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becomes 07774 455070 alanwesternai@gmail.com NORTHERN IRELAND WESTERN FARM ENTERPRISES supplied by Topstone Dtr: SHO Beauty VG86 HOLSTEIN & BEEF DECEMBER 2023

(Copyright x VG86 Gymnast x x VG86 Missouri x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Baby Bumble family)

Herdbook No: 60362769797

AI Code: HO7068 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.90 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.97 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.19 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.17 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.46 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.40 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.35 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.15 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.80 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.70 Foot angle Low Steep +0.29 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.76 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.30 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.59 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.20 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.07 Teat length Short Long +1.10 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.01 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.14 Temperament Poor Good +0.32 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.39 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.34 Cond Score Low High -1.15 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +778 kg Fat: +28.8 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +29.1 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £591 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -11 Lifespan in Days: +27.0 Fertility Index: +4.9 Direct Calving Ease: +0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: +1.5 SCI: £347 ACI: £462 Management Maintenance: -4.0 Mastitis: +1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.1 Calf Survival: +0.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +127 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +110
Well balanced Type & Production Sire Modern Sire stack & Deep cow family Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023
Dam: RHO Bailey VG86

(Conway x VG85 Legacy x EX90 Legendary x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Goldie family)

Herdbook No: 653214541180

AI Code: HO7066 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy


High ACI Sire +£603

Top 10 in Germany +156 gRZG

+2941 GTPI (USA)

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.02 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.37 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.56 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.08 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.04 Body Depth Shallow Deep -1.15 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.02 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.33 Rump Width Narrow Wide -1.21 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.19 Foot angle Low Steep +0.80 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.23 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.88 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.14 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.07 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.60 Teat length Short Long +0.27 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.08 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.77 Temperament Poor Good +0.00 Ease of milk Slow Fast -1.01 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.27 Cond Score Low High +0.72 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +756 kg A2A2 Fat: +41.5 kg (+0.12%) Protein: +28.8 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £719 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -11 Lifespan in Days: +128.0 Fertility Index: +7.1 Direct Calving Ease: +0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +1.8 SCI: £466 ACI: £603 Management Maintenance: -1.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.3 Calf Survival: +0.7 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.6 Healthy Cow: +188 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +3.5 Feed Advantage: +84
2nd Dam: Welcome Legendary Gale EX90
combined Fat & Protein
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Doorman x EX96-3E Goldchip x VG89 Mr Sam x 5 Gens VG/EX Dellia family)

Herdbook No: 71000120121465150

AI Code: HO4728 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

No 2 Locomotion +3.40 (UK Proven) | No 4 Feet & Legs +2.58 (UK Proven)

No 1 Proven Type Germany +139 RZE

Top 20 Proven Type +1.84 (UK Proven)

Dam - DH Gold Chip Darling EX96 - EX97-MS

Ptit Coeur Doorman
Type Conformation Reliability 92% 157 UK Daughters in 54 UK Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.84 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.97 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.58 Stature 136cm 160cm +2.07 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.27 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.63 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.62 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.76 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.75 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.05 Foot angle Low Steep +0.28 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.46 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.05 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.33 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.38 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.06 Teat length Short Long +1.97 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.04 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.37 Temperament Poor Good -0.38 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.13 Locomotion Poor Excellent +3.40 Cond Score Low High -0.30 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +209 kg A2A2 Fat: -7.0 kg (-0.18%) Protein: +4.5 kg (-0.03%) UK Daughters/Herds: 263 / 92 (97% Rlb) PLI: £105 (92% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -25 Lifespan in Days: +85.0 Fertility Index: -1.0 Direct Calving Ease: -1.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.5% TB Advantage: +6.2 SCI: £-26 ACI: £72 Management Maintenance: +15.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.8 Calf Survival: -0.6 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.8 Healthy Cow: +150 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +0.1 Feed Advantage: -77
Daughter: Darlingo RS Icekonigin VG87
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Letsgo x EX90 Silver x VG86 Doorman x 9 gens VG/EX Dams Blackstar Raven family)

Herdbook No: 7236990675077

AI Code: HO7065 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.96 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.20 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.58 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.16 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.16 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.33 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.56 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.95 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.23 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.79 Foot angle Low Steep +0.50 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.97 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.18 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.70 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.12 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.96 Teat length Short Long +0.19 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.21 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.21 Temperament Poor Good +0.76 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.98 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.73 Cond Score Low High -0.41 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +512 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +19.8 kg (-0.01%) Protein: +23.5 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £483 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -17 Lifespan in Days: +70.0 Fertility Index: +2.4 Direct Calving Ease: -1.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.4% TB Advantage: +2.0 SCI: £260 ACI: £376 Management Maintenance: +9.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: +0.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +143 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: +15
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023
Dam: Dotti Silver Atolla VG89


(Hanans 31753 x EX92 Diamondback x EX97 O'Kaliber x 7 Gens EX Dams Kamps Hollow Altitude Family)

Herdbook No: 650003221166144

AI Code: HO7534 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

2nd Dam is International phenomenon Erbacres Shakira EX97 Shakira was Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021 and 2023!

The only cow in North America to complete 3 consecutive generations EX96 or EX-97 Unique

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.59 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.21 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.58 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.59 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.18 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.57 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.07 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.29 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.43 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.88 Foot angle Low Steep +1.10 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.67 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.74 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.67 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.19 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.30 Teat length Short Long +0.09 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.05 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.77 Temperament Poor Good +1.02 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.60 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.38 Cond Score Low High -0.35 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +130 kg Fat: +12.7 kg (+0.09%) Protein: +8.2 kg (+0.05%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £240 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -10 Lifespan in Days: +73.0 Fertility Index: -3.1 Direct Calving Ease: -1.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +2.1 SCI: £101 ACI: £201 Management Maintenance: +12.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: +2.4 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +105 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +1.0 Feed Advantage: -38
2nd Dam: Erbacres Snapples Shakira EX97
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023
Show type sire


(McDonald P Red x GP83 Solitair P x VG87 Pace Red x 8 gens VG/EX Dams Ralma Juror Faith EX91 family)

Herdbook No: 600001406595449 AI Code: HO7913 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

No 1 PP Udders +2.92 (UK & Int) |

No 3 PP Type +2.14 (UK & Int)

Top 20 Locomotion +2.27 (UK & Int)

No 1 Polled Type sire in Germany +150 gRZE

Top 10 Red Polled in Germany +148 gRZG

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.14 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.93 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.17 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.42 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.67 Body Depth Shallow Deep -1.10 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.73 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.51 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.31 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.33 Foot angle Low Steep +1.23 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.56 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.64 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.57 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.74 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.67 Teat length Short Long -0.44 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.62 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.13 Temperament Poor Good +0.71 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.65 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.27 Cond Score Low High -0.62 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +469 kg Fat: +26.4 kg (+0.09%) Protein: +18.5 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £496 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +98.0 Fertility Index: +1.6 Direct Calving Ease: +0.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: +0.0 SCI: £283 ACI: £403 Management Maintenance: +6.8 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.7 Calf Survival: +1.1 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.5 Healthy Cow: +201 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +1.9 Feed Advantage: -25
2nd Dam: RS Carmen VG87
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Pursuit x VG85 Marius x VG85 Duke x 9 Gens VG/EX Ellen family)

Herdbook No: 650003209641708

AI Code: HO6846 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 57% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.52 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.60 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.97 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.34 Chest Width Narrow Wide +2.26 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.51 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.21 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.09 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.28 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.10 Foot angle Low Steep +0.65 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.81 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.12 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.98 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.28 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.34 Teat length Short Long -0.02 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.91 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.70 Temperament Poor Good +0.72 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.35 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.06 Cond Score Low High +1.33 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +863 kg Fat: +45.1 kg (+0.11%) Protein: +31.2 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (74% Rlb) PLI: £647 (68% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -21 Lifespan in Days: +73.0 Fertility Index: -1.5 Direct Calving Ease: -0.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: +3.8 SCI: £298 ACI: £443 Management Maintenance: +24.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: -0.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.0 Healthy Cow: +112 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.0 Feed Advantage: +13
No 1 Pursuit son for body depth, chest width and overall production! +76.3 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Tremendous strength +2.26 Chest Width
GTPI +2919 (USA) Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Ranger Red x GP84 Riveting x Salvatore x 8 gens VG/EX Dams Bomaz Lancelot 3410 VG85 family)

Herdbook No: 63000947702687

AI Code: HO7743

No 5 Red PLI £733 (UK & Int)

No 7 Red Udders +2.26 (UK & Int)

No 6 Red Type +2.09 (UK & Int)

Elite Ranger red son from the Bomaz Lancelot 3410 VG85 family!

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.09 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.26 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.31 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.84 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.92 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.23 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.42 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.81 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.55 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +1.61 Foot angle Low Steep -0.87 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.75 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.95 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.27 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.31 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.32 Teat length Short Long -0.32 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.20 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.59 Temperament Poor Good -0.03 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.07 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.63 Cond Score Low High -0.05 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +897 kg A2A2 Fat: +28.0 kg (-0.09%) Protein: +31.5 kg (+0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £733 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -28 Lifespan in Days: +156.0 Fertility Index: +6.9 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.3% TB Advantage: +1.2 SCI: £388 ACI: £558 Management Maintenance: +10.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.4 Calf Survival: +1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.6 Healthy Cow: +273 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.3 Feed Advantage: +65 Bull: Promise Red
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Radar x VG85 Dream P x VG87 Kerrigan x 11 Gens VG/EX Sully Shottle May family )

Herdbook No: 60363070385

AI Code: HO7060 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.11 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.97 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.72 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.23 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.80 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.26 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.25 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.66 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.11 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.96 Foot angle Low Steep -0.45 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.84 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.08 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.10 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.85 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.88 Teat length Short Long +0.82 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.88 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.12 Temperament Poor Good +0.40 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.03 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.06 Cond Score Low High +0.18 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +431 kg Fat: +14.6 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +20.9 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £401 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -9 Lifespan in Days: +79.0 Fertility Index: +1.2 Direct Calving Ease: -1.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +3.0 SCI: £213 ACI: £314 Management Maintenance: +6.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.7 Calf Survival: -1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.1 Healthy Cow: +100 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.0 Feed Advantage: +27 Bull: Rastor P No 5 Polled Type Sire +2.11 No 3 Polled Udders +2.97 | Top 20 Overall No 2 Polled Type Sire in Germany +135 gRZE +3392 LPI Canada Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Lariat x VG85 Resolve x VG85 Rubicon x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero family)

Herdbook No: 653216569383 AI Code: HO7067 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 51% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.44 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.86 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.71 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.02 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.53 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.55 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.01 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.21 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.06 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.08 Foot angle Low Steep +1.08 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.64 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.97 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.32 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.38 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.19 Teat length Short Long +0.05 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.21 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.87 Temperament Poor Good +0.17 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.68 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.55 Cond Score Low High +1.16 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +833 kg Fat: +38.9 kg (+0.06%) Protein: +33.4 kg (+0.07%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £757 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -13 Lifespan in Days: +131.0 Fertility Index: +3.5 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.5% TB Advantage: +1.8 SCI: £438 ACI: £587 Management Maintenance: +3.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.3 Calf Survival: +0.9 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +171 Gestation Length: +1.0 Envirocow: +3.8 Feed Advantage: +119 Dam: BGP Resolve Debra VG85
PLI (UK & Int) Production and Health trait specialist +72.3 Kg's Combined Fat & Protein +2882 GTPI (USA) Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Peak Rover x VG86 Aristocrat x VG85 Dynamo x VG88 Battlecry from the Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious EX94 family )

Herdbook No: 60000364485805

AI Code: HO7916 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Bull: Robocop

Top 20 Udders +2.96 (UK & Int)

Top 10 sire in Germany +157 gRZG

Elite Type sire with +1.72 Body Condition Score +2951

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.70 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.96 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.43 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.45 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.83 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.38 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.47 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.04 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.71 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.17 Foot angle Low Steep +0.33 Fore udd att Loose Tight +3.60 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.84 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.72 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +3.52 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.40 Teat length Short Long -0.48 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.59 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.12 Temperament Poor Good +0.54 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.23 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.29 Cond Score Low High +1.74 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +999 kg Fat: +37.5 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +34.8 kg (+0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £715 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -15 Lifespan in Days: +113.0 Fertility Index: +3.0 Direct Calving Ease: +0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.7% TB Advantage: +0.6 SCI: £356 ACI: £508 Management Maintenance: +20.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.3 Calf Survival: +0.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.3 Healthy Cow: +183 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +21
GTPI (USA) | 3465 LPI (CAN) Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Peak Notice x GP81 Pursuit x Hotline x 10 Gens VG/EX Dams Larcrest Cosmopolitan family)

Herdbook No: 71004409707935

AI Code: HO5555 Source: Holstein Uk and AHDB Dairy



Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.73 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.71 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.61 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.39 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.41 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.03 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.50 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.28 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.54 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.06 Foot angle Low Steep -0.02 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.78 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.80 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.51 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.19 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.84 Teat length Short Long +0.26 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.75 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.54 Temperament Poor Good +0.94 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.29 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.67 Cond Score Low High +0.20 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +666 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +32.0 kg (+0.06%) Protein: +32.8 kg (+0.12%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £713 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -9 Lifespan in Days: +134.0 Fertility Index: +8.5 Direct Calving Ease: +0.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: +2.0 SCI: £474 ACI: £619 Management Maintenance: +5.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.8 Calf Survival: +2.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.1 Healthy Cow: +199 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.3 Feed Advantage: +27
Bull: Smith P
Kg's combined Fat & Protein
PLI with +0.12% Protein
maintenance | High Health A2A2 & Kappa Casein BB Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Salvatore x VG87 Atwork x VG87 Detox x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams (7EX) Aiko family)

Herdbook No: 60770599024

AI Code: HO5525 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

No 3 Proven Type sire +2.86 (UK & Int)

No 3 Proven Feet & Legs +3.04 (UK & Int)

Top 10 Proven Udders +3.01 (UK & Int)

No 2 Proven Locomotion +3.68 (UK&Int)

Type Conformation Reliability 76% 448 Daughters in 233 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.86 Mammary Poor Excellent +3.01 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +3.04 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.52 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.04 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.25 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.09 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.58 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.36 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.12 Foot angle Low Steep +0.89 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.96 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.82 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.23 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.34 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.21 Teat length Short Long +1.40 Rear teat pl Apart Close -1.84 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.83 Temperament Poor Good +0.71 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.58 Locomotion Poor Excellent +3.68 Cond Score Low High +0.23 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +508 kg Fat: +18.6 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +12.9 kg (-0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 975 / 494 (92% Rlb) PLI: £536 (85% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -28 Lifespan in Days: +183.0 Fertility Index: +7.4 Direct Calving Ease: -0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.3% TB Advantage: +0.2 SCI: £295 ACI: £436 Management Maintenance: +5.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.4 Calf Survival: +1.8 Dairy Carcase Index: -1.0 Healthy Cow: +329 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: +18
Daughter: Baarlinger Red Rose VG88
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Altazazzle x GP81 Pursuit x Hotline x 10 gens VG/EX dams Larcrest Cosmopolitan family)

Herdbook No: 710002930406097

AI Code: HO7636 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Elite Longevity +134 days

Top Envirocow score +3.5

+72.2 Kg's combined Fat & Protein

Robot suitable | No hole linear

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.19 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.65 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.95 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.78 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.30 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.88 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.38 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.28 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.64 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.11 Foot angle Low Steep +0.88 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.23 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.47 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.53 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.90 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.20 Teat length Short Long +0.14 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.13 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.31 Temperament Poor Good +0.43 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.59 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.72 Cond Score Low High -0.17 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +773 kg Fat: +40.4 kg (+0.10%) Protein: +31.8 kg (+0.07%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £751 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -18 Lifespan in Days: +134.0 Fertility Index: +2.8 Direct Calving Ease: -0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.5% TB Advantage: +2.9 SCI: £430 ACI: £586 Management Maintenance: +8.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.2 Calf Survival: +1.9 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.1 Healthy Cow: +211 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.5 Feed Advantage: +56
Bull: Starboy
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023

(Taos x Rome x EX90 Legendary x 8 VG/EX Dams Goldie family )

Herdbook No: 653214541108

AI Code: HO7061 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Top 20 in Germany +149 gRZG

+2928 GTPI (USA) | £694 PLI (UK)

+68.2 Kg's combined Fat & Protein

Elite combination of health and production

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.94 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.69 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.58 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.88 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.81 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.00 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.28 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.84 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.93 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.87 Foot angle Low Steep +0.54 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.48 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.24 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.57 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.75 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.33 Teat length Short Long +0.12 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.03 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.27 Temperament Poor Good +0.20 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.55 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.51 Cond Score Low High +1.12 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +915 kg A2A2 Fat: +39.0 kg (+0.02%) Protein: +29.2 kg (-0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £694 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -15 Lifespan in Days: +113.0 Fertility Index: +9.6 Direct Calving Ease: -1.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: -0.7 SCI: £391 ACI: £543 Management Maintenance: +12.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.2 Calf Survival: +0.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.0 Healthy Cow: +211 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.0 Feed Advantage: +35
2nd Dam: Welcome Legendary Gale EX90
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Topshot x GP82 Silver x VG85 Supersire x 14 Gens VG/EX Dams Biffy family)

Herdbook No: 60001405290977

AI Code: HO5724 Source: AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK

Early Proven Topshot Son

Elite package of Type and Production

15 generations of VG/EX Dams

Elite components

Type Conformation Reliability 87% 58 UK Daughters in 18 UK Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.39 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.67 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.60 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.55 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.62 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.30 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +2.37 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.90 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.62 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +2.16 Foot angle Low Steep -1.70 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.21 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.65 Udder supp Broken Strong +2.41 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.62 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.45 Teat length Short Long +0.86 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.49 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.25 Temperament Poor Good +0.23 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.91 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.21 Cond Score Low High -0.57 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +402 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +28.4 kg (+0.14%) Protein: +24.8 kg (+0.13%) UK Daughters/Herds: 122 / 40 (97% Rlb) PLI: £466 (91% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -13 Lifespan in Days: +34.0 Fertility Index: +2.0 Direct Calving Ease: -0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +2.8 SCI: £301 ACI: £389 Management Maintenance: +14.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.6 Calf Survival: -2.1 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.7 Healthy Cow: +88 Gestation Length: -4.0 Envirocow: +1.8 Feed Advantage: -65
Daughter: Topmodel H.O Wilma GP84
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Topshot x VG85 Rubicon x GP83 Aikman x 11 gens VG/EX Dams Prudence family)

Herdbook No: 63000715952290

AI Code: HO6100

Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Top 10 Proven PLI £698 (UK & Int)

No 1 Proven sire in Germany +150 RZG Perfect freestall cows from the Mark Prudence EX95 family

Type Conformation Reliability 78% 1978 Daughters in 550 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.59 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.92 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.56 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.64 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.39 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.24 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.51 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.31 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.35 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.12 Foot angle Low Steep +0.41 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.13 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.60 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.81 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.15 Front teat pl Outside Close -1.19 Teat length Short Long -0.44 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.85 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.21 Temperament Poor Good -1.93 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.01 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.79 Cond Score Low High +1.43 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +971 kg KCBB+ Fat: +33.7 kg (-0.06%) Protein: +31.6 kg (+0.00%) Daughters/Herds: 5524 / 1502 (89% Rlb) PLI: £698 (85% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -21 Lifespan in Days: +113.0 Fertility Index: +4.6 Direct Calving Ease: -1.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: +0.4 SCI: £393 ACI: £541 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.1 Calf Survival: +0.7 Dairy Carcase Index: +2.3 Healthy Cow: +195 Gestation Length: -3.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +81
Daughter: Godja VG86
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023


(Roman RF x GP83 Jayvano x VG87 Mega-Star)

Herdbook No: 71005356775438

AI Code: HO7639 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Top 15 Red Udders +1.94 (UK&Int)

Positive components

Perfect for Robot systems

Sloping rumps

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.40 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.94 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.23 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.88 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.55 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.33 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.10 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.61 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.18 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.15 Foot angle Low Steep +0.40 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.84 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.99 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.01 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.72 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.61 Teat length Short Long +0.14 Rear teat pl Apart Close -1.02 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.37 Temperament Poor Good +0.26 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.65 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.37 Cond Score Low High +0.49 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +572 kg A2A2 Fat: +25.0 kg (+0.02%) Protein: +21.4 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £547 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +82.0 Fertility Index: +0.0 Direct Calving Ease: +0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +0.7 SCI: £277 ACI: £410 Management Maintenance: +11.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.7 Calf Survival: +3.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.3 Healthy Cow: +196 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +2.2 Feed Advantage: +37
Bull: Tyson Red
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: December 2023

MASTER duBouchelet

BEL000153843645•GermanReg No 10203265 born:01/11/2016



ScenariodesCroix-dames BE155861691

PeurduBouchelet BE128078123

JokerdeFooz BE361472736

MouchettedesCroix-dames BE692075789

ManitoudeBelleEau 201589BE987833140

BirthWeight -kg Weight12months 503kg Size12months 118cm Height 75 Muscle 89 Type 83 FinalPoints 86 CalvingEase(%ofunassistedbirths/no ofoffspring) Crossbredoffsprings 97/612 wwwsyneticsworld
Laquee BE260759830 BelgianBlue
/ Reference : 06/2023 NOOP FR1217131477 2017-10-15 DROOPY UGO ORMEAUX LINA 95561 2080 BERLUSCONI 9079 HANNITA VALCHOC CHAPLIN LEILA 5036 DIMITRI JENNY BL VF23 1 CALVING EASE IFNXT Cross breed Calving ease 109 0.99 BL VF23 1 BEEF CALVES BEEF ABILITIES IN FARM ICRCvbf Carcass growth 100 0.97 CONFvbf Carcass conformation 130 0.98 COULvbf Meat color 109 0.95 IABvbf Total merit for beef abilities 121 0.97 IABvbf € Economic proof for beef abilities 81
122 0 87
Cross breed Calving ease
78 0 82
114 0 82
Early muscularity
of the calves at 3 weeks Calf size at 3 weeks
R e f e r e n c e : 0 8 / 2 0 2 3
Fine bones at 3 weeks

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