Master Plumber July/August 2016

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J U LY / AU G U S T 2 0 1 6

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contents 

Contents 05





Editor’s Note




President’s Message


Industry News


Technical: Uncertified Products


Technical: Pipework Being Damaged During Solar Panel Installations


Feature: Women in Plumbing Q&A


Backflow: Containment Backflow Protection is Not Enough


Gas: On-the-spot Fines for Dodgy Gas Work

Imported Gas Components


Feature: Getting Down to Business


Business: Your Business Has Just Been Trashed on the Internet


Insurance: Don’t Risk Your Business

Common insurance mistakes uncovered


Workplace Relations: The Benefits of Hiring an Apprentice


Workplace Relations: Dealing with a Death in the Workplace


Legal: Is it a Liquidated Damage or an Unenforceable Penalty?


Feature: MPAQ Out and About


Health and Lifestyle: Cardiac Arrest in the Workplace

MPAQ Footy Tipping Leaderboard


Events: Qld Plumbing & Gas Conference




Training Calendar


MPAQ Member Benefits and New Members


New Corporate Supporters


Product & Supplier News


Vale: John Ritchie


Milestone Achievements


The Supporters of Our Industry

Subscribe: Want to receive your own copy of the Master Plumber publication? Email with your name and postal address to receive future issues of the Master Plumber magazine.


| July / August 2016


J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6

PUBLISHED BY Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland: 243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge Q 4110 P: 07 3273 0800 F: 07 3273 0873 E: W:

THE TEAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Penny Cornah P: 07 3273 0800 E: EDITOR & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Lisa Hilton P: 07 3273 0800 E: PRINT & DESIGN Foyer Printing P: 07 5598 1005 E:

MPAQ COUNCIL PRESIDENT Kelvin Slade P: 0417 787 284 E: VICE PRESIDENTS Kent Vickers P: 0418 883 999 E: Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: PAST PRESIDENT Bob Kimlin P: 07 4772 6308 / 0419 744 383 E: TREASURER John Salmon P: 07 3846 5366 E: COUNCILLORS Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: Michael Ryan P: 3630 4744 E: Rob Brouwers P: 0411 413 400 E: Sam Hannant P: 0405 647 046 E: Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: Ben Crew P: 0418 472 430 E:

TRUSTEES Bill Watson P: 07 3273 2333 E: Don Nunn P: 0418 717 470 E:

LIFE MEMBERS G Cottee, F Huysing, B McGrath OAM, MJ Moor, T Morris, J Porter, GC Richardson, NF Sharman, BS Soden, BD Wallace, WB Watson, R Kimlin

MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEMBERS A Chapman, B McGrath OAM, T Morris, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, M Wilshere DISCLAIMER Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.

Editor’s Note Lisa Hilton Editor Welcome to the July/August edition of the Master Plumber Magazine for 2016! “Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the body.” - Brian Tracy Do me a favour, just this once. If you don’t normally read the Master Plumber Magazine cover to cover (or find the time to read in full a few articles), make the decision to start off the new financial year different and give it a go. That way, you’ll also be doing yourself a favour and just might learn something that can motivate you and push you into developing your business into something bigger and better. The July/August edition has a focus around the business tips you should consider carefully for the new financial year. Many companies are flat out in June for End of Financial Year, then when all the figures roll through and it’s time to evaluate the year that once was, business owners are scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. On page 18 and 19 there is information on one of MPAQ’s new member benefits, Certegy Ezi-Pay where businesses can offer their customers the option of a no interest ever direct debit retail payment plan. This could mean all the difference, because getting paid on time and in full is one of the most common struggles those working in our industry face. Also included in this section is a reminder of your QLeave obligations, to be completed by the end of July. Make sure you submit on time to avoid a fine. Early Bird Registration for the QLD Plumbing & Gas Conference closes on Friday 29 July. Make the decision to include professional development as a priority this financial year and book yourself in! Welcome to all the new members and congratulations to those reaching milestones! I’m looking forward to seeing more of you out and about in the coming months.


July / August 2016 |


executive 

Perspective Penny Cornah Executive Director

Welcome to the July/August issue, I can not believe how quickly this year has flown by. This issue I decided to write about who we are and what we do for the plumbing industry, as there may be some confusion for those that aren’t members of our Association.

Who is the Master Plumbers’ Association? We are the largest plumbing Association in Australia. The Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) is the peak body representing Queensland’s plumbing industry. As the only plumbing industry Association for Queensland plumbing professionals, we represent the interests of the plumbing industry at both state and national levels. MPAQ has the vision, commitment, strength and determination to: • Be a united voice on plumbing industry issues; • Provide excellent quality membership services; and • Promote and recognise outstanding plumbing industry standards whilst simultaneously targeting undesirable plumbing practices.

What do we do? We are here to help and serve you, our members. Our significant membership base means that we have political and lobbying strength, as well as the ability to advocate policy to all key stakeholders. We are also in a position to highlight the pivotal role that plumbing professionals play in the living standards of all Australians. Our logo is displayed by you, our members as a sign of both professionalism and commitment to the plumbing industry. All MPAQ members are bound by the MPAQ Members Code of Conduct developed to promote the absolute highest standards of work and professional behaviour to members within the community.

Who do we help? We offer assistance to all members from sole operators to medium sized plumbing businesses through to major contractors. We also offer assistance to teachers, inspectors, corporate supporters, apprentices and employees. We have also created a Partners in Plumbing Group. We are not just an Association for people who hold a plumbing licence. We know that partners of plumbers who work within the business are the life-blood of that business and they deserve our support as well. Please make sure you subscribe to our new Partners in Plumbing newsletter, with the first edition being released in July.


| July / August 2016

What’s in it for you? We offer a comprehensive range of training, services and benefits to you, our members, allowing you to focus on your individual business. MPAQ has joined forces with a number of various companies to provide unique offerings for you to run your business efficiently. By providing a strong partnership, these companies can provide you with pricing structures that are unavailable to regular customers and gives you a competitive edge over others. As a member you can call the office as frequently as you need to.

What assistance can we provide to plumbing businesses? The Association offers members a full range of professional services, from employment and workplace relations assistance to technical advice and training. These services assist plumbers to establish and maintain their businesses and plan for the future. We are committed to regional member representation, and as such have a strategic focus of engagement with our members throughout Queensland. By working from a regional to a state structure, MPAQ is able to build on our members’ needs, and ensure that their input is heard. MPAQ also develops and advocates policy, recognising the importance of the plumbing industry to all Queenslanders. We steadfastly communicate the views and policies of our members by actively contributing to enquiries and forums that impact on the plumbing sector. Our business is your business!

Thank You I am proud to be the Executive Director of the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland and I am proud of the work that we do. Together we stand on the front line of the most important trade that a person can perform. It is great to get up every day and lead an exceptional team so motivated to make our trade even better. Thank you to every single member who joined our Association. Several members have said to me that apart from all the things we can help them with, they are a member as they want to give back to an industry which they are part of. Your membership is helping to make a difference to our trade. Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership with the Association. If you are not a member but interested in joining, please contact our office and speak to our Membership Services team. Thank you again for your ongoing support and we look forward to working with you for many years to come as your plumbing business partner. If you would like to contact me please do so on 07 3273 0800 or email


President’s Message Kelvin Slade President

Happy New (financial) Year! Life as a business owner or manager is interesting, in many ways and for many reasons. Just as some people view Wednesday as hump day, you could easily take June as Hump month, half way through the calendar year and the end of the financial year. July marks the second half of the calendar year as well as the start of the financial year. It’s all part of the business rollercoaster, we strive to ensure the financial year finishes in the best possible way, be it by a financial strategy or target. For many it’s another busy period and a time for reflection in that area of our businesses. In the May/June edition Penny wrote briefly about the engagement MPAQ has been undertaking with the Government and in particular the Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Minister for Housing and Public Works with regards to the security of payments reform. This is highly an emotive subject for many of us and the Government deserves some praise for having the courage to seriously look for reform in this area. The Minister heard first hand from many members how they had been impacted and their struggles with payment from head contractors. Significant improvement is needed and will be welcomed to ensure the viability of many businesses who operate in this sector of our industry. However, I believe there is also something we can do within our businesses to help or improve our business practices. What I am referring to here is the business development process. It does not matter what size business you have, knowledge, understanding, processes, procedures and systems are critical to the survivability of any business. For example, understanding the cost structure of your business is paramount. What does it cost to run your business per month, per quarter, per year? How do you incorporate that cost structure into your quoting? How do you account for your overheads? Every business has the same questions and every business will have different answers. A business working on a

major project will have a very different perspective on this to that of a small to moderate maintenance business, never-theless you have to understand what makes your business run well and how much it costs to run, and how to manage and monitor the information. I should point out that I am certainly not a business consultant or a business coach, but I have experienced and seen the benefit of having a coach, working with a good accountant and introducing systems into the business. I also acknowledge that it is an arduous process. Along the way I have also read many fine books on the matter and some that are on the fringe of what we were working on. One book that I related to well and found very practical was ‘The E Myth’ by Michael Gerber. I think many would agree that this book started a real movement in the area of business improvement and was recommended by many coaches. Other authors I have read that I have resonated with are the late Stephen Covey and Jim Collins. If you doubt what I am saying talk to someone in your network that has processes and systems in place and ask how it has benefited them. Out of all this you will also find that your level of compliance improves and becomes easier, you will feel more relaxed and at ease about your business. I’ll give you a very brief example from the Jim Collins book ‘Good to Great’. He discusses a process of understanding three primary areas of a business. What can you be the best at, what drives your economic engine and what are you passionate about (broadly)? Put these three areas together and where they intersect or overlap is the sweet spot of your business, then work from there. We still have to work hard, but greater understanding about the smart side of your business makes it easier.

Happy Plumbing

news 

Industry News Welcome to the New Commissioner MPAQ would like to extend a warm welcome to the new Commissioner of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), Brett Bassett. Prior to joining the QBCC on 30 May, Brett was the Queensland Regional Commissioner and Senior Executive of Small Business Compliance and Deterrence for the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). He has also held positions with the Queensland Police Service, New South Wales Department of Fair Trading, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Brett has relayed to MPAQ that as the new Commissioner for the QBCC, he looks forward to working with all plumbing and drainage licensees, and getting to know what regulatory issues are important to you over the coming months. Visit for further information on the QBCC.

Brett Bassett

2016-2017 Queensland State Budget Released The 2016 - 2017 Queensland State Budget was released on Tuesday 14 June with a theme of advancing Queensland’s Economy. The Government’s main aim is to create jobs by growing innovation, attracting investment and building infrastructure. MPAQ have narrowed down some of the key items that will affect the plumbing and gas industry in the coming year: • $2 billion for the State Infrastructure Fund ($10.7 billion capital works program) • $12.9 for Education and Training • $15.3 billion for Health • $405 million for the Advance Queensland initiative • $25 million for an International Education and Training Strategy • $60 million to support 32,000 people through ‘Skilling Queenslanders for Work’ (assisting long-term unemployed persons into the workforce) • Continuing the implementation of ‘Jobs Queensland’ (statutory body to provide ‘jobs’ advice to Government) • Undertaking a condition and utilisation assessment of assets in over 40 training campuses of varying conditions, age and size MPAQ Members can access the full 2016-2017 Budget, including a regional breakdown, as well as a list of planned infrastructure projects for Queensland in the coming years on the MPAQ website ( Contact MPAQ on 07 3273 0800 for further information.


| July / August 2016

11 Suspected Offenders Nabbed in Rockhampton Building Blitz A compliance blitz at 53 building sites in the Rockhampton area has seen eight people fined and two others under investigation for suspected unlicensed building work. A builder was also fined for allegedly engaging a suspected unlicensed contractor. Commissioner for the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), Brett Bassett, said QBCC officers interviewed 190 people during a week of audits at Taranganba, Lammermoor, Norman Gardens and The Range. Mr Bassett said the audits were part of the QBCC’s ongoing focus to identify and prosecute unlicensed builders. He urged anyone considering undertaking building work to conduct a free licence search on the QBCC website, which provides the full history of a licence and the type of work that can be performed with that licence. Licence searches can be undertaken on the QBCC website at The QBCC is also contactable 24/7 on 139 333.


Experience Requirements for Plumber and Drainer Licences On 1 April 2016, changes to the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003 made it easier for provisional plumbers and drainers to upgrade to an open licence. Provisional licensees now only have to demonstrate they have gained at least one year of valid experience to be eligible for an open licence.

Since this time, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) has received many applications for open licences which cannot be accepted, as the experience listed is not valid. QBCC Commissioner, Brett Bassett, said the main issue was that licensees had lodged applications stating they had gained experience during periods when they were unlicensed. “For experience to be considered for a plumber or drainer licence, it must be completed whilst the applicant holds a provisional plumber or drainer licence and while working under the supervision of a fully licensed person. “Any experience gained when operating without a licence cannot be used on an application,” he said. Mr Bassett said that providing an application form containing false or misleading information is an offence under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 (PDA) and can be subject to penalties and disciplinary action. “Any statement saying that you have performed regulated plumbing work during a period when you did not hold a licence can be used as evidence of performing unlicensed work, which is an offence and can be subject to penalties of $1,178 per offence.” Anyone with questions about licence applications can contact the QBCC 24/7 on 139 333 or email

July / August 2016 |


technical 

Uncertified Products Article written by Ernie Kretschmer, MPAQ Technical Services Manager

Recently a member was engaged to install a number of foot spa chairs as part of a shop fitout. Being the conscientious type, he not only insisted they be installed downstream of the deemed acceptable backflow prevention device (RPZD), but he exercised his due diligence and requested if the chairs were “Watermarked”, to this he was assured that they were. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) advises that “Licensed materials and products are to be listed on the WaterMark Product Database identified by the WaterMark trade mark, which must be displayed on the material or product”. As the spa chairs didn’t display the required Watermark symbol “W”, the plumber requested evidence of Watermark compliance, where he was promptly supplied a Watermark certificate. After completing the installation it came to light that the installed chairs did not actually hold Watermark and the supplied certificate was in fact a counterfeit. The issue is that with builders and home owners looking for cheaper alternatives and their accessibility and ease of purchase online and over the counter, there are few, if any, checks and balances in place and the system can be easily sidestepped. In light of this, installing plumbers are required to be more diligent now than ever before. NOTE: It is not illegal to import a non-watermarked product and it is not illegal to sell non-watermarked products, but it is illegal to install non-watermarked products. The Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulation states: Certified items to be used (1) A person must not install or use a plumbing or drainage item in plumbing or drainage if the item is not a certified item. Maximum penalty - 20 penalty units. (2) A person commits an offence under subsection (1) for each plumbing or drainage item used or installed that is not a certified item. (3) However, subsection (1) does not apply to stop the continued use of a plumbing or drainage item - (a) in plumbing or drainage installed before the commencement of this section; or (b) if the local government is satisfied that use of the item is necessary for maintaining the plumbing or drainage in its original form and approves the continued use of the item. (4) For approving the continued use of a plumbing or drainage item under subsection (3)(b), the local government may require a person to have the item tested at the person’s cost within a stated reasonable time and at a stated reasonable place. (5) This section is subject to section 31.


| July / August 2016

So what’s the issue? The WaterMark Certification Scheme (WaterMark) is a mandatory certification scheme for plumbing and drainage materials and products, to ensure they are fit for purpose and appropriately authorised for use in plumbing and drainage installations. The ABCB manages and administers WaterMark as a national scheme. The National Construction Code (NCC), Volume Three requires certain plumbing and drainage materials and products to be certified and authorised for use in a plumbing or drainage installation. These materials and products are certified and authorised for use through WaterMark. In order to achieve certification, the material or product must: • be tested by a recognised testing laboratory; • comply with an approved specification (either an existing standard or WMTS); • be manufactured in accordance with an approved Quality Assurance Program; and • carry a warranty. Materials and products complying with these requirements may be certified and authorised for use upon the granting of a WaterMark licence. Licensed materials and products are to be listed on the WaterMark Product Database identified by the WaterMark trade mark, which must be displayed on the material or product. The ABCB is continuing to develop the key documentation and system improvements required to introduce the improved WaterMark Scheme on 1 July 2016.

In a case like this, who is in the wrong? Without a doubt, the persons creating and producing the fraudulent certificate are in the wrong, however the plumber has technically and inadvertently installed an unapproved product – should he be prosecuted? In a case like this I would say no, the plumber in question sought evidence of the spa chairs approval, it is hardly his fault if the evidence provided was falsified. In this case a solution for the installation was mediated with the local government and there were no proceedings against the installing plumber this time. We should all be wary as licensed tradespeople that it is our responsibility to adhere to the legislation surrounding our trade.

How can you be sure? If you are unsure of a products certification and/or if it holds “Watermark”, you can check by entering the product details via the Watermark Database on the ABCB website:

How can this be avoided? One suggestion is the introduction of Point of Sale legislation. The electrical industry is reeling from the “infinity cable” debacle, where counterfeit, substandard electrical cable was imported, sold and installed, affecting 40,000 installations. Subsequently, there is a potential for the substandard cable to cause injury through electrocution and property damages via the associated fire risks. To combat similar issues with non conforming products within our industry, MPAQ has been petitioning for “Point of Sale” legislation to be introduced surrounding plumbing and drainage products. If you have any questions or require Technical advice, please contact the MPAQ Technical Team on 07 3273 0800.

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technical 

Pipework Being Damaged During Solar Panel Installations Written by QBCC Plumbing and Pools Manager, Phil Denman

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) has become aware of situations where plumbing pipework is being interfered with during the installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. The QBCC takes complaints of this nature very seriously and thoroughly investigates any matters brought to its attention. Unlicensed tradespeople are cutting or lowering upstream vents for house drains and sanitary plumbing and drainage systems when installing PV panels. A vent pipe in a sanitary plumbing and drainage system is provided to limit the pressure fluctuations within the discharge pipe system or to encourage the passage of gases. This venting facilitates the removal of foul gases from a sanitary installation to the atmosphere by means of a vent pipe. The vents also allow air to enter or escape from soil or waste pipes to prevent the breaking of the water seal in the plumbing fixture traps on the waste pipes.

The practice of unlicensed people cutting vent pipes is a serious issue, as it can lead to: • foul gases entering roof spaces or other areas due to PV panels blocking the natural path of air flow • vermin entering or escaping from sanitary plumbing and drainage systems, leading to infestations of pipe blockages • potential for rain water to enter the building fabric from unsealed roof penetrations Any alteration of vents for sanitary plumbing and drainage systems is classed as regulated plumbing work, which means it can only be performed by a licensed plumber under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002. The person performing this work must also be covered by a plumbing trade contractor’s licence under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991. Penalties apply for performing, supervising or directing the performance of regulated plumbing work without a valid licence, with fines of up to $1,178 per offence. If you have any questions about work that requires a licence, please contact the QBCC (24/7) on 139 333 or email Cbus Property commercial project, 1 William Street, Brisbane

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| July / August 2016





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feature 

women in plumbing

questions and answers

Carlie Low with her children Zaide and Kaylah

What’s it like, being a woman working in a male dominated industry? We asked Carlie Low, a licensed female plumber, drainer and gas fitter and current Development Plumbing Officer for Plumbing Services Group in Local Government what it was like to be a lady tradie. Q: Why Plumbing? A: As a female, most people ask me why I chose plumbing as a trade. There are endless benefits in becoming a licensed plumber, but the biggest reason I chose this trade is because I know this industry carries out the highest standard quality of work to help protect the health of our community. That should be a good enough reason for anybody.


| July / August 2016

Q: How do you find males respond when they see a female onsite? A: Majority of the time they make sure I feel included and are more than happy to help when needed. What most people need to realise is that it is just as scary for the males as it is for females. It’s something different having a female working with them when they haven’t experienced it before, which can sometimes take a little bit of getting used to at first.

Q: Is strength a problem for women working in this trade? A: Like most physical work, your body conditions to the work you are carrying out. With the Work Health and Safety rules and regulations that are in place, it doesn’t matter if you’re a male or a female. There are weight restrictions for lifting by yourself and other measures in place that determines what’s appropriate for you to carry out.

I’d have to say my biggest challenge has been proving myself to others that as a female, I can still do the work. Q: Do you think females need to remain on the tools after they have completed their apprenticeship? A: No, you definitely do not have to remain on the tools. It is completely your choice and will depend on what stage in life you are currently at, such as looking to start a family. The career choices are vast for both men and women when they become qualified. To name a few options, there’s becoming your own boss and running a business, being a plumbing products sales rep, TAFE teacher, inspector or investigator. You just never know where your career path may lead you.

Q: What sort of challenges and hurdles do you think females mostly face in a male dominated industry? A: I can’t lie, yes there can be challenges, that’s for sure. But as individuals, we would face similar obstacles in any job, irrelevant of what industry you’re working in. For me, I’d have to say my biggest challenge has been proving myself to others that as a female, I can still do the work. It really shouldn’t matter what gender you are, but sometimes you’re confronted with those situations. I always say it’s the challenges and hurdles that make you a stronger person. Compared to when I first did my apprenticeship until now, I must say the times are definitely changing, in a good way.

Q: What are your thoughts on staying on the tools after entering motherhood? A: If your employer supports you, this should definitely never be an issue. It’s all about adjusting to suit the family work life balance, which every person needs. As a working full time mother of two I have managed. I am no longer on the tools but still working the same amount of hours as a tradie. It has it’s days like any other job would do, but I love that I can be a role model for my children so that they can see that gender is no barrier.


Thank You Good Luck

The Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland would like to formally acknowledge and thank Wayne Smith for all of his efforts with the Association. Wayne has worked in our IR department since 1997, and in recent years has been focused on the Major Contractors Group. Wayne is now moving on to a senior executive position with the National Fire Industry Association. Wayne’s industry specific IR knowledge has been invaluable, and his reputation as a professional in the IR arena is well-renowned. Our Association, our members and indeed the plumbing and gas industry has benefitted immensely from his balanced, considered and trusted advice over many years, providing fair and impartial advice based on the law and the facts. His approach in dealing with plumbing and gas-related IR issues and his specific interactions with the MPAQ Major Contractors at our events and other initiatives has been very warmly welcomed. MPAQ as a whole has benefitted from Wayne’s balanced and constructive views, and his integrity and diligence in the role is to be commended. We wish Wayne every success with his future role.

Benefits of becoming a member include:

✔ Hard Yakka clothing deal

✔ $50.00 Reece voucher

✔ Milwaukee tools deal

✔ $50.00 Samios voucher

✔ Car Search Brokers Australia vehicle pricing

✔ $50.00 Totally Workwear voucher

✔ Bi-monthly Master Plumber magazine ✔ BUPA Corporate Cover ✔ Master Plumbers’ ✔ Bi-monthly e-newsletter to keep promotional items apprentices informed of what is happening in the industry ✔ FREE account with Commonwealth Bank for 12 months and a low interest credit card

✔ Australian standards discounts ✔ Invitation to all our events

July / August 2016 |


backflow 

CONTAINMENT BACKFLOW! protection is not enough Currently in Australia, backflow prevention is generally managed through containment or boundary backflow programs where the underlying philosophy is to protect the asset, i.e. the water in the main. When you consider the cost of collecting the water, treating it and then distributing it to the populace, the reason for a strong containment policy becomes apparent. However water suppliers in most cases cannot monitor what protection is used within a premises, as their jurisdiction mostly ends at the water meter. They have protected the asset and the water in the mains, so it is now up to the premises owner to manage the risks within. A complete cross connection control program should consist of three elements: containment, zone and individual protection. To clarify exactly what these terms mean: •

Containment – Backflow prevention provided at the property boundary to protect the Authority’s water supply from contamination. Zone – Backflow prevention provided at the connection to specific sections of the water supply system within a building or premises. Individual – Backflow prevention provided at individual fixtures.

It is the mix of these three components that will provide complete protection and we see it used every day in places like hospitals. But hospitals tend to be a minority due to the perceived higher risk to the water supply. Why are hospitals a minority? Shouldn’t all water systems be treated equally? Well in a perfect world, yes, but let’s examine the real world:


| July / August 2016

1. Containment is regulated and managed by the water provider. Generally as part of the Plumbing Code, or the local Plumbing Regulations, backflow protection is required to protect the water supply by way of boundary protection. The water provider maintains a register of when and where and what type of containment protection has been installed and they develop internal policies and procedures to ensure that the protection is inspected and tested at regular intervals. The policy will generally identify which party is responsible for the inspection and testing (usually the premises owner) and attach penalties for non-compliance. 2. Once you get inside the premises boundary, things become muddied. If installed by a licensed plumber, all plumbing should comply with the relevant Codes which call up various Standards, which when followed would ensure the plumbing is safely protected from a backflow incident. BUT, as this is now in the private plumbing system, the Water Supplier has no jurisdiction once the water leaves the water meter. So there is generally little or no inspection to ensure the correct level of cross connection control protection is in place. The water supplier has provided their protection so that their asset is protected and that water entering every premises through a water meter is safe, but who is responsible for ensuring safe drinking water within the premises? The responsibility must be with the user of the water. This would be either the owner or the tenant and is dependant on the style of premises. So let’s assume that all users of the water have plumbing systems that comply with the codes and that backflow protection is in place based on the degree of hazard. Who manages the register of the installed devices and who ensures that

inspection and testing is done at regular intervals? Section 38 of the Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulation Queensland states: “Testable backflow prevention devices (1) A local government must implement and maintain a program for its local government area for the registration, maintenance and testing of testable backflow prevention devices installed in the area. (2) The local government, or an entity authorised by the local government, must keep a register of the testable backflow prevention devices. (3) An owner of an installed testable backflow prevention device must— (a) register the device with the local government or entity; and (b) at least once each year, have the device inspected or tested by a person who is licensed to do the work. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units. (4) A person who inspects or tests a testable backflow prevention device must, within 10 business days after inspecting or testing the device, give the local government written results of the inspection or test in the approved form. Maximum penalty—10 penalty units”. Unfortunately not all Councils currently have a working register in place. Along a similar vein, there is the New Zealand Building Warranty of Fitness. As with the fire systems and cooling towers, backflow preventers are listed on the building’s essential safety requirements and a register is held on-site showing when the devices were inspected and tested last. It is a condition of occupation that the equipment is maintained and it is the responsibility of the building owner. Until we get a similar program in Australia, it is estimated that only half of the testable devices installed in our piping systems are maintained and tested. Peter McLennan, BPAA

On-the-spot Fines for Dodgy Gas Work

The Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate (PGI) has introduced PIN (Prescribed Infringement Notices) to help stop unlicensed gas work, individuals working outside of the conditions of their Gas Work Licence or Gas Work Authorisation, and to improve compliance with safety requirements.

PGI has carried out a number of successful prosecutions of people carrying out gas work without a Gas Work Licence or doing gas work that did not comply with the requirements of the relevant Australian Standards. Such work poses a serious risk to the safety and health of consumers and gasfitters who hold a licence and have made an investment to do the job properly. The introduction of on-the-spot fines for unlicensed or non-compliant gas work sends a clear message that this kind of behaviour is no longer tolerated. It will also reduce the time taken to deal with such offenders giving inspectors more time to focus on proactive activities that support the industry. It is important that licensed gasfitters keep up to date with the requirements for gas work, have a copy of the latest relevant Australian Standards, and ensure their Gas Work Licence and contact details remain current. Visit the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website, www.dnrm. for further information.


Imported Gas Components

With the proliferation of ecommerce, the ability to procure appliances and fittings online from overseas is incredibly easy. Industry is constantly faced with suppliers and homeowners alike providing materials and products to be installed that may not be manufactured to Australian Standards. Recently a gasfitter was approached by a client to install submeters on the existing service, so as to bill tenants accordingly. The gas meters provided by the client (purchased online from China) showed no Australian or accepted approval markings of any kind. Section 733 of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) requires all gas devices and gas fittings to be approved prior to supply, installation and use. The Act goes on to further define gas fittings, meaning: (a) any component of a gas device (type A) or gas device (type B);

or (b) a thing used, or designed or intended for use:

(i) with a gas device (type A) or gas device (type B); or

(ii) in the supply, distribution or consumption of fuel gas.

This can be a complex matter and is dependent on the intended purpose of the gas meter; ‘billing purposes’ and/or ‘product transfer’, etc. This could cause the need to consider all the requirements listed in Chapter 8 of the P&G Act. It should further be noted as an absolute minimum the designer/ gas installer is required to meet the mandatory requirements of AS/ NZS5601:2013: 2.3 Material, Fittings and Components – Materials, fittings and components used in any gas installation shall be suitable for use with the: (a) type of gas being conveyed; (b) the pressure to which they may be subjected under both operating and fault conditions; and I the environment in which they are installed. If you are unsure of an items legitimacy, you can check its approval status by visiting building-construction/gas/approving-authorities. July / August 2016 |


feature 

Getting Down to Business T ips for the 2 0 1 6 – 2 0 1 7 F inancial Y ear Stepping into the new financial year, many business owners will be looking at the books and wondering what they can do better over the next 12 months. We’ve prepared some handy business tips to get you started off on the right foot.

Ensure You Get Paid This Financial Year Have you struggled to get your customers to pay in full and on time? Do you want to make it easier on yourself and your staff by getting money through the door when you need it? To combat the issue of tackling customers who cannot afford upfront costs, Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) have secured a partnership with Certegy Ezi-pay so MPAQ members can offer their customers the option of a NO INTEREST EVER Direct Debit Retail Payment Plan at competitive rates. Owned by Flexigroup, an ASX200 listed company, Certegy EziPay is one of Australia’s largest, longest running and popular payment plan providers, available for both large and small purchases.

need on the day. By illustrating the affordability of fortnightly payments and providing quick pricing for different product options, it gives you the opportunity to increase sales each day. Certegy Ezi-Pay has over 1.5 million consumers who have used their product, with a current repeat business rate of 46%. They support your business by marketing directly to consumers with special offers designed to drive business back to you. Quoting is a breeze with their new merchant app, allowing Android and iPhone users access to quote for their products in under a minute. Their merchants also have access through their online portal to quote, manage their Certegy Ezi-Pay contracts and order additional marketing collateral as required. Certegy Ezi-Pay have worked hard to create an easy, useful system for their partners to incorporate into their business. Email Simone Hemy, Queensland State Sales Manager on to take up this opportunity.

The Certegy Ezi-Pay model is different from traditional finance which uniquely places it within the market. Benefits include: •

Fast payment of funds

Fast approval

On-going training and support

Their NO INTEREST EVER payment plans provide a convenient way for customers to purchase items and pay for them over time. The fast and simple application process requires no invasive questions, fund purchases for even Aged and Veterans pensioners, as well as self-employed customers (provided they meet the approval criteria). Certegy Ezi-Pay provides your business with the tools to upsell and cross-sell, ensuring that the customer gets what they


| July / August 2016

Not an MPAQ Member? Contact our friendly Sales and Membership Specialist, Mark Collinson on 0439 565 240 or email to find out how you can become a member of MPAQ and take advantage of this special deal.


Know Your QLeave Obligations 31 July is Nearly Here How do I do it?

QLeave administers the Portable Long Service Leave Scheme for Queensland’s building and construction industry. The Scheme makes sure that your workers receive long service leave benefits for service to the building and construction industry, even if they change employers.

Worker Service Returns are lodged through QLeave’s online services. A step-by-step guide is provided to help you lodge your return online.

As an employer you have a number of legal obligations with QLeave. What do I need to do? •

Make sure you are registered as an employer with QLeave

Make sure your eligible workers are also registered with QLeave

Advise QLeave of your workers’ employment periods each year (this may include your own work)

All employers have a legal obligation to complete a Worker Service Return by 31 July each year. The return is simply a list of all workers that QLeave has recorded as being engaged by you. This process helps to keep your workers’ records and long service leave benefits up-to-date. You can get started now by checking that all of your eligible workers are added to your QLeave registration. You can also terminate any workers who you no longer engage. Keeping QLeave updated on your workers’ employment will save you time when you complete your Worker Service Return in July.

You can start and end workers online at any time at Go to Online Services – Employer Login and use your employer number and password to log in. Submit on time to avoid a fine Submission of a Worker Service Return by the due date is a legislative requirement. Failure to submit your return by 31 July may result in QLeave commencing prosecution action without further notice to you. Prosecution may result in conviction and a fine for each worker not included on your return, in addition to any costs incurred by QLeave in having to engage in legal action. Further information on meeting your obligations can be found in QLeave’s Guide for Registered Employers, available at

July / August 2016 |


business 

your business has just been


on the internet

Here’s What You Need To Do… Right Now! And if you think it doesn’t matter – it does. It’s costing you money and losing you jobs, and it will happen to every plumbing business at least once – whether you are online or not.

Do you know that 92% of consumers believe online reviews? So that means that 92% of your prospective customers can be put off from calling your business just because of one bad review or comment. First things first, you need to regularly check what others are saying about your business. For a plumbing business, this means at least once a week. Google your company name and separately Google your own name and see what comes up. Before we get to negative comments, here’s one tip that can win you more jobs - and 99% of plumbing businesses never do this! When you find a positive comment about you or your business online what do you do? Most plumbing businesses do nothing. This is a mistake and a lost opportunity. What you should be doing is responding like you would if the comment was made in person. Say thanks sincerely in your own words, and then add your name and phone number. Why your phone number? So that someone searching on the internet who finds the positive comment can contact you easily to give you more jobs! OK, back to those negative comments. There are three types of negative comments:

1. Genuine 2. Attention seeking 3. Criminal/defamatory The genuine negative comment. An example could be something like: “the plumber arrived late, was rude and charged twice what I had been quoted – do not call these people.”


| July / August 2016

Now assuming there is even just a little truth in this comment, you should follow a three step plan:

1. Acknowledge 2. Apologise 3. Action And remember your customer’s view of the problem can be very different to yours – but do not try and argue online. So here’s what you would say. “I understand your disappointment in the service that you received. Firstly, let me apologise and let you know that I take our customer service and reputation very seriously. If you contact me on this number (your-phone-number), I would like to understand what happened, what should have happened and what we can do to make this right for you.” Signed off with your name and phone number. Do not get angry or respond online in any way that is aggressive, argumentative or rude. Your aim is to resolve the issue offline. Once the issue is resolved, you should go back online and add another comment explaining what you did to resolve the situation. And even if you didn’t manage to resolve the issue offline, the fact that you can go back online and explain that you tried shows that you genuinely care and are an honest business. The attention seeking comment. An example could be “All plumbers are evil and should never be trusted.” Your best bet here is to ignore this comment and see if you can get the site owner to remove the comment. Do not give these people what they seek – attention. The criminal or defamatory comment. An example could be: “The next time I see your van I will shoot it and you to pieces with my shotgun – you are a *insert bad language here*” Here your response is to immediately contact the Police and your solicitor. Do not reply online. If you have any questions concerning your own individual circumstances or for more information, contact Sam McNeill at Sales Ecosystem on 1300 332 084. Need more leads than your business can handle? Go to



Viega Sanpress Inox

Stainless steel press-fit technology up to any challenge!

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Quality and reliability you can stake your reputation on! Viega Sanpress Inox technology delivers the highest degree of safety, hygiene, ease of use, precision and durability to the widest range of applications, including potable water, some gases, medical, pharmaceutical, food and industrial installations. Sanpress Inox G is designed for bio-gases, heating and diesel oils and specialty applications. Viega delivers proven longterm joint reliability you can proudly stake your reputation on ‌and more work completed in the same time at less total cost. All Viega Sanpress Inox fittings have the added advantage of the unique Smart Connect-Feature which makes un-pressed connections easily detected during a pressure test. If your lines go into critical locations, don’t take risks, make the smart connection. Viega. A better idea! July / August 2016 |


insurance 

Don’t Risk Your Business

Common insurance mistakes uncovered Running a business takes work. Real Work. You know this. You live this. But imagine that the business you’ve worked so hard to build is hit by the unexpected. You then find out you’re not correctly insured and you have to watch all your hard work go to waste. Unfortunately, underinsurance is all too common amongst small businesses. According to the Insurance Council of Australia, it’s estimated that 70% of underinsured and uninsured businesses affected by a major event such as a legal claim, earthquake, fire or storm never recover. Recent research conducted by the Cameron Research Group shows that when it comes to small business owners: • 77% have no Business Interruption Insurance • 56% have no Personal Accident Insurance • 39% have no Business Liability Insurance • 60% have no Burglary Insurance In fact, many business owners are unaware of the types of insurance products that they need. • 38% had not heard of Business Interruption Insurance • 41% had not heard of Machinery and Electronic Breakdown Insurance • 29% had not heard of Tools of Trade insurance/ General Property Insurance

Insurance can be a confusing product to purchase. It can be difficult to know what you need and whether your business is covered should things go wrong. At WFI, we deal with our clients face to face. We take the time to visit you and understand what’s important to your business so that we can protect the things that matter to you. WFI and MPAQ have a long and proud alliance partnership and have been working together for more than 40 years. It’s through this relationship that WFI offers MPAQ members competitive quotes on their insurance. If you would like to review your insurance policies or you would like further information, contact your local WFI Area Manager on 1300 934 934 or visit To see if WFI’s products are right for you, always consider the PDS from the product issuer, WFI (ABN 24 000 036 279 AFSL 241461). If you take out a policy with WFI, Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland receives a commission from WFI of 10% of the value of the premium payment (excluding taxes and charges).

Meet Tui. She’s a good person to know for insurance. Insurance:  Business

 Trades  Contract Works

WFI is a proud alliance partner of MPAQ Insure with WFI and you’ll deal directly with a local area manager who will take the time to understand you and your insurance needs. So, for personal service that comes to you, contact your local WFI Area Manager, Tui Steel. Tui Steel | WFI Area Manager 0427 535 412 |






To see if our products are right for you, always consider the PDS from the product issuer, WFI (ABN 24 000 036 279 AFSL 241461).


| July / August 2016

Established for the Partners working behind the scenes in Plumbing and Gas Businesses. Subscribe to our NEW Partners in Plumbing E-Newsletter.

Send your name to to subscribe today!

workplace relations

The Benefits of Hiring an Apprentice

Have you thought of taking on an Apprentice? •

Without apprentices, the plumbing trade cannot grow

Apprentices are our future!

Taking on apprentices can provide real benefits for your business. They can contribute significantly to your bottom line with practical skills and knowledge gained through their training. By employing apprentices you can benefit by: •

Gaining keen to learn individuals

Possible retention of staff

Mentoring opportunity for other staff members

Individuals are trained to your specific business requirements

Armed with nationally recognised qualifications

MPAQ is approached on almost a daily basis from potential apprentices looking for their first step into the plumbing industry. We can promote them to our members, but it is really you – MPAQ members – who create opportunities for these individuals.

The MPAQ Workplace Relations team can assist with recruitment of an Apprentice, including advertising and recruiting on your behalf. MPAQ would like to encourage our members to think about taking on an apprentice to ensure the future of the plumbing industry in Queensland.

There is a range of incentives available from both the State and Federal Governments for Employers who employ apprentices:

Contact the MPAQ Workplace Relations team on 07 3273 0800 for more information.





Qld Government – Department of Education & Training

Employ a school-based apprentice then convert (after a min period of 6 mths) to fulltime apprenticeship. • 1st payment – 6 mths after conversion to full-time • 2nd payment – 18 mths after the conversion to full-time


Federal Government – Apprenticeships Incentives – National Skills Needs List

Commencement Incentive Recommencement Incentive Completion Incentive

$1,500 $750 $2,500

Entitlement is for employers within industries that are listed on the National Skills Needs List

Federal Government – Apprenticeships – Support for Adult Australia Apprentices

Once adult apprentice has successfully completed 12 months of Training


Entitlement is for employers who employ an adult worker (aged 25 years or over) apprentice on National Skills Needs List

Federal Government – Apprenticeships – Matured Aged Workers

Commencement Incentive Completion Incentive

$750 $750

Entitlement is for an employer who employs a disadvantaged person aged 45 years or over

Federal Government Apprenticeships – SchoolBased Apprentices

Commencement Incentive Retention Incentive

$750 $750

For an employer who continues to employ a School-Based Apprentice for at least 12 weeks after the student finishes school

Entitlement is for employers in all industries as long as they meet the eligibility criteria


Funding current as at 1 July 2016 July / August 2016 |





The Dux Plumbers Handbook is a comprehensive product and technical guide. It is a valuable tool which will make it easier than ever to access vital hot water information on site, right when you need it. The Dux Plumbers Handbook offers: specification details technical & spare parts information rough-in diagrams installation guides and animations


workplace relations

Dealing with a Death in the Workplace The death of an employee is always a tragedy, and can be both a traumatic and stressful time for all parties concerned. Each workplace and the circumstances surrounding a death will be different, however managers of the workplace should consider a plan to deal with the event, should it occur. If the death has occurred at the workplace, some of the things to consider might include: • Ensuring the area is safe and other employees are not in danger • Notifying Emergency Services by calling 000 as soon as possible • Removing other personnel in the area away from the place of incident • Notifying the employee’s emergency contact, family or next of kin as soon as possible and preferably in person (this may be a duty for the Qld Police and/or the Employer) • Notifying WorkSafe Qld and WorkCover by calling 1300 362 128 or by lodging an incident notification online (www. > Injury Prevention and Safety > Incidents and Notifications) • Contact Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland for advice and assistance • Ensure all employees are notified as soon as possible and organise for a counsellor to be available on site for both individual and group discussions (search for a workplace counsellor or an Employee Assistance Program provider) • Consider allowing employees the option of leaving the workplace After the event of the death, other things that might need to be managed include:

• Checking for any personal belongings, tools, vehicle or other items which will need to be returned to the family • Finalising the employees termination payment which will include any outstanding wages, annual leave entitlement, balance of RDO’s, Long Service Leave (if applicable) which is usually paid to the employees dependant (surviving spouse or partner, ex-spouse, child or children, parents) • The following should happen when paying the dependent: - Make a payment (this amount cannot be rolled over) - Do not withhold any amount from the payment - Do not prepare an Employment Termination Payment summary - Give the dependant a letter that explains why the person is receiving the payment and shows the payment amount - Report payments over $5,000 to the Australian Taxation Office for Reasonable Benefit Limit (RBL) purposes - Keep records of the payment and a copy of the RBL information reported (you must give the recipient of the payment a copy of the information you reported to the Tax Office for RBL purposes) • Checking that the employees emails and phone calls are forwarded to another employee’s email / phone, and be sure to edit any out of office messages • Checking with other employees as to how they are coping and if they need any assistance moving forward (refer to Counselling/Employee Assistance Program outlined above) If you would like further information or need assistance should this situation occur, please contact the MPAQ Workplace Relations Team on 07 3273 0800 and they can assist you throughout the process.

• Notifying the employees Superannuation Fund, as this will allow them to contact the beneficiary • Checking if the employee is a member of an employee union. If they are, inform the family to enquire as to whether they may utilise funds available to help with funeral expenses or insurance coverage • Liaising with the spouse, parents, children (next of kin) to assist them in contacting WorkCover, Superannuation, Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink, etc.

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July / August 2016 | 3289 1888


legal 

Is it a Liquidated Damage or an Unenforceable Penalty?

Contractors have been faced with uncertainty in relation to the enforceability of liquidated damages clauses since the decision of the High Court in Andrews v Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (2010) 247 CLR 205. In this case, it was held that late payment fees imposed by the ANZ bank on some credit accounts were a penalty.

The Supreme Court of Queensland has recently clarified the position of the Court in relation to liquidated damages wherein it was held that liquidated damages clauses should be a reflection of a genuine pre-estimate of loss suffered in the event of delay, rather than some arbitrary penalty.

A liquidated damages clause is likely to be deemed unenforceable if the clause is there merely to penalise or punish the party for breaching the contract, acting as a fine. It is clear from this case, that when negotiating liquidated damages clauses in contracts, you should ensure that: 1. The amount to be claimed is a genuine pre-estimate of loss. Estimate what your losses would be if the job was not completed on time. If you simply ‘pluck’ a figure out of nowhere, you could run into problems with it being an unenforceable penalty. 2. It clearly identifies the breach event that will trigger the payment of the liquidated damages. The relevant breach should be of a serious nature. 3. It contains an acknowledgement that the amount claimed for liquidated damages is a genuine preestimate of loss. 4. The rate of liquidated damages is actually negotiated! If the amount to be paid was agreed upon following a period of negotiation, there is arguably a good chance that it will stick.

Juniper VS Grocon Constructions In Grocon Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd v Juniper Developments No 2 Pty Ltd v Anor [2015] QSC 102, the Supreme Court of Queensland upheld the enforceability of a liquidated damages clause in a design and construct contract. Juniper had engaged Grocon Constructions to design and construct a commercial development at Cavill Mall, Surfers Paradise. Grocon Constructions sued Juniper for $10 million for unpaid work, variations and interest. Juniper hit back with a counterclaim for $33.6 million for liquidated damages in accordance with the contract terms. Grocon attempted to defend the liquidated damages claim by arguing that the liquidated damages clause in the contract was an unenforceable penalty. Juniper argued that Grocon did not achieve practical completion in accordance with the date set out in the contract and that the delay in reaching practical completion meant that Juniper did not have vacant possession of the units, which in turn led to Juniper failing to effect various contracts of sale for the units in the development. Juniper further argued that the payment of liquidated damages wasn’t intended to be a ‘fine’ or punishment, but was intended to compensate Juniper for the loss that they expected to suffer resulting from such a delay. The Judge ruled in favour of Juniper, finding that the clause was a genuine pre-estimate of Juniper’s loss from having sales fall through. The damages pursuant to the liquidated damages clause were not considered either unconscionable or extravagant when compared to the actual loss suffered by Juniper and were therefore considered to represent a genuine pre-estimate of loss.


| July / August 2016

Those at risk of having to pay liquidated damages for late completion of works should also ensure they follow contract provisions when claiming extensions of time to the practical completion date, to avoid or minimise their exposure to liquidated damages. Verbal agreements or handshake deals won’t always cut it! For further information or advice in relation to Liquidated Damages, please call McKays Solicitors on the details below:

Mackay Office Dannielle Sanderson P (07) 4968 5431 E Scott McSwan P (07) 4963 0860 E

Brisbane Office Ian Heathwood P (07) 3223 5942 E Michael Cope P (07) 3223 5939 E Crystal Ray P (07) 3223 5932 E

Gold Coast Office Sean Diljore P (07) 5553 8403 E

Surat Basin Office Gilda Clarke P (07) 4668 9800 E


MPAQ Out and About Article written by Penny Cornah, MPAQ Executive Director

Sunshine Coast Road Trip

Penny Cornah, Rex Barnes, RW Barnes Plumbing and Russell Bergman

Penny Cornah, Brett Pearson and Matt Daly, Solar Innovations with Kent Vickers

Toowoomba – Stanthorpe Road Trip

Kent Vickers, MPAQ Vice President and I along with Russell Bergman from the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) hit the road in late April. We travelled to the Bribie Island area, then through to Caloundra and hosted a division meeting in Maroochydore. It was an informative evening where members had the opportunity to ask questions and share their stories. We had the opportunity to provide members with an update on the latest industry issues and priorities.

Stuart Sliman, Slim-Flow Plumbing with Penny Cornah

Kent Vickers with Darren French, Darren French Plumber at Caloundra

A week later John Salmon, MPAQ Treasurer and I travelled to Blacksoil, Summerholm, Laidley, Toowoomba, Stanthorpe and hosted a Plumbing Forum in Warwick. This event was well attended and I would like to thank Glen and Wayne from the Southern Downs Regional Council for helping to encourage local plumbers to attend. Thank you also to Russell Bergman from the QBCC for participating in these regional trips. The key items discussed at the forum included: - Unlicensed persons performing plumbing work - Un-watermarked products being sold through large hardware chains

Gail and Matt, Aussie Plumbing & Drainage Services at Summerholm

John Salmon, Nev Elliott, Nev Elliot Plumbing Service and Russell Bergman in Laidley

- Issues around stormwater - Notifiable Work / Form 4 confusion with the schedule of works - Issues around the maintenance of onsite sewerage treatment systems - Awareness around articulated drains and reactive soils MPAQ is working with the QBCC to arrange another session specifically on the topic of articulated drains and reactive soils. Once dates are finalised we will advise plumbers in the region. The next regional trip will be held in central Queensland in July.

Penny Cornah, Scott Folker, Scott Folker Plumbing and Gas with John Salmon in Milmerran

Penny Cornah, Paul Flanagan, Flanagan’s John Salmon, Steven Torrisi, MWF Plumbing with Russell Bergman in Stanthorpe Plumbing and John Salmon in Toowoomba

Penny, Russell, Glen, John, Max and Wayne at Stanthorpe July / August 2016 |


contents ď‚Ż


| July / August 2016

health & lifestyle

Cardiac Arrest in the Workplace

Almost every single day, we are inundated with Workplace Health and Safety messages from a variety of sources alerting us to possible dangers in and around our workplaces, offices, workshops and worksites. Everybody knows that First Aid training needs to be refreshed every two years and CPR training should be updated every year. But what many people don’t know is the danger associated with Cardiac Arrest and it’s prevalence in the workplace.

According to Take Heart Australia, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) kills approximately 30,000 people every year in Australia. To put that into perspective for you, SCA kills more people than prostate cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer and all road deaths combined (according to a white paper by the independent McKell Institute). Without doubt, SCA is Australia’s leading cause of death. Here are some more startling facts:

First Response Technologies is on a mission to raise Australia’s SCA survival rate from 9% to 50% by 2020, but there is only one way to make this happen – public and privately-owned businesses must take the lead, get their people trained in CPR and have an easily accessible Defibrillator ready and maintained in the case of Cardiac Arrest. Together, we can save our families from being torn apart and make sure everybody gets home safely to share more wonderful memories. If you would like more information about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Defibrillators and other technologies and initiatives, please visit or call Mathew at First Response Technologies on 0431 571 387.

- You have a 9% chance of surviving SCA if you are outside a hospital - 95% of all victims of SCA die prior to reaching a hospital - Seattle, America has a 62% Cardiac Arrest Survival rate due to a quality system they use - 12,000 Australians can be saved each year, if we had a Seattle quality system There are 2 reasons why Seattle has such a high rate of survival: 1. They have a high prevalence of Publicly Accessible Defibrillators (AED’s) available in workplaces to the public 2. Everyone in every workplace is required to have up-to-date CPR training completed and certified. They are also trained in how to use a Defibrillator (AED) effectively.

MPAQ Members Footy Tipping

For the first time, MPAQ is running a Members Only NRL Footy Tipping Competition where members were invited at the start of the Season to join in on the fun, for the chance to win some great prizes and have ultimate bragging rights as the first ever winner.

Leaderboard current as of round 16, 27 June 2016.

July / August 2016 |


contents 


jimboomba Branch now open


we’ve got you covered!

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| July / August 2016



1 – 2 September 2016 Develop Professionally at Your Industry Conference The 2016 QLD Plumbing & Gas Conference will include: Key Speakers and Topics: A range of relevant and informative topics will be discussed, that will provide important insight to all attendees. The topics have been specifically chosen by the committee members, based upon their in-depth knowledge and experience dealing with different sectors of the industry. All speakers on the day will present based on their extensive industry knowledge and experience. At the end of each group of sessions, a panel will be held where attendees can ask any burning questions of speakers and initiate positive debate to encourage change and development for the industry.

Enjoy Social Opportunities: There are four key social events at the conference that allow attendees to network with each other, get to know new people within the industry and share some fun times with like-minded individuals. Full delegate and full partner registrations include these social functions, or tickets can be purchased additionally with single day registrations. For a full conference program and further information, visit or contact the Conference Organisers on 07 3273 0800.

Proudly presented by





2016 Plumbing & Gas Industry Awards

Friday 22 July

6:30pm Midnight

Royal International Convention Centre, Bowen Hills

Brisbane North PIPE

Tuesday 2 August

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Kedron Wavell Services Club, Chermside

Gold Coast PIPE

Thursday 4 August

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Gold Coast Events Centre, Surfers Paradise

Learn Through the Conference Application: For the second conference in a row, the mobile application will be available for all attendees to utilise. This piece of technology will give attendees the chance to:

Gold Coast Golf Day

Friday 5 August

7:00am – 2:30pm

Emerald Lakes Golf Club, Carrara

Mackay PIPE

Tuesday 16 August

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Harrup Park, Mackay

• Look through speakers slides before, during and after their presentations

Rockhampton PIPE

Thursday 18 August

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Rockhampton Leagues Club, Rockhampton

• Create personalised schedules for sessions and social functions

Rockhampton Golf Day

Friday 19 August

7:00am – 2:30pm

Rockhampton Golf Club, Rockhampton

• Take notes electronically so it’s easily shareable and accessible after the conference

QLD Plumbing & Gas Conference

1–2 September

Two Full Days

RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast

• Share contact details electronically with sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and other conference delegates

PIPE Fraser Coast

Tuesday 11 October

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Beach House Hotel, Scarness

• Check-in to sessions and social functions, and share photos at the conference

PIPE Sunshine Coast

Thursday 13 October

4:00pm – 8:00pm

Surf Air Marcoola, Marcoola

• Receive notifications of important updates throughout the event

Partners in Plumbing Melbourne Cup Luncheon

Tuesday 1 November

12:00pm – 3:00pm

Brisbane To Be Confirmed

Network with Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers: At the conference, there will be a trade area for all attendees to network and develop relationships with key providers in the industry. All catering breaks are held within the trade area to ensure all attendees have two full days to speak with as many exhibitors as possible and gain valuable insight into up-andcoming products and services available to them.

• Reference and utilise all information within the application long after the conference is finished

July / August 2016 |


social 

Crystal and Michael from McKays Solicitors presenting Russell Woodruffe with his prize for their business card draw

Winners of the best team photo were Stoddart and All Style Plumbing

Jason fr $50 for om PROTRADE winning the PROpresented Paul TRADE w Puttath ith on

BRISBANE GOLF DAY Attendees at the Brisbane Golf Day


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David from Dux speaking with attendees – Brisbane South PIPE

Toyota showcased one of their cars at the event


d Natalie Linda an ing lunch enjoy

The ladies enjoying lunch at Sirromet Winery


| July / August 2016

Sarah-Louise, April and Lisa from Keith Dyer Plumbing

To check out all the photos from these events, visit the MPAQ Facebook Page


Congratulations to team BUSSQ on winning the day!

SUNNY COAST GOLF DAY Cameron and David on the Sunshine Coast Council Team

AQUABLEND™ 1500 with Thermal Flush Penny from MPAQ with Graham Cottee at Toowoomba PIPE

The Silk Plumbing pyramid won best photo for the day!

Mark, Phil, Patrick, Paul and Wayne at Toowoomba PIPE


Unique design means commissioned temperature does not have to be reset ... just wind out thermal flush screw, and wind it back in when flushing is complete Thermal Flush complete… it’s that easy!

Tim, Matty and Jarron at Toowoomba PIPE July / August 2016 |


contents 

Unbreakable HiLux is unbeatable too

Save thousands on Australia’s Best 4x4 Dual Cab Ute As a paying Master Plumbers’ Association of QLD member, you’ll get a Gold Fleet Discount on HiLux SR5, awarded Australia’s Best 4x4 Dual Cab Ute by Australia’s Best Cars. With the chance to save thousands, it’s pretty hard to beat. To find your local Fleet Specialist Dealer, call 1800 444 847.

TFM1907 MPA QLD 07/16

Master Pumbers’ Association of QLD membership details required to redeem Gold Fleet Discounts.

TOYOTA HILUX SR5 2015 4X4 DUAL CAB UTE 34 | July / August 2016



MPAQ Regional Queensland Tour July to November 2016 QBCC Licence Endorsement Courses

RTO: 30473

An endorsement entitles you to perform specific types of work not covered under your existing licence. You only need to apply once for each endorsement, with the exception of backflow prevention. In this case you must revalidate every five years and then send the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) a copy of your revalidation.

Accredited Face to Face Training CPCPWT4022A - Commission & Maintain Backflow Prevention Devices

CPCPWT4023A - Commission & Maintain Hot & Heated Water Temperature Control Devices





11 - 13 JULY


25 - 26 AUGUST


25 - 27 JULY




22 - 24 AUGUST




24 - 26 OCTOBER

Sunshine Coast

10 - 11 OCTOBER




27 - 28 OCTOBER

Sunshine Coast

MPAQ Online Training Courses Backflow Prevention Revalidation NON-ACCREDITED course required every 5 years to keep your backflow endorsement valid Evaluating and Planning the Installation of Solar and Heat Pump Water Systems NON-ACCREDITED course required for your QBCC endorsement BSBSMB401 - Establish Legal and Risk Management Requirements of Small Business ACCREDITED course required to obtain a QBCC trade contractor licence

Call us on 07 3273 0800 or email us at today! RTO Code: 30473

July / August 2016 |


contents ď‚Ż


| July / August 2016


MPAQ Member Benefits

Water Efficiency Certificates

MPAQ Rewards Program Reduce your MPAQ membership fees to $0.

Water efficiency certificates are required for a property where the landlord wishes to charge the tenant for water usage. Fixtures that are required to be water efficient are: •

Kitchen taps: 7.5 – 9 lpm

Basin taps: 7.5 – 9 lpm

Showers: 7.5 – 9 lpm

Laundry taps: 7.5 – 9 lpm

Toilets: 3L ½ flush and 6L full

Bath tubs are exempt (fill for use)

MPAQ Members have access to a Water Efficiency Certification Form on the MPAQ website (www.mpaq. under Technical > Plumbing Forms. If you do not have your website log in details, please contact the MPAQ Office on 07 3273 0800.

MPAQ Member Renewals Reminder

If you haven’t received your membership renewal, please contact the Membership Team on 07 3273 0800 or email

Name Edward Chyer Scott Munro Michael Anderson Aaron Tully Adam McKenzie Laird Cassan Gabor Sipos James Brown Craig Dougan Barry Davies David Lestone Roman Cussen Gavin Pascoe Robert Travers David Lawson Brian Stower Darren Spies

2. Obtain your Rewards Voucher from them 3. Send your Rewards Voucher to MPAQ to get $$$ off your membership

Advanced Enviro-Septic - Purchase an Advanced Enviro-Septic system and receive a $30 rewards voucher.

MPAQ advises all plumbers, real estates and owners to reestablish the properties water efficiency at the commencement of all new leases to maintain currency of the properties water efficiency status and avoid any non compliances.

New Members

1. Purchase certain products from our Reward Program Partners

Grundfos Pumps - Purchase any Grundfos CME Booster, CM Booster, CM-PS, CMBasic pressure system OR any SOLOLIFT2 lifting station OR any KP drainage pump and receive a $30 rewards voucher

Saniflo (Australasia) - Purchase any of the below Saniflo products, and receive a $10 rewards voucher. Apricus Australia - Purchase a Full Apricus Solar Hot Water System between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2016 and receive a $50 rewards voucher. Visit under the Membership Section for further information, or contact the MPAQ Office on 07 3273 0800.

Trading Aqua Plumbing (QLD) Pty Ltd Munro Plumbing & Roofing Anderson Plumbing Services Pty Ltd Atull Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd Complete Plumbing (QLD) Pty Ltd Edgewater Plumbing Gabor Sipos Red Earth Drainage QLD Crackers Plumbing & Roofing All Plumbing NQ Pty Ltd DNA Plumbing Townsville Gas & Plumbing Pascoe Plumbing Pty Ltd Symmetry Plumbing Pty Ltd D and K Lawson Plumbing Stowers Industries Pty Ltd Suresafe Plumbing

Chapter Brisbane North Brisbane North Brisbane South Country Gold Coast Gold Coast Gold Coast Ipswich Mackay North Queensland North Queensland North Queensland Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast Toowoomba Toowoomba Toowoomba July / August 2016 |


contents 

Not all water heaters are created equal.

Only Rheem features the REAL difference. Rheem ‘491/492’ series 250L, 315L & 400L electric water heaters feature REAL enhancements like commercial grade enamel, thicker anodes and a redesigned cylinder top for a stronger, more durable product. All backed by a 10 year cylinder warranty and Rheem’s 75 years of local engineering and manufacturing experience. For more information, visit or call 132 552.



| July / August 2016



New Corporate Supporters Blucher Australia


Blucher Australia work with plumbers, installers and consultants to supply the highest quality pressfit, drainage and tooling solutions throughout Australia and New Zealand. Pioneering with the introduction of EuroPipe drainage to Australia in 1992, then again leading with the supply of stainless steel Press-Fit fitting and tube products, they have grown and strengthened their team, experience and project knowledge to be a leader in the industry. Today they stock in Australia their range of stainless steel 316 press-fit tube and fittings up to 168.3mm diameter, their tool fleet for press-fit copper, stainless and PEX pipe systems and their stainless steel drainage products for trade waste, industrial drains and channels with a focus on hygiene and performance. The Blucher team around Australia strive to deliver the best service and support for their range of products featuring an extensive project list and ongoing relationships with most of Australia’s largest companies. Visit:

PROTRADE United believe in a united effort and collective knowledge to help you find an even better way to run your business.

TerraTrencher Australia Terratrencher Australia is the Australian distributor for the patented and award winning portable hand held Terratrencher™. The Terratrencher was designed and is manufactured solely by a New Zealand company for the last 15 years. They are powered by genuine Stihl powerheads sourced here in Australia. The Terratrencher provides quick, easy, versatile trench digging with little turf or ground disturbance, which allows for rapid back-filling and quick site clean-up. The patented Terratrencher cuts a neat smooth sided trench approximately 38-40mm wide and up to 750mm deep, depending on the model of trencher used. The winner of multiple National Field Days Invention awards, this Kiwi invention has created a whole new category of trenching tool. The Terratrencher is the world’s smallest portable, convenient and cost effective power trencher. Wider trenches for larger diameter pipes, concrete foundations, etc. can quickly be produced with 2 or more parallel cuts, allowing easy spade removal of remaining soil. It is simple to dig curves, right angles or custom shapes as required. Use it free hand for the short runs and on those longer runs use the custom built trolley. Now you don’t have to use large, expensive and cumbersome tractor mounted or self-driven chain digging machines to do all of your trenching work. In the time it takes to transport conventional digging equipment, you can take a Terratrencher out of your car do the job and go home. The impressive digging speed and sheer convenience of a totally portable mini trencher you can carry with one hand means huge time and cost savings. Visit Phone: 1800 665 932

PROTRADE United is Australia’s leading provider of business services to the trade industry, incorporating business strategy, financial services, marketing guidance, and system integration. Their services are specifically designed for the trades industry to assist you in gaining consistency in your revenue and cashflow, increase profitability, and build the long term value of your business. They provide trade business owners with the tools, resources, information and connections to make better decisions in business to enjoy the freedom and luxury of an unhurried lifestyle. Since 2003 they have assisted over 2,600 business owners achieve this goal. If you are ready to get the return you truly deserve out of your business and life, then let PROTRADE United help steer you in the right direction. Visit: Phone: 1300 76 77 74

Queen’s Birthday Honour Congratulations to Max Hunter from Stanthorpe who is being recognised for his time helping the Stanthorpe community by being acknowledged for an Emergency Services Medal on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Max is receiving the award for his emergency services to the SES over the past 34 years. Max was featured in the Stanthorpe Border Post on Tuesday 14 June 2016, where he says, “I think it’s great that you can be recognised for the services that you do give your country and also your town, because a lot of people these days seem to be time poor, but I reckon you find time to do things, and when you do it, you do the best you can with the resources available.” Max has been involved with plumbing inspectoral duties since 1981 and has been an active member of the industry. Congratulations Max on this great honour! Max Hunter with his wife Jill July / August 2016 |


product news

Product & Supplier News New Hot Water Heat Pump Saves Energy, Water and Money With the continuing emphasis on environmental performance, the search for more efficient and effective water heating is becoming increasingly important to commercial and domestic consumers. The latest range of innovative units from Stiebel Eltron will set a new benchmark for domestic hot water heat pumps in Australia. These air source hot water heat pump systems harvest natural energy to reduce electricity consumption, lower hot water energy bills and reduce environmental impact. Compared to conventional electric hot water systems, energy consumption for heating water can be reduced by more than 70 per cent by using a WWK 222 (H) or WWK 302 (H). The units are therefore eligible for government rebates and help to achieve Australia’s Renewable Energy Target by 2020. Visit: Call: 1800 153 351

Enware Aquablend 1500 with Thermal Flush Enware has released an upgrade of their Aquablend™ 1500 Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) which incorporates a significant new feature - a thermal flush facility creating a superior and fully compliant way to thermally disinfect your warm water line. The Enware Aquablend 1500 uses a specifically designed thermal flush screw that disengages the thermostatic element pin whilst not compromising the pre-set temperature. This not only saves time due to no need for re-commissioning, it also maintains compliance with the maximum temperature stop as stated in AS4032.1 section 3.3 still being set at 50°C. HOW IT WORKS ... The temperature adjustment screw is locked at time of commissioning, the thermal flush screw is easily released during the controlled thermal flush procedure, and once the flush procedure is complete, the screw is adjusted back into position and the valve is ready to go. BENEFITS … A fast, easy, clean and dry operation with no need to recommission the valve. Visit: Call: 1300 369 273

Viega Launches New Pressgun Picco

in shafts. The ergonomic shape and 180° rotating press head further enhance the ability to comfortably access any position. The new Pressgun Picco has a high-performance lithium-ion battery with very good cold-start function, plus it can be operated with a mains adapter. It’s suitable for metal connectors between DN15 and DN32. Design changes include: - Integrated LED lamp: As with the Pressgun 5, the new Picco has an integrated LED lamp to help illuminate the work environment. - Enhanced shark grill design: The air vents on the Picco are similar to those on the Pressgun 5.

Viega has launched the new Pressgun Picco onto the Australian market, and it has a range of new features. The German-made Pressgun Picco is a slim-line tool weighing just 2.5kg, which means it’s ideal for pressing pipe connections where space is particularly tight, such as under the ceiling, in pre-wall construction, or


| July / August 2016

- Blow-moulded carry case: The new Picco’s case has been designed to provide much greater impact resistance and also features slots/ compartments for the Picco’s jaws and two slots for the lithium-ion batteries. - Improved start trigger, facilitating the starting of the tool. In addition, the Picco only needs servicing after 30,000 pressings, and it deactivates automatically after 32,000 pressings. Visit:


Vale: John Ritchie Written by Bruce Wallace, MPAQ Life Member

21 February 1936 - 15 May 2016 Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland has lost one of its most passionate supporters after a nine year battle with prostrate cancer. John Alexander Ritchie began his plumbing career when he was apprenticed to MPAQ Member, Albert Brooks who was based at the Brisbane suburb of Chermside. John commenced his own business in 1958 and joined our Association on 19 May 1961. He apprenticed his younger brother, Peter and later formed a partnership trading as Ritchie Bros. John relayed to me when he attended his first MPAQ meeting that he was feeling a little neglected, however Bruce Soden made him feel welcome and encouraged him to keep attending the meetings. And he did, so much so that Vic Harris asked him to nominate for our state council in 1970, of which he was successful. It was a big year for the Association as we bought our first building at 56 Commercial Road, Fortitude Valley. After just two years as a Councillor, John was asked to stand as Junior Vice President. He progressed to Senior Vice President before being elected as a State President in 1974. John served with the distinction and with all the diligence of which he was known for. He introduced “A word from the President” in our publication, back then known as “The Queensland Master Plumber”, a feature which still continues today. His reason for the columns’ introduction was to encourage our members to lift our image to the community.

After his Presidency, John served a further two years as Past President before relocating to Beechmont. John served on our Social Committee for approximately six years. In those days, our office consisted of two staff so the committee undertook some time consuming preparation for functions like the annual dinner, car trips, site tours and the Christmas tree, where John played Santa for ten years. This role he took so serious even his son, Mark was not aware it was his father’s knee he was sitting on. John and his wife Janet attended State and Federal Conferences. After moving to Beechmont and after retiring from plumbing in 2000, he took up a Retired Membership and was always a regular attendee of the Gold Coast Division Meetings. John and Janet would be one of the first to arrive at our annual Stalwart’s Get Together. He was so proud to receive his Fifty Year Membership Certificate at our 2011 function. Members who take the time and effort to hold office in our Association, where ever it may be around the state, are the custodians for a short period of our 116 year history. John was a fine custodian and well liked and respected in our Association and the Beechmont community. The Association extends its deepest sympathy to Janet, son Mark and the extended family.

John and Janet Ritchie

The Essential First Step.

Always Dial Before You Dig around power and gas infrastructure under the ground.


July / August 2016 |


membership ď‚Ż

Celebrating Milestone Achievements

Kelvin Slade, MPAQ President presenting Don Nunn, MPAQ Trustee, from DG & LM Nunn with his 25 Year Membership Certificate.

Congratulations to Don Shortis from Our Plumber Pty Ltd who received his 30 Year Membership Milestone Certificate from Kelvin Slade, MPAQ President at the World Plumbing Day Breakfast in March.

Gerard Kerr from Gerard Kerr Plumbing Pty Ltd receiving his 20 Year Membership Milestone Certificate.

Ian Konkol from I & M Plumbing received his 10 Year Membership Milestone Certificate in June.

Guy Davies from Rookwood Pty Ltd, an Associate Individual Member with MPAQ received his 20 Year Membership Milestone Certificate.

Congratulations to Paul Schloss and Leslie O’Keefe from Wurtulla Plumbing on reaching 25 Years Membership with MPAQ!

Milestone Certificates






Jim Leadbetter

Leadbetter Contracting



Frank Tomasi

FT Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd

Brisbane South


Steven Atkins

SJ Atkins Plumbing

Sunshine Coast


Edward Armstrong

Tap Dance Plumbing Pty Ltd

Gold Coast


Steven Hurley

Liquid Solutions Pty Ltd



Nathan Anderson

NAP Contractors Pty Ltd

Brisbane South


Ian Konkol

I & M Plumbing

Brisbane North


Ben Edwards

Ben Edwards Plumbing



| July / August 2016



The Supporters of our Industry Trading Contact

Platinum Corporate Associates Dial Before You Dig (Qld) Ltd Reece simPRO Software Pty Ltd Tradelink

07 3360 7950 03 9274 0000 1300 139 467 07 3260 9777

Gold Corporate Associates Dux Manufacturing Limited Pentair Valves and Controls Saniflo

1300 365 115 07 3260 2555 1300 554 779

Silver Corporate Associates CBUS Constructions Skills Queensland Rheem Australia Pty Ltd Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd

1300 361 784 1800 798 488 132 552 1800 153 351

Associate Corporates Advanced Enviro-Septic ALS Environmental Ancra Australia Pty Ltd Apollo Valves Apricus Australia Pty Ltd APT Management Services Pty Ltd Aquacure Water Treatment Pty Ltd Aquatech Solar Technologies Pty Ltd Armacell Australia Pty Ltd Astivita Renewables Limited Astrec Australian Industry Trade College Gold Coast Australian Valve Group AustWorld Blucher (Australia) Pty Ltd Brisbane City Council Bromic Plumbing and Gas Bundaberg Regional Council BUSSQ Building Super Caroma Industries Ltd CBUS CFO On Call Clayton Engineering Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Contractors and Industrial Sales Crowe Horwath Davey Water Products Pty Ltd Decina Bathroomware Pty Ltd Dial Before You Dig (Qld) Ltd Downtown Toyota Dux Manufacturing Limited Ecolife Solutions Pty Ltd EJ Electrolux Home Products Elgas Ltd Enware Australia Pty Ltd Epitomy Pty Ltd Ergon Energy Pty Ltd Everhard Industries Pty Ltd Finlease Fleetmatics Pty Ltd Flowpex Piping Systems Fusion Hire & Sales Pty Ltd Gladstone Regional Council Grundfos Pumps Pty Ltd Gympie Regional Council Halgan Pty Ltd Hydroflow Distributors (Aust) Pty Ltd Inform Energy Pty Ltd Isaac Regional Council ISCO Australia Pty Ltd Isuzu UTE Australia Pty Ltd

07 5474 4055 07 3243 7222 03 9586 0310 0477 223 110 07 3390 4720 07 3215 6636 07 3277 6696 07 5520 6701 03 8710 5999 07 3726 2010 0405 800 111 07 5635 0400 03 9462 2666 13 0078 0430 0425 567 237 133 BNE 1300 276 642 1300 883 699 07 3369 1111 07 3131 5999 1300 361 784 0402 656 526 1300 798 022 07 3630 5744 07 5549 1255 07 3233 3548 07 3370 3700 07 3271 1944 07 3360 7950 07 3896 0100 1300 365 115 07 3881 2300 07 3216 5000 02 9317 9537 07 3893 6134 07 3637 6706 02 9673 6275 131 046 07 3637 6444 07 3324 2655 02 9506 8821 02 9986 0605 03 8770 5770 07 4977 7021 07 5540 6700 07 5481 0644 07 3208 8339 03 9676 8900 02 9790 8479 07 4981 2806 07 3881 1838 07 3151 5845

Keep it Simple Safety 1800 544 690 Kennards Test and Measure Qld 07 3823 0055 Livingstone Shire Council 07 4939 9814 LWG Zurn Australia Pty Ltd 03 8301 9499 Mackay Regional Council 07 4961 9011 Make It Cheaper Pty Ltd 02 9099 3028 Mareeba Shire Council 07 4086 4720 Mascot Engineering Group 1300 885 295 Master Hire 07 4636 2377 McKays Solicitors 07 3223 5942 Megasealed Bathrooms Australia Pty Ltd 02 9289 3618 Milwaukee Tools 1300 645 928 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia Pty Ltd 07 3385 0334 MM Kembla 07 3868 7888 Moody & Winter Sales Pty Ltd 07 3376 2455 Moreton Bay Regional Council 07 3480 6673 Mount Isa City Council 07 4747 3200 Mt Gravatt Volkswagen 07 3421 0999 My SOS 07 3103 5722 Pentair Valves and Controls 07 3260 2555 Plastec Australia Pty Ltd 07 5413 4447 Plumbcall Franchise Systems Pty Ltd 07 4922 5697 Polco Australia Pty Ltd 13 0061 6607 PRORADE United 1300 767 774 Quantum Energy Technologies Pty Ltd 02 9699 7444 Queensland Brassware Association 07 3630 5744 Queensland Gas Association 1300 792 239 Quilpie Shire Council 07 4656 0500 QUT Facilities Management 07 3188 2331 Rain Harvesting 07 3248 9600 Reece Pty Ltd 03 9274 0000 Rehau Pty Ltd 07 5527 1833 Reliance Worldwide Corporation 07 3018 3440 Rheem Australia Pty Ltd 07 3412 9211 Ridge Tool (Aust) Pty Ltd 03 9930 7000 Rinnai 07 3137 6600 Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd 0417 606 635 Rockhampton Regional Council 1300 225 577 Safe Asbestos 1300 225 577 Samios Head Office 1300 131 252 Saniflo (Australasia) Pty Ltd 02 9882 6200 Select Water Tanks Pty Ltd 07 5546 8571 Shower Sealed Pty Ltd 1300 519 133 simPRO Software Pty Ltd 1300 139 467 Site Safety Solutions 0438 589 474 SkillsTech Australia 07 3244 0395 SolarEast Australasia Pty Ltd 1300 668 886 Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd 07 3399 3711 Storm Plastics Pty Ltd 07 3865 4811 Stormtech Pty Ltd 02 4423 1989 Stratco (Qld) Pty Ltd 07 3451 4444 Studor Australia Pty Ltd 1300 551 519 Sunshine Coast Regional Council 07 5420 8618 Taylex Industries Pty Ltd 07 3411 5200 Techrite Controls Australia Pty Ltd 03 9549 4444 Terratrencher Australia 07 3802 4721 The Couta Group 03 8405 3386 The Mac Services Group Pty Ltd 07 4841 3027 The Wondercap Company Pty Ltd 07 5539 3665 Stoddart 07 3440 7645 Total Eden 07 3880 8195 Townsville City Council 07 4773 8362 Tradelink Plumbing Supplies - National Office 07 3260 9777 Training Prospects 08 8287 2566 Valves R Us 07 3865 1488 Viega Pty Ltd 02 8853 7867 Vinidex Pty Ltd 07 3277 2822 Vivax-Metrotech AUS 07 3103 2844 Water Warriors 07 5477 0087 Zetco Valves Pty Ltd 02 9516 1336 Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd 02 9796 3100 July / August 2016 |


TakingCharge Charge Taking of Change Change of Taking Charge of Change 1 – 2 September 2016, Gold Coast

Early Bird Registration Closes Friday 29 July Informative speaker program and partners program available. PROUDLY PRESENTED BY

For more information visit or call 07 3273 0800.

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