Master Plumber November/December 2017

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In this edition

Security of Payments

Supporting Community

Famous Faces

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To request a consultation email page 3



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consultant’s perspective

employee benefits

kick injuries to the curb

contents Editor’s Note


Perspective and President’s Message


MPAQ Member Benefits


Industry News


Gas Safety Alert: Improper Use of Portable Water Heaters


Occupational Versus Contractor Licensing


Updated Apprentice Wage Sheet – Overtime Calculations


New Legislation Passes Through Parliament in Security of Payments


Online NW Lodgements on Track to Hit 40,000


RPZ Performance & Limitations


Amendment to the Solar Heated Water Systems Regulation


A Consultant’s Perspective of the Plumbing Industry


2017/2018 Christmas & New Year Public Holidays and Pay Rates


Are Local Competitors Using the Internet to ‘Steal’ Your Customers & Damage Your Reputation?


5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Have an Online Presence


Be a Business Leader


Conor Mcgregor’s Unique Way of Remembering His Plumbing Roots


Benefits of Novated Vehicle Leasing


Multi-Purpose Tools of the Trade


Training Calendar


Expand Your Services with a Jetter


New Products


Kick Injuries to the Curb


Events 32 Meet our New Corporate Supporters


MPAQ Members Out and About


Townsville Duo Magazine – Listen to Your Heart


Female Plumbing Business Owner Partakes In Vinnies Ceo Sleepout


New Members and Milestone Achievements


The Supporters of Our Industry




PUBLISHED BY Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland: 243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge Q 4110 P: 07 3273 0800 F: 07 3273 0873 E: W:

THE TEAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Penny Cornah P: 07 3273 0800 E: EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Lisa Hilton P: 07 3273 0800 E: ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Marc Wilson P: 07 3273 0800 E: PRINT & DESIGN Foyer Printing P: 07 5598 1005 E:

MPAQ COUNCIL PRESIDENT Kelvin Slade P: 0417 787 284 E: VICE PRESIDENTS Kent Vickers P: 0418 883 999 E: Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: PAST PRESIDENT Bob Kimlin P: 07 4772 6308 / 0419 744 383 E: TREASURER John Salmon P: 07 3846 5366 E: COUNCILLORS Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: Michael Ryan P: 3630 4744 E: Rob Brouwers P: 0411 413 400 E: Sam Hannant P: 0405 647 046 E: Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: Ben Crew P: 0400 364 665 E:

TRUSTEES Bill Watson P: 07 3273 2333 E: Don Nunn P: 0418 717 470 E:

LIFE MEMBERS G Cottee, F Huysing, B McGrath OAM, MJ Moor, T Morris, J Porter, GC Richardson, NF Sharman, BS Soden, BD Wallace, WB Watson, R Kimlin

MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEMBERS A Chapman, B McGrath OAM, T Morris, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, M Wilshere DISCLAIMER Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.

editor’s note LISA HILTON Editor


elcome to the November/December 2017 edition of the Master Plumber Magazine!

Did someone say Christmas? It’s the end of another year, and everyone is in a mad rush to get everything finished for work before the holidays arrive. MPAQ has had some recent changes, and we’re working hard to make sure our members are being looked after. Aside from getting on new benefits and making sure all our current benefits for members are relevant and valuable, we’re also trying to streamline the way you uptake the benefits available to you. We want your membership to be simple so you don’t have another worry, and we want you to think of us first when you need help with something. We’re your support, and we are excited to be increasing our services to you in the New Year. Stay tuned for more info in 2018! Recently, MPAQ announced a donation of $6,000 to Orange Sky Australia who are a free mobile laundry and hot shower service for the homeless. Our members and event attendees donated generously to this cause at the MPAQ run events in 2017, and we couldn’t be more proud of you all for making a contribution. It costs $6 for Orange Sky Australia to wash and dry someone’s clothes. We’ve helped them get another 1,000 loads of washing done for the homeless. That’s an amazing thing for our industry to be able to contribute! If you are interested in getting more involved with this charity (based in Brisbane), feel free to send me a quick email and I can get you in touch with the right people ( It’s a great cause and they appreciate any help offered. I wanted to mention in my editor’s note how amazing our Corporate Supporters have been this year, in getting involved with MPAQ’s activities and showing their commitment to our members. We have run over 30 events this year and seen over 2,300 attendees come through, and the only way this is made possible is through the support of those companies that sponsor and attend these functions. We always encourage our contracting members to make the effort to look up who is a Corporate Supporter with MPAQ (listed in the back of the mag and on the MPAQ website) and make contact with them first if you’re in need of something in particular. These are the companies that are dedicated to providing you with opportunities to network, learn, grow and be the best in business. Make sure you look after them too. Well I guess that’s a wrap for the year! Congratulations to those reaching membership milestones with MPAQ recently and a huge welcome to our new members in this edition. I look forward to catching up with you all next year!

Lisa page 5


perspective PENNY CORNAH Executive Director


o Christmas is upon us, where did the year go? Have you had a successful year in business? As I reflect on the last twelve months, I feel proud of the work the Association has achieved and I would like to thank our amazing team for their hard work and commitment during 2017. I would also like to acknowledge and thank our MPAQ Councillors for their commitment and support.

2017 Key Highlights • The new and improved MPAQ website is up and running, making it easier to navigate and access our services • We developed a new Find a Master Plumber portal for members of the public to easily identify and contact our members


• We developed an extensive array of benefits specifically tailored for members. With over 50 confirmed benefits so far, this continues to grow. Everything available to access is available through the MPAQ website ( • We appointed a new female ambassador, Carlie Low at the World Plumbing Day Breakfast in March. Congratulations to Carlie on her commitment by attending multiple career expos and school visits this year, promoting the opportunities for plumbing as a career path future for students • We rebranded and expanded the former ‘Partners in Plumbing Group’ to be the new ‘Women’s Plumbing Alliance’. With the support of the Office of Small Business, this has now expanded to include female plumbers, apprentices, administration staff and business managers • We developed a new mentoring program for females in the industry

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• We purchased a building at Beenleigh in partnership with the Plumbers Union and the National Fire Industry Association. We are going to build a training center of excellence • In 2017, MPAQ hosted over 30 events state-wide with over 2,300 attendees • In 2017, MPAQ hosted 29 face-to-face courses along with online training courses, training over 250 students statewide • MPAQ has been actively lobbying government in a number of areas including security of payments, non-conforming products, changes to the Plumbing & Drainage Act, licensing and medical gas More initiatives are planned for 2018 and I will provide more information in our next issue. Plumbing is the most important trade in the world and is a lifesaving profession. Our members are on the front line and we as an Association are on the front line with you. Thank you for the service you provide to our community. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year. Penny Cornah Ph: 07 3273 0800 E: *I would like to apologise for an error in my perspective in the Sept/Oct issue. The reference to Canfield Plumbing celebrating a milestone achievement was meant to be Cuthbert’s Plumbing. Congratulations to Bill and the team!

president’s message KELVIN SLADE President


n my last column I mentioned the need for Continued Professional Development (CPD) and I want to expand on that some more. Most participants in the industry are supportive of the idea and it has been bandied around for some time now. The contractors that have voiced their opposition are generally the ones that need it most and have a narrow view on the situation. Interestingly, there are some in our regulatory and policy bodies that are not terribly supportive of the notion, publicly stating that it’s not the solution or remedy we need. I ask how so? Given that when some contractors are prosecuted for carrying out work contrary to the requirements of the Act, the Regulations and/or Standards, they are sometimes required to attend a one day legislation course, essentially Professional Development - go figure! The reason I believe they feel this way is that they are of the opinion that it would be too hard to implement and manage. I think not. About three years ago there was some research undertaken by the QBCC on CPD. A system was proposed, including a platform to run the scheme however it never got off the ground. I held a seat on the previous ‘Industry Reference Group’ facilitated by the QBCC at the time, which participated in the discussion on the topic. Here’s what I believe should happen. Building Codes Queensland (our policy writers) and our regulator (QBCC) should engage in industry consultation to not only determine the need but also the how. This should be undertaken with the Service Trades Council (STC) actively involved in the entire process. The findings should be documented, disseminated back to industry for comment with the final draft handed to the Minister for Housing and Public Works. After all, this is how our system of government is meant to work and serve the public. If they need a quick litmus test on the matter, all that needs to be done is email every senior inspector or head of department in Local Government throughout Queensland and ask for their feedback, then check that against the Notifiable Work compliance. Considering the focus that has been placed on auditing hot water installations, that should be easy. The need is fairly obvious so let’s do something about it.

Happy Plumbing


When you’re trying to stand out in a crowded industry, a Trade Association can help make the difference. Trade Associations can provide access to innovative business practices and winning business strategies. These industry-specific groups can also give independent operations more political clout, which may be helpful whenever proposed local, state, or federal legislation threatens to harm small businesses. Here are five ways to boost your business by joining a trade association: 1. Tap into knowledge Workshops, meet-and-greets, newsletters, blogs, and forums create opportunities to share those best practices and fresh ideas 2. Enhance your reputation Trade Associations sort out bad apples through selfregulation, which bolsters the reputations of all their members 3. Make personal connections By participating in a Trade Association’s regional chapters, small businesses can gain access to potential new customers in their area 4. Increased purchasing power Trade Associations often arrange for members to receive discounts on certain products and services 5. Gain political clout and expertise Trade Associations bring competitors together, turning one small voice into a persuasive, collective shout

MPAQ Member Benefits COVERCARD


CoverCard is a local Queensland business that believes the recruitment of your workforce should be simpler and faster. Their website enables instant filtering of incoming job applications against the ticket and licence requirements, saving significant time and money.

Take charge of your health in the New Year.

MPAQ are pleased to have partnered with CoverCard to offer members a complimentary, no obligation trial on your next three jobs (valued at $147). For more information or to sign up visit

AITCHISON REID BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION LAWYERS Aitchison Reid is a building and construction law practice, which means they are completely focussed on the law relating to your industry! Aitchison Reid knows it’s important to be able to reach out for help when you need it without worrying about being charged from the moment you start talking. Therefore, they are offering MPAQ members a 30 minute free initial phone call and 30 minutes of free phone calls per month. To access the benefit, call Aitchison Reid Building and Construction Lawyers on 07 3128 0120 and quote your MPAQ member number.

Snap Fitness has a focus on providing members with Australia’s trusted workout in clean, comfortable locations that are close to home. MPAQ members can join Snap Fitness and utilise a 10% discount off membership rates, $0 joining fee, and an access card fee of just $49.00. Find your closest Snap Fitness gym and show proof of your MPAQ membership today!

REBEL FM How many customers are you missing out on because they just don’t know about you? Rebel FM can help you get the website you’ve always wanted; a social media presence to help support your business; low, cost effective social media advertising; and access to low cost, high frequency radio advertising in your local market. As a MPAQ member you get up to 50% discount on radio rates and 10% on all digital service. Even better, you get to pay it off over 12 months. For your free consultation, give Rebel FM a call on 07 5665 6600 or email them at and quote your MPAQ member number.



At Australia’s leading car rental company, MPAQ members have access to a 7% discount for Australian rental cars at over 240 locations.

Tradify takes the pain out of admin. It keeps track of costs, time, invoices, etc., so you don’t have to.

Avis renters enjoy all the benefits that come with renting from Australia’s market leader – largest fleet, largest national network and global presence. Plus, you can earn Quantas Points on eligible rentals. Visit member-benefits to gain direct access to your Avis discount.


Why You Should be Part of a Trade Association

Tradify’s easy-to-use app cuts down on admin time, eliminates paperwork, and helps plumbers save an average of 460 hours and $24,500 every year. Tradify simplifies your business and gives you your nights back Get your first 3 months FREE as an MPAQ Contracting member! To access the benefit, visit www.mpaq.

Source: QuickBooks

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industry news Gas Safety Alert: Improper Use of Portable Water Heaters The Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate recently carried out a series of inspections of caravans and commercial catering vehicles following complaints about the location and use of portable gas water heaters. Their inspections identified a number of caravans and commercial catering vehicles that had either had a portable water heater installed within the vehicle or located inappropriately outside the caravan/vehicle, contravening manufacturer’s instructions for outdoor use. In Queensland, the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (the Act) requires that the supply, installation and use of gas devices (and fittings) must be approved. Approved appliances carry a label identifying the approving body and the relevant approval number, and appliances should also be accompanied by manufacturer’s instructions on safe use. These types of gas appliances are specifically approved for outdoor use only and come with appropriate safety warning signs. For further information or clarification, please visit or call the Department of Natural Resources and Mines on 13 74 68.

Updated Apprentice Wage Sheet – Overtime Calculations Based on advice given by the Fair Work Ombudsman the Apprentice Wage Sheet for MPAQ members has been updated to reflect the allowances included in the overtime calculations. Under the Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award the Apprentices base pay rate is inclusive of the following allowances: • Full Industry Allowance; • Apprentice percentage of Plumbing Trade allowance; • Apprentice percentage of Tool Allowance;

Occupational versus Contractor Licensing There is confusion in the industry in relation to ongoing issues relating to the requirements to hold occupational and contractor licences for the performance of plumbing and drainage work. MPAQ has raised this item with the Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Minister for Housing and Public Works, the Service Trades Council members, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Commissioner, Brett Bassett and Assistant Commissioner, Esther Blest. The Department has advised that their team is working on items and will advise an outcome soon. MPAQ understands that in 2014, the decision was made by the Hon. Tim Mander, former Minister for Housing and Public Works, that when plumbing and drainage occupational licensing was moved to the QBCC, these licensees would only need to hold and pay for one licence, instead of holding both occupational and contractor licences. While this red tape reduction policy was widely communicated to the industry, both by the former Minister, the Department of Housing and Public Works (HPW) and the QBCC, it appears that these amendments were not appropriately translated into legislation. This has created the situation where licensees may not hold the licences they need to be able to perform their work. After identifying this issue, the QBCC has changed its practice in accordance with the lawful requirements, and as of 1 July 2017, licensees are now being told that they must once again hold and pay for both an occupational licence and a contractors’ licence. This is causing confusion for the industry and upset from the increase in fees required to hold both licences. MPAQ understands the importance and impact on approximately 5,500 licensees, and is working with the Department and QBCC.

Please print out the new Wage Sheet for Apprentices and disregard the previous one, available in the workplace relations section of the MPAQ website.

If the QBCC has advised you to renew or apply for your occupational licence, MPAQ is advising you to follow the regulators instructions.

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Workplace Relations Team on 07 3273 0800.

For further information please contact Ernie Kretschmer or Penny Cornah from MPAQ on 07 3273 0800.



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n Thursday 26 October, the Queensland Government passed the toughest security of payments legislation ever seen in Australia. The new Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 substantially improves security of payments, particularly for the subcontracting industry. Whilst there has been a great deal of focus on the Project Bank Accounts system which the Act introduces, and there is much to commend about Project Bank Accounts, the Act does a great deal more than that to improve security of payments in Queensland. The new Act repeals the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act and the Subcontractors Charges Act, but their provisions are largely replicated in the new Act with some very significant improvements. As you will see below, it also amends the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act with significant increased power going to the QBCC. Changes to the Payment Claim and Adjudication System The three major changes to the Payment Claim system are: • You no longer have to endorse an invoice or progress claim to make it a Payment Claim. This means invoices and final claims are automatically Payment Claims which can be enforced using the adjudication system or, in some cases, through the Courts. • Payment Schedules are now mandatory unless the full amount of the Payment Claim has been paid on time. If a person receives a Payment Claim and they do not either pay the full amount or provide a Payment Schedule: o They can be fined up to $12,615.00; o If they hold a QBCC licence, they can be subject to disciplinary action by the QBCC, or o If there is an adjudication application, they cannot put in any response, meaning that the adjudicator will proceed only considering the material filed by the applicant who served the Payment Claim.

• A person who is given a Payment Claim but has not received a Payment Schedule does not have to give the recipient a second chance to deliver a Payment Schedule, if: o No Payment Schedule was given, or o There was a Payment Schedule but the scheduled amount was not paid. If the person who gave the Payment Claim wants to apply to Court for judgement because there was no Payment Schedule or the scheduled amount in a Payment Schedule was not actually paid on time, a second chance notice is still required. Other important changes to the payment claim system include: • The time to make Adjudication Applications has been extended. Depending on the circumstances, an applicant will have either 20 or 30 business days to file the application; • The right of a respondent in complex claims (over $750K) to raise new defences or reasons not to pay in the Adjudication Response has been removed; • Fixing the current problem contractors sometimes have where, because the contract has been terminated, they have no right to deliver another Payment Claim; • There is now complete clarity that if a respondent in an Adjudication Application applies to Court to set aside the Adjudication decision, they must pay the adjudicated amount into Court; • The QBCC can limit the number of pages in Adjudication Applications and Adjudication Responses; and • The QBCC can pass regulations requiring additional information to be included in Payment Claims. For the full article and further information about the new legislation, visit the MPAQ website ( Article supplied by Ian Heathwood, McKays Solicitors

Online NW Lodgements on Track to Hit



New Legislation Passes through Parliament in Security of Payments

Plumbing and drainage licensees have been commended for their uptake of the myQBCC online lodgement system for notifiable work (NW) Form 4s and 4As. Assistant Commissioner of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), Esther Blest, said that 36,618 notifiable work forms had been lodged using the new system between 27 April (when myQBCC was introduced) and 30 September 2017. “In the same period, only 2,531 forms were lodged manually,” Ms Blest said. Ms Blest said myQBCC had proven to be a more reliable system than the previous Plumbing Application Service (PAS) and online lodgements were on track to reach 40,000 in the six months since its inception. “I would encourage plumbing and drainage licensees who are not already registered with myQBCC to do so as soon as possible so that they can quickly and efficiently lodge forms associated with their notifiable work.” “The QBCC is about to increase its promotional activities about myQBCC with industry members and home owners, to ensure greater awareness of the requirement for licensees to notify the QBCC when they have completed notifiable work,” Ms Blest said. As part of these activities, the QBCC will survey users to gain feedback about their experiences with the online lodgement system. Licensees are legally required to inform the QBCC of all notifiable work by lodging a Form 4 or 4A within 10 business days of the work being completed. The QBCC regularly conducts proactive compliance audits to ensure that licensed plumbers, drainers and fire protection workers are meeting their legislative requirements when it comes to notifiable work. For more information, visit

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Performance & Limitations W

hen you specify or install a Reduced Pressure Zone backflow prevention device (RPZ), are you confident there will be no surprises when the water is turned back on? There are a number of decisions you must make when considering an RPZ backflow prevention device. It is a safety valve that protects the drinking water supply. They are used extensively but many people don’t understand the operation or the limitations and constraints applicable to these devices. The following information will help you make the right decision.

Hazard Ratings RPZ devices are suitable for all types of hazards, but generally only used in high hazard applications, as alternative type devices are more suitable to medium and low hazards.

Cross Connections The RPZ protects both types of cross connections: 1. A direct connection - This is where the cross connection is ‘hard piped’ or plumbed in


2. An in-direct connection - The most common cross connection is a hose. A hose is an in-direct connection as the outlet can be left in all sorts of situations. For example, drain cleaning, chemical mixing, pipe flushing, pool filling, etc.

RPZ Devices Protect Against Both Types of Backflow Backsiphonage – Where the pressure in the supply line is reversed, causing the water to be sucked or run backwards. This is usually caused by a water main break in the street, but can also be caused by equipment that rely on venturi action to draw water from the supply line. Backpressure – Where the water pressure within the facility is greater than the supply pressure. Causes can include high head pressure found in high rise building and hilly terrain. Article provided by Peter McLennan, Backflow Prevention Association of Australia Inc.

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The Australian Standard Backflow prevention devices are WaterMarked to AS/NZS2845.1-2010 or AS/NZS2845.1-1998. The WaterMark is your assurance that the device has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant Standard. If it does not have a WaterMark, it can not be installed in a plumbing system. Even if the device is WaterMarked, you still need to ensure it is fit for purpose.

Pressure Drop and Flow Rates RPZ backflow preventers rely upon pressure drop across the check valves for effective operation, and they are to be field tested for effective operation at least annually by an accredited tester trained in backflow prevention. Always check the manufacturers published literature for the pressure drop curve to ensure you have enough available pressure to supply the amount of water required. It is especially important where a fire connection is concerned.

Discharge from RPZ Valves All RPZ valves will dump water through the vent in the valve. It is a safety feature that ensures that if the device fails or there is a backflow event, the drinking water is protected. The spillage of water is often inconvenient, but when installed where it cannot get away, it can become dangerous. For example, a 50mm RPZ with a pressure of 700 kPa can discharge sufficient water to empty an Olympic sized swimming pool in 6 hours if not stopped.

Installation Guidelines Backflow prevention devices are mechanical devices that require regular testing and maintenance. To facilitate this, they must be installed where ease of access is available. The Standard addresses some aspects, but each manufacturer outlines specific installation requirements in their published literature. By understanding these few points, you will be well placed to make the correct decision for the specific application.

Amendment to the Solar Heated Water Systems Regulation The 2016 edition of the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), called up the most recent version of the Australian Standard relating to Plumbing and Drainage (AS/NZS 3500:2015). Part 4 of AS/NZS 3500:2015 Heated Water Services, requires solar hot water collector panels to be orientated within 45 degrees east or west of true north. This restriction on the orientation of collector panels does not acknowledge that the importance of orientation decreases the closer the installation is to the equator. Research indicates in Queensland, a solar water heater could still deliver efficiency outcomes if the collector panels are installed beyond the limitation of 45 degrees east or west from north. The current requirement restricting the orientation of panels to within 45 degrees east or west of true north was seen as an inappropriate restriction in Queensland. It was considered a restriction on the property owners ability to take advantage of the benefits that a solar water heater could deliver, even when installed beyond the 45 degrees threshold, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of solar heated water systems being installed. It is proposed through the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code to include a specific variation to the deemed to satisfy requirement of AS/NZS3500.4:2015 clause This variation now allows the installation of collector panels associated with a solar hot water system to be installed to an orientation of not more than 90 degrees east or west of true north. Although this variation allows for the orientation of standard proprietary collector panels to not be more than 90 degrees east or west of true north, consideration to the use of additional or higher efficiency collectors should be considered when installed beyond the requirement as specified in AS/NZS 3500.4. It is advisable to discuss with the property owner any manufacturer’s recommendations that can be utilised to deliver better performance and energy efficiency outcomes. Email the Building Industry and Policy Department of Housing and Public Works on for further information.

January / February 2016 |


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hydraulic consultants

A Consultant’s Perspective

of the Plumbing Industry H

aving worked on the tools and in the office, David Mitmannsgruber, Senior Associate at Interior Engineering, offers his insight on the complex relationships in the industry. Coming into the plumbing industry as a mature age apprentice, I was amazed to learn the important role the plumbing industry plays in protecting the health and wellbeing of society. Growing up, to me a plumber was someone who came to maintain the gas heater or fix a broken toilet. When I got offered a plumbing apprenticeship, I was aware of the advantages of a trade qualification, but I couldn’t have imagined the different career opportunities that are available within the plumbing industry.

Being a part of the plumbing industry is something we should all be proud of. As consultants, plumbers and plumbing inspectors, we have a great responsibility for the sanitary health of society, as well as protecting and saving our most precious resource: water. It is important to acknowledge that engaging a qualified hydraulic consultant to design and document a plumbing installation that is checked and approved by a local authority and can, therefore, be competitively priced by a licensed plumbing contractor, is still the most efficient way to provide plumbing services that are reliable, water efficient and protect public health. Article written by David Mitmannsgruber, Senior Associate at Interior Engineering

As a tradie, I witnessed firsthand the physical toll being a plumber can have. This is something the public is blissfully unaware of; more focussed on how much plumbers earn and issues around union influences on the construction industry. The number of plumbers who get injured or die while trying to earn a living and provide for their families seems to get overlooked.


As a tradesman and site foreman, it was frustrating to receive plumbing drawings that didn’t bear any resemblance to what was installed on site or showed details that are unachievable in a construction site environment. So I decided to hit the books, accepted the pay cut that comes with being a junior hydraulic designer and settled for the safety and comfort of an air-conditioned office. How hard could it be? Turns out that it’s a lot harder than it seems. Trying to design plumbing services with little or no existing information, no site access and dealing with architects and/or clients that don’t understand the constraints that we have to work with can be very challenging. Meeting the client brief, budget, architectural design and local authority’s approval requirements, while providing a buildable and cost effective design, can be quite the balancing act. It is more important than ever for consultants and plumbers to work together. There is a lot we can learn from each other. Talking to plumbers on site always provides great opportunities to discuss common issues, from changes in materials, installation methodologies and safety regulations to different Australian Standard interpretations. As much as we like to rely on standards and written communication, a lot can be learnt from simple conversations on site.

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We’re a national industry super fund and for over 30 years we’ve stood beside workers in the building and construction industry and their families and friends, as they’ve worked hard to build Australia. We have a long track record of delivering superior performance and winning Money Magazine’s Best Growth Super Fund award is further proof. No matter what industry your family works in, if they’re after a fund that will assist them to grow their super so they can build a better future, BUSSQ is the fund for them. To join or for more information, call or visit our website.

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BUSSQ.COM.AU The advice supplied in this advertisement is general advice only and does not take into account or consider your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information to your individual needs or seek independent advice from a properly qualified professional. BUSSQ offers financial advice to members and non-members via our in house Financial Planners, for more information go to Before acquisition of a BUSSQ Product, a Product Disclosure Statement should be obtained. A copy of BUSSQ’s Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statements may be downloaded from or you can request a copy by contacting BUSSQ on 1800 MY BUSSQ (1800 69 2877).Prepared by BUSS (Queensland) Pty Ltd (ABN 15 065 081 281, AFSL 237860) as Trustee for BUSSQ (BUSSQ Fund, ABN 85 571 332 201). BUSSQ also owns Skylight Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 46 076 835 848, AFSL 450139), the company that provides financial advice to our members. When we refer to BUSSQ in this advertisement, we’re talking about the above entities as a group.

workplace relations

Christmas time is fast approaching! In Queensland there are three public holidays over the Christmas/New Year period:

Work Christmas Parties


Staff Christmas parties are a great way to thank your employees for their support and commitment to your business, but are you aware of your responsibilities?

TUESDAY 26 DECEMBER 2017 - BOXING DAY MONDAY 1 JANUARY 2018 - NEW YEAR’S DAY All permanent, full-time employees are entitled to be paid for the public holidays listed above. If an employee is rostered on call during a closedown period, the following penalties apply if they are called out to work: • Monday to Friday – paid for a minimum of three hours, with time and a half for the first 2 hours, followed by double time thereafter; • Saturday (prior to 12 noon) – paid for a minimum of three hours, with time and a half for the first two hours, followed by double time thereafter; • Saturday (after 12 noon) – paid for a minimum of three hours at double time;

Christmas parties should be fun, social occasions, but poor behaviour that does not follow you company’s policies and procedures could reflect poorly on your business, cause embarrassment, and put your employees job on the line. If you take some simple precautions prior to the event, the staff Christmas party can be a trouble-free way to celebrate a year of hard work: • If there is going to be alcohol at the party, you may be obligated to provide options for employees to get home

• Sunday – paid for a minimum of four hours at double time;

• Remind staff about the company’s relevant policies and procedures

• Public holidays – paid for a minimum of four hours at double time and a half.

• Behaviour should be in line with that which is expected in the workplace

If you have any questions about this information, or would like some more specific advice, please contact the MPAQ Workplace Relations team on 07 3273 0800.


2017/2018 Christmas & New Year Public Holidays and Pay Rates


Are Local W Competitors Using the Internet to ‘Steal’ Your Customers & Illegally chasing Google rankings Damage Your Reputation? hether you get work from your local reputation or the web, don’t be surprised if a competitor is using the internet to covertly steal your clients by pretending to be your business and, in the process, potentially damage your reputation by performing shoddy work.

It is becoming increasingly common to see plumbing businesses seek advice about unlawful internet attacks, which have led to a loss of revenue and damage to their reputation due to poor work being performed by the offending competitor. Unfortunately, negative online reviews are hard to remove.

It is becoming increasingly common for businesses and their website designers to seek to improve their business’ ranking in internet searches by illegally including hidden text or keywords in the metadata or source code of their website. Metadata (or source codes) sits behind a web page, and search engines, like Google, read or interrogate it when doing a search. Competitors could include your business names and details in the source codes on their own website, which would result in their business, not yours, being the top results when your business name is searched on Google.

Is this legal and can you stop it? It is not legal, but you can stop it if you have protected your brand properly. If you can prove that another business is doing something like this, or otherwise wrongfully using your business name or brand, you should immediately have your lawyers write to the competitor insisting that they desist from “passing off” their business as yours. You are also entitled to recover from them the profits they have made out of this illegal conduct. If you delay, you could be risking your ability to enforce your rights.


...A unique connection

page 14

How to see if a competitor is using your brand or details in their source code or metadata If you look at a competitor’s website, go to the bottom of the webpage and right click on “View Source”. This will reveal the metadata behind the website. You will see pieces of text that are designed to be caught by search engines, and if you see your business name or other details about your business, you will know that your competitor is trying to steal your work.

No ownership in a business name or company name There is a common misunderstanding that if you have a registered business name, no one else can use that name. As a matter of law, there is no ownership in a business name or any ownership derived from registering a company name. The only way to own a business name or brand, is through registering a trademark. If you hold a trademark and a competitor uses that name, logo or anything that passes, or is easily mistaken, for part of your business, you can quickly put a stop to it. For further information, contact McKays Solicitors. IAN HEATHWOOD P 07 3223 5942 E ANGELA DABELSTEIN P 07 3223 5932 E



oost your company’s competitive edge, become more visible online and keep up-to-date with the latest trends of business marketing. In today’s business market, it is becoming increasingly important that businesses of all sizes have an online presence, particularly small businesses. However, giving your small business an online presence means more than creating a website with basic contact details. You need to create a virtual version of your company that is welcoming, informative, and integrated across social platforms. Studies show that between 70-80% of people research a company online before visiting the business or purchasing with them; therefore, it is vital that you create a network of platforms online that sell a positive and informative reflection of your business. Your online presence plays a key role in attracting, converting, and maintaining new business.

3 Greater Audience The internet offers you the ability to reach a wider audience than simply those in your surrounding suburbs. Your web presence reaches out to everyone who passes by your virtual doorstep, which could include people from right next door or in another country.

4 Reviews Some may consider reviews a double-edged sword, as there will always be a possibility of receiving a negative review. But if you run your business honestly and treat your customers well, these should be isolated incidents. Potential customers often check for reviews of a company or product before using either, so always encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews.

5 Easy Selling and Online Marketing

Here is a breakdown of the main five reasons an online presence is so important:

1 Accessibility It might not be practical to expect your business to be open 24/7, but the internet never sleeps, which means that even if your business is only open from 9:00am - 5:00pm, potential clients can be researching you while you sleep.

2 Brand Building Providing an online presence not only gives a customer access to your product or service, but it also provides a way for the customer to check out your company. Online reviews, your interactions with other customers, and the frequency and quality of your posts help to form a positive impression of your company in the potential customer’s mind.


5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Have an Online Presence

The hard sell won’t always win you customers. In fact, more often than not, consumers respond better when they don’t feel like they’re being sold to. A well-written piece of copy for your products or services on your website allow buyers to make a more relaxed, informed decision to purchase. Marketing your business online is also easier and further reaching, as the electronic format allows for a wider, more cost-effective distribution compared to traditional print marketing. MPAQ members have access to benefits across the online and digital marketing platforms. Utilise exclusive discounts and expert assistance by visiting the member benefit pages of our website ( or calling the MPAQ membership team on 07 3273 0800 for more information. Sources:

Specialised Plumbing Centre Right Product - Right Advice

Albion - 30 Collingwood Street Phone: 3862 1166 Acacia Ridge - 6 Lombank Street Phone: 3255 6644 Member of the Plumbtec Buying Group page 15


Be a Business Leader M

PAQ proudly presented the 2017 Plumbing & Gas Summit on Thursday 12 October at Victoria Park Golf Complex in Brisbane. Attended by plumbing and gas contracting business owners, industry suppliers and representative leaders throughout South-East Queensland, over 150 people spent a full day learning and networking. The theme for this event was ‘Be a Business Leader’, where various topics were covered by industry experts on how to advance and progress your business. It is important for MPAQ to support the growth of Queensland plumbing and gas businesses and provide relevant and informative learning platforms. MPAQ Executive Director, Penny Cornah said that the growth of the plumbing and gas industry relies on a holistic focus of technical and legislative knowledge, business acumen and influential networks. “This sort of event is a great opportunity to assist those committed to staying up to date, going the extra mile and taking on new ideas with a professional advancement opportunity

at minimal cost. Taking one day out of the week to focus on your business and gain insights that are going to put you a cut above your competitors means the difference between an average business and a leading business.” Ms Cornah also noted that the event included timely reminders of those everyday obstacles businesses face which also need to stay at the forefront of everyone’s mind, such as maintaining safe workplaces.


Thank you to our sponsors

page 16

“Our members are faced with risks to their safety every day on the job,” Ms Cornah said. Keynote speaker and Queensland’s Safety Ambassador, Shane Webcke spoke about how his life was dramatically affected through a workplace safety incident, and re-iterated the importance of our industry collectively spreading awareness to our workmates and employees on the importance of safety at work.

“Shane spoke about his life, football and other battles, but above all else he underlined the importance of staying strong in the face of adversity and never giving up. His story about his father’s passing in a workplace incident was both confronting and moving. It’s a reminder to our members that deal with high risk conditions every day that it’s important to remain aware and educated to the dangers involved in their trade.”

Keynote speaker Shane Webcke spoke at the Summit

Other keynote speakers on the day included Brett Bassett, Commissioner of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), who discussed the new laws for non-conforming building

products, the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Bill 2017, as well as Dr Richard Bentham from Hindmarsh Water Treatment who spoke about legionella and the principles of multi-barrier risk management systems. Jon Mailer from PROTRADE United also ran two business sessions aimed at both the men and women in plumbing and gas businesses to help them navigate changing business landscape, drive higher customer satisfaction and create a more profitable business. More information from the event including all topics and speakers can be found on the MPAQ website (

Thank you to our exhibitors

page 17


Business Leaders Supporting their Community


t the 2017 Plumbing & Gas Summit in Brisbane on Thursday 12 October, MPAQ announced a donation to the world’s first free mobile laundry and hot shower service for the homeless, Orange Sky Australia from funds donated by MPAQ members.

Throughout 2017, MPAQ endeavoured to encourage members at over ten events run by the Association to donate funds for Orange Sky Australia, with a total of $6,000 presented to Orange Sky Australia representative, Kelly Wishart by Kent Vickers, MPAQ Vice President at the one day Summit. MPAQ Executive Director, Penny Cornah, highlighted how Orange Sky Australia is such as worthy cause. “We’re so proud that MPAQ’s members and other event attendees throughout the year have dug deep and showed that we can come together for such a great cause,” said Ms Cornah. The 2017 Plumbing & Gas Summit was the perfect event to present the donation and showcase the commitment of MPAQ’s members and other industry representatives to the community. “The purpose of this event was to create learning opportunities for industry individuals, but also to show our support as a collective of deserving initiatives such as Orange Sky Australia.”

Kelly Wishart, Orange Sky Australia accepting the $6,000 donation by MPAQ Vice President, Kent Vickers

For further information on Orange Sky Australia and to see how you can help, visit

Women’s Plumbing Alliance Launch at the Summit Also launched at the Plumbing & Gas Summit was the first official event of the new Women’s Plumbing Alliance. Formerly the Partners in Plumbing Group, this alliance was established for both the women working behind the scenes and those on the tools in plumbing and gas businesses, to increase female participation across the entire plumbing industry.


MPAQ’s vision is a whole scale strategic initiative which includes a holistic approach to participation including recognition, networks, mentors, workshops and real capacity building for the group. The Women’s Plumbing Alliance is built around three core concepts: • Recognise - Rewarding and acknowledging the efforts of women that are creating opportunities to evolve the plumbing and gas industry • Connect - Encouraging women to build valuable support networks and discover new business ideas and models through peer collaboration • Empower - Providing the tools and information required for women to grow and prosper their skills, business and the industry as a whole

page 18

Attendees of the Partners Sessions at the Summit

Mentoring Program MPAQ also announced the Women’s Plumbing Alliance Mentoring Program, which aims to support the concepts of the group by connecting women who are seeking guidance and support with more experienced women in our industry and, therefore, empowering them to grow their skills, business and the plumbing and gas industry as a whole. The program also aims to recognise the skills and knowledge of mentors and the opportunities they are opening for future women in the plumbing and gas industry. The Mentoring Program will be an important component for encouraging future generations of women to become involved in the plumbing and gas industry, and it will also be a vital resource for the

development and sustainability of their careers. Participants in mentor programs generally report a number of benefits from their participation, including: • Improved confidence and self-awareness; • Clearer career direction; • Better communication skills, listening skills and feedback skills; and • Enhanced management skills The mentoring program launched on 1 November 2017 and will run until 30 April 2018. MPAQ will be rolling out further initiatives as part of this program and will advise details in due course. For further information or to get involved, visit Mentoring or call the MPAQ Office on 07 3273 0800.

page 19


1,500,000 SQFT OF PREMIUM WORKING CONDITIONS. Thanks to a fast, safe and easy to install piping system. In the construction of a large-scale project like The Squaire in Frankfurt, you not only count on the highest quality but also the highest efficiency: a combination effortlessly delivered by Viega. Our high-grade piping systems Sanpress Inox for drinking water and Prestabo for heating installations offer maximum reliability and can be installed with minimum effort. Viega. Connected in quality.

The Squaire, Frankfurt, Germany Š Architects: JSK; Photographer: HG Esch Photography

page 20

famous faces of the trade MASTER PLUMBER MAGAZINE

Conor McGregor’s

Unique Way of Remembering His Plumbing Roots UFC fighter’s journey from apprentice to king


t’s safe to say that Conor McGregor is the biggest deal in UFC fighting right now. The two-division champion also took on not only the biggest fight of his career, but of the decade. In August, McGregor attempted 12 rounds in the boxing ring against the undefeated Floyd “Money” Mayweather, netting an estimated $100m payout in the process. While McGregor went on to lose the battle, he left the ring with his reputation intact. McGregor wasn’t always the king of combat sports, instead coming from humble roots in the working-class suburbs of Dublin, Ireland. Before becoming the biggest name in UFC with a ridiculous car collection (check out his Instagram @thenotoriousmma), a career in fighting was frowned upon in his blue-collar neighbourhood, so he instead worked as a plumbing apprentice. McGregor worked 12-hour days then hit the gym to train as a fighter, before eventually quitting to pursue his dream. McGregor described:

Before taking off to Las Vegas to dominate the UFC world, McGregor was presented a unique piece to remind him of his humble plumbing roots by craftsman Trevor Sweeny, a project taking half a year to complete. Behold a chess set complete with stools and overhead light, crafted with plumber’s materials and signed off with McGregor’s logo. ‘When you look at that board,’ Sweeney said of the piece, ‘it represents your journey from an apprentice plumber to a king.’ Why not pop into your local Reece Plumbing store and pick up some supplies to create your own plumbing chess board (some Conex Banninger >B<Press fittings would work very nicely!). Article supplied by Reece (

“I did a year in that, and it just wasn’t for me, you know. It’s either all or nothing in this game. If you’re not training twice a day, if you’re not dedicated, you’re not going anywhere.” “I felt I had enough talent, enough dedication and enough love for the sport that it was time to pack up my job and chase my dream.” And that’s exactly what he did. To the disapproval of his parents, McGregor quit his plumbing career to train full time, telling his family at the age of 25: “You’ll be sorry when I’m a millionaire.” Little did he know that he would go on to become the first MMA fighter to make Forbe’s list of top 100 highest-paid athletes.

page 21


Benefits of

Novated Vehicle Leasing Employers and employees can both reap the rewards with novated vehicle leasing! What are the benefits for individuals?

What are the benefits for employers?

Traditionally an individual would earn a salary, pay income tax, and then pay the costs of their personal car with their remaining money (also known as post-tax income). A novated lease allows an employee to pay for all the costs of their personal car with both pre and post-tax income. Using pre-tax income means you’re using money that has not been taxed, which results in significant savings for an individual.

As an employer, if you do not wish to give company cars to your staff, then the next best thing is novated leasing. It doesn’t cost you (as a company) anything, however it saves employees a lot of money. In addition, a novated lease is not an asset owned by the business, unlike a company car; it is the employee’s car, meaning the employer will not be responsible for maintenance and disposal once the lease is over.

One in five (1/5) cars purchased in Australia are on a novated lease. One of the most important things to know about a novated lease is the cash savings for an individual. By paying for it through pre-tax earnings, people can lower their taxable income and even, on occasion, drop a tax bracket. This results in savings thousands of dollars each year in tax and not having to pay GST in relation to any costs of your car.

As novated leasing is a popular benefit to offer, an employer can use a lease to attract job candidates. If you find the best person for a role who already has a novated lease, or might want a novated lease, it’s important to be able to facilitate that. Otherwise you as an employer could risk losing that perfect applicant.

In a novated lease, the car belongs to the novated lease holder, allowing them to use it as they see fit for 100% private use. It is registered in your name and you own the car. By putting all on-road costs from fuel to servicing and insurance into the lease, car owners effectively have a fully maintained vehicle for the duration for their lease. One simple, ongoing tax effective payment towards the car each pay cycle covers all finance and running costs.

An employer can also lower their payroll tax obligations by offering novated leasing. The more people that lease, the less payroll tax the employer has to pay! MPAQ Members Can Benefit with Alliance Leasing To learn first-hand why novated leasing can be great for your business, please get in touch with the team at Alliance Leasing on 1300 22 55 82 and quote your member number.

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Lugged & Wafer Butterfly Valves

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Lugged & Wafer Butterfly Valve w/ gear operator


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page 22



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vehicles for trade and family

MPAQ members have access to discounts with Toyota and Mazda

multi-purpose tools of the trade You no longer need to make a choice between comfort and convenience when choosing your next work vehicle. The latest tradie utes are so good you can take your family along for a ride!

Sometimes compromises need to be made in order to pick the right vehicle for your plumbing needs, but one thing you no longer need to give up is comfort. In fact, most modern commercial trucks have most of the same conveniences and luxuries as your average family car; enter the “middle man” of tradie vehicles: the ute. Smaller and more affordable than a truck or van, and more durable and spacious than a car, the ute is a great

versatile alternative for your generalpurpose tradie. Sound like you? Whether you are looking for a new vehicle solely for work purposes or you are considering a multi-purpose vehicle that also fits the whole family for weekend trips to the beach, you no longer need to trade comfort for convenience or work for family with these latest tools of the trade. Check out some of our picks for the best options available to you.



vehicle has always been one of the most valuable tools of the trade. Not just a vehicle, it can also become a break room, an office, and a storage facility. So, there are a lot of variables to take into consideration when choosing your next work vehicle. The Toyota HiLux has been described by CarsGuide as “rugged utility”. Growing from a small, utilitarian workhorse to a fully featured, dualpurpose vehicle, the HiLux has stuck with the same basic formula since its introduction to the Australian landscape in 1968, adding a choice of petrol and diesel engines, 4x2 and 4x4 drive types and a choice between single, extra and dual cab bodies with either a pickup tray or cab chassis.

Toyota HiLux

page 24


The Ranger name has only been used in Australia since 2006, but that doesn’t mean that Ford is new to the party. Ford Ranger is really just a new name for the Ford Courier, a nameplate that was used in Australia since 1979. Available in a range of sizes and body styles, the Ranger can serve as anything from a small, 4x2 single cab to extra and dual cab 4x4utes with a choice of diesel engines and pickup and cab chassis trays. The Ranger models also come with a vast suite of safety features, making it a great option of a work life/family life multi-use vehicle.

According to Cars Guide, this is a near-perfect package for tradies: a mix of passenger-car comfort, maximum five-star ANCAP safety and real-world strength. The BT-50 has a towing-friendly 3.2-litre five-cylinder turbo-diesel engine (147kW/470Nm), mated to a super-smooth six-speed auto. The versatility of this vehicle is also to be commended. It gets around as easily and comfortably on gravel roads, dirt tracks and work-site ruts, as it does on the highway.

Available in similar configurations and spec levels as the HiLux – single and dual cab, two- and four-wheel drive, and the choice of basic workhorse and upmarket, dualpurpose family truck; the entire Triton range is served by a single diesel engine. In April 2015, the Triton scored of 36.22 out of a possible 37 points in ANCAP testing. This score applies to all variants. Source:

Visit the Benefits Page on the MPAQ website for further information


Discounts for other vehicles such as Ford and Mitsubishi is available through AHG Group

Ford Ranger

Mazda BT50

Mitsubishi Triton page 25


GET YOUR BT-50 FROM THE EXPERTS. No one knows BT-50 like the dedicated specialists at a Mazda Ute Centre. Experience the widest range of BT-50 stock on offer and get expert advice on the full range of BT-50 Genuine Accessories. It’s where you’ll also find great deals for fleet and private owners. Get your BT-50 just the way you want it at a Mazda Ute Centre.



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3 ways Cbus is building super futures for plumbers in Queensland 1.

Investing in property and development projects through our wholly owned subsidiary Cbus Property1, creating jobs and delivering returns


Easy administration for employers, with online options to join Cbus and pay employees’ super


Industry–specific super products for members, including insurance cover, financial advice and free access to the Cbus smartphone app

Contact Glen for your business super needs Glen Halkerston

Business Superannuation Consultant, QLD

0447 113 282

Cbus Property commercial project, 1 William Street, Brisbane

1 Cbus Property Pty Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cbus and has responsibility for the strategic performance and management of all Cbus direct property developments and investments. This information is about Cbus. It doesn’t take into account your specific needs, so you should look at your own business needs and objectives before making any financial decisions. Read the Cbus Employer Handbook and other relevant documents to decide whether Cbus is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit for a copy. Cbus’ Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262.

MPAQ Training Calendar 2018

RTO: 30473


CPCPWT4023A - Commission and Maintain Hot and Heated Water Temperature Control Devices^

Date 22 January - 23 January** 8 February 5 March 16 April 4 June 28 June

Location Brisbane Toowoomba Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Cairns

ESTIMATE AND COST WORK CPCPCM4012A - Estimate and Cost Work^

Date 29 January - 30 January

Location Brisbane

DESIGN and size consumer gas

CPCPGS4011C - Design and Size Consumer Gas Installations^

Date 19 February - 21 February

Location Brisbane

Carry out Work-Based Risk Control CPCPCM4011A - Carry out Work-Based Risk Control Processes

Date 12 March - 13 March

Disclaimer: ^ Funding Assistance may be available * This course includes an online component that must be completed at least 2 days prior to the commencement of your course ** TMV Night Course will be run from 4pm - 8pm over 2 nights, if enrolling in this course all nights must be attended Dates are subject to change at MPAQ’s discretion.

Location Brisbane


CPCPWT4022A - Commission and Maintain Backflow Prevention Devices^

Date 15 January - 17 January 5 February - 7 February 26 February - 28 February 9 April - 11 April 30 April - 2 May 14 May - 16 May 28 May - 30 May 13 June - 15 June 25 June - 27 June

Location Brisbane Toowoomba Gold Coast Brisbane Bundaberg Rockhampton Mackay Brisbane Cairns

Legal and Risk Management Requirements

BSBSMB401 - Establish Legal and Risk Management Requirements of Small Business^

Date 24 May - 25 May

Location Brisbane

Non-Accredited Face to Face COURSES Plumbing Legislation

Non-Accredited - Plumbing Legislation Course

Date 24 March

Location Brisbane


increase your services

Expand Your Services with a



rought alarm bells are ringing throughout Australia as the country faces some of the lowest rainfall and highest average temperatures in decades. As trees seek moisture from cracked drains and sewer lines, plumbers can use a high pressure drain cleaning jetter to keep up with the increased workload.

By investing in a jetter, plumbers can increase their drain cleaning productivity and substantially grow their business.

Research conducted by The Jetters Edge and Australian Pump Industries has found that plumbers are on the cusp of a huge boom in the plumbing industry. “During drought conditions, the volume of calls coming through for emergency drain clearing really takes off” said Jamie Molyneux, from The Jetters Edge. “Blocked drains, especially those in hard to access locations, are an absolute nightmare for homeowners and businesses. For plumbers, it provides an opportunity to extend their customer base and grow their business” he said. Investing in a high quality, high pressure jetter can prove to be extremely cost effective, both financially and physically. “On average, plumbers charge up to $300 per choke. With a jetter, plumbers clearing 2 chokes per day can earn an additional $120,000 per year,” said Molyneux.


Even in country towns, clearing 2 chokes per week can generate an extra $24,000 income.

page 28

The Jetters Edge reports a growing demand of plumbers wanting a machine that provides a faster, smarter and safer alternative to electric eels and exploratory trenches. Standard electric eels operate by sheer mechanical force and run the risk of damaging the pipe, even when used by a skilled operator. “Electric eels may not completely clear the blockage either,” said Molyneux. “Not only does a jetter glide through the pipework whilst cutting roots and other material, but it washes the debris away at the same time,” he said. “Whether you’re a self-employed plumber specialising in domestic maintenance or in a small firm working on high rise construction, any plumber can grow their business by investing in a jetter,” said Molyneux. For further information on jetters, call 02 9986 1186 or visit the Aussie Pumps website


RIDGID® Micro CA-350 Hand-held Inspection Camera Inspection and documentation made easy with the RIDGID micro CA-350 Inspection Camera, now with 12V power: • Easily record still images and videos of problems in hardto-reach areas • 12V rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery provides longer runtime for extended inspections • Comfortable pistol grip design, large screen, and easy to use interface • Illuminate dark spaces with four bright LEDs on the waterproof aluminium camera head • Get the perfect view with enhanced features like image rotation and digital zoom • The perfect tool for a range of industries. For more information contact Ridge Tool Australia on 1800 743 443 or email

Smarter Toilet Solutions by Enware Whether it’s for public amenities, aged care centres and hospitals, or pre-school and childcare centres that need accessible solutions for children, Enware’s uniquely tailored range of toileting solutions selected from world leading European brands are designed specifically for the ergonomic, safety and hygiene needs of the user whilst still providing style and functionality.

Rheem Announces New Metro 26 Continuous Flow Rheem has launched its new Metro 26 Continuous Flow Water Heater - and it combines a range of features and benefits that will appeal to both installers and householders. “This sleek, unobtrusive system sets a new benchmark in continuous flow gas hot water,” says John Wilkins, Rheem Australia Product Marketing Manager. “Aesthetically it has smooth lines with concealed screws, and comes in a modern colour, which will be of interest to householders; and for installers we’ve made this system even more flexible for ease of installation. Its compactness ensures it is ideal for smaller or cramped spaces, while the standard unit’s compatibility with Rheem Flue diverters ensure even greater flexibility.”


new products

The 6 Star Rheem Metro 26 has also been created with water and energy saving at the forefront – most notably the improved hot water delivery at cold start up. “This is a marked improvement while still reinforcing the water saving benefits of the new system,” adds John. More information about Rheem’s new Metro 26 Continuous Flow can be found at

For those with little hands and feet still learning how to use an adult sized toilet, Enware’s child friendly Junior Toilet from IFO is the perfect partner to help them gain confidence in the bathroom. Recognised for its easy to clean design with fully glazed back and inside rims to help avoid bacteria growth, this freestanding toilet with a low rim height allows little legs to easily reach the dedicated toilet seat. As children don’t have the same balance control as adults, the cistern is bolted onto the pan to provide enhanced back support when in use. Economical with a 4 Star WELS rating and 4.5/3L dual flush, this Junior Toilet also meets the accessible requirements for AS1428.3 for ambulant children aged from 3 to 6-1/2 years. For adult users who still need the enhanced support, Enware’s CARE600 freestanding toilet with support arms is a perfect solution, providing independence and confidence. CARE600 is a complete solution of free standing Ifo WC, including seat, raised flush button and support arms. The support arms have easy to grasp handle for enhanced user stability and load tested to 150kg. The support arms are removable and retrofittable and can be individually raised or lowered allowing space for wheelchairs, commodes and carers.

The large footprint combined with a raised height (460mm) facilitates easier sitting, standing or transfer movements, whilst the close coupled cistern doubles as an assisted backrest, eliminating the need for a separate backrest installation. The CARE600 has been deemedto-satisfy as an accessible toilet solution for AS1428 requirements, providing 100% consistency and reliability with more than 2000 already installed throughout Australia. For more information about the Junior toilet or the Care600 toilet, please visit

page 29


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From a small granny flat to a large public building, the Sanicubic range has you covered.

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Our Sanicubic range is IP68 Waterproof Rated.

Call 1300 554 779 or visit The original leaders in macerating technology

page 30

A Group SFA Company


Kick Injuries to the Curb It’s all fun and games… just don’t get injured!

What’s the Harm in a Gentle Jog?

It’s tempting to let a little niggle slide to get the job done. However, a few simple precautions can help protect you from obtaining injuries outside of your job that can have an impact on your ability to work and support your family.

Open All Hours

It’s Just a Game

Fitness Australia also found that approximately 25% of Australians participate in walking, jogging or running for exercise. What’s the harm in a gentle stroll or jog? Walking or running can cause many little niggling pains that, if ignored, can create bigger issues.

Fitness Australia reported that 17.4% of Australian’s participate in gym activities, and while most gyms have professionals who can offer guidance and advice about the best ways to avoid injuries while exercising, most gym activities are undertaken unsupervised.

The Australian Sports Commission found that the top two most popular sports across the country are football and golf. Over one million Australians are involved in football at club level, while over 600,000 Aussies choose the golf green. It’s all fun and games…until injuries occur.



Unlike an acute fracture that happens as the result of a fall, stress fractures develop from cumulative strain on the bone and most often occur in the foot or the shins. It may begin as minor pain and get worse. If it goes untreated, it may become uncomfortable just to be on your feet. Stress fractures can result from overtraining, over striding, and excessive impact. It is important that you see your doctor if you think you might have a stress fracture.

There are so many different weight options at the gym, it’s easy to overestimate your abilities early on. Many people find themselves injuring their shoulders by bench pressing heavily, frequently, and with improper form. To look after your shoulders, make sure you warm them up adequately and dial in your form on the bench press. If in doubt, ask someone!



Queenslanders are a tough bunch of battlers. From the country to the city to the coast, you’ll find the men and women of the Sunshine State rolling up their sleeves, getting their hands dirty, and doing what needs to be done with the “no worries” and “can do” attitudes that define them.

Preventing injuries in the workplace is important, which is covered by WHS procedures and strict guidelines. But the Australian Bureau of statistics reported that 54% of Queenslanders participate in sports and physical recreation. What happens if you get injured outside of the workplace? Unless you have income protection, you face the risk of losing weeks of wages.

Knee injuries vary in type and severity, and it’s no secret that knees suffer more as you age. To prevent knee pain, gently stretch your calves, hamstrings, thighs, and core muscles. Wear quality shoes with good arch support, and use a brace if you feel weakness or twinges. Article written by Ashleigh Stonehewer, MPAQ Sources: Fitness Australia, Australian Sports Commission, Australian Bureau of Statistics

K C A B H 50FLAS YEAR Master Plumber NOV/DEC 1967

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Calendar to be released SOON!

Gold Coast Golf Day Special Mention to Reliance Worldwide Corporation (Aust.) Pty Ltd The Gold Coast Golf Event Sponsor, Reliance Worldwide Corporation (Aust.) Pty Ltd, is a global provider of water control systems and plumbing solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications. From the popular SharkBite® Push-to-connect System to the advanced line of RMC water control valves, Reliance develops, assembles and delivers trusted plumbing solutions to businesses and households across Australia and New Zealand through these product lines and more.

Fraser Coast

Third place Sandy Straits Plumbing

A massive thank you for their support of the Gold Coast Golf Day in August!

Tradelink Team James Irwin, Jonathan Hays, Simon Peart and Grant O’Brien

First place Caroma Team

Second place APC Plumbing


Third place Cedric and Jeremy Tsing, Joey Whittaker and Andrew Wolter Second place Stormtech - Michael Addison, Owen Kleidon, Brett Turner



Akins Plumbing

Daniel from Pasfield Plumbing won the Davey Water Products Prize

Gary Bergman and Don Nunn

First place (Metroll) - Chris Walshe, Adrian Taylor, Bill Philp (Rhyce Philp absent)

Dennis Yarrow and Kent Vickers

Troy Wolter, BUSSQ presented Kerry Apelt with his bucket of M&M’s

Reliance Stand in the Trade Area

page 32

The ladies from the Tradettes Bradley Reeves, Ben Crew, Grant Thorn, Greg Ward

Rockhampton Metroll Teams


Being a paying member of the Master Plumbers’ Association of QLD has its advantages. Like exclusive access to a Gold Fleet Discount across the Toyota range. Save thousands on the unbreakable HiLux SR5 4x4 Double-Cab Pick-Up, the elegant yet powerful LandCruiser Prado GX, or even the indestructible LandCruiser 70 WorkMate.

TFM2007 MPA QLD 10/17


Whatever your business, make your Gold Fleet Discount work for you.

Visit your Toyota Fleet Specialist Dealer or call 1800 444 847 for more information. Excluding Special Edition models.

Master Plumbers’ Association of QLD membership details required to redeem Gold Fleet Discounts.

page 33

corporate supporters

Meet Our New

Corporate Supporters Plus Passive Fire AHG Motor Group ZUPPS became part of

something big when they joined Automotive Holdings Group (AHG), Australia’s largest automotive retailer and specialised logistics group. ZUPPS are proud of their long heritage in the automotive industry in South-East Queensland. Since opening their first dealership (a Volkswagen dealer in Ipswich back in 1948), they’ve made sure that their passion for the cars they sell has been matched by their passion for exceeding customer expectations. AHG currently has 183 dealership franchises over 111 locations across Australia and New Zealand, and in Queensland they operate most of their dealerships under the ZUPPS brand name. AHG employs over 800 Queenslanders across their 21 car and truck dealerships located at Aspley, Mt Gravatt, Browns Plains, Beaudesert, Rocklea, Caboolture and Burleigh on the Gold Coast. ZUPPS are proud to be part of AHG’s history of service excellence and continuing expansion. They’re also proud of the strong connection they’ve built with the local community. Some of their key sponsorships include the Mater Little Miracles foundation, Hummingbird House and their newest sponsorship with the Brisbane Bullets NBL team. Talk to ZUPPS for all your vehicle needs. Find your local dealership at

If you’re creating and sealing penetrations, being confident that the system is compliant with the Australian Building Code, and that there aren’t going to be any costly re-works when the work is certified, Plus Passive Fire will give you valuable peace of mind. For advice and certification, their certifiers each have over 30 years diverse experience in the building industry as builders, plasterers, carpenters, bricklayers, project managers for major builders and passive fire inspection, installation and certification. Their installation team includes tradesmen - carpenters, plasterers and plumbers. The combined knowledge around technical compliance and onsite buildability, penetrations, sprays, intumescent paints and general construction has provided many cost effective solutions to their clients in all industries. Plus Passive Fire brings together experts in the field of passive fire to ensure their clients understand and can remain compliant with all passive fire legislation and standards. The benefits of engaging with them are: • Confidence that ALL penetrations have been inspected, identified, compliant and certified • Get expert advice and alternative solutions from handson specialists in the field • Resolve all systems and approvals up front • Save time, money and expensive rework costs • Assist with completing your penetration register • On-site training for your team • Assistance with disputes over site issues


Mazda and BT-50 Fleet

From leading design to innovative engineering, every Mazda has been built to deliver the ultimate connection between car and driver and the feeling we call Zoom-Zoom. Mazda vehicles have been developed on a foundation of imagination and ingenuity. It’s the fuel behind all they create and achieve. It has given them the breakthrough performance and fuel efficiency that is SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY, their signature ‘KODO – Soul of Motion’ design language, an impressive list of i-ACTIVSENSE advanced safety technologies and the intuitive in-car connectivity of MZD Connect. From the world’s favourite roadster, Mazda MX-5, to Australia’s number one SUV range to the proven tough Mazda BT-50, there is a Mazda to suit every driver and driving need. Speaking of BT-50, The Mazda BT-50 fleet program can be tailored to fit your business size and needs, and right now as an MPAQ member you can enjoy an exclusive fleet discount. Speak with your local Mazda Dealer now or your MPAQ membership team. To take a closer look at the BT-50, and the entire Mazda range visit

page 34

• Deliver confidence and peace of mind with ongoing advice Call 1800 PASSIVE to call and discuss the benefits of having Plus Passive Fire as part of your team.

Tradify Why do thousands of plumbing professionals love Tradify?

Their super easy-to-use app saves them time, eliminates paperwork, and helps them save an average of 460 hours and $24,500 every year. From quotes and time/materials tracking, through to scheduling, timesheets, invoicing, centralised document storage and accounting integration, Tradify gives plumbers their nights back. Visit or call 02 8310 7606 for further information.


Townsville Duo Magazine – Listen to Your Heart MPAQ member, Mark Franzmann from Franzmann Plumbing in Townsville recently featured in Townsville’s Duo Magazine regarding heart attacks and the importance of being aware of the symptoms. Mark shared his story of how he mistook a heart attack as just indigestion. “It was a Saturday morning after I’d finished exercising and my wife and I went out for breakfast,” Mark recalls in the article. “While getting in the car, I had a large pain that felt like someone had jumped on my chest while I was lying on the ground. I thought it was something I’d eaten for breakfast and I didn’t think anything of it. I went home, read the paper and did my yard work.” Mark’s wife booked him in to see a GP, who referred him to a cardiologist, who booked Mark straight into hospital, explaining that he’d had a heart attack. “I was pretty shocked,” Mark says. “I had four stents installed in my artery and, once I was home, I had to slow down with work and learn to manage stress better. My cardiologist said my artery was totally blocked and he doesn’t know how I survived.” The article further details a Dr Sean Latouf, a local cardiologist who explains the symptoms of a heart attack that you should be aware of, including crushing chest pain, profuse sweating, nausea or vomiting and shortness of breath. “That would be your classic heart attack, but you can also have a heart attack without chest pains, with all of that shortness of breath and sweating and nausea, but just with neck pain or intense stomach pain,” he explains. To find out more, visit

MPAQ Member, Helen Yost from the Tradettes partook in the St Vincent de Paul Society’s CEO Sleepout in Brisbane. The below article was featured in St Vincent de Paul Society’s Spring 2017 newsletter: As first time CEO Sleepout attendee Helen Yost braved the cool winds under the Story Bridge in Brisbane for the annual event on 22 June, she was reminded of her past and her own experiences of homelessness. Helen first experienced homelessness when she was eight. “As a child, we lived in a caravan park for about 18 months and we moved quite a lot because my parents didn’t have the financial stability to rent a property on a long-term basis. So we moved around and there were a few nights when we slept in the family car because we didn’t have anywhere to live.” Helen joined 170 local business, community and Government leaders sleeping out under the Story Bridge for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout with just a sleeping bag, two pieces of cardboard, two layers of clothing, a beanie and fur-lined ugg boots. “It was freezing and I didn’t get more than 2 hours sleep all night,” she said. “It’s heartbreaking to know there are over 105,000 Australians experiencing homelessness each and every night, with many more at risk. Many are sleeping on the street with less than I had.” At the event, Vinnies CEO Peter Maher announced the purchase of over $6 million worth of housing around Queensland. The housing is located in Cairns, Mackay, Toowoomba and Brisbane. The properties are being used to provide safe, secure and affordable housing for individuals and families who would otherwise have no place to call home. To find out more about the Vinnies CEO Sleepout, visit or call 07 3010 1091. Source: Making a Difference, Spring 2017, St Vincent de Paul Society

Source: Duo Magazine, Issue 136 September 2017

anzma Mark Fr

Female Plumbing Business Owner Partakes in Vinnies CEO Sleepout


MPAQ Members Out and About


page 35




to our Milestone Achievements & New Members! Milestone Achievements Name




Anne Kruger

Kingaroy Plumbing Works



Ian McIlwain

I & R Plumbing Service

Brisbane South


Ashley Klease

Ashley Klease Plumbing



Col Baldock

Baldocks Plumbing Service Pty Ltd



Frank Grossinger FG Plumbing & Gasfitting

Brisbane South


Craig Nixon

Nixon Plumbing Pty Ltd



Wayne Gill

Recycle Water Solutions Pty Ltd

Far North Qld


Clayton Bell

ADG Engineers (AUST) Pty Ltd

Gold Coast


Peter McLennan Apollo Valves

Brisbane North


Daryl Ansell

D & S Ansell Plumbing & Maintenance

Far North Qld


Brian Elmer

Ergon Energy Pty Ltd

Brisbane North


Nicholas Jones

Nick Jones Plumbing



Justin Flower

Projex Plumbing Pty Ltd

Gold Coast


Darrel Vecchio

Queensland Gas Association

Brisbane North


Thomas Mellick

TMP Civil Services Pty Ltd

North Qld


Tony Lasker

Tony Lasker

North Qld


Randall Grant

Vibe Plumbing Maintenance

Brisbane South


Marie and Bill Watson, Connectors the Plumbing People 40 Years Membership

Penny Cornah with Tony Austin Leadbetter Contracting 40 Years Membership

Carlie and Kevin Wright, Shailer Park Plumbing 25 Years Membership

Ian North, Ian North Plumbing with Penny Cornah 10 Years Membership

Penny Cornah, MPAQ with Ian Heathwood, McKays Solicitors 5 Years Membership

Tim Boswood, Boswood Plumbing 5 Years Membership


New Members Name



Michael Panettiere

Panettiere Constructions

Brisbane North

Simon Gardiner

Oz Plumbing and Gas

Brisbane North

Steve Demeter

Sunstar Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane North

Cameron Anderson

AK Gas and Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane North

Paul Travia

PT Plumbing and Gas Services

Brisbane North

Greg Stafford

Hewitt Trade Services

Brisbane North

Joseph Egan

The Brisbane Plumbers

Brisbane North

Scott McIntosh

Positive Plumbing Qld

Brisbane North

Salvatore Mattioli

Hospitality Plumbing Services Pty Ltd

Brisbane North

Dean Beutel

U Beut Plumbing

Brisbane South

Thomas Roache

Vista Gasfitting & Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane South

Joe O'Loughlin

J&S Plumbers

Brisbane South

Ashley Carriage

Ashley Carriage Plumbing & Roofing


Brenton Matthews

Plumbnorth Pty Ltd

Far North Qld

Ian Deakin

Ian Deakin Plumbing

Fraser Coast

Jared Kaplan

Cargo Plumbing QLD Pty Ltd

Gold Coast

Jonny Raithby

Coastwide Gas & Plumbing QLD

Gold Coast

Paul Walters

Midas Plumbing

Sunshine Coast

Nathan Bellshaw

Redshaw Constructions


page 36


EH Cutler & Sons Celebrates 70 Years with MPAQ

N Gordon Cutler, EH Cutler & Sons

ow retired, Gordon Cutler is the owner of EH Cutler & Sons, who remain a long standing member of MPAQ, having celebrated their 70th year milestone this year.

Founded in the early 1900s by Gordon’s grandfather, EH Cutler & Sons began its trade with a horse and cart for transport. Gordon tells that before investing in a car, his grandfather, and later his father and two uncles who joined the family business, used to travel around the Queensland country, camping where needed for jobs.



fter the end of WWII in 1947, three local plumbers, Wilf Greenslade, Jack Lewis and John Norris, formed a partnership and started a business called Kingaroy Plumbing Works. In the 1970s a fourth partner, Ross Mackay, was introduced to the business after working in the business for 20 years.



While the plumbing side of the business remained inherently the same, transport was not the only change that EH Cutler & Sons saw over the years, as the business extended to include a trade store. EH Cutler & Sons opened a workshop with their own machinery, from which they began to sell pipes and other supplies. At 83, Gordon has now retired, but he says he is being kept busy at home. He likes to keep up with changes to the industry in the Master Plumber magazine, and he has missed the industry gossip that he used to hear at MPAQ events since retiring. Congratulations to EH Cutler & Sons for being a valued member of MPAQ for so long! Owners of Kingaroy Plumbing Works (L- R) Brett Mackay, Craig Mackay, Anne Kruger, Ross Mackay and Tony Kruger

Locate a Locator Before digging starts, understanding what’s underground on your job site is essential. And locating that infrastructure isn’t easy. But nding the right Certied Locator has now become a whole lot easier. Dial Before You Dig is encouraging all civil contractors to ensure when you are planning to carry out earthworks you seek the services of a Dial Before You Dig Certied Locator. Dial Before You Dig Certied Locators have successfully passed a rigorous assessment surrounding all facets associated with electromagnetic eld locating. Don’t take the risk of hiring the services of a locator who is not a Dial Before You Dig Certied Locator. So nd the right Certied Locator by visitinged-locators. QUEENSLAND · NEW SOUTH WALES · VICTORIA · NORTHERN TERRITORY · TASMANIA · SOUTH AUSTRALIA · WESTERN AUSTRALIA CSG160826

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Kingaroy Plumbing Works has expanded and modernised over the years to offer a retail showroom for supply of plumbing fixtures and fittings, as well as continuing to service the South Burnett region (approximate 100km radius) with multiple aspects of plumbing, draining and gas fitting. In September 1996, Ross Mackay and his 3 children – Craig, Brett and Anne – purchased the business from the former partners, implementing further changes to the business. In early 2003, Ross Mackay retired after working for Kingaroy Plumbing Works for 50 years. This enabled his daughter Anne and his son-in-law Tony Kruger to purchase a further share in the business. Kingaroy Plumbing Works currently employs 23 people, which includes 11 Retail/Admin staff, eight Plumbers, Drainers and Gas Fitters, one Trade Assistant and four Plumbing Apprentices. Kingaroy Plumbing Works offers a complete range of domestic and commercial plumbing supplies and is conscious of the sustainable environment. All retail is orientated towards water and energy efficiency by the supply of the most up to date products. Membership with Master Plumbers’ Queensland has become invaluable for Kingaroy Plumbing Works over the years. Benefits, such as easier access to training, human resources and friendly staff who are happy to assist with any question asked, are a huge help. Congratulations on such a huge milestone, Kingaroy Plumbing Works!

page 37


The Supporters of Our Industry Trading Contact

Platinum Corporate Supporters Australian Valve Group CBUS Reece simPRO Software Pty Ltd Tradelink WFI Insurance

Gold Corporate Supporters BUSSQ Building Super Dial Before You Dig (Qld) Ltd Emerson Backflow InSinkErator PROTRADE United Saniflo

07 3369 1111 07 3360 7950 07 3260 2555 0447 886 648 1300 767 774 1300 557 779

Global Roto-Moulding Pty Ltd Hilti Australia Rheem Australia Pty Ltd Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd

07 4697 7099 131 292 07 3412 9200 07 3399 3711

Advanced Enviro-Septic AHG Qld Aitchison Reid Building & Construction Lawyers Alliance Leasing ALS Environmental Ancra Australia Pty Ltd Apollo Valves Apprenticeship Support Australia Apricus Australia Pty Ltd APT Management Services Pty Ltd Aquacure Water Treatment Pty Ltd Aquatech Solar Technologies Pty Ltd Astivita Limited Australian Industry Trade College Gold Coast AustWorld AutoTender Avis Australia & Budget Rent A Car Australia Backflow Central & Hydromet Bermad Water Technologies Blucher (Australia) Pty Ltd Brasshards (Holdings) Pty Ltd Busy At Work Caroma Industries Ltd Clayton Engineering Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Construction Skills Queensland Contractors and Industrial Sales CoverCard Davey Water Products Pty Ltd Decina Bathroomware Pty Ltd DFK Hirn Newey Downtown Toyota Doyles Construction Lawyers EJ Electro-Training Institute Pty Ltd Elgas Ltd Enware Australia Pty Ltd Ergon Energy Finlease Fleetmatics Pty Ltd Flowpex Piping Systems Halgan Pty Ltd Hays Recruitment Hydroflow Distributors (Aust) Pty Ltd Inform Energy Pty Ltd Kennards Test and Measure Qld Kingspan Environmental Pty Ltd

07 5474 4055 07 3877 0095 07 3128 0120 07 3188 4860 07 3243 7222 1800 426 272 0477 223 110 1300 363 831 1300 277 428 07 3215 6600 07 3277 6696 07 5520 6701 07 3726 2000 07 5635 0400 1300 780 430 1300 882 578 02 9353 9076 1300 734 295 03 9464 2374 08 8374 3426 07 3326 5900 13 28 79 07 3131 5999 1300 798 022 07 3630 5744 1800 798 488 1300 112 010 1300 657 688 07 3370 3700 07 3271 1944 07 3266 1488 07 3896 0100 1800 888 783 07 3216 5000 07 4724 4543 07 3396 2769 02 9525 9511 07 3851 6218 07 3324 2655 1800 835 117 02 9986 0605 07 3208 8339 07 3231 2601 1300 493 359 0409 766 700 07 3823 0055 02 8889 5408

Silver Corporate Supporters

Corporate Supporters


03 9462 2666 07 3112 2303 03 9274 0000 1300 139 467 1800 758 624 1300 934 934

page 38

Mascot Engineering Group Master Hire Mazda Australia Pty Limited McKays Solicitors MM Kembla Mt Gravatt Volkswagen Openpay Pty Ltd Optimum Recoveries Pty Ltd Plastec Australia Pty Ltd Plumbcall Franchise Systems Pty Ltd Plus Passive Fire Quantum Energy Technologies Pty Ltd Queensland Brassware Association Queensland Gas Association QUT Facilities Management Rain Harvesting Rebel FM Rehau Pty Ltd Reliance Worldwide Corporation Ridge Tool (Aust) Pty Ltd Rinnai Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd Safe Asbestos Samios Head Office Select Water Tanks Pty Ltd Shower Sealed Pty Ltd Site Safety Solutions SkillsTech Australia Smart Sinks Snap Fire Systems Pty Ltd SolarEast Australasia Pty Ltd Specialised Plumbing Centre Stoddart Stormtech Pty Ltd Stratco (Qld) Pty Ltd Studor Australia Pty Ltd Supakwik Water Heaters Pty Ltd Tappr Pty Ltd Taylex Industries Pty Ltd The Couta Group The Wondercap Company Pty Ltd Top4 Internet Marketing Total Eden Toyota Tradify Valves R Us Viega Pty Ltd Vinidex Pty Ltd Vivax-Metrotech AUS WPC Group Ltd Xylem Water Solutions Zetco Valves Pty Ltd Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd Zurn Australia P/L

1300 885 295 07 3375 5555 02 9554 1020 07 3223 5900 07 3868 7888 07 3421 0999 03 9009 7211 07 3166 8888 07 5413 4444 07 4922 5697 07 3861 1021 02 9699 7444 07 3630 5744 1300 792 239 07 3188 2331 07 3248 9600 07 5665 6600 07 5527 1833 07 3018 3440 03 9930 7000 07 3137 6600 0417 606 635 1300 425 433 07 3907 8399 07 5546 8571 1300 519 133 0438 589 474 07 3244 0209 07 5488 4154 07 3390 5420 1300 668 886 07 3862 1166 07 3440 7600 02 4423 1989 07 3451 4444 1300 551 519 07 3255 6389 1300 804 091 07 3441 5200 03 8405 3386 07 5539 3665 1300 520 115 07 3272 7077 02 9710 3831 02 8310 7606 07 3865 1488 02 8858 2600 07 3277 2822 07 3103 2844 1300 311 272 07 3908 4000 02 9516 1336 02 9796 3100 1300 009 876

Corporate Associate Councils Brisbane City Council Bundaberg Regional Council Gympie Regional Council Isaac Regional Council Livingstone Shire Council Logan City Council Mackay Regional Council Mareeba Shire Council Moreton Bay Regional Council Mount Isa City Council Quilpie Shire Council Rockhampton Regional Council Sunshine Coast Regional Council Townsville City Council

07 3403 8888 07 4130 4814 1300 307 800 07 4964 5400 07 4939 9814 07 3412 4465 07 4961 9011 07 4086 4720 07 3205 0555 07 4747 3200 07 4656 0500 07 4936 8345 07 5420 8618 07 4417 5299





Purchase any Kubota excavator between now and November 30 and you could win the raw power of a Toyota HiLux SR5. Other great prizes include a rugged Yamaha YZ250F dirt bike and a Phantom Drone. Visit for details and check out the Kubota Facebook page to watch Clinton Moore in action.

Entry in the promotion commences at 9:00am AEST on 01 July 2017 and concludes at 23:59pm AEDT on 30 November 2017. Entry is only open to Australian residents aged 18 years or older at the time of entering this promotion. A random electronic prize draw will be conducted from all entries received in the promotion at Prime Focus, Level 1, 500 Chapel Street, South Yarra, VIC 3141 at 12 noon AEDT on 6 December 2017. Winners will be notified by phone and via mail or email. SA Permit No: T17/1069, NSW Permit No: LTPS/17/15003 and ACT Permit No: TP 17/01122. For full terms and conditions visit www.

Allclass Construction Equipment 7 Neon Street, Sumner Park, QLD, 4074 Ph: 1300 255 252

page 40

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