The Sphinx Magazine Spring/Summer 2008 part 1

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Founder’s Lost Gravesite Located in New York A Piece of Fraternity History Reclaimed

Kansas City All theWay


Kansas City’s Union Station is the second-largest working train station in the country. The 1914 landmark is home to an interactive family science center, a railroad museum, live theater stage, 3-D movie theater, planetarium, shops and restaurants where you will discover the secret to Kansas City-style barbecue—the city’s signature food. And the fun doesn’t stop there! The Sphinx captures the excitement of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s 102nd Anniversary Convention in our next edition. For Advertisement Display Rate Information visit Photo: Kansas City Convention & Visitors Association


MISSION STATEMENT Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.

CONTENTS ON THE COVER: Zeta Zeta Lambda Brothers are pictured at Eugene Kinckle Jones gravesite. Photo by Joseph L. Sessum. Cover story begins on page 34. On This Page:

Sylvester Fulton named 2007-08 Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year.

DEPARTMENTS President’s 5 General Letter Director’s 7 Executive Letter 11 Publisher’s Letter 20 Alphas On The Move

48 Chapter News 70 Book Reviews 73 Omega Chapter 78 Corporate Directory 80 Leadership Directory


O F F I C I A L O R G A N O F A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R A T E R N I T Y, I N C .


13 Historian Emeritus 16 Bermuda Weekend 34 Eugene Kinckle Jones

On This Page:

Jelaun Newsome named 2007-08 Outstanding College Brother of the Year.


36 Gamma Chapter Centennial 38 Theta Theta Lambda 40 Senator Ted Kennedy 42 Frederick Douglass 46 Leadership Development Institute

56 State of the Fraternity Address 61 101st Anniversary Convention

The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008


101ST A NNIVERSAR Y C ONVENTION Story begins on page 61





1: Plenary Session 2: Darryl Matthews and Peter Smithhisler of the North American Inter-Fraternity Conference. 3: Brother Ambassador Andrew Young. 4: Reggie Riddle (l) with Allison and Darryl Matthews. 5: G.P. Darryl Matthews (c) and Convention Security team. 5


Spring • Summer 2008

The Sphinx:



STAND UP! MAN UP! FOLLOW UP! Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities..


rothers, I and others have expressed the urgent need for you to become mentors to our youth. Our partner in this undertaking is Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. You have seen and visited their booths and kiosks at our regional and national conventions. You’ve read articles about Big Brothers; received emails via AlphaNet; fielded phone calls; and seen their commercials during the Super Bowl and March Madness. You’ve been bombarded with Fraternity appeals. During my State of the Fraternity Address at the 2006 Centennial Convention, a decree for 10,000 Alpha men to enroll as Big Brothers was issued. There were a number who answered the call to positively influence the lives of our young people. Many of these youngsters must frequently make tough choices concerning contentious forces fighting for their souls. We cannot wait and hope someone else will fight for our youth. There is a current slang expression that goes: “Man Up”. A term description, according to Urbandictionary.Com, is: “to fulfill your responsibilities as a man, to work through impediments and obstacles without whining.” Young people are in our community waiting for Alpha men to be who we say we are. Our community is looking for us to STAND UP, MAN UP AND THEN FOLLOW UP. That’s what leaders do. That’s what Alpha men are supposed to do. I recently received the following letter from the mother of a 10-year-old male who is looking to Alpha Phi Alpha for help in keeping her son on the right path to manhood. Dear Mr. Matthews, I’m writing this letter to discuss possibly finding a Big Brother mentor for my son, Tyler. Attached… is his résumé. From birth, I have strived and worked really hard with him and I do see where my persistence has paid off. Yet, my son will be 10 years old this year and I see not only developmental changes but mental changes that I fear I’m not understanding—let alone not knowing how to deal with them. He definitely needs a male presence around and I’m pleading that someone will be available to be there for him a few times out of the month, someone he can look up to and call a friend. He’s on the right path so far and I’m hoping to keep it going… I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from your organization soon.

The goal of recruiting 10,000 Alpha Brothers has not yet been realized. However, we are well on our way there. We have seen a boost in enrollment and services rendered by Brothers. More have come forward but we still need others to stand up. It is about us making a difference for young people who are looking for appropriate role models. It is about us providing service and advocacy for our communities. We have an opportunity to help change the destiny of our people and to make a real difference in lives. Because of our actions, there may be more young men with a chance to experience college life rather than prison life. I defy you to show me a Brother in this illustrious organization who cannot commit a minimum four hours a month to make a difference in a child’s life. If you can give more time, you are encouraged to do that. We can’t complain about high school graduation rates; college enrollment; or their lack of academic success if we’re not willing to help. We are Alpha Phi Alpha! If you do not make a personal commitment, you are not living up to our mission statement, our motto or your sacred oath. When people see us they say, “There goes an Alpha man” and our brand implies that “There goes a man to help uplift the lives of wholesome youth.” We must STAND UP, MAN UP AND THEN FOLLOW UP. Fraternally,

DARRYL R. MATTHEWS, SR. General President

The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008


Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc®



How to receive The Sphinx® Subscriptions: Price U.S. is $40.00 per year. To subscribe, please send a check or money order to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and mail to Sphinx Subscriptions, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211. To purchase selected back issues or to obtain reprint permission, contact Alpha Phi Alpha’s Office of Communications at 410-554-0040. Selected back issues of The Sphinx® are also available on-line at Note: Active members currently receive The Sphinx as part of their membership. Additional copies of The Sphinx® Individuals interested in receiving additional copies (of current editions) of The Sphinx® may submit a written request accompanied with a check in the amount of $10.00 per copy payable to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 -5211. How to change an address Alumni & College Members: E-mail your new address to your regional coordinator/specialist. You may also call 410.554.0040 or send mail to Address Changes, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211. Corporate, Non-Profit & Educational Institutions: E-mail your updated address to or you can call 410.554.0040, Ext.114. How to contact Post: The Sphinx Magazine, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211 E-mail: (Not for submissions) Phone: 410.554.0040; for Magazine questions, select Ext. 114 Fax: 410.554.0054 Attn: The Sphinx How to get published Each Chapter’s Editor is a correspondent for The Sphinx® Magazine. Chapters are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Sphinx®. Tell us about your events and please include photographs. Article submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to refuse or reject articles submitted (without notification). Inactive members and/or Chapters will automatically be denied publication. All articles received via email will be rejected. How to send a letter to the Editor We always welcome your comments – both positive and negative. Email to or mail to Editor, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211. General deadlines for submissions* Spring issue-November 1 Summer issue-February 1 Fall issue-May 1 Winter issue-August 1 *These deadlines are estimates; visit for up-to-date info. Note: Due to pre-press and production schedules, 1-3 issues may appear before a submission is published. The SPHINX® (USPS 510-440) is published quarterly by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.®, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211 and SJW Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1203, Randallstown, MD 21133. Periodical postage paid at Baltimore, MD with additional entries. Postmaster: send address changes to The SPHINX ®, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5211. The magazine subscription price is $40 a year. The SPHINX® is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Send all editorial mail and changes of address to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Manuscripts of art, opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Use of any person’s name in fiction, semi-fiction, articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The SPHINX® and is never done knowingly. The publisher does not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers. Copyright 2008 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction, or use without permission, of the editorial, art or pictorial content of the magazine in any manner is prohibited. The SPHINX® has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Brother Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Brother Henry Lake Dickason. The Sphinx® is printed in the United States of America


Spring • Summer 2008

The Sphinx:





hortly, we will convene in Kansas City, Missouri for the 88th General Convention/102nd Anniversary Celebration of our beloved brotherhood. As I spend considerable time in final preparation for this year’s convention, it seems like we just left Orlando—the site of last year’s meeting. It has been quite a busy time from then until now. Much of what has transpired, you saw coverage of in the last Sphinx and will see more in this edition. The work of Alpha is phenomenal and I am proud to be on the leadership team as we make great developmental and foundational progress. Just a few weeks ago, General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. convened the Board of Directors, selected Committee Chairmen, General Presidential candidates and members of the General Office staff for a two-year review and assessment of our Strategic Plan, the updates of which will be presented at the Convention. This is our direct work; however, there are many other aspects of Alpha leadership. At this moment in our lives, we are witness to a tremendously significant national event. United States Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has gained the required amount of delegates to be the presumptive nominee of the Democratic National Party for President of the United States. He is the first African American, a bi-racial citizen, to accomplish this feat. Brothers, while we are not all of one political party, racial group or mindset; we can and should all take pride in this accomplishment. This is the fruit of our “A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People” national campaign. In this year, when we will celebrate the 45th Anniversary of The March on Washington, we can view this event as we rightfully should—a realization of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream. No matter which candidate you decide to support in the November General Election, it is important that we continue our voter education and voter registration efforts—this is a part of the leadership, Willard Hall and Barack Obama service and advocacy, which we provide to our communities. I hope that you have made your preparations to convene in Kansas City. There is much work to do and you are needed there. Fraternally Always,

WILLARD C. HALL, JR. Executive Director

The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008



Submission Guidelines Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc® ORGANIZING EDITOR Raymond W. Cannon ORGANIZING GENERAL PRESIDENT Henry Lake Dickason



CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Joseph T. Durham Robert L. Harris, Jr. Lover High, Jr. Waldo E. Johnson, Jr. Ryan Mack Thomas D. Pawley III Ronald Peters PHOTOGRAPHY Donald Baker Rickey Brown Larry Crider Jeff Lewis John Lewis Anthony Roberson


FOUNDERS Henry Arthur Callis Charles Henry Chapman Nathaniel Allison Murray

Eugene Kinckle Jones Vertner Woodson Tandy George Biddle Kelley Robert Harold Ogle


Since the founding of The Sphinx Magazine in 1914, the African American community has looked to the publication for its profound insight on issues of the day. The Sphinx is the second-oldest continuously-published African American magazine in existence and is preserved in libraries and archives across the country as an historical record of community occurrences. The publication covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to different sectors and geographic locations. The major focuses are leadership, strategy, entrepreneurship, career management, economic development and community service. Many articles are written by experts and authorities whose insight comes from research and experience. It is little wonder that for more than 90 years, The Sphinx® has maintained its place as an indispensable medium for reaching the leadership and progressive segment of the African American community. Those interested in writing feature articles for The Sphinx should: (1) submit a short abstract of their work. Completed articles are also accepted. (2) Suggested feature article length is 800 to 1,500 words; however, we accept stories that are shorter or longer in length. Print quality photographs or graphics may accompany the feature. (3) All articles submitted are required to be editable and proofread-able. (4) All articles must be accompanied by a brief biography of the author. (5) Submission of an abstract, synopsis or full article contribution is no guarantee of publication. (6) The Sphinx reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and suitability to a given issue, without final and formal review of the contributor. (7) Statements of opinion expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of The Sphinx. (8) Submission proposals can be emailed to: (9) Final materials should be mailed to: The Sphinx; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; 2313 St. Paul Street; Baltimore, MD 21218-5211.


Spring • Summer 2008

The Sphinx:

ORDER NOW! Just $17.77 Plus $4.00 S&H (Free Shipping for orders placed by September 30, 2008) SHIPPING BEGINS IN AUGUST 2008 Originally planned for release last winter, this revised 20082009 Alpha Athletes Olympic Calendar covers the 16-month period from September 2008 to December 2009.The handsome collectors’ edition highlights the daring athletes who shattered records and captured titles in domestic and international competition. To order this official Alpha Phi Alpha 2008-2009 calendar, visit the Fraternity’s online AlphaShop at; or tear out this perforated sheet and mail or fax the order form on the reverse side, using the information supplied there. HURRY! ORDER YOUR 2008-2009 ALPHA ATHLETES OLYMPIC CALENDARS TODAY! Bulk rates are also available for Chapter fundraising projects. For more information, visit: OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST BROTHER JESSE OWENS


2008 –2009 CALENDAR



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n occasion, I hear from individuals outside of the Fraternity who have had a chance to review The Sphinx Magazine; and are thoughtful enough to give me their comments about the publication. One such comment came from a young man in California with clearly good writing skills who wrote: “The magazine was very enlightening. It was definitely interesting and great to see so many positive black men in a magazine published by and for blacks. Had a different feel to it…” His comments were like that of so many other non-Fraternity members who marvel after seeing a publication report on the positive things being done by African American men. Part of the young writer’s surprise—and that of others who make similar comments—can possibly be attributed to the mainstream media and how it has conditioned its audience to expect negative news. In addition, we need to increase the number of men in our community who are performing the kinds of positive acts read about in The Sphinx; and to focus more on groups and individuals who are already doing such deeds. This magazine edition highlights the outstanding work that a number of our Brothers are performing both in the community and within the organization. An especially encouraging article that looks at the work Brothers are doing within the Fraternity comes from Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter’s Assistant Editor-to-the-Sphinx. In the article, ZZL Brothers share information of historical importance to the Fraternity while describing their efforts to relocate the gravesite of one of Alpha Phi Alpha’s Seven Jewels. The article about the relocated gravesite of Eugene Kinckle Jones, which begins on page 34, may only be the beginning of the story. The Fraternity’s historians and others who have researched and written about the founders will no doubt have more to say. This edition also presents a personally gratifying moment for me as the Fraternity announces the naming of Dr. Thomas D. Pawley III as Historian Emeritus. The Fraternity’s current historian, Dr. Robert L. Harris, Jr., has written The Sphinx article recognizing Brother Pawley’s numerous professional and fraternal accomplishments. In particular, he looks at Brother Pawley’s “Historical Moments” column that he wrote for the magazine in the 1990s. The historical wealth gathered from those and other of Dr. Pawley’s writings has been tremendous. I feel very privileged to have worked with Brother Pawley as Editor-in-Chief of The Sphinx when many of the “Historical Moments” articles (a feature begun by former Sphinx Editor J.J. Johnson) were being developed. Today, I continue to enjoy some of the benefits of Brother Pawley’s rich knowledge as we work together to bring you other aspects of the Fraternity’s history— one of the latest being his article in the Centennial Edition Sphinx looking at the penning of the “Hymn to the Founders.” Brother Pawley has agreed to again be a contributing writer for the magazine, although we will not tax him with producing a regular column. Brother Pawley will submit articles at his pleasure. I look forward to the submissions and to the times when I pick up my phone and hear Brother Pawley’s voice on the other end—with an informative perspective about the Fraternity. The feature story about Brother Pawley begins on page 13.


SEATON J. WHITE, III Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008



Fall/Winter 2007 • Volume 92 • Numbers 3–4

MLK DREAM CONCERT Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin Headline World-Class Event


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Publisher of The Sphinx® Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. c/o SJW Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 1203 Randallstown, MD 21133-1218 Website: • Email: • Phone: 410-902-8387


Spring • Summer 2008

The Sphinx:



rother Thomas D. Pawley, III, Ph.D., was named Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Historian Emeritus following his recommendation to the Board of Directors by General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. at the organization’s 101st Anniversary Convention in Orlando, Florida. The Board enthusiastically and unanimously approved the recommendation. Brother Pawley, who was initiated into the Fraternity through Beta Gamma Chapter at Virginia State University in 1934, has enjoyed a distinguished career as actor, administrator, author, director, essayist, playwright, and Fraternity Historian. He was born on August 5, 1917 in Jackson, Mississippi to parents Brother Thomas D. Pawley, Jr. and Ethel John Pawley, née Woolfolk. Brother Pawley, who will celebrate his 91st birthday in August, grew up on the campus of Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia, where his father was Professor of English. He graduated from high school at age 15 and received a Bachelor’s degree with distinction from Virginia State University in 1937, at age 19. In 1937, Brother Pawley enrolled at the University of Iowa where he pursued a Master’s and later a doctoral degree in theatre. He received an Alpha Phi Alpha Graduate Scholarship in 1947-48 to help him complete the doctoral degree. One of the plays Brother Pawley submitted for the Ph.D. degree, Messiah, won a $1,000 first prize in a playwriting competition organized in 1954 by the Jamestown, Virginia Corporation. From 1939-1944, Brother Pawley taught during the summers at Atlanta University where he acted and directed plays. He served as a drama instructor at Prairie View A&M College in Texas in 1939-1940. While at Prairie View A&M, he directed a play starring one of his students, Ethel Louise McPeters, whom he married in August 1941. The couple recently observed their 66th wedding anniversary. Brother Pawley’s ambition was to become a professional actor. He soon realized; however, that there were few positive roles for black actors. He refused to accept demeaning roles that portrayed black men as ignorant buffoons. Moreover, he decided that he could not earn a suitable living on the stage. He began teaching at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri in 1940 and completed his doctoral degree at the University of Iowa in 1949. While teaching during the summers at Atlanta University, Brother Pawley published several poems in

Phylon: The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture during the period 1940-1944, which were edited by Brother W.E.B. Du Bois. His poem, “We Who Are Left Behind”, which appeared in Vol. 5, No. 2, of Phylon, poignantly depicts the challenges confronting those left behind on the home-front while their fellow citizens fought abroad. He wrote in part: Not forever will war drums beat. Soon they must stop: that is nature’s law. But drummers once rested Can resume the death beat Unless we say, “It shall not be so. No more the age-old pattern, festering pattern Of Hell … No more the burnished symbols of a rusting timeworn creed — They must be destroyed!” That is our job — That is the strength Of us who are left behind. This is a timeless poem. Although written during World War II, it is a cautionary reminder of how we seek to settle disputes and how those who become absorbed in beating war drums sink into a pattern that those left behind have a responsibility to change, to weave new patterns and new possibilities for mankind. Brother Pawley taught at Lincoln University for some 48 years before retiring in 1988 as Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Speech and Theatre. During his academic career, he wrote more than a hundred poems and some 30 plays. He published book reviews and essays in numerous journals and co-authored the book, The Black Teacher and the Dramatic Arts, issued by Greenwood Press in 1970. At Lincoln University, Brother Pawley served as head of the departments of English, English and Speech, Speech and Theatre, and Communications. He chaired the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts and was Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The recipient of numerous honors and awards, he was inducted into the Department of Theatre Hall of Fame at the University of Iowa. He has enjoyed the distinction of serving on both the Missouri Humanities

The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008


giate Fraternity. In 1928, Brother Council and the Missouri State Charles H. Wesley, our first National Council on the Arts. Brother Pawley Historian, published The History has provided leadership for many of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development state and national arts organizations. in College Life. Moreover, the He has been President of the National Foundation Publishers, which was Association of Dramatic and Speech established to publish Alpha’s histoArts, the Speech Association of ry, also printed historical studies by Missouri, and the National scholars such as Brothers John Conference on African American Hope Franklin, Hugh Gloster, Theatre; and is a member of the Rayford W. Logan, and W. Sherman College of Fellows of the American Savage, who was not an Alpha. Theatre. The Fraternity’s interest in hisBrother Pawley—whose sons, tory influenced occasional pilgrimBrothers Lawrence and Thomas D. ages to historic sites during Pawley IV, are third generation General Conventions, such as members of Alpha Phi Alpha Frederick Douglass’ home in Fraternity, Inc.—has given unstintAnacosta, Washington, D.C., 1921; ing service to the Fraternity on the the abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy’s chapter, state, regional, and national Monument near St. Louis, 1922; levels. A Fraternity life member since Brother Dr. Thomas D. Pawley III the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial 1970, he was Beta Zeta Lambda’s in Boston, 1963, which commemo(Jefferson City, Missouri) “Man of rated the leader of the black 54th the Year” in 1965. He has been Massachusetts Regiment during the Civil War and the Crispus Regional Director for Central Missouri; chair of the Resolutions Attucks Monument in Boston in honor of the black man who is Committee for the 1966 General Convention in Chicago; Director of acclaimed to be the first martyr of the American Revolution; the Educational Activities; and chair of the Education Foundation. courthouse in St. Louis, 1966, where the Dred Scott decision was Brother Pawley was elected Midwestern Regional Vice President, issued in 1857 and where Brother Thurgood Marshall spoke 1975-1979. An unsuccessful candidate for General President in before the assembled Brothers about the legal battle for rights as 1980, he became National Historian in 1993. That year, he delivered American citizens, and the journey to Liberia after the 70th the Fraternal Address at the 87th Anniversary Convention in New Anniversary Convention in New York, 1976, the first black GreekOrleans. This was the second time that he had given the Fraternal letter organization to meet on the African continent. Address, as he had done so in 1977 at the 71st Anniversary Brother Pawley reminded the Brothers that the Fraternity not Convention in Atlanta. His subject on that occasion was the ritual. only commemorated history but also made history by promoting He presented a lively, informative and enlightening disquisition on the establishment of an Officers Training Camp for black officers the meaning and significance of the ritual. at Ft. Des Moines, Iowa during World War I and leading the legal His Fraternal Address in 1993 was entitled “Alpha Phi Alpha attack on racial discrimination and segregation in higher educaand American History.” He explained the Fraternity’s concern for tion in the Donald Murray case in Maryland, Brother Lloyd engaging the past that was formally expressed as early 1914, at the Gaines’ case in Missouri, Brother Lyman Johnson’s case in 7th General Convention in Chicago, which mandated that each chapKentucky, Brother Herman Sweatt’s case in Texas, and the George ter appoint a historian. The historian’s responsibility was not only to McLaurin case in Oklahoma. Moreover, Brothers Belford V. record the chapter’s history but to promote the discussion of African Lawson (General President) and Jawn A. Sandifer (General American history among the brotherhood and the local community. Counsel), argued before the Supreme Court the case of The 13th General Convention in Kansas City required The Sphinx Henderson v. Southern Railway on behalf of the Fraternity. They Magazine to include a department on “Negro History.” Brother successfully overturned segregation in dining car service. Brother William Leo Hansberry, who received a Master’s degree from Arthur Shores in Birmingham, Alabama attacked discriminatory Harvard University, studied at Oxford University, and taught African zoning ordinances and was the attorney for Autherine Lucy’s suchistory at Howard University, headed the department on “Negro cessful fight to become the first black student to enroll at the History” for The Sphinx Magazine. Alpha Phi Alpha also was conUniversity of Alabama. cerned about preserving its own history as the first black intercolle-


Spring • Summer 2008

The Sphinx:

Brother Pawley ended his address with the admonition that Alphas should not forget that the very founding of the Fraternity was an historic event and that “we owe it to the Jewels, our deceased Brothers, to ourselves and to those who have not yet seen the light to respect, revere and cherish our history and never let it ‘fade away’.� As National Historian, Brother Pawley published numerous essays, “Historical Moments,� in The Sphinx Magazine. He explained the designation of the Seventh Jewel; the Development of Our Christian Legacy; the elimination of racial restrictions on membership; the decline of honorary memberships; the heraldic emblems of the Shield and the Fraternal Design; the Fraternity Hymn; our highest Fraternity awards; the Ritual; the Great Sphinx at Giza; and the struggle to end brutality. Brother Pawley served with great distinction as National Historian until 1996, when health concerns forced him to relinquish the position. In addition to the “Historical Moments,� he developed a study guide for aspirants to review the Fraternity’s history. He also wrote and narrated a 30 minute video lecture, “The Beginnings of Alpha Phi Alpha�, that explained the origin and early development of the Fraternity. At the 90th Anniversary Convention, in New Orleans in 1996, 29th General President Milton C. Davis presented Brother Pawley with the Alpha Award of Merit, the highest honor given to a member of the Fraternity.

For the Centennial Convention, July 25-30, 2006, in Washington, D.C., Brother Pawley wrote a “Hymn to the Founders,� which was beautifully rendered by the Alpha Chorus. With his peerless poetic voice, Brother Pawley encapsulated the founding of Alpha Phi Alpha as part of the legacy of the African American struggle for freedom, as a tribute to our ancestors’ thirst for education, and as an unyielding bond of brotherhood for mutual achievement and service to mankind. His stirring words succinctly invoked the meaning of Alpha Phi Alpha as he eloquently exclaimed: They emblazed their banners with black and gold And a symbol of the land from which their forefather’s came The mystic Sphinx of Giza, a wonder to behold, Silent and majestic on Egypt’s sun scorched sands. What now they asked shall our brotherhood’s goal be? The answer they gave is our answer still: Educating youth so that free men will stay free! Brother Robert L. Harris, Jr., Ph.D., is National Historian for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and serves as Vice Provost and Professor of African American History at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.




The Sphinx:

Spring • Summer 2008


ALPHA WEEKEND IN BERMUDA ATTRACTS DIVINE NINE ORGANIZATION MEMBERS FROM THROUGHOUT U.S. AND CARIBBEAN Fraternity General President Darryl Matthews meets with Bermuda Head of State during Visit


psilon Theta Lambda Chapter recently hosted its 2008 Alpha Weekend in Bermuda. The weekend celebration, held May 22-25, coincided with the U.S. Memorial Day and Bermuda Heritage Day weekends. A primary purpose of the celebration was to allow the Fraternity’s Brothers in the U.S. a chance to travel to Bermuda and experience the hospitality and beauty of the island. General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr., his wife Allison, and Executive Director Willard C. Hall, Jr. accepted the Chapter’s invitation; and had the opportunity— along with Epsilon Theta Lambda Chapter President Diallo V. Rabain—to meet with the leader of Bermuda, Premier the Honourable Dr. Ewart Brown. The weekend began with a welcome reception on May 22 for visitors and VIP guests. About 50 fellow Greeks from the PanHellenic Council were also in attendance. Everyone from both the U.S. and Bermuda enjoyed good food, drinks, music, laughter and an all-round good time during the social gathering. Following the social, many of the participants went out and explored Hamilton, Bermuda’s main city. Epsilon Theta Lambda Brothers invited over 40 members of various step teams to Bermuda and provided them with accommodations and transportation during their visit. A condition of the teams coming to the island was that they participate in a Go-to-High School, Go-to-College community service event. Every public middle school there and one senior high school (Senior School) was visited on May 23; and a one-and-a-half hour session was conducted at the schools. The importance of finishing high school, attending and completing college was discussed at length at the visited schools. The step teams then staged demonstrations, which were enthusiastically received. One of the Alpha Step Teams—“The A-


Spring • Summer 2008

team”—while visiting at CedarBridge Academy, invited a few students on stage and taught them some simple step routines. More than 2,000 public school students participated in the activities that day. The Fraternity’s visits to the schools occurred with the assistance of the weekend’s sponsor, Digicel, who provide T-Shirts for all graduating 8th graders on the island. On May 25, the Annual Alpha Beautillion was held at the Ruth Seaton James Center for the Performing Arts. The Alpha Beautillion format in Bermuda is one where all of the high schools are asked to nominate one male senior for the program. The young men are mentored for six months in preparation for college life. The young men are exposed to community service; time management skills; resume writing; and conflict resolution. They are encouraged to work together and to learn to depend on each other. Their experience culminates in a competition. Half of the judging criteria is done prior to the performance night and is based on their deportment; attendance to the various seminars; community service; advertisement and ticket sales; and essay writing. On the night of the Beautillion, the young men are judged by a panel of independent judges on their stage presence, oratorical ability, talents and a Question & Answer session. The judges this year included the Premier of Bermuda, the CEO of Bermuda Cablevision and the Beautillion’s sponsor, BELCO (Bermuda Electric Lighting Company). Bursaries (scholarships) are awarded for use towards college tuitions. The winner of the Beautillion received a bursary of $5,000. Bursaries of $3,000 and $2,000 were awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Bursaries of $1,000 are awarded to the non-finalist participants. All of the Beaus are also flown to New York to participate in the Fraternity’s

The Sphinx:

(L-r) Brother Dr. George “Burt” McPhee and General President Darryl Matthews.

(L-r) General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr.; Bermuda Premier the Honourable Dr. Ewart F. Brown, J.P., M.P.; Executive Director Willard C. Hall, Jr.; and ETL Chapter President Diallo V. Rabain.

Leadership Development Institute (LDI), which is held every July. The expense is paid for by the funds raised from the Beautillion. One of the many highlights of the competition is the step show portion for the Alpha Beaus. This year, Brother Bryant Harrison of Rho Nu Chapter taught the Alpha Beaus their step routine. The Alpha Beaus practiced with Brother Harrison for only one-and-a-half weeks; however, they gave a rousing performance. Last year, Epsilon Theta Chapter formed a mentoring partnership with Sigma and Rho Nu Chapters of Boston. Brother Harrison’s availability was one of the benefits of that partnership. The Beautillion has far reaching effects. The 2004 Beautillion runner-up, Zuri Darrell, not only went on to become a Brother in Alpha—in addition, Brother Darrell was named the 2008 College Brother of the Year for Alpha East. Also, a major fund-raising aspect of the weekend is the Step Show! “Stomp the Beach” was to be held at a beach location with a stage set up on the sand and with the ocean in the background. However on May 24, Mother Nature did not cooperate and the heavens opened—raining out the step show. A new date for the show was set and promotion of the event began immediately after the formal Beautillion affair, with the Rho Nu Chapter presenting an exhibition. Four teams participated for the awards of Best Male and Female Step Teams. A team of Delta Sigma Theta Sorors from New York executed their routine with precision and poise. The Kappa Alpha Psi AllStars followed with arguably one of the best Kappa routines seen in Bermuda. An Alpha Kappa Alpha team “Pearlfection” from Los Angeles sizzled as they completed a flawless routine. Finally, the Alpha Phi Alpha “A-Team” from New York brought the audience to their feet with their precise and unique routine,

Epsilon Theta Lambda Chapter’s 2008 Beaus are pictured at the Annual Alpha Beautillion, held this year at the Ruth Seaton James Center for the Performing Arts in Hamilton, Bermuda.

which was filled with highly entertaining skits and props. Their finale involved stepping on tables and an A-frame step ladder. The breath-taking performance sealed their position as Best Male Step Team. The Delta team won the award for the Best Female Step Team. The weekend concluded with a celebration at the Police Recreational Club. The response from the public has been very positive and Epsilon Theta Lambda is already entertaining requests concerning Beautillion 2009 and “Stomp the Beach ‘09” (STB’09). Plans are being made now to accommodate all those who will journey to Bermuda for the 2009 event.

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GENERAL PRESIDENT DARRYL MATTHEWS NAMED AMONG EBONY’S “POWER 150” Several Other Influential Alpha Brothers also Named to List


ohnson Publishing Company’s Ebony Magazine recognized some of the nation’s most prominent African American leaders in a recent publication. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 32nd General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. was among those named as one of the top 150 most influential leaders in the U.S. today in the special feature, entitled “The New Black Power: The Next Generation of Influential Leaders Takes Its Place at the Top”. The feature, published in Ebony’s May 2008 issue, presented the magazine’s “The Most Influential Black Americans” list for the 45th consecutive year. The feature first began appearing in 1963. Several other Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers were highlighted in the feature as representing the 150 most powerful African Americans in the nation. Included among them were: Brothers Emanuel Cleaver II, U.S. Rep.–Missouri; Danny K. Davis, U.S. Rep–Illinois; Chaka Fattah, U.S. Rep.–Pennsylvania; Al Green, U.S. Rep.–Texas; Gregory Meeks, U.S. Rep.–New York; Charles Rangel, U.S. Rep.–New York; David Scott, U.S. Rep.–Georgia; Robert C. Scott, U.S. Rep.–Virginia; William H. Graves, CEO of the CME Church; McKinley Young, General Board President, AME Church; Johnathan Rodgers, CEO and President of TV One; Don Thompson, president of McDonald’s USA; Dr. John Hope Franklin, noted historian and professor emeritus of Duke University; Dr. Cornel West, author and scholar; Marc H. Morial, president of the National Urban League; Albert E. Dotson, Jr., chairman of 100 Black Men of America, Inc.; Ralph B. Everett, president/CEO of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies; Eugene Upshaw, Executive Director of the NFL Players Association; and Roland Martin, nationally syndicated columnist and CNN contributor. General President Matthews also was the subject of a subsequent feature by that cited him for having a strong, relevant and substantive presence within the local, regional and national community during his term as Alpha Phi Alpha General President, evidencing his commitment to several outreach initiatives that involved community and corporate partnerships. is a daily black news and issues website for African American professionals, which features black celebrity photos, columns, interviews and reviews. The Internet feature noted that during the Matthews Administration, the Fraternity announced a national partnership


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Darryl R. Matthews, Sr.

with Wells Fargo Financial in the launch of a national internship program. Created under the organization’s College Life to Corporate Life (C2C) “Champions of Change” national initiative, the internship program provides career opportunities in financial services to minority men and women in college. In the feature, Brother Matthews states that when afforded the opportunity, the fraternity continues to be a positive agent of change, and empowers, enlightens and reinforces the need for all persons to be the change they are looking for. Brother Matthews states that Alpha men are yesterday, today and tomorrow’s leaders, influencers, community activists, sports icons, trailblazers, businessmen, fathers, sons and mentors.

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he University of Missouri-Columbia has named its General Classroom Building in honor of Brother Dr. Arvarh E. Strickland. Brother Strickland is former president of Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter in Ann Arbor, Michigan and was the first African American professor at the University of Missouri when he began there in 1969. A Fraternity Life Member, Brother Strickland was a charter member of Gamma Upsilon Chapter at Tougaloo College in Mississippi. The professor emeritus of history had been previously honored by an endowed chair in his name, as well as a room in the school’s Memorial Union. The renaming of the building was approved by the University of Missouri Board of Curators after a combined effort by the Missouri Students Association, the Residence Halls Association and the LBC, which passed joint resolutions in support of the naming. The GCB is now officially known as the Arvarh E. Strickland building. After devoting more than 26 years of service to the University of Missouri-Columbia, Brother Dr. Strickland recently retired from his duties as a professor in the Department of History, leaving the University a far-reaching legacy of commitment, scholarship and leadership. Through his research and writing, he earned a reputation that extended beyond the University. During his tenure, Brother Strickland participated in curriculum changes at MU, where he also directed numerous dissertations on African American and Southern history. The University relied on his expertise in many areas campus-wide, as evidenced by the administrative positions he held. Largely because of him, the University significantly increased its enrollment of African American students from 642 in 1993 to 1,018 students in 1996. He was instrumental in influencing the University to establish its Black Studies Program in the early 1970s. The program offers an interdisciplinary approach to the experience of African people throughout the world. Students apply the traditional disciplines of language, literature, history, science, the

Dr. Arvarh E. Strickland

social sciences and fine arts to the complexities of the black experience. The program prepares students for a broad range of academic and professional careers relevant to the leadership and development of the black community in education, journalism, law, medicine, business, government, politics and international affairs. As a respected scholar, Brother Strickland is the author of History of the Chicago Urban League, a work considered by his peers as indispensable to understanding the African American urban experience in the 20th century. He has published in numerous journals and edited a two-volume publication of the diary of Lincoln University’s Lorenzo Greene. The 1951 summa cum laude graduate of Tougaloo College also has served on the book prize committee for the Southern Historical Association and the American Historical Association. He is a trustee of the State Historical Society of Missouri and a member of the board of directors of the Truman Library Institute. In 1993, his peers elected him to a two-year term as international president of Phi Alpha Theta, an international honor society in history. Brother Strickland received a Distinguished Faculty Award in 1995, a Faculty-Alumni Award in 1983 and the Martin Luther King Memorial Committee Award in 1982. Other honors include the Thomas Jefferson Award and the Byler Distinguished Professor Award. He and his wife, Willie Pearl, have two sons, Duane and Bruce.

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Brother Clifford Houston Elected President of the American Society for Microbiology Brother Clifford W. Houston, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Educational Outreach and holder of the Herman Barnett Endowed Professorship in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, was elected president of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). As a result, he became the first African American president in the 108-year history of the world’s largest life science organization, which has a national and international membership totaling over 43,000 scientists and health professionals. ASM’s mission is to advance the microbiological sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate the knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide. A native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and a first generation college graduate, Brother Houston has accomplished many firsts. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity through Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University as a freshman in 1969. He currently is a member of the Gamma Pi Lambda Alumni Chapter in Galveston, Texas. Brother Houston received his B.S. degree in Microbiology and


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Chemistry and his Master’s degree in Biology from Oklahoma State University in 1972 and 1975, respectively. He went on to become the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in 1979. Prior to accepting a faculty position at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), he was the first African American named as a James W. McLaughlin Postdoctoral Fellow from 1979 to 1981. Brother Houston’s research at UTMB has focused on the role that bacterial toxins play in the pathogenesis of disease. In 1987, he became the first African American faculty member to be awarded tenure. As an administrator focused on educational outreach, he participated in the Management Development Program in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University in 1994. Brother Houston is the former Deputy Associate Administrator for Education in the Office of Education at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. and the first African American to serve in that capacity. During his two-year appointment at NASA Headquarters, he also maintained his faculty and administrative positions at UTMB. At NASA, he provided day-to-day

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Clifford W. Houston oversight and guidance for three primary divisions: elementary and secondary education, higher education and informal education. The elementary and secondary and higher education divisions develop space science programs, research opportunities and networking resources for students and faculty at all education levels. The informal education division collaborates with science centers and museums to provide space science education to all ages of the general public. Brother Houston also oversaw NASA’s technology and products office, which provides technology for educational tools to support distance learning and advanced education. Some of his honors include the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring in 2000 as well as being selected to the


International Who’s Who Professional 1996 Program. He was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology in 1997 and selected for a Burroughs-Wellcome/ASM Visiting Professorship in 1999. In 1997, Dr. Houston became the first African American at the University of Texas Medical Branch to be awarded an endowed professorship. He is the first holder of the Herman Barnett Distinguished Professorship in Microbiology

and Immunology. While at NASA, he received the NASA Group Achievement Award in 2004 for exemplary contribution to NASA’s ability to build a foundation for space exploration and advance the achievement of the Vision for Exploration. An effective leader and recognized authority in biomedical sciences, Brother Houston currently serves as the chair of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for

Minority Students (ABRCMS) Steering & Planning Committee managed by ASM. A prolific author, he has published numerous articles and abstracts and has addressed prestigious audiences throughout the world. Also, he has established many educational programs and activities in the Galveston community as well as across the nation to enhance the interest of young students in mathematics and science.

Brother Don Thompson Named Black Enterprise Magazine’s Corporate Executive of the Year Brother Donald Thompson, President of McDonald’s USA, was named Black Enterprise Magazine’s Corporate Executive of the Year during a ceremony held last fall in Detroit, Michigan. He was credited with increasing profits for McDonald’s during the awards presentation. The annual award is presented to a business leader who personifies excellence in their chosen field and whose exemplary record of achievement serves to inspire future generations of African Americans. Brother Thompson has been President of McDonald’s USA, LLC, a subsidiary of McDonald’s Corp., since August 23, 2006. He serves as head of national marketing of the U.S. business of McDonald’s Corp. Prior to becoming President, he had served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of McDonald’s USA since January 2005. Brother Thompson has responsibility for the entire USA field, with the three USA Divisions at McDonald’s. He earlier served as Executive Vice President and innovation orchestration leader for McDonald’s Restaurant Solutions Group where he was

responsible for establishing, integrating and orchestrating McDonald’s innovation pipeline to drive the business. He provided system leadership to identify and capitalize on new growth opportunities, including overseeing McDonald’s Corp. concept development, R&D and menu management functions. Brother Thompson also served as President of the West Division for McDonald’s where he was responsible for 4,000 restaurants in the Western United States. He also served as President of the Midwest Division for McDonald’s, and was responsible for more than 2,200 restaurants in the Midwestern United States. Prior to that, Brother Thompson served as Senior Vice President, restaurant support officer of the Midwest Division. Before joining the Midwest Division, he served as Regional Vice President for the San Diego Region and was responsible for more than 350 restaurants in Southern California. With 40 total regions at the time, his strategic plan catapulted the section from a rank of No. 39 to No. 2 within a year. He has led a team responsible for the financial success of the 13,700 locations nationwide, and his contributions are stellar:

Don Thompson total 2006 revenues reached $7.464 billion, compared with the $6.995 billion in 2005 and $6.525 billion in 2004. In the second quarter of 2007 alone, revenues jumped 12 percent, to more than $6 billion. In presenting the 2007 Corporate Executive of the Year award to Brother Thompson, Black Enterprise Founder & Publisher Earl G. Graves, Sr. stated that Don Thompson meets every criterion that could be named for judging an executive’s capabilities, whether they are management skills, creative problem solving, Continued on following page

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or making the right decisions while in a volatile marketplace. Brother Don Thompson began his career with McDonald’s in 1990 as a restaurant systems engineer. In 1991, he was promoted to project manager and, in 1993, was named staff director for the

quality development department. From there, he became director of operations for the Denver Region. Before joining McDonald’s, Brother Thompson was an engineer specialist in the Defense Systems Division of the Northrop Corporation. He served as Director of Exelon Corp.; and

served as a member of the San Diego Ronald McDonald House Charities Board of Directors. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. Brother Thompson and his wife, Liz, have two children.

Arundel Black Chamber of Commerce. Brother Brown holds Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Ohio University. He also holds a J.D. from the University of Toledo College of Law. He is a licensed Attorney in Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania. Professionally, Brother Brown has served in several capacities at the U.S. Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C., including Assistant Administrator of the Offices of Technology and Business Development. He is the principal of Edsel M. Brown, Jr. Advisors and the franchise owner of a Liberty Tax Service located in Annapolis, Maryland. Brother Brown is a member of the Fraternity’s Eta Eta Lambda Chapter in Annapolis.

Charles Brown

abilities, we must do it right the first time and we must be accountable—because in our business of combat operations, playing for second place is not an option,” he said. Among the attendees at the ceremony were Brother Brown’s father and uncle both retired Army colonels. For Uncle Robert Brown it was the first time back in the Republic of Korea since flying an O-1 Bird Dog in the early 1960s. Colonel Brown thanked his father and uncle and everyone else in attendance, saying “This is a tremendous milestone in my Air Force career and it means a lot to have each of you share in this special day.” Brother Brown previously served as the commandant of the U.S. Air Force Weapons School, 57th Wing, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. He is a command pilot with more than 2,800 flying hours—81 of the hours in combat.

Son of Ret. Army Colonel Assumes Command of “Wolf Pack” Fighter Wing

Annapolis Attorney Appointed Maryland NAACP Chairman of Economic Development

Brother Col. Charles Brown assumed command of the 8th Fighter Wing during a change of command at Hanger 3 presided over by Lt. Gen. Stephen Wood, 7th Air Force commander. He became the 46th Wolf to command the “Wolf Pack”. Brother Brown is an experienced fighter pilot and leader. This is his second tour at the Kunsan Air Base in the Republic of Korea. His first tour was with the class of 1987-1988, his first assignment with after pilot training. He was assigned to the 35th Fighter Squadron. During the ceremony, Col. Brown highlighted his four personal tenants of leadership—to execute at a high standard, be disciplined in execution, pay attention to detail and have fun. “Regardless of our respective ranks and positions within the Wolf Pack, we must execute to the best of our

Brother Edsel M. Brown, Jr. was recently appointed Chairman of Economic Development for the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP. As Chairman of Economic Development, Brother Brown will serve on the Executive Committee and will lead the organization in guiding the state’s NAACP Branches in tackling economic development issues, including personal and family wealth building, minority business development, and economic empowerment. Brother Brown is active in the Anne Arundel community and participates in a number of organizations, including serving as a member of the Annapolis/Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce, the Annapolis Business Association and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Anne


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Louisiana Representative Re-elected to Four-Year Term in Landslide Victory Brother Roy Burrell, Louisiana State Representative and member of the Delta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, was re-elected for a second four-year term to his District 2 seat in a landslide victory. He won re-election with an 86 percent majority in his district, which is one of the largest in the state. Brother Burrell Roy was first elected to the Shreveport City Council in 1994 where he served two terms. While serving on the Shreveport Council, he chaired the powerful Audit and Finance Committee, clearing a nearly three-year backlog of un-audited claims. Brother Burrell co-authored the city of Shreveport’s Fair Share Plan for increased minority participation in government contracts. He also created Democrats 2000, a political organization designed to empower young people to get involved in the political process through campaign training; voter education and registration;


and political activism at all levels of government. In 2003, Brother Burrell was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives where he currently serves on the Criminal J u s t i c e , Commerce, and Judiciary Committees. He served on the Environmental Brother Roy Burrell Committee for two years prior to his current assignment on the Commerce Committee. Representative Burrell was selected by the Speaker of the House for the House Select Committee of Technology, a committee which reviews and manages state policies on telecommunications needs and deployment of technology. A business owner and consultant, Brother Burrell has been on several executive boards in the Shreveport/Bossier City community and has been recognized by several organizations, corporations, and government entities for his community and volunteer efforts. Brother Burrell is a graduate of the University of Louisiana at Monroe (formerly Northeast Louisiana University) with a B.S. degree in Mathematics, Pure and Applied Sciences. He is a charter member of the Fraternity’s Eta Chi Chapter and is the immediate past president of Delta Upsilon Lambda Chapter where he served four consecutive years. A two-time Alpha Man of the Year for the Delta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Brother Burrell has been instrumental in the reclamation of area Brothers and the purchase of the Chapter’s first fraternity house.

Former NFD&MA President Serves as Board Chairman for National Organization Brother Howard C. Burton began serving as Chairman of the National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association immediately after completing his 12-month term as president of the organization. At age 37, he is the organization’s youngest chief executive officer. Although it has changed names and organizational structure several times, the NFD&MA was launched in 1924. Today, its more than 2,500 members are in chapters across the United States, the Caribbean, and South Africa. The organization’s purposes include fostering research; conducting workshops and seminars; and investigating funeral practices, all designed to improve the business conditions of its members and to maintain high standards of service to the public. Brother Burton was initiated into the Fraternity through Beta Nu Chapter at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida where he received a Bachelor’s degree in business with a concentration in finance. He received his Master’s degree in Business Administration from Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama. Brother Burton focused on being a stockbroker in Tuskegee, Alabama following his mother’s passing in 1992. He later joined McKenzie’s Funeral Home, which is owned by his father and he now serves as vice president of the business. He also is president and CEO of Burton Promotional Products. He was a major vendor for several Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Centennial activities, including the Centennial Pilgrimage to Cornell and the Centennial Convention in Washington, D.C. While there is not now a noticeable decline among the

UPCOMING: CORPORATE EXECUTIVES Alpha Brothers who serve as corporate executives with Fortune 500 companies will be the subject of an upcoming issue of The Sphinx. Brothers who serve in these positions are invited to send their photos and information to The Sphinx magazine for inclusion in the special feature.

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Howard Burton funeral homes affiliated with the NFD&MA, Brother Burton says one of the organization’s objectives is to insure that African American funeral homes are here to stay and to help make them profitable. He also is concerned that most families will continue to be able to afford funerals and says preplanning is very necessary. The void in local connections with funeral homes—as original owners of funeral homes and local community leaders pass on—is troublesome for members of the NFD&MA, Brother Burton says. He does not envision chains of African American Funeral Homes because there aren’t the relationships to foster the growth. While he has completed terms as Corporate Secretary, Vice President, President-elect and President of the NFA/MA, Brother Burton has maintained ties with the East Alabama Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, which is reported to have produced more Officers and Directors than any other state in the Southeastern Region. In addition to his membership with Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in Tuskegee, Brother Burton is a member of Kiwanis Club International, Optimist International, 100 Black Men of America, and the Florida A&M National Alumni Association. He also has served as commencement speaker for the GuptonJones College of Funeral Services in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Richard Dwyer

Erik Cliette

Ronelle DeShazer

Jack and Jill of America Elects Fraternity Brother to Head Organization

Former Midwest ARVP Named Vice President with Chicago Private Equity Firm

Brother Erik A. Cliette was elected National President of the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Brother Cliette is a Fall 1985 initiate of the Fraternity through Mu Sigma Chapter at the University of Rochester. He also is past President of Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter in New York City. Brother Cliette is the Director of the Harlem Hospital Injury Prevention Program and the Director of the Urban Youth Bike Corp. He also sits on the boards of Project Health and North Presbyterian Head Start. He received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in Education from the University of Rochester. Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is a national children’s organization founded in 1938 to provide educational, cultural, civic, recreational, and social activities for youth between the ages of 2 and 19. Today, the organization has more than 218 chapters, in 35 states, united through national initiatives to enhance the quality of life for youth. In addition, Jack and Jill represents 30,000 family members who serve their community and families. The membership spans a variety of capacities to include entrepreneurs, business professionals, stay-at-home mothers, educators, attorneys, physicians and faith-based leaders with the belief that they can make a difference in the lives of children and families.

Brother Ronelle DeShazer has been promoted to Vice President of Technology and Office Operations at Code Hennessy & Simmons, a Chicago-based middle-market private equity firm. The Chicago firm has formed five private equity funds with commitments totaling over $2.5 billion and has invested in 67 platform investments. Brother DeShazer is responsible for all technical and office infrastructure matters, as well as the budgetary funding to those areas to ensure proper functionality and global support. He works with the investment team regarding technology due diligence, to assess the technical viability of potential platform companies for their portfolio. The technology due diligence is a key factor in the success of a fund, upon the entry or exit of a platform with a positive return on investment. A native of Chicago, Illinois, Brother DeShazer graduated from Benedictine University with a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Computer Science. He also holds a Master’s degree in Information Systems Management from Keller Graduate School of Management. He is listed in Who’s Who among I.T. Professionals and is a Microsoft Certified Professional. Brother DeShazer is a


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former Midwestern Assistant Vice President, Beta Class member of Alpha University and a Life Member of the Fraternity. He was initiated into the Fraternity through Pi Sigma Chapter and is a current member of Mu Mu Lambda Chapter in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. He also is an Associate Board member of The Midday Club; Alumni Board member of Benedictine University; member of the MetroBoard of the Chicago Urban League; and a member of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge Ashby B Carter #138.

U.S. Army Inductee Attends General Officer Training Course Brother Richard Dwyer was recently sworn into the U.S. Army during a ceremony at Fort Lewis, Washington. Upon receiving active duty orders, he moved to Columbus, Ohio where he was assigned to the Capital University Army ROTC program. He worked there as a Special Assignments Officer. He recently completed BOLC II training in Ft. Benning, Georgia before attending an Adjutant General Officer Basic Course in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. He is expected to graduate from the course in August. Upon completion of AGOBC, he expects to be assigned to 1 Armor Division, 2nd BCT where he will be stationed in Baumholder, Germany where he plans to become active with Theta Theta Lambda Chapter in Frankfurt. Brother Dwyer grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada where he attended the Las Vegas Academy High School. He attended Otterbein College and was initiated into the


Fraternity through the citywide Omicron Rho Chapter in Columbus, Ohio. He served as Director of Educational Activities for the undergraduate chapter. While in the position, the chapter conducted all of the Fraternity’s national programs; and co-sponsored a program with the city entitled the Mayor’s Office of the City of Columbus Youth Summit and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He graduated from Otterbein College with a BFA in design technology and attended ROTC at Capital University-Task Force Crusader. Following graduation, he moved back to Las Vegas where he served as Historian of Theta Pi Lambda Chapter in Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, he also served the Boy Scouts of America as an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 102, which is a part of the Las Vegas Area Council, Big Horn District. He is an Eagle Scout (by way of Troop 102); and plans to continue to work with the Boy Scouts and Alpha male mentorship programs in the future. He worked diligently with the Alpha Esquires in Columbus as well as (AMDOT) Alpha Men and Divas of Tomorrow in Las Vegas.

Medical Student Serves on University Admissions and Health Policy Committees Brother Okey K. Enyia is a medical student at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine where he serves on the School of Medicine Admissions Committee and the Health Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee for the Student National Medical Association (SNMA). Reared in Frankfort, Illinois and a 1995 graduate of Crete-Monee High School, Brother Enyia graduated from Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois in 1999 with a B.S. degree in Biology with an emphasis in Biochemistry. He was initiated into the Fraternity through Mu Mu Chapter at Lewis University in 1997 and is a Life Member of the organization. He currently serves as Director of Membership for the Mu Kappa Lambda Chapter in Carbondale, IL. He serves on the Political Action and Health Initiatives committees at the district level; and serves on the K-12 Education Initiative Committee on the national level. His other memberships

Okey Enyia include the Christian Medical and Dental Association, the American Medical Association, Brothers of the Academy Institute, Umu Igbo Alliance Inc., and Tuscan Lodge #44 (PHA). Brother Enyia has worked in research and development for The University of Chicago, Abbott Laboratories, Ferro Pfanstiehl Pharmaceuticals, The Dow Chemical Company, The Chicago Institute for Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch, and Baxter Healthcare Corporation. As a Research Associate for Baxter Healthcare, he presented a paper on the “Quantification of Itraconazole Polymorphs.” He also coauthored a paper entitled: “Acute Bradycardia as a Result of Intraoperative Transcranial Electric Motor Evoked Potential Stimulation” in the American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology. As an educator, he taught 7th and 8th grade math and science while serving as a computer skills instructor and life skills consultant. His most recent awards include the Basic Sciences Scholarship from the SNMA, The Dr. James E. Walker Fellowship, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois Educational Scholarship, Jesus’ Name Apostolic Church Scholarship, Alpha Kappa Alpha Education Advancement Foundation Scholarship, District of Illinois Distinguished Service Award, Iota Delta Lambda New Brother of the Year Award, and the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation Scholarship.

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Ira Foster

Macon, GA Attorney Becomes 2nd African American Named “Lawyer of Year” by Bar Assn. Brother Ira L. Foster was named Lawyer of the Year by the Macon, Georgia Bar Association. He is the second African American attorney to receive the award in the 89-year history of the Macon Bar Association. Brother Foster, a senior supervising attorney with the Macon Office of Georgia Legal Services Program, was presented with the award at the Law Day Luncheon of the Macon Bar Association. He was recognized for his commitment to the profession, his poverty law work and his ties to the community. Brother Foster is active in numerous organizations and has received several other awards for his work and community service. He is Vice President of the Georgia Alliance of African American Attorneys, a member of the Macon Bar Association, and former chairman of the Maulvin Engram Education Foundation. He is a founder and board member of the Macon/Bibb County Teen Court and was selected as an American Bar Association Foundation Fellow by the American Bar Association Foundation. In addition, he has received the Supreme Court of Georgia Chief Justice Robert Benham Community Service Award, the Austin Thomas Walden Fort Valley State University Alumni of the Year Award in

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R. Vann Graves Social Sciences, the Dublin/Laurens County Black Festival Committee Citizen of the Year, and the Dublin Housing Authority Youth Mentor Volunteer Role Model of the Year Award. A Fraternity Life Member, Brother Foster was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha through Gamma Zeta Lambda Chapter at Fort Valley State University in Fort Valley, Georgia. He currently serves as Vice President of Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter in Macon, GA; and also serves on the board of the Alpha South Education Foundation.

Fraternity Committee Chair Returns from Iraqi War to New Executive VP Position Brother R. Vann Graves accepted a position as Executive Vice President, Chief Creative Officer at UniworldGroup (UWG)—the nation’s oldest and most prestigious African Americanowned advertising agency—following his return from the war in Iraq. While in Iraq, Brother Graves served as Media Operations Officer In Charge (OIC) for the 138th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (MPAD). His personal efforts in the war resulted in the establishment of a Media Embed Section to facilitate access of national and international media to soldiers in the Northern Iraq region. During an almost eight-month absence of his unit’s First


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Sergeant and with no Executive Officer, Brother Graves assumed the duties of both positions in addition to performing his own duties. He was actively engaged by anti-U.S. Forces during his deployment and was awarded the Combat Action Badge and nominated for the Bronze Star Medal by his commander for his service. Brother Graves is Chairman of the Fraternity’s Publications Committee. He also designed the logo used by the organization to mark Alpha Phi Alpha’s Centennial Celebration in 2006, although he was unable to share in the festivities because of his deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was appointed as Publications Committee Chair following a careful review of his credentials, which included extensive experience in public affairs and advertising. For 15 years, he worked at one of the nation's top advertising agencies—BBDO New York—where he created the concept for Pepsi's current (3D) logo and was a force behind a number of popular television and print ads. As a Vice President at the agency, Brother Graves was responsible for creating successful television and print advertising campaigns for past and current clients such as Visa, Snickers, Gillette, M&M’s/Snickers, Motorola, and ATT. Brother Graves was one of 15 recipients of the 2007 ADCOLOR Awards handed out at the end of last year. NBA great Earvin “Magic” Johnson also was among the recipients who received the awards that honored diverse professionals in the advertising, marketing and media industries.

First South Alabama Univ. Internal Medicine Faculty Member is Alpha Brother Brother Johnson Haynes, Jr., MD, was the first African American faculty member in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of South Alabama where he currently practices as a Professor of Medicine and serves as Director of the University of South Alabama Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center. A native of Opelika, Alabama, Brother Haynes attended Darden High School and Opelika High School before enrolling at Tuskegee Institute where he majored in biology. He was initiated into the Fraternity through Gamma Phi Chapter in 1972.

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Johnson Haynes, Jr. He graduated from Tuskegee with high honors and entered medical school at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1975. Upon completion of medical school, he went on to become the first African American accepted into the General Internal Medicine Residency Program at the University of South Alabama. As senior resident in Internal Medicine, he was the first recipient to receive the “Victor Benator Award for Excellence in Teaching by a House Officer”. This was followed by his selection as Chief Medical Resident in the Department of Internal Medicine. After completing his year as Chief Medical Resident, he went on to complete a Clinical Fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine at the University of South Alabama. As a National Research Service Award recipient, he journeyed to the University of Colorado as a Research Fellow in the Cardiovascular Pulmonary Research Laboratory. There his basic scientific interest in acute lung injury and mechanisms of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction were nurtured and have continued throughout his professional career. In 1988, he returned to the University of South Alabama where he currently serves. Brother Haynes is a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Who’s Who in the American Thoracic Society, and has been the recipient of America’s Top Doctor Award for seven consecutive years, 2001-2007. He is a Fellow in the American College Of Physicians and Fellow in the American College of Chest Physicians. He has authored over 40


Bethew Jennings III peer-reviewed publications in major medical journals and six book chapters. He has been the recipient of several National Institutes of Health grants to study acute lung injury in sickle cell disease. He is an active member of the Fraternity’s Beta Omicron Lambda Chapter in Mobile, AL.

Intellectual Property Attorney Named Among Who’s Who in Houston Brother Bethew B. “Bert” Jennings III, employed as an intellectual property counsel for Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. and a doctoral degree candidate, has been listed in “Who’s Who in Black Houston”. Brother Jennings is responsible for managing commercial legal matters within Halliburton’s drilling, evaluation and digital solutions division— intellectual property matters related to the Jet Research Center; Slickline; and Tools, Testing and Tubing Conveyed Perforating. He began his seven-year career with Halliburton as the Intellectual Property attorney for Landmark Graphics Corp. and moved to his present role two year ago. Previously, Brother Jennings worked as an examiner for the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and as an associate for Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley, and L.L.P. shuttle software system for IBM’s federal

system division. He received his Bachelor’s degree in computer science from Morehouse College in 1991 and his Master’s degree in intellectual property from Franklin Pierce Law Center and a juris doctorate from Georgia State University, College of Law, both in 1997. Brother Jennings is a board member of the Houston Lawyers Association, a graduate of Leadership Houston and an adjunct professor at Thurgood Marshall School of Law. He taught graduate courses at Clark-Atlanta University where he then received his Master’s degree in computer science in 1998. He is a candidate for his doctorate degree in human resources development/business from Texas A&M University. A member of Omicron Pi Lambda Chapter and 100 Black Men of America, Brother Jennings chairs the African-American Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Texas. The organization represents the interest of more than 3,000 African American attorneys licensed to practice law in the state of Texas.

Joe Laymon changing contract Ford and the United Auto Workers hammered out last autumn, and was credited with maintaining Ford’s strong working relationship with the union in an era of downsizing and uncertainty. He also helped recruit Ford’s CEO in 2006. During his tenure with Ford, Brother Laymon helped develop the company’s new bonus system, which rewards employees at all levels of the company based on the same criteria. He also is credited with helping put together a series of unprecedented buyout offers that have convinced more than 30,000 hourly workers to leave Ford. Ford hired Brother Laymon in 2000. A year later, he replaced the human resources chief. Within months, he scrapped a controversial employee grading system and eliminated quotas for hiring minorities and women. Ford’s highest-ranking African American, Brother Laymon instead worked to identify and promote minority talent.

Ford’s Highest-ranking African American takes Post with Chevron Brother Joe Laymon, Ford Motor Company’s global human resources chief and a close adviser to the company’s Executive Chairman, has left his position with the Detroit automaker to take a job at Californiabased Chevron Corp. He will serve as vice president of human relations and medical services at Chevron, a leader in oil exploration and refining. Chevron is one of the world’s largest energy companies, with 59,000 employees worldwide. Brother Laymon was the chief architect of the game-





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Academy Coordinator Wins Education Grant to Improve Students’ Achievement Brother Larry Logan, coordinator at the Phillip O. Berry ACE Academy and member of Beta Nu Lambda Chapter, recently received a $5,000 National Education Association Innovation Grant to improve the academic achievement of the school’s students. Brother Logan will use the funds to further the Academy’s Six Sigma technical training program, which helps to develop student’s problem solving and statistical analysis; and to provide them with marketable skills. Students receive lectures on the Six Sigma methodology, a cutting-edge program favored by innovative companies and valued nationally to help students attain first-level certification. Applying concepts from the lectures, students participate in catapult, robotics and bridge building competitions, a school dugout construction project, and internships that investigate engineering improvement opportunities within the school or business community. Brother Logan also received a $3,000 grant from Women in The Trades (WTT) to support education for women in construction. WTT Charities, Inc. provides grants to programs assisting women entering the construction industry. Brother Logan is using the grant with several women in the school’s construction program. The students are working on design and construction of scale models, utility houses and outdoor projects to enhance their knowledge of the construction industry.

Michael McDonald

Bobby McDonald

senior year, he was elected and served as SGA President. Brother McDonald went to UW-Superior from his position as an instructor in the University Honors Program at Tennessee State University. At the same, he served on the adjunct faculty of Middle Tennessee State University. He earned his law degree from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago and a Master’s degree in public affairs from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. UW-Superior is Wisconsin’s Leading Public Liberal Arts College. A member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, UW-Superior offers more than 30 undergraduate academic programs as well as graduate, continuing education and distance learning programs.

served as President and Executive Director for the Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County since 1998. From 1993 to 1998, he was a partner of W. Davis and Associates, a manufacturers’ representative group. Prior to that, he worked for the Keds Corporation from 1991 to 1993 and from 1975 to 1980, where he held positions in sales and marketing. From 1987 to 1990, Brother McDonald was an account executive and college book store specialist for United Stationers/Micro United. Prior to that, he worked for Adidas from 1980 to 1984. His experience includes two years as an assistant basketball coach at California State University, Fullerton. Brother McDonald served in the U.S. Navy from 1965 to 1968. He is a member of the California Cultural Historical Endowment.

Legal Affairs Veteran Named Assistant to the Chancellor at University of Wisconsin Brother Dr. Michael McDonald, a veteran of legal affairs and higher education, recently was named Assistant to the Chancellor for Affirmative Action by the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Brother McDonald received an Associate in Arts degree in Law Enforcement and Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Middle State Tennessee University. He was initiated into the Fraternity through Kappa Xi Chapter at Middle Tennessee State University during his junior year in school. During his


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California Governor Appoints Alpha Brother to Community Colleges Board of Governors Brother Robert V. “Bobby” McDonald was appointed to the California Community Colleges Board of Governors by the state’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Following the appointment, he was confirmed by the state Senate for the California Community Colleges Board of Governors position and was sworn into office earlier this year. A registered Republican, Brother McDonald has

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Military Brother Elected Vice Pres. of Black Law Enforcement Organization Brother Joseph McMillan was elected Vice President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE). The organization’s purpose is to unify black police officers around the country and provide solutions to law enforcement issues and concerns, and the ever-changing needs of their commu-


nities. A member of Iota Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Brother McMillan holds a Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees. He has won various military decorations, including the Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Office and Special Investigations’ (AFOSI) Junior Non-Commission Officer of the Year Award and the Air Force Commendation Medal. Brother McMillan serves as the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Office of the Inspector General.

National Scientific Honor Society Elects Alpha Brother as Treasurer Brother Gerard McShepard was elected as the national treasurer for Beta Kappa Chi National Scientific Honor Society, making him only the third person in the organization’s history to hold the position. Beta Kappa Chi, a member of the Association of College Honor Societies, was founded in 1923 by the science faculty and students at Lincoln University in Lincoln, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the society is to encourage and advance scientific education through: (1) original investigation; (2) the dissemination of scientific knowledge; and (3) the stimulation of high scholarship in pure and applied sciences. The society has a total membership of more than 30,000 and has assets which total over $300,000. Brother McShepard is a graduate of Fisk University and was initiated through the Alpha Chi Chapter at the school. He has pursued a teaching career in research and education. He also holds a M.S. degree in Molecular Biology from Tennessee State University and is completing his Ph.D. in Biology with a concentration in Neurobiology. Brother McShepard is Professor of Biology and Natural Science at Fisk University and also has taught General Biology, Honors Biology Senior Seminar, and Anatomy & Physiology at Tennessee State University. Each summer he teaches high school biology in two summer programs at Fisk University, which focuses on preparing high school students for their first year of college. He is active in the community with numerous outreach programs. He has been a National Science Foundation Fellow at

Darrell Miller Vanderbilt University and a fellow with the Minority Biology Research Support at Tennessee State University. Brother McShepard’s Fraternity service includes being the immediate past Clarksville/Nashville Area Director. He is currently the President of Tau Lambda Chapter in Nashville, TN. His Fraternity awards include Alpha Chi Chapter Brother of the Year, Alpha Chi Chapter Brother with the Highest GPA, Tau Lambda President’s Award, Tau Lambda Chapter Brother of the Year, Tau Lambda Chapter Leadership Award, Tau Lambda Public Service Award, and the District of Tennessee KYSOS Award. He is an Honorary Member of Alpha West and a supporter of the MLK National Memorial who has donated over $3,000. He has helped coordinate the March of Dimes Walk in Nashville for several years and has served as the Advisor for Chi, Alpha Chi and Kappa Theta Chapters in Nashville, TN.

Entertainment and Sports Industry Attorney Inducted Into BESLA Hall of Fame Brother Darrell D. Miller, Esquire was inducted into the Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association Hall of Fame at the group’s 27th Annual Conference in Cancun, Mexico. BESLA provides a forum for African American attorneys, professionals and law stu-

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dents affiliated with the entertainment or sports industries to network, share information and learn about current trends and business dealings in the entertainment and sports industries. A former classically trained opera singer, Brother Miller’s path to entertainment law began in Cincinnati, Ohio where he attended the School for Creative and Performing Arts. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with honors from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Conservatory of Music. After two years performing worldwide, he returned to the U.S. with a mission to become an attorney with a firsthand grasp of what goes into being an artist and to help clients bridge the gap between their artistic vision and long-term business and creative success. He received his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center in 1990 and began his professional career in the Los Angeles office of the national law firm Lord, Bissell and Brook. He helped build the office’s entertainment law practice by serving as legal counsel for artists, directors and producers. In 1996, he launched his own practice, which grew into Miller & Pliakas in 2001 when Roger Pliakas joined the firm. In the firm, he focuses on developing synergistic multimedia and marketing strategies for clients within the motion picture, television and music industries. His firm represents notable artists such as DMX, Angela Bassett, Courtney B. Vance, Rocky Carroll, Wanda Sykes, Master P., Andre Benjamin, Ludacris and Romeo. Brother Miller served a four-year term on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences; and is Past Chairman of the Board of Governors and serves on the Executive Committee for BESLA. Brother Miller also serves as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity General President Darryl R. Matthews’ Administrative Assistant Liaison to Entertainment and Sports Industries.

Television News Reporter Wins Prestigious Awards for 10-Part School Series Brother Dedrick Russell, a WBTV News 3 Reporter and member of Beta Nu Lambda Chapter, won the National Sigma Delta Chi Award for Public Service in Television Journalism for his 10-part series entitled

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“The Troubled Ten”. The series focused on the ten worst high schools in the Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) School System and looked at the plans principals there have to improve the performance of the students. The television series also received second place in the Green Eyeshade Awards for General News Reporting. The Green Eyeshade is a Southeast Region competition sponsored by the Society for Professional Journalists. The journalism organization maintains high standards of excellence in journalism and community service through reporting.

Former Assistant School Principal Elected District Education Superintendent Brother Timothy Scott, a former assistant school principal and curriculum coordinator, was elected Superintendent of Education for the Wilkinson County (MS) School District. Brother School defeated the previous Superintendent of Education in the Democratic Primary Run-off and faced an independent candidate in the General Election. He received nearly 81 percent of the 2,685 votes cast. Brother Scott says that improving education will be his primary goal. Brother Scott has eight years of classroom experience; two years as an assistant principal and curriculum coordinator and a great rapport with parents. He is a 1991 graduate of the Wilkinson County School District where he will be the chief administrative officer and director of all public schools. He also will serve as the Executive Secretary of the County Board of Education but will have no vote on the board and no voice in setting board policy. Brother Scott received a B.A. degree in political science from Tougaloo College; a M.S. degree in elementary education from Alcorn State University, and a Master of Education degree in administration and supervision from Southern University. He has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Xi Nu Lambda Chapter since Spring 2006. He is a resident of Woodville, Mississippi.


Spring • Summer 2008

Furmin Sessoms

Cook County, IL Circuit Court Judge Chosen from Fraternity’s Ranks Brother Furmin D. Sessoms was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court as Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, 5th Sub Circuit. The appointment was made to fill the vacancy of the Honorable Bernetta D. Bush. He was recommended for the office of Circuit Court Judge by the Chicago Bar Association, Cook County Bar Association and the Black Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater Chicago. Brother Sessoms was admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1990. His experience includes serving as Executive Director of the Chicago Southside Branch of the NAACP. He served as Deputy Public Defender in the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender and is an experienced practitioner. A graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center and the University of California at Berkeley, Brother Sessoms is a member of the Editorial Board of the National Bar Association Magazine, the Cook County Bar Association, the Chicago Assembly, and he is a Life Member of the NAACP. He received the 2001 Cook County Bar Association’s Harold Washington Award for Service to the Community and the 1996 President’s Award from the Chicago Southside NAACP. Among his many accomplishments, Brother Sessoms led a coalition of civil rights organizations in 2002 to a draft fair and equi-

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Dan Sims table statewide re-map, which was submitted to the State of Illinois legislative redistricting commission. He also intervened in and won voting rights lawsuits in federal and state courts against opponents of the map. The coalition map gives African Americans the ability to elect the representatives of their choice in the State of Illinois Legislature for the next 10 years.

Georgia PTA Names Alpha Brother as Outstanding Middle School Principal Brother Dan Sims, principal of Paul D. West Middle School, was named Outstanding Middle School Principal of the Year by the Georgia PTA. The honor was given at the organization’s spring convention. Brother Sims is a member of Omicron Phi Lambda Chapter in South Fulton/Atlanta, Georgia. The Georgia PTA recognized Brother Sims for his efforts to increase parent and community support. More than 200 parent volunteers assist in the front office, media center, cafeteria, with field trips, and in classrooms. In addition, 100 percent of the school’s faculty and staff are PTSA members. Brother Sims established a “Just Drop In” program at the middle school where parents are welcomed to stop by at any time. Parent workshops also are held throughout the year to help parents better connect with the school. They


learn what is going on in the classroom and receive tips on homework, tutoring, and other academic and parenting resources. A former student of Conley Hills Elementary School, Paul D. West Middle School, and Tri-Cities High School, Brother Sims is one of only a few school administrators who work in a school only minutes from where he grew up. He was part of the middle school’s first sixth grade class when the building converted from a high school to a middle school in 1982. Nearly 20 years later, he made history again when he returned to Paul D. West as an assistant principal. He became the principal in 2003. Brother Sims’ strong connection with the community builds trust and engages parents in their child’s academic success. Recently, Brother Sims, along with some faculty and staff, went into the East Point community to talk with parents and listen to their concerns regarding the schools and their children. He plans to continue visiting targeted areas within the community to build a stronger relationship with parents who do not regularly visit the school.

EPA Deputy Chief of Staff Receives Federal Government Public Service Award Brother Ray Spears was one of a select group of Senior Executive Service (SES) administrators to receive this year’s Distinguish Executive Meritorious Award. Each year, less than 1 percent of government employees recommended for the public service award are selected by their peers and a panel of citizens who screen candidates government-wide. This year’s recipients were presented a gold pen and framed certificate signed by the President and recognizing their exceptional service, integrity, and earned public trust. Brother Spear’s award, which included a lump-sum bonus of 35 percent of his annual basic pay, recognized his relentless professionalism and the vision he contributes to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), earning him the respect of those who serve with him in his capacity as Deputy Chief of Staff. In addition to his career accomplishments, Brother Spears is a Fraternity Life Member and a Charter and

Ray Spears

Zollie Stevenson, Jr.

current member of Omicron Eta Lambda Chapter where he has held several positions since its inception. He also is a Founder and active member of OHL’s Education Foundation and remains a source of legal and inspirational guidance for the administration of numerous scholarships that the program awards to deserving high school seniors from the Washington, D.C schools. Brother Spears holds B.A. and J.D. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.

achievement and that his knowledge about the program will ensure that every child receives the high quality of education he or she deserves. In addition to his role as Title I Director, Brother Stevenson will oversee the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program; the Even Start Family Literacy Programs; the Early Reading First Program; the Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program; Enhanced Assessment Grants; and Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected and Delinquent, or At-Risk. Prior to his appointment as Acting Director, Brother Stevenson served most recently as Deputy Director of SASA programs. Before joining the U.S. Department of Education, he was the Director of Research, Assessment and Evaluation in the Baltimore City (MD) Public Schools; Research Director for the District of Columbia and Charlotte/Mecklenburg public school systems; as well as an evaluation research officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and a regional research and testing coordinator for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Brother Stevenson also has served as an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, East Carolina University, the George Washington University, the University of Maryland and Bowie State University. A native of Greensboro, NC, Brother Stevenson earned a Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Asheville, a

Fraternity Committee Chair Named Director with U.S. Dept. of Education Brother Zollie Stevenson, Jr., Ph.D. was appointed as Director of Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA) programs by the U.S. Department of Education. In the position, he will oversee the operation of the Title I program, the largest federal assistance program for elementary and secondary education in the country. Under Title I, more than $14 billion is awarded annually through formula and discretionary grants to raise the academic performance of under-performing students from low-income families. In announcing the appointment, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings said Dr. Stevenson has a proven track record of helping to raise student

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Master’s degree from North Carolina A&T State University, and a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Brother Stevenson is Chairman of the Fraternity’s Organization Effectiveness Committee.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineer in Far East Comes Under Alpha Brother’s Command Brother Col. Clarence Turner took command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District during a ceremony at Yongsan Garrison, South Korea. He replaced Col. Janice Dombi, who had served as commander since July 2004. Col. Dombi headed to San Francisco to serve as the deputy division commander for the Corps’ South Pacific Division. Brother Turner now has responsibility for more than $2.5 billion in design and construction projects—and the continuing relocation project of U.S. Forces Korea. He comes to Seoul after graduating from the Army War College in Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. During the ceremony where Brother Turner officially took command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District, he stated that he was excited about being in Korea and working with the host nation partners and the USFK. The ceremony was hosted by Brigadier General John Peabody, commander of the Corps’ Pacific Ocean Division.

John White

Walter Whitley

their network continued to get their children tested on a regular basis. Brother White currently is in New Delhi leading the launch of a new initiative to prevent parent-to-child transmission of HIV during the birth of the child and during breastfeeding. The two goals are to stop the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child and to provide universal care for all affected mothers and children in three years. In addition to this task, he is the Clinton Foundation’s point of contact with the consulting firm hired to begin assessments over the next year within four states and 15 districts for the launch of the initiative.

Morehouse Alumnus and Former Southern ARVP Working in India

LDI Program PR Director Serves with Fox-TV News Bureau in Washington, D.C.

Brother John Lee Gaston White, as one of the first participants with the Clinton Foundation, is living and working in India. The Morehouse alumnus and former Southern Assistant Regional Vice President was stationed earlier in Chennai, Tamil Nadu where he lead his team in establishing an agreement with a country-wide network of HIV positive individuals in India. The NGO, Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS, is the largest network of HIV positive men and women in India. The individuals conducted outreach work within the communities in which they lived and ensured that the parents within

Brother Walter Whitley is the Edit Coordinator for the Washington, D.C. Bureau of Fox News. A Cleveland, Ohio native who now lives in the nation’s capital, he received a B.S. degree from Boston University in Broadcasting & Film Production in 1987. Brother Whitley is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists and 100 Black Men of America. He served as 100 Black Men’s Public Relations Chair from 2003 to 2005 and was instrumental with establishing and maintaining a solid relationship between the chapter and local media. Brother Whitley also serves as a member of the

Host Committee for the successful Ummah Endowment Fund’s Annual White Attire Affair HIV/AIDS intervention campaign. As a member of the Host Committee, his efforts give testimony to the need to raise awareness of the disease and to spread the message of hope that those affected by the disease might live longer, healthier and more productive lives. He also has served as the past Donations Chair for the Emmah Endowment Fund Fashion Lives, an annual fashion show benefit to in metropolitan Washington to raise HIV/AIDS awareness. Brother Whitley is committed to the intellectual development of youth and the economic empowerment of the African American community based on precepts of respect for family, spirituality, justice and integrity. He is Public Relations Director for the Fraternity Eastern Region’s Leadership Development Institute. He also is a member of Mu Lambda Chapter and serves as Associate Editor of the Torch Newsletter.


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Texas Governor Appoints Top Advertiser to Texas Higher Education Board Brother Robert Wingo was recently appointed to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board by Texas Governor Rick Perry. As a member of the Coordinating Board, he will help oversee public community colleges, technical


MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Robert Wingo schools and universities statewide. The board approves new educational programs and works to ensure that the state is meeting goals to increase higher-education enrollment, especially among minorities. He will be the only African American member of the board. Brother Wingo also serves as Chairman Emeritus of Governor Perry’s Texas Economic Development Corporation Board. The Board oversees the state’s Texas One Program, a privately funded state economic development marketing program with an annual budget of $1.65 million. In addition, Brother Wingo was appointed by Governor Perry to his new Competitiveness Council. The Council’s mission is to find ways to make Texas more globally competitive and improve the state’s long-term economic footing. Brother Wingo is president of the El Paso-based Sanders\Wingo advertising company, which is ranked seventh among the nation’s 100 African American businesses by Black Enterprise Magazine. Also, Brother Wingo is a member of the board for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Project. He is credited with developing the first fundraising model for the project at the alumni chapter level. The model was successful in raising funds by Theta Delta Lambda Chapter in El Paso, Texas and was shared with many other chapters throughout the Fraternity. Also it was featured at a workshop that he presented at a Fraternity’s General Convention. Brother Wingo is a Fraternity Life Member and is active with Theta Delta Lambda Chapter.

Alpha Phi Alpha’s A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People Campaign has been responsible for registering countless Americans to vote; while educating them through non-partisan forums about the importance of voting and how their votes make a difference. The current economic climate; attacks on federal programs for the poor and elderly; along with issues such as healthcare and Social Security reform make it more crucial now than ever to build voting networks in our community.







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Spring • Summer 2008


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