Macau. The number of cases per cluster was selected by quota sampling (Sapsford, 2011) based on the level of congestion, as follows: Senado Square (30 persons), the Ruins of St Paul’s (20), St Dominic’s Church (17), the Section of the Old City Walls (12), Monte Fortress (11), Lou Kau Mansion (11), Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple (8), Holy House of Mercy (8), St Anthony’s Church (8), Cathedral (7), and Na Tcha Temple (5). The questionnaire for the faceto-face interviews consisted of two sections for examining the four hypotheses of the vicious circle schema (Russo, 2002) to HCM. The first was concerned with the demographic characteristics of the respondents, including nationality, gender, occupation, education, marital status, age, and trip features such as travelling mode, sites visited, source of tourism information, location of accommodation, length of stay, motivations, and travel mode. The second section of the questionnaire consisted of 13 questions concerning weather and prices, accessibility, satisfaction with the quality of products and experiences. A five-point likert scale was used to evaluate the various elements: 1 = ‘strongly disagree’, 2 = ‘disagree’, 3 = ‘neutral’, 4 = ‘agree’ and 5 = ‘strongly agree’. Third, in-depth interviews with 25 of Macau’s local residents and two of Macau’s governors were conducted in May and August 2012. The Macau residents who were interviewed have danced Chinese traditional dance every morning since 1992 at Bak Gap Chao park close to one of components of HCM, St Antony’s Church, which they do for their health. Their age range was from 58 to 93; they could only speak in Cantonese. The first author has participated in this traditional dancing social activity with the 25 local residents since April 2011. The research questions addressed to the local people were as follows: the structural change of shops, the product contents of previous shops, the spatial expansion of the commercial area in HCM, and the impact of the tourism phenomenon. In-depth interviews with two of Macau’s governors were conducted in May and August 2012 in order to obtain information related to the expansion of the tourist area of HCM and heritage protection mechanisms. Fourth, the congestion of the HCM was measured by 140 assistants who were students of Macau University of Science and Technology. The 140 assistants counted simultaneously the number of visitors at 2-3 pm on April 7, 2011 which was a dry day during the wet season of Macau at the above mentioned eleven places of the HCM. Regarding the data collection, respondents from Mainland China accounted for 59.6% of the sample, those from other Asian countries for 16.9%, those from North America for 6.6%, those from Europe for 9.6%, and those from Oceania for 3.7%. The representative of the respondents might not differ too much from the population of Macau’s tourists: Mainland China (60.2%), Hong Kong (25.2%), other Asian countries (11.0%), North America (0.9%), Europe 284


(0.8%), Oceania (0.4%), and other Countries (0.1%) (DSEC, 2013). All collected data were recorded and analyzed. The in-depth interview data were processed by editing analysis (Crabtree & Miller, 1992), searching and rearranging for meaningful items until the reduced summary revealed a helpful framework for this study. To ensure the reliability of the researcher’s interpretation, a member check of research group (Guba & Lincoln, 1989) was conducted by a Cantonese-speaking research assistant (female, 25-year-old, mainland China). The data from the 139 valid questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 19.0. Reliability analysis, frequency and descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA were conducted for the data from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire data had an internal consistency of the variables based on the results of the reliability analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha. 630). Results and Discussion Table 1 shows the profile of respondents who visited the HCM. Table 1. Individual characteristics of respondents. Variables

Total (%) (n = 139)


Male Female

45.5 54.5

Age (years)

10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 or above

2.2 44.0 31.3 14.2 3.0 3.0 2.2


High school or below College or University Postgraduate or above

9.7 76.8 13.4

Marital status

Single Married

50.7 48.5


Student Self-employed Civil servant Clerk Professional jobs Other

25.6 22.6 6.0 29.3 12.0 4.5


Macau Mainland China Other Asian countries America Europe Oceania

3.7 59.6 16.9 6.6 9.6 3.7

Travel mode

Individual / independent Group package tour

53.3 46.7

Length of stay

1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours or above

14.9 32.8 29.9 11.2 8.2 3.0


Books Internet Postcards Films Photos Other

23.0 57.8 2.2 1.5 2.2 13.3


Cultural needs Shopping Gambling

36.0 6.5 6.5



Expansion of the tourist area Macau covers a relatively small area (29.9 km²) with its high population density compared even to the cities of mainland China. Macau has a population of only 582,000 persons (DSEC, 2013b), but receives a great number of tourists: 28,082,292 persons in 2012 (DSEC, 2013c). The number of tourists to Macau has been rapidly growing as shown in Table 2. In these circumstances, the HCM tourist area has been gradually expanded by the reclamation projects and the vertical expansion of buildings due to the excessive volume of visitors and housing shortage. High proportion of shorter visits According to the results of the survey, the average length of stay of visitors in the HCM was 2.74 hours and the majority of respondents (65.5%) stayed within 2 ~ 3 hours. The length of stay of Chinese respondents (2.42 hours) was shorter than those of European (3.84 h), North American (3.0 h), South Asian (3.2 h) and East Asian (3.12 h) respondents. Congestion As Russo (2002) showed with reference to Venice, day-trippers have little available time and thus tend to cluster around principal landmarks. In the HCM, sites such as Senado Square and the Ruins of St Paul’s receive the greatest attention from day-trippers. As shown in Table 5, Senado Square and the Ruins of St Paul’s experienced congestion between 2 pm and 3 pm on 7 April 2011, as they received 837 and 586 visitors respectively. In contrast, the Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple and the Na Tcha Temple did not experience congestion during this period, as they were relatively sparsely visited (each receiving 6 visitors). The HCM may experience Level-V congestion, as defined by Gurlik et al. (2012). Tourist sites with Level-V congestion are so crowded that people cannot walk without having to stop at intervals. As shown in Table 1, Macau residents made up only 3.7 percent of the visitors to the above sites during the period under study. Therefore, tourists rather than residents are assumed to be responsible for overcrowding in the HCM. Down-grading of the quality of the products The indicator ‘only low-quality suppliers are left in the end (Russo, 2002, p.170)’ -which forms part of the vicious circle schema - was partly applicable to the HCM. As shown in Table 6, the main shops of the HCM were souvenir shops (16.3%, n=50), antique shops (15.8%, n=45), dress shops (13.7%, n=42) and footwear stores (8.2%, n=25). The majority of souvenir shops in the HCM (62.0%, n=31) were concentrated on Rua de S. Paulo near to the Macau landmark, the Ruins of St Paul’s. Most souvenir shops (90.3%) were in fact candy stores, and those near to the Ruins of St Paul’s had changed from antique shops according to a Macau local resident who was interviewed near to the Ruins (81 year-old female respondent, personal communication, May 13 and 20, 2012). Most antique shops (93.4%, n=45) was concentrated in Rua de Santo Antonio near to St Anthony’s Church. Three of the antique shops have recently turned into souvenir shops (authors’ observation, December 23, 2012). Just as Russo (2006) observed in Venice, the high-quality products that were previously available to tourists and shoppers in the HCM, such as antique objects (sculpture, painting, jade etc.) have been replaced with cheap standardized one: e.g. biscuits, cakes, dried beef, badges, postcards, maps, bookmarks, t-shirts, candles, mascots, stamps, albums, tea bags, umbrellas, picture frames, key rings, fridge magnets, amulets, religious souvenirs such as rosaries, and so on. Several low-cost dress shops were located in the side street near to Sam Kai Vui Kun temple.



Conclusions In conclusion, this examination of the HCM is a case study for applying the vicious circle schema to urban WHSs. As observed in previous studies, congestion in tourist destinations is considered to reflect the ‘decline’ stage of the TALC (Pedersen, 2002; Zhang, 2010), to which the vicious circle schema is applicable (Russo, 2002). The results of the current study suggest that the HCM has experienced the first, second and third phases of the vicious circle schema, and is currently in the fourth phase. As the HCM also experiences permanent physical congestion, it may be in decline. In other words, the phenomenon of overcrowding may not be a positive sign that the HCM has reached the mature phase of the TALC. Accordingly, as noted by Russo (2001), there is an urgent need for policies to reduce congestion and overcrowding in the HCM caused by the prevalence of short-stay tourists, who tend to visit one or two key landmarks in the HCM for approximately 2 to 3 hours, and the limited availability and accessibility of tourism information. For example, providing tourists with online information about less frequented areas of the HCM may be a useful way to reduce overcrowding in popular heritage sites such as the Ruins of St Paul’s and Senado Square. The itineraries provided by travel agencies could also be structured and choreographed to distribute tourists more widely and evenly. Furthermore, as congestion threatens the sustainability of WHSs (Russo, 2002), future research may be needed to develop an integrated approach to ensuring the sustainability of the HCM by minimizing congestion while continuing to provide benefits for tourists, stakeholders and local residents.



Let’s have a coffee: Buenos aAires cafes and their appeal to both residents and tourists CLAUDIA ASTORINO Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Geografia, Humanidades e Turismo Brazil Cafes are a relevant part of Buenos Aires identity and of its inhabitants’ (porteños) lifestyle. Sebastian Méndez Lyon-Clark said that “All around the world, people go to a cafe for coffee; in Buenos Aires people take coffee to go to a café”. The Oscar winner filmmaker Juan José Campanella stated in the documentary “Cafés de Buenos Aires” (Todo Noticias channel) that the script of the film “Son of the Bride” was entirely written on the El Hipopotamo café tables. Similarly, it is known that the writer Julio Cortázar, frequent visitor of the London City café, found much of his inspiration there, having even mentioned the “London” in one of his short stories. This symbiosis is not surprising once the cafes have been occupying a prominent place in the cultural scene in many countries since the eighteenth century. In the Latin American universe, Buenos Aires stands out with a plentiful offer of cafes. It is worth noting that in its cafes, customers can sit, get a single coffee and stay there for as long as they wish without being disturbed. This tradition enabled that all sort of intellectuals could gather to discuss politics, arts, literature. Besides, Buenos Aires cafes are often true architectural, visual arts and decoration icons. Whatever the link between porteños cafes and cultural events is, this combination attracts not only their regular customers, but also curious tourists who are enchanted by the environment of the most celebrated porteños cafes while many others go unnoticed in their eyes. For better dissemination of that tangible cultural heritage (cafes and its ambiance) and intangible cultural heritage (memory of which Buenos Aires cafes are depositories), the Buenos Aires Department for Culture brought together those who stand out in the historical, architectural, artistic and literary context to the list of the “distinguished cafes.” It produced two maps, in which the cafes are marked to better guide both the resident and the tourist. The author of the present research has been investigating these cafes, their ambiances and their peculiarities since 2003. She researched this multi-faced universe on secondary sources, but never giving up visits to these Buenos Aires ‘temples’. This paper will discuss and compare the results of this tasteful research.



Tourism - Building the Platfrom for Cooperative World ANNA CZARCZYNSKA Sustainable Development Center Kozminski University Poland The recent crisis experiences (from financial markets to social cohesion problem in face of migrants wave) are a signal of transition towards a new order of interdependence at the level of local communities. We observe significant limitations of money driven activity as a measure of value, towards the basic values in term of personal development capability ready to work for us in any circumstances. The virtual nature of economic theories is based on assumption that people are maximizers of utility, driven mainly by rational calculations of their own self-interest. However starting from Nash equilibrium we know that the maximization of the social utility is crucial for the final outcome. Therefor cooperative world better meets our needs than competitive individual fight. However to achieve this we have to act as a community and to build the platform for mutual dialog. In the global era of Internet and well-developed transport and communication network the touristic movement is the best tool to build fundament for cooperative world. Tourism has a power to build platform for multinational organization culture as a management tool for companies struggling to make the transition from a production-based to a knowledge-based economy, in which value creation depends increasingly on ideas and innovation. Rising cultural awareness process profoundly influences attitudes and behaviors critical to high performance, it builds trust and releases ideas, so we can achieve even the most outstanding and difficult goals while gaining the voluntary cooperation of people and communities affected. Moving away from shareholders of profits to stakeholders of the culturally differentiated values is the moment of transition to cooperative world by including all stakeholders to the process of creating added value. A key element of transformation is a return to fundamental values such as trust, direct contact, or the natural environment is not detrimental to the character of goods and services consumed. Creativity is triggered by the values of the integrated unit activity in the area not only professional but also mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, cultural, social and environmental sustainability. The value in this approach is widely understood as a tourist-stakeholder participation in sustainable development performance, far beyond the classic tourist industry well-being.



Elective university course “Preservation of Cultural Heritage” as supplementary resource for implementing Life Beyond Tourism mission in higher education LYUDMILA P. KHALIAPINA, NINA V. POPOVA Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Russia Nowadays the International Life Beyond Tourism Institute is one of the best forums for reflection, active research and development of relevant professional practice in the sphere of culture, embracing its past, present and future. Realizing the importance of this forum for the sphere of higher education in Russia and worldwide, we intend to contribute to the sustainable development of its mission of fostering human relationships, knowledge and respect for cultural diversity by means of a widespread heritage value education. Our support of this mission through the creation of elective course syllabus and study manual will be to the benefit of heritage and territorial conservation and human development. The target audience of the course will be Bachelor and/or Master degree students, who will get familiarized with the most important contemporary materials on heritage value in terms of their local and global significance for all people. Our educational materials will be one of the outcomes of the above mission implementation, which will eventually lead to our students’ acquiring an intercultural competence and ability of participating in regional training and educational seminars, conferences and workshops with local and regional partners. The projected syllabus of the course includes such aspects as changing approaches in dealing with cultural property in the past, the role of the new media in transmitting the images of cultural heritage, sustainable cultural tourism, mediation of cultural diversity as future responsibility, significance of local heritage for new generations of people, etc. The study manual will be created as the result of an ongoing pedagogical project, involving master students of linguistics, future teachers of foreign languages, as the main participants. Their responsibility will be in preparing dialog-oriented linguistic tasks for the learners, which should be implemented as part of computer-assisted language learning aimed at the use of relevant Internet resources. The idea of this educational project emerged as the result of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University’s professors and students’ participation in Romualdo Del Bianco foundation workshop (Project Leader Prof Devel) in Florence, 2015, which stimulated our further consideration of educational cultural heritage value.



The role of everyday practices in preservation and transition of cultural heritage INA NALIVAIKA Associate Professor of Belarusian state University Belarus The goal is to clarify the role of everyday practices in emergence and transition of cultural heritage and in construction cultural identity in order to make travel a real part of intercultural dialogue. The everyday life is that very space where different forms and levels of cultural heritage meet and interact. It combines and stimulates ethnical, cultural, linguistic, religious and axiological aspects of the process of identification. It is a reservoir of actions and operations as well as a collection of collective memories. Everyday practices weave together local, regional, national levels of self-identification, that involves the phenomenon of cultural heritage. The theory of tactical character of everyday practices will be used as a methodological basis of the research. The multiple and flexible tactics of everyday life permit the person to avoid the power of the strategies, set by cultural production, and promote the possibility of forming of cultural and personal self-identity, escaping from external forcible identification. Thus, tourism as deepening in everyday cultural practices may become a proper way of developing of tourist industry.



Qalqilia Zoo: Own proposals for experiences, best practices and practical implementation OTHMAN DAWOUD Mayor of Qalqilya Palestine Qalqilia Zoo is the only zoo in Palestine and was established in 1986 through funding from Qalqilia Municipality. It was created on an area of 1 hectare and, as a result of continuous expansion, it covers today 4,5 hectares The staff of the Zoo consists of 77 persons and they are divided among the Administration, Technical, Education, Coaching tourism, Animals Keepers, Veterinary and Maintenance departments Important modifications at the administrative structure and job description have been made according to the specializations and inclinations of any individuals. This helped us also in implementing new protocols for safety. The Main Mission is Education, Re-creation, Preserving the wild life In order to improve the professionalism of our staff we have translated the EAZA technical assistance manual into Arabic language to facilitate their formative process. This new Arabic version of the manual will soon be available from EAZA to any zoo interested. Following our master plan we are in the process to redesign our entire zoo for a more modern zoo with the assistance of Mr. Erik Van Vliet , the experienced designer of zoo’s exhibits all over the world. Education has been one of the priorities of last year. We have been focusing in organizing training course for our visitors’ guides and for teachers. We also update the information boards for visitors redesigning them in a more modern and readable style. More valuable information was added as part of our educational program. Our educational programs aim at sensitize the public towards wild life preservation in our Country. For this purpose we are using videos available at the zoo Educational Center, and we distribute maps and educational publications for school students as well as for visitors. We also used the skeletons of the animals deceased to make installations next to the animal enclosure for educational purpose. Also at the Zoo’s Natural History Museum some animals have been stuffed for Our staff is constantly kept up to be updated through regular lectures either inside or outside the zoo. We have been using extensively social media to send daily messages about wild life preservation. To engage further our followers we have also successfully organized online contests and rewards on wild life subjects http://www.qalpzoo.com/. Veterinary students receive training at the Palestinian Wildlife Medical center at the Zoo, which cares and treats wounded wild animals. These animals are placed back to their natural habitat once they recovered 292


Environmental protection is one of our priorities at the zoo. We have successfully started a re-cycling program and organized special events like the World Environment Day where more than 1,000 trees were planted. Our zoo is accessible to disabled people and we have also special programs for organizations that deal with special need children. After joining EAZA as a Candidate Member in 2014, we have reinforced our international presence by developing relations with the Arab Association of Zoo and Aquaria devoted to increase the standards of the activities offered by zoos in the Arab world. We constantly cooperate with local associations involved in wild life preservation in Palestine such as the Palestine Wildlife Society. We are in the process of expanding some enclosure to create mix exhibits. As example the new African Herbivore Exhibit which will held elands, oryxes and zebras. Our Goals • To Preserve Wildlife in Palestine. • To meet the International Standards for animal welfare • To make the Zoo an educational center to form new generations of Palestinians



Engaging local Community in Tourism and training REDWAN THELMA The Marketing & Tourism Directorate, The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority Jordan I have implemented many program and would be honored to share all these projects with your esteemed organization Kindly find below the description of a community engagement projects that I am currently involved in: Aqaba Dive Cleanup National Team Gulf of Aqaba has 20 dive sites that tourists come from all over the world to dive in and in order to Protect the diving sites in Aqaba and to keep them clean and to protect the corals and the marine life. We formed the Aqaba diving clean up national team , the team members are diving professionals from local community they conduct underwater cleanup twice a month on a regular schedule. Aqaba Tourist Friends Club The Aqaba tourist friends club was established in March 2009 includes 350 students of Aqaba school with the objective of increasing tourism awareness for Aqaba youth and to enhancing the interaction between youth and Aqaba tourist and visitors in order to reflect a good image of city. Students hold many events allowed them to interact more with tourist coming to Aqaba bringing a good image of Aqaba. Tourist friend club participated in many effective activities, such as receiving cruises on board , and charters arriving at king Hussein international airport ;presenting then give a ways and post cards , in addition to some activities to improve the image of the tourism product in Aqaba, such as beaches cleaning campaign and the archeological side in Wadi camel race track. Club member participated as Souk Jara in Amman and also: 1. Creating awareness for the local community about importance of tourism 2. leaving a good impression about the city for tourist 3. create a direct interaction with tourist and local community members the club has many ongoing activities such as ; 1. holding a traditional reception for tourists who visit Aqaba though airport and cruiseships 2. Participating in events and organizing conferences 3. Organizing beach cleanup in line with Aqaba clean national team and desert clean up campaign in Wadi rum 4. We formed Chior at Jordan university in Aqbaa to perform the old Jordanian culture songs in the official occasions . 5. Painting Murals: we did great effort in painting murals in Aqaba in cooperation with the members of the Aqaba tourist friends club by engaging the local l community we painted more than ten long murals reflect the culture and the activites that tourist can do suring his visit. My 294


role is organizing and selecting the wall , inspire the painter with ideas and running the operation of the activities, We had more than ten long murals. Souk by the sea Is a vibrant weekly street market in Aqaba that features quality handicrafts made by artisans from Southern Jordan. Each Thursday and Friday through May, hundreds of tourists and local families visit the Souk, buying gifts, eating a light meal, enjoying the live entertainment, and mingling together. Now in its third full season and located in downtown Aqaba, the Souk has quickly established itself as the primary location to “Experience the Treasures of Aqaba.” Souk by the Sea exists to provide an opportunity for local artisans (particularly it includes products vendors, our role is to encourage local community to display their items especially women, also help them to support their product for tourists). School Awareness in Tourism Awareness & confidence building within the population is needed with regard to tourism issues. This includes specifically the schools to enable more possible recruitment of future staff for the tourism industry on a continuous base and to convince senior family members to allow especially females to start a tourism career. “Tourism Familiarization for secondary school students, 10th grade” Contents: Aqaba and the world, tourism chances, cross cultural awareness, tourism jobs & opportunities, field visits to tourism enterprises “The main aim of the school awareness program is to steer students' goals (high school, vocational) to play a significant role in Aqaba tourism in order to help them in planning for their future. This program was executed through holding organized bus tours in Aqaba to cover all the main tourism attractions and facilities in Aqaba. The tours duration for each session was for two hours for each group along with a pre-organized field visit to one of the tourist venues inside Aqaba. Eighty groups from different grades and schools had the opportunity to participate in this program Tourism training issues” and "tourism education” can be considered as different but related fields, and definitions are not homogenous in the tourism related sciences. However, with regard to Aqaba there is a strong overlapping relevance when considering the findings and prognostics how Aqaba with regard to the human resources may develop. Strategic suggestions take both topics into account to show the holistic aspect needed for the human resources development for a quality tourism resort Aqab. Aqaba restaurateurs enhance their services through professional training. Aqaba - To improve service at tourist restaurants in Aqaba, two days of professional training courses in food and beverage service and hospitality skills. Capacity building and Training Workshop Many different training workshops were conducted for workers in the tourism industry. The course sought to raise the quality of service at Aqaba’s and provided practical training in a range of areas, such as preparing for a guest’s arrival and how to greet and deal with guests on arrival, during their stay and when they leave. Other topics focused on self presentation and social interaction, personal hygiene, attitude and communication with guests and colleagues. The training also equipped participants with the 295


skills to handle complaints and to be courteous to guests. Food and beverage service procedures were taught as well, including table setting, receiving and welcoming guests, taking orders, seating guests, the sequence for serving food courses, and other processes and dealings with the guest up until it is time for them to leave the restaurant. Employees actually working in the industry to improve their skills with regard to quality retraining programs linked to future quality systems. Main training needed: Customer care & service related, English and other languages Employment seekers e.g. open for an occupational career in tourism and registered with the labor office Customer care & service, tourism familiarization, English language, specific skills, e.g. housekeeping for short term possibilities Employers from the industry, wishing to improve the quality performance of their enterprises with regard to international negotiations, product and marketing quality and especially human resources issues Main training needed: Quality management, human resources management, revenue management Qualified trainers for the tourism industry in Aqaba to multiply the measures. Generally speaking, the trainer scene in Aqaba regarding qualified tourism trainers appears very slim and it will need efforts to attract national & international trainers for train the trainer programs also as a part of the quality labels. For certain measures it can be expected that executive employees from the industry would be willing to assist for specific actions, e.g. from the up market hotels The Aqaba Public is mentioned here as they can be considered as a main target potential and reservoir containing future labor. All chances should be thought of to win them over in a continuous awareness successfully with a promotion process what “tourism� may mean to Aqaba. Their support for tourism would accrue a high benefit to a city where 55% of the future investments into Aqaba are foreseen in tourism.



An Exploratory Study of Turkish Consumer Consciousness, Awareness, Perception and Choice Regarding Green Restaurant Practices MURAT YÜCELEN Asst. Prof. of Management, Organization and Strategy Yeditepe University, Faculty of Commerce Dept. of Tourism & Hotel Management

GIZEM KILIÇ Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy alumni and professional

Introduction Sustainability is a contemporary issue, which has a wide range of implications on a global scale, in the fields of economics, politics, law and human rights. The travel, tourism and hospitality sectors constitute a significant portion of the discussion on and applications of this crucial issue, due to their high level of energy consumption and waste production. The tourism industry has countless direct and indirect ecological effects; contributing to carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and methane gas emissions, affecting wildlife by endangering animal species including sea life, increasing resource consumption/waste (especially water), and causing the loss of natural areas can be given as examples, in addition to further complications posed by the growth in population. Gössling and Peeters (2015, pp. 17-22) argue that in case tourism development continues at this pace, its environmental effects will double in 2050, compared with 2010. In the context of this research, the word “green” signifies the use of environmentally friendly or recycled products in order to diminish the impact on the environment. According to Namkung & Jang (2013, p. 85), businesses, which have realized the marketing power of the green enterprise, have been rushing to become “greener.” In line with augmented consumer sensitivity regarding environmental issues, the demand for environment-friendly products and services is also increasing at a fast pace. Contemporary consumers are found to take into account not only the function and quality of a good or service, but also the extent to which brands fulfill their responsibilities towards the environment (John and Narayanamurthy, 2015, pp. 6-7). It has also been found that consumers are willing to pay a high price for such products and services (Han et al, 2011, p. 325). Although it is known that consumers support energy saving applications, there is not adequate evidence that green applications have a significant effect on tourists’ choices. It is nevertheless believed that consumers are in favor of reasonably priced and easily applicable energy saving initiatives (UNWTO-UNEP, 2008:11). Green practices in restaurants Because of the inherent operational nature, the food and beverage (F&B) business, as a sub-sector of the tourism industry, is a major contributor to energy loss and the production of waste materials in many forms (Gössling and Peeters, 2015, p.1; Vitousek et al, 1997, pp. 494-495). In 2007, the Green Restaurant Association defined green restaurant practices in three areas: green actions (energy and water saving, recycling, designing green buildings), green foods (organic and local), and green donations (participating in sustainability activities) (Schubert et al, 2010, p.288). As a consequence of the global discussion and applications of the “green movement”, there has been a recent trend towards the establishment of “green restaurant.” 297


Restaurants and kitchens are areas, where a lot of energy is used. It is estimated that up to %80 of the annual energy used by F&B businesses in the US can be attributed to faulty practices. Inefficient kitchen utensils, excessively noisy and heat generating ventilation ducts, and lighting systems may be given as examples (Enis, 2007: 34). Aim of the research and findings Based on this discussion, our research is aimed at exploring consumer consciousness, awareness and perception of Turkish consumers in the context of green practices in restaurants. We then aim at clarifying the role of these three factors in consumers’ choice of restaurants so as to assess the relationship among these factors, and to devise a roadmap for green service providers in the F&B sector. In order to achieve our aim, we developed and administered a survey geared towards the general public, based on the research models of Schubert et al. (2010) and Jeong ve Jang (2010). The survey was launched online to reach as many people as possible via social networks, and also passed out in printed copy for convenience data gathering, and to increase the randomness of the sample universe. To obtain qualitative findings in support of our research, in addition to the quantitative results, an interview was undertaken with representatives from Unilever Food Solutions, which is a supporter of the Green Generation Restaurant Project in Turkey. As of February 1st 2016, a total of 193 usable surveys were received, and statistical analysis was performed on the collected data. Two thirds of the participants were women, the majority has at least university degrees, and one third of the participants work in the private sector, while the rest is consisted of students, retirees and self-employed people. Environmental Consciousness With regard to the environmental consciousness of the Turkish consumer, based on respondents’ self- assessment, it was found that there is a high level of knowledge on environmental issues and that people have a preference of environmentally friendly products and services in their consumption patterns. The same was not true about consciousness of green restaurant practices, which was scored well below the average, with a high standard deviation. This means that consumers both do not know this concept too well, and they are not very confident in the meaning of the concept. It was also found that women (especially of those between the ages of 30-39) have a higher consciousness compared with men (especially of those between the ages of 25-29, who have the lowest score in consciousness). Awareness of green practices in restaurants Participants were asked about their awareness of practices on waste management, recycling, the use of environment friendly and sustainable products, social responsibility, and reduction in the use of natural resources and energy, in the context of green restaurants. It was found that restaurant guests are most aware of electric power saving schemes, while they are least aware of the use of sustainable equipment in the kitchen. Although participants gave low scores on the consciousness of green restaurant practices in the previous section, the average scores were higher regarding awareness of green practices in restaurants. This finding suggests that consumers actually see and observe green practices when they go to restaurants, but they are not aware that these practices are an aspect of sustainability issues. 298


Also, there is no consensus among participants as to the nature of green practices in restaurants as observed in the high standard deviation in the responses. Perception of green restaurants The general perception of green restaurants on the part of the Turkish consumer is that they are expensive. Participants believe that through green practices restaurants protect the environment and use sustainable foods, and that they are healthier. They also believe that there is a link between green practices and social responsibility of the F&B service provider. The same cannot be said about the link between perceived quality and green practices, where more than %40 of participants do not perceive a higher quality in green restaurants. Also, less than half of the participants perceive restaurants as social enterprises. Effects of green practices on restaurant choice When asked about the factors taken into account in restaurant choices, quality and healthy foods were found to be the highest scored factors affecting consumer choice. Participants were also highly in favor of organic and local foods in the restaurants they visit. On the other hand, having social responsibility and being environmentally sensitive were the factors, which were the least effective in choosing a restaurant. Further statistical analysis revealed that women cared more about social responsibility and environmental sensitivity in their restaurant choices compared to men. Although there was no significant difference in restaurant choice, with regard to the age of the participants, it is found that the higher the monthly income and propensity to spend more per person at a restaurant, the more significant the quality issue becomes in choosing a restaurant. Conclusions and recommendations In this research, it was primarily realized that consumers do come across green practices in restaurants, but they are not highly conscious of the fact that these practices occur in the context of sustainability and green restaurant initiatives. It was also understood that people are more aware of the practices undertaken in the frontal guest areas as opposed to what goes on in the rear areas of restaurants (Namkung and Jang, 2013, p. 85). Although in most restaurants waste management takes place in back-of-house, the research unveiled that people examine service areas and come to a conclusion by observing their surroundings. Women are observed to be more concerned in sustainable food and ecofriendly practices in their choice of restaurants, than men are. While Turkish consumers perceive green restaurants as more expensive, at the same time, they are highly in favor of practices that protect the environment in general. In general, Turkish consumers are found to primarily give importance to quality and healthy foods over green practices. This finding means that the adoption of environmentally friendly practices is not a significant factor in the choice of a restaurant. The reason why these consumers have a lower consciousness and awareness in comparison to the consumers in Europe and America is that environmentally conscious practices are not as widespread and promoted in Turkey, as it is in these regions. It is suggested that regulations and investments are aligned in order to increase green practices in restaurants. In order to achieve this, in-house marketing techniques can be utilized to communicate green practices more effectively to consumers. Therefore, while increasing the consciousness and awareness of customers, F&B businesses can turn their environmentally friendly image into a marketing advantage. 299


Dialogue and modern "nomadic" Travel for protection of monuments NASIRDINOVA AYGUL Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Kyrgyzstan Along the roads and highways laid on ancient road of Great Silk Way in Kyrgyzstan and on places of natural fetishes there are monuments which are lost as heritage because of productive activity, self-damage, sometimes sales . They are united by special quality - it's an art of creation of stones in space or as we consider "stone gardens". Under "stone gardens" we unite some memorial and cult types of historical anthropogenous gardens: stone circles - cromlechs, square and rectangular cult and sacral calculations, "balbala" - steles, landscape and temple educations, petro glyphs on rocks and cult kurganny constructions. Esthetic, market, spiritual and other types of an assessment of objects remains still actual, including identification of unknown monuments. It's necessary to create effective technologies of preserving, town-planning regulation, giving them secondary functions. In this regard, the country creation of favorable and attractive routes, brands for the tourist, commercial industry which can give "the second life" - updated function to monuments and by that to salvage them for future generations is very important. It is required to develop the cultural industry, especially in the remote territories of the country, where the ancient traditions of a sacralization and taboo of objects that kept them in the millennia are extirpated. We look for special ways of "self-preservation". One of them is tourism. The integration projects concerning stories of interferences of cultures of the countries, neighboring to Kyrgyzstan, such as China, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc. are actual for us. In fact, it is Dialogue and modern "nomadic" Travel which had been influencing distribution of cultures, an exchange of goods, ideas and knowledge in our corner of the world.



Conservation of Cultural Identity as a Way to Improve the Regions’ Touristic Attraction VALERIYA BUDENKOVA National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk Russia In modern global world is steadily increasing the number of communications. Unfortunately, it does not mean that mutual understanding, respect, and confidence among different cultures, are also improving. Travels and tourism are one of the most effective ways to get the new knowledge and impressions, to expand our perspective and on this base to develop intercultural dialogue. In addition, travel industry is a very important part of world and regional economy, which brings significant income. Thus, society, business, and government are interested in the development of travels and tourism. But there is one serious problem in this sphere. On the one hand, people prefer to visit popular tourist spots because they primarily associate with cultural tourism. On the other hand, not all of regions, areas, and especially city, have the rich cultural or natural heritage, famous historical landmarks or environmental conditions, attractive for travels and recreation. Due to the fact that such territories can not compete with the world visitor attractions, a lot of interesting places fall outside of the tourist industry as well as out of our view. In order to change current situation, it is necessary to develop new travelling strategies. These strategies should be founded on the following principles. Firstly, people always aspire to know something new, with what they did not meet yet. Secondly, every region is unique and interesting. Thirdly, in the global world with its tendency to unification and homogenization, the cultural identity and diversity are not only the value, but also the benefit and opportunity. Taken together, these principles signify that conservation of cultural identity is an effective means to develop tourist industry in regions and crucial task for all concerned parties. In what connection, the format of travel and tourism should correspond to cultural and natural peculiarities of the region. If the region does not have enough sights, some regions can unite their cultural and natural potential to attract more visitors and travellers. Attending new places and meeting new people, we compare our new experience with previous one and realize that beyond differences we have similarities. This is the prerequisite to achieve mutual understanding.



New Archeological Project at the University of Georgia GIULI ALASANIA University of Georgia Georgia Samshvilde is one of the most ancient cities of Caucasus. According to the Georgian historic tradition it was founded by the king of Kartli, Parnavaz in the 3rd century BC and for a long time had been under influence of the different cultures (Sassanian, Arabian, Turkish, Ottoman etc)until the 12th century when eventually was joint to the Georgian Kingdom. Existing archaeological layers there abundantly comprise various remnants of the material culture. Samshvilde archaelogical expedition established at the University of Georgia in 2012 started to study this center (www.samshvilde.ge). Currently the following activities are implementing: archeological, Geophysical, Topographical, paleontological and architectural where University students and Professor-teachers are involved. At the same time, The University of Georgia expresses its readiness to cooperate with scientific-research institutes and universities from Europe and America in order to make Samshvilde Center studies broader and deeper.



The potential of hydroelectric facilities as destinations for tourism and recreation MIKHAIL I. BALZANNIKOV, EFIM G. VYSHKIN, YULIA M. GALITSKOVA Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Russia Hydraulic structures have traditionally, and continue to be, constructed with the aim of delivering a precise differential in the level (head) of a body of water. The upper pool becomes a reservoir, the discharges from which are exploited for various economic purposes, principally: electricity generation, water supply to industrial plants and population centres and the improvement of water-borne transportation routes. Reliability and safety are among the most important requirements for hydraulic installations, along with long service life and the durability and impermeability of the barrier structure itself. Further, an indispensable condition for the construction of hydro facilities is high or acceptable economic efficiency. Besides these traditional approaches in many countries these hydraulic installations and their associated structures are used as tourist attractions. They can be provided with a scenic (viewing) platform directly on or near to the structure, or facilities for tourist groups on excursions, general tourist attractions, recreation and park areas, historical and information exhibits and state protected monuments of historical, cultural and technical importance. This demonstrates that hydraulic structures have great socio-cultural potential beyond their obvious technical and industrial role. This gives up a possibility to name them a part of modern heritage. It is helpful to single out those hydraulic structures which fulfil an historical and education function, or which are themselves historical, cultural and technical monuments. This would not only fit into a general idea of sustainability but also allow to use them in education for sustainable development and preservation of technological heritage.. These example of possible directions in the use of hydraulic structures: conservation historic water-powered engineering structures and machinery as monuments to national achievement increases not only the tourism potential of local areas but also the cultural awareness of society.



The problems of implementation of the world heritage convention in Georgia KAKHA TRAPAIDZE Tbilisi State Academy of Arts Georgia Culture for dialogue about familiarizing with practical and theoretical experience existing in this field and its adoption in Post Soviet environment, where Soviet government had declared war against traditions, religion is particularly important. This policy destroyed tens of thousands of religious buildings. Theorists of heritage protection presume that it is practically impossible to estimate the scope of losses of cultural values, resulting from the policy. None of the countries in Europe has treated its cultural heritage as barbarically as it happened in the USSR . Political Utopia of the new world and contemporary architecture movement have completed the general picture. Even by the end of the 80s of the last century, when tendency of synchronization of certain approaches in cultural heritage protection field between Soviet and European policies was already noted, technical analysis of existing monuments demonstrated that condition of 232 monuments, i.e. almost half, of 488 monuments existing in Moscow was not satisfactory. Defining factor for such grave condition of architectural monuments is the fact that a majority of them was used for production and industrial purposes for example as repair shops, printing houses, factories, motor transport depot and similar objects which contributed to their destruction. Though signs of new tendencies in regards with cultural heritage were noted already after the Second World War and the Venice Charter was even considered an official document in the USSR, still this did not seem to interfere in different approaches. Works were often based on scientific researches, but in most cases the purpose was full reconstruction and stylistic restoration of historical palaces and monuments and important criterion was to reconstruct the buildings in order to make them usable for different purposes. Many monuments in Georgia are located within populated area and immediately bordering land sites owned by the population or relevant administrative units. Additionally monument protection area is enforced for monuments inscribed on the World heritage List creating additional liabilities for the population living in the area. This issue is only theoretically regulated by legislation, i.e. buffer zone for each monument is not documentarily identified, which is a challenge for the rehabilitation process itself as well as for involvement of the local population. Whereas modern philosophy of heritage protection considers enabling monument protection and sustainable development which includes involvement and adaptation of the local population as one of its components in monument protection process and stimulation of realizing the fact that existence and development of certain monuments is a prerequisite for their welfare and sustainable economic development.



Journey through the castles in the Tuscan coast ROBERTO CORAZZI Florence University Italy The invitation to the trip on the Tuscan coast castles. Itinerary that develops through fortified architectures, which can be defensive or spotting, in the story of shapes and construction techniques, accompanied by the characters and the political events that have marked the destiny of the sites on which they appear. A fascinating journey into a land rich in suggestions that the express purpose of transmitting complex information, but also to arouse curiosity and awaken passions in those who wish to look beyond the image for insight into the history and art of building. The path begins just outside the northern border of Tuscany and begins with the system of fortifications of Lerici, Sarzana and Portovenere that with the Malaspina Castle of Massa and the nearby castle-tower of Aghinolfi constitute the system of castles of Lunigiana that unravels perpendicular to the coast following the course of the river Magra and is an almost unique testimony of a settlement pattern of feudal handed down to the present day. Today these castles have been turned into museums, residences, artist studios, restaurants or fascinating ruins: buildings and significant territorial signs of which is given a unique and specific witness, because in looking "beyond" there can be only intent to protect the single item as an exceptional witness to a particular past, but the revival of an entire regional system, as the Tuscan coast, which tells the history of pre-unification of the entire region and shows the absolute solemnity of its forms, elegant and charming, emerge from coastline, imposing itself as identification elements of the image of the places to attract the attention of sailors and travelers, who are catapulted into the dream of a world suspended between the sea, the earth and the sky.



Modern trends in the protection of architectural and cultural heritage in St.-Petersburg SERGEJ V. SEMENTSOV Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Russia The historical cities with cultural and architectural heritage play an important role in the development of Intercultural Dialog. They are the basis for the development of tourism, gives people the opportunity to get acquainted with culture of other nations. Historic center of St. Petersburg is one of the largest world heritage sites. The historical city center, surrounded by a constellation of suburbs, a unified by system of historical roads are included in the world heritage list of UNESCO under No. 540 since 1990. All these historic site covers an area of over 4400 hectares. This is not only preserved historic man-made landscapes, but also modern fast-developing metropolis. During the 20th century was formed a modern approach to the conservation of cultural heritage. During the first step (1920s-1940s) famous architectural monuments were considered liken separate entities. During the second step started preservation of urban and suburban ensembles (1940s - 1950s). Later they were combined into the city large protection areas (1960s), and in suburban parks in historical and cultural reserves (1960s - 1970s). Finally, all these disparate elements were joint together and consolidated into preserved the historic Saint-Petersburg Metropolitan area (1980s - 1990s). Currently going the research process of joining together of all the territories into historical St. Petersburg province as a single historical landscape feature, requiring new methods of conservation and development. Appeared question, how to save such a large historic urban area (in all its natural and man-made variety) with a population of 5nmillion people from developing according to the modern laws of the metropolis? And the more over, the same problems must be solved for the province with a population of over 20 million people. Must be done answer, how to preserve multi-core with style variety, hierarchy and dispersion visually-elevation characteristics of the dominant elements and the unity of the silhouette qualities of the background structures historic landscapes. Such approaches for specific solutions requires special methods of examination and research.



Brno, the Central European Metropolis of the New Architecture VLADIMIR SLAPETA Technical University of Brno Czech Republic At the turn of the 20th century Brno was still thought of as an "Austrian Manchester" or "Vienna suburb". The foundation of Czechoslovakia after World War I caused rapid economic and cultural development and Brno, the capital of Moravia, became the second most important centre of the new state after Prague. This overall growth triggered construction of all types of buildings, which reflected economic potential, social conscience and identification with the modern way of life and a new style of international architecture. Along side works by leading local architects the development culminated especially in the construction of Villa Tugendhat by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. After World War II and the Communist coup this heritage did not comply with the new ideology and was deliberately suppressed. However, the international interest in this specific phenomena was growing gradually. When Villa Tugendhat was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001, and then meticulously reconstructed, Brno's cultural and tourist attractiveness increased rapidly. This led to the reopening of other Brno villas - Art Nouveau villa by his owner Dušan Jurkovic´ and Villa Stiassni by Arnost Wiesner, where a methodology centre for the restoration of modern architectural landmarks was set up. Following the reconstruction of other buildings of the interwar era - e.g. the Crematorium or cafe ERA, attention was extended to selected post-war era buildings. Brno has thus become one of the most attractive locations for international architecture of the 20th century and last not least also for architectural turism.=



For an Extensive Acquaintance of the City of Florence. The Historic Timber Carpentries GENNARO TAMPONE ICOMOS ISC IWC Italy The term tourism is generally interpreted as accomplishment of visits to places and museums. Being tourist in Florence, for instance, certainly means to visit Ponte Vecchio, the Cathedral, Piazza della Signoria, Piazzale Michelangelo, Fiesole,…places that allow to get acquainted with the genius loci. The Uffizi’s Gallery, the several galleries in Palazzo Pitti, the Cappelle Medicee, the Archaeological Museum etc. are extremely attractive as well illuminating on the culture of the city. If this busy program is compulsory for a first short visit, it should be enlarged to know/ experience the organization and the offering of the whole system of museums settled in the city (“Polo museale fiorentino”) extended to the surroundings, the planning of the dissemination to the people (especially schoolboys) of the artistic culture of the city, the Architecture of the Galleries, the architectural monuments, the history of the city and the milestones buildings that oriented the development of the urban settlement. Furthermore, for tourists that are particularly interested to the real substance of the important buildings, some essential peculiarities as the masonry structures of the Monument s (the Dome of the Cathedral, for instance) and their timber coverings and floors. In the latter field, related to a patrimony absolutely unknown to both common and learned tourists, special mention deserve the timber carpentry of the roof and the ceiling (Giorgio Vasari, 1563), the carpentry of the roof (15th c.) and of the ceiling (18th c.) of the St Mark’s church, the carpentry of the Chiesa dello Spedale degli Innocenti, the timber roof carpentry of the same Cathedral. A direct visit is possible to all these carpentries due to the fact that the garrets are accessible. Not to forget the Renaissance carpentry of the San Salvatore al Monte’s church (Simone del Pollaiolo detto il Cronaca, end of the 16th c.), the original classic carpentry, later decorated with paintings, of the San Miniato al Monte. Also important are the timber roof carpentry and the lathing ceiling of San Giovannino degli Scolopi church, the Santa Croce’s church carpentry and several others. Furthermore, as a topic of architectural conservation it is of great importance to get knowledge of the typical decay of the material as well failure of the structures and of the repair criteria adopted for the historic carpentries compared with the real works carried out on them. A few monuments built with iron structure as the two Markets realized in the downtown by Giuseppe Mengoni (1876 c.), still active and throbbing with life.



Tourism in Hokkaido and Female Tourist Behaviour RIICHI MIYAKE / AYAKA HISAJIMA Fuji Women's University Japan <Local Background of Hokkaido> Hokkaido is a well-known territory in Japan as a high potential touristic spot. Following Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka Prefectures, it attracts a huge number of foreign tourists while it keeps the top ranking among Japanese as the most favourable place to visit. The annual number of tourists is, in fact, 53.7 million vis-à-vis its population of 5.4 million (2014). In this sense, the residents of Hokkaido are very accustomed to host the tourists as they are always watching tourist behaviours. The economy of Hokkaido is depending on tourism to a great extent. The character of Hokkaido is very different from what we call “traditional Japan” such as Kyoto and Kanazawa since its history has started comparatively earlier than other parts of Japan. Its capital, Sapporo, for instance, was founded only in 1869. The objectives of the tourists are rather to seek natural beauty and gastronomy, based on wealthy natural products of this area. The register of Shretoko Peninsula in the eastern region in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List in 2005 helped the acceleration of the touristic move. It has been widely acknowledged that Hokkaido is lacking in cultural and historical heritage due to the fact that it has been newly exploited by Japanese since the middle of the 19th century. The recognition of cultural property and settings is hence different among the locals. However, recent scientific works have proved its different cultural history by indigenous people called Ainu and by the cohabitation of both Ainu and Japanese peoples since the 17th century. Historical and archaeological surveys have identified this fact and exposed many interesting archaeological sites to the public. Still this new tendency has not yet been shared among the Japanese citizens residing in Hokkaido. Many of them are still occupied by the ordinary cliché of Hokkaido and don’t pay attention to such new findings as potential properties for future cultural tourism development. In terms of population, Hokkaido is listed as one of seriously shrinking areas among 47 prefectures in Japan in line with Tottori and Shimane Prefectures in the western Japan. Except its capital Sapporo, which keeps the population of 1.9 million, other parts of Hokkaido are suffering from the decrease of the population. Schools and public facilities are being abandoned in most of its rural areas due to the outflow of local residents. Still its economy is not so much affected as its first industry like agriculture and fishery has kept the first rank within Japan. Tourism is a new factor to strengthen its economy. This paradox of shrinking population and high level of industry makes a tremendous gap of awareness between the citizens of Sapporo and others because of the overconcentration of population and industries in Sapporo. The former is rather optimistic and does not pay attention so much to the rest of Hokkaido while the latter is seriously pessimistic toward the future of their towns and villages. The ratio of elderly citizens is much higher within non-Sapporo regions.



<Female Tourist Behaviour> The author’s team, based in Fuji Women’s University in Sapporo, has undergone a survey on the actual tendency for the tourism among females residing in Sapporo. Females, in general, are playing the major role as tourists in the Japanese society as they occupy 52.9 % in whole Japan (2013). In the case of Hokkaido, the ratio of female among Japanese tourists is 52.5%. Females are active and curious enough to pack their luggage and to leave for travel. Their touristic behaviour naturally differs from that of males and it is widely said that such female touristic behaviour will influence definitively upon the future of Japanese tourist industry. Although the survey consists of small scale inquiries and interviews, the result is very interesting. 68% of Sapporo women have experienced visits to foreign countries. This means that travel to foreign country has become one of their daily experiences. Females of Sapporo are so urban and liberal that they prefer sophisticated life and experiences. The aged groups are characterized by higher ratio of repeaters. Travel to foreign countries is getting to be one of their most favourite activities among them. Both the age group of 20’s and the elderly group of 60’s stand out as both of them enjoy traveling abroad with the ratio of more than 70 %. Contrary to the expectation, the most frequented country is France, rather than Asian countries. The aged group prefer travelling in Europe in comparison with younger groups, who tend to enjoy Asian countries more probably because of the cheaper cost and the convenience of travel. This elder group also enjoys the visits to Italy and Great Britain. The travel to Europe, as a matter of fact, is three times or for times more expensive than that to Asian countries. That may be the reason why only those who can afford such high expenditure would travel to Europe. South Korea, contrary to European countries, attracts all the age groups. The good connection by air from several international airports in Hokkaido such as Sapporo, Asahikawa and Hakodate, have accelerated the ratio of visitors for both directions. LCC has become very popular in Korean routes, providing much cheaper flights than going to other parts of Japan. Many attractions in Korea such as beauty and health care services as well as shopping allow them easily to go there, even making use of weekend. Sapporo is a big and convenient city where people can afford anything they want in terms of infrastructure and consumption. There is no time gap between Tokyo and Sapporo in relation with mode, as Sapporo’s fashion is exactly the same as in Tokyo. The city is rather clean and spacious with enough greens. What females in Sapporo seek as tourist is the opposite: exotic cultural heritage, cheap beauty and health services, gastronomy with typically Asian food and so on. Seoul and Busan, in this sense, certainly satisfy such requirements of females of Sapporo. It is interesting that South Korea occupies the top position, for all the age groups, as the place which Sapporo females want to visit in future. On the contrary, European countries have different tendency. France turned out to be the second after Korea, then Italy and Great Britain. The typical images of cultural and historical Europe are represented in these countries. Hawaii which is preferred among most of Japanese as typical resort zone comes as the fifth. What should be noted is the comparison with the tendency of Sapporo females in terms of domestic travel. 98 % of Sapporo females have experienced domestic tourism. The most frequented place is Tokyo with an overwhelmingly high ratio (46.8%) . Kyoto and Okinawa follow the Japanese capital. Kyoto is the ancient capital which maintains its old traditional houses and temples, registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List, while Okinawa is a southern archipelago with semi-tropical climate. This means that they prefer cultural tourism in Kyoto on one 310


side and tropical tourism in Okinawa on another. The images of Kyoto for young university students in Hokkaido are nearly foreign as they have not experiences such traditional life. The language sounds sweet. Tatami is already foreign among the Hokkaido people. Okinawa is the opposite of Hokkaido. Curiously enough, there are many university candidates from Hokkaido to apply for Okinawa universities and vice versa. On the contrary, Gunma, Saitama and Shiga Prefectures did not attract the attention of Hokkaido females. The common aspect of these prefectures is the fact that they are inland areas without any coast line. The interviewed pointed out that these prefectures are without characteristics and without conspicuous monuments and sites. This attitude is interesting because their answer signifies that the recognition of geographical images is a key factor for understand the region. <Consumption by Tourist> The cost performance is one of the most considered elements for deciding the type of the trip. The expenditure group of 150,000 - 200,000 JPY (1,217 – 1,622 USD) occupies the biggest percentage for oversea travel while that of 50,000 – 100,000 JPY (406 - 811 USD) is marked the highest for domestic travel. Judging from the fact that, if a passenger pay the normal price for round trip air ticket between Sapporo and Tokyo, it costs around 60,000 JPY (487 USD), it is proved that most of the travellers make use of discount tickets or LCC flights. Travel agents try to provide very reasonable tour package as the market is very competitive. Such is the case for oversea tours. On the contrary, recent survey by Japan Tourism Agency has proved that Chinese tourists visiting Japan consume 308,000 JPY per tour (2,498 USD) including air fare and accommodation as average. On the contrary Koreans show the same tendency as Japanese since they consume only 112,000 JPY (908 USD). In other words, the consumption of Chinese tourist contributes tremendously to the Japanese market of tourism industry. Another report by Hokkaido Prefecture suggested the amount of consumption in Hokkaido by foreign and Japanese tourists. Foreigners tend to consume more money when they stay in Hokkaido. In fact, foreign tourists consume 74% more than average Japanese tourist from other part of Japan (122,000 JPY vs. 70,000 JPY per stay). <Graduation Tour as Initiation for Females> Another aspect of female tourist behaviours is the “graduation tour” by female students. Since 1980’s this kind of ceremonial tour has become popular all over Japan. That is the reason why the internationally-known tourist spots are occupied with Japanese young females in February and March. This initiation has been considered essential among female society. The tour should be with intimate friends, not alone, in order to make a good memory. However, in the case of Hokkaido, the survey shows that their attitude is rather conservative. In the course of the 4th year, they are obliged to spend much money for job-seeking. They have to go to Tokyo even if they want to work in a company in Hokkaido, because most of big firms have their headquarters in Tokyo. The average expenditure for Hokkaido female students for job seeking is reported around 95,000 JPD (770 USD) if compared with that of Tokyo students: 45,000 JPY (365 USD). This means that Hokkaido young females spend so much money for job seeking before graduation. Two third of the female students confirms their intention to go abroad when interviewed, but the reality was that half of them declined this idea and make 311


a small tour within Hokkaido. This figure is very different from those of Tokyo Metropolitan area. <Conclusion - Characteristics of Females in Sapporo as Tourist> The geographical situation of Hokkaido is very peculiar. It is a second biggest island, corresponding to the surface of Austria, but with the population of 5.4 million. This number suggests according to the Japanese standard that Hokkaido is scarcely populated. Only Sapporo forms a large metropolitan zone with 2.6 million inhabitants (Greater Sapporo). Hokkaido is separated from “mainland” Japan by a channel, which obliges ferry transportation for merchandise. Although a railway tunnel was constructed under the channel in 1988, more than 80% of the travellers use airline to commute to the “mainland”. Psychologically speaking, Hokkaido is clearly separated from the “mainland” Japan called Naichi. This means for Hokkaido residents, that they have always a psychological barrier when they face the situation for changing immigration. This happens so often when they seek jobs. Especially most of females want to continue their life in Hokkaido and dare not move to other part of Japan. As a matter of fact, 90% of the graduates of Fuji Women’s University stay in Hokkaido. The survey on the touristic behaviour of Sapporo females has shown this phenomenon concretely. The localism inherited among Hokkaido women is visible even among Sapporo females although they are considered very sophisticated. Generally speaking, Japanese females tend to prefer urban life to rural one when they get older if compared with elderly males. Sapporo shows this tendency clearly. Metropolitan areas like Tokyo, Osaka and Sapporo absorb young females, who tend to keep their urban life even after the school is over. The concentration of higher education institutions such as universities and colleges obliges one-sided immigration, but the “urbanization of females” is not only the result of schooling, but with much more complicated reasons. The immigration of females from rural regions to Sapporo is now recognized as one of the most serious problems since the unbalance between two sexes is becoming distinct. It is interesting to suggest that tourists tend to visit rural areas of Hokkaido. Bien Town, a small rural town with the population of 10,000 receives approximately 1 million tourists per year including a great number of foreigners. Its beautiful agricultural landscape as well as mountainous sceneries has become internationally famous. This shows an opposite tendency against the localism of Hokkaido females. Tourism industry is becoming mature in Hokkaido, but the most urgent task is to adjust the dichotomy between inbound tourists and outgoing residents. The cases of females are very suggestive.



Ethical and multi-voiced remembrance tourism for the centenary commemorations of the First World War in Flanders Fields STEFAAN GHEYSEN In Flanders Fields Museum Belgium 2014 marked the start of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. For the past several decades, people from every corner of the world have travelled to the Westhoek (Flanders Fields Region in Belgium) to visit the many cemeteries, monuments and museums, which testify to the tragic and dramatic events of the past. The number of these vistis didn’t decrease during the centenary celebrations, quite the reverse. For this reason, our region was well prepared, enabling us to offer our many visitors a high quality visit with first-rate accommodation. It is crucial to strike the right note. We need to approach the stories and the inheritance left to us by the First World War in the right manner. Westtoer, the touristic authority of the Province of West-Flanders, developped seven basic principes set out the framework for an ethical and multi-voiced remembrance tourism programme during the centenary commemorations of the First World War. 1. Respect Respect is the basic requirement for qualitative remembrance. Respect for the more than 600,000 victims of the war who died in our country. Respect for history, which requires that all remembrance initiatives should take the correct historical facts as their starting-point. Respect for the landscape, as the final witness of those terrible and tragic events. Respect must also lead to restraint and caution with regard to the development of commercial initiatives related to remembrance. 2. Good hospitality The interest will be immense during the 2014-2018 remembrance period. Providing good hospitality demonstrates a high degree of respect for the visitor. Good hospitality is therefore essential and must be translated into a warm and first-class welcome, supplemented by proper explanations of the relevant content at the various visitor sites. By using effective visitor management processes, we will ensure that visitor flows are spread as evenly as possible, both in time and place. In this way, we hope to contribute towards the serenity of tourist visits to our war heritage sites. 3. Accesibility The remembrance programme and the remembrance sites must be accessible for a wide range of target groups – local people and visitors, young and old, the general public and experts, as well as people with a limitation or disability. By working with information at different levels and by using an abundance of story lines, we hope to reach these diverse target groups in an appropriate manner. This means that war heritage sites must strive for an optimal accessibility. 313


4. Multi-voiced Multi-voiced means that we will seek to do justice to the complexity of the history of the First World War by using as many different stories as possible. A multi-voiced approach also implies that we must once and for all abandon the outmoded dichotomy between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. Last but not least, multi-voicing means that the different forms of remembrance have to be distinguished and respected. This will lead to a new debate and provide alternative insights into the importance of the First World War for our region, its population and for remembrance tourism itself. 5. Deepening The substantive deepening of our knowledge of the First World War is also important. There needs to be additional scientific-historical research. This type of research contributes to the multi-voiced nature of the many stories related to the history of the war. Through a series of study days and study tours, discussion forums and further reflection on remembrance tourism, we should be able to provide the deepening process with a concrete interpretation. 6. Internationalization Today, the First World War and its remembrance are pre-eminently a subject of international interest. In the Westhoek, soldiers from over 50 present-day countries waged war. More than half of today’s visitors have an international profile. With a view to the internationalization of the centenary commemorations, we think it is appropriate to make Europe the central geographical focus of remembrance. 7. Peace message It is not only important to understand the peace message from a historical point of view, but also - perhaps more so - to place it in a future perspective. What are the key elements of a modern peace message? It certainly has to contain some of the following components: encouraging peace education, self-participation in conflict control, appealing for diplomatic solutions in contemporary international conflicts, etc.



Proposals for the use LBT MODEL for international students' interpersonal communication SVITLANA SMOLENSKA Kharkov State University of Architecture and Construction Ukraine Gaining knowledge about the world culture is a necessary condition for training architecture students, as well as other humanitarian specialties (e.g., at the Faculty of Architecture KNUCEA). Students are an active group of young people who have a need and desire to travel, to get real information about the cultural features of the territory. On the other hand, by virtue of their educational status, they are more than other social groups able to inform other people about their own culture. In addition to formal lectures, practices, excursions and workshops, planned in curricula, these groups of students are in need of informal knowledge and deeper understanding of the traditions, way of life, the specificity of places that they are studying. However, the social and financial possibilities of such groups to carry out travels outside of their country / region are often limited. Creation of a special program of informal cultural exchange may be the solution. The aim of the program is to establish a real dialogue between the young representatives of different cultures, deepening their knowledge of the culture and heritage of other countries / regions at an informal level. The essence of the program: Step 1: A small group of initiative students (3-7 persons) led by their teacher develop a detailed program for a short visit a region of their residence for the similar /equivalent groups of students of any other country / region. The program should include short-cultural adaptation of travelers: interpersonal and intergroup communication, involvement in the cultural events of the place, organization of cultural activities for them (introduction to the history and heritage of the place, its traditions etc.). Step 2: Submit the program to the Foundation portal. Step 3: Search (through the Foundation portal) partners from other countries / regions that offer similar interesting programs, establishing contact with them for mutual visits. Step 4: The mutual (successive/concerted) exchange by groups. Receiving party provides the implementation of the program (including, for example, accommodation the "guests" in the families to facilitate their adaptation). Then change roles follows: "owners" become "guests" when they visit another country/region.



Icherisheher – Living History ANAR GULIYEV Icheri Sheher Historical Centre Azerbaijan Icherisheher (The Walled City of Baku or Inner City) is the best preserved historical city of the region and one of few medieval cities of Azerbaijan with traces of heritage linking it to ancient times, an expressive and safe urban planning structure of which has been preserved to present time. Built on a site that has been inhabited since the Palaeolithic, Icherisheher represents a unique architectural ensemble included into the List of World Heritage Sites. Meantime being in charge of a living city with several thousands of permanent residents Administration is implementing in its work the concept of “Living History”. We believe that to care about members of local community and to provide necessary quality of life within the territory of the Reserve is one of our main goals. At the same time we are paying big attention to the issue of saving and developing of existing cultural traditions, supporting and promoting art workshops, galleries and other cultural facilities. The presentation to be made is going to cover main activities of the Administration aimed to enrich cultural life of Icherisheher and to increase international awareness about this cultural and touristic complex which would preserve and increase the historical and cultural values. Main part of the presentation will be dedicated to the Icherisheher Centre for Traditional Arts (ICTA), which is joint initiative of Administration and Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, UK. One of the main aims of the Centre, established in 2012, is to develop and regenerate the traditional Azerbaijani arts and crafts through training talented, young artists. ICTA, located in Icherisheher, is the major part of the vision of the Administration for the preservation of the Walled City of Baku as a “Living History”. Participants of the project will become the next generation of teacher practitioners within the traditional arts of Azerbaijan. These artists will contribute to contemporary design based upon traditional principles, thus creating a sustainable demand for the creative crafts.



An Economic Model for Cultural Sector for XXI c. Consulting Program by FOCNCG to develop and implement any governmental or private entity ELIYAHU EDUARDO MUÑOZ PEDRETZ Fundación Organización Carnaval Nacional de Carnavales and FECC Colombia El sector Cultura del Siglo XXI debe ser un sector 100% sostenible, para poder pretender seguir salvaguardando y preservando sus legados patrimoniales. Eso quiere decir; que muy pronto este sector no podrá seguir despilfarrando los dineros para justificar sus gastos, sino que tiene que ser coherente con el cambio de los esquemas políticos, sociales, culturales, naturales y económicos que se han venido viviendo y lo que se espera por venir, donde todos los habitantes del planeta tienen que continuar acoplándose a los futuros cambios y desarrollando sus propios modelos de sostenibilidad. La Fundación Organización Carnaval Nacional de Carnavales ha venido investigando en campo globalmente entorno al Patrimonio Cultural Intangible un sistema que permita el fortalecimiento de este sector, para convertirse en el pilar de las economías locales de las naciones. Por lo tanto presenta un esquema con estructuras y logísticas integrales que ayudará a cualquier entidad poder empalmarse a la transición de sus épocas de dependencia total por los gobernantes, al comenzar a ser parte de los movimientos económicos locales de sus regiones, por consecuencia, el sector que ayudaría a bajar los flagelos que afectan a una nación. El modelo económico del sector cultura del siglo XXI, es una estructura que permitirá a otros sectores aliarse, para lograr la sostenibilidad permanente y duradera por los tiempos, para así cumplir con los propósitos de preservación y salvaguardia. Combina una estructura diseñada a cada programa a desarrollar como evento o entidad, que logrará una mayor y positiva repercusión económica, turística, educativa, social y cultural, para las entidades mismas, sus aliados, y por consiguiente las regiones y sus habitantes. The Culture sector of XXI Century must be a 100% sustainable industry if pretend to continue safeguarding and preserving its heritage legacies. That means; that very soon this sector cannot continue to spend the money to justify their expenses, but must be consistent with the change of the political, social, cultural, natural and economic schemes that have been living and what is expected to come, where all inhabitants of the planet have to continue engaging with future changes and developing their own models of sustainability. The National Carnival of Carnivals Non Profit (FOCNC) has been researching globally in field around the Intangible Cultural Heritage a system that allows the strengthening of this sector to become the mainstay of the local economies of nations. Therefore it presents an outline integrated logistics structures and helps any entity that can be spliced ​​to transition their times of total dependence on the rulers to start being part of the local economic movements in their regions, consequently, the sector that help lower the scourges that affect a nation.



The economic model of the XXI century culture industry is a structure that will allow other sectors ally, to achieve permanent and lasting sustainability for the times in order to comply with the purposes of preservation and safeguarding. It combines a structure designed for each program to develop as an event or entity that achieve greater and positive economic, tourist, educational, social and cultural impact, for the same entities, its allies, and therefore the regions and its inhabitants. • Promoters highly educated to be transmitted through the culture. • Incentive with Beauty Art. • Increase permanent revenue. • Creators of new investment opportunities. • Cultural Tourism promoters to the all kind of public. • Provide sources constantly before, during and after a celebration. • Unite all sectors that benefit directly and indirectly around a celebration. The program consulting has a basic cost to present it, and will be reduce if the program is implemented totally. • Financial Evaluation of the Operating System: Collection, Income Generation and returns, distribution and payments thereof. • Structuring the social objective of each event of the proposer: According to feature the implementation of an adapted logistics, which allows a choice of fundraising and therefore strengthen it as a "good and service" would be considered. • Strategic alliances, to finalize, implement and strengthen new proposals based on what FOCNC been encouraging, developing and promoting locally and internationally, to achieve greater benefits and impact of all allies.



El Suma Lamaña of Andean People. An alternative for preservation and safeguarding of cultural itinerary Qhapaq Ñan Andino Road System as cultural heritage CLAUDIA AFANADOR H. Docente Universidad de Nariño Colombia Los pueblos andinos le dan sentido a su Patrimonio Cultural desde el Suma Kamaña (Buen Vivir), a partir de una acción de visualización y reconocimiento del otro, en lo que es el valor, la riqueza y la diversidad de las manifestaciones culturales de una comunidad, en donde los portadores del bien se sientan orgullosos de este, generando sentimientos de felicidad y autovaloración. El Qhapaq Ñan o Sistema Vial Andino, es un itinerario cultural compartido por Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú; en el pasado prehispánico, 150 años antes de la llegada de los Españoles a América, los Incas articularon el Tawantinsuyo (Estado Inca) a través de más de 6000 kms lineales y más de 32.000 kms de una red caminera que permitió la administración de esta gran territorio. Su construcción se da a partir de las necesidades de comunicación, con el mundo de arriba y el mundo de abajo (PACHA) concepción Andina del territorio, en donde los espacios sagrados, las áreas de cultivo, los centros urbanos, etc., se entienden como un todo organizado espacialmente en base a la dualidad. Para la conservación y Salvaguardia de este bien cultural, se llevan a cabo acciones con las comunidades asociadas para que ellas hagan conciencia del conocimiento de la riqueza cultural de la que son portadoras, la valoren y protejan su Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. El indagar sobre el significado y valor que tienen para la vida de las comunidades, permite adelantar acciones que contribuyen a formular proyectos para fortalecer el Suma Kamaña (Buen Vivir) Andino y apropiarse de los proyectos que las Autoridades tanto locales, como nacionales han concertado e implementan en sus territorios. Unos de los patrimonios culturales de las comunidades Andinas son los conocimientos y prácticas relacionadas con la agricultura tradicional, los productos originarios y las transformaciones de los alimentos. Esta conocimiento, en el caso de las comunidades asociadas al Qhapaq Ñan, ha permitido la formulación de proyectos encaminados a garantizar alimentos para las familias sin tierra y más pobres de este territorio, a lo largo del todo el año. Conocimiento relacionado con los alimentos desde la siembra, pasando por la preparación hasta el consumo. Proceso que está marcado por la reciprocidad que se da al interior de las comunidades Andinas del Departamento de Nariño en la República de Colombia; el dar para recibir como acción fundamental del orden social de los pueblos Andinos, permite el flujo de las semillas, los saberes, las prácticas, entre otros. Este proceso contribuye finalmente a fortalecer la conservación de un Bien Cultural.



A New Commercial and Educational Offer; Culture for Dialogue – Travel for Dialogue BOZENA ZIMNOWODA-KRAJEWSKA Nicolaus Copernicus Torun´ University Poland From local hosts should be created multidirectional proposal for tourists, which would allow for unusual exploring heritage. Within its framework one could find such specific topics, such as: roof structures, medieval cellars, polychrome ceilings or the interior of houses, currently conducted preservation work and restoration, and others. This offer requires use by people involved, often enthusiasts, scientists, researchers amateurs. To be able to be created such a team is necessary educational action to promote the listed directions cognition. They can be conducted by local associations, through open conferences, meetings for the dissemination of knowledge about various aspects of heritage. Each district could appoint his own team of residents, who through collaboration with specialists discovers and disseminates knowledge about different values of the district. Such social engagement certainly helps to reinforce a sense of identity with the heritage and deepen respect for the past. On the side of the team should appear the suggestion, which values it is worthwhile to show visitors-travelers, as well as opportunities to participate in their exploring. To implement such an idea it would require team of volunteers to act as a specialized guide on the unusual topics of interest. Knowledge of local values so tangible that intangible, should be introduced on the website of the city at a suitable tab under the theme: Tourism qualified. Thus, with a redirecting to the specific topics you would find the expected contacts. That concept requires the necessary cooperation of all stakeholders, which aim should be dialogue and mutual understanding, not only material benefits. In addition to the participation of local authorities in the gathering and dissemination of contact, it would also be needed commitment from the team hotel owners, travel agents and others. These initiatives may be noted for several years in Torun, where dynamically operate various societies, such as Bydgoskie Suburb Association and the Association of Art Historians (a division of Torun´), the Association of Lovers of Fortification. The first of those listed often organizes various actions associated with learning about the history of the district and interesting social initiatives. The second promotes knowledge about the heritage of Torun from the Middle Ages to modernity, inviting a wide range of participants to participate (professionals, journalists, residents, owners of monuments). All these organizations are organizing themed tours conducted by professionally trained specialists. In Torun there is also an interesting initiative under the name of the street festival on different days during the tourist season. Then there is an opportunity to explore the many interesting events related to the chosen street, get to know its historical figures, but also today's attractions. The schedule of all social and municipal initiatives should be the so-called map complementary historical, well-established heritage of the city. The open nature of these events allows the cultural exchange between its participants: residents and travelers, and the most important medium of exchange is cultural heritage in the broad sense. 320


Russian North West as a Multicultural Space for International Communications and Inter-educational Cooperation ALEXANDER KUBYSHKIN / VALERY MONAKHOV Saint Petersburg State University, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Russia As it well know Russian North West area is not only a huge territory which covers the size from Baltic coast to Polar are and includes Saint Petersburg (the most European style city in Russia) and its environment, borderland territories of Pskov, Novgorod, Karelia etc but it is a very rich and attractive space for cultural, educational and economic activity and cooperation. The close connections of these territories with Europe are pointed from XI century and are presenting an expressive heritage of multiethnic and multicultural coexistence and mutual cooperation. Intensive trade activity, cultural development, religious tolerance, very complicated socio-political and military history - are created an enormous background for current trends of increasing of distinguished cooperation in many fields between Russia, Baltic countries and other European community in spite of some political and economical problems. It is evident that the improving of mutual cooperation in many aspects can be reached with the help of intensification of humanitarian (academic, educational) exchange, with the open and wise study of not only historical traditions, but mainly current problems and opportunities of mutual cooperation in the different fields, such as cultural and business tourism, business activity and supporting of Liberal Arts education as one of the most effective tool for the purpose. We suppose that Saint Petersburg State University and its School of Liberal Arts and Sciences can provide some interesting perspectives for intensive intercultural communication in the area. Belorussian European University in Vilnius (Lithuania), Catherine College in Tallinn (Estonia) may be the partners of Foundation of Romualdo del Bianko and some European Universities to organize the multidiscipline program on Liberal Arts education role study in the process of increasing European cultural environment in the Russian North West area.



Integrated Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Dialogue ROSA ANNA GENOVESE University of Studies of Naples ‘Federico II’ Italy According to Kurt W. Forster, the “era of stability, durability, the millennial idea of architecture is at its sunset”, and that of a regular horizon is turning into a radically new scenario. The cultural and social role of architecture has changed – it is not a space intended for some purpose anymore, it is purposeful in itself – a catalyser of consumer experiences, of meetings, exchanges, communication, political endorsement, territorial marketing. At the crossroads between an avant-garde modernity in a high-tech and globalised dimension, devoid of topicality and historic reference, on the one hand, and a post-modernity at times regressive, imitative and falsifying on the other, up to the stylistic retracements of the Eighteen-hundreds or the replication of the where it was and how it was, there is a third way, that of a live and respectful relation with memory, the spirit of place and its active contextualisation in compliance with the criteria of reversibility, recognisability and minimum intervention. The recent in-depth studies, developed throughout the world for the 50th of the Venice Charter, the 20th of the Nara Declaration, for the 40th of the Amsterdam Declaration and during the ICOMOS Symposium “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values” help us gain better appreciation of cultural heritage in transformation, strengthening its centrality as a human right and making the following notions and actions stronger: a) one of the testimonies of human creativity is to be found in the diversity of the cultural expressions that constitute our shared heritage and the founding base for our future; b integrated conservation implies the recognition and integration of the conservation of cultural heritage into territorial planning processes; c) extending the notion of heritage (from a single monument to the immaterial dimension of properties and to diversities present throughout the world) is a requirement that leads to an increasing focus on sustainable cultural development and tangible and intangible values; d) the educational, training and social action of cultural heritage is also carried out through awareness of traditional knowledge and practices to be employed as the base for development; e) enhancement requires coordination of professional efforts, enforcement of legislation, management systems, active forms of participation of local populations through adequate instruments (legislative, urban, administrative, and so on); f ) cultural tourism and interpretation contribute to the sharing and experimentation of the identity of communities. The consumerism-driven practice of tourism should be replaced by a high form of commitment for the attainment of tourism as the enjoyment of heritage, material and immaterial, and as an opportunity for reconciliation and new development in territories involved in conflicts and environmental disasters privileging, within intercultural dialogue, respect for differences and enhancing communication and education, intended as a voyage for Knowledge, together with strategies and policies for sustainable tourism. 322


The historical city center of Sopron after the changing of the population ANDRAS VEĂ–REĂ–S ICOMOS Hungary Hungary Sopron is a small town in western Hungary. The town has the highest numbers of preserved monuments in the country. After the Second World War the state socialized the medieval-baroque houses. The original proprietors were expelled: the Jewish people were deported in the labor camps during the war and the Germans were deported in Germany in 1946. The new government divided the large city apartments into small parts, sited there poor people and used the historical buildings as social flats. After 1990 the leaders of the city, the current proprietor, sold the grater part of the flats for the tenants. After the apportionment the flats do not have the original historical form, the best part of them has not got a bathroom, so they are not comfortable, they are not ready for a 21. century life. The big social, economical and cultural differences between the original keepers and the currently proprietors is a problem that faces us. The historical city centre cannot have the function of being the hearth of the town. The shops and restaurants in the old town are closed; the streets are empty. The official monument preservation is incapable of regulation; it does not have the possibility to prevent the sale of the divided flats. The local government started a project of reconstruction of the historical city centre. They renovated the main square and some important monuments, but the old town needs programs, restaurants, shops and first of all life in the historical streets and houses.



Life Beyond Tourism - Promoting Dialogue Among the Regions of the World LINO BUGEJA Birgu Local Council Malta Birgu, the medieval walled city that proudly flaunts another iconic title, Citta Vittoriosa, is packed with history, culture, tradition and folklore, As you gently stroll its beguiling ancient streets girdled by mighty fortifications recently beautifully restored, memories of its rich past haunt you notwithstanding its present vibrancy with its four thousands hospitable character-soaked citizens mingling gracefully with the influx of foreign residents enjoying the Open Door policy encouraged and assisted by the pro-active Local Council. Most deservedly, Birgu is now fast becoming a jewel within the Maltese Harbour Area, its labrythine streets resonant with a Babel of tongues , which are increasingly attracting different ethnic families to reside within its comforting walls and sea-lapped shores. The significance of tourism of this maritime city goes much beyond the usual itenerary, where Birgu has so much to offer in the form of remarkable paintings by Palma Vecchio, Mattia Preti, Guido Reni and Paladini as well as eceptional baroque churches and palaces built by the knights' of St John and its unique fortifications especially the Castrum Maris at the point of this promontory. Birgu is proud to have fostered centuries of ethnic admixture as manifestly observed in its festivals. Birgu organises three major festivities displaying its history and folklore when Birgu hosted the ancient “European Union” in its extant Collachio, with its eight langues from all over Christian Europe whose magnificent auberges and Sacra Infermeria still add glamour and lustre to the city. Easter Sunday in the walled city encapsulates the acme of what international understanding and active dialogue are all about as visiting tourists mingle freely with the local populace to the tune of the lilting music of the civic bands also taking their turn 'To run” with the Risen Christ as bells peals and fireworks enliven the happy atmosphere. Birgu celebrates the feast of its patron saint- Saint Lawrence an early martyr of the church . On this occasion the residents proudly invite tourists and visitors to visit their specially decorated homes for a drink. On its part the Birgu Local Council organises a highly popular three-day national event entitled BirguFest in early October. This colourful event enhanced with the participation of folklore groups, bands, enactments highlighted by an iconic event on one particular night called “ Birgu By Candle Light”. The Festival is a crowd puller that goes beyond tradition and folk lore. It is intended that for the next festival three zones should be reserved for foreign participation - example Coin Italienne, Coin Lebanese and Coin Afrique in which folklore, cuisine, dancers and singers from these countries would give the festival an international flavour that promotes active dialogue with groups from different regions of the world. 324

37/ p

PARTE 8 Allegati

38/ p.

All. A) Sustainable Development Goals All. 1) Dichiarazione d’Intenti All. 2) Formazione All. 3) Dichiarazione Auspici con elenco firmatari All. 4) MoU con ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites All. 5) Risoluzione 2014/42 Assemblea Generale ICOMOS 2014 All. 6) Patrocini LBT All. 7) Elenco Istituzioni firmatarie MoU per Life Beyond Tourism All. 8) Programma Iniziative 2015/2016 All. 9) Schema valutazione programmi All. 10) Bozza schema date significative Fondazione

PART 8. Attachments Att. A) Sustainable Development Goals Att. 1) Declaration of Intents Att. 2) Education Att. 3) Declaration of Auspices with the list of signatories Att. 4) MoU with ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites Att. 5) Resolution 2014/42 of ICOMOS General Assembly 2014 Att. 6) Patronships LBT Att. 7) List of Institutions Signatories of MoU39/ forс. Life Beyond Tourism Att. 8) Program of Initiatives 2015/2016 Att. 9) Scheme of Programs’ Evaluation Att. 10) Draft scheme of significant dates of the Foundation ЧАСТЬ 8 Приложения Прил. A) Цели Устойчивого Развития Прил. 1) Декларация о Намерениях Прил. 2) Обучение Прил. 3) Декларация о Намерениях со списком подписавших ее Прил. 4) МоС с ИКОМОС Международным Советом Памятников и Достопримечательных Мест Прил. 5) Резолюция 2014/42 Генеральной Ассамблеи ИКОМОС 2014 Прил. 6) Патронажи LBT Прил. 7) Список Учреждений, подписавших МоС по Life Beyond Tourism Прил. 8) Программа мероприятий 2015/2016 Прил. 9) Схемы Оценки Программ Прил. 10) Предварительная схема памятных дат Фонда

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Encl. A

Encl. A

Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations


International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development


Agenda for Sustainable Development

Source: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=51968#.VsMhy_nhDIV

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Encl. 1


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Encl. 2


Life Beyond Tourism educational activity Since July 2015 the International Institute Life Beyond Tourism started its educational activity. Courses and lectures have the aim of informing participants of the opportunities and threats of tourism, giving an alternative point of view and solution that was studied during the last twenty five years by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco. Tourism is one of the world fastest economies and during the last decades has created a network of services that, thanks to the new technologies, connects the word. Tourism has within it a powerful opportunity of intercultural dialogue. The Fondazione has explored and studied, both in theory and practice, how this opportunity can be used as a tool for the rapprochement of cultures. In September it was held the first Life Beyond Tourism intensive course (40hs) at the Josai International University (Tokyo) to the students of the faculties of Economics and Tourism. In October another lecture was held at the Toyo University (Tokyo) with students from several disciplines and background and in Florence we lecturing to improve the consciousness on travel for intercultural dialogue and LBT Model.


Josai International University – Tokyo (September 2015)

Courses A.Y. 2015/2016 In April Life Beyond Tourism will be taught at the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction and we are planning other educational activities at the Arab Centre of World Heritage in Manama (Bahrain), in Tokyo, in Kyoto and in Florence. Courses are given in three formats: seminars and lectures 1. intensive cultural courses 40 hs 2. 3. intensive cultural and practical courses 80 hs Method The course is structured in lectures, exercises, readings and discussions. The lessons require and reward active participation and are structured to favor critical debate and open discussion. Lectures will be supported by PowerPoint, videos and documentaries and music that may be shown during the lectures as a necessary part of the course. Articles provided by the professor may be read in class, as the basis for class discussions. Lectures are also supported by students’ presentations about general topics or case studies that will be taken into account for the final success of the course. The International Institute Life Beyond Tourism will release to all the participants a certificate. Courses are given in English and in Russian language. How and Who can apply All the signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding for Life Beyond Tourism are strongly invited to participate to the courses program indicating their interest and the period in which to held the course. The course is referred to students and professionals who want to approach the new perspective of the Life Beyond Tourism cultural and economical model. All the interested institutions and educational bodies are welcome to ask for the availability to host a course in their institution or to organize their Life Beyond Tourism workshop in Florence.


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Toyo University Tokyo (October 2015) 333

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Logo signatory

DECLARATION OF AUSPICES for UNESCO Life Beyond Tourism, “Travel for Dialogue” to be filled in, signed and sent within 20 April 2014: in digital version to secretarygeneral@fondazione-delbianco.org, and paper version to the address: Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Via del Giglio, 10, 50123 Firenze - Italia

Florence, 9th March 2014 The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco’s XVI Round Table celebrates twenty three years of developing the theory and practice that lead to Life Beyond Tourism. This ethos was first presented in Baku (2007) and then in Florence (2008) subsequently implementing the Declaration of Intent Life Beyond Tourism (2008). During this period the Foundation has actively encouraged innovative professional practice in value based travel that fosters intercultural dialogue, set up an international Network of experts and partners, including over 500 universities and centres for education in 79 countries, thereby creating the International Institute Life Beyond Tourism with appropriate facilities. Furthermore, the Foundation has developed the “Heritage Community” Life Beyond Tourism Portal, an operational Model LBT, the Manual of its practical application in version “Ed. 0” and the Certification of quality of travel for dialogue. The Foundation intends to widen its initiatives for the realization of its vision to the international community by means of a platform for coordinated collaboration through its Network Partners. Considering these significant results, the representatives of the Network Partners agree to: -

collaborate in the implementation of this new vision and support joint activities between the partners;


strengthen the actions for Youth under the umbrella of the International Institute Life Beyond Tourism;


formally meet the Director General of UNESCO - represented by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism.

The requested meeting is motivated by the intention to introduce to UNESCO’s top leadership the work of the Foundation that, in general, is based on the intercultural dialogue, knowledge and respect of traditions and diversity of cultural expressions, and associates the management of cultural heritage to social and economic sustainable development – all the aspects related to the Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022; as well as by the intention to discuss a future collaboration in support of their contribution to sustainable development through the many UNESCO conventions and programmes; The following issues will be raised based on three current contributions: 1. The presentation of the MODEL Life Beyond Tourism “travel for dialogue”, the MANUAL and its CERTIFICATION “ Ed.0 “ as a practical contribution of the Foundation at the service of the International Community; 2. A proposal to UNESCO for a year dedicated to “Traditional Hospitality”, in support of sustainable tourism and intercultural dialogue; 3. The opening of a continuing dialogue with the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism to allow reflection on the issues that relate to the safeguarding of Intangible Heritage of Humanity within the “Concept of Traditional Hospitality in Intercultural Encounters “ and support capacity building in this field through the Network Partners. Signatory: Family name and name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Affiliation:..……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… Position: ……………………………………….……………………..……………………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………


Signature and Seal: ………………………………………………………...

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Name Graziela Silvia

Role Heritage Conservator






Head of Administration



Hemeritus Director General ICCROM


Member of Commission

Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia & Herzegovina



Municipality of Sarajevo

Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia &

Carlos Edwin


Museum and Territories of the Museum of Antioquia


Elguja Alfred Maria Gregory

Supreme Councile of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia Ghana National Biodiversity Committee Ministry of Culture in Greece (Numismatic Museum) Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports

Georgia Ghana Greece Greece

Ray Technical CELL, Urban Development - Government of Sikkim


Municipality of Reggello, TuscanyRregion ICCROM

Italy Italy

Hadzimuhame dovic Komšić Rendón Espinosa Gvazava Oteng-Yeboah Savrami Vafiadis

Affiliation Ministry of Culture of Argentina-National Institute for the Study of Theatre Ministry of Culture “Scientific Research Center of the Historical and Cultural Heritage” SN-CO, Armenia State Historical-Architectural Reserve "Icherisheher" under Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Country Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan Belgium





Bartolini De Caro

Adele Stefano

President Chair Architect Archeologist Jia Junior Inforamtion Assistent Social Development Specialist Tourism Councillor General Director




City of Florence Council



Maria Cristina

Deputy Major for Culture

Municipality of Castelfiorentino, Tuscany Region, Italy


Natali Varratta Fukunaga

Antonio Luigi Shozo

Director Prefect Vice President

Uffizi Gallery Prefecture of Florence Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto

Italy Italy Japan



Assistant of the Head of Ministry of the Environment Department of the Recycle



Senior Research Fellow, Dr.





Expert Staff for Heritage Managment Head of the International Relation

Department of Sikkin - Information &Public Relations

Section of Cultural Heritage Disaster Risk Mitigation Network/ National Institute Japan for Cultural Heritage Aomori Prefectural Board of Education


Ministry of Culture, Informations and Tourism of Kyrgyzstan




Head Department of Scientific and Technical Superintendence of Architecture and Urban Develpment of Bishkek Protection and Registration of Monuments

Peramás Díaz

Enrique Armando




Genieva Gorodetskiy Igumnova Kuzmichev Kasseinov Laurie Schmitt

Ekaterina Dmitriy Tamara Aleksandr Dusen Radke James J.

Director of the Department of Culture Director General Head of Administration Deputy Director Mayor Secretary General President Mayor

Family Name Zoraqi Galstyan Palazzo Mamedova Nalivaika

Name Klement Gagik Elisa Gulchora Ina

Role Dean Rector Senior Lecturer Rector Associate Professor



Dean of International Business Communication Faculty

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Municipality of Rímac, District of Lima


Municipality of Wroclaw, Poland


M.I.Rudominio All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow District of Domodedovo Historical State Museum Moscow Municipality of Ivanovo, Russia Turksoy – International Organisation of Turkic Culture Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce City of Green Bay

Russia Russia Russia Russia Turkey United States United States

UNIVERSITA', ACCADEMIE Affiliation High School of Art of Tirana Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia School of Architecture and Built Environment -/University of Adelaide Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Belarusian State University, Minsk

Country Albania Armenia Australia Azerbaijan Belarus

Belarusian State Economic University





Belarusian State Economic University


School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing



Senior Professor Deputy Dean for International Affairs Professor



Niglio Pasuy Arciniegas Sanchez Delgado Vidmarovich Herrera Pupo

University Bogotà




The University of La Salle, Bogotà



Dean of Faculty of Arts

University of Narino


Natalia Gerson

Zagreb University, Facultu of Philosophy Faculty of Construction-University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte loynaz

European University of Brittany University of Georgia, Georgia

Croathia Cuba Czech Republic Czech Republic France Georgia

Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture


High School Georgia


Tbilisi State Academy


Tbilisi Teaching University Gorgasali


High School Georgia/Tbilisi Teaching University Gorgasali Tbilisi Teaching University Gorgasali Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia Tbilisi Teaching University Gorgasali Tbilisi State University Georgian Academy of Diplomacy and Politics National Technical University of Athens

Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Greece







Kandareli Katamadze Khubashvili Kldiashvili Kobakhidze Takidze Lavrelashvili Ganiatsas

Tamaz Mzia Leila Tinatin Temur David Teona Vassilis

Professor Vice President Dean Faculty of Architecture Head Department Engineering Professor Director Dean of Faculty of Architecture Rector Dean of the Faculty of Media Arts Head of International Relation Dept. Full Professor Rector Professor Rector Professor Doctoral Student Founder, Director Professor



Head of the Department

Budapest University of Technics & Economics, Department of Design



Maria Mohammed Reza Luca Stefano


University Eotvos Budapest, Institute of History K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Higher Institute for Religion Studies "S.Maria di Monte Berico", Vicenza University of Florence, Department of Architecture


Italy Italy

Technical University of Milan


Technical University of Milan University of Florence – Faculty of Architecture

Italy Italy





Williams Alasania

Geoffrey Giuli



Malek Baraldi Bertocci

Associate Professor Scientific coordinator Full Professor Vice Rector of Polo Territoriale Como Postdoctoral student Full Professor

Brno Technical University Brno Technical University



Maria Antonia

Caspani Corazzi

Sara Roberto

De Giovanni


Full Professor of Department of Architecture, Polytechnic School - University of Palermo Technology of Architecture









Giannarelli Lombardini Nigro Visconti

Paolo Nora Gianpiero Federica

President Researcher Director Associate professor



Programme Associate

Ito Kitamura Kondo Muneta

Kuniaki Yukihisa Hiroko Yoshifumi





Professor Emeritus Assistent of Chancellor Professor Professor Professor /Department Chair Professor Emeritus










Senior Coordinator

Suzuki Yamaoka

Tomoe Keiichiro

Associate Professor Rector


Director, Office of the Chancellor Secretary, Office to the Chancellor

University of Genova, dipart. DSA - School of Technology Florence University, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies Università Internazionale dell'Arte Politecnico of Milan CIRT (Interuniversity Centre for Research on Tourism) University of Napoli "Federico II " United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability,Yokohama Tohoku University, Department of Architecture Josai University Educational Corporation, Tokyo Tokyo University Kyoto Prefectural University

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Waseda University


University of Tokyo


Kyoto University


Josai University Educational Corporation, Tokyo


Josai University Educational Corporation, Tokyo


United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability,Tokyo Showa University of Music, Tokyo Heian Jogakuin University, Kyoto


Japan Japan

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Kussainov Abdulrahman Al Enezi Wail

Abdykalykov Nifadyev Yuldashev Bratuskins Ribickis Tena Núῆez


President Architect, Department of Alblihshi Architecture, Society College of Al Ula Dean od Society College of Uosef Abdullah Al Ula Professor, Head of Department of Houssin Architecture, Society College of Al Ula Akymbek Rector Abdykalykovich Vladimir Ivanovich Ilshat Ugis Leonids Ricardo Antonio

Zárate Rosales Alberto

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction, Kazakhstan


Taibah University, Al Medina Al Monawara

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Taibah University, Al Medina Al Monawara

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Taibah University, Al Medina Al Monawara

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture



Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University


Head of Department Dean Rector Professor and Researcher Full Professor and Resaercher

Kyrgyz Russia Slavic University Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Riga Technical University Riga Technical University High School of Engineering and Architecture, Tacamachalco, Politechnic Institute

Kyrgyzstan Latvia Latvia Mexiko

Autonomous University of the city of Mexico


Efendizadze Tezcan



Department of Arts and Education, Cyprus International University

North Cyprus



Vice Rector

Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus

North Cyprus

University of the Philippines


Academy of Music Bydgoszcz The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bygoszcz Warsaw University of Technology/ International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages,ICOMOS

Poland Poland



Bartkiewicz Kaszuba KłosekKozłowska

Urszula Jerzy

Director Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts Professor Rector


Professor/ Vice President


Stanislaw Daniel Professor



Vice Rector for Organization and International Cooperation


Music Academy Gdansk/Hochschule fur Musik and Theater Munchen


The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bygoszcz


Przybyszewska Romana Gudelis

Professor on Architecture University of Economy in Bydgoszcz-Tourism Economy and Geography Institute and Tourism Development

Sikora Siwik

Krzysztof Anna

University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, Poland AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland

Poland Poland



Technical University of Lublin


Wieckowski ZimnowodaKrajewska


Rector Vice rector Professor, Head of Chair "Architectural Heritage Conservation Rector

Wroclaw University of Technology



Head of Dept.

Nicola Copernicus University of Torun


Moreira Pinto


Vice-President of Università Beira Interior, Covilhà/L.Moreiro Pinta Lds. Department of Architecture




PhD Associate Professor




Professsor /President

University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucharest/ICOMOS Romania Romania

Afanasiev Anas Averina Balzannikov Bekisheva

Aleksandr Nurullin Maria Mikhail Elena

Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia The Branch of Kazan Federal University in Chistopol Yaroslavl Pedagogical University, Faculty of Languages Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia Samara State Medical University

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia



Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after S.G. Stroganov


Boldyrev Budenkova Cherniak

Sergey Valeria Eduard

Rector Director Dean of Faculty Rector Head of Dept. Senior professor, Head of the PgD Department Vice Rector Professor Director

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction Tomsk National State Research University Institute of Arts and Culture of Tomsk State University

Russia Russia Russia



Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics

St.Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts


Egorov Elzherokova

Vladimir Elina

Rector PhD student

Ivanovo State University, Russia Ivanovo State University

Russia Russia

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University of Architecture adn Urbanism "Ion Mincu", Bucharest






Tatiana Sergey Glagolev Nicolaevich Gorbokonenko Aleksandr

Head of the Center of Architectural and Art Education Professor

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok


Moscow State Regional Social and Humanistic Institute



Belgorod State Technology University



Ulyanovsk State Technical University




Professor of Dept.of Paiting and Composition/Member Moscow State Academic Art Institute of Surikov, Russia of the Russian Academy


Grigorieva Gurevich Iakovleva Ivashenko Kalashnikov

Ekaterina Tatiana Diana Yuri Sergey

Professor Professor PhD student Director SADI Rector

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia



Associate Professor of Higher School of Economics in Perm Department of Humanities

Karpova Kartashkova

Olga Faina

Vice Rector Professor Head of Department of Pediatrics Associate Professor President



Koltsova Kudryavtsev

Elena Aleksandr Andrey Rector Aleksandrovich

Lapshin Kuznezov


Lapshina Ledeneva


Ivanovo State University Ivanovo State University

Russia Russia

Crimea Medical University


Ivanovo State Power Engineering University RAASN Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction

Russia Russia

Nizhnij Novgorod State University of Architecture and Construction


Director of the Regional and International Reseach Far Eastern Federal University School

Andrey Rector Aleksandrovich Head of Educational Evgeniia Program Galina Head of Dept.


Ivanovo State University Moscow State Institute of International Relations St.Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts Saratov State Technical University of name of Gagarin, Russia Volgograd State University of Architecture and Construction


Nizhnij Novgorod State University of Architecture and Construction,


Far Eastern Federal University


Tambov State Technical University


Far Eastern Federal University


Moscow State Academic Art Institute of Surikov, Russia Perm State National Research University

Russia Russia



Head of Design and Architectural environment

Lubavin Makarikhin

Anatolyi Igor

Rector Rector



Chairperson of Department of Architecture and Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok Urbanism


Muchametshin Rezeda a

Head of Department

Kazan Federal University





Moscow Pedagogical State University


Pavlenko Perov Polavianniy Shilova Shvidkovsky Sipovskaya Suleimanov Tokareva Tretyakova Tur Uzhova Uryupina Usoltseva Utkina

Aleksandr Fedor Dmitry Ekaterina Dmitry Natalia Alfred Nina Tatiana Vitaly Olga Anna Nadezhda Natalia

Professor Professor Vice Rector Professor Rector Director Vice Rector Head of Dept. Professor Dean Professor Director Vice Rector Professor

Taganrog University Economic St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction, Ivanovo State University Ivanovo State University Moscow Architectural Institute, Russia State Institute for Arts Studies, Moscow, Russia Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering Moscow Academy of Humanities and Technology, Russia Saint Petersburg State University Ulyanovsk State Technical University Ivanovo State University Khanty-Mansiysk Institute of Design and Applied Arts Ivanovo State University Ivanovo State University

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia



Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Ivanovo State Chemistry-Technological University Linguistics



Vice Rector






Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Russia Vladimir Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Russia Federation Š Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

Zubarev Revyakina

Yuriy Nina

Rector Professor

Perm State Agricultural Academy Ivanovo State University

Russia Russian



Head of Architectural Research Centre on Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Bratislava Heritage and Art Education




Slovak Technical University, Bratislava


Goycoolea Prado

UNI-senior lecture, Assoc.Prof.


Full Professor

Scool of Architecture, University de Alcalà




Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa

Sri Lanka

Abdallah Ming-Hsiu Ince Guney Kucukkaya Eksareva Koval

Nuhad Su Yasemin Gulcin Nadezhda Igor

Senior professor of Architecture Head Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Dean of Dept. Professor Rector

Academic Unit for Scientific Research (AUSR) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Balikesir University University of Yeditepe, Faculty of Architecture, Turkey Odessa State Academy of Construction andb Architecture Odessa I.I. Mechnikov University

Syria Taiwan Turkey Turkey Ukraine Ukraine


Anatoly Vladimirovich

Head of Department of Pathological Physiology

Crimean Medical University


Kulikov Lesovoy Shkodovskij Smolenska Zvyeryakov Harden Tapscott

Petr Vladimir Yuriy M. Svetlana Mykhaylo Thomas K. Stephen

Rector Rector Rector Professor Rector Chancellor Professor

Kiev National University of Architecture and Construction Kharkiv Medical Univeristy Kharkov National University of Construction and Architecture KSTUCA-Dept.of Architectural Design Odessa National Economic University University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United States United States

Family Name Vantsyan Yeghiazaryan Korbut

Name Andranik Vahan Alexander

Role President Vice-President President

ISTITUZIONI PRIVATE Affiliation National Association of Travel and Avia Agents, Yerevan Armenian Society for Cultural Co-Operation with Foreign Countries, Armenia Belarusian Union of Architects

Country Armenia Armenia Belarus


Georgi Dimitrov President

Bulgaria Union of Architects


Bonnette Franco Mejía Londoño García Haman Popelova ElShayeb Abuladze

Michel Angela María

Architect Architect

Expert of the FRDB Freelance , Tunja

Canada Colombia



Freelance , Tunja


Oleg Ivana Yasser David

Partner President Director President

CASUA Memebr of "Equatro European Architects" The Association of Historical Settlements in Bohemia Moravia and Silesia CULTNAT – Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Egypt Georgian Union of Architects

Czech Czech Egypt Georgia



Deputy Director General

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation


Meladze Prokopenko Tatishvili Trapaidze Tsotniashvili

Oleg Rita Besarion Kakha Zaza

Vice Director Founder, Chairperson Director Chiarman Head Manager

Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia






Secretary General



President /Director

Training Methodical Centre "Caucasus" NGO-Multinational Georgia for Strengthening Democratic Values Best Architecture Studio Georgian Heritage, Georgia The House of Education in Georgia Children and Youth Development Fund of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) Mural Painting International Scientific Committee ICOMOS/Studiolo Art e Restauro



Main curator, Archaeologist Budapest History Museum


Nadesa Panicker

Anil Kumar

Director (Biodiversity programme)





Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze


Belli Cecconi Celli Cursano Dani Del Bianco De Polo

Lorenzo Andrea Alessandro Aldo Mario

President President Sole Administrator Regional President

Alkedo Fondazione Balducci Planning Administration S.r.l. Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia, Tuscany Region, Italy

Italy Italy Italy Italy


Honorary Consul

Honorary Consulate of Czech Republic in Florence




Alinari Photographic Archive






Del Bianco

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M.S.Swaminathan Researche Foundation

Georgia Greece Hungary


Di Stefano Fei Gheri


Giorgio Hiromi Laureano Myslivcová Ricci Sottani Verità Endo Funada

Antonio Sasaki Pietro Aranka Claudio Franco Gherardo Hideko Yukio

President President Director of Unit of Endicrinology Manager Honorary President President President President President President President, Flower Artist Press Officer



Director Representative

Higaki Ballet Company, Kyoto


Hitomi Kawamoto Kii Kikuchi Konishi

Ikuo Hiroaki Toyoko Takeo Yukiko

President Senior Adviser Leather artist President Director

ICHIMOKU LTD. Kodai-ji Temple Freelance, Hokkaido KC&M Architect Studio, Zama Higaki Ballet Company, Kyoto

Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan




Kumagai Sangyo Company, Sendai


Maeno Matsumura Mitamura Mitsuda Nakanishi Ofune Ogawa Shimmyo Takechi Tsuji Tsuji Uranaka Utsu Watanabe Yamamoto Yamanaka Yamashita Yoshida Funnell Bektashev Kerimkulov Li

Hiroki Yusuke Miwa Junko Yusuke Makoto Gihei Shuta Isao Hoshino Junko Kotaro Katsumi Yasuo Shuko Gembei Junzo Hideki Sheila Yesenjan Muhtar Dmitry

Rapresentative President President Auditor Founder/Director Artist President President Director Director President Artist President Director President and Artist President President Photographer/Artist Researcher President Director Director

NPO Tabisurukujira Shokuiku Zukan Company, Tokyo Cooking School, Tokyo Non Profit Organisation Japan Now Tourism Information Association Kyoto Graphie International Photography Festival Freelance, Tokyo Zoen Ueji Company, Kyoto Tokyo Cable Studio Nara News Paper Company Kyokane Company, Kyoto Kyokane Company, Kyoto Freelance, Akita Kyoto Nahiki Market Association Interstudio Architect & Associate Gallery Accent Green, Zama Studio Seikado, Kyoto Space Magic Mon Company Freelance KENWEB - Kenya Wetlends Biodiversity Research Group Kyrgyz Union of Architects Architectural Studio "MICHA" Bishkek Architectural Company "ARAS" Kirghizstan

Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan




AK Keme Hotel Kirghizstan/Board Member Kyrgyz Union of Architects



Ninelia Taalajbek Sydymanovich Pastor Alfonso Kate Hans Kristian Peder Oslar Ole

Chief Project Architect

Design Company "ARHIPRINT"



Union of Painters of the Kyrgyz Republic


New Horizons for Architecture in Communities Rotary Club Stavanger Rotary Club Stavanger Rotary Club Stavanger Rotary Club Stavanger Rotary Club Stavanger

Mexiko Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway




President Member Member Memebr Memebr Member Chartered Architect, Senior Researcher Memebr

Rotary Club Stavanger




Tiramisu-Travell Agency


John Piotr Daniel Sergey Irina Evgeny Manuilovich

Conservation officer Chairman President Head Director

International Tropical Timber Organisation Foundation Valley of Palaces and Gardens Jelenia Góra, Poland Opora Rossii, Krasnodar Region Branch Belyan Design Studio, Saint Petersburg Egor Gaidar Foundation

Perù Poland Russia Russia Russia


Russian Union of Small Towns, Moscow


Usubaliev Sanchez Cruz Eckhoff Eckhoff Eliassen Gausel Nordbo

Maurizio Silvano

Sinding-Larsen Amund Skeie ThurmannNielsen Leign Napierala Bashmakov Belyanchikov Buylova Markov


ICOMOS Italia Unione Fiorentina Museo Casa di Dante

Italy Italy

Oncologic Center in Florence


Hotel San Gallo Palace, Florence Lailac Associazione Culturale Giapponese IPOGEA-Traditional Knowledge Researche Center ARCA-Amici della Repubblica Ceca Associati, Firenze Associazione Città e Siti Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO, Italy Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze Rotary Firenze Est Radiant Kyoto Shinbutsu Reijo Junpai Nomichi

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan

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Scientific Clinical Center



Head of Professional Clinical Laboratory of Pharmacokinetics Vice Director

East Site Management & Research





Department of the architectural researches Chelyabinsk/Architectural Company Russia



General Director

Scientific Medical Center, Kharkiv




Environment Governance Coordinator

Forest People Programme

United Kingdom

Millar Torrese Martines Wyss



Internationl Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism, ICOMOS


Ass. Member

Internationl Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism, ICOMOS

Patrick H.


Wyss Associates Inc.


Vladimir Vasilievich


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United United Kingdom United States


Encl. 4


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Encl. 5

18th General Assembly of ICOMOS Florence, Italy 9 to 14 November 2014

Resolutions of the General Assembly 18GA Agenda item 2 Opening of the General Assembly Vote of thanks Resolution 18GA 2014/01 th

The 18 General Assembly of ICOMOS, th

Congratulates with gratitude ICOMOS Italy for the successful hosting of the 18 General Assembly; Thanks The President of the Italian Republic, the President of the Council of the Italian Republic, the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and UNESCO; as well as the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Florence, the Municipality of Florence, the ITA Italian Trade Agency, the Italian National Commission UNESCO, for their support; Acknowledges with gratitude the support suppor of partners and sponsors, in particular: Life Beyond Tourism – Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, The Getty Foundation, P.T.I. Progetti Territoriali Integrati S.p.A., UniCredit, Carso Technologies, Fibre NET, De Feo Restauri, Officina Farmaceutica Santa Maria Novella, Acqua Fonte dei Medici, Consorzio Gragnano Città della Pasta,Fattoria Casa Sola, Consorzio Terra e Orti ; and of the Scientific Partners : Università degli Studi di Firenze, CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, PAU –Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, IULM Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Istituto universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Giambos Association Florence, Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia, ITKI International Traditional Knowledge Institute, FICLU Federazione Italiana Club e Centri UNESCO

In memoriam Resolution 18GA 2014/02 th

The 18 General Assembly of ICOMOS, Recognizes the significant contribution to the work of ICOMOS of the following members who have passed away and expresses condolences to their families and National and International Scientific Committees: Mr Alejandro Alva Balderrama (Peru); Mr Louis Bergeron (France); Mr John Brine (Australia); Ms Nesreen Bouza (Syria); Mr Mario Coyula Cowley (Cuba); Mr Georges Corvington (Haiti); Ms Iva Mikl Curk(Slovenia); Mr Hiroshi Daifuku (USA); Mr Salvador Diaz-Berrio Fernández (Spain - Mexico); Mr Tomáš Durdík (Czech Republic); Mr Henryk Dziurla (Poland); Mr Marc Ewen (Luxembourg); Ms Ágnes Ferenczyné Varga (Hungary); Mr Enrico Fodde (ISCEAH); Mr Satoshi Ihara (Japan); Mr Masao Katagiri (Japan); Ms Siri Myrvoll (Norway); Ms Svetlana Popovic (USA); Prof. Mario Federico Roggero (Italy); Mr Reinhardt Roseneck (Germany); Mr Hidehiko Sazanami (Japan); Mr André Schwachtgen (Luxembourg); Mr James Semple Kerr (Australia); Mr Ahmad Rida "Tata" Soemardi (Indonesia); Mr Herb Stovel (Canada); Mr Sondre Svalastog (Norway); The Honorable Russell E. Train (USA); Mr Augusto Carlos Da Silva Telles (Brazil); Mr Luo Zhewen (China);

Resolutions of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly 1

strengthen the international exchange of information and experiences enhancing the recognition of the heritage of Socialist realism and Socialist modernism.

Resolution 18GA 2014/42 – Travel beyond sustainable tourism: Life Beyond Tourism, Travel for Dialogue th

The 18 General Assembly of ICOMOS, Recalling that the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco signed on 4 March 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding with ICOMOS regarding collaboration on scientific activity related to heritage conservation for intercultural dialogue; Noting that the Fondazione has implemented the “Life Beyond Tourism” philosophy and model for promoting the presentation, interpretation and enjoyment of local cultural identities in order to promote sustainable development; Noting that the Fondazione established the International Life Beyond Tourism Institute in October 2013 for the implementation of its philosophy and model; Noting that the Fondazione develops initiatives for intercultural dialogue including “Life Beyond Tourism Tourism: Travel for Dialogue”; which advocates travel as personal outreach, and travel as a gift to share with others, to know and to be known, to be open to dialogue, to appreciate and to respect diversity; Recognising with gratitude that the implementation in Florence of the Life Beyond Tourism Model has allowed a th financial support to the Italian Ita National Committee of ICOMOS for organising the 18 ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in Florence; Considers the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - with its International Life Beyond Tourism Institute - as a partner for familiarising young people in the Fondazione's network with ICOMOS; Supports the notion and activity of travel to promote dialogue among international youth.

Resolution 18GA 2014/43 – Our Common Dignity: advancing rights-based approaches to heritage conservation th

The 18 General Assembly of ICOMOS, Recalling resolution 17GA 2011/30 ‘Our Common Dignity: Rights-based approaches to Heritage Management’, and the substantial progress made by the working group established by the ICOMOS Executive Committee in relation to this programme since 2011; Acknowledging that rights issues, including the involvement of communities, are a growing aspect of the work of international organisations for culture and heritage, and that this is a complex field of work that involves many activities; Reflecting that while these issues are applicable to heritage conservation processes in many local contexts, the work in this programme has focused on the World Heritage system, due to the potential for positive contributions of the World Heritage Convention in building international understanding of cultural and natural diversity, and the ability to work collaboratively with other organisations to develop robust approaches, including the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre; Recognizing the importance of integrating rights concerns into processes and practices for heritage identification and conservation; Noting that potentially adverse outcomes can occur when heritage processes do not adequately take account of rights concerns; Supporting the approach taken by the programme to date which has focused on improving awareness and practices within ICOMOS, building relationships, sharing and analysis of case studies and the identification of enabling factors for rights-based approaches to heritage management that can act as a ‘sustainability check’ in all phases of these activities; Noting with thanks the financial support of the Norwegian Government and the leadership provided by ICOMOS Norway in this work; Requests that the Executive Committee continue to work on these issues within ICOMOS through the ‘Our Common Dignity’ component of the ICOMOS International Work Plan for 2015-2017, including: - Reflection on the work completed in the period 2011-2014 and development of work plans that identify next steps and strategies; Resolutions of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly 21

Updated to 2015 12.

Encl. Promoted6 by Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco All rights reserved ©2008 Life Beyond Tourism



- www.lifebeyondtourism.org, info@lifebeyondtourism.org

PATRONS TO THE LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® NON-PROFIT PORTAL Associazione Città e Siti Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO

Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico

City of Florence


COUNCIL of EUROPE Under the auspicies of the S. G. Mr. T. Davis ICCROM


Municipality of Bagno a Ripoli, Florence, Tuscany

Municipality of Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, Tuscany

Municipality of Gambassi Terme, Florence, Tuscany

Municipality of Massa, Massa Carrara, Tuscany

Municipality of Montecatini, Pistoia, Tuscany

Municipality of Montevarchi, Arezzo, Tuscany

Municipality of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany

Municipality of Rignano sull’Arno, Florence, Tuscany

Municipality of Scandicci, Florence,Tuscany 350

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Municipality of Villa Basilica, Lucca, Tuscany

Province of Florence

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Updated to 2016.01.

By Fondazione Encl. 7 Romualdo Del Bianco


- www.lifebeyondtourism.org, info@lifebeyondtourism.org ® All rights reserved ©2008 Life Beyond Tourism

Signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® 101 signatories from 25 countries International Institutions 1. 2.

ICOMOS, Paris Turksoy – International Organization of Turkic Culture, Turkey

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Italian Public Administrations Province of Florence Municipality of Castelfiorentino, Florence, Tuscany Municipality of Pontassieve, Florence, Tuscany 2x Municipality of Reggello, Florence, Tuscany Municipality of San Piero a Sieve, Florence, Tuscany Municipality of Scarperia, Florence, Tuscany Municipality of Figline Valdarno, Florence, Tuscany Municipality of Greve in Chianti, Florence, Tuscany

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Foreign Public Administrations Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Culture “Scientific Research Center of the Historical and Cultural Heritage” SN-CO, Armenia Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic State of Sikkim, Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Heritage, India State Department of the Historical and Architectural Reserve of Icherisheher, Azerbaijan Children and Youth Development Fund of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia Municipality of Tbilisi, Georgia Municipality of Krakow, Poland Municipality of Ivanovo, Russia Municipality of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Municipality of Famagusta, Northern Cyprus Municipality of Callao, Perù Municipality of Rímac, District of Lima, Perù Municipality of Ibagué, Colombia Municipality of Wroclaw, Poland Municipality of Kyoto, Japan District of Domodedovo, Moscow oblast, Russia Municipality of Green Bay, USA Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia APSARA National Authority, Cambodia Yamagata Prefecture, Japan

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Universities National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction International Black See University, Georgia Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia University of Georgia, Georgia Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction, Kazakhstan University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, Poland Ivanovo State University, Russia Saratov State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia University of Yeditepe, Faculty of Architecture, Turkey

Territorial Development


The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution

Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®

Intercultural Dialogue


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved

Learning Communities for

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Moscow State Academic Art Institute of Surikov, Russia Moscow Academy of Humanities and Technology, Russia AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Samara State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Belarus Khanty-Mansiysk Institute of Design and Applied Arts, Russia Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan Moscow Architectural Institute, Russia Perm State Agricultural Academy, Russia Riga Technical University, Latvia Tambov State Technical University, Russia Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Russia Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, USA Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Josai University Educational Corporation, Tokyo, Japan Toyo University, Japan Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy, Slovakia University of Florence - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sul turismo (CIRT), Italy Tyumen State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia Voronezh State Technical University of Architecture and Construction, Russia University of Narino, Colombia Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University University of the Philippines

Other Institutions and Organisations Georgian Heritage, Georgia General Incorporated Association GENKI Japan, Japan The Union of Architects of Russia - Saratov branch The Demidoff Foundation, Russia Armenian Society for Cultural Co-Operation with Foreign Countries, Armenia Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia & Herzegovina M.I.Rudominio All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia State Institute for Arts Studies, Moscow, Russia New Eurasia Foundation, Russia CULTNAT – Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Egypt Foundation Valley of Palaces and Gardens Jelenia Góra, Poland Egor Gaidar Foundation, Russia Georgian Union of Architects, Georgia Belarusian Union of Architects, Belarus Opora Rossii, Krasnodar Region Branch, Russia Association of Historical Settlement in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, USA Foundation Venetian Productivity Centre, Vicenza, Italy Rotary Club Firenze “Amerigo Vespucci”, Italy ICOMOS Perù, Perù National Gallery of Armenia, Armenia Institute for Complex Systems - National Research Council (ISC-CNR), Florence, Italy Associazione Città e Siti Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO, Italy Confcommercio, Italy International Forum Bosnia Florence Convention & Visitors Bureau, Italy A.S.D. Amici dei Bandierai degli Uffizi, Italy ETOA (European Tour Operator Association), Italy Mayakovsky Central City Public Library, Russia Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio, Italy Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, Bahrain

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101.

Territorial Development

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The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution


Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®

Intercultural Dialogue

Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved

Learning Communities for


to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972

Patronage of the Portal Heritage Community Life Beyond Tourism City of Florence Associazione Città e Siti Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO Confcommercio Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism ICOMOS Italia ICCROM Councile of Europe,Under the auspices of the Secretary General Tuscany Region Municipality of Bagno a Ripoli, Italy Municipality of Forte dei Marmi, Italy Municipality of Gambassi Terme, Italy Municipality of Massa, Italy Municipality of Montecatini, Italy Municipality of Montevarchi, Italy Municipality of Pisa, Italy Municipality of Rignano sull'Arno, Italy Municipality of Scandicci, Italy Municipality of Villa Basilica, Italy

Territorial Development The 1972 UNESCO convention a contribution

Life Beyond Tourism® by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®

Intercultural Dialogue to the UNESCO Conventions of 2003 and 2005 and these to the 1972


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco all rights reserved

Learning Communities for

Encl. 8

Encl. 8

The 2015-2016 Program of initiatives This is the list of the initiatives that – thanks to the spirit of co-operation and involvement of the Experts and many other partners – were included in the program 2015-2016 of the Foundation. Experts are invited to involve their students and colleagues and to disseminate these initiatives in order to share the commitment for promoting the growth of youth, the exchange of knowledge of the cultural diversity and the intercultural dialogue.

1. International Students Training Workshops

March 8-15, 2015

Display window as a part of Heritage Urban Landscape – its history, the present and the future Workshop Coordinator: Bozena Zimnowoda-Krajewska (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Institute for the Study, Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage)

Fine Arts, Landscape, Heritage

March 8-15, 2015

Architecture and music: connections and inspirations

Architecture, Music

Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Maria Murawska (Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, Poland) March 8-15, 2015

Influence of Italy especially of Florence, theme - Michelangelo Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Nana Iashvili (Tbilisi State Academy of Art, Tbilisi, Georgia)

March 14-22, 2015

Tones of Florence: VOCALISSIMO 2015

Fine Arts, History of Arts, Painting


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Sarah Meredith Livingston (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, USA) April 19-26, 2015

The X Edition “Linguocultural Space of the City with Special Reference to the Dictionary Project “Florence in the Works of World Famous People” Workshop coordinator: Prof. Dr. Olga M. Karpova (Ivanovo State University, Russia)

Lexicography, History, English Language, Heritage

June 28 - July 5, 2015

Cross-cultural dialogue: influence of Italy, especially of Florence - theme Leonardo da Vinci (3rd edition) Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Nana Iashvili (Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia)

Fine Arts

October 4-11, 2015

National and European Aspects of Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage

Workshop Leader: Prof. Leila Khubashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Workshop Coordinatore:Bela Kopaliani – First Deputy Minister of A/R Abkhazia for Confidence Building and Reconciliation, Georgian Technical University

November 1-8, 2015

Efficient Youth Intercultural Dialogue through Education, the Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Liudmila Devel (St.Petersburg University of Culture, Russia)

Cultural heritage, communication

November 15-22, 2015

Creating a fashionable image of costume and evaluation of consumers Workshop Leader: Prof. Euphym Vyshkin, Vice-Rector; Workshop Coordinator: Natalie Afanasieva (Samara State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia)

Design, social media

November 15-22, 2015

In the framework of bilateral cooperation for the application of the Non Profit Model Life Beyond Tourism in Sikkim “Value Education for Culture, Peace and Human Development: from India to the world” Twin edition: Italy 2015 – India 2016

Cultural heritage, human rights and development, education

Workshop Coordinators: Alesia Koush (Life Beyond Tourism, Italy), Roshnila Gurung (Forest-Plus (USAID and Government of India), InsPIRE Network for Environment, India) January 31 February 7, 2016

Application of Order System in Architecture


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Lianna Aghajanyan (National University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia) January 31 February 7, 2016

Application of Chapiters in Architecture


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Emma Harutyunyan (National University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia) January31 February 7, 2016

Colonnades in Architecture


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Marina Bunatyan (National University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia) March 6-13, 2016 The influence of former military building on the urban landscape Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Bozena Zimnowoda-Krajewska (Torun University Nicolaus Copernicus, Poland)


Urban Landscape

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March 6-13, 2016 World Art Schools as an object of cultural heritage and modern art - ad memoriam Vera Dmitrievna Dazhina Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Nicolai Gorsky-Chernyshev (Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute, Russia)

Fine Arts

March 6-13, 2016 Experiencing the identity of places and communities: communicate new identifying representation models of urban landscape. Workshop Coordinators: Prof. Paola Puma (University of Florence, Italy) and Prof. Nana Iashvili (Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia)

Urban landscape

March 13-20, 2016

Ethica Medico


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Ilshat Yuldashev (Kyrgyz Russian Slavonic University, Kyrgyzstan) March 13-20, 2016

The Architecture and Landscape of Florence

September 2016 (to be confirmed)

Housing as City Making: Florence and the School of Typology

November 20-27, 2016

Renaissance dance in Florence - Knowledge and practice


Workshop Leader Prof. Mieczysław Ziomek (University Nicolaus Copernicus, Faculty of Fine Arts in Toruń, Poland)

Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Karin Templin (Kingston University, UK)

City Planning, Architecture


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Maria Murawska (Academy of Music, Bydgoszcz, Poland) November 20-27, 2016

"Piazza" in the architecture of Florence


Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Sabina Hajieva (Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan) November 20-27, 2016

Architecture and the identification features of the historical Architecture city Workshop Coordinator: Prof.Fedor Perov (St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engeneering, Russia)

November 20-27, 2016

"Linguocultural Space of the City with Special Reference to the Dictionary Project"- Florence in the Works of World Famous People

Literature, History

Workshop Coordinator: Dr. Prof. Olga Karpova (Ivanovo State University, Russia), Coordinator: Nataliia Utkina March 2017



Workshop Coordinator: Dr. Sarah Meredith Livingston (WisconsinGreen Bay University, USA)

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


Date to be defined

Humanitas and contemporary culture: society, heritage, philosophy Workshop Coordinator:Prof. Luca Baraldi (Higher Institute for religious Studies of Vicenza, Italy)

Humanities, Cultural Heritage, Political and Social sciences

Date to be defined

GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY, A FAMOUS EXAMPLE OF A LIVING CULTURAL INTANGIBLE HERITAGE Workshop Coordinator: Dr. Marianna Savrami (Athens Museum of Numismatic and Epigraphic, Greece)


Date to be defined

VANISHING FLORENCE - old handicraft in Florence

Fine Arts

Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Malgorzata Wrzesniak (UKSW Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland) Date to be defined

Annual Specialized Workshop in Fine Arts "Florence in Tbilisi - Vitalization of Legends" Workshop Leader: Prof. Gia Gugushvili, Rector; Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Maya Kipiani (Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia)

Fine Arts

Date to be defined

In the framework of bilateral cooperation for the application of the Non Profit Model Life Beyond Tourism in Sikkim “Value Education for Culture, Peace and Human Development: from India to the world” Twin edition: Italy 2015 – India 2016

Cultural heritage, human rights and development, education

Workshop Coordinators: Alesia Koush (Life Beyond Tourism, Italy), Roshnila Gurung (Forest-Plus (USAID and Government of India), InsPIRE Network for Environment, India) Date to be defined


Cultural Heritage Management for Indigenous/Traditional Culture Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Andrew Sneddon (School of Social Science, University of Queensland, Australia)

Cultural Heritage

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

2. International Conferences

January 18-21, 2015

Time and Place in T. S. Eliot and His Contemporaries


Project Coordinator: Prof. Temur Kobakhidze (Tbilisi State University, Georgia) March 6-7, 2015

How to assess built Heritage? Assumptions, methodologies, examples of heritage assessment systems" - International Scientific Conference Project Coordinator: Prof. Boguslaw Szmygin (President ICOMOS Poland)

April 20-23, 2015 Third Research Coordination Meeting on "Application of 3D Neutron Imaging and Tomography in Cultural Heritage Research" In collaboration with: IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche July 16-19, 2015

Everyday Life in the 21st Century Project Coordinator: Prof. Ray Hutchison (Wisconsin Green Bay University, USA)



Urbanism, Architecture, Sociology

November 19-21, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction 2015 Project Coordinator: University of Florence, Italy


November 23-26, SURFINT-SREN IV - 4th Progress in Applied Surface Interface and Thin Film Science - Solar Renewable Energy News 2015 Project Coordinator: Emil Pincik (Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovakia)


November 30 December 3, 2015

Review and finalize best practices (standards and guidelines) for archaelogical heritage management at World Heritage Sites: International Conference / Workshop of the ICOMOS ICAHM Project Coordinator: Douglas Comer (President of ICAHM, Principal, Cultural Site Research and Management)

Š Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

Archaelogical Heritage


December 9-10, 2015

The Problems of Study and Preservation of Architecture of the Architecture Turkish Countries Project Coordinator: Prof. Gulchohra Mammadova (Rector of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan)

February 3-7, 2016

1° International Symposium "Dialogue among Cultures: Culture Traditions in the Square - Carnivals in the World" Project Coordinator: Prof. Olimpia Niglio (Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism) and Prof. Gerardo Sanchez (Universidad de Narino Facultad de Artes, Colombia)

February 25-27, 2016

Japanese Legacy II Project Coordinator: Dr. Luc Taelman (Belgium), Dr. Francesco Civita (Museo Stibbert, Florence, Italy)

Collections, Japanese Traditional Arts, Armour

March 3-4, 2016

Urban Communication for a Qualified Cultural Tourism in Historical Cities Experiences of Urban Signage - ICOMOS international workshop


Project Coordinator: Prof. Arch. Teresa Colletta (Vice-President of ICOMOS CIVVIH President sub-committee of the Mediterranean ICOMOS CIVVIH) March 11-12, 2016

Modern Heritage: Identifying, Assessing and Managing its Protection and Conservation - ICOMOS International Conference


Project Coordinator: Prof. Boguslaw Szmygin (President ICOMOS Poland) November 17-20, Costume Colloquium V: Restraint and excess in Fashion and Dress 2016 In collaboration with: Associazione Amici della Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti, Italy March 2017

Creative society: philosophical, sociological and communicative aspects

Fashion, Costume


Project Coordinator: Prof. Tomas Kacerauskas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Creative Industries, Lituania) July 2017

Immigration: Crisis, Politics, and Remedies


Project Coordinator: Prof Ray Hutchison (Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay) Date to be defined


The Role of Conservator Officer in Heritage Preservation of Contemporary Europe Project Coordinator: Prof. Piotr Napierala (Historical Palaces and Gardens of Jelena Gora's region Foundation, Poland) and Prof. Jerzy Jasienko (Wroclaw Technical University, Poland)


Š Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

3. International Exhibitions

March 1415, 2015

Heritage and Diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Multicultural Heritage in Danger Curator: Prof. Amra Hadzimuhamadovic, in collaboration with: Prof. Adi Corovic (National Commission of Heritage Conservation, Bosnia and Herzegovina);


April 23, 2015

Exhibition on Architectural Projects


Curator: Prof. Belyanchikov Exhibition of Union of Architects, Kyrgystan


April 23, 2015

Curator: Arch. Ninelia Shkaeva

June 8-10,

CELEBRATION FOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF TOWN TWINNING BETWEEN FIRENZE AND KYOTO In collaboration with: Municipality of Florence and Municipality of Kyoto Exhibition on traditional handicraft of tin and silver

Fine Arts, Handicraft


Curator: Master. Genbei Yamanaka in Seikado


event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Palazzo Coppini Photographic Exhibition on Kimono Dress of Kyokane



Curator: Kyokane


event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Palazzo Coppini Exhibition on paintings


Curator: artista Noboru Sakai and Shinji Osugi

Fine Arts, Japanese

event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Audtorium al Duomo Foyer Exhibition on paintings


Curator: artista Jun Sato

Fine Arts, Japanese

event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Palazzo Coppini Exhibition on photograph


Curator: photographer Hidehiko Hirose

Fine Arts, Photograph

event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto at Caffe Astra al Duomo

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved


June 8-10,

Exhibition and perfomance on flower arrngement "Kado"


Curator: master. Ryuho Sasaoka

Fine Arts, Flower Installations Japanese

event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Palazzo Coppini Exhibition on Kimono suits for men



Curator: Ichimoku


event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 8-10,

at Palazzo Coppini Exhibition on art miniature "Netsuke"

Miniature, Fine Arts,


Curator: Seishu Netsuke Art Museum


event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto June 12-17,

at Palazzo Coppini Exfhibition on contemporary art of Chris Namaizawa


Curator. Artista Chris Namaizawa

Fine Arts, Japanese

at Caffè Astra al Duomo June 16-18, 2015

Japan week Exhibition on Kimono suits for men by Ichimoku


Exhibition on art miniature "Netsuke" by Seishu Netsuke Art Museum event for 50° anniversary of twin city between Florence-Kyoto


Miniature, Fine Arts,

at Palazzo Coppini September 10-25, 2016

Artists from the World in Florence for EXPO 2015: When Art unites the People" Curator: Fabrizio Borghini, Daniela Pronestì (Associazione Toscana Cultura) at ICLAB - Intercultural Creativity Laboratory

Fine Arts

December 12-22, 2016

Playful Architect - international exhibition organized by Architecture Week Prague Curator: Petr Ivanov

Children Drawings, Architecture, Heirtage

at Auditorium al Duomo January 25 - "Carnivals in the world": 5 virtual photographic exhibition with Photograph, February 9, carnivals from Brasile, Colombia, Mexico, Repubblica Traditions Dominicana 2016 Curator: Olimpia Niglio at Palazzo Coppini March 1213, 2016


“Presentation of the “Vestnik Evropy – Herald of Europe” presentation by Yegor Gaidar Foundation (Moscow, Russia), with an exhibition of the photographer Grigory Yaroshenko, at Palazzo Coppini


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Encl. 9

Program Evaluation Scheme

Š Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

Encl. 9


Encl. 10

Encl. 10

SCHEMA DATE (agg.to al 2016-02-18)

Dates of international events

Significant dates of the Foundation


International Events


Venice Charter




UNESCO Convention WHC


Wall Berlin fall


The Gulf war and SARS


Foundation's events


The desire to restart connections with Countries at east of the wall


Tribute to Florence


Michelangelo's David and Pietro Cannata : Start of the vision to start intercultural dialogue activities

1991 14/09

First team of Georgian docents in Florence


Nara Declaration

Travel to Georgia Travel to Poland


ICOMOS Charter Cultural Tourism


Burra Charter




Krakow Charter

2001 11/09

Twin Towers


UNESCO Convention Intangibile Heritage


UNESCO Convention Cultural Diversity


ICOMOS establish of ISC Therory and Philosophy, President Andrzej Tomaszewski

1996 May / September

Warsaw and Krakow in Florence and in Forte dei Marmi


First international groups of students in Florence


Establishment of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco

1998 3/11

First Round Table of the Foundation


Budapest : First participation to the 5th Committee for the Krakow' 2000 conference


Krakow Charter:


ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee welcome Paolo Del Bianco membership


Opening of the Auditorium al Duomo

2006 05/05

Invitation by Andrzej Tomaszewski to be part of the ICOMOS Theophilos ISC

2006 26/05

Š Copyright 2016. All rights reserved

FRDB Š (original del 2013-10-07)


International Events



Foundation's events


Informal Invitation by Andrzej Tomaszewski to begin to cooperate in the field of heritage and tourism

2006 26/05

Foundation’s ICOMOS Membership in Italian National Committee


Life Beyond Tourism first time in Baku in the Conference “XX Century the Islamic Historic Cities” with ISESCO Patronage

2007 20/11

Presentation Life Beyond Tourism in Palazzo Vecchio with its Manifesto

2008 15/03

Declaration of Intent For Life Beyond Tourism

2008 16/03

The Foundation enters as Institutional Member in ICOMOS IS Committee Theophilos 2010

2010 25/10

2013 23/08


ONU 2010 International Year for the rapprochement of Cultures - UNESCO Statement of Cooperation with ICCROM

2010 13/09

Denomination of the Anfiteatro of the Auditorium al Duomo to Andrzej Tomaszewski

2011 14/09

The Foundation promotes the candidacy of Florence to host the XVIIIth General Assembly of ICOMOS 2014

Fall 2011



Applied MODEL Life Beyond Tourism at the fifth year as planned in the Declaration of Intent 2008


The Foundation is accepted as Partner of UNU-IPSI


MoU ICOMOS-FRDB 2013-2018

2013 04/03

Paris : Meeting with UNESCO

2013 05//03

Opening of Palazzo Coppini – International Meeting and Study Center

2013 08/05

MoU Kyoto in Palazzo Coppini

2013 12/06

Involvement of Prof. Liberatore and Papini CIRT about the LBT for the Manual to Applicate the Model on the territories

2013 /06

MoU Comune Wroclaw – Valle dei Palazzi e dei Giardini Jelenia Gora

2013 14/06

UNESCO Formal information about the Model

2013 30/07

ISTITUTO Life Beyond Tourism

2013 07/10

Decesso di Andrzej Tomaszewski

UNESCO/ISESCO/ UNESCO Kazakhstan Decade of Rapprochement of Cultures 2013-2022

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365 FRDB © (original del 2013-10-07)


International Events

2013 23/08

2013-2022 UNESCO International Year for the rapprochement of Cultures

2013 13/09

Pre Conference XVIII ICOMOS General Assembly

Foundation's events


Official Involvement of President Gustavo Araoz and Carlotta Del Bianco in Youth Generation ICOMOS and non ICOMOS

2013 13/09

ICOMOS ICTC Sukothai – Thailand : Life Beyond Tourism = Conventions UNESCO 1972 + 2003 + 2005 = LBT System

2013 10/10

FRDB become Institutional Memnber of ICOMOS ISCTC

2013 10/10

Update MoU ICOMOS 2013-2018 till 5 ISC Committees in Florence each year

2013 /03

FRDB Member of UNU Satoyama Initiative

2013 /05

FRDB Member of ICOM


FRDB Member of UNWTO


XVI RT March: User Hand Book LBT Model

2014 08-09/03

Youth Involvement on intangible heritage by the Foundation

2014 07/03

ICOMOS CTC welcome Paolo Del Bianco membership ICOMOS CTC

2014 07/03

UNU Satoyama Initiative Steering Committee


2014 26-30/05

Intercultural Creative Laboratory ICLAB Formale istituzione con statuto e regolamento e budget e nomina del Direttore e Segretario


Parigi Olga Karpova

2014 3-6/06

UNESCO Formale presentazione lettera al DG per lettera di Auspici, sentito Peter DeBrine

2014 01/07

Japan Josay/Toyo/ICOMOS/Nara/Kyoto Mayor

2014 /07

Firenze Wroclaw Jerzy Jaszenko con Rettore per firma MoU

2014 18/07


2014 /08


2014 01-03/09


2014 04-06/09

Soprintendenti Polacchi a Firenze

2014 13-18/09

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved FRDB © (original del 2013-10-07)



International Events

AG ICOMOS Heritage and Landscape as Human Values

Foundation's events


Firenze FESTA DI FINE ESTATE Life Beyond Tourism

2014 15/09

Firenze Josai per firma MoU testimoni Commissioner Agency Cultural Affairs of Japan e Soprintendenti Firenze e Francesco Bandarin ?

2014 /09




2014 /10

Azerbaijan MOOCAO

2014 /10

Firenze TOYO University per MoU

2014 /11

Opening of ICLAB – Intercultural Creativity Laboratory

2014 10/11

18° AG ICOMOS Scientific Symposium Main theme: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values

2014 9-14/11

Sub-themes 1 Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation 2 Landscape as cultural habitat 3 Sustainability through traditional knowledge 4 Community driven conservation and local empowerment 5 Emerging tools for conservation practice Approval Resolution 2014/42 by ICOMOS General Assembly


Siem Reap - Cambodia Congress UNWTO - UNESCO Building a new partnership

2015 02-04/02


2015 22/06

Warsaw - Cracow

2015 /10

Promozione di “Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto Ospitalità tradizionale”


Borsista: Carmen Zinno

Promozione di “Viaggi, Incontri, Ascolto e Conoscenza per contribuire al dialogo fra culture, a Firenze e da Firenze per il mondo”


Borsista: Olimpia Niglio

MoU Arab Regional Centre For World Heritage, Bahrein XVIII Assemblea Generale Esperti Internazionali Denomination of a hall in Auditorium al Duomo to Giuliano Borselli

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2016 /01 2016 12-13/03 2016 19/03

367 FRDB © (original del 2013-10-07)

Finito di stampare nel mese di marzo 2016 per conto di Masso delle Fate Edizioni presso la Nova Arti Grafiche Via Cavalcanti, 9/D - 50058 Signa (FI) www.novaartigrafiche.it

The Family of Mankind States of mind Busts of ‘expressive portraits‘

Palazzo Coppini greets visitors with twelve marble busts by Tuscan sculptor Dino De Ranieri.

by the Pietrasanta sculptor Dino De Ranieri

Sa vonarola

La Vecchia che salta con l’asta Vuota risolutezza

Malato immaginario


La vanità

Salvator Rosa

Dondolino Dubbio Inteligente

Esculapio Ritenersi un salvatore

Follia per un sogno generoso

Icaro morte per l’uomo

Una vita che esce dalla pietra

Il re inventatosi Follia per un potere egoista

Ercole gloria nel mito

Arcigna Una vita che si fa pietra

Your encounters with Europe in Florence Congressi al with Duomo,Europe Palazzo Coppini, ICLAB YourCentro encounters in Florence encounters Europe in Florence CentroYour Congressi al Duomo,with Palazzo Coppini, ICLAB*

Centro Congressi al Duomo, Palazzo Coppini, ICLAB*

2h 30’ 2h 30í 2h 30í Firenze

Amsterdam Cork Malta Glasgow Timisoara Krakow Amsterdam Malta Glasgow Timisoara Krakow Barcellona Cork Dublin Göteborg Kreta - Chania Palma di Maiorca Tirana Barcellona Dublin di Maiorca Tirana teborg Kreta - Chania Palma Belfast Düsseldorf-WeezeGˆHamburg Paris Valencia Leeds-BraBelfast D¸ sseldorf-Weeze Paris Leeds-Bra- Krakow Amsterdam Cork Hamburg Malta Valencia Glasgow Timisoara Berlin East Midlands Praha Haugesund Warszawa dford Berlin East Midlands Praha HaugesundGˆ teborg Warszawa dford Barcellona Dublin Palma di Maiorca Tirana Kreta Chania Billund Edinburgh Rodi Ibiza Wien Leipzig Halle Billund Edinburgh D¸ sseldorf-Weeze Rodi Ibiza Leipzig - Halle Belfast Paris Wien Hamburg Valencia Leeds-BraBournemouth Eindhoven St. Petersburg Kefalonia Zürich Liverpool Bournemouth Eindhoven East Midlands Kefalonia Haugesund Liverpool dfordSt. Petersburg Berlin Praha Z¸ rich Warszawa Bristol Fez Stockholm København London Bristol Fez Stockholm K benhavnIbizaLondon Wien Leipzig - Halle Rodi Bruxelles Billund Frankfurt Edinburgh Stuttgart Köln-Bonn Maastricht Bruxelles Frankfurt Stuttgart Kˆ ln-Bonn Maastricht Eindhoven St. Petersburg Z¸ rich Bukarest Bournemouth Fuerteventura Targu Mures KonstanzKefalonia Madrid Liverpool Bukarest Fuerteventura Targu Mures Konstanz Madrid Stockholm K benhavn Budapest Bristol Genève Fez Tenerife South Kos Malmö London Budapest GenËve Tenerife South Kos Malmˆ Bruxelles Frankfurt Stuttgart Kˆ ln-Bonn Maastricht Bukarest Fuerteventura Targu Mures Konstanz Madrid Budapest GenËve Tenerife South Kos Malmˆ

max max 2h 2h 30’ 30í by by plane plane FROM maxNetwork 2h Fondazione 30í byRomualdo planeDel Bianco / International INSTITUTE Life Beyond Tourism - 83 countries 248 cities 5 continents

Albania (Skhodra, Tirana, Vlore), Algeria (Boumerdes), Armenia (Yerevan), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Rosario), Australia (Sidney), Austria (Vienna, Innsbruck, SalRomualdo Bianco / International Life Beyond Tourism - 83 countries 248 cities 5 continents zburg, Graz), Network AzerbaijanFondazione (Baku), Bahrain (Manama), Del Belarus (BrÈst, Gomel, Minsk), INSTITUTE Belgium (Gent, Bruxelles, Anversa, Gembloux), Bhutan (Thimpu, Paro), Bosnia & Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Recife, San Paolo), Bulgaria , Cambodia (Seim Reap), Canada (Quebec), Chile (Valparaiso), Albania (Skhodra, Tirana, Vlore), Algeria(Bogot‡), (Boumerdes), (Yerevan), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Rosario), Australia (Sidney), Austria (Vienna, Innsbruck, SalChina (Beijing, Nanjing, Gifu, Shengyang), Colombia CostaArmenia Rica (Cartago), CÙte díIvoire (Abidjan), Croatia (Zagabria, Dubrovnik, Spalato, Opatja), Cuba zburg, Graz), (Ceske Azerbaijan (Baku), Prague, BahrainLiberec, (Manama), (BrÈst, Gomel,Olomouc, Minsk), Belgium (Gent,Hora), Bruxelles, Anversa, Gembloux), Bhutan (Thimpu, Paro), Bo(Habana), Czech Republic Budejovice, Brno,Belarus Tabor, Cesky Krumlov, Jihlava, Kutna Cyprus (Famagusta), Denmark (CopenhasniaRepublic & Herzegovina (Sarajevo),Estonia Bolivia(Tallin), (La Paz), Brazil(Turku, (Recife, San Paolo), Bulgaria Cambodia (Seim Reap), Georgia Canada (Batumi, (Quebec), Chile (Valparaiso), gen), Dominican (Santo Domingo), Finland Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Tampere), France, (Montpellier, Lyon, Paris), Kutaisi, China (Beijing, Konstanz, Nanjing, Gifu, Shengyang), Colombia (Bogot‡), Costa(Atene, Rica (Cartago), CÙte díIvoire(Budapest, (Abidjan),Esztergom), Croatia (Zagabria, Dubrovnik, Spalato, Tbilisi), Germany (Frankfurt, Aachen, Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe), Greece Tessaloniki), Hungary Japan (Chiba, Tokyo, Kyoto,Opatja), Cuba (Habana), Budejovice, Prague, Liberec, Brno, Tabor, Krumlov, Olomouc, Jihlava, Kutna Hora), Cyprus (Famagusta), Denmark (CopenhaKobe, Nagoya, Osaka), Czech JordanRepublic (Amman,(Ceske Tishreen), India (Bhubaneswar, Gangtok), IranCesky (Kerman, Teheran), Indonesia (Jakarta), Ireland (Cork), Israel (Jerusalem, Dominican Republic Domingo), Estonia (Tallin), Finland Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Tampere), France (Montpellier, Lyon, Kosovo Paris), Georgia (Batumi, Kutaisi, Netanya), Italygen), (Florence, Naples, Rome, (Santo Milan, Turin, Reggio Calabria, Venice, Pisa,(Turku, Benevento, Genoa, Pescara), Kazakhstan (Almaty, Chimkent), (Pristina), Tbilisi), Germany (Frankfurt, Konstanz, Aachen, Berlin, (Skopje), Munich, Karlsruhe), Greece (Atene, Tessaloniki), Hungary(Chisinau), (Budapest, Esztergom),(Podgorica),MoJapan (Chiba, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Macedonia Malta (Valletta), Mexico (Mexico City), Moldova Montenegro Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka), (Amman, Tishreen), India (Bhubaneswar, Gangtok), Teheran), Indonesia(Quezon (Jakarta), Ireland (Cork), Israel (Jerusalem, rocco (Casablanca), Nederland (Delft,Jordan Rotterdam), Nigeria (Ikoyi), Norway (Oslo), Palestine (Gaza),Iran Peru(Kerman, (Trujillo, Rimac), Philippines City), Poland (Warsaw, Netanya), (Florence, Naples,Lublin, Rome,Lodz, Milan,Gliwice, Turin, Reggio Calabria, Venice, Pisa, Benevento, Genoa, Pescara), Kazakhstan (Almaty,Sibiu, Chimkent), Kosovo (Pristina), Cracow, Gdansk, Torun,Italy Bygdoszcz, Szczecin, Poznan, Torun, Wroclaw), Portugal (Porto), Romania (Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Timisoara), (Bishkek), Latvia (Riga),Chelyabinsk, Lithuania (Vilnius), Macedonia (Skopje), Malta (Valletta), City), Moldova (Chisinau), MontenegroMo(Podgorica),MoRussia (Altay,Kyrgyzstan Archangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Ekateringburg, Ferapontovo, Irkutsk, Ivanovo,Mexico Kazan,(Mexico Khabarovsk, Kirillov, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, rocco (Casablanca), Nederland Rotterdam), Nigeria (Ikoyi),Samara, NorwaySaratov, (Oslo), Palestine (Gaza),Tambov, Peru (Trujillo, Rimac), Philippines City), Poland (Warsaw, scow, Niznij Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Orenburg,(Delft, Penza, Petrozavodsk, Rostov, St. Petersburg, Tjumen, Tomsk, Tver, Ufa,(Quezon Ukhta, Uljanovsk, Cracow, Gdansk, Torun, Bygdoszcz, Szczecin, Lublin, Lodz, Gliwice,Serbia Poznan, Torun, Wroclaw), (Porto), Romania (Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Sibiu, Timisoara), Vladikavkaz, Vladimir, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yalutorovsk, Yaroslavl), (Belgrade, Novi Sad,Portugal Subotica), Slovakia (Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Russia (Altay,Nitra, Archangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Ekateringburg, Irkutsk, Ivanovo, Kazan, Khabarovsk, Kirillov, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, MoBratislava, Kosice, Trnava, Presov, Zvolen, Ruzomberok), Slovenia (Ljubljana), SouthFerapontovo, Africa (Pretoria), Spain (Valladolid, Valencia, Madrid), Sweden (Goteborg, scow, Niznij Novgorod, Orenburg, Rostov,(Bangkok, Samara, Sukhotai), Saratov, St. Petersburg, Tambov, Tomsk, Tver, Ufa, TurUkhta, Uljanovsk, Dalarna), Switzerland (Zurich), SyriaNovosibirsk, (Homs), Taiwan (Taipei,Penza, Yunlin,Petrozavodsk, Hsinchu), Thailand Turkey (Ankara, Edirne,Tjumen, Balikesir, Istanbul, Izmir), Vladikavkaz, Vladimir, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Yalutorovsk, Yaroslavl), Serbia Novi Sad, United Subotica), Slovakia (Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, kmenistan (Ashgabat), Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, KharkivVoronezh, Dnipropetrovsík, Donecík), United Arab (Belgrade, Emirates (Sharjah), Kingdom (Birmingham, Edinburgh, Bratislava, Kosice,United Trnava,States Nitra, Presov, Zvolen, Slovenia SouthGreen AfricaBay, (Pretoria), SpainLos (Valladolid, Madrid), Sweden (Goteborg, Glasgow, London, Manchester), of America (AnnRuzomberok), Arbor, Columbus, Drexel(Ljubljana), Hill, Eau Claire, Greencastle, Angeles,Valencia, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Dalarna), Switzerland (Zurich), Syria (Homs), Taiwan (Taipei, Yunlin, Hsinchu), Thailand (Bangkok, Sukhotai), Turkey (Ankara, Edirne, Balikesir, Istanbul, Izmir), TurSacramento, San Francisco, Washington), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Vatican City, Venezuela (Caracas) kmenistan (Ashgabat), Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsík, Donecík), United Arab Emirates (Sharjah), United Kingdom (Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Manchester), United States of America (Ann Arbor, Columbus, Drexel Hill, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Greencastle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, San Francisco, Washington), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Vatican City, Venezuela (Caracas) VE

Your encounters with Europe in Flo

Centro Congressi al Duomo, Palazzo Coppin

Your encounters with Europe in Florence

Centro Congressi al Duomo, Palazzo Coppini, ICLAB*

2h 30í

2h 30í


2hVE30í 2h 30í 2h 30’ BO


BO MI TO Firenze Ancona Roma Bologna Ancona Torino Roma Milano Venezia Ancona Bologna Torino Roma Napoli MilanoBologna Venezia Torino Venezia NapoliMilano Napoli

max 2h 30í by high speed train FROM max 2h 30’ by high speed train FROM max 2h 30í by high speed train FROM

AN Firenze Firenze Roma


Amsterdam Cork Glasgow Krakow Barcellona Dublin Gˆ teborg Kreta Belfast D¸ sseldorf-Weeze Hamburg Leeds-B Berlin East Midlands Haugesund dford Billund Edinburgh Ibiza Leipzig Bournemouth Eindhoven Kefalonia Liverpo Bristol Fez K benhavn Amsterdam Cork MaltaLondon Glasgow Krakow Bruxelles Frankfurt Kˆ ln-Bonn Maastri Barcellona Dublin Gˆ teborg Kreta - Chania Palma di Ma Bukarest Fuerteventura Konstanz Belfast D¸ sseldorf-Weeze Hamburg ParisMadrid Leeds-BraBudapest GenËve Kos Berlin East Midlands PrahaMalmˆ Haugesund dford Billund Ibiza Leipzig - Halle Rodi Soc. COMI S.p.A Edinburgh Bournemouth Eindhoven St. Petersbu Kefalonia Liverpool Network Fondazione RomualdoFez Del Bianco / International INSTITUTE Life Beyond Tourism Bristol Stockholm K benhavn London www.centrocongressialduomo.com Bruxelles Frankfurt Stuttgart Kˆ ln-Bonn Maastricht Albania (Skhodra, Tirana, Vlore), Algeria (Boumerdes), Armenia (Yerevan), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Rosario), Au Soc. COMI S.p.A Soc. COMI S.p.A delBukarest Giglio 10, 50123 Florence, ItalyGomel, Minsk), Fuerteventura Targu Mures Madrid zburg, Graz), Via Azerbaijan (Baku), Bahrain (Manama), BelarusKonstanz (BrÈst, Belgium (Gent, Bruxelles, A , Cambodia (S snia & Herzegovina (Sarajevo), BoliviaGenËve (La Paz), Brazil (Recife, San Paolo), Bulgaria Budapest Tenerife Sou Kos Malmˆ www.centrocongressialduomo.com www.centrocongressialduomo.com

Centro Congressi al Duomo max 2h 30í byContact plane us:

Contacts . Auditorium al DuomoAffiliate member of Centro Congressi al Duomo Contact us: . Hotel Laurus al Duomo **** . Auditorium al Duomo . Caffй Astra al Duomo maxal2h 30í **** by planeChina (Beijing,telNanjing, | +39Gifu, 055 28 47 22 Shengyang), Colombia (Bogot‡), Costa Rica (Cartago), CÙte díIvoire (Abidjan), Croa . Hotel Laurus Duomo Czech Republic (Ceske Budejovice, Prague, Liberec, Brno, Tabor, Cesky Krumlov, Olomouc, Jihlava, Kutna . Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio **** (Habana), Via del Giglio 10,10, 50123 Florence, Italy Via del Giglio 50123 Florence, Italy gen), Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), Estonia (Tallin), Finland (Turku, Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Tampere), France ( Caffй Astra al Duomo Germany (Frankfurt, Aachen, INSTITUTE Berlin, Munich,Life Karlsruhe), (Atene,- Tessaloniki), Hungary (Bu Network FondazioneTbilisi), Romualdo Del BiancoKonstanz, / International Beyond Tourism 83 countries 248 cit Auditorium al Duomo tel | 055 +39 055 28 47 22Greece | +39 28 47(Bhubaneswar, 22 International Meeting and Study Center . Palazzo. Coppini Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka), Jordan tel (Amman, Tishreen), India Gangtok), Iran (Kerman, Teheran), Indon Founder and supporter Netanya), Italy (Florence, Naples, Rome, Milan, Turin, Reggio Calabria, Venice, Pisa, Benevento, Pescara), Albania (Skhodra, Tirana, Vlore), Algeria (Boumerdes), Armenia (Yerevan), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Rosario), AustraliaGenoa, (Sidney), AustriaK Hotel Laurus al Duomo **** . Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio **** Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Macedonia (Skopje), Malta (Valletta), Mexico (Mexico City), zburg, Graz), Azerbaijan (Baku), Bahrain (Manama), Belarus (BrÈst, Gomel, Minsk), Belgium (Gent, Bruxelles, Anversa, Gembloux), BhutM . ICLAB Intercultural Creativitysnia Laboratory rocco (Casablanca), Nederland (Delft, Rotterdam), (Ikoyi), Norway (Oslo), Palestine (Gaza), Peru (Trujillo, Rim , Cambodia (Seim Reap), Canada (Que & Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Recife, San Paolo),Nigeria Bulgaria Caffé Astra al Duomo Cracow, Gdansk, Torun, Bygdoszcz, Szczecin, Lublin, Lodz, Gliwice, Poznan,(Abidjan), Torun, Wroclaw), Portugal (Porto), Ro Meeting Study Center . Palazzo Coppini International China (Beijing, Nanjing,and Gifu, Shengyang), Colombia (Bogot‡), Costa Rica (Cartago), CÙte díIvoire Croatia (Zagabria, Dubrovnik, Russia Archangelsk, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Ekateringburg, Ferapontovo, Irkutsk,Cyprus Ivanovo, Kazan, (Habana), Czech Republic (Ceske(Altay, Budejovice, Prague,Astrakhan, Liberec, Brno, Tabor, Cesky Krumlov, Olomouc, Jihlava, Kutna Hora), (Famagus Hotel Pitti Palace al PonteLaboratory Vecchio **** ed. 2015-10-30 scow, Niznij Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Penza, Petrozavodsk, Rostov, Samara, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Tam * ICLAB - Intercultural Creativity gen), Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), Estonia (Tallin), Finland (Turku, Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Tampere), France (Montpellier, Lyon, Paris), G . ICLAB Intercultural Creativity Laboratory Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yaroslavl), Serbia (Budapest, (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotic Tbilisi), Germany (Frankfurt, Konstanz,Vladimir, Aachen, Vladivostok, Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe), GreeceYalutorovsk, (Atene, Tessaloniki), Hungary Esztergom), Jap Palazzo Coppini International Meeting and Study Center ICLAB Intercultural CreativityCreativity LaboratoryLaboratory * ICLAB - Intercultural

Bratislava, Kosice, Trnava, Nitra, Zvolen, Ruzomberok), Africa (Pretoria), Spain(C Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka), Jordan (Amman, Tishreen), IndiaPresov, (Bhubaneswar, Gangtok), IranSlovenia (Kerman,(Ljubljana), Teheran), South Indonesia (Jakarta), Ireland Switzerland (Zurich), SyriaCalabria, (Homs),Venice, TaiwanPisa, (Taipei, Yunlin, Hsinchu), ThailandKazakhstan (Bangkok, Sukhotai), Turk Netanya), Italy (Florence, Dalarna), Naples, Rome, Milan, Turin, Reggio Benevento, Genoa, Pescara), (Almaty, Chim ed. 2015-10-30 kmenistan (Ashgabat), Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Lviv,Malta Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsík, Donecík), Arab EmiratesMont (Sha Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Macedonia (Skopje), (Valletta), MexicoISBN (Mexico City),United Moldova (Chisinau), 978-88-6039-375-3 Glasgow, London, Manchester), United States of America (Ann Arbor, Columbus, Drexel Hill, Eau Claire, Green Bay, G rocco (Casablanca), Nederland (Delft, Rotterdam), Nigeria (Ikoyi), Norway (Oslo), Palestine (Gaza), Peru (Trujillo, Rimac), Philippines (Quezon Sacramento, San Francisco, Washington), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Vatican City, Venezuela (Caracas) Cracow, Gdansk, Torun, Bygdoszcz, Szczecin, Lublin, Lodz, Gliwice, Poznan, Torun, Wroclaw), Portugal (Porto), Romania (Bucharest, Cluj Na Russia (Altay, Archangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Ekateringburg, Ferapontovo, Irkutsk, Ivanovo, Kazan, Khabarovsk, Kirillov, Kost

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