1900 - 2020
Year in Review
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Summer 2020 8 Industry News Adoption of the 2022 Edition of the National Construction Code (NCC) Will Be Delayed PICAC Beenleigh – Expanding for the Future National Dictionary of Building and Plumbing Terms Digital Probe Flushes Out Unlawful Plumbing Work
10 Technical
17 11 Gas Requirements for Gas System Installation Gas Standards Published
14 Year in Review 16 Apprentices
6 Executive
Apprenticeships – Developing Skills for Tomorrow’s Plumbers
7 Licensing Mechanical Services Employees – Are You on Track to Meet Licensing Requirements Changes for Occupational Licences
Subscribe Want to receive your own copy of the Master Plumber publication? Email advertising@mpaq.com.au with your name and postal address to receive future issues of the Master Plumber magazine.
Plumbing Apprentices Queensland
Apprentice Training – Employer Responsibilities
18 Workplace Relations PUBLISHED BY Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland 243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 P: 07 3273 0800 F: 07 3273 0873 E: info@mpaq.com.au W: www.mpaq.com.au THE TEAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Penny Cornah P: 07 3273 0800 E: penny.cornah@mpaq.com.au EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Ashleigh Stonehewer P: 07 3273 0800 E: ashleigh.stonehewer@mpaq.com.au DESIGN PrintPublish P: 1300 98 94 91 E: info@printpublish.com.au PRINT Printcraft P: 07 3291 2444 E: marketing@printcraft.com.au
Editor’s Note Welcome to the Summer edition of the Master Plumber Magazine! As we prepare to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome a new year, I’ve been reflecting a lot on how this year has been completely unexpected. In the Editor’s Note in the first edition of the year, we said “2020 is set to be another big year for MPAQ and the industry as a whole”, and this was true in ways we could never have guessed. While we haven’t been able to get out and meet our members in person as much as we would have liked this year to celebrate MPAQ’s 120-year anniversary, that we’ve made this milestone and managed to see out such an unprecedented year together as an industry is something to be celebrated. The commitment of our members not only this year but for the last 120 years has allowed MPAQ to continue its work as the peak plumbing industry body, lobbying on behalf of our members and helping their business prosper through the highs and lows. This edition is dedicated to our members, past and present. As we wrap up our 120 year celebrations, we thank you for your ongoing commitment and look forward to continuing to support the industry and, most importantly, our members through whatever challenges come next. Also in this edition, we review the achievements and successes that MPAQ has had this year (page 14), look at ways businesses can succeed
in 2021 (page 24), and highlight employer responsibilities for apprentice training (page 17). On page 17 we also introduce an exciting new venture that MPAQ is a part of, Plumbing Apprentices Queensland (PAQ), which is a group training scheme that will help support the introduction of new talent to our industry. Make sure you read this page to learn more. Congratulations to all members reaching milestones in this edition, and a warm welcome to our newest members. I hope you have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Happy Reading!
19 Men’s Health 22 Business 26 Product News 28 Social 30 MPAQ Members 34 Milestones 36 Member Benefits
38 New Members
39 Supporters
MPAQ COUNCIL PRESIDENT Kent Vickers P: 0418 883 999 E: kvickers@qigs.com.au
TRUSTEES Bill Watson AM P: 07 3273 2333 E: bill@connectorsgroup.com.au Bob Kimlin P: 07 4772 6308 / 0419 744 383 E: bobk@live.com.au
VICE PRESIDENTS Don Nunn P: 0418 717 470 E: dgnunn1950@gmail.com Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: info@rpgs.com.au
LIFE MEMBERS G Cottee, F Huysing, MJ Moor, T Morris, J Porter, NF Sharman, BD Wallace, WB Watson AM, R Kimlin, R Weaver
PAST PRESIDENT Kelvin Slade P: 0417 787 284 E: sales@sladebrosplumbing.com.au
MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEMBERS A Chapman, T Morris, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, M Wilshere, D Nunn, J Ritchie
TREASURER John Salmon P: 07 3862 2777 E: john@salmonplumbing.com.au COUNCILLORS Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: admin@yarrowplumbing.com.au Michael Ryan P: 07 3630 4744 E: mryan@beavisbartels.com.au Sam Hannant P: 0405 647 046 E: sam@yesfire.com.au Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: h.gall@laserplumbing.com.au Ben Crew P: 0400 364 665 E: ben@bcprojectindustries.com
DISCLAIMER Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.
PERSPECTIVE 2020 has been an eventful year for everyone, and as the year comes to a close it is a great time to reflect on the resilience our industry has shown.
Penny Cornah, Executive Director
The State election for 2020 has been decided and the Australian Labour Party (ALP) were successful in being re-elected. MPAQ would like to congratulate the government and look forward to continuing to work with them.
Prior to the election MPAQ highlighted our key priorities to all major political parties to request support for the following:
• Support for employers to take on apprentices. • Implementing a compulsory professional development program. • Security of payment laws implemented including the removal of unfair terms. • Roofing and stormwater to be licensed work. • Improvements to fire protection licensing and future compliance at QBCC. The ALP provided correspondence prior to the election noting the following: • Provided $10 million in Skilling Queenslanders for work program. • Will progress the framework for consideration by government without delay.
• Commitment to deliver a national leading project trust account reform. • Committed to considering the need for a licensing framework for roofing and stormwater through a Ministerial Construction Council sub committee. • Work with industry to ensure the QBCC is properly resourced to deliver the new fire protection licensing framework and able to deliver effective compliance and enforcement. The Premier announced her ministerial appointments. Please see below a list of Ministers that MPAQ will be working with: • The Hon. Mick de Brenni MP – Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement • The Hon. Leeanne Enoch MP – Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy, and Minister for the Arts. • The Hon. Di Farmer MP – Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development • The Hon. Scott Stewart MP– Minister for Resources • The Hon. Yvette D’ath MP– Minister for Health and Ambulance Services • Lance McCallum MP – Assistant Minister for Hydrogen Development and the 50% Renewable Energy Target for 2030 MPAQ looks forward to working with the government for the betterment of the plumbing and gas industry. Thank you to each and every member for your support this year. I wish you and your family a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I look forward to catching up with members in the new year. To contact me please call 07 3273 0800 or email penny.cornah@mpaq.com.au.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The year in review...
Kent Vickers, President
Welcome to the final magazine for 2020, and what a year it’s been. So much has happened from catastrophic bush fires in January to a worldwide pandemic, savage afternoon thunderstorms producing the largest hail in Queensland history, and a state election that delivered a win to the Australian Labour Party (ALP). In one way or another, we have all been
affected by the events of 2020. Although we haven’t been out socialising at events as usual, MPAQ has certainly achieved some great milestones regardless of the COVID-19 restrictions. 2020 has given us the opportunity to celebrate the establishment of MPAQ on 17 May 1900 some 120 years ago. We have partnered and opened the new Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre of Excellence at Beenleigh. We have supported our charity This Is A Conversation Starter (TIACS) to the tune of $6,500, and most significantly we have maintained and increased our membership numbers throughout the pandemic. The support provided to our members and our industry by the staff, our Executive Director, and the board has been nothing short of amazing. We need to remember that there was no precedent to follow. Our Executive Director and her staff have performed an extraordinary job to
maintain our association’s membership and relevance in the Queensland plumbing industry. Penny and her staff must be congratulated for her leadership and their enthusiasm to serve our members and ensure the advocacy of our members is achieved. It is great to mention the highlights of 2020, but there have also been some negatives. MPAQ had more than 50 events planned to celebrate our 120-year milestone anniversary, and all bar a handful of these were forced to be cancelled. COVID-19 put a stop to the MPAQ staff and board visiting the regions for our regular golf days, forums, and regional tours and meetings. I hope that in 2021 most of these activities will return, and we can catch up with some of our regional and country members. Thank you to all of our regional members for their support during this period and apologies for not being able to visit you. Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland has been the voice of the Queensland plumbing industry for 120 years and with the continued support of our members, we will be here for another 120 years. We have a phenomenal reputation at all levels of government and possess the ability to be heard and recognised as the leading member-based plumbing association in Australia. MPAQ is in a strong position for the run into 2021, and I know you will all join us and support the association that supports you. On behalf of myself, the Board, the Executive Director, and the staff of MPAQ, I would like to wish you all a happy, safe, and prosperous Christmas and New Year. Rest up, make some new memories, and I’ll see you all on the flip side.
Life’s good!
CHANGES FOR OCCUPATIONAL LICENCES When the licensing functions for plumbing and drainage licensees were transferred to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), administrative arrangements were introduced to ensure that plumbers and drainers were issued the appropriate licence for the building work they were performing. As of 1 October 2020, these administrative arrangements are clarified through legislative changes to the definition of ‘occupational licence’ under the QBCC Act to include licences issued under an Act prescribed by regulation. The QBCC Regulation currently provides that homeowners can carry out building work up to a value of $11,000 without the need for a licence, unless the work being carried out requires an occupational licence. It is also proposed to amend the regulation to allow individuals who hold the relevant occupational licence to carry out work on their own property, up to a value of $11,000. These changes help plumbers and drainers by: • Clarifying that occupational licensees do not require a site supervisor, nominee supervisor, or contractor licence to supervise relevant work on behalf of a contractor; and • Allowing individuals who hold the relevant occupational licence to carry out work on their own property, up to a value of $11,000. For more information, MPAQ members can call 07 3273 0800.
MECHANICAL SERVICES EMPLOYEES – ARE YOU ON TRACK TO MEET LICENSING REQUIREMENTS? Employees who perform mechanical services work for a licensed contractor must hold the relevant occupational licence by 1 January 2022. Contractors who hold a mechanical services licence and have employees are encouraged to discuss licensing requirements with them. Although the deadline seems a long way off, we encourage those employed in mechanical services work to review the licensing requirements now to ensure they have the required qualifications in time to be licensed by 1 January 2022. Any additional training that is needed should be considered as soon as possible. The good news is that the eligibility criteria have been expanded, which may make it easier to use your skills and experience to qualify for a licence under the alternative qualification pathways. If you’re applying for a Mechanical Services – Plumbing occupational licence, and have six months’ relevant experience in mechanical services – plumbing work, you can now use a plumbing apprenticeship or a PD Act Water Plumber – Water and Sanitary licence to qualify under the alternative pathway. The new licensing framework for mechanical services work was established on 1 January 2020 to address the significant health and safety risk posed by incorrectly installed or maintained mechanical services systems such as heating, air-conditioning, and medical gas systems. Licensing for mechanical services trades has been changed to reflect the important and specialised skills involved in this work. Learn more about mechanical services licensing, including technical qualifications, experience requirements, and alternative qualification pathways at www.qbcc.qld.gov.au. Apply for a mechanical services licence via my.qbcc.qld.gov.au.
Option 1: QBCC Plumbing & Drainage Licence NOT OCCUPATIONAL
Option 2: Plumbing Apprenticeship
Option 3: PD Act Water Plumber – Water & Sanitary ONLY OCCUPATIONAL
Article supplied by Queensland Building and Construction Commission. MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
ADOPTION OF THE 2022 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CODE (NCC) WILL BE DELAYED Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has presented a variety of significant challenges for the building industry, regulators, and consumers, Building Ministers have agreed to a fourmonth delay to the adoption of NCC 2022. NCC 2022 is now expected to be adopted by states and territories from 1 September 2022. The delayed adoption will also see adjustments to key dates in the amendment cycle process for NCC 2022 to allow stakeholders time to participate. These adjusted dates include: • May – July 2021: NCC 2022 Public Comment Draft released for public consultation • May 2022: NCC 2022 Preview published at ncc.abcb.gov.au If you have any questions regarding the delayed adoption of NCC 2022, please submit an online enquiry at www.abcb.gov.au/ABCB/Contact-Us.
2021 NCC SEMINARS The Australian Building Codes Board will again be delivering its annual NCC Seminars in 2021. The Seminars are expected to be held in each capital city during May next year. Booking and registration information will be available in early 2021. Login to ncc.abcb.gov.au/ncc-online/NCC and ensure your communication preferences are up to date to receive further information when it becomes available. Article source: Australian Building Codes Board – www.abcb.gov.au.
PICAC BEENLEIGH – EXPANDING FOR THE FUTURE On 20 August 2020, the Queensland State Government announced a grant of $20 million towards the construction of the Queensland Apprenticeships Centre at PICAC Beenleigh that will deliver training for high demand industries including renewable hydrogen. The grant was approved following a joint proposal submitted by industry stakeholders (the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre, Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland, Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union, National Fire Industry Association, and the Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association) for a critical infrastructure project that would support skilled building and construction trades through the COVID-19 pandemic. Final plans are being drawn up by the architects and construction will commence very soon. Up to 70 plumbing and sprinkler fitting apprentices
will work directly on the project which is intended to assist those who have been affected by the economic slowdown caused by COVID-19. Once complete, the expansion will allow for up to 200 new training places and will house new welding, plumbing, and mechanical training facilities, gas training facilities that will include hydrogen training, and several new classrooms. For more information and current training at PICAC, see www.picac.edu.au.
NATIONAL DICTIONARY OF BUILDING AND PLUMBING TERMS (STAGE 1) Standards Australia, in partnership with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), launched an online dictionary of terms for the building and plumbing industry. The (Stage 1) dictionary combines terms and definitions from the NCC, Australian (and joint AS/NZS) Standards, and Handbook 50:2004 Glossary of Building Terms. It aims to assist industry, government, and consumers to understand the range of terminology used to describe the same or similar terms and processes across Australia. Future enhancements to the dictionary will seek to expand the sources included in the online dictionary content, such as relevant terminology used in state and territory building legislation. Visit www.constructiondictionary.com.au to see the National Dictionary of Building and Plumbing Terms.
PUBLIC WARNING AS DIGITAL PROBE FLUSHES OUT UNLAWFUL PLUMBING WORK Queensland’s building watchdog issued a public warning in October about unlawful advertising of plumbing work, while using new technology to uncover unlawful advertising on well-known online sites. The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) issued the public warning due to the potential harm to public health and safety and the financial impact that unlicensed plumbing work can have on homeowners and the building and construction industry. QBCC Commissioner, Brett Bassett, said that when it comes to regulated plumbing work, false advertising and unlicensed work were, quite simply, illegal and dangerous. “Anyone who advertises to do plumbing work, including on digital platforms, must include their QBCC licence number and the name of their business; otherwise, we’ll be coming after them,” Mr Bassett said. As part of its targeted compliance of unlawful online advertising, the QBCC will use new technology to ‘scrape’ social media advertising platforms to identify unlicensed individuals trying to work illegally. “This digital tool is a new technology enabling us to do our job properly, while helping to make the industry safer, less risky, and creating a more even playing field for all industry participants,” Mr Bassett said. “I urge homeowners who are thinking of getting someone to perform plumbing work to first use the free licence search on the QBCC website to ensure they hold the correct licence for the work.” Unlicensed people advertising to do licensed work could receive a warning or a fine, be subjected to further audits, and potentially face additional regulatory action. For more information about this public warning, please contact the QBCC at www.qbcc.qld.gov.au or call 139 333. MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
Did you know? It is a requirement for you to list your QBCC licence number on all site signage and advertising, which includes social media pages, websites, vehicle signage, brochures, flyers, and business cards. Make sure that you include your name, or if you have a company, the company’s name, and your QBCC licence number in your advertisements and on your site sign, to comply with the Act under which they are licensed. Please note that trading names can be used but must be accompanied by the information about your QBCC licence and your licence name. The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) does not licence trading names and, therefore, a sign with only your trading name on it will most likely be non-compliant. Displaying your licence details confirms to your customers that you have the right qualifications to do your work. A site sign lets the public and government agencies know who the principal contractor is and can be a good way of attracting new business.
Sign requirements It must: • be made of weatherproof materials; • be bigger than half a square metre; • have 50mm high print or larger for the QBCC licence number and licence name; and • be in a prominent position and clearly visible from the street. For more information, visit www.qbcc.qld.gov.au/onsitebuilding-requirements/site-signage-advertising-requirements. Article source: www.qbcc.qld.gov.au
Corporate Profile
What is Advertising?
An advertisement includes (but is not limited to): • websites • social media pages (e.g. company Facebook pages) • newspaper ads • brochures and flyers • ads on the side of vehicles • business cards • radio and television advertising (written details must be clear and easy to see, and any spoken information about your licence details must be as clearly audible as any other spoken material contained in the advertisement) • on hold advertising (when waiting to speak to someone on the phone) • posters • Yellow Pages ads
The principal contractor is responsible for making sure the sign complies with the law. If you are a subcontractor working for a builder, the builder is deemed to be the person in control of the site so you don’t have to display a sign. However, you must include your licence details if you want to advertise your business. A licensed contractor (not being a subcontractor) must exhibit at a prominent position on a building site under the contractor’s control a sign conforming with the regulations showing the name under which the contractor is licensed A person who carries out building work under an owner-builder permit must exhibit at a prominent position on a building site under that person’s control a sign conforming with the regulations showing the number of the permit. What do I need on my sign? Your name as it appears on your licence (under the QBCC Act), the number, and reference to the QBCC Act. Any reference to the BSA or the QBSA should be changed to the QBCC.
Sup po M r tin Me PAQ g mb ers
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GAS STANDARDS PUBLISHED The following gas Standard was published on 1 October 2020: AS/NZS 5601.2:2020 – Gas installations LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for non-propulsive purposes
The objective of this Standard is to specify requirements and means of conformance for the design, installation, and commissioning of LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for non-propulsive purposes.
This article provides information in relation to your obligations when installing gas systems.
Before Installing a New Gas System or Increasing Demand on a Gas Distribution Network
If you are installing a new gas system, or you are increasing the demand by 100MJ/hour (or more) and the gas is supplied by a gas distribution system (metered) you must advise the network operator (gas supplier): • of the works; and • the expected increase in demand for gas (how many MJ/hour).
Before Installing Any New Gas System or Installing a New Gas Appliance Before installing a new gas system or installing an additional gas appliance you must ensure the gas supply is adequate to satisfy the additional demand for gas. Make sure you check the: • LP gas cylinder storage and vaporisation rate; • Gas meter and meter capacity; and • Pipe sizing.
On Completion of Any Gas System Installation or Gas System Alteration
When you have finished the gas system installation/alteration you must issue a gas compliance certificate to certify the installation is compliant and attach a gas compliance plate that identifies your licence/ authorisation number, the certificate number, the date of the works, and the relevant code for the works. • A gas system compliance certificate must be issued to the owner (immediately on completion), and a copy must be provided to the gas supplier within five days. • A gas compliance plate must be fitted in the relevant electrical meter box. For more information, visit www.business.qld.gov.au/ industries/mining-energy-water/resources/safety-health/ petroleum-gas/gas-work-devices/certificates-platesnotices#inspection.
Article written by Paul Beaumont, Principal Inspector Gas Work, Resources Safety & Health Queensland
This Standard specifies requirements and means of conformance for the design, installation, repair, alteration, modification, replacement, and commissioning of LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for nonpropulsive purposes. The requirements cover: a. caravans; b. mobile homes, mobile holiday homes, campervans, and motor homes; c. transportable structures with fixed gas installations, other than transportable homes and classroom units; d. trucks and trailers incorporating fixed gas installations; e. boats; f. houseboats; g. floating restaurants, whether fixed or mobile; and h. catering vehicles, whether self-propelled or towed. NOTE 1 A mobile home includes what is often referred to as a “tiny house”, which is a relocatable home as distinct from a permanent structure that is transported from one fixed location to the next (see exclusions below). NOTE 2 Where commercial catering equipment is to be installed, refer to AS/NZS 5601.1 for specific appliance installation requirements downstream of the appliance installation valve. To find out more, please visit SAI Global. In addition, Amendment 4 to AS/NZS5601.1 Gas installations Part 1 General installations has also been published. This amendment addresses matters around the introduction of the new LP gas cylinder connection (valve and connection type). The Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018 section 6 provides for: • Amendments to be in force when published, as they are considered to be part of the document [s6(1)(a)]; and • A transition period (6 months) for new editions [s6(b)], meaning AS/NZS5601.2 – 2020 will be the safety requirement in Queensland as of 1 April 2021. MPAQ members have free access to select Australian standards at www.mpaq.com.au. For any further questions, please contact the MPAQ Technical Services team on 07 3273 0800.
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Reece Queensland Apprentice of the Year simPRO Second Year Apprentice of the Year Plumbers Union Queensland Third Year Apprentice of the Year The Service Trades College Fourth Year Apprentice of the Year
RWC Businessperson of the Year Andrea Vogler Women in Business Award BUSSQ Service Excellence Award Domestic and Residential Technical Award QLeave Commercial and Industrial Technical Award Gas Project of the Year
Visit plumbingandgasawards.com to nominate!
1900 - 2020
Upskilling your team has never been easier!
The business landscape in our industry changes rapidly. Don’t get left behind. Continue educating your employees with the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland suite of online courses. One of the key elements of increasing employee engagement and satisfaction in the workplace is giving staff members the opportunity to grow and develop. People need to be continually learning, and see that they have the opportunity to move up the career ladder and try new things. As business owners, it is important to encourage your workforce to learn new skills, keep up on the latest trends, develop leadership abilities, and more. MPAQ offer a suite of online courses* to help you and your employees upskill and build a better business. Courses include: • • • • • • • • •
Social media etiquette Basic estimating and calculating at work Prepare for learning at work Self development How to respond to problems in the workplace Interact effectively in the workplace Communicating in a professional environment Working in hot and cold environments and more!
* Some MPAQ online courses attract subsidies, for more information visit www.mpaq.com.au/training.
1900 - 2020
To find out more about online learning, call the MPAQ training team on 07 3273 0800 or visit www.mpaq.com.au/training.
Q A P M 0 2 20 w e i v e R n i r Yea EVENTS
face to face events
Despite having to cancel or postpone most of our 2020 events calendar, we were able run a mix of face to face and virtual events, as well as grow the number of webinars hosted.
COVID-19 MPAQ supported members throughout COVID-19 with webinars, information, advocacy, the creation of the COVID-19 awareness course, and PPE.
online events
3,221 total webinar registrations
9 1,529
COVID-19 webinars
COVID-19 online awareness course
256 enrolments
Although 2020 did not go to plan, there were still a number of exciting changes, developments, and achievements that happened. Let’s take a look back at MPAQ’s 2020!
employer essentials webinars
total webinars
2,033 total event attendees (virtual and in person)
174 new members
MEMBERS 1,551 total members
10,970 interactions with members (via email and phone)
face to face courses
362 enrolments
online course enrolments
increase in course enrolments compared to 2019
increase in backflow revalidation enrolments compared to 2019
• We celebrated 120 years since MPAQ was founded and released a timeline documenting our history. • Mechanical licensing came into effect from 1 January 2020. • We created and launched the Legionella Management training course, which has been delivered across Australia. • This year saw the creation of the Medical Gas licence. • The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) in Beenleigh received $20 million in funding provided from the Queensland Government. All data is accurate as at 31 October 2020.
INDUSTRY • We appointed four plumbing ambassadors at the World Plumbing Day Breakfast in March. • We presented a Meritorious Service award to MPAQ member Jeff Ritchie. MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
APPRENTICESHIPS – DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR TOMORROW’S PLUMBERS Last year the Queensland Government conducted a study on skills shortages that will affect Queensland in the coming decades. Among the 139 skills identified were trade skills like electrical, engineering, and—you guessed it, plumbing. After this study the Queensland Government made it a priority to entice young people to enter trades like plumbing, investing $32 million in funding to pay for the training component for apprentices and help make it more cost-effective for businesses.
50% Wage Subsidies Available to Employ an Apprentice or Trainee For businesses looking to take on an apprentice, the good news doesn’t stop there. In an effort to stimulate the economy in response to the economic impact of COVID-19, the Australian Government has made available 50% wage subsidies for businesses that employ an apprentice or trainee. More recently, since 5 October 2020, the 50% wage subsidy now includes businesses employing a new or recommencing apprentice or trainee—for any industry, business size, or location in Australia. This includes your part
Corporate Profile Sup po M r tin Me PAQ g mb ers
Success without compromise, it’s the dream of every tradesperson and now it’s within your grasp. AroFlo’s powerful cloud-based job management software comes complete from day one. It’s suitable for plumbing businesses of all sizes and packed full of straightforward yet infinitely customisable features. AroFlo is ideal for plumbing professionals looking to streamline and simplify their business processes while also saving time on administrative tasks. Having an intuitive cloud-based system at your back gives you the confidence to manage even the most complex projects from start to finish, making AroFlo a must-have tool for any savvy plumber looking to take on more work, spend more time with family and friends, or pursue other goals. Visit www.aroflo.com to learn more.
time or casual staff who are interested in undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship (limits and eligibility criteria apply). Businesses will need to be quick though as this offer is capped to 100,000 apprentice or trainee placements. In a nutshell, there has never been a better time to employ an apprentice or trainee for your business.
How Does a Business Employ an Apprentice or Trainee? An Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider is contracted by the Australian Government to handle all the complexities of placing your apprentice or trainee. Employing an apprentice or trainee involves some paperwork and legwork. You may need help to first find your new apprentice or trainee. There is often some research on the best training course involved, liaison with the training organisation and organising the training contract, and submitting your sign-up paperwork. Your AASN provider takes the hard work out of signing up your new apprentice or trainee. BUSY At Work is one of the largest AASN providers in Queensland and has over 40 years’ experience in our region, placing over 60,000 apprentices or trainees in that time. A part of The BUSY Group Ltd, they also have a range of supporting programs that can benefit businesses, including a Group Training Organisation (which can offer Labour Hire services) and a range of employment service programs to support our local job seekers into work. With end to end recruiting services available, the team at BUSY can help you source your next apprentice or trainee and assist with sign up paperwork. Once your apprentice or trainee is employed, they also offer mentoring support services for you and your apprentice to ensure all parties are satisfied with work expectations and performance. BUSY At Work provides you with up to date advice on all the latest incentives available when hiring an apprentice or trainee, potentially saving your organisation thousands of dollars in wages and training costs.
What Kind of Apprenticeship or Traineeship? If you’re looking for your next plumbing side-kick and want to put on an apprentice the team at BUSY can help. But did you know they can also help you find a trainee to support your office staff—or any other traineeship or apprenticeship specific to your business? Whether that be logistics, transport, accounting, or human resourcing. With over 500 different qualifications available, any aspect of your business operations can benefit through undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship qualification.
What to Do Next? The team at BUSY At Work is there to support Queensland businesses who are looking to put on an apprentice or trainee. Available from 8am to 8pm, you can contact BUSY At Work on 13 28 79 or email busy@busyatwork.com.au, or for further information visit www.busyatwork.com.au. Article supplied by BUSY At Work
PLUMBING APPRENTICES QUEENSLAND time) and has committed to continuing the current charge out rates (with a legislated cost-based increase to apply from 1 November due to the Fair Work Commission increase in the Modern Award) by applying Supporting Apprentices and Trainees Wage Subsidies once they are received from the Department of Education and Training. Any new apprentices taken on will also be entitled to the wage subsidies. New PAQ staff Brett Beauchamp (PAQ Manager), Wayne Smith (Field Officer and Apprentice Mentor), and Grace Squires (OHS and Return to Work Coordinator) will be familiar to those in the plumbing industry and will be reaching out over the coming weeks to see if PAQ can assist MPAQ members in any way.
Apprentices and plumbing businesses in Queensland will be able to access Master Plumbers Group Training in a new partnership between Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) and the Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia. Following news released earlier this year that All Trades Queensland Pty Ltd had been placed into administration and liquidation, MPAQ formed Plumbing Apprentices Queensland (PAQ), a joint venture to save as many Queensland plumbing apprentice jobs and livelihoods as possible. MPAQ is focused on growing the plumbing, roof plumbing, and refrigeration sectors to enable talent to enter and succeed in our dynamic industry. This opportunity strengthens the long-standing relationship between Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia and Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland, which represents the largest associations of plumbing employers in Australia. Plumbing Apprentices Queensland will offer a 5% discount on the total invoice to host employers who are members of MPAQ (who pay on
Why Become a Host with PAQ
Minimise Your Financial and Legal Risks Under the contract, PAQ employs the apprentice. PAQ manages all the back end payments and onboarding expenses, leaving you free to do what you do best—run your business. When you no longer need the apprentice, all you need to provide is seven days’ notice to PAQ. There is no need to terminate employees or pay any redundancy payments.
You avoid:
• Payroll Tax; • Any workers compensation claims; • All recruitment, onboarding, payroll and management costs, and working out the correct rates of pay; and • All administration, engaging with government bodies, TAFEs, and all the other headaches that can come with direct employees. Keep an eye out at plumber.com.au/paq for more information.
APPRENTICE TRAINING – EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES Apprenticeships are a contract between an employer and a student (apprentice). “An Australian apprenticeship provides a nationally recognised qualification and on-the-job experience. It combines time at work with training and can be completed full-time, part-time, or while you are still at school.” Employers taking on an apprentice must ensure various things take place over the 48-month commitment required for the completion of the plumbing and drainage apprenticeship. Some of these are listed below. The employer must: • Contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider to arrange the training contract. • Ensure the training contract is signed by the parties within 14 days of the start of the apprenticeship or traineeship. • Select a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in consultation with the apprentice. • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the training contract is given to the AASN provider within 28 days of the start of the apprenticeship or traineeship. • Negotiate and sign a training plan with the apprentice or trainee and the training organisation within three months of the start of the apprenticeship or traineeship.
• Deliver training as negotiated in the training plan. • Provide, or arrange to provide, the facilities and range of work as specified in the training plan, ensuring the apprentice or trainee is directly supervised by an appropriately licensed person. • Pay relevant wages and provide the entitlements. • Release the apprentice or trainee from work and pay the appropriate wages to attend all off-the-job training and assessments as required by the training plan. (This may not apply to school-based apprentices and trainees, and the employer would need to check the relevant industrial instrument). • At reasonable intervals of not more than three months, update the training record. The employer must not directly or indirectly: • Obstruct or discourage in any way, the apprentice or trainee from participating in the training required under the training plan to be delivered by the training organisation. • Place the apprentice or trainee at a disadvantage because they participate or attempt to participate in the required training. For more information and support, MPAQ members can call 07 3273 0800. Article written by Ernie Kretschmer, Technical Services Manager, MPAQ Article reference: https://desbt.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/7954/is13.pdf MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
RETIRING FROM BUSINESS OWNERSHIP – WHERE TO START? When you start considering retirement, working out what to do with the business you’ve successfully built up over the years can be complicated as there are many moving parts and other people involved. There are some things you can do now that will put you and your business in good shape for when the time comes, even if your retirement is a few years away. Make Sure Your Financial Accounts Are up to Date Paying expenses on time and collecting outstanding debts will give you a clear picture of your business’s cashflow and profitability. Get Your Business Valued It may be some time since you last had your business valued and knowing how much it is worth will be important.
31 July
Consider Tax Implications Speak with your accountant about how tax could impact your plan for leaving your business to retire. If you’re over 55 and have owned your business for more than 15 years you may be able to claim some capital gains tax concessions. Speak with a Legal Specialist Your legal specialist can help you understand what the requirements are for selling or closing your business and what documentation needs to be prepared. They can also guide you on other matters such as business licences, intellectual property, and employment contracts. Decide What You Want Do you want to take a step back but still be involved? Do you want to sell your company to other business partners or a third party? Are there children to take over what you have built over the years? Knowing what you want or
what is possible will help you make your plan for closing your business, selling it, or passing it on to someone you know and trust. It’s never too early to get professional advice on your options for retiring from your business and Skylight Financial Solutions, built by BUSSQ, can help. Visit skylight.com.au or call Skylight on 1800 759 544. Article provided by BUSSQ This information is general advice only and does not take into account or consider your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting consider the appropriateness of the information to your needs or seek independent advice from a properly qualified professional. Prepared by BUSS (Queensland) Pty Ltd (ABN 15 065 081 281, AFSL 237860) as Trustee for BUSSQ (BUSSQ Fund, ABN 85 571 332 201). BUSSQ owns Skylight Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 46 076 835 848, AFSL 450139), the company that provides financial advice to our members.
MEN: TAKE CARE OF YOUR PLUMBING! Prostate Awareness Australia (PAA) is a Queensland industry initiative established to raise the awareness of prostate cancer to men and their families working in the building, construction, and allied industries. PAA brings health education and awareness to employees in their workplace through engaging and informative site talks, workshops, and toolbox meetings. It is ‘medical made easy’ for both men and women of all ages. The content is centred on evidence-based guidelines and covers: • What is prostate cancer? • Risks, detection, and diagnosis • Men’s health matters • Make a date with a mate campaign Currently, there are 211,000 Australian men living with the devastating effects of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, these numbers are on the rise. An Australian man is diagnosed with prostate cancer every 20 minutes: that’s more than 20,000 cases per year and medical research has forecasted approximately 3,500 men will die in 2020. The statistics are haunting for Australian men: • One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime; • Nine men die from prostate cancer each day; • More men die from prostate cancer than women of breast cancer; • More Aussie men die from prostate cancer than both men and women of skin cancer; • Having a family history increases the risk by five times; and • A diagnosis can increase the risk of suicide by 70%. Usually, there are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer. The good news is that it can be detected through a simple PSA blood test at your local GP. Early detection = prevention. Early detection and
treatment can result in a 98% full recovery for the patient. PAA campaigns for men aged 40 and over to ‘take care of their plumbing’ and have an annual check-up. In doing so, we aim for men to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. If you would like a PAA coordinator to visit your workplace for an office or site talk, or if you need further information on prostate cancer, please contact us through our website www.pro.org.au or call Marcus Stephen directly on 0488 029 973. Together we can drive change today to prevent tragedy in the future. Article written by Marcus Stephen, General Manger, Prostate Awareness Australia
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Traditional marketing and advertising can cost a lot of money. If you’re a smaller, locallyowned business, you want to see a quick return on investment (ROI), which means you need to be where the majority of your potential or return customers will find you. As of January 2020, there were 22.31 million internet users in Australia, 88% of the population. Of those, 93% started their sessions with an internet search and 95% of those chose Google, which is why it is imperative that you optimise your online presence for local search. Businesses that fail to do this will have customers finding other providers before they find your business. Why? 75% of Google users won’t scroll past the first screen. For many local business owners, things like local search engine optimisation (SEO) and website design are probably not where their expertise lies. Luckily, there are a number of low-cost, easy-to-use local marketing tools that will simplify the process of taking your business online. In this guide, we’ll outline five steps to crafting an online presence that will make your business stand out to customers and search engines alike.
1. Build a Website This first one might be too obvious: if your business doesn’t have a website, it’s almost like it doesn’t exist. Lucky for you, building a website for your business is super easy. You no longer need to have coding or design skills to build a slick, attractive website. There are a number of low-cost solutions like Wix, Squarespace, and Wordpress that will provide you with templates and editors to do it all yourself.
Before you get started, however, it’s important that you determine the purpose of your site. For plumbers, this is pretty straightforward and simple. It needs to accomplish two things: • It should be very informational in nature, with all your contact information and details on the products and services you offer; and • It needs to have an EASY and straightforward way for your potential customer to communicate with you, such as a quote request form and your phone number.
2. Choose a Domain Name (or ‘www’ address) A businesses website is often referred to as its shopfront. And just like in the real world, if your business is hard to find, potential customers will probably move on to the next “shop”. That’s why it’s essential when securing your domain name that you make it simple and easy to remember. Domain names are easy to register and cost around $20 per year to maintain. But before you pull the trigger, always do a search to see if it’s also available across social platforms. Using a consistent brand name across the internet will help your customers find you and only takes a few seconds.
3. Local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) When developing content to populate your website you should identify keywords that are important to your industry or business. In its simplest terms: what are people going to type in a search engine when they are looking for a plumber? These searches would most likely be something like “plumbers near me” or “gas fitting service in xyz city”. Whatever services you offer, make sure the associated keywords are on your website and Google listing. Optimising your website goes beyond just keywords. There are a number of factors that make up Google’s local SEO algorithm. Businesses that want to be found should make sure their name, address, and phone number
GET YOUR BUSINESS SEEN r u o y p u o t e i t ’s t i m a l g a m e. d igit
(commonly referred to as NAP) are consistent across all business listings (especially on Google and Facebook). For local businesses, updating and accurately listing your business is one of the easiest ways to improve local search rankings.
4. Claim Your Business Listings Before the Internet, getting your business listed in all the right directories was much easier. Most businesses didn’t need to do anything except buy an ad in the local Yellow Pages, and maybe get listed in an industry-specific directory depending on the type of business they were in. Now there are a seemingly endless number of online directories to choose from. Finding the right one can be difficult. We recommend you start by claiming your Google My Business listing, setting up a Facebook page, and making sure your info is all correct on your Find a Plumber profile on the MPAQ website (www.mpaq.com.au). There are a lot of sites out there so it’s also important to do some of your own research to make sure you’ve covered everything, but those three are absolutely necessary. Once you’ve claimed or created your local business listings, it’s important to take the time to optimise them so that it’s attractive for both searchers and search engines alike. The first thing you should do is upload high-quality photos of your business. Photos are important because they help tell a visual story about your business. They let consumers see what it’s like to do business with you, so they know what to expect when you arrive. Uploading pictures will also draw searchers in and encourage them to click through to your listing. According to Google, profiles with pictures see 42% more requests for driving directions from Maps and 35% more click-throughs to your website than businesses that don’t. Photos also help increase engagement. When uploading images, you should include pictures of your offices, branded fleet, team members, and, of course, your logo.
You should also take the time to update the hours of operation for your business. Not having accurate hours of operation can be frustrating to the consumer. This is especially true if they have a leak and need a plumber ASAP, only to find you’re closed. Impressive photography can only get you so far. If your customer experience is underwhelming your reputation and Google Reviews will eventually reflect that. Today, it’s more important than ever to have a review management strategy in place to keep up with the competition.
5. Collect and Manage Online Reviews In today’s digital age, social proof is more important than ever as many people will turn to social networks like Facebook and Google to learn from the experience of others and see where their money will be best spent. So, next time you complete a job well done, ask the customer to leave a review and help your business. Online reviews provide businesses with the dual benefit of boosting your local SEO ranking while also helping build trust and credibility with consumers. This makes it easier for consumers to find your business and impacts their buying decisions.
Why does an optimised online presence matter?
Traditional marketing and advertising are still an effective means of getting the word out about your business, but it isn’t enough. To take your business to the next level, you also need to emphasise your online presence and reputation. Doing so will pay huge dividends down the road. If you want to turn browsers into buyers, customers must be able to find, connect, and support your business.
Article written by Daniel Carroll, Communications and Media Manager, Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia
HELLO 2021! GETTING READY FOR A BIGGER YEAR AHEAD It hasn’t been the year we expected. When the clock ticked over to 1 January 2020, who would have thought things would play out like this? It’s been a weird one, in many ways—we’re now elbow-bumping to greet each other, we’re hand-santising like demons, Zoom is our new best friend, and toilet-paper hoarding became a thing. For many businesses who were over-stretched before the uncertainty set in, they’ve had a hard time weathering the storm, some have failed. For trade business owners, we’re one of the luckier ones. We’re considered an essential service and, for the most part, have continued to work throughout the pandemic. Still, it’s been an exhausting year regardless, for everyone. Hello 2021! In this article, what’s it going to take to get ready for a BIGGER year?
Get Back to Basics The basic principles of business ownership are timeless (and what we teach at Lifestyle Tradie). That’s why we’ve been working hard on delivering a new short course for our members, Build An Unbreakable Trade Business, which is about fixing the fundamentals. It’s no surprise that cash flow is king in business. Why? Because cash flow is the lifeblood of your trade business. The course kicks off with a module called Control Your Cash Flow. Even if you’ve been a Lifestyle Tradie member for a while now (you can access the course through My Lifestyle Tradie), it’s helpful to have a reminder. Other business basics covered in Build An Unbreakable Trade Business include, increasing conversions, streamlining materials, creating highperformance teams, and knowing your numbers, tech, and sales. So, your bigger year in 2021 starts with nailing the basics.
Create More Opportunities A crisis presents both fear and opportunity. COVID-19 is no different. While it’s been a health and economic experience like no other in our
lives for many of us, business owners the world over have been forced to change at a faster pace—and that’s a positive. While the nuts and bolts of what we do as trade business owners hasn’t suffered a massive shift, what’s changed is customer behaviour, customer expectations, and even the fact customers are spending more time at home. What does this mean for tradies in business keeping pace? Well, we’ve got to figure out what our customers value. It’s about what they’re willing to pay for now—not what we think our customers should value. While people are spending less money, people are still spending money. How is your business positioned to show value? For example, your customers are probably browsing online more than ever. How would you rate your business’s digital experience? Are there any other systems or processes you could rethink to uplift the customer experience to help provide more value—and repeat business?
Get More Sleep In preparation for a bigger year, you’ve got to make your health a priority. Wariness is a thing right now—we’ve had nothing to look forward to in terms of travel and our usual social gatherings. Even though we’re going through this together, it still sucks. Sleep, along with exercise and a focus on self-care and mental wellbeing, will be the pillars of having a bigger year in 2021. But getting a good night’s sleep is a good starting point because sleep health has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. With more of us feeling a little anxious and unsettled, it can be hard to sleep. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, sleep is like a butterfly. You can’t reach out and grab it and catch it. It is the same with sleep. If you stay quiet and still, the butterfly will come to you. So, with 2021 now in sight (YES!), how are you getting ready for a BIGGER year ahead? MPAQ members get a rebate on their MPAQ membership if they join Lifestyle Tradie’s Gold or Platinum memberships. Visit www.mpaq.com.au/memberbenefits for more information. Andy Smith, Co-Founder, Lifestyle Tradie
PICAC QLD Course Guide 2021 Out now! Go to www.picac.edu.au to download the 2021 PICAC Course Guide
HOT WATER, PRONTO! Continuous hot water is an appealing thought for many, but the prospect of switching or replacing mechanical water heater systems can seem daunting or laborious, making it a barrier to wanting to make the change. Rheem Pronto continuous hot water system simplifies installation and replacement by using the same mounting point locations as the most common mechanical water heaters. And once in place, all the connections are also in an identical position so there’s no need to adjust the pipework, making it quick, easy, and safe to switch. Proudly carrying a 6 STAR energy rating for its 12L/min model and 5.9 for its 16L/min model, the Rheem Pronto system removes the need for electrical connections or annoying battery replacements with an in-built hydro-electric generator. The generator powers the electronic temperature controller to offer more accurate and safer delivery; with fewer temperature fluctuations when there are disruptions to the system, such as someone turning on or off another tap. Like all Rheem products, Rheem Pronto is designed and developed specifically for Australian conditions. It includes a simple, single lever for Summer or Winter to ensure maximum hot water supply year-round, with no need to remove the front cover. The heater can be easily set to 45°C, 50°C, or 60°C, depending on the end
user’s requirements and local regulations. Its electronic LED panel also makes maintenance and repair a breeze. The Rheem Pronto is certified to the latest Australian test standards and wind resistant requirements. Its unique aerodynamic flue terminal design makes Rheem Pronto more resistant to wind than other old mechanical water heaters and ensures the system always performs reliably. Wind is deflected both up and away from the terminal to clear the flue gases and downdraughts are prevented from entering the flue by being deflected into the combustion chamber, significantly reducing the chance of the flame being extinguished by gusts of wind. Convenience and speed are built into every facet of the Rheem Pronto system, whether it’s install or ongoing use, which makes it the perfect product for a new or replacement instantaneous hot water system. Visit Rheem.com.au to find out more about the Rheem Pronto continuous water heater solution.
Aussie Pumps jetters in demand as smart plumbers change over from the old Electric Eel
When Australian Pumps (Aussie Pumps) built the first Cobra drain cleaning jetter 20 years ago, the company didn’t realise it was the beginning of a product development program. The result was a range of high pressure Jetters that are technically faster, safer, and more efficient than conventional Eels or other electromechanical drain cleaning equipment. “We’re building hundreds of Jetters at our 2.5-acre Castle Hill premises just to keep up with demand. The driver for the sales was a combination of the right equipment, the right price, and even free delivery anywhere in Australia,” said Aussie Pumps’ Production Manager, Mal Patel.
Lessons Learnt
“We learnt that not only plumbers, but plumbing outlets themselves, aren’t really familiar with the new Class A and Class B operator training requirement,” said Patel. The company went out of its way to produce loads of documentation to stress that Class A machines, produced in both 4,000 and 5,000 psi, are highly capable machines that do not require the operator to be certified by a Registered Training Organisation. Aussie Pumps saw a huge trend towards their Cube design. The Cube takes up far less room on the plumber’s vehicle, saving up to 20% in terms of space but without any loss of capability. “Plumbers tell us that our Jetters are safer, cleaner, and significantly more efficient than conventional drain cleaning equipment. Just the range of a Jetter alone, 60 metres from the machine, is a huge advantage over any Eel,” said Patel. “Add to that the Mini Reel, remote draining cleaning attachment, and the operator can control the drain cleaner from the reel, up to 60 metres away from the machine. That’s a huge benefit in terms of convenience and safety,” he said. “We know smart plumbers will be buying Jetters between now and Christmas to take advantage of the End Of The Eel program with heavily discounted prices. With the bonus of the government’s deprecation allowance, it’s an exceptional time to get into jetting,” Patel said. Australian Pump is proud to be at the cutting edge of drain cleaning equipment design. To learn more, visit www.aussiepumps.com.au.
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Wan th e t t o f MPA eatu p ag e? U Q Soci re on on I se ou al n st a r ha can gram shtag see w so we you hat ’ re u p to !
1900 - 2020
u o y k n A tha embers m r u o o t This edition is all about you—celebrating your milestones and thanking you, our members, for your ongoing support and dedication, not only to MPAQ but the industry as a whole. These are the final few months of our 120-year celebrations, and we wouldn’t be here without you. While 2020 has brought many challenges and hampered our celebrations of this important milestone, one thing has remained steady: you. We thank you for working tirelessly throughout the pandemic to keep our industry strong. We thank you for continuing to protect the health and safety of our communities through the ups and downs. We thank you for being the solid ground on which our economy is built and rebuilt time and again. And we thank you for 120 years, for trusting us to see you through the difficult and unprecedented times and still being with us on the other side. Our membership base currently sits at more than 1,100 contracting members and continues to grow year on year. Being part of an association like MPAQ gives you a voice to help change your industry for the better, and as our membership grows so too does our ability to make change happen. On the following pages, we will be celebrating some of our members who have reached important milestones with MPAQ recently. Don’t forget, if you have a story or photos you would like to share, email advertising@mpaq.com.au. From the MPAQ Council and staff: thank you, and here’s to another 120 years!
Bill and Michael Canfield Canfield Plumbing Co Pty Ltd
MPAQ Sales and Membership Specialist, Leah Govorko, sat down with Bill and Michael Canfield to ask them about their business and how MPAQ membership has helped them.
Peter and Sandy Witheyman are celebrating 10 years of MPAQ membership with the company Afresh Plumbing. Peter is the sole person working on the tools of Afresh Plumbing and has been since the company was founded. They specialise in backflow testing and repairs. Peter said that things haven’t changed a great deal over the years; although the size of the jobs he takes on has a bit. “As I’m on my own and getting older I might take on less big jobs now,” he said. The thing that Peter most enjoys about what he does is helping out his customers. Peter said that the main change he has seen in the industry over the years is the amount of red tape and rules. After taking a 15-year break, he was able to notice the changes in regulation when he came back to the industry. Afresh’s MPAQ membership has been a good source of information and support, and Peter said that access to member offers like simPRO have helped make life easier. Congratulations to Peter and Sandy!
Who founded the company and when?
My father, Albert, and mother, Esme, founded the company back in 1946 when sewage looked very different compared to today.
How has the company changed over the years?
We started as a two-man business with my father, Albert, and one other employee who had come back from the war. The employee had completed an 80-day plumbing course as part of reskilling the returned servicemen. The business was started under the family home on Apollo Rd, Bulimba before moving to Ipswich Rd in Woolloongabba. 17 years after the company started we had 95 employees. We mostly undertook town sewage schemes, installing five fixtures in each house and working all over Western Queensland in Woolworths supermarkets, Australian estate buildings, and ambulance stations, as well as the Longreach Civic Centre and Government work, which we still do today with our team of 11.
What does your company specialise in?
We specialise in commercial and residential maintenance and construction, supermarkets, and medical laboratories. Anything really from a tap washer to multi-storey buildings, vacuum sewers, and vacuum waste.
What have been the company’s major highlights?
We are proud of our staff longevity and good quality work to long term clients.
Has the company/staff won any awards?
A number of our apprentices have won Apprentice of the Year awards. We believe that the best awards are the endorsements of good service from our customers.
How do you feel the industry has changed over the years?
(L-R) Hayden Boxsell, Kelley Court, Desley Court, Tony Hewitt, and Brett Court - Court Plumbing
The presence of MPAQ has helped the industry. The materials have changed a lot, e.g. types of pipes from earthenware, cast iron, and copper to many different types of plastic. Safety is also a big factor on worksites now. Common sense and good training are imperative.
To celebrate Court Plumbing reaching their 30-year membership milestone, we asked Kelly Court some questions about their business and experience over the years.
How has your subscription to MPAQ helped the business over the years?
Les Court established the business in 1971 as LJ and DM Court. It was a husband and wife team to begin with, and in 2013 we had a name change to Court Plumbing and Drainage when Les, our father, passed away. We still service several of our original customers from back then: some of our longest serving customers are now into their nineties. Next year we will be celebrating 50 years in business in the Ipswich area.
MPAQ provides good advice, and we take advantage of the courses, which are really well presented, planned, and good value. The access to the drainage plans is very helpful, as well as MPAQ’s advocacy and liaising with our government about the plumbing industry’s importance to the community.
What are your future goals for the company?
To make it to 2046 and 100 years of service to our clients. Congratulations to Canfield Plumbing on your 55 years of membership and thank you for your continued support!
Who founded the company and when?
How has the company changed over the years?
Not much with logistics. We have not needed to advertise—my father was dedicated to customer service, so the return business is what
Kent Vickers, MPAQ President, and Bruce Wallace, Wallace Bros Pty Ltd
COURT PLUMBING CELEBRATES 30 YEAR MEMBERSHIP MILESTONE has kept this business going throughout the years. Service and cost-effective plumbing solutions are our philosophy.
What does your company specialise in?
Drainage and maintenance for us; however, Les used to say we will do anything from a windmill to a five-storey building.
What have been the company’s major highlights?
Have to say getting the excavator—and more drainage equipment—as well as the uniformity of business and how we function as a team. A major achievement was the Kilcoy Meatworks work we did when they burned down; we helped them set up a temporary site in Wulkuraka for 280 employees. A temporary worker’s camp with 54 buildings were plumbed in, and they had a 20,000-litre holding tank in the camp. It was one of the largest waste disposal units we have installed.
How many people worked at the company when it started?
When it was first established it was just Mum and Dad. At stages throughout the business Dad has had up to 20 working for him—lots of apprentices have gone through our company over the years. Since the business was started we have put through 13 apprentices to date, and most of them own and operate their own plumbing business.
How has your subscription to MPAQ helped the business over the years? We would like to say a personal thanks to Ernie Kretschmer and Kerry Apelt from the technical team—they have been a great part of the membership with MPAQ.
What are your future goals for the company?
To thrive within this industry and maintain a business for future generations. We will continue to keep an eye out for young ladies and gentlemen who are friendly and are willing to learn new skills to make their own path through the plumbing industry. Congratulations to Court Plumbing on this milestone, and thank you for your ongoing support!
Bruce Wallace of Wallace Bros Pty Ltd and MPAQ’s Honorary Historian provided us with a bit of background of the company as he celebrates 80 years of MPAQ membership. Who founded the company and when?
John Francis Wallace and Nat Randall founded the company in 1931.
How has the company changed over the years?
My grandfather began the business in the Great Depression, door knocking in the suburbs for work. My father, Doug, and uncle Cliff inherited the business in 1946. Dad bought out Cliff in 1949, and then built the business up, employing ninety plumbers and many apprentices at its peak. In 1979, we decided to scale back on major contracts and concentrated on minor projects, maintenance, and the plumbing supply store.
What have been the company’s major highlights?
The installation of plumbing over 25 high rise buildings in Brisbane, as well as major roofing projects including the original GMW factory in Acacia Ridge—this involved 15 acres of roof.
Has the company/staff won any awards?
My father and I have both been appointed MPAQ Life Members. In 2019, I was also appointed to the Association Forum’s Hall of Fame at their awards night in Canberra.
How many people work in the company now?
There is only me in the company now, and I am 99% retired.
How do you feel the industry has changed over the years?
The advancement in plumbing materials has made the trade less physically demanding and more technical.
How has your subscription to MPAQ helped the business over the years? Immeasurably, with the continual changes to industry regulations and pipework design.
What are your future goals for the company?
I am looking to offload the remainder of my stock. Congratulations to Bruce and Wallace Bros Pty Ltd for reaching this amazing milestone! MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
Michael Ryan Beavis and Bartels Pty Ltd
Mark Franzmann Franzmann Plumbing Pty Ltd
Simon Alford & Tony Harland Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd
Zoran Vela Sindex Plumbing
Sam Hannant Yes Fire Pty Ltd
Mark Williams Mark’s Plumbing Service
Brant Petruszewski Coral Sea Plumbing Pty Ltd
Troy Creighton Stormtech Pty Ltd
Noel Gillott Action Pipecam Pty Ltd
Naomi Stevens, Daniel Flynn, Zoe Stevens, Corey Stevens, Bryce Aitken, Tyla Amos, Keanu - AC Plumbing Qld
Trevor O’Brien Stargate Plumbing Pty Ltd
Peter Tavener - Peter Tavener Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
Nick Brady Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd
Kenneth Ball Ken Ball Plumbing
Sienna & Noriko Wood Alpine Plumbing & Gas Fitting Services Pty Ltd
Andy Behrndt HPS Contractors
James & Lewis McDiarmid McDiarmid Plumbing Service Pty Ltd
Don Hobson Don Hobson Pty Ltd
Peter Gleeson Hervey Bay Plumbing
Michael Cross MA Cross
Rick Quire Ansa Plumbing
Brian Costello
Paul Adams Rheem Australia Pty Ltd
Dirk Neugebauer Jayden Enterprises Pty Ltd
Graham Dudaniec Tru-Flow Services
Grant Martin Grant Martin Plumbing
Greg Castle Obsidian Plumbing Pty Ltd
John Milne
Henry Neylan Plumbing Pty Ltd Brisbane North
Jason Kelly
Jason Kelly Plumbing
Sunshine Coast
Michael Ryan
Beavis and Bartels
Brisbane North
Kurt Andrews
K & JM Andrews
Central Highlands 10
Paul Adams
Rheem Australia Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Matthew Brown
Debbie Tickle
Canfield Plumbing Co Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Matthew Brown Plumbing & Gas
Colin McGahan
McGahan Plumbing
Far North Qld
Shane Gray
No Drips Plumbing
Gold Coast
Lyle McKell
L & G Plumbing Service
Brisbane South
John Bowden
Central Highlands 10
Milton Hampe
MJ United Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd
Sunshine Coast
Outback Plumbing Service Pty Ltd
Rod Hinwood
REH Plumbing
Brisbane South
Antonino Zammataro
Zammataro Plumbing
Far North Qld
Ross Baker
RMB Plumbing
Robert Parise
Rob’s Plumbing And Gasfitting
Far North Qld
Brisbane South
Mark Everton
Rockhampton Regional Council
Robert Douglas
RSD Plumbing
North Qld
Jonathan Russell Russell Plumbing
Far North Qld
Shaun McCrossan S & J McCrossan Plumbing & Gasfitting
Brisbane South
Shannon Tunstead Shannon Tunstead Plumbing & Gas
Jon Meuleners
SMP Plumbing Pty Ltd
Sunshine Coast
Ian Savage
Townsville City Council
North Qld
Anthony Cobb
Unblock Plumbing,Drainage & Gas Fitting
Darryl Hearn
Agua Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brisbane North
Keith Brennan Noel Gillott
Action Pipecam Pty Ltd
Anthony Wood
Alpine Plumbing & Gas Fitting Services Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Cameron Auld
C and K Auld Plumbing Service Sunshine Coast
Gary Bergman
Gary Bergman Plumbing
Brisbane North
Alfred Jackson
Jackson Plumbing
Gold Coast
Kenneth Ball
Ken Ball Plumbing
Tony Fornataro
Tony’s Plumbing Service
Brisbane North
Kerry Stark
Michael Wilson
Peter Eller
Enware Australia Pty Ltd
Outside Queensland
Cameron Burke
Burke Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
David Cottrell
Accuplumb Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Peter Witheyman Afresh Plumbing
Gil Crause
Australian Valve Group
Brisbane South
Jennifer Pain
B & S Pipelines
Brisbane North
Stephen Bax
Bax Plumbing Contractors
Bob Munro
Bob Munro The Plumber
Gold Coast
Bryce Tobin
Bryce Tobin Plumbing & Gas
Anthony Martin
Coastal Gasfitting & Plumbing
North Qld
Clinton Scovell
Complete Plumbing Solutions (Qld) Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Craig Bennett
Craig’s Country Plumbing
Tony Bonehill
Emu Commercial Plumbing, Gas Fitting And Solar
Brisbane North
Michael Fiteni
Fiteni Contractors Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Mark Peters
Gas and Plumbing Solutions
Brisbane South
Craig Gilder
Gilders Plumbing & Earthmoving Pty Ltd
Gregory Stretton
GW & LJ Stretton
Brisbane South
Kelvin Mason
Gympie Regional Council
Sunshine Coast
Carl Hamann
ISS Facility Services
Brisbane South
Jason Ball
Jason Ball Plumbing
Shelton Allenberg All Plumbing and Gas Services Gold Coast
Ben Goding
Ben Goding Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brian Young
Bri-Lee Plumbing (Aust) Pty Ltd Gold Coast
Brent Watterston Callide Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
Robert Sinkovics
Brisbane South
Stephen Brewster Decina Bathroomware Pty Ltd
Mark Dunne
Dunne Rite Plumbing
Far North Qld
Michael Cook
East Oz Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Doug Olsen
Evergreen Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Grant Vickers
Gravick Plumbing & Gas
Benjamin Byrne
Nuflow Central Queensland
Robert Pantano
O’Neill & Brown Plumbing (Qld) Pty Ltd
Outside Queensland
Andrew Gray
Platinum Plumbing Qld
Sunshine Coast
Scott Ludwig
Plumb & Earth Contractors
Brisbane South
Greg Bence
Plumbing Logix Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Greg Dean
Residential Fire Sprinklers Qld Pty Ltd
Sunshine Coast
Douglas Lewis
Roma Plumbing
Paul Tamplin
Roode Roofing
Brisbane North
Stephen Axford
Steve Axford Plumbing
Brisbane North
Brisbane North
Martin Sproule
Cottee Plumbing Services
Electro-Training Institute Bupa Nothing is more important to Bupa than providing their members with quality corporate health insurance. That’s why they’ve teamed up with Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland, so you can access a range of health and wellness services as well as great corporate discounts to help you live a longer, healthier, happier life. New Bupa Members: Six weeks free cover and the equivalent of an 11.5% discount in the first year of membership. Existing Bupa Members: Year 3 Benefit Bonus (be treated like a loyal three year customer from day one) and access to the Life Skills program to assist you in better managing your own person wellbeing.
Electro-Training Institute are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Number: 31673) delivering nationally recognised training in solar, refrigeration and electrical. Courses can be held onsite (for a minimum of eight students) or set classes are held regularly in Cairns, Townsville, and Brisbane. They deliver the Course in Restricted Electrical to plumbers who wish to obtain a licence from the Electrical Safety Office (ESO) to disconnect and reconnect water heaters, fault find to identify faults in thermostats and elements, and replace plugs and leads. MPAQ members receive a $50 discount on their Restricted Electrical course fee with Electro-Training Institute.
Get the tools you need to succeed!
Always helpful, would not be in business without the support of MPAQ.
- Roy Walker Plumbing, member since 1971
Membership with MPAQ provides the resources you need to run your plumbing business. Visit www.mpaq.com.au or contact our membership team on 07 3273 0800 to find out more. 36
1900 - 2020
MEMBER BENEFITS As well as offering members technical, workplace relations, and industry support, MPAQ have built relationships with industry partners to offer MPAQ members exclusive offers and discounts.
Rostron Carlyle Rojas
Totally Workwear Totally Workwear is Australia’s largest network of service providers in workwear and safety gear. They have over 60 independently owned and operated stores around Australia, ensuring that you are getting tailored local service backed by the best value and quality brand named products. Get 15% off storewide at Totally Workwear*! To take advantage of this great offer just visit your nearest store and quote your member number. *Terms, conditions, and exclusion apply – visit www.mpaq.com.au/ benefits/totally-workwear.
2020 MPAQ
Tipping Competition
Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers pride themselves on delivering expert advice with a human approach. Their culture is founded on relationships, built over time by taking the time to get to know you and your business. They’re proud to be the firm of choice for so many, who find peace of mind that they can call on a trusted, relatable advisor when they need them. Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers offer MPAQ’s members: • Free 30-minute consult • Free RCR debt recovery letters for debts over $500.00 • Free debt recovery letters from our collection company, Professional Recovery Services, for debts under $500.00
Congrats to our Top 10!
1 Roser - 161 points - Lupe - 161 points 3 Bill Watson - 160 points 4 otcplumbingandgas - 159 points - Studorgrant - 159 points - Pipemax - 159 points 7 Diane Solaplumb - 156 points 8 JGP - 153 points - Rachael Con Serv - 153 points 10 Rachel Solaplumb - 152 points
Lifestyle Tradie Lifestyle Tradie is an award-winning education program and community for trade business owners who want to make more profit and fast-track financial freedom. Since 2009, cofounders Andy and Angela Smith have been changing the lives of thousands of tradies and their families. You’ll receive a rebate of up to $200 towards your MPAQ membership when you become a Lifestyle Tradie member.
To get more information about these offers and to view the full suite of member benefits visit www.mpaq.com.au/memberbenefits. MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE Summer 2020 |
Charles McCarthy
Charlie’s Plumbing and Gas Solutions
Brisbane North
Jared Carrara
Errol Hearn
Honest Plumbing Solutions
Brisbane North
Wesley Speight
Speight Plumbing and Gas
Far North Qld
Nicholas Oliphant
Ollies Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brisbane North
Raymond Green
Raymond Green
Fraser Coast
Craig Martin
Powerflow Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
Brisbane North
Daniel Thompson
Thompson Plumbing and Gas
Fraser Coast
Rojas Paul
Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers
Brisbane North
Jason Bacanskas
Stream Plumbing and Drainage
Brisbane North
Valerie Towson
3 Monkeez Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Warwick Spiller
APAC Plumbing
Brisbane South
Peter Brennan
Brennan Plumbing & Excavations Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Dane Tworek
Brisbane Plumbing and Sewer Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
John Currie
J M L Plumbing
Brisbane South
Darren Wardill
Plumbing Wizzard Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Joshua Holdsworth
Pressure Plumbing & Gas Fitting
Brisbane South
Stewart Bell
Snappy Plumbing
Brisbane South
Incheol Lee
Sugar Plumbing Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Kieran Killoran
Wilo Australia Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Bradley Coonan
BTC Plumbing
Patrick Ryan
Agnes Water 1770 Plumbing
Christopher Atkin
Atkin Plumbing & Gasfitting Pty Ltd Central
Josh Smith
J & K Plumbing Works Pty Ltd
Russell Groth
Orion Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Ian Fielding
Allfix Plumbing and Gas
Far North Qld
Brenton Neville
Brenton Neville Plumbing
Far North Qld
Damien Meredith
Footprints Plumbing and Services
Far North Qld
JDC Plumbing & Roofing
Far North Qld
Bradley Greenaway
Never Fail Plumbing Service
Gold Coast
Ross Blair
Pro Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd
Gold Coast
William Hancock
WPH Plumbing Pty Ltd
Gold Coast
Maurisio Von Bischoffshausen
Masterguard Fire & Plumbing Services
Darcy Lowcock
Darcy Lowcock Plumbing
North Qld
Brad Devlin
No Bull Plumbing and Home Maintenance
North Qld
Anita Bellamy
Plumbing Professionals NQ
North Qld
Matt Walker
Outside QLD
Rebecca Constanti
Aroflo Pty Ltd
Outside QLD
Desmond Goy
Above Board Plumbing
Sunshine Coast
Jack Cerneaz
Anchored Plumbing Co
Sunshine Coast
Bradley Keogh
Bradley Keogh
Sunshine Coast
Trent Davis
TD Plumbing Australia
Sunshine Coast
Andrew Spalding
AJ’s Plumbing, Gas and Earthworks
Ian Watson
Watsons Plumbing and Gas
$5,000 Holiday THANKS TO RWC!
Pay your 2020 Contracting Membership Renewal prior to the due date and you could go into the draw to win a travel voucher worth $5,000. Nicholas Alford Alford Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd
Luke Flynn Blueline Plumbing Services
1900 - 2020
David Levenspiel Liqwyd Solutions Pty Ltd
Anna and Todd Murphy Murphy Plumbing and Gas Pty Ltd
This competition is available for contracting members renewing their membership with the Association between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Receipt or confirmation of payment for renewal must be received by the renewal date in order for member to gain an entry in the 2020 Membership Renewal Draw. This competition is only applicable to contracting members. Renewing members must elect to enter the draw via a link provided in membership confirmation emails. All entries must be received by 11.59pm AEST on 31 December 2020. The competition is open to MPAQ contracting members who are Australian residents aged 18 years and over. Only one entry per company is permitted. The winner will be drawn at random on 15 January 2021 at noon AEST at 11/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge, Brisbane, QLD 4110. The winner must accept the prize within 10 business days of this date. Full Competition Terms and Conditions Apply - visit www. mpaq.com.au/renew for more details.
THE SUPPORTERS OF OUR INDUSTRY Platinum Corporate Supporters Reece Reliance Worldwide Corporation Rheem Australia Pty Ltd simPRO Software Pty Ltd Toyota Tradelink WFI Insurance
03 9274 0000 07 3018 3440 07 3412 9200 1300 139 467 1800 679 247 1800 758 624 1300 934 934
Gold Corporate Supporters BUSSQ Building Super Bretts Trade Plumbing Supplies Construction Skills Queensland Decina Bathroomware Pty Ltd Dial Before You Dig (Qld) Ltd GWA Group Kembla QLeave Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd
07 3369 1111 07 3203 2105 1800 798 488 07 3271 1944 1300 329 375 07 3131 5999 07 3868 7888 07 3212 6811 02 9796 3100
Silver Corporate Supporters FlatRateNOW Halgan Pty Ltd Hilti Australia Smartpay Australia Pty Ltd
02 7202 6008 07 3208 8339 13 12 92 1800 433 876
Corporate Supporters 3 Monkeez Pty Ltd Advanced Enviro-Septic AiiMS Alpha390 Finance Aquacure Water Treatment Pty Ltd Aquaknect Aquatech Solar Technologies Pty Ltd Aroflo Astivita Limited AusPress Systems Pty Ltd Australian Gas Networks Australian Industry Trade College Australian Pump Industries Pty Ltd Australian Valve Group AustWorld Backflow Central & Hydromet Bermad Water Technologies Bunnings Trade Busy At Work Comsure Insurance Brokers Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Construct Law Group Cornwalls Law + More Davey Water Products Pty Ltd Elson Australasia Pty Ltd Emerson Valvcheq Backflow Enware Australia Pty Ltd Everhard Industries Pty Ltd Fair Water Meters Finlease Global Roto-Moulding Pty Ltd Gould Instruments Green Drains Asia Pacific Groundplan Software Grundfos Pumps Pty Ltd Handford Virtual Services InSinkErator K & R Plumbing Supplies - Toowoomba
07 3881 0322 07 5474 4055 1300 641 849 1300 390 390 07 3277 6696 07 3805 3800 07 5520 6701 03 9259 5291 07 3726 2000 1300 287 773 1300 001 001 www.aitc.qld.edu.au 02 8865 3500 03 9462 2666 1300 780 430 07 5407 0151 03 9464 2374 13 30 62 13 28 79 07 3434 7800 07 3630 5744 07 3139 1874 07 3223 5900 07 3370 3700 02 9625 7899 07 3260 2555 02 8556 4000 13 19 26 1300 324 701 07 3324 2655 07 4697 7099 07 4779 6750 0406 003 446 07 3062 7737 07 5540 6700 0487 000 557 0447 886 648 07 4634 2955
Lifestyle Tradie Group Pty Ltd Modus Operandi MTS Warehousing and Distribution Ozzi Kleen Payright Plastec Australia Pty Ltd Plumbing Apprentices Queensland Plumbing Plus Queensland Plumbspec Plus Technologies Podium Porters PROTRADE United Queensland Brassware Association Queensland Gas Association QUT Facilities Management Rain Harvesting Rainware Outdoor Showers Rehau Pty Ltd Ridge Tool (Aust) Pty Ltd Rinnai Rostron Carlyle Rojas Lawyers Samios Saniflo Shower Sealed Pty Ltd Snap Fire Systems Pty Ltd SolarEast Australasia Pty Ltd Specialised Plumbing Centre Square Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd Stoddart Stormtech Pty Ltd Stratco (Qld) Pty Ltd Studor Australia Pty Ltd Supakwik Water Heaters Pty Ltd TAFE Queensland Taylex Industries Pty Ltd The Bidet Shop The Couta Group The Service Trades College Australia The Wondercap Company Pty Ltd Totally Workwear Tradie Bookkeeping Solutions Tradies Accountants Valves R Us Viega Pty Ltd Vinidex Pty Ltd Wilo Australia Xact Accounting Zetco Valves Pty Ltd
1800 704 822 0421 399 107 07 3865 4811 07 5459 4900 1300 338 496 07 5413 4444 07 3273 0800 07 4634 2955 0423 563 030 07 3357 3367 0478 180 191 07 4967 3333 1300 767 774 0410 194 667 1300 792 239 07 3188 2331 07 3248 9600 0411 660 933 07 5527 1833 03 9930 7000 07 3137 6600 07 3009 8444 07 3907 8399 1300 557 779 1300 519 133 07 3348 9417 1300 668 886 07 3862 1166 1800 760 137 1800 153 351 07 3440 7600 02 4423 1989 07 3451 4444 1300 551 519 07 3800 0575 07 3244 0209 07 3441 5200 07 5591 7744 03 8405 3386 07 3255 5698 07 5539 3665 07 3249 4000 0468 944 130 07 3174 5010 07 3865 1488 02 8853 7867 07 3277 2822 07 3907 6900 1300 233 723 02 9516 1336
Associate Councils Brisbane City Council Bundaberg Regional Council Gympie Regional Council Isaac Regional Council Livingstone Shire Council (LSC) Logan City Council Mackay Regional Council Mareeba Shire Council Moreton Bay Regional Council Mount Isa City Council Quilpie Shire Council Rockhampton Regional Council Southern Downs Regional Council Sunshine Coast Regional Council Townsville City Council
07 3403 8888 07 4130 4814 1300 307 800 07 4964 5400 07 4913 5000 07 3412 3412 07 4961 9011 07 4086 4720 07 3205 0555 07 4747 3200 07 4656 0500 07 4932 9000 1300 697 372 07 5420 8618 13 48 10