Architecture Portfolio - Matea Paćelat

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/ A R C H I T E C T U R E /

M A T E A / p A C E L A T

hey, hi and hello!

Matea Pacelat I always had a strong will to be an architect, to look forward to new experiences and push myself outside my comfort zone. Since early ages, I was trying to find the way to express myself trying all various things like dance, music and photography. I’m hardly ever at home, but when i fly back to my nest, I like to enjoy cosy and well organised workspace where i create handcrafts, expressing my imagination and creativity. My inspiration space is medium sized, in harmony, with strong accent on the details. I’m looking forward to dedicate myself to the professional work of an architect, allowing me to expand already acquired knowledge and practical skills.

about & contact adress: tel: e-mail: nationality: date of birth:

O. Mosconi 4,52000 Pazin, Croatia 00 385 91 158 5432 croatian 25/10/1990

education dates: 2013-2016 qualification: Master in Architecture studies: Corso di Laurea magistrale in Architettura, UNITS dates: 2009-2013 qualification: Bachelor of Architecture studies: Corso di Laurea in scienze dell’ Architettura UNITS dates: 2005-2009 qualification: secondary school studies: gymnasium Juraj Dobrila Pazin

skills & competences languages: CROATIAN native speaker ENGLISH speak fluently and read/write with proficiency ITALIAN speak fluently and read/write with proficiency tecnichal: hand drafting, modelling, digital modelling and fabbrication softwere: AutoCAD MAX 3ds Ecotect Analysis Google Sketchup Vray Adobe; Photoshop Illustrator InDesign After Effects Microsofto Office

expiriences work: MAXWAN ARCHITECTS + URBANISTS B.V. - trainee May 16th- September 30th 2016 project contribution: -Masterplan Ieper, BE - design of main curch square -Zuidknoop, Antwerp, BE - design guide lines dor infrastructure node -Parco Centale di Prato. IT - project for the central park workshops: july 2007, Pazin, Croatia “7 dana stvaranja” -photographic workshop Sven Stilinovic june 2010, Gorizia, Italy “Grande fiume, piccole architetture” -projects for the Soca river M&G Architecte, Gianfranco Guaragna january 2011, Gorizia, Italy “Deforming” -projects for the area of Ponte Roso, Trieste Leo Modrcin, Marco Ragonese february 2012, Gorizia, Italy “Agricitta’”-different approaches to agricultural city Paola Di Biagi, Maurizio Bonizzi, Sebastiano Roveroni exhibitions: july 2007, Gorizia, Italy “Upravo stvoreno” Sven Stilinovic june 2010, Gorizia, Italy “Grande fiume, piccole architetture” Gianfranco Guaragna july 2015, Gorizia, Italy “4/4/GO architettura delle stringhe” Luigi Di Dato, Giovani Fraziano, Adriano Venudo

other pubblication web page: RETHINKING THE FUTURE, Bachelor Thesis, Natur(e)scape, Ani Pijevac & Matea Pacelat

personal self-discipline and determination, indicarateristichs: vidual/group work under time pressure, responsabile and organised interests: graphic rapresentation in architecture, graphic design, interior design, redesign of furniture, arts & crafts, sewing, hiking

I would like to show you something I did...

hope you’ll like it.

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project for an accommodation complex on soca river Collaboration: Ani Pijevac Tutor: prof. Marco Ragonese Year: 2013 The project is situated in Solkan, a village on Italo-Slovenian border, and is located on the banks of the Soca river. Due to all sport facilities and surrounding nature the place is attractive from the viewpoint of tourism. For the further development of the area, the project is designed as an accommodation complex for athletes and tourists, providing them additional content. The project involves the costruction of a accommodation complex allocated on the north bank of the river. The area, sloping to the south, opens the view on the Soca river. The complex consist of 30 houses and 5 SPA centres organised

orientation of the clusters


in five clusters oriented in accordance with the views and the terrain in the way that each of them maintains its privacy. The design approach is based on providing the basic needs for the user to obtain the shelter, in the same time mantaining a micro harmony with nature. The more private northern shore is connected with the other side by bridge wich opens and alters into various open space. In general, the bridge is designed as a walkway that allows a more dynamic movment od people and has the possibility of hosting the spectators of the canoe championships.



bungalow type 1


3 1,2



0,1 0,6



1 1,7

2,8 -0,33 m

section A-A



second floor plan


first floor plan




FREE TIME FACTORY rehabilitation of abandoned industrial structure towards the culture Collaboration: Ani Pijevac Tutor: prof. Giovanni Corbellini; arch. Bojan Bilic Year: 2016 The Marganovo building was formerly a part of Hartera factory and was used as a plant for producing wrapping paper. A couple of years ago it was used as part of the Hartera music festival, as a concert hall, but as the festival took transformations as well as due to bad condition of the place, the concert hall was “transported” to another location. Today the hall is empty and abandoned. Noticing the desire of Rijeka’s theatre directors for the non-conventional stages and adaptable stenography and the change of actor-audience relation, the Marganovo hall was recognized as the full potential volume. Thus, one of the programs of the hall is an experimental theatre. Moreover, the adaptability of the space to a concert hall remains standing. Marganovo is also a concert hall whose design is now more suitable for smaller concert types.

The space also permits different types of performances, exhibitions and other kind of activities depending on the time and events which are held in the city and at Hartera brownfield. The project consists of sequence of little interventions in the volume to make the hall adjusted to the planned program. The cemented arcades are opened and replaced with glass, so the volume opens up to the river. Double-sided stage, which expands to the central square, provides an important facility for open air events and festivals. The staircase leads to gallery - experimental platform projected to provide different possibilities. The curtain system allows multiple uses of the hall with no predetermined fixed spatial partitioning.



The material of the curtains permits the total control of the light, so various events can be held inside. Also, the continuity of curtains allows the unique scenography.

When the curtains are opened, the big window opens up to the new riverfront, designed to call people’s attention to the events inside the building.

Defintion of the space with curtains

Projecting wall


Theatrical space

Labyrinth games

1st floor plan

Ground floor plan

Single events hall

Three separate function

Outdoor events



STUDENT VILLAGE project for the student complex on the soca river

Collaboration: Anita Petreska, Vesna Matic Tutor: prof. Piero Zucchi Year: 2012 Gorizia is a city located west of the Soca river, which who makes the city landscape and currently is not experienced and perceived enough. At the same time Gorizia is the city with a growing number of students which do not have adequate support structures. The project aim is to create a connection between the dynamism of the compact city and naturalness of unexplored riverfront. The project consists of 10 artificial islands, sealed in the lagoon, of which 8 are residential and other 2 are dedicate to common services. New public service structures, such as dining hall, library and auditorium are located on the coast to come in contact with the city. In general the intention was to disperse the student complex in the nature, to become all one with the environment, and to provide one unconventional space for students and citizens.



existing dike

existing overfull canal


new dike

new overfull canal


entrances of the village

axes of the bridges

bridges_main paths

ring_secondary paths

intersection of ring and bridges


artificial lake

islands dedicated to housing

islands dedicated to services

public services






project of research, knoweledge and production city

Collaboration: Ani Pijevac Tutor: prof. Elena Marchigiani Year: 2014 Trieste and it’s territory has always been a significant “melting pot” of different cultures, languages, religions where tolerances rappresent the basis of life. The city as crossroads of Central Europe open to welcome the challenges and opportunities of the future, investing the resources into the creation and development of scientific network whic currently consist of over 30 research centers. Not surprisingly, the regional capital is known as the “City of science”. The scenario we have identified aims to boost and encourage a system of research centers already present in the area.The orography of dorsal karst identifies the physical limits of new tecnological system called Linear Research Urbia.Further analysis led to the identification of some strategic areas, such as the abbandoned military complex of Banne, the refuges camp of Padricano, the abandoned ex-hotel Obelisco and the area of Synchrotron, which are located between the village of Opicina and Basovizza. The new production area is intended to revitalise the existing industry, located on the coast, which is very well connected by highways and can be easily reached from the research centres.



morphology height differences linear forest filters suburbs research areas sport grounds project areas accommodation areas sport areas production areas expo areas mobility metro tram bus bike metro station tram station bus station bike sharing intermodals points




project for the new olympic acquatic center

Collaboration: Tea Druškovic, Anita Petreska, Ani Pijevac Tutor: prof. Maurizio Bradaschia Year: 2013 The project involves the construction of a New Olympic swimming pool complex that stands on a “L” shaped area of about 15000 sq.m, characterised by a significant slope. The context and in particular the terrain morphology have been decisive in the project proposal. The swimming facility in question is composed of 3 volumes. One volume contains the 50 meters pool and is located on the north of project area. The second volume contains the 25 meters pool and is located on the east of the project area. The third volume is intended to services and it’s placed in a central position so it can be easily used by users of both pools. Ther’s another 50 meters outdoor swimming pool located in front of the closed volume in order to be more protected from the strong wind that blows from the north.


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first floor plan

second floor plan

third floor plan

fourth floor plan

east elevaton




city can be my playground

urban systems strategic for the city of gorizia and nova gorica

Collaboration: Tea DruĹĄkovic, Jelena Kurtusic,Anita Petreska, Ani Pijevac, Robertina Rajkovic Tutor: prof.Luigi Di Dato, prof. Giovanni Fraziano, prof. Adriano Venudo, prof. Paolo Rosato Year: 2015 The city of Gorizia is unique because it is devided into two states, Italy and Slovenia. The project focuses on the issue of socialisation of the two nations, by creating a new collective city where interventions are designed to foster intercultural and intergenerational exchanges, interactions and encounters. The concept of the masterplan has defined six thematic areas which are extended along the axis formed by the stream of Corno, between Gorizia and Nova Gorica. This segment is functionally and morphologically symmetrical


compared with traversal axes of the border. The idea is to create a new connection axis that would became a new social and collective hub with the aim to attract Italians and Slovenians to reach goal of the increasing socialisation by adding new features. Along the axis alternate different spaces which make the area more dynamic and vibrant all year long. The axis ends with to poles placed in existing industrial zones that have alle predisposition to attract not only the residents, but also new visitors.

3 centers + 1 border = new axis that becomes the new collective social hub . The idea to make the new features along the axis that would serve both the Italian and the Slovenian population .

The axis is defined by two poles of attraction that are located in the industrial zones . Being in different contexts will adopt two different approaches , one more urban and other a more natural.

border line

Along the axis are certain strategic points that have access from different parts of the city. These points are equipped and at the same time contribute to the continuity of the axis connecting the two poles.

city tissue

industrial area industrial area

city tissue

green area

green area




The Flubber The main idea is to create a new boulevard which integrates urban spaces by generating new attraction poles. The Fulubber should fill the empty, under-utilised and abandoned areas thought the insertion of a new structure that results in a new frequencies of spaces and different functions which create recognisable urban episodes. The intention is to unify the spaces by non-operating on the facades but by introducing new fluid forms that give contemporary image to the city. The path either above or below, become a place to play, relax and study where the users or the viewer becomes a part of this striking space. Along the boulevard on the ground floor of the existing buildings, different commercial sector activities should be implemented in order to give primary importance to this axis.


new buildings

first floor circulation

wavy route existing buildings new buildings insertion of boxws into the existing buildings new buolevard



GREETINGS from YPRES project for a the

new green city center in

city of ypres

Collaboration: Rene Sangers, Alexandar Hrib, Tea Druškovic Tutor: arch. Rients Djikstra Year: 2016

To encourage residents and visitors to spend their time in the city center, we offer Ypres two beautiful cooperating city areas: a clear, open square, free of cars, with a quality that does justice to the adjacent (historic) buildings; and a park that derives from the current Astrid Park, but that is broader and more complete. Due to its shape and position the square organizes the large buildings (curch, theatre, cloth hall) around a single stage. Five striking, large elms give square character and atmosphere. At the interface of park and plaza are the two areas enclosed by buildings ’City niches’ where water, park and plaza space merge. As is so often the case, in a versatile, busy urban environment, the key to an innovative design is solving the mobility and parking. We cherish the parked car, also to support the activities and liveliness in the immediate vicinity. But we

fight visually dominant presence. All parking is carefully arranged in ‘strips’, where we make a stunning visual improvement with a 25% reduction in the number of parking spaces. The current Astrid park design relies on a subtle geometry of touching and overlapping circles. We use these forms and put them in a free interpretation by the broader new park. The result is visually contemporary park, with a varied, always curvend paths that each provide a new view of the surroundings. We opt for a ‘transparent’ park, with long views of the surrounding city and feeling of safety. To achieve that we removed fences and low, dense vegetation and added entries to. We retain all valuable trees. The combination of existing and new trees provide a variety of more intimate and open spaces, sometimes designed for a specific use, sometimes at its own use demand.

Six ingradients for a healthy city center

CLear division in square and park

Accurate parking


Variety of open space

Interpretation of the forms: broader and more complete park

Water as added value where park meets square

New park experience:configuration of space and long views

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