Master Plumber September/October 2017

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S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7

Excellence Unmasked


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Contents 05


Editor’s Note




President’s Message


Make the Most of Your MPAQ Membership


Industry News: Safe Work Month Licence Lending is Not Allowed


Legislation: Tough New Laws in Health and Safety New Building Product Safety Laws Landmark Building Industry Fairness Legislation


Technical: Appropriate Standards of Courtesy from Contractors Common Defects from Notifiable Work Audits



Technical: Revised WaterMark Scheme


Feature: Excellence Unmasked


Workplace Relations: Annual Close Down – How and When to Inform Your Employees


News: MPAQ Major Contractors Update


Lifestyle: Queensland’s Best Beaches

27 Training Calendar



Quality Drainage: Design and Selection


New Products


What the Flush

32 Events Calendar 34

50 Year Flashback Vale: Jimmy Mole


Members: New Members and Milestone Achievements

September / october 2017

37 Members: Meet Our New Corporate Supporters


38 Milestones 39 The Supporters of Our Industry

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S E P T E M B E R / O C TO B E R 1 7

Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland: 243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge Q 4110 P: 07 3273 0800 F: 07 3273 0873 E: W:

THE TEAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Penny Cornah P: 07 3273 0800 E: EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Lisa Hilton P: 07 3273 0800 E: ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Marc Wilson P: 07 3273 0800 E: PRINT & DESIGN Foyer Printing P: 07 5598 1005 E:

MPAQ COUNCIL PRESIDENT Kelvin Slade P: 0417 787 284 E: VICE PRESIDENTS Kent Vickers P: 0418 883 999 E: Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: PAST PRESIDENT Bob Kimlin P: 07 4772 6308 / 0419 744 383 E: TREASURER John Salmon P: 07 3846 5366 E: COUNCILLORS Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: Michael Ryan P: 3630 4744 E: Rob Brouwers P: 0411 413 400 E: Sam Hannant P: 0405 647 046 E: Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: Ben Crew P: 0400 364 665 E:

TRUSTEES Bill Watson P: 07 3273 2333 E: Don Nunn P: 0418 717 470 E:

LIFE MEMBERS G Cottee, F Huysing, B McGrath OAM, MJ Moor, T Morris, J Porter, GC Richardson, NF Sharman, BS Soden, BD Wallace, WB Watson, R Kimlin

MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEMBERS A Chapman, B McGrath OAM, T Morris, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, M Wilshere DISCLAIMER Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.

Editor’s Note Lisa Hilton Editor


elcome to the September/October 2017 edition of the Master Plumber Magazine!

Here’s a little fun bit of information I just recently found out… apparently Nintendo just confirmed that Mario is no longer a plumber. Did anyone else hear about this?! What is going on!? Perhaps it’s ‘change’ in the air. Speaking of which, there’s a whole lot of change going on in our industry, especially surrounding legislation. New health and safety laws, all the buzz around nonconforming products, and of course the really big one – security of payments. MPAQ has been heavily involved in all these changes, and foresees a lot of positive change in these areas. You can read more about what’s going on, on page 10. In October, we’re excited to be running our first one day Summit in Brisbane, helping our members to take a day to evaluate their business and become a business leader. Don’t sit on the fence and wonder what you’ll get from it, just take a chance and spend a day working ON your business, rather than just IN it. Outside of the full suite of sessions with many topics that are definitely relevant to your business, there will also be a trade area with many different corporate supporters showcasing what they’ve got to offer. You’d be surprised at what you can pick up and use in the future, you just need to give yourself the chance to learn more, and take advantage of it! Read up about what’s involved with the Summit and how good it will be for your business on page 32. A massive congratulations to all the finalists and winners at our awards night in July. You should have seen the room, it was breathtaking! And the feeling you get when you see so many humble, incredible, professional people taking home trophies and framed certificates, makes all the hard work worth it. We have a truly incredible industry, and you should be proud. We’ll be opening nominations for 2018 soon, so think about nominating and put yourself in line to get some well-deserved recognition. Full details of the event this year is on pages 14 – 18. Congratulations to those reaching milestones and welcome to our new members in this edition. Hope I see you out and about!

Lisa 5




Perspective Penny Cornah

Executive Director Plumbing Industry’s Night of Nights


would like to thank everyone who attended the Plumbing and Gas Industry’s Night of Nights, or as I refer to it the ‘Logies’ for the Plumbing and Gas Industry. This special event recognises the outstanding achievements of plumbers, drainers, apprentices, gasfitters, hydraulic consultants and females working in the industry. The event was a huge success with over 515 people in attendance. I would like to thank all of our sponsors, without their support this event would not be possible. Special thanks to Tradelink for being our major sponsor. Congratulations to all of our finalists and winners, each of you should be extremely proud of yourself and your team.

September / october 2017

Special thanks to my team at MPAQ, for coordinating this exceptional event. Feedback from industry has described this as our best event to date. Well done to Lisa Hilton, Stephanie McGuinness and Alana Anstey and everyone who assisted with this event. Apart from all of our award winners and finalists, MPAQ also presented three membership milestone certificates, two members were celebrating 70 years of membership, Robert Akes Plumbing and Hohl Plumbing. Canfield Plumbing also celebrated 100 years of membership, which is an amazing achievement and we would like to thank Bill Canfield for his support and dedication to the Association over the years. Please refer to pages 14 to 18 for details of the awards night, and page 38 to read about our milestone recipients.


Advancing Women in Small Business Program MPAQ is excited to be partnering with the Office of Small Business to advance women in business in Queensland. As a female leader of a representative Association within the male dominated sector of building and construction, I am passionate about advancing females within our industry. We have seen a need to support the growth of women in business and have developed a strategy to address key areas to assist business leaders in Queensland. This strategy will be member lead but Association driven and will focus on areas such as mentoring, workshops, networking and capacity building. Our ‘Partners in Plumbing’ program was established for the partners working behind the scenes in plumbing and gas businesses. We formalised this group to enable partners working within the plumbing industry to meet, network, increase knowledge and discuss relevant topics that impact them. MPAQ is determined to work hard within the male dominated building and construction industry to increase female participation. We are also strongly committed to recognising, connecting and empowering existing participation, which we believe is often overlooked. The reality is a number of females run plumbing businesses. It is a fact of life that most plumbing businesses are a small to medium family business with their husband working on the tools, with a couple of employees and the wife looking after the administration and finance.

Women in these businesses undertake all the duties of a small business CEO or General Manager; they are actively shadow directors. However, sometimes they lack the confidence and are not empowered to recognise or be recognised for their importance. This is something we are committed to change. MPAQ’s ambition is to expand and rebrand our current ‘Partners in Plumbing’ to an entire and holistic Female’s Participation strategy. MPAQ will be delivering a number of objectives as part of this program. The strategy will address the following: •

Recognition – acknowledging the role that women are currently undertaking as business managers

Networking – connecting those that comprise women within the industry

Mentoring – identifying not only current but also future leaders within each of the three groups

Educating – scoping out what skills are required via consultation and then engaging experts to develop workshops, education activities and webinars that address these skill gaps

Capacity building – consulting, identifying and delivering other areas of skill development, either not able to be addressed by workshops or where expense is prohibitive

For more information or to be involved in the program please contact me on 07 3273 0800 or email


President’s Message Kevin Slade



’m not suggesting the above, I just wanted to grab your attention. But while we’re on the subject, let’s look at apprenticeships generally. On paper it’s a four year training agreement between the employer and the apprentice. An Apprenticeship Centre handles the administration aspect of the contract and is the liaison between all parties and should be checking on the apprentice’s welfare and progress. A Training Organisation is engaged to provide the academic and skills training and is often providing gap training where the employer is unable to provide the practical onsite training required by the training package. When the required competencies are completed and the training diary is signed off by the Training Organisation, this should not signal the end of the apprentices training. In reality there is much more to be learnt. I am probably going to ruffle a few feathers here, but this needs to be discussed. In essence, the apprenticeship is about three aspects: • Practice; • Training; and

The employer should be completely committed to their apprentice in providing guidance, being the best mentor possible and motivating their charge when needed. I hear so many stories to the contrary, which is a concern. Before I go any further, I need to point something out. I have employed and trained a reasonable number of apprentices. In my time on the MPAQ Executive and as a trainer I have lost count of the number of conversations I have had on this subject with employers, tradesmen who supervise apprentices and other trainers. I recently delivered a presentation at a conference and during the Q & A session the conversation turned to training, then the general level of knowledge in the industry. Let’s just say the comments and opinions weren’t complimentary. The opinions expressed were: •

Outdated competencies included in the Certificate III course being taught to apprentices

Apprentices completing their time not knowing enough

Tradesmen having insufficient knowledge

Tradesmen using outdated standards

Tradesmen having insufficient knowledge of the regulatory documents and systems

Tradesmen being unwilling to undertake further up skilling

• Knowledge. The reality is there is a lot more to it, because for an appropriate outcome there needs to be a solid commitment from both the apprentice and the employer. The apprentice, (an acronym for complex) should be completely engaged in their vocation. This requires he or she to take an interest in and be committed to their vocational education and training. In most cases the apprentice is young and needs guidance, mentoring and quite often motivating. The latter two I believe is where the industry could do better. There are certainly mechanisms and programs around but they are not readily available to all.

employed and upskilled tradesmen over the last 25 years. As MPAQ President I have had the pleasure of talking to many business owners throughout Queensland. Being a trainer I have delivered many courses to the young and not so young. In a nutshell I have heard, seen and listened to a lot. What needs to be addressed and considered is: •

Consideration for a capstone test at the end of Certificate III training to all apprentices to identify any shortfall in knowledge

The suite of 64 competencies that make up the Certificate III package require broad industry consultation

Apprentices should be mentored, consideration should be given to a program that is sponsored by the entire industry and available to all

CPD should be introduced ASAP with the first two years being voluntary then mandatory after two years

Policy makers need to actually listen to what industry wants and needs, see dot point four (above)

Our policy makers and regulator need to assume a greater responsibility in educating the industry on our regulatory system. If you have any doubt as to why, have a look at where the education of our Act and regulations take place and how much time is spent on the delivery of same. We are not going to improve compliance just by wielding a big painful stick.

The cost of our suite of Standards needs to be investigated and reviewed

Then the conversation turned to, ‘how do we as an industry address this?’. The answer is not straightforward or simple. But there was a universally agreed topic mentioned, and this was Continuing Professional Development (CPD). I’m going to go put myself in the firing line here and give you my take on the matter, and I do so with the following in mind. I have trained apprentices in my near 40 years as a tradesman, I have

There is more, but that’s a start. If we had a smarter industry, we would have a better industry.

Happy Plumbing 7


Should an apprenticeship only take three years?


Make the Most of Your MPAQ Membership


embership of the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland gives you immediate access to a vast array of products and services to meet your plumbing, business and lifestyle needs. Make sure you’re taking advantage of what’s available!




MPAQ members can call the office and get free technical advice from our qualified and professional advisors



MPAQ run various training courses across the state to assist in the upskilling of individuals (RTO # 30473)



September / october 2017

MPAQ runs various events across Queensland to provide professional development and networking opportunities


COMMUNICATIONS MPAQ provides a weekly e-newsletter, industry alerts and bi-monthly magazine to ensure you are informed and up to date Log into the MPAQ website to access these deals. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the MPAQ Membership team on 07 3273 0800.



Get involved in


range of Safe Work Month events will be held around the state in October, focusing on safety leadership, culture and mental health in the workplace, and providing practical tools and resources to improve work safety and rehabilitation.

There will be: •

Safe Work Month breakfast forums in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Brisbane, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast

Events will feature a line-up of world class speakers, including:

Award-winning journalist, author and commentator, Madonna King

Safety Ambassador, Shane Webcke

Mental Health Ambassador, Libby Trickett

ACT Australia, presenting an interactive case study and workshop

An Injury Prevention and Return to Work Conference, Brisbane

Futurist, Charles Brass, exploring the New Age of Work

Free community breakfast at King George Square, Brisbane

Demographic and generational trends expert, Bernard Salt

For more information, visit the Worksafe website ( or email

Licence Lending is Not Allowed


he Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) would like to remind licensees not to engage in licence lending or licence borrowing. Assistant Commissioner for the QBCC, Esther Blest said, “It is against the law to engage in licence lending, which can include providing another person with your licence details so they can undertake or contract for work when they do not hold the appropriate licence.” “Licence lending can also involve engaging a person who is not an employee of your company to act as a nominee supervisor for your company.” Ms Blest said that licence borrowing is where an unlicensed person, or a person who holds a licence for a different type of work, pretends to hold a licence for work. “Under section 30A of the QBCC Act, an individual may supervise building work carried out by a company, provided that they hold a nominee supervisor’s licence for the relevant class of work, and that they are an officer or employee of the company. “Under section 51 of the QBCC Act, a licensee must not allow another person to use their licence to pretend to be licensed. “This includes both an unlicensed person, or a person who holds a licence but for a different type of work,” she said. Ms Blest said that penalties apply to both the person who lends their licence and the person who borrows a licence, with the maximum penalty being $31,537.50 per offence. If you believe that someone may be engaging in licence lending or licence borrowing, you can lodge a complaint with the QBCC at



Tough New Laws in Health and Safety


orkplace health and safety has been strengthened with tough new laws passing Parliament in August. The new laws will see the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) play a greater role in ensuring safety in the building industry. Under the new laws the QBCC will take into account the conduct of a company, including their record of safety, when considering the suspension or cancellation of a licence. The laws also create an obligation on QBCC licensees to notify the QBCC about activities on a building site that might present a work health and safety issue. “In 2012, 20-year-old Jason Garrels died of an electrocution that should never have been able to happen,” Mr de Brenni said. “Because of the advocacy of Jason’s parents, Lee and Michael, the QBCC will now play a strong role in ensuring safety on site through our licencing system.” “Put simply these laws mean that if you fail to protect workers, you will not have the right to have a construction licence in this state.” Jason Garrels’ father Michael welcomed the Palaszczuk Government’s tough new measures. “Had these proactive laws been in place in 2012, I believe the disgusting site Jason died on would not have existed,” Mr Garrels said. “And had his death still occurred then at least the regulator could have cleaned out the dodgy uncompliant and dangerous licence holders from the industry.” For further information, visit

New Building Product Safety Laws

responsible and will be accountable.”

lamping down on non-conforming products, Queensland now has the most comprehensive building product safety laws in the country, after the Palaszczuk Government passed new chain of responsibility laws for dangerous building products in August.

“The proliferation of cheap, imported, substandard products entering our country is a risk to the health and safety of all Queenslanders gathering for events at public places, when they go to work in a modern office tower, when they visit major shopping centres and even when they return home at the end of the day,” he said.

September / october 2017


Minister for Housing and Public Works, the Hon. Mick de Brenni MP said the Building and Construction Legislation (Non-Conforming Building Products-Chain of Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2017 will help make sure building products used in Queensland are safe and fit for their intended use. “Yet again Queensland is leading the way on the issue of non-conforming building products,” said Mr de Brenni. “These tough new laws put the responsibility for safety on everyone in Queensland’s building supply chain, rather than just the tradie at the end of the line. “Whether you are a manufacturer, importer, supplier or installer, if your behaviour lets a dangerous product onto a Queensland building site, you will be


Minister de Brenni said the new laws will help close the door on importers dumping dodgy products (including flammable aluminium composite cladding) onto Queensland building sites.

The changes substantially expand the powers of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC). These powers will assist the government’s Audit Taskforce in their work responding to potentially dangerous cladding in Queensland. “Previously, the QBCC could inspect only active building sites,” said Mr de Brenni. “These new measures allow inspectors to enter existing buildings, take samples for testing and direct rectifications, and the State Government will be able to recall products that are non-conforming, and issue warnings about them.” For further information, visit the Department of Housing and Public Works website

Landmark Building Industry Fairness Legislation Introduced to Parliament


aster Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) Executive Director Penny Cornah has called on the Queensland Parliament to pass once in a generation fairness laws as soon as possible.

“We would not expect a nurse to work 7 shifts and only get paid for 3, and this is what is happening to hardworking tradies every day in Queensland,” Ms Cornah said. “There is not a single plumber in Queensland that has not experienced non-payment or extreme late payment on money owed for work done.” The Palaszczuk Government has today introduced legislation that plumbing and trade contractor businesses have been asking for, to usher in a new age of fairness in our industry. “This has become an annual burden of over $3 billion across our country with the impact being felt across Queensland.” “It is not too much to ask that people should get paid for the work they have already completed, and done well.” “We have a once in a generation chance to change this with these laws and this is why we support them,” Ms Cornah stated. Ms Cornah said that all the alternatives proposed will not work without adding cost or risk to tradie’s businesses and this is why MPAQ will work with the Government to do everything they can to get the detail right. “We also support the complimentary reforms to matters such as illegal phoenixing,” she said. MPAQ represents over 1,300 plumbing and gas businesses across Queensland and has been advocating for security of payment reforms for generations. Visit for further information, or contact the MPAQ office on 07 3273 0800.

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Appropriate Standards of Courtesy from Contractors

Common Defects from Notifiable Work Audits


ince November 2012, the introduction of notifiable work extended the amount of work a plumber or drainer can perform without a local government permit or any requirement for mandatory inspections. From local government audits on notifiable work performed in each region, the most common defects identified throughout Queensland are:


September / october 2017

here has been a recent and alarming increase in the number of Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) staff being threatened and abused whilst undertaking their duties.


Underground sanitary drains in class 2 - 9 buildings being performed as notifiable work


No tempering valve installed


Tempering valve not commissioned: – Valve set above 50 degree Celsius

QBCC’s role as a regulator means ensuring Queensland’s licensed builders and trade contractors maintain appropriate standards. All licensees must be fit and proper persons in order to hold a licence.


Overflow relief gully does not comply


No overflow relief gully installed

As part of meeting their regulatory obligations, QBCC continuously assesses a licensee’s fitness and propriety in accordance with standards including:


Hot water system drain terminates incorrectly; – Mainly to the building footings


Hot water system drain line not falling continuously to approved discharge point


Incorrect cold water expansion valve installed on hot water systems


Insufficient insulation installed on inlet and outlet of hot water systems

The standard of honesty and integrity demonstrated by licensees in their commercial and other dealings;

Any failure to carry out commercial or statutory obligations; and

Any other relevant factor.

The recent behaviour of some licensees falls outside of these standards. The QBCC Commissioner, Brett Bassett, is very keen to protect his staff from abusive and threatening behaviour. Such behaviour will not be tolerated, and, where appropriate, will be referred to the Queensland Police Service for further action. In addition, licensees found not to demonstrate appropriate standards of behaviour towards QBCC staff may face licence suspension and cancellation.


No or poor quality as-constructed drawings lodged for sanitary drainage work


Incorrect testable backflow prevention device installed; – Device exposed to extreme heat – Incorrect device installed for hazard rating


Incorrect category of work selected for notifiable work


Pipe length between un-trapped fixture waste to floor waste gully trap installed over distance; – Applicable mainly to renovation work


For more information please contact Penny Cornah on 3273 0800 or via email

Water services incorrectly sized

If you are unsure of the requirements of work that falls under the category of Notifiable Works, MPAQ members can contact our Technical Team for clarification and advice on 07 3273 0800.

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Watermark Scheme T

he new WaterMark Certification Scheme commenced progressive implementation from 1 August 2017.

The altered Scheme has been developed following a review of the previous Scheme by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) in 2014, and a decision by the Building Ministers Forum in 2015 to amend the Scheme in an attempt to improve its effectiveness.

The Manual for the WaterMark Certification Scheme details the operating structure of the Scheme, and the process and procedural requirements for the certification of plumbing and drainage products. The Manual includes the Rules for the WaterMark Certification Scheme and the Approved Certifier and Approved User Agreements, as approved by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, as well as the Protocol for the Assessment of Risks of Plumbing Products and the Protocol for Developing Product Specifications. The Scheme will be implemented over a period of time to allow for industry adjustment, including transition arrangements for existing Approved Certifiers, Approved Users and certified products affected by changes to the Scheme.

A single-level of certification for all products evaluated to prescriptive requirements

It is important to note the existing WaterMark Scheme Rules remain current in whole or in part until progressive implementation of the Scheme has been completed.

Consolidation of the Scheme Rules and other reference documents into a single document titled ‘The Manual for the WaterMark Certification Scheme’

The ABCB will continue to engage with representatives of stakeholder groups in the progression towards full implementation of the improved Scheme.

A review of the risk assessment process

For further information, visit

Key changes to the Scheme include:

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he 18th Annual Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards night was held on Friday 21 July at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Southbank. Hosted by the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ), finalists and winners were announced from across Queensland, in areas including Cairns, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg and South-East Queensland.

September / october 2017

The theme of “Unmasking Excellence” means recognising and ‘unmasking’ the achievements of outstanding apprentices, plumbers, gasfitters, hydraulic consultants, companies and other industry individuals.

This year the sell-out awards recognised individuals and companies in 19 categories and hosted VIPs including the Minister for Housing and Public Works, the Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works, Stephen Bennett, the Shadow Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply, Michael Hart, Federal Member for Griffith, Terrie Butler MP, Secretary for Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union Qld, Gary O’Halloran and Commissioner of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, Brett Bassett.

MPAQ’s Executive Director, Penny Cornah has praised the outstanding achievements of all nominees whether they progressed to the finalist stage or not.

92.5 Gold FM Breakfast Announcer, Spida Everitt was MC for the evening, announcing the finalists and award recipients alongside the award sponsors.

“The plumbing industry is growing in leaps and bounds and this is reflected in the high level of passion, innovation and clever approaches to work displayed by all of our nominees.”

Thank you to our 2017 sponsors Award Sponsors


The increasing level of competition over the past few years highlights the huge developments within the industry in recent times

EVENT Sponsor


Supporting Sponsors

Pre-Dinner Entertainment Sponsor

Photo Booth and Social Board Sponsor

Dinner Entertainment Sponsor

Guest Gift Sponsor

VIP Function Sponsor

Music Sponsors



2017 Plumbing & Gas Industry Stephen Marsden

Obsidian Plumbing Pty Ltd

Bradley Hodgkinson

Lehr Paul & Partners

Yarrow Plumbing Services

Moreton Bay Regional Council

AHSCA Qld Hydraulic Consultant of the Year

Construction Skills Queensland Merv Harris Memorial Bursary Award

QLeave Commercial & Industrial Technical Award

Paul McKenna

WFI Industry Leadership Award

Bradley Hodgkinson, Moreton Bay Regional Council with Sharlene Smith, WFI Paul McKenna, Lehr Paul & Partners with Chris Tritton, AHSCA Qld

“I feel humbled to have won the award twice, and when judged via peers and people from within your own industry it provides confidence knowing that I’m heading in the right direction.”

Christopher Powell Planet Plumbing Qld Pty Ltd The Service Trades College Fourth Year Apprentice of the Year & Reece Queensland Apprentice of the Year

Stephen Marsden, Yarrow Plumbing Services with Stacey Ozolins, Construction Skills Queensland

“It’s not every day that you get recognised like this, I’m really appreciative of those who believe in me and have helped me get to where I am today. I will always treasure this award and I look forward to finishing my apprenticeship and becoming a successful plumber.”

Adam Connolly Cooke & Dowsett Pty Ltd BUSSQ Third Year Apprentice of the Year

“I’m very honoured to have received the 2017 Industry Leadership award in recognition of my contribution to the “To win this award was definitely plumbing industry in Queensland. It’s fantastic how the MPAQ a surprise. To be nominated is continue to support an annual an achievement alone and to snatch first place, it’s safe to say event that can only promote and strengthen an industry of which we’re all pretty excited. To win I’m proud to be a part of.” this award firstly, is about being recognised amongst our peers and secondly (most important), Helen Yost it provided invaluable proof Tradettes Plumbing that all of our team - from our apprentices to our tradesmen to Queensland Building and our site and project managers, as Construction Commission Women well as our management - have all in Plumbing & Gas Award helped in some way shape or form and got results!” – Greg Castle Damian Overeem, Obsidian Plumbing Pty Ltd with Andrew Stephenson, QLeave

Steven Ross SkillsTech Australia Tradelink Industry Mentor of the Year Helen Yost, Tradettes Plumbing with Brett Bassett, Queensland Building and Construction Commission

“The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.”

September / october 2017

Christopher Powell, Planet Plumbing Qld Pty Ltd with James Healy, Reece

“I was surprised and humbled to receive these awards as it Adam Connolly, Cooke & Dowsett Pty Ltd with Troy Wolter, BUSSQ was the furthest thing from my mind when I started my “I’d just like to thank everyone apprenticeship. I’m thankful who helped make this happen, for the training I have received especially my employer Cook during my time.” and Dowsett and the Service Trades College, I wouldn’t be where I am without your help and support. Winning this award was AWESOME, to get recognised for all my hard work means a lot to me. I can’t wait to finish my apprenticeship and start my Cert IV and hopefully one day own my own business. If you’re thinking of nominating next year, my advice is to just have a crack at it, back yourself up and it might just pay Christopher Powell, Planet Plumbing off.” Qld Pty Ltd with Adrian Shackleton, The Service Trades College


Natco Plumbing Steven Ross, SkillsTech Australia with Dan Roberts, Tradelink

“Apprentices today need to know so much more than our generation of plumbers. With the regulations and standards of today forever changing, they have to be able to adapt. So one thing I try to instil is the ability to adapt, whether it be to a standard, regulation or process. It’s up to the plumbing industry to allow our apprentices to express that ability and to change with the times.”

simPRO Service Excellence Award

Nathan Lowis, Natco Plumbing with Ash Parrott, simPRO Software

“I believe in what Shep Hyken says: The best advertising you can have is a loyal customer spreading the word about how incredible your business is.” – Nathan Lowis


AWARD WINNERS Department of Housing and Public Works Innovation Award & Plumbers’ Union Queensland Workplace Health & Safety Management System and Cultural Initiative Award

Chris Small, Beavis & Bartels Pty Ltd with The Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Minister for Housing and Public Works

“Thanks to everyone in the B & B team for all their efforts to ensure we’re finalists in four categories and winners in two categories on the night, the success on the night is down to every individual in the business going above and beyond in their roles on a daily basis.” – Chris Small

Chris Small, Beavis & Bartels Pty Ltd with Gary O’Halloran, Plumbers’ Union Qld

Lachlan Brown

SJ Atkins Plumbing


Active Gas Services

CBUS Domestic and Residential Technical Award

Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland Domestic Gas Installation of the Year

Queensland Gas Association Commercial Gas Installation of the Year

Steven Atkins, SJ Atkins Plumbing with Glen Halkerston, CBUS

“It was an honour to receive our first ever award and be recognised for the hard work my team has put in to this project by Peter Curley Constructions. I would also like to congratulate the other nominees, finalists and winners. It is a good reflection on our trade to have so much quality workmanship being produced. MPAQ also deserve recognition for their continued hard work and support for our industry, and thank you to CBUS for sponsoring this award.” – Steven Atkins

Elaine Read

Luke Howie, Maxigas with Kelvin Slade, MPAQ

Kurt Ewart, Active Gas Services with Darrel Vecchio, Queensland Gas Association

“Winning this award was unexpected but a great opportunity, it means a great deal to me to be recognised for all of my hard work over the last 5 years. I feel very grateful to of been able to work on this project and to be in such a great industry. Hopefully with this recognition it will help me to build and expand my business in the future.” – Luke Howie

“I feel proud to win this award and it feels good to be recognised for all of my hard work. I would like to thank all the senior QGA members who have helped and supported me over the last few years, it means a lot. Especially to reach this point in my career. Thank you to MPAQ for hosting this awards program and giving me this opportunity.” – Kurt Ewart

Tristan Wilson

James Giles Plumbing Pty Ltd


Queensland Gas Association Type B Gas Installation of the Year

InSinkErator Second Year Apprentice of the Year

Readiplumb Services Pty Ltd Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland Andrea Vogler Women in Business Award

Nardia Plumbing Australian Industry Trade College School Based Apprentice of the Year

Justin Giles, James Giles Plumbing Pty Ltd with Darrel Vecchio, Queensland Gas Association Tristan Wilson, Gainsite with Donna-Marie Sheldon, InSinkErator

Elaine Read, Readiplumb Services Pty Ltd with Carlie Low, 2017 MPAQ Female Ambassador Lachlan Brown, Nardia Plumbing with Gary Smith, Australian Industry Trade College

“Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my journey so far, it means a lot to me. I really love working with other people and hope to one day own my own business and be successful in my field.”

“To be recognised for this award is a great honour and I acknowledge the hard work and support of my husband Nigel, my son Chris and our beautiful family. That is the main reason why I developed a professional business, so we can keep delivering quality plumbing and service with integrity.”

“Since high school I always wanted to get an apprenticeship in plumbing, when I left it took a while for me to find placement, but when I did my parents and I were so excited. When I started I never expected to ever win anything, however this whole experience and being able to participate in the award dinner has been amazing and the highlight of my year.”

”The biggest challenge for our project was the timeline. With the company based in Germany, there were a lot of late night phone calls to and fro, but we would absolutely do to all over again. We would like to thank Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) and Queensland Gas Association (QGA). I’d also like to thank our team; we’re a small, family run business, but we do great things with our plumbing, gas and electrical.“ – Justin Giles



Beavis & Bartels Pty Ltd

September / october 2017



A PROJECT AT THE END OF THE WORLD. And a piping system that supplies all of the essentials right from the start. With something as fundamental to the construction of an Arctic research station as the vital supply of warmth and clean drinking water, you don’t experiment, but trust uncompromising quality and absolute reliability. Viega met these high demands using Sanpress Inox for drinking water and Prestabo for heating installation, and also delivered the know how to go with them. Viega. Connected in quality.

Bharati Research Station, Antarctica Š Architects: IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft / bof architekten / m+p consulting; Photographer: Rakesh Rao/NCAOR


The festive season is fast approaching!


re you closing down for a period over the Christmas/New Year break? If so, here is a reminder on the process that you must take in informing your employees. The Fair Work Act allows for an employer to close down the workplace during traditionally slow periods, such as between Christmas and New Year. During this time, the Act provides general provisions for an employer to direct an employee to take accumulated annual leave for the duration of the close down, depending on the type of employee and the modern award they are covered by.

Under both the Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award and the Building and Construction General On-Site Award, an employer may direct their employees to take paid annual leave during all or part of a period in conjunction with the Christmas/New Year holidays, and close down the business for the purpose of providing such leave. You as the employer must provide a minimum of eight weeks notice to employees that the business will be closing down over the Christmas/New Year period and that they will be required to take annual leave.


Annual Close Down How and When to Inform Your Employees Under both the Clerks – Private Sector Award and the General Retail Industry Award, you as the employer must provide a minimum of four weeks notice to employees that the business will be closing down over the Christmas/New Year period and that they will be required to take annual leave. For any employees that do not have sufficient accrued annual leave for the close down, they may be required to take leave without pay or they may be granted pre-approved annual leave for the period. If you need further advice please contact the MPAQ Workplace Relations team on 07 3273 0800.

Throwing light on your financial future. Skylight was built by BUSSQ because we care about workers and their families in building and construction. We saw a need to provide you with better financial solutions – to make your hard work, work even harder for you. We call it Skylight because when it comes to your finances sometimes you need to light the way forward, while other times the sky’s the limit. From simple budgeting tools to advice about complex financial strategies, we can work with you to provide affordable solutions or offer you a second opinion, for wherever you are in life.

Let Skylight shine a light on what’s possible at or call us on 1800 SKYLIGHT • 1800 759 544

The advice supplied in this advertisement is general advice only and does not take into account or consider you personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information to your individual needs or seek independent advice from a properly qualified professional. BUSSQ owns Skylight Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 46 076 835 848, AFSL 450139), the company that provides financial advice to BUSSQ members. For more information go to A copy of Skylight’s Financial Services Guide may be downloaded from or you can request a copy by calling 1800 SKYLIGHT (1800 759 544). BUSS (Queensland) Pty Ltd (ABN 15 065 081 281, AFSL 237860) as Trustee for BUSSQ (BUSSQ Fund, ABN 85 571 332 201).


MPAQ Major Contractors O

ver the past few months, the MPAQ Major Contractors have been busy working with the Association and the Plumbers’ Union Queensland to ensure their Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBAs) are 2016 Building Code Compliant, prior to the cut-off date of 31 August 2017. This is to ensure that they can continue to tender for Federal Funded Commercial Building Works.

Thank you to the MPAQ Major Contractors Supporters ®

So far in 2017, the group have run two events including a Race Day and Networking Function. These events are attended by individuals within the Major Contractors Group, as well as Supporting Partners. They provide a great opportunity for networking and catching up on any major industry updates such as security of payments, non-confirming products and other relevant topics. These companies are recognised as trusted, long established and reputable industry leaders. They need a forum that not only represents their distinct and individual views but that also enables them to be a voice for fellow industry colleagues. If you are interested in getting involved with the group, please contact MPAQ on 07 3273 0800.

Locate a Locator Before digging starts, understanding what’s underground on your job site is essential. And locating that infrastructure isn’t easy.

September / october 2017

But nding the right Certied Locator has now become a whole lot easier. Dial Before You Dig is encouraging all civil contractors to ensure when you are planning to carry out earthworks you seek the services of a Dial Before You Dig Certied Locator. Dial Before You Dig Certied Locators have successfully passed a rigorous assessment surrounding all facets associated with electromagnetic eld locating. Don’t take the risk of hiring the services of a locator who is not a Dial Before You Dig Certied Locator. So nd the right Certied Locator by visitinged-locators. QUEENSLAND · NEW SOUTH WALES · VICTORIA · NORTHERN TERRITORY · TASMANIA · SOUTH AUSTRALIA · WESTERN AUSTRALIA CSG160826


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Endless possibilities


Queensland’s Best


With winter drawing to a close, we want to help you plan your spring and summer getaways in true Sunshine State form, so here are some of Queensland’s best beaches. Whether you’re looking for white sand, high waves, or seclusion, this glorious state has a beach for every occasion, every activity, and everyone.

1. Palm Cove, Far North Queensland Located just 20 minutes from Cairns, Palm Cove has become a prime location for tourists on any budget. With its pristine beach, view of Double Island, and the 500-year-old melaleuca ‘paperbark’ trees lining the beach, Palm Cove is a holidaymaker’s dream. Add in the picnic benches and BBQs running the length of the beach and the jetty at the northern end (an excellent fishing spot), it’s hard to find an excuse not to go.

2. The Strand, Townsville Townsville is making a name for itself as an up and coming Queensland destination. The Strand has something for everyone, with lots of playgrounds, picnic areas, and benches. With a relaxed, yet energetic vibe, The Strand is bursting with activities to excite the whole family. The two-and-a-half-kilometre walkway offers spectacular views across to Magnetic Island. Take a swim in the ocean or the rock pool, test your balance on a stand-up paddle board or land on the beach after the adrenaline rush of skydiving.

1 2

September / october 2017

Where do plumber’s find the best BEACHES? With the world’s best beaches on your doorstep, why would you want to go anywhere else?


3. Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands

4 5

Located at the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, Whitehaven Beach is one of the world’s most unspoiled and beautiful beaches with its turquoise water and white sand. In 2013, it was named the ‘number one beach in Australia’ by the TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Beaches Awards. You can visit by boat, camp overnight, or take in the stunning aerial views by helicopter.

6 7 8 24


4. Cape Hillsborough, Mackay Iconic Australian backdrops don’t get better than those at Cape Hillsborough, also known as Casuarina Beach. Like clockwork, troops of roos and wallabies come out at both dawn and dusk to where the national park meets the sea; feeding, playing (sometimes brawling), and of course, to pose for visitors who’ve come to watch the spectacle.

5. Agnes Water, Central Queensland Coastal town Agnes Water is 80km south-east of Gladstone, and it boasts Queensland’s most northern surf beach. A quiet family getaway, which is gaining in popularity as more hotels are built, Agnes Water is great for those who are looking for somewhere to stay right on the beach front. If you’re looking for a quiet getaway that also provides a selection of recreational activities and easy access to other tourist hotspots just up the road (1770) then Agnes Water should be your next stop.

6. Lake McKenzie, Fraser Island Don’t let the name fool you. It might have the word ‘lake’ in it, but this beauty still counts as an inland beach, with white silica sands that melt into a perched pot of sparkling freshwater. With its soft sand, no sea critters, and vivid blue, clear water, Lake McKenzie is a traveller’s dream. Not to mention that it’s located on Australia’s precious heritage-listed island, Fraser Island, so Lake McKenzie is surrounded by unique wildlife, exciting tour activities, and colourful Aboriginal history.

7. Mooloolaba Beach, Sunshine Coast It’s become a bustling centre with shops, restaurants, a nearby harbour, and high-end accommodation, but the Sunshine Coast’s Mooloolaba Beach still remains a favourite with families. With surfing reserved primarily for nearby Alexandra Heads, the relatively non-threatening surf of Mooloolaba and its excellent team of lifesavers makes for a great holiday spot for those looking to relax while soaking up the sun, shopping up a storm, and enjoying an ice-cold bevvy or two.

8. North Kirra, Gold Coast It’s difficult to single out one Gold Coast beach, but North Kirra is one of its more relaxed beaches. It’s not a place you’ll find glitz and glamour, but it does have plenty of space and is one of the best recreational beaches in the country. With a passionate Surf Live Saving Club, good beach fishing and a surfer’s dream of long right-handers at Kirra Point, it is home to a beach community and has a lot of character.



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Accredited Face to Face Courses TMV**


CPCPWT4023A - Commission & Maintain Hot & Heated Water Temperature Control Devices*






20 November


23 - 25 October


27 November


4 - 6 December

Sunshine Coast

29 November


1 December


7 December

Sunshine Coast

Service Type A Gas Appliances CPCPGS4022A – Service Type A Gas Appliances*



18 - 22 December


Non-Accredited Face to Face Courses Plumbing Legislation Course Date^


25 November


* Funding Assistance may be available ** This course includes an online component that must be completed at least 2 days prior to the commencement of your course ^ Dates are subject to change at MPAQ’s discretion

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Quality Drainage Design and Selection S

tormtech has been at the forefront of drainage innovations for home and commercial building industries for over a quarter of a century. Their product range for residential and commercial applications includes Linear Drains, Tile Insert Drains, Floor Wastes, Threshold Drains, Vinyl Clamps, as well as Special Assemblies and Slot Drains for landscaping applications.

Adequate drainage plays an integral role in the entire building system and its proper implementation is crucial to the workings of the entire building. Knowing which system will best work and function reliably and effectively is important. As one of the most respected drainage manufacturers and suppliers in Australia, Stormtech is committed to delivering the highest quality drainage solutions for today’s unique drainage projects, and welcomes questions about product selection and compliance. Their skilled specialists can also offer bespoke drawings and plans for customised drainage designs. All Stormtech products are WaterMark Certified and are fully compliant with a number of building codes, in particular Australian Standard AS3500. With 25 years’ experience in architectural drainage, Stormtech have all products certified by Greentag and Level 2 Watermark to help with GreenStar credits. For more information visit or call 1300 653 403.

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n the rocky Antarctic plateau adjacent to the Larsemann Hills, at temperatures down to minus 40°C, India has been operating a science research station since 2012. Named “Bharati”, after the Hindu Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge, it serves as headquarters for climate change and oceanographic research.

To enable Bharati’s researchers to continue their vital work in extreme conditions during the Antarctic winter, it required especially robust drinking water and heating solutions. Drinking water hygiene is particularly vital at the remote location. Contamination by legionella or similar harmful microbes would be disastrous not only for the researchers – the very future of the mission would be placed at risk. That is why the planners chose Viega’s Sanpress Inox system with pipes made of premium quality EN1.4521 stainless steel, and Viega Easytop circulation regulating valves that ensure the hot water is kept at a constant 60°C. The facility’s thermal disinfection system provides further protection against legionella, while Easytop extraction valves allow easy regular monitoring of drinking water quality. Kerosene is used to generate heat and power, because it remains liquid down to minus 54°C. So to aerate the tank, Indian engineers installed the Viega Sanpress Inox G piping system because of its permanent resistance to the media being pumped. Sanpress Inox G is usually used for gas and heating oil pipes. Some 25 people will be working under extreme conditions at the Bharati station all year round for at least 20 years – in part thanks to Viega press-fit technology. Check out Viega’s product range at

CS65x Digital Reporting Monitor Introducing the CS65x monitor, RIDGID’s first digital reporting monitor to include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® connectivity. Stream or record inspections to an iOS or Android phone or tablet with the free HQx Live companion app. •

Internal solid state drive provides ample storage of images and videos captured from multiple jobs

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Daylight Viewable Display provides a crisp, clear, inpipe image

For more information contact Ridge Tool Australia Ph: 1800 743 443 or email:

Connected Cordless Angle Grinder •

LED control panel and integrated Bluetooth functionality for greater ease of use

Powerful Brushless Motor with 1000W corded tool performance

Packed with safety features: Drop Control, KickBack Control, Restart Protection, Soft Start, Intelligent Brake System, LED Light

Bosch Blue has introduced the world’s first 18-volt Bluetooth Connected angle grinder – the GWS 18V-125 SC – one of the most powerful and intelligent small angle grinders available. German engineered for a broad range of heavy duty grinding applications, Bosch Blue’s GWS 18V-125 SC Cordless Angle Grinder provides tradies with best-inclass power and torque. Featuring a high-performance Brushless EC Motor, the angle grinder has 35% more power and up to 100% longer runtime compared to previous models. With a unique LED control panel, the new GWS 18V-125 SC Professional angle grinder offers trade professionals the next level of power tool convenience, with the interactive interface updating tradies on the tool’s performance, battery and heat levels, and speed selection in real-time. For more information, check out



Extreme Conditions Calls for Robust Piping Systems



Up to $3,800 off

Up to $3,500 off

with a Gold Fleet Discount

TFM1998 MPA QLD 06/17

with a Gold Fleet Discount

With $3,800 off SR5 4x4, the savings do too As a paying member of the Master Plumbers’ Association of QLD, you’ll receive a Gold Fleet Discount across the Toyota range, including Australia’s best-selling vehicle, the unbreakable HiLux. That’s a massive $3,800 off the HiLux SR5 4x4 Double Cab and $3,500 off the HiLux SR 4x4 Double Cab. As you’d expect, all HiLux models also come with maximum 5-star ANCAP safety rating.

To find out more, visit your local Fleet Specialist Dealer or call 1800 444 847 Excluding Special Edition models.

Master Plumbers’ Association of QLD membership details required to redeem Gold Fleet Discounts.


What the Flush?

Ryan Simpkins is a Rugby League forward who plays for the Gold Coast Titans. Having previously played for the Penrith Panthers, Simpkins signed a two-year contract for the Titans in 2014. However, for a short time at the start of the 2017 season, it didn’t look like the Titans were going to offer Simpkins a new contract. Speaking to the Gold Coast Bulletin, Simpkins admitted that he was weighing up his options about what to do next and the possibility of having to go back to work. “I have my plumbing licence so I would have got back into that,” he said. If things hadn’t worked out for Ryan Simpkins on the field, we wouldn’t have blamed him for turning back to plumbing — it’s a career bested only by being a professional NRL player, surely!

Dodgy Gas Work

Image source:

Pop Culture Meets Plumbing

Bruno Mars made an announcement at a recent show in August, that he has pledged to donate $1 million from a concert in Michigan to aid those affected by the Flint water crisis.

New T e s la

runs o n hot w ater

Mars and tour promoter Live Nation have redirected funds from the performance at Auburn Hills to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. The charity in part supports residents affected by leadcontaminated drinking water, which led to a state of emergency being declared in 2014. Experts also linked 12 deaths from a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak to the improperly treated water. In a statement, Mars said: ‘Ongoing challenges remain years later for Flint residents, and it’s important that we don’t forget our brothers and sisters affected by this disaster.’ The Flint water crisis began in 2014 when the source of the city’s water supply was switched to the Flint River. Due to insufficient water treatment, it was later found to contain dangerous levels of lead. A state of emergency was declared in January 2016 and residents were urged to drink bottled water instead. Replacement of lead pipes is not expected to be completed until 2020. Article source:, 13 August 2017

Sink waste runs uphill



Famous Faces of the Trade Ryan Simpkins




Brisbane Plumbing & Gas Summit

Thursday 12 October

Melbourne Cup Networking Lunch

Tuesday 7 November

Cairns Plumbing & Gas Info Forum

Wednesday 29 November

Fraser Coast Plumbing & Gas Breakfast Expo (Hervey Bay)

Friday 8 September

Plumbing & Gas Industry Golf Day (Hervey Bay)

Friday 8 September

Mackay Plumbing & Gas Info Forum

Thursday 26 October

SUNSHINE COAST Sunshine Coast Brewery Tour

Friday 20 October

Visit under the Events Page for further information on these events!

Keynote Speaker Shane Webcke September / october 2017

The Plumbing & Gas Summit is almost here! This one day event will provide topical information and learning opportunities for industry individuals so they can develop professionally and make key connections with various industry stakeholders. There are delegate registrations available, as well as a partners program for those working on the admin side of the business. At this event will be keynote speaker Shane Webcke. Shane is a farmer, family man, businessman, author, speaker and former professional footballer. At the peak of his rugby league career, he was renowned as one of the best front rowers in the world. Shane has taken his work ethic from the football field to his farm in southern Queensland. He balances his family life with his wife and three kids and his professional career, now behind the news desk at Channel Seven.


Tragically, Shane’s father was killed in a Queensland workplace incident in 1994. Shane was only eighteen. He had just started his professional football career under the guidance of Wayne Bennett when he received the news that his world had been ripped apart. Shane’s direct experience with the horrific outcome of his father’s workplace fatality, has led him to his role as a safety ambassador. He shares his message in the hope it will motivate others to put safety first, always.

You don’t fail until you give up trying Shane Webcke

Shane Webcke has a few tales to tell about football life, retirement, managing a farm through drought and remaining grounded through it all. You can view the full program of speakers on the MPAQ website (, or for further information contact the MPAQ Events Team on 07 3273 0800.

Specialised Equipment in Test & Measure Our range of test plugs offers a large variety of sizes for blocking and bypass. Ideal for pipeline testing, repair and installation of residential and commercial piping applications. Durable, rugged and effective on almost any type of pipe. Features • Hand pump supplied with smaller plugs • Rated lift line • Air hose and pressure gauge • Durable for long term blockage • Many bypass size configurations

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135 135

K C A B 0 H 5 FLAS



Master Plumber Sept/Oct 1967

Vale Jimmy Mole

Tribute from MPAQ President, Kelvin SladE


September / october 2017

Annie and Jim Mole

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of our long standing members, Jimmy Mole from J & AM Plumbing. Jim passed away peacefully on 18 July 2017, surrounded by friends and family. We offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to Annie and the family. Jimmy was an active member of MPAQ and held the position of Treasurer for the Redcliffe Division from 1996-1997 and Secretary of the Redcliffe Division from 2011 – 2015. Jim was passionate about the plumbing industry, and was presented with his 25 year membership certificate last year (2016).


immy was one of the first people I met on first joining MPAQ over 20 years ago, in what was then the Redcliffe Division. He was one of the most affable people I ever had the pleasure of meeting, and his broad moustached smile will be missed. Jim held various roles within his division, he rarely missed a meeting and attended nearly every function MPAQ held in the region, as well as many outside his region. Along with his lovely wife Annie, Jimmy attended every MPAQ conference since joining in 1991. In fact he once told me that his attendance at the conferences was taken as part of his annual leave. He and Annie would usually be found on the dance floor at the evening functions. I have a very fond memory from a conference on the Gold Coast in the late 90’s. One afternoon the ladies went out on an expedition somewhere, most probably shopping, Jimmy and I sat out

Jim Mole, Gary Bergman and Kelvin Slade

on the balcony sharing an ale or three, solving the plumbing problems of the world. If there was a joke to be had or played on someone, Jimmy was usually involved, he loved a good laugh. Late last year as Jim’s illness progressed, we held a gathering of friends from within the plumbing industry. It was a night to acknowledge and pay tribute to a mate with many people from a broad cross section of the industry in attendance. Despite the debilitating nature of his illness, Jim still managed a broad smile. Unable to talk he sat there tapping messages into a special app in his phone. I had the honour of presenting Jim with his 25 Year Membership Certificate on the night. Jimmy was a thorough gentleman, a consummate tradesman and will be sorely missed.






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Congratulations to our Milestone Achievements and New Members! Milestone Achievements Name


New Members Division


Bill Cuthbert

Cuthberts Plumbing Pty Ltd



Rod Long

HH Long & Son

Brisbane North


Robert Akes

Robert Akes & Co Plumbing Pty Ltd

Gold Coast


John Mullins

J Mullins Plumbing



Karl Mayfield

Laser Plumbing Mackay


Warren Jones

WJ & LM Jones

Glen Harvey

Bioworx Pty Ltd

Justin Geale

Boone and Willard Qld Pty Ltd Outside Qld


Kevin Carmichael

Carmichael Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane North


Nathan Quinn







Thomas Daniell

Eazyflow Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd

Brisbane North Brisbane North

Geoffrey Sawyer

Geoffrey Leigh Sawyer

Patrick Fuller

Jabiru Plumbing Services Pty Ltd

Brisbane North

Johnny Taylor

The Working Men

Brisbane North

Helen and Scott

Tradettes Plumbing

Brisbane North

Jacob White

A-Tech Industries Pty Ltd

Brisbane South


Steven Bravey

Bravestar Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane South



Andrew O'Toole

OTC Plumbing & Gas

Brisbane South

Brisbane South


Kwangkil Park

P K Plumbing Rightway Services (QLD) Pty Ltd

Brisbane South Brisbane South

Tradewinds Plumbing Pty Ltd

Brisbane South

Joel Malone

Malone's Plumbing Roofing Gasfitting


Jay Roll

J R Plumbing and Gas

Far North Qld

Laurie Barnett

Fraser Coast

Daniel White Code Certified Plumbers

Gold Coast North Qld Sunshine Coast

Matthew Saker Morgan Harvey

Keith Craig

Craig Plumbing (Qld) Pty Ltd

Brisbane North


Laurence Barnett

Ed Phelan

CVSG Asset Services Pty Ltd

Brisbane North


Bruce Barry

Edmonton Plumbing

Far North Qld


Danny White Corey Jennings Alexander Donaldson

Gas & Solar Plumbing Hotline Pty Ltd

Glen Jones

Electrolux Home Products

Outside Qld


Michael Jarvis

JC Plumbing and Gas Services Pty Ltd Sunshine Coast

Scott Levy

Enduro Plumbing Services

Brisbane South


Carolyn Hohn

Maroochy Gas & Solar

Sunshine Coast

Simon Shaw

Simon The Plumber

Sunshine Coast

Peter Hawthorne


Sunshine Coast


Jamie Stanford

Stanford Plumbing and Gas



Master Plumbers ad.pdf

Trevor Latham

1 25/07/17 5:44 PM Terdanator Plumbing Draining Brisbane North Gasfitting

Malcolm Coleman Yatala Plumbing & Drainage

Brisbane South

5 5

Shae Michael Vaisnys SV Plumbing & Drainage

Sunshine Coast

Leon Pettet

Leon Pettet Plumbing Pty Ltd


Timothy Brunner

T.J.B. Plumbing & Refrigeration


Robert White

The Trustee for The White-House Family Trust



Corporate Supporters

Global Rotomoulding is an Australian based, family run company which have been growing for the last 19 years. They produce a wide range of plastic products for the domestic, agricultural and industrial sectors.

This year Global Rotomoulding will begin to roll out a range of waste water treatment systems to cater to a wide range of different applications under the name of Ubi Aqua waste water treatment systems. From septic tanks, reed bed systems, aerated treatment systems, pumpout chambers and waste water siphon units.

Aitchison Reid

are a building and construction law practice, which means they are focused on the law relating to your industry. They predominantly act for subcontractors and trade contractors, so they understand the risks and issues that relate to your business. They see themselves as part of the construction industry rather than a law firm that just happens to do construction law work. With plenty of experience helping contractors with their disputes, they can help you with: •

Overdue accounts;

Please consider these products for your customers and deal directly with the people who design and make these industry leading systems.

Court proceedings (all courts and QCAT);

An adjudication through the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004;

Visit for further information, or contact them on 1800 666 333.

A subcontractor’s charge;

A mediation;

An expert determination; or

An arbitration.

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Meet Our New



Member Milestones

Cuthberts Plumbing 100 years


t the 2017 Plumbing & Gas Industry Awards night on 21 July in Brisbane, MPAQ President, Kevin Slade was proud to present milestone certificates to three of our members who have reached significant milestones. We are so proud of our members and their commitment to our Association!

Hohl Plumbing 70 Years

Robert Akes & Co Plumbing 70 Years

Bruce Hohl, Hohl Plumbing Pty Ltd 70 Years


September / october 2017

ohl Plumbing was founded by World War II veteran, Les Hohl. The first plumbing contractor in Beaudesert, Hohl Plumbing joined Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland in 1947 and have been members ever since. The Hohl Plumbing company mission is to be an ethical and profitable business, giving its customers the best quality plumbing, gas fitting, drainage, stormwater and pump service in the industry. Their aim is to create an environment that gives their customers the best possible products and services and their employees pride in and reward for what they do. As Hohl Plumbing continue to go from strength to strength, with a strong and dedicated team, loyal customers, and a plumbing supply retail branch, MPAQ look forward to continuing our partnership and helping Hohl Plumbing succeed for many more years.


Roxanne Price, Robert Akes & Co Plumbing Pty Ltd 70 Years


obert Akes & Co Plumbing was founded in 1919 by Robert and Ted Akes after returning from World War I. Their children Ross, Vernon and Robert also became plumbers, however both Ross and Vernon served and died in World War II. Robert being too young to join up, started his apprenticeship at the age of 15 in 1946 and continued the family legacy. Robert Akes & Co joined the Master Plumbers’ Association of Qld in 1947. In the 1950’s, Roxanne and her brother Robert were born, destined also to continue the family trade. Now 98 years after the Akes brothers founded this company, it will continue on with the new generation with Tynan Akes who is the 4th generation for Robert Akes & Co Plumbing. Robert Akes & Co Plumbing are proud MPAQ members, having participated in MPAQ run training and utilised our technical advice facilities over the years. We look forward to continuing this partnership for many more years to come as Robert Akes & Co Plumbing continue to succeed by being an honest, courteous and truthful company, qualities that have seen them trade for over 90 years.


Bill Cuthbert, Cuthberts Plumbing Pty Ltd 100 Years

uthberts Plumbing was founded 126 years ago in 1891 by John Cuthbert, and they joined MPAQ on 11 July 1917. Bill Cuthbert and his wife Vicki are the current owners of Cuthberts Plumbing and Bill is a 4th generation plumber. His son Daniel is also in the industry and their daughter Rebecca works in the office. They have built the company on family and believe that the strength of the longevity of the firm has been the ability to train and retain employees for long periods, and to continually evolve with technology. Having worked across both maintenance and construction, including hospitals and private schools, Cuthberts Plumbing are proud of the expert customer service that they always provide their clients, many of whom have worked with them for 70 - 80 years. With over 120 years in the industry, Cuthberts Plumbing has seen many changes over the years. Bill highlighted that one of the biggest changes their company noticed was the increased awareness and importance placed on workplace health and safety, as well as the innovations in technology, which made working on the job site much easier. Bill mentioned that MPAQ has been a huge help to their business over their 100 year partnership, particularly on the business and technical side. But, most importantly, MPAQ has been a great tool in helping Cuthberts Plumbing build many great friendships! As only the second firm to receive a 100 year milestone certificate with MPAQ, we would like to congratulate Cuthberts Plumbing and thank them for their dedication to the industry and our Association!


Trading Contact

Platinum Corporate Supporters Australian Valve Group Reece simPRO Software Pty Ltd Tradelink WFI Insurance

Gold Corporate Supporters

03 9462 2666 03 9274 0000 1300 139 467 1800 758 624 1300 934 934

BUSSQ Building Super CBUS Dial Before You Dig (Qld) Ltd Emerson Backflow InSinkErator PROTRADE United Saniflo

07 3369 1111 07 3112 2303 07 3360 7950 07 3260 2555 0447 886 648 1300 767 774 1300 557 779

Global Roto-Moulding Pty Ltd Hilti Australia Rheem Australia Pty Ltd Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd

07 4697 7099 131 292 07 3412 9200 07 3399 3711

Advanced Enviro-Septic AHG Qld Aitchison Reid Building & Construction Lawyers Alliance Leasing ALS Environmental Ancra Australia Pty Ltd Apollo Valves Apprenticeship Support Australia Apricus Australia Pty Ltd APT Management Services Pty Ltd Aquacure Water Treatment Pty Ltd Aquatech Solar Technologies Pty Ltd Astivita Limited Australian Industry Trade College Gold Coast AustWorld Commodites Pty Ltd AutoTender Avis Australia & Budget Rent A Car Australia Bermad Water Technologies Billi Pty Ltd Blucher (Australia) Pty Ltd Brasshards (Holdings) Pty Ltd Bromic Group Business Sight Busy At Work Caroma Industries Ltd CIVEO Clayton Engineering Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Construction Skills Queensland Contractors and Industrial Sales CoverCard Pty Ltd Davey Water Products Pty Ltd Decina Bathroomware Pty Ltd DFK Hirn Newey Downtown Toyota Doyles Construction Lawyers EJ Electro-Training Institute Pty Ltd Elgas Ltd Enware Australia Pty Ltd Ergon Energy Corporation Ltd Everhard Industries Pty Ltd Finlease (Australia) Pty Ltd Fleetmatics Pty Ltd Flowpex Piping Systems Grundfos Pumps Pty Ltd Halgan Pty Ltd Hays Recruitment Hydroflow Distributors (Aust) Pty Ltd

07 5474 4055 07 3877 0095 07 3128 0120 07 3188 4860 0437 342 221 1800 426 272 0477 223 110 1300 363 831 1300 277 428 07 3215 6600 07 3277 6696 07 5520 6701 07 3726 2000 07 5635 0400 1300 780 430 1300 882 578 02 9353 9076 03 9464 2374 07 3267 1384 08 8374 3426 07 3326 5900 1300 276 642 1300 187 233 13 28 79 07 3131 5887 07 4841 3027 1300 798 022 07 3630 5744 1800 798 488 1300 112 010 1300 657 688 07 3370 3700 07 3271 1944 07 3266 1488 07 3896 0100 1800 888 783 07 3326 7709 07 4724 4543 07 3396 2769 02 9525 9511 07 3851 6218 131 926 07 3324 2655 1800 835 117 02 9986 0605 07 5540 6700 07 3208 8339 07 3231 2601 03 9676 8900

Silver Corporate Supporters

Corporate Supporters

Inform Energy Pty Ltd Kennards Test and Measure Qld Kincrome Australia Pty Ltd Kingspan Environmental Pty Ltd Mascot Engineering Co Pty Ltd Master Hire Mazda Australia Pty Limited McKays Solicitors MM Kembla Mt Gravatt Volkswagen Openpay Pty Ltd Optimum Recoveries Pty Ltd Plastec Australia Pty Ltd Plumbcall Franchise Systems Pty Ltd Plus Teams (Aust) Pty Ltd Quantum Energy Technologies Pty Ltd Queensland Brassware Association Queensland Gas Association QUT Facilities Management Rain Harvesting Rebel FM Stereo Pty Ltd Rehau Pty Ltd Reliance Worldwide Corporation Ridge Tool (Aust) Pty Ltd Rinnai Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd Safe Asbestos Removers Pty Ltd Samios Head Office Select Water Tanks Pty Ltd Shower Sealed Pty Ltd Site Safety Solutions Pty Ltd SkillsTech Australia Smart Sinks Snap Fire Systems Pty Ltd SolarEast Australasia Pty Ltd Stoddart Pty Ltd Stormtech Pty Ltd Stratco (Qld) Pty Ltd Studor Australia Pty Ltd Supakwik Water Heaters Pty Ltd Tappr Taylex Industries Pty Ltd The Couta Group Pty Ltd The Wondercap Company Pty Ltd Total Eden Pty Ltd Toyota Tradify Valves R Us Viega Pty Ltd Vinidex Pty Ltd Vivax-Metrotech AUS WPC Group Ltd Xylem Water Solutions Australia Pty Ltd Zetco Valves Pty Ltd Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd Zurn

0409 766 700 07 3823 0055 1300 657 528 02 8889 5408 1300 885 295 07 3375 5555 02 9554 1020 07 3223 5900 07 3868 7888 07 3421 0999 0466 423 668 07 3166 8888 07 5413 4444 07 4922 5697 07 3254 2629 02 9699 7444 07 3630 5744 1300 792 239 07 3188 2331 07 3248 9600 07 5665 6600 07 5527 1833 07 3018 3440 03 9930 7000 07 3137 6600 0417 606 635 1300 425 433 07 3907 8399 07 5546 8571 1300 519 133 0438 589 474 07 3244 0209 07 5488 4154 07 3390 5420 1300 668 886 07 3440 7600 02 4423 1989 07 3451 4444 1300 551 519 07 3255 6389 1300 804 091 07 3441 5200 03 8405 3386 07 5539 3665 07 3272 7077 02 9710 3831 02 8310 7606 07 3865 1488 02 8858 2600 07 3277 2822 07 3103 2844 1300 311 272 07 3908 4000 02 9516 1336 02 9796 3100 1300 009 876

Corporate Associate Councils Brisbane City Council Bundaberg Regional Council Gympie Regional Council Isaac Regional Council Livingstone Shire Council Logan City Council Mackay Regional Council Mareeba Shire Council Moreton Bay Regional Council Mount Isa City Council Quilpie Shire Council Rockhampton Regional Council Sunshine Coast Regional Council Townsville City Council

07 3403 8888 07 4130 4814 1300 307 800 07 4964 5400 07 4939 9814 07 3412 4465 07 4961 9011 07 4086 4720 07 3205 0555 07 4747 3200 07 4656 0500 07 4936 8345 07 5420 8618 07 4417 5299


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