2021 Yearbook

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Mater Christi College


my Neighbour Who is

- Year 11 2021
Cover artwork created by
Mackenzie Carter


It seems that our theme for the year 'Who is my neighbour?' is more poignant than ever. The question at the heart of our theme, from the parable of the Good Samaritan, challenges us to think of those beyond our inner circle. In a year where it would have been easy to wallow in our own isolation, I have witnessed students and staff show incredible care for each other in the most difficult of circumstances. They have also continued to raise awareness of what is happening more broadly and challenged us to think about the world they want to build beyond COVID. The leadership shown by our students in areas such as action for Climate Change, combatting period poverty and working towards reconciliation with local First Nations people has been nothing short of inspirational.

In another year of lockdowns, separation from loved ones and remote learning, we have never been more aware of the importance of the grace that our relationships bestow. Our teachers have longed for those incidental conversations in offices and hallways, which spark the imagination and give energy to our practice. Our students have missed each other and their teachers, and I know they long to be back in 2022 alongside each other in classrooms, Café Bene queues and in our beautiful grounds.

All of this has me reflecting on what schools are. Mrs Feeney and I spent many long hours during Term 3, in the empty building that we call ‘school' - yet this is hardly what a school is. Without our students and staff, it is but an empty shell. So much of what we do is ephemeral and difficult to measure. We are more than the sum of our parts, for when we are together there is an energy that drives what we do. Though I am thankful that technology has allowed us to continue providing learning opportunities, it will never replace this energy - augment, yes but never replace.

It is with great appreciation that I acknowledge the work of the College Executive Team during 2021, particularly our Deputy Principal Mrs Julie Feeney and retiring Director of Development, Mr Tim Crowe. My thanks also to College Board Chair Mr Paul Kremer, and all of the Board Directors for going over and above to ensure the College is in a sound position into the future. Thank you also to education support staff, teachers, parents, carers and of course students for their wonderful welcome and extraordinary support in my first year at Mater Christi.



my Neighbour Who is

College Photos

5 Director
6 College
7 College
12 Awards 15
12 25
Curriculum 32 Arts 33 Visual
35 English 36 Health and Physical Education 37 Humanities 38 LOTE 39 Mathematics 40 Religious Education 41 Science 42 STEM 43 Sport 45 Technology 47 SoJuSt - Social Justice and Stewardship 48 International Program 49 Careers 50 Learning Commons 52 House Activities
1 Principal’s Welcome
Board of Governance
Deputy Principal
of Curriculum
Highlights from the Class of 2020
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8
Year 7
Arts Gallery
55 SRC and Middle School Leaders 56 Year
57 Year 7 60 Year
71 Year 11 75 College
11 and Year 10 Student Council
Year 9
Year 10

Board of Governance

Good Samaritan Education (GSE) is the collegial Public Juridic Person responsible for the ten incorporated Colleges in Australia, each retaining the distinctive spirit that connects them to the local church in which they are situated. Each College is accountable to GSE for its Catholic ethos and mission, embodied in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition and for the administration of the temporal goods assigned to it for its work.

From the GSE group of 15 Members, a Governing Council of seven Members is elected. Each GSE Member is also a Member of the Company for either one or two Good Samaritan schools and as such, is involved in the life of the school communities.

Here at Mater Christi College, we are blessed with the support of the following Members:

Rosalie Jones - Chair of Members Eileen O’Leary

Sr Veronica Hoey sgs Leonie Keaney Karlene Treyvaud Gaynor Robson-Garth

GSE has full responsibility for all matters of mission, finance and governance of all Good Samaritan schools.

Paul Kremer as Chair of Board was supported by the following:

Cherine Kenna - Company Secretary

Mary Close - Director and Deputy Chair

Philip King - Director

Trudi Bons - Director

Fiona Bygraves - Director Chris Cartwright - Director Amy Whitehead - Director

Sharnee Moore - Director to February Steven Langford - Director to May

Ex Officio

Maria Haggett - Principal Tatum Mitchell - Business Manager Fiona Griffith - Business Manager

Committee Members

Anthony Chapman - Finance Committee

Philip Thomas - Risk, Compliance and Governance Committee


Deputy Principal

students have not learned and in what ways they haven’t developed, they have once again mostly just got on with things. Last year we noted that they were courageous and creative, adaptive and versatile, and this year has been no different.

Throughout successive lockdowns, there has been much talk in the media about how difficult these times are for our students and that is certainly true. We know that for quite a few of them, time spent with friends and peers can be the best thing about school. We also know that the routine and structure of the days, the regular interaction with other adults apart from family, and the challenges and opportunities afforded by new learning, are vital aspects of adolescent development.

Whilst the online environment has its limitations and will never replace face-to-face communication, along with their teachers, our students have been so impressive this year. Contrary to the negative stories about what

Students were asked in a routine Pastoral survey to nominate three things in the time of lockdown of which they were proud. Their responses varied from “I’m proud that I have still been able to complete all my schoolwork even though we are not at school” to “I am most proud I have been able to have enough motivation to come to classes every day” to “I’m proud of just making it through”. Many students noted increased personal capacities such as staying motivated, developing a routine, looking out for friends online, regular exercise, practising resilience, contributing actively to family time, and generally trying their best every day. Reading through the responses was uplifting and affirming.

Some life lessons are straightforward and learned easily - others, not so. Living with uncertainty has challenged us all, but our students have exemplified that we are often capable of more than we know.

‘Once again with COVID, (in education) there is much evidence of resilience, getting on and solving problems and looking after and helping each other.’
Prof. John Hattie

Director of Curriculum


What does learning look like? Perhaps if we’d asked this question in early 2020, our thinking would have been centred around learning spaces filled with students working individually or with peers and teachers, to acquire knowledge and skills.

However, our shared experience over the last two years has forced us to rethink many aspects of our lives, including learning. In our current context, we might reflect on our experiences with zoom classes, breakout rooms, online study groups, Kahoots, virtual incursions, Padlet, Canvas, and the list goes on. But despite the many and varied platforms that have supported learning continuity, at the heart of our response to this challenge has been the willingness of school staff, parents, and carers to work together to support students in their learning and ensure that we are able to provide 'educational programs relevant to (their) individual needs' (Mater Christi College Mission Statement).


So, what will learning look like post-lockdowns and the need for remote learning? We know that our students enjoy learning together and having the support of their teachers in the classroom, so some aspects will look quite familiar. But as we move forward, we will take all we have learnt from this experience of remote learning and apply the very best elements of it to teaching and learning onsite, together. We have discovered different ways of doing things, and this presents a unique opportunity to consider new structures for learning - what to teach, how to teach, where and when to teach. To reimagine what learning looks like in a way that continues to ensure our programs are relevant to the needs of our students, so they can approach the future with courage and hope.

my Neighbour Who is

We have discovered different ways of doing things, and this presents a unique opportunity to consider new structures for learningwhat to teach, how to teach, where and when to teach.

College Captains

Despite the challenges of this year, the Class of 2021 has demonstrated incredible perseverance, resilience, and flexibility. As College Captains, we have been inspired by every student, and their courage in the face of yet another year of uncertainty.

The 2021 College Theme of ‘Who is my neighbour?’ has been a guiding light for us throughout prolonged separation from peers and the school community, encouraging us to reach out to one another, however possible. In doing so, we have been able to maintain vital connections despite our physical distance.

At the beginning of the year, we celebrated many ‘last firsts’ - a journey full of emotions and fond memories. The first event to capture our excitement was, of course, the formal. Its initial postponement, just hours before it was due to begin, was the first sign that our year may be more turbulent than anticipated. However, the adjusted date proved just as wonderful.

Other highlights included access to the Polding Centre, hoodies, and themed

dress up days. Despite some last-minute disappointments, the memories of this year will stay with us forever.

Our primary aim has been to ensure each student’s individual voice was heard, by promoting greater student involvement in school matters and leaving a legacy of openness and inclusivity. We introduced the Student Voice Forum box, which has already seen fantastic results, including an update to the Cafe Bene website, receiving our hoodies earlier, more laptop chargers in Scholastica and more inclusive uniform sizes.

We are so privileged and thankful to have experienced secondary school amongst the Mater Christi Community. Congratulations to everyone, for your achievements, big and small, this year. And to our fellow Year 12s, what a year it has been. We can’t wait to witness the wonderful journeys you undertake next, armed with the knowledge and insight that your years at Mater have provided. We wish you all the best for your futures; we know they will be bright.


College Leaders

Student Representative Council Executive

College Captains Cassidy Ede Emma Gerber

Arts Captains Jessica Chapman Stephanie Williams

Faith and Liturgy Captains Sasha Hundle Imasha Nonis

Social Justice and Ella Lancaster Stewardship Captains Ebannie Sidoti

International Captain Jacqueline Mei

Sports Captains Jennifer Sahely Hannah Hodges

STEM Captains Bronya Robinson Cassidy Germano

Chisholm House Captain Gabrielle Sard Chisholm House Assistant Sienna Reeves

Gibbons House Captain Bailey Caldow Gibbons House Assistant Maudie Paterson

Lyons House Captain Ella Liebler Lyons House Assistant Meg Groeneveld

MacKillop House Captain Gabriella Petersen MacKillop House Assistant Matilda McDermott


College Leaders

Middle School Leadership Team

Middle School Captains Disha Adeshara Jen MacDonald

Arts Captains Cartier Bendix Elida Licciardi

Faith and Liturgy Captains Phoebe Andrews Abby Pires

Social Justice and Kyra Ghalay Stewardship Captains Gemma Przychodzki

Sports Captains Sophie Johnstone Sienna Kurdian

STEM Captains Jess Ashton-Smith Matilda Hore

Pastoral Group Representatives

Year 7 Tegan Allen Lettie Reed Mel Donald Ashley Koolstra Zoe Adshead Keira Harris Emily Hill MJ Drake Charli Lord

Chisholm House Captains Ella Edwards Charlotte Sard

Gibbons House Captains Sienna Larter Mila Wesley

Lyons House Captains Audrey Gearon Sienna O’Connor

MacKillop House Captains Sienna Hayman Natasha Kindler

Year 8 Ava Di Bartolomeo Indigo Thomson Theruni Fernando Jessica Smith Bel King Jewel McDermott Bridie McDermott Claire Pierce Bridget Piening Ava Wooden

Student Council

Year 10 Martha Box

Amy Cunliffe

Kiara D’Sylva Charli Hart Hannah Koolstra Simone Martin Alisha McGaffin Charli Petersen Emily Tyquin

Year 11 Jasmine Andrews

Lily Calvert Sienna Cross Chelsea Green Catalina Macfarlane Allanah Major Siann Thomas Brianna Wilcox Kaitlyn Wyborn Madison Zapanta

11 YEARBOOK 2021
Alex Pirotta Selected to be part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Creative Arts Exhibition
CHRISTI COLLEGE Megan Prass Recipient of the Executive Director's Acquisition Award, as part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Creative Arts Exhibition.

Senior School

13 YEARBOOK 2021


2020 Awards Presented in 2021

College Dux

Lillie Park Jenkinson

VCAL High Achiever

Laura Marotti

International Dux Caroline Dong

VCE Baccalaureate

Victoria Chi Caroline Dong Shirley Shen


Astrid Renehan Excellence in Chemistry Caroline Dong

ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award recognises a student in Year 12 who demonstrates leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader community and who displays strong values (such as doing one’s best, respect for others and 'mateship') that are integral to Australian society.

Year 10 - Jasmine Andrews

Year 12 - Louise Punturere

ADF Future Innovators Award

Awarded to both a Year 10 and 12 student, The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Future Innovators Award has been designed to recognise recipients’ science and mathematics abilities while highlighting the value the Navy, Army and Air Force place on STEM skills and STEM career opportunities within Defence.

Year 10 - Bronya Robinson Year 12 - Shivangi Palliyil

Caltex Best All-Rounder Award

Awarded to a Year 12 student who has excelled across a number of areas including scholastic achievements, sport, community work, conduct and leadership.

Millie Metcalfe

Hannah Kinross Social Justice Award

In memory of Hannah Kinross (1986 - 2009), student at Mater Christi College from 19992004, who displayed a strong commitment to social justice both in Australia and overseas. Avreet Sandhu

Jane Austen Award for Excellence in English Literature Mater Christi College Jane Austen Award for Excellence in VCE Literature 2020.

Isis Jenkins

Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program

This award is presented on behalf of the University of Melbourne and recognises academic performance as well as leadership potential.

Madison Zapanta



2020 Awards Presented in 2021

Maureen Keating Stewardship Award

This award is open to students from any year level who are active in the SoJuSt group; the role of which is to create an awareness of, and consideration for, our environment.

Rebecca Jago Outdoor Education and Environment Award

Rebecca Jago (1992 - 2011) was a Mater Christi College student 2005 - 2010. Rebecca was an enthusiastic participant in all sporting activities, relished her role as a team member and actively encouraged fair play and enjoyment. Choosing Outdoor Education as a VCE subject allowed Rebecca to pursue her love of the natural world and appreciate opportunities to be with friends in wonderful places.

Rotary Outstanding Citizen Award

Inaugurated in 1989, this annual award is presented to a student from any Year level, judged by staff to be an outstanding school citizen in that year.

Vida Goldstein Award for Excellence in History

Mater Christi College Vida Goldstein Award for Excellence in VCE History 2020.

15 YEARBOOK 2021


2020 Awards Presented in 2021

VCE Season of Excellence

Shortlisted for Top Class - Dance

Gabriella Petersen Isabelle Hrubos

Shortlisted for Top Class - Drama

Molly Paton

Selected to Perform - Dance

Isabelle Hrubos

The Good Sam Awards Years 7 - 11

Year 7 - Layla Gould

Year 8 - Disha Adeshara

Year 9 - Sami Lane

Year 10 - Sienna Cross Year 11 - Jessica Chapman

90+ ATAR

Lillie Park Jenkinson Caroline Dong

Lucy Fenton India Griffiths

Jordyn Yeoman Bridget Vardy-Willsher

Sarah Prass Hongling Fan Shirley Shen Amelia Metcalfe Madeline Steele Emily White Rhianna George Tessa Bygraves

40+ Study Score Year 12

Lauren Baker Tessa Bygraves

Claudia Dabb Lucy Fenton Annie Fitzgerald Rhianna George Zoe Haritos Hayley Leach Amelia Metcalfe Molly Milne Lilly Park Jenkinson Sarah Prass Illyah Reid Sophie Ryan Bailey Sykes Bridget Vardy-Willsher Jordyn Yeoman

40+ Study Store Year 11

Poppy Adams Melissa Andrich Emmer Gerber Hannah Hodges Isabelle Hrubos Jacqueline Mei Georgia O’Halloran Sarah Payne

Gabriella Petersen Jennifer Sahley Indigo Sangster Molly Stow

Perfect Study Score - 50

Lillie Park Jenkinson

History - Revolutions

Lucy Fenton

Outdoor and Environmental Studies


Senior School

Highlights from the Class of 2020

Students who attained ATAR results over 90 were:

Tessa Bygraves

Emily White

Amelia Metcalfe

Hongling Fan

Rhianna George

Madeline Steele

Shirley Shen

Sarah Prass

Bridget Vardy-Willsher Jordyn Yeoman

India Griffiths

Lucy Fenton

Caroline Dong

Two students attained the highest possible Study Score of 50, Lucy Fenton in Outdoor and Environmental Studies and Lillie Park Jenkinson in History Revolutions.

For the Class of 2020, their final year was very different. Amid COVID restrictions, learning required new levels of tenacity, endurance, adaptability, and creativity.

In many ways, their well-earned results reflect the culture of work and learning disposition that is developed through Years 7 to 11. They are an endorsement of our programs, the commitment of our staff, and the support of families, especially during this exceptional year.

The Class of 2020 achieved some excellent results across a broad range of academic and vocational programs with outstanding personal achievements. All students completed their VCE or VCAL qualification.

A selection of results, achievements, and future pathways included:

Lillie Park Jenkinson, Dux of the College, attained an ATAR of 98.05 including the following scores: History Revolutions 50, Legal Studies 47, English 41, and Literature 38. Lillie was offered a place to study a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne in 2021.

Our VCAL High Achiever for 2020 was Laura Marotti who planned to commence a Diploma of Nursing in 2021.

Three students were shortlisted for the VCE Season of Excellence Isabelle Hrubos and Gabriella Petersen (Dance), and Molly Paton (Drama). Isabelle Hrubos was selected to perform.

Milly Bradley’s artwork was selected for the VCE Creative Showcase at Burrinja.

We congratulate the Class of 2020. You achieved remarkable things. We know who you are. You are informed, compassionate and creative young women, ready to pursue your dreams. Whatever you choose to do, whoever you go on to be, we are proud of who you are now.

17 YEARBOOK 2021
90 13 30 scores of 40 or higher different studies MATER CHRISTI COLLEGE 2020 Academic Results Mater Christi College 28 Bayview Road Belgrave Victoria Australia 3160 +61 3 9754 6611 mcc@materchristi.edu.au materchristi.edu.au CRICOS No. 00589K 98.05 Lillie Park Jenkinson College Dux 32 median study score of applicants secured Tertiary Offers 94% or higher 38% of students ATAR Season of Excellence Shortlist Isabelle Hrubos Gabriella Petersen Dance 74.5 median ATAR Molly Paton Drama 80 2020 Academic Results
17% ATAR over

Senior School

VET Vocational Education and Training

VET continues to be a popular choice for students studying both VCE and VCAL pathways.

It has been great to see students choose an even broader range of courses in 2021, including Engineering and Electrotechnology. Other popular choices have included Animal Studies, Allied Health, Early Childhood and Care, Beauty Services, Equine Studies, Hospitality, Horticulture and Creative Industries.

Through zoom classes, breakout rooms and virtual role plays, the students adapted well to online learning, when in place, and continued their studies to meet the requirements of the certificate.

Those enrolled in VET Hospitility (onsite at Mater Christi) enjoyed an online industry experience; meeting chefs who shared their stories and career journeys, as well as a visit to hospitality venues in the Yarra Valley.

VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

VCAL in 2021, although delivered differently, has provided students with a broad variety of learning opportunities, as well as a portfolio of evidence, including certificates in their chosen VET field, Food Handling, Barista and Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA).

Those who chose to complete School Based Apprenticeships and Training (SBAT), have benefited from the newly introduced Structured Workplace Learning Record (SWLR) where they have been required to record their industry experiences, obtaining valuable evidence to add to their portfolio for future endevours.

Student led VCAL initatives included, raising funds for the RSPCA and providing food for a local charity, Foothills Community and Care. The Certifcate II in Small Business class also made products to sell at a fair, coordinated by a senior VCAL student.

The group planned their own camp in the city, providing an opportunity to develop their skills in teamwork, collaboration and organisation. And our annual VCAL Main Event, run via zoom, included online activities that focused on raising awareness of Aboriginal culture.

The VCAL group of 2021 have demonstrated remarkable resilience and a ‘can-do’ attitude. They are to be congratulated on their enthusiasm, hard work and perseverance in pursuit of their future goals.

19 YEARBOOK 2021
Talia Laurance Recipient of the Archbishop of Melbourne Award for Religious Art and Executive Director's Acquisition Award, as part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Creative Arts Exhibition.

Year Twelve

Poppy Adams Pranita Bagri Georgia Brownscombe Jessica Chapman Anastasia Alexander Ruby Bakker Melissa Andrich Abbey Barr Samantha Clark Isabella Arthur Sarah Bowie Bianca Caron Oriane Cleary
21 YEARBOOK 2021 2021
Chrysta Colpman Penelope Dousset Jemma Edyvane Morgan Godfrey Maddy Court Jocelyn Doyle Ashleigh Gasson Aradhana Gowda Indigo Crnogorac Olivia Eastwood Emma Gerber Nina Handler Maddison Davis Cassidy Ede Kaitlyn Gibbons Hannah Hodges

Year Twelve

Isabelle Hrubos Emily Kovacevic Rhianna Little Shan (Jacqueline) Mei Star Hughes Ella Lancaster Ruby Lucas Grace Moody Sasha Hundle Haylee Lechner Molly Mai Felicity Morris Sara Joshi Ella Liebler Tahnee Meehan Keeley Morris
23 YEARBOOK 2021 2021
Katelyn Nicolas Georgia O’Halloran Pasandi Perera Mikayla Porteous Imasha Nonis Sarah Payne Gabriella Petersen Taylah Rickards Mia Peeters Tegan Philp Meg Robinson Ashlynn O’Halloran
Eliza Pereira Gosia Piosicka
Keely Rodgers

Year Twelve

Jennifer Sahely Gabrielle Sard Smedley Freya Taffe Abbey Sammut Rosie Schnell Ella Smith Ella Tevaga Indigo Sangster Ebannie Sidoti Jade Smith Bethany Tipping Ashwin Sarai Jay Singh Molly Stow Walden
25 YEARBOOK 2021 2021
Molly Webb Arwen Wilson Emily Wellington Feiyan (Selina) Yin Imagen Wilkinson Reibelt Jiayu Zhang Stephanie Williams Xiaowen (Sylvia) Zhou

Senior School Year



Year Eleven

James Bakker - Learning Coordinator

In Year 11 classes this year, the upending of the norms of learning and working, which we have all experienced, was met head on by both students and staff.

The Year 11s have shown themselves to be resilient and capable. Their willingness to embrace opportunities and their acceptance of cancellations and changes in plans will stand them in good stead later in life.

Of note is the leadership displayed by so many this year. In formal roles such as House Captains, as well as through participation in liturgies, sporting teams events and activities - the way the students have conducted themselves has been impressive.

Outstanding leadership and personal capabilities also shone through in the speeches presented for leadership positions for 2022. Rarely have I seen such a broad and consistently excellent presentation of ideals, values and hope for the future.

The students have grown and developed individually and as a group. Through their studies and their participation in different activities they have developed their understanding of themselves and their relationships with others. This is a group of young people who put the Good Samaritan values of care for neighbour into action, through the support they show for each other and their engagement with the community.

I am proud of them, and they should be too.

27 YEARBOOK 2021

Year Ten

Eliza Johns - Learning Coordinator

This Year 10 cohort was eager to learn and embrace all the school activities that 2021 had to offer. They started the year with resilience and enthusiasm and were ready for the transition into Senior School. The students had the opportunity to explore a range of important topics through the Pastoral program such as respectful relationships, inclusion, road safety and goal setting. They have also developed their study skills with a large focus on preparing them for their move into VCE / VCAL / VET.

Congratulations to the Year 10s on a successful year, and for embracing the opportunities presented to them.

The change from light blue jumpers to dark blue was exciting. We started off the year with a transition day where Mr Kadar spoke about effective study tips, and we had a Q & A session with graduates from 2020. This helped us understand what to expect in Year 10 and our journey through Senior School. Throughout this year we also participated in a range of activities with our Little Sister Buddies, such as chalk art, fashion shows and scavenger hunts, to help guide them through their first year at Mater Christi.

Simone Martin Year 10

Middle School

29 YEARBOOK 2021

Year Nine

Amanda Morris and Eliza Fildes - Learning Coordinators

Inquiry-based learning is at the heart of the Year 9 Discover program, where students immerse themselves in projects across five key units - Adventure, Communication, Challenge, Identity, and Expression.

Highlights this year included working with local textile artist Bree Thomas in Expression, the four-day camp to the Grampians in Adventure and utilising the facilities at the Yarra Ranges Tech school in Challenge. Through these rotations, in conjunction with their core subjects, students had the opportunity to develop skills such as critical-thinking, collaboration, research and self-management.

The Reflection Day in Term 2 presented the opportunity to hear from passionate Yorta Yorta man, Scott Darlow. A singer/songwriter and Indigenous activist, Scott spoke about some of the challenges faced by Indigenous Australians. He engaged with the students on tolerance, harmony and other important social issues, through stories, humour and music.

In the Pastoral program, students had the opportunity to explore important topics such as eSafety and the law, inclusion, decision making and goal setting, as well as develop their study and basic first aid skills. Through Pastoral sessions, students have been able to bond with their classmates and foster their teamwork skills in a fun and safe environment.


Year Eight

- Learning Coordinator

In 2021, the Year 8 cohort embraced the many opportunities presented to them through the College community. It has enabled them to grow and engage as young leaders and learners. Year 8s have readily embarked as ambassadors for the College by helping in Student Services, being tour guides, and as active participants in many school events. They have forged connections with each other and engaged positively in Pastoral activities, including participating in the longitudinal Wellbeing Study with the Black Dog Institute.

Year 8 has provided so many opportunities to learn and be curious, as well as have fun. From science experiments that have allowed us to develop a deeper understanding of course content, to the Humanities and Science Interdisciplinary Unit where we created a news report about natural disasters, developing our teamwork and creativity skills.

Other highlights have included Pastoral activities such as connecting games, House activities including Big Sister Little Sister picnics, exploring cause and effect during Science Week, and learning how we can make a difference during Social Justice and Stewardship (SoJuSt) Week.

Leadership opportunities have enabled us to learn and have fun with our older peers. Our teachers and classmates have been so friendly and helpful. It has been an enjoyable Year 8 journey.

Claire Pierce Year 8

my Neighbour Who is

31 YEARBOOK 2021

Year Seven

Year 7 is an important milestone as students transition from Primary to Secondary school. As educators, we strive to find the balance between providing the tools for success as well as opportunities to build new relationships and connect with others.

The school year highlighted this balance with an array of opportunities to strive academically and socially. Transition activities launched students into the Middle Years Program, which they handled successfully whilst using and learning on a new device, with new programs. Social activities included House Swimming and Athletics, Big Sister Little Sister interactions, Reflection Day, and a Community Day with St Joseph’s College.

The Pastoral program helped students build the necessary skills to manage their own wellbeing in a variety of situations, such as living harmoniously with others.

This adaptable cohort of Year 7s has demonstrated the ability to look on the bright side of life - inspiring both their teachers and peers. They have already grown as individuals, looking out for each other, and contributing positively to the Mater Christi Community.



33 YEARBOOK 2021


Creative diversity is encouraged within the Arts Domain and can be seen across the different Mater Christi Arts classes. The striking range of visual work achieved this year encompasses 3D work, paintings, installation, technology, media, and photography. While standards demonstrated throughout the Performing Arts - dance, drama, and music - have been exceptional and visionary.

We have been proud to support the students who have received several accolades in competitions and results. In addition, the variety of options and broad opportunities available provide a sensational outlet for every student to benefit, grow and enjoy the Arts.

We aim to provide the time, space, encouragement, and guidance to enable students to make their mark on the creative life of the school and beyond. This year has been no exception in recognising that participation in the Arts has improved students’ mood, lifted their self-esteem, improved cognitive function, and alleviated stress and anxiety.

It has been a highlight to expand the curriculum and work with other Domains by linking topics and demonstrating how the Arts forge futures in the real world. Our students continually push the boundaries of their creative work, and we thoroughly enjoy witnessing what they achieve, both at school and beyond.

The Performing Artsdance, drama, and music have been exceptional and visionary.

Visual Arts

35 YEARBOOK 2021
Stephanie Williams Daisy Pritchard Keely Rodgers Jessica Silva Felicity Morris Angeline Pavic Gosia Piosicka Madyson Merrett Maddy Court Sylvia Zhou

Visual Arts

Anastasia Armitage Charlotte Rickards Jessie Thomas Indiana Davis Emily Hill Juanita Branson Poppy Adams Rakhsha Gurukhal Kasey Maloney Matilda Kennedy


Nicole Biggelaar - Domain Leader

Highlights from the English Domain this year include the introduction of a new Year 10 subject, Essential English, which aims to develop student confidence in writing and comprehension.

Our Year 11 English classes also enjoyed a presentation by proud Gunai/Kurnai descendent Emily (Emmy) Webbers about the Raise the Age campaign, in response to the rates of Indigenous youth in juvenile detention. Emmy encouraged students to learn the facts, engage in critical thinking and acknowledge the multiple perspectives regarding this issue, in preparation for their presenting argument task.

Our newly established debating team offered opportunities for students to develop their presentation skills and our lunchtime Write Club continued to offer a nurturing space for creative writers.

Excerpt from ‘The Apple’

Clear icy froth from the ocean rolls over my feet as minuscule grains sink in between my toes. I feel the scorching hot sun, burning the top of my head, as the cool wind hits my damp legs. Taking a deep breath in, I feel the salty air flow smoothly through my lungs, and cough slightly as a splash from the ocean hits my face. Bending over slowly, I let my sandy fingertips touch the surface of the waves before diving in. The cold wraps tightly around me. The current pulls me out. My feet drag along the velvety sand, and I can hear an eerie but beautiful vibration coming from far out.

Ivy Tucker Year 8

37 YEARBOOK 2021

Health and Physical Education

This year has seen many new and exciting initiatives implemented across the Health and Physical Education (HPE) Domain.

HPE Week focused on the importance of nutrition and incorporating physical activity into our daily lives. Many took up the opportunity to be involved in activities including boxing, yoga, dance, obstacle courses, and creating a nutritious trail mix. The competitive student versus staff volleyball match was also a highlight.

Years 7 and 8 competed in basketball and netball tournaments, with their skills and match tactics put to the test, while Year 9s participated in a self-defence unit, undertook drug education, and learnt strategies to maintain their mental health.

Competitive sport students took on the challenging role of coach and mentor, as they conducted tournaments in a variety of sports.

Outdoor Education students explored Victorian landscapes in the Otways and Wilsons Promontory while becoming familiar with sustainability practices in specific outdoor environments and the impact of humans.

To complement the Year 12 Physical Education program, students viewed a VO2 max lab test and took part in an interactive Biomechanics lab, that illustrated principles to improve performance.

A massive thank you to the fabulous HPE team for all their energy and expertise throughout the year.



2021 offered many significant and historical events including Melbourne enduring more time in lockdown than any other city in the world. Our students were engaged in various branches of cultural learning that is, the Humanities.

Year 7 students explored Chinese inventions and the significance and history of lanterns during their Ancient China Day.

Year 8 students participated in an InterDisciplinary Unit with Science, investigating the statement that ‘Natural systems and events impact environments and have consequences on communities.’

Year 9 Commerce and the Law students were introduced to the world of Commerce, exploring their current skills and those required by future employers.

Year 10 students were given the tools to imagine the future as they explored, were confronted, questioned, and planted the seeds of change in their lifelong journey to understand and actively participate in the world around them.

Through VCE studies in Accounting, Business Management, History, and Legal Studies, Year 11 and 12 students developed the skills for future leadership; to be creative, problem-solve, think critically, negotiate, work in teams, apply judgment and make decisions.

Thank you to our adaptive Humanities teachers who planned and replanned lessons; helping students to develop a better understanding of the world around them, to question what is happening and wonder what if? We are in good hands.

39 YEARBOOK 2021


2021 started off with a bang as we celebrated the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Ox. Year 11 VET Chinese students learnt to make dumplings; since their shape is similar to ancient gold ingots, they symbolize wealth. Comparison of traditional and modern culture has been a focus, and students have delighted in viewing TikTok and WeChat clips.

In an amazing stroke of ‘bonne chance’ senior French students attended the Alliance Française French Film Festival. ‘Un vrai bonhomme’ (Man up), was a poignant story of a sensitive young man, Tom, on a journey of self-discovery. The students thoroughly enjoyed the film and the excursion into the city.

Later in the year, senior French students dressed up and celebrated Bastille Day by researching a traditional dish to cook and share. French songs were played, and Principal Maria Haggett got involved too, by preparing delicious crepes.

Another highlight was the Interdisciplinary Unit between LOTE and Technology, where Year 10 French students worked in pairs to devise and record a cooking demonstration on how to prepare an omelette or recipe of their choice.

We have been delighted to see our students grow in confidence and enthusiasm for language learning throughout the year.



George Chilianis - Domain Leader

In 2021, we once again experienced a heightened need for adaptability, maintaining connections, and providing a sense of belonging. Whether face-to-face or online, the interaction between students and staff is essential in the Mathematics learning journey.

Student learning is always at the centre of what we do. With the aid of online platforms such as Canvas, Cambridge Go, Kahoot, Desmos, Mathspace, and Office 365, we have been able to maintain that emphasis. The variety and blend of activities, together with the feedback cycle through formative and summative tasks, have contributed to the growth of all our students.

This year, the Mathematics Domain embarked on a new project based on differentiated rich tasks. This initiative is designed to create a balance between understanding, fluency, problem-solving, and reasoning. The goal of this project is to give students the ability to transition into a rapidly changing world. We have also been able to provide opportunities for students away from the classroom. The most important of these are our Maths Support programs, which allow students to work one-on-one or in small groups, to clarify understanding and misconceptions. Other opportunities included participation in The Melbourne University and Australian Mathematics Competitions.

Whether face-to-face or online, the interaction between students and staff is essential in the Mathematics learning journey.

41 YEARBOOK 2021

Religious Education

In their Interdisciplinary Unit with Art this year, our Year 8s developed visual representations of our Benedictine values. These values are an integral part of everything we do at Mater Christi. Some ways in which these values were expressed in 2021 include:


Through their Reflection Day, facilitated by Year 10 Youth Ministry students, Year 7s discovered the history of the College and how the Parable of the Good Samaritan calls us to offer hospitality to all.

Justice and Peace Year 12 students investigated the growing concern about fair and ethical fashion.


To celebrate Easter, Youth Ministry students developed an interactive pilgrimage, based on the Stations of the Cross, for all in the College community to participate in.

Love of Christ and Neighbour

In their Right Relationships unit, Year 9s noted that ‘if a person believes in reconciliation, then everyone can move forward if they are willing to participate in it.’


Year 10s explored the role of Catholic Social Teaching principles in protecting our environment.


In the Year 10 Good, Evil and Suffering unit, students used the Parable of the Tax Collector to explore the Benedictine Value of Humility.


In celebration of 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia, students joined other schools from across Victoria at St Patrick’s Cathedral.


There has certainly been a spotlight on the work of scientists in 2021, highlighting the vast diversity of careers in STEM, particularly as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The emergence of the various vaccines available to build herd immunity in our community, against coronavirus, has linked well to the Senior Biology curriculum.

Earlier in the year we celebrated, alongside NASA, the launch and landing of the Perseverance Rover on Mars. This fuelled great discussions amongst Zenith students, whose theme for the year was Mission on Mars.

The Careers theme continued as a group of interested students took part in The Royal Women’s Hospital - Meet a Scientist webinar.

The Yarra Ranges Tech School offered a series of Women in STEAM workshops which incorporated informative guest speakers and Q & A sessions, as well as hands-on activities to complement the sessions.

In Year 7, students were fortunate to be visited by past student, Monique Bast - aka The Lizard Wizard, and her furry and not-so furry friends, during one of their online Science lessons. This wildlife encounter provided our students the opportunity to consolidate their learning of habitats and ecosystems.

43 YEARBOOK 2021


Star Wars was the theme for this year’s STEM Cup. Students across all year levels enthusiastically participated in the many different events on offer, to represent their House. The school was a hive of activity with scavenger hunts, domino toppling competitions, flying drones, racing spheros, elastic powered cars, famous scientist performances, Star Wars inspired murals, paper plane competitions, Kahoots, and puzzles. It was great to see so many students engaged and working in a team to gain points for their House. Gibbons were announced the winners, for the second year in a row.

Another big event organised by our STEM Captains was National Science Week. Students were offered many different activities to get involved with virtually, over zoom and our STEM Hub, including daily quizzes, a Science inspired Kahoot, DIY experiments, and the annual Education Perfect Global Science Competition.

2021 STEM Captains

We hope you found Science Week an interesting way to break up the cycle of zoom classes! It was incredible to see the turn out and enthusiasm of all who participated in the STEM Cup, and the love for STEM in our community!

We hope many girls will be inspired to work in STEM in the future.

Bronya Robinson Cassidy Germano Matilda Hore Jess Ashton-Smith Laura


Francois Armansin - Sports

This year, Mater Christi students across all year levels have produced some exciting and impressive performances in a number of sporting competitions. Students have demonstrated outstanding character, enthusiasm, and determination despite an unpredictable sporting calendar.

At the beginning of the year, students displayed their house spirit at our annual Middle School Swimming Carnival, House Athletics competition, and Middle School Cross Country. The atmosphere at these events was remarkable, with unprecedented participation and close finishes. Mater Christi students truly demonstrated excellence and support for each other.

The ‘can-do’ energy of our students continued through our inter-school sports competitions. This year we witnessed extraordinary team and individual performances. A key element to this success was the students’ commitment to training sessions, both on-site and remotely.

With support and guidance from the coaching staff, students were able to demonstrate their skills and talents on the field and exemplify excellent sportsmanship.

At Mater Christi College, both teaching and coaching staff are dedicated to the success of every student. We are incredibly proud, and we congratulate all students for their participation and achievements in this year’s sporting season.

45 YEARBOOK 2021




Technological systems draw on knowledge of how to do things. They involve taking something, changing it, and producing a result.

At Mater Christi, students are provided the opportunity to follow and understand a design process, which allows them to identify a need, design a solution and produce either a prototype or final product.

Our technology-based units often allow students to work in teams and always have a ‘client’ as the central point of the educational process being undertaken.

As part of the curriculum offerings, students experienced a large variety of options. These included, Year 7 Digital Technologies students designing technological solutions to problems ranging from interactive recycling bins to Apps designed to support new students transitioning to the College. In Year 8 Food Technology students created a pizza using the design cycle and the Australian guide to healthy eating. In Year 9 all students were introduced to the benefits of wearable technologies.

Year 10 and VCE Technology units took a similar approach which included a focus on service and hospitality to others, whilst developing products for clients.

47 YEARBOOK 2021
'Technology is best when it brings people together.'
Social Media Entrepreneur - Matt Mullenweg


Clients and Designers

Designer - Cloe Douglas Client - Cloe Douglas Designer - Cassidy Ede Client - Brooke Coulson

Social Justice and Stewardship

Con Sarris - Social Justice and Stewardship Coordinator

A student’s ingenuity flourishes when they have been pushed into a corner or suspect that they might be. In a year when we’ve all been jumping in and out of corners, the Social Justice team was ably led by Senior School Captains Ebannie Sidoti and Ella Lancaster, and Middle School Captains, Gemma Przychodski and Kyra Ghalay. They managed to juggle many Plan As, Bs and Cs, to achieve great results.

With the cooperation of the Catholic Action Program (CAP) class, the team broke previous records in their social justice fundraising and awareness campaigns.

Shrove Tuesday pancake sales and the fantastic Trivia Night community event provided valuable funds in support of Caritas Project Compassion. Tinnies for Vinnies was interrupted again, yet, miraculously, over 1,000 items of food and a significant number of $50 food vouchers were distributed locally to people experiencing hardship. This was timely given the damaging impact and disruptions from the devastating storms in the Dandenongs.

Social Justice is about the needs of people as well as the ways people impact our world. Thus, Social Justice and Stewardship (SoJuSt) Week this year, focussed on raising awareness of our responsibilities for sustainable living and environmental protection.

And finally, following a submission last year to the Rerum Novarum Awards program, our CAP team were awarded a $10,000 grant to create a new garden on the grounds of the College, designed to build relationships with our local Indigenous community and raise awareness of Indigenous culture and history.

49 YEARBOOK 2021

International Program

All our International students, both on campus and off campus in China, are commended for their resilience and commitment to their studies in 2021.

Congratulations also, to Jiayu Zhang who was a winner in the Social Justice and Stewardship (SoJuSt) Week Photography Competition for her landscape submission. This year has undoubtedly been challenging and memorable. The school actively maintained contact with us during remote learning and provided comprehensive assistance. The extra tutoring in English and Mathematics was a great help and consolidated any knowledge weaknesses. I am grateful for the support provided by the school. They stood with all our students through this difficult period.

Sylvia Zhou Year 12

It is certainly hard for Chinese students to feel excited and celebrate Chinese New Year while we are away from our families. However, at school I spoke about Chinese traditional culture with staff, and international students had a ‘Tuan Yuan Fan’ (reunion lunch) together. This really allowed us to feel warm and connected while we are in a foreign country. The Chinese food was prepared by the teachers and students, and everyone listened to the traditional song ‘Nan Wang Jin Xiao’. All these programs remind us of home. I really appreciate everything we did at Mater Christi in 2021.



Andy Donnelly - Careers Coordinator

We began 2021 with the launch of our new MCC Careers website (www.matercareers.info) which provides students with the latest information to help them make decisions about their future career and life beyond school. Through the site, students can locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about VCE, search for job vacancies and much more.

Careers Week in March focussed on the health industry, including nursing, sport and outdoor education. Students were engaged through activities such as ‘Bike n Blend’ (blending your own fresh fruit smoothie by pedalling on a stationary bike), making career journals, playing careers bingo, and participating in University information sessions.

When it came time for 2022 subject selection, Year 11 students had a one-on-one interview with our Careers Coordinator, Mrs Donnelly, and Year 9 and 10 students were interviewed by Senior or Middle School staff to discuss their options and choices.

Year 12 students received in-depth support to plan their post school options. This included assistance with identifying their strengths and interests, researching courses, visiting tertiary institutions, decision making, course applications, scholarships, special consideration, and developing a backup plan.

We look forward to 2022 and further expanding Careers Education in the classroom.

51 YEARBOOK 2021

Learning Commons

The Learning Commons offers a collaborative physical and online space that is studentcentred and where all are supported and welcomed by the Librarians. The learning environment has continued to become more flexible, with an online presence, ensuring that connections between students and the space are maintained.

The Learning Commons is the BEST.

The Librarians have helped me feel really accepted, be more comfortable talking to people and voicing my opinions.

Year 7 DEAR Challenge

Year 7 students were encouraged to ‘Drop Everything and Read’ for at least 10 minutes a day in Term 3. The competition between Pastoral Groups was fierce and students flourished with record-breaking reading numbers.

Knowledge Week

The theme for our Knowledge Week celebrations was ‘Adventures in Space and Time’. Students participated in Speaker’s Corner, worked in teams to build their own Sphero Chariot, and persevered with the daily trivia questions. Entrepreneur’s Day involved transforming the Learning Commons into a Market Fair of artisan goods sold by our creative student cohort.

Book Club

The numbers in Book Club continued to rise, proving one of the most popular lunchtime activities, where students passionately discuss their love of literature, while building friendships and a fervent community of book lovers.

The Learning Commons is always the best place to hang out.

It is a bright, happy, and welcoming space, thanks to the Librarians.


House Activities

53 YEARBOOK 2021

House Leaders

Chisholm - MacKillop - Lyons - Gibbons

Our annual Inter-House competition kicked off early in the year, with our Swimming and Athletics Carnivals. Students performed exceptionally well and showed fantastic team spirit through both participation and enthusiastic cheering. Swimming was dominated by Lyons House for the third year in a row while Chisholm took out first place in the Athletics.

Year 7 and 10 buddies enjoyed their Chalk Art Competition. Coinciding with International Women’s Week, the artworks honoured exceptional women of our times, including Greta Thunberg and Cathy Freeman. Mackillop took home the prize.

The STEM Cup was a fantastic display of teamwork. Students worked on everything from scientific experiments to creative artworks using recycled materials. It was a close call, but Gibbons scrapped through with a win.

As always, the students were outstanding contributors to our Tinnies for Vinnies drive, with a generous assortment of non-perishable food and essential items donated by all the houses, and MacKillop taking out the top spot.

In 2021, yet again, students showed great enthusiasm for their Houses and were able to demonstrate the true Mater Christi spirit in their teamwork and encouragement for others.

As the year ended the final House results were Lyons in 3rd Place, MacKillop and Gibbons in equal 2nd place, and Chisholm leading in 1st place.

Thank you to all student leaders for their exceptional work throughout 2021!

Vanessa Leaver - Chisholm House

Sarah Owen - MacKillop House

Natalie Nash - Lyons House

Fiona Bennett - Gibbons House

Chisholm 37 Points MacKillop Gibbons 33 Points Lyons 27 Points 1st 2nd 3rd

House Activities

55 YEARBOOK 2021

College Photos


College Photos


Middle School Leaders

57 YEARBOOK 2021
Top Row Cartier Bendix, Jess Ashton-Smith, Natasha Kindler, Matilda Hore, Sienna Kurdian, Abby Pires, Jen MacDonald Second Row Julie Feeney, Sienna Larter, Sienna O’Connor, Elida Licciardi, Mila Wesley, Gemma Przychodzki, Ella Edwards, Marlo VanderZalm, Maria Haggett First Row Sophie Johnstone, Sienna Hayman, Audrey Gearon, Phoebe Andrews, Charlotte Sard, Disha Adeshara, Kyra Ghalay Top Row Maudie Paterson, Matilda McDermott, Bronya Robinson, Jacqueline Mei, Gabriella Petersen, Ella Liebler, Gabrielle Sard Second Row Julie Feeney, Sasha Hundle, Stephanie Williams, Imasha Nonis, Ella Lancaster, Jennifer Sahely, Bailey Caldow, Hannah Hodges, Sienna Reeves, Shae Mayes, Maria Haggett First Row Jessica Chapman, Ebannie Sidoti, Emma Gerber, Cassidy Ede, Selina Yin, Meg Groeneveld, Cassidy Germano

College Photos

Year 10 Student Council

Year 11 Student Council

Top Row Maria Haggett, Kaitlyn Wyborn, Brianna Wilcox, Siann Thomas, Allanah Major, Sienna Cross, James Bakker First Row Madison Zapanta, Lily Calvert, Jasmine Andrews, Catalina Macfarlane, Chelsea Green Top Row Melinda Lovat, Simone Martin, Hannah Koolstra, Martha Box, Charli Petersen, Maria Haggett First Row Amy Cunliffe, Charli Hart, Alisha McGaffin, Emily Tyquin, Kiara D’Sylva

Middle School Year Seven

59 YEARBOOK 2021
Jade Barlaan Trinnley Bunting Natasha Cugnetto Kyla Day Charlotte Drury Zoe Adshead Charlotte Beck Holly Burrage Eve Cumming Danica De Silva Charlotte Duncan Tegan Allen Tarali Bendix Amber Canning Caitlin Czaja Mel Donald Liesel Edlinger Chelsea Allison Shona Bevis Hannah Clarke Charlie Dahlborg Mo Dowling Kate Edmanson Isabel Arthurson Caitlin Boce Jaye Considine Beau Davies Ellika Doyle Kiara Enriquez Eliza Baird Lexie Booth Rhyme Corbett Anna Davis MJ Drake Levi Erbs Brain 7


Isabella Lancaster Coral Kratzmann Ashley Koolstra Matilda Kitch Stella Kilderry Ella Kershaw Chloe Kelly Milly Kay Poppy Katsaras Cadence Kansley Chloe Johnstone Anna Ingaliso Bailey Ibbotson Phoebe Hugo-Kohler Alanah Hollingsworth Mikayla Hobson Emily Hill Emaan Heidary Indianah Hayes Keira Harris Bridget Haley Maya Gutierrez Nethya Gunasekera Jess Goodman TJ Godfrey Zahra Gehling Charlotte Gaynor Clara Garry Dihara Gandolahage Vinuki Gajanayake Kylie Frattura Savannah Foti Maddy Fletcher Maya Fincher Siena Fay Zoe Evans
Middle School Year

Year Seven

61 YEARBOOK 2021
Middle School
Sarah Sammut Carmel Rose Jess Robinson Lettie Reed Sebby Price Erin Porter Abigail Pither Skye Pires Jess Piesley Lindsay Petkoff Eliane Patte Saanvi Palliyil Keira Osler Antonia Osipova Layla O'Sullivan Hannah Nielsen Maddison Myatt Danica Morais Tassie Mills Zara Menon Lottie McLachlan Lily McGarraghy Annie McDonnell Diana Mattucci Lily-Marie Massey Jen Martin Kasey Maloney Holly Macallan Hayleen Maan Charli Lord Sally Loader Darcey Lindsay Ruby Leonard Lucy Larkin Shae'Lee Laplanche Ava Lankester

Middle School

Year Seven - Eight

Indyana Arundell Kathleen Andrews Holly Andrews Prachee Adeshara Lindhuni Abeykoon Miranda Wright Naomi Woods Emma Whitfield Amelia Wells Madeleine Webster John Watson Maria Wang Olivia Wakartschuk Madeleine Vlek Stevie Vella Shreya Vazirani Princess Van Der Burght Evelyn Vale Lily Ure Lucia Tropea Sophia Thomas-Tatti Isobel Thomas-Orth Matilda Thomas Audrey Thomas Clara Telling Tully Stow Gabby Stammberger Evie Smith Eva Schmidt Jacinta Schleifer Olivia Sarweh 8

Middle School

Year Eight

63 YEARBOOK 2021
Laila Elbanna Emilie Edgerton Imogen Edgar Char Dowling Ava Di Bartolomeo Mackenzie Davis Aleisha Daly Jessica Cunliffe Eliza Cumming Clover Corbett Tilly Constantinou Chantel Connelly Charlotte Connell Natasha Congiu Celia Clarke Ruby Clair Sarah Christensen Breanna Carter Gisele Carrubba Trista Campbell Aisling Browne Teagan Brown Olivia Brouwers Lauren Briginshaw Ashley Breen Maddie Block Ella Blackburn Gracey Bird Amelia Bianco Olivia Berry Charlotte Bellamy Ivy Barnes Aurora Barmby Josie Bamford Emily Ballingall Rachel Askham

Year Eight

Middle School
Lara Lintott Lilly List Anna Lindhaus Elise Licciardi Maddi Lewis Pippa Lee Aaliyah Lacy Caitlin Kupiec Olivia Kladakis Bel King Madeleine Kaiserman Isabelle James Mia Jagmin Ava Jackson Charlie Hyndman Topsy Hutt Taylah Hunkin Lily Huggan Bree Horne Molly Hendry Adelle Hajko Johannah Griffiths Stella Grimes Wren Groeneveld Billie Griffiths Layla Gould Mia Golding Lara Gniatkiewicz Maya Forster Aleisha Foot Montana Fisher Tabitha Ferrier Theruni Fernando Dahami Fernando Indiana Faux Bridget Ellinger

Middle School

Year Eight

65 YEARBOOK 2021
Giorgia Stevenson Ruby Stafford Ava Somers Jessica Smith Jessica Sidhu Lyana Salathe Indiana Ross Molly Ritchie Ella Reid Zoe Reeves Ellis Quinn Sienna Punturere Zali Przychodzki Kate Portelli Claire Pierce Bridget Piening Keely Petersen Lily Peters Tanvi Patel Aanya Patel Grace Parsisson Sascha O'Grady Keely O'Brien Laura Morabito Dana Milanovic Sophie Merlino Shelby McEwan Rose McDonald Jewel McDermott Bridie McDermott Amelia McClellan Hannah McCarthy Lily Matthews Hannah Mafrici Ciara Lodsman

Middle School

Year Eight - Nine

Sarah Barnett Amy Barfus Willow Bakker Jess Ashton-Smith Chloe Asbury Jasnoor Arora Emily Armitage Phoebe Andrews Sienna Aldons Disha Adeshara Saminah Abdul Rahim Ava Wooden Jessica Wiedermann Phengpan Caeleigh White Taliyah Wesley Shinali Weerawardena Ella Webster Hollie Wallace Suhani Vazirani Annabella Tyquin Eloise Tyler Laila Turner Ivy Tucker Ella Todd Indigo Thomson Ruby Thompson Emily Thompson Isobel Tate Lily Sweeney 9
Yichen (Lydia)

Middle School Year Nine

67 YEARBOOK 2021
Caitlin Ferdinands Zara Feltham Monique Enriquez Ella Edwards Faith Downard Suhani Dogra Matilda Dixon Ellie Dimitriadis Alex Dillon Teresa Di Santo Mitali De Zoysa Caitlyn de Ryk Lucy Day Loti Davies Tamaya Dando-Martinez Samantha Damon Emma Costello Mikaela Corrie Isabella Colussi Hannah Coady Kaesha Christie India Christie Meredith Chiong Anna Chauhan Allegra Castro Rhiannon Carroll Aria Bryant Hollie Brown Paige Bromfield Indiana Bright Mia Briggs Georgia Bridgford Morgan Brace Chelsea Boce Cartier Bendix Michailey Barton-Smith


Liana McNamara Julia Mazzone Keeley Maloney Jen MacDonald Milla Macallan Lilly Lucas Elly Lucas Elida Licciardi Alana Lepp Sienna Larter Indii Lambie Tanya Kurumbalapitiya Sienna Kurdian Gayana Kulatunge Natasha Kindler Emelia Kenna Sari Keating Mannat Kaur Sophie Johnstone Anna Hughson Summer Howard Matilda Hore Charlie Hobbs Charlotte Hiosan Sienna Hayman Amali Harrison Ellie Godbehere Diane Gill Emily Gianfriddo Kyra Ghalay Audrey Gearon Gracie Gay Eloisa Foti Mikayla Forbes Lainey Flynn Charlotte Flynn
Middle School Year

Middle School Year Nine

69 YEARBOOK 2021
Tasita Tropea Arlia Tourian Lara Talarico Violet Tabone Fern Stow Gemma Smits Jemma Smith Brianna Sinclair Acacia Semenow Phoenix Selvon Eloise Seipolt Madeline Scott Charlotte Sard Ruby Salems Amaya Roszczyk Chloe Robinson Erin Rizio Holly Rennie Ava Ray Holly Quinton Gemma Przychodzki Zoe Powell Tanner Pohls Abby Pires Nieve Paterson Beatriz Panlilio Isabella Palandri Sienna O'Connor Christiana Nestor Sasha Neilson Sahani Mudunkotuwa Abbey Morris Sabrina Morales Lily McQuillan Laura McPeake Taya McNamara

Middle - Senior School

Year Nine - Ten

Christensen Paige Casey Liliana Cartwright Grace Campbell Rachel Bumbak Jessica Brown Alex Brown Kaitlyn Briginshaw Charlotte Brache Martha Box Milla Blackburn Georgia Birch Ariella Berton Kimberly Berry Vanessa Bateman Elise Bardsley Evie Bamford 10 Alice Zhu Lilly Ziino Erin Woods Claudia Winters Pria Wilson Mila Wesley Sienna Wentworth Alyshia Walton Abner Walters Amelia Walters Elizabeth Vogel
Van Reenen
Brianna Zull
Absent from photos: Jessica Thomas

Senior School

Year Ten

71 YEARBOOK 2021
Paityn Horne Angelina Hochholzer Olivia Hewins Emmie Hervet Charli Hart Harper Guerin Tess Grandia Poppy Goyne Maria Girgis Ruby Gilson Holly Gaul Lilly GaudionArrowsmith Charli Gardiner Kahlani Gage Ebony Foster Alice Findlay Charithi Fernando Angel Edwards Shelby Edgar Kiara D'Sylva Jasmin Donner Monique Doherty Emma Di Nardo Ella Decorrado Alli De Hoogd Sashri De Alwis Asha Day Ebony Davine Milani Danyi Emily Dahlborg Amy Cunliffe Zara Cumming Keiley Crook Emily Copelin Danielle Cooke Lucy Clair


Benadi Ranaweera Mera Pringle Nina Price Raquel Pospischil Emily Portelli Charli Petersen Alicia Petersen Polly Payne Georgia Parker Jessica Pacevski Gemma O'Grady Freya Nixon Elisa Morales Vanessa Mills Varina Rami Meina Eva McNamara Alisha McGaffin Jemma Mason Simone Martin Maggie Long Charlotte Link-Freeman Sami Lane Jaya Kumar Bella Kropman Bethany Koster Hannah Koolstra Lily King Ella Kimberley Hayley Kenna Mollie Keene Jessie Jordan Ella Jonker Lucy Jones Dakota Jackson Sisley Huang Epreet Hothi
Senior School Year

Senior School

Year Ten - Eleven

73 YEARBOOK 2021
Helena Anestis Jasmine Andrews Amelia Anderson Divya Adeshara Mia Acosta-Harvey Chloe Yeoman Piper Wilson Phoenix Whitty Paige Wemyss Olivia Ward Emily Tyquin Natalie Tsagazones Alana Tomkins Ashleigh Thomson Charlotte Thompson Ava Thompson Chloe Telling Scarlett Stephens Willow Simandjuntak Harriet Seip Ali Sanna Lily Ryan Hanna Rush Sienna Ross Taylah Robinson Aly-Jack Robinson Rosemary Roberts Charlotte Rickards Abbey Reeves 11 Ava Zidek
Absent from photos:


Chelsea Green Sarah Goggin Shanae Geysen Cassidy Germano Indiana Gaunt Sanjana Ganjoo Jordy Foster Olivia Fitt Caitlin Falovic Cloe Douglas Taylah Diedrich Abby Denman Ellie Delbridge Indiana Davis Lili Davies Amie d'Argent Stephanie Damon Sienna Cross Ella Crivera Sophie Chodziesner Suphitchaya (Ammy) Chaipaeng Mackenzie Carter Sara Carlin Alessia Cannata Lily Calvert Romy Cairns Juanita Branson Gabrielle Blewer Stephanie Bent Emma Beckwith Ellie Baird Madeline Attalla Georgia Atkinson Avnish Arora Anastasia Armitage Molly Argoon
Senior School Year

Year Eleven

75 YEARBOOK 2021
Senior School
Rubey Philp Angeline Pavic Maudie Paterson Madeleine Palivos Bridget Moran Samantha Miller Ruby Merrett Madyson Merrett Erin McPeake Matilda McDermott Alicia Masterson Lane Marcuccio Allanah Major Catalina Macfarlane Eloise Longford Talia Laurence Heather Ladley Catherine La Ponder Alexandra Kund Viveca Kleinert Caitlin Kiel Matilda Kennedy Indigo Keating Claire James Niamh Hunter-Clear Grace Henry Jade Hendy Susoen Hellier Ellie Haynes Saskia Hansom Tamsyn Hansell Rakhsha Gurukhal Charlotte Guillet-Jones Ava Guario Meg Groeneveld Ava Grimes

Senior School Year


Madison Zapanta Kaitlyn Wyborn Olivia Winters Emily Wilson Brianna Wilcox Jasmine White Brooke Welsh Chloe Welch Rachel Webb Yufei (Alice) Wang Lexie Walsh Mia van Kollenburg Siann Thomas Jessie Thomas Lorelei Sykes Lani Sutherland Katrina Stokes Nikki Stanic Nyobi Stallbaum Alana Spiteri Jessica Silva Jasmine Rotchan
Rossi Charlotte Rose Bronya Robinson Deana Riotto Emily Reid Sienna Reeves
Redgewell Daisy Pritchard Abbey Preston Megan Prass
Pither Alexandra Pirotta
Absent from photos: Zhuanyi (Summer) He Jiayuan (Tieria) Li Zhiyi (Cassie) Li Xinxin (Sunny) Wang

College Leaders

Maria Haggett


Julienne Feeney Deputy Principal

College Staff

Francois Armansin Sports Coordinator

Tara Baker Year 12 Learning Coordinator

James Bakker Year 11 Learning Coordinator

Graham Balderstone Teacher

Fiona Bennett Teacher

Nicole Biggelaar International Student Coordinator

Amanda Bischof-Foster Teacher Collette Bond Director of Curriculum

Catherine Bortolos Teacher

Janine Callahan Domain Leader - Humanities

George Chilianis Assistant Director of Curriculum/MYP

Catherine Close Teacher

Brooke Cooke Psychologist

David Cosgriff Facilities Manager

Lisa Costello

Domain Leader - Health and Physical Education

College Staff


Jacinta Crocker Marketing Communications Manager

Tim Crowe Director of Development

Rochelle Davy Finance Officer

Jack Dempsey ICT

Deepika Dissanayake Teacher

Andy Donnelly Careers Counsellor

Evelyn Dousset Daily Organiser

Justine Edwards Learning Diversity Leader

Melissa Evans College Chaplain

Shelley Falconer Teacher

Eliza Fildes Year 9 Learning Coordinator

Michelle Flintoff Teacher

Matt Galvin Maintenance Rhoda Gavin Teacher

Tim Glover Timetable and Operations Leader

Vicki Godfrey Year 7 Learning Coordinator

Jenny Got Teacher

Debbie Gould Learning Support Officer

Fiona Griffith Business Manager

Grace Hardwick Administration Assistant Shona Hardwick Administration and Reception Coordinator

Andrea Hayman Administration Assistant

Kate Hazeldine Teacher

Caitlin Hedge Learning Support Officer

Madison Horkins AFL Trainee

Michelle Jacobs Teacher Kate Jay Teacher Eliza Johns Year 10 Learning Coordinator

Peter Kadar Teacher

Cherine Kenna Executive Assistant Bernd Kirsch Teacher

Vanessa Leaver Teacher Jenny Lee Teacher

Kylie Lee Registrar/Director of International Students

Stephen Li Teacher

Melinda Lovat Year 10 Learning Coordinator

Sue Lyford Administration and Reception Coordinator

Anthea Mafrici Finance Officer

77 YEARBOOK 2021

Margherita Magagna

Year 8 Learning Coordinator

Genevieve Mallia Teacher

Cara Manion Tutor

Shae Mayes Head of Senior School

Jenny McAdam Tutor

Jennifer McKane Laboratory Technician

Andrea McKay Communications Officer

Annette McKernan Nurse

Lisa McLean

Domain LeaderReligious Education Siobhan Merritt Teacher

Tatum Mitchell Business Manager Michael Moheb ICT

Amanda Morris Year 9 Learning Coordinator

Sara Mugridge Pathways Coordinator

Natalie Nash Teacher

Rebecca Nettleton Librarian

Sharon Olive Teacher

Cherene Onslow Nurse

Laura Overdyk

Domain Leader - Science

Sarah Owen Teacher

College Staff 2021

Narrelle Paige Community Engagement and Marketing Manager

Karlene Rainbow Teacher

Catherine Rashleigh Psychologist

Gregoria Rivaloro Teacher

Libbie Rogers Teacher

Kate Saleeba Teacher

Con Sarris Social Justice and Outreach Program Coordinator

Ingrid Schmidt Teacher

Anne-Louise Sheehan Teacher

Denise Simmons Teacher

Judith Simpson Teacher

Simon Templin Teacher

Colin Thomson Maintenance

Linda Tilson Year 12 Learning Coordinator

Ewa Toomey Teacher

Nardia Trubridge Teacher

Naomi Trumino Teacher

Andriana Tsikouris Teacher

Alisa Turner Learning Support Officer

Matthew van der Velden Faith Development Coordinator

Saskia van Schie Homestay Coordinator

Marlo VanderZalm Head of Middle School

Catherine Walker Teacher

Caroline Wareham Domain Leader - Arts

Wendy Warren Food Technology Assistant

Anqi Wei Teacher

Cathy Wentworth Administration Assistant

Shirley Wong Librarian Kaitlyn Woods Library Technician

Doug Wright Domain Leader - Technology Ren Zhou Teacher

Leo Zito Teacher

my Neighbour Who is

79 YEARBOOK 2021
Bischof-Foster Brooke Cooke Jack Dempsey Shelley Falconer Tim Glover Tara Baker Collette Bond David Cosgriff Deepika Dissanayake Julienne Feeney Vicki Godfrey James Bakker Catherine Bortolos Lisa Costello Andy Donnelly Eliza Fildes Jenny Got Graham Balderstone Janine Callahan Jacinta Crocker Evelyn Dousset Michelle Flintoff Debbie Gould Fiona Bennett George Chilianis Tim Crowe Justine Edwards Matt Galvin Fiona Griffith Nicole Biggelaar Catherine Close Rochelle Davy Melissa Evans Rhoda Gavin Maria Haggett
College Staff Francois
Grace Hardwick Michelle Jacobs Vanessa Leaver Anthea Mafrici Jennifer McKane Michael Moheb Shona Hardwick Kate Jay Jenny Lee Margherita Magagna Andrea McKay Amanda Morris Andrea Hayman Eliza Johns Kylie Lee Genevieve Mallia Annette McKernan Sara Mugridge Kate Hazeldine Peter Kadar Stephen Li Cara Manion Lisa McLean Natalie Nash Caitlin Hedge Cherine Kenna Melinda Lovat Shae Mayes Siobhan Merritt Rebecca Nettleton Madison Horkins Bernd Kirsch Sue Lyford Jenny McAdam Tatum Mitchell Sharon Olive
College Staff

College Staff

81 YEARBOOK 2021
Cathy Wentworth Anqi Wei Wendy Warren Caroline Wareham Catherine Walker Marlo VanderZalm Saskia van Schie Matthew van der Velden Alisa Turner Andriana Tsikouris Naomi Trumino Nardia Trubridge Ewa Toomey Linda Tilson Colin Thomson Simon Templin Judith Simpson Denise Simmons Anne-Louise Sheehan Ingrid Schmidt Con Sarris Kate Saleeba Libbie Rogers Gregoria Rivaloro Catherine Rashleigh Karlene Rainbow Narrelle Paige Sarah Owen Laura Overdyk Cherene Onslow
Wright Kaitlyn Woods Shirley Wong Ren Zhou Leo Zito
28 Bayview Road Belgrave Victoria Australia 3160 +61 3 9754 6611 mcc@materchristi.edu.au www.materchristi.edu.au CRICOS No. 00589K

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.