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“ Tao Calligraphy is art and beyond art. e beauty and power of Oneness writing.
One qi from beginning to end.”
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

What is Tao Calligraphy?

Tao Calligraphy is the culmination of five thousand years of wisdom and art. Using the rare ancient Ch inese calligraphic technique of oneness writing, in which the brush never le aves the parchment, Tao Calligraphy is infused with healing information and energy from TAO, the source of all life.

Tao Calligraphy aligns the flow of one’s soul, heart, mind, and body. ose who purchase Tao Calligraphies from Master Sha are given instructions on how to connect with and trace their calligraphies for either integrative healing or positive transformation in other areas of their lives, including relationships, rejuvenation, finances, and business. Tao Calligraphy is art beyond art and Master Sha is a unique Tao grandmaster able to create these unique masterworks of art that are also masterworks of healing and transformation.

About Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Master Sha is one of the most extraordinary artists of the twenty-first century. Born in China and educated at one of China’s foremost medical universities, Master Sha practiced western medicine in China and traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada while developing his skills as a healer specializing in unique and powerful acupuncture, herbal medicine, and energy techniques. Master Sha also became a master of tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, and the I Ching, receiving recognition as Qigong Master of the Year at the Fourth World Congress on Qigong in 2002.

In 2017 the State Ethnic Academy of Painting in Beijing awarded Master Sha its highest honors and titles of National Chinese Calligrapher Master (Shu Fa Jia) and Honorable Researcher Professor. A special month-long exhibition of his Tao Calligraphies was held at the Museum of Cultures in Beijing.

Founder of Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, and Tao Water

Master Sha is the 373rd-generation lineage holder of Peng Zu, an ancient Tao saint widely renowned in China as the “longevity star.” Master Sha learned the unique oneness calligraphy technique from Professor Li Qiuyun, who was nearly one hundred years old when she chose Master Sha as her sole disciple to share this unique technique which she herself had learned from the last master calligrapher and “supreme teacher” of the royal court of the last emperor of China.

Master Sha is the co-founder of Tao Science with Dr. Rulin Xiu, quantum physicist and string theorist, and the founder of Tao Technologies, Tao Academy, and the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. He has received widespread acclaim for his altruism and philanthropic services to humanity including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award in 2006 for promoting world peace. In 2020, Master Sha was named the Top Spiritual Innovator of the Year (2019) by the International Association of Top Professionals.

Master Sha is the founder of Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, and Tao Water.


Da Ai Tao Calligraphy

Greatest Love

“Da” means greatest. “Ai” means love.

Da Ai, Greatest Love, is the first of the Ten Da, the Ten Greatest Qualities of Tao Source. e ancient sage Lao Zi, author of Dao De Jing, gave the name “Tao” for the ultimate Source and Creator. Tao is not religion.

Da Ai, the greatest love, is unconditional love. Da Ai is selfless love. Da Ai is universal love. e greatest unconditional love is the core of all life. Some people can offer only limited love. Some people cannot offer love at all. Greatest Love is unconditional love that carries some of the highest healing, transformation, creation, and manifestation power. It is the highest frequency, transcending all barriers and touching the core of our being. Greatest Love nurtures our hearts, heals our wounds, and elevates and enlightens our spirit. Embracing and radiating Greatest Love magnifies your ability to inspire, uplift, and create meaningful connections.

Greatest Love extends its healing embrace to the collective soul of humanity and the nurturing heart of Mother Earth. Greatest Love is the key to resolving global challenges and fostering a loving and harmonious world. Spread messages of Greatest Love, kindness, and unity. Greatest Love awakens our hearts to the brilliance of our inner light, shedding away layers of ego and fear to reveal our true heart, authentic selves. It guides us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, creating a legacy of profound impact and heart to heart connection in the world.

The Tao Calligraphy Da Ai could melt all blockages and transform all life.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application

Zhao Cai Jin Bao Tao Calligraphy

Attract wealth and fortune, bring in the treasures

“Zhao” means to attract. “Cai” means money, wealth, fortune. “Jin” means to come in. “Bao” means treasure. “Zhao Cai Jin Bao” means attract money, wealth, and fortune and bring in the treasures.

is Tao Calligraphy carries one of the highest messages to bring flourishing not only to your finances, but also to bring good virtue, which is Heaven’s flowers, for true wealth. True wealth is not solely the size of our financial accounts or the value of our material possessions. True wealth is abundant, overflowing blessings that we can receive in every aspect of life and share with others. True wealth also encompasses spiritual richness and inner fulfillment. When we align our actions with the principles of generosity and gratitude, we attract greater prosperity into our lives.

The Tao Calligraphy Zhao Cai Jin Bao could be a wealth-and-good-fortune magnet to attract true wealth to fulfill your wishes, desires, dreams, and life’s purpose with ease and joy.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application



He Xie Tao Calligraphy

“He Xie” means harmony.

In ancient wisdom, he xie is harmony of yin yang and the five elements. e major healing principle of traditional Chinese medicine is to balance yin and yang and the five elements. Yin represents the nature of water, whose essence is cold, calm, and descending. Yang represents the nature of fire, whose essence is hot, excited, and ascending. e five elements of ancient Tao wisdom are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. A person’s health, relationships, and finances are all made of yin, yang, and the five elements. erefore, He Xie blesses health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life.

e power and meaning of He Xie, the greatest harmony, lies in the profound principle of "three hearts join as one." is concept embodies harmonious teamwork and the power of collective unity, where the combined efforts and aligned selfless intentions of individuals can achieve extraordinary accomplishments. Just as the synergy of three hearts beating as one creates an unbreakable bond, so too does harmonious collaboration foster a unity that can "cut gold," overcoming the most formidable challenges and achieving great success in all aspects of life.

When individuals align their hearts with the spirit of harmony, they create a powerful bond that transcends differences and nurtures understanding and empathy. is collective unity has the power to heal conflicts, build trust, and strengthen the emotional ties that bind us. By embracing the essence of greatest harmony, we can transform our relationships into sources of profound joy, growth, and love, enriching our lives and the lives of those around us.

The Tao Calligraphy He Xie carries the simple yet profound secret of success: Join inner and outer harmony together. Inner harmony unifying one’s own soul, heart, mind, and body, and outer harmony uniting hearts of humanity and mother earth together. The collective strength is unsurpassable.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application

Tao Yi Li Tao Calligraphy


Source Willpower

Source willpower is the profound inner strength that fuels our determination to overcome challenges and resolve issues that may seem insurmountable. It is the unconditional commitment to our highest purposes for the greater good, guiding us through adversity with resilience and perseverance. By harnessing the power of Source willpower, we align ourselves with our soul's highest purposes and potentials, enabling us to serve others with unwavering dedication and compassion. is Source inner force not only propels us forward on our spiritual path but also transforms difficult problems into opportunities for growth and enlightenment, ultimately leading us to a life of profound fulfillment and contribution.

We also have positive wishes, desires, and dreams. Whether it is a step forward we want to take today or a long-term goal that may take years of discipline, practice, and effort to accomplish, without willpower we will not succeed. With strong willpower, we can realize our fullest potential for success.

The Tao Calligraphy Tao Yi Li brings a Source field of Source Willpower to uplift your willpower to transform challenges and reach your fullest and highest potential in every aspect of life.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application



Tao Chang Shou Tao Calligraphy


Source Longevity

To achieve long, long life, we must heal from pain and sickness. en, we must prevent sickness. Next, we must arrest the processes of aging. Even better if we could reverse aging and truly rejuvenate not only our body, but also our heart, mind, and soul. is is true and complete inner rejuvenation, which is necessary for long, healthy, and vigorous life.

Tao, the Ultimate Source and Creator, has the greatest longevity. Tao is not religion. As the renowned ancient sage Lao Zi taught in his revered classic, Dao De Jing, only Tao is permanent. Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes are not permanent. Source longevity includes Source healing, Source prevention of sickness, and Source rejuvenation.

The Source field of the Tao Calligraphy Tao Chang Shou can promote healing, prevention, rejuvenation, and prolongation of life of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application

“Tao Calligraphy is art beyond art. e beauty and power of Oneness writing. One qi f rom beginning to end .”
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Jian Kang Kuai Le Tao Calligraphy


Health and happiness

“Jian Kang” means healthy, sound. “Kuai Le” means happy. Who does not wish for a healthy, fulfilling, vigorous, and happy life? is Tao Calligraphy brings you Tao’s (the ultimate Creator and Source) wish for you to have good health and happiness. e power and blessing within the Source field of this calligraphy could be beyond imagination. What is the greatest health and happiness? It is health and happiness in every aspect of our being and every aspect of our life, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It also includes healthy, happy relationships and healthy, happy finances. Complete health and happiness are the definition of a life of total fullness and total fulfillment. True health is the harmonious integration of our entire being, where physical fitness, emotional balance, mental acuity, and spiritual connection converge. Lack of health in any one aspect prevents us from unlocking our fullest potential and achieving our greatest wishes. True happiness is not merely about our own happiness, but must also include happiness in our connection with others. e path to the greatest happiness lies in our service to others. When we help make others healthier and happier, we truly receive and gain more health and happiness ourselves, for we are fulfilling our true purpose in life.

The Tao Calligraphy Jian Kang Kuai Le could empower you to live vibrantly with high-level consciousness and a deep sense of fulfillment guiding you toward your highest success and enlightenment.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application



Da Ci Bei Tao Calligraphy

Greatest Compassion

“Da” means greatest. “Ci Bei” means compassion. Da Ci Bei, Greatest Compassion, is the third of the Ten Da, the Ten Greatest Qualities of Tao Source.

Compassion is love in action. Compassion has greatest love. Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Compassion has unique power to boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity. Compassion rejuvenates. Compassion increases willpower. Compassion serves unconditionally. e greatest compassion could transform health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life in an extraordinary way.

The Tao Calligraphy Da Ci Bei

Source field of Source love, light, frequency, and vibration that could increase your energy, stamina, vitality, immunity, and willpower to uplift your service, deepen your connection with others, and to flourish every aspect of your life.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application

Da Chang Sheng Tao Calligraphy

Greatest Flourishing

“Da” means greatest. “Chang Sheng” means flourishing. Da Chang Sheng, Greatest Flourishing, is the seventh of the Ten Da, the Ten Greatest Qualities of Tao Source. Everyone wishes for greatest flourishing in their finances and business. Why do we need good finances? Money is great energy. at energy must be directed in the proper way. What is the proper way? If we have good finances, we can serve more. If a person uses money in the proper way, such as serving the poor, serving victims of disasters, or supporting other humanitarian efforts, this person could receive huge blessings.

According to ancient wisdom, positive virtue determines how much financial flourishing, good health, and good relationships a person enjoys. If you have great financial flourishing, share more with those in need! If you do not have enough financial flourishing, serve others more. Make others happier and healthier to accumulate good virtue. e Source field of Tao Calligraphy carries the most-positive information, energy, and matter that could transform blockages caused by negative information, energy, and matter in your finances and business.

The Tao Calligraphy Da Chang Sheng could bring flourishing not only to your finances and business, but also to every aspect of your life, providing you with the unimagiable resources to serve to your fullest capacity.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application



An Ju Le Ye Tao Calligraphy

Live and work in peace, happiness, and contentment

Everyone wishes for peace, happiness, and contentment in life and work. When we have these, we can banish anxiety, worry, fear, and more. We no longer have a need to fight, argue, or strive. We can dissolve our attachments to all that which does not bring peace, true happiness, and contentment, including material wealth, fame, competition, power, and more. As embodiments of peace, happiness, and contentment, we are naturally grateful, loving, generous and compassionate. With our positive field, we can promote all of these positive qualities to our families, friends, colleagues, communities, and beyond. is way, our personal journey becomes a powerful catalyst for world peace, inspiring others to live and work similarly, and collectively we pave the way for a brighter, more harmonious future for all.

The Tao Calligraphy An Ju Le Ye can help us lead a well-lived life, a life of peace, happiness, and contentment, a life without need to grasp only for selfish interest, a life where we can best serve others by spreading peace, happiness, and contentment.

* Tao Calligraphy price available upon application

“You have the power to heal and transform yourself. Together, we have the power to heal and transform the world.”
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Praise for Dr. and Master Sha

“I have known Dr. and Master Sha for many years. I have experienced and benefited from his ancient wisdom for healing and meditation. I follow his meditation guidance and trace his calligraphy and listen to his singing very often. This has truly helped my healing and improved my well-being. Master Sha is a true grandmaster of ancient wisdom and one of the greatest healers in the world.”

“I have personally hosted Master Sha’s first global Tao Song Healing Concert. He wrote a calligraphy in the concert and offered Tao Song healing. The love and light from his calligraphy and his singing was very heart-touching. I have joined Master Sha’s Tao Quantum Healing Session remotely with his calligraphy. Within forty minutes I experienced healing which was a true miracle for me.

“Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy is the Source healing art – the art beyond art. He is offering Tao Calligraphy healing for thousands of people. As I travel throughout the world, I realize how much humanity needs Master Sha’s healing service offered through the Tao Calligraphy.

“I truly admire Master Sha’s unconditional service to humanity. I feel in my heart that our world now really needs Master Sha’s wisdom and healing service.”

HM Queen Diambi of Congo

“When I met Master Sha eight years ago, I had lost over one hundred million dollars. I asked him to give me a financial blessing, so Master Sha wrote a Tao Calligraphy and asked me to trace it daily for ten minutes. I was skeptical initially. I did not believe that this would help my finances, but I gave it a try. After tracing the Tao Calligraphy daily, within a few months, money started to flow in more and more—millions and millions of dollars—and has continued nonstop. I recouped all the money I had lost and gained much more.

“Now, after eight years, I want to tell the whole world that Tao Calligraphy has made an exponentially greater impact in my life than I could have ever predicted. In addition to the financial blessings, my relationships with my wife, children, colleagues, and staff are much more harmonious. My level of awareness has increased beyond comprehension. I truly feel that Tao Calligraphy is art beyond art. It has cleared the interference from my finances, my relationships, my intelligence, and my creativity, and brought abundance and prosperity to every part of my life. The blessings it has brought me are unbelievable.”

“Dr. Sha is an important teacher and a wonderful healer with a valuable message about the power of the soul to influence and transform all life.”

— Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water

“In the East, Tao is the central element of creativity. It is what moves things from one to two to many. This is what it says in the Dao De Jing. Tao is the element of life, of consciousness. Now when you concentrate on it, you enter into something of that element of motion, that drive towards evolution, to higher levels of being, higher forms of existence. When you trace the Tao Calligraphy, you are connecting with the Oriental Tao which is the equivalent of the Western idea of the spirit, the highest spirit, to cosmic consciousness, the mind of God, or whatever you might call it.”

– Professor Ernest Laszlo, author of The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field and Science and the Akashic Field

“We, the human race, need more Zhi Gang Sha.”

— Dr. Maya Angelou, author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

“Dr. Sha offers a clear, practical path to learning the secrets of self-healing.”

— Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course on Miracles

“Dr. Sha’s techniques awaken the healing power already present in all of us, empowering us to put our overall well-being in our own hands. His explanation of energy and message, and how they link consciousness, mind, body, and spirit, forms a dynamic information network in language that is easy to understand and, more important, to apply.”

— Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center

“Master Sha’s unconditional love for humanity will open your heart and touch your soul. He is one of the most extraordinary and powerful human beings I have ever met.”

— Barbara DeAngelis, author of Soul Shifts: Transformative Wisdom for Creating a Life of Authentic Awakening, Emotional Freedom and Practical Spirituality

“Master Sha is the most important healer and teacher available in North America today. Master healers are rare. Here is one of the living masters of soul healing and its effects upon mind and body.”

— Dr. C. Norman Shealy, author of Life Beyond 100

“Master Sha is divinely blessed and guided to heal the world and everything that is in it. From the smallest situation to the largest, he has the faithful gift of power to make things right.”

— Roberta Flack, Grammy Award-winning musician

“Practical, useful information and techniques for putting the body’s natural abilities to work on healing —a wonderful contribution.”

— Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting

“As anyone with back pain knows, it can be debilitating. I have two herniated discs that flare up occasionally. The last episode was so bad that I was certain that surgery was my only option. I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone walk for more than a block. I received a healing from world-renowned Dr. and Master Sha as well as instructions to practice Tao Calligraphy. Within two weeks, I was pain-free and able to live my life normally again. It has truly been a life-changing experience and I am forever grateful to Dr. Sha for his incredible gift of healing.”

– Bruce Cohen, Esq.

“As one of the most successful literary agents in North America, I have had the honor of representing many of the most popular spiritual and visionary teachers of the past thirty years, including Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Bob Proctor and Eckhart Tolle. The most extraordinary and multi-talented client I have had the honor to represent is world-renowned healer, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Master Sha has dedicated his life to serving humanity and through his calligraphies, books, Tao songs and other healing modalities has had a major positive impact on millions of people throughout the world. As a Tao grandmaster, Master Sha has unique access to the energy of the Tao. He uses this connection to the Tao which he cultivates through disciplined and constant practice to teach and heal others. Those fortunate to own his calligraphies or have direct interaction with him are truly blessed.”

– William Gladstone, international bestselling author and founder of Waterside Productions, Inc.

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