Egg Bake Non-veg Recipes Visit here: Web :
Egg Bake An egg bake is always everyone’s all time favorite food. 1 egg is a substitute for a perfect nutrition. I am sharing a nice recipe by using egg here. Serve these lovable baked eggs for breakfast.
Ingredients •Crusty bread rolls (you can use small crusty dinner rolls) •4-5 large eggs •1/4 cup chopped mixed herbs •heavy cream Read More>>>
Egg bake Process 1. Preheat the oven to 350ยบF. Slice off top of the bread and gently remove some bread until there is a hole large enough to fit an egg. Now place the bread on a rimmed baking sheet. Reserve the top. 2. Crack those eggs into the hole of the bread if you are using small bread then use one egg for each bread, then top with some chopped herbs and a bit of heavy cream. Add some salt and pepper. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Read More>>>
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