“ Tao Calligraphy is art and beyond art. e beauty and power of Oneness writing.
One qi from beginning to end.”
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
What is Tao Calligraphy?
Tao Calligraphy is the culmination of five thousand years of wisdom and art. Using the rare ancient Ch inese calligraphic technique of oneness writing, in which the brush never le aves the parchment, Tao Calligraphy is infused with healing information and energy from TAO, the source of all life.
Tao Calligraphy aligns the flow of one’s soul, heart, mind, and body. ose who purchase Tao Calligraphies from Master Sha are given instructions on how to connect with and trace their calligraphies for either integrative healing or positive transformation in other areas of their lives, including relationships, rejuvenation, finances, and business. Tao Calligraphy is art beyond art and Master Sha is a unique Tao grandmaster able to create these unique masterworks of art that are also masterworks of healing and transformation.
About Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
Master Sha is one of the most extraordinary artists of the twenty-first century. Born in China and educated at one of China’s foremost medical universities, Master Sha practiced western medicine in China and traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada while developing his skills as a healer specializing in unique and powerful acupuncture, herbal medicine, and energy techniques. Master Sha also became a master of tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, and the I Ching, receiving recognition as Qigong Master of the Year at the Fourth World Congress on Qigong in 2002.
In 2017 the State Ethnic Academy of Painting in Beijing awarded Master Sha its highest honors and titles of National Chinese Calligrapher Master (Shu Fa Jia) and Honorable Researcher Professor. A special month-long exhibition of his Tao Calligraphies was held at the Museum of Cultures in Beijing.
Founder of Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, and Tao Water
Master Sha is the 373rd-generation lineage holder of Peng Zu, an ancient Tao saint widely renowned in China as the “longevity star.” Master Sha learned the unique oneness calligraphy technique from Professor Li Qiuyun, who was nearly one hundred years old when she chose Master Sha as her sole disciple to share this unique technique which she herself had learned from the last master calligrapher and “supreme teacher” of the royal court of the last emperor of China.
Master Sha is the co-founder of Tao Science with Dr. Rulin Xiu, quantum physicist and string theorist, and the founder of Tao Technologies, Tao Academy, and the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. He has received widespread acclaim for his altruism and philanthropic services to humanity including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award in 2006 for promoting world peace. In 2020, Master Sha was named the Top Spiritual Innovator of the Year (2019) by the International Association of Top Professionals.
Master Sha is the founder of Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, and Tao Water.
Guang Ming Tao Calligraphy
光明 Light
Everyone and everything carries energy. e essence of energy is light. e soul or spirit is a light being. e highest light is Source light. Light illuminates darkness. Light has the power to transform all life. Light can heal the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies; prevent all sickness; purify and rejuvenate the soul, heart, mind, and body; transform relationships, business, and finances; increase intelligence; uplift the soul; and bring success to every aspect of life.
e most powerful light is invisible Tao Source greatest light, which could transform health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life in an extraordinary way. Tao is the ultimate Source and Creator. Tao Source light is not ordinary light. e power of Source light to benefit humanity and Mother Earth is profound.
Source light offers a beacon of hope to all who suffer. It can dissolve blockages, purify the soul, and enhance the wellbeing of individuals and communities. By embracing Source light, humanity can achieve greater harmony, peace, and enlightenment, creating a ripple effect that extends to every aspect of life. Source Light is not just a spiritual concept but a fundamental force for advancing human civilization and fostering a more compassionate, enlightened world.
The Tao Calligraphy Guang Ming brings profound power and benefits by creating a higher-dimensional feng shui field. This field of positive energy and light harmonizes and balances the environment, promoting health, happiness, and prosperity for all within.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Zai Pei Ci Hui Tao Calligraphy
Cultivate and bestow wisdom and intelligence
Tao Source creates and nurtures everyone and everything. As the Ultimate Creator, Tao Source cultivates all beings with divine qualities and bestows high-level wisdom unconditionally. Knowledge is important, but it is transient and ever-changing. Wisdom is eternal and carries the essence of a high-dimensional field of energy and light. True wisdom is the highest truth. Infinite and timeless truths are true wisdom. Tao wisdom is priceless and can transform wu ming (illusions, delusions, lack of awareness of truth), allowing us to transcend the limitations of human perspective and ordinary knowledge.
is unique Tao Calligraphy can create a powerful feng shui field. rough practice within the field, you could align with divine qualities, enhancing spiritual growth, inner peace, and understanding of life's true purpose. With this alignment, you can navigate life's challenges with grace, focus, clarity, and resilience.
The Tao Calligraphy Zai Pei Ci Hui nurtures physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, promoting health, prosperity, and happiness. By cultivating this sacred energy, you can experience enhanced relationships, improved health, and a deeper connection to one’s true self and the divine.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Da Gan En Tao Calligraphy
Greatest Gratitude
Gratitude possesses great transformative power. Physically, it can reduce stress and boost the immune system.
Emotionally, gratitude fosters contentment and happiness, alleviating feelings of anxiety and depression. Mentally, it enables a positive outlook, promoting clarity, focus, and better decision-making. Spiritually, gratitude connects you to a higher purpose and deepens your sense of inner peace and fulfillment. By cultivating gratitude, you can harmonize and elevate all aspects of your being, leading to a more balanced, enriched, and meaningful life.
Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform mindsets, opening the heart to greater love and compassion. is Tao Calligraphy field can deepen your gratitude, bringing you to a higher level of awakening and spiritual wisdom, enhancing relationships and attracting more blessings and abundance into your life.
The Tao Calligraphy Da Gan En is a key to unlock progress in every aspect of life.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Da Fu Wu Tao Calligraphy
Greatest Service
Master Sha shares the wisdom of zi li li ta, which means to serve and benefit others and, in turn, serve and benefit oneself. is principle highlights the interconnectedness of all beings and emphasizes that true fulfillment and purpose in life arise from acts of selflessness and compassion. When we devote ourselves to uplifting and supporting others, we not only contribute to their wellbeing but also elevate our own soul. is harmonious exchange of love and light fosters a cycle of positive energy, leading to personal growth, inner peace, and universal harmony. By embracing zi li li ta, we align with the highest purpose of life, creating a world where everyone's needs are met, and mutual prosperity and happiness flourish.
e presence of Tao Calligraphy goes beyond mere artistic decoration; it becomes a living divine presence that continually emanates Source light and love. By harnessing the ancient art of one-stroke calligraphy infused with the essence of Source, each brushstroke carries the vibrational frequency of positive energy. is transformative energy field can clear negative influences, attract auspicious qi, and create a sanctuary of joy, peace, and prosperity.
The Tao Calligraphy Da Fu Wu can align you with your highest and true purpose. In this alignment, all life can flow with greater ease.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Wu Si Feng Xian Tao Calligraphy
Dedicate to serve selflessly
e power and benefit of selfless service are profound and far-reaching, as it transcends personal gain and focuses on the well-being of others and the greater good. Selfish service, driven by personal desires and motives, often creates a limited impact and can even generate negative energy. In contrast, selfless service, performed with pure love, compassion, and a genuine desire to help others, generates immense positive energy and fosters a deep sense of fulfillment and connection. Selfless service promotes love., harmony, peace, and oneness for all. Each act of kindness and generosity contributes to the upliftment and healing of humanity and the planet. When individuals engage in selfless service, they create a ripple effect of positive energy that inspires others to do the same, helping to create a more compassionate, just, and sustainable world.
e very practice of Tao Calligraphy embodies selfless service, as each stroke is infused with love, forgiveness, compassion, and the intent to make humanity happier and healthier.
The Tao Calligraphy Wu Si Feng Xian creates a powerful field that can open hearts to selfless service, empowering you to bring great benefits to others and the world. Then, you could receive the greatest benefits without a thought about yourself.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Ling Xin Nao Shen Yuan Man Tao Calligraphy
Soul heart mind body enlightenment
Enlightenment of the soul, heart, mind, and body is the greatest aspiration and ultimate achievement in one’s physical journey and spiritual journey of all lifetimes. erefore, it is the ultimate path to healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and complete positive transformation, culminating in immortality. Immortality is not a dream, but it is of course very rare. Immortality is possible. e highest enlightenment aligns every aspect of our being with the highest frequencies of love, light, power, and divine wisdom. When the soul, heart, mind, and body are fully enlightened, they operate in perfect alignment and connection with all souls. It is the highest purity of soul, heart, mind, and body, a pure light field with no negativity whatsoever. is pinnacle of both physical and spiritual existence is to meld with Tao, empowering us to serve humanity and all souls with the greatest Ten Da qualities.
Tao Calligraphy embodies the highest principles of soul, heart, mind, and body enlightenment. It is a sacred pathway to achieving the ultimate goals of both physical and spiritual life, cherished by all spiritual seekers.
The Tao Calligraphy Ling Xin Nao Shen Yuan Man creates a powerful field of information, energy, and light that can raise your frequency and increase the light in your soul, heart, mind, and body, blessing every aspect of your life and accelerating your journey to the highest enlightenment.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Tao De (Dao De) Tao Calligraphy
Source virtue
Tao is the Ultimate Source and Creator. Tao is not religion. “De” is the shen kou yi (actions, behaviors, words, thoughts) of Tao. De is the shen qi jing (soul, heart, mind, energy, matter) of Tao. De is the nutrients of Tao, including Tao vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, nectars, and all other nutrients, essential and non-essential. Tao creates everyone and everything. De nourishes everyone and everything. De is Heaven’s virtue, which is Heaven’s currency and reward for good service to others, nourishing and uplifting one’s soul.
Tao Calligraphy embodies the profound principles of Tao, e Way of all life, and De, the virtue, Source nutrients, and Source shen qi jing, because Tao Calligraphy creates a Source field of love and light, a high-dimensional sacred energy field that aligns with the highest frequencies of the universe, bringing Tao to humanity in visible, tangible form.
The Tao Calligraphy Tao De carries a Source field that can nourish your soul, heart, mind, and body with De, and inspire you to align your actions, words, and thoughts with the actions, words, and thoughts of Tao. This alignment brings a life of greater compassion, integrity, abundance, and wisdom, where every deed and word is infused with the purity and transformative power of Tao, promoting a more enlightened and fulfilling existence.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
Shi Yun Heng Tong Tao Calligraphy
We’re in luck, everything is smooth and prosperous e ancients believed that our life is entirely determined by fate, and is manifested through the movement of time, which is called shi yun, which can be translated as fortune, luck, or fate. However, they do not realize that our fate or fortune is not immutable. Our shi yun is in fact the quantum field of information carried by our beloved soul from this lifetime and all of its past lifetimes. is field can be divided into positive and negative. Our positive field determines our positive fate, bringing good health, loving relationships, abundant finances, and more. Our negative field brings challenges in any aspect of life.
How can we transform our fate? It is very simple: increase our positive field and decrease our negative field. Tao Source blessings through Tao Calligraphy and other Tao spiritual technologies hold immense power to transform negative fields to positive fields. ey have proven to be very beneficial for unlocking good “luck” and ensuring everything in life flows smoothly. Without consistent Source blessings, it could be very difficult to experience a flow of inexorable good fortune, where everything seems to fall into place effortlessly.
The Tao Calligraphy Shi Yun Heng Tong carries a powerful Source field to transform your “luck,” a key for all success, abundance, achievement, and more in tour personal and professional life.
* Tao Calligraphy price available upon request
“You have the power to heal and transform yourself. Together, we have the power to heal and transform the world.”
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
Praise for Dr. and Master Sha
“I have known Dr. and Master Sha for many years. I have experienced and benefited from his ancient wisdom for healing and meditation. I follow his meditation guidance and trace his calligraphy and listen to his singing very often. This has truly helped my healing and improved my well-being. Master Sha is a true grandmaster of ancient wisdom and one of the greatest healers in the world.”
– HRH Sultanah Kalsom
“I have personally hosted Master Sha’s first global Tao Song Healing Concert. He wrote a calligraphy in the concert and offered Tao Song healing. The love and light from his calligraphy and his singing was very heart-touching. I have joined Master Sha’s Tao Quantum Healing Session remotely with his calligraphy. Within forty minutes I experienced healing which was a true miracle for me.
“Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy is the Source healing art – the art beyond art. He is offering Tao Calligraphy healing for thousands of people. As I travel throughout the world, I realize how much humanity needs Master Sha’s healing service offered through the Tao Calligraphy.
“I truly admire Master Sha’s unconditional service to humanity. I feel in my heart that our world now really needs Master Sha’s wisdom and healing service.”
– HM Queen Diambi of Congo
“When I met Master Sha eight years ago, I had lost over one hundred million dollars. I asked him to give me a financial blessing, so Master Sha wrote a Tao Calligraphy and asked me to trace it daily for ten minutes. I was skeptical initially. I did not believe that this would help my finances, but I gave it a try. After tracing the Tao Calligraphy daily, within a few months, money started to flow in more and more—millions and millions of dollars—and has continued nonstop. I recouped all the money I had lost and gained much more.
“Now, after eight years, I want to tell the whole world that Tao Calligraphy has made an exponentially greater impact in my life than I could have ever predicted. In addition to the financial blessings, my relationships with my wife, children, colleagues, and staff are much more harmonious. My level of awareness has increased beyond comprehension. I truly feel that Tao Calligraphy is art beyond art. It has cleared the interference from my finances, my relationships, my intelligence, and my creativity, and brought abundance and prosperity to every part of my life. The blessings it has brought me are unbelievable.”
– David Meltzer, co-founder, Sports 1 Marketing
“Dr. Sha is an important teacher and a wonderful healer with a valuable message about the power of the soul to influence and transform all life.”
— Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water
“In the East, Tao is the central element of creativity. It is what moves things from one to two to many. This is what it says in the Dao De Jing. Tao is the element of life, of consciousness. Now when you concentrate on it, you enter into something of that element of motion, that drive towards evolution, to higher levels of being, higher forms of existence. When you trace the Tao Calligraphy, you are connecting with the Oriental Tao which is the equivalent of the Western idea of the spirit, the highest spirit, to cosmic consciousness, the mind of God, or whatever you might call it.”
– Professor Ernest Laszlo, author of The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field and Science and the Akashic Field
“We, the human race, need more Zhi Gang Sha.”
— Dr. Maya Angelou, author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
“Dr. Sha offers a clear, practical path to learning the secrets of self-healing.”
— Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course on Miracles
“Dr. Sha’s techniques awaken the healing power already present in all of us, empowering us to put our overall well-being in our own hands. His explanation of energy and message, and how they link consciousness, mind, body, and spirit, forms a dynamic information network in language that is easy to understand and, more important, to apply.”
— Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center
“Master Sha’s unconditional love for humanity will open your heart and touch your soul. He is one of the most extraordinary and powerful human beings I have ever met.”
— Barbara DeAngelis, author of Soul Shifts: Transformative Wisdom for Creating a Life of Authentic Awakening, Emotional Freedom and Practical Spirituality
“Master Sha is the most important healer and teacher available in North America today. Master healers are rare. Here is one of the living masters of soul healing and its effects upon mind and body.”
— Dr. C. Norman Shealy, author of Life Beyond 100 “Master Sha is divinely blessed and guided to heal the world and everything that is in it. From the smallest situation to the largest, he has the faithful gift of power to make things right.”
— Roberta Flack, Grammy Award-winning musician
“Practical, useful information and techniques for putting the body’s natural abilities to work on healing —a wonderful contribution.”
— Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting
“As anyone with back pain knows, it can be debilitating. I have two herniated discs that flare up occasionally. The last episode was so bad that I was certain that surgery was my only option. I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone walk for more than a block. I received a healing from world-renowned Dr. and Master Sha as well as instructions to practice Tao Calligraphy. Within two weeks, I was pain-free and able to live my life normally again. It has truly been a life-changing experience and I am forever grateful to Dr. Sha for his incredible gift of healing.”
– Bruce Cohen, Esq.
“As one of the most successful literary agents in North America, I have had the honor of representing many of the most popular spiritual and visionary teachers of the past thirty years, including Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Bob Proctor and Eckhart Tolle. The most extraordinary and multi-talented client I have had the honor to represent is world-renowned healer, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Master Sha has dedicated his life to serving humanity and through his calligraphies, books, Tao songs and other healing modalities has had a major positive impact on millions of people throughout the world. As a Tao grandmaster, Master Sha has unique access to the energy of the Tao. He uses this connection to the Tao which he cultivates through disciplined and constant practice to teach and heal others. Those fortunate to own his calligraphies or have direct interaction with him are truly blessed.”
– William Gladstone, international bestselling author and founder of Waterside Productions, Inc.